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DmECTORY have again the honour of submitting to the Public
another Volume of the Pu.blication, being the Fifty-sixth; and
AdT"pertisemcnts of Insurance Comptmie8, PM~ CourtY D.,....--.ny--.AAM041_A'~
they avail themselves of the opportunity to express their grateful ( ollowing p. 500.) • •.....v.v --"U'7"'I'~
thanks for the kind support and patronage which they havs
Advertisements, Miscelliuloou8
Aasessctt 'l'axcs, • •'. :r.x.tVII
flllcensferry, South :
54 Ufl~ho, •
Uoslin, '.
received, and trust that their ex.ertions to make the Publication BAXE DrRECTORY, •
101 Slatcford,.
~alendnr, 1860-61.,. I TM.ncllt, . •
both correct and useful will be followed by a continuanc.e of the Ualendar, Counting.bouse,

8 1 Qphnll, •
7 Wint!hburgb, •
favour of the Publiu. To the Map, which was issued for the CRUROH DInJ.:M'oRY
· -Clerks' OffiOCil, •
Se8.'IlOn 11!o7j Tablc tlhewh~~ the numbor
- I Days, of from
'l ' . . .

first time last Yt;mr, has been added a Scale shewing the Num- Session-Olerk,: Offices, Lclth, : 120 oeo monUI to aDOtller ,. •' •
ber of Seconde the Report of the Time--gnn takes to travel to CO!nrJ:uNCr. Dlm~('''l''ORY­ • GE7flm.AL DnlEOTORY,
C:lrrier.i Quart<lnt
any part of Edinburgh anu Leith. In the Street Direetory, a H n~k ney-col1.Ch IV:l"ulations. 61 High water nt Loith, 1861-62
:Mml ROI!W& from Edinbnrgb, • • 67 Holidays at Dnnk:; nnd Publi; om~~,
....: 18
Number has bcen attached to the name of each street, &c., Pll?kot 'cRsele froto Leith find uranton
58 Intercst Tahl<'S, • H
Shlr Conveyances ill Scotland, RllgIWld '
indicating the Registration District of Births, Deaths, a.nd Mar- nnd Ireland,..
Stage Conohcs (roro Edinburgh •

ms IXduliA.NCS COXPANIES, ..'Iu /1~BUranCtDirtdfirvJ 499
riages, to which it belongs; by which, on turning to the List Steamor.!; from Leith an(1 Grontou • 68 W:w Drn!OTOnY-
Sreamelil 011 the Hcrrbs, .. I : l5\) Acoountnr.tB,.
given at *12'7, the name and address of the Regi&trar can at 59 ACQ)lIntnntfl, McmbCl'S ~f tho S~ioty d'r
C~UN'l'r DIRtO'lORY- AdvQClltcs, • •
:tlall!rnJ,. • 113' ,·arms
once be ascertained. The List of Public Offices has been entirely B1nckhall ' 't Solicitortl, '
B ~ . ". 434 Writers,
remodelled and enlarged; and the Bank Directory has been roxburn, .. ". 434 W' '.
CaM.!':', l;r.r.f" • ntUn! to the Signet

much enlarged and improved. An Engraving of the Pr(,posed

Cnistl)t, W,':-'t
C:Jdel') lU<l.. J
:.. :25
5 Writer, S~t'l:~.hauut '

New Post-Office, by l\fessrs W. & A. K. Johnston, has been


Crl\t~onu llriagc,·
.. •

43~ N~~"S too btc fflr IDll(:rtion
NcwspnI~rs in Scotlalld • '128
h,dded. Cutrle,.
Dnlkeitb,. :

Her Majesty's Chief Oinccrs or Sbro
It is hoped that these altcrations will add to the usefulness DavidGOn':i ?!fawlI, . , .
!U.cml)el"U of Parlirullcnt fOf Sootla.nd ' •
Offic.ers of t,he !louae of Commona f .. 89
of the Puhlication. ~iJmertoll, ... 1 ParhluQent."1 of the iJnitild ;Ungd~m • 86
Hermiston, :. ,4 Peers of SeotL'md ' • 81'
J~'R Lodgo and Rcsta.lrli HI P.oynl Fawilv, Tbe • • • BB
Sovereigns of Groat Drlt.ain frotn oiL:
Jumper GreeD • ' 84
Kirklistou,'· 4... C<lllqUCS't, tII.W

Gmi~AI, POST.OrrICE, EDIMlmtOlI, Kirknewton." 42 87


Lasswnde, • ." POSTiOfFJC'l'l ,UENRJU.t.), BDl2fnI1MII-
M(I!I !H, ISIH. ~burn, , •• v . RATF..'1 (117 POSTAGF.
L !b~ne n nn d G1
' l ·•
mcrt()D, 444r.
44 Atld• rcsSt'S to t 111)" Queen
• • FeLi.•
::.nd 460
Llvmg.ton, 415 tlons to Parliament
Loanl.cnd, • ~45 Colon al »ook Post' • • 460
~thlan D u r n , · 446 Coiol'inl mid Foreign Lett~~ • 462
lthlton Bridgo, • • 4 Inla1l!1 nook 1)08t , • 460
.I!f urrr,ytiold • 4~~ 1 !:llruu.l Letters, if'P~id in Aclvllnco' 462
~e~i~~~kurghl : 447 ~lCW~lfctJ'!J lU\d l1ook8 to 11rfUl('tf 460
p "I' 461 .an c glum, •
OltobeUo AJld JOI~ ". 461. NCTSP.1.PC~~ Il.nd. Dooks to 8~rdiniD.· 463
_.... ~ nstanJ, SpUlD, Portugal~ ,t:JJ., : 463
Newspapers au(l ot.ber Periodical :Bo!i.!'d of Supervision for Relief of Poor, 92
Publications bearing News- :Board of Tntstees for Manufactures, - 93 INDEX TO ]\f!SCELLANEOUS ADVER'fISFJIENTS.
paper Stamp, '. • 460 Ohamber of Commerce and Manufac·
tures, • • • • • 11>2
Parliamentary Proce€'.di.ngs,
precautions against Fraud, &C.
Oommissioners of Northern Lighthouses,
Convention of R03a1 Burghs, •
Unpaid Letters: 101
Parliamentary I'Totiees,
County Meetings,
Oounty Police,.

• 101 1.A~t.1 1'.&0£
Poll Books, 465 Edinburgh Literary n.nd Scientific In- Arebitectanu. Desi~n(,lrofFurnitllr():R. San· , EquitlbJc Loan vo., Geo. Hdge, 4 :n.lme
Voting Not.ices, 465 stitiU lions, • 102 t!eman 9 GreenSldo street • • 'XLV I [<quare • • • .. :Jxxo;nI
lII. DELIVERY,. • 465 Establinhed Church, 103 Artillci'J Limb nnd :Bandage makel', ltobert I EJ:t~tion-
Delivery at Window, 465 Free Cburcll, lOo! Portune 93 Gcorge street • • J.U I Dr J3eli.'s School, Nidari'stroot. XXXVJII
private BolCl'9 nud Bags, 465 Gazette Office,. • • • 92 Artificial Limh!J,J. lienrI, 3 York place. tU I Mr Adam's l:iebool, 17 Union 5~rcet • tIll
IV. 466 General Post·Office,. • • 91 Artists' and Mechanics' Tools, Thoma.'i Rus· IFencing !too"l and G.imn~ium, Captai'l
Stamllcd Labels,. • 466
General Registry Ofiicc of Births, Deatbs,
and :Marria~cs, • • • 93
sell, 611nd 7 Hunter r.quaro • •
ASIlho.lter8, G(;orge Pllt.erson &. Son, 8i South
!.U I Holand, 18 St AntlrC\\' sqUlrO
F"neing ll.ooms nnd GYlllllne:.:ru, Mc.uf3
• • XLV
StamPed Peuuy Envelopes,
Stamps,. • • 466 n.M. l)rison Managcrs{ • • 93 (JIerk strcct • • , • XLI\,· Itoland, 3[, East OJll.remont .:Jtrect _ XLV
V. MONEY-ORDERS, • • • 466 H~hland and Agricu turnl Society of .Auetioneel'8 and Ap}>misern-Da.lgleisb und Jeweller, Watclllnt..kcr, t\ntl OlltlcilUl, J. E.
JJapsoo aud Void Ordern,. • 467 ' cotland, • • • • 102 F(lrrcst, i St Andrew Square • • LiU 'VerneD, 54 L~it.ll atrcet. _ • XLf
bndll Valuntion Office, 92 LaJ)!da~y~ !iavin Young, Logio .Mill cottage,
Pll.rticl!lsrs required for Money·
flrders. • • • 466
Law Depal'tments, •
Lord-J.i~utenant. of Oountiell.
. 97
Auctioneer and Appraiser, Andrew MilIar,
48 and 50 High street, Mus:;olbu~gh
:Bill-Poster, Wm. 111'Inu(Y.), Canubbcr's close
• 11f. nll\lIl:ie:l~ row • •
tIll r,ithographie El!tI1blisltntellt.-Schenck and
• • LiI
P:tyrr.ent'of Money-Orders,
l\1n~illtratcs and CO\!I'~il of Edinbur~h, 101 Bird·dcalerandCnge.m:\l>.cr,.T. \Vebllwr,26£J ,M,lefnrtnnc, HI S~,lmnel." Squar\,l • XLVI
Late Letters, • • • 468 Mn~istrat.e9 and Council of Leith, • 101 High street • • , • I.III LOlldol. Newspape:-"i .•0,1 l?~liodicah;1 H. Ro-
Letters must not be returned to Mihtary District, • • 91 Bookbinder, WiIIi:lm Hunter, 104 High st. XXXVlJI bins(ln, 11 (hi'~llsido street • • XLU
Writers, • • • 468 N n.tional Gallery of Seotlaud, 93 Beot andShoemaktrs, J. and F. O. Duguid, Millinet;' &: Str:l.\\-·hl'.t }\faker, Hrs ,W1can,
Prepayment l; Late Letters, 4f3S Office of H. M. Worb, • 94 (j Home street, 3ud 40 Bristo street • XXAIX 3 Elder strcet • • , • XXXIX
Re·directed Letter., &I!., • 468 Ollicers or Oustom, • 92 Britannia Iron and Wire Works, Bain, Money Loall Otf\co, Jllmcs Ccmpbcll, 39
Arrival and Despateh of ltbils, • 470 Ofncers CIf Stato--Scotlaud, 90 ,M'Niool, and Young, 27 East Crosscause· South brideo • • • XXXVIII
Arrival and Despatch of Foreign Parocbial Boarrl of th(; City, • 94 way • • _ • • XLYl Now liomroopathi:) Phl\l1XU\cy, Potta£".l, 99
and Oolonial Mails, • • 470 '!.lll.rocllinl BOf :(1 ::If C'anongate, • 94 l1ullion Dealer, Refiner, Imd GoldRmith, l)rinces street • • • • XLV
Delivery of Letters in Edinburgh Paroch;a.l Board of St Outhbcrt's, 91 Wm. lIIortiruer, 18 Nortb bridgp • • L11 New Medicins.1 l)rcpnrations. Bdinburgh
an'\ Leitb, • , 480 Parochial Bonrd of South Leith, !l5 -Caledonian Press, 4 South St D~vid strce~. Ull Apothecaries' cOIDI)anl. 39 Earl Ura~ ,.t. SLV
480 Parochinl Board 1)( North Leith, • 95 Oity FUDeral EsU\blishmcnt, Williaru Ueid Officcs for Patents, Wm. Johuson, C.R.,
Money.Order OffillC8,
Edinburgh nnd J.eitli, •
Pillar und other I.otter Boxes ill

l'ublic Oml'es, with the Hours 01' Attend-
ancc,. • • • 95
and SOUl. 2 and 3 Johnston terrace
Clothier,&~e_,.Ta8.MiddleDlnss,18South br.
• XLVi!
I and J. \1;1. JOhtl~OIl, Solicitor, 41 Lincoln's
Inn Fields, London, and 166 llUCll:ulllb
Post 'l'owns in Scotland,. • 4&1 Revenue, Inhnd-Rdinbl1r~J., • 92 Clotbe" Ready-made IIn(1 Sccond·ha.nd- I l-Itrc<:t, Gla.'igow. Agent in Edinburgb,
PoSt'l'OWi, >1 EngL'md and W:tJcs Roman Cat' )lir Ohurch, .BIshops Qf, 104 M. Con way k 00., 4 St ltlary'a wynd XXX\'lIJ Rober Thoruson, ju"., 20 St Androw Sq., Lt
whi('ll b.aut antI l)ay MOllCY- Uoya! lIouscnold-Scotlanc, PO Daniel Quin, 27 St Mary's w.YlId xxxvm Opel'tJ.t; e Hat Jlnc!.Ory, 70 SI, Marts WInd XLJr
Ordt'rs" • • • 491 School of Arts,. • • , 93 J. M'Iver, 25,81, and 82 8t Ma~'8 "snd XXXl'IIl Optician, Thomas Dunn, 50 N. Hanover ~t. U\'lIl
rost 'l'()'~'ns in Irelnnfl which Grant Scottish Episcopal Ohurch, Bishops of, 11'4 (JO:UII~ George Bnigrie, St Lcollard s • XLm Oriental lla.nk Corporntion, Charles J. t',
anll l'ay lIIoney·Ol'Jers, . • 496 Hb"rilTs of Oou ..ties, Sher: -·substitntes, - - .uobcrt Brown, 77 St Leonnrd's street, Stcwart, iDannger, 23 St Androw Fquare xxxv
;' st Towns in Camula which Grant HberitT·clerkt. nnd Procurators-fiscal, 100 and 3 HaJmarket station • • XLtV Pnper·llnt:ers' Agent,J. Smith, 21 iJreaJat. XLH
nnd Pay MO::llly·Ordel'3, • • 497 Universities,. • , • 104: - - John Chattn."aI, North Bridge station XLIV l'erceton Fire-Clay GO:lds Depot, DI.lDeao.
Rates of l'oat.'lgc on Letters and - Tltos. Dixon & Son, 57 St Lconard st, XLIX Dochnr<l, Lothian !toad. • • XLIV
Nt!wspapers to the C')]ollics and Rates for ()a"ters,. • - John Kin)ay, 1 N. B. ltnilwayatation Plumbers, &e., Robert, HUUle A 00.,23 Wesi
Foreigu Oountric3, . • 471 ltatcs fN' Ohill•. !':.'~· swecptlr<!, nud 13 Arthur street • , • XI.m T(<>gistcr et. and 101 COllstitutlCln st•• Leith tU!
necciving·Ho103cs in Edillbul,£h, f UC!,!lstration Dis+,rictst • • - - J. M'Keivie, Hnymn.rkct, n.ud Junction Priuters' Jomcr,John MUrJ6y,22 NiddrYllt, LU
Leith, nnd OlltboUIIUII, , • 48J IRnlarics. Tablc for Calculation of, 7
Dridge Wharf, Leith •
- - DaTid Mascb, 4 Port-Hnltlilton t Uanal
, • XJ.lX 8.'lil·cloth n.nd l'utent Cordage Store, W. Ca)-
de.( ~l COlolmercini p'mcc, Lejl!l _ L
Prcratory N(M, 2 StalDl ,.)(1 Legacy Dutics.. • 32 basin , • • • • XLm Seafield Salt-\V 4wr BMho, and !'riTate
SWltisticfl of the Cnitcd Killgdolll, 82 - - l~dmonst,..Juo Ooal and l"ire-brick Depot, Hotel, A. l'hilp. • • • xr,v
l'V.O.'F.SSiOli9 AND 'fnADES DIRECTORY. 3SG St Leonard'K • • • • XLIII Shipping O()mP.Any, London and Edinburgb,
STr.r:F.'r Dl1\ECTOI\Y, • 29!t - - Slo.'\n &Son, 49 .BroughtoZl street, n::,l It W. I!nmllton. 2X Waterloo place • Lf
PrO}lcrt;" and Income 'ru, • [i5 67 Oastle street. • • • xr.llt South Drl(lge Bil)lO n.nd Stationer, Wnro-
~h'(\i>I,s, Squares, &c., List of, • • It,; - - John Smith, Caledonin.n ltailwny DZllOt XLIlI house (Finla)':;), 81 South Bridgo • Xl,' i
l'UBLlO DRl'ARTIU'lnS- I Suh-l)05t·uflicl'~ under Edinburgh, List of, 22 - - Jar:nes Sword, Scotland street StatIOn, South Brid)::c l'li.wnbroking Com\,!l.ny, 000.
Abbe, of Holyrood HOllse, • • )Oi Granton, ani! Leith, xrm RusseJl, 35 S\luth br. IInd!iS Nlddry lit. XXXVIU
A(\ullml amI Dailie Courts ot' Lt'ith, 101 Terms in ~('ot1"nd and Enghllld, 7 - - J Ameli Waldie, LciLb walk. ,XLIII Sltrgeon.deutist, W. F. Vernon, 80-1) l'rinccs
IJanks in Scotland, HIli - - "nd Limo l\lercbnnt Arch. Griereon, street.... ~ :\L\'
Bible Boaru,. • , • 92 VOLt:!;TEF:1l DiRECTORY, 121 57 New buildings, North bridgo • . XLIV Tailors, Clothiers, nnd Hatter!, J. Vraig &.
.BQaru of Bl'lUsh White Herrinlli<'ioncry, !.la Cure of Stammering, A. Melvillo Bell, la O(l., 3 I.eitll strec, terrace • • XXXIX
Board 01' Cl1lllmissiQDCrS ill Lunacy) , 94 Wcekl, Mlii'kets iU f5cotland, 65 South Charlott6 street. • • XLVI 'i'em)lerallet' Hotel, .EuchanM't CommClcial) and Fancy Work-box :'II'rum- lJ.t lligh litre et • • • •
fMturers, Wi!SOll & 00., n Georgc street XLvru T\,lrbnncbill Mineru.1 • • :UXVlI
Dyer and French Olc. mer, H. \VorttJam,l Vonetiu.n JJlh.ds, G. J.n:ng, PaJmcr'e build·

Queen atrect, and f,O London street
DIW~ S~ourerg. &c., P. and R, .l:I~,., 5 SOUtll
St lJl1vzd Street. • •
Dyen, &e., A. & .T. :WNab, 39-.., Queen st.,
aud 36 South bridr,e • •
• xx:nx
, XlX~X
• nXIX
I ings, West Nioolson !It. alld 70 Potterrow
Wu.tcrp~oof MaT.Iufacturcrs, TtorntJn & Co.,
78 rrlncelll street. ,
Whipruakers, G. ~nd J. Leggal, 4 Drowu
equare • ,
• • .xu

- -- ---...,""---..._-

Showing, by the Dominica! I., the Day of the Month and Week in
':;,. - de

any Year of the Nineteenth Century. Bank Holiday. marked *.

Domlnlcal lAlttcrs for tho Years Sun.

Jun 1861. I
• 2 9 16 2S 80 Sun.
SurEHD&t: 1861. DiY.;lQtIlXU 1861.
1 8 16 2'2 29 Snn.' • • 1 [I 16 22 29 !:7un.
M.umn 1862.
2 9:6 23 :;0
11$00 to Ifl99 illcluslre. Mon. • • S 10 17 2t Mon. 2 9 16 23 30 Mou. • 2 9 16 23 30' ){Oll. 3 10 17 24 31
Tues. . , 11 18 26 Tllcs. 8 10 17 24 Tucs. S 10 17 24 31/ TuOlJ. , 11 18 !!5
DAYS Ol!' 'rIm MONTH Al,,{D W1:F.K, FIWM
~ D·I 0.1 n·I,,·/;-I-;- 1800 TO 18UO L.",\CLUSIYE.
Wed. • • CS 12 19 26
Tbur.. • (l 18.20 27
j 11 Id 2.)
I'i 12 19 26
Wed. • 11 18°26 I Wed.. 5 12 19 26

i80011S01t1802!iE\~;=IIH)I:~~(~ Frid. • :' '1 1( 21.28

Sat.. • 1 8 16 22 29
Sat. •
G 13 20 '..'7
7 14 21 28
Sat. .
5 I~ 19 26
6 13 ',i0 27
'1 1-1 21 28
6 13 21) 27
'1 14 21 28
S~t. . • 1 8 15 22 !!!t
,,' IU50!\ 1"0:1 I~W 1"11
sill: i 11 J.'r III \v p1~~1
.JULY 1861. VCroIlElt 1861. , J.&.NOAnt 1862 • ArUlL 1862.

'I~:,,,,1_,'-' ',';;;'\""'
- i8i'2'18131iii'j 1Pl(i;-1816 11 ! 1'" 111 'I'll I! Tu Sun. • • '1 H 21 28 Sun.. • • • 6]} 20 27 SUII. ••• 5 12 I:) :.ltl Snll •• • 6 13 20 2.
\ ~)I 2 ! S 1 \I Sn \2: Fr 2 'Ill 2W Mon. 1 81522 2:1 Mon. • . • ': l.I 21 2'l MOll. • • . 6 13 !0!!7 MOll. • 7 14 21 :t"
S' Fr a ,.11 1I1w Tues. 2 9 162.1 30 Tues. 1 8 tf, 22 29 Tucs. . . ' '1 14 1 8 I:' .!.! ~ I
Il~2flil2S H\:.!6 I S271
/3 Tu
14 ){
3 F'I
is iS
4 l'n 4 rr 4'C. ,.b Wed. 8 10 17 24 31 Wed, 2 I) 11; :!3 30 Wed. ..1 8 1',
2' 2i" Tuet<.
22 2!1 'red. 2 11 16 2:1 J,)

I r.r.
1823 G Tl. f. Tu /} ],I 6 [, S,\ Fr !"m". • • 4 11 l82b 'fbur. 3 10 17 2,( 3! Thur. .:1 9 Jli ~'SI, Thu:-. 3 19 I; :!t
Ii I'r
7 SIl I '111
7 Fr
'6 W
\7B Tit
'1I W
7i TII
~r 6, : S
1 7 )( 7 y~
F I~.
S;;L~-. •
() 12 19,!!Il
IS IS 20 27
Sat. .
4 11 1~!U)
I) 12 19 26
• S 10 i7 !!,; 31 ! Frill.
• 4. 11 Jd 25 ilat. .
11 "'1" !!:>
~2 19 :!d
1831 11-35, 11836~ 1837183/\ 1l<3!l
S I 8
I !l "I ~'
f, t'"
,s 9 Sn
1'1' , 8: 'fit
II1 Fr
8, W
\1; 'fit
9, 'rn
AUQ08l' 1861- KOVEllUY.&. 1861. F'EllltUAaT 1862. :UJ,y 1862.
1 '\11 '/'\ '1(1 ~I ID· I S :10 Sa ,10 Fr :10 '1'1\ Ill'W Sun. " 11 1825 Sun. :J 10
17 21 Srm. 2 I) 1623 !<\ur:. 4 11 I .. 2:.
-I MO iR.U!i8i2 W;:-IJi:jj ill W 11 'Ill 11 M It , S )11 l'r. '11 F.. 'II! 1'h Mon •• I) 12 19 261 ~on. HI 2.'.
4. 11 MlIn. 3.10 17!!t ;·1011. l. 12 l~} :.:.~
--'-i-'-I-- ll:! Tit I:' W 12 'I'll :12 'I S 12 I
,12 Sa il:!' lIr Tues. (l 13 20 27 1 ucs. I) 12
l!l 2., Tuc,. 4 11 1t!:;5 I
19 !!~ll
'l'lIl'll. 13 !ltl :7

Ihl:'I~,~nI2.J~,:iW! .~::: I:: / r

B :-1
I:, 'lit
14 !or 1,1 Tb
1:1 w 113, M 13 i B
,1:1 Tu
H, 'I'll
,I' W J.I ~l 14
11f.; W i 1;, 'I'll 'If. ;\1S
Sn 113
'1 1.( 21 28
1 8 15 2229
Thur. .'
20 :.!7
6 13
'1 14 21 2"
C, 12
tl 13 20 2; I Wed.
7 1-1 ~! .,: ...
1 ~ l!\ ~..! :.: I
IK:'il_118!\2,1sr.3,~ ~.~ __ 1:.dli ~:S
IM6, 1!\()7, 1858,1 859, ~ It'G1l1861 '17 'I'll
If. ,
I;, SIl
, 1~) Ft
Hi , t'1I
17 ;'1 17, , 6
116 I,'r
.1; Sn
15 'I'll
j16 1'h
117:1 Fr
117 Tit ')7 W
' 13 I'll
:)l1t•• . 2 9 1623 SO
810172' 31
1 8 Hi 22 2U
2 I) It. 2:.l 30
Sat .• .. '1 ).( 21 ~
1 8 1{) 22
2 t; It. ~~~ ~ ,
. :.I la 17-:U 31

I:~: ~:~
, 1 11'1 M I" i 8
Ill! \\' 11' I U !)!', SaS Iln fr
W;::;, Nii-liii6.ilSG5, 18hGI 18G7 jW 1h I:' W HI, Tu HI ~I 19 'llIl f:n
120 ~f :!O ,S
I· r
:.!H 'I h
I~l (or
:.!(l W
:.:\ 'Ill ;~~ ~~!I 2& ·r.~ '1I :\1 ~I
.!\I Su
., •• :i' ':t~ Th
'tm;ii'i87[;j-/i87iii;77 Itj78
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M 23
.\~:.! I'r
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,2:1' 'I'h
~:! Tu
,2:1 W
''12 :\(
'2:1~ Tt!.
,'! I "\I 2t M 21 ,8 21 Sn !'!I Fr 121, Tit 1241 W
1670,-\181.\11 i&i'ifia2 1!l8:1i- 12;, W ,:t:, T!l !!5 II 2:, 1 8 ;.!;, Sa 2:' Pr 126, Th
___ .. _! _,_1_'_.'_
1:11; Th ::ti .\ I~d Tu !!l; M :!tl I S ,26 Sn 120j J.'r Queen's AeceII!on, ...................................... .luuo 20 Queen"s llarrtngo, ........................................ Feb. J:.
~~ ~.:' _~ 1~':,1~:_-,~,1889 ,27 Fr .1.7 '111 27 W 27, 'I'll ,27, ~I 27 I s 27/ Su Queen's CoronatloD,............................... u ..... Juno 2.'"

(iO:l" ""rl{luY',.~ •• """""""",.", •• ,."""", •••••••• , AJlTll 1~

:!~ !'a ~\o Ir :!Ii 1lt '2r1 W 2i\ Tit :2~ M 2!l~ S CbrlstlnM DRY, .......... u ........... ~ ..................... l)cc, ~~) qUC",.,·8 !1lrUldnY, ......................... ,.............. Aluy 2...
!R10,lfl!1I 1'~!l21~tI3l!\tlJ I~!lr) 2!l S .!~, s,' :.!!t I r '2:1, 'Ill ,:m W ;2!~ ""u 2'J: ~( Now Year's Day................... nu .......... u ........... Jan. 1
:W )( 30 , S :10 S,\ :ltI Fr ;:-10 'I'll 30 W i30 i Tu
\i.iI- , - ,31, 'Ill ::ll M :11 i S ,:U /1):\ 1311h '31, 'I'll 1:11, W
- ........
--- · · A. 11.
-n.- ----
n. 1~. F. G.
· · D.
---- --- ---
1':. F. A. n.
· · D. £. F. G.
- D.
Cnndlcmaa,................... ................................ ."eb. ~
Lady ')ay, ......................................... +4.~. IJarcll 25
MAY, .
· · · (i. --
A. 11. C. E. j.."'.
'\"hlt8und.Y', ................................................ !tny I:»
lillmmlll, ............." ................ "' ..."' •••••••••.••••• "•. Ang. 1
~ltd5Jmlncr" ............ "' .......................... _ ........... JOI1C :t.l
jllchachnM 1>&y, ......................... _ ............. SlllJt. 2~,

-------· · --.-- C.
l~. J.'. G. J\•
ldartlnma.s,••••••••••••••• Nov •. l1
J .................................... CbrillUllll.'I, ............................................_ .... I,)ec. 2.)
When A5«'tch Term fullll on 11 SundltY. tltO f'lllowing M',mday Is conahh:!l'oo tile Term.Day. ~Lt
- . · ·- E. l' • ". A. D. C. D. lIomeUmCG erronoolWl suppo,cd to !Illl 011 tho :.hl Augus,.

.Il J.Y I
· · G. A. 11. C. D. f:. F.
- -
· ·- · c. ._-- n. 1::.
F. G. A.
CAilCliLATION 01' SALAltmS, &c., irom;;1 to £150 per nnnum.
'---- · --· ---
F. r..
H. C. D. E.

--I\' \1IIE1~,· · · - -
-\NeT1mEU, A. n. C.
-'- ._-
D. 1:.
F. O. Year. Month. Week. I
IYoor. M~ntb. Week. Dny. 11 Ycu. Month. Week.
OilY. Day.

· · H.
O. A. D. C.
I-,,s-J-I.-~-.-~-.-I-~ 1, '~. ~i ~ ~:8 ~. ~. ~-I' ~. ~;'lllli s~ -: 1~ g. : I~' :. I. d.

-- · · ~2 U

!}} CE)IUlm, t. 0. A. H. C. D. l-:. 2 S" O:l 0 It 12 1 I) 0 ' 7 0 S (0 IS 0 8 0 16 4
8 li 0 1 11 0 2 13 I 1 ~. 4 11 0 sg. I 6(\ '3 ( 0 19 2 9
, (l 8 1 lit 0 2i U 1 8 -1' r." 0 ~t I' j GO () 0 0 1 S 0t 8 3t
5 8' I 11 0 31 ' 15 11 G 0 i 5 9 ',0 10 \' 70 5 16 11 II!O
10 SI 11 °1 : .. :. 10 8

0 1
1 a~ 0 li 0 4
i g g U I ~~ 'I 1~
J 16 1 (I 8, 6
~i ~
If. : gn ':, l~g

1I 11 0 1126
6 13
~ 19 gi ; l~ ~j
412 7 lIt
[, 6
6 10
3 10 ., 0 6; I :ro 1 13
9 16 0 3 (, 0 G HI \1 11 '1 10 S
~2 ~c
10 16 8 , '1 C 1 11 /160 0:.1 1'1 cl 8 2

lUhe Bum 00 Gulncas, not l'ounde, for c:\Ilb Gulnc~ 1I.tld It. penny to eucl' month, or a fllrthJng to eAch wellk.
h---____________. -________. . *"~~.~". ______ _____________ _____________ ~._~.n ~

-- ,,--------
S CALENDAR FOlt 1861·62.
--- ---- -----
CAfJENDAR FOR 1861-62.
JUNE 1861. AUGUST 1861.
r-.------ --I~ "i ~8
~ :Sew !oioon ....._............ I) "16'
.I. MOOl\"'SI 1>lIASES. Full Moon ............. ~~ ~.
L:IJI~ Quarter ......... 30 2 40 !.!.
-:: I ~
v. It. 111.
New!tf()on .............. 6 0 5l".
I'. 11. )1.
Fu:1 .Moon ..................20 11 :,1 w.
~ Secont: Quartel·.......... 15 10 I.., _____ •. _~_. __ .• _ _ _ __ .§ .."" - Second Quarter ....... 13 7 15 H. La.. Quarter .............. ~$ 1:!J I..
\ <:.)

~.... I-------------·~~ ""'OON. ~ ::: ---- ----- ----.---

... l::qu:ltion lllGJI W'A'rIlU
l;' I
I : ;)
'', aOl.WI. tll,
SUN • (If Time.
. J - -, - _.-- Clo('k 11ft.
. w . . L ' I ' LI:rrn •
. . ___ .___
•. _
m~e~. Setl!. \DeClilll\t\on ~ bef.Snn ..... ge., l!ises. Souths. Set·. :Horn. ·,en.
-'-I-E, - '0.. '0..
~ ;;-
SV:ilJl.r", nOLID"rs,
&c. - •
• SUN •
1.:'IOl·k -
of 'fime.
Hise!I.' ··ets.!OeC!l:lr.tlon Le!. SUIl. Age.' I:i~.. ~. ,~olltll~.1
.Ill. 41.
111':11 W" TIR
~ .l- - - - - - - -
11. )1 •. 11, )t.
•• 3B ' 8":.1
... ". ........................"
I :!20 r>' 51"
0 vr.s I 7 ·.tl
1- - ' -
'2 'l'.'
:.!, 30'
• n. )1. ~ n. )I. I 11.~.
23; Om4!:! I 6111:>0! la 11
8 52
». 11.111.
10 2".> 1 Th
f--'I- _.
, Q
Lamm&s Day............
11 x·1 H. if., North. _ --..
4 18 10\ 20 , 17 0 511' I' Ii' l'
11. M. 11. Y.
?:> Illa:;l, 7m"9 i
11. \C.
01(, ;>;
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11 H.
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' 22 1:-: H . .... : I:: "I ~ ~ 5;e
~ ~ ~~:.~~~~::.~:.~~:~:.~.'.~'::.:: 1~.I' ~ .r::, ~
2 lo'r .... ........................... "20 I! 18 I' 17 43 42 :; [.7 21;
I 11 I.. I! 4-:
• _ - " v"
i 3 36 i\ I..jJ
; 11 :!f> I I) , 22 21 13 :\f> 10 Ml 11 17 3 Sa .. '>') H 16 17 28 f. 5 ;.3 I:!j Oa,2:' !I 3:;, t; 3i !l 2'1
, "'.'"
.. \
................. ........ .. :I 3f. 1 il ~7
. 22 2~:!())
,,3( 8 4'1 ' 22 3;, 2
1 50
1 21i ,
21; 1 3a I , 38 I 6 2
v •• ... -IS 11 44
0 11
0''';:.; , ,S ig!i;·s,;;;:-;.;i~;·7·;:.~;iv. .. 24 3 14 I 17 1~ 11 !) -is 2~ I:';':; 10 29' j 5 ;; ~'t I" S
5 I 3f ........... ................... .. :ltl !:I 12 16 5S 0 5 42 :! r>":. 11 2:.1 i i 21 l:H 1:; I
28 I 1 52 1 10 :!~ I 7 1:'

U \ w ....................... ...... '1 33 ! !:l 49 I 22 "I 21 1 40 0 f.3 1 13 G 1711 Pr. AI. Er. O\lb. b.ltlH. "!!8 8 10 16 39 33 5 :H;
:IJ I • 21 !'(.\ 14; 7 4:. 2 )1; 2 :IJ
6 'rh ........................ ....... .. , 1 "9 ~ 1 I 11 I' I 8 22 1 32 1 52
7 ):1' ....................... ....... 3 :i2 I !i (,0 i 2:~ ,n 17 .. 29 I ;:;!).) 2 l:! 2 31 7 'W ............. _................ "2'J l'\ 7 16 22" 5 29 I 1 a (9: 1 4 I j M 2 ;.~ 3 13
8 Sa ............. ......... ....... '3 31 , S :>1 : :':! ['l 4S
S 2dSull.(~(ttr 1'rl1••llI.... ~ '10 , n f.? . 2.l 57 55
1 11
I: a 411
5G i (la 7 I 9 1~ 130 - ~9
-? 8
5'" ; .
8 ,,]'1, ............. .................. .. 31 S 5 16 5 5. 6 2:.1 2 i 17; 1 5(: H 11 ~I::I i :1" I
9 \ 6 1 0' In :I '2 9 ' ............ ................ .( 33 H :.I I 15 48 3:> a I! 3' I! 4'; I :l 43 ~" ~.?... ~ .:.~I;
10 \){ ..... ............... ........ 3 ;IU ' e 53 :.::~ :! :l8 0 r)~ i
~,16 ilii 1 C,:I, ~ It 34 ~ 2:J 4:1!l '. 10 I' .. 11 DQI] /)aIl3 md......... .( 3,) I! 1 15 31:, r..> ,,' 10 1:,' 3 34, .,. ....
11 Tu S: lJa17la.llic ·11l()~II(... :1:.!9! S 6' I 2'~ fj ~6 0 42 ~: 7 13 23 ~~ i 101 ;,9 11 S
11th SUI!. qfUr Trlnsty .. 3t! 7 M~ 1~ 13 2:.. o4!if; 5: 11 4';) "' 2G' KM:, :':9. i.:'':
'\12 \ W ................... .......... 3:m I g liS ; ~3 11~ ~UO 'o~ 31~. )r, : 8 ~~ 4~;:; ',11 ~~ 4 ~I; t> I. I~

,( 15If,I'Ill
12 ,M (Jro • .I: Plar. $h. beg.... 4'0
13 'rh ............................... 3 211 1 !l [>e ,"3 • '"
H ! Fr ..................... ........ :I 2:) • !:I fl7 ' ~~ 17 2[>
5 49 13 'fit Lllmm!l.!l Duy, O. S..... C 42 I ''j::4
1 i.6 I' 55:tl
14 37 '1 4 :;6
'I! 2
19' 9 (3
U 14 6 IG
7 11 7:;"
lilt. 5 6 ,10 2·' 5)2 11 oil 6 15 G 41 ~ "l ............................... 4 44 '1 61 ,14 lS 40 o4:!5 4 7: 7
I' '\ 1.1 Hi, 10 'li 8 r.o
Hi : S/\ ...... ......... ...... ......... 3 2» , 8 Ml 2:1:';0 r.
\6 S 3d Sun. a/ltt· 71'l1'1(!'.. 3 2~ i .. r,ll 2:1~:.!:!1
bel'. R '1 ,11 :.C. ~) 11' 11 ~;l '1 b 7 37 ~:' ................... .......... 4 -16 I '1 4d ,13 69 Co!! 4 14 !J I
5 '), ~ 17! 11 26 !l 3. I t> I ~
17 I ~r ........... ................... 3 2(1 I 8 5:1 2:t 24 I~
0 21
8 I III 18 I • 49 I . ....
\1 I :l 49 7 41. •. 10 I)
8 9
1'1 1'.
g n
9 48
,~.' 16 t'I' .............................. .. 4t! , '1 4G I 13 41 5 C 2 10 ;, ;>:1 l
!) 15: ...... 11 0 11 :;~t
, 17 Sa ................... _.......... 4:.0 11 4( t 13 ZI :·7 :I 40 11 I 6 1.4 I 10 10! 01111:1... 0 I ..
16 Tu ................... .......... :1 28 !! 0' ::.• 25 38
19 I W .................... .......... :I 2>; ~ 0 :!:I 26 40
20 ,Th * Qllun', ..11'1'. 1~:11.... 3:!.~ !! 0 2:1 ',.>7 17
0 46
IJ 611
1 12
10·" 22
11; t> 64.
12, 7 HI 10 :lS: 1 :;
d 36 I I' 19
:) ~14. 0 41}
16 ~I
11 23
10 52

11 r/J.
:? ~~ I~
.:, 20 Tit
1IIaci;ccd: 3hoQ(..btr;....
: ~~ I~ ~; Ig 4~ 3~
456\ "I :17112 :'1 21
~ ~~
3 tl
:~! ~ 4~
U: 7 ]2;
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hi 2 •• :, 3 l~
i .1» 1 "'1 2 I' I,.Il•1)' ..":!"I!) 0' 23 27 16 1 311 14!!! .,.. I !l 46 --I .. ·.. 1 48 :I 13.. 22 1'rh :: 3~ 11: I i .s

~-'" , I' ............. ................ ..j {>!. , '1 32 11 43 17 1 I lli
:l:! 7:.lG :I:!!l 4i.
2:1 i S Wz .'SISIl. alkr frl/lIl!/. :1 29 9 I 23 26 38
::I! \1 S/J<lhlliJIJ1'lIJliJorTI ... 3.!!! !l I 232:, :16
'!;, I Tn 24 J/Uilfllllniff flay.... :1 2!1 !l 1 23 21!'/
• I))
:! 4
:l 16
lij 1 10
17 I 10 :13
!J M Om :1:1 1 .. 2
I 36
2 2!!
[; 21
6 Cl:!
:1 38
4 10
3 ...
'..l~ . Fr
2( I Sa
25 I 8
."1. (11. Vir. M. 4110. if ...
,';t fJartholomtlo AI;.. ·..
13th .~Ull. alter Trlllllp
;1'] 172:/
"':1, ': 21
:1 (,: 7:!,',
11 22!)s
2 2l:!
H.' 41.:1
'.! 24
2 n
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01 01 ..
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~6 I W ............................... :~:IO !) I' 2:: 2:! lS :l 2!! IS \ 10 4r, 1 3 IR, I) 15 4 64 f> 15 20 :Il Pr. Consort b. ]819 .. " 5 7 I7 23 10 20 ;)7 ] 35 '!O I 0 2fi, .( G; Oa 23 :, ::7 I ;. r.:.
:.! n r. &8
:.!7 i'I:1 ..... .. ......... ... ..... 3 :1'1 ! \l 1 2:1 20 1 Hi 10 5:; 4. 3 i !.I 3( 5 36 fJ.7 'Ill :l6 Tay .Vd Fllh. <lGSu. C> 9 ( 7 20 9 59 56 1 16 21 I! 51 .!):! 1 :It; !, 13 .; :;~
2!1 . I'r '·.• rlm. 01 f<UltII. hl:!1I 3:11 !) 1 I ':!3 112')
2:1 5:l S: /'(/(r lite ,11)II,lIt ...,. 3 31 111 0, ~.I 11 ]i>
:! 63 20 11
:'2'~ I 1111 )6
!I 1\ " 4r. \10;i0 6 19 G 0I:! 28 W ......................... M.... :; 11 1'1 17 9 3846 1 1 :!:! I 9 ::1, r. oil! 2 t.! I; [,6 I 7")
5 13 i 7
~ 30 I S ,511> .sulI.(I/lcr Trllllly .. :1:12 \ 'J 0 ~ 2:; 10 4f,
:1 6
3 17 27
I) 27 1 0(1"
G 1 1~ -I g! 7:;
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•. 29
,.. !O
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" ....................... _....
;, If, I "I
I) li ; '1
17 26
f.r, 57
34 19
0 4:1
11 2f,
0 7
]0 13 I' (i;>1
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2."> I ...... I !! 16 i;, :I
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101 :::: .
S :.1:1
11 I,)

1 JULY 1861.
, ,.

~ .i SEPTEMBER 1861.
j- I ----·-'-------1-•.-11-..,,--.-;iOO:-;IS~I-'llASES~-·------ -0-.-n-.-,,-.- - - - - :('1-..: ---------- ;;.-;{OON·S i,u~sl-:S. I•. 1I.~l-I.------
I::·f ~ :! 1:1 I D. 11.

i ,."~:":.::::: : . . . .
>.,;cw )10 III ............... ll. Fill! ){oon ............ :l2 '1 h It. '\ 't: 'ti New Moon .................... 10 12.1.. Full ~Ioon ............... 19 :l 1~.
I is I ,::: ~t. J.~t

Secollti l/ullrtcl·......... I;. 2 47 Qual'tel' ........ :19 7:h"',

i~. -SU!{iIAT,.1I01.H',u1', -;mr~ ---'-'-~-7-~l~~~':-'" -MOON. ---I~~~I.-;-;~:'I; I.:: ~.,' 11 :;;.'-'-·-...,...-~:.-r·-~'-I:I·i-I~-~--L~~t ~uart:~~~_.~__~~~. ~~ )!·~I~;II:.:;~I~~~~ ...

'I !!. : .xc. .• . ('lock - - - -----.------- --- - - - - ,.'~ It '" & ----------- ('I1l<!t - - - - --.-..- -
It:~~.,.' ~~ts. 1'('r1u.a t ioJ; h~1. SUIl. "1:('.' )(iSc.~. Sonths,' Sets. llorn I Even. ';';~ A I Q C. nisM.j Sets. ;Declillntic.1l aft. 'inn. Age. : lU~e~. South~.' b('t,•. 'I·,rll. ~.ycn.
1 - --- -. - . 11. N. • 11. )I. ;-';orth. . :.' 1)9; -;."-:, III'a' 13r.~ )61.- !:o' I Il,;a 11..! 11. K •. lI. H. rt:' --,-- -- - 11. 'I. n. 11'1 No . .:It So. _.. _ _ j \J)f n.)I. i 11 'I. It. JI. H. ".
',I I \1 .................... ......... :1 :);, , !; 59 :.!:I" t,i. ,.,' ., _ _. 9 18 8 46 I 1:9 , 1 S 14th SUI). (Jft~r Trmltv J 19 I 7 7 b" 12' 33' ~h i Um30 [,(, :.!S 11 :.::
17" I '1!!I/l!)
"mu _ 3_ 0' .12'
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•• W iJ01 Da1f4 O(!!II.. ....... :: :1;, 1\ i,I! 22 fi7 0I!1 3 ~.2 :l:" ...... 8 19 i
4 59 10 51 ' 11 22 '';I. 3 Tu 2 Lond. llUr. 1661l, 0.$. [j 22 7 ~ 2iI 38 0 (,0 2'1 3 I!J, 10 ~:! I 6 .1 1 i 1 :::1
I 'rh . .................. ......... :1 :ltl I !< n ; 2:! ~:! 4:1 4:~ 2,;: Om:!1 8' G 10 11 521 ... :h~' 'I' \V {; ~!9
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4 :.I
t~ I~ ~~
8 31i :':0 3 G
~g ~~ ~~
9 16
n }~ I : ~31~
8:IT t>mlS "26 2 33
n 62 I 1 8 (, (.1) 3 H
~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~!~
51 r.
:.I 6t
3 34 1 (-,"
8 17th .'iun. a//(r '(nfutV 6 O! G;2
2a I ?of .s. t: .. Llb.lh. 47m. ill.. •• 1 S 9
~'~ !l! Tu 23 Day &, Night equal 1.1 3 6 '1
.;.. ~ W 23 :\'utan:n corn......... G 6 6 "
s. 13 27
e. 9 57
0 33 22
U r,6 4-:
'1 ~
7 4t
8 4
8 ~
I /)
6 33!' :.I : .
7 25
9 3 I G ~4

:.I 48
• 24
10 l\ I 0
H :!II 4 30,
Oa 211 5 2 I
1 29 63";,
4 I:,
4 4.;
6 ['7
; z.. I Fr
27 ,Sa
............................... ol
Z~! S 911\ ..'I1m.(1/tl1'
[8 30
' ! I 8 29
4 11 8 27 2n,ju,:
19 24 36
19 n 7
18 ['7 }!I
tl 12
G 11
(, 10
I 9
9 34
9 ,L
3 I 10 t)!)
4'" I ".• J3
6 0
.-:., 26 Tb ............................... 6 7 6 I
.;'- 2'1 l:r :.!lI MlchaolmuDay ... 6 9 (, p9
"~ 28 1SI. '.!DSIMtchtull:allA1I{1,Is 6 11 I) 67
I 20 12
I 4337
2 "I 2
8 41)
9 I)~
9 6v
2:> I 10 JO} 6 G
24 I J f '¥I G Co7
:I J9 t; 19'
2 59 '1
3 28 "29.
G tj
7 51

;~ I'I~~ : ~ ~ ~g
4 26 131s IQ 43 13 (, 9 22 10 0 56 2711 23 :;'it 29 S 18th 8,",.
(J/ltr T"ns'/f 6 13 I) 5,
~? ~ 30 1 M Tay rod /tilliNg !IOfU... 6 It) 6 61
2 30 '2j 11 41) 2f>,': .... 7 49
Or.'l~ I 3 r..l !I /)ti I 10 39

~ --.---.~~--~~~~~~~~~~~
\ ................... 616 lI2:i 1112847 /; 7 Z3 10 21 12 :I 41 74;; 813 3 63 47 10 , 26 8 39 fa 7 11 Hi • II 4'.)
:.I l W .. , ...... :.................... !I 16 , 8 :rz I 18" 3 Ij 4 24 IH) 6l 6 69, 3 62 8 U '18
aWL _,.. ~fi .
- ....~
~~~~ J
'~ ~

• 1 ,
, .
. ..'
I "
. . .
•• ~
:; * .'

. '
, .. <.. .......~------------------.... -- ....... __ . __ .

CALENDAR FOR 1861·62. 11

- DECEIBER 1861.
..... n.)1.
Full Moon............. ·.. G • }IOON'S PHASES.
lDS' u ~8 .l ~
Q New Moon ............... 2 2 17)1.
D. U. )1.
I :o.WON'S PHASES. 11.
FL'WI ?toon ................ 17 8 8 H.
n. ll.
Ne", :'tltoou_ ...Sl 1
D. n. K.
ti{ A.
:S ~ New }(oon ............... ({4~1l~'..:li6~)l.~:·:..-_~:--_ _I.:.L:::l\S~t:.:Q!.:\U\!'=t:.:::cr:..::
9_5__4f"':';:;,;;:::;;: ~ Second Quarter ......... 9 S lOll:.
- 1---.:.---"""":"'------_·-=---;:--
nst Quarter ............ 2~ 9 6\ A.
!3:: Second Quarter ........ ~~ 10 9.... UIGn " ...TEll
';.:! :;.. 1 _ _- - Equntlou "'QON 'T LElt... Q
'0 '0 SUN. 01 Time. ~. _1--""-,.-"-'-1 ~ flU:lI'l>"'1'8, nOLW.lTs, ,,1' LEr:'n.
"" "" 61i:>D,\.T:;, 1I0LIl)~ Yt'. \ , . C'ock I. . \ n's s II Soutlls. \ Sets. " ' I ' Even •
J orn.
A &0.
Sets. Hues. Souths. Set.'!.
A ~
&.c. l~l~etl. Sets. 'Dccllnlltion after SUII. 1"'1':0. 1 e. u. M. 11. ll. n. ~I. u. 11. 11. H. n. M. South. 11 H, 11. !I. n. K.
U. 11.
_ _ _ _ _-~--- n.
I;.:~ 3017' '5. --- - 11. M.
)1. 0 15
1 I Tu l'hca$1l1It~hQVt. bt'!1ins.
2 \ W ...............................
3 'I'll ..................... .........
10' 2l' 27 2m16 9m 29
6 18 i)
6 21l I r, 4r,
6 22 I fJ 43
4a 21 ......

3 40 ~ij
4 2~ ~:

10 42
11 1
11 19
4·i 10 20
16 11 11
50 Ott 6
4. 36
4 4g
i) 4
0 86
1 18
1 57
0 I>
~ 17
S •.tdl/ent .~lJflda!l .... """
;; 23
3 ~2
8 26 :i 40 22 1} 40
8 'J:1 3 89 22 17 ~9
21 0 52' 6"
22 1 U
10' 4;'
10 18
{} 54
I) :'.'9
Oa 27

2 '82
S 43
«. Gb
G 20
1 6
J 5S
1 32
3 11
4. IJ

•• G:':Ilr,·IO 4.)vi) 2 8 "6\1 1\ 5 22 238 21)8 TlI 829339222532 H 20 3 213 "I 47 4. 40

G ,s
~ \ ~~ ......... ......................
j';i;; ~;;,,' ;;;.t~;:·l;;~;;iiy·
6 26 I [, :17
I;:l~: r, :I~,
Ii ~10 \ r, '1"
4 00 '"
5 IS 10
I) 36 J 2
11 31
l~ 5]',
: i~
". , ... 0
S; \ ; 2 \
' •
S 19'
"S I
S '1
6 14.
8 30 3 38 :!2 32 46
8 32 3 39 !!2 39 3')
8 39
8 la 6
li 11
6 19 D 12
G 10 82
... 25
6 IS
~ "~~I ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~;~ Ig l;:i ~ ~" ~~ ~ t t ~ ~ ~~.\ ; ~
S S 33 3 37 22 46 2 7 46 '1 (la I) 5 60 11 '9 G 57 '125
?t[ 8:15 3 87 22 51 &9 '1 19 8 o 16 G 32 '15' 823
:::'::':::::::::::::'.:::::::::: \
~ ~~!. ~ 5f, 11 3 7 45 S 21) Tu 8 36 :: 87 22 61 28 6 62 9 o 2fi '1 14 Im", sr.'£I· 921
o eo 1030
10 . 1 h .................. ........... 6
21 6 U 6& \ \3 0
g ~.~ :'I~~i;;~~i;;;I~~l·;::i·i~:.:: ~ ~g ~ ~~ ~ 3~
l~ ~~


3: la'~'
9. 8 12 ., 43 \ ...... 1~ 3~ \ l~ ~
~7 ~ i~ ~m~
l:r ..........,....................
S 87 336 U
838 336 23 , t'
8 39 3 36 23 11 IS
(; 24
ts 56
5 28
C 53
1 10
39 '1 66
S 39
:14. ." U.
2 18
a 8.1
1\ 1
l~ ~~ I
11 30
IJ S ii 42 !, 17 7 &2 SS In t! 1: 43 ...... 511 j ri9 13 1 33 10 12 - I) 00 0
,) 44 . r, H 8 15 1 13 titl J~ B 40 9 54. 2 5ll 0 '1 0 28 S
8 40 3 36 23 14 52
4 &1 14 2 6 11 1 1 4.'1 2
1 25
11 '11 ...............................
I~' 11 ...............................
I.; W ..... .........................
I [,
1 . 4B 60 1" 3r..,
14 0 \'
,,11 11 li
4 13 0 '8
C. 27 1 26
1 8
S U 336 23 18 "
8 42
8 4313 36
3 3b 2.1 2Al 4S
23 23 4
B 32
1 15
2 (9
l! 44
11 l'l2 S 3 145
S 54 2::2
:6 7 \ 9 21 14 B6 2" 41 2 0 2 H;
17 Th · ........ · .. · .... ·...•.. , ..
J'I Fr /)/ /,IIA' tI.lf.I(II.:I( 1.,1.
t.. (; 11 i,')
I; [,~
. r,
4 tI
!! 10
43 20
6 6
4 ".....
4 '0
• u"
2 32
3 i
2 '7
:1 is
Th si
iii ·T,;~",;;;·ih~·.:i i;('li~ 5«
84.£ :l36
3 311
23 20 12
3 2
2 3S
" 62
-U 5
1 34 10
1) 33
S 60
~~ \ ~ ii~i·s;;;;:-;{;/::r·T;:IOI'1 (; :,7 : '\ ;W 110 26 40 16!) 17., g ~ ~;~ 19 l~ 3 31 :I ~7 Fr 21 W. com.-Sltortcst tt. 8 45
Sa S. en. Ctll1r. 711. 35111. A. S 4li
3 37
23 27 S
23 27 26
2 B
1 33
'I 23
8 43
2 23 10 22 4"
a 11 10 39 4 .;~ 5 Ii
f 27
21 !)( ............................... Il :,!I . 4 (,7 10 4~ 21 ~~ ~ ~~ 6 7 2:.10 11 20 "4 4 21 8 "h Sunday in Adl:etlt .. 8 46 a as 23 27 21 1 3 21 10 ... S 68 10 Ci3 626 546
~'.! \ I'll ......... .....................
. '" L 101 "n'\ 7 .•
7 I ~ r,:. I J1 •1
• ••,'.' 11 31) 3
1"5 36 20
I I' [,7 S 9 Oa i-l 4 38
r., 1-"
r.. 0'1
l{ ............................... 8 46 :. 38
:1 39
23 26 43 o 3S
fIJl. a
2'J 1l 27 4. d 11 5 6 G 36 121
23 W \". t,l • •,,;urp. L,. '1 j., r, :; ~'I I 11 r.t 'J.1 16 44 21 \ '1 liS 4 0 ~ ~9
6 r,D 6;, TIl
~il ~Ch;~';t;~;;;·jj~y::::::::: 8 47
17 ~ 23 25 (6 23 I) 31 11 18 7 I
G 19 11 32 7 r.5
a 28
~',!. 11·~:lrl .......... :::::::::::::::::::::::::: 7 7 4 H I 12 12 13
4 '" \ 12 32 .n
15 li1
\Cl 67
I) 10
10 2~
~v ~~ 1;::1 6 ',2 7 20 et Slqll1m the Mar... .. S 47
3 Sfl
3 10
23 24 16
!!3 :';:.1 17
o 57
:& 20 '1 10 11 47
!i .. v "0 " 8
Jll \ S'I

7' 1'\
............... ...............
I A •• :.; 12 63 10 16, 2 \ 11 dO G 2;1"8 2,,, 125 '1 67 \1 0 3! Jh' se J?lm Er(I/If/eilst ... .. S 47 3 41 23 19 51 1 26 26 3 50 84iOa!! tu 13 10 n
27 I S
:lA ':\\
2M:>II'. ({fltl Truu l !I.
.'1: SI' ,on ,t· .'l. JII'/C,,,
7 11 Z, ......
I ., •
. 1 40 i 13 13 12 16 7
!I 17
34 11 6
10 Sa
Inlloccnh' ))n)' ........ . S 47
istSr.m.qflerChrtstm(l3 8 47
3 (2
3 43
2.~ 16 5e
23 13 33
J r.G
2 2.",
6 19
6 -15
10 r.
0 119 11 2]
1 23 ......
11 54
0 !.!G
111l15, , . . . 11 '." 11 "'7 ....•..........................
7 Hi 26 4:1" i 1:1 :13 20 16 11 2:.!'1 o li:.t I 1 2.1
::9 I '11' ........................ ...... 7 IR :M 3 H '1 63
:;0 : '" ... ....... ................... i ~\J
27 \ 2 4J
2'1 I ' 11
:11 I 'Ill 11, Ho\{ I:n· ................ L:..:.~:......:..::l~...::.:...::.:...1...:....---.i...-:....--I--....,j~-
4 31; \ I:J [,3 6
"31 1-1 12 38
16 l (
16 16 I
2 62
3 6 ......
Yv "
0 19
(! 47
84j 345
2 r.~
3 2.1
30 8 4(
11 9
Oa. 12 :I 47 I1 60 :.: 16
Mo .... ~..,l


MOON'S l)llASES. n. D. n.lII. D. n. M.
llooN'S l'H.A:iES.· n. 11. M.

. d'
§ i:l
' 'f "4JA
~, {)I"\n •••
Secon \(Iuartur .......... 9 10 H 11.
u........... .. .., I D.
Full Moon ............ :,•• 17 1
Ltl5t (1lUlrter .............

2:; 11
'1 ... .
2eeond Quarter ....... 'J 10 47 ....
Fullllloon .............. 16 1 55 x.
Last Quarter ............23 6 S7lt.
New lloon ...............30 2 5a x.
~ ~ ----~~~.~:~~~.~~------------~~---.
0 SUN.
01 Tune.
1-_...._T...,L,...m_TU_'- 81J1mAl'lI, lIOLIDU5, 1-_ _ __U'N-.,-_'___ I

a c;.!;-
~. lil.l·Nb,\ TI', 1I0LIDA.T~,
&c. nl~(,s. Sct~. ~1>erlinntl()D nftt'r Sl1n.
11 ll. I'. ll. I :-\outh.
.• - - - - ' - Clo{'k -'-,
,\gc. l . ltiscs.
SOUl lis, S(l~.
:'I(orn. Even.
--------.--1 n. lI"j n.
RlsllS., St'lt4.
n. M.
U. M.
Jr. 1<.
![om.l Evcn.
n. )I. 11. )t.
-------- ~ I'
'/ 2:l -l :12
U":II' (,i' Ill' 17'
_._1 11. ,I. I 11.
2:1 5rn 47 : 101ll·i:.l
3a 23 0 H
n. M. n. J(.
1 G W .CItl:!I1Ilcislon........... 8 47
Th ............................... 8464713 3 4i
230 0'37' 3/ 6~'
, 20
9m i8 Ja H I (la
11 41
12 242
3 28
B fi
3 61
• III S'linl$' /)(111 • ........ 7 :!;, : 4 :l!1 It;, I 2 III 18 30 7 23 1 11 40 a.-\5 1 28 1 51 8 4~ 2'J 66 2~ 9 41 I 2 11
:! , .... ,'"
4 :'1
....•.••••••.••.• ~ ~ •• ~ ..•••...
2:\,l Srlll. {lfler Trill/I!!
............................. .
7 '~7 , .}:!i
7:m 4:t:,
7 :1I ' .1 23 I
lIi 9 [,2
15 2:i ~,.
15 46 47
III 17
16 16
1 8 I)B
2 10 26
3 11 35
Oa 42
1 46
2 r.o
4 1Ii 2 14
6 3 :.1 tl
' 1' 2~ 3 46
a 31
8 2S
• .a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , •••••••••••
8 46
8 ,(6 1362
3 liO
~ '9 ~2
22 '334
9.2 86 51::
5 16
5 43

10 11
10 ~
I 2 56
{/ 27
10 t5
7 4 14
4, 66
{) 38
.( 35
a '3
•.. Tu (;1II1]lulrdtl' 1'/('(, 1(;0;'.
7 :n I 4 22 I III -1 (,1 16 13 4 Oa 2.'l 3 51 ~ 4 :\:; 5 1 M ~ 46 S &3 2'2 211 li6 6 9 G 10 85 5 9 621
7 -i 126
11 \\" .......................... ... 'Ill S'45 3 6b 22 22 27 6 35 '1 10 46 6 52 Om 0
7 . 'Ih ...............................
fl i 1 r ............................ .
7 35
7 :17 I 4 :~,
,I 20 \ 16 n 39
.1 \7 \ !G ·10 10
If. tI
16 Ii
0 Cl;) 4 47
t 39
8 47
10 11
C, 2S
(l7 227-1
Ii 55
6 "2
• • • • • • '! • • • • r •••••••••••••••••••
22 U 32
22 611
7 1
7 26
10 119
11 16
1 lli 7 50
2 28 fI 47
!l "',1 P,'HU. ,." W"ln /' •. , 11
i :19 16 (}j 2f, 16 1I '1 1 34 6 '1.7 11 32 U 41 9 54 1080
7 41 .\ 1:1 \ \7 H 22 15 M 8 \ 1 46 '1 11 ...... 8 10 9 18 Fr 8';3 36(1 :.':1 6'1 24 '1 51 10 lJ35 8 G
10 : S 21' ••"';" 11" 1 In/lllll
7 43 4 11 17 31 1 Hi 47 9 I &7 '1 C'3 Om50 9 &7 10 28 Sa 842 , 1 21 48 11 8 U 11 Oa 4 8 u4 " 49 11 6 11 40
111 ~.J 'f'''-!I',hh\'4 .... ~ ....... o
.( ~l 2 4 1101:~~ 11 28
1'2 ; ./ n IC"urt 01 St'iI~lJl\ hlh .. , 'j 4;' i l'l 47 21 If, 40 10 2 8 S !1;J S
8 40
" 3
-4 •
21 ~ 53
21 :zs 30
8 38
9 0
13 1 34
5 fl4
a 48 042
l8 3 2~
1'\ ,\\" 4 7
............................. .
I1 . 'Ih .............................. . 7 ;,0 .( 6
'1 41
18 19 7
IG 31
16 22
2 HI
2 31 9 58
0 la S 17
4. SO 0 14
\ (j ~3 0 114
Vi> ......
0 3' Tu
• •••••••••, •••••••••••••••••• , # 839
8 3~
( 6 21 18 2
21 7 9
9 22
9 , ...
3 50
7 31
13 t
1 25
2 6
1I <l"e:
..................... ,.........
1(} 12 13 2 46 10 42 1 l' " 8
I', l'r ............................. .. 7 ;,2 4 4 18 34 31 • •••••••••••••• 4 •••••••••• , .....

Th S 36 4. 10 20 66 6S 10 4 16 li 'i Om18 6 2!J 243 3 J

Hi . ~ 1 7 ;,.1 . 4 2!
r 1'~"'l/ i "" 1,1 0 I
18 4!1 :;5
H) ~ \!l
15 1
14 <It'
3 I)
3 31
11 2S
G 56 1 82
8 7
1 60
2 7 2 24 J.'r ..... ,,_ ..................,.... , 835 "12 20 "12 10 24
10 u-
17 G 2t\
'1 51 I
1 '1
J 56 1
8 '7 ::I HI 3 87

I; S Sn I' 14 20 32 8 18 9 1 S lB '111
7 r,1I I :1 r.!t : 19 ]Il 43 14 37 16 " 8 I Om 16 D 11 2 41 2 56 8 34
n :.I 9 H' 9 a 4, 21l
1~ ~.l
h 0 :1 r,K I HI :12 41, 14 23 17 4 M I 1 6 10 I) 3 11 S 28 S ij 33 I ~ 16 20 19 40 19 2 42 " '!I7
J 'j I '\
" ::! \ :1 r.:-, '\' 19 46 :!7 14 {} 18 (; 62' 1 1i6 10 64 3 45 ,S M S :U , 4 17 20 G ISO 11 2() 20 III 38; r. 29 \} 21 11 7 527
~(\ I ,\ Tu ..,., ••••• " u ............. • ••• S 30 4. 20 19 63 86 11 37 21 ... 17 \} 40 11 ·11'1 6 10
!\ 0\ 3 M \11 1'>9 "7 13 Ci4 19 7 1 2 -&7 11 SI 4 22 , '0 G 57
~I 1 h Pr", 1:"'/111 [, 1"11I .... 11 63 Om :i II') 9 r,4 632
:I r.·~ !!O W 828 422 19 40 1 22 6
I 1 ~~
~ \
.'{ '" .... 11.'1\ ~t III l'.
~llrhl.:.'.I'. n,S .......
(,r. " r.
<; :I 51 ' 20
11 12 45
:.!f> 21
13 SB
IS 21
3 lij
9 3·\
11 66
Oa 111
-i li8
6 43
Co 20
El 6 Th
8 2~
26 ...
11 ~
12 9
12 2(
2'25 "251
3 0
1 84 (j
6 6'
lil) 10 H 7 2.'l
10 40 826
7 Gt
!J 1
~I \ S '.!hN. J1t 'l (I~o(r Tl'lTd('V h III ; 3 E,') i 20 37 :l5 lls -1 !U 10 lI;) 5 13 \1 32 r.31 6 158 Cb;;;,:;;;;~~Qf8i'p~~'i::. 824 it 17 !l 39
2', .11 ••••• ,a' ••••• ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.f "12 :: -t'1 , !!O .1!l 2:1 12 411 '23 ......
27 I"~ I \ 0171 IS
G 0 0 45 7 29 18\J lISI 81\ 4. 28 18
rI1 ...
42 t
12 38
12 51 26 IS 38
8 M 0(4 Il 11 5
11 ·U'
~Ij , In ..... ,.,....................... .

l' I' 3 ,\'< 21 0 [.2 12 r. 47 0 [l7 S 38 S

3d lJun. qfltr Epiphanl/ 822
,... t._." ....... "." ......... .
820432 18 2642 13 S 27 63' 956 1 20 021
,1 h
t~. t I t • • • • • • >. . . . . . . " • • • • • • • • • ,
f\ III :I"h I 21
j; \1\ 3 4:, I 21
11 C,;,
22 :: I
11 46
7 2:; 1 ·13 '1
~Il :I 12 8
2a I
11 9 48 10 20
21' 10 62 11 2' Tu ' ........,.. ,.......,......... . 8 18 "84 IS 11 0 13 111 2£1 '1 14 la M 2 43 o 62
1 ,6
1 1!J
~~ rr 8:.:<) 3 44 \ 21 32 49 11 2.') i
27 I .{ 45 t.l 21 1 41 11 48 \ ......
8 1&
8 15
• 3G
4. 39
(" 69
38 39
J,' 26
13 36
'1 42 11 51
819a"3 ":I 87
11 236
30 I Sr. & 22 \ 43 \ 21 a '2 to 11 a, 281
G 19 ,10 19 2 10 0 B 0 " 8 )3 I~ ~l 1'1 2~ Cl9 13 46 2 8 18 1 32 '1 0 917 SSll
" ' .

• ~
, . -~ -'
~ '. ~..
" \ " ' . ., . .....l1li...___________________.______. .,. . . . . _-""_ ~ ~_


12 CALENDARF~~~1~86~1--6~~~-.------------------_,I-!i~.----------________C_A_L_END
~.:...--·--------:r=E=BR::U:::l::RY 1_86_2_f_------si' APRIL 1862.
l----=------~---::-::-::--;~oo~~ ~1:'<': . . ,;gs I
!fOO:!l.'"S 'PHASES. 11.'
_• \ .
~ ~
Se~ndQu~~,"···-· G 6~
;. S'11 )1 4'
11 11 M. • ..... I
N~wMooll_ ............ ···2S 4 ~~L_.~~~~
t Qunr tcr .............. ·:'"1 ••••17" 4.
1>. 11. M. \
SCl'Ond QUlU'tcr ......... '1 0 13....
F Il!t(
__ ._n~_._oo_n_._.._.._.•~
•. ~
I' 2"8
•. _..._.._._.~._u~_.~
11. 1f.)C.

L~ot QIlIlt1cr
"I 6
........ -......
.. .
__~~~~.~~X-C_w_!t-IO_Q-"-..-."_..-..-.. -...-.-•.-~~1-1-2~.~~-
P. 11.

i ...
~ --------1-
Full )ICon..............:::...::.:.l:'-=-=.=.._~,~_._-.------ 1Eo'1!:~~I~~ mGH WATP;t: !IIGIT W.lTEr.
::::Q ::0 SUN. )lOON. .n L.:ITII. st'lm.'!~I10I.lDJ.TS, _ _ _ _,_ _ __
.. m Clock - -\- - - - s tl s \ Seta. Morn.\ Even. RI3~s. j SouthS., Se:!.
6tlND.Ll'I.It nOLlDU::!,
!t - - - -c.- - K. i It.Sets.
H.ItISC.1. K.! Morn'! E\'cn.

• ,",C,

Fi$h N f)( 7lcwlo/,tn.. 8 11 " 43 1 1 , ":-
4(1ISIl~.iifttrt:I"ph(lnV 8 9 4 4a :~ ~~

l!., .:~o~7"'. 'l'I"'
l'iscs I Sets. '{Jc('lInntion lIce Sun. Age. mso.
•\ • I

---- -
3' ~3'
~! 8
11. l\.
8 42
8 54

2a 18
3 2
3 46
I1. . .

9 37

8a 21
• 11. )[.\
4. :H,
I) 7\
4 12

i'Tu ........................ ...... => 47
IW ........................ ....... r. 44
I Th ............................... , [) 41
/) 47
G 49
6 51
North l - - - - -
4,0 33'
4 riG 26
6 19 21) :!2
6 13
6 39
u. x, it. )\.
111 "'I I till (i9

I :: 33111
21 ... _.
3 49
4 r.3

!6 Ii ~~\
11'(11'. &·l'htCI. $h. (ndz 8 ~ -I ',2 15 64 1'1 14 18 7
:J!3 9? 1. \ Om 8
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~~~-----L-L-~.-AR-C~H-18-6~2.~~--~--~li,~ MAY 1862.
~- ._--_.,--------- ------ ---
.:j I :f..
D. I,. 'M. MOO1-i'S l'lIASES.
!'('('ontl Quo.rter ......... 8 5 ~I i.. I

Last Qunrter............. 2:.l 9.9

!I. It. M.
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FI\II ~foon
Quarter. ....... 7 3 2. J(.
11. 11. M.

............... 13 11 1I ... .
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.._ _ _ _•_ _ M_.....--.. New Moon .............. 30 7 45 K. ----- New ~1()Qn .................. 2-; :i:"'1 A •

: : I::: ----- ~f 1'IIIIC.

Equntlol1 vOON. muJ( WAntlt SUN. 1~·lul\tlon
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Hil!!!niiHII .
~·ebruary .......... •.. •..••••••.. •........... ·........ ·I~IT~~ C~~O;:£.Q~ !..!.2!fif'9! 1811 2121 ~.? _~;r:J,(l:;1
!I&.rch .................................................. 1306l..s~!J.:1~~l !!!..U!.1..!'2Tl22 ~'$}! .24~27li
April.................................................... 27~~~_6J1l3~.I. :I~L 3~ L~I U!, 1 1~1 21' I i ..,

',',. May..................................................... 2!" K7(jL3~" [136 t ~6~U!!J-~_~2 1~1 18,,'12!,:1

:~l~ • Juno .................................................... ~!~ 2~ ,-2.31 30t J...:!!!!.L~~·r "ti_I1.!.L_lE1-'-l~ _153J ]85
;" Jcly..................................................... !!l!~I~l24SJ 2J~<H?'O_".L 33~J31)51 811 ~21 1I211:J3,-Iti3
Augul<f. ................................................. lIiS l~i 1212 J:t4S 2731304 r:ta4: r3GG I 3 1l- [F92Tl22
September ............................................ Ij22 11>3fi~1r:~_~-ti!2r2'llf 303rr,sWr;6-rso 61,-'iji

bO (\ 0 6 1 0 0 6 3 0 0 6 20
100 0 0 la 2 0 0 11 3 0 1 1
200 0 1 :1 0 0 1 11 2 0 :.' 2 31
1)0 0 0 10 2 0 0 11 S O l 1 0
100 0 1 0 0 0 1 11 2 0 2 2 X
200 0 3 6 0 • S 11 1 0 4 , 2
Octob<\r ................................................ 1~92"1~~11 182-r2Tf ~3 f 273l2?!~~~sn_1S5 !(C~l
NOvetnber........................... _ .............., _61..f-_~ 1120L!"U.l.sq 9.12 t:.'.4.21 273 [aO:rr:3311 3651 BO,
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1000 0 8 I) 0 0 9 10 1 0 10 11 2
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1000 0 17 6 1 0 19 8 2 1 1 11 I
UST O!~ STHEET~, ETC., l~ EDtNBt:UGH ANn I,~':lTH, 1';
lkown-s-tr-e-et-,-1-34-I'icnsancc- 11 C'atbarine strt'et, I,cith strt",t t ·GOI;stit~~i;I;1-C-'o-u-r-L,-'-3-t·oll.,titu
lirowfI street lane, .nro~·1I gtr('{:t
Brown's !quare, Ar/.!vle "'Iuare
Catliolicchnpcll.llle, Br(lughtoll st.
C.lIIseysideo, SUUlmerhall
I t,ioll StrCf·t
"C<>l:stitution str(,f.'t, Bem:u-d st,
Brongilt(ln markets, i.hou).!htoll st. I ChllIIlH'rs' clt)se. 81 lIifh street
lkoughtoll place, Brollj!hton str{'et Chancelot, Queellsferr.v roart
COlllI'a close, }(i~ V'l\\l;lItl:
!~r'lllgllton street, CnUmrinc street Chnlmel'S' buildlllgs, l'ollnt:dubr. Cuopel"s entry, 130 l'.• lh)ll~atf'
('orunna plac{', BOll!lill~l\ln l'Qad
Ihou/!htoll laup, 33 Brou.chto.I Ht. Chapel eourt, f{'ot Trunk close I ('oull's c1')se, ~115 CaU(IIl),:ute
lkoughton pnrk house, Claremont, Chnpel street, west Nic,lsQI1 street I' ·Vouper stl'l.'Ct, Cohurl( sinet
'_, street, f'f\st Ollnpcl pynti, 51 West port Vowau's dose, ,I!! CI",;':l~'llU8{'V
Broughwn bll, C1aremont creiJ. ·Chapcllane, lS Quality street Cownn's dOli'!, 95 Vo·-.J:at~· •
LIST OF TBE STREETS, SQUARES, PLACES, CLOSES, COURTS, llrougbton point, Pow<iel'hall Charles street, Ut'orge squr,re i Cow:.m's cl (lse, ~\{ Tolhu(I,h wyuI!
Drul:swick c!treet, HilIs:de eres. I
Vharlotto square, Geor~e st, \\Cl't VQ'I;~Dt.(l, Gras~II., In :'t ~lr.I'Y·h w.
'to. AND LA~"ES, &c., IN EDINBURGH AND LEITH;, llrunswiek !tnet, Clarellce f'treet Vharlotte st., soutb, Princen nt., , COWIC'S dose, 107 (i Ia~:'llIllrk. t


*Dnmton's close, 70 'l'olbooth WI\. west
Bruntvn pJr,Cf.', G. IlOndon rond I Charlotte Place, QU!.'l'nsf"rry Sl. I i CO\'enunt close. 1u:! lligh Mrcct.
Crnh.;'8 close, 26.1 High blf'.!ct
. Druntsficld ho., BrulIt..ficld links ·Chllrlotte Rtrcet. foot of Kirk~ato I;rnivetul, north back of eallOllf~ato
Brunts6e'i links. Wri:.:ht's houses ~Vhnrlotte lane, 58 Charlotte st. C'raighol1s!', Bor(l~'l!hmuirhclld
lIrunt.gfieh1Jllaee, !~"hlilsficld links Cher-y hank, Honningtlm roall l'Ta,gie tl'rrarc, j)alkcilh 100d
lJllcclouch place, (i(('~~e squsre Gr1licl'IltillIJY hout.~, I\~t;tnh ig

LEITn ARE lIIARRID Tnus *. Ghl'ssl'I's c('urt, 240 Callvllgate
" lJuccl!·uch 1)('nd, St P;.i.r!l.k sqUllre CheYlle street, Stockhrid~N Crni~leith cotl'lgt', CUlllcly h,Ulk
7:: Bucclellch street, Buce\euch lllllco Christian bank, Trimtv pier Cr:tidcith quarry, Comply lltluk
-, ~'-- Jlul'hanan'sconrt,300 Lnwnmllrket Christie's entry, 75 8t Leonartl st. I Crr.ij!sidt' pl:v'C.IO,ltofl"a!t!!I'lIry ~t.
- '::' Duchnnan'6 close, 283 Cowgatl.) Church hill, ,Morniugside I Craigside, foot of ::iali .. llIIIY strtt't
':-., :)3I1datane, Doro,!ghmllirhead
> lJuil's close, ]81 Higb street
Church lIme, Heriot row I C'rawf,)rd's cl os!', E (h:U"IU!LI hI.
Church street, Spring gardens, I *('ra\WI"y cour', 112 Kil'l.~nt':
i"iI .~ nl:F..Y, f(\(lt of C:mongatc j' AthoU place, Atho11 creteent Blair's close, Castlehill . '; Bull's close, J07 Cowgatc India pillet! l·crolD~'!;!Il>trect (' ,1·llr.:: loill'ct
;V, Ahhey hill, Aprillg Gardens to J3lair street.. from Hunter sr;u::re Dull's close, 106 CanonJ!'l\te Circus, HOjul, foot. Howe strel;!t. Cricht'JII etl Cl'I, U'!or,.:1..' :; iuan!
"" WIltl'r~i\t.e Bnnner place, Morningsidl:: .Hlaudfield house, Drol:.~hton roa,l ':*}furgesscL,ShoronndWaterlane Circus plnce,, HO)1l1 cin'us Vl'cft-t.n.ti,.:h, Abl .• ·)" hill
Abbey 1111\ hOllse. Nortiln place 11!ailie Fyfe's c1os!', 101lIigh street JJhmdGeld :'ow, lianonmills -- '. -. "'.uurns' strl:et, I,ochend rond I Circus plnc(:, west. Hl.vnl rh'cns I Crook(·d dY;H)s, 62 e:>5t (,\oilS'
AI.I,ey mount, Abhey hill nailie's court, {iO Cowgate IUeek !:ott.age, Grnntoll rGad Burnet'lI cllJ~e, 15tllligh IiItreet I "CIt.'ldeJ, eo. si,le of ,le'l\ Wet Doe': ' rnusey
Ah('reorn v1nce, ,lock'lIlod~(l I Hainfidd, P(lllDtainbritige I 'Citadel l'1., CII.'ldel t{) Cou}ll'r r.!. : CrQ~S('.'\Usey, Chapel strc('t
Ahe rcromhy pl:lCt!. foot Uule st. It Dainfield
IUcnheim placu, Baxter plru:c
Bloom row, CatlMn
:Oyer's dos,), 373 High street
C!luctnollt S.T1)f)·, cast, CI(j~<:!llIont CIl,.I·", sttc~t, f\,o~ of I,dlll walk
1\IIalll :-:(llIfll'C, ~nth bridge
'Adam str('('~, Hoxhul'gh place
... Ade!phi phlce, Links
! Bnird's c1osc. 135 \Vest 1lort
; Bakehouse dose, 146 Cano!lgnte
' h.'kl'r's 1.lace, n. w. Circ\\!' place
Dlyth's eh,se, 517 Cnstlehill
l!ogbnll, lloroughmuirbend
Bonnington park, Bonnington
"'Cahle wyntl, 51 GiI('!!' strf'llt
Caldwdl lane, St Ann's vards II Cf(':lcent
Chm'mollt eres.) 6r('u~hton l'oad
, Onllendel h. and entry, 67 Canonl!. Clllremontst., W., Fllu·Coburg pi. Cuwill place, (;rnllcc
CUlIlhcrl:'lId lStreet, lJllncall sth'ct
to:;" Ylllt.'ent IItT!t't
"J\(\nllrnltl bt.-ect, COli per street Ha'lantYlle's close, 7 (/rnsr;mnrket Donnington road, Claremollt cres. Callon street, I.eitb street I Glnreu:,.... t place, Clarellce strCl't CUIIlIUillll'S clo~f'. !i:! Catloil;.!.lte
Advocates ('Ios(', :157 ltigl.strect . *jJr,lti~street,eastcnu lkrnardst. to NewllllvclI Calt{)nhi·l, from Calton street. ('Iarencc street, Brlln!';wiclt str('ct Currie's d"sc, {I,I tirm;..'!\ulllhct
Aiulllic place, Ureat Stunrt street I Hangholm, Queellsferl'y road Honn!ngLon bank, Qaeensferry rd. Caltol1 J,laee, Galton street, south l'lar('ndol1 cresr('nt, Dean brilllle Curril"1I court, :,.! AI-h'y Idl
Bonnmgton hrae. BODIJ~ngton
J\ ird's c1o£c, ] 35 lirasslllal'het!on·~ close, fi8 \VI'!>\' port,
i Hnughohn bower, lIear Trinit.y
I Hnllk street, Lawnmarlcet BonIlington place, Jlonnillgton
A!hnul stre('t, f(lot of Duke strt'et I 13:mK l::itreet, North, Mountl place "J!onnington bank, Bonnington rd.
Calton, Low, from Leith wynd
Cambridg!' street, IJothinn roat!
Vamel'oll house, l>alkeith road
·Claremontrottnge, Clnfl'lnontpk.
Clarkevillc, Orange rond
·Vlnrem'mt pk., ('. Ride Leith links Dnlkeith r"nd, ~t Lf"IIHIf<J stu~et
Dairy I:ml.', Hay wcighlll
"AlbailY slret't, North Fort Iltrcet. "Bank strect, lleruard strect ·nonnb~tonrow, w, cnd Yardh(\s. ,: Cnmpl.ell's close, 87 Canongatc I Clearhnfr., by Prelltollfi£ld Dldry mill!!, hy C..lthri(l,.re
Albany cottagl', York lane ... Bank pl.ant! bo•. QueeDsferry rd. BonningwlI lodge, l:'my toad '. Call1pl.ell'scl., east, 137 t'uw~ate Clel'k street, ~t l'ntrirk Rlllnre
11 Dnlrymplc place, C:,rlle,.:il' litre', t
J\lbert pla('c. rlldill plMe *Bllukhouse JJoDnillf:ton mount, do. ,f' CampbeU's cl., weRt. 109 Cowgatc Clerk's mill!!, Cnnonluills 1>lInllho /itn'l't, St Jktll.lrd',1
AlhYII pln('e, west end of Queen Bt, ·Harm dose, 15 Coalhill Boroll!! I loch, Archtlra' 111\11 '- "CIIIIII bell's entry, 1-15 Cow~ate t Clf'rllliston hOIl~C, (Jorslorphine "j)nrh!lJ.:'~ hrat', ~4 liilos' ~tr"t
Aldcr bunk, Jock's lodge Baron Grant'R close, 15 High at.. Borol'ghmuirhead, lJrunb.ficid pI, CAnnln, Grange loan to Morninf:' (!Iiftoll lol\!(c, Jloswell rd., 'l'rillity nnd 2~ Y:mlhelldil
AIitlon's closc, a4 Cowgate BArony street, fOut of Braughton st nortbwick's close, 100 High Iltreet ", side Cliflon hlLllk, Gran;!e rond Darliul!II' bllildlllgs, Sllltllll~rs' lot •
•\liS<'m's plnce, foot of J,,~ith WAlk i Uarringer's c1osc, 91 Hi~h street Bos\Vell's court, 3!12 CastlebiIl Cnn LI basin, llort-Hopotolln Cly,lt! street, north St Andrew st. I>al'lII~wny 8tl'('et, Hl'li,)t rol'. 'I'll";
A lisoll's square, POI,terr)w I' "lbthlield, ne:lr Leith tort 110!t\vell road, Granton road Cnllll.lstreet, l,elow N. weld "'Vonlhill, Tolhooth wyn,1 to She-! D.lrul{', "'iIl"" C:IIHllIlI 111111'
Allan street, l::ltockhridge • Bath street, ,lames' place Dotanit; gardells, Illverleith row Cl\fldlemnker row, Cowf,.-nto hl'lld I' rift' brae
Calming !>llle€', Cnllst'yside
! Davic Atref't, w. Uiehmollu f:tnd
Contes place, west of Mltnor place ]),::1\11. by W[.ter of Lt.:il h
AlIall'fl close, 269 lIigh street Bax«lr's close, 469 Lawllmnrket H,lW hridge, llorougbmnirhelld
AII::II:s c1o~e, 79, Grn~smarket : llll>.ter's place, bead of Leith walk ·nowerhall, Uonningtou road *C LIlnon st., ellst side I,eith Fort ! Vllat(,8, east ,!\Inll&r Plal'c I Bellu·unnk, }:1l"I'·('obllr~ pla,·(·
~ IInn s.r!lult, 209 IlIgh s~rect
.\Uilllhelll, Qucellflfcl'ry road
' Benttie's close, 84 Gmssmnrket. ~ Howie's close, 27 Queen 8tl'ee~
, lleaulllont place, head of Plea&'Ulce • Howlin~·grC<'l\ 8trl'et
. C8nong:lte, ,\ libcy to Netherhow C..atell, sonth, by Mnitland st:eet Dcallbank housl>, Huc·Cuhult: I'~'
Cr 1I0nl:ato, lIorth back of, Water·' Contcs, ""('st, by Maithuld street DI'IIII park, loy Bf~H's mills
Aim s~., Charlotte p!. ,to Will. st. ' lleaumoni cottage, do. : lloy!l's f'ntry, St Mary's wyud l:nte to Low Calton I CO'ltcs crescent, by ~hand"'irk pI. ' HellO f.trel't, ~tol'khridgc
Amf.h!0I1 cottage, Trm!ty 1 Beaver hall, Cllnonmill~ Umid, Uorollghllluirhead C UlolIgate, eOlltb bark of, C()wgate . Clllltps hall, west MlIitlllnct strrct j)erm terrac~!, 8' ..'k hridSi!
Am\.luolI place, n. h. Callongatc r IJI'dford street, top of Dean street. Brand place Abb('y hill ar.olllllills, no. of U('II(>vue ores, 'ltGoatfieid lane, 14 Kirkgnte Denn lodge, ~lue,Co},urJ; pbel!
,\ ne 101' !'I<ll<t'. ;,I!llIigh s~reet lll'ggri,t"s entry, OH St Leonard st. Brnndfield 1:lace, Fountainhridgo' anon str03t, Cllnonmillll ·CQhurg 8t., kc., n. ('nd Bridge st. Dermlmugh street. StockiJl HIJt:
Anrhorhc!(l, N('w)'aven • ' Bellcvllle, Dalkoith load nrandon street, I1enderson row lant's clost', 108 High street Clork miil, King's park Denhohn gr('t:II, Trinity
AII~erson ,s place, foot, LeIth W'~lk I Bel!',vue crescent., Mansfic\d plaee nread street !)ort.Hopetoun f entr~, 112 Oano'lgate Cock bum hll.nk, nonllingten plncc I J)euchar IItrect, Mornill~lo;,lo
Am,eraon s ('Io~c, ] ,I tou-gate , Bel ,;'ne terrace, E. Claremont st. • Brickficld Restalrig roa£1 '';lIrgillfield, ~ rinity ColIl'ge, South bridge »f!wnl' c!OSt', 100 We"t b"w
Allnandale ll~., Ill'ad of ~eith walk Illetlevuc cottagc, f.rrinity , ~llrickwork close' 104 K' k t Carll'toll str('ct, 8t Hemard's College street, north, A(lnm sq. I Dewnr ('Iolll', H"2 Grlll'lIl1mrh· t
J\1I11 ~{f(~et~::-t Benml'u S : Hellev!tc cot.!n~(>, Ferry road : 1JridJ!c 1.llIce, l~o~niugtol:rbMdg~ CI16leton Ter.-nee, Rplt'ent tcrrnco College strec~, south, Nicolr.on st.. Dcwnr place, Tol,ago slrc\:t
j, AIHlhclu, 1\ l'wbavl1l1 , )Jellfit';d, Trunt.y I • Bri(lge strc t U Db' I Carnl'gie street, 160 lllea..c;ance College atr!?Ct, west, from lioN;e; l)l\~k's pln.te, (jl1lngo
Alld~lIa 3tn'( t} Union plac(> I ]1('1\'8 close, 272 Canongate Brighton stt~.~t rrtl~in:~~c~l~ ge
C:lrrllhbor's close, J35 High 8tre(>t· wynd to PoUelTOw l>ick's c!o!le, 11)5 ('"wl'ato
~rCr?lS~ r:ll,I, luccleuph atreet ,"neII'S court" 25 Constitution st. Bristo 1,ort Oa~dlf'lnnker row Cnrruhbds court, Carrllbher'R cl. Gollege wynd, north CoHcae street, Dicl.&lII's close, 222 Co\\gatc :\:1'1
Hell't I'ntry, 17 8t l,eollard street Hristo ~tre:L Chn I'd ~treet

r-.. rc 11 la ( }ll:lce, I,nurlst,ou Cnll.'!ell's plnee, foot Leith Wnlk nnd 205 Cowgt,te 118 !Jigh street
J rgYI e S(tltl', North College st. Bell's mills, ncnr RUllbury , *llro'ui wyn(i RI;o~e Ca.'1t\f.'bank, King's IItJlblcs Goltbridgo, Vorstorphine rolld *Dock gates, ('ast en(l Wet )}()rl.s
,t\rf~' c p nc(', Mca(lowlI I Dell's wyn,l, 146 High street nrodlc's clo~e' 30,1 L k , Castle h&nk, AlerchillWI\ Coltbridge road, Wbitehouse toll * Dock streflt, 1I0rth end nrhlJ:e lit.
Anllbtoll Illact', Nf'wington ' *Bernard st., Baltic st. t(> Shore l!rown's elo~e' .. 'l • ~wnmn: et. ~natleb~rnll; Port·lIovetoun Comely g:udens, Ahber hill ItDork place, Com!Dercial place
~rtllur itrl'etall(l}'la~('s.l)lt'as."nce j • Binnic's close, :16 Gill'S' !<treet Hrown's dosc' 885GL~~~gnt. k t 1

Calltlohlll, LaWTlmnrket to C~tlc Comf.'ly bank, Stockbmi;o DouglM com t, IJelth "ynd
Arf :lIr I()' ,0, )oIlk('ltll I'oad Hishop'R c1os!', 12P High gtr{let Brown's court ]"5 Can~~nll:tee, i.: C9J>tl!l terrace, 8t Cllthburt'sglebe Comely {,'l'(ICn, Norton place, l'nllt DOllglas IJdge, ltIcrcbiston park
"Ill ,C)I' 11\1 .Im),(s, entry from 1::; Biarkadder rond, Wllileholl;c
I); 1 atl'l,,'t HI k t I i Brown's court' an;: ,,~, tl }&:ll
' , . • v ..s f' 11
"k Castle street, 117 Prince.. street to Oommercial bank cl. 112 High 1St. Dounc tm'ace, GlouCl'stcr place
'" A 1I
ac e l' are, lIJlllto ~treef,
1 HrlH;'n's courl 27 Cro~' • .• " Queen strcet Commercial ~Ol\rt, 247 Cowgntc Downie place, Port.-Uvpewun
IIsem ) Ybt. ('nst (In,cl Bernnt,l !It, I lllaekfriars' wynd !i6 Hi'b!>.t ,t' H " ." ,sC~US(',i ',1;'1 ~lloIItle ~ynd, 46 Grassmarket ·Commeroial place, north end Drum, K:l.Ster road.
Alhelsl.'ln(' r,lllngl', h',rry r()nd , nnd !):If) C()wga~ ~. re~ ': )/O~.II,S ('ntr~, ':)Ot of Leith walk 5 t~~ (,atb!\l1.lle bank, llonnin£ton tOad I Sandpo118treet lJrumdryt:&n, Lochnn
A thl'lI erC~clht, hy Maltlnnd street D1ackfor.1 (Janann .J~O\\ Il ~ pla !'(· \ (,!lnd.
, )r!.I\·Il::l J' lIIC(, J unctJon roai! 1.~.

l :,
, -~,~---~
- .
UST O}l' S'rREETS, E1'C., IN }~DlKHl HGH AND l..El'rn. 19

• : t.'
. . ..
. ' ,
. '..
• . , ' ""
t • . ... oil! ~ •


\1',1. Row---I ;~t A~thollY lanc,-St A;tiwlIY !lt~:- Skinne~~ -~los(', 613 Ga:-tlcl~lll
-:=: \ Tb'] 11" ,\-t;:t to' Plowll1nds, Morl.:ugside
:M.clvill~ street, Charlotte place to NCp,rt~' ru ge't .:0 I 6 , , l)ol1ock's close. 28 t:owgate
. ' bru' I'"n e
Richmoud cotta;e,
Ri~hm""d ludge, 'l'rinity
HicbuHmd lod;.:e, Yllr!; roat}
! St !lemnr·!'s crl.'l'l'ell!. :-:=tockLl illg\! I Skill'ler's clo~l', il,; H idl sir l·t
foil. H!'rnard's plar£", ~aunders 1'1.. ; R!ater's court, ].\0 Callougall'

.,Ilano" \)1ace
k N rtl rmcesIstrce
erJand strellt Nelson I l'olltOIl stft!!!, F. OIIll.!Ull\.moncl villa, Ferry road, w. I ~t lleruard's .. OW, ,lohllst,(l!l plRl'c ·8meatoll·... ~I., ~o s~ AIHhc\\ ::t.
!ltcrch:mt street. C"ndlema 'er ,row i .) 1U1Il) 11 t "t' , . I ·Poplar I:l1Ie, north shla, Links 11

1. Ho\\' 'I ·St Uerllard's street, :;bore ~llIith's place, I,eith walk
!llercb~ston bouHe, J!Hountain~:'ld.!:~:I N st~l~,~,:~erl~:j ;)~~~e Nor· '1 T'1)rt,lIumiltoll. Canlllllasi!! RiclllllQIl,t :iI:,~ ,r arlii" I ~t ClItherine'g villa, Gmn~c ro:ul 'Smith'H close, west, l.:l (i ra,,~m.
l\lel'chlston lodge, ,)roug li\un I ~~~lIlberland street ' l'ort:Hopctou:1, louth·east of Lo·. Wl'illnon,} stre;:)t, ·'ast, south Uich· \ l't Cohlle street, Alhyn plnc£" Smith's close. east, l'~:i Gra~~llI.
llerclllston bank, noroug~ml\l~rh.
. I N i t cud of J!.egent
o~ton I' ace, eas
illlan road
Portland 1'lllce, Lauriaton 1II0lllt sll'Cf't i,l :-:albbury street ~t Gnt.h hert'.. "nt ry. llii WI:st port :-;ocicty, BrvwlI's l'quIU'('
11 .... Hichmoud !>trt't't. \\ ,·,l. NiC(llson Ht Cuth:,~\ t's !St., WCl>t \l:lItlalld st. Societ \. ciIlSC, ];; Ncthr bt)w
lh'rellistoll l!ark, H'lroUg.lllllII1:h!. 11'.'
1\lcrchistot\ c.'lJ!tle, Uoroll!( Imlllr I. 1.,0 l I I g ,
\i: hnm place Calton street ·Port!:\nd plac€', Princ€' l\egent st.
1 Portl:md terrace, Portland place
street to el'1L !:, !1I1I,'ld st ·('.'t . "t Da\'id strc('t, so., P. ill(.es )'t, . 80:nel;'et house and C"t .• ~ran' 1'1.
]ticlllUOII'I ~tn't'~. I.·.,h ...\dalll ~(, \ ,'It Da\·jll street t\('r~n, <llleelll't. I Soutb Brhl~€', N"rth BnJ).:e t<)
!Je~chant. Maiden IIU~pltal, L:lU'1 OaHteld court 109 Pleas:mce Potterrow, west ~ollege !'treet
rh.tnn laM
·Merrilee~' close. 33 ) ;trdl,,~:\(I,s

I() kl 'h '\I' Ward'/! I powburn DCaI' lirnnge toll
Old rAg YI, ~y dos!'" 110 Hh:h PC)wdel'h~ll, l!onningtoll road
tu sc:uth It I'!.mond 8tre(:t I ~t GiJer.' "iila, Granc:(' road i NiI'Olhllll ~treet.
HiI'!lIl1fHIII !,treet, 1'0 11 t.h , iH)l·tt. I !'It Jal!les' Equare, e,L't. Ht'j!istl'l'l;t. . :::outhern eemeten', Grar!!:r un.1
Hicilllwnd :;:rl!ct to I'le:l.sauec ,St James' street, ~t .Tallles' I'q'larc! ~,,<'ncc's plt:t'e, c:istl. harn ..
... ~icctillgbolll!e !(f('cn, ,l6 (il.CS st.
lienstl lane, s!'uth Ht AlIllrcw st. I s ree an , I '
t ~se\.di)l "8 Cow'gate
"'~!clIl'e h\JlC, ~5 C'!I:lti~uti\)l\ str~et ~ol'llIDrC()uIghthn, fir01?
! l'rest.()n street, Causeysid~ to SI.
L!;ollard street
tl~~e:jl)Ort Presto~field, near Gmyfreld toll to I",' th HII)hllll,lIc1 :-,treet
It: 'hrf."!!'\ lalle, Hiehrllollll l,lacl.! :'-:t .fllllle!!· 1'1., l~orth :-;t Jalllcs' st. ' *:-;pen~e's ,la,l'. DOlmil:.;l .. n r ,a.1
I "SI. .Tallies' pla..:e, Links l :-:IIltt:l1 streel, fir. a.1 !ltl.·.·~
1\\ I.hllcln· Ioh'l'et, 1'\1'\\ IIIgton I ' Iurc w ar, I Pr'lmrofte bank 'l'rini~v H ich:u ,lid court, 23 ltichmnnd " SI, J ohn's clos(.', 1S:) ('anoul,!ate ! l'l'rillL: ~al'cil'll~, A hilt'\' hill
11.\ ! i I t" 11"
,I, 11. !) 11' I, ",eorgell t) a~
' . I Aa street
1Ilid,ll!·toll's entry 32 ,ku;to litreet Oil IS lmarne c osc,
P:'1 1. t 1
196 Hi.,b ·Plilur1lse
0 L h 1
.• "'eet w<'st
, end 0 r
I'hH'C :'1. .Johll·" hi!!, Pk:::-:llh'C
Rit'I"" '11:1 /.:;.ec, Rvxhllr~h l)ince! *:-::t ,John's lane, 40 l'i.arlo\tc !ii. I
I :-:prin;.: J,:'!r.lo'l'''. (,hlllt:" :-tIC' t
Hprill~lif't.!, l."lth w.di.
~11~llil"II"" 'k'I"~;, li!' Canongatc Ok:W:sh~~;t:t ~~~!,ai~3 Canon. *Pri~c:Regent "treet, west l'lld of I·' weRt. Itiehuwr.d !.tr( cl, I 8t ,f (,hll' s ~trCl·t, (':U1'.II;::I tll Sprillt:fiel.i "ill .• , ltIall!>i"l: !tOil 'i" I I.
Hkl:mnud p, nd. 19 Uirh:nolld pI. i l:)t Lf'omml Strtl't m·d hill, hcad of ~lall~lId :-tf('ct, :-:Imll<h\ 1<:;, I'; ,,'.,
"I ;all, llllllflll. ate ' Couper Street Hi.hll('·1I close, 32l I.r'\\lImal'k\'I, : J>1c,'l.-;'lnCe *Stallfiehll(ld~p, BVIIIIIIU.:tUI\ 1",11
,MIIILul'l\, l\1orl\ln~slde ~1~' ltl b k t 75 S' Andrew l)rinces street Wat~rl00 nlllce to
M ,I I'. Aloft IH.O (' U'('
"~-'" ~
I vld cs mar e , , , 11ope street' . 'Hiddl\!'s close, H ;-;t ADdrew st. ! St Leonard's cot., ~L LlX>llard lane' Star hank, Trimtv
ttilhl!c'g (,lItr~·, 35 NeW strc::t l:-:t L"I,narJ 11IIII', ~t Lftlllnrd !;tr!!.!L I :-:l('tlll's 1'111(,(', I.t·i'" w:llk
• ... 1 0 - ".
l'Ihln's ('''"l't f,17 Lawllllln.rk.·t
~I'ln~'I!'f;'lu~ro 173 High street IOM Oihbet toll. Dalkeith ro:;.d
r b k R tal'
... rospect an, e6 rIg ros
d .,
Ri<,)!o strcet, 'fv!l.:r(lss i:-:t ,Mar~nt('t's S(nlj.)II, ,llll'k':; lod~l'! :,teHIl!aw'S d<,'lf', I '4 1\';.:11 ".r{'(',
)11110 p:u'k, 81,' 1,()olln.rll fltn'et Oh! Mcalmnrket, 122 Cow$:lte Rill hank, Hope park I ~t Mml,'l'l pln.e!', nonnill"toll . I StI'I')'S plare. M '1IIIIIL'lde
.M ill~ h(lttom "f south Gmy':; close Old l'layhoullc dose, 1~6 {,anong. *(~I\ality court, 25 Cl'nstitutioll !'t. Ititdlie placl', runt Carll{'gie str~et I Rt ,l\lllry's \\')'11&, he:,,1 o{Cnnol'g. ! :-:;~('\'elll:!OlI'l\ \.·I"M'. 1:.. 1 S ...t Port
!th"~) strect Newhl"ton Old l'ilst·o!1ice clo'le. 2~,3 High st. "Quality street, Charlotte st,reet H"lib's court, Gnl-tlcb:ml!1 : ·St i\illiall·sla., had. Oil! Church 1 :-:tt·watt ~ ch'!<e, tit) t'.illlh '!"Ih'
*)]'lld;cll !!t;cet, 120'" COllstitutioll uld dtamp·office close, :l21 High *(iuality lane, 15 Quality street Jl"i.h's (,lItr~', Ht .lohn'l> hill I ~t i'alrh'k ~qJ:l\re. :-:t l'atl'i.'k st. ~1t·\\·I\·.·s lltr.·!'t ••!",·k·:! 1• ':.,
j\\oll.1 huilding!!. l)i1:-i!i ~tre(lt
strect (~unrry clrn'lCS, 18, ~6 Crosscausey
*Old 8ufar·l;oase close, 84 St <iuarry boles, Easter ro. to Leith
U"\H:::rll<OIl'S dosl', ~tl:3 C"wiate
n.. ,k, iIIe ('lose, :.l:3S C.lst!l.'hiJI l't H(lql1l'. C:IIJa:m
l"i, l'atriek slrel't, Nit'olsQII street :-itt"\I\rUJIJI.d. H"n:,III:.,lun tll,'
:: "(.('1.. Imdg\!, N, W. 01 :-. ('IV '1" "'1\
.Monll~·tI clOSI' 2!l NClhcrbow Anlln'w stree~ Queen street, York place U•• milly plarc, '1'O},;II':O ~t;-eet Rt Rt£"pilcn strcI·t, ('I!lrl'n('l~ Iltrl.'et . Stllncti .. ld. Cann:1II
1I1onro lllacc, :Jock's lodge lorChardfteld, Leitlt wn.I~. ·(~ueen street, 69 Shore 1\oll:tldl<OIl'ij huilt!., ~lIlilh's phce ~t. VilJ(,'l'lItstled, fvot or I1o\\,€',.t.' ":-:lurae'lll;lIt'V, 1:':2 Kill.!:·ttl'
.lIlontu~u street, C1C\'k IMeet
1\I1l1llpellicr, Ih't'llt!lti"hl place
l\lollt(nth's c10Rc lit Ilii:h l.treet
IOrehardficlll <.tref't, 1I1aml)OInt Queen's place, Nottin:!hnm t,\ace
Orclmrdficlu p!ll,)e, 'l'ohagc street Q'Jccn's place, foot of Leith walk
orl'hlU~'s hosllltal, Dean Qucensferry street., west end or
"HOll:lldlSt.lI·S w\llaf, Upper dmw'I"Salalllar,dl'r /:It.. I,ial(' Garr"n
1:os•.·II:IIII.., BrQllfhtlln rc,:tlt I ~ah"IHlry green, Dalktitl· rllllll
. Strathcaru r';lI.1 Whilt hl)lI~p
Xtr..thie'/I ('1 ..:-.·. '~I; CIIIIHnj(,II(!
Salil-llUl·yplal.·"',('PPO!!li ·~alish.:(l. :'tri"hclI'!' C!tl~I·. 104 11 iell 1>' .' t,
1\10111 .'olllcry Iltr~i, 1~11II row 011 'Ot ne Cottage, Ferry road, w, Priuces street !toschank, .l\Ja.yhcld j(,lI.h Salishury roa.l, Aru:,.;tlln 1,laCI! l'tllart btn'et, (ircat ,\Iur.v 1'1.le·)
I. no~ Rosclmnk. G:If(I.n"r'~ Cr\'scellL ~al!~:}ury ~'lll!lre. !'.)ot nf IiruwlI st. ,10 HlIlI'lolph r~eilt'~nt '
:Moray place, W(Ist Ileri'lt row
1I1j'r,IY :.t\'('I't, i'llrit: !ltrcet IOShllfll coLtngc, Trinity.
"'Momylil'hl, Op\lolIlI,e llawkfield Oxford terrael', Dean br1l1g~
Queerlsferry rer.d, from DnnniI1;;'
tOlt road to Willdk-strawlce
*QuCCllsfcrry road, Couper st:ect
Ru!'e ('ourt, ]3 (,e(>f~~ strect
nOl,e ('nttagl', 'l'l'illity
l'ah-hurY!ltr'(,l't PI(,!I,am.",·
:'altl'uekt,t, t:lek of Leith ljtri>et
1l:)llIartftcltl, Jo('k It I(~I ,e
":'u:.,arl!o!l!!!, 1·1,>11(' • ol,urj! loll I', t
:MonlulI, Rpring l!llltien, Ahhl'Y to Urnniogton ": Ih,!>(' \ ilia, 'l',ty ~:ll'ditall.lJ ell/se, 71 Hi;.:h strcet *:-;uinlllt·lfit·hl. If :~:.dh'il!
i\1 01'1 it.OII'h CIt.,IC. 117 High strcet Pahller'll bllilllitlg:J, 17 west Nicol· ~":' nOM' park, Tnlllty "'~nnllT'lIl't str"I't., C""'U1l'r, ial pi. I t-:lIll1U1I'rlh·ld I" .l,~'·, 1{"~lalrl~ r,' .• i
Morrisoll I:1trect, '!'olml!o street 8011 strcet 1!:\9'& close, 281 ('anolll!:ntc " j{O,dHlII, Dalk£"i~h ro;.d . I ~11111:1~1?' lltr£,,(·t, !~err bIt/et, ; ~lIl1HIlt'lhaIL ["Pt' I'ar~ "Il,l
111 "rris(ln ,'Iael', J ork's lod!(c l)alllllun.'s do~e, 129 Ganongat..: Raeburtl place, StQckhri";.:e ~',' nose sLrel't, south ~t IJand stre~1 I :-:,:..~.C"llllr~ l'i,\Ct', WCl>t Llnrc· j :-:'llIll1ler pl ... ('. Hn\\:lI"1 I,l, '.'
,M"w:nf(l>itle, Bnrml~lllllllirh\!nll l'aulllure's h<'IISl', 1:?9 Canollgate Railllesfield, P('rrv rond, I'. 1. Row to ~ltIt.h Charlotte street t lllont street I !"UlI hmv .f!:ll i III'n', \\' ater,.f I., . h

~I"rucc() dogc, 275 t:anollgl'.tc l'ark pla>::e, l'ark strI'Ct nmusay g:mlens, 'Ca!>tlehill R..~elllount h()II~I>. ~tt)rrjgon streel I ~('i~'III1~, Hope·park (,11,1 ~II"II) j· ... k rplt:I':I" C'olll\·ij .. 1'1 1'1
.. ,\lortoll !>trec(, Duke lItl't'ei l'llrk !ltret.L, Bristo tltrect Hallu!ay lnne, C;u;tldlill !t.,semount., 'l'obago st!,l>ct
*j{"<Cllll Ullt, Hcrmitn":l lall
I :O:ciCIlla"i plnc('. 1\'''111 :- 'ienrrC\,o
SI'ott'S cl .."!,, Hi:.oh rh':!'!
SmmYl-itle villll, '~'l'jlllty
~lIr!!t'(o1l F<tllan', ,\c., tuot Ill' luG,·
"':llllrlul\ f'ntry, 2·\ Klrkcf.te l'ark!'ide "treel" Rt L(!onv:ru's R:mlsay close, 41 Canon gate '
M.. rtoli, Hvr(lughu uirbC'Ru !'nrlialllent 311" St Oile!!' church Ramsay Illnce, l;(lnnington road ~ l{n:dllrrgh plnce, DrllllllljOl' I Ilt. Il'~ott's Cl08!', 1:!!\ '01\ "al e UHLrv IItrt'rt
1.1"111)11, l'rincc:\ lit. to Hank stl'eet Parson's green, rond to l'iershill Uandolph crescent, Grc:l.t Stuart I
ltoxl>ul';..h streflt, DIIIIIlIr. mll st. 1'eot\Il1111strrct, 1 ""~lItllld plnec I •Rwall·li"ld. opT'(j~iu· SII\'('J :i,11
}{oxl."f!.:h t('!'.. c. Drur,OIo1ul bt. ! *:-:('~ l'ot., 11.'('. e.) 1')' ~~nficld I
~\\'all'", d(.S('. :!1 Iiral-:'1II1l1 kl't
;\\'lhlltil.lace, head of J\{(lIlnd l'aterllon's close, 441 Lawnmnrket. lIireet
~lo\lllt 'It'IIS1I11t., Monillgside l'ater<ion's court, Oh\ l~r()lIghton Randol\)h cliiT, Rnndolph crescent '," RO'dlll'Fh'ri closf-. 3,jl H i,t!h street I II-;caficld I,aths, ~., ·tield i'=winton, md.'r :-.tH·"t
)I'\:lro'~ close, 110 Gar.ollgate l'ntusf)n's c1os!', 108 PI('asanec ltankei lOT street, Clerk street '~:;. l~'l\\I!'y s clo-c, J8 .'\1110(·), hill i "~e:lfidd iWIlM', (':1 ' enll "f !,inks I Sydflcllit·lll, (jr,'lIt"" road
!lllInloch's dnse, 70 HiJ,(h street "Pnttison Rtre;t, 31 R1be dtrect Uankl'ilIot place. ~t. 1.eoIl'\rd st. '~~" ". Hoya.1 crescent, l~rtte<; row ' ":.'afOl'\.h CO~t.1~I', '; '.flit; , Sydlll')' pla{'(', Call1lan
!lturr:.y stru~t, &2 I'ast. Crosscausey Patrlot.hall, lle.milt?n ph.:;;;, \ l'at(>liffp place, Gmllge tOll I'''':'
R\lj nl Exehallgli, !'!Jl lli;.,h strc&t I"~cru;ide hQII!l' Eas' :('11;
R'Jyal terrace, B1cnbcim place Ii' I "SI':lllTII\'C, Plrnidj-,_
Sy Ivall pI/we. I\f Call'Iv,!I
I ~j h'all!~llIk, jlllll·.III.I·l!mr:YJ n'!l,!,
.;\llll'l'.ly'lI clo!.!', 177 1'Ie:l..'llUlcc Sto('kbrioJ,!(' l{atcliiTe t,)rmce, Cans£,ysi.le
)Iuwlyfiehl, C('lt~.:'id:£c Paul litrel't, }limon liquare UaUuy's dose, 115 Cowg:tw ~'~'i;!, !'"rlton 1'la('e I :;;en ChI': yilla, 'I'rml"j i {han;:~
.i\l.:n·~hlc, Bvrlll1ghlUuirllead P:\ul's work, foot. of J,cith W"I'tld Ucdl;fIles, n'ollghton rond '~V';,,;: RIlY's COlII't, 8i H()p<"park,oll<l : ~eiltlln'li close, :jl.!i C').n 'ut:t,' , : StllnlN:rbank, Dell( y~le
p('ter'3 c\.)se, ]87 Cowbrate ~ "'Ii.edllll}l, 13<'llllin~tou :~~~7 HUIlanl! st , \\el't I'IHI ]'rmres !It. ! r!c1br's chsc, :3'J.I 1':1\\" :'!\r.:. ~t I
Ncl'lllI ~tr('ct nnd p~dce, Aber· J><'rth street, lIendt'r8,)\1 ro.. U<,ger.t Dridg{', Waterloo pl(V'c L~,~~ II~lIttllalldd plnrl', LRnthti,\an rlof\ I t i ~('mJlI,(',strl...ct., ~illl'I(! h' . , rI,n;'ftcl~\ hOlll!le. ('all'mmill"
1'1 "Ill hy pln,1'
N, th,·r),ow. head of Oanongate
t\ ,'11 l,att!,! terrace, 1I1ornill~:;ilk
}'hysic gnr,ll'lIs, bclow re. bridge
Pic.'Udy placE', "iol'k plac!'
Pi('rshill barracks, Jvck's lodj::c
Re:;:ent rt)lvl, Cllwn hia
Hegent arch, Lo,,' C,\ltol\
Ih·ger.t tClrace, R('g!'llt road
\1\ IIn squllre, 11 nUl 'Itlee
,;'~ml),e s C nsl', ;,lI~ ..... " I' ':tllllc( se "141.' 1'.!3 WI"t I'.. rt
~llIIndwi,::k ,,\;ee, w. t ~ rin, "! 'It. : TaJ> 11.111, <JuC:-r,lIl!'rrv rN1I1
St AIlJrew 1J(IIMr<l, cast cnd Gf,')rge "'~hee,llfn.1 '\ ynd, ':7 ; .C' , . -'et 1 'fami('t strc,·t, Drll"\(·'ryau
j\ ·W II1,:h ~<'llool, j{€'t.:('lIt tCITacc *l'!lIl1.ns' place, north to Senfie1!l tI !.tegent, street, we~t end (If Cou· <t:: ';;f strcl't ~hl'phl'rd'll c, .. rt, L(·lt. w::lI.1 I 'fnrvil. '1lr"ct. 11,,11\(' ·,tn, t.
~"'II 1;1111', Annlield, Ncwhaven haths per street ,'t}:-t! ~I AIHlrew street: no,th, St And· : ":-;IH~riiT bra", Conlhii' ~I ~lr.& ' 'J\'l1Il'lc':! ('(.''1\·.145 (ira"l-III'uhct
N,'w hank, 'l'rinih' !);Irig l)h.c!', Pilrig street Regi~t~r placr, West Register st, : i"e.(" ('\\,!'quar(' ;';hfl(:u'akl'rs' c11)~e, Ol~· CAP 'n~·." 'r~nllis COllrt, Sll Abbc}, lull
~ •. ·v lhou!;hton, jlarony .. treet l'i1\'i~ street, Leith walk IltCgillter !.t.reet, east, LeIth street , [?
f:1 J\lIl1r';\" street., south, Princes i ·Shlll'<'. ~errjlJ()nt. stair.• {' :~J'J
I'lrcl>t : dmwhr,dgc
,,'('rrace, L(·itl: ~lf(·j\t
, T('viot rhw, Bcill~<l stre!'t.
I\ I'IV !ltrcct, Canongnte Pipes clo!;!), 619 CastlebB1 to Jamc,,\' lIquare
NI'wlIlI!ton hou~", Blarket plac~ l'ifl\ieticM, I,eith walk Rel::illtcr strl'rt, W~!\t, Princes st. , h~:" "'f.:t Andrew rdr.'et, 131 Kirkgnte ; Shruh hill, Shruh rlaee i ThiAI,. ~;trcct, :lUtth S~ D;'lid et.
.KC\\ill;(tnll, Liherian r<wl l'il7ie's c\OSI', 246 Callon~ate to St Andrew square - ~-:: St AI:urc\l"s lane, /IIlrtb ~~ Audrew i ~hruh place, l,~itl\ \\':\)k J to 11 ill !
N\!Wj'OI t ~trect, CMtldlarll!J Pitt street, Dlludns st\'/let. to toll I nc~ister hOllse, eabt cnd of Princes It: 8tree~ , 1."\·~lbalcll,lncc. ~t ~ atrl' I, ~quaro Tb(lm;\~ IItr!'.,!', Rt Cnlilh"r. ~lr(:l't
." Nk,. ~Oll ~q\lnre, Nic01~f)n 8treet "Pitt street, Hillhol\!\(lfield street
I\' :('"bl)n I<tw~t, C(llItge ~trect to Plainstones close, 78 Grnssmnrket ltl'id's clo~i), 80 Cnnongll.te
. _ ~,
:',' t".
6t Ann 1\ ym'de, IIolyrood pnhce ,'.~lln.rfi,eIJ' ~~onnl1ll!:t()j1 rOl\d
~t Antbony plal'e, })(\rt.H.opetOllD S!Jve[unllll, f;twll ro~
t Thnmgnn:8 c1(.!\c, 10 V,lOtlll,,::Uf'
! r h'lII1S(,U,'J ("OUl't, 54 lirn-slII 11 1\<,1.
l't I'atrick squ3m
~ 1'!llry st., IIljth fit. \.0 COWlilltP.
}'lainHtolle dose, 2at Canongatc
l'layho'lse do::e, 200 Canongate
I Itehl'a eOllrt. 95 VanonRnte
j{ciki€,'s court, 65 Ni('olson street
r-" j,,:,
t, i~~'
'"St AnthoilY street, 91 Kltk~'\te ~Irue 8 ('.()\ltt, Cal.,:,n!11H
fo't AntJlQny court; St Ant-nony 1::\lmon !l(pmle, Gltlb s : r, ry
, '.l/IIlf.I!'!(,1I !\ c!o,!!, 13 A h! .. :. Mrall.]
I *Thumsiln's pla('(', ))uk,' III n t't
1'\ Hllll'Y sLrret, south, 253 Cowgat€' l'lell.!ll\lIce, SI. Mary'l'I wyod to 8t Hestldrig, by 1)lershill barracks :l. te' ":1 ret I Sur.pson I! ro1.trt, Potterrow ; ThornylHlllk, J.'oulltnlllllrid··c
r; orth ficitl, DIJ.lUingtvn road LeoDuru'fI I Hich,uond cottage, Wnrdie ~~ ~
':~t rH
". ,'

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. ' . . ,

«Timber bush, Demard streo:t to' *Vinegar close, 35 Gile&' street
Wester c]ose, 177 West port
'Yesterhall, Meadows
Al'uistou House-Do. 11 }hvel~\V Mill-po~ I Dha:housNl--N I'wtOll St'B~<;\\·(~il;
Arnistou 1.Illins- Do., llnUmlle- Lmhthgow H1ythe-Nublehoul.!e
Tin erlinn Borongllmuirbead
Tob~go plo.~e, '1'obZlgo street
'l'obago street, Castlebarna
Tod'3 close, 557 Castlehill
Walk;)r street, Contes crescent
W:lllaceyt,\ce, ~'()I,ago stre~t
Wlll1:lCeS clese, 28 CauseysH)e
Whale brac, Newh~;en
Wh?rt~n lane, and " harton pI~,
Wardrop's court, 459 I,awnmnl'ke~ '~h!tebatlk, ~rornlD{!s!de
Artbutlshiel-NewtollSt Doswe!!s
Ashler House-H.atho
Atlid:;tancjQrd, S. O.-D~em
Aucbendilllly-:\liltQtl BrIdge
Bathvillo "Hous\,,'- vo.
ll.ltlll.w-::iouth Que! nsferri'
Beae~s~d~ HOUli;-M usselburgh .
Deattle s Rov:- rr:lll~ltt
I DJ) the-Stow
B1ythe B~L!ik--Noblchousc
Hlythe Bndge-Do.
Jj IlIrbnuckly-J.inlitbgow
Toddrick's wynd, 80 High street Wa:'die cres~ent, GrntltOIl road ," hlte llOrse, or Doyu s close, 274 Auchcndioll'l HI''Use-\)o. Bees!ack-M :It()1l Drad"c H"tu'bau('klv MIll-Do.
'folbooth wYlld 165 Canonf'ate . Wuruie, QueclIsfllrry r03(1 Cau(ougnte ., Auchcllhaw':"LinhthgQW' Ht'j?gar's Dllsh-MuSSIliburgh Bog~5-Tr:lncllt
*Tolbooth wynd, upper dra'~briJge W:irllieburuhouse, Wiudlestraw. \Yh.ite's court, Warrrsto~ l! ell)se Auch inoon - West Calder I Belfield- Do, llo;hall -Lilll:tbgow
Tolleros!:! foot of Lauristoll lee \\ h~tehouse, Boroughmulrbcrul Auld C1Lthie-Wim'hhurgh I Belleknowps Farm-Inv(,rkeithiug HOl!h.LlI-Stow
Torphich~ll street, \V .l\Iaitland st. Wardie, Grantoll Wbltefleid IJlace and house. foot of Auld House-North Derwick Hcllfield-M:d C.llder Boghnll-Roslill
"1'ower street, ShOTI.' Warr('tader's park, Links Leith w!!. k A ushieh:mA'h-Tranellt DtJlIfiehl Villa-Portobello ll'ghead-B .. lhgnte
.Trafalgbl' lane, Hiilhl'usefieh.l Warn)IJder lodge, Mtlldows Wigbt's place. 95 Cau~eysidc A \'ollprillt. Ficld-Linlitbgow H.·lishill-N.!wton St Doswelh; IJol(Iu :ul House-Do.
'l'rinity. foot.. of Ionrleith row
Trinity crescent, Ohain r,ier
Wnrriston crescent, Hownru pt
Warriston place, Warl'iston cres.
Willialll street, Stafford street to
l\1anor t>1:tce
Trinity, soutb·w\lSt ,,( Newhaven WarristoD, east Queensferry ro~:l Williamfit'ld, Boollin~toll load
" .A \'ollsi<1c Ct.aa!(e-Do.
AvolI Skd Works-Do.
" A\,ontowlI-Do.
I llellsidc-Linllth~o\'\'
Dt'i1blUiIl-W ioch burgh
B)~I .. hil1-PrCl>tou[lalls
BOllal "-Coli nton
'Trunk elOilf', 55 Jl iI,' ~trE':et Wurriston d.)sc, 323 iligh street Willow bme, J ()ck'tl !odse ;- ,~ Hellstane-Do. I Rmal)· HOlIsIl-Do.
Twecdda!c court, 16 Nether how WutergS\tll, foo~ of Calloogate WiJlvwgro"e, Lady LawsQu's wyou , "", ljaad~- \V est Calder I Bcllsqllllrry-- West Caldcr BonertlQ -- AIIstrlllher

Union place, head of Leith walk

Ulliou plllel', NtJwhu"cn
Uniull !Street. UlIi'lIl 1)lace
"Watel'laue, foot. of Khkgate
• WIL~r'::: c!"''''', (i4 Rhore
Wat('r ·)f Leith, Df'all
\vilsoll's court., 134 Ganongatc
Wiudlestrawlc(', Queeusferry 1'0(\1.1
Wi:H!m:!! ot!··~{·t. (·con.:e square
Wntcrloo place, Plinces street to Windsor street, Leopoht place
• ~", B.HLds l\lill-Do.
d B;~bcrtoll--.J IIpiper Green
•'. 0;.,.2 B.l.bertoll M;U:IS-Dc,.
:'l~<'~\ .. • ••• , . .
.1>a,Ch..U1U-j, 1\.
t tlkot..,,'Jur;U
I UI I\wocd HOUIle-Ruslih
Udmont. Ho.~~c-~l urraytiehi
Bel",t:me-l\ 11 knl'\\ ton
t 1" I
.. It!Dle!'St{.f-.r-; C 1ft,~\ n.. ~t
I Bl)'lIC~, R. O.-J,inlitl:gQW'
BI)'m'~ DisLlllcry-Do.

C ~
!~'lIIhard lIou!'f'-- DII •
:~'lIInini!tou-NorLh Berwick
• Uniou !!trce~, fco~ u. Leith walk Itcg~l1t rond Windl!O:' villa, C(llt hridge road '; ~~~'. l~ackmarclt Farlp-lllverkeithin g " Dt!lIIersid~ House-Du. B'lIlllill~toll- Ped,lcl'>
ltWatcdoo buildings, Dern~rddt. Woodbine cottage, ~'dulty , .'.' Hacko'l\Ioss, Ilartbill-Whitburn Bcnrigg-Do. B )llIlin~t<m -Ibtho
Val"!ltinc's entry, 72 Canongate Waterloo road, 'l'rlllity W(Jodbu111, Canaau ., -' 0' Mlil!"s, Lt'D(!ri<.igc-Liulitb. Uel'ryhill- West Cnlder IhllllllllJ,:toll lIolI~~ - Do.
Yalleyficld, Wrigbt's houseH "W Iltaon's place, l)rimrose street Woodville, Canaan
llVallbnrgh place, south·cast ald\! Watsou's hospital, Menuows Wood's court, 13 west Nicolaon et. .j~'."\.~,~<.
,< ":'
Betong DllIs Maills-uurebridge . B '1IIIyrig.;--J.a~s\\alle
IhCCllrton- Whitburn H,'unyt.()wn-Liuhthgow
of L i l l k s . W.ltsou'S, (J.) institution, Deau World's·cnd close, 10 if etherbow B:1Cksiti,' Ma!ns-Gorebridge Bilstonc-Ih,slin lbll:liue--Do.
"V:mltll, 25 St Alldrew Strllet Wabou's close, 122 O.Ulongatc I Wright's houses, Lm'en street . _. Dackwater-Penicuik lJiisi.oue Br'lI!-I,~anhend B'lon- Sw,,,
Vell<:h place and square, StfJek· \V, a\'er"s cksf', 65 We~t port Wrh~ht's close, 87 C.,wgnte . . ~\~ . . ~. .B~orJnil."--'V !utu:..tnl !!::.:~.!! !! "u<!I'-l,lnJitJu.l'Ol;" Hvrdland-Nchl(,hollsc
bridj.'\c W"ir's close, 208 Canon gate Writer::;' court, 316 lligh street ,J ..'< Ealbardie lIol1l:lc-Blth.;ate lliull's 1\1111- Do. ~ n.lrelllnd - ¥'ddle,;tollC
Ycm:d, Heriot plaee itlN "ir's clolle, 40 l{i!'kgatc , . lhlbou,zie FaTlh -lrm',:kelthing Hin Ilybridge-- DI). Bllrclall(I-Inv<,rkdthing
,,'jctoria plnce, foot of Carnegie .;t. Vi rH clo~e, Leit:1 wYIl(1 ;tYardheads, St Anthony':j lane w . '::.. Da}rclles--Oulillsburgh Hinny Do. Bornl\\,stowll-J.lullthgow
Victoria strect and terrace, J.fd- \\'1'1\ close, SI) Wcst. )Jl)rt. north eud Kill" stw't ;':'" .Bakl:ristie-Uo. Billm' HtIUS\'~- D I. Bvrthwlck-·Gurcl.ridgtl
bourno plac(l *Wdllllgtvll pl:lce, Links York ImiMing!!, ~'nllity Dalcormie, Ncwion-Pitteuwccm niUIl\- Quarry-Do. B"l"thwick Hall-Do.
Vicwlmllk, 'rrhlit.J' " W('l!illgtoo SLrC(;t, gl'eat, Queens- York lane, York pI. Lo Albany st. Balderston-Lilllithg.wl Bir!:cn~lla\,'- Bathgate H"rtliwil'k M,lins-Do.
Vh),;lIficld, 'l'ril1ity
Vif'wforth, Bruntsfield links
(erry I'oau Y)rk loJge, York I'oad
Welh,'oou lodge, Bl'uutsficlU place Y (Irk pl:lce. Que<lo street to
"V ICwforth cott,,,!(e, U('!-talrig rOI'.d WCllljSS plac(', Alhyn nllice l>icardy place
Baiel'no, 8. O.-Lurrie
Unlerno Bank-Do.
Dnlerno Cott.1gc--Do.
Ihrseslecs-Newt'lu St Doswells
I Bou I'hOIlSC, l! ndcr--Stow
Hour!\iluse, Upper-Do.
Vi,'wpark, Bruntsfichlliuks West bow, CaHlehillto Grussm. Y tlrk road, 'l'rinity 'Balcrno Lodge-Do. II lack br,l(,'- West U.llder Bo 1\ hll t., -- K illghorn
Vicwvillc hOllse, Orallton road \YC!it port, Ura&lI11arllct. t.> 2lain· Young sU'ct:tJ north Oharlotte '" ..t.;!".
nalern~ .Mill-Do. lJla('kbltrn, S. O.-B:lthgate l1()'w<icn. S. O.-Newton St lJo&.
Viewvillc oottage, Ferry road }Ioint strtet 131l1~olle-N,)rth Berwick Ulackhut'll House- ·Dn. wells
't /~1 ~~ 13algone Barns-Do. Hlackbnrn :M ill--LinliLbgo'f 1l.)wdt;1I :Mill-D,).
.: >~';':,~ 13algroen- WCrlt CaMel' Blacklls kes- North Berwick ll,)\lde!l 1\luir-Do•
, :.::':~~, Balgrccn-Murrayfield
Black/wll, R. O.-1J.lg
Dlo.ckhllll-W.'lSt Ca!der
lJHwla.IlG -Stow
BOwblalld-· Do.
Balhl\l~rielr-·Drem Rlackhaugh- ~tow Draeheud n oust>-CnunondBduge
~, lialleucridT Mains-Dathgllte D1ackhope-G()rebrill~o Dr,lt'lhcnu llbins-Du.
Brnid wood-D.) •
. BalJencridf Mill-Do. mackla,,;;.-Altstrtither
',' 'B.1Ucuy-Uurrie Ulllckmire- West U.llder lJreicl,dy ke - Wept Cllder
Balloomie-Do. Dlnckncss-Li III ithJ/:ow JJ rt,lwerha.'!h -- !.:\.t\l!WfiI: e
Banchory-Kin~hom lUackncss CnsUe-})o 13reweri('JI-Pr('~torJkirk
Dank-North D;)rwkk Biuckmw-?lIid C:dder Brid;e Galltl('-IJilllltb~ow
nrlll~~ Houlle- n.llhg!l.te
Ballkfield -Libcrton
Dankfoot lIollse-Prcsfonpans
Dankhcad-Newton St Doswells
! Riackridgc, 8. O.-llatbgntc
lJf!$hlel." K O.-Dalkeith
nJlI£kllhicls Mllin!l-Do.
llrul,(clld- DIIIl;\·ith
BrJ(l~end- Llbcrtoll
Da'nklw.ld-Trllllcnt Dlaillslie, New-S,ow Hridg!:nd- LilllithJ!:ow
PIUNCIPAL PLACES IN THEIR DELIVEHY. Ihnkhend fIouse-·Stow D1ain:sl:e Ydla~e-Do). Brid:~~nd-M"l G,Llder
Bankpark trick Work-Tmnent lJlair·tldmu, S. 0.-D1I1:( Hriclg.. ud-l'cebll'$
D,\ukpark House-Do. Blaircochmne-I..e:l(lburn Brid~imesll-LU\lithl.{l)w
1l.\Ilkton-Pw~tonpans Blairlouu!l- L:nlit.llgow Uliery CottnJ:"-Trdllcn~
I Ancraw I,aw-Penieu;k llanktc;.n - West Calder B1airTollckhih -ll.\tbgat,e llroaJlllir- W bllrgh
I Aunfidll-L:wswatlc .Barbach law--M ussell)tlrgh BJet:bie- Dalkcith Yet'.:; -I,·).
Annfi. Id F.III11- rm crkeiLhiDg .Ba.rley Fie1<1-P.)rtobcllo Ilh''lbic l!o~sc-DQ. Uroad Me:ulow - Wca~ Cahler
A Ill1ficld Farm- 'l'r.\ucnt l~arl ...~ Knowe-Uorcbriugc Dlinllwell-'1'rauCtlt Hroa.lllh:l.w-D.).
Annli. hI IIIII-St.", .Barlcy 1\lill-TranCllt }}!il:k!"olluy-Cllrrie Broa,IHhawril:- Stow
A llfismlll- I,(!<allbIlIll :n.lrn!i-~t "V Blillkbt)lInj--Go;;eLritlgc Hroad:<ld,,- S ewtoll SL B03wolla
AII~tl}lI-N(;bl('h()ul\o llarns-l,illlithgo,v Dli nk blilluy-'1'rAI\t'nt ]~ro~blldl!-N oh!. houlII!
J.\ Il!-.lonpnrk-- n" -IJarns-N. QUlcnsferry Blinl,ho:lIIY- \\' c.!-L G,\ltler Br<>omlici,l- \).l vitlHOII'" ~IAins
I A71,~(rlJf"(1·,~. H.-Bag Hnrnron Hou~e-Cr.\mond llrhlgc I Blillkbohny COl...... rrf'''~')IIpans
Barnyards-ColillsLI1'l,h BJillkhollllY Mill·· B \tI'gate
nroomhall--~e\\'lon St l10awclla
I A rclwl (,,·M IIl)lIl>c- DI cm
I A I'nlttdalr, H. 0.- H ithgato llarracks-l\lid Cnl(!l!f
nJoomlid(\ 11 011 St>-D". Dro.)lIIlaill, East l.nd WC!it-WoA
! AI'11CI'UQCl! S. O.-Pittcnweem 1Jrltt.!lCllc, R. O.-Bag
.Ba tb~Me AC/l(lemy-'nnthsntc
oom,hnll- Gurriu
Hlueher Hall-M usscl burgh
DroondIills- llOOnht'tld
Arui~~cn Co,d, Lim., and Briok
I, Awi;;tl)lI
P.ItUl _. vJ.
Dathgatc (.1II'lIIIC,·1 Works-Dc;..
Davelaw Oas~le-Curric
Broom hiJls-l)re~ ..l!n I aI\9
Uroomhouse-Cors: ')l'phino

\ '
. .. ..
' .. ..
---.. _..
. . '

' .

1,IST or St:I3-POST-OF.'ICES, ETC., ,')mm EDlNBt:RGI!, I:T('. -:,_.)-

IJrtlomhous~- Winchbur~h
Calnllty- West Culdl'r
II ~.
i Coatcs-l'cnicuik I
"t n "11" Cockenzi.e Hous('-.-- '.re.·stonpans
?~.r;Crawstl!ne--South (luecnsferrs
uechmont Yillage- \\:~~chuurgh
Dewar-Gorcbrrdge II East
East J3ryan~-Dalkt:1l1~
llroomhill-- West Cah\«'r
. Camicston--.I.,cwtoll ,
'~·.".II.;n.~tou Cotl1:.!c-Do.
~. " "
c~. 1IIIncrl:\ws-S:QW
OS\\"" . ., 1
CuckellZlc 8altyol" ~- o.
\1: k D
I Jg,,- n Do .
;: ~ Cri:.!t:Ill-Dalkeith
Ihst Craic;ic-Cl'alllnnd I~riu;sc
IEast Craigs-Corstoq,hinc
, ...
l~roonlieknowes-Linlitllgow . I ..
C"... IIII'l.l Irl·,I' . .,"'-Do. (' k t· I'I-e "<Cl'igton Dean-Do.
';/.},Crigton liou;;~-Do.
Didetoll. S. O.-Do. East Craig:;-DTl'lII
UrOOll\I' nside-InvcrkeitlulIg I . '" C.oc 'uurll-
k " I l l ,UI . tIn Dt:uson's ?J.i1I-Pcebles D.lllhard -.Linlithgc.w
.u... Ca!llllic lIouse-MuK,('lInrgh or:' U\\'- crnus 1 ~ ~~rinr,letio lIouse--Eddlestonc Dodlh-idg~Dalkcitb BaRter Hush-Do.
llrllomlees Toll-Colinsburg I Galllllton CI.ckburn Ballk-:-;tow
~'Crofthead- Whitburn D.)d lIo'lse-·Stow l-:astcr DI'ylaw-D:\\"i,lgon'~Mail! I
13roompark-Hathgatc I C":It!\, I1ouse-I...u:hthr:;o\\.· Cockll'rl)w-Dalkeith ~{Or(}r~head--West Calder Dod Mm-Do.
Broonl n,'lrk \\' eU-Lilllit 1"011'
b ~.
Callt~ llay--North BenYlc;:
I Clie k-IIIV IUIII)- I\,11 kIICI\·lon
• Baster Ncwton--KirkllcwtIlQ
Uloomyb:Lllk-Stow - w- 1.,aSSlI'al Ic • C(lckllltlir--Lilllith~lJw

. ~'proftmlllloch-Linlithgow Dods-Do. . Eal>tcr Nol"toll--Itat ho
· 1.1 G
1Jrot.I11'\'8 IIIC u:l- orcuTl ... 1. '(Icrc Capllicla '1 M 1 h Cuekllcn--I.a3.'!wadc ;~Crookstmle-~lu8seluurgh Doghillock- Linlithgow Eastcr KlIuwc-l'echlc3
Urot.hcrstoll~-:NcWt.'1I ~d3()sll·(·lIs Caruerry ll, alllS- u~sc uurg II ~C!"ookstonc-:;tow Do~housc--luid C:!IJc!' Baste\' Wiudygoll !--'l'ra lI('nt
l1 lIous~-Wcst Calu<'r C.uLcrry'Io'ver-Do. h
1 ColilisiJlLt'V , 8 .. 0.- 'Ig !Jrookstone lIouse-Gorehridge .uolphinstonc--Trnr.ent Bastfield-Ncwtoll :;t Bosw. Us
, Carbrac-Stow Colilllon ~. O.-3Iat.l;m! t'ru~!tl\tOll<)
MaiUlI-Gflrebrid/'!c J)olphinslon,:::- 0.- "oblehousc Ea.stficld-Pcnicllik
Ih'ol\'l\ri"g" Drcm Cull('''c~II!\"erJ;citllln~
];"(J:rl)!tl?'~, R.O.-Winchburg!t : Carbr,l<' !UIII-Do, Colli;r Burn--l'c!l;clllk Crossl1at-Ncwtol\ Se BnS'I'clls Dolphillston il:.'.'_ -Do. Ihst Hau!-:b-Kilkncwton
Ul'l,xburn I?ollnllrj-Do.
1lroxburu Hall-llo.
l~\'oxhurn l'ark- I)0.
I Careallt-(Jorehridgc
'I ",'II'llron"', -l'e.cbles
C,· lr.II'pS-r"II·ICuik. '
C'0 ·11'IIlSule
I,' 11
/ s-- B'I tl If.::! I I'
1 '1 t 1 "
. Cros~gllichal1-Musselbllr~h
IDolphiu:.ton HO'.ls:!-Do.
Duni.briat\c Colllcry-I nverkcith·
Ihst HllI&'-Noblchouse
EI:st Houses-D:II k cith
East I,:lOl.;t.oll-lII III Vnlder
lhl)"o(hurn ~t·I'illll--Do. :
I' (:'.Irlo\\ l'"lc-Cralll"lld v b I Da /~I()1t
B1'1I1"c Colill tOil .-.' C1ro3..~vatC$,S. O.--Do. I DOllibristlc Pllrk--Do. East I.od~,·-Dr(,llI,.ld- West Calder CarlQwl'il' Castlc-l\"il kliston C(llillton IUllsc-I)o. '::--lkos.'!:!reCll F!1rm-- Winchbur~h Dovccot-Musselburdl East Llln!: J.i'!illg~l()II--~Iid Caldtr
11,1l1l'lonc-I'clIicllik \ Cal"lton L~,\gc.-nI ~IITayf\l'ld Colinton :Maills- o. -, .Crosshop~Oo ..ehridgc - 1)ovccot-Leadburn' East ~Iains-St..lw
HI 11'.'1,," 11 IlIlSC- I, firtIll OIC I) eltl'llllrC, ~. O.-l'ltt~lIwCClll Colinton
Mills- '\
' p ,Orosshousc-Roslill Dovcball Farrn-I n\"('rkeithill": East Mains (Omllstl)lI \-Tranent
I111l1.~I"1l .,'I'll '1 1I 1
I s--,' Il~SC JIIr,; I
, <:'·lrll·.II·~toll-DI"I·1II Coltvndge-.,
C I I'J I1 urra:,lIc.u
\) :~S:;hOllScs-'l'ral)cnt Dovcridgl'- - West Cald<:1" East ?lbiu.'! l~lll ton) /)0.
H, "Jllhlll -Inl'crkcithinl; I ('arrihl'I' ~I ill- Lilllithgow 0 t m ge ousc- I). f.lross{ic, ~. 0.-810\V Dowic's l\lill-C:"lmOIHl Bridge Eaet MaillS Farm-· \\'lIlCl,llUrgh
\ B11111 I. '11-' Bathgatc : C.IITillcn Housc-Do. ~olt~l'iclge l\,h\ls-~ \)1'. "CrosF.woodulI rn- \V cst Caluer Dnghorn-Slat.. fortl East nI i11-Hat!1O
IIrlllltyhllrll-S,ow ; ('mTII/!llon, H. O.-J.a!'~wade Corn!row-GlIn·~nll;:c
:I Jll\\IItyhurn ?It ill- Do. 1 C.ln·I'IJ:IIlI-AlIstruthcl' I COIIIIStOIl- LotlllanLl:l n
". Crdcks-.North ~uccnsferry
Preghorn Castlc-Do.
D'-CIil, 8.0.-Bag
Hast Big-Curril'
East 'I'orphin- \\'.·~t Cahlcr
JlII"l-.lll'il', Ea!ltl-r--lll\'crkeithillg . ('astlanl\ Hill ITulls'J-IO\·crk~ith· ~ongaI0I1'--Dn'I.1I . >. Ca5'abouts-Linlithgow Drl!ru llridge-Drem East WllItbnrll-- Whituurn
Bn :kl'l'il', We:<t"r -Do. in" Contcnt,blls--~I III Cal'I-':\' . .IJol1--Inverkcithing Drcs.c;ilrig-~lid Ca.\d(:f Eastoll-Bat.hgntc
1I11c\,t )\1I0Il"l'S - Lilllith{.(ol\
];1II·.lil' IfOllsc·-I...oanheatl
~ CasU./'Cmig-NoJ,ldlonsc
' Cal>tlc 11I1I-(iorl'hl"hlgc
I Coote lluTII-l'r(',:t()IIII.\"~
~(lrnceres-A !
Corldubs- \Villl'h hurgh , Dri pburn -~tow ElLsT.on- Nohlchousc
c.rrie, S. O.-Oa(: Drochill Castlc-Noblchouse East~'1ide--Pclliclllk
1I111,ij, !llIu"e L:lI\c Works-·Libel"· I Ca~ll:' Mains--Dl"t·lII. \ ~oTllhollse-;I C!llClIIk ClU'rie Hili-Clime Drio!<bctwcen-Kinshorn £ec\cslIl3.chrm- Lilllithl!oW
tun I Ca."th· :'Ll·:III-Ualkl·lth. C()rlIton--.('llrl'\e, CUrie IIouae-Gorel,ridgc Druw-Liherton licblin!'-~~~~h (~ul'en8f<lrry
HIII',hc Maill~-Loadlcnd 1Cal\tlct()II-~orth lkrwlck I G,m·.<I(,I·/'/II.IIC, S. (l., ~h~ 1. ClUTic :\fn;IJR- -Do. Drum-Dathgaw f:ddlc31(me, ~. 0.-- BIl~
HIII.:I("'-I. . ll,~r\,('n I Catha-Stow Cur~torph~nc B,\nk-C.'r~.I,orf' o:l.e
1I111"~h ~ll1ir-Liulithgo\V
1111 l"IIhallk-- Wc!<t Cahlcr
I Cathlaw-Bathgatc
ClIuhlcoats-A lI~truthcr
I Corstol"II I1111 l' 1.IIIIlM:- Vu.
OUriemuir FIIII-Cunia
E(I~ehead -Lib(>1 t',n
lIarnlnac·-LasslI.lIll· Canldcoat!l--LibNton I Cuslcrton l\,",lIls-Dalkelth . Cllttldll)l-DI.:. Dl'umcross-Bath/! Edgcley-Lasswaclc
IIl1l"nhr:II'- \VI'St ('allll'1" : ('alllllha\l-La~l>waJ<! : Cotmllir--Cralll(llld Bn,l,;c . etu· tc Strut, R. O. -Town Dcliv- I Drumforth-Linhtlu!Ow Edlllonstonc ColllI'ry--Dalkcith
BIIl"lIt(l()l-I.illhlh~uw ,C IIl1dh:lIuc--·J...inlithgow Cotty Hnl'n-'l'la:lCIlL : :i-' cry I Druruforth Farm- Winchburgh Edmonstone JlOIISC- -Libl.'rton
,, HIII"I,f.h,t.-'l'ranclle . l"\ulllshil'ls--'I'l':lnl.nt COllch- Whit),IIl"1I . Claal'loUe Pia rc, R. O.-Do. Drummore-blusselhurgh EIIDlonsl.onc Vil!n~c-Do.
\I'IlIl.:rall~I' - W('st Calder ("auppcrs-Bathgato (,'OIt.,fUlld, ~. O.-Dalk(':th Curk Street, R. O.--Do. DryllUrgh-Ncwton l-it no!\wells Hdstone--Pecbles
COII~t"n·· - Balhgatc
1;\lllIh. all- J,:\Rswalic
1:11111 11011',· -Itatho
I Calls('\'I·n,I--.\I.oI Calcic..
! Call viiI':, Ilo~pital,-p/),.toll(>1I0
'{'('I/(m"lkc.~, S. O.--AlIstmt.hcr
I Cowbiahil\-Ullle!lIid!!~
('OU;liClliJlllth, !-'. () L~cL,!rl!y
,Cryu, R. V.-Do.
Dryburgh Aubey-Do.
DrybutJ!h House-Do.
Dryuurgh Main!!-Do.
Eilllon-·Newt."u ~l Bo.'!wc1l3
Eildoll Bank - Do.
Eildon Hall-Do.
JI'II'I~h()tt- Lilllithgow I(\·\lalll' k.. g n"II'I·-[)O.
. Chalkil:sillc-~II1,sdhlll"~h
I CO\\,I!!'II C()llil'l"y-l>.III,cllh Dales-Invcrkcithing I>ryburn--Stl}\v Eihlon Maim'- HI).
1It1::t'ldc -})rl'lII COI\·liCllhill-Liulith!!,,·.I· ;D~les Farm-Do. Dryden-ltoslin Eiit, H. O.-·Collfllluurgh
(;,II"I.wlluI-M i«I C.L1llcr ' (~h:llllpa!ly- 1. . lIIlith).:uw CI,wel"n, WI'l>tt'r--lJ'III,ci~lt ~lbousc Mliins--D.llkcith Drydcn Bllnk-Lonnhcnd Elic lIollsc--Do.
l\u,1! l'ioll:1e-·.\Jus31'Ihllrgh I Cilampflcll7.y-J)o. ('lIwhill-Linlithgoll" :~hollsic-LMSWad() Drydl'n MlIoins-Roslin Eldl'nd"an-La~~w;l~h'
1\1\(. j"'rl'nat-Nl'wtOIl St Boswdl~! Challlll·I--FclT;.'[lIll t·on·Craif! COli pils--:\h!~sdb\llgh : :J)ftlhOl~~ic Castlc-Do. Drylnw Housc-.. Davidson's Mains Eldin I!(lllsc--Ik.
1\11(,1,"01 -Currie Challllclkirk-Stull' Crai~bnk-~(.lJw EJ)!illhall!!h 1II i!l~ - fl.11k<:ith
B,It 1.111<1 1T1i1-DCr.
: Cha{l"I- Ib'ln
i CiI:I)II'I,"u·LI':!I\c·r-Si.ow
Crai'~cn",k Callt1~--·Do.
D:r.1bollsic Cbesters-Do.
:.·D!ilkeith, S. O.-Bag
,:Dalkeith FOLlndry-Dalkeith
Drylaw lUllins-Do.
J)uddill[l6tcm, S. O.-pf\rtoldlo
DuddinRston Cottage-Ho.
I Ellist('il lIou!ic·-:'·;wvm :-it. D"g-
]i'I'.. l,) --TranCllt I rhapl'ltoll-\\'('~t\I'\' Craig~n('at ~li\l-K\IIgb()rn 2DAlkeith House-Do, i>1lc!ding.'!toll Housc--·Do. ElIistQn LO!1nhea. I - Do.
11"·,, - H.llligatc Charlc!lfidll- NCII tOil ~L B!lsv;<>1ls Cra.i:..cnd-~I(\V .I~~eith Mill-Do.
III t I., lhorn.,- ~IIITI"n\'til)lti I Charle~tichi IloII.'Il'-·MIc! Cahl<:r
}:"IIIIO'!'/fllI. U U. -'1;1.111 n \)clivl'ry : Cll.Irlctoll-C"lil\!-uul";rh
Craighall-:\! Ui>Sc\l'llrf!h
Crai!!ic-·(;raHlollIl Hndge
'lE -?mahoy Housc-Rntho
Duddingatol: Mills-Du.
Duloch--Inverkcithing I Elm Dan,<-J.[Lq,,\\·adc
E1mfield Foundrv-Dalkeith
/:""""fd.J)/!w·},rlI/l. I'. r.. IJ.--Do. i Ch('st'·rha\l--~l·\\toll :-:t Duswdh I {:raigid.III-DI"' III
j;'I"/1I }'Ol'/, j'.I..n. - Uo. Ch(,sh'l'hill-·{)alkcith 1 Cr,\;~dc,th --B!ad. hall
" ~ ~boy Mains-Do.
~'i' eny--Sollth Qucenliferry
. ID.umorc- Milian llridge
Duncliff-M urrll)'field
Hlrin"stOflc-- Do .
Eshiels- Preblcs
('... ,J..I;:I' lTali-Allotrulh('r
I Cindcrh::.II--'I'ran('nt
; (;lap1'l'l'lon Hall-)Iid CaMer
. Craigl(,;1 h l\"IISC- HI).
I Craighwkh.lrt--:-;latefurd
':~wick House-Pecbles
~hcad-. Murrayficld
Dundas Castlc-S. Qllccllsferry
Dund:\3 Main.'!-Do.
Esk hallk--~I ull!>el t..urgb
(,,11"'1 ~t .. n -- I illlcrlCI thcll and i ClarPIIII!III-Linlithl:ow
('.1,1,1"11 hr.III--S!Qw
('lay h(,IIS(,- Gon'bl"illg('
I Claykn()wlI-\)alkcith
I Craiglllllbr--LiLcltQII
Cmi.!!o'('I" - Do.
,side-Lcadburn I
Dllndns 1.IIIo!ns-Noblchouse
Dunedin -M urrayficld
, 'derhall-Newt.on St Boswclls Dunsmure Lodge-Corstorphin(,
C.I,J'·lI/lllr-I\·I,hles ,CIa\'land'l-Hatl:o CraiJ.:I"Or3tllll .. Da\idsCrIl'a )Tuing \~derhnll- Wcst Calder Dunt:uvie Caatle-Winl'hburg!1 Eskhousc-Da.lkcith
(',il,l,,' -.\II~truth('r ! Clc~klll\lIT-St')W Cr:llr,s-·-I...:h'rtoll '.J)Jiderhill-D"lkeith Durham llnnk-La!l~wade !hk Papcr l\lills-Pcnieuik
('.lirIllC - Wllltburn ; CI('phal!ton-AII'Ilrllthl'r Craig~ ~ ~IHl Call1('l' ~bal1-J~ddlestoll Durhamptown-Linlithgow Bilk park -111 usselburgh
('a i f!lll'- (:"IIll!lllllrt!h ! CINkl\lnir---Libcrloll Crai~toll-- Willchburgh :,~81>1l'6 .lfaill$, S. O.-Eng Durllnmvi1le-Dathgate Bsk~idc-Do.
( '.d rn tOIl"1\-' Li I-Prtnn I Clcnniston-Corst('rphinc Cr'li~toll Honsc-;),~. ~,D~ Cot~e-:No.rtb Quceusferry Dykcfoot-West. C~lder Esperst<..n -·Gorrhridgc
C.I k"lIIu i r- tlalk"lth . CI('nnistoll F:um -Do. Craigton Lodgc-Do. iDelnfoot-Pcmculk Dykcnook-l'elllculk Espcrstoll I,lanc WI,rks--Do.
i:ahl,'r, Eal't-l\li.l Crdller 'Chffon ITall--Hath.. Cl'lLIilOnd,S. U.- Cra .• lOnd Bridge ~J)~bead--Tr'mcnt Dykcsidc-Dath!(&w Hvclan-Stow
Cal.lpr lInll :o.n«l 1I01l'1)-{).).
ClIllll)rwOl)ll Bank- La~'wa,ll'
i Clinthill-X('·.• t')I\ ~l H()swe\!s Crmlu,lIrliJl'ili!lc, ~. O.-Do. ,Dean HOIlI1(.-Linlithgow Duloch Farm-Inverkeitbintf
, ('f'IIIIMIIIM, ~. (I.·-Do. Cr:unonll lIousc--Do. 'l.Dt1n Park-Curric Fnimfllr-Crar.lOnc1 Bridgc
('all'llnnia-Chfrh) , ('Iint.s-Rtow C'ramonlllron Work" 'C)).n Park-Liberton Enrlsferry-Colinsburgh Fnirney Hnugh-Nohlehom!O
Call.lII,1 \louse -~(I)'lehou~c ~ Clllvcllf'lTIl~yk('~- W('c;t Caldcr Cramolld ~lil\s-Do. '~n8-llathgllote Earnllclell~b-Stow Fnirn~YBld('-Libcrt'>n

~ ;1=t_I~:~Ii<1 ~:;er. ~.. Dro~ -W~I ~l~er

\' Caml'rhn Banl, -htlinllllr!:h DC-l Coalhall..(hhcad - Wt~t Cnld('r Crnnston- Dalkcith Fairney!!idc Bm-Do.
! Ihwy ,Coa:.t Ouard-~orth Qucensferry Crawfnf'l Dauk-Lasswade
I!: .
:.' I1

\ .
Puh-ll-e-ys-i-de-L-od-~-e-D-\-',----1 Gilincrtoc -Liberton
I Gilmcl'toll House-Do.
I Hackcslee-Newton Bt DosweUa-
/Juii~ .St,·eet. It O.-Town De· '\Kithy Bridge-Peuic~ik-- - --
!lata. Dntu-Da.lkeith
Gia!lb(,use MiIl-Gorebridgc
: 'ij'Jillcnd, H. O.-Inverkelthwg
. ',: millend-Loanhead
I lnery
. ~
I Lll.dysl'le-Gorebmlge

Hail'law-Prestollpans : millfoot-Dalkeith Janelidd-Riitho IJama~lcba HOUllt,,:":",Le:ulburn Hall-Do. Glads1ltuir, S. O.-Tralll1llt
Fallahill Purm-G"rebridge liIadsllluh' hon Works-Do. Halllllklin-Gort'bridgo ':flilIhead-.MussetbUrgh iJcssie Vale-Prestonpana LUUI[llOgsduh-\\ IIIchburgh
I Juct..·s LodfLt, S. O.-Batt
Fill:!. MainH-Dalkcith
Fala. Park-Do.
Glegbornie-Nl.fLli Derwick
I IIal!liu Darns--North
: B.illhead llouso-Lasswade
· 11 House-Oorstorphiue
" ~illbollse-I,inlith"ow
I Joh ,tone Uurn-Dalkelt.h
Joppa -Portohello
Langhaugh-¥cehlt'S "
LallghIl,ds-~ewt\)1l ::it
L;!I,gl~c,,- h.JIIl!h·'I·U
Lungslde-Dalkell h

Fallns-Wbitburu Glen Areh-·Dalkeith Halkerton Lod/!e-At Ul:Iselburgh

Farmfout-Stow Glenburnie - Newton St Dos· HaJl-LinlithgO\V
"Billhous~Stow C I Joseph's mlI-Gorehtidge Lar~lburn-NcwtolJ ~t Doswells
Faugbbill-Ncwt'lJl St Boswellfl w('lIs Hallmyre-Lcadburn "', 'BiUs-Iu"erkeithing J UUiPCl' Hank-Peebles J,:mtburu Coltng<-,-Do.
Hallynrds-Winch burgh ·,-::Hi.fUsidt.--L"lluLurn Junil1cr ((rem, R. O.-llag Lu.;:tloudc, S. O.-llllg
FawlI& Pllrk-1Jinlidl£IIW
Feather I1ali- C')rslol'phine
Glen Cottagc-lIlussclburgh
Glcnbro{\k--Currie HaIlYllrds-Pceble,> - . Billwood-Uatho Justice Hall-Stow I La~er, S. -SlOW • q. ,
,. ,Bilt{)lll!hilI-Newton St Boswells I J..aurlstoTJ Castle-DavulsoDs
l'cns-NewtulI St ll.,swtlls
l'culoll llnrns-Drem
I·'cnton, E:lst-Do.
I Glencross lIInllsc-Rosliu
G1cnuevon- Winchliurgh
G1cllormiston- Pcelile8
Hal thetl-Gorebridge
, BUtollsllill Toll-Do.
< BiDside HilI-~tow
I . ;·lloghill-lUid.Calder Kaimes-Kirknewton Laycrlo('.~h~w-'l·rnnellt
I,'t.lIlton .i\Iaills-DQ. Glellrath-Do. Hamilton Cottr.l1c- -Drem ·,.'·,Hollygate- Winchburgh Kntesmm-Slateford Law- \\ IIIcltl.utf!h
Fcntoll, Wc.:.t-Do. G(lgar-Corstorphiue Hamilton HiII-Lcndburn
I1crnichursL-Slow Gogar Bauk-D'). Hangillgsh~~w-Qorebridge
, llblmes-no. Kdlh House-Dalkeith L:nvfic1d-Dalkclt!l. .
I1cruieJaw IIou!le-Slateford Gogar Gr~en-Do. ,,·lIo1mes llou::lo-Nowton St Dos· Keith Maius-Tmnellt L"wrellce L!l.w-I t'IlIClllk
HUlIsingsidc-Liulithgow <t;.. well~ Krllerstuuc House-Corstorphino Lt!atlbl£rI~ TuU, ~. O.-llag
Gog:u' House-Do.
uogar Mains-Do.
HUllley llouse-Corstorphine
Happr~w- Pecbles
~j;Holydean-Do. Kelpbopo-Stow LI·adJock ],iuhtl.I!:tOW
'.~Rolj·lee- i>eeblu; Kcnleith bI ill-Currie Le!~ IIOlllle-Hoshu
Fcrrynill- N. (~Ileensferry Gogar l\Iouut-Ratho Harbeur-Inverkcitbing
P('''I·)·yp()rt·(fI~·Crair'' S. O.-Dag Gogar Stone-Do. ~lIoneyhme-Pellicuik Kennel-Newton St Boswellli ~f'.lrilllw- W IIIch burgh
Hnrbufl1head-Wcst Cruder ~Jroney I!olc-L.'\SSwllde Kcrfield-Pecbles ucabt.. n-l>alkclth
Fil'hill Cottag(.,-Colinton Goldic's MiIIs-Lcadlmrl! Harburn lIouse-Do. ~]{opefi~M--Do. Kett!eskmc -LinlithjZow .
l'irthfield-Aw,truther ud f lIall-Corstorphino Ul\nlaxwood-LinlitltgoW'
Firth Hou,~c--Roslin Golf Inll-Drenl ·:'Bupllfidd--'rranent Ke\"och 1\1 iII-Lllsswaue Lt'?kynru- I n.,·er kelthlllg
Ullrd,m1;recn-Dnlkeith " RopetoulI House-South Queens. Kidstone-i'cI)MelJ LClLhhcnd·- h"lr~lI(,\\ toll
llirtb .Maills-Do. Oorcbrid!Jt?, S. O.-Dag lIl:rdhih--Lin:itcgow ,: ferry Kilbnru-Leadburn LCIlII'0..:kwclls-£rallcllt
I1ishcrhollsc-Drcm (~lIr"Ill\'re- Bllthgate Hardlaw-Stow
Il:sucr':j Tryst-Milton Bridge (Jorgi.;:" MIIrrayti!-'l<l lIoprig-Do Kilcoll/:o-Oolillsbur,::b Lellchohl--S(luth QU(:IlII!'ft'lTY

Gor~I'~ Mains- Slatckrd

I!arclaw-Do. Roprig lIIail;s·-Do. !Wccr.lqultar, S. O.-Do. LCI\II~1l .3~a~IIl;-Crallh - .), Ilndge
}1'iv() lI"nscs-Libertoll Hur;':lc MiIIs-Murrnyfield
HarcstauC&- Noblebonse
H lfln\Y-Currie
Bopring)c-StQ", KiIlolIghyett-Stow II,c ..)~O AI: Ulr-~o. .
Horsburbh Cattle-PeebleB Kilpullt-Kinghorn i.CIIlI!C llark-~~()rst"rphm~
Flaas-Httlw uorgie l'nrk-Slntcford Hurla w-Il~lk~ith l:Ion:ecrook-North Derwicl~ Kilrca-Do. Lculllc 1 ort-Crul:wlld Hfld~o
lliat Kilos-· 'francnt uortoll HOlIsc--Corstorphine lIarlnw-North llcrwiclt J{(lulistoll-8tow KIl:-c'I7IY, ::-t.O.-Anstrut,her Lt>$8uddcn Place-Nowton ::;, Dos·
Flcllli ugtoll 111 iII-LcadLuflI HOftoulec- -Lasswade Harlcyrtl u ir-PeniclJ ~k Koustol1-Winchhurgh Killehit.'-TrIlllcnt WC lis .
Ph)r !lank-Drcm Gosford lIoulle---Drem HMpersbrae-Vo. Souse of !Iuir-Trnllellt Kinellan--Murmytield LethllllulI-Collll'·burJ.:h
Flotcr:.t.)II-itololin Goefoni 'l'oll-Do. Harry burn-Stow · House of Muir-lio.'1lin Ki'l'lgliQ,7l, S. 0.- Bag Lcth:un l"nrlll-hl',orkeithillg
Ford, S, O.--Dalkdth Gonkhall-In\"erkcithiug Hart~id(.'- Pt'nicllik ·llownstouc-fltkl Calder Killglalls-LiDlithgow . l..ethilll-'frnnent
Fordel-Do, Gownllhill-Cllnie 11artwood-West Cnld(!r -! lIowdcl:-'l'rnnt'llt King's Canal-Do. I,cvelllmll-M lI~sdblltgll
Ponlcldi'lln-Do. Gowarlllir-CorstorphiM Han'kston HOIlSe-U01'cbridge , BOwdell House-Mid Cruder Kiuf(sfiehf-Do. IJt'vel'lIcat- WhiLhurn
" l+'ordcl ('olliery-InyerkeiLhill& (jowk~bill-La&'wado
:1 lIordcl HOllse-Do. Grae(,llloullt-Libt'rton
HarvlCstvn Mltills-Do. Bowdcn P.~rk-Do. King's Ga1e-Dalkeith 1.lbatvlI, H. O.-DlIg
f 11arwool1-West Calder ,aowdcn's Hall-Liberton King's KnowCd- SJI~tcford llihert.y lIall-'rrnucnt
I url,.dcn Jt'ord-I'ortnbello Gmh:ulI's Vyke-Linlitbgow lial!sivl'h.ykes-Pcl'bles 'Rowford-Pcehles Killb'Sll\w-IJ.'rnnent LiJyards Euge-Newton St Do&-
Fortncuck F:mn- Winchburgh Grange-Mid Caitlel' Uatu.lD Ilouse-Ratlto -Bowgntc, Rltst-Penicuik Kingsmeadows-}>et'bles ,veils
I1ortuue, East-Drem Grange-l'cnieuik
lio r tune, ,\' cst- Do. Urange IIousc-LinlithgoW'
Hatton Mains-Do. w
:1I9wgatc, cs~-RosliQ. /{ill!lston, d, O.-Dri'm IJillyhurn-renic~liic
IInu~h-Stow' ~Bwr.lJie--Kirkne"ton Kingston Grange-J,ibcrtoD Lim!.'ficld- LillLthgow
Foundry-Illvcrkeithillg Grange IIIII ..-Killf!horn Hau~h-Nolth BI~rwick ,:Humbic-Willcbburgh Kingston House-Drem Litlll'ficlJ HOII':le-Wcst Calder
Fmmtainlwll, H. O.-Htow Gracl!e NIII-Mid Calder III~u!\ i.lad-,.!;.jtow .Jlumbie lIou~o·- Dalkeitll Killlleil-I,inlithgow Limckilns-1'rl\ll(,U t
11oun t..~illhall-- '1'1 adt'll L (1 rang~m ui r- P ittenwcelll Haughead-Mid Calder .''.Bumhie ,It}nills--Do. Kippct-NoLlchuuoo IJinilurn Houllc-ltntho
Fountainside-Gorcbrl!lrrc Grange Pam,-I.illlithQow lIau~hea<l IIou~e-G()rebridge ':!-'l:(umbio Mill-Do. KippiC'law Houso - Nowton St Lillgerw{lod- Ulli."wlldo
FourUlile Hili-Col':.lllrJ,hinc Grnlll:8liall- N oblellouse Httuj!hcads-Nob1ehouse ';;Bundlcsitope-Pecblcs IJ.)swells LlIlktichl lIoll!le-,Mu~lburgb
\<'onrlllilc WH· -CI'III:lOlld (J1'(lnt'tJ JJIJV~~C, R. 0 -nng
Jl()wlstruthcr-'l'rall "lit (h'cOlb~tm, S. O.-Whitburn
Ha wickshicl-Stow ";.:Hunterfield-Gorcbridgo . Kippicla\v l\lnins-J)o. IJi.llk.Il'..Il1sc- On·m
Hawkblll'n-Do. ,~lI'untcrshall-Stow Kipps-J.jlllithgow LmlltltUQlu, ~, u.-Bng
lloxhall 110111>1)- Will~~hblU'SII GrCCII hurn-Kirkncwtoll Hawkllc:,t-D". .:B'itntington-Do, Kjprig-Wes~ Cruder Llttled<!/uI-N"vloll :-\t lIo8wells
l.'rcclllllds-Hnthu qrccntlyl,(,s-W illchlillrgh ''""''Jhntington-'rranent Kipsykcs-Do. LitUc I1r:ture-LI1,.(·r ... ·n
hrcen<l \ kf'S-'l'flIllcnt
Grel'lleiul--Newtol1 St Bosw('lls Hawthornden--Las:l\~'ado ~ untlaw-Do. Kirkettlc-Roslin Little Harwood- \\r(,lIt C,lldcr
FrillrSIlOse-Stow Greell('ud- Li herton Haylicld-Stow , "of!! Da.nk-Libert.on Kirkbam-Noblehouse Littic MIlls-Llt.l'rt,.,i\
Fullartou-Gorcbridge (lrecnficld llOdgc-- I'llsswade Ha) ficld-Gol'cbridge 'r:fi Kirkhill-Pcnieuik Little Vantl\ge-Kirknewt;)n
Hay Lodgc--Pceblcs •qjeh-LihertoD Kirkhill- Wo.'1t. CIlIdc'r Lit'lltl.~t07lC. ~. O.-l\h(:·(,;a.lder
FuJhutoll-l'clliclIik I Grccllhall-(iorehridg\l lIaymaiu5-W (>!it ChIder .1Dohes-Linlitbgow Kirkbill lIolI~o-(forebridC'o 1.oa7l, S. O.-I.inhthgow
FIIJlfvl d -·no~lill , Grecn heafl- Tr:ul(:nt
Fu"itic B.lIlk llouse-Gorcoridgc j {;I'CCnkllflw('!?- T.illlithl!oW 11Illllel,allk-~furrnYfield "!aCbCI'I)S.<,-Do, Kirkhill 1I01l80- Winehhurgh L{)IIII-Loauhcad
Hcadl(>~ros:;-Linlitbgvw ,liiCbgany H(.use-North Berwick Kirkhollee-NoblchollGo Loanllc(lll, S. O,-Ba~
llubuie Bl"i dSe--.1)o. Ht(".ml:;w-MlltulI UriJ&e :x.lis UrcC'u-S] Kirkland- Winchhnrgh l,o.'\lIhcad I1onnl!a'y-Loanh4Jad
UlI.laballk- Stow
GrCl.'lllaw--Ttaneut IIcattlwrfidti-Linlithgow ,~j8ton-ltatho Kirklands--N ohlehous& I.oanl'tonc-~I iltoll llml/Zo
Grc< nltes-Slow IIE:"lrth~toll('s-Trl\nent I_liston lltlllSC-Do. Kirklnnds-I't'clilel! !,o,'k Britlre '1'011- N,ortJ. Berwick
<iall{)\\.; lIall-- Dalkeith Orc('III,'all-l~ntho
(Jarpel-- P('l'l) I,ort.ol\.('raig HelllUuir-Do. -lJirnstoll-Nol,leh(l\lso 1fu'klist()1I, S. 0,-- Winchbnrgh I.ochcml\\ 111011 hur~h
}(iJ"lmcw/(J1I, ~. o.-nag
Gn., :matl, - J.I her ton !Ierbrl'!shn""-T,cndhnrn 'IliDer/otcllic-AII!>trntlter 1.o(,ll("n<l IIonRC-,Jllck'lt l.oJga
Har\'aJd -('01d,ri.i,-:,' (Jrc('!,j':li'k--Linlhhgow J/Cl'w(, H. O.--Hor(.I\I"idgc , Im.el"{Ctlilw, ~. O.-.feeblca nnd Kirkroads-LiJ)hth~ow L',chcn.' Uouse-M1l8llelbl1rgh
Oll.rvalJ I 1"II""--~\)hlehou!'lL'
(,le - Wluthurn

<1rc"II\\( IIs-N f'wt(,n St Doswells H cnnand IJOI1l\('- Wc~t -CaMer
(J H'Y LI';\l--I,I':tf1 hllrn
I '~'-::; Ba!(
:ck Lodgc-.•lrllrraytioMII Kirktol1 Bilrn'! -llerry!'ort-ou· I.()t:/{(!ell]/, S. O.-.ll3g
l.och Ilill-IJrcm

Ualll!C IJOIl&C-\)O. lIrl'mi.\[vll. S. O.-Bart Craig
(l rl'ycrnll\..-:\ !'" t(lll ~~ Doswclls
GIIl'ilri:ltou-- Tr'IIICII C 11 erlllita;.:<.'-~I \lITa~ lil'id lI.olld-.Mitl Uald"r Kirktoll Lodgl'-Murrayficld I.IAlh Ilollse-Linlitllgo1r
Gr'Jllgf(l It -Linlithg.HV JIcu;.:I'-;\' ortb JJerwick ~IlVel·csk--l'!IIIs.;('lbllrgh Ktrkton-J,inlithgow l,o('h l'aper MIII- D.l.
Wit!} ho\\ ('Il-OOI'C br, dge
(1 rm!'lId- Lal--sw.lde IIcujlh-,.~toW' i) (I, f'. o.-":Dagl' I{irktou Jlill-~tow I.odlfi(!ge-.MllttJn Dridge
fJullunc, ~. Il.-Drcm 11 ighfidrl-.DreDl .M 11I- - L'alkeith l\ Irton M,\i!ls-LlDlithgow Logan lltlnk-Do.

, .
""1 D 'd
HOUSe-.wl ton n lf~
:, ~1e."dowbead-Libertoll
~u ••
! ltollsey Mills-Sl:ltt:ford
I j,'1 ossgreel1-I n\'erkeif.hing It! iII- West Calder ',l'npin-Tranent . Preston Grange lIousc--Pceston·
D I ;\le:lduwbeau-No!;lchoulle Mill House-Balerno P:uadykes-Loanhead ' pans
I Mos~hollscs-Lcadburn
Logan Lec- o.
L 'b k N hl ho se
'.Meadow IIIW..I - \"., est Ca1I( er MilIs-Curri'l Paragon Works-So Qlleensferry I Prcl!tonhall-Dalkeith
vg\(~ an -. (} e u
LOllgcraig-Soutb Queenaferry
Mcadowhouse-Ncwtlin St Dos. Mossidc-Linlithgow
• \\'('lIs 'I OUII t- N0 bIeo" h US" N ilIs--Slow Pnrduvint>- .. Lass1r:tde Prestonbolm--J,;wnde
.,'I ------, ilton Bridge Park-Linlithgow Preston Link Coni Work,:-Pres-
LOl\l'croft.-Linlit.h"uw t' C !l0
M.'C'J,l\rk 11IlU"t:-.lUid Calc.ier Parkend House-North Berwick tonpans
C> '" 1\Ieadowhouse-Corst<Jl'phint:" OUD nll1 l'OSS- .
Longcroft-Stow U d 'U 'I' t alountjoy-Linlithgow PBrkfoot-..~t(iW Preston Lodge·-Corstorpbinu
110uFf,lugb-DalkeiHl J.uea owml - I'alle~ Mount Lothian-Penieuik "''''''--V'''''U'JU'' Bridge . Park lIall-Linlitbgow Prcat.<>n Mains-Dnlkeith
I Longfoni- West Caldcr MeadQws-Coratorphl~e. -S
LOllghol'e-~itow I:\ledwyn IIollse-I'emcUlk Mount .Mlll tow nicuik
I I Park Head-Do.
S.O.-Dnlkeith Pnrk Head-South Queensrerry.
Pn:stonpam, S. O.-Ba~
l'reston Vi!:a-·Corstorpltine
\ Lougnewton Forest - Newton St l\1'ggatland JI,ollse:-Slateford 1\111ira\'0Ilside-Lilllitllgow
Uoswclls ,Me\bo\lrne-Noblcllou~e 1\luircambus-t:olillsburgll .tWt,(,il--::loutll QueenstefrY l'tu'k Head-West CaMer Priest Mill-Wiuchburgb
Loogncwton ~ml-Jl(). Meh-en llnll-Trallent Mujrcl~ugh-Blacl~hall ,.,Nilr\01wn House-Do. I Park Housc--Linlitb!;ow Prom-Drem
,\ I.,on)(lJewt<'l1l Plal'e- Vo. Mdville Castle-Lnssw:\oe Mmr Ed:;e-AlIstr~tl~cr -:NiI.t:'Itcm Lo:w-Lru!
'Z..lIIJfllm. St IJfJ3wcll$, S. O.-Bag
Plirkicy Crai~Do.
Pllrkneuk-Craruond Dridge
Pumpherst.on-Miu Calder
l\lu!relld -ID\'crk~lthmg
;\ LrnIYllid,f"ic, S. C1.-I'restoTlpnlls lIle\ville Orange-Liberton
LOlIl!lIiudric Ilnusc-Prestolll'lI11S ~Itlvillc Mains-Lassw:llle "'1 urrfooL-Go\'ehrtdgc tw1~wn-·J..,lIll1th~ow Pathhe:ul-Dalkeith I I Qaaner-Linlitllgow
I.(I\1~ridge- WhithurII l\lelTl\res- Lilllitb/tow l.Mu!nrOSwellS-J)r~m W;"tll.wn_'1'ranent Patbhelld-Loanhead
1,olli!row-('ramoIHIBridl!e l\1crn-batton-·Tranellt MUIrhull-West (,alder ".',"PAr·fielld--1I11d Cnldcr Pnthhead-Penicuik Queenstown Dank-Drcm
lJolIgsluc-- \\' est Caltlcr Mcrt~un Bridge-Newton St Bos· Mll!l'!lead-Llnlitbs;ow Patl! ridge-Linlitbgow
\\ • i
j,ongstollt' -Do.
~Iertoun Hill-D(l.
Mu!rhollsedyke-:- We3t Cal'!~r
Pntie's Hill-Penicuik
1.unl(-ahont,you-uol'ehridge ~Icrtolll\ HClI~e-Do. MUlI'honee MaIDS - Davl<lsc·n s Pavilion-Prestonllllns /lath!), S. O.-Bag
I' , 1.UI etto lIomsc-- AI u8sc"tburgll 1\1 crtoun _M i11- Do. Mains Peanet.on-Trnncot It.wel rig- Balc11l0
J,HW Itlill , i>ehi('ui k ~\f ('rtollll Ncwstend- Do. l\I uirhouscs-Linlitbgow Peaseflat-Dalkei th Rn\'elston House-Blackhall
Penston--Do. Ravenbnll HOllse-PrrlltoO}1l1nS

I,lIl'Ilic-North H('rwick .\Ierwi<'k-Do. 1'Illlirpark-'l'ranellt
IJ\ld~:lte LOllg'.· llouse-HntlIo Mid IIreich- \Vest Culder MlIil'toll-Drem l'eWl~on Dank-Trancnt HaveU8worth -l'enicuik
l,ulllll'KS-l)relll j\lidhurn -Rtow .M uldl'on-Linlithgow Pell.8ton Mill-Do. llaw--Mid Calder
; J'II~l\tc-Stow lIIidbllrn Toll-DJ. Murrny Bauk-::'tlurmytlc1d Pt:cbla, S. O.-Bag Jlaw GaDlp--Do.
Lugton-])alhith .l/id ('aidel' S.O.-llnt' Jlfw'l'ayjieid, S. O.-llag l'etTer Mill-Liberton ltcachellgh-Stow
J.)t1I.'II-Kirkncw\on ;\luMI:! Ballk-Iu\'cl'kt'lthing .Mur~y~ate-Linmlig~vl Peggie's MiIl-Cmmond ]Jrid~e Ucdcoll House- l)rt'stQnp:ms
1,,' IC!ltllll-Stow j\licltlk'!!l\ins-'l'l'illll'lIt Murru:ston llouse-~lId Call1el' Pcmbroltc Lod~c-!\I IIrrayneld Redemig-.MHI Cl\ldcr
l')'\.':lltoll 1\1ll1-Do. AI iddll·f1.iIls-La;'!jwade Jilll./!$cllJlwgit, S. O.-Bag PcnC(,itla1~d, S. O. -Tram'nt Redfo.d-..~ll\tcford
Middknort.Qn-· Jt.'ltho .Muttouhole--Davidsou's Mains Penicllik, S. O.-Bag Uedhall-Do.
j\t [lchir HIli 11 o:l:;C.~-- Lend burn .i\li,hlleritl/:e-·Linlithgow lit nttonholt. -Dalkeith Pentecox-l.iLerton Iledbeugh-Gorcbridge
Macmcny--'!'r.\1I1l1\ t j,J id.lI('slwtt-Dretn Myles Farm-Tralient J'cntland-Loanhead Rcuheughll-·Corstorphino
.Maddi:.t.on-LllllithlZow :11 j.lclletoll--Rtow Petershill-Linlithgow UedllOuse-Linlithgow
_Ma~dll.lclI l!rill~I'-)I\l'8('lhllr~h AI iddlcto'l-liorebl'idge Needless-Drem Pettycur.- K ingllOrn Redhou!lo-Drelll
,Ma;t1l1lllllc llall-- ~ t. \\ tOll ~t 11')3- ;\1 iliHlctOIl, Eill\tcr-Do. Nethcrend-N'oblehousc l'4C1Kb:I1eIILl-.l'Iewtoll St Doswell.s Phillipston VilInge-Linlithgow Redrow-Trnn(>nt
wells Ahddletoll 11 all- Winchhllrgh Neth('r l<'nlll-Leadblll'n .tribfield-Portobello Philli paton House-South Queens· Iledsidc-Nortll Berwick
~Iaidl~ CoUngcs-Cllrric N~hfield lltluse-Prestonrnns ferry RQidccll JIouse-rr(!stonpall~
Mllldlctol1 ],Ilue Works-{jore. l'1cthcr Horsburgh-Peebles
J\!UhJ,-lIhall--Nt·wtOIl :4t Boswelil.l hridge Nether Howden-Stow Btlthmains-Tmnent Piersbill Barmeks-Jock's Lodge Reid U(\use-Do.
.MalllllJ!lllml- bchlt's .l\Jid,lIetou, North-Do. Nctllcrkcith- Dalkeit h '.MIrth Quccn.c/,,·r!!, S. O.-Dag Pilkirie-Anlltnlther Remote- -Dlllkeith
,Mailllull-Ncwl'm :-;t UosweHs Mhhllctou, Wl'ster-Oorebridgc Ni' .1iall-Newton St BOBwclls Pilmorie-Stow lknny fIilI--Anstruther
Neth('1' Longford-West Calder "N' House-ltntllo Pilnmir-Hlllerno Rcstalrig lIour,c--JI.rk's IJod~e
l\lallls- I.llllithrnw
,Mnllls of U·mh- hl\'Clkcithill;:
MidticM-M tlssclburglt
Midlield llouse-I,nsswficle
.MaillS of ~eotst'mig-}o'tlr;, pori. Alidllnrt woo<1-West CaMeI'
Nctherlllllir- I,inlith~ow
Nether l'iru--lulIcrleithcn and
. If'ortoll Mains-Do.
pilmuir Ml\u!!e-·Do•
Rhodes-North lIcrwicl.
Uhodcs Mains--GorciJrhJgo
Pccbles Xtwllavcn, R. O.-Town Delivery I Finkbillllouec-··Corstorphine Ri~artoll-lJinlitllgo\\'
oll·Cr!ug :'.1 i,lho[l(:-:-iuuth Quecnsf('rJ'Y N' ctllersbiel-Mid Ca.ider
MalJel'Y l\iills-,Balerno ,\Iilk 1I0lIses-Wlnchhurgh :.: Pinkieburn lIouse-MuBSClbnrgb Riecartoll Bousc-Hermisl(lll
Nethershiels-."itow Piokiebill-Dt', Uiccartoll MaillS-- Du.
-'lalbford- Valkl.'ith Milkiestoll-Peebl('s ' Ncthertoll-Penic:.lik
J\I.lIl\1crsLoll-l,lIlli th/(o\V ;\fill Bank HOI\~e-tlorebfldgo Pir.kio House-Do. lLid(Ucton llill-N ewton St Doe-
NII,Il))', S. O.--I'cchlcs
Nctbertowll-Lill: ithgow Pmkie Mairul-·Do. wells
Milll.urn-Coratorphi»e Ncthertown-Stow l'irn-Stow
;\( aUllrhead-I"Low J/illCl'/lill. K O.-Dall:eith Riddocbllill-Linlith!;ow
lit a1wrhvlIse-rlll1sselhurgh Neth I1lgfl••t-Gorebridge Pirn House - Inncrleithen Ilnd Rig'lnhend - 'l'r:ment
~I illl'ig- West Call1er Nevillc Uott..''toll
1'1 :",orll~('S- J( i Ilgiwrll Millol\-AlIstrllther Peeble", Rivild', GreeD House-Do.
,MmIM·jil·hl- Valkcith
Newbnttle-Dalkcitll Pirntaton-Stow Roalls-Pcnicuik
j\llltol\-'l'~anellt Ncwbi!(gir,g- Slow
~1:IIif.dir:11 1)011"1.'- -Musselburgh .Iliitrm }J,'i<iye,~. 0.- Rag Pittemlit:em, S. O.-Ba8 Ho!lerton-Gorebridge
Maancl- LillhthJ!ow Newhiggill~- LMswadc Plinphloth-Stow Roberton-N oblehouse
.Mil \.011 1\1niIl8-!It ilton llridge Ncwbl~gillg ;\1 ills-Stow Plogbic-Dalkeitb lklbenon Mains-Do .
.Mal\·bli~hi--Bln· khall .Milton Ahll-Trnncl\t
.\1 al'ch wdl-l'clliclllk . Newbiggillg 'I'He Works-Winch· PI()verball-Rntho Robinscroft-Lnaawndc
Miltrigg-Do. b"""h Plo\'crhall--·Rostin Rocbend lIom;('- North Berwick
llary Ililltoll-Drom
:\Jason's .Mainr-l1IlMelhllrgll
~litcbell Hill- Leadburn N('w ii~;tlSe-Do. Plowe,lanJs-Newton St DOlwells RockviU:o-lIturraylleld
.MonL-Roslin N('w Burllshot- Grr,monu Bridge Polbcth-West Calder RoekvUle-Nortb (~uecnsrorry
111 a.~tertOIl-ll1 n~rkcithmg ~r oukton hnll- Mur.selbllrgb
~ 1a11 hlolea-{j(lrchri.: ge ~ ('IV l~yers-G.orehridgo Polkemmei House-Whitburo Roekvillc Hontto-Linlithgow
Ml}nktoll Hou8l-Do. N(.w Ca!d~r MllIs--Mid C:tldel' Polton-LMswado Rodinlaw-CoI'8torphinc
Mnuri!'\\l}od-Rosl in i\tonteith HOlls('s-G(lrzhri<1~()
j\) avislmllk- LOIIIl hend New ('ol'nc Villa-M urmyfiel<! Poltahill-Winch burgh ROIDaun()-Lead bu rn
i\iolltrosc's Stnbles-Lasswade
l\[axi'oppl('-N ewtoll St Doswclis Moorbouselaw-NewtoD St Bos. New Cmighnll-:\{Ul\s('lhurgh Pomnthorn-Penicuik Romlmoo Dridgo- Do.
Ma>.\..oIl-lJo. New G:lrdeIIS-Sol\!h Q'Jecnsferry Portmore Hou8e--Eddlcs',ODC ROl/lanno lloui!e-Do.
wells New HIliles-l\1usselburgh pl)rt~UQ, S, O.-Dag lLosebank -Currie
.AlaxtoTl Cottage-Do. Moored!(chal1-Do.
.\ladon ;\ New Hall Uouse- \'e!licuik Portaeaton-l'rcstonpans kosebank -:M urravliold
AIorcdun-Mberton N('w Hi:ls-Noblchollsc Poua-Peeblcs Rosebank-,Penicuik
Mayballk-l'crlkuik J1orrisollhaven-Prestonpans
Mayday VfJth"'~- DrClT1 Newbolm-Do. l'otterie!f-·Prelltonpans Rosebank-West Calder
MOl ton-PcrrYr.0rt.on.Grai~
M:I) field- Vaikt'ith
.Maylidd '1'011- Lihcrton I, .I\Iortoll-JIi!1 GaMer
MlJrtM Cc,ltage--Prestonp:ms
Powder MilIs-Roslin Ro!oherry-Gorebri(lge
Prate lIou'le Farm-rn~ctkeithiDg ROBe Oottage-Co!'l!torphine
1\1 ay!!hade-1,0I\nh(,at1 Nc':;IIIi\tlrigg-Dalkeith Preston-Linlitbgow Ro.seh3t1-Mtlssclburgb
:\tnrton lInll-Libcrtotl
~h':I!I,,'\h:\hk-l{irkn, wton
111 Nldov. fwh\-Vorfltor\,hine I :Murton Mains-Lothi:,n Burn
Ncwlistvn il(lllse-WinchLurgb
New Mains-D,).
Preston Cottago-bo.
Rosemount-M ullilelburgh
Pr.,st(lll Gr~Dge Ooal Woru-.oo. l\osett!l.-.?cebles
ldcado\\ !icld-l'orWLc 10 I M08scnd- WCllt Calder New Mill-Da.lerno

o \ .
.......r........................ ..
-.~/ 5~a.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.t. . . I........................m.......~
~;~ STA~Ll' 1)U'1'11-::" l~TC. :3;
Roseview-Lc'\dburn Rlllidlr JlaI1=-1'~~ - - - '1-~';--·~~~mUil'''::--B~lcrn; ~i:W~lIin"ton Jnn-Le:ulb~r-;- --r'V~st Pilttlll-J)II·j,Il>,m·H.\lnius --I Wl;itslld--St-;;~v - ---- - -
Rosevilln-Pc:rlohcHo Smithy th'cclI-Libertou , .rf>cpwood-St·ll\' tf":WClliugWll Works-Mussdhurgh I Wc.~(r'!lItcr. K O. --~lolV Wil,'()xh,,;m--LiillithA()W
ROI5C'Wcll, S. O.--Lasswade ~lI:tb-IJit:lithgo\\'
1"I!ll.eshYd(':m-,Kirknewton _.~ ~"'W('st. B,Ulk-Porlohello I W!'lIt Sa/(on. ~, O.--Tr:mcllt I Wilkh·..;lon --It Itho
Roslin, S, Q,-Bag 1'i p\lctl,iil--IJinlith go\\' :_~ gi1v est Bank-'1'mll~lIt WC5t SuiI' l'(,lli!'uik Williall)(,'rniii:s-- Linlith.!:,)w
Ro~shill- South Q\I('!'nsferry S'lde/]!, R O.-S, Quel1Dsferry 1'od liJls-Daik.. ;th ; f.-;1Vcst llill 11(' \,-w lJI('hhur~h \\" Cbt 'l'"rphlll- W('"t C,\IJcl' W llii·uw,tnlll" -:.'li:d C .i."'!'
ltossland Works-- Killghorn f:oeiety-Trancut i 'l'odholcs-I;nlerno \' ~:r'Wcst Bri!:~s-Wi!lchhur):h Westwc)od--il'l, William tOIH,-X'lrth BI'I \1· ..·;,
ltOl!SIlCSi\ Bousl'-D". ~oonhoJl(--Stow ! 'j'ofis-l\ublpilolwe . ~~+'Wcst Broolllhill-Wt'st Cnldl'r Wh~:'Ittidtl Ho"~c-J·1l L"tlgc W;:l"w B.llIk--.I'lI.:k·l' 1..,.1;'1
RO!lyth Fnltn-Illvc,keithing
RUIll bliu c--Lirllithgv\\'
ltusha- est. Caldcr
South ll:wk-i\('whn StBoswrll".
South Hallk-l'(>UiCItL.k
S(·uth Hank-lhtllo
'l'or-l\lllrrn) field
t;,!West Brv.L!ls-Dalkeith
~;:f\Vesth\lril-Wcst. Oaltle\'
: :West 13YCf1'-'1'1 anen!:.
Whcatlallds-CI':IIIIOIItI J3rhlg.:-
I il'1./r/dJIII·!/II, S, D, --Bag

W1')(1) law~-
~olltb C(.I.hillshaw--Wut Oald(';
llutherford I 1I11- Po:nicuik
Uydl- Wil.ll hImrgh
IJ'orhallC Hill Hou.m--llnthgn.te
T,wph'cllm, S, 0,- Ut, togate
:;lVcst CaMel', 8, O.---lbg
West C\llziulll--W!,)~t Cal,l(ll'
)Vest Cmi),!ie-CmmoIHI Britlge
I Whimhom;('- i'I'(,1II
Win,lyu:'liI\3- 1l"lk(,lth
I \\'inbtoll;!-I'l'elole"
WIII ton (':Il,tl~-TI'!lIl£mt,
S(Jllth G~'JQ-COl'stol'phillc 'l'orphill- W,~t Ca!dcr i<WesL C\'aigs-CQ~tmphillt' Whimlidd-Xewtoll SI. nlli'I\'C'lls 'S1Il1olI 11111 -Do,
fit Alln'~ Fact()J'~ -L:ll':'l,\\,:t,lc Routh ItClII<les-Mhel'ton 'l'orqululIl--Stow ·West Dalmeny-l:iouth Ql!ccns' Whins-ltn'crkt-ilhill~ WIlI!·!aIl.( .MIlI Stow
~t. Anll'~ I\it\l~e-~Nor(h U('rwick South Le"Vis'\'ale-l\lus~rlbllrgh
St B",'1!('("'.~, S. O.-Ncwton Ht S Queens/m,]l. S. O,--Bag
'1'o(,ly- Winehl'urgh
:West l~dl\c-Librrt{lIl'- Wl'~t !'.tloler
Wi!-'Jl L:I'f..'rtulI
li"i"('n!, t', 0, Bi::gar
11{)~\\",j Is ~ outhrhlge--1inlithgow ll'OWl! head- West Vald!:!r :Welltcr Bl'icch-Wcst Calder Will IblU"lt , ~. O,--Bng Wilho!lII- ~)ztl""lth
Rt no<>wdl~ Bank-Do. i'oulhside Batlk-l'ortohcllo To;r:~idc, S. O,-,Gorchridge " Westcr Dcan~--Le:\(lburn Wlutecro<;.S- \\'hilhurn \\' o..dh~lfl;J["l.,.·- jl'l.
:-<t C.ltiJcl B!(,'s-l.ihertNI i'flIitm }lnins-Dnlkelth 'l'rnbrown-Sto\\, : ;;Wester Willd\'~(H11-'1'rnllent WhitelHlllgh - Pl'clol('s Wo,)d('.)\,l;,llll~- Lillll\hro\"
~( Clml(,:Jt'1! Wl'l!fI---Mu~·clhll.rl!,h f'p!I.I(,Fl('('-N ('wt(lll St 1Jos\\'ells Ij'rafall!l\t' Locl~j~l\I ussollmrsh ~. 'WestlidJ-\\'II.chhnrgh Whitelllll-Ncwtoll :-:;1 noswclls Wm,ucot- j):ll]."llh
:::t Da\'i<\':; - I h"()r)(eithill~ l'pcllcelidll--I m'~1 kl'ithing 'l'I'a?umt, K O,--lh'! -, .:Wcstlielcl---Wc... t Calth.'1' Whitehonse--l\lufl.'l!,IJ,:II'j;(h \\' nodl'llfl- - WlIl('h hur' h
~t O.~rlllhill·s-Pr('~tolli':tlls Sp('n('js(ol'd-'l'fllncllt 'j'rnll('llt Statioll-pi'c:-tl)npans : .Wcstfi(lhi Paper)l ills- I,illlithgow Whitchouse-Nt'\\ tOll ~t B,)~w('lls Wood:mlc' -'l'tnllent '
:~t licl'lIlaill':O; lI'.u::.cs-lI,.. :--pittal--J,rrUl 7'l't1qlluir S. O. --Pcl'blcs _: ,Wc!>t 1):\I'wooll - WCflt. {;nldcr Wh;t('hollKC Mill-J.)alk~ith W(l,)d"ail-...I 1:11 q"'r (ireen
Ht 1,:'01111.1'<1'8 NIIi~-KIIli:horrl ~pittlllh:ltl'!lI-PCllktlik I Tudthatl~h-}>ellicuik . We.<:t. Jiil!:.!-No!oll.'ilollsC Whitdaw-.runip('r (ire"1I "'tH.dl.!!.I,) Linhrhj.!'o\\'
~t l,emt:!.I',rll.l\1 i'I~.-.i·ltow ~pitt~ll'ig":"'1'r~nctlt 'I'urll hi~h:'-lJilllithgow "W~t J,nngt,oll-.Mid,Cnlder WhiLemo~&--J\irkn.,\\·t"1I WO,luhuu"elf'/' H••. !!Il
~t l\I:l~dah)ll, ~- IJlIlhthgow ~P(,~tl!;:,'oo(l -:~to:v Tnrnlioll!->f'-.GralllOII(.\ llridgG "W~st. LeWI8\'fI!C-;'\{uss(llbul'!-:h WhitNiuc- L("l/lhlll'll \\"O;)dnlUil' WI.'l>t Ca:tl,·r
~l ?:IlIl';,(arrL &- N. q'Il'l'IlSfCi'ry I '-'prm!!helrl-I'l1Il1thJ!ow Turn hOt:;;('-I'clIi('uik ." Weal i.intoll, R. O.-l'eniclIlk Whit.liyke q " W1';\ 1 <',11. hr WI1(Jlll'i,h' - 'I'r:I1 " 'nL
Sl N01l(mce, :;; O,-i'ittcllweem ~pringfi( Id Hlluse-Lnsswnde 'l'urniNh'ki'll-Dalkeith . West 1.och-Do. Whitficld·-Pcnii.\lll, Wuohlll'l l>.IIl"I'1!
~all('oatg:---- Ill'e 11 Spril1J.:lull ~-l nrcl'keithing 'l'wecd br~nk-l'ccl,ks West }{ains-Xoblebo1l8e Whithil!-J,'ls,<"a(\c Wril!ht lI"lI~f'''' \;"I!';lri.ljtl·
~alton, l':lg!.-'J'I~lncn~ f.ipyla'N (follse-Voliutol\ Twecdmollut--NcwtonStBoswelhJ West l\l:lill~ - We~t CRltlcr W hit\t'c-X ell 1"11 :-'1, l.)oswelIs I Wri;;:ht,'1'\ ~lill, -CIIlTh'
~altoll •. \\ e~t- r,lo, ,
:-;(1011\ kllO\\ e-(wrellrlllgc
~lal!C' IInll.--~tow
Htnlks-- Ll1Illthgow
I rY'lc Bnnk-D,'l.lkeith
West l\lill- ':obleholll'e
West Mllir- West CalJllt
WI,ilri!;(::IwlI'lc Do.
Wl:itrig Hog-Do,
I \\'jufonl-Lllllithg',w
:-':r.I,.'hi('~ide,- l).llk'Jith Ht:unli\rd ] louM'-Drem
I I 'rynchoilll-'l'rtI~,ellt ~~~lIt J?alls-.liu~l!e!l:mt'~b . Wbitrig HIli-Do. IYorkston~-Gorehridgc
Suuchblld---Dr" ,. i ~lan.ll:ill-Linlitbg(lw !/.'yncmouut.--Do,
~allght,OIlII('II~!', &..... -::\1 IIrrnYllcld "Rtantli:me-DI'('JU "

~chaw I! H(I~'lltal-l'l'o'Jt"nplllIs t;t(lol-PllUi('\\ik l7phaU, S. O,-Wmchhurgh

~cot~('rai:;," ,Ferl'!'port ou,Crlllg ~t, il't! Uos/,ital-Trnnent Upper Fnhl-I..cadl>lll'll
Rco~toll- 1'\ ,)h\(,<ulUSC
~oot~lOIl B:lI1k --Do.
'~teuhouso ?Iills-Murmyficld
I Upper Kcilll, H. O,--Dalkcith
~eot..<;t'lIl JIIgg - D., ~t~vcll:!ton-!\ obldlOlISC
~coLs~on I!(IIIl!C\-- S. QI!N.msforry Sh.)Oo, S. O.--PcC'bics I STAM:P AND I.JEGA(,1" L UTIES, ETC.
~ca~hff-N!,rth J).'f\llck
~cllfit'.1cI Farm- I IIvl'!'k(>ithing
~('atmll- I r.~~t()IIPllIl8
~toncficJ<I Hi!! -l.flsswllde
St{ll\oy IJnnk- Musselburgit
I Vale-North Berwick
VallC>j'lid/l-PcHicuik •
Vellore Castlr-I,iDJithgow
VllDI!W'- Pechle8
~ N.otl,.--Thc Writ!! and lllstrmuruts, forms or which aro l)l'(lvidod hy th(> TillNI to Lnwl
(Scotland) A('t:; ] SilH and 1860, (~1 t(, 2~ Yid. {', ? i, 1\11<1 2:3 ,V, 2,1 rid. c, 1·1:J" will
~sr bc liable t.o Ntmnp Duties, if tll,,·¥' l time uudel' the W'ilPl'al d(,l't';I':ptio!l of JJ(·,'d~,
!:i('aioll-1>O. :'\toncy Hill-Do Veut l!rcfhir--l,(I~dbllrn

~cttt\lll CllstJe- ,1)0, Stollc),l'orhl.;latcfimI Vogric--Dalk!>ith ~1 01' como wlthill any of the' partkulll.l itt'lllB of f:hm'ge, to Duty ill till' ::;tlLtIlP j)1l~:I'~
R('.'ltOI1 I111!-Vu. ! 8tAllH'~'ri,!!-AIid Calder Vogrio Coal Work"--Goret,n'dg" Scll('uuicR, wl,ethcr \\'I'ittcn on of he' J){lcdf;, 01' sepnmt\'. ~l'{' unlier As,>iI !l1l<ltZOH.
Seaton ]\flll/,a-Do. .'itVI/' R 0 -.H'I" .- ., u
\ ;: )crd of Jieliliql!i.~/wllmt, Sa.s;ne, 'ltd X(ltadul Act.
S t .M· (W 1 D
R~III:~~H~ltl~o I.:s~ - r.
' " . '"
J I Wadin",hurn'-lj~SSwndo .,
,... ,., IInmCrBl( l"- n 'Clt I \\"Ik I l\t'\[ I I 'tb ! MT:-~SION n~ a burg(':ifl, 01' into nny Corpora-: shall hp wl'itt('n 01' printed, 2;;. (;,1. Alli-
~!lal.. kl~tl·Ir(II'~-1 O()robrhlge }lmpaton Pnrlc'-~hls~"lhul'gh I W~ln~d~F~"hl':j; s- nner el en ·tion or Compally in {lilY' Burgh in ScotlnIHt,' (l.lvitfol !Lnd clcrlll.rntiul\~ H'.Ithori...(·.l to 1'1'
, II:U!" .1 p-- 1..1 l('rlol'
SIH'n!lh',1! Da'k' i ' , SlIllnyacrc!I N \ I 1
"- 0 I I'IOUSC'
I'\'III ford -
, Lo.i;!C',-P),(,:ltonpllno . ill lieu of the duties of £1 ami £3 formerly' made hefore JU:-.ticl'''' of l'ea..:(' al'p ('x-
SIl('rifrh;'II'~[ail:8-~~)o ~I1,III1Ylllmllk-l\!tnv~r"II{'!thing
\Vallat("s l,o,lge-Nl'wlon at .oOS- paYILbll', os. ; (,l!1l't('d.
RI' If 11'
~t('III,' i;"'H~1\' 'I
. I\\(,:l IO\'f:'--J 1I~8C "trgh Iwells
Sw!nr Burn'hl,uf"h W'nlllto;''Ie-natlilYatr
. lflS:'HONS of other descl'iptionR vnriollf!; IVI AOIu:t:;.! EST, (NI awl nftet, :M Apl'ii 11.\(;11,) for
" I,P :\\\:-- ('melll ~ SWllltoll llnnk-Peeblt',; ... \\' 'I' N .: ,..•.. to whidl sec tho ~('hl'(ll1io annt'x('.• i to 55 . n Lell.4 c or '1'nek of L,ltId.~, &,'., Hot eXCel" I-
lea(l- ,a ~rnl)
Ryea.mor(l Grovr-AtllsseIlmrgh
SYlnlllglO!l-Su W
\\,~;I~,~vl'r-,:P~:rc~VJo!!wcllS ;- 0(,0, 11 1. c. IH4. 8('0 Idso LICg~WE, b(']ow. i
ing sc\'cn J·e!ll'~; and,
, 10
~!~')Ul(':I;l---l.lIIl.thgo\v - /w
:.\,yford-;-M !ls~.clbnrgiJ ~r:MIKSION to nd, us Advocate, £50; n.q • Aom:l~lfF.:''T, Mn\\~Tl-: (\1' )1 l:~Il)n.\~m~]'I, (011
:-:IIV('T }\1101\ ('i>-l l a\,;,lso11'S
~,'i1n'r 1\ tlO\I('ll lio:m.-J.)o.
RIver ,\[ mc--1..inlith ttow
:Mains T I \
tlr:lnce- ,ill Uhgow
. \\.,\Il-ton-,l (;I1I(;\lI~
ll!;;toll ll!w~-Blf!!lar
", altt'n-l,mhth1!ow
~ Writel' t(. UlC ~jgnol., Holicitor, Agent, At.- and nftcz' ad A.P!il 11'\(,;0,) t.Olltltilllug t II('
k- .to! nfl,V, m" ProO\uatol' in nny court, £2;i ; 1 t('l'IIlS And ('OWirtIOIlH oll,whwh 1,andJl, &{'.
r~ to net. !lH Agent. in ;~Jl.!rl'CIOC Oourt" without. nrc l(·t, hcltl, 01' OC("ul'l<,d for l\lly 81!('It
~'k I
" I ;YI;JI,~r--Lasliwa(l()
.., 'rTemple, S.N(J,-O(lrehrid"c '~anl PIlrar - Nort II ,UcrwlCA
n '.'l..
c..: -
t.'ml'·::>- cwton 8t
BOllwclla \\
t 11 S ~~, indenture, (in addWon to the saId '£2,;;,) t('rnl. TILe same dUi!1 tU on (t Lealc ,.,-
:ki\"'-- W(·~t ('alder If I I 11 ,all ?nml s---. tow
Hnd«!utl-Lililllh,,'Jw 'elllp e 1/1 -Kirkuewton \\arrrswn-HenniRton _.~ £60; do. in I 11 fo ri 01' Courts, without, HI' '1 (lrl',
f 1,'!.1t,,,,-- -H('sh~ -'; dent'lre, (in Rd(lition to the £2[1,) £:~O; PJ'O\'illcd .thnl allY J..('n.'~c fir 1'tlck ,afh'r\\"ll.r(lli
'<"{"/If "'d, ~. (> --1'11"
•<'.,-'\ att' I1('llj!h-_ West )C'...Id er
Tar·ant'f; l\~nreh-- \VeRt Calclcr
"'1' 1 '
\\' Clshinl£w('II!1-'l'lnn:mt
\\ I
nt lerstlln-Sto\y
to act as N ota.ry-Pub1ic, £20; to bp fchow
of College of Physicii\ns, £i5 ; to d<'gr('c of
n1a(]<" 1Il PlII'H\I[Ul('(' of amI cO':ltOl'mably lo
the aho\'c, "hall \\0 ('hnrw·.1 With tlH' [.ra.'i~
~lipr'(,lhl'I,I-.Pcllieuik . l'll!r( -N('w~on St Hoswc~18 Wank Miil- illuR.~elhllrgb
~rtle:lton-1>I'lkt itil I ~'I:~rl('~~tn~~'DAAUC und VIll,-·Do, \~ nukmltton:-Linlitlw"lw Doot.('r of Medicine .£10; to ec.cleainstical duty, hut, llot higlwl' than 2l-!, (j,l.,£'xclu·;ivo
HlIl~at(.1l C•. llien--Do
~ ".'
,:,1 .1,(1/1 1)ne k"
Sm<':ttHrI f;ha \\ _ iJulJ..citb t>
1:;10(',1(011 1'110 WI'rkl'-Do,
TI rnt:l~wk
1'1'1 H,rnH L
' Y ('!t--vO.
l/.rnlrJU-- JI$llwado
j 'fhn'cburnf,m: ·-8toW'
\\ l'aft;:ate--Newtoo ht ~~lll
\V""'r'" ~·1· D
'A .,a.~; .. :tIO!! - o.
\Y !.'IIJtead--lIf it) Oaltier
1x>nefico, £2. '
Vl'l'S and DmLARATlONft, (23 Vi"t. c.
I.5.)-For rvery sheet or pice,c of pnper,
of PI'Ogl'CHSi\'c duty, nolwit hstnll,lmg the
terms and conditio"", may ho varied, Jlot
nffl'~t.illg the St! dllty, The Le~~o mr~y
, ~'JlrcemiJo Towo-Lin1ithg(lw W(IIl/lI'l~;m 1l0Ilse-Da1.keith
PQrchmont, or ve1Jum. on 'Vhich the samt' br lmpr('s.~cd WIth It !St,amp dcnotwg toe
32 ST,AMP DUTIE:::, E'l'C. STAMP Drl'tES, ETC.
---. ----- -"" ._-----
COUllt with, or to draw UpDII all~' other (,all1'u, di"ectillf/ tIle j'XI/lm"lIt of «11,11 ,~I!~il'
.'.1 o I) l)(.'l'son for, 01' to I'c<'·I..'in~ f!'Om Ioludl tlthcl' of mOIU/I, tilt: Sflllle 1I0t ,,,!, PII,IIItl)" (1/
2 o 11 persoll allY sum of mOlll'Y therein lllCIl~ belue,' or (0 ord~r, and ,~/(dl Ircet' not /H.'inll
:3 o Cl tione(i. : .~el1l or ddil'fred (0 tlu: J}I'I',~/)n to 1l"UJ/lt
6 () (; Extmp(/'on,'t from t!.c dll(if!$ on DJ'(1(ttl or I p"!JlI!cld ~:~ to Ii{' /1/1((1<" or (I) Itll,'! pt'NI/m ()J/
12 o h
O,das.-Alllctters of cI'edit, wlwtIu,'l' in I /.IS I,dud! .. l(Jul nil 1I'((rrall(,~ 01 ordeo I~)/'

o (I setl-; Ol'lwt, sent hy p\..l':;O:I~ in the L'llite(ll tl/I' P"/I;II~/lt. of an,,! 1lI111Uit!1 :11'tl11(1'd" h,ll
(I H '.~", l\illgdolll, to l'f'I'l'OIlS ahroad, a\lt!wl'il'iill~ , (lte (·om1l!1,>1.~IOItcrS for tIle }(niu("iol1 o{ (11"
o 0 :~:. 17 t~1e
,,': drafts
l'uitell KillgllolU.-lt; &':
J'"tio1ttll Dd.!, or for (l,e P"/!fII/"ll 0/ (//':'
dil'idt,,,d 01' illt(,l'f.~t 1)1/. (l/UI ,(/,1,'1'1' in ,I,·
o 11
o 11 " ,!DRAFr 01' 0 itlJElt after 1I1<' 2-!th )1 ay 1~"':i"', I (:!)I't'rllmellt or l'arliamell'(I(f"1 ,~(()d'~ r;1'
o " (.. , for the payment of lUly Rum of lIlOU('Y to ~ ('(llttS: Im'; all dra{($ or orl!(';"~ Irlm'lt /'1/
n the bean'r 011 (IClIUll.Il, whieh bcill~ IlraWII j 'tlie ~tccollitl((lU-(jf"l;(,MI 0; tilt' ('filiI'! (;,
" . upon allY b:mkcl' withiu iiftt'clI mill's of , CI11llU:I'r.'l in 1::1I./"'lId or 11'r/I(I!t1, .~/ltfll l..
" l, thc place whero Imch 11I'aft, 'II' IIr.te}· i:- ~ t'um/,t from all SM1/llJ ,1i!t!I, :!:l rllt.
:~::.iSMlCll, was formel')Y l'xcmpt from stmnp I (', 1fi,
\.... - (luty.-:H Yid. e. :!O ............ , .... , "' .. , id.' . ..\'v(l·.-Thp Ad, 17 & Ih Yid, e. ~a, ~ !I, ..
,The followillg is from l-chedule of ~:3 Yid. e. I l'l'fcITillg' t'l th~' EII~h"h Ad, 17 (;(';" 111.
i '~~: 15, undcr Btu. of EXCll.\~I;g, 1>n.\FT, or e. ao , allIl tilt' Acb; I..'olltlllllll:g till' ":lIl1l,
,',OIwIm:- ",hid! Iltakf' b,II:-1, &c., above :!o~. /lwl
,t ~, }~, "All l3i1lH, Drafts, or Ol'tlel'~, for the pay- I lllldt'l' .c;" If lIot drawn III a p.u,tJl'lIitll'
; " mcnt by nny hanker 01' PCI'SOIl acting as I W;\\', ill\ahd, IUlIl tho:-,c hdow ;!O~, ah·,o.
I 11

CL banker, of any I'utu 'lf money, thoUgh!
not made pll.,:'ul,lc to the beal'(,1' or !.o
order, amI whcth(,I' tlelh'crcll ~o the
payee or lIot.; and all Wl'itillgS or DOl'Il-
lutL'ly iu\,ali.\, Bmlllot to till' Scoteh ..\et
t,) the likt' eflt!ct, ::- & !l Yid. I', :~"", ~
Ifi :l1lI117,-pl'o\'i<il'(1 thclt t!1l' :-alll A.. I.
illlll t he continuing Act." :-.\toult I bl' ""
.' mcn':R, ('lItitlillg 01' iutclHlcd to f'!Itit It- : pealed, 111 :';0 feU' n.'i l'l'!!eU'( b dl'clft..., 011
any pcr!'>oll whatcYer •0 the paynll'llt,' hallkerl'! fol' 1I101H'y \Il'hl fOl' t.lll' H:-O ,·f
from or hy any h(\ukcl', or Pt't'SOIl actillg: the Ilmwl'l'. Awl the Ad, :.:;~ & :! I \' It'I.

.,', &'5 a hallkel', of nllY l'iUIII of mOllcy, wln'- e, 111, § Ill, 1I0W l!l'o\'i.l,':' t.WIIl·r.1Ly,
, thcl' the pcrSUII to \\'hOIlI paymcllt, is to i without special 1'I·fl'l'(·llI't! to l'ithl'I' the
l :: be l1Hulc, HIml', bo IHUlIO(l or (h>-;iglll1telll Eligli . . h 01' Sl,,,tdl A, ts, that dl'llft 011 ,I
. ! thel'eill or no1., 01' wlwtlll'r t hl' NUIIt" (,allk('!' who :-.hall {Ivlla lid" !IO\'\IIIOIII' I"
~hall h<: dcli Vt'I'etl to him (11' Ilot, shall I to or for the 1I:-.6 of t 11;' I'lIl'ty, p:tYilhl'.,

L " I'('spccti \'cly he t\(!(:IHed to bp hiH~, Ilraft:-l,

or tll'(Il,'r!'> fOI' till' payuJ(·!:t. of IIIOII<'Y i
'i" charger..ulc \\"j',h StaHtp ..luty·, a:i if tllo
l:lallle ha~l bc','!! ll'tltlt' pllyuLlc to hent'pr:
to bt"lrcl' 01' o:'tlCI' 011 dplllalltl, f)f aJl~
l'mn It,!'..'! t hall :!(J:-. Hhall ht' lawil1J. I),.
hl.1 h tilt' all!),,(' : ro"::-.llIlI:-; npply to ~I"lt·
1311<1, 01' ollly the lnttt'r l The Al't ~ &. !f

, ' or to OI,dei·. Proyidc(I alway:.:, that allY' Vld, c. art, ~ :'!o, pl'o\'illc'i that that .. \.'t
onc Doculllcnt or 'VI'itill~, nit hOIl~h I ~hall IlOt pmhihlt dmft on :\ lil·I""lI·";
dil'l'ct iug the IhlYlnellt. of ~cn'l'lll SIllWI 0\\'11 hall)..,l'!' fill' the pai Wl'lIt "I' lII"IIt'~'
of IllOIl!'Y to .lill\:l'cnt l'crS():I,~, :-,hall hl': t·) t h(' Il~e of :-illch Pt'rsOl!,
f. chargca.hl(' with Hbl:ii' duty. ,\.S OJW I N.B.--Tlh! duty Oil Ih-aftl> or ol',ll'I':{ 111,' .....
i. J ol'llcl' 0111"." i hI' impl'c"~(',l 011 the papcr. 01' ,lII ad-
\ ' ;,': Drt~ft. 01' Ol'~ler, WI'it-iug 01' Dllcmncllt. for I
, .-~.... tho p,ty.U1cnt, 01' for cntltlilig allY I'CI"'OIl ~
hf's;vC stamp IlIny be atlixl',l.--Hi& 17
Yid. c, ;'~', §:t 'TIll' :t.lhcl'Ilvo ;,:.,.lIl1l'
.; \: \' t.o the pnyllll'lIt, hy 01' through allY: lIIay he (·itllcl' n l'cet'lp~ or <Imf:, Ht.Ullp.
\·:t, ballkt'l', (lf Itn'1 l-\\:lll of lllOIW)" I'lelll. or! - - 17 & ] R Y1Ct. c. 8:J, ~ ] 11, Wh"re all
,~,J; delivPl'ed to tho lmllkel' allll tlOt to the I lulhesi\(' :-,lulll[J i~ l,Hell. the lllnk"J' "I'
~'i'J person to wl:om paylll<'lIt iM to ho IlIa<1I',! thc dmft tlll'aurl'l Hlf' "t,UIlP 1Iy Wl'ltlllf~
I, (f.. or allY pon;oll on his heha!f, to be heM
, }i{ not to ha'1l., h(!cn anti not to ho clurge-
I Oil it his naw.' 01' IIl1ti;.I~. l'!:nnlty fill'
olllil'l:-lioll, &\.'" £1II.-. H; l'O: 1i \' Id, (', rl(),
~;\ ahle with any higher Stamp dllty t)~an I § ,j 1~llIt 5. The }la:'('r of the (lmfr. 01'
'~ l)enny, p,(!/aNe a! (tU.'! tlllW i
OIlC or(iet' ~hall, ",,11<'1l Ill' pays it, wntt· t );1'
fI,~ ,;~ (~fter dc(,!c. DI1+,v nmy be dCllot~d I,y! wort! "l'lLlIl" 011 tI\(' :-ItlllUp. Penalty
~, adhcHi\'c stam}> to Le t:ancdlrd as III the: f(,r (Il1li"!'o.iflll. £io.-:!3 rid. c. Ib, ~ I:.!.
It ,~ (''''1;'-;0 of n. dt:at~ .m dellllmd, 23 & 2·1 I Banker llI!'y alii x !'>t~\lhl' to UUIIl);"tulIljl('d
i~ ~ VlCt. c.1I1, § 1,. I dmft and cane!'l it, 1/.1111 pay thp dl'llft,
t( E.xeltiptiol/.s,-",lny d tall, or (m/a cimll.'1L
;., 1 an!! banhr upon a'IPI ot/,er /I'(//1'n, uot
"!I'I chnrge t hf' person who ought to hay(,
pntd it with tilf' Htamp, or dpdllct it f!'Om
l' patmble to bearer or tf) ordrr, awl ll.~t'd I the Rum. DI'aft 1;'.10<1, hilt not to rc\tl": '
;~ ~o{el!1 jOf tile p/(r)J{).~e of ~dtlill,1 fJI' dear- I !)f penalty,-2:l & :; ~ riet. e. Ill, § 1H,
( f'J ,~ lilt! all!} r.ccount /H.'tllV!tll 1IU.c/J I'I'ClI!.·t'r.~. I Pt'II!1.Il,i fot' removing ndhcsin) stalllps
{, ~:.;.:~ An!) ldler lrJ'ittcn by et wnktr (0 ({lly otlu:r I or \l~mg them It 8ccolul timC', or uoillg
it ,• I
~H C
34 STAMP DunE::;, bTU.
ST.\MP DU1.'l'KS, ETC. 35
any act to defra.u~YI-'£20.-W &, Above £40ljand not.a.b~,:e £500 - -ls. 8~' f"-'~ • - ---------

li Vict. c. 59, § 4 and 5. , ! 600 750 28.6d. and. issui~g a bill. paya.lue out of the: bo available for such amount only ~
hU"AND BILL payable otherwlst' than 011 dC-: 750 1000 3s.4d. Umted Klllgdom 111 a. set, must draw I the ad valorem su.\mps will cover.
mand, ; 1OO(~ WOO 6s. Od. the whoi~ 8~t, and a J>~r::;c.n transferring! PEF.SONAL Bo::-m given us a security for tho
PROMISSORY NOTE pa.yable otherwise than to 1.100 2000 6s. Bd. I or !wgotlatI;)g such bIll must transfer I transfer or retransfer of any share in any
and deliver, stamped, the ilhc.le number I' of the ()overnment or Pa.riimnentar!j l3tocks
bearer on demand; I 2000 3000 lOs. Od.
Fom:'lGN BILL dl-awn ill but payable out of 3000 4000 13s.4d. of the set. Penalty £lOP. A person 01' FU1I,d8, 01' of the ]Jan/:$ of Ellgland 01'
the United Kingdom, not (b:a.wn ill sets of 4000 and llpwards-ovcry bill of the taking such bill I~ust get t.he whole set, I
ireland, or of the i:..ast iJl..riiu Compa1t!j. or
three or more; set. for every £LOOO, Ol' part of .£1000, sta~nped, othe.l:'WISC hp cal: not ~'ec.o,\'~l' I
of aJl!J otlt".!r compctn!, or co:'P0ra~ i~nl'-
FOREIGN BIl,L draw!} (JIlt a.nd !)ayaHe out of as. 4d., ~:3 Yiet. c. 15. _;.. on It or make It avuJab1e-lb. S6. llu~ The same ad 11«lorcTfI dntvas on u boud
the United Kingdom, but endorsed or ne-j .: applie8 only ;0 bi1l8 ~rawn ,Within a.nJ ~ol' a sum of money equai to the \'I\lu(' of
:.: l)ll.yahle out 01 the UlllteJ Kingdom. the stock or fnUlI 5ccured, according to
gotiated within t.he Unitcd Kingdom, Jlot BILl. of EXCHANGE, DnAF'l', or OP.DER, (Fo-
drr.Wll in sct~ of threo or more;
FOR~G~ ni.lf' drawn or endorsed out of the
I"vign,) on :..llI.l aCtel' 3d April 1860, drawn
or f'lldorsc<J. (lut of the United Kingdom for
,l:NLA~w BILL, DRAF'J', or ORDEIl, for the pay-
c,:" mellt of !lny sum of nl('ne,;', though not
the average price a.t the date of tbe bontl
or Oh either of the ten days prucedilll1; 0;
Umted l\.lIlgdom, vayable Oll demllnd on the pllyment of money on d';mand 23 Vict, ," made payable b the bearer, or ~o order, if the latest day IlftlCedillg on which thore
and aI''''!' 3d 1\ pril 1860.-23 Yid. c. 1:; ; c, 1j. The same duty tl~ Oll an Iuiund Eill the l:lame shall be delivered to the payee, shall hll,ve heen n known sale.

\ F~lUm,;;,. PnOmSSORY NOTE I~la:lo ?1'J,ml'}lort- of Exchn.ngc, fOl' the payment of money
mg to he mude cut of the Ullltcd J\'lIIgdom, ' otherwise t~all on demand.
, '" or some person on ~is 01' her behalf, tu . I PERSON.U BOND glveu ruI a security for the
:'" \" a,aIDe duty a.'3 on 1\ bIll of exchaI'gtl fer tho
,: " like aUll! I payable to bearer or order,
puymcnt of at'!! 8U1it of mone:;, or for the
trall15fer or retrausfel' of stock .~ecurcd a/,iG
anll. p~YI.hl~, withiu the U'.litcd Kingtiolll.'l'he woru emlol'ded' i!5 held by the
( , -2,l & 24 , let. c. Ill; Board of Inland Hc\rcuue to have no ~~:/p.LAND BII"L, D ..tAFl', or ORDlm for the pay- by et 1c<cd.!et, h?' othcr illsinlllleIlt paying
l'om:Im: BILf, drawn out of and payable practicn,ble efibcl. Sec 'l'imes 90th and :~:;)' mcut of any sum of money, weekly, (hIty M a w{llbct, or for the performa.nce
within the 'United Kingdom,- I 22d April 11-l()1'. ' .... ~,;/ monthly, or at allY other stated periods, if Qf ('ovcnani:i containetI illl-'uch iust:-UIIlC'lIt,
,. I
~ot ex~eedil}~ £5 ... Id.
l~xt.:ecdlllg £[) and Hot abo\'(; 10 2d.
N,:B.-'I'Jw dutie:..o 011 J?oreio'tl Bill~ drawll
out of the United KingJom, ar~ to be
,'.; mn,:le p~yable to the bearer, or to order, I or fOl' .l'Oih tho!:>~ purposes, provided sach
l \" or 1£ dell\:cred to the payee J or ::lODh'~ per-: ot hCl' II1::lrUlllcut IU:ttr CWI/. dfUe with, aud
,'... son on hIS or her behalf, where the t(Jbll i hI) refcI'red to ill IiUl'l1 htnld--
10 ~-) 3,1 delloted by n.dhesin~ stamp:;, 11'he holder
I; ~o affix the adhesive stamp if onc not 011
amount of the mO!lcy thcrc~y made pay· I Where the :1UIU of. mOlley 1)1' the value of
25 ••. ;.0 od,
',' able ~hall be specIfied therelll: m' call be I
the stock ~ceurc(l :;hull not exceed .£h00
I!. , 75
... 1(10 ... 1:-;,
7~) nd, lt before he llt,¥,oiiate it, and ~allcel fhe
stflmp by WdU\}6 his name 01' the namc ~fJertained therl.. from, or shall. bl: ill' len- I
mte, the SI\Ule duty a:. on a b!ll paYI.,hle
-The same ad t'alorem duty as 011 ~
1.northrnge or wads('t for 8(.curing the like
And the foUo\,ing uutie..; apply to nIl the of hi,; firlll, and the date on it 17 & 18
'", to bearer or order \1l! uemand, • nmoullL 01' "ll,".!'·.
above. and ill addition to
PJ:om~olit NOTE payable t;, lJ(ml'C'l' Oil tI\··,
~Tict. c. ~:3) §:>. 'rlw Act 2:} Vict. c. 15,
§ y:!, provhlc:. that the l):tJ·ty paying the .): PnOltlSHORY Nun: fo1' the I) .. of allY E"CeedilJ'f '£::'(1) -£1 ' ~

~: sum of mOllcy hy instaImcllt..-;, or fvr tbc; PElt:-;OXM, Ol' lh;ul'uBu: Bo~m gi\'(,lI M all
) .
Hln.1Hl. lHlI, shall, when hc d(){'ti 80 write tIle
Above and !lUt ab(J\\} .£.2011. .. 2s. od : ~'" P:lj:llICUt of .-;eyer~1 stuus of 1IlOD<'Y at; ud.lilioi!al Or /1t1'iI,('1' 8~curit." fol' till' }lny-
) WOl'(1'" pallI" upon the Ht/unp, ' 'I'he , ;~", different ..-lay:-; 01' times, so that the whole, mellt 01 allY :it:lll of mmn'y, or fO!' the
aoo ... :i'l. 0(1. ~ll\illlllt. of duty 011 adhesive stamps is
:1(10 400 ... 4s, JUlP:'~i;8l'\1 011 two pnlt:-;, 'rho 13oru'd of
.t:. of the m~nlJy to Lt) Vaid sha.lI bo defiJli,lt' I trnl~:$fl..'l' or rt'tmll"ft'I' d finy ~:dm!\' ill uny
. i' and certam, the same duty as Oil a prollHs- i of thl.':;c stock~ lJi'1.wioll.'f/:'f 8f!(·urcd by a bond
500 ... 5s,o,1. llllalltl Heycllue I'ceommend that the
f)OU 7:i1l ... II'!. (j(L cancellaLioll should Ix' Oil ono of the
80ry lIotC', payable otherwise than t(1 t.he
01' othe.r security the-n'ill rcfcrre,l to, which
OOU.I'CI' 011 dcruallll, fOI' IL sum equal t~l the I !l!LS paltl the prop('!' wl /·t.dorcm duty Ill!
o .. 1000 ... 10S.(,!1.) pm:t s, ~1H1 t l~c othc!' lcft. lcgibk . :\" 'wh.oln.,nn~oUl:t of tho money to be PIUll. i
J)\!JH:.lS at the llatl' ihcI't'of:;-
10 () 1r,IlO .. . 15:1. od. J:
If a orelg'n 131H paya.ble ahro,~d, and as to .••..BILL:; 01 J..ADl:\G ................... ' ............ (l,l, ,\ here t)w :-;um Ill' th.> \'(l.illC of tile l'ltoek
1500 ... :!ooll... ::Ws.od.1 wl)Jch the pl'o\'ision "drawn III sets of .~,' B '
:.lOOO ... ;3I)00 ... 30:-<,Od,/' three \))' mol'('" Ill,/,jv shall be drawn ill : .• OXllS ~\1'W, OTHER :5ECUnITIES , ' Ii shaH not exc{'(·t} £J ·illll,-The :;llUW {ul
I'll I orelJt tlut
Y M 011 n howl 01' mortgage
.. • .1000 ... 10", (le!.
I ' I J 'IJ ",
a slllg C )1 ,the dut)' will be the samc -"~: BoND (pC'l',sollnl) g'!v<',1l for any cert.alu SUIll {If' fol' :'flcnri:.g ":11(' Ilk(' sum '.1' ,·nh:.: ;
1 •
. £LOt~~', ~~~~? .£11)00, 01' part 01 llS OU Ull ll1la.mI Bm, and if in a. set of ':~( money uoL c.xccl'dmg Where :-;ai·l Mtnl I- 'Hlll ('XCI':' ,t .£ 1-1110,-.£1,
~ I X.lS.-Pl'olUi~sol'y .!\otOI) fOl' '£;1111 or lHltlel' two, the (luty Oh each will be the '}!,", £,;.) h, :It: \;;:-1.
are 1I0t, t(~ be dmwlt :myahh' to b! ,m';' Inland Bill. This is in accord· us on fil. ~r~,;'
',7, • l-:xcccdin« ,;£:./) nuJ :lvt cJ:ceildilll,t'
:.1' n,)
,00:-; 1 ) - /
ra n.o/er OJ' ..:!..~.':J'Wlcld (lilll' ion
011 Ilcm:llld, c.':cept hanKt'I':-""ual,llJ 1l.1lct) with the opinion of the Board of :'~'f: Hi!) ~:O() (, .. 0.\j or Ilssi!!Tlatinn of an.\' :,lIcll 11011<1 a.'i afore-
n L 1. I . 1
. C1lc~" \\,lle 1 reqUIre a ( ifli'I'l'lI: stamp;
,111! !l.1I) 1'>,l("h 1I0tC';i of Imllh'I''l lllll! la.,
1nln.1\(l.Rc\'e~lUc, (:'c.: ~ "ortlt Britis/,. Dail!J
. .l)/ro/, ;3d Ne,n'ember I \~:") ~,) BlIt tIle

G- :.11.
is, /id,
sai!l) all'\ wbid1 ha... l)ai<i the IlrollCl' ud
~~a ore-,;, cluh' 011 howb-
otJ,le),:, l)e l'c-i~!>ucd after kill!! HIIC!' b.~m'{ I~a\'l' gl\'PlI :m opinion that :l Fo- .~
" . t , '
Aud where the san;,e sha!l exece(l £300, I Where the fll:illclpal lIl(JIley 01'Rt.ock If("
paId. ,1'<.':~11 Bill dl'r\~'1I ahl"'ini and paya.ble in . " thC'!1 for every £100, mui al';o for any' CUI,(,tl hy the hf.1H1 I<hllll llOlexceed in
l-'ol:I.{(;~ ~~rtL'; .t1 m\\' 11 il' hilt p,~ynhll' ouL (lf llu» COUl!h-y 111 Illlp!It'ntc 01' triplicate ;',d. t11tdional part of £lOO,-~8, (;d. whole £1·;i,I),-The Nl.JlW duty os on a
(~llly l'('PI'C'~(·lIt,., olle n"llgact.ion, and is
t.l(' (1)lkd hlllgdOlIl, all.] ab!) dr,lwll out
all,l Jl.lyahle out (I' nu' I.'lIill'd l\ilwllnlll
h:lt, ('Il<!f.'!':-'l·tl or, IH:~ot I,Lt('11 \\ ithil~' I tl:
ltahle to thl' duty on Ofle !lI!aml.Bill ef
the :;nll){' alHo\' .I,-t.hat is, .f one of the
~ OXIJ U.H security for llwnics to be thereafter

, lenl, advanced, 01' 7'aid, 01' 'lD/dcll ma!1 be-
COlii,(' dar UpOll. account-current, together
bond for th! total lunount. 01' \'alt\(' ;
And ill o\'('ry othcl' ('a.<le :mch trnnMft'!',
lI.sRi~1l1l1{'JH, (ll:-lposii iOIl, 01' ll.Ssigll4ltion,
t llltn,\ J,"llli!<\Olll. If t.I'itW)) in :-mt~ of tIlI'Ct'
~r IIIOIP, fol' ("'I'I'Y J,jll of (,,\('11 l'>et- .
pal't~ hl\\,(' tlll' filII dnly, the othrrs lUny
11)~ ~llI~tl~l,llpe.t. (:-l('C' 'l'i1)u'.~, (;fn N ovembel:'
(., with allY sum a!ret\dy atlvll.!lcell or du<', or!
without, 1.\..'1 the case lUay bo,-- :
AhaH he chlLl·gen.hl(· with tt,e duty of £1,
• lun l'a,\ ;,I~I .. 11'1t, aboY(' L'::'.j... Ox, 111. .' '),,,9 J he I'>riH't\ull' of i 1:,. act d(\c~ not Wherc the monl'Y seclin'tl or to b(' Ill: i- Pr:n.,>01li.\I, 01' Hf:1tlTABI.J.: Po!'w giVCll M the
.:\bo\ (' £:!.I a:;1\ lint aboy<, r)o (/;)' I }ll'o\'lll(' ,for :--Udl Cl hla 1'{'1I1f" drawn in matcly recoyerable sIsal/be li?i"i!et/ not ollly or 1,riilci pal H(!(,llrit y for the pl~ylUcllt
.')1) ~. 0:" ~1!1. i !o\d~ .• nlils ll!'ill'i"\!' to he 111.:7",n out of .. to <'xcecd 11 given sum,--Tho samo 'luty of llUY (l;l1I11l1.·l.'1llj10ll flj(~ orifJiJlIJ/ credtion
"';,j l'>. tLI' { 111ft" I I{ l!I'~,ipII! ar(' to i (leemed i" . as on a bond for such ~ml1l, !lilt! ,~'f,1t; tl"m!of,-Til( BILllh' ad ft.ilorC1n.
I r ' 1)'"
I,) <,)1 •
lOO OS \.\.I
'OI'~'I,:':Il" )1:.,-: 10 .. dl'i1 \';11 , altbough they 'Whore, and lV~th()ut an!llimit,-- I duty M on lL ('oil\·C'yr.ll~e UpOll sail' ill cou-
10.. 2(10
:!dO aliI). 0". "'1. 11;11) 11l • I ',IIY hl' dl',\\\ II ill Uw United The samo as ou a bond for a sum equal; ~idcration (/ the /ol11Ul or value given or
;~Ol 1 .~Ol)'.,·. 1:-. Hi 1. I h 1Il.!!t!,,:,:-17 & I'· r 11'1. \'. 8:3 ~!i 4. A to tho amount of the penalty. - I agt'crt! fOI' the }lurchase.-Sec Dllbes on
'* 1s ,hI., l
(It'l {P', III
II1(' l' IlIted Killgllom, rlrawing Whel'fl there ili no peualty, the bond shall: Conveyances.
; ~, ,

, . ' , '
• • • ..
. . '. t
PERSONAL BOND given us a collateral or I 'tlstOIllS 0)' exci::.c, or for preventing ~dg £\·.B.-Duty to be denoted hy imrre:;sed m-I or person, pa!/l.1.lJl-: olll!! at tilt' u-at of tha
auxiliar!/I-'ecurity for the payment of ~.ny !I or c\':lls:ons thereof, or for any other ma.ttf;r adhesive 8tamps. A(lhcsin~ 8tamp to he I dfbtor, the duty Rhall be calcalated {t,~king
anmtity upon the original creation and relatillg thel'eto-relandin o of plate-regis.. cancelled bl' writing upon or aCri)':I.'l it th~ sal~W rCRt)(.'cti\·cly, wheth('1' ('on'!t:-
sale, where granted Cl' counyed or secured. , tel'illg of Bl'iti&h ,'esscls,~5s, name and date. tuting tllC' whole or H i~;,ii only of Ru~h
by any other deed or instnuuellt, p!lying ; llElu'rAHLf~ 01' PEH:'ONAJ. Bmm. (If any kind -EYA~~lS. cOll-:H~ ....til.lI) ncco"ding to t be n\"E!rngl!
the ad valorem, duty on cOllveyances upon \' \\ hnteYer, not otherwise dlll.rgcd Bor ex. VEYAN(,E. whether grant, di~l'o~it!O", u.$- ~ellil'e price th~rcof fl'\olpecth'dy, on the
tho sllle of any prOpl'l'ty- prcssly exempted from all stamp duty- sigtHllcnt. tmnsfl'r, rf'liitllciation, or oi any day, fli: Gll either Gf th{- k1l da~'1I pl'c('cdi:Jg
'Vhcre such ad valul'em duty shall llot, £i, 15s. ' oU!!!:' kiud what~oe, upon tho sule of tho datc of the deed or instr,lIll1.:Ilt of l'OIl-
I c~ceed 20s. such howl shall ue chargeable; .Sote,-Thc above pl'o,·iHion, thnt tIll> :lOlLy any lands, tem'U1tlllts, rent::;, nnlluitie~, 01' Yeyn,lIce, or if no Hale shall !taxe t.,kell
I With n, stamp dut.y of c(lUal a1110lUlt i shalllwt exccctl till' ad t'lJ.for/'1!I. ditty on "- ':,.-, other properly, hc:!tahl'1 or moveable,ol' placo within such tt'1l days, then a('cOI"lil't{
therewith; I a SIlTII the l'l<lllle at lotlllt as the pClIalty Tof any rignt~ title, illtcl'!,.st, or claim ill, to, to the ll\ f'mWJ ~t'lIi:1g price tlwreof fill tit..:
And Wh01'O such l',Xci'clls 20s,-~1. I ill the bond, appltcli to the fOil!' preccd- out of, or upon :my ~uch, that is, fOl' tlHlI day of the last 1)\'el'~llillg "l<'\lc: 1l11111f ..II! h
I)EllS0NAL or lh;IlI'fABl.E Bo~m gl\'('11 RS RI iJwentries, principal or only df'e(l, iIlS~lM.tnWnt. or I
cOIl"\itif'I'ation, or I'K;1, tt (,I·c.:lf, shnll lw I),
security fOl' 1,110 PI~Y~lIcllt. of I:IIY WIrHdt!/,' C;111.nT~:n DI~I'O~ITIOS, or CO~TRAf';T. (aftor ~-; writiug whereoy th!' laud.s l)r othrl' thin~s lllOl't.gage, bOIHI, (II' (Iehclltur(', tIlO UlllOll:lt
\ (c.~c!'J)~ up~n tlw ~~t!J LI~al 1'1'I?utwn ami sale,)
Ol ~f I.IIY HUlII 01, !HlI.IlH of }lJOllcy nt Htat(~t11
I 1(I.tJ! Octohel', H'i,i:I.) containing the first
OI'lgmal COllstltutlO1I of fCIl and b'l'ountl-
.:i sold ere gradcll, :lssigllcfl, ~:'lllll.f(:r~'t'd, 1 whcr('(~f I'hall he l'/'l'ovembl(, hy the ho!·I.·r,
:~:,;£. rC11OU!ICed, or otherwiso ('')nv~y()d to 01' HI' nny vther iccllrity .vhatl>o{·\'el', w:l"1hel'
f ~1('I:~o~I~, {Il~t h(',l1I~ .1I1~el':HL u:)r.l'e,llt UpOIl I ~ullui\1 right:-l in Scotland, (uot being 2\ ?§"?:: ...e~tcd ill '.he IHll'chascl', or {lilY other per·. },aYI\bh· ill mOJ1('Y 01' otll('l'wi!-!l.', Knch cd~ 11-
., I, :l I{.\''il ,) fOl RIl) dchlllte ,md (;(;ll:UlI terlll,! lCfl.<;C or tack fol' yel\l's,) ill com~idf't'atioll .::-J.£' SOlll by hit; direction. 1 latiou !'lmll ht.' ma'le w'c(mlillg to thp !mlll
.-" tl~ll.t the total (W~M'lIt to,I:c pallI Cill1 Iw I of any anllua.l sum payahle in perpetuity
(It' fe:' n.i.y illdc~initc pi ri()(I, wr·;.ther f/!u
:\~~.'lVhere tIle purchlBe or consideratioH money tIlle tli(;rl'Oll f{lr hoth principal Ilud hl-
·~i.,~.: e.:q>resl'cd shallllot cxceed£ I I h'''t'~t.}
jll'I'\'wulily flscertutIlcd, - 1110 S,UIlC :ul
l',dorcm dllty n.~ Oil a h01ll1 of the like I fnl'lll 01' other rout feu-duh' (Tl'Ound-fln- ; .-
25 ... ~ (j i
t I I) I
11 UIIY el\W.'
I1 1
W lcrE.' proper j' S HI.. le so, 'lIIt
IHLtUl'C for the paylhl'lIt of ... SUIIl of 1llOlH'Y
('qnal t.o HlICh tolallllllollllt.
l'I,;nso:s':U, 01' Ih·;H1·r.\III.J~ Bmm gin'll H..'! a
I 1111111, 01' othcl'wi!.lc; ,

\~'h('rcmlll\I:IJ SlIlIl!'! ailnotoxt'. £5

., (;>
£1) r. 0
<. ,.

E~cccdiIlg £25 not exc. 00
0 in
() !
c()IlYcye!1 in cotisillCl"lltioll of ILllj I'tmt
charge or all III ut y, 0\ allY 1U1II1I1l.1 Ill' ppl'i-
odical paymeut ~,) 1,1' H.n(1.· l·l'I'IIlIUll·lIt Iy

:-lCCtll"lty fOl' the PI,lYllll'Ut of allY w/1/uit.I " l·.x('ccding r:. nnd !lot l'xcccdillg 10 0 12 0 100 12:' (l 12 fi or for ully iIHlNllllt(, pl'lIo(I, tlo that tilt'
( r,1:c('pt as (/,Ql'eS((t( r. I .) 01' of any III01U'" at
~tlltl't1 pel'iodl', (I/ot lwill!! illl",.. "t nor ~:'1!t
I 10
0 IS 0
1.. 0. 125 1;)\1 CI).'1 0 I
tot:\) nmount of the 1l1OIlt'y h he pail! fOl'
,((I)(In l,ea.~e·: ) .f or t.}l~ t.l'rm 0 f 1ife 0)' allY I ::0
f , O "110
1 10 0
0 0
() r;
1 \I 0
:'Iuch ~Jropnrty callnot be pl'l·;-iom;ly 2\."1\:1'1"
tainc!:', which !'(,lIt dmq..;I', nnu\I:f ,v, or
Ot\WI' 1I111dlllltC' Pl'I'IO(I, so that the: \dlOlc '. 7:> '.. 160 6 () g 200 22:' 1 2 ,: : other puytlH'1It I ~h,.H 1:<.' lllalic ,,·:iljl'CI. to
t:lIl1llOt bt~ pn.!\'ioll:-Iy :\..,cerlallwl! _ ,\1l<illo "~l f..~c\'('ry ~5() nnJ al." fOI'lIIIY 2:!,i 2.')0 1 li rl"'f'h'I,tioll or pUl'l'lIl\.'In UpOII h'nll'"! mid
WI It'l'l' tIt'lanUIlI ' l Y 01' 1-\11111 Iil'('ul'(:el
, lIot (':I,cl'('d £.iO }lCI' ll.1II11l111,- £ I .;
' lihali
fmelllOlt:l' \'·lrL .. 1 £;,1) ... ', ............... 3 0 0
-Ji 1II1( It> \ id. r 0:1. :!50
1 7
1 10
I ('oWJitlOll'i :i\'Pt'itil"l 111 till' dCl',1 or lII"t 1'lI-
Wfllt, whpl',·j,y the ,)rop(;rty"o",1 shall he
I'..Xl'('("h; 'i.~ £;,0 Ilwl lIot cXl'Cl'dlllg .£100 Pl'l' ('IIAItTEIt of r('sio('llntioll, cOllfil·1l1,.tiOtl, 110 ......-
:tll 11111 Il.- £2, ' I . . . . v-
1 1:)
2 (I
i C')iJ \'('j'l',1 to. or \'l·:-t{·I: ill, 011' pnr;;}u\:-"I"
or ,lm' \I!'I1'OIl In' h:s din·etioll. the 1ll":II'l'
"I I ~ all.mH, .11)1011 nppnu:-;illg, 01' Ill'CI'cOt of ad-
,Ill \\ '1'1 f' l'11'p{'dillg £\00 1'('1' mllllilll, JUlltC:ltIOIl 01' :-i.all', of heritable suhjects 4{IO 4:;0 2:' 11 i 01' th~ c.III"ieh'·'I:lilln IIll'lIti1lll(;'d ill tIll' l>.\,d
~ 111'11, fill' ('\'('I'Y tJUti, and also fol' :lIIy hollIcll o,f It Huh,wet Sll l ll'!'iol',-5s. 4;'iO ,'j{}0 2 111 (l <ic".l or iu"tl'UlIll'llt 11' thl\t 011 JIII.YlIlt·nl Ill'
fl'.\d IOnal part pf ,£ I O{) }I('I' mllllJlll - Al t f I Nl~' 5.')0 2 If) \I, tnlll:-:f::l'. ,ieH'n'ry or Nlltbfadioll, (lf wlwl:
£"2. ' ~o WI'I . 0 c(,ldil'II,Hlti ll ll of any dc~d or
5.jt) {ion 3 1\ {I tllfl ~aid ~'(,lIt l'imrgl" ammity, or ,IIH'1'
1>>Il t W11.'1'(, t Il('1'1' .... ha 11 he Iloth n. pl'l :-.Vllll.l IIIstl't1mt'ut of ~asllle 01' lIot:u'ial iOftru-
t I ., , i''''~ pl\\,iUf'nt !-thall he retil'l'IIIt'11 01' pHrt'iw,(',l t
~IHI }a ma!,II' bOlld ill ;WpHl'at... del'c!1i of mell '. w It'l'~}. lallds helll of 1\ ~nbjf'ct !,::-'·'l..nd wh~ro tho plIr<'ll:\.'iC (Jr con~i,1C'rat ion
.11U 1'o.<llIll' t1,dc fo), :-.t·IIII'illg :ll'Y "'.'11('11 I l-.lljll'I'IOI', Wrlttl'lI 11 po 11 Ml<'h <ll'cd or in- ;.... IJ\Ooey :-;halI e'xcf'cd £(joo, trl('l! f·,:· ..:n-ry
or l'('j"U'l'hlts{·d, 01' Hl:all l'e/\.'tl' to 11:' "ay-
nhh', :-haH he del'l •. ··,1 to hl' thr 1'1II'c1I,:"!"
1Il1lllllty, &e., al,,1 thl' ad /"1(1"1'1'111 flut\.·
. Stt'IIllH'lIt, i. I and
1.\, 't f t· :!.2 Vic~ ')" c 76 OS~ 7',
;: £tOll l a.nd also for finy fl'nct..\.Hud part Of i rlll,III'\' or l'lm~ ith I',\t iOll, 011 1 hl' mdr of d.,
'lh \ I " j .1'1 (.) I'cslgntl. lOll, lands ht'ld M af'o".c.
1II11011llt., to .£"2 01' "1'- I I .j: l"'L:d l;",~.,·rt.'y 1"0 ;-olcl al\(\ c"-In·yed, '·.··1111
• ( I ' l ' (;.largc{
w,\l'l1s, the hl'li:ahl" \'011(1 ollly to
dhll'gl'd wit h the wl ,'a/ut/lit tillt '., nllll '
hl'l :-aH, I J., ~ 9; Writ. of iilYol>titur(' 01'
dl'pd of I'cliuq lli:-;llIlH'lIt of ~llpel'iOl~it·,
It \!) (lit'e('t('() thllt tho pllrchllSI'-:1I0tlf'Y Ol'!
I" .-pc'ct ·,C dlich In:-lt-:llClltitllll·,1 pilI'< '1.1'\"
'~i~,::, cow~illl!!'a~it)n shall bn tJ'lI(1J t·.)'pre,~.~.'(lmill! 11:0111'." 01' C ·!, the 'Ill l'It/,u" (/~
tl It· \ll'I':-'OIIfl I IlOll( 1 to he dM!'''edj 0111" I lal\(IH hrI411\'''1 afm'{''''ai( I, ill" S 24, ,'\11(} ,"./1'.
\I Ith tlll: tillt v (If £1 0" I
'" X '3 '/'3 1
~.;. ~ 0, • ,_. ntl{ :!-1 \'ict.; c. 1.1:3, § -111
., _I: I~, SI'! /orllt in 'IlJord,~ at !('Il!!(// :11 or "POII: ,IUty l'ill:1I bp dl.U'!-w,.blll: fll\!l will'I'e allY
.~~? t. \'Cl',)' dc('<l 01' instl'llIllcllt of (~OIlYeyRIH'(' ; i Mlch hl.-.t lllCII ~lOlIcd ('011"11"'1':1 ·ltlll !<hllll
n.,xll of all\.' J..1I1~1 I l' I~'''' t' '. -.IX,
~~: !l.l',l wlll'rc flUt'h cOil:mlcl'atiou l-Ilmll CO!l~ iHt,! cOIIl-.i'lt \\ ht,ily, 11\ il' part I (If fill:' ~tock (ll'
" 1 ( li<:lIp 1011 (/11'1 iI Ill/' PJ'O('I'C'ssi\'(' <il'! \' (f 1': ,
,11/ 11 Ut/'fi'
'/' .
lit /",,<1
t/. " ' )
110/ as 1~/l)rl',~a i, - CUAlrn:1t- \' \!tTy I ,IS.
t) I,
:~. l:itt,C'r wholly or ill P:l'1, (Jf any st.J{'k 1\1 ~,'clII'it~' IIlt,!!tiollf'd il~ till' .\cl J.~ awl I·}
h(' dllly I'haI;.iI'ahl(' 1.\ allr I'd. ill forn"'ll I r t Y: ...................................1):;. '~ ~('(,IJI'I('y; the v(tlne thcreof l'CHIH'(:-h'cly, ~d: \'id, (', f)7, the valllc ther('of ~h.\;1 h(· Il'lc('r-
' ' ' . 0 (·:- ...I)II"'t;~IIlJl{'d Chart('I'-Pal'th"H Rl'~ rc-
/,il' ... illg l;Hh allll l.idl'\'II'I' (: 0-
I' ' . ,",
,"t 110 !-.tll:h holltl :-.l,al! I.\, chm"'('(l '\'ith
1 C('I\·{'( ~ I t
A r'" ~o .1(' ,:-. <ll.lIl'ld the' Sl\mo as
;1>' IU after mcntiOlH'd, !-.halll
he t\:lle.tuitll)d LlitJ(·d a:, ill i"\If.'h Ad i'i in that ht·half
:' , ~IJS'J
L·· truly set forth. as nfore:-'(liti, in 01' 1 provided: all 1 whel'(' nlly !-'1I,'h Illlllllity,
allY ~l't'atl'l' IUlhllUlI of :-.taltlp d~ty thall A ~IC~ 1!1( ~I~,:<' ~((' )\()tc' llldcr head of ;:: ' .lp' m (,VCl'j "'lIch dt,t·(l or ill~trUlJlcrlt.; and! I'l'nt dl'U'W', or otbt'l' payml'lIt IIf'II'(''l:,It!
tllt' lid j'alor/'m lI!ltv IwfuJ'(' ch.u' ,(." ('In ,~I1~.I,.:I~}'~,r.. ' 'is !-;Udl value shall be declllcll to te tile pur-I Hhal! Ill' iliad f' , ~u}.,,'d to 1·I·dl'lIlp~ion Ol
UpOll, l~ howl g-ivell C;)J' thc p:n'llIl:nr of {:o~,: I~~I~O~-D~.,~.. J) ~ It It C:'t'dit o}'s..... .£l) lar, # C!I,t:-C or cou ... illemt ion 1l.OllCY. or Pfl.l't ~ ~"H·C;,'l~P. 01' rl']'III·I'i •• l.lW 01' Ili"I·OIIt.lltIUUI(,("
:t d('hlllte alld certail! HIIIJl of 11I0l1f' ' l 1 .A: l ... OH. \.t. h'l' :!~th Allgdt't l$bO), :(! ~ In m'of, fl.'i ill'.! ('ll-~j) IllS\\' hc. In 1'cH1',·d.· up,.1l l'!l.'yuH'nt ,,- ~at::&,,·tiOI\ of Illl,\' 1I1011~Y
t Itp liatll(' amount fl.'l the pel\alty of ) '1
lIy lflote, 1IH'1I10I'<l1lIhIlU,01' writ in" (.n::U.
/'\I\l I I Inon y called a l'tllltr,wt Xot(. or b~'what,..
~i t whnl'l·()f tho ad '1.... dol'clIi l',utj ~,111\1l be I '" ,,11111' to \1(' Cl!. 'j'l'tain('(i fir calcltlat .. d in
:-; f chll.l'gcd, r lIl:1l1f.l'r I'l'ori.ll·t! ill till' :-;n.hl I(!'('e] 0,' il:-
P,(l~I' of Hnll:F to a eaut iOlle'l' or :-.\U'pf r .£ I ~:c~"llI~\~u(' HI(' ~a!ll(' ItlI1Y h(l tl~}jgr.atcd, for ...~d wh(,I'(' tht' cOl1bi(l(,l1ltir.n, or !\ny part ()f! I-:tflIIlJl'I.t. tlw /lmOltllt of ,",Uti! mOll,'\' 01
J:IS, y • , • ,I II a"lIIg 1() tlt(· :-alc or pm·dli\''30 of any itll' uOIIl-tj'!"mh(,,! ~h!ln i.},~ slo /.: in th~, ralll(' "lwli. f", the 1,urpo;~,' (If dll~I;:II"
lb:-'IJ f,,1' thr dlle f'\e'('htioll of nil 11, . l' gO\'l'I'lIlj~('!lt or oth('r pUhlic "locks fn His 1 1)1' :my gO\:erllnH'llt (l
, " fIUII~,
PU;Jl:'~ '
('h~JltHr HI<' hUt! lid I'll/OfI'll' ill l 1\', h· nR(,('P :1111('J
h ) .ll(OIllI
' " t f or IllOil(:y l'cel'i"cd h\'" \'irl 11 ( • ,UI(
I I' or't:,;:C'cU/'lhl'S,OI ' . ,::1. 1I'y j; t oc-.C{,
fllJ1(h:l 01''
j ,
set-'U- or ~\tf)ck of the Ball ks ()f EngH\Ilt! or Ire-: (\1' c:dcuI1lte.l, .1'1 in l"II'~I~ dt'l,d Ill' iill't 1'11-
, ~lIdl ~Imce)-.£l, 1;)..... • \ P 11 ~'l It'~, 01: /'!tdJ't' 0" Sh~'l'B of 01' ill ~llY joint,.. h\lld, (H' nlly (j.)IJc.1iuro 01' stOck of uIlY! IIU.'llt !-IIIa 11 'l(' I'll. pl'f)vt:led. j(j \\1:11 li
Lo~u gmm for, lll' III )'esped of, dutic~ (If . tl)ck 01 other publIc cGm,Ptl.ny to the corporr\til.'ll, company, sGCiety, or per,>oflH. 'l"iet. I~. ~fn: \: 1 i.
amoUllt 01' \'aluc llf £/j or upwali.l.., ...... Id.

---n-la-k-'c-r-o-l-'-g'-iv-.e-r-Of~-i-t.--X"-a-ls-o-;--tatem;;;lt'-II ()rig~~al deed or in:-;il'um('ut, incllld~lg ti;o
penalty £20. False order not involved progrcl:'si\'e duty thercoll (If any) ;
in the bauds of the custodier the goodB And where the Fame ("xclu:-;ivc t~'! nfore!':3hi)
unless a party or privy to the froud. 23 amonnts to the Sllm (If 5:,1. or upwanb,-
and 24 Viet. c. ill, § 1a. Pcl'Son req ui r- !.'is. ;
ing the ordedo pay thc stamp duty,aull .Antl where in the latter l'~e any !-luch 11(,l·(1
~: ,
'~' .
person required to grnnt it m:\y tefuse
to do so until duty paid to him. lb.
14. If the order ~;tato the goods to ~e
*II or im,trulllfmt, together with nuy !'Chellllle,
receipt, or ot her matter put. (11' indlll'SP(\
t herC'on or :tnncxcd thereto, cOlltalm, :! l.(:n
undel' the value of 40s., penalty, unle:-;s wOI'(l~ 01' upwards, for eyery \'utn'!' quan-
the orders shall be stamped ,,,hen issut>d, tity of 101-\0 wOl'd~ cont:l.llled therein aho\'o
on the makers, ,£20. 23 '·ict. c. 15, tht' fir!-t 10"'1) word..;, tho pro[.,'1·es:.;i,'e linty
§ in. of 2s. fid.
llote.-The tlutv lll:ty be denoted by im- In f,Udl latter rase lhe duplir,'lte or counh'J'-
prcsst.!<l or a(lhcsive ht:\mp. If an im- part (excepting t'ount 'I·pa.rt<; of l"n:;os not
pres-'5l}d stamp Hot on th\j instrument. :.;ignet\ hy th<: kssor, 1(; an,l 17 -;kt. ,', !J:'.,
tlw person who HhaU mak(', Sig'l, or is!->tll', § 12), is not twnih\ble \\11lt'~S ~;t.u.mpcu \Vi ih
shall, before doiivel'Y, a.lli..x the ndheHi\'c a particuI:tl' ~;tamp for denoting tIll.' }lay-
stamp, and effcctually cancel it, by wrilr ment of the full stamp-(Int.y on the (lrigillal
ing Oil it his name, or th(' name of his deed, 01' instrutnt'llt, which :-;ha11 he im-
firm or principal, or the injtials, auJ the pres~ed upon s:tch, on the RalI\(' bdt1~ )1\'1)-
dah· (\f t.he day and year. Pena.lty on "nced, tcgether with t ho original dOC'tl or
sHoh pcr~on for default, (lHll (Ill the PC;'- instrumC'nt, and on tho whole heill~ duly
son receiving it without l'tamp,-£:W. executed and Rtamped in all other re~pt'ct~,
23 Vict, c.I5, § 9. No ehm'se fo\' brokcl'- Duplicates to 11Iwe (\(:-uotiuJ,t ~tt\lnp im-
agc, &c., in refcrence lo the i'a}c or PUI'- pl'('~sed arc reccin'd hy tho Bolidtor (If 111-
·, chase lnentiollcd or rcfcl'l't'd to in /'Iuch land [{('venue, Edinhurgh. Sce a(tcrward~.
I order::, lawful, if not !-It.alllped. I h, DWl';LLl:-;G-IIOt!s!-~ ArT, sec Lust-;.
I' DEPUTATION 01.' A GA~IEKr;Hl'Elt.-£l, If):-" !!\l:>euA.!\cl:: l'OLlCLES.
DISEN'l'ArrJ, iustrument of, £1,
DOCR W AIU<A::\T-{on and t~flcr :~d April IS60) UFE.
Any warrant or (loculHent, commolllycaUell Where, t.ftrr 2Mth August J8t10, the !'-l1m
a dock warralJt., 1))' Itny ot,her or do~ imml'(!d :-.lmll not C'xcoed £2.\.. ))) I) :!
cume'lt, hy wha\"\'('l' nanll' the same shall (23 and :!4 Vit-t. c. 111, § IO.)
be d( signatl'll, wil:.,tl shall C'vidcllco the \fh(,I'c the Rum hl!'nred shall ('X~
". title "f any per~\.n thm'cin named, or hili ('cc! 1 .£25 and Ilot ('xce('c! .c.illt \
~~signs, 01' tho ll"llJer tht'rcof, to th(' pro- -Then for en· ..)" .t:;(), and any
,I p.:!'ty in any good." warcH, or llwrchandi:.\' fl'fu,'tional part of .£.'}O, , .......... 0 0 6
~,J lyiug in any dock l.\." warehouse, or UpOll WhC're it !-;hall ,'xcel'tl .£:)011, nil.!
any wbarf, ~uch w:-iting or document being Hhall not (,Xl'el't 1 '£l(l(l{l-Tlwll
signed 01' certified !IY or on heha.lf of tho for ('vIHY .£JOO, nwl f\.lly fmc-
C1)n11) or person in whose \~t18tQdy :mr.h tionnl part. of .£Jno, ................ tl 1 0
g-~Ol8) \\'llrc~, o~· merchu.nd.isc may bc, 23 WhC'rc it hhall eX(,t'c\1 £1000-
VlCt., ('~\p. la,-3u. ThC'1l for ('very £111110, an<ll1.tly
Exe:mpilOll.-AIl,lllrritill.f! or documl"lu git'l'11 fractional p:U't of £H 'OO,,, ........ II 10 (I
b!J Im.1f inland CaNIt'1' ((cknowld(qi11,1J the (Hi alH I l i \' iet. 1', !i!).)
I'ec("pt (',. .qo(ld~ com'('!lfrj 11:1 $ucIt ctl)·ricr. Policy of n.~~unUlc{, or in":llrllnc(' (:tftt·r :.1 . . . t IJ
'Where there is It dock Wltl'l'l\ut ~tampcd with A \l~ll~t If-(ill;" hy what ('\"('1' Ita!IW t h.,
~-$; the duty, and ah;o :~ "wei:;:ht-llOlc" rdat· 1'lun(' 8h,\1I ho !'alle·d, wlll'rl'i;v Ilm' :--11111
;\'1,' ing only to the I"ame goolls, the weight-, of 1Il01l<'Y :-thall hp 1I..,,,tl'l'(,!l, 0;' a:!I"C'C(\ to
~l note :,;11(\1l (,c': cscmpt from tho duty. ~:ll he paid ;1Il1y upon tiw dC:d h :>f ~lIY P~'l'­
and 2·1 Yiet, c. 111, ~ l!l.
Xotc.-Tho duty :II~\Y bo denoted hy ~m.
I l--Oll, from or hy 1'(':l~"1l of any ~.IW,(' m-
l'i.\(,Ilt. t(l or eOIl"t'l\u{,!lt upnn !ravl':iing,
,~ pr{'~sed 01' mlhcl->;,'o Htamp. If an lUl-' \\ lwt h('l' hy land 01' wall'I', or any ae-
;; l'l'es~cd ~tnmp lIot on t.ho inst.rument'l l'it\cllt. 0::' l'xt('1·lUl.l \,;o}clI('e, 01' any cam,Q
~ Ree Dt-~I,l\'Jm\' ORDl::n, n.<; to affixing and ',\'hatC'\'('l' utht'\' than a nalul'al cam;e j or
cancp lhng the ItdhClii,'c ~tamp. i whel'ch.v :\IIy \'(lInpcmm,llOlI ~hall he fI+
Dl:PUC,,\TB or Cou~n:Ill'An~ o~ nny (lceo 01'1 14urcd 01' a;.,rrcNI to he made 0: paid r"I'
lllstrumC'lIt, of any deSCriptIOn whntevl'l" I pC'r~(,nl\l injUl'j' r('cei\'ed from any t'au,,!'
chc.rgenblc with any stamp (luty, nndo,', whn.teyer; 01' whc;'eby hoth 1\ ~\ln, of
any Act or Act.'! in forcc- I motley upon (l.,:).th and a COlOpCIl"Il.tlOll
Wherc such ~tnmp duty (exclush'(> llf pro-, for pcr~()l1a\ ill jury n.c.; aforesaid 5hal! he
gre~i!;i\'e duly) 5hn.11 not amount to the :--1II11 n)<~nrcd l'tnd ngl'ccd to he pai([ i or wl}(,l'e-
of ,.. "i., the snme duty as charg\-'ul,}c 011 t h., h;-' n:l)' n."~\lral1('e or in~nl'!l.nce Rho.lI hp

'~ ---------.-......----.

111',u10 'upon d gIns,os bfrom fi loss 01' damage oi-,--Butif-t'he ., CI\'\I'at'" .•• , v l'nt I'reM t 0 f t wo or more
< -
H it hc 8tipl11o.tcd tInt -l-h-e-,,-nI-ne shall-l-an;'p~riodical payments not ('xccC'dillg th~'
any k'm except y rc, distinct pel'SOll!> shall I ' . d b
'Vhcrc thc prcmmm or cOllsidera- l)olicv or ill' tl.:t'm· ,,' t tIle mstu11'c ~~ one amount nt least to n gi\'(~n sum pel'l RlllllU'! sum of £iO-2:3 Yid" c. 1.;, f>s.
+' f" ·h '
"Ion ~h sue a!:lSUt'l.mce~ IIISUI'-
" ,
t-,Ilectiye ;" , vU, len le salu re.
duties as tl .' annum, or it be limited not to cxceed 1\,
ancc, or agreemcnt 81m11 not sll'lll he chal'(r~d tl lC case .may requu'O, giveu sum, to be spccified, then the ad LICr;.,CE.<;;.
e -Xf":"cd let'COu, m l'cspect of
.... . 2s. ,v:,
................. .....wJ.'O 0 1 . , e
('ach allll CVCI'V fmctional I t f £ 'Ctliorem, duty shall be charged in respect: .Annual (1:('£'1~CC to hankcl'S issnir.g notes, £31).
ExcecdlDg 2s. 6d, 3.u:lllot excced- I'S \\'eIl 'lS l' ", t ()f ('vcry I ar u1°1 sum100,f of the /ti!Jlwst of such sums. ; AppraiHt\r.." £2. Pawubroker}!, .£i, lOs,
• r, I •• • n respec f AmI where nny '!iC'a1'(1f sum, is t'CserYClI in i Alllllittt,d ntHI practising a~tol'llerH, I.\.l'., if
lng vs., .. •· .... ··· .... · .............. 0 () 3, £1')0 whi·h 'h 11 I tl I : 0
.And whore the same "hall exceed . " c}, a )C IOre:.y lusurcd addition to or togethcl' wit.h such pro-I l'e;o;iticllt in city 01' county of EJilllmrgiJ,
us., th~n for CYl'I'Y ~"I. all(i abo I
1) 11,1)01l a~ly S~!llal'at(; and distinct intcrest. duce, relath'c to the )'t'a1'ly amoullt 01' I nml ill posspssiou of ofiit:c three yellrs 01'
for every fl~ldi,)JJaj part of :)~..£(l 0 3' °f:'~~f~lt flls.lI~'lIl~c,.£for ~v":l'y £100, 01'
(23 and 24 Yiet, c. ] 1J,)
(\TQtc.-,Vllt'r(' I-IUdl polic\' 01' iU"llI'3,I!('e
I '"
~.)I\a p,lt 0 . WO, lll~urcd for auy
N ('01 t~ll1l t:l'lll ?r pOl'lOd of hme :
::..' '. "

value of which there is no such stiPIlIIl- upwi\J'(I~, £!J : if not so long, £.1, }(l~. If
tioll Cl' limitat~oll, the ad ·ralorem. Iluty I rcsident l'II:10w1lel'p, and '\dmilted ((Ir litl'l'o
dw.ll be charged in l'c;"pcct o~ such yOl\1'1y , ~'car:i or llpwaJ'(I~, £(i; if nut HO long, ..£:3,
AgTceml'lIt slmll be rCllt'.~et1 01' eo;:t il~ucd , ]" ot CX1~CCth!lg SIll calcnd;w 1IlOllths... 2s. 6d. sum. I fo dealers in gold aud silvcr plat.e, abm'l'
O n. pay:ncll t 0f f tIl,t Iler promiullI ' It rc-/ p !.lcee(
r , Ill<'f~
SIX ca cnu'u' 111on'-1'5
I.' ~ i. 4s. od. 1 ........ -' And whel'e botA (£ certain ?ICarl!18111ll and i 2 oz. gold 01' :30 ('Z. si I'It'l', £!'J, Hi8. ])0.
celpt hlmll be gmlltJ(l, and SHch l:ecei )f, 0y:~~!\~ m~ ~,\ IlIS1m.u~cc upon any :;: also 8uclt produce relativc to the yeal'ly I undor do., £2, (i~. 'l'o o\\'uern, and l';«lh'I'S,
Hlmll he the policy :w ngl'cl'lllt'ut f '1' '11 ~I ): ",e \\ 1~.Ltcver, aU(1 not for a amount or \'nllle of which there shall ht,; nnd persolls expo"illg to ~Lle patent lllf'lli-
I'l'llc\\,cd 01' eontillll('d lJlSIlI·'UlCC,at~t! ;h;~li
l,e clllu'gcnble with this illlty. l'ellalt
!:.)r~tl of tll:lC, for cyer), £100, or
!f~C ~?Il~ l p.111 of £100, thereby
sW'h stipUlation or limitatioll is l'c::!(,l'\'eti,
the ad I:alorem duty :-;h311 hc chal'l!ell 011
I ciues, if within the city of E(lillhul'gh, £:!;
if . .·:ithill allY otlwr {'ity, 01' horllllgh, 01'
for l'cc<:iYiIlL; ~)rclllilllll fot· IlII iIlSUl':\Il'.,r 1 'C ,):l~UlCd ~O any pet'soll 01' persons, 25. 6d. thc aggregate Of !'inch yearly HlUll, nnd , tOWIl COrpOI'lltt·, }(\~. j' if III allY othcr part
'I 1 t·
'" \( 110 lUa 'lIlg out, a l'Olil'" duly
• '-"'I ,I ..\SV,.
/1 . ., T nhlO of t.he highl'st YCltrly amouut (ll'll of HCOtlllllll, no;.
l-\~nJLlped, wil hill a 1I101lth, 01' III i1~c cn:-;c Jr..'~~:~, 01' ACKs of LnUll'i 01' Heritable Sub- I ~ ;:;~ "nlue of such produce,
or l'cllmml, not t h('l't'UPOIl gidllg I'cccipt _~ .. -.._ .', N. B.-Where n gm'''~·lIlll Of ,'cut is ill grnin, )( A~DA n;. :"\ce Piton',
duly st~llIlP(·d, lUhl (01' d(,jh'I'I'ill g a policy I - - - - ---~-,.---"--. :,t:" it. is to be Chll1'6ed al.'I·OI·ding to the Mtipu-I ~l.\nltl.\la; ('O~1'R'\CT. Tlm ll\lulillg hl'll.l
01' l'ccelp.~ w,t Ihl)y"talllpt·tl-£:!o. 2a ' : lated I'nto of conl'(~I,:;iont ami !f 110111.' hc i Ullllel' whil'h 1Illwl'inge ("'ulmcl:l an' l'hal'!!,<'-
/1 ~,t
:r and 1 \ lCt. e. 1 J I" ~ I:->. '
I. d. £ 1'. d. .£ 8, d .
!'itipulated, accoruing to the fiars Oil an I 1\1.10 is "~~fJtt 1"'!!I'I!t" By tlH' I'tal utol'),
... , . :- )lIti(.~s}lIay be ;1t'lIoled hy allhe~ive n.'ut 1l!4 OX('ocdiw' e. 0 H ()!l 0 0 6 o! avcmgc of seyen years. 'Y hel'e tiH'I'C art· I note lHHicI' this head, it Is }ll'()vidl'd thnt
:-;t,UIlP"', \dllt'h lIIay he )'I'o\,idt'd awl ill I Ah,t~nfl(i no!' "" :I.:;?, I 1 ~ 0 6 I) 012 0 tlepal'ato grassUilUi or rents payablo to I iIlMt!(ItlH'lltl'l, ':olltainillg :-It'Lt It'IJH'lIt~ of
thc ll\l'allWI~lh' hy allY lIdh":.;i \ l" :-;bUil IS I H ~()' ~ 0 g J~ g 0 l~ 0 Repal'llte 1)1'0 iwlil'i.w pmprietors ill thl' : hlHIs or other propert," (IJ' uthel' lIwth'f' (I/'
IIppl'll}ll'lat"(l hy lI'un" t II I I. () 1 .. 00 sallle deed, the Iltamp is 011 the clonuiu ; tiling, hsidcs the HctJ.Wf.lCnt 0f 1II0IH'y ';1'
• t t..' 0 allY" It"', ~" !,;;,. I1 :: 0 j;, I 10)
I stl)ck, shnli h<.' cl .. "g'_'l~l\l\' with duty III
11111 1'1 III 11 '11 ,,(11'
1I1l1l)'l'''Sl'll "1-111 ! .I i M :.. I .. (I 1 10 I) :: 0 0 amOllnt..
'I'll I' t' fI . '. '!'I, 01 )y, •,) 'j I: :1 r. 0 >\ 10 0
, I lV::!)Xll't of :-ouch, u.s if mlltaillc(l jl! I~ 1>PIIl~'
' (I 11 JI!Ul 1011" "'IIl'n' il(lh('sin"
,ofh. . JOr. r}(I 0 :1 0 tj 0
t~H' <''''11., ~""11

1-1.111l1' IN,l/I'd (/II·I.1,al.]), IIti"l .' t I ' '\111 r.. I 0 0 ;-TA("K~ in P\t.·R~lall('e of Dwellillg Houges .Act, ! rate dc\?(l. A llllll"'iage ('fJlItrt1<'t limy

'\d (.
'. 01
,. i
11:-;( • .\
' I 111 .l·t III
It :-hall !)(> (·llIIt't'/lt'«1
(t·.1 t I', all! IP'll'-
hr I C,\<,(,.,.!{,!\lol, rl ... 1\ fo!,
~\'('ry .c;,\), alld ( ..,. :111\' I
I. _ /, HI all(l W Yiet., I:. l{t', amI 'fl'"nRft.'I'S! tiJ{'refol'e bt~ liahle to a ::illllhpr of tlilrcl'l'lll.
-::~' thel'eof,-Stamp duty may be impI'o~"'l'(l: (lllt:t,:-,. 1£ dcfinite all(l ('taill MlIll~, awl
t\\'1'11 IIIIg 11111111'" II)' '1l'ti'l!s
I • "
Irllt!llfln": I·al c of £JO
1 10 0 3 () 0
~et! ,II'X I't'lallllg 10 tht' jIlMII'IlHCe fOI" --;-;::"-~_____ _, rI, on pnpel' 01' Ilt'llOt<'li hy :-.p{'{'ial n(lhesir('! :-hnl'cs of stocht, u!'e fll'ttled t'O liS an ill-
\\,llIdlSt.IIIl)l adapt",:, Jot default }I' ,It ' t ]{rll~.t:".t. ('''(·('l·.lilll{ ::~ yl.:lI'1<----'- \ stnmp, 1~ alld In '·ict., c. Sti, § ~l. j tel'l'!'It to allY ('xtent sI-roil he ~i\'CII, which
.t 10. ' (; 11,1 J t ,~I,tlH, .1, •• IHlt Uol Hhh\ 0 100 YC'lrs
• I'.}.l'(·ulll'': 111u ~ l'ar~ , . ~{;LEMn: 01' TACK of any kiwi, not \,lhcl'wise I' shall cel'taillly tllkll ent·et, amI not ha
nUl:, Ai ',~:, chnrgetl,-£l, 15H. altogetllt'l' (;1)JJt.illgC'lIt, t11t':..C arc Ila!.l!' to
J- lIlt)' I ] il'\' s1 to t Ill(' dUt.iI'S ill th(' first "()llllllll 'f tl . ~'-.ASSIGNm';~T or ~llrl'clldel' of n h'llso (11' t:.d.:: I the ad t'ulorem HettlelIlcllt Dllty. Jf nn
} I. ' I" . " " ...... ,........ !'(I 1 0
Oil ('1IC I Ih>
'ell xJla 1I I,(' IIIH 1(.,. '£.1(1 ' I 'I f' 1('
f lIpO!1 any other occa-;i.1n than Il salt' or! llllllllity i'l IH'l,\'ide,1 to till' W:t!(W:R or
IC:,/I (S .Js. 1)('1' ('('lit I )' 111(II,l'\' I," " . f:' -, aw, I 1\ sum 0
, • 1(' a 1111 11111 ('11 {'"I')'\' \ \\ l\ 1\ i dlOrtgl\ge) illcludillg Il lease or tack fut' :l' otlll'r:-!, such iH lialllp to Bowl of Alllllllty
• 11 1;0, Il/':tlit'(. Jrlcltl(' Ill' 1'('11('\\"('11. " ' 1 1 1 1 ' ~hAil ] '.. '1"1(" }lIt'111ll1l11, (II' gras-
J~,I'('II/I'(/()n.~.-Pld,lie 1t""'I'il'II~' I . " """ 11 .lh, the I'illlle dllty as 011
term of Y('llrs exceC'dlJlg a5 (2:l aud :!·i I KtnHlp Duty. ()b!igalioll!t to pay :-lI1llS to
'It I I
1 11 um ]l1"1( tlt:t' fm'mill" ",I.,
' ", a "0 a"l'l-

})II'IIII'II'" (,f hWJlillldlT. I~I:I,\II':I('.' latll,' ,I~I\' i

1" , a\coJ/1',:lt l l/('(' (~"s((I/'; if 1Ill' I'ellt -'JI':I'} L"
a IIl\'(' 1:-'0 I I ]
<0": - , I ,.It I t le {('t('~/' dut,/ amI con-
u .. n.. ~~
Yict., c. J 11.) A duty l"llml tt! til(' lul; widow, sllch as JOI' lllUlII'lIillgs, un: 11a}.lo
rfl!01"( lU duty \vit h \\'hich n sinlilat If·a..~e· 01':
in {i,ll"u/vrC'lll l~ol)(l Duty. .AII 'otpt.lll'!hf'Jlt:i
I'lll' I IJ , . 11 11 111" U,l/IIII/I' UI/ ~f(I.-, dill 1/. III tl : .. , f ::,~~, tack woulll pe :hat'geahh., bllt HO highe!' jl d P~(:pt'rly, 01' (lt~It'I' !1II11 ters hilt Iinbh' to
• ,1111'(',., la It' ('i!i'('/{'d h\" ' ,It'''''!' 1 I . I I' le (;,\.';e 0 a
;~:\i; duty thlln £1, I,):'!. shall IJC citm·gC'd. . sp('clhc duty, \\,111 1.0 c()n'I'I'~1 hy O}IO
and di.;tilll't /Ioli('\' AI" ,l :-'C'p'll'aft· ." 0 W IH' I t IC se('l;Iul and thit.d
"k . Ulltlll~IIS apply, \\hrl'l' tlt!'I'(' " fi AIHl 11') stamp duly, except lhe ad, 'I.·a{v- j.!I'IICI·,lI <1t'l'(l linty, on'I' awl alll,H' tho
'\01 IWIII.., fOllls, fOI' ill!' hl'lwlit
\\"Odlllall, 11',' (')'('('('(Illllt f"'(1 .'. " .1('
,a NI ('l('IIII,I{'d all\,'
tJ' :
I ll'l'lIlllll 11 • fT" _ II'; n mo,
,01 b'cl:-.:stllll, :1IIr1 whatf'\'t'I' the

"cm duty, shall he chargeablc fo), IlIIY: otJll'l' duli(':-', A11 ohligatioll by till' lilil'\'
/">,J; It 1)'\ IlIIlO\lllt (.f r{'llt ' I1 tl ' "~ le.!.sc cXJlr~sged to he granted ill (.'011- i hftllll, to pay HlIIW:I to t hp tJ'U"lt'I'" fOl' tllO
I" If'
poll,'\' , '
01' 1.\, '\ 1:- I'·
, ' ( l'i Ill!', "UIIl
t . '. Ip'l" , ],
' t ( dty aud ('011\'
' .10 I II' ad 'talorem
j ~idcmtion of the 1-Illl'I'CIHll'r of an exist. I, ehihlrell, if any, ~\'old~l bl' hal,)'· to ~\ltl
e.' ;1:l,'~~I"JIIII.·('d C'II tlll'lll, :!:3 all<1 ;.? 1 \'iet.; - la Hllli H Yi'l ,(',~'!~lCe olt sale Ullt)', /~''''' lllg lease and abo of It xum of money. I l~ol\l~ Dot)', !lot ~t'ltlemollt UlItYl },t'llI;j
I rid. c. t-!l. t: • c .• ), ; alltl 1i and l~
:; ~ Ll:r.J:n (1ft Powl-:n 01-' ATTOn!l:EY, OR COlI-I C01ltlllg(·lIt.
:-1: \. : Ll:.\~I: 01' To\( r I f msslo~ OIl]:'.\CTOItY, £1, JOs. ,
,11'. . ." t hall ~ '\,:,~a: e o\' allY h'I'1ll 01' pC/'iot!
]\,Iicy 0/ i/l"II1';:nI'I' 1I1'1l1l '\11\' \ '\'''' ,: J,ETTJ-:n of A'M'on:>;r;y fm' Sale, TransfcI', R('- 'fOIlT<i.\litS, 11 EH l1'A11 I.r: BOX/l~, &l'.
I H')" I,,,)' 1'\'( 1'\' £ I011 " ' " .. tr(',\·ll'lt 'Ill f I1 ~',(ttar('llt)·p~(.I·\·{'llol·l)l\!~
'. ,., " ( I COl' Il' S U1 I 11 1 ~ ,r .~ ~ ('eptsmce 01'I")ccipt, of dlvillend:< of th!'; Wlui:-.t't, Ilml h(·l'itahlc bowl, di~p(hiti(,n, as-
of £IllI' 'I, .' I' ,Ill 'l"lt tlOlJ,ll pal't 1hI' 1'.\1110 1('{I,~ <,/,!'I. l,l le, clml'geah!e with
,( ltllgel /l('(,l'l'dlll" t I1 ,If IJI('1r/ (It, I l gowt'mllellt ~tOCKH, £1 : ~i,';lIati()n, or tack ill security !tiled illg/1ro-
of 1'1'('111111111
;\ t
tI . ,.. I)
\' "11 1(' SHllt·, Illstll'l'd viI.'
H' "'I I \'"
tack, at 1\ .'·"AI'I ,. 1'('llt (')f It a,e,; a (>!lsn 01'
",' I It(, "
j: t ~
On or nfter :ltl April lli(iO, If the Htocks; }ll'I·ty hel·jtablc 01' lIlon:able; abo iil (·ft·
1 11 ('\( CT. 11'" In
'- ". 11('1' t'C'III
' '.-
(), .) I
a,.... litt, HIIlIl Ho /:1"""'1'\'''(1
().1 11:\)
',' abllle
17 tl ,~~ not (~::<cc('(lillg ill ,'aliI(' £;20, or thc dh'i- llwnt. of aJlllllal 1'(' It, hut WiUIOllt nil' )l<'r-
,It', 1o" i1111111'Jt ('xt:('e.)ill';:;I'I" 0'" (':'1' I,~ \"i, " c. ~;l, ~ !!;t ' a c.- :m ~'~ d('IlII~ not cxecoding the annual sum of I-iullai huwl Of ohligation then·ill CO'.l!11l11'11
t\ ~". ,-'. J'. LI:,\:-.1. 01 Tt\, 1\ of 1\1' \. I ' fol' payment, of thc IlIOIICY :o1(:(''',''u; al~o
~II.~: ::')'" Is,ol!. oth!'!' Ph ,'It'l'h' of [\ j' k llllle 01' minerals or
:'" £10-2;) Yict" c. l:j. 5H.
T~I.:Tn:Jt or Powlm of ATl'ORNhY, on 01' aftel' or
lotto I' l'e\,('r.iion 01' hlll'k h:)))(}, for qll'di·
.Jo" ·10", :.!'" nd. o\, WitJlOl; tail)' ,)'t I I .(·}l\lIt',ll!'e, ('ithel,' ,\"lith :M .A pril18GO, fot· t he I'cct'ipt of any Hum of !l fyi IIg absolute com t'j'nlwe of any PI'OPt'l·t y ;
1.'••\~'t·I." IIll'.;
' ... 5n .. ai.llll.
511:-;. PPI' ('('llf .......... ' 'I~, od,
I' . 1('1 111)( S (, f t /1
I>!) ~jI'('j '. ''''/'1- 011,/ )JfJrti ' /'" 101'1 [.,) e 1ll0:ll'Y 01' any Cheque, Notc or lJmft for: awl I\bo allY dec( whcl'l.hy a !'l'al 11l1l'llt'II
,Qhfll/ I,,· 1'( ,,', "/" ,/ (0 t,.: I ('11 (J
'/ • t /(' pro< /lee !lily Slllll of money not exceeding £2n 01' {olhall he ('rCtltrti UI\ 11111(1801' hCl'ituhll' !'Illl).
, , )1 tU I'l moW'!} 01' killd-

----._, ~'----.----~----
\ .
ST..,uIP J)U'l'IES, ETC.
jecit~; as a security for any dcfl;litc :~dI and distinct sums or shltres)-'l'he ad N;';;-~'-P-F-:R-s-,-A-n-Y-l-le-\-VS-I-)a-I-)e-l'-l,ri~t~d ;~~l IP;':~TE.:...:::(:I?k~r~l: oz,! is. ; ~J!"L'l', l~. (il\.
certain Rum of money not exceeding I valorem duty shall be charged for each
£50 .................................... Is. ad. 1 sep:l.I'ntc and distinot sum or share there- onlJ ::sheet not eJl.ooeding i:m5 in. in snpet'-I Bxe1i~ptwl!.-:- \\ u.tch-cns('~. .'
Exc. uO and not eXi;cedillg £100 2s. lid. in specific(\ and secured, and not upon t\r : ......,. Id, : PRECEPT of Clare {'oll.~tat,- '\\ :'It.;: of d I;".
..... ..SUPI,!cmcnt printed on onc sheet, and·
A I'(mSl(lt:: (:)1 nn( 1 :.~
).") '" I I, ~~ ]] • : ).,
. le t • ('~ -C' .)
100 150 3s.9J, the aggregate amount.
w~th V.e neWflp3.j)t1r not exceeding 2205 and 2~ \ lOt. c. 1~4, § 41) ............... ~'"
150 20n 5s. Od. AnJ whe!'c any ~mch ,lead or instrument illche~ in tb.: who:(', is frc!} of duty. Progrcsfnvc Duty ........................... , .i'.
200 250 6s. 3d. shall be Jndcle respc-::t,i\'cly as a security
Any \)thel ,)Ilpplcmcnt not exceeding 1148 ~" .. , . .
200 aoo 73. lid, for the payment of (c.t:; annuit,Y, or anv inches, ~d. I ?ROGRr.:.'Iui\ .:. nUT"! o~," unD~.
'!' ,

And where tho Ramc exceeds £:300, for sum by way of l'cl'aYl'llCllt, or ;n Bntis..
every £100, and fmdiolla.1 part of £100, faction or discha.rge, or in redemption Any two :;llppler.Jellt~, each printed on onc; Whe.>' I~ny tiN'11 ('1' IlI:,trUIlll'llt of :lIIy .t, .
shoot and together lIot CJ:CCedillg 29.!l51 ~crll'lloll ,wha},c\'('r l'ha~'~('ahl(' WIth all:'
-28. (id.
Where the deed is made a..'! a security for
of any sum lent, ad\"ll.Uced, or paid, as tll'
fOl', or ill the llature of a loan intended
inch~q ca.r-h, id. I sb\n~p (Iuty, tOj:{t,thcl' WIth any ~\('lJ:d\lk.
j. The sup~rficies ~ is on" side of the paper, I I'eccrpt, 01' ot.llOl' 1l1:'l.Ltcl' 1.lut, 01' ('IlIIOl.... I.1
tho "epayment of .noney to he tl/(')'eajttr
l{'nt, adl!({;,ced, or Imid, 01' wlticlt ma.1f
to be repaid, (lil<ch:lI'ged, or I'cllecmed in
manum' nforeMid,-The 8ame duty' as and exciusi"c of the margin. I or all\wx('(l, eOlltnlll:~ 21h~) w(lrd~, (:1' Ill".
ward~, then for ('\'l f)' ('ntll'c qllltullty Pi
become ~/lle Up011 ctn accollut current, toge- on a mortgage 01' wadset for the sum of ;,NOTARIAL P_C'r, allY Wh;\tso('vel·,-!js. Ant!: lObU words cont!dl~"(l ilwrcill, 1l\'{'I' all"
th()!' wlt,1l l1;ny sum nll'cady mlyauecrl , money so Icut, ad"!U1Ccd, or paid. i. fol' every :"hc~t ur pieco of paper, parch- I ahove t!w first ~~'I<!. \i'O!'lls, thero l'(!t'd!
Ill' due, or WIthout, other than anl' sum:-; . TltANSF!im, disposition, or assignat.ioJl of nny ,. went, or "cHum, Oil which tho flamo ::;lIa11 :. 00 charw~(t t:1O fm·tho;- 1ll'tlgrcflsivl.' duI y
to he ad mnceJ fOl' thl' m:-'\ll·.t1lCO of allY wadl:!ot, 01' other such :-;ecm it,y, &c.- be written,--li::\, ' foilo\':il1~, i,f1,-
property comprised in SUdl seeUl'ity Where IV) furtlter SUUt 01' to>Lack shall be Note.-Thc Nota:ri!\l Instrument (Rogistm- 'Vl:~rc ~uch deed or inRtrlnU(lnt. t-:hal! \)f~
:tga:lIst Ilalllag~' by fit·?, 01' foI' the inRlIr-j ~tddcd to ,th~ !)rillcipaI all'ca(Iy secured, tion of LonO' LCas.efl, Act 20 and :21 Vict,.:

chal'!;{'Il.blo wit,ll :lll\' lid 1'«(/ol'''m ~talllp

,1IICl' of .any life 01' Jrves,ol' for tho rc- , If sHch prlllclpal shall not exc<.'cd in th~ c. 26, seh. 5), in favour of It party )l,~t I tlllt): 11Ilt ('xc"(!thll£ 111 t!\O whoh' ]0..:,-
llcwal. 0\ any gt' ~1lt. or. Jca..~o lIpon the whole £1400,-The same (luty as on ;\ the origiual grantce 0; the lel\..<;o, .11' ;W\lg- : <l furthcr PI'0j!I·(''\.'ll\·C' dnty "qll:!1 to I!J"
dl'Opplllg of :tI\Y,I.fc 01' hv(~H, pm'Slllmt, to wadset, &c" fot' the total amonnt or ,.'
nee of the assignatiol! of tt,/) lellSO ill I
filly ngl'cc!nont III allY doed whereby Itny vllluo of sllch prin~ipaI,
t'!'tlLt~ 01' IIItel't'l>t h~ld upon :-;uch life Ol'1 And if such prineipnJ shull exceed in valtw
H(.:'lmrity, liable to this du~y-also tho
Notarin.l Instrument-HJ, seh, 1",
I amount of ~me!t 'fll ('rt/ofrm. lInt\',
AIl(1 in cvery lit hot, "'''~l'' «'Xt'(!I;t wllt,l'('
lily other P!'o~l'(",,"i\e duty ilol ('xpr,·:-.~Iy
hv('s I~ gl'anto<i, IlsSlgllCd,. or assl\l'l,d, 01' ill the whole the SlIm of £1-!O(),-£1, llis, NOTAnIAf... IN'''l'o\Dlu:,'' I'' ', Lauds Title:{ Act:-l. ('h:u'g<:>tl I h~l'(,oll'J-':\ furtlwt' pl'ogr(·"''lI .... I·
wh('"f',)Y, IIny nn,llIllt)' ,IS gl'll.IJt('tl 01' AIHl who)'(' an.?1 /llI'tlwr .~({m 0\' stock shall (21 and 22 Vie!;. c. i-G; 2:1 amI 2.1 Vict. c.1 d II Lv of 1O~
S~clll'('d \01' slIch hfe 01' lives. bp ILcide.l to tho principal all'oady secun.d, 143.)-8ce Not" nnuer SrUillt'. I But 1;\'O(rl-e~'\i\'(' (int.y io{ lint chnl'g('ahl,' ...I.
£f t.H' lolallll!lOUnt of l\)() money heetH'NI -The saUle duty n.s 011 n wadset ~c fo" ,:: , ",
:\ deed on whi\'h "'\ldl duty WI\..'i lI(1\. Ill;
01' to ho ':I:Il~ln.~cIY.l'ccO\:{'l'nble,l~~ limit('d HIl<:h further m:mcy 01' stot'k only~ ., I po:wd hefll!,!, t h" Act (If i t'50. (j:3 allll
" PATENT, L,.....d'.Ims.
lIot to ('xceul ,~ glVOIl sum,-l he saillt' And III ('Vel), othet· Cll,'>P not exprossly pro- 1: Lotto>'.:! for ill\·onthl\l~. 14 \'id. (', Hi.)
duty as on :~ wadset for SllOr limit('d "ldetl (01',-£1 ] 5s. f OH pot.itiun fOl' grn.llt of leitcl'S
SUlI!. ~ ., . t. t', .
. • ' . I . tiC 1 1I1~ I Ulllcn 18 Hot ch:\l'geo.blc WIth ::' paten I. ............................ .. £-iI 11 o i PnOlllR.'iOlty ::\'oTC. "'\'0 nn(Ior Btr.r ..
lS UnCI'l'/fHn IUllll ' "'Olfrc·~.mHJ d 1t!J
t ) I)y
And.' It/. the total{' amount. . "11('1' (Illty (0'rccl)t
.fl'l" Ou cerWicn.t0 <,)f record of notice PI!On:s-rn.-OIl hill or Iwtt\ fol' any 1-1. d,
i' .
II IOII~ (ill/I '/11 I', I hCIl, t ho f, '.'Ill' ~hllll
containing allY flll'thei' ni. addi lional secn- to pl'occc,L ..................... .. !} 0 ( , ~1U1l I\,f,-\ I han £:30 ....... . .. \I
,1(' :l\'alll~ )Ie a.'1 a H{'?~mLy 0,' ehIO'g{' fOI'l !'it.,)' for tile paYllumt, tr:1!1Sfe)', rctmn8f"!' .£2u and 10'!8 t hall .. 1011 .. , .... .. a (\
On warmnt of hw:-oHiccl's irJI'
1-I1It h nil ,UIlOllllt (111) :t..'\ the wl m/or. 11/. I of slI!'h mOJlf'Y' !;to ,I. . t ,.t F' I,
lotters patont.. .................. . r, u (l IllO.. ;iOO" ...... . :i 0
(I II f\' I t I1 )y tl I~ Ht.amp Wt I1l'(IV('l', I ' : . (,1\, Itl Clt!S
'J ( ello ()(
~Ild \\,11('1'(' tll!' ;"'lll" 'I
l( Is IIlIU I} as a
(it'lItis 01' ill'\' IIPW ('0\'("1
. , "
t ".' 01' (,LVI-
Hl.D • pLO • ISO, Ol
I)thl'l' mIJUt't' whatc\'''''', . I. t' t I
:;:\ Or. tllfJ sealing of lettc1'3 patent [} 0 11 ;100 01' \lJlWI\I~ I~... ' ... ' ..... ' ....... . I I' ,,
• "
fol' thf' t I'a', (
[Cl' , , ' , . r f HPVlIl'lt \.
I' ( . '-. H. 1 C ,,, Ion 0 sue 1 -':' On ~J1eclficl\.tiop. .................... . r, 0 (I' Pl'Olc:-,t of allY "tlwl' bll,I,-i'I~.
' , I ~ 0\ H:t1IlII"H'I' (I nIlY:, ,ill'O IlhJlIPj' nl' ~to('k intel'est • ' ,", d ! Awl [01' (,HI'Y add it JOI\RI ~h(·t,t ,-fiR

;'. On t.he IcttCl''i i)fl.tNlt, fll' a. du-
III :lily of tlh' g.n·('I'IIII1f'IIi. 01' pal'linllH'll- AllY do{'d lllad(' f~l' tit" '1' ~tl1 \~I,' Imm s. , l'licr..te thereof hefore tho ex- !
tar}' Hto·'kH 01' fllndl"" 01' nf th . /I, '., ' . c.,. I ,'-' 1/·,1 ((88,:ranCt:
F ,,1 I . f I . '" I , • \ cUll; 0\ UIII,' 01 :lI,~ P,'ol,orty nll"!ati" rOllstltut('(1 viration of tho third y(·ar..... [)O (I ,,; PROXY if; ,'ot(' at lllly mt'eiin,~ "I ;my ,; '.11'
.Il.:: all( , 01 (l \ ( ,Un., 01 ot I he j·.. I:-'{': :t ~1·CUI'lt\· by" (1(, . 1 \, I . 'I '1 ',1 th On tho lotto rH patent, 01' l~ <Iu- ... Lock 01' .. th·'I' coml'ullY who.,t' :-hal't"i ,t:
, n, I (, • I t~ ,'lOll LI I .--ea ~Olllpal\y. 1)1' I
[11(11" 11' f' I, c' L' ('
wt l'olo":'m d'ltv- l
, , .. ,( IIC I Ins l) .<'

ot all,\' ()t.h~'I' ('0111 pUll Y 1)1' l'orpom lion, ill

\'('II"Hlcl'iltlOll of ::;/O(;k IlI'mOnt"'" 1.... 11(.(.(1
IAbo.m· depd ' I: ) I>
/'11,.[1 J ,! " .
"r'( c ag all (;;d(/ttzonctt 1)1
. .'
plicll.ic Lht't'Cllf b('tore the (lX-
pil'll.tioll (If t JJC l"crt'llth J'I";' i' lOO I) 11
1I'llw·f('I'ltl.!t" "I' at. ll!lY' jlnl'l~h Ill('{'till~ I·
la'llt{)I''< (,I' \'ropl'it,tort1, ~lH and !~, \ I,'
,· . .,1 , ~ P.,-".1.
('I: }('::.t;1: 1.111.' time, ,01' pn'n?I\~ly .(It\(' at:d
"" H"
i fH'" ~CCllrhlJ 01'
'XI) :-;('cm:e(i~ ,!
any X1l1.l, \":0., :wra.1 Y
1 On cOl'tific(\to of rceord of llutH'C
of objeci;i\)l)s ... ,., ............. .. 11 p
:\.1'.,,· ... \ I'('ll,dty 01 C.n h 1111 11I',·('( 1/
. I .
0\,111_,' I 1111 !It,I';)(' ,0 hp pmd \1('111 f I)a y- , 'YI, '. I1 I t I
'Ihl '---'1'1 1\ ,. . It' M. l( It . le 0 n amollnt hf \'f:lue already On C('l'tificntc of ev.:-ry HC!trch ,..WIlIlW .:>
allY' "'IWIt PI'<,>:"-•
WllttPIl 011 11),' I
".Utu ( 11 Y :I.."! Oil It 1Il0I'ig,I:':,'
" I.
101' a "HIll ("I'tal 10 I hp \'~ illo 'If Ill", l ,I
:-:( ('lI[ed 110(,1"
'1 .
•' " "
lIo\' (xcccd £1.10\),-1 he
nud in~pcction .. ,.......... " .. .. o 11 :-.tal.II'I.·t! l':lJlI'i" all.I 1'1''''':'''; (,lIIHUt. I'"
011 (~I:::ti5~ttte of eull'Y (\f n.:;sign- ;oit:unpt·d ail PI' III 1lI:~ :-:i:~n("l ' ; \'iel. ,'. ::.?l,
~.ld:iCt .0. the Ilwount.
" • \. .' 0, , :-oalll(' ( 1It.\' li'l Oil a \., ,; w
Ill' fl1l1.J " ,"u'('(\ arcol'dill" 10 Ih(, "\'''1'''''' I \ I' . . tl
· ,-, , . ",..! 11( ,lilY" ("t,,<, 'cl 1 t" mout (/I' Hooneo ............ ,,. ,.. § 7). IIC'l'ltol',; ~1!llIdat!':'o to vote IlHlIIH"
1'1'1''''iltt I ,,(.,tf('uflitl'lIlOl'trraU(' '1'(1111
If f '\ .' ,- ,,)S. Ilt, P:l"tK'hu~1 Hn/tl'dK al <! t'~i'mJlt, (1'\ \\1. .,
('1\ 100,1' of t Ill' I '11 r l \ ' ,. ~I: ~Ity 1:1-L 1('1' ;.,11111 ht, aJdC(1 to ll'o lwill' On cet'tificatf. of lll"'liglllllOllt 01' I

01 ('t'{'! lllg, 01' 0111

('> " "
• • \ , '," 1'1'1·,/ the d 'I' I licence ............................ .. () " n~ \'kt. r, t-;~, ~ :.!=.!.)
t1w i,l!(·"t. !la,' I,)'('('('dill" "'I Will":" 1/1('1" '.'" f ' ec( I~ ('lm'~{"'Lh'" ollly(exc1n- :; 0 () ;00\('11 1,,.\1 Ln...; ,.f \ TI'on~F.I.
I la": I)(','11.1 klll)\\'ll
' ~'lll' " " " C: ~!\1(' (I 1)J·o"I·":-...:
I" \c,
,.C \ IliLy) \\1' tI l 'I h0 (l{l
j ()II Itpplicati0n for dih!..'la.ilOol' •••
11 !I nl-X:t:JPTS fo" ItI' l lWY a(n('\ll'till~ I.) I:! (,I' IlJ-
\ 1 1 ., ,
• !)! \\ \('1'" Ilw ;",H!H' "PHl)('ctin+' ,,1'''11 1
I . .' n 'l<
I I'll 01'('111. ( lit\' 0'1 \\",,1 .t, t . ·
t·. I f J • '''' ill ~ •• ..:c., III I'C~l)1)C
(I slI(, 1 111'1 II",' RUm
, t Un cltveat ngaillst disclll.inwI·, ..
On om~\.! ,·t)l)ioH of tIOCIlIIH.'nt$l,

w:lI'd".-1 d.
Ill." t'. ;" ,I :-('('Ill'IJ \. fOl' the pll.,\,lIl1'lIt. of '\' HI"(' :-\\". '" ". • 11 (I .)
Tho f(lll(lwilw p!'nv i "IC)II'" al'\ tn \\ Imt .. \l·l.:
!-'1I1l "I' 111"IIt'\·, all~I a):-;o for tile I I'll 11 <1\:1 , ; : '1°1'1 /';." '\( J-.f~ f,UI'I'(,lldcl', lliKcliru'gc, or l'P- f'H' {'V('l'Y IliIH'(Y WOI·(\." ........
,I I {11h.IOll" lily "'''tl (·t (ili Yid. C'. ;).) h' d~ l'll'l"t'~~ 11'('. 11", ,1I" I t hI' ('\\'1111'1 I"~
,," '; ·,01' ot I\Cl' Hucn'
I· , •
" It d'1ll 11'1'01 a~III1.I·(' IIInllyuf tlH'kill,l/
"" " ,
s(' 'il' f' frolll J'I'l.(:ipt duty h)' ;).) Ot'O, Ill. ('. ! "',:,
Htnd..'! "!' fll1l1l" Ill(' "'d(1 '((.1 • I . . ClIl ,.11 , or \I the bC'!dlt t!lOl'coi, n' of tb,
I " • " al'e ~lt 11 ill fc)\'ct'
' \If,; " 1,111 \.1' dlal"Y('d ill l'eRIl!'el of ('"
.r, I If 0/('>:1 I )1I1)1I('y 01' Ltock ~ ,
\VI .. /.' , CCIll ~( I- .'f> P.\TfX1 )1J.~r'll('t!ojE.
AllV llot(', llH'tllOrawlUlIl, O}' Y;I'itin~ wh"-
AII.t :a ,',I',' 111l' I':UI:7. 1'('''IJ(.ctiwl,' '1Ial'IIt, 1.1 .11(l~'I·\() tot.111 amount of the Ilrineipal Prlcc Ilot f~ ,cc.1cclill'~ i ~ --I At!. ; Iwt ('X(,('('( 1-
• " '" 1,(' ~ ... ~\ 11(.'"(X("'P I ['I '011 .-- '1'\IH' Sa.lUC (U 1 tY I:> - I'
iug i~. Gd.-:Sd.; not cxcct.'t mg .18,-0,' , ; : " I (:Vl"" ~ivl'!I llpOJl tIlt' 1':l,"III"ht 01 IUIIIW\·.
IIlI·h" .1,> .\ '('(""'11\' hI' fh(, 1)'I\'III('I,t ., I ', ( , . t , 'I
• ' ,..' • 0, ' ts 011 '1 1\'0. f 'I !(. <tl!llltluL AnI.1 In ' not mW('l'dillg 1O~.-18 i hot tl:oeedlllg WhdlH'I' ~i~lIfd .Il' 1)(.1, .... hall h{' a !'. (.( 'I':
,r,.lI,,!(',·. to ((11lt-I'l'llt 11('I'I'lOIlS of" "('1)'11"1(1' t',' \ (j
If it ~hail impol't (.l' ~):!ll:fy ~hat an) :'\!:.I
H.v '); ,

., ' " nnyll lCl'('a,!>p,-£I.l~:). iOs.-:.!'4 .

, '
. I

1L ! ,
~..:.\__~.___ STA~iP DU1'!ES, }~TC.
of mon(l~ \ dcbt,. or dcmand, ~r allY p~rt J.Yotc.-A-n-j-1I-st-l·un1cnt of " 4,)
- r:
tllCl'cof r~:llouutlllg to £2 or uU\\a"d.· 011 t\\'O e ts-
sasrne proeei)dlOo

~" ---_

with liut:h imt!ier ~luty a.'i allY separate IViJ{,l,S! 'fr~ST.\~n:xn;, and 'r~T.\)(E::-''''\HY ]~,
.. ----- ----
h b .I ' . . ' ., pr eep ,e ..·cn although' f;'
as e~u ynll 01' scttled ; alll l like docu- . ;,~ STRL':'IIEXl'l:l, fl.1lI1 l>ll'l'OSI'n""~:, ,,,oilu "'lU i(t
c1h;plJsitioll is liable to t 1, 111 one !:;: <lcclI containing 8udl settlement. of lands
m:t~ts glv-;n. upon pnyml'llt hy bills, The illstrum~nt ill favou';o IJ.utlf!B o.f ~3, ~ ~.: 01' oUler property, l'l' other thing, w0l11d I
datet! 011 or after all 1\ i,ril 1~(i(l. arC' lInt,
O},~tts, P'"" ms-,ol'Y uotc:o;, Ill' uthcr SCCU-I di~ponec of a crcdit ,of an b~lr I)r '-, ., have been chargeabic with, e.xclusi\'(: of dmrgeable wilh tUlY :;tUIllP dnty, ~;; Y It:t,
r1tlcs f"l ,1l(IU,':, are al.,o I'cceiptl-;, I seeurit, 1.'. N or m an her·tnbie the progr')s:;ive llllty. c. 15, § 7.
ACCOl'dilloct tt) ,1· I·i ... \on:o; It ,-inII)lc ""kllO\" , :}I' j--110lm, ... o. 3, Band 1) Vict " f
, " ''','- » IS Usua y I'ut 0 th . .~, And where there is nllJre than one such WIUT 01,' A(,KXl)WU:D(j~n;:-;T llY llllY p(,!..;,l!t
ledglllcllt. (,: a !{ll::1 of mOll('Y ill ;OnI' or) '1""'j tl ~- t . I III . . c sasme stamp
f tl' '
tC COI'I""!::, Ilt':'!i
f (I a debt, 01' of a de- ' t, The Nu'' ~ t. so lC ...,P arm nstrumCl t § 1
I 1 . I) •
dced chargcahle with :my such duty ex-
ceeding £1 15s.~ Ol.e of thelll ouly shall
illfoft of inlHls in Scotland, ill 1.\\'0111' ,.f t 11,·
heir 01' dispoll('e of IL credit,,!, flllly \,(,,,tt-,I
Jlosit of IlIom \', is llOt liable to "t'lllll>' t 1 0 arl u~ ,nstI uUlc llt undcr th(' Titl!! ;;,: be chbtgll~ with the ad 'lydorem duty; in l'ight of all hl'rit:l.ulc !'Iecurity l'mJ"ti~:::d
(1Ilty, ('It. I '
1('1' ax a l'l'e{'lpt or pl'olJlisRl)ry
n , :
\VI0 ' nn(J tl .."c",,>· tr 2 1 nnd 22 V'lCt • c, ..16, of and also where allY settlement bhn.ll be by infcftm,;.lt,--llkl. (J () anu 1-; Yid, ("
note. 'l'he Jud!,cs held it c;ssenti'nl to ' 'l u~ 1 • IC : cct.::l?OIl l'cgi~tration is do. made ',1 PUl"SUlUICC of any prcviou,'i 6:1, § G,)
:'elylel' a l'l'l'('ipt liable to duty that !>ome. ; ~}~e~t ~~ l~t, eq.l.m',\~cn~ to mfeftruent ill
thmg fOI'!IIl'l'ly d,,,~ had been di~cll!lI'g(,tl i ,lltr
I ctS• \\ IlJ,. It IS tbought, come articles chllrgel\ble w:th, nnd which 8ha:l
'". hnv<:paid ,tnysuch uutyc:tccc(lillg
Writ of ackn(h\·:c,.lgmvllt 8(,'h, g pf HI'!d;-.·
tration LOll!! LI"L.''''~,Al'L(:.!lllU)(!21 \":d.
011 thi'i principII' :1 l'ecl'ipt for ~ slim 'of N(I)~:I:"II~ ;tem, If not under thc item 15R" it is not chargcahlc ",it,h tho ud c. 26) of hl'it's :n ll"l."l'.--;':<' ~a lUll: :! ~
mOIl('Y I..,,> l\ dUllatlOIl to II l'elicriollS or' Scnrt)L" ,t~ l,l I?'
cluwila},ll' pmpose, not being ~l\'thjng I bl' "F',on l'IV,E.~TOn of lwritage ormo\e.
'l'(t/lIrcm d,,!,y' and the dl.'cd~ not charge· i
Vict, e, I-Ia ~-I1.
able witlt the fl4!or(,1n duty shall be , 'WmT Or' !xVr:STI1Tltl-: 01' 1)...::,1 of Helin'1lti:- It-
fOl'lnrl'iy due, would Hot be lhbl ," 'l'h' a ,l SI' or contallung dlC terms of any pro. charged with duty to which they 1\1'O! mcut of ~llpl'l'i\ll'lt:-, l:m.J~ 11t'1'1 'If J, :-.11 •.
> 1 fI J 1
11 :.lH Hen'lItlC ha\'I' intimatclt'
'c, e , pose( . 'If lc'\'s(' &
t" ' ' , c., or !'cgu a Ions forthe
I t'
0 liable under any more general Ilescrip-I j('ct, Fitlpl'rior,-j~, (:!:i ;\I\ll:!J rid, c. l-l::~
that tlwj' arc to regurd such reccil)ts as: ~: I~ ,l ,1O.~1 awl management of r.ny fflrm, tioll in the stamp schedll1cs; ami ou the " § 4t.)
('X{·mpl •.·.1. "I (C," f'!l.ll,\fc frolH 1!1Id referred to in lease
wholc being produced duly executed and WRITS of COllfil'mat:,Ill- Hl· ... i;;n:lt ion, :-;('t'
_1mo?l.'/ (hI' 1'.1 (1IIPlioll~ jr(P/t reef/ill dUb/ a ' boud, (Il'ctl, agl'ccrncut, !w., chargcable wit!;
Sf allll)ed, the lattel' shall n.18Q be sw,mped Vbart-E'r.
l:"r/'t}lil; writtf'1t on lJl'OI;li.~.fQrll lIQt~: ~r:II-! !lny st1lulIp,dul:y not cxcl'e(lin cr lOs.-tl\('
I, It l' 1 • .~, VI ,~, I same ( uty as Sh'lU 1 1 with a particular stamp Jr denoting the! V'{RIT of ('I'\re COlntal. tit'C !lrtCt'jiL oj ('[m'!'
(/(/ $, 0,' on er,~ .for tllf pa:flI2l'11t Ol1ll01l(,11 I
1", b ' I' " )e C Inl'gea bIc on slIeh payment of the :;aid ad v~uorem duty.
• dlll!1 stamlw/. . v, I t;.~~:, Oll~, agre,enlf'llt, &c, ; and where J'C' CQII,stat •
11('('I'IIJt,~ 1/'1'1lttll on lilt/I wmd ?IIGrt,Tn fell ct!I~() III SUetl, (.hargt'llblc with a duty
otlH'" ,~l'c1tri(ll, or all;, t"ll/l't'; 'Ill"" .' ~''1fl' or, ll'xl'ce( lIlg lOs.,-1Os. l>roftrcs:sivc dutv-
./. './
Ill" 1111/1<1,( U'mltlTl'/' dll/I ~(
. ,'H, He/!! Clr'
'1 I '
(Is' . c... ,,'
h'/:lilll/ (/'1' 1'I'<"t'ir/ or' ;h'.m~~;~/;c 'Ut~U'- I SCII I1' Ur:lnU~I(,Al 1-:, aftcl' 4th AuO'ust ]S53
• /1 / ' a ' ," , , ,'/'I( !On,
11 '11'/1 ""1'11/ uJ','(',~,~('d, or Ill,' t(WI t f .' t JI'lt i"l to sn .
. j, any (I Q,
ocumcnt dcnotinc; (ll' Pea('C' withlll the Uuitr.l Kill!,!tlonl or tilt'
{/JI.'~ }"'/I/f"fH" 1.11),1('.'1, i,llu'est tr ((lt1;II'~I' }HlIl']lIt~t.'(l to IlcllOtc thc right or title of the ('nhtllil.'~, 01' :Ill) Bdtil'lh COII~1I1-:!1 alld
//"'1('/'.'1 s/'t'l/rlll. ' I ,1 1 10 I Cl tll(,I'eof, 01' allY l)el"8on to a I J:.",dlihitioil of tIle 11II'C)/torll, (.}Ul mud..t
'1'l . , , t . . ' or sit \' " . . , n J S UU'C 2:!. rid, c. {Hi, ~ 11.
" 1./1'1111' tu,! (,I I,..ttl'/'.~ ''11 1111' ('I'!l~/'(// 'Ko ,t: , , 1 ( ' ' ; III allY ,Jomt'stock or other com. of j '!lin,,! ;Ilt! f)./~!, If the (I('('ea.,,('d Pf'I'S(lll dil,d i lomi\'il('(l ;::
lI~ll/'JIr/"/(/'tII:1 :1(/, ,wn;' ,,',·ri,.,,!' (,,' ('
(,/,,('1. "
. If' 11 .~,
pally, 01' proposed 01' intcndcd coml),~l)\,
Ol'tllj'('c"t' d I' '01' All and e,"ery person 01' PCI':O;OIlS who, 1\..'> I :-;colllUlll. it. }lhall be cumu,'.' .. ::' to ~:"
d'dl:/I', l'r{tJl/l.~$()rll I/ot,.; 11" .,', , i]' I 1 ~I lea ..e (;c armg or' ent}'t}!ng tllA
1'/1 ' t ,., 1/11 ,~(" 10 l '1' tI f ' ~;.. executor or lXI.'cutOI'S, or otlHlI'wisl', ~ilall dllth~ in' titl' : n\'p!l·' ;.J of' • !.,: P"I'l'!PIl,d
11 /1 ~ JI}i',~:"I/'/:III,t /'1{/('III(lII,,'1 I i '<lid !,~ lerc() ,~)l' allY pcrson, to bc or bc,
v J "
,: ('nler upon thc p!l!:l~~S:.,iOll ot' w1magl'-, ('!4tah' ill .'- .. -'.,,/'1. t!l\.l t)cr~'liIul c .. htt· III
. I't., rill' :-i. , • ~ 1:1, «'-Oll.c ill(' P),OP1'lCtol' of a } ,. , } .
~!'flllt, in whol·' or in I,ar~, of m:y per· ,
~ \ u(,'
" - St",' . of or' ,
wi ,:. :l.ltl'~ 111.1.\ I", 1I11\,I'''''Sl'd 01' ath;'i('d. 1 t't' ,. ;n .UI,}' SUCH. company, whcm suoh COl'.
.. ," l~/ ~ :ld hl "I \ I' ~I UUI'" ill'/, atli.wd 1/1'"
• Ily 8 1,\1 C or S lllres
1,lt:jl C, 01 t ht, rIght or title to such shru'l'
:-;Oi\l\l or lllo\'cabh, ('stute iu Hcotinl,,1
any tle ,cased PQl'~on, '~llP,!l, .... t.;.H~ ,,;.(
,.r:I F. "f,{.){1 ,.1111 .lrelaml. The c:.tnl(· ill
f:uglflmi nnd Ii '1ILlHI',llll.ll lw fu..'pm'al dy
stnkd :1\ the IUYl'ht')ry, fillIl the h!W"II-
,.. •• 111 !}, I .. It''!,/d'' d 1" 1"lIh'('! the :-.t;1 '. 01:-. lares shall 1)(', 01' L(I intended to 1,1' mont.hs thcreafter, <>!~Ih;)!t ':1'01} {lath in to. y :-;hall ho IItnlllpet! with a d.lty ('or·
;:.I'IIIIII,'!t.lJfl li llh 11.11111' Ill' illIl!,tl, PI; th:'i,';. . , tt.I':~ltl,"fu'al)ll' J ~h': delh'el'y of ~IlC" ce1ii~
b UlC Co·mni, .....,~r'J Court an lllwntory, I re~ponding t.o the ('ut iro va1ae of t 1\1'
\ 1\ ., "I' 0:11' "1"11 1'1'" . 11,1.(' 01' Ot]l'.... \\·l ,t', I 1
~c rian )y ( ('ed 01' mstru-
. Ihiy st ...:•• ped, 'of all illf' personal or I
., .', ' ... ,I. "lIait \" fo' " ." C:.;tlltc HitunwII wilhiu the l'll/h,,1 l\ill~'
11 !1l"\II,;.!.I~lJl!''''III' ,j 1I1I! .... , 1 I"J-j",ril . I ,tnl'lltJIIWl'lllltg,_ld. (lfiundli"Tict" 6'J\ illovc;.bh' estntc Ilnd efii.·ct!i of the (k-'
.'. "('('olld t 11'1(' Ill' I ' ',... lUll ,"'I I T/ I-',\JI' X1' '\ l I t ...' ./ <tom, If c'mfirmm.ioll he 1'I"jllirc,l, till'
ill'! I .. "f"" I' " "J!I~' :.II\' IllIUdlllplIt Ib :,- . 'I' ,-. ny ('('. 01' instl'tlmcnt. whc" e:efls'.ld. 'flIP lu\'cnt.Ol'y awl tu;tmncll- (lolllkilc III l~t he proved, nlld the ('0111'
- • • 1 l.lll, 1>, dllh -L"o 11' . (/ \0 IIlltal'y UI' gl"ltuit <: tary '\Titingu left hy the dl'~'('i\."('I), if 1I11s..'mrv TIll ~ HmI it to be ill HcoU1i1H1.
I, 'It t I" 'iIJ '" I "I ' -. \ ) mul c'lnsi(i 'I" t tl • Oll, • 01' upon allY
.•• , ~ ", ,all. .) I ' , ' , ~.1 1~)1t () lCl' thun a bOlta ride l)eCl1' ally, shaH be recOI'ded ill the }~O()b ot' A ('milil'lllntlOn, in whiel, ;.lJrL1! he in·
f\ ! IUa! Y l'on"'ldcnt I . , the sa it} (;ourt-4.H Gco, Ill. c, j·w, ~ :l~. I cllldoJ PCI':if)lHd ,'stnte ill Engl.ulti awl
.",1. lXII' I'll'" \1' f~' I r"/'I'll'/ ' ..'I 11)1.,' IW It'1'l'b\' IJ.IlV r/"/hule
'('(' I JIII. ... "'~I'I'/'1l1 /' . 1) 1112' I) . "
~m.l {'t,' ~tUU!i of
, I IlV('lltol'jes and relat.ive te8tallll'lIl'lry \\Tit,.. I Ircllwd, nil l){'ing l'l'o,illc('tl III the 1'1'11:,
J:i~"'I', ... 1)'\.-_ . . () .ITi, "ced of'
, 11'<ll1l'\'' 01' 'Ill \' I 1Ilt'1P'1 ' . iugs arc to h:J givcn up <l,ud l'c>cof(letl ill, 1 eipnl Ph)hatl' ('Olllt in England, and t\tt'
, I'111I('II',d
. I' • , '. (""III"! anet Ct'rt":JI, shares
'" ," " III ally :-.tod " I . • ,
'WI":I t I" 1)1 fl/1l1 s, :)/lall be settled or and confil'matioll~ g:-anted by, till' Com-I Court of J'rolmt< in JIn I,ii 11, {'.Ill: a er: l'Y
1111'11/ pf 1'(' .. "lit I
" I 11'11',11/' (1111'1,',
1.1111 I' . Ill' IIU'.'i'
1 OIlgmaI 111 .• 11"11-
'.1, '.1' ,'1'1'\ 11'1' I . ' · " .

' I , '" ",('111(' I I 'I'I' 110

" "ogllh''''1
•)~f ,tu, I) )(' l'Pt::. ,! 11))0110\' t()rtho b"tlcfit
(I' .1II.) IlI'l"Son 1)1' l\(,l'~()ap, Olt}l'''}' )'11})088C,'"
missary Court of the C,)llllty whcrf;in the
dCCCI\.'icd died \lQ'uicile.!: nll.l in t.IlC Cl\SC
I thcrl:'of d(·po! t! \\<th till' Hl'gistl'll.r,
togethcr Wit h It eopy of t }'(' i lit cdilcl1lor
JI(' t • I I' (',' 11"1'''. :-. , I . " v ".,

i" II"'d"'" "I I' t" I 01111' "11 ',wel" ho/dillff i'('" (:1' 1'l'\'(!'i·nol.l, l'lt, 1(11' ;lbsolutclv or for of persons dying domiciled fllrth of 'X'o:,..1 of thl' ('ommis..,;aty lilldill:~ tlli't the :1{'~
1 - - " " " ,I" 1' !I'WJII"f J
h'lId,.t\l /1'" I11 J I1
"'I;;llat!on of
I l 01 Ot/H'I'Il'tl'tl lJ . t . ",
• I 111d'I'es Ol'ltl anyo'Ghcl' lml(t or without any fixclI 0,' known d,)· C('I\.<.I(!(i di'!(! tiOIIlIl:iilld in :-;I'o~llLnll, is tl'
, , " '111'" I"" ~ I> ,111'11111('/' wll'lb;')('\'('I' 'f " slim or Aums miciic, havillg PL."soiut.l property i', l4CQt- he l'dm·lH.'d 1'I'al('(1, nnd IS dll'rCI~ncl' to
~lVI' t I l l t \ · ,~' "-)"'. I'o(fl't'~' "I ' , f , -1I "\ten
,- ." /;) '-, 1./. 1/' \ ·tlt· e '
Kf'(' Cn.\I\Ti it j, ,I' \\' HlI " f I' . , ~l'Il:( I' ,,1', /l °t l'-lIe I ~}!are or sluU'cs, to- land, the Conlllli<J.'Q\ry Court of Eclin- hn\,(' till: "amc (·.ree .Ultl l'trt'ct ill Eng-
ol IL:-." ::\.\T10~. ' . " 1,1
I". ":eced JIl the whole £IO{l., hurgh-21 Bwl 22 Yict. ('u 5(), §§ a llild H.
O.lths and 1.\ ffimmtions to Jnv('ntorics of
lImd and h't'letl'lL J\.~ ~t Pl'uh.. h~ or LI·t h'l',i
of .l\t1ll1illistmti(;ll had bf't'1I glilflWtl hy
\llll if th(, ~'l'I'(' I 11 F'rsounl cstatcs, tf) be. gl\',!tl lip IUld re- l]H'St' CO'lrts-21 and 22 "id. c. 56, §§
" ~ Ht, l'X(,OCd .cIOO then
f 01 ' l'\l"Y .•,fi'l()
.£100 _',: ' , . all( 1 fl'!lctioTlal part
' of cor~(}d in any Cotlullis:;ary Court, tMY 9, I~, "lid 1a,
, d~,
he taken cith01' before the V(Jllll\li:-:s:~ry The prm IRinUf4 of the ,\( t an' merely pel·.
.\1I h.leh dC'l' j' '1' I ' or his Depnto, or the COtlllllis.'illrj ·VI'-'rk mix.~ivc to pay Inventory Dut.y 011 the
lllcnt of I \i~." !Ie 1 COIl~'l.lU nny ~ct~le·
(Ithl'I' thtll 'j 0'. other propert.y, or finy v' hiB Depute, or b"lforc any Ccmmil<\· wh' )I~ persOJw.l ('xtate; III Gr('~t Rl'ltnill
:-;uch 1ll0H~:~ ( :(" . ·:c I th(l I'mttlemcnt of Hiollcr appoiuted by the Comn:i!:lsary, 01' I aw) Ircl'lnd where the <1(,( ea.''''I! IIlotl
j II ktock, shall be clllu'get\ble lJdorc nny :\1agi~trnt~ or Justlce of tbe domiCllcu in Scvthmrl, Imd the 1ike 1'1'1»

I:.,"~---.--.- - - - ------~ -----1-~~
The Act 23 and 24 Vict, c. 80, was l~assed
to l'eglilnte the lc\'!in~ and co.lle<:tl~n ~f
Int'enlOl:II, anti Inl1mlor!1 to illctl!{/('
pro-.:ecd<J IQ tl.J.ll. time.
the said duty. SectIOu 1 gl\:e~ a de-I The 5th section of 23 and i-! Vict. (:. ~U.
scription of the property whICh sh~11 provides that the IuYCutory Dut J' ~hlLlI
be liable to Inventory Duty under tne be pa:jable on the pl'Operty Ill.ado liil.Llt'
Ad of 23 Yid. c. 15, and eectlOI~ 81 by the .Acts referred. to, nccordiu~ tu tilt'
further c:I.plaius wha.t I)l1a11 be s~bJcct vdlne of such pl'Opcrty at the tillle tilt,
to dut.y. Scctiou 9 of the Act 23 I~ud Invcntory containing it HluL!I he ~w "
24 Vict. c. 80, repea1.s the Act 23 Yid. to, including UlC proccc<h; <\l."cl·Ut'tl tht.,
c. 15 § 6, ill so fill' as l1!gal,?S Probate on down to) that timc.
and Administration Duty bClIlg charge- .
abJe in rc::pcct of the property: so that Act retropectire tl.i to li,nt? of 1:«[ uillY
'1toW ift all cirCU1Il3€ances 8uclt p~operl/I Per.101/1t/ E$ll(i,·.
i.~ liable tu inventory, ])ut!!. SedlOu11s It wiii be observed thllt the Iu\'cntMy
hI these terms ; - nULY 011 money scclu'c{l hcrit.l!5<." \~c.,

I i:-; liluitcu tu such property COlJstltutlllg
, '~"

IJescriptiolt of pl'r.Ype1'ty liable to ])ut!!, and the Succustiion of a pt'I'SOIl who shall
commencement of J)uty, h:wo died 011 or after thl.' 3d April l~(i()
-23 ami 2·1 Yid. c. ~(l, § 1; but the pro·
. " _<\'11 money secured on heritable property
iu Scotland and nll money sc('ul'cd by vision for valuing pl\)}lt'rty at tho d.1ll!'
, Scotti."IL bo~dl';; and other instrlltnentB, ::>f th·~ aflidu\'it to the I!lnl/tory, ILII"
I, excluding executors, amI all lUol~ey so- i l1cluui llg the P"O(:l'ctb dowlI. to th~t
cured by ScottiS/1 h::mdH.aud other 1I18tru- time il:! re! I'Qspcclh'c alHI l\lll\'el"l:ll.~l III
n1<'lttH, the rights to which s~al1 ~)(' taken
its ollerntion, r.pplyiug to aU ill\'ellt?l'lt,
~worl1 to 011 or ILftt'I' t}w pll:-:-llIg of t_lI'
excluding executors, constltutlU p the
succc8Sion, 01' part of the SUCeeSl-HOIl, of Act (GLb Ang1l';t It-60) without regaru ll}
any person who lSht\U have died Oil or the dllt(; IIf death.
aftel' the 3(1 day of ..-Ipl'ii ill the year
1860 shall be liable to J nventory Duty ITL Gr:!{F.ftAJ. O!3SERYATIO:-;S.
ullddr tho sni(1 recited .<\ct."
There aro two m·)deH of paying the d.l:t.v .I/or!cs ilL u·/.ir!: ])Ui,!J 11la!1 l,r /,<lId Wht>,1
provided for-23 and z4 Vkt. c. HP, §§ a tlIXIXW',f domicilrd ill .'\,·(It/alld\ an"
... ami 4 : - IJlJr80lwl 1"'o}Jert 'I ill '''''/'0[1" till, J:.'n.t/,
j: :~~ {(t/ul, (LW irclm;d, ((//([ /I/()W'~I ECCurcl!
'Pu-o modes oj pa.'/i/l.1 tlte Dltt!!.
on liaitffgc:.
in the of ~; PCT':>oo (lyill~ IlolnicH ... ! :'1

1. By 0. "l:5pccial Im'el,llol'Y" (l~ ~h~l pro: :::icot.\anu, haviu~ Pt·l':-.,.nal prc>perty ill
pert \' i,) he !od(r(',1 WIth the ~"hclt.\JI' or
Inlai,:ll{c\'cllllc ~lt Edinhll.rgh., (a f(?rlll of
which wit h relative o.Lth, I:. gl\'CU 1Il th'~
I HCOt\Ulld, England, .:ud lrl'liwd, allll abo
1lI0lWY set;llrcd 011 hel'; t <L/{f', &c.: - I.
lJuty"illl'p:-lped of the \\hCl~l' lIIay ht'
Echc\l~lll' to the Act,) s~anlp(,'d acC()rd~l~g I paili 011 the lllYt'lItol',Y reqlllll·.1 to h....
to the aII.10llllt of prtlvcrty cOllkmwd III 1'I,!COl'(\Ct! ill the Comml'1'lary (~(luJ't; 1I.
it. 'nl(' lllYCntOJ'Y Stamp :;1111.11 h; t.u:;.-l
tat.c or illlc~tntc IIl'COI'llillg as tit\! Stllmp
Oil the luvcnlory of the lWl'sonal (·;stUtl' I
I Or Iuventory Duty lllay he l>ai,~ 011 tlu'
pet'l'lollll.l property :->i tu~tcd 111 ?:(~t1:lIl.I.
and Dllty HilL)' Ul' pa.ld OH a. :ipt'CI<L[
Shllil denote thc testate or iutcstr4tc rate Im·.,mtol'Y" vf thl! IIWIH'Y MCCIlI'OII 011 t}u'
of (luty. ' . f • h..v.)··t " r \,.. &('. allll Pl'o),all' Ill' A,lllll!III'>'
2. Bv nddillg the amount rot the propel,: ' I . • 1:' I I .
t.l~lt kn mn.y he obtJUI1\,d III 1:'1I~ 3.11. (UIII
t(: the 11l\·<.'lItGry of t II(' pCI':wnal e..,tail', ll'dallll in 1":S)wct of th,· p~·r~'III.l1 (·.... t.Ltl·
fl.lIl1 paying Stamp Duty UPO:l Lh;., i\ggI'U- 11
in thcnc cO\lll'tfi,,'~) hil.t dui y I'.LI,I. IIJ 1'('
gah~ alllount. bpt:d of :-.lh... h 011 t,iw",l' :-.t·\'('I:,1 llhtru
'rh is liclJond mode will gelwral\y be the! HICllf:-;.
lul'.'antiLgeoll!'l fOl' tiw tll\ l'llyCl' j!
and will Le foHowe.l ,':},ell t he IIItcl'C~t
in tho heritable and lnowahle (·~tltte IS
I •
J{or/f' in
t,'Melt Ihlt( .
n!t1l/ Ix 1"l.iri1c/lell
dQlllidlce lurtll I (~ . I
(~f l·,(' 111("',
the ::tame, or when the h('il' r.ll'le:wcutm· I{ l '1{Jc/(nn.
c.'m mnke an nt·!',l.UgcIIH.:Ut, ,~, to tlw nuy- I 111 the CiI."~C of II pt'l'liOn .dyilli{ d'Jllljl'i~l:./
llH'nt of the (bty. A., tll 1",lh Hh)(lc~ of fUl'lh of the United hll/~d()m h'i\nllg
payillg the '.Iuty, if., IS tlcdnrcd tho.t th~ pel'~onaJ e:it.att! ill ~cot.lllnd. ETI~!Il!!/!.
duty Tli uliimatd: to be ],Ol'fltl by tl~(.\ Ilud ll-eland,lHi Jnvl'ntory must hl' 1;)1\1'1;
pal'ti( l'I pT:ollOrti('nall r 1;\:c(lI'dlllg h t hell' I up ill :-il'lIl1nud •.J!1·o!)!Lte 01' A(hIll~Il;-;tI:'L
lIlll·r(·~t~ 1/1 the i'l'o}><'rtJ' I ttt'll t!l.ken out 1Il Englll.IlIlll.l1l1 JIf·ldl.d,
anti doty paul 011 such III rc.~pt:('t pf tlhl
pl't~pel'ty ill o( countrj.
48 S'f A1U' DPIIES. EIJ'C'.
--------------- ----------- ~~---------.----,
- .,-----_._- ----- 49
Debtf:.l cluo to the deceased upon the following UOCUlllCllis- /'

, .-------- -- ---------------
---- Bond (deJC'ribe eaclt Bo 'td mu/ .~tate in'uest (M abol'e)
J3iJl (descrik ,-Ylcl~ /Jill awl slate intere.~t as abol'e)
Book dobt.., due to the uccea.<seu by the following J?arties (name and
I D t:i'rus. (ldJresa of the debb,t$ awl amollnt (bw {;!I (!tIell to Le .qit'm, but on!.1J :
1 r:.S'I."'TES tIle true ~alue of the ieU tfl &- e.r.tende(l out sa as to (ljft'.:! the dut!!. TIle
Test&te. In~k debts wlnclt lu(t'e been "ecoi'ered should llf! .~tated at tile amount I'tco1.'ered,
\],l,OVO and the interest of lite 1}WlIe!J (~ltfr it l//.ls oef'i/1'c"eiccd to tlce date of the
Of t~t' '\"9.lue (If I

£20 and lUllh,!'
oatlt to tlle Invento(1j l:lwuld be .qi,Wl) ,........ •..
£3.'),1 "<'I\., Rnd undt"r £41.1,01.)(1 .I.'. ;>-
..;:t:.<>:,..) N.B.-IlI all ca.<;cs it is to be ullderstoou if the moncy rc~iiseu
:?o 4(1,Iloll ~5,tI(~) 600 £7&51
9()(; is paid away in <1i:~ch:lrgc .)f dc1A,'1, lIO interest h~ to be givull
or the· nJui' "f 4tl.l~~.1 5~1/I(lO II 675 1,010 nftcl' it is RO paid away.
it t,oI.\" 1("1
£1 R \.()(I(' 7,;0 1,123 Rents of hc.n·itagc une by the following t(,llh ·t,.; falrinf. lln(}C'!' executry.
!l\ 1\'
::ll). •
';\1,1 IiI.. 1
';('.' 11)(1
N.E.-Landed Properllj,-lf urcea~ca Hurv ...··: Whitsuuda.vt
one moiety of the rents of the crop of that year is pcr8nn~l
~l~ ::-11,' h ~y
(; ..., ~.fII.I~t...
9(1.(lCi O
l! 1I,1.II(lO
estate. If lw sm'\'h'c l\l;U'timlll\.'1. the whole rent.<; of that
crop fa.ll into ihe Executry. Wllel'c the dccea.<;ell IS n life- ,
f.,~, . .'" ',', 11 ~ '.(10.,',
:. H,'
t i ".1..'
1. :'llr i .~",
).;.. ,.' ~ 'I.)
14l. 1.1i(1{1
r~ntcl' or hei,' of Entail, aud t 1lC' }'rutl-\ arc payable: unde.· in- !
streJnellts ~hted ~mbsC{lUcllt to l(jlh .Tunc IH:H, n. pl'oportion
corresponding to the period fl'OIll the pt'cccding term t.o the
1~!,,~ \,\
::... V,,
~\" ...'\
~ ~ \..~)
4' 1', I,' ~,~) 1 ~(I.(I\){I da.te of dcn,th, ili also personal, ·1 Gut IV. c. 22, JlOI{'~(, Pro-
.2;Ii~JX!1) JJert.lj,-Tho .tcl·m'~ reuts CUl'l'C'llt ut iho ,teat11 anI PCl"l>Ollll.l.
4,"~ &. 6,.' ~A.' t.t"t< ~)
-t.; II,li' ~,I.(I:)(I 'rho ApportlOument Act would appear not to ~pply to ihe
!.. ",~,
: ..lid ~;.
::~\\ '. f" tl't 3\1t.\I,IOt) rents of property h('kl by the <1(·c(,3.8('11 in f.'(' :.implc. See
f.' f,~.'
(". ~ ~ :- ~.' 15.' 3~' 1.11 ..) 35\1,{1(1(1 Bll.iIlic '(.!. Lockhnti, House of Lorll~, 2:;(1 Ap/'il 11:-5.;,
~ I. : ::'H
. l~"t 3~ ',' ~.~ I 4(l').(('l..1 Arrcat's of interest of money secured on itl"ritago by the following
: .,~ I,' .... ! ~.
:-:,l , ,
! -:.! I ~11 ~ .;.":*.t •• ' 5(~.j.(I(1(1 unrt,ics ,.. ... ... ,.. .., ... '" '" ...
~I \I •
H.·~.~' ! .";,
:"""".~' ,. 1 ell ~'.(~)) .. .iY.B.-The terms of the Bonus, &c., will regulate whcthcI' UH'
~;',' t1'''"lll) intercl5t is exccutry to tlle date (If (l('ctt,h, 01' to the tcnn lWc-
h .. \H' . -. ~ ';\.I<.'.I.l(lI.'

• ,I .. '. ~ \
~"'/~I;,'I ceu illg tIll' death,
)::..' ~, \
~ ... It l)
: ,~.

.. ..
I ••

• t '
' .. ,- ~, ~:, '.(1((, Shares at .nOO in the £/linhurgh atHt Gla....gow Rn.ilway.
: ('" l , \
;l,l ,,1.,1
l:t~'.t"-lIl At the price of .£ at. (late of u(l.ih to JlI\'cntory
" I.
:" ta,.' ....i' ' (State f)il'i(lt.lfl.~ (("crued tQ dllb' of o(l(lt to 1Ill'tlitQf:;.)
Shares at, .thlo (If the H'Ulk of ~cot{t\nd.

: I'
.' , ........
At the price of £. ut dat.e of oath to Inventory
(Dil'idends (/s aiftn.;c.)
{. ,'~ I . I •
.. '
-~ _ _ _ w~w_~

'- -, ._-------- Exchequer Bills, £

.r ',,' Do. at dale of oath to the Im'clltOl'Y
ilIiN<._o.>" India Stock, £
. .-
. -. (Price as abot'e.)
Three pct' cent. COllsol~)
.. ... '.~ ~: . (P rice a.s abort,)
(Dividencls acc1'lled down to tlte date of tlte (,atl, to tlle I,H!C11tol'!/
... .- '. : . to k !Jiten.)
" -. '<. ~:: • ... .. -y:
_._-- -------- -""~--
Shares \If the Bnnk of Ireland at £. I
Sha)'('s aL€W in !\1idlanu !treat WI.:!'stern Hnilw:1.Y, Ircland, at thc I'
price of .£
(PtiCf -:md nil'idend (tJ; ahou 10 Ill' .'Jil'm.)
.. . f
-Doeument.-:; .)f tho dput.s of J.~('l'('ib'1l O(lVri'mmm!.q R!l<l F{lr('i~ I
lies which pn..,s ft'om ha.nd to haml arc pl'OpC'l'ty \\ l:ere tho Docu-
llln.y hc. DebclIt.urNl or Bonds hy :Fol'eigll Cuml,auic8 nnd Go- r
. '.
.: ~ '. -"" . I ""!'Tn''''''';> and the titlo to Stocks of l"ol'C'ign Companif'~ Itud Gow:ru-
po~ses.<;ion of {\ party dying ill Hl'otland--ii th('y can 1!c ,

in ,
i in the ma.rket, R' .1 thn right of the p11l'Chn.'el' cOUlJ,ll,tf'<1 to tll£'m In ! I I
.- country, arc Pl'OPl'l'tv Rjtull.tcd in this ('onntl'Y nnd liahhl to 11\\'(>11- ,

." 'I
Duty, Sec Attol'J\('):-f iell«:rll.l ~,. B(JUWCll:-;, -1 ~l(,I'~{'In (l.llfl W21~hy, 171, 1 - - - - , -
Amount of Per/Dnat Estl\tc.' in SooUnUlI, Ellt;!ill.!l(l, a.nd I rehn<1'£ I
. '. .. , H, T~ SCOTLAND.
~·--..(::tt~ 1. 'i3ond and dispoaition in security ih.\lcu granted f

• D

I '.
4 •
. I,

: i
I. I

11 '
.i . - ---_. .. ---------:----:-----:----:-- STAMP DUTYES, ETC 51
by in favour of tho deceaf'lcu on'r lalid~ in the
cot.nty of (if dece(~ed acquired rl:11lt b!l aS8(r;nt1tiOll,
fte" describe title) '" .. , ,.. .."
2, Iuterest thercon to date of oath i 0 Inv(>utory
3. Bond dated grrtntcd L,v in favour of tho
deceased) cxcluding executors «(/ de(,lJa,~ed'8 r(ql!t i,~ b,1f a:l:;igna.
tiQn, et::" (/,zm'ibe titll')
4, Intcrcst as abow .. "
Total Amount of Pero:oua] E<;mic in the United Kingdom, and :Money
Seeuf<!J. on Heritage in Scotland, etc, .. , .. , £
1_ _ _ '_,1_1I

])cscril,e Ihe propert.1J und'l/)l!erc locally situated.
AT , tll/) day of Ono thcl1<::nnd dght hundred
,lonll Iu PI'(ls(,Dce or Esq" Commissary I)f tile Commissariot
of (or Cvrnmi,wll'y-J)"yutl') or the Corwmi$sfl.}:1J.C1nk or /ds Depute, 0/' CI)mmis8ioner
,'Jlpointed bIt t!/rJ Commissary, or ml!l .I.1t;7.qistrole 01' Jlulire o/Ihe J>mce 11'itltin tlllJ Unite(t Ki:ng-
!lom QI' the CQlolli('s, or (Hi!j IJrili.'ilt COUS!U). ApPJ~'\HED (u((me and dacrip!ion) executor of
lilt' d('cel1Scll (name and .le5C1'I)}li(II!) who I)cing &olc1l1l1Iy S\\'OI'n IUlIl examined, dCPOllCS, That
t.he linid die(\ at upon ihc day of , and
the tl('l'ollcnl; has cntercd upvn the poss(>Rsion and mnnngmuont of the ,ll'C('a..c;cd'R estato na
executor, l~omllmted hy him, akllg with (des(qa them), :111<1 :1,1:;0 ahmg with (deSltln Iwn). now
det:l'ascd (or ~~'I/O dectilit's to accept), III a general di:'>po:-.ition and decll of scttlcmeut.) executeo.
by him. upon t he day of ) l'egi:"tel'cII in the Books of Counc!l amI Session
1111 the Jay or : an cstrac" whereof is now exhibited and signed by ih:;,
lll'l)(»I('ut :md the Raill , et thi:; date, as relative hereto [ot' ([nd tIle depO-
nfl/t '/II,~ C1It(')'cd (or il' a/mu' 10 filter) 1l)jOn the jJos,e.~.~ion and mana.fJemcllt o} JHS personal or
'Ilw?'ef.lU~ /'.~t(/f<'. (M fj'CeU!(I/'? 'a 1/mr!!sl lit kin (or 'lua ~'('lict or qilff, act/itol', etc,)]: 'l'hht tho de-
pOllcnt dOCH Ilul kilo", of all) '!',.,taml:ntal'Y ::i('ttlemcnt 01' \V l'ilillg l'clalin' io the disposal
/)f the G.,~('ca,,;,·d':-. pl'l'o:ollal (,..,talll (.1' "':ic.;ls, 01' any part therc.)f, olilC'l' th.m the said
I{!I' tilll! tlu' ,if JJOlit'lIt l'lw!l'.~ /(1'110 il';;lmnelllu}'!J ,~,·(tlunt It M oli'l' ~t'l'itil/llleft 6!1
tIle dtcctU((~ }'l'lati.e If) 1111' '~I ''fIIJ~,d (:f/i,~ l'lI',Wl/l/t (stat(: or ~!I;·ct,~, or (/JI//l"'1't tlawlf): 'l'ltnt
tlw fOl'('~olilg b\'('ltioI'Y. :-II-'III'(l hy tll!' (\I'pollent and tho ~ai!l
lWI'! \0, l'- :1 r'dl all,l ('01111'11 tl' 11l\"1'I!lPI'Y flf tllO pl'l'lwnal (':-tatc: antl c!rl'(:b, ()f the saill
as l'elntive

()f'cull'>l'd WIIl'I'I'-"O('\'I'I' :·dllatt'll and belonging 01' (lw' td hilll hc 11 l'fi dally at
the !iIlH.' of l!i:-< 11I'.ltll /"1:" ('.!' 11" tf" ,11111/':' Stc/f/,(',l :lIl Ilerit, 1/11' in "('II/l'llul, II/ill ?11011('// &!Clll'ed
(}Ii ."colll,'·f, IJ"I''''~ "Jd,ld lll:} (./''''/f(''I'.~, wul '11111/1"'/ s(curcd O/( :'''·''IIIti.~/, /;/lI/fls (,I' olll('/' J1Mtru~
I th,' t':'II,t~11I'J II'I,il/, /"11'" I,,· /I I,t!.·· iI I '-""''(i;/(I (,I'('I'JltOt',{ "d'll"I",,; t'l tlc,; d('ceased lif/Ue to
/1It' I 11t.111I1/i'(I'~1I J:I t!" .Ir!.~ :::1 1'11'1 1', I:;, ({tI(l :;;: (Ill" ~ l ,'it'!, /', :-101. ill H) fa!' as 11:0 !:lame
1 . f , ,', ,

'I ha"i {'(Jlne t.J 1II~' dq H '111'11. 's kIl/;\\ It t1~(' [Ill" tI'{11 t h! tI, J'fl'II'lIt ,/,., ~ /I'lt I. 11f)/1' 1:/ ({ 11// mO~Ic.'J .)/'
1't'I'J>: 1'1.'1 ~~ /(>II,f/l1 ':7!'o Ill" !Io'o/""I fl,/U/ 10 thl' d "1,1/ illl/,MUI IJ.'f 1/,,' _I, 'o" ~:l ri/,t, ('. 1.), ((het 23
/1",/ .!.~ 11('/, c, hO-;-01: I/I'!/ tl,~ 11/1'11':' 0,' 1,,'/lJ" d:II.,J"if,':i"!1 :0 tIll d< r{(Mul I(ld'!'> to tl,,' dut.1J i1ll-
tl,,; A('t~ 2,1 J It!, C, I.), "",I :2:\ (/I/II::! I r;ct, c, SO, is 11f11 Ofl"III//I/l1 l/II' /11. this im'dt-
1"1",,1 '/1
: ,"''': :!'I::.\t till' YI;lm' at I Ill., dall' 'If tllP ~.Iid P(';'"onal (,,..Iah· Hlld .. 111'\:1-.; :-;ihmlt'(l in the
l t,II<. ,! ]\I!lgt!Ulll!I(l/d (:J th, .Nltl ?It')1/I!ll, ilH'lltI11I1g' the 11l'(l('{,I'tl:{ ~H'('I'IH'd Ih('I'('on down to
111I.~ Il.til', ., PI/tlll:!:- l-ol.·d:l'::, ;llld tUldl'" round ... :-:pdill" (;,. :II/li/('11 sccw'ed on
1'/1'1/11,'1 ,-t·",
it·· .... 11('( 1/ piI'( ,I tlJI. 1/11'/ ' / 1"',~fi"III"t:OI; .~I,rt!I 11(' )'/1/"1>,,1, ,I(/.:•.:.....allll ihc \'aluo of
tll(· ."ud 1'11'-0 11111,,-: ", aJIII dl ..d.., tit till ... Ibtl'. :-itllatl',l ill till ['lIUt'll KilI~llolll, and pro-
,':'\'d~ a:(Tlll'~l tlltl'l'PII \11.,' :1 to tllI:- d.ll!; jo; Pounr!. ~t.1 rllll~::, "lld 1l;1I1l'f '
I "Ull.]: ~,i."'IIIlF'\ (If 1·1'ld;rlll .. ~;nn 1)(' 1""pIiI'l'd, T/ll(t CIJIJ:;I'Ii,a("'1 1/ ff" M/d /'I"'sonal estate
': l(/jlt/I'utlll J.I,·f)d;' (!f :1,/ 1I'llf,//( )It ("J the i)'/III' :) AB wlucil iH truth, i\.'J
Ill!' (}('1'01l(,1It ~.ll,lll ;1/:'\\1 r 10 G(,cl.

(Signet!) J, :'.(o~f'RF.n·F,
Eo F, ~L\'ITLAr..l).
!'A1'nrCK. F.RASER.
52 _ _•_______•_ _ _ _ _ _S_TAMP DUTIE~, ETC. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ STAMP DU'l'IB~, ETC.
think Ht, l'ch~~~d, ill mOlley, t11(; mll~lU~lt:'I-- lUediat~~s-'e-,-if-I\i)pli-c-tl-fl-)t'-\~thin th~'c('\
DISCOUNT ON THE PURCHASE OF ::;TAJ\INt of spoiled ~tnmps. They arc al~o Itl1tho· month:.; aftcr being purchn,sed. In both
Pl\l.'tie~ who maY'Pl."l';c slamps (except clon, Edinbln:q",_ or iJublin, st.1.mps to rised to repay the amount of" I
ca."it'H il; deducted thc )ll'I'l·t'lltage allowed
receIpt stampl'l, labels for medicines, tl,w l~mOtlllt of .£ ~ 01' upwards, 01' of any for which the POSl5cs15or has no illl~ by law ou the pU1'ch!l~c l.f t;,tawps.
newspapcfl'l, and pOSl:lgC Htamps) at (hstl'dmtor or !:mh-tlil'ltI'iLlltOl' I)f stamp~
London, Edinbll1'gh, vI' Dublin, under at any. pla(~o ll'lt withi,,' the distance of STAMPIXG DEED~ AFTER BElNG SlG!\f~D.
of 11
valUt~ r.f £10 each, hut to the "alue
cl or ul)wal\II5 in the whole ' •al'e
~n 1111l cs 'Irom tl H' ~;'!.It1 ofiiccs resl'!lc-
b\'cly, stamps ~ ') the alllOllllt of £1 or Ee.,!o)l(l Tll'ell'c ~lft)/ltlls,-The duty "I' ,It'- I .. lbtoad,-l f lhe (}P.·d ~h1t.ll Le ('xcclltcll bv
allY party atH'pad, it Ill:\\' 1)(' l-i<un[>l':1
:f ficiellcy of 11nly, shall be {1nl' H.wl pay-!

u. owe discollnt at thc rate> of :30s. pCI' IIp\\'al''~:-:, llt'llOtll g ,lilY rate of dutl1 not without ally pl'l:alty, if 11l'o\l~~ltL to ht'
11 cent.-12 (m(l I:J Vict. c. t;O : and any rxccedlllg hi. Oil JJi/l.~ (l b:"Cclt~tlge, :',;;\0 to her )tnj'.':..ty, and n1:;0 the Ilt'nnlty I ;-'11 ,,·iihill two e:t\cll.\al' IIH)lIth~ fl'()1II t.ho
of .£1(\. The dt'ell will onl\' he bblm!ll'(l

pe!''5on who pUl'{·~t(:~(,.~ at the Htamp Drill/I) 01' O"der,~') ('I' Pr(','li.~,~Orll ...V;Qthf> tilllC of h('il!~ 1'I'l'l'i\'t'·l in the killgfiolll,
officc of fL()~J{lon.
' Etllll burgh ' or DuLlill, 0 1 ' nlam}J.~,
.... f 01",It'1l0lillg th(' dut.y " of, '" ou payment of tilt' wholt' ll~' (a,..; the l:a~e I
t onp UpOIl proof of t l}(' fad..; to tltr snt il'lfac-
may be) the dcticil'IH'Y of the :-Ltmp I
£:) 01' IIpwal'(I~, UI' of IlIlV dilitributol' 01' • 1./ Oil !lily llIH "llment or dOClll'i~ellt
I iolt (If t hl' ('oI1l1l1l"'ii~>I1er::>.-13 and 14
': l' .l\mp~ (ll' t'l'f'f'lf!t,~ to t.\w amount of 1)( III \ t
dOlty remaining payable 011 it, and OH't· :
Hub.di,.,tl'ilmtOl' not, within ten Inil{'s whntcycl', (except l)o~iagc stumps and and Il.Lo\'c :mch duty, fL l'l'IM,1t Y (If I rid. c. DI1 § 13.
\' fl'OIll Hai, I l'C'l';I)ectivQ omce~, to tIle ClIl'ltom: :-;tamps,_) 1111 allowl\lH'e :;hall be
made Of lellpCllce f 11' C', el'v ~Os. of tll" £10; and if the whoic amollllt of :-aitl
1\ ,luty or defkiellcy l'hull exce"a .£ I':.
1\ .R-lul'-l!'11l1ll'nt:-; an' l't'I'(·iw,1 a,t, th!' Soli-
n t 0 f £1 01' Ilpwlll'd:l, :;hall I'occin.!
alllOUIl IUllOllll t o~"tl w ,inti{:; (knott'd .; lly such. -
thcn, in u(lditioll to l-t~itl ,lnty aI,d I citol"'" Otliel', Jlll,\11\1 Ht'HIlIlt', \\'atorh\()
!': .' \1 all at OWIlIH'e lit t ho rah' of £i, JO:i, Pl'!' ~t!lIllPf:,·-::::~ awl')'} riet (' 111 .~ t:l
penalty, there shall h} plli,l, h~· \\'<ty pf I Plan', Ellil1\1ull!h. to Ill' I'f.t!I1["·c1. if
, ceni.-no nllowanee fpl' I\. fmcti,)U of lA.
.<\Ily }ll'I':O;OJl ~dll\lg }lIeh Htamps shall
A - • - ., , lj ,),
within two month . . of the tir:;t d,ltt· (t.l1O
f: 1>O\\I1(1.-1a and 1.1 Yid, l', Hi, 'l,!\ IR
"I 0 1lCI'!'!OIlH WI10, a f lc!':n ~t lJpet'i/d)t'1' 18(;0'
at onc aJ~( I the Hllllh' tim(', AllaH pl'od\1('u
not. wake any l'hul'g,' for t1~e I)·" I)"}'
v,,'1lCl'COn t IH,' l'!llllC :)l"~- iIll11!'('!'!sc(l, 1)"11-
additiOlml pCIlIl.lly, illlt'I'l';..t, Oil tit" dnty I
or (leiiciellcy at the rat t' of .i pct' ('{'lit. I
from the tIn.te 01' fin,t, l-igllill~ IIf till' I
l-I"lll'itol' 111 ay, in t,,,!'tnin t'lrl'llIll.,tam'l·:;,
n'ct'h',' thcm wlthill tw.· 11l"lltb" "f t1\(~
lit the ()f~lCe of Inland H/'\'('Ilue ill /.O)/(juu
It f la,1 ,i.u!'\ on }IIWlIlCllt nf tht' .Int \': If
a .y, or (lllllg :-;0, or llelllan1lillg or re- deed; but MIl'h illkn'ht ;-,hall Hot (-X-I
01' /)ub/w, papC'I' to Le Hl:uupcd with, 01'
Hhall pnrcha~c at iiw Haid ofliee ill i.on-
CC'I\'Illg a gl'ealt'l' 1'1'icl' or fllllll than tho
~~~~mt of H.e IStiilllp.duty: £l/).-Ih.
ccclI the lt1ll0Ullt, of Lhe ;-,aitl duty or I
deflci(,llcy of d.lty.
Witltin 'Pw('ll'c ,Jlollllls.--l£ tilt' tl!'l,(l I hall
Ih'),llIl.t that c1at~·, 011 payllll'lIt .,{ till'
dUly awl p('wdty, l'arlit·'-I. Ill. 'll'rl,: i!lg,
\\ III Ill' flll·ll\"IIl'.\ wll h a :-1'111,.11111', awl
F he brought t<) ~ he ('Olllllli:-;sioll('I''''; of I aftt.1' ht'lIlg IUk,1 \11', It i" Iq j,. :lI't'-
"tl ;"l'lItl'.I, alllllg \\itlt th.· ill"ll'UIUI'l1t, Ill,
Inlautl Ur\'nllll' withi 11 twcl\'P III 11 t1: .. '
1 ht' ~olieitol"s (lllk.', ;\'" ;) llllawl llc-
, after the lin;t. :-i~lIinp; 01' pxeclllill(-" ill \"!'I\'\t',lwlwl'{'1l \O.tllt! l:! o'rlnd., 1111
OI'd\!r to he siallllKHI, it may he XhUlI\ll't1 ,
)ltllItI,L\':' t~11f1 \\\'fltl,,,,.hl\',,, oul\, '1'1\(1
without PI\yllH'IIL of the pC'mllty, {l1' {.Ill
i\1lI01lut of fluty wi"ll"ol t~, bl' lI~l\lrl''''''l'd
payment Ollly tlf n. portioll t hl'l't·',r. PI'O' till tht' ill"\tl'\II1t'lIt j,.. to Ill' Ill,,\'rlt,.l by
yit\('(I it };lmll 1)(' pI'0\'('(1 tu till''-
tltl' app\H'illlt j.,'f"l'e 1",".1..( }l!,t'M'lIh"I .~t
'i ion of the COllllllis~illll!'r,., that tlll'dced
tIll' is.,lll,,ltol'"S Ullit'(' ; .illd aftt'}'\\'lIl',ls h'1
\\,H'! not, (lnly ~tallipt'(l PI'('\,lOusly to:
pay', It, 1l1II1 tilt' IWI'<l11,:-, Ji al:,Y, to th'l
being I-ligm'd, by re,\:'illll of acC'idellt,:
l'J.... hi(.I .. ~o. 3, Lob!>y, .\" 10 ~\tt\llI\,iu~
mh"til.kc, iJl::',liv0I'tPIICY, 01' \ll'gl'lIt lIt·ccs- I AJ!J'('t'llIl':lb all<l ('Ii,\1'1 II' l\\rtil's, Bf.:C
htiy! l\!id without tllly wilflll dPHigll to
;\ (,te:'. umlcr thc!'-c 1I,;,I,I~.

eWtde or d('lny t.I:(' paVllh~lIt of dtlt~,'.-

13 0.1'(1 Vi Viet, c. ni, ~ 1:>.
n~,\ill.,t to lh( ('Plllt (,f E<dJl''1 I1 ('r d
The orill ion of thr C()Inl1l i~.,iul\(,l':-; or 111-, \\' ("..t lIIi m-l (>1', ('ll t lu' :-;talllp t1ntlt"i ;-;.,'-
, land Hcvcnul' 11"; to tIt(' (lut) to whit-la! :.e:-N"l hd:lg \'Iwl, nil' I ,1P,o;, fo" C!l;O;t.'t
! 11. deed, whetllt'l' PI'l'\'iOH~\Y ~ta!llJ'l'd 01'
lWIl,g \ll'po:--itec. (l:~ a'1.J : I Vwt, G, !l1,
othcl'wis(', i:.; l'h,\I';.!,('ahle, Iilcty 1>1. ol/lain/'fll § 1-1 amI [ii,) 'i'lli" 'olllllll:--:-I'lTlI'l'1i HIlly
on the dt'ed hl'lII~ \'\'(':>I'lltl'd :It. thl'lt'1 abo n(ljwl).,;c 011 I lPI'd " \lOt, habIt' te) nlly
oflicc (,11:linlJ1l1'gh) Hl\Il ,~ fpt' of 11l:-.l'aid.\ Htnllljl tit:!)': 1.1111 If lllly duty l"i a."liI'8~ed
The duty 01' iu:'>ullieil'llt rluly wlJlch tht' : th(' party 1ll.LY ttpJwal. (1/; awl 17 Yu:.i.
Vommi~si(lIlCl'fl Ill,',:' a.."~('''H, lUll] Ull' PCII' i
('. M), ~ 13,)
I alty, if any, heillf,! I·aid, th('y Hba.Ill-lmll!,! N,B.-lJ;::;lrUlufllh al'e l'(>c('h'(>rl for ru!jwh·
the deed with the linty /'ID I.aid, awl! cation at the :-;olwitnl"l\ Ol~io'(', IlllnTll\
1I thereupon, IUld H,bo ill the eo se ,}f th,-, hevcllur t Edinh'lrszh, Oil tllP "alllC con-
deed heing pl'eriotlsIy Sllflicicllt Iy ~lalllp­ ditions {l:i to duty all!l }lellnlty an In:itnl-
cd, shall also itllpl'eSH 11.0 deed with a. mon!.'" to b.: .'1lallll)('<i ult'rely, (IIM above.)
rarticular :-It.' to be I)),O\'i(lc(l for the The mode of }lw.:tlc,lil:g i'l IU! follows:-
purpose. The llct'(1 I'\lw11 tIwn Lw 1'(,- T\!o .;um d lm s/ol/it1tJ·! for the u(ljll-
ceivcd in cvi(l~ncc ll'){ witluitall!iillg allY dicaiiou stamp j" tir:-.t to be pairl to t.ho'
ohjection t.) it as imllll1icicntly t'tlllupcd. C(l.'1hier, No. :~, Lol)hy. 'lil(,1l the sche-
'I'll!' provi:;,ioH do('~ Hot (),pply to bonds 01' dule, (the duly to blllmprc&',>cd of courso
, mOl'tgagefl for ul1limit('c\ amounts, nn!' I not being ins(,l'l('d ill UH~ Kchc(lnh:,) tho
, )
jnst I'umeub" nftcr belllr: :;i~!lcd, p1'01l1- \ inslnunont. I\.ft!'f c)"ecution, and 0. full
'bilccl from h('i'1g 1'It!l.lllpctL rh13 opinion
of the COlllllli~~loucrfi Wfl.y be apIJc,~l~d copy (wl' Oll Ct,. Jl:JCI\,L) pal,or) of it.

..-------------------------------- A~SESSED TAXE~ •
------ -
---_._--- ----- - -
Horscs us\.'<1 in dra.wing licenscJ stllgC! itollcr, cook, hQr;.se-pot'tcr, l<'otmau, run·
(omitting the bouudi!lg (!pseripU\JJl (If! at.ll 1~ o\;luck Oil/if. Between 10 and 12 CHITia1:,JS. I ning-fot,tmRlI, con.chman, groLlm. postilioll,
1 I'
& alll laVlIlg anpell(.(', .~ a
l I t 0 1" I" 011 -I
. ')Ci\ I le 'l,llusllay
:'\J ' f ()11 oWlllg,
vC ~~
ll:)l~t,;s kept. sd ... :'y ~" ho le!· fm' hire by ~ta.blc-hoy, I)r helpet· ill the stal>h!'l vf the
tablo givillg tile :mh,ta '~'l' of the clauses party, \\1:0 eall give exphuwti(ln, must licenseu P';1':-;01l8. lillU)tcl'.gard(·nel·, I 'tl'k-hL reI', galll(" kCt'pf.:\·,
and provisions, pal·tlcuhrly dates amI c,tllOIl the did cicrk of i :1(' ~olicjtor'l'I Hot'ses kellt buld.r' for w'uwiu,; i:ccu~cd huntl5l11O.1l, ur w\tlpp.:I'-iu ........... ,.£1 1 11
sums, and a rderellc( (11 till' nage uf the j)~'pal·tll\,'lll) ;\". (); anti he "lIould Le hackney c;nTmgc:-,. PmIel' cigltlol'lI ,)'(·ar;o;................... () [0 fi
copy 011 which (·.. ch C{)lllllll'!l~I'S,) a1'e to! pn'llVrctl to p;l}' thc prop('I' duty. and llor:ws kept f.))' sal< by a,;scll h01'::Ic- FI\t1('r-~.ll'Ii·:-/)l'l' ........................ · .. · 0 ill li
be left, at tile .30Iielh,l'·s Uflice, XI). ;\ olli penalty, if auy, t.o the Ca.;;hicr, No. 3, \l('alcr:" allll lIoil'tliL'l'\\'i:-.e U::OlJ. I CUtl"r ~:.llll\'-kL·' 11('1·..................... · II 10 (i
f :Mondays nud Weduc·:;day::;, betwecn 10 I Lobby. Persoli'" kC('pillg IllJrsc';{ 01' 1Il1l1f'~ btJ,/(€/ide I l\J;.--TIIt' .. I'd\'!; tbllil''' .Il'~ pa>'ah~ll fol'
for tho PilrlJo~,n ot ]JlI:sb:~lI(h'Y, 1\1111 occa I CYl'I'Y llIak :-.,,·n-'ll,t /'lllplo) ,od l~S allo\ l'~ awl
DVPLICATmi OH CO UN TEll PAHTS. ,-;lonallv u~ill" t 1II'lIl fUl' dl',l\\'itw bUi·dell~.llIot iJCIII<' It H" .,-,uti to) hh employel', It tlw
Duplicatc)i or COUlltCl'l'<tl"ts of ill~t1'lIm('llt:,!
requirillg to be illlPl'CS~cc1 with tl.e de·
The priilL-ij':i1 insil'lllllcnt, aB weil as th"
dllplkut(·, lIhl::>t, he l'A;;cd, alld both mllst
Hot cb:tl'!.!;eat~c with t.he dut.y ~[ 10."1. (i(l: elllploy~';? I-lIa11 ,,~hel'\\ i~L' lll~ t:hargc.lblo '.Yith
for IllOn than two vC :-'Udl hnl',::I('g 01' HH~!('!'> the fon'g' lill:'; (1111 il'!'> "11 i, :-.Ci nHlt 1.11' carrw{fl',
lIotillg !-ltall!p 1,(1 rcw)('I' thclII Yalid, m"" 1l1!pt'i;1' t., I~l' pl'opcII,Y Hbuupc{l, other- kpl't 011 allY OIl!' fanll 01' anyone l'a!.j:;!t 1))' 01' io;' ,,/(,,'(, !/.t!/1 (/",' /"" ...·I!.
he lodged at. the ~olicjtor's O:!iCI.\ ;\0, ;j,! \\'1"5e thcy wlllllllt bl tnlll~!lIilitcd.
place, 1'1\'\ id4'd :-'Udl 1Io:-::.c:-> "I' mltlel1 arl' TavclI.·\\ait,·,·s nh0t-~ cil:!hh'l.'i\
IlIhUldjhwelllH'~EJillhll\gh,bet\\'ct:1l 101 Jlcm.:-:nw l'e\cP',1C tal\(':-; 110 risk of loss llOt, L'llIp\O~:f''' ill uPj' purp!)",· of tI'Ut!l', or 1 yuu'" (If .\~l· .................... , ...... .£ I 1 (\
aud 1~ o'cI.)(~1{ ull awl Wcd-l-
1\1olll\a\':'1 01' Il}JIII'Y l'Olllk~' t c: 1 Wl'11 I tl le custody 01' ill ,!m\\lIlg 1,)1' uirl', 01' ill (Imwiug allyl l.'mit.:l' ei)It.Cf.:II .................... · ...... 0 10 (j
lleS(1ays only. A trallsl'lis:-;i(lu (,f thell1 CH. :'lagL' of the lil"lt!·I\II.ems rcceived aud
is mado 011ce a-wcok to the llead-Oflke, ! t..:al'l'iuge chnl'gl'nHc with dnty. I
tnU'.switted i·) Le IjtullIpcd. }'Jl'm-h.()I's,'s (ll' mulc;:, occa.~ioll;tlly ~j"c(l fOI'\ R:t..·clJlpti:ms.-AllY lmlo.: :'~'I'\ '.n~ 1m«let· the
11nnvllIg burden:" l'deL 101' (lr.twlIIg. fl'I' ngl' I·f hH'ul:',olll', 1."111;'; t un ~on 01'
11:1'0 01' pl'oht, if Ilot ll:-:('ll H,\' ,It'l\wiJlJ I gl':tlld",oll (,f Oh' ('llll'lIIYLr, allJ 1.\ lllCmbcl'
i\ S~~ ESSE l) 'e. \ XES. ;thV \!'l.l'ri.l"u c!l:ll'l!c:\ulc '.\'ith lint.,.. (If hil:> h.}II"L,hdd .
11oll:51:-IIi.,I.LI':U::;.-_L\ ery P'.'I'...,OIl (,\l'I'l'I~:lig
., 0: 'I '

? /;( 1'\'Illlt l llip!· )'".1 l,y .IIlY ht'cwl('(l

AIUlORlL\L BEAntNGH. .£ s. tl.! Do«;". -:-Fol' ('WI'Y d()~~..... , ............. £0 12 0 the Lu::;in(';,:-, ..................... .£I:~ I:, n \ Il'l .. alltl, loe.u·!',\' '.lIt hI"":' \., (·U ... tolll-
u8illg '1rr;ll)l'i,1I h·llJ·III!.{~.
f a.) ('all'i.lg(·
I l.IXt·d at tiH'
• I' () .D), 0,.; ...................... :.! j ~
~f)th(.piJl.,:mch<::\\'l'h"c 11 1'3
.\I .• X,lllllllll charg(·
1 \ I
fl'l' allVIIUlllb:!l'
h) ,1 1)1 :-l ..................... , . . . . . :30 1:'> 0
\),0. of gcprho(lltd::; .....................l

' ()
L'.n'lIl ;Jt iu".".--I\ ·r.".)I\S ,\'1;11 <.:c 11 IIld Y Illll': l'" I
bred by tht'\i,"'l'h'l's, or kq.t, U" !'Il'IUill c
:4ol'k l\t>t t11rcl.) luvIJI1".
'!t't,,.,.d 111UUg-1t 0\ , ,1..,1' ·:J.I: I.n \''1 1Il1'l',J to Wait
~.n :-:1It::,b. PIP\·l.J. ,I.,:" !'Id.\' I... h, pt .
)lah' i',·I'\.lll' • 111j'\".' "t~ 1'" Itll h"itll~1' 01'
tl<,.(~ ki'll& wholly i.7
fOl'tho lIOI: ...,1-: Dt;'l Y. 11I·1:.,'I·:n lhe ~LdJk:11 i HII,:·llCClI:iI."IItIll-
t1 0 '!) ..... .... :..
· .1f ! earn 0f l- II("'P t·r ('.IU \(', it Hot a gl'uy- 0u l'ltdl inhu.Litc,1 tlwellmg'llUu"'t' III till' ],\1'1" :'.
1 i wd, I OUl' W!Jl'j']", d!'awlI I101I1H., 1 IIOHlI(, I pOlllt!'I'
. >:dlilJCf <10" . HlllIual "al.\(; vI' .L':.!vOl'UP\\.ll',Is,I.t'Clllli,'" as ~lah· ~t'\'\'alit (11!I,lt,.Ht\ ,.' ::\'.... 11' nl' -ttabl('-
D ly WO 01' 1ll01'(' horscs lIl·)tlHh·,; :1 10 (I) sp:lIli('I,. IlIr('IIPt', IJl' t.en·lel:; alsg do~ ,l f.1l·1I1 hOll"" l.y a t, lI.uli 1'1' LIlIII ':1 \ .'Ilt, boy by "I'Y 11\ ,'ry --.\ ·.I·lt ',k •• 1't'I. horN'-
o. dl'awlI hy Ollt' !t01';-,(· 01' :lIU!t··1 ()
Carringl' wit It fom' \\'I/('I'i~, (,,\1':.
of k,~ ,lrallH'iPl' thall thit'!\

· milk!' IllX 1I1OIIthOl oh1.

J I.\ml'\)wDI~H, pe\,...(lu-;
u~iu<f /'1 3

Iq ill \.llldl lIl'tll.:k" aI'e C,\!l""'I·.t \IlI' :-..IL·,
,'1'111'1'11 ,.\ fnl' lIll' ;-a\..~ (If l·Xl·i,,\·.lhll' 1;'11101'"
,h .. d,·!) ,,1 l',·I'."'lI Ilf' 11".t I .. 1. I h"\>ll'l1
("1' hll'l" "I' tn k,·\·1' all'! 11'" ,1l1,V • .!,l~!· 01'

iuchl':', and ,11':\1\'11 :)V !\\Il !;..

lllll!.·~ :1,,1. ('\-
I ' o· .. ·· .... J./
,llol'sl''' l'xef·I·,IIII~· ill!' ]wi"ltt Ilf
a ,1t:1)' .,f (,.l.l'l·1' l'uUllll; all OU,l'I''''- !,ld.
jl.\I.,: :-:l.In .\:-- .~\. I
~"II'kllt'y ("IIII.L:'·: .i! ..... III tl,~:-., I'\'allt (Ill
pi '.\1 d by I-lIrll h,· 11-' I \'('1'",,11 l" dn\p
IIIO/·t· puuit·" t.!'
ccc(iill!! tillrtl"'ll hall.l~ \'11 I
I tl t ' ,-.'
Ill' ,'( 11 l:alld.;, fol' I'idul" o\.'
dm-.\·"I!.! cal'l'm 'I', (' It,'h ., 1 1 0
t:Vl' 1'.1"1\ malt' I-t'n'll'li l'i"htCl'il
. '.:':). \,('.11:1
wanl"l :11 lilt· cap,te,ly of lII.dtre I.l'lIC,\.-" I
vi' UP-I all' .
hrl'aI-,l'd ... 1.. ",
'i' I:.I<·I..I!I'\"
.. t';\I!'OI:';",
11)' t"\'·ll.l~, all,l ].'-1"1: Id tv J1I)'(' f .. r !c..,.,
t' ,-,,' .......... .

h"ight .... ,............................ 15 I) Jt' I 1

Do, tlmwlI ".1' Pllt· ;-1.e!1 pouy u\' ' 1I 'll~:~l\h,:~t /:.~~::~t;::dll!~,:l~:~~\;:~~ h"\I!'>L'-:-.t"\\<lld, 11ta"tl'l\ of tll(' l.,'n'!', ;11" ... 111 \ tltall t wellty (J',:I,t 11..: '.
t.r t hI' l'ih\lHliel', \ ah t, de cll.alUbl'l', b\11~' r ~lal~ i't I: .lllt. (IIII'!": :·,1 .b,\' ·,l.,l,!.' I. 1'.' P'!I
limit,........................... , ..... 1 () tl Inll It v
umkl',butkl', dJ.'l·k uf tile kltd:'.·'l,LOllk,. lL'1' l.t!dl::; L'al,' .1:'..1 tr.lllllUL <l ; ,~":I'·hvl'I:ll'.
Curriage wit It \1':-'''; 1 kill f .. 1I1' ( ' .y......... . ............ ........ () 10 6
VU. W\II'I·,· 11\(11'(' t 11,111 Pl,(' k"l,t
WIlee::;, I
J (r<t\\J1 1)t l\\o 1'1 11 III I'L' ' , ,
r,'dlUlIlqt'1' at ~I~. :"\'·!I.
1I11':>C:'! 01' II\1Ih·~,I. .................... .:! n 0 If
PHOPEll'l'Y .\Xl) ]Xt'O~lE 'tAX.
IJ I I I Oil.! j.lll,ly lU,ed. b·) it c!1'I'.'!\ Id.W.
O. (11'1\\\,1I )'./ :.!lO 101'''(' Ill' IIIUI,· ... (I I"
" (I
p I1}'I1H'HtIl, l-lll'!!l"'ll,
' (,I' ,'1"'11,'11("
, :-;uII:nru: .\.--\H('a~ Prtlj>'I'!'/.) 011 ea' It ';-;C!lrD1.1i. j).-(T.. r'[.,~ .t!"l }lr(~I;S"'l.Jtd.-'ft)
j) n. l.faWIl I )Y OIl(' pony,>I' IlIule 1 \''' I .. I :,!O:" oe allllual "duo t,f tal!(li: tL'nellwl,b, I 011 {.~L h !.!••• of .1IJlI1\,tl :IlW'lIl1t • f gill Ill>,
lIut e.sccl'(hll!.! 1 hil'h:l'1J hUllti.: • \'ary, )tU ItJ,~ It·! hl·l'Ii. h,'I'd"'lll,11l 0 10 6
1 I ~ 11 1!()t,ll:<c(l f"I'l'illill~~ Ill' !l!.t\\I!I" ,111(1 i\(,l'it.l~'·:-'. ill 1'1'~'llt'd of tllt'/,rol""':I.! pr"llt:i, ":. ~·d"IJ.~, 11'l'IlI tl'.ldl':-', l'lofe!'>.
IIll. wig IL.......................... 0:0 i) CUI 1 t I 0 \\ L, l'l t hI' "'.;11,, iIlC<lIUP of tJ.u ]ll'''1'1 :d"l· ~ :-.iOll";, 1/111'1, 1.'.1;,' !I~ -, "I' \ ... ·all.'II:-I, 01' from
(.llTlIlgl':; kept :;oll'!v fO\')II.'iJl" I('t )
1 'I:lg't':-:, .'\1 ' ,'('\'/ 1"1' In It'.... V 10 6
· '.... j Oil,\" 01' 1111111', Ilot (·;"'·t·( tlill·_f tlll.·t'- !:"11l t'\, r\' ;,(ltU·l:-.! .11!l(!uJ.h to) .cl~l(l, tol' per""II"l "I' "'I.,, i i: i"'!ty l:d, illl'lllfl",) III
t o ,1l1'C, olll'-half the abu\'l' '( "1 I ' I ' \,1 1'1'.', !M.-=-\\'Iwre :-;Udl 11111111(11 iI,c"lI.e "dll'dll!l ,A, 1:, C. 01' 1:, \\IIt'n' tlt\.' ':1 ad]

dUtl('H I'l'SI'('\'I i\ dr. ~ 'l. 1:\1111 ..... "1' 1'11'1.1;'; 01' draw-

' . ' lilt( allj' L'lllTI ,I" • al'lI,,: .. l..; 'u.£!tltl,all<lt·t!p,., 1l.lIl £J {'II" l;ll. illt'oll'\' •• f tit" I'al'\' 1'101111 (.\,(.)y ,"o\ll'CO
l lll'nn;:u With 1'''111' wh('el~. 11:->('(1
by ~I COIIIIIII'II (',U'IWI' dlC fol' J
)~. If Il\>t Ihl,,111I1' l'l dili 3 o;:;i;·;~~~·:
t ......... 0 10 6 ~( 1I1.~ 1r !.l: ll. _, I),-,"'}'I' /(".1 1:" tI l'J'('!'t /·t:O I ~lIl." 1I11! -.; 1<l El :,11"1 1;, •. 1<'. ! I, 1.- '\'1~j'n' "'Hch
.H. ....... ..... "• Olll':tch ~O~.!l1' a:lIIl1,tl ulw· of bud;;, 1~'llc'l ... I •• 1l1y Ill! "In i ... .!.'Io·'. u.·t h· ....." \h~u .;l;.150,
'''\1 f I
,,' 'I'lagtl 0 gOOj 'I ...... .......... ~ (i t- 1:..' 1.11~· allY t'tll"r1 t,_"l I'; 3
D,u. WltJ~ h'''s thall fOl'I' whl't'l:-l... I .ltlilj1llolls.-II"r-,., 1. ... (.,] "olely for ~l ..;
(; .... ! )1lt'nb',alllll:!'I'ILI (I,l.
1:,.r(.mj)tl(iII8.-I,It.~.II"'.,'l llaC"!.(,\, .111/1 ~t"I'f"; HII
l VO"L''; of 1,"" •• IIIIIi·,\". 01'1 Iw
.f·c·,II.:·H·flIP·' " ll\O.r}i.Ot~
h('\I!'>c ol'parah' frUlll a f.d·1lI . tn ,'·:(jl{(/1II.1:
1tIl'll-1h''':t. (If th(. (" .. '(I"tll",!I, a,1.
I '
,:--tll .. .1 11: 1-•. -(I'I,I,!,,. S,' "'''''; 011 Nll'il
enl'l'~a;!(.:-( .. Can·jaw:'l J...l'l)i i,~r' lwill'r J~t.t I
~. I" , " dd'.' 1':1'11 III t Il il' hUJii lleliS
t11 I1I~'(> wit II n. 1)0)':,1.' Ill' h(ll':;(\~ by ...'.1.(')'. I' It llIH I 1I1;t1'1". I" \,1 '"I,'lv f.lI' 1'I·t.·(II·1 I', ,
:-:'rlll;l.>t I.l~C.--UJI·',1,r· FilII I.~.) On eHt'h ~O,.... ! :.: ', ..
,f <lII:I· •. tI.,:" ",t·' "l.1I1' ", 1·~II"I(IIl'"
Q I I I ..
"Oil I('('II!-l'(, to (.t 1101'*'''; 101' iur('. \ \ ' ( 1 < 1 _ '
.a.llV :01...... • 11-(',1 II'l\" '1"11' tit
- 0'
l' purposo Ol
J: of <Lllllual :lJII<I'lht I.f ll;·ntit ... fl'OlIJ illlPl','::-!.(
;':\IlUitll'~' (hddcwl:4 .. ;111.1 ~l '''I';'i of alllllll
01' a:II,llIt .. " 1':1."
('1I! .. i 11,': 1'1I1Ih\' l'e'
\\'1111", ('1' f.t' all.\ 1''l~';1 :';tL Ill' elllploy'
"Oil ""U I \ I I
' < 1,0), (';U', 11"1'( ~Il (' Y III trf\d.· 01'
~ hu,.halldl'.', or uf dr.l\\'ill!.! .1lI" e.·...·I·!·a 0 t

9 w t i lal
I , " .. • g t \1''', puvabll' t.ut .. I t\u ! ,b, }'('\'('Illll',: Ill' Ill, \dlU'( t iJ, ~ I ,-- !\ 1I','oIIll.: (If the
hllsbaIl1h'Y, ('Il which (htJ IHUlI!" SUI'WIIIH'. I I .• !· HU'!,W ) (. \\'11 It (llIt,)', "\' of \,o,uying ~dH'.I'~ tIle •. IIl,h:ll HH'''I'~I' I •• till' r.~dpll·lIt I' I'<l:ty 1'1'\>111 (·\t·r.' ,";',1, - ,1:ll'HllltB to ••n:·!)
''c'' f I I f I HiI "l'Il~ III thl' ('(1111'''(, (It' t' ,
. f " "q ,I l{)( C (), { ltJ OWJ\e)' 1:1 1t'l!i h l j '
•a[1(11)) .' lltl QW::IOl' 8 is £l'JO O\'})11I)'e, (111.-- \\ hl'le ~ildl HIIIllIal 01' IW'n', 0,1 --WiI, 11 :.dl,Yl'urly iucol1lc
pll.llJv('d, ,11111 "'I!it'h 011 no o(',"Jii(~1I 1:-. t:ad(' or t}CI"IIi'a l ll'lI. all,} wiut'h wily be income i.; £10[\ PllIl k,. ... thllll £1f>t1, (hI. ! is .tWII, nll'll. 1-', t1,.11I LJrJ(I, (it!,
IlsrcJ fl~r allY llUlI'\' IHU'))O!'>C, ('XI't",lt fl)" .,' ndd,'p to 01' frolll the I·la<:() whel'{, tho ~ ))"I'l\.tl(\fll~ 1\\1.,,"')01, wh~n': "IlIlCtl. Ilw1<'r ~,;,r·lnkl< 11 tolll J:, .. f (".~' [In!.·\ .1,
cc,ll\ (l'ylIIg t IH! owncr 01' hi,~ famJ1y to 1
load, 11' burtl"ll : ' I L rrlll,urn (Ullt. cx,ct',llt·j.[ <lIlC'
. . .. .... d) )C t 11'\(,11 u;> or do- ,till.ut I II.e \Lt:'l'\f}t'~ hh" !<lln{'\t\r~, ... t'tlt.t.')J}(uil.~Jr jn"·"\'):~ .r # ' I t i .~'I'ld 11: 1itf .1'111.1:'· ...
po"ltC'd, m', till' P)'o('t'l'jll~ )Mdical assist·

or from ChUl'ch. .....\"11 Lt I! \, I. " . t to'ill':" ll. ~'tt .h' t' ( olll) ,'fi~ . , , ..... tt 1. (' (It] I • \ , ' l i I1 " t !, I, t 1''11",,' ,111 t·
nllcO, 11vt 1,;1l.u·e;c,tbJo Uti n • iding-horso. ~\~t j ",~.J '::- \ ).;t .. lZH. '.I: J: ~tuy \1.\1\1..\\ p\~ 'II'.H~ l~j ,1,... 1.1. ,I..l ..\.' .11 I " ,,,,f !.L1~ t" a \_,1 l'J\ ~ i l ... utJr,.. Jj'.,. L,JJJ.

" ,
, •
**=*-..:1 1 .-,


D\4. I'AlIIb'lIrp. "'1&11\0 M.lvp.
K. r. X. r. H. H •••
"" b~a AD AlDDDlI to IlIYBIlttSS DAY JU.tL.
H. K. 1'.
00:i 0 Nuneaw4 • 211m 11 2 a 9 S 205 Tranent. 6 18 •
. . ~I!~~'
, .~~)I". '
:. . -:_, Edinbutah. •
=J~~ A~~~~
2..1\(. ! H. K.
• 8 15 a. 12 35 m
! Dut.
K. F.
Edinburgh •
x. ..
B. K.
6 0 a
:117 6 Rugby
353 6 Bletchl,. •

347 2 \V olyerton.
400' Boton Sq~ Station

• •

286m 1040 a
320m D li7 a
328m 949 a
437m 8351.
176 GO Drem..
23380 LiDton •
291 75 Dunbar.
132 10 LongniddL'Y •
6 26 a
6 49 a 724 A
'1 1 & 7U.
. ':!8 t . ~b.ett J1DlcUOD , 9 25 a 'I 7 52 a 30 Granton • r.
t G. 0., London •
,', M Sl·
. 69 I

',1) 45 a
• I 11 20 a I
'1 36 a 8 0 Hurntislantl
6 23 6 14 0 Kirkcaldy •
3 5 &
345 &
G Gm 8 0 a 364105 OockbulD!'JI)ath • 7 19 a. 1 O.
.n 2 15 Grant's HotUlO '1 30 a
'18 6 Errol. • 11 59 a I 6 0 a 21 0 .I\Inrkincll • 358& 426. 1.0XOO. XAlL ('..,AY). 462 90 Reston • 7 42 1\
'1 51 a. 640.
81 o·
8D 2
100 0
12 6 m I
12 25 m
1 1m
I /) 6' a ~ 0 Ladyl)nnk •
5 23 a 34 2 Ncwbnrgh •
4 57 a 41 0 .P.ridge of Earn
421 &
4: 45 It.
5 1 a
516 tl.
4 0 It.
3 8.
26" Caret.'lira.
60 4 Beatook •
• • 925a1715a 7200 BelfoN
502105 Avtnn
• G. P. O.~ Edinburgh • 8 15 A I 12 35 m 57 1 162 :n:;;;ek
10 41 a 6 44 & 89 2 0 Bilwn (Alnwickl • I} 32 A

8 10 a. 6253
• 9 2!l 6 2 a
lOll 2 Arbroath.. 1 17 m 4 36 a 450 l'crth • l' 45 a 75 0 Lookerby. • 11 10. 6 20 A 95 6 0 Acklington (Felton) {} 47 a
Ut 0 Gnthrie 1unction • 1 4~~ m i 4 19 a 470 Dundee • 246a
100 0 Cadislo • • • 12 3 m 6 20 a 107 4 0 Morpeth
625 a 210 • • 10 10 a ! 5 6.
12.') 0
BrldgeolDu1lJunctioa 1 59 m'
Dubtrn JIlCCtiOD
l!i3 4 Lawrencekirk.
137 0 Fordoun •
• 2 6 m I' 3 51 "
2 22 m :J 32 a
2 32 m 3 2-1 a
3 59 a
Genernl Post.Offiee,

117 4 Pcnrith
lOO 0 Kendal Junction.
169 0 Lancaster.
190 0 Preston


• 12G4m 3431.124:00 Newcastle.
• 2 4 m 3 45 a 139 7 0 Pence Houses
• 10 45 "
• 11 31 " 4 4 a
2 4D In 3 5. 142 4 0 Lcamsido J undioll 11 35 a • 0 a

3 811 m 2 32 a 162 4 0 Darlington. • 12 30 tl1 320 ;)

148 0 Stonebayen. 2 541Q I 3 2 " l~llinbl1rgh • 2054 WigM • •
16f 4 Aberdeen • 3 48.1Il I 2 18 a R:lihmy Station •
6liOm DOOm 213 2 Newton • •
" 15 m 2 5 a. 201 -4 0 York. • • 1 5am 2 0 a
7 Om 920m 4 34 m 1 63 a 222 4 0 Milfot'(l Junction. 2 30 lU 135 &
178 2 Kintoro • • • 8 54 rn I 116 LilllitJlgow • • 219 0 Warrington • 45tm 139&22860 CastlcConl, 2 46 1II
181 2 Inverury. • • 0 3m I 254
74im 820m
Falkirk • • El 7m 8 Om 2432 Crewe • • li 34 m 1 5 a 231 6 22 Nonnllnwn • 3 0 IU
185 2 Inyera1l1llt\1 Junction. 0 16 tn 1 :120 C:t.Stlccnry. • 268 0 StaJford • • 6 26 m 12 19 1\ 255 2 2'l Masbro' 4 25 JU
l~g 1 !,jt~ll!llo 0 20m ,: R 22m 745m
474 l~aihm.y ~t. \.tion • {120m 281 6 Lichfiel{l. • 7 3 m 11 54 n~ 271 0 2'2 Obl'llterficld 4 55 In
1~1.. 2 Jnscli.. {, 42 m ' l'Ob1-01lice, 6llUsgow
7 Om
291 0 TlCllworth. '1 15 m 11 44 m 288 0 22 Belper
lU7 f Kenne~mollt • lOOm' DOOm 650m • 5 23 DI
20~ 4 GarU, • 10 9m:
298 6 Atheratano. • '1 27 m 11 33 m 295 2 22 Derby • • li 45 m
304 0 NUIlcaton • 740m 11 25m 3071 22 Kegworth, 628 m
2(1.) 4 Httntl1 10 21 m I GLASGOW lUlL (SECOND).
317 6 R!18b]' 8 20 m 11 0 m 312 0 22 LongMlOro' •
'),18 () Keith • • : 10 liO m ! t; 37 III
G. P. 0., Edinburgh. 12 5 a 2 15 a 330 6 Weedon 8 46 m 10 41 m 3ft 2 22 Lcicc.,'ter • , 7 3 III
226 0 Orlon Junction. • 11 29 m I Rnihvay Stati;;'ll • . :'~ 15 a 337' Blisworth. •
232 6 Lbanbl)'de.. 11 49 m 11 6 Linlitllgow.. 1 1
235 a
1 41 a 360 0 Leif:hton Buuard
9 0 m 10 31 m 361 2 22 Rugby •
9 39 m Po 58 m 444 0 22 EuswnSqunrc Sta. 11 0 tn
• S 0 tU •
236 fJ Elgin • 12 2 n 25 4 I Fn!kirk • • : 1 22 : 382 6 Watiord • • • 10 ISm {} 25m
248 0 Porres • 12 30 " 1201' 6. P. 0 .• Lond!.!n 11 28 In 800m
47 4. IUnllway Station • 2 20 3 1230 a 400. Buaton Square Station 11 Om 9 Om
25! Q Nnirn. • 1 3 a Post·Office, Glasgow. 2 30 a 12 20a G. P. 0 •• London • 11 2Sm 830m
272 J Inverness 1 55 a EDIxnuROU AND INf~lUU~SS via nIORU1!i) MAD.
E.linhurgh • 615m 112 3am
Euiuburgh •

I G. 1'. 0., Edinburgh. 3 50 a. 555
x. r. Y. 69 2 O. Perth. • I9 7 In 610 a.
36 2 Stirling.
PeNlt • •

6 Hi nt /'
7Ci9tn 6
6 45 1I ! RI\II~';\.y Station •
7 n ) 7 6 I r.liuIitllgow • •
.. 0 a
4 30 1\ 545 It.
G. 1'. 0., Edin., 1 48 a 11 21 m
115 o
o 0 i Dnnkc!d • • 11 15 m 4 65 It.
0 I Blt\ir·Atholc 139B 23811.
84 6 Oou!mr-Angus • 9 1 III
{) 49m
48 a 22 2)' Polmont. J unetion
8 a 25 l Fnlkirk
• "40 ~
5 {; a 6 3 200 Invcresk (Mnas:!l.
burgh) o 0
• 2 15 a 10 41 m 1"8 o 0 Dalwhinnic. DalnBC.'l.rtlooh I321\ 121A
101 5
143 0
Forllll' •
Stonebaven. 10 3lm 2 33 1\
12 11 a l l a
• •
47 4 Post· Office, Glasgow
• 4 liO n.
5 40 a
i 0 a
I) 3205 Trnnt-nt
23 3 80 Linwn.
224 l\ 1040 m 142 (j 0 Kwgttl:lllic •
2 55 a 10 5 m 1':') o 0 LiDwitg
4 2!f 1\ 12 1 ..
6 2 a 1012m
158 4 Aberdeen • 29 1 'i 5 Dunbar. 3 9 n 9 49 m l).. , 722a DHm
f) 35 m 161 o 0 Bridge of Can
113 4 Invenlry • lOll 12 5 n 829 a 812.tu.
OL\SGoW .l(AIL 36 4 1(\5 Oockburnspath 3 2-1 It 1115 a 5 aoW.
197 7 111111 tly • 2 16" 11 0 1Il 50 2 1(15 Ayton.. 3 L5 l~ D 6 m 186 o 0 i ID\'erncu •
210 3 Keith 323n 9.11111 :f~:.l). 0., E!l!nburgb. 8 0 n i 12 35 m
.j 7a. I) Om
h:III~\.IY Su~tlOn • .1 1~ ~I) m
67 -4 1tJ2 ilerwick 4 18 a 8 31 tu
~24 0 Foohnber..
~28 3
2·10 5
250 2
• 4 li3 1\ I 8 2J In
5 16 n 8 I JII
5 li3 a 7 37 In
• ! 6 ~lIIh.thgow
2.) 4 hlkl1'k.
41 4 Uailway Stntion :

8]5 a I
• 8 liO a'
9 I}
• 10 IS:
I 8 7 a
'12 0 0 Belfonl

107 4 0 Morpcth

• 5 6, a 7 56 m
88 2 0 Bilwn (Alnwick) • /j as 1\ 7 26 m
• 6 18 a G 46 ID I
'ltEtBO AND UAWI ...'E :Ulf. (1l0Jl~Il'iO).
95 6 0 AcklinJrt,on (Pelton) 5 li3 n '1 6 nl 11l1C1 DIMa', G. P. 0., Edin. • 1 15 D I lOa
Rnilway Stution 7 30 In 12 53 a
265 3 J:wt'mcss
286 0 Dillgwall •
()22a 71lim
7 15 a G 30 n
l'ost·Ollice, Gl:l.sgow IIJ a 25 8 0 a 12-1 0 0 Newcastle. • 6 63 a 6 1m 8 Bskb:mk 1 56 m 12 28 a
:;00 3 JIIvcrgordQn' 10 38 n 3 12 ~1I 139 7 0 Pence !-louses • 7 29 1\ l) 31 m 12 Oorebridgo. 8 10 ID 12 14 1\
311 7 Tain.
320 7 Dornoch
• 12 8 m 1 4311'
1 20 In 12 2 '.,
WNDO:l{ M.m, (SIGil?),
H.l\ 9" Edinburgh GOOn
142 4
151 1
LeatDsi{le J unetioD
FOJ'!f Hilt •
7 33 1\ (, 31 ID
7 41 n li 12 m
33~ IMelrose
8 5·ltn 11 a.'hl
• 9 11 In 11 13 m
332 2 Oulllllic
.HS G Hehnsdalc.
• 2 fiG m 11'!:l6 ~
4 18 m 8 3t"
26 4 Carllbl.ll's •
42 4 AIJtngtOll • •
6 50
7 •] r, a
7 25 III
t; 68 In
16'2 4
231 6 22
!)"rhngton •
0 York. •
8 16 1\ 4 47 m
928 a 334 m I
16 23 l\ I 2 39 m
I Kello.

. ! I 20 h1 3 ID
, I 10 13 m 10 10 III
.' 10 11 m 10 10 w
372 4 Lrbs1er 6 45 In 6 32 a CO 4 lkatool; Britlgc 7 43 : 11 15 a I 1 55 m
aS51 Wick. • f) r,e m 3 1 1\
7li 0 Lod,('rby • 8 3 682m 255 2 22 Masbro'.
'(Of( 7 TJlUrso 11 21 m r 1 24 n 80 0 l~ccl~fechan 8 11 : 612m 211 0 22 Chesterfield. • 11 40 a I 1 31 m
• 1 47 IL 10 49 m 100 0 Cal'h;!!c '. 8 :.19 a
6 {m 295 2 22 Derby. • • 12 18 m '112
50 m HAWIClt MAIL (AnERXOOii).
EDINID:~~~ )1On:n~a U& g P!:unth 431m 345 3 27 Rugby. • • 2 21 m 10 40 •
G. r. 0., idin. • ,380"1
g~g mnl I It 405 m 159 621
PERTn, AND l)UNDEE lUlL, • • • It 11 a 4 3 Jl1 428 1 EUsWl1SquareSta· S 25 •
I{~lIdat Junetion
3 0 Grant::~gh • I)156 0 nt
• 10 3 a :i !'I ut tion. • '1 f. 37 tU 8 18 1\ Railway Station 3 45 a 815 no
8 0 Dnrntisland' 0 lhlnfttllctpo 10 15 a 2 59111 G, P. 0'1 London 5 um I 8 0 a 8 Eskba.ilk • 4 ]0 a 7l'lO"
14 0 Kirkc1\lt1y 77 108 m 8 25 In Burton.
169 0 J..ancnlltor • 10 20 a ~ ,).1 m 12 Gorebridgo • 4 26 a 7 37 a
, • 10 36 a 27 Stow. • 5 9a 6MB

21 0 Mnrkincll • < tn 8 (j In ] SO 4
Gm'Stnng • 10 65 n 238tu LONDON (via l~EiVCA!lTLE) DAY :.tAIL (SECOKD).
GrlMhiel. • 6273 6 31jr,
27 0 Ladybank··
312 Ncwburgh'
UrictgO of E~l'n •
7 48 m
~ ~gm
7 36 m
7 12m
}fIO 0
2132 Pres?>n.
NC\I i~.I. • 11 4f) a
• 11 11 " 1 SUm
6 3 ~OO
G. P. 0., idiOt
Inveresk (}Iu~I.
G 40 0.1
8 15 & Mi

6 36 a
530 a
41 0 8 41: In 6 fJ5 m 219 0
6 40 m 2·J3 2 WamDgton • ,12 0 m 123nl G3 ; Hawick • ; o. 6 6.
45 0 Perth ..' In
• I 12 34 tn 12118m 1 burgh) • • 6 8a ... •
470 Dunueo' (1 15 III 6 15 hi 268 0 Crewo • • (l2m
• II 40 ID G 40 III 201 0 StnITord. TIfJllwQrt1t •
., 1 19
• 1 ~;: 1165"
1120 •
.'...;"';.'~ ,,:~ ,;-\~:-' '-, - ~.... ~ .

,:5'S~~, ~;;:" '<,,:.' .'

. . . . .:. ""-r.u.·. . . . ·. . . . . . . ....- ?(' 0'1' •• "15 (1Gln'IYANCB DIIIOfORY• =
rr i
;~~~~-r;?;\ . STAGE (10ACHEs.
I •

. , '1'·~;·)~.JDuBGilto- Time
f~AM~~ '.. ·• 9-30 LM., and 4 p.Dl.,: • • , Prinift_, STEAMERS FROM LEITH ANP GRANTON.
'. }'~G"
,_, JdD,e, • 0118' 04-16, 8'~1' 8 p.m. • • Tltost marked * Bail/rom GrantoIJ Pier.
j}';, ~;t!-w, • • • - Lm., .. p.m. • • • •
":: Dalk:eaU:. •• 10·S0, 1-30,4,8,. • " • ,,,In consequtnC6 01tl'6 ,.epeate4 cnallge.l toot '?Ccur ill ~he1.(mrs dfsaqing oj.Stea11lcr.~, IJaJ'lics
;.~) J)iinremll;~ • • • 8, 12, 4, • • "!, art aduised to consult '''ose 80urca of niformatloll now so ea.~l!l available, or apply at
5~·'~:JDYerkeithinl • . 8, 12, 4, ••• • • tAe Offices, in order to prevent diBappoilltmellt. •
F"'LMswade, . '. • 10,1,4,8, ." • • " E6 South
~,-~ .. Do. Raibra1t~ Elk-} 10-30. 11-30, 4-20,
~'.: bank, thence Voacn,' • •
" &~"
AMlI. _ _-,
11'... __ ,1_
d F'..!.I- .
nuuy. • •
St Andrew Street, Commel"ial Place,
Leith, Granton,
. JJOaDhead, • 10, 1, 4, 8,. • • • •• "" - •
.iF ' . 1 _ '
n""1 mOl'Dlng • • •
11 South St Andrew Str~tt amd I. Falevncr, Mid.
Dock Gates.
)[all!clburgb, • • 11, 2, 6, 8-80, • • • •• tt
Portobello! • • • ] 1, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, li, 6, '1, 8, 8·30, 946, • n Mstnlthet. • Every Mon., Wed., and Fricl.'\1 • • Thomson & Co., Leitb.
Pcnnyeuick,.. 9-30, nnd 4: o'clock, ." " Bantf. CalleD,} • j -11 South St Andrew Street, J. }'alconer & Co. t
SoutTt Quccnsferry, •
8()utb Quwnsrerry,.
8, 12, 4:, • • • • ••
Monday, Wcdncsday, and Saturday, S o'clock,
Loe3iemouC-, Toesday and Fnda,y • "1 Mid. Dook Gates, and Gl'll1lton l'ier.
Jl:ltbo,. •• 4: .15, and on Saturdays, 3 o'clock,. _ " &c. • • •• \ uBonth 1St Andrcw Street, Commcrcial Place, and
Diaeksbiels, 4 0'elock.-Tr.ur~aaY8, 1-30,. •• " - • .l!nday • •~ Granton Picr.
Pathbood, 4: o'clock.-ThuriSdaye, 1-80,. •• " Cope!flsagea,. Fortnigbdy .. • • • 1 Princes Street, Edinburgh, 'and 84 Bermtrd St.
Rodin, • 11 o'clock a.m. t Summer months t.>nly, " Dauig, • Weekly. • " • • 89.Bernartl Street.
Hambilrgh, " Tues., Tburs.~ and SI&urdaJ 1 Princes Street, Ed!nburgb, nnll 3" Ucnmrd St.
7'0 EDINBURGH f,'om- Time. To EDOOlURGufrorn- !lime. Hull t • • lVcdncsda,. • 1 Princes Street, Edmburgh, and s( Benllud St.
llilston, .'. 9 a.m., 4-GO. Musselburgb" 9,12-(0, 4-1G, 1-15. ~ Invcmcu, In· *6 Sooth St Andrew Street, Commercial Place,
Corstorphine, 9-20, 12, 8-45. Portobello... {9-20, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4; Vet~"'t'1'dOD, & }'ridny. •• Leith, and Granton rier.
Grccnla\v, 8-50 ROIl 4,-40. • 4:-35, a, 1, '1-35, 9. Mor. Fir:li,
Dalkeith • 9, 12, 2-45, G. Pennycuiek, • .. 8-45 and 4:.30. merneea, *11 South St Andrcw Street, and J. Falconer Se
• Dunfenn1inc, • 1-40, 11-45, U-45. Soutli QueeUliferry, 8-'0\ 12-15, 4:4G. Cromalil, 1uc.sda,.. •• Co. )lid. Dock Gates, and Grauton Pit:r•
t Inverkeitbin~, • 8, 12, 4. Sooth Queensfary {Mooaay\ WedbWa1t aiiel Inverg., &c.,
I.ash8ew'(4)',de tlla. Loan.-} 8-30, 12, 2-30, 6-11;' , 8aiuruay, 8·4.6. Kirk:~ T"'ice a day • from East Pier, Leith.
n • ,. {*G Soutb St Andrew Street, Commereinl Place,
Loanbcad,. • 8-30, 12.45, 2·45, 6·80.
BlackshieJs, •
'1-15.-,Tbun;days,10a.m. ~..!tcl.o
.u::rWl At
and} Fn'..l-,v
• • • Leith, an d Grnnton P'Ii.'r.
J,asswade-Co(l(\h to) P ead S3 o'clock --Thursda- 'Il' • L_,.
Q."mg! , • W-_l.,
WAi]. • • • • • 1 I)n'ncea Street, Ediulmr~b, nnd 84: Bernard St.
Eskb~nk, Railway r 0.. 10, 1140, a..50. athh t I IO-Ui ~.m. <1-' London, • Tues., Thurs., and 5'1turdny • *21 Waterloo l'laoo, amI hore.
to Edwburgb, • J Itoslin, 8·'5 p.m. em. mLbs. oal,y_ Wedncaday and Saturday • • Thomas Aitken, {) Dock })1l\Ce.
N;;;.tie, : Wednc.sdllY at!d satu~ • • The Box, and 44: Bemard Street
Petenburyh • Once a month (Wcdn d . D. Macgrcgor, 128 Constihtion Street.
jGco. Gibsoll, & Co., 6 Docks, and D. R. Mao·
Rotterdam, • Every Saturday •1 grcgor, Leith.
Stettin, • • Twice .. week.. • 1 Princcs Street, and 84: Bemard Strcet.
SHIP CONVEYANCES IN SCO'fLAND, ENGLAND, AND Stirling, &c., Eveq day at low wa\Cr. • -20 Princes Street, &nd GrADton.
Wick, ' Tuesday and Friday. • • {-G~:t!:. Androw Sueec, 3 Wet Dock.l;, and
IRELAND. "*6 South St ADdrew St."'eet, 8 Wc~ Docb, and
Thuno,. • • • ( UranWD•
7'0 Time. O{flce 01' Agent,
Alloli, • • . . Thurs. null Saim'. Da.vbl Snadllan, foot of (lllecm Street, Leitb.
CharhlStollandDunicrmline, 'flmrlldny. • D. Smith 2, Dock G1tCS. FERRIES ON THE FORTH MiD TAY.
Elie, • . • • • Evc!'y J.'dday • Dack of Cnstom·llOuse.
fmscrhm·gh. • • • Once a fortnight. A. antI G. Stenhonsc, Wet Docks. rIFE AND :AIID.LOTmAN. Q,UEENSFERUY.
(;Iasgow :md Greenock, Evcry day. • 85 Bent.'ucl Street, BwumsL.\!oI"l) AND GItANTON. Fl'Cim Noy. 1 to March 1, lute~m.ho:\t !?llV(lS
Hclnmlalc!. • Evel] fortnight • Darid Smith, 2 Dock Gates. tho North tlldo at 7;, 8i, 10 M.; l"'t noon~ 3!, M.

In,,,or''I'ithmg, Eve!'y I~ri(tay • ~Instcr, Custom-house Slip. From Granton-Passcnger Doats at 6'00 and f~ A.; Md the Soutb Illdc at &,9, 11»., 1,3, oJ,
F..irkwaU, • • Evcry Thursday • Bews and RcndaU. 10-5 M.; 12-60, 3-G, (-20, and 6-20 A.-Passen- 6 A.
I..crwick, " Once a fortnight, J. B. Lea.'lk, 10 'folbooth Wynd. ger and Goods Boats, a~ {) H.; 1 and 5 A. )(arch 1 to !lay t.-From North side at ';~! Si,
Do., • Once in six weeks, Petcrson Brothers :\1\d Co., 2 AUiaon'a Place. Oil Sundays at 7-00 :u.; I and 4-50 A. 10 H., 12i', 2, 3~; fj, o! A.-from 8ol1th filth: I\~
Livcrpool. •
• Every Friday
• Once a fortnight.
• Dews and Rendali.
Neilson Rose, Wet Docks.
, 21:: 8, 9. 11 It., 1, 3, 't 5, 6
From Durntilllnnd.-PrulSCDtlcr Boats at ~• ., )13Y 1 to Sept. I.-From North sid:) at 6, n,

]'ctcrhead, ' Every tcn days • A. And G. Stcnbol1se, Wet Docks. and 11-.0 _M. t 8-20, 6.. 10, and S A.- Md· .~, 1011., 12i, 2, ai, 4i, 6, 7i A.-}'fIlJll Souib
Stirling, • . SAturday • • William Rcndall, Bemard Street. senger and uooos Boat~, at 7 and 11-'6 Ji.,
an al(le at 1, 8, ~j 11 M., 1, 8, 4, li, 1, 8 A.
Wick, Every ten days, Bews and RendaU 2 A. Sept. 1 to ~ov, I.-From Nortb side at st, lt.
OR SundaYI, 9.. 4.0 H.; 1-10 and 6·::;0 A. 10 )I., 12i, 2, B!, 'i, 6i A.-From Soutb Bule aL
FRI'ea-cabiD, le.; Iteerqe,6d.. 8,9, 12 K., 1, 8, f, 6,611.
:J ',,': ~\OO.n.EYA.:NCE ntlmCTORY.

?\!ili~~~~~~p11I8fOlIoWS:- From tat April to 81st Aupst, fire doabti~ ""~", -----------------------------------'-----------~
t<~ :North aide at Si fi9m 9 o'clock P.)I. d.U 6 o'cloCk .&... ., ana from
at 9 )I., 2, 0 A. 8111$ AufP.1!' to let April, from half Aa hoIIr after '
U.-from Nonh aide at 1; auuset un half aD hoar before 81UIriIe.
1J:!,~;u:~l:_.l"ftlm' SoUth 'eic1e at 8 :)I'J 22 6 A. .

•• # ,,,.'" • -; .:::

be freighted dunDg the

wben tbis can be done with-
with stated times of oaUiug.- Freight of a ate3Dl-boat, £10, 101.
, FreitJbt of s aan-boat, 6s. ,:~, CARRIERS' QUARTERS.
liDiitif'bOIu m~ be freighted only 00 Snndsys .Freight of a pinnace or cntter, U. 611.
bou1'I of 8ailing.-F.n:igbt or Niglit fares, one-half more.
pUmace, 28. A l!team~boat uila from Dundee for Newport Aberd. .; Non1atm BaUft1 BIlCkhaTeD, Jam" Skblller, !09 lIfall Rtreet,
rwa,.wJ1te1,ecl gig, drawn by one horae, four- every lawful day at 1 morning, and conUnuea .w.. Aberdoar, B. Orollcbb&Db, 209 mp atreet, ad 100 GJ'UUII&l'ktt, WedDeldqad Sa-
0.., obaiee or pbreton drawn by one or two
the horae which crossed with these car-
~~.~\ aaclcUe boraet cart with coat, Ume, manure,
ply every subaequent bour until the unilerm.-
tioned honrs in the evening:-
From lat O~t. to 16th ~la1'Ch inc1U1ive, 1 mom-
Weda"ay, S p...
Aber1ad1, Job BroUaentoD, 80 Scnatb. Bact
OaODPte,'rhllJ'llCh.y, 121100D.; Jamtl Daw·
tuday, 12 Ilooa ,
BumtlelaDd, Jamel SkiGaer, 100 Graumartet,
WOODe.y ad Saturday, 11 "IL; 209
agnca1tural produce, or implements ofhuebandry, ing to 0 aftem~ and 8 eveniug. '. lOG, 91 aoatll Back ClD.ODgale, Satarday, High Street, Wednetday ad Sat., 12 noon.
widl one hone and driver, empty or loaded 'With 16th Marc1l till 15th April, 'I M. to G .&., and" 1 p.IL Calder (But), Bobert. Bron. 20 OlUl1Hrt.t;
above artic1tl, Dla1 rtlCl'0SI free OD t.h. AID, day at 8 A, AblDgi,on, Aleuader !flmmo, 82 Orwmartet, Wedn.eaday sad SatllrU1, 8 p.IL; W1Wana
at &he naa1Ir houra of sailing. 16th ..~pri1 to 10th 8e))t. 'I H. to 8 A.
"edIl"'1,8 p... Auld, 100 GrIIIlnIl'tet, TIleada,. and I'd-
11th Sept. to 80th sept. 'I 11. to 6 A., and " Airdrle, Job Geddu, 11)0 Gl'UIIIlll'tet, Toesday day. 2 p.m.
..d J'rlday, 1 p.m. Catd.r (lVel'), Wllllam Walker, 32 Grallmarket,
The boat leave. Newport for Dudee each iDter... AJ1oa, Job Lowclen, 100 Gl'lllmarket, Friday, p...
:Friday, 3 .
A steam-bod 8ailll at 1 o'clock c"cry morning mediato half hour. '
{Sunday. excepted) from the North side, and every A cutter .ai1a for NewpoI1 an hoor before tbo ; 10.... Call&nder, Wi11.lam BiIUlle, 100 Ol'llCW'ket,
bout after, or oftener ifrequirc~i leaving the North
stenm·boa~ each morning, from 16th Feb. to 16&h ADIt.niIaer, A. King, 209 Blg1a Street, Monday dally, 4 " ...
.ide at 8 cnreuing, and the SonUl aide at 9 o'clock
October. ' ..4 '1'haraday, 8 p.m. CambUIDetUn, WUUam Ram.y, 100 Orau-
evening for the last time tbRt day; and a Imall On Sundays, tlte steAm-boat aaiIa from Dud. AueblDgrey, Robert Tonance, 20 Graamarket, market, )(onday ad Thanday, 9 ..m.
boUt when tbe steam-boat does not Mil, may be Met Newport 81 follows:- s.tutday, 10 Lm. Carlopl, Willlam Walkluhaw, 20 G:aamartet,
freigbkd at any time. The steam-boat may be From 1st Oct. to 28th Feb., from Dnndee at 8 AuchlD!eok, lL Smith, 100 Graumarktt, Tutl- Saturday, 3 p.IL
freighted dllring the il1termediate hours. Boats Rnd 10 )I., and 1 and, A.; and from Newport M clay, 12 aOOIl Carluke, Aleunder WillOD, 20 GlUlllW'tet,
are alwa11 waiting the arrival and departure of S! and lOt H., and Ij and 4t A. . AllchtenDuchtJ, James Skbmer,100 GruBmar. Tuesday,l1 a.1I:.
the Scottish Central t.raina at the boul'I adver- From ht March to 22d April, and from 26th ktt, Wednesday and Saturday, 11 .... ; 209 Carnwath, John Donaldaon, S2 GrIIIIIl&Itet,
tiled. Ang. to 80th Sept., from Dundee at 7,9, and 10 Bich Itreet, Wed. ad Sat., 12 nooa Tueaday, 2 p.m.; AleUlld.. J'onat, 100
KINC ARDINE )J., and 1, " aud 6 A'l and from Newport at 1i" Balcrno, J.,lm Robertaon,12 G1'&IIJIW'tct, Toes- Gm.arke&, 11 ....
• 91, and lot H., and It, '1, and 6~ A. da1ad Satllrday, 2 p.IL Carnyh111, Bagh Gregor, 100 GrIUIW'ket,
For a steam-boot, 21. Gel. From 2(th April to 26th Aug.? from Dundee a'
}'or a pinnace 111 k
9, and 10 )I., and 1, " 6: ana 8 A.; and from
Each .beep o~ g;,at, elcceding 5, id.; or per ewport at 'Ii, 9t, and 10. u., and li, 4i, 6i,
Batlipte,Job Oeddel, 100 GtllllDlfket, Toe.
clay ad :Friday, 1 p...
Wmeac1ay, 9 ....
Canington, John Douglu, 82 Gl'IIIIUl'tet,
Berwick, North, John Brot.hentoD, 80 South Satlll'day, 12 Gooa
lcore, le. ad. and St A. Back of CanoDpte, TbUl'lday, 11 DOOD. Cmtai1'l, JamOl :Formt, SO Gruaaarkel, Kon·
Each buUt cow, or heifer, above 2 and under 6, TAY FERRY. Dlgar, Wm. Brown, 32 Graumarket, Touc1ay, da1,2 p.m.
4d. 1 p.m. Cellardykt., A. King, 209 mp .trett, Moada,.
Ditto above 6, at per score, lis. Fnoll BnouGHT!' TO FEl'R"".'nOftrIL .......O" .... "'. BtackbllrD, Thomu Geddee, 32 Gl'Pl1DBrket, aDd Tb!!r." 3 p.m.
Cl\r~ or waggon, 80 cwt. 28. • ... :1'" ..~ ...-v." ~u Tlleaday, 2 p.w,; James Catder, 20 Gnu· CbirDllde, B. GU1, 20 Gl'UIIDIl'ket, PrIc1ay, 11
Cart or waggon, for every cwt. more th3n 80, From Broughty at 6-20, 8t, 9-M lI., 8, 6, ane! JUl'ket, TlleI-ay, 2 p.m.; WilUun BalDsay, ....
3d. 0 A. 100 GI'Ul:D!'.rket, Tuesday. Frid.y, 2 p.m. Oockhlll'Upath, Robert OIlY, 20 Gruaurket,
N.B.-The &eights of conche8, chaises, nl,d Sundays at 1-45 U., and 4.-45 A ' . BJacbhiet., An,:Nw Laurie, 32 Gnuuket, Friday, 11 ..m.
mId dnver.
C.1rt~, ~tatcd in Table Fow, &c., include I,orsea F"Qm Tnyport at 0, 8, Dj u. ~nd 12; 0.40
8-00 A. " ,
Saturday, 12 noon Coldatrom, ltobert Richardlon, 100 Onif.
BIY'hbridge, Atex. SiDelair, 32 Ol'lllmarket, market, "edneaday, t p.m.
T,!o s~ellm·boats are ~nstan!Jy upon the ferry, Sunday" at to lI., and 7-6 A. Th\U'liCJay, 4 p.m. COliD8bnrgh, A. KiDg, 209 Ulgh lUett, Koac1a,
crossmg tn about five mmutcs, ID. all state. or 'he Farcs-cabin, 'd.~\eerllge, 3d.-Tickeu mu~ Bouyrigg, George Brown, 32 Oraumarket, -ad Thuraclay, 3 p.••
weather, and at all 'imes of the 'lde. bo taken out at tb, . \vay 01l1cea. Tlleadq,' Thllnday, ad Satllrda1, 2 p.m.; COUlrie, Bugb GNpr, 100 GrI!IIaarket, WedD...
209 High SLreet, 3
80'0_, Wi1llam Kinloeb, 100 Ol'lllJlW'tet,
p... dat, 9 ..m.
COrington, "nUam Flctaer, !l0 Gl'UllUrtet,
Tundayand FrIday, t p.IL aa1.arday, 3 p.m.
Borien, Jamu Headrie, 82 Ol'lllJlW'ket, ODce OraD, A. KtDg. 209 High IL, MODda,. aad 'rJaun.
& tortalght, 2 p... day, B p.w.
Braeheacl, John Pom.t,20 OJ'llllDll'ket, MOD' Orailing, Thomu lUchardlOn, 82 Gnumarktt,
cla,., 2 P.ID.; Job rNDtice, 12 GfUIo TIlelday, onl!t & lortDJaht, 12 DOO.
market,ooce a tnnau,ht, Friday, 12 p.m. Orawfordjobn. Ales. Nimmo, 320.....vket.,
Bridge of And, dalty, 6 p.m. Wednac1ay, 8 p••• ; Aleunder I'Dt., 20
Bl'OMlltoD, W. Nlyen, 82 GnulDlrke',
da1, 2 p... ; Job Sbaelalr, 20 Onamartet,
'!'a... Onumlrket, Tundq, a p.m.
Creeton, Wlltl•• K·L." 100 O........k.t,
rridq, t p.m. WedDOlday, It aOOl6.
BlOs"m, lIn Lbld, 100 Gl'UIIDIl'ket., wean.. Crleff,HuRhGrepr, l00G~f,., 11'..,9 .....
clay ad Satllrda1, I p... ; J. CaJafqIa&m,
31 G......-ktt, TatidaJ, 1 p... I
OrIthtoD DuI, ADdnw "writ, 32 O. . . .r.
ktt, Salurday, 12 Iloon
_"AJr_~ 81 Gruamarket, 'aJde Bridge, Andre1t' LUtle, 8S G~
_ _. ' , KlrkJdI1, Thomll ElUot., S2 Oruaawbt, Wed: :Friday, 11 L!D.; 10hn Robertlon, 209
~~;~~,t;, Wednesday, 1 p.m. • n,.day and Saturday, 2 p.m.. High street, Tu(!!day and FrIda,. 12 noon
':QtoItiI_~~·:~.~. VIWU'III"', to Graumarket, Tuc.. Ganald, Robert Guy, 20 Gramnarket, Jrldar, Klrtllawn. John Kidd, 100 Oruemarket, Wed- Konihive,John D~mp!ter. 82 Grulmarket, Wed-
; -TbOl. 82 Graumarket,' 11 a.m. : •. . • nesday,2 p.m.; lIra Lind, 100 Gruamar· nelday, once a fortnight, 3 p.m.
"~~~~4tu"r,' p... -.. ' . J Gliford, J amel Ltdgate, 80 South Back O&llOll: ket, Tueaday, 11 Lm. Kount-LoLhian, WUUam Smith, 20 Gnumarket,
LOwc1.ta, 100 GWlmarket,rrlday" gate, Wednesday, 2 p.m. KhtnewtA»n, John POrteoUl, 20 Gnumadr:et, Saturda.y,l1 a.m.
_. • - , GLugo.. and Welt of Scotland, Edinburgh _ 8&tudt.y, 12 noon Knlrkirk, Robert Smitb, 100 Ol'Mlmarket, Tull!!'
:QI!\tI~,- ••'DA WJlldman, 82 GruGW'ket, 'la.. Glugo1t' and Caledonil\n Railway. Laurt, I. Porreat, 32 Gl'IIIDlIl'ket, PrldlY, 3 day, 11 a.m.
p.ia., Gordon (Welt), John Frisken, 80 South Back p.m. HUllelbnrgb, AlcJ:snder CaImJ, 91 South Baek.
':'l~_IOcl~ llobert Smith, 100 Gl'III1Ufket, Tu.. eanongate, Monday, '1 p.m. IMp, Andre1t' King, 209 High areet, Monday Canongate, dailI, " p.m.; 209 High Itre~t,
.. 1.18. Greenl&,.. (penicnik), Tholllal Bill., 8i an. and Thunday, 8 p.m. .' daily, 3 p.m.; 100 Graumarket, daily, 2
Stlnner, 100 Gl'UI1IW'ket, market, Wedneaday and Sawrelay, I .....; Janad" John Tennent, 100 Gnamarket, p.m.
~.l[ieane8dfLyand Saturday, 11 ....; 209 HIgh .Alexander )fegget, 100 Gl'IIIIDII'k• ., '.ratio Weclutldayand Saturdar, 2 p.m.; George Muthill, HnghGregor,100 GfIIIJIlarket, Wednel.
,--.--.1_--" 12 noon tlay aDd Friday, 2 p.m. Brown, 209 High Itreet, Tullday, Thunday, day, 9 Lm. .
DIIkelt,b, 209 High .t.-eet, dally, 8 p.m.; loa Gretnlaw.(Bemebhire),RobenRlcharc1loD.,l00 and Saturday, 8 p.m. IN«!wblgging, WnUsm X'Koma, 81 Graamar·
;': 100 Gmemarket, daily, I p.m. Gramnarket, Wedneaday, 3 p.m. Lander, A.. Simplon, 100 Gnumarket, Wednel· ket, Tuelda,., na.m.
Damhall, Adam )[elrole, 82 Gl'IIIIIW'ket, Batur· Haddington, J. Reld, 80 South Back ClDo• •" tlay, 12 noon; lama Brown, 20 Graumar- liewton.Stewart, Wllllam .'Lurg, 100 Grus-
day, 12 noon Wednesday and Saturday, 12 llOOn. ket, Saturday, 12 noon; Robt. Glendlnnlog, markot, Wedneeday,. p.m.
Denholm, Andre1t' LlWo, 82 GlUIIIlarbt, Wed· Hamilton, Jame. Belli 100 G1'UIIIW'ket, Wed· 32 GlIIIDW'ket, Satarcky, ~ p.m. Newton, A. Glendinninr, 82 Gl'IIIDlIftet.,
nesday, 2 p.m. neaday, , p.m. . LtadhUJ., A. Nimmo, 12 Gl'IIIDlIrket, Wed-I Satardayl' 12 &OOB.
nwsy, Willlam BlnDle, 100 GrulllW'ket,dail.r, Hawick, North Brltllh Railway needay,8 p.m. Nlne.llUe-Bum, .fmael Ritchle, 20 Gl'IIIlDUket.
, p.m. Hol,.I", lames Hende1'lOn, 81 G1'III1DIl'Ut, Leldburn, Wm. Bill, 12 Gruamarket, Sal 9a.m. '1'uetday, '1'hul'lday, and Saturday, 12
Dolphlnton, .John VOlAr, 12 Gnumark.., s.. Friday, 2 p.m. LeaU. (File), Jam.. Skinner, 209 Hlgb atreet, noon
turday, 9a.m.; Wm. Nh'en, S2 GlIIIlIW'ket, Houe or Mulr, George Brodle, 20 Gl'IIIJIW'ke&, WedDe.d&yand Saturday, 1~ noon, and 100 OnaistoD., George Dicuon,80 South Back Canon-
Saturday, 12 noon; Georgo Gnham, 20 Saturday, 2 p.m. ; George Grabam, 20 0,... Ql'IIIIIW'ket, 11 a.m. gate, Saturday, 11 a.m.
Grwmarket, Saturday, 1 p.m. market, Saturday, 2 p.m. Ltlmahap1t', Andre1t' Wi1JoD, 12 Oru.nnarket, Ozton, Robert Thomaon, 100 GnllllW'ket,
Dougl.., Robert Smith, 100 Grasamarktt, TIl... Howgate, GeorgeStirling, 32 Grulmarket,Satar- ~ 'l'aelClay, l i noon Saturda,.,11 a.m.; A.. Laurie, 82 Grulmal'-
day,11 a.m. day, 12 noon; James ){onfriel, 8i Grill- LevtD,lametSkbuter, 100 Orurmarket, Wedn.. kot, Saturday, 12 noon; Jamet Brown, 20
Dunblane dally, 6 p.m.
j market, Saturday, 12 noon day and 8&turday,lla.m.; 209 High Itre"t, Gnumarket, Saturday, 12 noon
Dundee, Railway Humble, David Pondrigh, 80 South Back Canon- Wednetdayand Saturday, 12 noon. Pathhead (Fife), Jame. Skinner, 100 Gnumarket,
Dunfermline, Hugh Gregor, 100 Gl'IUIIDlarket, gate, Saturday, 1 p.m. Uberton (Weet), WllUam )[fJ(orr&n, 82 Grul- Wednelda,. and Saturday, 11 a.m.; 209
Tuosday and Friday, 6 p.m, Innerloithen,JamesHende1'lon,82G~arket, market, Tuead&.y, na.m. High street, Wed. and Sat., 12 noon
Dnrrisdeer, John Dempster, 32 Grusmarket, Friday, 2 p.m. J,1lUetlea" Jamea Hendrle, 32 Graumarket, Pathbead (Dnlkci~b), Jas. Brown, 20 Grusmar·
Wednesllay, once a fortnight, 3 p.m. Inverelk, Alexander'lll, 209 High llVeet, Wedneadlty, once a fortnfght, 2 p.m. ket, Sat. 12 noon i Robt. Thomlon, 100 Ora..·
Dunae, Rohort Guy, 20 Gr48smarket, Friday, daUy, 3 p.m.; 91 South Back eanongate, Ltnllthgo1t', John Kidd, 100 Gnumarket, 'led· market, SatuMay, 11 a.m.j .A. Lawrle, 32
11 B.m. dtily,4 p.m.; 100 Grn88markct, 2 p.m. neaday, 2 p.m. • Graumarket, Satnrday, 12 noon; John Tod,
Dysart, .Tames Skinner, 209 High street, Well. Iuverkoithing, John Lowdon, 100 G~lmarket, LlntA»n (Eut), Jtm.. Black, 80 South Back 209 High Itrc~t, daU,., 3 p.m.
Deadayand Saturday, 1! 100 Grass· Frlday, 9 a.m.; Hugh Grogor, 100 Gray. Canongate, Thursday, 12 noon Peebles, JruuCI Hendel'lOD.t 32 Graasmarkot.,
market,11 am. market, "ednesday and Sat.urday, 11 a.m. J,intA»n <,Velt), John Brown, 20 Grulmarket, Fr1<I'1. 3 p.m.
EarIJton, Thomlll Korr, 32 Gras8Dlarkot, Well· Jedburgh, Thomas lticbardson, 32 Grawnarket., Saturday, le a.m.; Archibald Hl.ln(lcrson, Pencaltb.nd, Geo!'ga Dicklon, 80 South Back
neaday, 2 p.m.; A. Simpllon, 100 Grallmar. ODce a. fortnight, Tuesday, 1 p.m. 20 Grassmarket, Wcd., 1 p.m.; Thomas elUlongllte, Sr..turday, 12 noon
kot, Wedneada,., 11 a.m. Kelso,A.Simpson,100 Grassmllrket, Wednesday, Dandlen, 20 Grasl:market, Sat., 11 a.m.; Peniculk, Thomas Elliot, 32 Gmsmarket,
Xddlcston, Adam l\ielroso, 32 Grassmarket, 12 noon; 32 Grallsmarket, "ednelday, 2 WilUam Hendenon, 20 Gras!market, Fri·, Wedn~aday and Saturday, 2 p.m.; Alexander
Saturday, 12 noon p.m. day, 2 p.m.; Jamel Fraaer, 20 Grassmarkct, l{cgget, 100 Gl'MIDl&l'ket, 'fuesdllY and
Elic, Andrew King, 200 High .treet, )[onday and Kennoway, J Bmell Skinner, 100 Gl'Mlmal'ket, Saturday, 12 noon. Friday, 2 p.m.
Thursday, 3 p.m. Wednesday find Sator(lu.', 9 a,m.; 20{J High , Lt'ringaton, James Auld, 100 Gruamarket, Perth, John Uoberbon, lOO GWlmarket, Friday,
Ettrick, Andrew Little, 82 Gras8Dlnrket, Wed· atreet, '!ednesday and Saturday, 12 noo. TueJday and Friday, 2 p.m. 11 a.m., and 209 Hi~h .treet, Tuesday and
neacIay, 1 p.m; William Griove, 100 Grass· Kilconqulu\r, Andrcw King, 209 High aNt, Loanhead, George Brown, 32 Grai8mal'ket, Tucl' Fdday, 12 noon
market, Wcdnesdny, 11 a.m. lIonday an (1 Thunday, 8 p.m. day, Thul'Iday, and Saturday, 3 p.m.; John Portobello, ~~!"'IInder CaimG, 91 South Back
Fila, ,l\ndrew Lawrie, 32 Grassmar]~At) Saturday, Kincardino, John Lowden, 100 Graslmarket Tennent, 100 Orallmarket, and Vanongat", daily, ~ p.m.; 160 Grnssmarket,
12 Mon . Frhlny, 11 n.m. ' Saturday, 2 p.m. daily, 2 p.m.; 209 Higb Street, daUy, " p.m.
Falkirk, Willinm Binnic, 100 Gl'l1I!smnrkot, daily, Kinghorn, J ames Skinner, 100 GralBlDarket, Longrldge,Jamea ealder, 20 Grurmuket. Tug· Predl,.Onkirk, James Black, 80 South Back of
4 p.m. \Vedneado.y cnd Saturday, 11 a.m.; 209 High day, 2 p.m.; Thomas Geddia, 32 Grau- Canongatc, Thunday, 12 noon
Falkland, James Skinner, 209 lIfgh street, street, "ednesday and Saturday, 12 noon : market, Tuelday, 2 p.m. Pmtonpau, Charlel "hiteer081, 80 South Back
Wc(lnesdny nnd Saturday, 12 noon, and 100 Kinglassie, James Skinner, 100 Graumarkct, Markinch, J:l~es Skinner, 100 Graumarket, Canongate, Saturday, 4 p.m.
Grl\ssmarket, 11 a.m, Wcdnollday and Sat.urday, 11 a.m.· 20~ High Wednetdayand Saiurday, 11 Lm.; 209 High Queen8ferry, Hugh Gregor, 100 Gl'Usmatkct,
Fisherrow, Alexall.der Cairns. 91 South Back .trect, WednClldllY and Saturday,'12 noon atreet., Wedneeday and Saturday, 12 nl)QD Wednesday and Saturday~ () a.m.; JClhn
Canongllto, dluly, 4 p.m.: .00 Grassmarkot, Kinglbarns, Andrew King, 209 High Itreet, Kelft11e, Ro~ Gbmdioning, 32 Gruamarket, towden, Friday, 9 a.m.
daily, 2 p.m.; 200 High It.reet, (laily, Monday and ThUrtday, S p.m. Saturday, 12 noon. ' Reaton, Robert Guy,20 Graumarke+..., PrldlY,
3 p.m. Ki4l'081, John Rober18on, 100 Grasllmuket, Xidcalder, lame. Auld, 100 GJ'IIIJDA1'kot, 11 a.m.
Fllheratryst, Wi1liam Niven, 32 Grassmarket, Friday, 11 a.m.; ~09 High street, TUI,'sda1 ToeldlY and Friday, 2 p.m. Roberton, John White, 32 Gl'UlDlarket, Wed~e..
Saturday, 12 noon; Alexf.Uldor Megget, 100 and Friday, 12 noon Kiddleton, A. Lit.t1e, 32 Gl'IUJIW'ket, WedIlc.. day,11a.m.
Gras8markot, 1 p.m. Kirkcaldy, JamcI Skinner, 100 Grulmarket, da"12 Il00D BoJDan.bridge, 1. MGDfrlet, 81 Grusmarket,
Forth (Weat), James Seou, 32 Grae81Duket, Wednesday ~nd Saturday, 11 a.m.; 209 XUI&Uao1i, Iou IobertaoD, 100 G....artet, Tlltlda,,2 p... ; Aadrew lfiftll, 14 Orae...
Monday, 1 p.m. Higb street, Wed. and Sat., 12 noon

; ·a9 Oruamarket, Torphichoa, John Gedciu, 100 Un_lIdI:t&
~~ti~ ,, ' Fl1daYt 4 p.m.
_~.""..... _·..ut I_dUt 81 Ol'llllDlrket, 8atar~ 'l'ol'l)'bura, Joha Lc,wdea, 100
bIdS,., 11 ..m. '"
_D.'i.Io1:_Glelldllmillll,82Gr&II1Il&1'tet, TflDeat, Wlllia. Fowler, 100 O~:;:
Wedne~ and Saturday, 8 p.m.; 20SHII&Il' r ,
"~.J,',.' •alII" Lldglte, 80 South Back Street, Wednehday and Saturday, 8 '.DJ.; ')
'tGnUdI.y,2 p.m. . 91 South llack Canonpte, WedIleada1'IIlch '
.~~~i~iDu BrolUlmltoa.80 South Back Satllfday, • p.m. ' ',': WEEKLY MARKETS FOR CORN, &C.
~~:Q__~ J:tl~"UfiI1&.Y.12 aoon Traqualr,la.mesMonfriea. 32 Graumsrket, Satar.'.
Grlllmarket, day, 12 noon; .lame. HendoJ'lOn, 820,...::,
p.m. . ' market, Friday, 2 p.m. " " ','.', :;,: Greenock, Friday
82 Gl'IIIJDartet, Wednea- Uphill, J. CaDDlDaham, 32 GrlllD1l1'ket, 'a..'~~ HaddlDgtoD, lriday
,noop'; Grieve, 100 Gl'UI o dar,l p.m. ', Hamilton, Prlday
·iIw~et.Wedaetday,11-.m.; Wllltua BI'1- Waalookhead, A. Nlmmo, 82 GflltlUl'ket;'~. Ha.lek, 'rhunday
Graumartet,Wednftday, 11 noon Wednesday. 3 p.m. ,;'~ ~ " UUDlb'. Thuraday
20 Gnumarket, Tuu., 2 lo.m. WeDlJll (East), Jamel Skhmer, 209 Hlgh.vee&i ID,erkelWag. )(oncby
'&lrlUlg, A1GILlldier'8lnclalr, 82 Gruamarkct, Wednesdqand Saturday, 12nooD; uull0Q~'. Inverneu, Tl1eAday and'Priday
p.m. Gruamarket, 11 ..m. ~ ': ' Imne, )[ond.y and Saturday
Stoaton, !Jiol, 80 Sonth B&clt CiIIlODgate, Whitburn, Thomaa wan, 82 G~:' Jedbursb, Tllclda, and. Saturch,
Friday, IIDooD Taewday, 8 p.m.; Jamea Calder, 20 Gn.': Keltb, Wedntlda, and Friday
Stobo,.J. Bendetion, 82 Gruamkt. rriday, a p.m. market, Taelday, 1 p.m. "'~ , Kell1O, Priday
Stow, hdrew Little, 82 Graasmarket, Wedne~ Whittiaghlm,Jobn Amo., 80 Sonth Back Can., ' Ktlmamock. TUeMa, pt! Frid~,
day, 12 .\)On ",fe, Friday, 12 aoon ' ~ '" K1nroo, Wedaetdl,
Struraer, Wllllam M'Lurg, 100 Graumarket, Whithorn, William .M:'I.urg, 100 Graumarte&;:' Kirkcald" Saturday
WedDeada1,4 p.m. Wedneadar, • p.m. ' ",' Klrkcudbright, Prida,
8wlnton, Atir. K'Ka" 100 Gl'UIIIW'ket, Wed· WfgLowa (Galloway), WWlaJA MfLurg, 100 Gl'UIO ' Xlrrlelllulr, 'rid.,
nead.,y, a p.m. market, WedDelday,. p.m. " Laaart. Tuesday aDd Saturday
Temple, .Jom Dougly, 82 Graasmarket, Satur. WlIhaw (Town), Wllliam Ram.y, 100 0_: ,: Laagbobn, Wednetday
day, 12 noon market, llondayand Thunday, 9 a.m ' Largo, 'thunUy
Tenugham, Jame. Black, SO South Back Oanon. WiatoD, John White, 32 Graaamarket, W~, l.aunnceklrt, )(onda,
gates TbundlY, 12 noon day, 11 a.m. ' LlaU&hgo·.v, Friday
ThankertoD, Wm. M'lIorran, 82 Araumarket, YarNW, Wllliam Grieve, 100 Gruamarket,' Wed., . Llaton, £Ut, )(onda:r
Toeaday, a p.m. Deaday, 11 &.m.; WllUam BrydoD, 100 :', Lockerby, Thnnda:r
ThorahUl (South), Jom Dempster, 32 GraBB. Grusmarket, Wedneaday, 121100D ' . If.ybole, 'rbunday
market, Wed'nOlday, onc" a fortnight, 8 p.m. ( , ", lletrote, )load.y
:'homtoa, lame. Skinner, 209 High It.reet, LIITIt-Good. are received for conveyance cO :': , lIUnat.hort, Wedneaday
Wedneldayand Saturday, 12 DOOD; and 100 all PRrta of Scotland at. Tjmbor BllIb and 11 41 : KOIlUOH, Frida,.
QJ'UllUl'ket, 11 a.m. aad 41 Bomard Itreet I ''':;, Nalrn"TuMda:r, Thanda:r. aad
Newburgh (p1fe), Tu_a,
NvwtoD·Stewart, 'rid.y
.. l'ortla Berwick, :Moaday
Old Jleldram, S"turday
Palate" Thmday
, , ". Perth, Friday
J-e&erhead, lrida:r
Pon.Glupw, Friday
Ream., Saturday
Botb." Wedn• •,.
Sf, Andnwa, Ifoaday
. /. Selkirk, Wedaeaday
Stewarton, Thunda:r
SUrI"" Frida,
8I.on.haftD, Thanda:r
8traaraer, Friday
Stratha,to, Thunda,.
'laiD, Ta_yand
Tlauno, Prida,
'nu,., Weclnelday

WJaldlom, '1'1I"ndl),
Wlek, rrlda:r
" Wlpri, SMurda,
, ,

1 W."., .'" •

.. ~
KelBo Mail, :Monday and Tburaday
Kilmamock Weekly Post, Saturday
Paisley Herald, Satuftby
Peeblelshire Adv~rt!to.: (Peeblea), Saturday
Xinr081 AdveniHr, fortnightly Perthahirc .AdvarUsor (P~rthh Thufliu:ty
Kirkcaldy-Fire CIrcular of AdvertiJementi, Pertbahlre Couritlt (perth), Tuelllar
Saturday Perthahire J\)W'llal ani OOlUltiWUOnai (Perth),
Kirkcurlhright Adverii!.l' and Galloway NOWl, , ThUl'8day
NEWSPAPERS ·IN SCOTLAND. Friday Peterhead Sentinel. F·.tda,. ,
Leith Commercial LIst, Tuead&y and Friday Proteltant Layman (Ulaago'W), Saturday Herald, Saturday Rcnfrewlhire Independent ,Palaluy), Saturday
Aberd.een Free Press, Friday Edinburgh Scottish Press, Monday, Wednesday, )[ontroBe r.~vielt', Friday Scottilh Banner (GLugow), Saturday .
AW'rdeen Herald, S.\turi1ar and Friday 11ontrose Standard, Friday Scottilh Ecclesi.a&tical Journal (Ediabl1rgh),
Aberdeen Journal, WedIlcadar Edinburgh Scottish Railway Gazc~te, ~tllrday Morayshire Advertiser. Wednelday monthly
Aberdeen Northern Adyertller Tueldv' Edinburgh Weekly Herald, S!\turday Nnirnsbire 'relegraph, Wednelday Seottlah Fanner', Joamal (l\berdeen), fottnightly
Aberdeen Northern Te1egraphic Ne~ Toeada1 }~dlnburgh Weekly Review, Saturday NeWI of the Churches (Edinburgh), monthly Stirling Journal and Advertiser, 'dday
and Thu1'8d.ay Edinburgh Weekly Scotsman, Saturday Northern Ensign (Wick) Thllnday StirJing Oble"or, Tburaday ..
Airdric Ooatbridgo Bathgatc:,.-d Wiahaw Ad·' Edinburgh Wit.ness, Wednesday and Satm'tiay Northern Standard (Olugow), l!'r!day Stone baYeD. Journal, Thursday
vcrti~t'r (Airdric)' Saturd.ay Elgin Ooumnt, Friday Northern Warder (Dundee), Thunuay Stranraer Galloway 1'081., SatuNa,.
Alloa Advertiser, &turda:Y Elgin Courier, Friday Orkn~y Herald (Kirkwall), Tr.etday Wlgtonahiro Free PttII (Stranraer), Tbunda.1
.Alloll .Joumal, Sat.urday Eskdale and Liddesdalo Advertiser (LaDghotm),
Arbroath Guide, Saturday fortnightly
ArdroB8an and Saltcoata Herald, Satu.r Falkirk Herald, Saturday
ArgyJeahlre Herald (CampbclwD), fonmghtl:y, Falklrk Jonrnal, SattlMBY
generally every Saturdar
Ayr Advertlaer, Thul'lday
Fife Advertiser (KirkcaJdy), Saturday
Fife lIereld (Oupar), Thursday
Ayr Obeorver, Tueeday Fife News, The (Oullar), Saturday
Aynhirc Express, Saturdar Fifeshire Journal (Cupar), Thunday
Ayrshire Timel, Saturday Forres, Elgin, and Nairn Gazette (Fo~), Wed. IIACKNEY CARRIAGES IN EDINBURGIL
Ayrshire Weekly New., SaturdaJ Fraserburgh Advertiser, l'riday (ocC4llionallYI
DanO'sbire Journal, Tuesday has not been published thla ,ear
Dlairgowric A(lvertiscr, Saturday Glasgow Cllristian News, Saturd~ PARE8 BY DUlT.tlNVE.
Border Advertiser (Gataahiels), 'Friday Glasgow Citizen, Saturday
Dreehin Advertiser, Tuesday Glasgow Courier, Thl1fSday ]:.;t, The distance to whioh any Hackney Carriage may be driven under these Bye-lAWS,
British lles8engcr (Stirling), monthly Glasgow Examiner, Saturday shall be soven miles from the Cross of Edinburgh.
Burglts' Ueforlaer (Leith), Saturday Glasgow Free PreBl, Saturday 2tl When a Party not exceeding two grown..up parsons, and witbout anl1uggago other
Uuteman (Rothesay), Saturday Glasgow Gazette, Saturday t.lmu' a carpet bag or the like, entel'S a Carriage at n Stance, or when drivmg along dj~~n·
Crieff Journal, Saturday Glasgow HeraJd, daUy J!agod, thuy shall be driven bill a n;.ilo fox: 6<1" and if they return they .sltall })I): tlie s!ltno
Dumbarton 1Il)raM, Thursday Glasgow Mercantile Advertiser, Tuesday t:u,o· the driver shall draw UI' to either sldo of tho pavement when ciJled, and 1f dotainod
Dumfries Courier, 'ruesday Glasgow llorning J ouma', dally llllll'~ than five minutes beforo starting he shall bo entitled to sixpono'l for waiting.
Dumfries lIerald and Register, Friday Glasgow North British Mail, daily .N.n.-This rule Bhallnot apply to Fares frolD Rallway Stations.
Dllmfries Standartl, Wednelday Glasgow Penny Post, Saturday •
J)uudeeAdvertiser, Tuesday and Friday, a180 dally ulasgow Saturday E"ening Post., Saturday
Duudee Commercial G~tte, Wednesday and Glasgow Scottish Guardian, Tueaday, Thursday, ..ARES ay TI.E.
Saturday and Saturday
Dundee Oourier and Argus, daUy Olaegow Sentinel, Saturday 1t Hhall be in the option of the Birer to omploy a ('ul'l'iage within the Municip;u Dounds
])nndec Weekly News and Telegraph, Saturday Glasgow Sbipping List, 'l'ucsday and Friday hv time fol' bOfl4 fide SaoJ.lPlNo, llAKniG CALlB, and the like, whero the driving is not con-
Dundee People's Journal, do. Glasgow Times, Wednesday tillllotls: The charge in sucb cas..:s shall be Is. for the first half~hour, Wld Od. for overy
Dunfcnnline Journal, monthly Glasgow Weekly Ouardi..u, SlAturday ,\\ldltional quarter of an bour. .
Iluuft'rmlinc Press, Tuesday and 'fburaday Glal9gow Weekly Journal of the ScotUah Tem- For an AmINO into the Couutry within seven miles from the Cr~s8 of F.Ahnburgh, and
Dnnfermlille Saturday Pres., Sa~urdQ.Y perance League, Saturda.y returning either by the SBlUO or a diftbrent rond, the ra~ shall bo slxpcn~ fOl' overy' ,tell
:r;dinburgb Ouledonian llercury, daily Greenock A(lvcrtiser, 'l'ucsdny, Thursday, Bnd 11l~lll1tCS, or 3s. pel' hour. A chivo round tho QuecJl'~ pnvc, 8hllll bo comnd,ored an Amng,
Edinburgh Daily Ueviow, daUy Saturday l'II1es8 the Hirer wishes a slowcr l)IlCC, the rate of d~l\~mg w~en out an AirlUg shall Le ~t
]~dinburgh l~vcnilJg Courant, daUy, and TuctldllY Greenock herald, Wetir.cs(lo.y and Friday h':l"t six milos an hour; nnd in tlie event o~ the. drl'J1Dg oomg ,at a slower ~e than SIX
Bnd Priday Greenock 'l'clegl"dllh, Saturd:\y I'nlc,s an hOUT, contrar.J: to the wish of the ~llrcr! It shall ~o optloDol fm" the Blrer to pay
l':I'!nburgb Evening Post, Wednesday aud Slit. Hl\d:1ingto~Bhl~e Courier (lladdington) }'rlduy tht' fnfC in the prcportlon of 3s. for every RIX rodes so travelled.
bl;~bl1rgh Gazette (byauthorit.y), Tueiday and lInwh'k .Au\·erl,lser, Satur(\a..Y }'I'om Twelve at night till Seven Morning, double Fare. .
",~ riday Independent (~irkcaldy), ~turday 'rho above l!'ares aro for One-Horso Carriages, and there ~hnll ba no additional chargo
I,' ,,,bu'gh LadlCl' Own Jo11l'Qal, Saturday Invergorc1on Tunes, \'llWlI two horses are used.
j~t:mburgh News, Saturday Inverness Advertiser, TUOlday ~d l!'riday Owners or Drivers may agree to dl'ivo at lower FIU'~ than t'~lOSO fixe,). tn that CM<'.,
~:dinburgh North British Advertiser, Saturday luvernes8 Courier, Thl\~day
EtJinburgb North British AgrloultUJitt., WednelJ. Inyemess Saturday Adverti., Saturday ::.hL·uld they demand more thlW the }t'aro agreed on, they "hall be liable as for an overcharge.
l~dlnbt1rgh North Brif4n, Wcdneaday and S.. lrvine llonthly News Letter, montqly
F..d~,nburgh Scotsman, daily, and Tuesday and Jed Forest and Teviotdale Re~rd, Saturday
• ~ rlday . (.leclbllrgh) ~t1GGAGB •
]~dl~burgh Scott.u~h Farmer. '.ad Uot~lcunur1Jt, John o'Oroat Jonrnal (Wick), Tbu~d'7
l\ cdnesday Kelso Chronicle, }1ridny For Luggage exceeding 100 Iba. in weight, there shall be a clJargo 01 Gel. ultra. Dut ther,'
shall be no ch~e for Lnggage under that weight. Tho DriYfr shall asailt iD loadiu; 10(1
~llloading in all cases wheD required.
The Stances shall be-
L AthoU Crescent. 'I. Ocorge Street.
t. Caledonian lWlway 'terminus. 8. Lynedoch PIa4
8. CAnonmiUa. 8. Newiagton.
4: College Street and Forrcat Road. 10. PUt Street, Se
6. County Hall and Trou Church. lL l)riuees Stree~
8. Gaytle1d Square and Uni!)U Placc. 18. Princea Street)

• 'd
i .

To the Places undonneDUoued-
J lA ~1 §
. ~
J 6'c

d. •. d. •• d.
- d.
8. d.
- ClJ

~bercl'Om 'Y place,

·• ·· 16
10 1
10 1
. lie place, •
!lbany street, • •
1 0
10 110
0 \ 110
0 1
AIbyn~la~e, • • • 1 0 10 10 10 1 0 1
Al18n 8 ret}t,
\ti1OO. '~\-'-t
1ioii·~··'_ _ _

f,t.ii;;.%·"'·:'~:';;';M'i...:;;;:;'_:;';"~MI_""~ ......~',"

• 1 0
• , 1 6
10 1 0
1. 6 \ 1. 0
1 6 10 1

Atva street, •
• I 0 1 0 10 1 0 t 0
Annandllto street, • • 10 10 10 10 10
Ann street, · 10 10 10
1 6
Antigua. street,
Archcrs' haU,

·· 16
1 0 10
16 10 10

Arehibat(l place, • • 10 10 1 6 10 10
16 20 1 0 1 0
.Argylo place, • · 16
10 1 0 1 0
.,Argyle ~\lal'e, •
! Arthur p a.('.e8 and. street, ·· 10
10 16 10 10
Atholl crescent,
AthoU pla.ce, ·
• 10
10 10
10 10 10
1 0 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
I• Bnnk street,
, Bl\xter's place, · 10 10 10
Barony street,
·· 1 0
10 10 10 10
) BeaumontI.ln(;C, • • 1 6 10 16 10 10
Bcl\utyficl , • • 26 26 26 20 20
10 16 10
BcMord street, · 16
• 1 0
10 10 16 10
.. Bcecbwood, •
) • .. • 20 26 30 30 26
Bel:nont,. •
Bolle,,-ue crc::;ccnt nnd tC11'll.ce, · 16
• 11 6
26 2 6 20·
10 10 10
Dell's mills, .10 10 10 16 10
Blandfield house, 16 1 6 10 1 6 10
n Blackball, • 20 20 26 26 26
> •
Bonnington, 20 20 1 0 1 6 1 6
Botamc gardens, ··
1 0 20 1 6 1 6
1 6 1 0 16 16
Brandon street, 10 10 10 10 10
Bread street,
Briato street,

• 10
10 10 16 10 10
10 16 10 10
Brown street, • • 16 10 16 10 10
~ ··
Brown square, • • 1 () 10 10 10 10
Broughton strcet and place, 10 10 10 10 10
Bl"\lM\vick street, UO~l\l circu~,
Bnlllswick street, Hillside, ·· ] 0
11 0{j \ 11 00 1 0 1 0
1 0
llucclcuch street nnd place,
llnmtsficld ~iuk:3,. • ·· 11 0(} 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 ()
1 0 20
1 0 1 6 11 00 \ 11 ((
Caledonian Rnilway station,
Cl\lton sheet, ·· 11 00 10 10 10 1(
1 0 20 1 6 1 j
CllllMn, •
--· 1 6 -
:.~:~" ·_· ... 1 · "._" ~ . ' ... ,,"/~· '. ... ..

ql c· 7, I 3 e 552
Canoamills, •
(Mlton street, Srockbridge,

• •
·• ... v
1 0
1 6
1 0
Carlton tel'l'8(lO,
10 1 6 1011 · 1 0 1 0
Camegie street, ·
1 6 1 6 1 0 1 0 10 1
• 1 6 1 0 16 1 0 1 0 1
CastlCt in. &1. a<1., •
Cutle streets, ·
1 0 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 () 1
Catherine street,

· ·
1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
1 () 1 0 10 1 0 10 1
Ca'tlBewayside, • 1 6 1 6 20 1 () 10 1
Cbalmers street,
Chapel street, • • ·
1 0 1 0 16 10 1 0 1
. 1 0 1 0 1 6 10 1 0 1
Chanotte atreet, StiU&l'e, and place, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
~eJD8 street, • • • 1 0 '11 0 1 0 16 1 0 1
CJI'01UJ place, N.W., • • 1 0 1 0 1 0 10
CJaremOnt street and crescent, • 1 6 1 6 1 0 10 11 00 11 ·
O1aremont st. and pL, Stockbridge, 10 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1
CJ&reace street, • • . 10 10 1 () 1 0 1 0 1
Clarendon crescent,
1 0 1 0 l' 0 1 6 1 0 1
Clerkatreet, 16 10 16 10 10 1
Clyde street, • • 10 1 () 1 0 10 1 () 1
COatea Cl"e8Cent, • • 10 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1
College streets,
Comely bank,
• •
• • 1 0 10 16 10 10 1
• 10 1 6 10 16 16
Comelr. green and Spring prdens, • 1 6 1 6 1 6 1 0 1 0 11
Coltbnd~ •

• • , 1 0 1 6 26 20 1 6 2
COl'&torp e, , • • 26 2 e 36 36 36
Cowgaw.. • 3
"... ...• ,-. ..
" • a 10 10. 16 10 '10 1
• ' . -J~T"....~~/,l~]I~
...... .,y. ....:~t w-~ .. ""'",.....
t ~,'.,..,
; ...... ~-';~ ..-:.~:... ~~
... ..,. . . . . "' ... ..,.
-~ - :~ "- : •. ;.~' ...... ~:t:;~:\

Craigcrook farm and castle, • 110 SO 00 30 30 :3

f Oroig!eit.h hOUfSe,
I Craiglookhart, •
• •
26 26 3(1 30 30

·• to 20 20 26 S6 ~
Cl'6igmillur castle, • • 3 6 36 40 26 ao • ~

I Croft-an.righ,

1 6 10 ··
1 6. 1:6 1 0 1 0
16 10 1 0
: Cumberland street, ..
· DaIry cemetery,

1 0 10. 10 1 0 1 0
• 1· 0 1 0 1 6 1 6 10
· ,J
DaIry 110use, • 1 0 1 0 1 6 10 10
; Dall'ymple place,
· Danube street,
• 16 10 16 10 10
10 10 10 16 10 ··
I Dnrno.wo.y street, • 10 10 10 10 10
I Davio street,
! DolUl cometery, .

1 (; 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 0
10 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 (j·
I DOIID strl3ct nnd ten'ace,
· DolUl village, ·· ·
1 O· 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 0
• 1 O· 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 6

··· ··
Dowur place, 10 10 16 10 10
Doune terrace, 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Downie place,
I Drumdryan,
LO 1:0 16. lO 1 0
10 10 1 (; 10 1 0 ··
I Drwnmond place, •
Drummond street, •

• to . I, 0 1 0 10 10
10 10 1 6.,10 10
! Dublin street,
I Dtuldiugston,. • ·
10 10 10 LO 10
26 26. ao 20 20
I Duke ~trcet,
10 '10 1 I) 1: 0 1 0
1·0 10 1 6 1 v 1 0
Pun1ar street, • •
I DUl!c:l.U :;tr-cet, Drummond place, . 10 1 O. 10' 10 1 0 ·
Dundas street,
Echo bank, •

1: O. 1 O. 10 1 0 10
20 1 6 20 16 1 6 ··
. Elm row, •
,. Fottcs row, •

1 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0
1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 ··
Fingal place; • • , 1 6 1 6 20 10 1 0
j Forth street,
Forrcs 8tree~ •

1 0 10 10 10 10
• 10 10 10 10 10
. I"ountainbridge, • • 10 10 16 10 10
Ji'rcderiok streets, •
· i1 06 11 06 11 00 11 06 11 0o
I Fyfe plaoe,.
Gardllcr's orescent, ,

• • 10 1 0 16 1 0 10 ·
Gnyficld sguarc, • • 10 10 10 1 0 10
..Q.corgo IV. bridge, • 1
0 10 10 10 10

.. ~ ,, .' . r . .'
,.".,.... • , :.. ::a [ [ 'iI ,
la -, $ '3. 15
~U'lS~ DOiUftl~, • • '" v _

~e street, east of Frederiek st., 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 10 1

George street, west of Froderick at., I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Gibraltar house,. • • 1 6 1 6 16 10 1 0 1
Gilmore lace '.


.101 0 1610101
• 1 () 1 0 1 () 1 0 1 0 1
GJenfinla.i.street, • • 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1

OraDge and Cemetery,
. . · .
Glou(''8ater plaoo,.

• • 10 10 10 10 10 1
• • 10101610101

1 0 1 6 2 6 2., ~ 0 2
• 16 16 20 10 10 1
GlQionpier, • • • 30301630302
G1'aISDlarl:et, • • • 1 0 1 0 1 () 1 0 1 0 1
Gray1leld,. • • • 2 6 20 ! 6 1 6 16 2
Great StufU't street, • • 10 10 10 10 10 1
OrecJ1en~.. .36364026263
Greeuhill, • ' . 1 () 1 () j 0 1 0 1 0 J
Gleeoaide street, ' . 1 () 1 0 1 0 1 () 1 0 1
Greeuaide place, • 1 0 10 10 10 10 1
Grove street, • • • 1 0 10 16 1 0 1 0 1
Bad@lston place,. • • 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 1
HamiltOn pl8ce, Stookbridge, • 10 10 10 10 10 1
Hanover streets,. • • 10 10 10 1 0 10 1
Hart &tree; " • 10 10 10 10 10 1
Bawkhill, Lochend, • • • 26 26 2 6 2 0 20 1
Henderson row,. • • 10 10 10 1 0 10 1
Henry etreat, • ~ • 16 16 1 6 1 0 10 1
,..~~~~~~~~$,~, Leith Walk, • 1 6 1 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 1
>t<-Vt-ir 'if w;;,-'Q"'? 'r..;... ..',.. -:........". ·"'-T"'·r:':~!:·.;:;ii:,.' ~.~ '. ~.~_:_,~-, f~,::,~~~~~,.:~~'~

Heriot row, • • 10 10 10 10 10
Hennitagc, Braid, 26 20 30 20 20
High 8011ooJ, 10 10 10 10 10
High street, • 10 10 10 10 10
Hill place, • · 16 10 16 10 10
Hill strec~. • .10'10101010
Hillside crescent, • 16 16 10 10 10
Hillbousofield, • 20 20 16 20 20
Holyrood Pala.ce, · 16 16 16 10 10
Home street, .,1010161310
lIolle street, • • .1010101010
Hope Park obapel, • 16 10 16 10 10
Donald8on's, • · 10 10 16 16 ~g
Gillcspio's, • t • · 10 10 16 10 10
Ileriot's and G. Watson 8, · 10 10 16 10 10
Morchants' Maiden, . · 10 10 16 10 16
Orphans' and J. Watson's, · 10 10 16 16 16'
Stewart:Sl . • .10101616
Trades' Maiden, 10
· 16 1620 10 10
Howard place, · 16 16 10 16 10
Howc street, • 10 10 1°110
India place, • • 10101010
India street, . .10101010 110
Infinnary street, 10
· 10 10 10 10 16
Invcrlcith row, · 1 6. 1 6 1 0 1 6
JamruCtl. street, . 1 0 10 10 10 10
I Jancficld place,
Jock's Lodge,
• 26
• 26
, Joppa, • • 40 40 36 36 30
Keir street, • .101016101<l
Kcrt street, . • · 1010 10 10 le
King street, Great • 10 10 10 10 1C
LaUristOD, • .101016101(
Lauriltton CMtle, • 30 30 30 36 3.
Leith, • 2U 26 16 20 2c
Leith Fort, • • ~6 26 16 20 21
! I£ith streot, • · 10 10110 10 }I
J.copold place, · 10 10 10 10 1
• I£vcn street, · 10 10 16 10 1

• 0 1 6
1010 16 ~g 10 ~
• 1 10011
mtton place, 1 6 10 1 6 1 0 10 1
t:nedoc~pl&ce, • 10101010101
Pomt,. ..10'101610101
lAitJand street,. • . 10 10 10 10 10 1
laltaterractt, • • . 10101016101
tIanorplacet • .10101010101
~eltl·p!aoo,. • . 1 0 }. o· 1 0 1 0' 11 0 1
~t'UJ, Easter road, • • I 6 1 6' 1 0 l! O' , ); 0' 1
kfoadOw.<p!tJCe. • • • 1 6 1 6· 2 O· 1, 0 1 0 I
kfelYille'place, ,qtrcet, and orescent, 1 O· 1 o· ]; O· 1 0 1 0 1
.rercliaut stree~!. • • 1- o· l: 0 1 1 O· , }; O' 1 0 1
~erchieton Cl8tle,. • • 1; 6 lr 0 2 0 1 6 1 6 2
Jrunebank, .161'02016162
!bn~~~; .
1 6 1 0 l' 6. 1 0 ,1 0 1
..oray PJM;It, • 1 V 1 0 1 0 '1 0' 1 0 1
tronfun, 'ch,. •
mmun . 4 0' 4 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 3
... _ • W,!B,. • I' 6 1 0 2 6, ' 1 6 ] 6 2
IIWft'lSOtl place, PiershiD,. • . i 8: i· 6 2 6 2 0 2 ~ 1
MDIriion street... • • 'l! 0 1 {I 1 6: 1 0 1 0 /1
Mound1place, • • • 1 0 1 0 . l' 0, 1 0 1 0 J
M'urrayf1eld, • I • • 1 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 2:J 2
Nelson street and l)1ace,. • 10 \10 10 1 0 J. 0 1
Newington, streets and places l
tllere, and! €ausewaysids, $•
1 0 1 6 2 0
t ~
la :&. 0 \ 1 0 1
• •
~~"","""''- .....
• • 3 0
,~ '""~
3 0 0 3 0 J
~ . '", ~" '" ....
,': ". .~::~:~ ~i~ ~:~~, ':.. J~,- .~- '-''::''~ ....

Ni~Ison ~ttarO
and street, • 16 1 0 J 6 10 10 1
~rth6eld, near
Portobello, • 30 30 30 28 2 6 S
. North Bridge,. • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 10]
: Northumberlamd street, • 10 1 0 1 0 10 1011
, Norton plnea, • • • 1 6 1 6 1 6 1010 ' ]
, Old Gibbet toll,. • 16 1 6 20 1 0 1 0 J
I Oxford termce,. • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 0 '
! Park \)}ace and street, . 10 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 0
i Parkstde sbrcet-,. • 1 6 1 6 1 6 10 1 0
I PLlrlilUl}ent square, • • • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
! Pa1'!on's green, • 2 0 SI 0 20 1 6 1 0
Picardr. placo, • 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0
~ Piershlll barracks, • • 2 0 26 26 20 2 0
l Pilrig street, • 1 6 1 6 1 0 1 0 1 0
I Pitt street, • • • . 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 1 0
, Port. HOpotOUfJ, • • • 1 0 1 0 1 6 10 1 0
Portland place, • • • 1 0 1 0 1 6 10 1 0
Portobullo, streets and places there, 3 6 36 30 30 30
". Post-Offic,el G. 0., • • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
i PowderhalI,
• • • • 1 6 1 ( 1 0 1 6 1 0
: Preston street, • • • 1 6 1 / 20 1 0 1 0
! Ptestonfield house, • • • 26 2 6 30 1 6 1 6
: Princes street, east of Frederir k st., 10 1 0 1 0 10 1 0
! Princes street, west of Fredcrick st., 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0
Queensferry street, • • • 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0
: QUesn street, • • • 1 0 1 0 10 10 1 0
I Racburn ph~e, Stookbridgc, • 10 1 0 1 0 1 6 1 (.\ I
I Ramsny gardens, • • 10 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 !
Rnndolph cliff',. • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Rnndolph crescent, • • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Rankeillor street, • . 1 6 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 0
Uedho.H t Slatefolu, • • 3 0 30 36 30 30
Regent terrn.ce, • 1. 6 1 6 10 10 1 0
Uegistcr Office,. • 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0
Ucstahig,. • • • 2 6 26 26 20 20
Uichmond plnce and streot, . 1 6 1 0 I 6 1 0 1 0
! Rosebank, 13onnin~n, • • 2 0 2 0 10 1 6 16
i Hose str(,0t, cMt of l;'reclerick sheet, 1 0
Uose 8tr/~ct., west of Frcdcl'ick streot" 1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
11 0
1 0
Roxbnrgh laco, strflct, and t.errnco, 10 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 I)

. . ....."... - ~

lE .' ~c s 3 C is!
Royal terrace,
RuUand square and •street, •• 1 0 1 0 10 1 1 1
..1 0 /" V ... V 1& OV 1" 0.... -
B&1i8bury square and street, 1 6 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 (j 1 1
BauPton,. •. 2 6 .2 6 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 I

~e Coburg place, Stockbridge, • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 I

Bclennes,.. . 16 16 20 10 10 1I
SootJandetreet, • • • 1010101010111
Seafieldbaths, • • • 30302626.262 1

Shab~ !quare, • • • 10 10 10 10 10 1 1

BhAndwickplice, • . 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I'
Bilvermill street, • • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 l'
Sirilon square,. • ] 6 10 16 10 10 1I
Slatefol'd,. • • • SI 6 2 6 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 I
South Bridge street, . 10 10 1 tl 10 10 1 1

~ittat street, . • • • 10 1 0 1 0 10 10 1 I

Sp~ gardens, AbbeYhillt • 1 6 1 6 1 6 10 10 1 I

St AnClie~1I square and streets, • 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

St Ann·_
YardS.. • . 16 1 6 1 6 10 10 1

St Anthony's place,. • • 10 1 0 1 6 10 10 1 1

StBo~s creacent and place, • 10 10 10 16 10 1

SiColmeatreet, ~ • • 1 () 1 () 1 () 1 () 10 11
St David atreeta,. . . 10 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 '1 I
St 'Jamw street, s..q~, and place, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 10 11
St John atreet and hill, • • 1 6 1 0 1 6 1 0 10 1I
St Leonard'l& street,
3t Patriolu quare, •
• •

6 \1
0 1
1 f, 1
1 11 1

Jt Vincent atreet.. , • 1 0 1 0 , 1 0 1 0 1 ~ 1
v·,...,t~ .......... ~-..-~\,.""''''-''' - •. -- -
v&et'-""dnt· " .....4f,~~.. ··~.'"';·'{';~t:r.:.:::: ~·.:,·-.-::~t);':!:~.~~-';;'·~:

Staft'ord street,
Stenhouse, •

• 10 10 1
36 ~6 40
20 90 1 0 ··
or 10 1
:a 06
26 3
16 1 6 1
Stewartfield, • · 10 1 0 ]
6 1 0 1 6
Summerball, 1

•. • 1 0 1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1 (,
10 1
1 0 J
Surgeon square, • 1
6 1 6 20 · 10 10
Sylv~n place, • • 1
· · 10
'rhiatlc street.,
Teviot row, •

• •
10 ·
0 10 1 0
1 0 '!. 6
1 0
Tobago street and plnce, • • 1 0 1 0 \ l 6
Tollcross,. • • 10 1 0 1 6 1 0 10
Torphichon street, • • 1 0 1 0 \1 0 10 1 0
Trinity Hut,
Trinity beyond Hut,

• 20 20 1 0
26 llll 6
· ··
1 0 1 0 \ 6 10
ilnecastle toll, • • 10 1 0
nion place and street, • • 1 0 1 0 10
Viewforth, Bruntafield links, • 1 0 '\ 0 20 10 10
Walker street,
'Vardie, •. • 1 0 1 0 10 ··
30 1 30 1 6 · ·
Warriston crescent,
'Varriston house,.

1 6 1 6 10
• 1 6 16 10 · 1 6
1 6
Warrender park,. • • 1 0 1 0 20 1 0 10
Waterloo tace, • . . 1 ('t. 1 0 1 0 10 10
'Vater of eith, . • • 10 10 10 16 10
Waverloy bridge, Railway stations, 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 10
W()1n~S pll\Ce,
West Port,.

• •
• 10 10 10
• 1 0 1 0 1 6
· 10
Wharton place, • • ] 0 10 16
· 10 10

Whitehouse gardens, • 1 6 10 20 16 1 6
William street,
• Windsor street, • • •
1 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 10 1 0 · 10
1 0
1 0
Wrifht's houses, •
Yor place, • •

• •
10 10 1 6
1 0 10 1 0 · 10
1 0
Young street,
Zoological gl\roen~, •
• •

1 0 10 10
• 1 6 16 1 0
· 10

- -. (CEE dI 1.0 3 3


\."'--~"':~'''. . • 6. '{bere sho.11 be a stand ior Carts in the Lawnmark~t, and e:nother i~ the Grassmarket,
-' and at such other ~ as tlte Magistrates mal·from time to time appomt.
6. E-very Carter shall conduct liiDl8elf in a proper, civi~ an~, doooto'i18. mannel' at all
timtlS· and shall, when requhed, produce pd shew thOle Regula"lons and his Badge to any
party 'requiring thet;n so to clo, ~4er the penalty of forfeiting his hire, and such othCl'
t .,' REGULATIONS FOR THE PUBLIC Clu.tTERS OF pcr.e::tics aB the Magistrates may lnfllOt. . _.
'1. No Carter shall, u~n bDy pretence whatc,~er, &C.t as a Carrier of Coals for hire, or 11(
EDINBURGH. any way interfere with the curriage thereof, 01' hl~ paid t~ereror. ~e shall employ at IC~8t.
two Porters to carry in the Coals, and shall abIde by his cart while the Coals are bemg
delivored. . I. th . f tl
8. When it is neoeMal'Y to press carts tor Her Majesty,. 1II'Vlce, or ,or . e r;erv)~ 0 10
PubliCt u~n any emergency, anI Carter, licensed as afol'ClMld, who ehal! ~18t such l~Prcss·
ment, or .hall throw any obstacle in the way thereof, shall, ui>On. conVlction, ~ dAllnveu of
SEa. 243. "And be it enaoted, That no person shall be entitled to act as a Ohairman, his licence, besides being liable to suoh other peutlty 88 tho Ilaglstratea may Impose.
Public Cnli.(l11 Pl)rtefr Chimney-Sweeper, or Carrier of Coals, for hire, within the limits of 9 The Fares shall be charged in terms of the annexed Ta\iJe, and any party shall l}o
this Act, until he is licensed to oot in either of these capacities by the lIagistmtes, who entitled to withhold payment of a fare when 'the Carter shall fail to produce liis .Regulations
shall cause a Rcg!ster of such persons t.o be kept, and, if they see cause, exact security for
their honesty and good conduct; and such persons, when so licensedt.shall be subject to and10.Badge. . are auth o,.~
Tlie City Officers and Constables of Police ' __ .l and enJom
" ed to 80e tlleso
such Th.:gu1o.tions as the Magistrates may make as conditions of such licence, or otherwise RegulatiOll8 eJiforced, and all oomplaintl arising out of any breach t.hereof :shall proceed, nt
for their government, and for the regUlation of the stands or plu.ces such persona sW the inatanoe of the Proourator Fi8ca1 of the Oitl, before 'he Maptralel.
occupy with their carts, barrows, utensilH, or implements, under such lbenalties, not ex-
ceeding Forty Shillings, 88 the Magistretes may fix; and any person acting in any of tho
said cl\pacitie., without having such licence, or after such licence is recalled or suspended,
which the Magistrates are hereby authorised to do at pleasure. shall be subject to ,. penalty,
not excoeding Forty Shillings, for each offence." TABLE OF FAREg.
OOAl.B. I. d.
• U At Edinbul'dI, the Pil'lSt Day of January
,t One Thousand Eight Hundred and Porty-nine Years. Ce.rtage of each Too 01 Coals deliYCI'ed ,\ithin the Toll-bars, from any of the Coal
H WMelt day the Magistrates of the City of Ellinbnrgla llCing assembled, di<1, and do hereby in virtue Depots within the City or Suburbs,. • • . • . • • • • 1 0
or tho (l4nlt 11(!ction of the Edinburgh Poliee Act! ,1848, enact IUld ordain the following Regulati~n3 for the
l)ublic Cartp.l'Iof Kdiubvgh, aoting ...noh wit.uin thollmita of the llaid Act.
FUR..'fi'rURE, tro.
If W. JonlisTON, Lord Prow",t. The Crt.~e to be regulated by the agrec~ellt of parties; hn.t any breach of such
It I. H. STOIr, 11. ngreement WIll be puni3hed 88 & contravention of thcso Regu1&tlOns.
11 AND. 'l'A1'l', B. When a Cart is engaged, the party hiring and failing to Wake use of it shall pAy of
" WJr. TVLLI8, !J!' b.ack hire • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 0
And for overy half hour the Cart is detained beyond th\l time fixed for t.ho hire • o ()
Tho Cartago 01 any of the following or similar artieb from OQQ l>laeo to another,
REGULATIONS AND FARES. within the liinit. of t~e Polico Act, shall be-
For 0. Hogsbead of Sugar, • • 1 I~
1. No person shall be permitted to nct as a Public Carter within the limits or tVi) stUd For a. Puncheon of Whisky, • • 1 (j

Act." l~nles~ such person 8~all havc been li~nsed. by the ~ragistratcs; and each pel'son For a Hogshead of do. • • 1 u
l'CCClvmg hconce as a Publi(~ Carter shall accept It on the condition that he shall observo Each ~loa.d of Wood, • a 0
these ncg~lations, and any othe~ the ~Iogis~ratcs may from time to timc f'nnct. Every
1)CI'5011 so licensed shall Welll' a Badge, With hIS llame thereon, 011 the breast of his outer Note.-C.arter~ are Jlot obliged to plllf',o Ca.<tks (h::li\'cred at tho door in ShorJS, <;ellars, or
garment; and ll~ person re~eiving such Badge shall transfer or lend it to another. other places, without ,,"N aillowanco, Ba th. partite 111&1 apee upon, and at tho n8k of tIll)
2, Defore recOlvmg such bcence, he shall produce a certificate of his good characte~ and part" to whom. iht soods aro delivered..
r.hnll, also ~Il~ caution acted in the Burgh Court Dooks, for his good behaviour, ho~esty,
and mtroml8SlO11s, and to observ~ and obey thcsc l~gull\tlons1 or any others the Magistrates
InllY think propel' to makc for rcgulaHng Carters, under the pCllalty of Forty Shillings
~Lt~mr l~erformance ; and when his .cautioner dies, or leaves tho city, the t .rier shall giv~
mtlmatlOn thereof to the DElpntc CIty CJCl'k, and find another cautioner.
a. Each Carter s11all }lIWO a sufficient horse, cart, and furniture with his name and
numbe~ distinctly,painted or fixed on tl.le side of th~ cart, and sh~n be provided with a ...
tarpauhn or ~ovcrmg, t~ be used as occasIon may reqUIre, to cover goods upon his cart, and
,mcb tarpau~m.ol' COVtlJ'~ug t'lhall be at least tww.e feet square, and shall have the name of
the owner dlstJncUy pamtcd thereon.
4. Evory Carter shl\U ~ervo the lieges with fidelity p.ud discretion, and shaD not under any
pret~nce wha.tever, refuse employment when otherwise not actually engaged or 'employed;
lmd lf My Ca:tar ~balll)lead a prior e~gagement o.t other work, he shall 8tato the nature
thercof, and glve hIS employer's name, k required.

~_"_ _
6. Chimney·Sweepers wilfully injuring or destroying chimney-stalks or cans, or grat.cs,
will be liable in the ~na1ty in the foreaaid Act, and also in reparation and restitution of
OF EDINBURGH. 7. No licensed Chimney-Swee~ shall be entitled to refuse an engagement to swcep "
chimney or chimneys when reqUlred.
SEOTlON OF THE EDINBURGH POLIOE ACT RELATIVE TO 8 EaCh Chimney-SweelMlr snaIl wear his Badge on the breast of hiB outer ganllent, and
shall always be provided with ropes, besoms, brushes, ladders, bags, and all oth"r imple-
0ImlNEY..sWEEPERS. Dlents necessary for sweeping chimnevs and extinguishing fires. He shaH be reudy on all
occa.sions to serve the inhabitants; and shall always conduct himselC in a ci\'jJ and decorous
SEC. 243 "And be it Bllacted, That no ~rson shall be entitled to act as IL Chairman, manner. He shall also be provided with a copy of these Regulations, and shall shew the
Publio earler Porter Chimney-Sweeper, or Carrier of Coals, for hire, within the limits of same and his B"dgo when and by whomsoe\'er requirE-od. No Chimney-Swecper shall
this Act, untii he is licensed to act m either oC these C6Jl&Cities by the Magistrates, who transfer or lend his Badge to another.
shall caUlle a Register of suoh persons to be kept, anu, if they see ca.use, exact security for 9. All fares shall be cbarged according to the annexed Table; and any person committing
+.heir honesty and good conduct; and such 1",1lJOns, wl~e!lso licensed,.shall be subject ,to auy breach thereof, or of these Regulations, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding
euch RegulationH &8 the Magistmtes may make as condItIOns of sttch lIcence, or otnel'WUle }'orty Shillings, be8ides deprivation or suspension of liccllce.
for their government, and for the re~tion of the stands or places suoh persons aba11 10. The City Officers ana Constables of Police are authoriscd and enjoined to Sf.'e theso
occupy with their ('.arts, barroW8, utensils, or implements, under such penalties, not exceed- Regulations enf('rced, and all complaints arising out of any hreach thereof .hall proceed, at
ing FOrlY Shillin~ 88 the Mag!strates may fix ; and any person acting in any of the Mid the instance of the Procurator }'iscal of the City, before the Magistrates.
capacities without having such licence, or after such licence is recalled or suspended. which
the Magistrates are hereby a'lthorised to do at pleasure, shall be subject to a penalty, not
exceeding Forty Shillings, for cr.~h offence."


One 'l'hou!and Bi~ht Hundred and Fort,..nine YeMS.
"Which d., the Muittrata ot tho City of Edinburgh beiDg .!ambled, did, And do hereby. in virtue
nf the 2tSd leCtion of the Edinburgh Police Act, 1848, enact and ordaill the follo"ing Bye.ll\WI fl)r regula\- 1. KtTCIIEN VENTS. I. d. I. d.
iDg the Chimne,..Sweepen of BdiDburab, acting .. weh within the JiL' of the .aid Act. For Sweeping t\ Kitchen Vent, • 1 0 With Common Orates,. • • 0 {)
"W. JonlfS'toN, lAM PrOfOft. With Smoke Jtlckl Hot Plate, and Oven, 2 6 With Register or Kinnaird Grates, on
"JoBN lllLVILLl1 B. With Hot PJate and Oven ouly, 1 6 third Hats and upwards,. 0 9
" J. H. S'l'otT, B. With either Hot Plate or Oven,. 1 3 With Common Grates 011 ditto,. 0 8
".\1fJ>. T,UT, B. Kitchen Vents on third fiats and up- Poor persolls with only otle fireplace. 0 8
It W•• TI1LLl8, B."
wards, • • . • • 0 9 When two or more Vonts are swept. at
Washiug-housc Boilers, Flues, &C., with the same time, on first or ltccoml
BYE-LAWS AND FARES. clelluillg doors,. • • • I 6 flats. for the first, whether Uoom or
1. No person shall be permitted to act as a Chimney.Sweeper within the Hmits of the 2, Rf'OM VESTS. Kitchen, • • • • • 1 0
Mid Act., unless such person shall have been liceDficd by the Magistrates, either by direoU.r With Register or Kiunaird Grates, in Every other,. • • • 0 {)
holding a Badge from them, or from a Master Chimney-Sweeper licensed by them; ana first or second fiats,. • • 1 0
each ~rson receiving a Badge &8 a Chimney..sweepor shall accept it on the condition that
he shall observe these Regulations, and any others the Magistrates may from time to time Note.-Tbe80 charges not to affect the fares under the firlit head ;-tho fares lln:lef thl}
enact. secono head to include the trouble in removing and replacing tho grate, which UlU:it blJ
2. Berore receiving such licence, he shaD (if required) produce a certificate of his good done carefully.
I3hal'acter, and shall also find caution acted in the Burgh Court Books for his good behaviour,
honesty, and intromissions, and to observe and obey these Regulations, or auy others the 3. SHOP, WAREHO*. 13£, nANK, OR PUBLIO , 4. FOUL CRIlINE\'S. I. d.
Magistrates may think proper to make f(lr regulating Chimney-Sweopers, under the penalty OFFICE VENTS. I. d. Extinguislling aud Sweeping n Foul
of ~'ortl Shillings, attc,ur performance; and when his cautioner dies, or leaves Edinburgh: For S\veeping each Vent upon the Chimney, besides paying for 8uch
the Chlmney-.':Jweeper shall give intim~tion thereof to the Depute Oity Clerk, and find ground fia.t, • • • • 1 0 materialR as ruay be destroyed ill
another cautioner. On first fiat or upwards, for +,be first extinguishing,..., r; n
3. :Master shall receive IL Badg." for himself, aud one, hearing his name, for each of Vell t,. • • • •• 1 90 The MaJ,"Il1lfatr bc-foro whom an,. ease In dlAputo lA brnll~ht
may,lf he lII!e cault; alluw. ,q,cJl:r .um ~h.n lhe ctl:u"c
the men in his employment, for whom he shl\U be responsible, and shall produco when Every other, • • 0 undtr &bl. IItl4.
required t.o answer t.o any complaint which may be brougnt against him for a contravention
of these Re~l\tions i an<1 failing his producing the man, the complaint shall proceed Note.-Extra work required to be done in Swecping any Vent, to be paid according tn
against tbe :rIaster. Any Chimney-Sweeper holding a BI\(lgc from a :Master after leaving or the agreement of parties, or 88 may be deoided by the Master of Fire -Engines or oLllcr
being dismissed from his Bervice, and refusiug I)r delaying to deliver the flame when required, l>arty, to whom any dispute may be refetTed.
shall be liable in a penalty of Fort.y Shillings. In order to prevent as much as possible Chimneys taking fire, the Mngistrates recom-
4. When a chimnoy takes fite, only the two Chimney·Swcepcl'l! with Badges first present mend to the inhabitants to get tht'ir Ohinmeys swept evory six w('~ks, and n~t to employ
WIll be entitled to ent(jt tIle premises for the purpose of ext.ingui~hing the fire, unless others or admit to their housc.'I, or to the roof thereof, any Cbimney-SwCcI)Cr not havmg a B:~dgc,
are specially called by the occupicrs, ot' by tlie Police, to assist; nnd no Chimney.Sweeper or who l'Cfuses to produce the same when demanded.
will be entit.led to refmle bis assistance in extinguishing fires wIlCn 00110<1 for. Tbe Magistrates also recommend to t!lO inhabitants to keep properly secured tbe Hatch-
o. Chimney-SweeperH failing 01' refusing'to shew their Badge when demanded may' be way or oUier access to the roofs of theh' houses, and not to entn18t the key thereof to nll y
denied admittarlce to nny house, the chimney of which is on fire; and no pel'son shall Cblmney-Sweeper who has not a Badge, in order to prevent thefi and destruction to pro-
refuse admittance to the fi \'St two licensed Chimney.Sweepers who may Ill'eBent themselves, perty.
or to any others who ma" be required, whetilt'r Firemen or ChimlHly.Sweepers, for the
purpose of cxtingl,Lishillg .~ chimney on fire in the premises. r


- P081.01'1'10& -
6 _ ....aB. BzV!:!CUB nnd the Cotrr of 'MAlfAOEMDI'r of the P\l6T-O,.ncc oftbe UNITD KnrobOlfo j"OM'IJ 181.1~
- . oUbe Number of &nkll, Dep6sitol'8. and Arno·J.nt ef Deposits ill SAVI~G8 tho
STAT&lIE.'''T DA:IKS 111 vtUT&fl
., KINGOOM, on tho 20th Novcmoor 1856, 185'i, :md 18:'8.
Groan_ouo N.~I

tht lIriurllo 'or
.. Jlel'n3t'<1 Let·
C* 01 C<lIlT0t;Cce of
M.11lI lWl-
war. IlIcludtd
1150. 185'T.
;.;::r --;;:;- J;:;;;'~;'-

teD,U Bc.
2. ::. ...
111 Col.S.
5. B.
'1. I

No. of No. of " .'uumulof

-- - Deposlu.
5th JanlW'11851 ...........

. 1852.••••••••••
.£400,~ £800,898
En/!ilnnd l\Dd W!\los...
1,140,551 '£.'10,126,782
)10,281 1,9380400
50-1 1, 165,850 .t30,~50.011 I 505
..0 114,786 1,176,901 47 I 1.0(l!l.9il l.e:1I.767.062
123. 273 1 1.1160./10,'

Chnnllol Islands........
51,050 1,110,180
1f,oJ87 _':8~ --=- 2:
61 67.720
IS. 749 415.60t.i I
31st Deoembtr 1854...........
1855........... 1,66~,S64
l,06S,056 159,906
905,1.'. l cm l,3S1,S69 84.700.1133 GaS 1.3112.53' 34,780,69(0' 600 l,!l1l8,8S! :J.?:~!I,~!!J
1800.......... 1,600,229 2,S(l1,!.l5!
419,OJO 1,207,725 154,229 1,053.400
18~7.......... 1,720,S15 420.000
a.<l35,713 1.814,898 18S,lil'T 1.170,881 ~uMllm of Dt:ro~11'Oft8, And of CIUnlTABLf: INfI1'lt'tmONII nnd Frnr.N01.\" SoC'u:Ttrs, Ilopollltlnjf their Fl1l1d. It\;
1858........... l,926.04li 1l,087,usc.
Iitli,078 1,1(11.427 138,631 1.022,798 a,WISG" BANKS, ar.d tho SItIU.~ dt.posltoo, divided into Cl:waI, on tuo 20th No, 1856, 1867, 185$, IUlIl 11109.
181.10........... 1.026,903 3.313,675
428,"7 1.135,060 149.382 988.578
ISM. 1857. 1858. 'j 1P(;9:-- I, ~=furl
'-The Oross'Rovcnuo colleoted in 181'i9 WM, In Ellgdand, £2 4!61'i 710' in Scotland .292 S9S' 1& JrotQ1l~ .£2S911SIl -------.
No. ..r Jl,In'ltllltof :s'o.of AI1IQ'lntnf
- - - .... -
.\luntllltof No. of AIn...:.. ~nf
~..,'rs. In'l't'ltullmte. J>ellQlltc>n. [11_Un.lltll. Ikr<",ltofO.,ent.1.!Ik,tOOltt.n, IU\'\1IUncmll, IIIIM~.
~U)lIl.R nnd AMOUNT of MON&\,.QllVEIUI issllcd nnd pnld by POST·OFPtCI:S ill tbn
~N-·-ot-cx-c-e-od-l-ng-..e-l-..-..-.. Il?u::i52 --:£5:i,00'41P5.8i6 -.£51.\)'.)4
I EnilAn4 and WaleL
UNtTI:U K1NOPOll. Years 18S2-1859.
&otlaud. lrelruul. ToIal t1nltod KIDidom.
. 1
Aoovo £1
.. I) ~
/' 5...... 250.2SS
10...... 17.... 021
20o.s25 £GO.G301'2i3.4'1'S
27ti,OllC '01.0iO 2\l4,18D
18UOI 1.2;2,198 194,133
(l 1:i ..
.£64.542 AO 6, Od
7-l4,7·'6:1 10 tl
\TAr.... - Numoor. I Amount. Number. Amount. Number. _'mount. Number. Amount. · ..
I " 10.5
lli 'i 20......
127.221 1.61t.M8
128.810 1.j40,t>~·tl
i..B41.06 J
131.459 1,675,4711 140,0112
11 19 3
l,41!l,U4; 17 a (I
~.850 1.881.1.:.!25 1111,260

---- 18!j~" •• 'A 4,lli8,7M £8,001,061 395,193

- .e'21.100 S03,S79 £llM,l1l> 4.047,825 AO,498.:m
I ., ..
26 8
1= so...... 182,012
40...... 108,1811
lU,252 S.214.S:Wi
10tl.~1}t) ll.640.87b
13~.6\}2 ll.35F.,Ofll 14S,lm.,
3,MS,SSI}1 23 11 !I
118,1&1 8.i(J3,!)281121,b01
".03".070 33 4 0
185:1 ......
1864 ......
I .. 40~'" 60...... 62,6S8
I .. W ~ 16...... 87,762
62.!lM 2,S47.ftf.l!
88,6611 6,374.1411
2.671,250, 44 11 ~
5'.166 2.403.130 (.!l.032
80.2tS~ 5,418,460
6.06S.Il~1I 00 12 4 {ls.aso
1855 ...... 4.001.310 9,403,105 40).376 852,615 ·1«,720 7113,601i 5.S(i7,.Jl2 11.600,279 " 76 't:! lOO...... 41,630 8,600,-492
"1,638 8,608:;70. S2,609 3,094.:130 45.[,80
8,048.860 "6 12 0
1850...... li.21U.730 10,OOII,ll66 485,1i23 899.253 401.723 806,042 11. 178.0S2 11,805.50:1 If '00 5 126...... 21,616 !I.Om,3M
21,08S 8,100.2541' 28.483 3,l6..'I.64\)1 80.100
S,40S.6MllO 17 :l
1857 ...... 6.417.203 10,410.863 612,876 050.873 4;'(1,025 81S,537 0,359,703 12.180.213 ,,125 160...... 16.58(' 16.351 2,2~,N8
2,202,504 16,708 2.:!1lt468/ 18.134
2,4S1,O.n I:ul 17 0
ISr.s...... 1i.674.441 10,S21.DOl 6211,786 082.tJ.I6 486.220 S57.1i58 6,680.396 12.662,105 ,,160 '~'Ot)...... 26,688 4,8&1.1U
25,820 ",889.S!l'{ 2~,571 ".51:1.b77 28.482
·1.83S.:l00 lllil 17 b
ElCeC<YilJlg 200 ...... _1.619 ~.:: _~ ~1,6!i21_~ 1l:!8,047!_~
- _..
11l69 ...... 5,932,1113 11,368,057 IiliS,147 1,101,108 408.828 801,675 C.060,10S 13,250,930 :lM.050 215 0 4
.. -_. -'--- -- ... -~----
11ldlvilllltU Jklposltors.. l.818,047 32,S8!1,7:S:~ l,a41,752 32,984.M3.1.383.8t>S S3,021,OSOI'l'47tl. 72.~ :rO,40~.44'). 2-4 12 0
Chllritnhlo Instltutiolls 14.619 1l1l!l,OI7'1 14.701 TOMI4! 1(),36S 72~,451 16.315 1l0!!,3UI 49 2 fl
IlSli3 ......
4.016,"20 1£7.031,610
ler.4 ...... 4.48U.3:!8
)855 ...... 4.789,289
I 761.718
1i26, 2:13
10,4';2,001) 1
J.'riOIld)r Societics....... f1.0~(l1..2...:~~ O,t:!1 ~~i~ ~~ 10,7~"':'::~:O1 4 :I
Tot.n1.. .......... l,an.072 134.1'40.012,1,3116.000 36.141i.M71.40S.720 31l,~10.3~1 t,506. 7711 ~.!)9~,876 2.') Il. 7_!
ll,25",642 ·1(»,083 006,462 {'47.017 841.270 li.801.289 11,002,377

r· TorAL AWOUlfT IblolnvlW IUld P4lD by TRlIlITF.l8 of SA V1NO~ DANKS from nml to Dr.roSlTOr.l\ ntld of tIle CAJ'IT t.l.
l8M ...... 5,11.2,017 9,013,187 4W.:!;!} 1l7l,108 662.JI4{1 000,861 6,172,142 11.7'3,666
18&1 ...... li.3311.070 10,2111,(l6:J 515.::,03 1.0G:!,857 M7,881 893,789 6,SS7,4~3 12,178,300 of SAVl1ms' U.\NIU;, ] S~0·61l.
1858...... 5.685,742 lO,(iS5.:,tJO 531).tJ18 1.040,182 (.53,177 920,748 6.678,537 12.tHIl,'1Iltl ., _ . ---~- -.~ - --------~- _. -
1850...... ".825,6..'12
11,101.141 IitH.148 1,087.626 li77.0ti0 mll,794 6,067,400 IS,2M,4flO ED,I"lId NlII 'Wal"" 8ootJl\aII. b.llllld.
........... .--- ..
-The._-commisaioll -~
... -
----~---.- -_. -
-- to .£106.855, Bnd in 1859 to .£116,8"9. .- Vmf
Reoet ..f<I. n-I~. l Jl«otI.,,,,,., 1 --"-'
umrgcd 011 tho l88uO'011t(onoy.ordon; In 18b7 amollutcn I Cal'ltal. PaId. r-apIW. 1'.ld.

J':'<;TI~rRD NU~IJII-:~ of Ll:TIF.M dellvored in tho Ul'Im:D K1NGIlO)( in 1S:I{I, (tbo year previoulI to tho introduction ! ]850 1£6.1I:l0,451 £I'i,1l<I7,l';O £26.303.814 £N1l.1o; ~71,iii7 £1,325.01$3 .e4111.0ili 1Ai376'~1' 1: 1.:/O~,l 0,'.
o. th~, Ponlly:1 oslng", 1 Inn of )lr nO'I'I.ANI> Ihl.l,.) nud for the lmdormcutlotled Years liineo thnt !,oriod. AlIIo 1~51 5,7!!!!,1 SO 6,400,412 :.17.429,844 tl20,Wr 407,160 1.488 ••01 4W,42:! 407,00' I,:I;'!·.III:I
of DooK,PACKETS, nud doUvcrod in 1868 and 1859. 1852 G,163.0 22 6.74!!,7ot :.l8,CU 9. 256 Gf8.96S ;):10.2IlP l.tH6.040 4(11).1!.l2 406,945 1,"Ml.l.llld
tho EaTIKATMl NVN\lEI. I3T,uu·t:t>
1853 6,88~,0 84 "007,486 211,925,259 736,6((t 68:1,88'2 1, 631,'19& 4M,Ot2 l.liP!!.14f'
ElIglnllu IUId Wall!1. --1----
ESTlllATCO NU~l1l1m 0.' LI'TT1'M

TIltAI I I O~5 fllCfeMe

6.149,4 79 6,782,561 80.100.614
6.018,8 23 6,4i'8.81l8 30.5iUoo
6,512.4 07 &,'125,646 Sl.2fi1.129
In I ...n,lon
clIclu.lvn or
Loc.,1 J"'\WI1I
III l"m,.\l1I
P.11~ml ,,1
t le 1'r""loutl
6,410,212 7,OCll,4110 81,657,092
6.620,787 0.OS~,4~ 32,412,057
liOl.m I
1.7'i7.372 ,
l.ocal Ldt~tII. DI.trtcl. 1S50 'T.629L- OC 6,2"",090 !H,778.650 81fi,OSC 61S.661 2,18tl.8'$ 671,400 442,4108 ;!l0~.vH_1
1____ 1_____ - - - - - ' - - - - -
1831) ...... 16,n['4, 804
-- - 7,059.490 1-
I 9,365,412 82,470.596
l'i40 ...... 88,071.00a 23,!i50,83G
lll,116.489 l!9,386,2S2
132,003, 5:!:i
168,890. 713
18,210.M2 1108. 70S,S"" 1221 I.-Acco1l11'1' ofthe Receipts, fntoroRnnd Dlsbursornont.s In lhf.lTARY RAVIl'1GR n.ll'ludurlllR' tho Y'cnrcndlng 3int
18~2" .... 22.S28.164 208.4:H.41i1 tJ
150.1162. 419 26,602,077 of Mareh 1851'1.
ISH ...... 120,006.023 83.r.76.IlS6 :.'6,080,4110 25,937.188 242.0!1l,6s.l
18111 ...... 16:!.tJ24,024 80.003.681 38. 2tl1, 050 286,8;8, ;55 31,136,060 92.672,fl47 1200.686••62 £. A. d.
1848...... 180.710,102 45.00],158 33,"72,741 2t.iO.3S0, 002 SS, (,O:i, 101 lH.S87.481 828.8S().184 2 lJnlMco duo by the Public tJ Dopositotl on the stnt )fnrcb 185S, • 190.{lS:r tI) 01
lS[)O.u.n 102.508.628 "4,850.170 88,8S7,844 "711 "6') 1142 1lO.4I:i,r,31 95.388,SOIi I 847,OOO.07l Deposl~ dUring tbe yc.'\J: ended Slllt March 18[,9. . . • 70S3/) /) Si-
IST,2 ...... 212. tJ3S. 733 61.171,423 40.408.207 ~t63 37,S411.1S~ :r;.HO,!l53 I 879.601.499 Amount received (\n account of Ann:!, Charitable Pulldl dllrlng the ~'IJ', 1.1i28 12 10
18[).tu ... 276.453,824 64,061.a:!l 47.R94,708 3S8.3(j!l. 8M 48.232,!l·1~ 41,li51,008 • 478,8!.l3,80S Intcl'Cllt allowed during tho yc.'U' on Deposits,. . • • 6,67-6 {, 9}
1Sr.8 ..... 300,506,000 6S.061,OOO 1i8,404,OOO 427,871, 000 60.796,000 44.208.000 ' 622,87-1,000 Interest allowod during the year on Anny Charitablo "und!. l.lIl!) g 4t
18[.11 ...... 816,MO,OOI) 69.206,000 1i9,971.Co() 4"6,lll6, 000 , 62,0(1;'.000 411,8\7,000 bH,70(l.OOO
.270,841 17 Si
DilTtltATElJ NU~lIlt:1t OF !lOOK PAOKETsAND(i&AruiEAiii."":(~I'r.Il) Nf.W!VAFt:ns. Wfthdl'llu from MUlt:u'Y gnvi~gtI Bnnkfl during reAJ'. ' 1'14.4117 1& Si

18r'~"""117'673.000 11,910,000
11)59...... 20,019,000 2,187,000
2,iiOi.OOO ., 22.059, 000
2,9f>1.OOO ~6,167. 000
I :1.800,000
I 2,6Z5,uOO
f 28.984.000
Dlebur!!ements from Anny Chrrritabto FundI! during the YOU'.
D.'\IAIloo du. by the Public to lO.Ua Depoelt.ors, Slit 'H'J'Cb 1850,
1.1'166 18 I)
£20.,811 2 5t
F.8TUI.-\TED NUAl8En or' rREE (STAMP£:l) NEWSl'APJl!t8, lIJUTtsn AND FOlI~QN, It.-An AccotIM of all De}X'81t.s Rooojyed and RepA!d by the Boom o'fTmdo. 'mder tile Authority \If th" S!UlflDl'lI

1858·.. •..
11:l~!) ......
1 29.714,000 1 4.404 .000 II 8",11-8, 6.704,000
000 1 0,626.000
9,236,000 I 60,058.000
! ~9.318,OOO
r.;;;"- ,
PIl .....
SAVlNOS Runt Am, It1H. 19" 20 Vlc., c. 41, during the Year ended 2Mh Not'embe'l' 1!150.
....,_ d
ue to DeOOldtor. OD 20th NO\,euler 1815r.
.QIMOIIIC8 ' • ••
I. d.
• £12.444 G 11
28.6:11,(00 .i,107,OOO
Amount-oxpended in oonvoYlUlce ef :Mntlll by Contrac~ Packot·B.t"bll&bmontll, y.,..
"',15••006 11 , Amount rt!ceh'ed from Dopoolwrs during tho year ond"d 90th November 136g,. •
Amount orIntctelt rece1vild from N.Uonal ~bt OQico for Yer.r ended 20th November 1"",
18,688 18 11
-H5:& 6
£~,UII ~ 8
ended 81st ;\fnreh 11:56 and 1859:- .Amount of Hepa1Dlentl during )'eat' ended 2M.h Novel1lber 1$9,
1800.................. £726.167; 1859t ..................... .t1l30.SSf, 8,4111T 3
Amount; voted for I!ervit:e of ¥Ml'8 onalng 31st Maroh:- lJaWI_d•• toeftH1ellOtftort. 26th Nomnber 1st" • £18.030 f. 6
1867 ..... £756,48'1; 18L8, ...... Q66,064; 181.10.......£088••88; 18dO, ...... ugl,696;

~SQ~~,~~,:""".\ .•,;_•• ",._ .. .....,',",O......,.-,,--:-.~._,""'~._-,._ _ _ _~___________ttaiJil:il


. d if .'1.- ""
JI.. ..ll.I.,'1" .IXIS.,B.I.
J Rt. Hon. Viscount Palmerston, l 9t P'acudU" W•
F.rst ur 0 &Rc. ... rta."ry, ......... l K.G., G.C.B.,.................. .;
PARLlA.MENTARY DIRECTORY. • Stratheden UoU!e, Knightl-
l.ord H*!J'I& Cltancellor, ............... Rt. HOD. Lord Campbell, ........ bridge, 8. W.


l.ord Pruidellt of the Council,..... Ril~~.,~~~: ...~l ~~~~~~.. 16S:~~: ;~root, Bcrkelcy
Lord Privy Seal,....................... IliK.~~~..~~~.~~~.~~.~~~~~
Arw. J..odge, Campdenbilf,
VICTOIUA, or THE UNITED KtNGDOJI OF GREAT BRitAIN AND IOLDm, AND OF THE CoLONIES Right Hun. Sir Gcorge Come- Kent 1I0aae, Knigbtsbridge,
AND DIPENDENCIES THEREOF IN EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, A:MKRICA, AND AUSTRALASIA. QUID:, &c. of State, Home Department,.. wall Le\tia, Ibn.~ M.P.,... ... S. w. .
&c. o/State, Department, Rt. lion. Lord John Rt1MeI1,~I.P. 37 Chesham Plaee, S. \\.

., I
Defender of the Faith. Her Majesty i. tl>e only child of tbe late Prince Idwanl, Duk.... 0" KeDt
(tl,udh Soo of King Goo:-ge 111.), who died 28dJanuary 1820; was born at Kensington Palace, Sfth
Mu.y 1819, baptized on 24th June following, by tbc names of ALE.'UNDRIYA VIC1'ORIA, and ascended
thll Throne of these Realms on the death of her uncle, King William IV., 20th June 1887; wu
Sec Of State, Colonaal.Department,
Sec: of State, War Department,... Rt. Hon. fJ\rd lIerbert of Lea,..
Rildtt lIon. Sir Charles Wood, t
DisGrace the DtlkeofNew~tJe, 20 Portman Square, W.
BelgraTe Square, S. W.
B 1 Sq S tr
crowned at Westminstet' Abbey, 28th June 1838; m. at the CliAptll Royal, St James's Palace, 10th Sec. of Slate, Indaan Department, Bart., G.C.8., )I.P., ........... ~ e graTe tlarc,.".
Fchruarj 1840, to Prince FnANCIS ALBERl' AUGUSTUS CHARLES E)lANUEL (b. 26th Angust 181~~t CA lto if 11 & A Right Hon. Wm. Ewart GJad- t 11 Carlton lIoose Tl'rtllOO,
8(lcond 80n of Ernel!t Frederick Antbon, Chatlea Lonis, late Duke of Saxe Coburg and Goths; £0,.. ance rot e c eqller, ....... stone, ~(.P........................ , S. ~V. • .
Highness by patent 6th February 1840, and empowered to qWU1er the BoyEd Arm of Great BritaiD First Lord of the Admiralty, ....... His Grace the Duke of Somerset, Adn.amIty, Wbltehall, S. W.
\~ith hi. paternal coat. 7th February 1840, and created Prince Consort by patent, 20th. Jnne 1857· Right Hon. Lo~~ .stantey of 40 no St t W
I\.G., G.C.B., K.T., K.ST.P., and G.C.M.G.; Grand l\[aster of the Order oftbe Bath, Field-Marshal
ill the Army Colonel of th'3 Orcnadicr Guards and Rifle Brigade, P.C., Lord WardeD of the StaIl-
Imrlet!, Chief S~ward of t}.'1 lh~hy of C(,mwall! Governo} and Constable of Windsor Castle, ChlD-
ccllor oftbo Univeraitf ofC.1m'Jridge, and M8.@teroftbe Trinity House. Her Majesty bu issue:
P08tmaster-General, ..................
t11ancellorof DucAt/of Lancaster, II
.Alderley,............ ..............
Right Jlon. Sir George Grcy
Tcr r('C, •
Bart., G.C.B., M.P., .......... ~ H £:lton aCe, • •
President of tile Board of Trade, •• Ri:::, I~~p.:.~.~~~\~ .~!~~.~~.~~~~ 3 Uyde I'ark l'l:lce, W.
1. lIer Royal Highness VIC'l'OUlA ADEI.AIDE MARY LOUlSA, Princess~Royal, b. at Buckingbam CAief Secrttary for Ireland. ........ R!ght lion. Et!. Cllnt:,rll, )I.~., 7-1 .~alon Sqnarr, S. W.
Palace, 21st November 1840; 1n. 26th January 1858, His Royal Higbne88 Prince Frederick '.1 'ifR
Pores'ue1h 0
La n d ~ Bigbt Hon. Charlca Illlbam Vtl-l 39 Sloane ~trcet 8 W
oor- W oar , .... t liers, AI.P., ....................... , '" •. •
WilI!am, only eon of His Royal llighne&8 the Prince ot' Prnaaia, Regent of ahe Kingdom, and
1. Prince Fretlerick WiIliam Victor AIbert, b. 27th Januar.r 1859.
2. Princess Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, h. 2ttb July 1860.
Lord Stelcard, ......................... SRight Hon. Earl of St German!!, l 36 povc:r Street, riccndily,
2. His Royal IlighntlSs ALilERT tnwMD, I'rinCJ of Wa!cs and Earl of Chester, Duke of Saxonyt l O.C.B., ........................... ~ \,.
of Cornwall amI Rothe8ay, Earl of Carrick, Earl of Dublin, Baron of Renfre\\', Lord of the Treasllrer (:I tile Ilc)/(scllOlut .:...... Right Hon. Viscount Uury. ~t.l•. , 48 RutJ:md G:tte, S. W.
lilIes, and Grent Steward of Scotland. K.G., K.T.S., a Colonel in tbe Army, h. 9th No- Comptroller of the llouschOkl,...... Right Don. Lord Proby, )1.1'.,.. If. Jlalkin StJ"~l, W(!lIt, S. W.
"ember 18f.1; Heir-As'parent to the Crown. . R' I 11 V' S d ) 3 Cleveland Sq., 8t Jumcs'l!,
B. lIer Royal Highness ALICE MAUD MARY, b 25th April 1843, Lor,l Chamberla''',.................... 18 It on. Isoount .. y ney, ... f S. W.
4. His Royal1lighilC88 AL}-·nEt. ERNEST .\Li'~EllT, K.T.S., h. 6lh Angust 18U:. Vice.Ohamberlain,.................... Rt. non. "iso. Cnstlero!!se, )1.1'.. 11 Belgr:1\'e Briuar!!, S.w.
6. Her Roval Higlmc5:i lIELENA AuGUST.... VICTOnIA, h. 25th :May 18"6. General H. R. H. the Duke otl
6. Her Royallligbn~8 LOUlSA CARCLINE ALBERTA, h, 18th Marcb 1848.
7. His Royalllighness ARTHUn lVU.LIA)! PATRICK ALDEf:T, b. 1st ~fay 1850.
8. llis Royallligbness Ll-:OPOLD GEORGE J)t1NCAN ALnE~r,:" h. 7th AI,ril185S.
9. Her ROyal Highness BUTltlCE ~IAKY VICTORIA rhODo 'E, b. 14th April 1861.
Commander·in·CAiej, .................
,C,rs t"" .,
",ommrBStonefO ~ortU, I
if I" J •• I.
, ~h
Cambridge, K. G., K. P., l iIorse Guards.
G.C.8., G.C.H., G.C.M.G .. J
Riuht Hon. William Francill~' 11 Cunoll Street, ll:lvf.'lir,
'\J'Vwpcr,,,tl •• f..........
P ,., ....• '1.

l'a!lmaster-General ad rfee-rre.} Rigbt lion. WiIliam Untt )I.P. 13 Albcmarlc ~:jtl·~!'t. W.

Her llajeltr'. Aut.

Her RoyallIiglme8S AUGUSTA WILnE,.~IINA LoUISA, Duehel.8 of :anll,'idge, h. 25th July 1197' m
$ldentof the Board of '1 rade,..
lrice-Presi(~tltt o! the 9ommittee} Right lion. Robcrt towe, )I.P.,
of Council on Edtlcatwn, .........
' ,
a. LowlIlles Square, S. w.
18H~, His Royal Higbneu AdoJpbus Frtderick, Duke of Cahl\r.·;tlgfl\ who died July 8, 1800.' ' Edward UugcSllcn KnarchltUll! 12 John Street, Bcrkc1c1
..f. if'l. U : ' I ' TJ HugeueD, E~q., )1.1'., ......... Square, W.
LorfU 0 "er JJ'.I.ap.y 8 reasury,. Sir WilIiam Dunliar, IJnrt., )(.1)., 11 5' Uyder StrNt, S. W.
Her Kaju\7" 001l.liu. John Bapen, Esq., ~l.l).,...... lCeform Club, S. W.
Ri~btllDn.lle~ry Bouveric WiJ-l2 l'JJ1)Cr Belgr3ve Street,
t. bs!,e of the 1ate Emest Augtlstns, Dnke of Cumberland ,King of .U~·:",fer), b. June u 11'11 who
dIed No\'ember 18, 18:;1- ' , Joint-&crelnriel to tAe rrealury,. Iilm DraDll, M.P., ............. L S. \l. •
Rigbt Hon. }'red. reel, M. P., ... J "0 Belgrave SqUIre, S. \1.
]. His Mt\festy GEORGE Fm:nEJUCK ALExANDEn C~: •nLLCoJ Eflh'hi'1' ). 'GUSTUS, Duke of Cam- Vi~-Adm!m' ihellon. Sir Rich. \
bcrland (Geor~e V., Killg of Hanover), b. Alay27, 181:); m. F\ " 181'118, 1843 PrinCe18 ard Slunders Dundu, K.C.B.,
Mary Ajcunitima of Saxc-Altenburg. ' Rear· Admiral ahe lion. Fredc-
Lord, oft", AdmiraUu,.............. J
rick Tbomu PelhRm, C.B., ... Admiralty, Wbiteball, S. W.
11. Issue of the late Ado)f!ll~s Frede:rick, Duke of CRmbl'idgc, b. Febmary?:. 1774, d. July 8, 1850;

• Captain Charles Eden, C.B., ... .
77:,: 1818, .1Ier Serene Jllghnl:S8 AU2U8ta \Vilhelmina LOui@a, b. July 2&. : "'7, youngea& daughter Captain Charlc3 Frede';e~l·"'"
01 Fredertck, Lantlgra\'c of Hcs8c.!iasscl, "'ho ftUrViVC8 His ltoyall1iybu':8lI- Samnel Whitb~ad, £..sq., M.P, ••
1. 1Iis RoynllIigl,ness GEOltGE WILLlAU FREDEnICK CHARLCS, Duke of Oambridgc b )farch Rear - Admiral l.ord C"l1!nce Admiralty, Wbitcludl, S. W.
26, 1819. ' • &cretaria 10 tA, AdmirnUg,...... { P~c, C.B., M.P., ............ .
Wm. G. Rlmaine, ................ .
2. n:rlRoyal Higbness AU3USTA CAROLINE ClIARUYI'TE ELIZ,,' RETlI MAny SOl'klA LoUIS! b U d &c'~ 8 D JGeorp CliVI, EMt·, M.p.,........ IJome Office, S.W.
'b"U YhlO• 18~2 i m. June 28, 18"3, to Fredcrick WilJiam ua;,tavus, Grand Dnke of ~lcckl~D~
org -Strcht7..
I er .0., 810ft ome eparl·t IG. Waddin....oo, ................... .
B. Her Royal Highness MARY ADELAIDE WILlIEL)lINA ELIZABETH, 1,_ Nonmber 21, 1883.

Jhll MuESTr'S ~'1tmud.
U""&c••f Stale,For.~I..
{J.ord WodelloOlet...... •..... ·......
E. H8111.1118:ud•••••••••••••••••••••••
4.8 Bryauaton Square, W.
Principal Doorkeeper, Mr. Wi1!iam White. EzaMiners for Standing Orders, Samuel Smith,
~ ....,.....~
. C". id rr•• (Chichester
Dcpor.t ~ 'P.... u P
Samu'!l Itortesc..'Ue, .4 w a. I'--.~-' 1'1 __ - S.".
'Ir Secolld Doorkeeper, '&11' Henry S, Pratt. Chas. Frcre, Esqrs.
OiRUC ,:>"".0., Ula&c, '-'Wo
1 ---t., 1'.1.. .,., .................... .
'.I:U 0t04HllllAlD:t .-.e,
Jlusellgers, Mcssl'8 Robert Baily, James Poign- 7"axi1l9·Jfa,~tfw,
Cb:1rles Edward Lefroy, Esq.
. Sir Ffederick L. Rogen, ......... destre, J. Inwood, .J. Holton, W. Terry, W. Clerk; AIr £dward Wcbster.
Muter gtk
Wa'ter offlat Horse,.................. farqnis of Aylesbury ..., ........ .
BucHoull(u"......... Eud ofBe88ooroug b ............
ForlJyth, Thowaa Morris, G. Bantey, G. J.
Circuit, and J. Jarrett. CO'l7I.sel to the Sj?eaker, aml E.camillcr t~f
·~~~t:..~~.~:~~~:.. ~~~..~~: ~rrliR~,;.~~i~~~~..~~. '..~:~~::} WIU' Office, Pall Mall, S.W. Saperintmdetit of Me.ben' 'WaiMng lhIM, lIr Election llecognisancu, George K.. RickardS,

=::,::,:.~~.~~~.t:t. ~~~'.~~~.~~: iH~ril~i~~!:.~::.~~~::::::::J 1Halldn Street, West, S.W.

Jas. Cove.
AMistant, Mr .&liebael I_iter C~: M. M. Aintlie, 'Eeq.
Porter, AIr Jobu Pnrser. VOTE OFFICE.
PB:..d~~~:..~~~:.~~.:.~~~.~.~~J Charles GiJpin, Eaq., )(.P.' ...... 110 Bedford Square, W.C. Receiver of Post Letters, Mr Henry Fruci.
Prillcipal Clerk, Cbarles Pl6kin, Esq.
ClerkS. )lr Jtobcrt Collins, &lr James Jeremiah
.cJ."?~ey.~enera., .......w.......... Si.r R·~l.-.d
A r< J
1~ JjJethell , P.:....... 3 Stone
U BnildinPt Lincoln':;
Inn, W.C.
Collins, and Mr Robert Major Ball,..
Printer of the JOltr1lals, ~·c., Henry lIausard,
Sollc,tor-(xen,ral, ..................... 8u \ViJbam Atbertou, M.P., .... 13 Wcatboun1e Terrace, W. W!Wl\". Esq.
Judge-Advocate-GI.."1Iet'Ql~Judge- jRight 11011. Thomas Emerso"} 3U Great Geo~~ 'S&reet, Librarian, TfmmM V.rdOD,.,,~. Printers of tife Votes 4nd Procudingl, J. B.
Jlarshal, .............................. 1 HeadJam, M.r. t ................. Wa&minater, S:W. Assillant, George Howanl, Nichols & Sou.
MUltflger, WWiam. Aay. Police Inspector,)(r Beckutoo.
'lrelaad. ....................... {Bt. fxc~UGeDCY the Earl OfCar-}
I. e, • ., ....................... Dublin Ca...111:1c
Secretary, .. .......... .......... I' Major-Gen.
corn K CSir Tbomas A. IAll-
B ~ 1.' FRS

t . . . , ' •• L.t • • ••••
Lord CI.anccllor, ................. ..... Rigbt Hon. M4!:lrc Brady,...... Up. Pembroke, SL, .Dablin.
,orney-aeneral, ..................... } J ames !n'l.
Alt WJouy LaWIIGO,......... {24
Upper Fitzwilliam Street,
SolicitQr-Geileral, .......... .... ...... TbomllS O'Dagan, Esq.,.. ........ 27 )lountjoy Sqnare1 Dublin.
AMe!nI~~ ~
lilt Sept. 27. 1106* JuDO 2lI, ISO:! Yij an'
1 ......
16. 183T Juno C3. ~ 'It'

't f
JAW Adviser, .......................... . 211d Aug. SI. 18112
Srn Nov. t. ]~06 4 :!,.
1 ~
20.1800 Ila.Y !l1. 1807 0 '6 I V' tom
14th Aug. 11). 18U,.July 23. 1&17 ;, 11 "
l~thl·Nov. 18, 1841jJIIly :. 18b2j" -: 12 '
Scotland. 000.111. 4th ~OV. tT,1807 8ept. llD,1812 " 10:1 le 16th ?tov. 4, 18.\Sr.r.h.'1.1~71 -4 4 11

Kefper of Great Seal,................ Earl ofSClkirk, ..................... {St br~!~:'a hie, Kimad·
{ 6th Nov.
24.1812 UM 10,1818 6 6 If
6th AUg. ., 1818 !lo'cb. 29. 1820
1 fS 25
l'lth!.'prll 30. 18.'iij4pril 2:l• .1UO 1 lJ:rJ
lSLIl/lby :U, JIICIlII
Gc IV { 'lth April is. lSiO !JUJlO 1, 18:.>6 6 18 I!
K'ceper 0if ,cl-WY
C".. _l {RiIJJat
K.T.,Hon. Earl of Dalhonsie,} Panmure ifouse, Camousue.
G.C.B.,.................... . o. • 8th Nov. U, 18<'..6 !July 2f.1830.a v

Inll Oct. ~,1830 jAl'rll 22, 18.11 0 6 is .
Great Smart Street, Edin. W1U IV lOtbf.unu 14, 1881
• • 11th llUl. fi,lW n.c. SO,IS34 1 1
S, 183:1 1 151 19}
Lord Advocate, .. :...................... RightDcll.Jas.:8loucrciff, ~I.l'., {
burgh, and 1 Ncw Street, 12th Fob. 1(1. 18:JS jJuty 1'1, 18311 ~ 5 10
SI.rmg Gardens, S. W.
Solicitor-General,...................... Edward Francis Maitland, Esq., 'Edinburgh.


Spt!alc6r, Right Don. JOHN EVEL1"N DENISON.
Chaplain to the House of Commons, Rev. Henry Drllry, K.A.-&ctidary to tl,e Spealcer,

- DenisoJl, Esq.
1'rainbearer, )Ir. Robcrt Baily.
Henry ~laYlle, Robert ~[nrriot, lIenry 11. Creed,

VI:. . . . . . . .!
Clerk ~f the House of COmmml8, Sir Denis Le
, !Uarcllnn.t, Bt. .
Jamca Bull, Samuel nurge8/! Gunncll, Edward
Hay Ley, Al1~IlSttl~ l'alk. Chas. Ealcs, William WtJiiftm I ........................
I 1Ior",


10f,6 D"",. 25 &lw'",


. . . .;n.

lM7 Jau.
9crk A.~.'t.~[ant, ~holl1as 'Erslullo Alay, Esq. H~wes, anr! F,dw.m~ V Est range Dew, Esqrs. '\'JlJiam II.................
H •

H ......... 10117 1087 Sellt. ~ Mnry I ............................... lCtl6 'StlS July 6

Becond Clerk ASStstmlt, Henry, Esq. Jwmor Cler!.;.q, "MorrIs C. Conry, Chlirjc.~ lIay !tenry I ......•.•..........•........ 1~ 110G AUI. .5 ..:h7,abctb ........................... 1~
U,!;.'! NQv. 17
Stcpllon .•••.•••• ~ ••••••••••••.•• , ••• 1105 llli.S Dec. 26 :t\rnt~ 1............... "•.••.••••.. 1(.11:1 It.rell 24
- Ley, Gcorgo 'Stone, }'rcderick Eden, Charles Henry It ..•• ,•••.•••••••••••••••••• 11 SS llM Dec. 19
1' • • •

Churll'lIl .......................... MOO 16:1S l!arob :n

CLERKS ON TI[E }:;STAnLJSlIMF.NT OF TilE OFFICE Austin '.Leigh, J. E. })orillgton, F. 11. W('bber, Rlcbaro. 1................................ 1156 11119~. 8 Comm()nw~l~h ; from tho
OF rm; CI.FonTi: 01' Tm: HOUSE OJ.' CmfllfONS. R. Palgrm'c, J\. DOli ham Carter, R Fansbaw, .John ................................. 1165 U!l9 )fl :rr CltOcutlOD of ChAr}!;,,'! I .•
Pri~lci~!Ul qlcrk, PuiJlic Biila. mHl Clerk of tl,e FCIl,1'Qson D""ie, and A. ~liJman, E;qrs. IIenry tll .........~ ..•••••••• P ••••••

FAwnnll ................... ,.........

1'lO7 1116 a
1272 No,.,
Jail. 3v. 16.1l. tv the re-
l'e~s l(lltce, Artlmt JO,IIt'S. ·Esq. 1!!9 IItomtiou of Chntlu!J H.
ACC?'lntmlt, John .J. Wilkinson, Esq. EdwaMII ..••..••..••••.••..•• ,••.. 12&1 1807 July Il CbarlCoi U. (retltorod).......... 103i) 14k11) )I;,y ~
Clerk .fJ.f the .Iourtwl.~, Cnnrlcs llowlaml, Es<t~ A.'1~rstant ACCvll7lttl1lt, Gcorgc Broom, }:A!q. }~dwtl.rd Ill ...... , .... , ............ 1312 13fT Jan. 25 Jamc!I n ........................... 11l!l3 11185 Yob ~
Prnu'ljlal pl~rk, Committee Clerk's OJfice, SllOrt·/,and Writer, Joscph Gurney, ESll.
Gcorge "t1h:lOl DYSOII, J.:!Iq.
Rlcham 11 .........................
ItOllty IV ...........................
1817 JIUI6 22
lll!!!) Sllut. 80
Willlnm Ill. Illld MAl}' 11....
Wllliam ItI. alone ...............
16!lf' "·ob.
1IJ1l" JlllC.
1389 H13 MI\rch 21 An'lo ................................. 1005 1102 )I.m·h ~
J>ri~cipal Clc)'/:, Priwte Bill OjJice, Bobert K. 1(onry V ............................
llenry VI ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1421 14i12·8ept. 1 G«>rgo I ....... "....... "............ 18110 1'114 Au((. 1
0lboon8\ E.:!q. J)EPARTl\fENT 01' THE SERGEA..'\"T-AT-AmIS. U61 )larch Goorgc 11. .......................... 168:; 112; lune 11
Senior. C/.eI·k.'1, ~corgc Gnnncll, t10scph llolltlc· 8erjtJ01tt-at-Arms, Lord Charles James Fox RUl-
="AN IV ........•••.•.•••••••••••
wnrd v.........................., 1471
Rlchord III ......... ~ .••• , ••
1483 April ~
1483 Juno 26
" Gooriro 111. ......................... 1735 J'11l0 Oot. 25
tbWatt~. John J,osc, Frcd. Uf)nryGmy, WiUiam sen. t ......

lien I}' VII .........................

1456 148& AliA'. 22
Oeolilo IV .........................
\\',!IIn!n IV .........................
1821) J'\h.
)8.10 .Juno 26

H:>dgkm, ES(l~s. '" , . . Dep."t!l, CII}ltnin P.alp!l Alien G08!Ctt. ({onry VUI ....................... Ul.l2 1509 Apnl 22 VI'fORI"- ........................... 1811) 1837 June 20
ASSlStallt Cler s, ",llulIn Gtngcr, '~m. Rose, I Asmstant, Coloncl Ccml WiJ1iulll Forestcr.
--- I



Aberdeen City, Abertke",ltirt. Elgiu1cire and NairniAire. Li"litlagolriAire.
TIll PIIB.&GB 01' SOOTLAllD. Colonel W. H. Syka. C. t: Cowmang Bruce, E8q. Major W. F. Hamilton
The reeraae or 800Uand at p-resent C01lIiltI or 8 Dukes, 4: Marquises, ti .£1\1'18, 2 Countesees Ahrdee",Aire. Falkirk district of BIlr,qAs, JfontrOlt, Arbrooth, BrecAiIl.
5 ViaeoaDt.t, 28 Barons, and 8 Barone!lCl-ia all 81. or tbese, 4:2 (in the toUowinX lilt marked WilIiam LeaI1e, Esq., of
"art- comprising Falkirk, Airdrie, Porfar, and JJeruiediBtrict q,'-
1!amiltoR, Lanark, and Li" .. Btlrglu.
!hili -) &re also Peen or the United Kingdom; and thoae marked (t) &re the 16 .Repreaentative
Peen. At;.CfC3 (St). Bee SI AndrewI, J:/,,rM;rry, Esq. William Edward Ruter, Esq.
a.u.. '.I'1Ut. JllrUI. . NUPe.
DakIt, I. I1039 Carnwath • • • 1181 ThOlDU H. Dalzell. Orkney and Slletland (ble.'C).
Arbroatk. See AlolJtrOlt. Fife.~Airt_ FmJcrick Duodas, Esq.
BtlRoplBfghDeuAt.uaT.BDwAJU), DukeofBot.b-1, IOU Leven and Me1vlUe
(hi*, WfJIu," •• Ncrr. f, 1Nl. ( 1 6 8 0 ) . . 1'188 John T. Leslie )fcl'lUe.
1M3 DYwt • • • 1794 Llonel W.J. Talmub.
.. ' •. _1.'
nt'!I1l(.Oldre. J. H. E. "emyae, Esq. Paisl~, RC'lfre,c".ire.
Cnat.kID. 'nu.. • JIrtb. 1'.... It146t8elklrk • • • 11109 Dunbar J. Dmlgw. A. S. Finhy, 1'Aq. Forfar. See ..lIontrose, ~"C. H. E. C. E"ing', t..Il(l.
1M3 IWuflton,(*D.o,""'" JlU7 Northeek • • • 1'184 Wm. H. Cam•••
• ) • • • Iln W. A. A. A. H. Douglas. 1660 Newburgb (Counteu) 1'196 Cecilla BaudinJ: . Ayr, Jrvi"e, Campbelti!n, !mJc- ForJ1zrMire. PeelJle.<;.thire.
11163 Duccleuoh " Queen... 1669 Dundonllold • • 1814 Thomu B. Cochrane.
berry~&oJ~! 1801 WaltAr F. M. D. 8coU. '11677 Xfnwro ("B. KilltOrt) 1828 Fraucid. K. PalL'OQIIr. Br~~t.and Ofian dutnet of Hon. Charles Camegie. Sir Orabam (;mham )(olltgo-
14175 Letmox *Dl:Mo/BitA. 1118 Charles H. G. Lcnno:c:. 1677 BreadalbAile (*M, JIm1.. mcry, Bart.
1701 ArDU ( B. 8_~ 1828 Oeorge D, Campbell. datlHuu)... 1'11l6 John CamJloolL Edwanl Hen.,. J. Craufurd, Esq. ()lattgow City, LanarbAire.
1703 AdiOle(*.I'.8C""",."cI 1682 Abordeen(*V. 9ordo1t) 1811 Georgo J. J. GordOD.
•• ClUMJf*). ,1814 GeorgeA. P.J. MUlTa1, 1686 DunmoroCt .8.Dlan-.orr)18fl CharlesA. Murray. Ayrifaire. Walter Bnch~nlUl, EI'.q. Perll,. Perth.•hirc•
nO,. Mont.role(*1!9mM",) 1'199 JamC)ll Graham, 1696tOrkn~... 11103 T.l. H. Fit&-Ifaurice. ·Ir J "
S ames .l:'ergtIMOD, VAn.
n..... Robert DalglLili, Esq, Hon. A. Fi&zgemld Kinnuin1.
1707 Bozburpe(*B.ldU)1816 J. H. R.lunol Kor. 1701 StmftClld(*••&mtAlr,,)1815 JohnC.GrantOsdble.
1'103 S!alr(••. O.tll\fooni. In'6 Nortb Dalrvmpfe. Ban.lfilcire. Greenock,1UnjretviAire. Pertllshire.
X&nj1llltl, f. 1703 ROl!eool'1(- B.,ftOltber,y) 1783 Archlbald J. Pri.mroIe. R. W. D. Aberoromby, Esq. Alwwder )(urray DWJlop, &Iq. WiUi:un Stlrllng, Eeq.
171)3 G~w (S• .Iou) • 1792 James Call' Bolle.
1600 DUDU, (*D. Mild"",,) 1'19t Charles Gordon. 'l703 Hoputoun (*JJ. H(tJIC-
If82 Quceblberl7. • 1844 John Bh.,1to Douglal. CoICIt) • • • 1831 John A. Hope. BerfCicbAirt. IIalldi"qloR, Dllllbtlr, Nortl, RenfrEW. Sec Kilmar7locl:.
l~tTweeclda1. • • Uet Geora-e Ray. David Bobet1eon, Esq. &rw.ek, IAuder, antI J"tl. .. lle'trc,lJllAire.
1'101 LoWan (*B. Kw) • 1832 Wm. 8. n. Km. VUeoutl,1. burgh dutriet o~Bllrgks.
1620 Falkland ( •.8. Hub- ·d U Butedire.
Da" .:n.ure..........
u ·or. Gen U'
4111 - • olr enr1 0 rt I R be S'If M···l.acl
ICu "
S S'ew.rt, uI'l1rC.
"11, U; GoDtetHl, I. c1tm) • • • 1803 LuclUl B. Cat')".
1898 Cra\ ford • Balcarres U21 Stonnont (-.H. JlaM- (''aitknu~-,Aire. ergulOn Davie, Bart. Ro~~~nd Cromarty ,M,.es.
(* B IF/,..) I . Jamel! LindllAY Jit«f). 180d WUllarn D. )lUM'aY. George Traill (of Ratter), Esq. Htld(lin~t01l.Shirt. Sir J Mathcaon, Bart.
1452 BrroUC.B. xa~",od-)1823 Wm. HIUT)' Ha;'. 1"1 Arbuthnott • • 180t John Arblltbnott.
1228 Sutherland (*D. '\flAt;. 1618 Dunblanc (*D. 1.«dI) 1802 G. Godolpbin Osm'mo. '- ,.
elUc~mannml9 .n.IlroSl ',uru.
£. U' I.' Hon. Francis \\ CIlr;[&i liharu:n8, .. Rozburg1utAirt.
14ttd) • : • 1_ G. O. W. L. Gower. IIG8GtBtrathal!aIl • • 1810 Wm. H. Dnunm(.tud. WiUiau. P. Adam, Eeq. commonIy caIte :or&AI-rd ElCI10. S'lr WJ'IJJ'am O_··t., D...
~V. . . . ...
un ItlolT I'.nd ReWe • 1705 John F. N. Enlduo.
U57 not-bell (CoUDteu) • 1832 HenriettaA. M. Leslio. .
18' BuoBMIU a • • Crail, ~·c. See St Andre,cI. Inufrllcu, Forru, Fortrose, ~ Si .i7fllrewl, AIMtruther (Ha.•t
• 1818 Sholw John Duug-w. ! 1442 Forbes •
1f58tMonon •
lUG lJucban.

• • 1815 D. 8. El'1Ikine. 11430 Som"rville

• 1798 Walter ForM••
• l'187 Keuolm SomcniUe. Dfl1noortonsllire. Nairll tl~lrict of B"rg/ts. aud Welt), ('rail. CrtJitll" Pit.
1508 Egllnton (*B. Winlon) 1812 Arch. W. 'Montgomcrie. lU5tSaltouh • • • 1820 AlexAuder i'nu;.1\'. Patrick B. Smollett, EIItI. Alexander AJatheaon, Esq. temottm, mid KilrewlY du-
1511 CRalllla(*JI• ..filM), 1811 Archibald Kennedy. 1445 Gmy , • • • UIlS Jobn Gmy. "'S trict 01 Burg"'.",
1465tCaitbnCIIIII • •
1562 )foray (*JJ. &.arC 0/
,lll:?1 James Slualair. 1Ui Cathcart (*B. Cathcarl) 1828 AllUI F. CathC4rt.
1489 Shll..lafr. . • 1768 Chllrl08 SL Cmir.
DUlnfriu diAtrict of Burg"', Int,'ernes.....IMre. Edward EUice, jun., .:sq.
Call1eSl1Ulrl) • • 1'109 John StUIlrt. US9 Semplll (BaronCIIs) • Moria ,lanet &mplll. comprisil'g Dllm/, Annan, Renry James Baillie, Eeq. Selkirkttlaire.
1605tHomfl • • • 1'109 COIIpatrick A. Homo.
1(105 Perth and Mc1fort • 1807 Gcorgc Dnlmmond.
1491 Herrics.
UIO J.:Iphlnstono.
• • l80t WilJiAm C. )Ja."twcli.
1819 John E.•'leemlng. alld Sanqwaar. LocAmaben,
Kir1ccudbriplt, U
KilmaMuJC1c, Dumlmrton, Ren.. A an Eliott l..ockhart, F..eq.
16Ot1fStratbmoro and King.
bom • •
1472 IAWllt (' B. Lwnt)
• 18H 'l1!otnl\ll G. L. BoW(llI. 15&1 T()fJlhlcben ,
1802 T. A. Fl'IWIr.
• 1770 JIlID08 S:mdUand..
WilJiam Ewan, Eiq. fr erc, RIlther!'um, <!Ild. Port. Stirlillg. (ulro,,,,,, Dut{lermlim'.
160t Aberconi/'*J(.A&ertorn)181l Jam08 HAmlltoll. 11106tDbnt,yro.. 1818 Cbarlu Stuart. Glmflo1c, ~ c., d,str,et of JIU:erl:e,thwg, aud SQuill.
1619t HRoddington • • 1802 Go\l, lJallio llamUton. l004tCol.U1o of Cull'08S • 1818 Cbarlcl Colvllle. Dllmfr~Aire. Burg",. . (llletl"'fr.rry.
1623 Galloway (4B~ BtCttlarl 1609 Cranatoun • 1809 dAmC!! E CranatouD. J. J. H. Jobnatoue, Eaq. Hon. E. PJeydell Bourcne. JanlCl Caini, J'...cq.
0/9arlif,) • • ISoo Ranllolph Stuart. 1627 Napter. • 1819 }'rancla Napter.
1624 LAuderdalo (• .8. La.. 1627 Fafrf'ax • , • lSSO Charles 8. F&lr£u. . JDundee, For[ar3Aire. KincarJinuAit't. Stir/iI'g.f'ltirt.
dtrdalt) , • • 17S5 Anthon), ll'alttlUld. 1628 ROAr. • • • 17'15 AlcxlUldcr )rAcby. SIr olm Ogil,y, nart. Gen. the lion. lIugb ArLutll- Peter BJackbuni, Eeq.
IG.1:l Loudoun(*141.lIolli'llO') 11341 H. W. (,', p, R. HlUlttngs. 16l!S }'ot1'Cltcr(·B. p" illafll) 18419 damell W. Grimlton.
1638 K'nnollll (I•• Hay). 1785 ThODlM R. D. Ba),. 1M3 Elloon1c. . • 18K Alexander O.lIurra,.. Dysart. Sce Kirl:caldg, ~·c, nott, C.B.
16SS Dumfrieund Buto(M. 1647 Bclhaven And Stonton • Shtlltrlaru/.·!:ire.
Bid') , • • 1817 J. P. C. Stuart. (4B.H«miltolt) • 1'193 ItoberUf. HatnlltoD. EdinbrtrgA City. Kirkcaldy, D,'Iltart, K,inu."orn" Right lion. Sir David Dandas.
1633 Elgin and Klncardino 1650 DUt\'us • • • 1'199 goorge 8. DunllRr. Adam Black Esq. and BurlltuUJml dulrlCI oJ
C*B. Elgill) • • 1811 JAmel! BMJco. 1651!Rollo.... 1886 Jobn ~n RoUo. Righ' Hon. lames Moocrcif Burg"'. "";(.'£, Cromaf·t!l, n;"glfltlll,
lG.'13 SouthuK. • • 1827 JAmell Can>agfe. 1651 Rllthvcn (DaroneM) • nit Man' E. "'I'. Butliyen. ' I. .1. I.' Lieut•.:co1. Rober! FtrgWlOll. dKjrl:!Call, Dorllocl',a"d Tuin
16SS 'l'raqualr. • • 1781 Charle8 Stu.\rt. 1681 NRime(AlBctronmKrith)1'188 Marg.'\fet ElpLdnltoDe Ed~~~~ ~d~U~. B
1693 Wemyl''' and J(8I'Ch, De Flabault..
••3 D(*S' Wtmyu). • l'1DS Pmnclll W. Don,t... 18S' KtnnRird(*B.&uitaM Bon. Wm. lIenry Waiter Mon- Kirkc'llllJrigA' (Sttwartry). Viscount BW'J
1.... alhou.t..
• 1601 Pos 1I,11Ie
• 1820 D. O. D. Ogil"1.
,cin"aird) •
letOtPolwarth •
,1807 ~ W. F. KfmWr4.
• 1800 HClU'J P. H, Scott. =-j>o~':rt:~J:'"Mnlg Jamea ~ie, : ' . W~to", JVAitlwrn, Str""raer,
Elgin dutrict (II' Bm'!L'lu • tom- Sir WlI T CoIebJt(J~_L~tB'.... J tie Galloway dutricI of
By the 28d Article of the 8coltiah Union. which waa oonftrmed by Slat. 0, Queen Anne, cb.p. 8, .P.rift Elqii V Ba li/; Ctdle
J ... IVUIUI, IN.. Burg"'.
" All Pecl'Jl of Scotland shall be Peers of Gre.'lt Britain, and have rank next aftc:r the Peen or the lib In":~r,,'K'l~tor,,"an'dPd::'! Lt.i~rMNlltlbflrqA. andPorto. Sir WiUiam Dunbar, Bart.
degrce in EnglMd at the lime of the Union, And before all Peers of Gretl& Britain of tbe like depee Mad. bw,o diltrict 0/ Bug"', Wigl6fCltIlirt.
created after tbe Union." 11. ~. 0l'1li' Dd, Etq. lrlWaa JI1Uer, 1Iq. Sir A.dnw Apew, Bm.
90 PUBLIC DEPARTDN'J.'B. '''fJBLIC DtlPABTllE!."ft. 91
-------~------------------------------ ----------------------
Controller, T. B. wg, ~.
HEAD-QUARTEBS, EDINBURGH. Deputy·Controllers, W. J. Sme1Jie, J. T. Atkin·
PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. C01ll1llam.ler of tl;e Forcu, Major-Qeu. E. W. son, Esq8. (A vacancy.)
Ckrb, first-clms, A. G. Somervllle, 1t. Greig,
F. Walker, C.B.
Aidc-de.Cam,P, Major G. H. Page, Uet Foet J. Shearer, G. Thomaon, }'. Jonca, G. W.
Assilta'Rt A tYtdant·Getlcral, Colonol Sir J. Do•. Bailing, E!Qs.
t.o&DI IIIBUTEI'AlCT OF COURTIES. , Hereditary Cat'ver, Sir Windbam C. A.'l8tmther, las, K.C.B., unat. ' &colld clou, J. Weir, W. Km, II. M'Laurln,
A~ 'Marquis ofUlmtly (1861.) Bart. ,Sta.D· Adjutant, I.icat. E. B. Goodman. A. Young, T. C. LoweB, J. G. Scou, lV. Uaird.
A,."U, Marquis of Breadalbanc, K.T'. (1839.) Reredita" Cup-bearer, Earl of Southesk. F~t .Major, Lieut.-Col. A. C. Andcraon, anat. SupplemCtllary, J. ;\Iurray, G. l'ntquair, J. Cock·
A,r, Earl of Eglinton and Winton, K.T. (1842.) IJeredil.ary USher, ;\Iiss Walker of Coates. Ct»H"ul1iduID Officer of Llrtillery, Colonel P. bUm t W. Gray, J. Weir,jun., G. B. Strouae.b,
BiJnJf, Earl of Fife (1856.) Body-quard, The Itoyal Company of ArcheD. Maclesn. R. }'alconer. C. G. Clark, J . .N. Ormiston.
&rwick, Da\'id llolicrt80n, Esq., AI.P. (1860.) Hi8toriographer, George Brodie, Esq. C!»mllullding Officer of Bnginurl, {'-oIone1 C. Illspeclor Qf Letter·carriers, Uobcrt llislop.
Bute, I.iCllt.·()ol. J. F. :D. Crichton Stunrt, M.P. Pltysiciana m Ordinary, Robert Christison,M.D., }'. Bk1rill~, R.E. Assista"t Inspectors, A. Simpson, G. illitcl.leU,
(1869.) James Bcgbie, M.D. fUIJIEctor ol..AJllsketry, Captain Snow, 96th Foot. Edward Greenhow.
Caithntsl, End of Caithness (1828.) Phylicia,,·.t1ccoucheur, James Young Simpaon, Deeuty Ahlitar!L StoreJ.:eejJer, T. Pearce. Clerks 014 tlte Old EstabIUh'llU!1lt, J. Genile, G.
Cla,:kmanflwl, Bad ofMawlfield, K.T. (1852.) M.D. Military Store Curt, jir,t-elasl, G. E. }farcb. Davidwn, D. lV. Temcut
CrQmarty, Dukc of Sutherland (1863.) Su!geons in Ordinary, D. l\faclagan, 1I.D.; J. Clt-rb, llollal Ellgilleering .Department, 1ir.,,'.
Dumbarton, Sir JMntt18 Colquhoun, Bart. (1831.) Miller. class, J.t'. Clarke. Sec::md-clasl, H. "'. Kirk·
Dumfries, Earl of Dalkeith (1858.) Surgeon-De1£tiBts, Robert Nayamith, Esq., David man. Third-class, D. Ale:tander. onIO OF llfLA.XD g , a U:I.
Edinburgh, Duke of BllOOlcucb, K.G. (1821.) W. Jobson, Esq. Clerks of' Works, fir,toelass, W. J. 8imons.
Elgin or Moray\ Hon. Geo. S. Duff (lSGG.) Clt.emilu,aud r.Mac-
Drw.Jlflsts'in Ordinary, l. Set'oml-clasa, G. "Fabian, S. Clark, and P. 10 WATERLOO PLACE.
FVe, FNl of Elgin, K.T. (18G4.) farllll; Duncan, }'lockhart, & Co.
Oupper in Ordil,a11.' J. D. Kerr, Esq.
Poriar, Earl of Dlllhousie, X.T. (1849.) Solicitor alld Comptroller.Getlcr(zl, Angus }'fet-
Raddillgtoll, Marquis of Tweeddafe, K.1. (1823.) Sltrgeoll Oc"li..~t, WJllillm Mackenzie, 'M.D. cher, F.o!!q.
[,werness, Lord Lovut (18G3.) Natuf'ali$t and Keeper of tl,e Mwt!tlrn, George Chief Clerk, ,solicitor ad Cotnpfroller-Gtne·
Ki1lcardine, Earl of Kintorc (1866.) Jamee Allman, M. O. rol's Dtpal'tmcllt, DAvid Orole, Esq.
Ki"ross, Sir Graham Grnhalll :Alontgomerie, Bart., Bolmlist and Keeper of the Garden, J. B. BIl- WATERLOO 'PLACE. W(Arl'JIOILSckecpcr o/,stam)Js, Alcxauder OgUvy,
'ftI.P. (1804.) foar,lf.D. Esq.
Seedsman, 'Wood Forester, ~c., Chll.lea Lawaon, Secretary (or Scotland, Frnoeis Abbott, Esq.
.Kirkcudbrigl,t, Earl of Selkirk (1846.) Chief Clerk, George GowaJl, Esq. Clerks, }it'stoelau, W. D. Gallaway, Alexander
Lanark, lluke of JIamilton, KT. (1852.) jan.. . SomerviUe, Esqa.
Li1l1it/,goJlJ. Earl of Rosebery, K. T. (1843.) Lamner, Sir John l\ atson Gordon, P .R:8.A., LA. SECllE'fAltY'S OFFICE. Second-clallJ, Charles G. C. ebrietie, John M.
Nairn; William Brodio of Brc.dic (1824.) Solicitor in LOlldou, J. Ricbardson, Esq. Pirst·class Ckrks, W. W. Ballibnrton, C. J. Salmon, nod George Andefl!Oll, l:eqs.
Orkney and Zetland, 'Hon. John Charlcs Dun- 0Jaape1 Bo,al. COIlIlCIl, Eeqs. '1 'It irdoeiau, Alexander S. Gil{lbrillt, Cllllrie8 ti.
das, (1839.) Seco"d·class Clerb, J. GOllsalcz, lV. l\luckle, !lackay, John W. Douglas, T. G. Ucilt, Gto.
Deat13 of C/lapel ~al, Norman :WLcod, 'D.D.,
Peebies, Earl of Wemyss and March (18G3.)
Robcrt Lee, D.D., 'thomasJ. Cra~'ford, D.D. J. ii'. Pillans, &qif. Slight, WiIlium Carrick, John Burus, Alark n.
Pertlt, Earl of Kinnoull (1830.) SUjlpiem£luary Olerks, J. G. I'rcutice, A. Low- D. I'ark, .Esqs.
llenfretV, Earl of Giallgow (1844.) e/mplaina, Nonnnn )1'Lcod, D.D., William Mnir, IiOIl, F. Rraia. FOllrtlt-clmr,~, l\lex. Smith, W. S. Bowie, David
.BoSs, Colonel Hugh Dun. Baillic (IS4S.) D.D., Robert Lee, D.D., 1\orman M'J..eod, D.D., Sr;/icitor, .John Cay, jnn•• Esq. C. Yule, John C. I)uttersou; Geo. ~(illar. Wm.
Roxburgh, Duke (If Buooleuch, K.G. (18il.) jun., John Cairo, D.D., John Tullooh, D.D. Medical Officer-Dr A. Halliday Douglaa Welsh, Jnmes Anderson, Ncil Boyle, WiUiJun
Selki,.k, Lord Polwartb (1846.) Beadle and Keeper, Duncan AndeltiOn. Taylor, J. !1. Gidncy, A. E. Robcrtsoll, &!qs.
Stirlin.q, Duke (of Montt'oie, K.T. (1843,)
Hereclitary ][eepen of PalaceI. SURVEYORS, AND CLERU TO SUR"'IYORS. Caslder of Stamp Duties aud Receivt r-General
Srltl,eriaJld, Duke of8utberl:md, K,G. (1861). Surv~s-Jobn 1Varren, E. C. Bll1'Ckbardt, of Land t.nd Assessed 7'ox('I, D. R1J8lI, Esq.
Wigtoll, Viacount Dalrymlllc (l8in.) 1lo(lJrood HOltse, Duke of llrunUwD.-Deputg,
RObert Rutherford, Esq. Esqs. LEOACY DUAlrnIi.'n'.
&oNe, EIU'1 of}fallsfil.lld.
Clcl'ks to Surtlttlors, T. B. BarJmen, B. G. Bale, C'J' ( t".n
n' E I)..... '·'1 10'- Aue Clerk, John Parker, ......!.
" • • HIlt, • AI en, ~q8. Cl ',. Ed d F G J "'( . G J
OFFICEB8 OF STATE. Lor.l,mab,m, lleirs of thc Jut :erllR}uis of Annau· StaliOllary Clerks, W. Cou&land, W. Brown. t'r,,:s, rnun ry, . . D acqutre, • •
( G I E
K ecpcr q. tllC, teat &a, nr o. Se kJr·.
J l f l' k dale. Clerks ill Char.qc, G~ Crai~e, J. Sim}t'!On, W. .'aruficlJ, Jrunes Gordon, EHqe.
Dunstaff1lage DU11001l and Carrick Duke of
'lord Pm,!! &ai, ~rl of DaUlouslc, K. T. ." .\rgyl1.'" , C. StCVellson, J. Trot, I. nalkcr, lV. Scott, J. STA!U'UW Roo)l.
LM'd ,Ad"'ocatc, Itrght lIoll. Jam('s l\1oncrolff, llotlte.say Caslie, Marquis of Bute. D, G. Davies.. . ." J. lV. Harringtoll, .10hn '\Im'kcm~ie, William
1,1.1. Falkltmd Aim TYlldaU Brace Jl/8pect~r q( A{ml,~, T. ~Iaw~on, E,q. 'ft1'Evoy, J...:ltIChlin at'Pherson, DUllcall Stewal't.
Lortl.Tustice-Cir1·/.;, Right HOIl. Jobn II1~Jjs. ' • blspectang .1l1wl GHaf'ds, Georgc Fra&e1', .lamcs Me.sse 1l!Jer , Jllnlca Curric.
Conl1l11:~."i~"cr.~ ,(()1' tl,e CllSlod!1 oi tl,(; lll!/fllia, Royal Archer•• Clnrk. llolLSekct'pcr, 'Mrs nalluur.
~l'he ore,,,:,,, c: ~t.1te. THE QUF.l-:N'S DODY-OFARD.
Hol11'B, 10 to.. INSPECTOHS Oil TAXES.
Cnptain-Gellf:ral, Hukc of Bncclcuoh, X.G. Arrormtalltt.John Marmble, Esq. Ilbtrdeen, Jame.-l ~h\u1a'y.
ltOYAL HOUSEHOLD. Lieut.-Generals, Enrl of Wcmyss, Duke of lox- . l\'illiam HOl~y, &g. Allr, JAmcs l\lartill.
burgbe, )larquis of Twectldale. G. Young, W. 'Forl'lJlMr, C. ,Edir.bnryb. Alcx. 1'lItcrllOIl.
lIereditm'y Grand Constable, f:arl of Erroll. T. G. Atkins, J. Shepherd, Gcorge S. ! Glu.Y!/oll', Charle.~ 11, Murray.
J\ni!IM Mal'i:wll<ll, Duke of Hnmiltoll. COUNCIL.
lle,'cditary ,HasteI' of "cc 1lotfsellOlli, Dukc of Pre,~idt'Jlt, Viscount lleivi11r;. • Smith, "'~~qs.. !lm:allfh<:$, Da\'id. Smith.
Arg~ll. Vice, Presidellt, Ellrl of lIaddington. Ser,o'I!i'fiats, J. ,~. WyJbe, J. '81l!,del1On: F.; l~e,rll~, Jam~.Pcflers.
CralglC\ R. C. 0 Ham, A. G. BOWIC, J. Gray, ~lIrlUlD, Davltl It VWlli.
llere" it\tr!1 SfalldClrd-bcartr, Earl of Landcr- CounciUoN, Alex. Thom8on, Esq., Vj,couat NIlI·
dale. villc, Dr Douglas Alaclagau. Duke of Rox· J.lInrmlton, J. S~mm, E. W1\rren, H. P. Thotne, DISTRICT SUJWCl'ORS OF TAXES.
llercditm'!1 Rmllll Stalld(ml-bearet·, }'red. L. bttrghc, H. G. lVat!!on, }:sq., Earl of DaddUW' C. n. III,y, J. Priest, T. A. CroaJ, G. 8teeIJ, ·F. . ,
T. A.kius A1Jerrleen. D. Lamontl.:!' Fimlster, J. 'IunaiMtl1.
Scrymgcour Wedderbunl, Esq. ton, Sir Willinm Gibl'on.Crnig, Bart. Srtpplrmentar.v, \'D. TumbuJI, W. B. Ibmilton,.J. Arq!lle ami Bute, walter Andcraon, llobert
llercditarfl Armour-l,eat'er, rltld .""quire of the Secretary, John OiHellpie, J.:8q. 8. Smvth, \\. U. Nn..~b. J. Slllt(;r, W. CampbcJl,. • CIlDlpbell.
RQyal Bud!J, Lady Seytol! Steuart. 7',.eas 'l l'cr, John l\lnTilhull, jun., Esq. I'. J. 13ishop, M.llMkenzie, i'red. DUly. 1.1yr, Gcorgc Toah.

Port oJ.BuuIick, BozburgTa, ond Selkirk, Ala. JIOaTII. COLI..EC2'01l8. OOMf'1.1to Lt.-. ----.----------------------~------------.-----------~~.
Niati'et. l".,erneu ... 000. M. Douglu ••Jobn Carn•• It .. RUO. JUlIAGOS. IOOD of BBlTWI WBlD DlUtJl(G
CaitTantu aNd Suthtrlond, James Lowe. l~ne •.....•..Jamcs Grieve •••••• Office, 11 ...Uelbourue Place. I1IHDY.
Dumbarton John Holm. Klrl:callly ...John Andrew ..... . Office,
:t.lanagers, The Sheritr or Pertbahirc i Sir John (Established under provisions Royal Institution, JIOlUld.
lhmfriu, John Clerk. Kir;bJall ... WiIliam G~n...... Atexanaer Wait. KinCald, 11l!~tor of Pri80D&; Tne Crown or Act 48 Gco. 1lJ.,
•Editiburgla and Publel, John M', Thoma Letth ..........Th08. M. \\ eame.. . ('. ap. 110,
Agent; J. H. Burton, (who also acts aa secre- Commis.'noner8, Earl ofCaithncs8 and 10 Bc 11 Vie•• cap. 91.)
CulleD, AIeL Fwer, R. S. Smitb, W. G. Kin. LeTll7tck ......John Gatherer...... Davld G. Moir. t Gco. Train, F..sq.,
moDL Montrose ... Patteneon Hay ton. Jas. T. Bamud. tarl·) M.P., Rear-Admiral H. Dundas t J. T. GiI).'1ol1
Chief Clerk! Louis De Ma.·ia.
~n. Noirn;ond Banff, Wi1Iiam Grigc;.r. Perth ......... R~b~rt .&losty.n ••••• P~ter Fawce~t. Assistant Clerk, \\'illiam Donaldson. Craig t Esq., l'rofea80r Tram, l.ord Elrho. )I.P. t
Ffte,Kitlrou, afld Clacfnia,man,John M'lntyre, Peterhead ... \\ illtnm Baltour ...Allch. Bevendge. Sir Jas. )Iatheton. Bt., M.P., J. T. Gordol1,
'Tbomu 'altenon. P. Gldsgow..Jamcs F.o,.~tcr ..... • E~h Gcor~ Loch, Esq., Lord .JUlltiCU Clerk
h/or and /(incardine, Jamea S. MUler, 71108. Stornoway .•.M. B. Pltlne .......James Bullop. BOOD of TBUITBEI for JUlfDJ'AC'l'UDI, (1IIgtis), Profcssor Lyon f'layfl\ir, c.n .• Arlllrew
'lI. BJack. Str.anraer ... JJ!-Jnry J. Skene ... ~. 1'111. Co,·cnt..,., Esq., Lord Jerv'.8wood~, the L{'rd
Haddington ami part of Berwick, Alex. M'Lean. WIck ......... Rlcluird Boyd ...... CharJes Peaclt. O.(lice, Royal Institution, Jfound. Adv?Cate (Moncl1'itfl, and the Solicitor-Geuerul
InfJenleBs, Andrew Wifson, .lndrew Phillip. lY(qtown ..... Denry .ltkey....... Fred. CockbW'1l. C01llm;SSllJllCrl, A. M. Wclwood, Esq., Duke of (llmtllUul), ex-oIJiClls.
F.irl:cudbright, F. S. Allan. llllCCleucb, Sir J. S. Forbes, Bt., .Marquis 01' Secretary, Uon. U. F. Primrose.
Lanark, Robert Walker, John H. Banks, Wllltam Brcadalbnue, Sir Geo. C!erk, Bt., Sir Adam Hay, C!tief Clerk, J. Wiuon t Esq.
Munro, en., WiUiam A[unro.lun. Bt' t Sir O. Grant Suttie, Bl., Sir Wm. Gib80n Clerks" W. C.)liller, John IIcnderson, amJJohn
Orkney and Slwtlaml, Edward lIendCl'8OD. 13 North Ballk Street. Craig, Bt., J. Skene, Es_q., Lord Juslice General DaVidson. Esqrs. •
Perth, Edward Maugban, Donald Maointosh. Keeper anti Superintendent, W• .l. Laurie, Esq., pI'Neill), Lord Wood, Earl ofCaidme!8, Sir J . Ge,,!ral Ill~pcctm', J. l'iillcr, £s;J., l.clth.
lUnfrew. J. S. Smiles. 'W .S. W.Gordou, R.A., Professor Traill, J.SteeJl,Esq., AsCtstall1 dftto, L. Lwb, Esq.t (.rcenock.
Ro" and Cromarty, John Sutherland. Chief Clerk, James WUkie, Esq. n.S.A. t Lord Panmure, D. O. Hill, E~., R.S.A., Commamler 0(" Pr;ricelsll(lyar' cuttt;r, Samuel
Stirling and Linlith[low, Wilthtm Vost. I.ord Elcbo, M.P., Sir J~mea l\hnlae.soo. Bt.,. ..)I:Donllld. t8!}... .
Wigtmen and Carnc/C-in-Ayr., R. S. Forbes. M.P. Jantes MOflcreUf, I.sq., )I.P., Duke ot B,!gm~ers for btu/(lwg Pi,erlor (luaY_f, )ICBm
t Earl of Gift'ord, AU·., Earl of Cnmper-
ORICE of JL .. wons. AI gyll, DS\'ld anti Tho•. f'ltp.ven80n, C.E.
Ezchequer ChfJ71lbers, Parliament Sq"are. down, [":od Justice Clerk (lnglis}t Geo. Pa'ton, },[cB.'1e'lger, <?oorge ;:,.enh~u8C.
&licitor, Angoe FJetcher, Esq. I.sq., Professor Lyo!l Pinyfair, C.B., Lord Jer- Porter, Daml Black.
&licitor before the lnjeriflr Courts, ~faurice Assistant"for
Surveyor ScollaPld, Rnbert )[8tl1e80n, ~. vl8woode E. F. )laltland, Esq.
Clerks, AlIdrew Km, Cbarlcs .l. DOlle, Secretary, iion. B. F. Primrose.
Lothian, Esq. and John Cbalmen, Esql'l. GDDAL UGIITBY OnICZ of BIBTH't
CoUector, Donald RoM, FAg. CM!i Clerk, Jamea Wilson, Esq. DEATBI, acl XAUIAOII.
Clerh, John Yclland, B. D. Wilsoo, J. K. Sim- Cle,.k.'ft W. <.:. )lilIcr, John HeudCl'8On, and John
IOn, E1!q8. LAXD. VALUATION OFFICE. Davidson, Esql'l. New GClIcral Rcgilter 1IQI/F.e.
Supervisors, JamC8 Morri80n, John G. Branford, 1t{essengt!r, Gcorge Stenbonse. Regi.drar-Gelltral, William PiU DUl1d&!, Esq.,
Wm. llorrisoll, Thomas Dobson, WiUiam Dear, 6 flanol'er Slreet, Etlbibury'" adngte, O"puty Clerk ltegistcr.
James Cbristie, ERqS. Assessor, Robcrt Patcrson, Arcbitect. IOHOOL 01' ABT. &r!'etaryt \icorge Seton, Esq., nd,·ocate.
Cl 'e) Cler~' John Stcl\·art.
Standing Coml8el, l'atrick Fraser, Esq.

IN' CONN'E.~ION WITJI TnE DEPARTMENT 01·' St'I'wr Cler :'t Jl'!m l'aton.
SciENCE AND ART UN'!'EH nlE COX&UTEEE OF ,Juu;.:;'/' C!erks, lst, Da\'id Winter j 2d, Daniel
Aberdeen, John Anderson. JL 11. 101e ancl only )taster PriDtel'l. PRIVY CoUNCIL .·on EDUCATION. ,. Stewart· 3d John ililnc.
Argyle, John Thorn.
.I11/r, Colin Campbell.
, Lom Advocate, Solicitor-Goner:tI, l\fodonllor or~le
Genoml Assembly, T. J. Crawford, D.D., Pm· ilfMa~;'{:fa';t::' Commisaione1'l of tbe Board or ~TA;ISTtCAL DEP...RTXF.N'''•
nrtmfries, lIorlltio Stanley. cipal Dewnr, D.D•• Lord Jerviswoode, Rev. Sir &cretary, Bon. B. I'. Primrose. Srtp~i;l:elldellt, JAm~ Stark, ~I.J).
El(Ji7l, Jamcs .Macflltlzcan. Henry Wcllwood lIoncreifT, nnrt. Director of De,partmmt of Antique, R(loort A ..,nstauts, lett A~~h!bald Douglas; 2d, Dounld
G/lI 'D, G(.'Orge )1'CaJlum. Secretary, nev. Sir IIcnry Wcllwood MoncreiW, Scott Lauder, EStl., R.S.A. S Iraser; ad, \\ dbam Ralph.
1Ia . tOllt Jllmcs l.uckie. Bart. Malter of ditto, John Ballll.nlyne, Esq., R.S.A. INDEX DEI'ARnlD\'T.
Illverlw8s, l'bornas WtlttJ3. Agent, Jas. Bonar, W.S. t 23 York Place. iJirector-of .pepa,rlm~nt 0/ Ornament, - • • lndezer, GC(.'rge Young.
Li1l1ithfjow, John B, Adam80u. Reader, Adllm lIopekirk, bookseller, ".-1 High Ma*r of c!.tto, E. ". DiJ!~, Esq. ~'r(l1l$criber, Robert )1. "all'nec.
Dt;lldecJ James Smith. street, Portobello Ccrtifl.pattd Art }'Ia,ster, Wdl.lam A. &Iorley, Esq. ' Sorterl, Goo. D. lJmce nnd Jas. Colqllhoun.
Pertl" John \Yahon. Certificated A~t .IU~strf.8$, &1188 Susan Aehw~r'lI. MfSS(mger, J.:>lm Lockbal1.
StirlillU, Samuel Paraool. Lrcturer on Pictonal.AlIalmllY, frofeaaor lhUer. 11l.~pector of llegisterlt G. BeU, )I.D., also
IOABD of 11JPDVISIOR' 'or BEtIEI' of the (/lr!ltor, ~rge Ba,11I8. • Examiner of Lothian Dislrict.
rOOR. Asmtant dlUo, Jnmes Naplef.
!:]i'FlCDS of WSTO.&. O,tfire, 125 Georgc Street, Edinburgh. JIQflsekeeper Robert Little. J)JSTnJ(!l' EXA:Hl,SEI:S.
Agentfor Scotch L(lIf, Warren lIasdnga Sands, Board, The Rigll' Honourable Sir John M'NeiUt Porter, Jotu: ScoU. JA>TlUAN D.S"IRIC1'.-Comprildng the Cnunticll of
Esq., W.S. G.C.B., Chairman, the Right. Hon. toM
LhUthgow, Edinburgh, and Jladdiugton,-
GCOI'gIJ Bell, M.D., l:dinburgh,
COLLEcrons AND CmIPTROLLERS. Pt'ovost of Edinburgbt the lion. Lord Provost .ATIO.AL GALLDT of 1C0TUlfD. DISTRICT or' 'l'IIE 15I,E8.-The Counlie~ of Shd-
renTS. COI.U:CTOlUI. (:(I)lPTRor.ums. or Glnl'gow, lhe Solil!ltor-General of Scotlend,
Trllsteu. The C-ommiJaionera of the Board of IMd and Ol-kne)" nml 'he IlUmillr portions of
Abl'.rdern ..... Daniel U. PrE8ton.. Robert Smitb. the Sherift's-d(jpute of t.he counties of Perth, Rosa and Inverneas,-.\lex,mder Grigor, Ding~
.Altoa .........J. T. AnRClI ....... .. Renfrew,.and R08S and Cromarty, a-otJiciil; Manufacture••
lJenry Home Drnmmond of Illnir Drnmmond; Secretary, lion. B. F. Primroee. wall.
At'~·r()atll ..... Goo. H. Price ..... .
and Sir Wm. Gibson.Craig of Riccartou, Bart• Principa,l Curator (Uld Keeper, Wm. B. John- NotrrllEnN Dls·rmcr.-The Counties of Cnithnl'lIs,
.Ayr ............Jnmcs Stcwart .. . 810110, £Iq., R.S.A. Sutllerland, ROM, Ilnd Cromarty (Maiulam!).
Banj· ........ John Bold .........B. Blake. Secretary, WUliam Stuart Walker, FJlq. Im'crness Olninlnnd)t Nairn, Elgin, "nd nanir,
General Sltper;'ltclIdellt, of the Poor, H. 1f. First Iluiltan' (}urator, Jamea Grabam, EIIq.
Do'ness ....... Gcorge C. Coats.. . Second do., Oeorgt! Walten. -Alfred Chlulcs Cox Li!l, ()farkeville, Grallg"
Campbelton .. Robert IIicks ...... Wm. Il. CO!8inl. Briscoo ana G. Falcon art E8qrs. ..Wendant, Jamea Jobutlon. ' Road, FAlinburgh.
Dumfries ....lames &tUlar ...... . Curu, Class l':.t Rollert 8. Andel'lOn, ".S'}O. I'irst DO(J'fke.qJtr, Thomas AndenoD. EASTERN DISTRlCT.-The CouDtit'S of Aberdeen,
Du"ile~ ...... John G. Bercsthrd.Roben Jamea. o. Carnpbell, W.S., W. A. Peterkin; ClaM 1., Second do., Wm. M'Neill. Kineardine, Forfar, andPerth,-Aodrew Jerviw,
Glcu.qow ...... F. W. Trevor...... . William Millar, Jamea Clarke, and WiUiall llollseutj}e!, Robert Utile. Breehin.
Grangernth ••James H. Blair ... . Warden. MIDLAND DlsTmcr.-The Cotmtiea of Fife, Kin-
Grttnock ... J. F. M. Dodder •• • Vi8iting O.Jl'lCtr, W. A. '.lerklD. I·Qrter, Koben Uu&chiuon.
:rOut C1ickm8llD1D, Stirling, Dumbarton, Argyll I OFFICI. DKP~••
BUte &1id AIr,-Henry Clarenoo Gordon, )Iarine . Ins~or-George G~ig-Ofticc. Forrest Road
Assistant Inspe6tol'8-\ViUiam Sinctair, Robert Adjutant. ..('.eneral's Office, 21 Young st., 10 to 3
Ferrier, Robcrt Brown, and ADdrew Rutherfotd Ad\'ocatcs' Library, Parliamcnt !l(I., durillit Ses-
Y:JlIa, Portobello. Asa15tant IDsJlectors-WilIiam llathieson, Rrbert Book-kecper-John l'crrier I lion, 9 to 4; Vucstioll, 10 to"
WUrERN DISTlUO'l'.-Tho Counties or Ren&ew )l~\'idl!On, Gec.·ge Jpmieson t Archibald Dew..., Assistan' do.-Alex. T• .M.orrilon I Advocates' Willows' Fund. 5 South-east Circus pI.
aDd Lanark,-Robert Gtaulon"yn C -:don, and Thomss Oay Clerks-David Gcllltly, Alexander Rou, and Agricultural Museum; 3 Gen, IV. hridge, 10 to S
Letterfourie, Buokie. Collec:or of foor Rates- -John Mackay~ • Henry Inglis Antiquaries' llulICum, Royal Institution, Monntl,
SoUTHERN DISTRICT.-Tbo Counties of LinJitl.-1 Forrcst Road IIouse-Governor-Tbomaa Dick 'l'ueSIJay lIod Friday, 10 to 4-
IO'VtEdinburgh, lJlutdington, BeM\'ick, PeeLlc8, Dook-kecpcr-J()rl<,ph Wood (;hllpiain-W. Taylor Arts, lloyal Institution for ElIcoura~cmcllt. of i'jue,
&tlltbi" Roxbttrgb, DIlRlfrics, Kirkcudhright, Assistant Do.-·Dlnid Htltchi80n Matron-Mrs Lowe Natior·nl G:allcrv.1(olmd, 10 to 4:
and W}gtown,-"Jnmcs Hooper Daweon, a Clerks-Jam'" 1\lackindlr.y, J~mes GOl'don, atJd House Surgcoli-J. Niven. 1\1.D. Assny Office, U8 touth bridge
Dnncan House, Kclao. Allllrew Ferrier District Surgeons-J. MiddleloD, M.D., 1 West Auditor's Officc, 16 Royal E.&:chnngo, 10 to 8;
nOUSE DEPARTMENT. Adam Street; T. G. Stew~~~ 13 Castle Terrace; ISlltu~faj: 10 t~ 2t
W. A. Grny, ~I.D., 11 unsto Strect; J. T. Bnm\ck OfHcc, CasUo
OOIDlI88IO!0B8 of NOBTJID.lf LIGJft'- House Gnvemor-DaniE:l Kemp Alexandcr, surgeon, 28 ~lelvilie Street; W_/ Billet ,Mallter, Police Chambf'rB, 11 to 3. &: 6 to 8
KOVS... {!haplain-Robert Jollllston Husband, M.D., 28 Clarcnee Street Botanical Gardens, U(lyal. 11l"crleith ro,,', 6 A.lI,
Matron-AIrs Sarall Anderson
Office, 64 Oeorge Slreet. Assistant Do. -~liss Mllrg:mt Kemp .. Sewiog Mistress, 3tiSJ Munro to 6
The Lord Advocate, Solicitor-GenoriU, the Lord ~Iatron of East Dh'isioll-~lr5 Christian Chri~tic
Kceper of .'ulleratory, D~'vid Fort Botanic.'ll Society, Royal, 6 York rI:1C4:'
Pro\'OlJt nnd Senior nailies of Edinburgh amt Teacbfr-John Diclrson Collector of Assessmcnt for Poor-Hart Anderson Cesst1ud'fax Otlice, County and City, f; \Vnterloo pi.
Glasgow; tbe Provosts of Abcrllccn, Invernesa, Gate-k{'cller-William Scott -Office, 1 Rutl:Uld Siree' Chamber of Commerce, 11 ~Ielb(ll\rue placo
Uh:unber of Comnlcrcc, 2f1. Uern:ml strCi!t, Leith
CnmJ}ooltown, lhtndee, amI Oreen k; the Assistant Do. John Wlltson South Leith. Church of Scotlat)u Oflices, 22 Quecn street, 10 to
Sheriffs (If 'Edinburgh, Idu18rk, R(llIfr w, Bute, llEnICAL DEPAnnIENT. GESSRAL cmmflTEE. 4. and 6 to 8
Argyll, Jnv('rncss, noss, Orkney, Caithness, nnd lIou!!e Surgcoll-Jolm Smith, ~tD. n. A. DI'Laretl, Esq., Chltimll4n CITY CIIA)IDlmS, 10 ROi':11 F.xl'iumgc-
Sut1Icrlan(\. Aberdecn. Ayr, ~'ite, Forrar, Kin~ Distrunlillry and District. Surgcon-Frnuohi D. ltobt'rt .Mathie, JAmes Walker, J. T. Robcrtst)n, Account/ult's Officc, No. lI, 10 to 3, and 6 to 8
eardillc, Galloway, Jc:lgill, UaddingtoD, mld ~lacCowltn, )1.1). .lnt:lI's Wntt, William Tltomson, Thos. Hardic, Chamberlain's Olficc No. 4. 10 tll ,I, :md f; to R
Uerwick. District SurgconiJ---James Cappic, 1\1.D., and W. Cluulcs1\I'Kinh~y, Charles Doig, Da\'id Culler.. City Clerk's Office, COII':eYllllcillg Hl'p:lrtment,
Sel'l'l'tarl" Alex. Cuuinllham, Es(t·, W.S. D. Mams, M.D. der, J. Sturrock, William Ford, Jnmes POI}C, I &c., No. 9, 10 ~() 3
l~tlfliuc!J;w for Nmv Wm'ks, David StO\'cn80n, Apothec:lry-Jrones R. Crease J. Bro\\11, Wm. SteedmRn, Ch1l8. William.~on. City Clerk's Ollice, Council Dl'partnwllt, No. 6,
F'. R.S.t!., 1\U.C.E., :md 'fbomll.8 Stevenson, Funcrator-Gregory l\l'Intosh John Downll, Jas. Cocbrnne, Alc.x. F. P~'terson, 10 to 3, mul 6 to 8
1<'JtS.•~. ltol}Crt ~Nntosh DCjltlro City Clerk's Otliec., .J ndicinl ilcllllftlrtent,
E:m.tlil!er.~ of Accounts, Geo. Stcunrt, Ellq. Cal.cngate. Visiting l.. uuntic Allylum Committce-Gcorge No. 8, 10 to 3, and G to 8
SIIPl 'ill/fidel/I, Mr D. Scott. Chairmnn-John Chrh!tie, ES{I. Allinstoll M'I.arcn. Rob. ~[athic, Chas. M'Kinlny Procunltor }'jscal's omoo, No. 6. 10 to :l
}(m:man of Repnirs, ~h. }). Jtume. Acting Committce-Jmnes Hill, John I{. iVat- ~Icdical Omcers-T. Williumson, l\1.ll., ·10 Qmdity Public Works Olticc, So. 10, 10 to {, mill t~ to 6
lJ()ok~l.:eepC1·, Mr John fllwrar. son, .John Milne, John Ih'y{lon. Alld\'ew Smith, street, Leith; 11. D. Alc-UDder, M.D., "6 Session Clerk'/! Onice, nnll H{·gist. Ofti,:c fOI'
Sel/ior Clerk, 1\lr George lliggott. Thomas Dryhrongh. Andl'cw Thomsoll, Robcrt Canollg:lte, F.dinbllrgb J>istrict orSt GUell', N.,. 1, 10 to 3, & Ii to 8
./unior Clerk. ~Ir Jnmes Murdocb. Thomton, ltollert Yonnger, William Arthur, Andrew Craig Simpson, Ins}}Cctor City "aving Board, 46 Gcorgo street, 10 to 3'
WiUiam White William Alenclawtl, llclIry John Day, Sub-inspector Saturday, 10 to 12
Smellie, John Hunter, Willinm Knight, D. V. Georgc Bcgbie, Book-keeper COllll1liss:1ry Clerk's Offic.o, Parlia. sq., 10 to II
GDERAt JlOARD of OOxm:S8IOlfDS in l\Ioo~ic, George Nwnn, Thomas Hope, James House Goveruor COlIsil>tori:ll (!lerk's Ottice, l'arlia. Hq •• 10 (I) 4
Ll1lfAOY. LewIs, D. D. Fox, Rev. A. n. Donar, RamllY .Janc Smith, ~Introll Council Uecont Office, 10 no,.:" .:xchnllg", lO'u
o'ffic(', 12 St Andrew Sqflare. Ucudcrson, WiIliam J(uuter, Thomas Car- George }11 Farlllll. Chaplain 3, and 6 to 8
Commissioncrs, Wm, Forhcs J\lackcm:ie, Esq., miclmcl. Thomm. Tllomsoll, John Muir, Atex- .John SheddclI , Teacher Crown Agent's Office, Parliaml'nt squaro
G l\f E Y WIder Whitehead, D. n. Brown Jnmcs Gallowny, Collector Dean of Guild's Otlicc, 110yal };xchan(.!€, 10 to 3
Chairmml; corgc oir, sq., GeorJ;e onng, .Jnmes Thomson, Jnsl}Cctor North Leith. District Ilnymllstcr, 46 H"nover Slr~'
.~sq., Jnmcs Coxe, M.D., and Wilham Alex. .lames Alison, Assistant l>onrudsoll'sllotlpital Officu, 82 A:'crcromby plaee,
Frnncis Urownc, M.D. 10 to 4-
Dr]>u'lI Commi.~sioJlers, Dr. A. lV. Cockburn and
H, D. AlesAluler, 1\I.D., Surgeon
DI' Arthur Mitchell. Rev. J. Dro\\1I, Govemo.>: Uev. WaIter M. Gonlen, Ch:tirman Exchequer Office, IHJO Ol'l', 10 to ..
Serrt/ar11. WiIlimn }'orbcs, Esq. Miss Snrely, Mntl'On ])eter Bannatyne, David Bolton, William Cruder, EXlll'timentnl Gllrdenfl, lnver/cith row
( '/crl.: 10 'lite Boar!i, .M. F. Ogilvy. David lnglis, Collector JRS. Clapl}Crton, Andrew ('\.lnningham, Thomas Jhee Church Offioo~ liB Frcdcrlck ~trcct, 10 to .,
Dishington Colin Duncan, Wm. Gavin, Dnvill nntl1 to I)
Clerks, W. J. E. StewlU't and Wm. Browne. It CUtbbert'" or Welt OhUl'Ch. Houston, Micbael Jack, Joseph Kilgour, Robl. Ga.., Light Co .• Edinhurgh, 25 W:lt('rilJo Place, and
Chairman-Sir ,Tamcs Gardiner Bnird, Bart. Inucs, Jam~ Knox, Jamc8 Kyle, Wm. L'lwson, 115 Conlltitution ritreot. J..cid., !I~ to 8~
PABOOHIAL BOABD. Acting Committec-James Adam, S.S.C., Alex- John WNab, Alcxander ~lilC8, Richard MiIlar, Gas tight Co., Edinburgh :mu Leith, 8 George
nndcr Aitkell, Willinm lJnlleny, John M. Dalfour, John It l{itcheil, Wm. l\luir, Alcl. Kinghom, gtrect; 10 Ualtic /ltrect, Leith, ~)~ to S
Oity of Edinburgh. .Jnmes Urnee, A. Brown, Wm. Clarksou, James Archibnld Ritchic, D. 11. Robertson, AI. D., Ga:etttl Office, 13 North Bnuk HU'Cct, 10 to 3,
Chninnan- Bailie Blackruldcr Dryclcn, Charles 11. Farquhnrson, ArcbibAla Allolphus '&1. ScenJes, John T. Shearer, Jrunt'A'i nsld6 to 8; Sntnrda,', 10 to 12
llnnagcrs-Rol}Crt Gordon, ,James Lcwis t J. n. Gibson, lJumpbrey Graham, lV.S., Ales. BIY, Stocks, l~lt:x. D. 8trong, Alexander Thoroaon. Gov. Emi".Oflioo, al Quality IItrN't, Leith
StoU, Jaltle8 .M'I.arcn, David Currie, Robcrt ,lames Uardie, UoberL Johnston, W.S., J_ John ~allacc, James Webstc!) Alex,'Wder Heriot's (}corge 1I0spitaJ (}Ilioo 11 Royal Ex-
MnTlIhall, John Cotton, John Williams, Robert Kitkbopc, lVilliam Mitnc, Ebenezer ~liUJ J.... Wllkie, ThOl,nas Wl!kic,. Rollcrt ~Yright changc 10 hIt and G to 8; SI:tlmlay, JO to 12
Grecnonk, Coullcillor D:",ld Ridllatb, Bnilie
Jolm Boyd, jllnr., Thomas Doll, WiIliam Grievc,
Alex. 1'. Ni'Yen, Alox. Christie, Andrew Afure,
~Iillcr, John Iloillet, WUliam Mumy, dobn M.
~(owbmy, W.S., Aloxander M'Arthur, F. D.
~&l'Cowan, M.D., .Tames PelUf!, George PriD,It.
John W. Gardmer, ID8Jlccwr awd Colle('tor
R. WaUace, Assistant-mspector
Jotdl tiHl~sT!ie, 1I.D., Sl1rg~n
Herring .tjshcry Officc ltoyal IIl~titlltion! A101lnd.
10 to • '
Inland Rcvenue Offiee, &0., 10 Wnterloo pi., C:Ulh
Alex. Stew art, }'rcderick H. Carter, James wm;am Bitchic, Peter UobcrtlK>u, W. 8bup, M~ aDu Dnncau, 8.S.C., 21 Bemat'd street, 10 to 3; Hatnnlay 10 to 12, other basmc..,li j If)
(I Gm)" Willinm Brown, Councillor David Currol', J. K. Smith, George Smith, Thomas Strong, ....."·Igenta Itll", and If} to t; TUC3day nDel ThuJ'lllay, for
Willinm Scott Stllnrt, }~(hvnrd O'Donltell, John John Spencc, William ThfJIDIIOD, Audrew WiI· ~poiJed stamps, 12 to 2
W. llackie, Jaffie8 n. lUarwick, CounciUor son, Da\'id Wilsou, ~I.D., F.R.C.S. LIft OP PUBltIO omOll; Joint Stock Compllniest Registration Oftice, Ex.
DByid Pent, Conneinor Alex. lIay, Bailie Aucbip., Thc Committee meets on the third TaeIc1q, of WITH TItE HOURS·or AT1'.ElIDANOL chequer, 10 to 4:
John Shnnd, W.8., George Cairns, 8.8,0., each month, at 10.80 A.M. Accountant in BammapleJ. NeW' Re, houe, JUI&ice of Pcaoo ONce for City, 10 Royal Ill·
Thomas DUOII, S.S.C., 4\dam Thom, L.t.D., Inspector, &c.-Jnme8 Cl'rug 10 to 8; Satmday, 10 to 1t ,chan~re, 10 to 8, and Gto 8
J~. of Peace O'liee for eo'mtr, CoWlty Hall,
10 to 8, aod 6 to !J
Extractor'. Oftlces, NOI. 10, &Od 12-8euion~
10 to 8. and 6 to 8. Vacation, 11 to 1, Tu.'
Water Co.'. Oftice, 123 .Princes lbeet, le to 8, WeR Church Poor-Batet, 1 RlltJand Itn!tt
and': to 8; Saturoa1t 10 to 1 Writers to the Signet Widow,' }'und, 32 Aber-
JaM!ceofPeace Oftice ad BaUJie Court, for Canon- lfed., Tbur., Sal, 10 to l~J 8euion ' Wpjghts and lleaaum, Writers' court~ 10 to 4, cromby place, 10 to f
. p&e, Canongate Court-room, 10 to 3, and 6 to 8 Fee .Fuud, Court of hion, ~o. G--Se.ion, 11 and Gto 8-For CoWltr, CoWlty bUildings
~-CoJleetOr'1 Office, 110 Constitution "rool to 8, antI 6 to 8; Sat., 10 to 12. Vacation
Commercial UH, 2 Be."llard street 11 to 2; Sat. 10 to 12; Box-dAY', 10 to 2 '
Council Chambers1 101 Constitution street General Records, 10 to 8; Sat. 10 to 12
CUIlom-houe, Leith, 10 to 4 Seal Office, No. '3-2 to 8
Harbour itJ11!ter's Office, foot of Shore Jury Clerk's Office) No. 11
:rermit Office, Custom-bouse JWlticiary Office. Nos. 40, '2--Seuion, 10 to 2,
Police·Oftice, !8 Charlotte street, Leith and 6 to 8. Vacation, 10 to 8 LAW DEP.o.ntDT.
:roor Rales (North Leith), Od Conetitution at. L,'ou Office, Nos. 58, 55-12 to 8
Poor Bates (South Leitb), 59 C008titution It.
Poat-Office, ;03 Constitution str\~t
}'rivy Peal Office No. 19-2 to 8 taw 0II0en. luticiarJ oaoe.
Rej:...{ster of D;;is and Protests, Nos. 86, 62-
Beoorder'sl}ffice (So. Leitb), 48 l{irkgate 10 l03 lArd Advocatt. Right Hon. Jas. Moncreiff, M.P. Clerk of J,uticiarylt Chl8. NcaTes, F.!q.
8euion Clerk (North Leith), 40 Brid~e Itreet Begister of Honlings, No. 22. See Dill Cham- Solicitor-General, E. F. Maitland. EIMJ!_ Hr" A..,istant Clerk ami Depute, J. W. H:lmU·
hion Clerk. (South Leith), 48 Kirkgate ber ns to llllun, &e. Advocates Depute, liavid Hector, F. L. M. Heriot, ton.
SheriW Clerk', Office, 18 Charlotte I!troot, Leith Sasirle OBice, No. 49-10 to 4 W. bory, and A. B. Shand, Eeql. . &coml Assistant Curk and Collertor, George
ShiP!liDg Office, )Ierc.llarine, 60 Toibooth WInd Signet Office, Nos. 2(, 26-8 to 4; Saturdays, Crown Age~tt Audrew Murrar, jtlD., EIq., W.S. Ma·:fIUeen.
Shore Dues Office, C08tom-hoUle from 11 to 12
Towu Clerk's Office, 107 Constitution street Tiend Office, Nos. S, 11, lS-Session, 10 to 3;
TraDlIport Office, 2 Portland terrace Vacation, 11 w:. Saturday, 10 to 12 Court of leuioa. 1AI.
IUn. Widow,' Fmad Office, 6 N. St David at., 11 to 2i Registrati.on of Births, Deaths, and lfarriages, Lord Ordinary ill Exchequer. Lonl Ardmiltan.
Northern Ligbts Office, 84 George street New Register home, 10 to 4; Saturday, 10 to 1 Parliament 11oUle. QICeen'... anti Lortl Trea8ICrer'. RClllcmbl'anccr,
Ordnance Sun'ey Oftice, 11 Ilelboumc pl.-War Royal College of Physicians, 9 Queen street INNEB-Hovs£-FIRST DMSION'. John Uendcrson, E~.
De.,artmenl, Cutle and Leith Fort, 10 to 4 Royal College of Surgeons, 18 Nicoipon street Chief Clerk, Adam C. Lo~ore, E!q.
P88.';.,ort Offiee, No. 3 City Chambers, 10 to 3; Roral Engineers' Office, 42 Northumberland street Lord JUltict,.()entral, Rt. Hon. Duncaa Il'NeU1, Pre8tllUr of Signatures, <:eo. Rosti, jun., !Mt•
Satllrda, 10 to 1 Royal Exchange, 291 High street .Pruident (1852).
Permit Office, 5 College street, Custom-hoU!'{; Royalln!titution, Afound, 10 to 4 James Ivory, Lord b01')' (18'0).
Leitb, 1 to 5 in wlnter, 1 to 6 in IUDlmer Royal Medical Society, )telboume place Jobn IlanhaU, Lord Curricbill (1852).
Police Office, 11)2 Higb street Royal Observatory, Calton hill; Astronomer Sir George DeU, lArd Deas (1853). Court ot the CoDUDiuioll ot r.blb.
Sub-Oftioos-St LConard street; 24 80ntll St Royal, C. PiKzzi Sm1tb, F.R.A.S.; Assistan& The Jud~ or the Inuer- Jlon8e and ton! Kiulocb,
Jamea' street; Hamilton place, Stockbridge; Astronomer Royal, Alexander Wallace, ll.!. I.Aml Ordilll1ry O1l 7'cintl..,.
119 Foullwhlbridge Royal Society Royal Institution, 10 to 4 TI,e Lortl.1autice-Cler'k, Rigbt Hon. Jobn Inglill, Solidlar, Wmiana Buchauan, £sq.
Police, Count", County Buildings Schoolmnster&\ WiiJo'Ys' }'und, 16 Thistle street, Pre.udent, (1858). Agent, War en Uastings Sandl, W.S.
rolice CoUcctOr's Office, Police Office, 10 to a, and 10t08 Ale.lander Wood, LOrd Wood (184'3). Clerk.~, ~;. J..agan and John BarrQII, Esqrs.
6 t08 School of Arts, Adam Square John Cowan, Lord eowan (1851).
Police Surveyor's Omce, 192 Uitrh street Scottish Academy of Painting, &c., Ilonnd 8. Robertson, Lord Beuholme (1853).
Pust·Office, General, Waterloo place Session Clerk's Office for Canongate, 163 Canon-
Fri80n Managers (H.!1.), for Scotland, 11 IIcJ- gate, 11 to 3, antI 6 to 8 OVTD-HoUSE.
boume plnce Seseion Clerk'. Offil.'e for St Cuthbert's, 7 St Cnth- PermlJnen' IAm/8 Ordinary.
PnbU" Works Office (Her Majesty's), Exchequer bert's glebe, 10 to 4, and 1 to 9 Clerk (If Tt,tlltls, George r.ogan, w.s.
Buildings, I 0 to • Sberift'ClerkofChnucery Office, Parliament 1Iqt1:'l1'C Claarles Neaves, Lord Ncav" (ISM). Dt'J.")ute CI.e.rk of Tt:ilich anti E:t!rw::tart Johu
Purveyor's Office, Castle, 10 to 4: Sheriff Clerk's Office, Countv Hull, 10 to 4, ar.d .Tames Craufurd, Lord ArdmitJan (185a). Hanon, C.A.
BaUwa:,:, Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee-Office, 1 to 9 • T. Mackellzie, Lord Mackenzie (1800).
9! Prmces stl eet, 10 to 4 Signet Li"r~ry, Parliament squarc--Session, 9 to WiUialR Peilney, lArd Kinlocb (1859)•.
Bai[wny, North British-Officc, Princes fltreet; "; Vaentloo, 10 to 3 non. C. Baillie, L:.rd Jerviu'oOOe (U!59). t1n.Covt .
Dalkeith Uranch, St Leonard's Society of Arts, Mound 10 to 4 •T,ulge ill Summary Petition$, Lord JervUiwoode.
Recorder'8 Office for Calton, 21 Calton hiU, 10to' So1icitors-nl-I.nw-lIal1, 3 Royal Exchange PtiuciJ!!ll Clerb of Court, Alexander Currie, GClu!ral Regi!ler 1l0U8C.
Recol'dcr'll Office for Canougatc, 163 Cauongatc, Solicitonl of Supreme Courttl":"Library nnd Hall, Arclilhald M'Neilf, Coamo Innes, and Harry Lord Lyon, Earl of KinnouU.
10 to 8, and Gto 8 rarliament square-SC8!ion, 9 to.. Vacatiou , Maxwell IngJi!, Eaa1'8. /"Yfm Depute, Janlt'!.s T,t1cr, E~.
~oorder'80m~f~rGreyfria1'8', Upper£atc, 10toG 10 to 3 . Assi8tanu, W. T. K. lleveridge, CoJin )1. Ftaser, L!J.Ofl Clerk anti Keelltr 'I J:ccorli8, JAmee
Uccordcr for Ne\\'lOgton and BuccIcuc.T. Burying. , "'illiam ShieD, Robert Sioclair. ~rs. Lorimer. jun., Esq., ruivoca11'.
ground TAX OFFICF..s:- .Veputt Cle~b. W. Dryedale, Wm. F: S~e~e. Deputy Lyon Clerk, Ilml J)(:lmt,,-Kt'~Jler of
ltooordcr's Office for St Cllthbert's, West Church- Annuity, 12 Royal Exchange, 10 to 4, and Gto Gcorgc Shielu, Tbomu fot18, and Dand \\ yhe, llecQrtu, '~iUinm AndehOn, £1l(1" ()farchmont.
vnn1 8; Saturday, 10 to 2 E~I'8. • lIerald).
RC~:lIJa Office, Royal Exchange, i post 11, for a Cnnongate Poor Rntc Office, J63 Crmongate ASSlstantl, Cb.. ~olg, Chilli. FlOll.!, Hector Procuracor-Filfcal, John Robertson, Esq., S.S.C.
limited number of orders City Poor-Rates OlHce, • }' road, 10 to 4, )lason, F. S. Ke1vi1le, and Wm. B. BeU. Lym. JUaeer, Andrew DrysdaJe.
nn(16 to 8 _ lJtrai(1 Painter, Itobert Frier.
REGISTER lIouS€- Laud and ASRe8l!ed Taxe<l, for Crunty and Ci~1.
Accountant to tlae Cuurt of 8e8!ion, Nos. 58 6 Wnterloo place, 10 to 3 .,11 Com of lutiolarr. 1111. JJERALDS.
and 60-10 to 3 Policc llonrd, !'olicc Chambers Lord Jrutice General, tu. Boo. Dan~ M'Neitl
Bm Chamllcr, Nl)s. 18 nnd 20-S~f;sion 10 to rroperty and Income, for County 'Ind Oit)', 6
12, and 2 to 4; Sat. 10 to 12. "noalion and Waterloo place, 10 to 8 •
l.,,(ml J'Ultice l-1erk, Rt. Hon. John Inglis (1858).
1wtht!(fY, ,'am~ Loriml}f, Est):
Marchmont, Will. Anderson, t8(r
Islay, William G. Ba."ley. Eeq.
Reccss, 10 to 12, and 2 to 8; Sat. 10 to 12 Property nnd Income, Waterloo place, 10 to 8 Commiuionerl, l.fOnt Ivory Lord COWlUJ, Lord Alf,any, Jamea Sinclair, Esq,
Chr,lIccry Otiien, No!. 89, 41, 43-10 to aj Sat. Ta'llstecs for .Manufactnres, Royal InstilutioJIy Deu, l.ord Ardmillan, .nd Lord ~ieavel. Snowdon, Wm. R. Montignllni, £!ut.
10 to 12 IIou"d, 10 to 3, and Gto 8 Clerk (;f JUlticiary, Chu. Neave1!, FAf). Ho .•·s, Audrew Gi1Imnn, FNl·
Edj~tl\l ~itation Office, No. 4O-Sc8sion, 2 to t ; , Univtwliity Library, 10 to 1 in summer, 10 to 4 o
l acalloD, 11 to 12 I in winter ,

. "
-----~--.:::I-- .....--.....--......- ....-.-----... '\ \
98· . PUBLIC DIPAJl'.l'Dlr1'8. PUBLIO DB'Alt'fJlllftl. . 99
. . et o.ut ul CaUI1Ir I.iN.. . . K.Euus OF PABTICUUR BEGJSTD8 OF . . ._ of Deec1I ... :rnt.tata Ok.
~lo1mNelU. KM~' Qfl"ner-B. . Rolb, DoukI Jloberuon IAsnW. ~ of tAt &0. if.
Dtetb, Probdtire Writs,
Buti, Walter r~ and P. 'S. Banb, ~1'I. Aberdun aru:f KincardilU, Newen BumeH, Abet- fJ1}d JArolutl. G. • ~inloch.
CClrrick, Henr;r WilIon. Ketpt!l of o.ttr-Rotl# RIIllI, the CIerb to the de,n. .4m1tant Kupm, J. K.i1goor, Bell1'J D. Fergua·
~ lohn Brown.
LOrds in the Inner-lIouse. ArJlyll, Dtmabo.rto~ Bllkt Amua, a4 Tarbet, aon, W.S.
KirIJYr~t lohn JdI'res WD!on.
KupeJ'l of the CaUi'ig Liltt, ihe Outer..Route H. W. Campbel1. DumbanoD.
Unicqrn, Sbwt JIoodie LivingstoDe. ASaifltant. Clerb. A!lr, Bailiary of Kyle, Camek, GIld Cuning- J&eoonl of BIlaua ....
laam, Dand 8lia". Art· Keeper of tAt! &cord of Entails, ~., lVilliam
The t.ora merk BesiJter'. DeparbDellt. Banff, • PIU BUnd.,. ~.
J.... Banter. ~::.1Ure aad Ldllderdau, John Romaoel, Engromng Cltrk, David Winter.
lames WecJcIeD. (ott GIR1lAL RECORD FOR Scon..u."D.)
lohDJ~ CaitAnm, James Jllekensie, W'"
M..... 1,;. HoWmaa. Lord (}lerk Register and Keeper of tAe Signet,
Dumfnu, Kirkcutilwigil, and Aanandalt, . . . of the .lcooutat. to • Court
Bo1iert White. w. P. Duuda&, Eeq.
.t;!tp.-(Jler}; ~r, Alex. Simpson, Dumfries. of ......
BWwd J. A.damL Elp}" and Nairnihiru" GIld Porru, Accountant to COllrt of SeMion, lobn AfaitJand.
Deputy-K.r of tAe Recoru, George Bron
Bobertlon, EIq., W.8.
Superi~aenl ('1 Searches in the Literary ad
Fife. Geo. H. Pagan, Cu~.
Forfar.. David SmAll, DuDdee.
to Accounta,d, J. C. Prutr, C.A.
B'. .. Cbu.eIr1. J.l1ltiqvariaa Dept'rtn&t1it, Josepb. llober&aoa, l1tverneSll .. Rou, Sutlaerlcmd, alld (Jromarty,
.£neaa mackintosh, In'femeae.

Direct!)r, John M. LindsaT; Esq. Esq. Kinron, J. W. WiIlillllllOD Kinroee. Collector ol Fee Fund, A. ForbeI Gordoo, W.S.
Depute-Director" Jame! P. IlaUer and Ales. First Clerk, Alexander Murdocb. La"ar!c, e% Burgl afld Baro., 0/ Gltugow, Awtan'. lohn M'Ewen.
I1owc, E~ra. &cond Clerk, John Oswald.
Superintendent, WilJiam Hardie. Richard Vary.
Firlt Clerk, James. P. Orkney anti Shetland, W. H. Fothcringhame,
&cond Clerk, lobed M rew. Messenger, Jolm MackiuloIb. • . .atauto iD BaUruptq.
OJ}'1rial &arcAcrl ofRecordsfor Incumbrances, KirkwaU.
Senior Assistant Clerk, D. M'Nf:i1ie. Perth, !lnd 1_ (,-war,,., ofSlralheant ez Montdth, K.!II. NEW REGISTF.U OSf'ICE.
&cmld Alllilta"t Clerk, Hugh Home. AJexlbdM' Downie, Chas. Anderson, John
S&eaart, and Antiwar ShieU. John Keml. Perth. TIe~ACf!oup!aJtt in O-lIlJ.:ruptcy in &otlaml
TMrd A_lard Clerk, John M'Neilie. Roz/mrgh, Sel ....rk, GIld Publu, Juhn Afurray, George I... Esaon.
Cleru! John It. Reid, Wm. G. Downie, Charles W.S., Mf,II\I&e.
Booth, and. William MllIhall. Rtnj'remshire anti Bar~ of GltugO'fll, Tbomas
IMri1r Court of Olwlcerr. Grabame Rnd Thos. DiU, GI~.
Stirling, Clncma,.na", and .JloltteitA, Bobert MO, 11 YOUNG STREET.
Sheriff, Patrick Shaw, Esq., advocate. The Gnat 8eal OfIlee. CtUTur, Stirling. C1erk 10 lAc Admission of Nolariu, H. CheYDC,
Sherftf-Clerk, Francis Geo~ Boater, Esq. WigtuwNliUre, J ... JI'IaD, Wigtowa. W.S.
Depute Sheriff- Clerk, D. IIiUar Latta, EIq. Keeper Qf (foe Great &aI, Earl of Selkirk.
J.lIacer, Andrew Anga.s. Deput!J-'Ke~per, J. B. Mackeuie, Esq., W.S.
Substitute Ketper, D. Craig. .

KomiDgr;, Inhibit.iou, .... AclJwUcationl 0ft1ce.

Th. Pri., Ileal OfIlet.
Keeper of the Register of HOnii71g.~, InltilJitions,
1nte~nlptif)ns, and Ailjudicatiolls, J. H. Mac.. Lord:KegJer of Privy Seal, Earl of Dalhousie:
ken~le, W.S. Interim J)epute Kee~s, lVilJiam Pitt. Dand..
Clerics, D. Craig and John R. DUldl. Esq., and rreo. DalZieJ,~. W.8. '
Sltbstitute! Keept'l!'t Aluuder Manlocb.
lVr!ter. to the Privy Seal, Alexander Carael1
Ritchic, advocate.
Zatraotor'. OIlce.
Principal Extractor 01 tAe Court uf Se.'1siOll
Withmn Duncan, S.S.C. ' Ta IIpet 01101.
Assislmlt Extractor, J. H. HardYmaJ1, W. S. Kttptr Qf th~ Si!l!'et,
Clerk of the ilecords, Eztracting Department, Deputy-Keeper, James H~, Ieq
Alexander Wright. ..~ub~titllte Keeper and Clerk, J. Iiamilton Eaq.
Asmla1lt Clerk and Extractor, J. ~.

BID Cbaaber.
Clerk of tM Bills alld Sequestrations, Alexander
TU 1uiJa. OJIlet.
)f,ann. Keeper~"" General RegiMer 0/ Sa.rmu Ifc
As.~I.~lant Clerk, Robcrt B. 8baw. and 0 the Particular lleg.istero[Sa8ind ~.,
Ordmary Clerks, J. Walker and W. R. Hayden. for t e Shire of Edinburgh and C'ml3tabuiari~
_ of lladdi,llgton, Linlitllgow, and Balhgatt
John Uerk Brodic, lV.H. t
.inute.Book and E4ictal-Citatiou OJIce. A..~t~t Keeper, Wtp. Frller, 8.S.C.
Parliamcllt Ilouse. 1:,rsl JlerA:, Jamcs Lmusay.
I . " ' Second Clerk, John Dean.
,liCcpC.r (If 1{le ~lmute-1!ook and Jie!/Utter Ofl TI,ir(i Clerk. Da"id Yule.
E.du·lal t;llatlOll,~, J)a.vld Cormack, S.S.C. POllrth Clerk, Jobn Boucbard
ti88UttCWt, F,dward ~I. Galbrru'h. J....iflk Clerk, Charles D. Preotice.

.- .


Trea..'Curer, Andrew Stone, Esq. Lord, 'rovOII, Right Hon. F. Brown Douldu.
,Fiscal, Adam Gib £UiI, Esq. Bailie., James B*kadder, llobert JObnftton,

I 0iIuS1. ..... SIIerlll·lulllilttlf-.

_ _tserb.
-. Profeuor of Conreyallcing, Alexander 11. Ben, Geor,;e E. RUMell, George Wood, Aleundcr
~. Auchle, and John Bold, JUD., ~I.
Collector of Widows' FUlld, Waiter Cook, Esq. Dea" of Gflild, Adam MOIIID&D, ESq•
Librarian, David Laing. Tr(alUrer, John Gre;g, Esq.
Aberdeen. A!c1\d. Dt,'tldllon, W. Watson, W.R., Aberdeen, Nath. FlLrquhar. A. Simpson, Jun., AbenleeD. COIu:eller of 7'rndu1...John Cox, Esq.
J. Skclton, W.8., Peterhead. Andrew Dotd. Pcterhead.
Argf1e.. Cleghorn. JametlC. Graham,lnverary, 3. )lactaggart, W.!•• D. M'LuUlc ,IlIvcmry. Town Clerk, Jam. u. Marwick, Esq.
-!. G:miiller. W.S.,Camp'ton, 1.1. )(acbg~ Campbelton. Asstnvr81 John 13wse and George Yonng, Esqs.
W. Robortlon, Tobermor,r. lJenitNiIt to Toberm(.ry. IooittJ of IoUcUOfl betm the 81lprtJAt a.uta. CI,amberlain, D. I. RobcrUon, Esq.
A. Fraaer,W.S., Ft-Willltlm, It s. 'wren. }o'on-Wlllliuu.
A1r. .John (''hrfatllon. Jame!! Roblson. AJr. It A. Hunter, W.S. •T. F.lIurdoob. W.S., Ayr. Incorporate,l by lloyal Charter, a"no 1197• Procuratvr.Pitlcal, Bobert L. Dynlock, Esq.
T. AIlderson. Kilman.ock. Fn:.d. C. GI'OM, KUmarnock. }Jrt8U, James lVeh!ter, Eeq. COURT OF roUCE.
BcnJamfn R. DcU, 141. GoMan. W.S., Bautr, GtIorge R. Forbes. W. a. &.Jrdoll. Banff..
\Dan« Gcorgo Young, Alexaudcr Wood. DunIe, WiUlAm 'r.. Kolllo, John Johnston, DullSC. Vice-Presidi1d. Thomas LehnrD, E8Q. Judges The Lord Pro'fost, the aix Dailin of the
Jamel C. Robson, Dunee. 7'retUUrer an(1 Collector (If WidOw,' Fund, city, the Sheriff, and tbe Sheritf-Iubetitutes ot
Bute. lCobert Hunter, And. C. Dick, Both. .y, D. Macbetb, A. CampbeU, Rotheeay. JOIIeph Lbldle, EsQ.
Wm. Herbert, Rothl::Jaf. the Countf.
Caithn~ Geo. D. PordJce, lltunllton BuucU. W.!., Robert 1I'1.achla.n, 1. MIk kenzlo, Wick. Librarian, Thomaa Lanh1e, Esq. Sllpcrilltelulent alld Procurator-focal, tlr TbO!.
Jamea arflne, Thuno. Secrda"!/._ John Young, Eeq. Linton.
C111oktnannan, ~ohnTait, . Wlltltun D. Clarl:.. Alloa. ~ad. JarAetOn, W.8.. WllUam ~nee. AUM, ('t!MOrl, Hew Cricbton and Wnliam Duneun. Clerk of Court, 'Mr James )forhnm.
ICromAlty. A1ex. S. Coo.c. W. H. HUlTar, Cromarty. ohn Tay!or, Jama (1 gGr. Cromarty. Auditor', Matthew TUDDOCk and William S. First Lieutenant, Ales •• 1N..elhm. .•
!Dumbarton, Rubort Hunter, w. C. Steele, Dumbarton. Phinens Darlie1, W.S., R. G. Mltchull, Dumbartou. ..
Lieuttmant.'f, Duncan ~hllar, John MUbgan, "d-
!lltnnfrloll, ltark N-s!Cl'. ~ohn P. 'I,'r!)tter. DumfrlCfJ, Renrv Gonion. A. You1\jt. 8\uad.
b John T. Mon. And. JamCllOn, Ediubllrvh, Kcnmuru MalUand. K. Lothbn, Edinburgb. Fiscal, Joseph Johnston. liam Cowan, Kennelh ThomlOn.
..... Pat. At'kIer, Edinbllrgh,
Fred. Ball.iU"d, f:dlnburgh,
F.1ren, BelUn.mln R. nolI. P"trick Camcron. ElgIn: Cieorge Letllo, WUlIam Gtfgor. E1gln. JI.lGIIDA'I'II u.a TO". COUCIL of LmH.
\11'1 t; DonaldJlackeute, &bert 8. TaylCl'. [Thomas Barc1ar, Alex. Black, (,'upar.
C. Sbineft', DunlermliDe, wmiam Mc.rrison, CU~'I'. IooiIty of Io1ieitm at kw. Provost, WiIliam Lind!!IY·
1. Ma:xlonald, ;;~n{crrnllnfl. Bailie,'ft Goo. Yair Tumbull, Wm. Stcedmllll,
ForCar, AIox. S. LoiJUlt ~. G. Smith, Portar. Gco. Websta-, W.S., Ren. FOJ'II)'th. VI.8.• Forfar. Preses, M. Lothian, E.1Iq. John )1'Nab, James Watt.
Ocorgo R. 0;11'1, Dundee, J. B. Daxter. DU\ldee. Vict-l'ruu. WilIiam PoUock, Esq.
Haddlngton, Gcorge Younf:' Robort BlddOll. Rcnt'f M. Davidlon, ThOll Todticl:. HaddingtoD. Trea."urer, eoUn Duneau. .
InVOrDcu. ADdnw It. C:uic. W. H. Thom8011, Patriok Grant, W.8., Jolln MackllY, InvemeM. Treasurer. George Caima J Eaq. Councillors. Y. J. I'cntland, John tllilcrJ.. Jt)h~
Clerk, James Andenon.
A. FtaIer,W.8., pt·WlI1lam,
Thol1lall Fraaer. Bkro.
O. Shaw b!'arrUI, I:e.,
D. 8. )(·Laren. }o'on-WlIlIam.
J('Ketde, Portreo.
Pileal, WillillJll 8aundera.
7'rea.~urer to Lifll'ary. Wm. W. Millar.
:&litne Wm. Steveu, Jamea Walker, nanC1S
Lyon: E. E. Ilarper, Cbarles M'Kinlay, John
Kincardtne, l.lI. Doll. C. G. Ro rtllOn, Stonehav•• W.Stewart, • TindaJ, fltoneb..,en. Alexander. Ono vacant.. .
W. R. Tindal, St,onebayen. Alld;tor, - MacaRdrew. CommiS;!;lJlter.• of Police vf, Tbe Itag!.!"
Geo. Tlnda,j Stonchayen. Librar'an, R. Wallace. tratea and Town CouDdl. . J •
John Tait, navld Symo, Klnrou. 1. W. WiULuuon, Rugh La( ,Klnt'OA
Kfrkclldbright, E. D. Sandrord,
W. 11. Dunbar. Klrkcud, Goorge Hamilton,
all' A.AliIIon, Bart., H. G. Bell. Olrugow.
Arch. Smltb, Glallgow,
Alox. Strathem. GIRIIgow,
John J)ryedale,
Dnvld H, Oordon.
WUlIam IInrt GlMgOw.
John Gennnei. GIMgOw.
Tbomas P1ke'\ HamUton.
IooieQ of .lceootaatt la lWIlbVJIa.
Superintendl'tlt and Proctlralor-Fucalo/] olccc
Court, JlUlleJI Gnult.
Tolt'1l.ClerkJ. Willi.m Andemon.
OJficm~, A t1inclrur and John lobiDaon.

J. M. Momllon, Glasgow, ~ohn~. s. Hamilton.
•T. Voitchf. HI\miltan, olln 'Uonald, AinJrio. Incorporated by /loyal Charlcr•.
Wtlll:un .o~rdrie. Bugb Davidfton. lAuark.
Pre.'fitlc.1It, Jamea Bro"1', Esq. •
,T. N. Dyco, k,
r,lnlltbgow, lobnC41, Francls Homo. Thomu Lfston. Jamcs Wabon, LtnUtbgow. Council, Arch. Borthwlck, Arcb. Glbion, Thol. .lDxraAL uti IAILD COn..,. 01 LIlTH.
Ben,amm n. IMl, Alex. Falconar. Nairn,
W. • Aytoull. I"
Robort Malcolm, WUllam Dick. Nairn.
.11l11. Robcrtllon. KirkwaU, W Fothcringbamo, D. M. Rankcn. Kirkwal1.
R. Dcll, I.crwlek, Goorgo 8mith, <]. G. Dunmn, Lerwlok.
&ott, Wiltiam Wood, H. G. Wa&aon, R. Eo PrOI)IJlt antI Admiral, WDI. Lindsa)'••
Soon, c. ~1. Batltow, and John }laiUand.
&cretary, Alexander W. Robertaon.
Bailie, alltl Aflmirais Del)ute, Gco. V. T.urn"utl,
Pcebles, Ocorge NBJlfcr. Arthur Durnett, Wm. StUArt, W.8., John BBtligt\tc. Pooblel. Wm, 8tcedman, John hl'Nab, JIWl~ 'hUt
Perth. MwRrd S. Garden, 11. &rclaf, J.L.D.• Perth, Archibald Beld. 10hn )(·Lciln. Perth. Treanlrer, Kenneth Mackenzie. Clerk, William Ander&oll.
J. GmhRmc, Dunblane. Thomna Barty. Auditor, J. 11. BaitJie.
Rcnl'row. Robcrt lIacfnrllUlo, JnmesCampbell, Pn.lII~' Peter lIondC1'tlOn, Robcrt Rodgcr. P = . ASlu~or, Alcxalldcr S\\ltu1. toga,".
H. L. Tcnnent, Green , Danlcl )('FlU'll\n. cy. Law Agent, J. C. Brodie, W.S. Procuralor-.J.''Ucal, John )(url'och.
R088, Alex. S. Cook, Gco. CAmeron, Dlngwatl, Willlam RoM.
W. B. Iftl":t, Taln.
A. L. M'Do d,Stornoway.
Robert BIRir, Greenock.
Robcrt Falconer. IJlngwaU.
11. )(uuro TBylor, 'Thin.
Domlld )lunro. Swrnowur.
J'ae1llt.1 of Aoturl.. in IooUua.
O.fficer:lt Adam 5inclair ami John Itobin50n.
Will lam ROilS, Stornoway.
W. O. Rutherf'tlrd, ~. If, Cmlgio. JCdbU~, Georgo Rutherford, I-!nme8 Stevcnlon, Je<lbulgb.
Ocor!jo DundtVl, F. 8omcrviUe, Selkir Johll Lang,
Chairman. •
Stirling, Ocorgo Moir,
l'cter Rodgcr, Selkirk.
Rc ')(lit Robcrtson. 8tJrllng, TlIOtnM L. Oalbrnlth, .~lel(. Cllmpbull. SUrliDar.
C'oullcil lV. T. Tbomson, W. S~ C. Peal'!On, Tbe Bailie bolds a Court in the Abbey Court-
Robcrt Boonee, Falkirk. !-!,obn Galr, Flllkirk. W. 8~ith. K. Ilackenzie, JM. Brown, A. Borth. hOIl8e\ on the first Saturday of every month a'
Sutherland. (ko. D. Fordyce, Thoml\!I MMkcmle, DonaJd TRylor, W.8. FrMer. l>ornooh. wick. and D. Chi.holm. • two o clock.
Wlgtown. E. D. 8.'\udford, Macduft Rbind. WJgtown, R. 11. Smit.b, A. )I'Neel Calrd. Stl't'llU'llCr. lion. Secs., R. Dalfour, J. M. M'Candlish. /Jailie, Witlinm B. lIay, S.S.C.
Ocorcre C. Black. Wlgt.oWD. Hon, Trea,,,rer, Gcorge Auldjo Esiou. Procllralor.P;"cal, James Parll, S.S.CO
-- - l~cff'rer, Edward Sang.
Actiug Secretary, lV. F. Birkmyre.
Cluk, John W.lIace.
Officer, Alc:u.nder Walker.
'acuity of Ac1.vooatel.
Parliament Sqllare,
r Iocie'J of Wrltml to l1er Kajet,,'. lipet.
, P.lrliamenl SquafVJ.
Keeper ()f the Sio.nct.""_k
eoapual.,.' ..,sma- OIl..
Dean, Right Hon. Jamcs )[oncrcift', It.P. Dcpuly Keeper, James Hope,~. COvn'f fOUn.
7'rewmrer, Archibald T. Uoy)c, E8q. Sub-Keeper alld Clerl', Jolm Hamilton, E~. BzcAequer Cltn",bt", &li"hrg".
Librm'inn, Bamuel IInlkctt, ~. COtItmittte-DaKe of Bnecleueh, it.G.; R. TJ'Ot-
Collector of Widows' Fun(l, J. CR)" Eeq.
A,Bilia'lt Clerk and Bzlractor, Jamn )liUisan,
&/Mtrar, John Hendenon, FAq..._
Clerk, Albea1 Tbom.. Aptborpe, - t . '.Iq.
w, eoa,ener and cbainnu; tbe
~ ifDilkifth L ~ l!e1yjlle; B:ight Hon. BIGJI:LAI'D .DD A8Dnr1.l'UB.&I, IOCDm' o 'l, Right Hon Lord Elebo, Georgc Patwn, Treasurer, Mr Lamb~, Leith. •
o. __ .. _ -.. ~ Al Whi~ Esq. JI\..'11e8 Dronllnond, Joint Secretaria, ~ loInt .Ad~,. BamiJt~n;
t~ ~CIerk, ISII'I.; Sir J. G. Bau;a, Bart. ;
... .lntiibUl Hope, &art.. Sir A. C. OibtoD C _A_.v. & f _
.....'.1, But. i Sir wiUiarit G. Craig, Ban.; Pruidtn" Duke of Athole, ItT.
a.S:A., c:.o Iao~, ~., J~ Robert8OD. Mr George Momeoa, FOGDWDbridge, FAin-
Esq., Lord Neaves, R. PatenoD, M..D.; D. M bllll,ia.
Wm••Lo~ ~ HI' MuweU lDalie, V'.ce-Pruitlt,.II, MarquiS or Bre~baut. tilt Home. Esq.
~., R. 8." 11
p ...
• &q.; B. Dllliau, Earl of KoaalYDl. the Earl of DaIk&th, IDQ &be &cretariu, J. A. Smi&h, ItD., J. SiUa11t """"'I'. lIiIJl8cMol of lWIlbaqh.
~.; Il.B. W. . . . ." ~.; O. H. C.IDIiU, Right Hon. R. lie NIsbet Hamilton. David IAting. (Foullded 1019.)
Eeq., 0ram0ll4; J. W8acbope, Eeq. ~Edaioll. Treasurer, Sir WilIiam Gibeon Craig, Ba.'i. Foreign Sureta,." J. M. )(itcheD, Eaq. /lector L~uhard Scl1mitz, LL.D.! pn.D.,
ltoa. Hon. Sec., Rig~t Hoo. Sir George Olerk, Bart. Trtasurer, T. B. JobnstoD, Esq. F R'S E
Chk/Om"'" _ J.,tice ofp~", Procrwa- Stcretary, J. Halllluwell of Dargavel, O.B. Librarian, FrMcil Abbott, Esq. . . • • TEACUERS.
tor..FMcal, A. I. Lilt. Chaplain, Rev. Jamea Grant, D C.L., D.D. Curators of ~ftl.Seu'lll, Barron GrahlllDe, Eeq., IClmsicc:' and Englilh Dtpar"¥U!ftt,J. MlCt!'iUlUl,
Chemut, ThonlC:S Anderson, )1.D., Profeuor of
GENERAL IIIITmOs. Chemistl'1 in th~ UniYe1'lity of Glugow. James JohllStone, Esq. T ".'Col1oo11. M.A., F.S.A., John Oarmichael. M.A., (I,S.A.,
Kee~r ojtM lltts6um, W. ..1U A. B. Bryoe, -'.B., JantC'S Donaldlon, M.A.
TDi!ad&v J1 15th J~n_. rue.:-~ 19th 'March' Co~lti"g E,!!Jin~~!J Jamea Swliog, C.E. Amstaat Kteper, Robert Paul. Writi,!!/, W. ~~ '.E.I.S.
.t T '
Sat-W'daYt amh- IAplU; J ' Audttor, Arclllbald Home.
Q J, 16th all; Pu:6IiIl,tr~ WiUiam Blaakwood a: Son.. French, MODI. C. H. Sebnei~er. • _
Tuesdal, lu 0ct0Der; Taeada,,19th Noftm- , AridtmeUc and lllatAtmatir.::, WUHsm J("trM,
ber-at 12 o'clock. COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. Bo,.a1 BooiIt.J. 1181. II.A., F.S.A.
Ju.stice of Pe~e and Road Courll.-At Edin.. B,. SnpplemMtary Charter under the Great Preridtnt, Ilia Grace the Duke of ArgtlL German, Dr Oarl E. Aue, '.8.A.
bur~h for Small Debt CMetI, ev~ry Mooday at Seal, grant..ld io 1866 die Society it empowered Vice-I+er.ident6, Sir D. BreWlt-..rt LL.D., Dr Fencing, }ICS5rs Roland.
11 0 clockl &Dd for Road and Pohce caaea every to preJCribe a curri~wn for AericuJtoral Edit.. Ohrietiso!)~ ProtSr. Kelland, Hon. LOrd Num, Drarl'illg, Waiter Ferg1llOO, '.S.A..
lIOOOod ana foarth T~&)' or each mon,tlt at the cation aud to grant Diplomas. Very &v. Dean Ramsay. Pridcipai Foibee. JaNitor; D. 8ine1air.
eamehour. !&DalkelthforRoadandPohceouea, , Secret4f'¥' rrofesll>l' J. B. Balfour.
the INlt TbUl'ldaI of each month at 11 o'clock. BOARD OF DAJIINERS. Secretane6 to OrdinGrJ Mtetiag., Or Lyon
Excise Lic,n,;,ftg Court.-Upon the 6rst Toetld"y Science and Practice of.Agriculture, Mecnanict, Playfair, O.B., Professor Allman. ~'IteW;J.
(If Mal and tfte lut Tm~ay of October; and and Architecture of the Farm, Professor John 7'reasurtr, J. T. Gibsoo-Craig, Esq. GRAND LOOOE OF SCOTLAJ'l).
for AppeaJ., about a fortnight thereafter. Curator oj Libnlrg G1Id MlUtf,m, Dr Douglu
Willlon, RoberL BuUe1l, PiJmuh'; John WHSOD, Grand .Ualter, Duke of !thole,. .l.'t:..I d D~
Vacation.-'rbe month of September.
County C'0n#4hlarv Station•.--I. Head 0t1Iee, Barns.
Edillgton Maiu; and George Hope, FenlOn Maclagtm. p,,,, Orand Jlaster, Bt.roD KIlalWCIl an a.w-
Edinburgh; 2••JoCk'. Lodge' 3. Dllddinglton ; Botallp, Profeaor BaJroar. Hi", It-T. • r BeD
BoJalIooUilll ......'of raiDtiQ, Icalptue, Dep"~ Grand Masrer, J. W.lIelY1Ue () -
4. ){osaclbu\'gh; 6. Dalkeith; 6. Patblaead- ChemUJtr!b Profl'88OI' Tbomll AnderlOlI. ..4 Anhiteot.... 118tJ. I:oohy, Esq.
FordJ 1. Gorebridge; 8. Stow; 9. PP.I1iouik; Natural Hi.,torl" Profeuor Allman. President and Trtutee Sir John Watson Gonion, Substitute Grand :ltfo~ter, Lord Loughborough.
10. .t'eutland {New)' 11. LMlwade; 12. Gil- Veterinary Surf/erg, P.rofeeIor Dick. R.A' Ser,wr G. Warden, J. OIwaId, 'EIq.
mcrton; 18. 8lateio:d; 14. Currie; 15. Kirk- Field EnqinterlTlg and Surveying, Jobn IIilJer ScC)'ct~ry and 'Trustee, D. O. Rill, Esq., R.S.A. Junior a. Warllrn, Sir A. Halk£tt, Ban.
newton; 16. West Caldcf; 11. Mid.Cldder; of Leith en, C.E.\ and .lames Stirling, C.E. 7',(,CfJSltrer and TrtUtec. W. B. Jobnstone, Esq., Gralld Trea.·mrer, Samucl Haf'~. W.s
18. &at Calder; 19. Ratho; 20. Contorphine; BocJk-keepi"u anCl Accounll, Kennelh Macken- R.S.A. Orantl .~cr('fary, W. A. LaurIO, •• i' ..
21. Davidsoo's Maiu; 22. Collhridge; 28. zie, accountant, and Peter :&l'Lagau, yr., of Librarian, Jrun(S Drammond, Esq., R.S.A. Gra1ld (~efk, A. J. SI~wart, £!q" .S.
GrRnton Pier; 24. Newhaven; 25. Newton Pumpberslon. .4uditorl, Charles Lees. ~., LS.A.; Georgc Se)l. G. beacon, Dr 'M Cowan. "" E
Grange; 26. AliJton Cottages; 21. Ro81in; 28. Han-ey, Esq., R.8.A., and rraatee. • .fun. G. J)eac(J~, TIlOmas Ih7borou /;", ~••
)[illerbill; ~9. Carrington i 80. Newbridge; Cuuncil, Gourla, Steell, Emkine Nil'.ol, Wilham Grantl ChapidnlS, Rev. Davld Am"" D.D., .wJ
31. Portobello. EDIDVBGK L1TEBAJ11' OD 8CIDTmO Brodie, Eeq., B.S.A., John BaUautyne, Eeq., Rcv. Andre.w R. Donar.
PoJioo Committee meet first Wednesday of every t r;,.and Archrtect, D. Bryce, Esq. ~
month, at 12 o'clock.
of ft7dciau. taIL
I+uident, Dr Alexander Wood.
B.S.A. George Bar'Yey, and Coivlo Smith.

BoJallcottilll 1oc1et.J of AI1I.

GrrJtld Jeweller, Charles M.cbI,
Grand Bible-beart.,., John l>euChw,
GraM DirtCtOJ" 0/ Oeremmriu, Capwn P.


Pr:uident,.Alc:c. Bryaon, Esq·Lr'~~8.E. '!!tU t~ {o'/::;:!Jo~lbtarw Sit Gr.w.· JJemford.

Vice·Pruident. Dr .I. Y. 8impROD.
CO.VDTIO. 01' .),AI. BVBGHI. 1....,. Secretary, Dr Rutherford Baldane. V.ce-Prt:sltlefl" S&eveDI('n m.~am, ,J; .11., • .l-: . 0 U U_II_

P/'eses, The Lord Provost of Edinburgh. Treasurer, Dr A. HaDiday Douglas. F R8 E d'W A Roberts M.D. Grand. DJrector of mUSIC,.. • Ill. ,!DIUIC{.
Treatmrer and A.gen', J. WbicefooM M'Kenzie, Curator ol.Museum, Dr Charlea WilIoD.
Dr T. 8. Wright.
Sec;el~,:y;J:~n "~n &U! Esq., w.s.
Treasurer, John SooU Moocrietf, YAq., C.A.
gra~ ~~;;:,'1.Jt.i~
Esq., W.S.
(}haplain, Rel'. John Hunter, D.D.
Clerk, James D. Marwick, E!q.
E:t'jgi:leer, Dnvid Stcvon80n Esq . !lo,al CoD... of ....... of Z4babup. 1601.
Ectt\oatilulludt.1lt. of 1eot1aacl. Ill.,. ao,al Oblerft.,.
Callol'/. HiU.
.l1ge7l1 at Lmadon, Johll kichird80n, EIq., 21 President, Douglas )facJa~n, M,D. Incorporated by Royal CluIrltr, 1851. ,IItrmtmlltr &yaljor Sroliand, C. Pian! SmJ1b,
Fludycr Street. Treasurer, John Gairdncr1 II.D. PrClident, Rev. Ales. S. TbomlOn, ~ooIma", F.&.88., L. le E., F.It.A.S.
Ojficer, Ales. Macpheraon. I..ibrariaJl, Arehiba)d JnlPUJ. II.D 7'reasurer, WilliaID Cooper, Esq., Bllh &boot, Fir" Aubdant do., Alex., II.A.
E:t~miJ~er of St'l4mt8' I.,'o«r" 0/ SttUlJ, .f. ""et
- Slm80D, ILD.
Secretary,_ John Saolt, W.s.
Edinburgh. • , "-t'- .~o1td .t1sNttlnt clo., Mr P. WUUIDJl!Oll.
Secretar!/, G. Ferguoa, Lt.D., King. ~-...,
ClImu or COJUOBOB BD C'O'l. oj Museum, W. R. Sud.... 11.0. Secretary tQ BoGrd of Eza",iJlerl, Jsmee Gloag, ESUlLUHlD ca:naK.
KABVPAO'fVUl. 1718. LL.D., Edinburah Academl. The Cm:ncu of ScOTLANJ) I1 19"e~ b1 a
Chairman, James lUcbardson, Esq.
Dep"i!1 Cl/airmen, D. J. Thomson and Duncan
!l'Lnrcn, Esqs.
looletJ of AJatillu.riel of Icotlana. 1710.
Patron, TlIo Queen.
0tJlert.l AIIoeIaUoD of T_km la CtwaaioD
General Assembly, 16 8JDOCh, aDd M ~.
Trea.9urer, Jamee Ritchie, Esq. with tht rr.. CDl1ll'Ch of 1eotJaK. 1. . . . SCOTLA'ND.
President, MArquil of Breadatbane.
Secretaries, Tbomas S. Lbnl@ay, 36 Hano'Yer ib, Vice-Presidents, P,·Jfeaeor J. Y.8im)."lOD, D• .w Pruidmt, John JlOIU'O, F.E.I.S., lIercbiatOD Lord lligh Co,mrtilliolltr', BIght Bon. tfJrd Bel..
ad David Jupnha Thom80n, Iaq•• Cud. 8ciool. haveD.
Laing, Eeq., J. ". Gihloa..Craig, £Iq.
.. 104
I _ 105
Aloderator, BeY. Dr CoOn Smith. Dean of tlte Faculty of Arl8, James F. Ferrier, VUyenlq 01 Abtrtttft. ItK. Surgery, Jamcs ,tiller.
.Proc.rator and t"ailaier for the C/,urch, Alex- LL.D. Practice of Physic, Thos. Laycock, ~l.D.
ander Shank Cook, EsQ., Advocate. Librarian. Factor, alld Ckrlt, lev. Jamea Mac- CAancellor, Duke of Richmond•
Principal Clerk, AIel{. t. ~im'psoD, D.D. bean, A.M. .Rector, Edward Fr&Deia Maitland, Anatomy, John Goodsir•
Stcb ..crerk1.J. Cook, D.D., HaddiD~on. Prillcipal, Rev. P. C. Campbell, D.D. General Pallcolony, Witliam Uenderson, 'AI.D.
,4gl!llt in .n:dillbllrg}l, John Bcatson Bell. W.S. Secretary, Davi<l Thomson, 11..1. Alidwifery, J. r.·SimjOOlI, M.D.
Parlianumtary SOlicitor, John Mai&land. United Coli... of St. labator and St Leonard. librarian and Registrar, Rev. John Fyfe, 11..1. Clinical "AlediciHc, J. H. Bcnnett, AI.D., and
Thomas l..aycock, ~t.D.
Principal, James D. Forbea, D.C.L. PROFESSORS. Clinical Surgery. JlUDeA Syme.
PUOFESSORS. Greek, W. D. GOOde!!, 1\1.A. BotmlY, John Hutton B41four, 1\1.D.
nu ofCJIt1KCH.
Tbe F ...... CHuRcn lIumanity,
... • tan,t J WitJiam
lM,oemed n,8SLS
SCOTLAND is ,..- •Pyper, LL.D.
C. Sh alrp.
llumanitll, Robcrt )Iaclure, LL.D. I",tit,.te.'I of Afetlicille, J. H. Bennctt, 1\I.D.
- • JAgic, Alexander Rain, M.A. Natural Jlistory, Georgc James Allm3n, M.D.
by a General Auemb1l, 16 S.fIlods, and 71 Pres- Greek, W. Y. Sellar, A.M. Mathemalics, }'rederick Funer, M.A. lllliver.~al Hi.~tQry, Cosmo Innea.
b)1eriea. . .J.lIathematic8, Wm. L. I'. Fi!chcr, ~['A., Cnntab. A/oral Philosophy, WiUiam Martin, )I.A. AgriC'tlittlre, John Wileon, {·'.R.S.E.
Moderator of Gen. Al8embly, Rcv. Dr CandUsh. Logic, Rhetoric, alld bletapltys;c,'t, JOh!l Ve!tch. Natural l'Mlo.~lIplty, Da\'id Thomaon, If.A. 7~01'!J of J!usic, John Donaldaon.
Legal Adviser A. Munar. DUnlop, J.L.D., M.P.. A.~f. Natural History, Jamcs Nicol.
Cterk.a, P.&riclt Claaon, l?D.. Edmhurghl.~U' Aloral Pllil080/)1,y amI Political B('oll(lmy, Jas. S!/stematic. Thcoio91" It. }1¥pher800, D.D.
Henry Wen"ood Monoreift', Bart., B.A., lliOlll- F. }'crrier, B.A., Oxon. C/,urch llt.'1torq, \\ m. It Pme, D.D.
.Biblical CrUicl.'1m, Wm. ~Iilligan, M.•\. TriDity Cgllege, Glena]JQond, Perth.bin.
burgh. •
Depute Clerk, James Crawford, Jun., W.8., Civil History,
Natural PAiloSQI,h!b Willinm Swan.
)I'Donald, .M.n., F.1t.S.E.
Anatomy and A/er/icine, George Edwnrd Dny,
Uriental Lallguaaes, Andr(!w ScoU, M.A.
Law, Patrick'Dav~d~on, LJJ.D.. .
1J'(lrriell, Rev••Tohn llannah, D.C.L.
Sub.lVtm/t·", Rcy. R. 11. l\'ithcrby, M.A
M.D., F.R.S. lnstitutu of .Me~l~we, Gco. OgdYle, ~I.D. Tutor in 711eolotllJ. Uev. C. J. Abhcy, AI.,\.
BDHOPI 01' TJD: 8COTTIIH EPISCOPAL Chemistry, A. Connell, F.R.S.L. nnd E. Prae'tice of Metilcme. J. )lacl'obm, ~J.D. .1;..;.~tants in PIl'bUC Sc/mal J)epnrt;·!: lit, Rey.
CJlVRCJI. Asmtallt, M. Foratcr Headle, M.D. Chellli,~try, Andrew ~yrc, )I.D. G. ~'. Rrowne, B,A .• Rev. J. ~url\cr, C. A.
Etlinlmrgh, Right Rev. C. H. Terrot, D.D., Edin- AlIatomy, Alex. J. I.IMI·S, 1\f.D. l'lIi1ip. [Mt., B.A., lIerr )IC),CroWICZ, and F. T.
•';lIrg(''7I, William rime, l'.R.S.E. TRyter, E:!q .
bnrgh, Primu... College of 8t Xazy .Materm .ltleC/icll, Alcx. lIarvey, 1\1.D.
Artlyle and the Isles, ltig)lt Rev. Alexander J ' •
~wing, IJL.D., D.C.IJ" J.oohgilphcad. J rmc'pal, Rev. John Tu oc I, • •
11 I D .Midwije;!!, Robert Dyoo, 1\l.v. .
Bftc1l.i1l, Right Rev. Alexander Penro8c FoWes, I PROFESSOltS.
Jl/rdical Juri."prlltielle'e a"d Aledlcal Logic,
Francis OgstOIl. AI.D.
It 1larJ·. Boman CathoUo Colt•• Bl~.
D.C.L., Dundee. S!I!t~n!atic Theol?91J, Rcv. John Tullocll, D.D. Bota"y, GCllrge Dickie, 1I.D. Near Aberdct'll.
.Moray ami R08I,Right Rcv. Robcrt Eden, D.D., J~WWI~y, ~ey. W.tlllRm Brown. D.D: Pre. otidl'llt, Rcy .•lohn Strain .
lnvemw. 1~('(;le.ilflSl,calllut()l·!b Rev. J~hn ~ook. D.D. LECTURERS.
St A71dmv.'f, Dltnkel(I, mHl Duublalle. Right Urumtai Languages, Rev, A. I • .&htcbcll, A..M. Prac:ical Reli!lion, W. R. Pirie, D.D., and R. l'nOH.ssous.
nev. Cbarles Wordsworth, D.e.L., PitclIllen _ )bcphcrson, D.D. Rev. WilIiam )fann.
Uank, Perth. Agriculture, J. 8. BrAzier. Re\'. Willinm Caven.
A berdeell , Right ltcv. Thomas George Sutbcr,. Univer.lty ~f Glasgow. 1461. Rcy. Davit! Maool)nrud.
D.C.L., Aberdeen. CltallCellor, ]}ukc of !(ontrO!c. Procurator, Rev. Andrew Flcming.
Glasgow and Uallowall, night Rev. S. S. Wit- J'ice.CI.ancellor and Principal, Thonlns Bar- Vniyeraity of EdiJlburgh. 1611.
80n, D.D. cia)" D.D.
Rector, IU~ht JIon. the Eal'l of Elgir., K. T. Chmu:el!or, Lord Brollgham. 11.][1 III 8COTLAlfD.
BIIBOPS 01' THE :aOKAK CATHOLIC Dean of }acllltif.~, Jawes Aloncricif, Esq., AI.P. ]lector, }(;ght lIon. W. E. Gladstone, Bt.P.
ClIUBCH. CleJ'k of Senate, D. H. Weir, 1\1 A. Pri"cipal. Sir D,,,,j,l Bre?'lIter. lank of lcoUan4. 1881.
B(l,~tcnl District, Ri$lh~ Re,'. Jamcs GUlis, D.D., ! . . • l'UOJ:o'ESSOICS. Secretary' to (]nil'ersity, AIel. Smith, Ew..
HEAD OnJCE, Hdi"I,,:rfIA.
J/umamt,'I, Wdham ltnmsny, ~r.A.
mshop of Limyra, Edmburgh.

Wtwlerll District, night Rev. John 1\[urdoch, (irfek, Eilmllnd I•. Lushington, AI.A.
n.D. m8ho~ of Custabala, Glasgow; Coat!. ).')!li(J mul Rhetoric, It. Ducl.uman, 1\f.A.
1I117llfmily, JRmt.'1! ~iI1:\n81 A.ll.
fired', J. S. lJ1ac!t1e, A.M.
(;QI~eJ'l/Qr. l\larqnis of Brcatillll..Ilme.
Depllll/·(;o,'erllor. Sir Gcorge Clerk, Ra:t.
1·ren.~ilrer, John ElIq.
jlilor: Right Rev. Alex. Smith, D.D., Dishop of .:.l/tmti PMlos!)phy, W. Flcm1Dg, D.D. Mathematic.l(. I'hi!il' Kelland, A.)f. Secrdary, Arehib:ud BcllllCt, }Mt.
l'srim, Glasgow. Jl!atllematic,~, Hugh Blnckbnm, M.A. L(llJit~ Clnti .1Ietapll:Jsh·s, Aiexander C. Fra.'lCr, A.ot,~j,..talli ••l)ecretc.ry, Gcorge M. TItlcr. ~.
AM/Ill.,." l)i.'ttrict, ~i~ht Rev. Jllmes Kylc, D.D., J.~!'t."I'a,ll~'1l10~oph!b W. Thomson,. tT•. n. ~I.A. Cashier, Thomas Armstrong, Es..).
Bishop oC Germamc18, Preshome, Fochabcrs. ( 11'11 {mtltllcCrlll!l, W. J. M. Rnnkme. J.JJ.D. Moral l'hilosol,hy, P. C. arnc40ugllll.
Pmctlcal A.'1troll11my. Robert Grant, }I.A. Natllrllll'Mioscpl,,,, P. G. Tal&, A.)1.
Divillity, Ale". Hill, D.D. Rhetoric alld Bel~e8 Lellre.q, \V. E. Aytoun, Borallek of IeoUan4. 1121.
UllVERSITIE8. l!.ccle.~ia,~tical lli."toI'Y, T. T. Jack'lon, D. D. D.C.L. IIUD O....ICF., l~dilll'UT:Hh.
COlI!.nSSJONERS FOn TilE PURPOSES OF TilE mn- Oriental Languuge.ot, D. H. Weir. l\l.A. Practical A,qtrmmmy, CharJl's P. Smyth.
VERSITIES' ACT, 21 ANI> 22 YIC., C. 83. Ch';; Law ami Law oj'SeotlalU!, GeOl'gl' SkODC, [)i,·I·nily. TbonllUl Crawford. IJ.D. (;m:enwr, Dukc of Rl1Cclcllch.
The J.ord JU8tice-Clerk, Cltail'mall; tbe D,llkc of •ad'·(l{'llf/\ •• ('hurch History. - - • Dep"t!J.Gm'CJ'llOr, Sir Wm. Gii>!on.Craig, Bart.
Argyll, the Earl of lI:uldillgtOIl, thc Earl of l\atlll'rtlllrstol'!l" Henry D. Rogen, Lt..D. lIebrcU' and I1in(losta1lee, Rc\·. n. L.8!on: . Ca.O(I,icr, I.aurcncc RoberL~n, Es'l'
Aberdeen the Earl of )fllllsficld the Lord Jus- Ba/anp, G. A. Walker Amott, IJL.D. .l1iMicni Critici.otm (wci Biblical Atlt'qllltle.q, R. Secretary. JamclI Wright, F.~q .
ticc-Ocnc;'al, the Lor<l A(lyo~.'\t~, Lord Ardmil· C/leml.'ttry, Thomas Audcr8on, )I.D. l..ce, n.D. . Accmmta"t, W. Tumbull, E!q.
AS8;"la1!t ACCoulltallt, I). R. W. iIulo.

Illn, Sir W. Gibson-Craig, ]Jart., W. Stirling, AIIIJ!amy, AUen T~I~mlOll, l\(.D. CMI Law, Arehiha1(1 Camllbell SWlUton.
Esq.• M.P., A. 1\1. Duulop, Esq.,1\I.1'., Alux. hJltltu!es of J,fedlcme, A. Ruchnnan, )I.D. SI'otch Law, John Schank llore.
Jlnstie, Esq., 1\I.P. .~/atena ~led,ca'L ~ohn A. EastOll, ~(.D. COni e~mu'ing. Alex. )J. Bell. •
Jritilah IJJltD Compur IW. l1t8.
&cretary, ]Wheat Beny Esq. 1S1l"ue~y, Joseph ~t8tcr, )I.B. Materm Medica and Pharmacy, Robert ChN-
tlllOn. M.D. •I JlF.AD OFfICI-:, EdilllmrY'I.
, Practice of l'h!pncl. John l\(aefilrlaJlc, AI.D.
.Midwifery. Jofm 1'u. Pagan, 1\I.D. Mecliral J!lri.<prtldellce and Police, T. S. TraIl, Goverllor, Earl of RoIIebc~" I.T.
17niver.ity of It hare".. ltU. M.I~
(","haucellor, Duke of Argyll, UJ.D.
lle.cIJr, Sir Ralpb AUlltrutlaer, Bart., LT•. D.
Forensic .Medicine, lIarry Rainy. MD.
Eye (Waltollia1' Lecturers), Wm. Mackenlie,
AI.D., und W. Brown, M.II.
Chemistrll. dud Cl.emical Pharmacy, Lyon
fair, al.D.
.y- J)eput!J- GOl'erllor, Sir Graham Gr.ham &Ionl-o
J(omery, Dart., ltl.P.
MUlIoyer, l'atrick Brodic, E3q.
• --------------~ ..------------.OK DIDCl'OKY. -

- ................
•• ................
art........ c."MpDr.
GLdGOW B&a:D Omm:, 18 Qwa Strlltl- ---
.. ................
Maflager, ~ leadman, ~.
J!IIiItartt.Mtmager, William Brown, Eaq. . lIre1a, ... 4 Co., ad lTD~'l
Bank of Lorlll(lll.
&crttGfJ., Alexander Katherlt !Iq. QlJaaDd Co.
CcuAier, WiUiam Tod, £Iq. QIJD ud Co.
OJ,.. ...4Co.
EDmBuaoa Omoa. ~... Lo7d aa4 Ce. . . . anel Co.
George 8trftt. AlIoJa, ... __ ......... XortIa., SooUaad ~ o.pu, .r. . . 0II ..._........... UIIOII ...1t of Loaclon.
VDIoa Jut of Iooduad. Manager, James Greenbill,?Aq. .&k«dt ........._ ...... 0111 of~ Buak. .........
................... 8MJt of
aa"ldn &11411Itcbe1I ...
l. DaLdIl.... _............
LotulolllelDt Stoek Bulk.
c.&II and Co., Smith, ".7111
,. .M._. . _
DIAD Omell, YirgiftiG Street, GlalltlOtD; Aeeo.nMrtt, Ala. AIlChie, 1Iq. . . Saslthl, Ul4Bk. ofEn••
Parli4~ &jUre, EdinollrgA. ~
HigAStrw4 •
KdoDal Baak of
..••_............ CIIdIIdIII BIaIWaI
8eot:1l'l................. "AID.
0.,.,,--_ Jem. KI44................
WatIOII..... ......
Otya ..d Co.
ItirMtt aDd Co.. &lid ......
OAairman t Sir J. S. Foibes But.
BIIIklac COIIJIIl,........... LawJe G...... _ _
Agent, Ilichul B~t EIq. .... Weetmlutu Bull:.
Ikputy·CAairman, Sir P. i. ThreipJlIId, Ban. ~......... OIJ~ lIbelt &114 Co.....cI ~
_ ""mID,tu Bak.
ED11(8t7JlGH. AItonl ............_... BOltb or SeoQaD. "'11:11" Coarpaar An4...", Wo.o. .......... Ualon Bank of Londoa.
................... A. . . . . Ton ... CoIler JIeDJL..... "·11.... a....... ........ LoadeD JOiDt S&oclt Baak.
Manager, SAMuel Ba1, Esq. PrcrtiulIl .....
Auoa ......... __..._ ~ lIIDItor 1ooUaiiI............
lem. ............ _...... , . . . !.old aDd CO., AD4
&crttary, William B~, 1Iq.
.... ..................
CoaUa ad Co.
CalAiert Lance T&.flor, Eeq. ABERD.EN TOWN ANJ> CoUNTY BANK. ...................... D•• aeWatt ............... _
Th. . . ~ ••• -..... Oa,. ..dCo.
..4 Co.
Accountant, John Simpaon, Eeg. CAT.XOONlAN BANKING CoJIPANY, J~vem_.
... Job FotberSl........ Bamen and Co.....4 LoIldon
... Wlltmlnttet But.
GL.U<JOW. DUNDEE BANIUNO CoJIPAXY. AtJlb ..................... ~ . .toflcoU....................... WlIlIam Team.. ........ C01lUl, an4 a.1Ik of i!a"land.
Maflager ,lames RObertsoD,
Ca,Aier, j ameli Reid, ~.
'..Iq. EAsTERN BAn OF ~TLAND, Dundee. It •••••• ".............. DIIIIIM Beaualoocc.taay ............-
Al,. "..................... Ua.......Jr. oflall4l, •• __... __ WIIIt_ .r.., (A"",).. .......&114 C••
WUu.. Co.... .......... Olp &a4 Co.
• . v.........,B;;,oJr.Jq
........ (GIaIp.) 01.. et GIaIIOW a...k..._ ..........._ CbarItI .laIW......__ LoirId01l Job'lt 'loa DMk.
&mta"" James BeekeH, ~. deen. c.....,_........
~ w. H. ~Jler........... , Loncloa AD4 W..crulutor Bt•
_1J.IrMtt lid Co.
Accountant, If• .I. Bowden.FaUerton, FAg. Pum BANDNG CoIIP.un'. of IeotIM4 ..................
1rUIIIl ...... C-~, __._.• _
..................... O""-'IakW ............._ 8oM& 1rY............_ .._ •.,.e ...
W. lilt ...................... Gl111 ..4 Co.
a-a-........- J .... lAId ... Co., ADd
4 SaaKIII.

. . . . ". H ....
Celatc. aDd Co.
~ .... Co.
.. It
• ....u ADd CO., ...4 Loa. .
ArbroMll........... _... lIltM ua...,..,..,. _ . . . . _..
J • .l. DIeIIIoa ...._...... IIIItIa, 'AIM.
" _._._..... ~ ..... of ...........__ ........ .A.~._......_ ...... c..... 1lMa1l:of . .'I...
...W. .I. . . . . .k

.. ..........._... CtiIIIMrcIal JIuk " ........ _ .._ 1fwoI••IC "'1IeIIo...

.1_ Lo7. ..4 Co., . .
• _ _ ....... IIIk otaooaal ............................. .r._ Malt................ ,.0,.....
Coat&t ID4 Co .• SmlUl, 'lIJIII
... &DUb.......
~var-." .......... . JItplllllkot . . . . . _ . _..__ Job I ..... ... a. c.u-. aa4BMt., .....J.
... L .....
-.k et...... .............................. D. J. JIIek•••••••••••••••••• eo.u. ea4 Co., S(blU!. Pap.
... ...lthI,ADd Bk. 01 e....
It .....t ••••••

X . ot ........ 1aM1aI c.,..,
Clt, fI 0 ..... JIIIIJr........ __........
Ctitral .... ., 1oIIIMI._...............
...... .rolllt Itoek . . . .
\1.......1I:ofLoo. . .
LtMIa .r.e etock Jlaak.
0.,. .... 00.
11'" . . . " kttJM4 ('''lair.) GI,. ... Co.
V......., ofScotJa4.................... Gl,.ad Co.
JIIak., ....... .,..___...- ••• _-
Art _ ...._...." .......
C4IiIItk . . Co....' " .....
....., ..... 1,4 Bk. tit
leek et~ ............................ Chad. c..,..n ...... ~Ht and Co., 8mn..
. . Smitlla. lad 5t. of En«.
It .................. , •••• .......t.,~.................... P•• , X_et4, ......... Coat", a4 BIIIIt of icIfJAId •
V_ . . . ", ....... __......._ .. H..""" ... O'._...... alm .... co.

.11 ..,....................
••••••• . . ••••• •••• M . . .
...... __ " ...... _ ......... 0.0.................- Ol£'''' Co.. MlOtItiIIIId

Place. .am~ornank. l_____
___n_.___________Lo_O_d_Q_n_A_g_C_n_~_____ Place. NAIIle of Bank. I Jl'anap1s.
London A.s;entL

A)'I'..._................... (;114t1ldale Banking Cl)mpln,............. B. If. Ita,................... Ilamett and Co....d!..oftdoa

an~ WIlItmln.t\!l' Bank.
('.4)atb:1dge........ ..... I Vlllost Bant 01 ScoUlI1d ................. _/ Robet't HeadertO........ GI)t\ IUId Co.
Coldatream.............. Drill.!. l,taeD Company................. W. Do~I:1lI ................ Smith., Pnync IUId Smlth,.
It ....................... C"llty!lf Olugow Dank ..................... WIUlam PoUoek ......... l.oodo. Jl'lnt Stock C'IDk. 11 •••••••••••••• 8&r&k of Scc.t&ll.Dd.......................... J. Cwtn1.ogbUl._••••••• Coutb and Co.. Smith, ram.
_ .................... Commerclal Dank 01 SCOtlaGd............ H. C. Gray ................. Jonea uJd and Co., 11111 and Smith!!, and lit. of 1:a".
.,. • •• Coutw and Co. Colb.bnr;b ............ r.omme:rdal Dank of SCotl.. d............ John Wond .............. .. Jonl!l Loyd .nd Co., Ill.!
A:rton..................... Royal DlI.ntnl Scotland..................... "'Altu Carter ............ Co'lttl, a'ld Bauk of F.u,iand. Couttll and Co.
It ..................... Commercial DAnk of S::otland............ T. and J. BowhlU. ...... Jone.<! Lo1d and Co., IIld
Comrlet ................... 1C?mmere1a1 BlI1k ot Scotland............ A. Ballantioe ............. .lonea Lhyd and Co., And
Cout.. all4 Co. COlltb alld Co.
Batfroa .................. British Linen ComplUl,...................... M. Roberhon.............. Smith. Payne II1d Smitbt. ('OIlpu'.Ancua ...... •.. Union BMk of Scotland (Perth Dank) WlIllam Bett.. ...... ...... GI". and Co.
Ba1~.............. C"mmerdal Bank of Scotland............ John }'lnli&)'.on .......... Jonea Lo)'d JUld Co., Itd
Cunt.. and Co. .• ......... Centrcl 8auk of Scotland .................. John :!('Laren ............ I Gilll L'\d Co.
National Dank <>1 ScotlAnd................ D. Clart '!ld C. Do)'d. I GI)'~' and Co.
Coweaddeu (0l1li,.) City otGluco.. Dank ...................... J.Graha:n kJ.Tenntlflt., Londun ..!·'iut Stl}ck Dank.
BlllaW"'••••••••••....••• Union BUlk of Scotland ................... Oearp Ua1nlS ........... Oly" and 00. Royal Bank of Scotbnd ................... . 'Waiter Denhllm.......... Coatt.1.:. C,\., and Bk. uf .:"1.

..... ....................
....ehorr ................ . North of Scotland Bankln, Co. 'lpanr \YlIIiam Slm ............... Union DIlnk 01 London.

.................. ...
:1nlon Bank of Scotland ................. .. John ,ta1eolm .......... .. G1yn and Co.
Commercial Dank of Scotland............ A,luJrcw, )I·£wen ......... Junes • Loyd IlDd Co., IIld
COllt&. and Co.
UIUoa Dank of SCOUlUld.................. .. J. Frame.................... GI,.. IUId Cu.
Cralr..••••.••••... : ...... . EMiem Dank oC Scotland ............... .. P. Oliphant ................ Barel.)' an(\ Co.
Crleff•••••••••••••••••••••• City 01 GIMJOW DauL .................... .. JlDles .Maelto~ty ........ / J.ontkon JoInt StMk Bank.
,. ...................... Commercial Bunk of ScotllUld ............ WUn.m Brown .......... JOllet 1.o1d lIud Co.. and

.. .
, Union Bank of Scotland ................... J.mea Ru.t ............... t Glrn and Co.
... ................ ... , N.tlonal Dank of Scotland. ........... . Thomae Adam............ Glyn anI! Co. M...................... Coutt.. II1d Co •

tt •••••••••••••••••••••
North of Scotland hl\nkln« ('OIupan)' O. Crulck~hank ......... Unton BlI1k of London.
.................... . Aberdeen Town and Coun'1 BlI1k...... 'Nllllam Conttl........... London Joint Stock Dill.:'
CItJ' of GI..,o1\· ~Ilnk .................... . JIlme& C'ro.ble............ LondolJ Join' Stock Dlmk.
tt .......... "..........
{jalon Dlnk of Scotl~nd (Pcrth Bank) J II1d A. (.Ibson......... GlJn and Co.
Centr.l Dank of Seotlond.................. John M·tel.h............. 01"" and Co•
Cromar'J ............... <."Aledonlanlhlllkini Comp!lny.......... A. O. GrM.m ............ , r.-rclay .rod Co.
.. ............... CommerclallSaDlr. of 8coUand ............ ,l!Obert Boa ............... 1",onet Lo,d and Co, Ill\!
Barrbead ••••••••••••.•• City of G1UKoW Bsn1l. ..................... 'fJlomu X·tetlan........ London Joint Stock Bank.
It •..............
............... Union D.n); of Scotland ................ .. )Iatthew Andel'lOn...... Glyn and Co.
Bank of Sc.ntlalld...... .•••••••••••••••••••• Archlbald BrownUe..... COllt.ta and Co., S.olth. Pame
CUlleD. .................... Union nll1k of Scotllnd ................... WlllI.m t. TlIylor ....... Gl1n .tld Co .
Couttl and Ct'.
It .. .................... North of Scotl.nd Danklng Company Alexander Slm........... Union n&nk of Lond",,_
and Smiths. and Dk of Enc. Cumnock ............... CI)'del4alc DanlUllg COmpI01............ WlllIam Ettel'lbank..... B.rne:t and Co.. aud INntiol)
M........... ....
Eat".al. ................ Royal B:s.n\ of SCotlan4............ ...... A. SlmpllOn ................ Cel tb, nud IMuk. 01 EDllud.
Natlomll Dauk of Scotlanli ............... John Johntton ......... OIyn and Co.
................ Union Dank of Srotland .................. K. 1:. Durm ............ Olyn and Co.
M................ anI! We.tll\lnlter Dank.
Dank of Scotland.............................. 11. )J'Xerr-.. and H. COllttA and CQ., Smith, Pa1110
ROIl!. 1114 Sml~hs. and .:~. of J.n«.
B:·allly... ................ Commtll'clal.Dallk of Scotland............ Alexander Fruer ...... Jonea Loyd anil Co.. ID4 .. ................ ROYII Bank of Scotland. •................ . Andn.w White ........... Ok. of .:ng., ar.d Couu, I: Cu.
Coutt. and Co. Cupar (rite)............ Urlclsh I.Inen Complllly.......... _ ......... Wm. raaan and Sou.... Smith. I'a'tne and tbultbl.
DeUh ..................... Commerclal But of SCOU.. d...... ...... Jame! FanJlh............. Jonee Loyd .n4 Co., 1114 • CI1delldale B.nklngCumpany.......... .. AlldrtlW' T.Jlor........... Barnett and Cft., aatl f..ondon
COlltt& Jnt! Co. and W"",tmluter llank
It ..................... , Union BlUlk of Scotland ................ .. Wllllam Love •........... Olm and Co. Commerelal Dank 01 Scotland............ Of.Oflte lIo iOartb .......... 1 Jon" Lay\! and Co., aal!
.. ..................... Clydflldale D&aklngComp.ny............ U"msc), 11111 Bailey...... D4J'IIet.t .nd Co .• ad LoIdOIl Con~ta an.! Co.
and 'Weatmln..... l *... t. National Baa:k of Scotland ............... \\,11111\:0 Drnmmllnd.... GI1n and Co., ud COl:ltb and
Denl...................... North ef ScoUaud Bankln, Company A. W. Heoderaon ...... Union 8allk or London. • Co.
.. ..................... Aberdeen Town .nd COIlC.t1 Bank.... .. Robert Glltgl ............ London Joint Stock BaDt. " City of Oluaow Bank .................... .. \\'llllam t>nncan ......... London Join' Stock 8auk.
nerwlck.on.Twecd... Woo"q, Parker ami Cc...................... Union n.nk of London. '" ............ Rnyal Bank of SrotllUld ................... . Anhllr hauell ............ Coatt .. anll Ihwk of England.
J1lggar .... ............... Co-nu.eJ'ch.l Bulr. of Scotlud .......... .. T. PaW. Jun............... Jonea Loy'. and Co., ud Dalbtlattle............... UnIon B~" of Seotlan4.................... Jllmc. Onero ............. 01,.. .nd Ctl.
COllttllln4 Co. Dalkel&h ..... ............ Commerelal Dank of ScoUlI1d .......... .. GI!O. And Jas. Gra1 ... .. Jones 1.o)'d And Cf). and
N.tlnnal Bank of Scotland ............... Adam P:\lrman ........ .. Olyl\ .nd Co. Contt. u:ul Co.
tt ••• , ••••••••••••••• Royal Dallk of Seollomd .................. Davld TboUle:lD ........ .. Coutp, and Bak 01 EP,laad. ................. Clydeldale BlUlldng Compan1...... ...... John BoWel ............... Banaett aall Co., and Lontloll
Blackfnrd .............. . (!cntrlllllank nf Scotland .................. \ D.I.ay,·eon .................. Olyn and Co. and WeAtmllllw lIank.
JUalr AthoU ............ Union Dank of Sco\lalld (Pertb Dank) A. St6Wart ............... .. GI,.. and Co •. National !lank of SeoUanl'! .............. . Ja. Lee licnderlOn ..... OI,rn 1UIt! Co.
'I11:\1(go\\,I'lo .......... .. ]Juk of Sl:otland... ........................... .Aleludet Robertton ... Coutt. and Co .• SmIth. PaJle
and SmIUJe, .nd Bk. o f _
" .................... :'oy&1 BlUlk of ScoUand ................... .. ItIch.rd PIlCel'llOn ...... .. ConUt, al:d !lank of .:nglacd.
DallIldllngton ....... .. Cl)'detdale D.nkt!'I COI&I'U1..... •.... .. Thomu Ken ........... .. DameU II1d Co., r,d Lon4en
.... ....... Commercial Bank of Scotland............ Jam.. Ander'ioD ......... Jonea Lord and Co..
............ Union Dank of Scothlnd (Perth Dank) W. S. Solttar .............. Glm and Co.
COllcts and Co. . .......... and Weat.mtllf' "" lIank
Royal Bank of SCotllll\d.................... . Robert. Outhrle........... Dk. of £06:., !lnd CI/UUII & Co.
Dall'1 (Aynhlre.: ...... Clydflldalo BanJdnlCornpany ........... . lema Ji'Cosh ...... ...... Bernett And r.o., .nd London
Ilon.r DrMgo .......... Clledonian DlWklnl1 Company......... .f.tcxander Clark......... Barel.y and Co. and \\'utmlnstet Hank.
lioness ................... Cly4e41dale Banking comp.ny ............ 1 A. Uelll\oraoll and I'. L. Darnett and Co.• and Load01l .. Clt} ., mlll«"w Bank ...................... Oow IUId Stlrrat.......... Londou JOIII~ Moek lIallk.
Forgl&n. aDd 'Wcstmlnater Bank D.lry (Klrcadbrlght) Union Dank of SCOtlll1d .................. .. Jame:s n",rbunr. .......... myn .nll Co.
Ilonhlll .................. Commcrcial Bank (If Scotland............ Patrick Holr.. ............. Jones Loyd and Co., aa4 Deft... ....... ..... ....... Clyd.daJo D.nJdnK Compr.n,........... . Jama Coualand.......... Ih,melt "lid C'o., 1114 Londora
, COitUS knd Co. ond We.trulnaCer Bank.
Drechin .................. Brltlsb I.InBn COnlp&ny..................... :lavid D. Smith. rayno &nd 8111Itl1•• Diu,wall ................ City of 01",,0"1' BfJlk ...................... tractor ilanN............. London Joint Stoek BaRk.
tt .................. Itoyal fiank.f Scctlallll .................. D. tlo.thrle and SOU('I '''1 COitUs. and Dank of EDilaad. .. ................ Cafedonlan Ballkl'l:! Camp.,,. .......... / l>aYtd Ro ................... I Rarel • ., .ml Co.
tt .................. Union \lank of Scotlllml ......... ......... Gordon and Lamb ...... I Glyn and Cn. " ... .... ....... National Ballk (l! Stotland ............... ,T. 'Utcl;ell .n4 O. 11.' ~fl!:;1 and Co .• llndCouttt .ad.
n .................. City 01 Ula.'Ij(oW Uank ..................... Joha Den ...... . ......... 1 I.ondol' Jolll' Stock Bank. Duncan ~o.
nrhlge !If Allan ...... Union Dlmk of ScoUand .................. Duncan Stew"r' ......... I O1)'n Inll Co.
Jlroultl1ty I'erry ...... Dundee D.udt:nlf Cumpany ............... JII. O. IJndlllY (Clum') , nlnllOm ud Co.
nolllf..................... C1,.delda1c BlIIlk.lnJ.: Complny ........... Jamea Olb!OIl............. BUllen ud Cn.. and !.nndo"
and WClttnlrnter Bank
Buckle .. ................. City of GIMgow J!ank ...... ............... Lnllllon J .)In' Stock Dluk. Dornoeh.................. Cale40aten Banking Compftll,. .......... I W. S. Frue,................ Barda,.!&Dd Co.
" ................... Union Bank of Scotland .................. AJ8xlnder llrl!r.·'ll'r... Glyn and CG. Jlollillll (Lanarks.).. CIt, 01 OlloliOW ll:lnk....................... J. Tborbam ............... London Jolot Stoek P.Vlk.
.. ................... N.rfh of SeotlaL J Banking Company Jobn Davhl.on........... Union Dank 01 Y..onliou. Commercial Blnk of &ou.nd............ Arehlbald 11. Seott...... JOIl" Loyd alld Co .• anti
B\1mtlallud ............ NI,lonnl Dank 01 Scotl.nd ............... AleulIIlcr Khld ........ Glrn Ind Co. " CouUs and Co.
Callander ...... ......... Dank or Seotlnnd. . .................. ......... A. )Jac\lonllld ............ ConUs and Co•• SmUh. Payne DOODC •••••• " ........... , UnIon nant ot Seot1111l1. ................ .. Ale:artder ,mchell ... .. Olm .nd Co.
Cllton (Gll\~gow) .... City of Glugow BAnk ..................... A.ReldanllW.S.U.rYeYI Landon Joint Stock n.nk.
and Smiths, Ind Bt. olt:.n" tt ••••••••••••••••••••• Royal Dank cl SCothmd .................. .. Rollert )taln ............... Coutt.. and Dllllk (f En,land.
Tlruftlore ............. .. Clydelldllle Bankln, Ct:.ll1pany ........... .!l Watllon .......... .. narneu "'~ Co.
Campbeltown ......... I~)·1l1 nllnk of SCothmd ..................... I L. "'Intyre ............... Coutta. and Dlnk of En,llUId. l)l"Jmeft ................. . Roy.l Ba/lit 01 Scotland ................... .. Ihl,,1I If·C.llum ....... .. nank flfEflglllll(l,4tCOtlttakCo.
CI)'dt:adalc Danlelnl Compr.JIy ............ 'I D. )JIDoU$;I11 ............ Uanlott &l: Co., and L. '" W. Dulto•••••.•• , ........ . North of Scotland Bankln« Company JamCl Pttrle ........ .. .. . Union &nit of IAftdon.
......... Commt'rclsl n.nk of Scotlcnd............ WllIlam WatlOn ......... Jone. Lnya and Co., aDd
[Coutts & Co. " .................. Aberdeen Towu foIld CllUnly (lank.... . WlIlllltn Cll'ltlie ......... . l..ondon Jolllt Stock 8aok.
Dumbarton ••• " •••••••• Commercial Bank of Sco'land .......... .. John itO\)llOD ............. . ",aaca Loyd a."\d Co.. lUllS
C~mf\8le.................. Royal Bank 01 8ootl.nd..................... Jamet lUsbop ............ ConU". and Dllnk of Enuilft4. CODt" and Co.
Cl&! luke .................. City 01 Glasgow DlIlIk........................ Thom .. alAUhefl'8 ...... Londl)n ",oin' Stock Dank. ., ............. UdlO1l Bank of SCotllUld.................... Robert !lnch.n.n....... Olyn and Co.
" .................. DrICllb Linen Company...... .............. Jamet Ollehrls' ......... Smllh. Payne and SmIth•• Dumfries................. 1Jank 01 SCOtlalld..... ........................ J. lobluton............... Cont&. Ind Co .. S.IU.. ra",ft
C:\rnan~tlo .............. I City (.IGllu*ow Blftk........................ Ch.rtea Dln('k ............ 1.or.40n JollIC &toc!t nanl!..
Camwath ..... ......... Commercial' Bank of Scotlanel............ Slmon L. Keno............ Jona Loyd and Co., lid
". ..................
................ ,. (toy&\ DaDkofSCOt11U14................... .. GordO!) and Whltellw "I'k. and Smith., ami Ht. of El1jt.
of E!I~...nd COUnt .t Co.

Cutle Dougillll......... tJrltlsb LInen Company.................... Jam. )(otr4t.............. SmIth, ".yne anel Smith,.
Couttll and Co
......... Dank of ScotllUld ............................. A. )IUUgan ................ , Conus snd Co., Smith. Payn. " ..... .........
Hrulab Ltntll Company .................. . R. an~ S. Ad.UllOn...... Smith, Payn!! a' d 8mlo.•.
Commerda1 Bank of ScotllUld "' ....... ]'rI;.nrotC and Oordoc... Jon. l,.QyrS and Co..
i C01l"••nd Co.
and SmICht, and RIt. 01 E.... • ........ ....
, " NaUoaal nuk of ScotllUld ............... Alex. HannA, Ind Ja.I. 11 Ol,n and Co., and eoltttt uti

......... n.tlonal Dank of ~cothlnd ............... J.lld W. n. LI !derdate Oly. Ind Co.• and COIlIllIt"

......... t'nlon Bank of Scotllnd ................. .. RIch.,.' He.IC ........... (}tyn "nd Co. • ...... ..... .
, , Cl,4eec1ale BlDklD. CompIUl1............ T. U. )['(JnwAllIIl4
John CIarL.
I Co.
Bamttt and CG.. lUll! Lo,.doQ
uel WCltmlJllitr Blllt.
Cntrlnn .................. 1 )10"111 "BIlk ot Scotland .................. .. JamM II·Muter.......... Ooull., and llankolEncllft4,
(!Olllbr\tlgl) .............. Uo;al DAUk oC Seotl..nd .................. .. Thomae Torra!Jce........ I1 COllte.. IIId n.u of Ea,ttad.
Place. Name of Bank. ~
----~--- .......... ....--....----.....·----
London A8mt&

DaIDfriM.••••••••••• _••• UaIGa BIak oISOot1aa4 ...... _ _ JOJmJacboD aad I. Falklrk ............... ... Coal. . . . BID: of SenIIDd-___
C. 8. Geo.I4 ••• _ _ loaM Lo14 aD4 CO.. aDd
S,.... ._...............
DtIa1:aIt' ................_ BrItIIIt. ua. CODtplll1.....................
................... loba 1["1'.................. 1IaIu.,
Comaercla1 BaDk ot 8coUllld...... _... WJIUam H. ...... Ion. Lo.rd aDd Co.. &DC
P.,.. ... Saw.. ,.
.. .............._...
N.tIoaal1tuk of SooUut-..... __ ... Robert A4at _ ......... 01111 aDd C••
Cl~ Bad:lDc CoaIpIIaf_... __ loImR'" ad AltUa Banaett aDd Co.. ad LoadoD
eo..tta aDd Co.

" .................. . City ot GI.sgow BaDk ................
CcIotCI8IHl Co.
Jobn Jallray ............... LondoD lobl& Stock BaU.
M ....
FalkUd •..••••••••••••• CIt7 of G1IIIIOY BImk _ .. _ ...- - Charlel GallaDd ......... wn4eD Joint Stock n.n
aDd WliWD1nIter Bt.
DaD.......... _••••••• Uolon Bazak of ScotlaDd ................. .. W.I1Uam CbrlIItIe ....... .. GJ}1aadCo. l-·erry-P~rt.oD.Crai' City of G~w B&IIII: _ ......... _ .... .. J .... Whlte.u_ ....... _ Loa:loa J ullltStock 8aak..
Daadee ••••••••• _ •••••• BrlUIb lJneD Company ................... .. Jobn Symera and Ju. SalJUJ. P.1tle ad Smltbl.· Focbabent ............... Unloll Bank tit ...... _ ....... .. Job. CraB.................. OI;yn &Dd Co.
CbrllCle ••• _ .............. Forfar'.................... . N.tional BIulk of IlecUlIUld............. .. J. Y'ouuC ................. .. OI1tlaDd Co.
tt ........... •••••••• Royal Babk of 8eoU...........-.......... D
Dundee BaDidlll COllllpaDT ...............
• .An.tIIOD
C.W . . . . . .............
_ ... _ _ ... Buk of Ea,laaa, aD' Couu..
_ a D d Co.
,,".. ..................... UnlollFaukof SCOtlaDd................... .. Wllllam LoWlOD ......... Glm aDd Co.
Dtmdeo BaDlIID' COIIIpan~4.... _ ....... George ...............
___ _,. •• RMIOIII &Dd Co.
.................. /
.................. Babk of ~&lIIatl.••• "t_... _ ................. W. L.. T.qlor. ConHa aDd Co.. &DUll, P~
aa4Smltbl, ad n. of !Dc.
,. ..................... CGmmerclal BIU oI8co ...........
Ion. Loyd .lId Co.. aad
COD"' aDd Co.
.................. N.UOIUII Balk of ScoUaDd ............... Job BeadenoJl ...... _
,. Gl,. • • Co. tt ••••- ............... ROJaI BItIIk of 8eotIand ............. JohD TeamaD .......... .. Coutc.. aDd Bank of En,land.
M . .. .

..t., ................ J.:.utera Baak of SCOtlaD.d •••••••••••••••••• D. Sld.,-.....................

DuDfermllDe............ BaaJt of Scot1u4............................... Jou Cm ...................
BardaTaDd Co.
CouHlaDd Co., SIII!Ua,
• 4 Smltblt ud Bk.
of_. forrea ................... City of G1IIIo.....k ..................... WUliam ScIaD4tnt ...... . LondoD Joint Stoet Bank.
,. ................... BrltIah Lblell COmpaD1 ..•................ .. Thomu Davldlon ....... Smith. P.rae aDd Smlthl.
CalecloalU BaDldnl' CompanT ._..... . ft. aDd A. Urq.bart .... Bard.raDd Co.
.. COJIJIIerclal Bank of ScoUand .......... D. G. Rutherford......... loo. to.rd . d Co., ..4
Cou", ..4Co.
" ....................
Natlonal Bank of 8eollaDcl F. C. JI~eIII1......... . GITO aDd Co.
· M . . . . . . . . . .. .

FortrOM.................. City of GIIIIWOW Bank ...................... CoUn ..·lJItoab .......... .. Luudoa Jo!nt Stock Dank.
DllJlf(m:line............ B.:illlla Llsaea
ft ........... .
N.tIoDal Bank of ScotlaDd ...............
.roba Landale ............
W. Btrrer1ctce .......... ..
Smith, Pa1tl_ ..........
G!1tlaDd c..
Fon WUllam. .......... Natlobal Belk of ScotlaDd ............. .. D. a. X·LIren ........... . GI1tlllld Co.
.. .......-.
Brltllh Linen COmpaDT_............... •.. Jam.llacarqur ...... . Smith, .P.lne, aDd Smith••
D1&.D.Ite1d..........._ ....... UDloa Bank of Sc"'laDd (Ferth Bank) Joeeph Dlckle ............ OI1tlaDd Co. FtaIOrbllfSh ............ BaDk of SCotlla4,............................. . L. CbaImIrI .............. . Contu "lid Co .. Smltb. Payne
C&:IuDerclal BaU oC Scc;tlaIld............ Geor,e Carphla ......... Jon.,. 1-oyd aacl Co., and and Smith&, aDd Bk. of J:ng.

Central Bank of SCotlalld.................. lohn Du...................

Couttt an4 Co. ,. UDIoIlIaak of SeotI.d.................... <ieo'rIe WaI1&ce ......... . Glyn I6nd Co.
North of Scotland Bauidnr ComPIID1 JOhD 1.&... 1Oft........... .. Dnlon 11&nf( of Loll don.
tt ................ ...
DuDla,. ••••_ ••.••••••• UDtoa BAt or 8eotl.ud (Perth M.uW'lO!l ..................
Glyn aDd Co.
GI1tlaDd Co. tt• .......... , •• Abm:leen TOWD .od Conutr Bank .... .. ChvJea K'8eaUl '..ol:ldou Joint Stock Bank.
M .... ..

DUDOOll ................. City ot GIIIIOW Dank ..................... . Arehlbald Mltehel! .... .. Lonton Jomt Stock Bank. F,..,lo •••••••••••• ,........ . Aberdeen Ton aDd Cout)' Bank ..... . Jam_Xactle ........... . London Joint Stoclt lI,,"k.
tt •••••••••••••••••• UnlOft Baak of SeotlaDd ..................... Job ..Ill................ GI1tl aDd Co. GIlIII\IU ••• ,•.•.••••••• B01a1 B&Dk ot 8coUllld......... _ ...... . W. PaterIoD aDd Rnbt. Coun., aDd Bauk or .t:ugland.
Iltluy ••••••• BrSUab Llueu Compan1................... ..
tt •••••••••••• CuuDin,hlm aDd W.rlle Smith, Parne aDd SmUhI. stewart
Royal BADk of ScoUand ................... W. 1:. Hunter .......... .. CouttuD4CO.,And Ik.OfiD,. National Bank of SeotlaDd ......... WIIIJ..un lIaldaDe......... 0I1tl &nd Co.
" ...•.................
••••••• _ ••••••••••••
IlaD.k of SCOUAad .............................. . G. p,. & R. F. HaMy C:JuHa And Co., Smith, P&1De
M ....

BaDk of Scotland .............................. .. Wm. &nd A. Rutherford Coutb aDd Co., Smith, Pame
aDd Smltlu, aDd Bit. Qf Eng.
aDd Smltha. and Bk. otEa•.
" ..................... City ofGl1I8jfOW Bank ...................... lohnaton .n,! ftoNon .. . tondon Joint Stock BaDk. GalItod .................. . Union Baak of 8eotlaDd ................... John lJeadrte ............. GI1ft aDd Co.
Durno Pltcap1e ....... Aberdeen Town aactCounty BaDk...... Goorce Webstu ......... ton don Join' Stock BAnk. Garmoutll ............... Caleclonlut Banking ComPaD,. ......... n. R. T.homlO1l ad Soil BareJ.,. aDd Co.
Eagleal:nm ............. Clydtldale Bazaklng Company. .......... Jam.. Taale............... Bamett aDd Co •• and LoDdon Oa&elloaae ...... ,......... Union Dank of Scotland ................... W. S. Sutherland ....... Glyn aDd Co.
aDd Wmm1nlC1Il' Bk. 8aDI:: t1f Scotland.............................. D. J. EWIolt ............... COtlt1il and Co.. Smtth, P.yne
Ea:.t Llnton ...... ...... NaUonal Bek of ScoUanll ............. .. WIIII.m Mason ............ Glyn aDd Co. and Smith", Ilml Bit. (If Eng.
Ecc1efecbaD ............ Ro,.l-"k. of ScoUaDd ................. .. Davld £.art.............. .. Coutllt aDd Bartk of EnlJ,lad. G~ID ••••••••••••••••••• R01a1 8.1111£ of SeoUaDd................... .. W. Browr.. Jaa ........... i ('ouUa, aDd Bank of £n"laDd.
Clt1 ot GI....... BllDk ..................... . A. Kell,. aIId J. D. R!lf.:.S· London Joint Stock Bank.
Ech& .... ... ............. Aberdeen Ton aad COUnt, Bank ......
Edlnbnfgh ••••••••••••• kak 01 SCOUaAd.., ............... _••••••••••
Jarnea ColIttI ............. .
J. Kac:keu ....e
Bennet (8«.,
LondoD Join' Stock Bank.
Coutta .nd Co., Smith, PSJDI
Md Smith., aDd Bk. of Ell,.
. ...................
Commercial BaDt of Scotland ............ WllIlam )luna)' ......... JonOl Loyd aDd Co.
Union BaDk ot btlaDd .................. . Walter Al!4ren ......... GI1tlaDd Co.
If Ro.ral Dank ot Scutled ..................... L. RobertlOn £C<Uhi:r), CouUsand Co., and Bk.oIEq. " ....................
National BaDt ot SeotlaDd ............. .. R. Smltb..................... Glm ad Co.
J&meI WrI/lbt (..9«.) G11110W .................. .Baalt of 8co&J..............................._ Alldrew' Nlellon: G. Couctluct Co., Smith, Payne
............ r BrStlab Lblen Compatl1·...... •.... •..... •.. Patrlck Bto4le ............ Smlth. Pa1tlund SmlthJ, aDd W. llUl (81l~.J{4It ) aDd Sualtt>1I, aDd Dk. of t:nc.
BaDll of En,laDd. tt (l.&urllJilton) Bull: of aeou.. d.............................. d
Jaa. Oovfay .. lu. Contta IUIct Co., Smltb. P.",e
alld S.alths, aDd Bit. of Eq.
" ....... ••••• Commercl&llaDk of SCOtlaad..••••••••••• A. Jt. Jlacktule ...... _ JOIl. Loy. ad 00.. ucl
Couttl and Co.
N.tIonal Bw ot Scotland ................ W. J. DunCID ............ Glrn aDd Co., Union BIr.. of
tt Commcclal 8aak of SCOUUd...... _.... Wm. loblllton ucl
Britlth U ... Comput,............. _....... J.L.FowleraDd I. GUll Smith, Pllln", aDd Smlthl.
Jon. Lord aDd Co.. and
" London, k Coutt. ok Co. Commerc:1al BaDk of SCOUllld............
WUllam P.a!
Wyw, "'Ma Cou"" and Co.
Jontl! to,d aDd Co.. aa4
(Parllament-sq. ) Union Dank lit ScotlaDd ......... ........ Samuel Hay............... Contt. and Co. " (Trongt.&e)
" (Georgo.,t.)
It (No'lrington)
BaDk cC Scotl.t.d.. ........................... Charlel! Bruce ............ 1Coutts and Co., SmIUl, P.yae
.nd Smiths, and Bk. or
Britllh Linen Comp.ny..................... D. S. AUn ................ 1 Smith, Payoe and Smltbl.
£:a,. "
......... -., ...... NatloaaI a.t of 8cotJaD4 ............... J.IIart I.
C01lfU aDd Cl).
Gl;rn aDd Ctl., Union Dank erf
London, and Coutt.aDl1 Co.
It ( CITdealale .&I:Ik.1ng Compa:1T............ James Qreeuhlll ......... &men an~ Co., all.' LotldoIl :Royal ~ or 8cotlaDd ....................: A. Robertlon; BUlb Coutt.. aDd Co .. aDd IJaDk Gf
aDd Weatmlllller Iak. " R01I'1 BADk.r SeotJac4..................... Cowaa (811&.CoUAUr> Itnlfland.
TIIoI. Solllerrall ......... Coutt:J & Co .. aDd 811:. of F.n ...
It ( UnloD Bank of Scotl.nd ......... ......... Toueb............... Coutt. and Co. tI (Arrrl e".) ...
" ( .. (Caulllg••,.) ... RoJlll RaW! of Sc:oUaDd............ _...... A. Waddel &nd J. Co~n••nd Co., aDd Iw.ok or
Cl,deldlle Banking COmpaD1 .......... It. Balmaln ............... Barnett .nd Co., aDd Loudll\'t
aDd W~ll'!inlt.r Bt. Wad"" £o;laDd.
Clt)' or GIM,OW nllnk ..................... . W. D.a1n ................... . London Joint StOCk BaDk. It (Gal1ow,.te) ... RoTaI BukofSCOtlsDd..................... A. WllddeJ .,d I. Couttl and Co., ad Bank of
" fGruamar.ket) Clt:y otGlasltl')w Danll ...................... George Stedll ............ LoDdon Joln& Stock Ba:'Ik.
" lIunter.sq.)... Clt.r of Glasgow Bllnk .................... .. H. S. .1'lIIans............. .. Lonaon Joint Stock Bank. ,. (Cowc.\ddtll.l.)..
Waddel England.
Ro7aI Bukof Seotlaad ............ _ .... .. W.lter Denh.m ......... COIlUil" Co.. and Bk. of
.. flunter.sq.)... Ro1&l B:ank of ScotllUld..................... \Vm. Mortosa ............ ,.. Bull of En!!., CouttaaDd Co. " ......... Cler ot 01....... Blalt ................... .. J. Grabam aDd J. 'ten. London Joint Stock DaDk.
,,(Grasamarket) Commerdll Bank of Seutlaud............ R. StevenlOD............... Jon!'l Loy« and Co., and tt (Alldent..,n) .. .. nent ••.• ,................. ..
" (Coweaddl'l1'::} ... , Clt7 of G1...... BaDk ...................... Rabert Salm01'ld ....... .. LondoD lolnt Stock Uank.
Coutt::. and Co. .. (Tra;1eaton;...... City of G~ow Dank (Tron,a:e Br.) Wllllam Robcrtton ...... Loudon Joint Stuck Bauk.
tt (Sth. Urldge).. Commerdal DiIlk. ot Scotland ........... . r. Robertaon............... Jones Loyd and Co., an.!
" (TroD_e) ...... City ot'GlMcow Bank ..................... . A. G. Brown ............. .. London Joint Stock lIank
Co.tts and (lo. tt .. .. CJ.rdtlC1&le BaDidn, CompaDy........... . Oeorce RoadrAaG ......... &me" &nd Co., Lon40D and
tt ............ . Clydeadale Dan:.Jng CompaDY ........ .. JI&UlCl Greenhlll ..........
Barnctt and Co. W..cmlntter BaD'
EdlcJl ..... , ............... Union BlIlIk of ScotlaDd ................. .. J.mes Guthrie ............ GI111 .nd Co.
EIIID •••••••••••, ......... Roy.l BaDk of SCotlaDd................... .. )lurdocb IUId Forayth ... Coalte, .nd Bartk ot En~d. t'I .................. 1Clrdeldale BankJn4r 0cnIIpIDf............
B&nIett aad Co.. aD\1. Lond!)1l
" (TronK·Ce) .... .. and WeMIlII1n • • Bk.
.....,........... ...
••• 1 ••••••• "

BrlUIh Linen Compan.r..................... R. &ond W. Brander.... .. Smith, PAyne aa4 SmtUII.

Caledonian BanldnK Cumpany ........ .. Wm. M.cdonald ....... .. 9arcl • .r .nd Co.
NorQl of Scotland Banking Company Pllter Chrl.ta1I .......... .. Union Bank of Londl)ft.
.. ("·eat.end) ...... City otGl.tIc~1!' Jtaak ..................... . SlID_Dale ................ London Join, SCoclo Bank
,. ............. .... UnIon Buk c:.t 8eotlaDd ................. ..
Commerelal Dank of Scotland ........... . A. W.lckenlle ........... .. JODe!! Lo)"tl .nd Co., aDd J'llJ\eI no~n......... GI1tl.llld Co.
" Coutle .nd Co. h (TroDpte) ... ,.. Unl!>. Daak of ScoUaDd ................. .. W Bell, ( ...Ontl)..........
J ..,. Frl&Ule (AgoII)......
Glrn Ind Co.
Gly" and Co.
u ..................... UniOll Dank of SeoLland ................... Jam.. Petri.............. .. G1yn and Co. Union nuk of ScGClaDd .................. .
" .... u ....... ,.,....... City of Glugow Dlnk u ••• , ....... , ••••• ". Tlloma.s Allan ............ London Joint Stock BaDk. " eSt.lI\lett)
Vlnem& Ulllon Bp'" of Scotland ................. ..
Union &nk of ScotlaDd ................. ..
A1Idrew Grar (Jgmt)...
DuncaD M'Artbur (Agt.)
OIJ'11 aD,1 Co.
Glrn and Co.
1'.110 (FlfCllhirc)......... National Dank ot ~c..i.llUld .............. . Wllliam n. Kelellen ... Glyn .nd Co. ........ .
Wm. GrtJ,(CfU~tr).... Ulllon Dpk ~ London, aad
ElIon ...... ............... Union Bank or Seotland .................. . Genrgo F. Raeburn .... .. Glyn •.od Co. tt ............. , ...... . Hort.b Brit1ll:1 Ban.k ..........................
It ...... ............... Aberdee.n Town and County Dank .. .. John ft.e, Jnn ........... .. Londnn Joint Stock Bank <nc:tend and Co.
•J ..................... I North ~r ScoUanl! Dankln;: Company Thomas Ml1ne, Inn ..... .. Union nank of London. ,,(AadlrlCOn)...... Cl~. Bt.nklol CompaD1 ........... W. H. BrtmDer........... j' Bunctt IUId Co t and LondoA
F:rrol ...................... Union B.ank (If Scotland (Perth Hank) Tho•. n. Klnmont ...... GI)'D and Cd. aDd W""mln,ter Bk.
E) cmoutll............... Commercial Dank of Scotland............. T. and .f. Bowhlll ...... . Jones LOfU IIIH! CO. " (St. Vlne •• pl.)... Clydlldale BukIDl Compa.T .......... . W. B. Bre.ruler............ Barn,U .nd Co., and l.ondon
J.. l l k t r k !
.................. I 1t0Ylll Bank of Scotl.nd .....................
and W.'mln<ter Ok.
I John GAlr ,......... " ..... ... Contbl, IIlld Ik.nk. III £oj{llIId. " (AadcratoD) .... I City otOll110'" BaDk..................... .. Cb... PbillJp.J ............. , London John 9~ BaDk.
tt .................. ~ Dank of Scot1and .......................... , ••• A. l\lac(llrlllue ............ Coutts and Co., Smltb, Payne
and Slnltha,and Bk. ofEDi"
-- - -_." --'---.-- _._--;----------
Namo o( Bank. lIanagers. London AgentL
--------~------- l Place. Name of Dank. 1;O\lUOII .'gcll~~.
~ (AfC11wt.) NAtlozlal &nk of Seotland ...... _...... Jamell Clark........._ .. . GI1DandCo. :_-------------·-----·----+1------------
to (M. !tonOS) ..... NatIoral Bank or SeothUld ............... John Para ............. .. Glyn &!Id Co.
01t:iDl'ilel ••••••,.......... CltJ' of 011110. Dank ••• G. S,ml1J~D •••••..•.•••• Loodon Joint Stock Bank.
t' • • • • • • • • • • • • " . . . . . .
JobDetoae... ............ Union Bank o( Scotland ................... John Jlolme5 ............. , Gl:n and Co.
GoIIpII .................. AbeNeen Town alld Count1 Dank...... Robert D. SlWgtte~·..... . London Joint Stock 1:illolt. ., ............... City M Gllllgow Bank........ .............. John Rf:id ................... I.omlon .Jolnt Stock Dllnit.
_ " _ .................. Bdtlab 'oI0lD Co.npan1..................... D. Gray ..................... Smltb, Payne and Smith. KeUIl ..................... Aberdeen Town and COlUltyll:\nk...... WIIUa:n ThOrbnm ....... /I.llndon .Joint Sto..k BatIk.
UOI1NIII (OSUCOw).... Clt)' o( Glasl(Ow Bank....................... Thomu Smith ............ London Joint Stock BlOt.

.. ........... ......... Union Bank of Scotland ......... ......... Charlcs Green ...........·•• Olyn 'lnd Co.
~ •••••••••••••
Grasemouth .........
Cl.,. of G11!'oW Bau1c..... ...................
City GlltCjfoW Bank.......................
Commerc1a1 Bank o( Scotland ............ ,
DoDald Fraaer ............. Londoo Jolut 510ft JJ.nk.
Thom .. Bftird .......... .. I.ondor. Joint Stock But.
John S. Jlacta),......... Jones Loyd and Co, ind

.................... / North o! Scotland Uanklng Company

Wm. LODlmlore .......... Unloll n"nk of Loodon.
KtIIo ..................... BlDt of SCOUlllld................................Jas. S. Darllnlr And Coulb- "nti Co., Smith, !:':I}'IIC
John F. S. Darilog... I&nd Smlth~ cnd Dk. or Em:
Coutts and Co. It • ..................... Brltlab Llnen Company..................... .J. anel A. UobctColI...... Smith. PaYfle llnd SmIth:..
GratoR ............... Royal Bank of ScoUand .................... D. Grant ................. .. Couttl, and Dsnk o! Englan". .. ..................... Commercial Dsnk of ScoUand ........... J,uncs Oougl41 .......... I Jones Lord a.-till ('3. AIIII
I ConUs and Co.
It ............... ('alcdoolan Banking Complloy........... WllUam Flemlnl: ...... .. Barday "nd Co.

tt ..................... City of GlasgoW' Bank................. ..... C. and W. Itobson ....... Londoll Joint Stock: U!lnk.
" ............... Nlltlonal Bank of Scotland ............... Jamell Stewart .......... .. Glyn and Co.
GreeDlaw................ Clt1 orGI~ow Bank....................... Allan Punel ............ . London Joint Stoek Bank. " ..................... Nlltlonal Ba'-lk of !ieoUand ................ Janlcs1· ................. Glyn IUId Co., and Couttsand
Co. •
0reII:l0eIt ••••••••••••••• Dallk ot SCOtlabd.............................. ThomN Stark .......... . Couttl and Co • Smith, l'a):.o
and Smiths, !lud Ilk. of Enc. K:eanethmont .......... Aberdeen Town and Couh' Dank ...... ,lames Yule... ... ....... I.ondllll .Jolnt Stock JI~"Ik.
" ............... BrltUh Linen COnl'Psny..................... T. O. fiul'lter ............. Smith. Palne and SmlUul. Kllblrnle................. City ofGIM!;oW Dank ....... : .........·....... JQhn Alexantle r ...... "I l.on,lon Jolllt Stock Ranlt:.
D. )1. Latbam ........... .. DlWk of England. and Coutta. Ktldnunm ............... I Abt!rdo:en Town and Count)" lIank ...... 1 W\IIlam Chrl~t1c ......... l.olI'Jo[l JoInt Sluck llilUk.
" ............... Royal Bank of Sto,lud ...................
",. ...............
.. u............ Unlo:& Bank of StotlaDd ...................
C11dC*llle Banking C010pIlll1...........
Andrcw Audcraon ...... GlynaadCo.
Alcxandrr Rodger ..... .. Damett and Co •• Md tolldos»
Illltl Westmtnllter Bank.
KtlUn ..... :............... Central Bank of Scotland ................ r ............ ..................... HI) u lUId Cu.
.. ..................... Cnloo DAnk o( Scotll'lld (l'erth )I:\n%) J. ,M·N:lughtbn .... ,....... Gl)'u IIntl eo.
Kllmarnoc:k ............ Clydeedale B:mklna; Compauy............. _4.lex. C<>nnell U'Itncct IIl'1deo., IUldLon.And
WClltmln.let Dk
It ............... Natlollal Dank of ScoUand ............... A. and I. TboDlson ... .. Glyn and Co., and Couttl &Jld IImk o( SCoUand.............................. Ada.m Cowlc............... Couth and Ch .• Smith, 1'11\11<)
Co. anol Smltbtl, 'md Ilk or tnj:
to ............... Cltl of G1aa:ow Bank....................... ColIl'I S. Ca!rd............ . London Joint Stock Datlk. Commercial Bank or ScottlUld............ Alex. J. Dl"I1CC!............ Jon!!s 1.0)'11 antI ('0., ,,:,:,1
1IlddlnstoD ............ Jlank of ScotlllJld.............................. T. TOtlrlck WI.I J.GlbIIon Coutt.. and Co., Smitb, Pa1l1e I
Coutt! IInd Co.
.. British 1 lntn Compuy.....................
and Smith!!, anti Uk. of Eng.
Jotm Fcnne .............. . Smith, l'a)'IIc Iltld Smiths. , Cnlon Sank of SC'Otland ................... Ro~rt Galrdner......... I myn /In,1 ('0.

City of Glugow lIank.................. ....
Commercllll Baok or Scutland... .........
J. and n. IUcblLl'dsoD ... London Joint Stock JlaDk.
Wllllam Doll............. . Jone- Loyd and Cu., and
ConUs And Co.
.. ............ . Nallor-Ill BSIIK or Stotlalld ................ 1 Jam«'S \\,UAOn .......... I OI,'n an-' :.'0.
.... .......
l.11wtDlIlDi ............ . Commercial J,llllk of Scotland ............. iI Jlugh KIng ................. , Jemell
lllll'l f:n
Ro)'''' Ban~ of Scothmd ..-................... I Cummlnlt and Cri.' ..... ! IIMlk of England 111'111 <:'IIIU"
1.0yl1 'IQd r.,. ,\11.1
Coutt... :\Od Co.
llllmllton ............. .. Comme:da1 Bank o( Scotland............ Thom.. Ande1'101l ..... . Jenes Loye! alld Co., aid
Contt. alld Co. Kincardine .............. ~.nJlmercllll nani. of Scotland ............ : It C. S~phc:1 ............ I .~O~e!I J.o~.1 and Co, 1I?<1
ell)' or GtltCltOW Bank..................... .. Wm. Forrear. ........... .. Londoll Joint Stock B.nk. " .............. Union R.nk of S.otllllld ..................... Jtobert (ientlu ............ ul) 11 and «>. rCoIIU' &. t:1I
" J[tugnlJrle (Tough). Union Ullnk of S-:utiand .................... • !fllckay And Summer~ .. ' Hlrlt And Co.
1JIlnk of Seotlud ••• ~ ...................... .. \VlllIam AlkmAA....... .. Coutt.. and Co., Smith. Payne
and Smiths, ar.d Bil. or J::ac.
kllpMle .......... ,. .. :
to ...............
Cf.lcdonlal'l ll:lI'I'klnl: Comp.n)· ........... Uon. ,M'Itae ............... j 1!'lrt'IIY and ('0
Rritish Llncn Co:npany..................... n. X ..d'l,c,"*oll ......... ' !Smith, l','yno AlId .'lInlth,
JJrltlah Liot•• ·Compan1..................... I. Hendlltll>lI .nd S. Smith, Payne amI Smiths. Klol'Oll .................. CltT o( Glasgow UlllI\( ....................... lien". nltltl,md ........ 1,'111<1"0 .Jolnt Slo.;\( t:..nlc
Slmpaon •••••••••••••••• _ Dritish Linen Comp.lIl' .....·.............. 1 J. W. WllllamfOn ..... 1 Smllh. l'..yn6 and Sn;lth~
t, ................
Hawlet ...................
nOlal Dank or SeoUmd ................... T. J. and W. A. DIkes CouU....nd nank of England.
CommercW Bauk o( Scotland ........... . G. IDId J. OIlYer ......... JOOe.1 Loyd am1 Cu, and
.................. Clydesdl&le nllnklnl{ COml'lln)'...... ..... UUj(h Latrf. ............... 1 !lill1lctt And f'o ... ntll'(.'II.1I1I1I
I . ! WeJotmlnltcr Ilk.
ConUs and Co. Ilntol'!! .................. nrltilh Linen CompaT"' ..................... i Jame!! Annand...... ...: \tmll!., l'A~1\6 lln.j Smith.
............. ......
••• • •• 1 •••••••• ~ •• Brltllb Linen Comp.ny............... ..... Wm. ud G. Davldtoa.. Smith, l'uyl'lc aud Smltb ••
National Dank or Scotland ............... "homlll Purdom ........ . Glyn and Co.
KIrJo:ea1dy............... f!lty of GI.ujto" nanl.: ...................... I .'.m"
Rtmldt .......... I 1"IOdon .'''''1t !i\u.·" iI'\IIK

.................. ~

ROlal Buk or Scotlllnd .................... J&mu Carmlellael ...... . B&lJt 9r England, a:1I1 COllttl
nnd Co.

............... Dank of Scotland ............................. ' A. G. }fllrgan ............ ,. C,.:lttl\ And ("t) • :'ullth, I'A) nc
I' :111.\ Smiths, IIml UI.. or t:nl:
,. ............... f Comruer(,llI.llJSJlk of ::icot\:1nd............ s..muel D"v1,!!on ...... 1 .ll)'\('" i.oy.1 .lfltl {"'. un' I
Helm.burgh............ Clydcsdale B.nklng Company ......... .. R. D. Orr ••••••••••••••••••• &mctt IInd Co., and London ,. ............... Union Bank or Scnthmct .....................John N. ,M'I.cud.... ... (,I'lIIt!! "" ,'et. f t:Olltl* -{- /'"
.. ..,,,.......
But), ....................
Union DAnk of Scotland ................. ..
Aberdeen Town and County BAnk .... ..
and W Uk.
Drl'dale .......... .. Glyn and Co.
" ............... National nank of Scotland ...............
lIenry IleTerldgc ....... '. utyn "nd (;u • ;.,,1 {'UIIU, "'"
I ('0.
ames 1A.80n ........... . London Jotnt Slock Bank. Klrkcudbrlght ......... Daot of Scotland .............................. I W. 11. WLclla."l allll n. I (,'lilt!. ,,1Il1 ("0. : fI !th, 1'.'!·1I1)
t'nlor:: Pank of ~c.>tland ................. .. R. and:J. )lIIl'1e.......... . GI)'11 and Co. I lol'Ldhm ................. I nnd SIUllh~,.n •• Ilk. J! •• 11.:
" •••••• ••••••••••• 1.
InJlerle1then ........... .
North of Scotland ThankIng Comp"ny.. J ••IId J. Uobcrtarn ... .. Ulllon Bank of LondoD.
Union Bank of Scotl.nd ................ .. Jas. D. Bathgate ....... .. Olyn and Co.
j, .........
N.tlcnal Ban'k. orS~tland ............... 1 n. :M. Gordon ............. Iflyn :1111 ('11. i
I.lrJdntllloch ........... Natlon.d Dank or e~otlaDd ............... ! 'rhom&l Wtntelll'" . ... i HI)'I' IUIIJI ('0.
lDaeb ••••••••••••••••.•.•• North of Scotland Rankln~ Compsny.. A. R06l"t'.f IInd Soa ..... .. Union Dank of LoDd01l.
" ..................... Abcrdeen Town and County Baok ...... lames RI~set ............. .. London .Tnlnt Stock Bank.
" ........... I elt)' of Glr... go'" D.lnk................. ...... In'1. Sheafllf alltlltolJt I' LulltlOIl olnt Steek lI .. nk.
Mnnloch .............. ..
In \'eraS")' ........
It . . . . . It'

Inyorgordoll .......... ..
Ulllon Blink of Scotland.................. .. QUlntln )1. Wrlght .... .. Glyn &nd Co.
"'.Uonal Rallk of Scodand .............. . John ~la!'l!.rlhur........ .. OIYD and Co.
Commerclll Danl. of Scotland .......... .. Andrcw )lun10 ........ .. Jones Loyd and Co., and
KirkwaU ................. CommeTclal Bal'l1. (If SCOUIIll"............ .Tame.. Srwco anti S~n I .'on<:., 1.11.,.11 An" ("'. 1111.1
" ................. 1 UnIon Rank of Swtland .................. "ltob..'1'"t Sc&rlh ........... I C'lUUS &: Co. ((" '.111" k Cn,
" ................. :ior.t1onld IItlllk of SCIlUi1I\d ................ J. Iltllkle and R. }:1Jton! Glyn..&lld Co .• Ind Coutb afl.1
Contt.. and Co. • C,I.
.. ............ I!Clrth o! Scotland Danklng Com.,an:.. Roder!ck flllv ........... .. Union n.nk of London. JUrrltmUlr .............. City of GI.ogoll !lank ....................... : .fum'''' llrodle.. .. ..... I l.on.\on .Thlnt !'Io<:k 11..1~k.
l"n"~rk\'ithlng ......... Eastern B.nk of Sco:land ................. . ,rlmam t'ruer .......... Darelarand Co. ,. .............. 1 JJrUlsh Liner. Compllnr ................. I W. '" orrest aod ~Qf) '" Smllh. l'.yllo and :-<mll.l1.
JD'feme.'. ............... It4nk or Scotland ...................... ,,, ..... . D. Duff ...................... C( :1tll alld Co., Smltb. Payne :It .............. N:ltionall1ank bf ScotlllUli ................ O. 11. nfand ....... .. .... I ~W"tl a'l~ ~o.
and Smith.. and Ilk. of ing. Uclol1 Rank of Scotlanll .................. Wltkl!) anti mne!.; ...... I yn an o.
It British 1.1r:lln Company ..................... ROM and Shorn ......... . SmUh, Paync and Smith•• Laml~h (An.~r.):::::: CUy o( Glasgow n.t>k ...... : ............... ' .hmell I~~;: ............... i l.undon Joint Sto..k i~Ank.
Calcdonlan RankIng Cumpany.......... . C. 'Vatcl'llton ............ . BarclaT and ~o. ~_..... Co""m"'rAiAl ".r..t.... of "'"
"'-otla,"'1, ............ ;I Thoma,I'3ul ............ I! .'one:l Loyd Co.IIond (.1.. }lwl
tt Commercial Baok of Scotland ........... . James WIlIOIl .......... .. Jonel Lo"d and Co", .1111
a __....

N.' ........ ('Ollt1l41'111
Hoya) n.nk of Scotl.nd..................... Alex. Antlet"llOn ... ..... l'.. uU~. anti Bank of ~:Ii :1011. •
CoUlts and Co. ,. ..................
1':4Uo12&1 Bank of Scotland ............... John )lsck.)'............ .. GI)'II and Co., and Coutt.t and .. .................. CIty of GI_o .... n.nk ....... '" ........... D. Stodllrt lit J. L. )f,m: I:onlloll Jolnl SlOek I!"t.".
Ro),,,l Batik of Scotllbld..................... .IL'. untl Jno. ,\lIhllll •• J ':'!lIIft, ~n(l ll'lnk II~
" .. ..............
City .If Glasgow !lank .................... .. J. K. 011l1«........... _ ... J~:ldon Joint Stock Dank.
,. ..................
9 ...........lm British Linen Com:>"",..................... I A. ,Ind ·r. .iW1''!lIson ." J' :;.mlth. i aYile and s,.ma .•I'.
.. ........ ........

................ ..
................. .
Aberdeen Town a.:d County Rink .... .. Ales. S. M.cit!an ....... .. London Jolllt St.:lck Ba."lk.
North of Scot:.nd Danklng Comp.ny.. Jllmeli n.vldlOn ........ .. Union Jllmk of London •
UnIon Bank of Scot1:t.nd ................. .. Robcrt Inn Ill............. .. Glyn .nd Co.
.-.,"- ...... ........
~ ............. ......
Natiooal Dank of &:otllmd ............... I no~rt'
\~ I1
a Kce ......... " '!Iv C~II Rn
Natlouat nank (If Scotland ............... i W. Jl. lietl'hen ............ Glyn IInd Co.
d C ·"d ~OI1,~ t aPl,

Jrvlnc ..................... . Clydlllld.lo Banking Company ......... . P.••••••.••••••••••••••. Ra1"1lctt nntl Co., and Lon. and l.arP .............:..:..... City of GlllljfOw Bltlk ....................... : .Iame' LanS'. Jl.lo ......... I 1~.Il,I()n .Toln~ Slock 1!llnK
Wnlmmltcr nk. " ..................... : Royal Uank of Scolland .................... !.! H.{ ............... I Coutt!l, an4 I at'1I. of f.n~lantl.
It I ................... . Dritllh Llncn Company................... .. 1I0ntgomerte &: II'Jan. Smitb, l'I&)'DC al'lll SmIUll. wk.'tall ................. ' t":\ly G!" Gh\Siow Bank ....................... : t ""ml.~ I'!un('.n .. , .... : loOn don Join! dtock R,\nk.
net •••••..•..••..•.•......
" ..................... Hoyll Bank of 8cotlmd................... .. Jobn A. nankin ......... . Cou!ts and Co., and BIlk of
f."""".de ....... •
• -ud- . ......
... ... ....................
City o( Glasgow Ilanl. .......... ........... W IlIn,m 10ung ......... 1 ':olldon Join; StorJt tll&nk.
. ' - ....... ...................... . J. IIlId n. nomarnl . . . . . .I (,outts
Jlank 0' Sco'I"'ld o and ( 0., Sr;,ltb. 1'1I)'uc
!lnd Smith", and 11)... of ,",lit;.
England. •
" ............ ,. ....... ; UnIon Ban· o( Scotland .................. .. A. and J. Pa'-el"lOn ..... . G1,n and Co. b ............... ,....CIl)' o( Ol ...,ow Dank....................... ThOJ. Droomtlelcl..... ·II.onI1Oo Jolnl Stock HIlnk
11 . ,...................... I NAtional B.nk of Scotland .............. . DunCln WAll.ler...... .. OIyn and Co. LaUMceklrk Abenletn Town And ('I\unty Dank ...... I 11. IInd P.O•• 111('\,,,,11.. l,ondJJllJolnt Swek "lIllk.
"~b1lf··h ..·....·..·.. ·.... City of Ola'gow Bank ....................... Jam. Stein.............. .. London Joint Stock But. .. ....... i Nnrtt\ of Scotl:and nanlcllllt Companv : .lno. Wallon...... ....... t:nlr,n \lInk of Londnn.
,. g............... City o( Gl~ow Rank ...................... . Oeor«e !lll!lOn.jnn..... .. Londoo Joint mock Dallk. La"ri~n (Gi'~ii~';;) I City of OilPf(oW Bllnk .................... :.. \V H Crnmble .......... : l:ondG.1 Join: S~otk lIal\~.
I .loll. (lourl.y. anet .fllA. COIlIt~ IInd Co. S'Dlth J aynu
.. ...............
.... ., .. ".....
~tlra' Bank fJf Scotland ...................
rltltl\ Linen CO'llJl.ny................... ..
National Bank of 5cotJalul ....... ,. ..... .
Charles Andenon ...... . CouttJ, .nd IJank o( EnlCl .....
Jamee Cummlng....... .. Smlth. l'ayne IInll SlIlltbs•
I'" t.el\h
,. "
1I Bank o' Seotland

.............................. I Symo
nan k 0 r Sco t1 &1\ cl .............................. Thom
I&nll Smith,. anti Ilk. Qf .:nl{.
.., .Tolles .and G. COuus an,l Co • Smith, I'/wno
tt G. nutherford .......... .. Glyn lud Co., and CouUs
........·..·........·1 8. !I. W {~n ............ alld Sm'.thl'. 'UlI! 1111 c'; I:,'g.
fit ......... ' ... ,........ p...
Co ....
1 ... " ..... , ........ "
Clindell.......... Smith, raTne anI.! SmUh,.
114 BANK DIRECTOUY. __K_D_ure-,OT~OR~Y_.____~ __________ 115
Name of Bllllk. I Manugcf'!.
Loudon ."gentll.
I'2aee. Nnmo of Il:mk. I M:wagcrs. London Ag<.:r:t.
-------- :N'fWton titoWltt ...... British Linen t'omJmtl.1 ................. Jamcp. NewnU .._.......... 1 Smit.h. P~ync null :'lIJi~I.".
'LcUh. __............... Commercial Bank ot ScoUaDd............ n. Mowbray............... Jones Lold and <:0., and ClydQSdnle Thum.illg' Company ........ . Dargic Imd Cru-son...... Damctt and CO•• Ill..! Lu1ll1'J:l
CouUs anti Co. ami Wc.stmitultcr n.1.llk.
tI ...................... Cl:ydl'.IdaleBanJUngCompan:y............ G. W.Reoeh ............... DamcttandCo .• andLOIl.alY.l City of G!a..~ow llank .................... . )ICClItclll.'O:t k Jawio· Loudon Joint. Stock v:I·,k.
Westminster Dk. /lOll ...................... .
,. ...................... National Bank or Scotland••••••••••••••••
•• •...... _............. Boyal Bank of Scotland,................... .
.. •.......... _..........
Lei:'wlck.................. Uulon Ilh..Dk of Scotl&rld................... .
Union Bank of Sc:otllUl(l.................. ..
James Wallaco........... Glrn and Co.
A. H. WillIOn.. ...... ...... Couttt\ And B:wk ot £ngllUld
Jno. A. White ............ Coutts ami Co.
lo'. G. Brucc ............... I Coutt:l and Co.

North Derwick ....... British Linen Comp. my................. .. J M. l)a1!1lI111 Son ..... .. ~mlth aud ('~.
Nunton (Lochmad..) City o! G1nsl{Ow Blluk .................. . n. MclMmld ........... . Vmdoll lolllt Stock JJ:mk.
Ot.A ..................... NntiC'lI.'\1 ll.'luk of l)coU:a.n.l .............. . A. Orcgvt:!oll ........... .. G1YllllUd Co.. :u,,1 C.'utts I\wl
LeIlle ......... _.... ...... Union Bank of Scotland.................... Wllllam Elder ............ GI~·n and Co. ................. ".. Citj' ()f Gln!!g'O\\' lJo1.l\k ................ ·.1
It. KClillCJy d: J. NiC(,1 London Jo!nt. Stock Bank.
~'bll9W' ............
" ...........
Uo)'al Cank oC Scoth.nd_................ ..
City of (ilugoW' But..................... ..
Jolm Glbb.................. Coatt...., Dml Dank of Englilnd
Smith lUId Hamilton.... J..ondoll Joint Stock·Uank. •
Old Deer ................ N ...rt.h of S('ot\:ll'ld n:mkill'~ COIIIJl:my 11).
Cruelcn ... '" ........ t"ni(lll Bank of J,t'luloll.
Old XeldJ'ltm .... ..-... ~011h of &:otlnlld lkmkwg Compt"lJly Jnlllcl! lS:UlliQU .... ..... I;lIioll n.. mk of I.ondoll
!MeD ..................... City of GJugow Dank...................... . Jno. Smith................. Ll'ndon J:lint Stock·Bank. ,. .......... Abordecn Towll nnd County Ih.llk .. , Jvhll l\ruc:o .............. l..on.I(·1I Joiut :;t,.ck Hallk.
" _.................. Commercial Bank oC SCOtland.......... .. D. and 1). Nleoll......... JUQes Loyd Ilnd Co., a!1d Paialcl ... ,.,............ .8:ll'lk of &'OUuud ........................... Jolw Uutcbcsoll......... (;\'uUI1 :11:11 (;0 .• Smith. 1':I~'Ut:\
Coutts und Co. t.: SUUtlll!. IIl1d HI" of I-:ug.
,. ..... ............... Royal 6ank oC Scotland....................
LlnUtbgoW' ............. Comml\fdal DanlI. rC Scotland............
" ........_...
Cl.., ot GlugoW' Bauk ..................... ..
f.ndrew Wlllde........... Coutts. and BlUlk oC Enrtud.
Robcrt R. Glen ........... Jcncs Loyd Ilud Co., ad
COIltt., and Co.
.Tno.llardy................ . London Joint Stock Bank.
................. llritish I.Jnell Company................... Jllhlll''l(\t'u ....... ,.. •.. I Smith, ]"I\'IIC "lit.! 81111tL ....
.................. C.i~· of G1.1~g('W p:lllk ..................... AIdS. l'oll(J('k, Jr...... 1 1"'11<.1"11 Juint Stock D.ulk.
........... ...... tuulll Hl\uk of SCl,t1nlld .................. .JOh:l A!lIock ........... , G!\'lIl\lId ('0.
.. ........ ........ NI\ of l:$cvtl1,nd............... P. OllillcallIlIC .......... ! Gl\'11 nllt1 C".
'J.,ocJtee••••••••••••••••••• Dundee Banking Company ............. .. DaTltl !tono............... . Ransom IlIId Co. Pnrtfr:k ................... ei~y OI·Gi\.~gow l!Jmk ..................... Ga\·lul'ni.lloy. . ... ' ; .. · Stock l~ank.
LoclJgollr (F(fuAit"t) Uulun Dank of Scotland.................. .. Jno. "·ri~bt ............. .. Glyn und Co. l'ccblCII ................. IJrlthh Lincn CompallY .................. 1 W. Stu:.rt & W. H1n.:k.; ~l1Illh, rll)'tlO aud 8mlth.'1.
LocbcUpheacL.......... UnIon lJt.ak of Scotland ................... . 1It1~1l and A. )t'Ewan. Glyn ond Co.
., •..........
Clldeadllle Banking Company............ Arch. Campbcll ........ . Darnett Rnd Co •• and Lon. Md
WIX'k-I ..... ,. . ...... .
.................. Dallk of Scotland ... ....................... W. 'J"horhllrJI. J,,11Il Coutts l1.nd C<l • ~mlth, 1'''),lIc
Locbmaben. ..... ..... National natlk of Scotland............... .
Westmlnater 8k.
Jamcs "·alt.............. .. Glyn atd Co.
" I
Ut: III (.')lti, • .tlat.).. 1-: ~"llthlo. IUlI1 Bk (If 1-:111(.
.................. UlIionllnnk ol t:eotblld ................ 1 Johu Jlllth~nto ... :...... (.!YII :lWJ ("0
Locbwlnnoch... ...... :::.':y ofm!l'l!!!~ !l!!!'k....... ·........... ..
.Lockerlll................ I ~.o)'al BllIIlc "f SC01land ....-............... ..
.John l:ehl.._................ . London JoInt Stock lInn' •
W. JUcllardllon .......... .. \'Olltts, ami 0"".. u; 1. .......1 .~
l'cunycu1ck ............ CIYllclldnlc llauldll;! C01r.l'nny ........ J. 1',ltcn;oll ............... llolflWl! alii! Cl'. allt! tondo(l
nwl \\c... tmh:ql.<lr H..\lIk
" ... _.......... Clydeadale Bankwg Comll1lny.......... .. John Dalrd ................ . Dnrnctt alld Co., nnd LOll. and l'crth ..................... 1;....,!" ~: :: •• ::.' , . . ... HQbert nonl . ............ C(>IIt:~ aJltl Co. :-ulllh. I'n)'ltl
Wcst1ilillster DI.:. k t'rllithl<. ',11 I Ilk 0\ 1':1I1l.
'f' ................ Commcrctal Dank of Sc(,tllUld............
LotllCaldo ............... Nor+h 0,' Scotland DlUlking Company
O. de H. Stownrt......... Jonc! Loyd IInd Co., IUld
Coutt." alld Co.
Rollert Chct'e8 ............ Union Dlltlk of London.
.. ..................... noynl Ii'\:lk of ScoUlllld • ....... .......
.. .................... 1 Brjtjll\' Linen C') ....... .......
't ..................... ,
I 1'. f:uutar ............... 1 COIIUS, and BI1I1I: "r hlll/
J. ('olllliJl),t anulIunt.:f' jo.:!hith. I'M' lie :uld blhltllll.
ConlJ'.11 Ikmk HI Swtlnnd ............. I Ar"hlli:u:\ H'lrtlil ...... 1 Glyl\ and (:0.
Loeelemouth ........... Royall.lUlk of Scotlanu..................... 4'.IClIander Slm............ Dank of England, and Cni.b " ..................... COllullorc\:L1 H:u.k vf 8,;:"tI:l.1I'I • ..• : TlwlIl.1Jl H.. ut.l,r . . ... J'JIlC~ I'(.yJ :m,1 (..... alld
and Co. It ..................... !l.!III?1I uf &'<JP:md (J'urth Ikml-): n.
Crai:li.., (C"~u.a) .... 1 Glyll & ('0. (r .. lltlA 4: (;(J.
Lumed811 ................ Union Dank oC Scotland ................. ..
Lyblltel'................... Abc.r'i(lcn Town and County ll11'1k .... .
Naedutr .................. Nort;1 01' Scotlnnd r.anklng CUIUPIIII)'
llavld Thom,on .......... GI~'n and Co.
Aloxnnder )towllt........ t.onllon JOint Stock Dant.
U. Mori'!on ................. I Un lOll Hank of Londol1.
" ............ ......... !\atloll:lIlllmk of H.::oU'Cltl ............. I V. L J:Jy .......... \ (il):1I k f". 1\11'1 ('''\ltt;! and
l'otcl'hoaJ ............ '.'1 !-',.rth of ~rlJUaud Jhnkln~ Col.' pIII,y I W. Alu.:mdcr ............
r "i"ll ll:Ulk of Lnll.l()lI .
.M" •....•....•.... •.. 1 Unl"ll Ban..'t of Scotland .................. .. James Martin ............. Glyn anti Co. •• ............... .\hc\",\cCI\ Town :uld C.. ulIty Bank .. I ,'lhllI"'" Kllolt ........
J"'II("JII J,.h.t :-It., I. Il:.llk
IU'kblch ............. ... Comnael' of ScoUand .......... .. Alcx. Gowan.............. Jones Loye! nnd Co., and " • ............. t.:O!lllllcn·.allliuk vi !'-",·tl:IIIU ......... ,' '1'. J. Un.lIIllcl· ........... 1 jvll,·S L,.~·'I all'\
Co. :md
Coutb /lnd Co. \.·"t: HR illlQ \ ....
U:don Danl. of Scotland....................
('cInmerclal Dank of Scotland............
1Iugh Kirkwood... ....... (!Iyn and Co.
John StrathUco .......... Joncll Loyd and Co., and
to ..............
C:'v ••rGllIllgo .... lllulk .................. I It Andl'l"IIvn .... . ..... I...ndfJlI J •• mt :-<twk lIi.Ulk.
" •••-............ , tJlI\OIl Bank ()fHcu:huld. . ........... 1 A. IUlll W U"fd ........ ' \i'v?! :l1l.1 \'0.
1[ b o l ' Coutt~ am!~CII. l'iUochric ................. C\llllrnl Balll, of l:5cHtlallO . .. .• .... 1.1. l-I'ldjjll"WIQ ......... ' (;1\·11 allll {'''•
•, a................. tTnlon Rank of Seotlnll!i. ... ,............... W. nntl 't. Hcnnle........ Glyn nlld Co. .. ............... I
!I I .. •.......... •.... Uoyal Dank of Scotlilll:l...................
1· W. IIrown .. · .. •.... ·.. ·.... 1 C"l1tts, and U:mk of England. "
('(' Bahk of Srnthm.!. ..... A. M·Xu·l<.(ht"ll .... , I .1. i.c, 1... ·vJ /U"I ('t •.• RII.i
............... \ tnlollll:mk.;IHcotllllld(l'crth Uank) J,UIIOt. ~!Itdlull ..... i (;I}II/; C.; 1I..'"uu... &: l'1l.
tl go.................... noynl Dank of Scothl1ltl....................
1IIlro.o................. BrItIsh LInen Company.....................
111" .................. !loyal DIm I, of Scotland....................
D. ~rllrrny ._........... :; COlltll!, .!Dd Hank 01 England.
~urle Erllkllle:.nnd Curie Smith. Pll.ync nnd Smiths.
J'reer lllld Dun".......... nk. of .:ng., ilnd Coutts.C,
l'ol1oksb~ws .......... ClyucsdtuQ Banking COnl!':UI)' .•. ...... Jllmc~ 1'1I.I:..5ic ............ \ll..l "cH 11II'\ Cl} . 1\lI(II.t"""'1I

mill \\'(·~It"lll'\tcr 11.1111::.
.......... City .of GIlt.5gVr. ll:lIIk ................... 'I ,J oh 11 k Wa!tc:- ~tl.lI:llt I./lll(h., ••L'\lIt l-toc:': 111\11"
etbllc ................... North ()f Scotlulld COlllpn'~Y . John Grllnt. ............... 1 Clllon tank ne London. • l'ort G a.~gow ......... 1 HUj'1l1 H"nk !If RClltinll'j ........... ...... .TntllC!! l\u(ioThon ........ 1""I!1R. IIl1d Hk. "I' l:lI b lllll'l.
MldeaJder................ Clyde.~dale DlUlklDg COllllldllY ........... Dnvld 5cl)1l1,,'1".... ........ Jlurractt Imd Co. and Loll. &;111 ,. ......... I t'1:ioa Blink (.t'l:!<,oU ,ui .................. .f. 11. Huwlc ............. ! t.1YIl 1:11,1 (",.
\\ e~tmlnster F.k. t. • ......... City "I' WI\~){vW Ilnuk . ................. 1)/1\'1,1 lllillis.... .... . i I ",,,tou .lout St'JeK Hllltk.
~~11rthort............... City of G1W1gow Bnn];........ ................ Hcnry ~fnltlnnd .......... I London Joint St,)ck Bank. rol"touel1o............... Hvynl Bank oC "'wllr,wj ................ W. Warren ....... ' . ' I \ .,lIltl'. ,"ut Hk. Hf LI.IUlnlvl
n aW' .................. Abcrdecn 'fown and County llunk ..... John rarquhnr........... London Joint Stock But. ............... (;\ydcl!dulc Dunltulg Compu.ny ......... W• .NC\\ lallds .... ......... U.'rw!H 1111'1 r, •. 1111,11.'-'1:<1011
:-..:.utfat..................... UnIon llank of Scotland....................
., ..................... Dthlk of Scotl.nd"p ..... ., •••• "..............
.Tnmes J. Tlurnlc ......... Glyn f.nd Co.
Jamcs )lllcmi1b~n .... ,.... CClutts and Co., Smltt', P:\YDO

l'ortroo .................. Nnbotu..: U:mk of ::>'Cltll\lI'i. .....

. ,Harry ~fn(':lolI.~i'l ...... , (ill'III111'1 Co.
! n"'1 W.;"IlIhllbtCI lI'YI!.;
nnd Smith&, and Ilk. \'f Eog. •• .. ................. North or ~'ntJlltld 1Il1nkillJ{ Coml~my : 1..,,, rUlIl:C ::-.kcllc .. ... '[I .il' u Bnnk of I..OIuloll.
tt British I.ln('n Company.....................
•••••••••••••••••••• , Thomas Ueld ............. . :1mith, mync ami Smltl. •• ]'ol1SOY .................. ! )';ort!. of :-icotlawl U;mkillg COIIII),').IIY I .Jamc.'1 lluir ... ..... ..... I nihil Il:'4hl. HI 1.nlldlJll.
~Jonlhlve ............... . Union !lnnk of f:cotl~ld.................... WllIlnm Smith .......... .. G1yn an(1 Cl', " .................. ! Union I.l:mk (If Scotllllld ................. ! l'ot('r )Iu;my . '" ...... Ulyu I\lId t'.
ltontr051'................. Dank, of Scotland............................. John Doyd ................ . ConUs and Co., Smith, P4)'10
and Smith!'., and Ilk. of Eng.
l'un WUUotm (Wilt. I <-lty of U1!1:Jgvw DII.t1k .................... 1C )1. H"lIth.ugc ........ It. .
lld,.1I J"llit b'ock Jl.llli..
tOllshlro) ........... I ! '
RO)'AI DanK ut Scotland ....................
Cnlon }Jank of Scotlnml....................
'fhomsoll IIntl Snvege... ConUs, unli Bank of Enlland.
FlndlllY nml Grelg....... Glyn nnd CIl.
lthY:lio ................... ~orth of Y<",)Ilt\r:d Jlnllkillg Cou'J>aIlY .•Jnlll' ~ H,;"t'r ............ l~lli"l! Ihn~ of [.oIl·Iu'l
nuschc.:u't~ ........... I Umoll of :-;eotlaml ........ •..... ! .lnlnell luluc ............ j (,I) 11 nll'll u
. ................
~rlt18h Linen Company........ ............
~orth of Scotln"d .Banking Company
Notlonnl Dank of Scotlnnd................
IJamc, DCllttlc............. Smith, rayne and SmUh••
Jloh('rt Wnlker... ....... Union Bllnl. of London.
D. HIli. It G. C. Chill Glyn :md Co., and Couttund
Uotboll .................. , f)ity I.f Glnsj.!Ow Bank ................ 1 J'IIII,'" l>Clm .... ....... ! 1... \1111111 J •• int St~ llank.
.. .................. l'aktionia.n llanklllg ......... \ Joh:1 um',luor ............. J: Il' lay a;,'I/'o•
tlutlltl11a1 ............... \ !loynl Hallk off:·:, tlm!d ....... .... .... J. 11 ~cml.I': ...... I ( '.. ult>'. f.I .. : 'lie. of f:II,:{lnlld
IIIcrs ...................... ' Co.
:\1 I"kl k ..... ...........
l(U{ :O;;j .. ·· ........ ·/
EnRtl'rn Dank of Scothmtl ................. I(fell.::£! C. llyer!' ......... I nnrclllY IInd Co.
" ............... City of OIIUlJ;vw ll.'Ulk ... .................. John }!<'A ;J,t,r ilnd It 1 1. ..111.\011 J<lll.t :,tN.lIt JlMlk
1IIcl')rdy ............. '
Clydt:'sdalc R:llIklns Cnmtll\ny .......... :moc3 Wbyte ............ : IInrtlt!tt and Co. It ........... ••• Clydll8\hlc Lruhtmg Comp.,uy ......... JoIn. WillIVlI ............ ! J: mllll t111(. Co.. nll/l 1.. ,n,tol1
I .1lI'! \\ c,,' IIl1:lRtcr I~mk.
; \I r 0 • ............
• IUMelburgll ............ ,
Cnlctiolllnn Bnnklng t?0mpnny ..........
Commcrel!lI Ddnk oC .scOtland ............ /
.. ............................... : IInrcluy Bml Co•
A. O. spcnelJ ............... /' ·j()C~~ltt!.~j~~\ 0-::,1 Co., lUIa I
Ultthllrglcn ............ City of Glnt'~ow Dl~1I1.. ." .................. 1). ;\furr:lY ........... '" i r ",1111"11 J. int. S:(Jek fJAnk
St. Andrews ............ Ihnk of Scotl:uld ......................... 1 A. K !.I1I·l .....:ly (lilt! 0 l l.'!I:~' all': CQ. ~lIl1tl:. I'nynfJ
~alni' ............
RBoynl Dn~k ot Scotland ..................... i 1'h'lmn..~ I.cos.............. Contls, Rnd llank of EnRlaftd. :\I·GI'-'I{'ll' ............. 1 ,I; Smith". aw\ Hk .• f J:Il.{.
• ..................... rltl~b Lmcn Compuny ....................
I Adnm D.lvld,on ......... ! Smith. 1'lIyno 111111 Smiths.
.. Clyl1cedaifJ Da1l1tinlf C"IIIVlllY ........ Wnll{'1' Walker ......... BnTl,,;I! :<11<1 l:(I., llli,II.HIIf.HI
" ..................... ~all'donlnl\ Bnnking Company ...........
NellltOn .................. 1 ~BtlO:1al ilank of Scotl:llld
: I'. Mtl.c'Oougal ........... 1 \larclny Imd Co.
............... 1 .1. n. I.amb .............. , OIyn nnll Co.
I 111..1 'h~tllllll"('r JIa:,k i
• E.utcnl HAnk of ~knlbllt! .............. \ W. F hulall,l. ......... BflN:lay am! e.,.
Nb·.. ·.... ........ nlon Blink or SCIltlant ..................... : :'\lat. Andenon ........... I OIyn an(t Co. I .... ............ n">'nt lJ:mk o!l'!coUnt.d . .... ........ li.nnrt (l·:... c ....... I C(.ntls, :md Ilk. of Er.;(I.\I,.1.
tlW arp............... Central Dank of Sc\Jfhmtl.................. Lyoll & Chrls\nl1 (.19:s.) Glvn Rnli Co.
It ............... Cornmercllll .Gonk of .;:cotland............ Alexander Lain/; ........ .font.'I l.oyd And Co., and
"t OWrtown .......... COU)tlJcrcial Hallk of lWotlnnd ......... .J63. 1I.n:.................... "hO'l J,oyd nn.! Co.. ami 1.; C{JlIH~ lIud C,
(:Otltts nnd Co. 8altcoaie .......... ,..... elty o{ GlAAgow Hnnk .................... , J. Clltnll\kJU ........... ,. J.fJlI<lvl\ ':olllt I'ltock i..'hk
~tlW CumnOCk......... City of Glasgow Dlilll; .................... .. Jl\mc.~ Thom!on ....... .. t.ontlon Joint StocK BAnk. .. ................ UoyalDnllk of ScoUt.lId ........... ...... n. K. ]:m'h<Jur :\.11.1 !)ank .)f F.nglanl:l••ntlll C("It\l4
" ow Deor... ...... ...... Nor! h of ScQtJnlld n""killg CHIIII,any .T. )ll.ldlctOll ............. t:nioll Ulmk of London. Johll Jnck~(1%I ....... . 1.c.,1 Co.
...,." ............... Ab(lrdcclI T<,wn :.lId County .'. .T. find A. Joiner ....... .. t..olln!'1l .Joint Slock R'U\k • SaDquhar ............... nrftlllh Lltlotl Company.................. .1 W. lrhl.'(JU(lClI ......... \ :-I.nldl, I'nyuo 1I1ld l'tniU,~
.,0" OaUCIWlly......... Clyd'l.!dlllo llunkillg CompaIlY ........ . Adnlll ('omc ........... .. H.mlctt Ilnd eo., nud London tloY".1 Bank of SC'.>tlnnd .................. K n. Warren ....... \ '",111.11 0\: C" • and Hk. of En.,.
1\11(1 WOdtmtnlltcr Bank. I30Udrk ... ::::::':::::::: HritJR11 I.lncnComJlI'Iny ..................John rJUl~ ............. "lllltlt, l':Iynll audelDltWl.
Cow l'itt.lfgo .......... /l!ttion Fnllk of SCOtl!\tI(l .......... •... .. W'ru ~P()llco..... ......... G1yu :\IId Co. " ............ ,..... 'Unton Jkwk Q18cQUalld ..... ... ... . l'etet Hodg<'r ....... i e,lyn .md Co.
'l"owtQll Stcwnrt...... NnUonnlllnok 01 S~Qt1hlld .............. . Al(fXJ\lIdcr Wi'lugb ...... Oll'lI and Cc:>.
I -. Kanag;"-, ...
NlUllo of Dlmk. London ,\gellt5.

• ,,'1IIton............... Iloyal BRn.: of Scotland .................. JIUnOIS 1ovo ............... 1D.-mk ofEngll\nd, Md Cout~
............... Clydcedn.Jo Banking Company......... Tbomall L-nfd14w ....... 1 Damett and Co. ,and LondQU
and Wet.tmineter Datlk.
•• u, ••••••••••••• Union O:mk ofScotlalld .................. JIUI. Alexander ......... 1 Glyn and Co.
8UrUug .................. Roynl Dnllk of Scotland .................. \"m. Grahlltn ............. I COl1tts. and Dk. of Englaud. Nruno. lIlnllItcr. Hcsldot\l.\: WlICl'C sihmted.
to &nk orscot1All1l ........................... .\Icxander DrOOfc ...... 1 CouttllnndCo•• Smitb. PaynG
k Smltb!!, and Dk. or Eng. .....
.. ..................
................... Commercial Jlnnk or ScotlAnd ......... J. Rn(l J. ~1. llorrisoll Jones Loyd nnd (~o., and
~I\tlollal U:Ulk of ScoU'md ............... .John llurric...... ......... Coutt'. lit Co. Andrew'8, St....... ~..... John Stuart 13 .'orth street Geot~ street
.. ...................
................. I GlYJI k Co•• nnd Coutts" Co. ll{'rnard's, St ............. A. K. 11. Uoytl 11 FeUcs Row Claremont "l%'!'et (WClIt)

,. .... .............


. .
City of GlMA'OW Dlmk .................... . Chrystal k )fncfarlanc London .Jolnt Stock IJ.'Ulk.
Ulllon .&nk of ScotlAnd ................. . •r. nnd J. )flltllic......... (;lyn nnd Co.
Clydl.'%IdAlo n.. mklng COlllpnDY ........ . Jnmc8 )fontcltb alld J. Ilamctt nnd Co•• nnd London
J)ry/!{Jl\lc ................
SWu!:baYcl1 ..... ...... A~con ToWt1 nnd County Dnnk... A. W. KlnnClU'............ I..om1oll Joint Stock nnnk.
nt(l WClltmlnstcr n:mk.

Dank of Scotland ........................... Wminm Stowart......... Couttstmd Co•• Smith, I'Apt"

I k Smith!!. Rnd Dk. of Eng.
BUl'f~Jeucb ...................

CanoLqate ........ ". ... {

AI('x. )N..arcll, )I.A •
Andrew It Bonar
Daniel ~('Fie
John !':lul, D.D.
CUthbU~'8, St .....':... { Jrunes Vciroh, D.D.
li Buccll'llCh place
:1 St John ~tl'cet
1 Comcly Gree!: r:eil.
13 Georg\~ sqllarc
~tCntbbert's mllnl!C
lluccleuch street
! Canongate
Lothian road
.. ... ......... ~Ortll of Scotln'ld Bankmg Cotnpnny JamOI! SCott...... ......... Union Hank of London. Da\'id's, 8tl,.t .... i ••• t, .. Gcorgc l'ittell1lreigh 8 Spittalatrect Gardner's CTeSCfnt
Slonl0way . ...... ...... ~Atlon"l Dnnk of Scotlnnd ... ...... ...... Hod. Morison ............ I H1yn nnll Cl).
............. City of OlMgow IJ.'Ulk ......... .... ...... J. Mackcm:lo ............ I I..on,loJl .Joint Stock Uank.
&ml1nler ............... Drlthlb IJnen Compnny ................. Kotr IIlId ~loCal8' ....... Smith. l'nYlle and ~nlitbll.
.. ............... Unloll IL,\lIk of Scotlnnd .................. Havid Gllthrlo............ GlvlIllud Co. "
Dean .................'; ••••.. J. Birkmre, DJ).
Gaelic •••••.••••.•.••~, •••.•. UOllald ) ilMOIl, At.A.
George'8, 8t ....... h ..... R. 11. Stc\'cnson
4 Comely bank
{I Oxford terrace
S Forth street
Argyle square
(:b.rloUe ~U...
D1enheim ace
.. ............... (!Iyd\!lfdslo IJI,nking COIllJllmy ......... .rn. KerrandJ\.ln&rram Dlimctt nnd Co•• nnd I..ondun .. t Grcensidc•.••••••••••••••.• WiJliam Glovcr, D.D.
:md Wcstmlnllwr ])ank. Grevfriars" New ... I ..... Wiliium Robert~on ) 2 Dnlmmond Jll:tce nreyfriarlplaet>
.. ............... City of G1IUIg'Ow Dank ..................... A. l\f'Nool Caird......... Loudon Joint Stock nauk.
....Stmtbn\'cll ............. Dank or Scotland ........................... T. 'fonncnt .............. COlltt.s Rlld Go •• Smith. PAYl1C Greyfriars" Old ........... Rohert (.ee, D.D. 2t Georgc squarc I Gre,tHara' pllCe
- k 8mltbll, Alld Dk. of ]-:ng. H' h K' k { Davill Arnot, D.D. 38 Georgc squat('
It llighsmd
............. Uoynl ]lnnk of Scotlnnd .................. Robon Willlon............ COlltbl. Ilnd IJk. of }o;lIg1und.
...... ...... Union U:mk of Srotlnlld ........ ......... WllUnm Gohbio .. ...... 01Yll and Co.
Htrlchon ................ :-Iurth of Scotlnnd ])allklng Company .John Stcwnrt ............ Un 1011 Bank of London.
HtromnUl!s............... NnC'luru Bank of ScnUI\t,:d ............... .John Ucatton ............ IJIYII k Co. [('outts k Co.
19 Ir ............. •James )l'Lclchie, D.D.
John's, 8t ...........\ ..... 1 Robcrt W••'rnl!l'r
Lady Yester's ............ Wm. Henry (:rny, M.A.
G r..'.;cnt terrace
o (.:mri8wn lallc
!i Regent terrace
I Infirmary
Victoria l!treet
.. ............... ~omUlort·!l\l Bank of ScotlAtl1l ... ...... J!llllCll Oilcllrlst .......,....TonoK Loyd aull Co., and Lnke'lt, Bt ............."'·.. "acant Yonng street
Tain ...................... (;ommcrl."lnl Dank ofSI.'Oi.lnnd ......... Kcnllcth llumlY ....... Jone8 T..oyd and Co., alld M ' S J JnlUcS Grnut, n.c.I.. } 18 Great King street Belle\'Utl crellCent
COlltt.'1 nnd Co. ~ ary s, t.............. ( (Jxon, DJ).
.. ........... ........... Jlrltl!!h Linon eomJlI1uy .................. WUllamllon nnd nos.'!... Smith, l>aynl) nnd Smiths.
Tllrbcrt (Lochfinc).. Uuion Unn1c c~ Scotlnnd .................. Arl'h. M'Calman.. ...... otyl\ nlld Co. Morningsido .............. R. W. ~1"cGoun, l\I.A. 3lorning~idc ~Ionlingside
'l'nrlnnd .................. union &n1c of 8cotlnlld ................. 1 Alldrow nOM ............ GlYII and CIl. New street
.. .................. Abcrdeen '{'own nnd County }Jllnk ' '1 A Rooortlloll ............ London Joint /oltock Dank.
T/U'\'CIl ................... .\benlf.'cn 'fo\\'1I1\1111 COllllty lIallk... Willllllll ])uthlo ......... l.Olldoll JOhlt Stook ]lank.
New Street................
Nc\vingtoll ................ J:lmt!8 .:ldcr Cmnmiug 13 UU(:dCllCh 11lacc Clcrk street
Thomlllll ............... Uuion Iwnk of8c(l~ll\ud .................. Dnvld Crfol\t('1l .......... OIYIl nnd Co. Old Kirk .................. Vacnnt lIi ~I st root
.. I.
............... Jlrltlbh Linen Comlllluy .................. JI\1I\01l Jhlllllcll ............ · Smith. Pnym.l nn(l Smiths.
Thut"llo .... ............... Comtllort"al &nk ot !;(:otl:\nd ......... .Johll llelldot"llon ......... ! .JOIIC'I J..ovll and Co., Rnd
I'3IC\lbCll'S, St ............. W. ~1t1ir, D.D., U •• D. 13 Sa.lC COburfT plllcc St inllCllt .treeL
High street
I I Conttll nnd C( •.
.. ................... ,~be.nlcen Town nml tOil Ity &nk ... 1 .AlolCllmlor ,\(Iam ....... I,,)ndon Joint Htock Hank.
To1 )oot1. Kirk ............ (~eorgc Smith, D.I>.
Trinity College........... Robere Wallacl', ~I.A.
" Uandolph c it!
~J1 Dublin strcet
.. ............. ...... Nntwmd Jlall ... tlf. HI'(' Inn I............... Un\"1d ]-'10111111;; .......... I OIYlllllld Co.
Tron Kirk.... ........... { .10hn Hunter, 1>.1>. :? Regent termec !. Iligh street
MaxweU Nicblllson 3 l(egent termcc
Tilllcoultry ............ Clydc!dalc Unllklllg t ''''11 'my ......... A. J'. J.Orllllor............ lllnrnctt nnd Co.• l!lul1.ondotl
I\ud ,,'cetmillstcr Hank.
............ t!n!oll flank of ~\·{lt.lnlld ............... .John Kirk ................ Glyn :011(1 Co. West Sc GUest ............ Ilobert Nisbct, 0.0.
I!) Lynedoch plaoo I' lfigh !;tfl't!t
Tobermory ............. Clydcsd&le llnllkmg Compnny • ....... lI(.nry Nlsbct ......... ".IISIlnlctt nnd Co.• nnll I..ondou
mul WOl!tlniulltc%" Bank.
TmrlOllton (OllUlgow) Union flrmk of ~('otl:l1ld ............ ...... AlIdrcw Omy ........ "'1 mY11 :md Co
Tntncnt.................. City (If G1n:lllow BUlIk ......... ........... Jl\mc~ Uichnnllloll...... 1.olldu11 Joint Stork Dl\nk. THE FREE CIIURCH Ol' SCOTLAXU.
tt (GIlWgow).. Clydchdalc Cnukillg COlllp:my ......... I'. U. JUllOr... ............ J.oml.m lit WClItminll. Dauk, NEW COLLF.<a:, EDlNBUlIGU. Cbaln. Pro(fIMOrt.
Tl'ongatc (GlMgoW).. Union IJA11k or ~cot1tmd ......... ........ \lunrfln)1 'Mllmr .... . Glyn nud Co.
nnd Ilnmett IInll Co. , . . . ( Jr~. BucllallAII, D.D.,
-r:nx.!l..................... '!nion Hank of Scotland .................. , Robert C: Ucid .......... Olyn k Co.
Illmtr ................... {,ommcrcl•• t ]Innk (If &'ntlnlld ......... Fmnc!R Sonte%" .......... I .1t-ncM l..oyd nnd Co 11.1111
[t:otttt.'1 It:. Co. Institult,t/ 18t1l.
~. I fi
DIVd1l1Y ....... •.... •...... "J LL.n.
\.JllS. B:ulDcnllAn, 0.0.
.. .. ...,............. I,orth ofl:!t'otlllll(\ Jlnnklllg CUllIltllUY NormAn Oordoll ......... i Union Unnk of l.ondon:
TI le ,tiller cCSl~IOIl con.tncnces on t le Irst Divinity and Church t "
•, ....... ............ Unloll ]lImk of Scotlnnd ..... .. .......... WlIllnm l'lrlo ............ : OIYll nnd Co.
." • ................... .~!Icrdccn TowlI nllfl ('ullnty I\nllk ... i ,\lo'tandcr J,c''1\1c ....... J,(ludnn .T(llllt Htook &uk.
." , Tuesday' ufNo"cmbcr, and closes carly in April. I If"1810(\' ................. ; W.> Ctlnmngham, n.D.
".c~t Cnldcl· ........... j <;lty of OIMgow nnnk ..................... !AUdrcW ?IlulllClo ......... 1,(Iltdoll .folllt Stock IlIInk. Principal-WiUiam CUlIuingh:lm, JU). Hebrcw • aud OriCmnl} .fohu DnncaD, 1.1,.1'.
\~C8t Kllbrl.lo ......... / (;it~· of OIAJIl(oW )lank ..................... nubcrt OCll1111011 . ...... l.Qnrloll ,Joint I'ltock Hauk. LanJlU3FC!1 ............ .
"I it' ! . I .
\. Cllt LllItoll ............ : UllIlk of 8cothmd ............................ A. Aloxlltlf\cr .......... COllttlllmd Co.• Smith, PaytiC
k Smith", null Ilk. of Eng.
~ . 1 !mUl ............... ! C!lty of G1nll(l'ow llnnk ..................... n. ~nJ'(~lIcl· ....:... ...... I.ondoll .Jolnt Stor": Hank .
•\ hlthom ........... ''', ~Iltlollnl nallk oC RI.'Otl:md .............. (I. C. IJlllwoo(hc......... (;!ynlllld U. Bk. of J..ondon.
SI'crctal'!I-James BODar, W.S.
J.ibml·iall-William Cun'linglmm. D.D.
Excgctic-t\ Theology•... Rev. G. 8bleaeoll
Natural Science ......... .
•, ............... c.;lydu.!dalo lInllkltlg COlllp:my ......... U. A. ~Iuill .............. ])anlC(t .1Ilt! Co.,Rud London
,s"b-LI·brarian-Rcv. John Laing'•
nnd WCl> :mblftt,:)r JJnnk.
Andrcw'll, St ...~........ •John Bnlcc, n. D. 24 Saxo Cobllrg pJace Genrg(' street
Wkk ........... ........ Commercinl tlnl k of Scotland. ...... Jus. 11. l"towart .. ..... JOIlCI! 1.,,)'11 nnd Co., and
COllttl! and Co.
.. ..................... Chy or G1MgIJW nfmk ..................... Urn'id Davl<lllon ..... .. Lothlon .Jolnt ..,tock Jlnnk.
8t~nlard't8t St ..••~••..••. , Alcx. W. BrowlI I Denn Ullllk
}'ntriek Cla.wn, D.n. I 22 (:eorgc square
Ifcndcr!Ou row
} West Cros8CaUHeY
.• .. ................... I '\bord();)l1 Town lIIu1 Count:· Uallk ... 1 A. nn" T. ,\dnm ....... .. l.olldotl Joint Stoc:k J~llk. Bucclcnclt ..... t-\ ...
.:' .................... 1 \, II10n UAnk of Scotlnnd ... ............... Aloxander W"tcll ...... . tllyn !lull Co.
If If
Itubcrt Goruoll, C. ~\. S. 14 Nortlmmbcrlantl It.

'\\ •.;tnWtl ................ , Jlrlttsh Uncn Comfll\llY .................. Gt:lorgo c: nlnck ....... .. Hmlth. Pnyno nnr! Mulitbl'J. 5-'o1m Knox.'s, corner
................ i City of OIJIIgoW ~nk ............... ..... .J'uno., McLtlAll ......... . I.Olld"1l Joint ~tork Bank.
.. .............. ' Clyucooruc l1'\lIklllg COIllp:my ......... Th01llM )furTa), '" .... .. Hflnlctt nnd Co .• and London •
Canongalc ...... !':........WilIiam Ni!lbtt 6 Hope pllrk l Ne'herLow
West Port
I AlIII WClltmlmltcr Bnnk.
Wlllhnw .................. : I~~)~l DAnk of 8COtln~l!1 .................. JIllllC8 :MUlcr ........... . Hank of Z.:nglum! and ConUs
nnd 1..'0.
"'eat J.O\ . ...... :f...... ,.: Willia~ rasker
C'owg3t(! ................ JI. John Plrle
... rt' .. St
32 Gilmorc place
.'indhom Vi. Grange }'oot of Blait stred
f Sir 11, W. MOlllJI'eift', } 43 l!;l Cnlhbcrt's street Castle terraoo
n • ............... (I!) of GllUIgow n.1nk ..................... JntllC!l ~hitlnw ..... " .. . I ~'llrJ(lU .J oint Steck &nk. Cuth1IJC ... 1'::.... 1 Blln. B.A •
...... ft.H....... lhitl\,.h Linen COlflIklny ................ 1 JaOlcl t.iih:hriit u ..... .. ~.lllt h, 1'lIynt;: awl /;miths.
.. ,
David's, S1 ..... ... ro ...... Roben Ferguson, Al.!. 19 IAun.ton s'reet ~Iorrillon IItreet
.M 'Cric .............. I't..... Boben Pbilip 2 South Gray street Davio atrete

.. , ---.--.-.------------------~.-
CHUBOlt DIR=ECT:.:.:.O.:,.:.RY_,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1_19


Mintster. R()sidenoo, :Minister. Residence. When situated.

Where situated. Name.
Dean .... ~ ••1.....~....... thomas Brown 8 Comely bank Deun D. T. K. Dmmmond, l\Iontpelier cottage,
Fountainondge..." ...... J. H. lVUson, It.A. Fountninbr. manse Fountainbridgo B.A. )lorningsido } nut1and pta",
Gaelic ....................... Thoml18 M'Lauchlan View forth manse Castle terrace StThouw............ { George Hamilton, ,b- } H Hopo street
George's, Bt........... }/.. R. S. Candlish, D.D. G2 l\Ielvillc street I.otllian road St Vincent. !treet
GI'9.Yft1~rs' ....... ::;,....... Hugh Martiu Sciennes hill Keir street ,.,
St Vincent et............. 1
JUgh Vhutctl ............. Robert Rainy I) Cnlltle terrace Mound pJa.ce
lIolyroou..... ............. William Balfour 18 St John's hill IIolvrood BAPTISTS.
"1 'St {Thomas Gutbrie, D.D. 1 Salisbury 1'oad }' ~ • .... {' H. D. Dickic 3 Ann street } Bristo place
WiJliam Ha.nna, Lt.D.

tlO lU S, .............. 6 Castle terrnce Jolmston terrace Bnsto plaoo ........... Robert Andcreon 7 Gayuc!1! t!quare
i. Glenofchy" ••~.... George R. Davidson 17 Greensitle pJ:1CO Gl'ecnside p1noo 41 Ann fI~ret:t Dublin meet
...vub1in street ... ~: ....... ~ J. Wat80n
~I;":: .ut St..........~ ..... A. :&foodY,Stullrt, 1\I.A.
l{1ll1'S, St..........~..... Thomas Main
48 QIJE-('l1 strcet
7 Uel1evue crescent
Queen street
Unrony IMeet
. - {J.
.... )lmto bonae. .......... J. W0011
1I0rsburgh 18 nuct;.leueh place
S4 J~uccleuch place
} Argylc 8qUlU'fl
l\Iol'ltingside ................ Thomas Addis Morningside place Morniuff,iide 25 GaytMd square l.eith Walk
Newingtoll, &0............ James Begg, D.D. New'ton mnlll'e, Grange CJ(lrk I!tl"(~et "' Tl\bemllCle ....... ::: ...... ~'m. Tulloeh n West l\Iaitland strcet W. ROllo street
-'Rose strect ....... r:; .. N'.. W. S. Chapman lUgh street, Portobello 8'.
Richmond or plltc('
N N tb "'.1 C.J. Brown 39 George sqUllre } t~ d \ Richmond Court£hnp. rancis Jobnaton
cw or ....... /h •• ~ Andre" Crieltton
Paul's, St ......... n ....... Georgc Brown
12 Arllilltoll )laee
2{) U1ncket plnce
1: orrest roa

8t Leonnrd's street
Broughton street
lil.·ig................"..... .••
l))easlluce ... ...............
'V. G~ BJaikie, AI.A.
Thomas Cochrane
l'i!rigmanse, Pilrigst. J%'ig street .... Albany street...... h ..... \ Wm. Pt-Moro \ 14 ~hmsiollboUIC road GP.Qrgc IV. bridge
71 Clerk street l'lc:l:!lInce . ... W. TJ. Alexander, D.D. 17 UrQwlll!quaro
ltoxbur~b ..............,.. W. C. Smitb 3 George square Hill square lIead of Adam street
.... Richmond place ... :-r.{ .. Edward Price 32 Dundas street
Steplum s, Bt...... n.V... F. GiUies 17 DClln tCl'rIlCO Wemyss place
Tolbooth ............ ~ ...... lY. K. Tweedie, D.D. I r; George square St Andrew square WESUWAN METIIODlST.
tiron Church ............. Andrew Milruy 26 Loudon st1'cet Ili~h street Nicoleon IqUlfe.......... , John Burton , 10 Nioolson square Nicofloa lCAatt


... Artbur street ..... !':'......
Robed Gcmmell
... Bristo street .............. William l'cl1die, n.D.
17 Lutton place
57 Gcorge square
Plcasance I
Uristo street
Pl1stors, various •

". E,onghton place......... Andrew ThomSOl!. D.D. G3 Northll~nbcrll\ml st.

'" College street....... ,.,.,: ... David M'Ewnn { Al~~JllI:l,Strathcarn }
nl'otlghton pIllee
South College F.treet
'.. Bn bton street ... : ...John Kirk
,Geo~e street. ........V G. T. 1\1. Ingli.s
, Grecnhil~ gnrtlcuw
12 ~~hUl

... Dean street ..... ;: ... W... l'eter Duvidson, D.n, 11 Dean s!rcct Dean street
"Jlcnderson Church ...J... A. I,. Simlison 2;', 1Iowe street Pig-It stt'Cct SYNO!J OF ORIGINAL SECEDERS.
\. Adam square .....: ... I Arch. BrO\vn. M.A. I. 1[' A.dam, square South bridgo
.. Infirmary street ......·..... Willinm Brn{'c 4:1 Gihllore plnce llllinnnrv street
.. Jnmes' place.......... :.:. n. S. Hl1lmmoml, l\t.A. iia OI'llIlg'\J l'o:ttl .lmnes'lilace Not in COImCXlOIl w'tit ~!I,/Od.
. J.auri!.lton place.......... llnvid Croom ] Upper GilnlJre place J.:mriston plnce \. Lauriston street ... :::.. I Jl\mes Wright I 5 Gardner's cresr.ent
l.othiau road ..... :.. ::, .. WiIlinm Rcitl () l\I(ll'chiliton }I:ll'k tothi:m l'o:ul -------
ltO)(ft.N CA'fnOI.IC.
*1\lnl'y's Chapel ...':: ..." ... Willimn t1illespic H W('I;t Newiug-toll High street
.,' Ncwington ......... M .....J:nues ltohcl,tsolt (;mllgc cot.Clmseysit1c Dl1l1can st. Newington The Rt. Rc\". Dr GiUis, ~ Grccnhlll cottag3
!\icolgon street ...... 11'1 .. Gcorp:t' .Jolmt.lou, D.D. r. Millto i'trcct Nirolsoll street Vicar Ap(ll!tollc ~
. North 1tic1unond street lcxlludcr C. llulhcrlol'(l .~ 1 :--0\1th Clerk stl'llot North ltichmoml street .... {Rev. Dr M'Phersoll } Chnpel house, Brongh-} Broughton ItreI\
, l·(\I·~shurgb ........ ~:~ .... J)UIlCUll Ogil"ie 1:0 f:ilmol'l' lllllc(' Ycnnel St1l(1I'1'................ Rev. Robe~ Innes . ton street
}·OUCI·roW ......... ::". ..... Thomns M'l'~wnn 7' Mansion llolls~ roml rotterrow nev. }'rederlc GnscOIgna
• UOiie street ......... ~~..... Thomas Filllayson G .Mary pl:w<' Hose street R(>v. I>r 1\Iarshnll) }
" Union Church .............. ]tobert Dick DthlCnll R lh ltlltsli('M plact' Urc:ul fltrel't ., _
St Patnck ............. 5J\
)tcv. Alex. O'Donnell
Rev. William Downie
" Rov. J:Ul1CB O'ReiJly
l ChnllCl ,housc, Sonth
Grny 8 close
260 Cowgate

An<ll'cw's, St .... :~.......

c. It TC:lpc
I'ilHlhom p1.1C(, S. hllck of Canongate 'l.
('"I'lIuha's, St .... :........J(lhn AlcxlUlIlcl', D. D. 4: I--t Vinccnt I'lrcet .Joll1l"toll terrace " Gcorge IV. t'ridge .. ~ ... I w. n. Goold, ~.D. I ~S 1\lnnsionhouse road Goorge IV. bridf."<'
(;!·orgc's, t;t. ............. Alrx. E. Wa!ilOIl~ 1\I.A. !I I:. ClarrmQut :o:trcrl Y01'k plnc{)
lJ\'ou~htQn place
•h:Uh S R, 8t .. " ..• ., .... ,..
, "
.J(Ih:I:;, SL ......
\ J~ .• B. n:llllsnv (Dt'llll), { 23 Aill.s!iclllnec
LA., J.1..1>. 1- I'ritwcs street
BIlTOny Street........... ,anOltS
.... 11.T' I Barony ItrKt

tl..... ') ••

~i 1>, F. Sa\ltll(m.l 17 R:mdolp!1 cre:;{'(\\I 80('1E11 OF FRIENDS.

HhJl t ne,'. C.H. Torrotl !m Urgent telTIlCI' PleMmlcc ..... ;........... I Various I 14 flcasanoo
) , " ; m. . l:np)
I anI s, Bt............... I"•(dll-lt I IJo ~ (1\'1It'. 11.
f } Y"l'l, pIa"
_ ....
28 Io!'!, i,hH'('
1 J:: . !'.:'I'l1\Ig'lllllt·rr,ll.A. :!5 Wa!kl'l' !>tl'cet
IJClll'rubbf'r's at Mark's .......... : .... I R. B. DJ'I"mmond
I K Grove Iltreet
Jlnlil 'I', St,Cnl'rul;u(,l"lIl .J :lI11l\' ;\~ T.:wh lan'
Seielllles: hill close, Hi,..
close ..••. , .•••••.••••. ; ( sI rcet JEWS' SYNAGOGU.~.
1'elcr's, St ....... :....... " (:c!lr~e ('IwrutI'Y, RU. :13 1\lcl"mc ~t\'c('t place
)'uttHIl Riohmond COt1rt
'l'lillity, Dcnn Ht'iftg'c ... : Y. (~. ~'aitlil'lIll, ~t.A. I 23 Royal circus Dean bridge Richmond 0011r~ ..... :.-. I ?ltollCS .loot I
Cauouga&e-David IngUa, 161 CIDOIIpte
City-J. CampbeU, flreyf'riant ~ M, ;
NewiaJ!o! and Buccleucb BlU'Ytnc'"lfOlllllJs-L - Lieut.·Colonel WiLLLUlIL G. M. lfELLWOOD,.2 Heriot Bow.
CruiCklhank, West Cburchyird Il\jor THOMAS A. Hoo, Newlidon.
at CtJ.thben'a-A. Cruicklhank, W. ChIll'Chprd &nkMdNamo.
St John'. Episcopal Charcb.-Bobea1 YOUJt"-
way &utOo. Caw.&reet Captain John naUantlnc 6 Abercromb1 place
, , lit Lieut. John Faed U Innrleith terrace
" 2d Lieut. John Spencc 5 Lothian road
Captaiu Tbonw Ben 8 Sue Cob~1Ct
"CHURCHES AN» PLAOES OF WORSHIP IN LEITH. No. 2. lat Lieut. Archlbald Campbell
2d Lieut. John )forehead M-Fartan
1 LllIedoch
U 1I0we Jtreet
THE CHURCH or &OOTLAND. Captain Jobn Boyd M Atban111treet
. ~o. 3. ~ 1&t Lieut. John Macnab 8' South bridge
31 Soouaad &treet
Name, Xlniltor. f . Besldenoo.
2nd Lieut. \lna. Elgin
( Cap!:!in '&lonJaunt. Grar 19 In\'erleith row
No. 4. lit Llcut. J. M. Smcim Pa"I'. work
•••-••-..-.. -...-••-••'l~W-illiam--G-ra-ham---1 TrinitYtNewhaven

NO'-W-hl\-:v-en- Newhav:--- ~ 2d Ueut. J. It. Findlay S Damaway ttr.!d

~ Captain U. Harriaon 23 St Audrew equare
North Leith ............... WUlilm Smith Laurel Dk. Bonningtllh Madeira Itreet No. U. .. lat Lieut. William Steel Miller 8. Grellt KiDg ...reet
Soutb Leith { Wm. StevcllIOn, D.D. 1f Hermitage place, lAlitb t. X:rk-te 2d I.i::ut. John Park 55 Alban,! street
' ... ••••• ... Henq J)uft' SummerfieJd hOt Leith j . e- > Captain George Meldntm 58 York place
St Thomas', .............. Archibald BuchanRn StThomastmansc,Leitb Sheriff' II'M No••• lit Lieut. John G. IIlU'1'i1on 23 8t Atldre" equare
------ (
2d Lieut. wnUam .Matheauu
Ca{!tain Jamcs Madean
25 Abercromby paaoe
27 Princes etrect
.fUllction l'Oat1 ............ A(lam 8. Muir 2 King" pi. JAlitb walk J unctiOD road No. 1. ~I lat Lieut.t.vacaua
ll:'riner8~ Church ••••••• John TbolMOn, A.M. , Jamaica Itreet, Leith • 2d Lieut. v~lnt
Dock street ( Captnin '11liam eo~y 8 Randolph craeeut
North l.eith .............. Roben Macdonald 2 Jamaica street
St .John's ................. . Bank place
Constitution street
No. 8. 1
lit Lieut. Chabnen J. Paton
2d Lieut. Jame.s Paton
1 Princes street
1 Prin~8 Itreet
South Leith .............. D. Thorbum, A.M.
Newhaven ••• ...... ....... J"mcs Fairbatrn I J John's place
Alaose, Trinity
Jotlll" place
No. 9. ,
Captain Roben B~doDe
1st Lieut. (vacant
89 Dubhn street


2d Lieut. Joaeph exton . 2 Srandtleld. place
AqJut~t-Capbin F. W. Boo(l, n.M. Madras Ani11ery.-Offioo, 21 South ellu••treet.
Nortb J..eith ...............1Jamcs Harper, D.D. J.citb monnt Coburg street Quartermaster-Lieut. Ritchie, 30 Clarel1~ street.
St Alldrew'g rlllee ....... , John Smart; A.M., D.D. 11 Smith's pla~ Links
Junction ros( •• .......... 1 Francis llmr , North Fort street .Junction road
Kirkgate ...................fcmes S. Mill 2 Tbomson', place Kirkgat4t llTDLOTHIAN COAST VOLUNTEJ-~R ARTII,LERY.
EPISCOPALIAN. Lieut.-Colonel Sir JAMES GA.JtDlNER B~tRD. EdmoDltonp. 80Slle.
l\13jor (not yet apPOinted).
St James's ............... J John A. White
Trinity............. ...... 'V.
AI. Gonlen
8 Quality street'
1 Starbank, Trinity
Constitntion street
lrinity, Newhaven No. 1.
Captain George Mackenzie
ht Lieu&. W. J). Uentlq
9 Bm .treet
12 G,,!~ King .tfeet
2d 1.1ellt. J. A.n~eri\Oll Tnnlty
BAPTIST. Captain Georg.. -rood 5 F.18t CJareMont street
Baptist .................. I M. Jack I Con"it"tion'street
No. 2. 18t Ueat. D. Clonic Gregor 7 Great King lU'ett
2d Lieut. WiIliam WatlOn :1 Dcan terr:soo
-----~ ;'" Captain J. )Ianhall 11 WemYM place
CONGREGA.TIONAI,IST. No. S. 1st Lieut. Alex. FA1m01llton 25 ScotlAnd sCreet
Constitution .treet..... I W. J. Cox I Crown street !l'JO Constitution street 2d Licut. T. O. 11. WlWJOn "_L~II
Captain David endS .'o~,! IItrec!t,. POnulJIII: 0
lVESLEYAN METIIODIST. No. 4. 18t LiNt&. Allan LiVloptoll WIUwnfleld, PortobeUo
Duke street .............. I Robert Davidson, M.A. I 40 Duke street, JAlith Duke street 2d J.icut. (vacanO
( Captain Charles StewaR Sweethope, MUIIelbu~
Bridge Itreet!. MUilSelburgb

No. I;' l ht Licut••J. J. Riddoch
IVA.~GILICAL UNION. 2d Lieut. A. O. S~nee Commercialllw, )fUMdbUl,b
St Andrew IItM ....... I Joscpb Boylc I .. Aladeira street St Audre'\' street Captain George ROland 80 Gayfield square
No. O. 1st Lieut. Robert Richard
:!J Uent. J. De la Condamine 32 Dntmmood place
ROMAN CATHOLIC. I CaptAin T. E. O. Dome 10 Atltoll cre.ecenc
St ~rarie's ................ I John Noble I 48 Constitution street Constitution It. ., Nu. 'I. lit Lieut. Ch.!. Kinnear .9 Northumberland ItrM&
{I 2d Lieut. K. Jlaitland 18 Gilmcr" plaue
SESSION CLERKII. f 8ur!!eOo.-A. M'Kenlie Ed~ard@'1 ~.R.C.S.E., India Itreet.
At\jutallt-CaptAin Wilbam E liott, 12 LecpoJd place.
Soutla Lei&h ............ David GrAnt, 48 Kirkgate TrtII1Ift!r-D. Smith Edgor, • George .treet.
North Leith ............J. S. Fonoan, 40 Bridp street SecrtCarJ-lViUiam WACIOn, 8 DeaD &erraet.
CIn' OF Ei>lNllURGH RIFLE VI)(.'t.1h"TEERS-Contimled.
No. (If Company. Junk nnd Name. Address.
Capt.' John Hope 31 )Ioray _place
llank l11ld Namo. No. 10. . J.ieut. John Hall 26 South Frederiek street
]o~nsign Alcxsnder Fllirgrieve 72 R08e street
Captain David Yonng Bank hOWle, Leith ( Captain John BOld 27 :&lelville street
No. 1. 1st Lieut. George Virtue Forth street, Edinborgh 1(0.17. -< Lieut. Wil1iam Rtcbardlon 56 South bridge
Ensi~ William AlIan 'i Gilmorc place
2d Lienl. Charles 110.11100, Jr.
Captain.Com. W. E. C. FeU
9 Dock'place, Leith
LocbriD hoose, F..di~ l
~ Captain Donald '&Iackenzie 12 Grcat Stwut street
No.!. lK Lient. Bt. Hntcbisvu oC CIdowrie Bemard meet. Leith No.18. Lient. ThoUlllS S. Lindaay 20 Blackford road, WhitchoU!lc
id Lieut. Loyooume W _OIl Hermitap place, Leith

Ensi~ John Greig,juu.
Captain WiUiam ~ltuUl
0 Archibald place
135 George !trcet
~~-ThOl. W"llliamaol!t M.D., QaaUty unet, Leith. No. 19. Lieut. Thom:18 B. Donglas 4 Clerk street
Acting·AdjntaQt-Lieutenant .ltutchitOn, BerDard street, Leith. E11llip E-dwin )Iaoo 135 Gco:ge Itreet
• > Captain J. T. Gordon 6 Glouccster pIaoo
11& .~ Lieut. James Grant 26 D:U1ube street
CITY OF EDINBURGH RIFLE VOLUNTEERS. Hfahland. ~ Ensign Alexander Nioollon 16 Fonh 8treet
Captain A. V. Smith Sligo 0 Hmlllntond place
Lieutenant-Colonel JAM.E~ MONCBElFr 15 Great Smart 8treet 2d Ueut. DDllClln Ifenzics 20 Patriok equare
Lteutanaot·Colonel DAVID DAVIDSON, Wooderoft, Moruingside. HighllDd... Eosign David Ken . 21 Wnrrillton crescent
Major J. H. A. MACOONALD. ~ Captain Cbarles H. Farquhanon 26 J.dtll street
Captain E. S. Gordoo J BandbJph cretcen& 3d Lieut. Robert .&Io.sm811 29 llrinooa street
No. I. Lieut. A. T. BoyJe 12' ~e street; Utah1ettcL ~ .. Ensign Henr$' Flock.hati 2 Kcit street, J.auristou
Enlign F. L.1\I. Heriot 18 Rutland street Surgeon-D. Maclagan, 2811eriot row.
Captain J. A. Macrae U Gloucester place .llliatant-Snrgcon-Patrick D. Wat!On, 10 Charlotte equare.
No. !. Lieut. A. W. Black as Drnmmond place .l.eliKant-Sorgeon-James D. Gillespie, Castlo s&reet.
Ensigll A. H. Tnrnbull 3 Georp.e stree&
Cap&ain Tholl. G. ~lurra,. , Glentinlas stmt
No. 3. Lieut. Tho!. }(~Ktnzie 3U Frcderick street
En81~ J. B. Innes 81 Heriot Row
Captain Robert Christison 40 Moray place MIDLOTHIAN RIFLE VOLUNTEERS.
No. 4. Lieut. William Tumer 8 Frederick street
I.nsigt). Georgc Cl ark R088. 22 St Andrcw sguare 1st BATTALION, (LEITH.)
Calltain James Wehsw. 8 Gloucester place
No. o. J..icut. John Carment 86 Gt. King street Lieutenant.cotonel n. H. ARNAUD, 4: Windsor street; Edin~'1rgb.
EnsigJl David T. Lees 15 Dublin strec& Acting-!lnjor-Captain )lAcilnF..Gon.
Captain Thomas O. Diokson 8 Boynl Cil'CQl Adjutant-Captain LmwELt.., 100 PrinC(!S. street.
No.6. Lieut. James Howden 20 Manor place Oaptain Donald R. ~tacgregor 18 Minto ~treet, Edinburgh
Ensign James HaIdnne 80 Stntford atrcet Lieut. W. S. Gavin Cherry Lnnk, NewhAYln
Captain Samuel Hay Union Bank Wo. 1.
Emip Jamcs Smith Exc1l/\nge buildings, Leith
No. 'I. { Lieut. Gcorge 1\1. 'l'ytler BaDk Q.f Scotland Captain Wm. 1\lllrjoriblUlb 21 Invcrlcith row, Edinburgh
No. I. Lieut. Georgo Dnrclay 1 Carltoll tcrrace, Edinburgh
Captain John Gome 26 London Btmct Ensign James T. lIardie 10 Jolm's pJIICC, Leith
No. 8. Captain John Omon, jun. 3 Wc1tin brton plllCo, LeiUt
Enl!i~ Charles SeoU 8 Nelson street
Captain R. )1. Bal1antyne 6 Abercromby place No. a. Lient. James Cochrano 3 Quceu'II1l1ACtl
Enei~ (Vl\C3tlt)
No. 9. Lieut. John CargiU 5 Brighton plaCe, Portobello Captain Andrew F. KedaUe 19 Charlotte street, Leith
Ensi~ George Waterston 6 St John's Dill Lieut. Jamcsll. Boyd " South }'ort Street, Leith
Captain Hon. D. E. Primrose 22 Atomy FMCO No•••
Ensi~ John Kidd 8 C1WC11I11Jaee, I.citll
No. 10. Lieut. John Cay 5 Sonth-east Circus place Captain W. r. Huj)el' Leith mount, l.cith
Ensi~ C. J. ConncIl 22 Invcrleith row
No. 11. j Captain Sir Geo. Home, Dart.
Lieut. John l'{orrison
Ensign Arch. Smith
22 lIowo street
80 Northumberland street
1 llinto street No. o.
Lieut. A. Dnncan
Ensign John lli10e
Cnptain Jamcs Prlnglo
Licut. John HntchiJon
1 South Fort Illreet, :Leith
10 Bonningt/ln plaoo
3 Hflrmitnge placc, Leith
3 Eal!ttlcld, Leith
No. I!. 1 J..ient. (Cnptniu) WiUiam Ram8a1
Ensign Cllnrles S. Law
8 PUt IItreet, Bonnington
98 Goorge Stn:et No. '1.
Eosigt:l WiUiRm BooU
Captrun John ColquhoUQ
Lieut. T. 11. DouglM
'73 Constitution Mrcet, toilh
1 Royal tcrraoo\ Edinburgh
80 Gcorge street, Edinburgh
Captain lVilliam Tay10r Goldenaere cottage, Trfni~ Enaiw.t R. 'M. BricI1ill 25 Nortn bridgo
Ito.18. Lieut. Robert Crnig Maclagau 28 Heriot low Captaia D. W. HenderllOC (, IlftrUn strect, '.eith
10. I. Lieut. A. B. &yd 83 AJblnlY !troot, L<:ltlt
Captnih David )1'Gibbon 'I Clarcmont IItreet Eutgn John Bcnng Alhdny cottage, Leith
No. 14. Lieut. GC<lr~c Simson t;4 Fredcrick street 8nrgeoo-Dr Stmthen. Charlotte Itreet.
Ensig'!l Davld Crcrar AMutant.-Sargoon-Dr Hendenon, John'. pl:ace.
er ,)tllin James COWRII S8Royalterrace Qlar&ennaRif-& 11. Jon.., CbirJotte .&reet. l.ent. 11. G. Law80n 85 GCOl'gC square
)o;nsign D. 'N. Millon. '18 Gilmore place

124i .Ace Ace
-. JDINBURGH AND LEITH .A.dv A. do 125
8!Me, J ... Th18tle ~urt
8!K>rt, D'!,"id, .23 North bridge CO,wan, lIugh, 6 Ainslie place Macknight. A~E. 12 Lonllollll'.

I Cnc~ton, J. A. 13 Nelson atreet ,1N.llren, Jobn. 12 D:un:\way lit.

SID!'JOU, ~~ea, G Pican,ly place : C!lm~t Alex. 45 lIeriot row ~t'Lnreu, W. X. U6 Grt.King lit.
SmIth, "dlulln, 120 Pnnces st. t ....Davldson, A. 24. Rlltland ~llare ~faelcan, Uobert, 19 Queen Ill.
~ittel, C, G. 2G Great King st. ! Dick, A. It 1 Albyn plaee IN..enn:m, John F 31 DlIud~s'st
EDINBURG HAND LEI'fH LA W " ~omaon, Aleunder, 6 Newing- J)!ckllon, Goor~e, 8 Royal circus Ilacl'herson, Nom;an, G Duke
,on terraee DmgwalJ, A. 8 Grent Stuart st. Mllidment, .Jas. 2;; Uoyal circulJ
Thomson, Wm. 8 Elder street Douglas, }'r. H. 21 !\Ioray place ~(air, Wm. I•. 8 Duncan street
Trotter, S. E. 13 George 8treet i Dunbar, Goo. R. :3 .'rederick Bt. Drllmmoml place '
DIRECTORY. T~robttll, W.(ll.B. q(Scotimu/) I Dnnbnr, Sir W. Bt. 47 Heriotrow )taitil' 'd, E. F. 3 Aimdic place
'~IUDn, JamCSt 14. St Alldrcw F,ll'l Duncnn, J. )1. 49 Northumbcr· Alnr!h:lll. John, 4;0 Sorthumbcr-
W!lli&m!o~. ~lUncs, 11 BailCl' ilt. lane1 street ' Ilunl "treet
"lIlOn, Wdhum, 361l1iglt 8treet j-DumllUl, ~. 9 ph8rlo~le square Il\(:,xwen, J.II., c.n. e Albyn 111.
\food, J. 1 Argyle place ,Dundus, 'hn.Plu.lte).'1Bterhousc ~h'h\r, .In. to Abcroromby Jllnee
Young, W. D. 28 St Pt\trick !q. DunloJ), Alex, M. 67 Queen street Milnc, Jnmcs S. 20 lhme:m ilt.

t. Reallen er .lIe ~(acandrew, J. M. 19 York place Wilkic, James, 21 Abcrcrombypl.

8Gelety of .a........,. Mackenziet Kenneth, 29 ~or· Wi18on, Rich. 28 Frederiok st.
ID BtIIa••---. thumberllnd street WOOt.I, Wm, iN. St Andrew at.
-,·I· I . • •
f'lw'her, A. 5 Ainslie place
Forbes, lV. 11 Ainstie plnce
(Tbosc. mark~ .wtt I :m !,rc I *Fordyce, G. D. 5 to'orres 8treet
·~Ioir, G. 119 Geol'ge street
Moncriefl', Alex. IG Nortlllllllbcr.
laud street
Shen!fs, and With a t Sherllf-, Fomyee, .J::mcs D.• Cnlltlc st. )((\lIcreifl~ J. Hi Ure:lt Stunrt 1St.
. . .- l\[aelagan, David, 91) Georgo st•
.lncorporatedbylloyalChRrtc)\ Al'Bean, W. :0 North St David
Adam R. City chambera
I Forman. J. 6 UrunllllOlld place llolltgoIDerie, RO/T(lr, 3 )taitlll11l1
Adlbl, J. Ol Northumbcrlancl st. Frl1ser, P. li Heriot row
Agnew, S. A. 81 J'rinces street Hard! JOh!l, 6 l'itt street
street f:>
AtOllro. G. r, Danlaw:tll'trect
Daillic, J. M. 1(, Northumber.. Maitlaod1 John, Regiater ho~ BaiD, Donald, 2 EMt Broughton Audcraon, Mchd. 1 Atholl place j GebblC, Frnlll1l8, a9 Alba"y lit, )torc, J. S. Ht Gre:lt Kiug Atred
llaJ(our, Rt. 21 ~r. Alltlrcw sq.
1'lan68010, Thomu, 1 Thistle place
street BlackwcJl, J. C. GSprin2'field
Auder80D, J. T. 8 Glonooster pt. tiifford, A. !lI'; Drummolld place ltorison, John, 30 Xor&hulnber-
tArkley, J?"t. 29 Great King at. ,Glong, W. E. 22 .:\Ibany 8tr(.'tt hmd street
Ualgamie, J.11. 9 N. St David st •. Marshall, D. DO IIflnover street Dortbwick, Tbomu, 28 -Rutlllld Arthur, Richard, .0 Nvrtbum-1-Gorclon, K S. 2 Jlalldolph ()r('s. lll\irhe:lIl, JIl.'I. 61 Xorthumber-
Rlmon, Jobn.1.4u Queen street Martin, ThomM, 49 C8l!tlc street place
Rarstow. C. M. (11. ~. Latllt), Mnughan, William Charles, 31 Castle, J. 18 Brougbton place
bcrland etrect i $Gordon, J. '1'. (;ollnty buillliog3 hUld street
• Ayt\lun, W. E. 16 Great Sluart Gorrie, J. 2v 1.0011011 street )Iurdoch, J. B. :1 Oxford terrAre
821noil\ atreet Melville IItreet Cooper, David, 118t James' 1&. atreet t; •• : ~r:mt, .J. D. 48 Xortlmmbcrhl. l't. llllrdoch, .1. U••hlll. 22 lllUlOqll.
llortlnvick Arohibald , u North Meldrum, George, (,3 York place Dicbou, Wm. 10 Royal circa Bell, A. B. JO Gn:at Kmg lItreet (.rcgory, .John, Caunan lodge )Iurc, A. :J5 f)ubliu street
St ])I\vit1street }lollcston, J. A. 6 N. St Davld st, Douglas, W. S. 2 GreICrill'i'-.p1. - Bell, B. R. u Itutlnml ~quarc ' <!coat: A. 9. 1; lIart street. Mllre, J)avitl, \2 Ai~lIlie place
Bowic, J. '1'. 89 Dublin street ~Ion('.reitf, Wm. 59 Gcorgo street Drysdale, Josepb, 16 Royal Ex- Bell, George G••a :&lel\-dlc st. . Gnthrltl, "m. J7 Itutlamlllt. Mure, Jamc..., 81 I'rmccs lItreeL
Brown, Jllmcs (lJrOIlJ1l8 and }Ioucrie~! J. Seott Olmlcrieif change - !'e!l, .f. M•• }'orr~ Itreet : tlla1!ard, lo'. 29 SI:?danll_~treet ·~a}ller, George, COllte8 hall
1'6aI'.'107£), 128 Gcorge strect ami 'J.'h071l101l), 20 Indiastrcct FrMCr, John, 82 Princea.treet Blmle, J. B. L. 33 Northurnbcr- i lIannlton, 11. 16 Gre", KlIIg 8t. ·~Illller, J\tnrk, 6 Aimlic Jllncft
Drown, Jumes A. (IJrow71s tmd Murray, David, 4(; Georgc street Griffith, JamC!, 13 Bank street land street I lIectOft Da\'id, 44 Northumbcr- N(J\'IlY, Alcx. 1 Jtutlnnd street
Pearsoll), 128 Georgc street Murray, Geo. 3 Abercromby Ill. I1ardie, D~'vid, 1 Elder .tree& Black, Joh01.,,2 Alhany street I Ilmti 8t!'ect ~iculson, ,\Iex. 16 .'o"h 3trect
CaUemlcr, Henry, 19 mu street )I,rtle, W. D Thistle court lIw-ri60n, 11. and J. G. 28 St Blackbum, K. R. 9 Great Stmtrt rllrriot, I'. I•• :\1. 18 Rllti!lnllst. Nioolson, J. n. 31 Albnny .!It,
Carpllill, .J. It. 25 Queen IItrcct Nn'en, A. T. 13 Queen street Andrew square street I Hill, Crawlol\l, 2 J'icnrclv place Ol'plaoot, T. 11. 1t3 Gcorgo !It.
Carter, I'. n. 73 Oeorgc street Ogllvy, .James, 41 ClUltic street I HR>" lIrlmilLOn, Nonh Bank st. Bo~·le, Arch. T. 12-1 Goorgo st. 'JJollle~ Sir Geo. lIart. 22 flowe st. Orr, Uobert, 60 (ire.1t King lit.
(Jltieuc, G. T. 7 Gcorge street Ogilvy, John, 24 St Andrf:w sq. IlIelton. John, 1 Hunter square BrOdic, G. 20 Northumherlnnd I 11ope, D. U. \ .~rskille place I'nrk, J9hll, 1 Thomas Itrl.oct
Clnistie, nobt. juu. 36 Dublin st. PatcrsoJl, Amlmw, 3 Sorth ~t lIi1l, Wm. 25 St Jamea' aquare street I Hom, Rubt. 7 Randolph crescent Jtnrkcr, W. A. H DlIlulall sfreet
Cormaok, David, 33 York plnoo Aodrew street 1Iom, Andrew, HR PriuOO8 st. Broun, Areh. 15 IUltia street Hunter, John, ·ll Queen street l'aters<m, (:CO. :1 Contel! crC800nt
(!raig, A. ] 8 f!'et!es row Pcarsoll, CllRs. (117'011'/18 ~~. Peal'- Ireland, Thos. 4- Hunter IClUAre Brown, Thomas, 8 Albyn lllace -Uunter, R. 61 Northumberland Patmon. W. A. O. U!J J>riuCClf st.
Dall, Thos. 31 Dublin street .~Oll), 128 Gcorgc street Junner, J. M. t N. St Andrew st. Brown, W. A. 38 AlbanYl!trect street Pawn, T. S. 11 J.'orres I!tree~
))ickson, .J ••Jobson, In Young st. Peddie, 1>. S. 1 George street .Tohnaton, Robert, "6 Queen at. Brucc, lIogh. 10 ~(oray place Ilfutcbi8on, A. A. 18 I..oUllljlll!t. Itlluison, G. If. 18 Duke street
HicksOIl, T. G. (Wolsou mill Rninie R. Dick place, Grange Kerr, C. J. D3 Dublin street Bllchanan, Wm. 83 Drummomll -Iones, (.~~mo, 151u\'er~llith row I'atton, Geo. af) Jieriof. row
)}ichml), 3 N. S~ Dsvid st. UaleigiI, S. 9 St Andrew 811111lre Killnear, D. 21 Elder street place I Jrvine, A. }o'. U llel;ll( row Ityper, Humilton , 15 UOYIlI cres.
Douglas, C. n. 17 DnbUn street ltamsay, Gcorge, 41 Geor"a'c st. Kirkwood, C. 2 jtater80u'a (!Ouri Bumet, John, 8 ~itt .atreet , Ivory, W. 12 Albany tlifeet Rettie, ~1. 31 Alh:my street
])11111111), Alex. Register house n{)bert~on, A. W. 82 Gt. Kmg st. I.alub, R. 21 Leith atreet Bumett, G. 21 Amslle place I tJameson,And. 2 Bnllltsfiehl ter. Richanllloll,J.22CI:,rcmonicrCl,
J)UUtillll, Gno. 2... Urollghlon pi. Robel't/!on, Ch:U')cs, 11 Howe st. T.illdsRY, ThomlUl S. 86 North Humn, J. n. Craitf 1I0use I JollIIstone, R. 8 Nelson street Riddell, .John, 61 J\telvillc ,to
~!sson, G. A. Uegistcr house Roherblon, n. 8. 10 Gt. Sttlnrt 8t. Hanover street CadeU, Jobn, 20 FleamYldaf'o ! Kcnmore, W. }" 36 Mllldoll et. ltitchie, ~\. C. 10 A'~lInv Jltr('et
CamplieU, N. t'. 81 Great King I Kinloch, Geo. 32 Drummond pI. Robertl!on, Alex. in Gt:Killg ~t •
•'rascr, John C. Rerristcr house RUSIIel1, Willinan, 28 Inclill street I 'WDonald, John, 23 Cumberland
mltson, Archtl, 10 ~r:litlnmI8treet Seott, David, 11 IlillIItreet
Ifnlrlane, .T. (Liml.~(/lJ ••Iamie- SeoU, R. E. 121 Prinoos atreet
l\i'llonahl, John, 1 Randolpb cliff
Mnckay, John, 29 FrederiCk It.
atrcet I Kinnear, A. S. 'll1eriot row 'ltobel'tsllll, e. 2.2 Great King lit.
Campbell, Robert, l DamRway Kirkpnttick, J. 39 llomy place itoss, H ..1"11. 1 .'orrc.'llltree£
.'1(111, ~. lI(lMalle), ~4 8t An- Soott, ,E. Erskine, 121 }triuces ~Iaekeilzie, Alex. 4 Charlotte st. IItreet Lllmood, Wm. 1 Albyn plllco JblllSell, •• :l!; ~Ieh'me street
e1mw squnrc street &fnc~lter80n, N. G Doke street Campbell, R. jUII. 2111eriot 1'0" I..anc.uter, W. 11. 22 Albauy st. Ruthertiud, ,\Utl. 41 Albauv At.
Horne, Archd. 2 W. ~ll1itlanc15t. ScoU, Thos, G No. St David Bt. l\laknlloch, A. Northumberld. It. -(;a" John, uS.-.~. Circus place Lawrie, A. C. 11 Darnaway lit. • Snndlord. It J). 11 llmiifol)lh
lIowden, .Jas. G N. St David st. ScoU, Thomas, jun. 6 North St I ~Ieiklc, Chris. Snvings bank Cbalmcr8 l). P. 42 Charlotte sq. -Logan, ~\. 8. 12 York. placo crc."\(.-CII~
Hunter, .In. 16 noyal Exchange Dnvid street I &ieikle, James, Wnrdiebnm hOt Christie, "·m. 118 Pl"incC! street l..orimer, Jamel, 21 Hill street Scon, Chas. 8 Nelf!on street
-Cbristison, J, 3 Great Stuart Lorimer, .Tohn, 19 Alban,. street Seton. G. 8t BeDnct's, Greeu1aiil
.Jamit!lon, Alexander, 8 South Smith, John, 12 Ilill street Moinet John, 19 Gcorgc .treet
Charlotte street SpoUiswoodc, ltobon, 1 Thistle Muir, .lames, 28 Hanover at. 8tmt ~facdonnld, J. 11. A. 16 AIJer- gardens
Jamieson,G,A.(Lind.~ml,Jmnie- .treet Nicol, Alexander, 6 York place "Clark, A. R. 11 Grc.1t Stunrt st. crombv place Shand, A. ll11ms, 51 Queen It.
,'IOU, mid IJaldallc), 24 StAn- Tbomson, (~hnrlesW.(Mo1lcri~f l'etrie, Goorge, 17 Geor~ atreet Clark, F. lV ... Scotln1lf) street Alaedonc1l, E. It 31 York 1)laoo Shaw, rt"trick, 36 CbarlotllllKi.
dtcw sq. ami 7'.) 20 India street Peter!! Wm. 61 North liridge ·Clcghom, Thom8l!, 26 QUfCn )N';wan, G. 40 Grcnt King lit. Shirretf, C••J. 10 Hope IItrect
I.atm, .TaDles, (nar.~lolO i\' L.), Todd, Gcorgc, 8 George IJtreet Rac, 'J'hOmRS, 9 Raebum place street if~l'}o'a.rlanc, Rt. :n Heriot row 8kelton••John, 20 Alva street
32 India street • Tumnu"; r. 10 Great Stuln at. Roouum, John P. 21 PiU.treet
Liodsay D. (Lim/s(tll, .Imn;e,~oll, Watflon, n. G. (JJ'atI07J mul Ricldell, Jamcs, 1 UenderaGD row
ml(l lIaldalle), 24 St Andrew Dick~on), 8 N. St David at. Ritchie, J(,hn S. 10 Nonh 8t
Couper, Charl(l8 T... Momy pI. Stllnrt street I
lIICook, AIel(. S. 36 Gt. King It. -)Inckenzie, Douald, 12 Great Skene, J ••', 18 llilllltrcet
Smith, D. ~t. ljj S. Charlotte ~t.
Coeena, Peter, 70 Groat King It • • )lackioto!h, A. 2IiNol1bumbcr- Smith, Ibrry, 1) India ~treet
Iquarc Wanon Jamcs, Regilter house Aodrew .treel Coventry, And. 20 Mora, place laQd et'- Smith, J. C. ao R01al citcut

- .
126 Sol EDINBURGH AND LEITH Sol -=-___S_o_l__ J..Il\W DIltECTORY. W1'i 127
Swill_ Aichlbald 0 M Char- i If:Cl'ruford, D. 4: Pitt strcet
-l~ ..urc
"'Ly<>n, H. '1 N. 5t Andrew It.
Crnwford & Crs.wfvlJ, 3 Queen st. ..MUC:Ull.ll;ow, J. and J. 83 Dubliu 8treet • 11'1111ty
l.Robertsou, JQlm, G3 lIauo\'e1'1 Cal~~l'! Alex. DclUield hOU8C, Smith, Jmnc,~, 2 n;\II~IUC-;;:;;;;·t
I Stun'art, It 3J Uroughhhl ~t.
Tait. Oeorge, 4: Abercromby p1ac:.c -Crawford, J. K.9 N. 5t David st. sl.reet I
!JRobcrtson, John, JUII. 21 l-:Ider Coupar, Charles N. 35 Ah'a st. Torry, John, ! lleude1'son row
Couper, W. n. 4 PiU st. L~ith
• fait, Joun, 2 Park placo *Criehton, Hew, la Nelson street "'1.1'Bl'Rir, D. J. 12 Great JUog street Watson, G. 27 Kcir :;trcet.
Tawae, Jobn, 49 Queen strcet ;!;Curror, David, M Nortbum- street -Uobcrteon, Wm. 42 :Frederick De5cret, l)hinen.'I, 4: £:U;lficld i Wdll!tcr, Wm. 2t Qllc('n street
thOlDl, G. H. 10 Nelllou street berland street ·!\1'Craekeu, John, 22 street lJoig, Cha.i. \, 3 Seaticld row . Wormn!ti, J. D, 17 Scotlwld st.
Thomson, N. H. 11 Atva street "'Dulrymllle, W. 11 Piu street street *Romanes1 John, 7 llellevllc ter. Dow, Wm. :.?J Duke l!tn-s.:t Wylic, D. [) Ucllenlc tcmu:e
Tbomaon, William. M. 22 Ainslie "'DavidsOn, Jobn, 11 Elm row *AIuedouald, 5todart, 8 -Ronald, .I. 20 Hill street Dowuie. Alex. Rl'gil:ltl .. hou:iC
J!lace Deucbar, R. Jordan oottnge, cromb,) place *Rosa, Johu, 19 Gt. King street I~lder, W. 10 Tm'pliichrJI sti'C~t l~'ri«"rlil to tbe fi!ii~ue'.
TOd, lames, 55 Great King Bt. )Iomingsidc' *:MllClgrcgor, !1. 18 5t Andrew lIISang and Adam, 61 m.Kiug st. I?uil'ley, '}'. S. 11 Uroughtull pI. j Adam :md Kirk I) South ~har.
Trayuer, .Jolm, 5 AlblUlY street *newar, H. B. 6 nm stl'cet sqll:lre "Saunders, Wm. lil Alu:my st. I It'inlay. Clms. 6 Great ~aul\'t st.! loUe street. '
Walker, Jalllcs, 6 Eton terrace *Dickson, A. J. 25 Dundns st. 1\Jnckenzie, D.M. 22 Dundu at. *~tlllUd, A.I', 29 South .Fl'ode-! J:'orllcs 1 AlcX::lIulcr, H Ikury st. I Ad:uusotll1ud Gulland 16 ;':"lfiflll
Wataon, W. 12 PiU street !!IDonald80n, U. 20 5t Patrick sq. *Macldlltoab, L. 25 Northd.atreet nck street I
Forbcs, Patrick~ lG Gro\'c str<':ct 11 htreet
"'Scott, Geo. l!'. 11 SOllth Gray st. Gllllo\f:~y, WIll. s:~ I.oudon st. Allder:son, J. and .1:'. liO (;U1!UC
• Webster, G. 6G Northumberland *Dowie, Thomas, 124: COIIStitU- iUncie:lIl, A. 28 Scotland street
Wilkie, W. P. u :"OITCS street
tion street
*D1'Ysd&lc, J. 16 Royal Exchnnge
*,Mncqucen, .J. )1. 19 CharloHu
strect, Leith
·Scou, Itobert, 63 Huno\'cr st. . Gorc1011, J. 1 Stafl\ml'cct ! street
*S~lby, It U. :W ,n~udns ~t:cct ~rabame Jamcs, :.m AUlI, street A1H.iCI-sull, T. S. t Atbolllllaoo

WilsOll, .T. P. 20 Aoorcromby pt. *Duucftn and ?tIiller, N.P. 11 *WWilIiam, It. 23 London at. ~II1;ld, GtlO;gc, !~egl~tcl' O~bec Grant, Ad:uu. 18 nt;t~Jl~W1ck st.. Amutt, .Iames, 0 Wcmys.s place
lVilson, J. Dovc l 431\lomr place South Nelson ah'cct *1\::1nn and Duncan, N.P. al Skl!Wcr, "m. I•. 8 lllcnhcun 111. Gr:1nt, A. A\'C:lUe nlms MWllt, John, 1 St Yimlcut !Street
Wood, John A. 1 noyal circus "'D1UlcIm, Wnl. 1 Heriot row Bernnrd street :Sm!tht ~d, 2U ll~lcel~llch pI. Gref,or. John, 1 l'itt strect, BOII- Auld :lIltl Chalmens, 2! 'l'tlu,till
Young, A. 22 Royal circus "'Dunn and Thomsoll, 'lHiIl st. *)I:mson, Dav:,!, 12 (!ueen st. Smith, Geol'gc, H::;taflol'llstreet umgtoll street
- YOtlng, Gcorge, 41l\Ioray pI. lJymock and Pntc1':)ou, 06 Georgc ·~r:l.I·sh:\lI, J. 44 North 1!\'ederick Smith, J. 1>. 22 Scoll"utl Rtreet IIaswell, Geo. 28 Millto street ,hton Rohert 3 }'cth'." row
a U"'lt street 8trcet *Sm!th, Uobc!t. tI ~taltiH'd street Uny, Alex. UOlluiugloll lmllk n:lillie'.•Jmnes'W. 20 mu 8trool.
~O "-:l! or". . Fnlkner, Jns P. 56 11.mvyel· st. *Mason, J. 14- PUt street *Smlth, Uoh. Jun. :~.jQllccn stl'r,ct IIcJl(ICrSOll, DlWit\, 6 UpPl'r Gil~ Bnillie, Wm. 2·1 .'orth f!tl'eet
(Those marked ) a:~ l\!embl'~s ot "'l.'eri·je, J. D. 17 COllstitl!tioll st, l!~l:lson, Wm. 21 Dublin strcct *8nooy, .Audrew, :W Gnyfic\d . more lllace !I.drd, .J. W. 4 })rUllllllolld ,.Ince
t!l~ 111~1'po,rnted ~OClCty ot So- *J:t'illlny, JlUnes, 29 8t Andl'cw sq, *Meikle, Wm. 231)itt st. square, and 123 Constitution IJc'I{ICI'SOIl, G. 4- ]l:u'k "trect Hult~tlr, .1. 1\1, ami J. ·1 Thi.stlu
lU:lltors m Supreme Courts,) *J:t'inlny, U. 2 Qucen street I *Mill, Ebcn., N.J'. IH l'riucea Bt. street Hugh:'!.!II, A. 1), 4 Georgc "lreet ,"lI1rt
It-Adam, Jas. 19 Glarcmont ores. *I~isher, D. 9 Hroughton plnce "'i\litlllr, Willillm W. 8 Bnuk
ItoAdams, G. C. 9 North I:iL Dnvid tlI}'lemillg, Amlrew, H Young st. ·Millel·, James, 20 Nelson Bt.
.t. *Somcrville, .J. GO llllllovel' ..t. lIULlou, W. 20 NcllIOII street
·8pel1ce ulld Maek, H South St .Jack., JullU, 1 B1euhciJll plncc
Uaxtel' E,lmllUlI !t Rlltlnnd 8(1
111..'11 :I\I~I M'Lellu', r. Hill stl\!ct .
strcct *~'OI·ilyth. D. 30 St Amlrew square !!:~ii1lel' :md Crl.l.wford, 59 Geor,e
*Adnms, John, jUlt. 8 W. l\Iait- I~:,nscr, Wm. 32 Castle strcet
laud street
*"1cwscr, Wm. N. ,11 Alb:U1Y st. I!<~!il\igau & Dick, 18 Gcorge st.
-Stccle, "Ill.
Alltll'ew, stl'Cct
'1 Geor/!,c l-tl'ect
JallllcsolI, Jas ••\. 16 lu\'erlt.:i!.h ; Hell, A, .M. 11 llnrnl circus
row ; \1,,11, .J ohll n. 5 I!m ~lrcl~t
~Stcw:lrt! C. mul D, :!;l Ca:-Iln st .•Jmu('.';on, .John, 11 ~tucl;1l sLn!ct . BiUlI\, (iralnulI, 21 Duke Etrt"Ct
*Adamson,1). M. 16 Nelson st. *l<'yfcl A. 21 5t Andrc\\' 8qUU"" ·~1ildlel1, Wm. !! London street :StUllrt, W. S. 24 J)1I1111:J~~ lltreet Jmuie$(lII, .\mll'l'w, ,:t! AI\'II &t. 'BiIlIl~·I'J.!! I Duke fitreet
Aitkell, James, 45 St Cuthb::rt . . Gcllatly, .T. Hl Lonoon street *Mofl'at, H. 23 Geo. IV. bridgo Sutber1aud,.JlUlI:~I,t:! h1m row JO!IU:!tonc,~, 7. h!,Ii:ll'tl'cct j BI:wk, D, .M. :!l N Alldrl'l\' 1«1 ..

street ,·(~!lI:diucr, John, .1.~ lImw\'cl' sl. *~Ionro, GCf'. 54: Albnny 8treet !hOlllS?Il, Jul.lIl'. i \ ollug street L:ung, Hand, ,) hamluil'h pla. . c ,1I1I~h" Antll'cw, :.0 ::it AlldrclV
Allnu, Jnmcs, 8 N. Sl D:md st. *GlIlord! Alcx. 28 ;:,t Andrcw sq. *Moorc, Jmncs, 60 Cnstlc It. Thwaltcs, " . 1\. 16 llowe lit. Lnng~ R. IJ. 10 Uro\'e ~trc(:t I ~\I":m.!
"'Allnn, W. 4-81..011(1011 strect G1'eig, A. 2 .xicolliOIl square *~bl'ison, Adam, 46 York place "Tunllock, ~.latt. :U Gcorgc st. Latta, it G :\cl~on Ill. : llnuHI, W. {, l\urthumbl'rland lit.
... .All(ler~on, Cbarles, 2 North-cast GlUm, Robert ,15 COIHititution st. *Mol'ison, J\. K. 14 }Jitt street ·W"lInce, W. D. 31 AIm street Le lml'Jl , 1):1t. $ t:PPCI' Gillllon\,: HI't'mlWI', D. ';'2 BI't.1IJ<rlitoll !\l.'('CL
·WnUs, J. 3:l Heriot row place I Hn'lllucr IIUf,!iJ 1 lh71Ulas I!trt'C~
Circus place ~Gl\thric, Alcx. 47 A!unn), street *)lllil', Wm. H. 181)icaroy pI.
*Andersoll, SimllS011, '-" WilSOll'1 II:l1'vcy, .J" amI N.l'. 42 UCl'IIard *.'IIII'C, It. 41 Great King streM I
ttWatt and Mnrwicks, U York pI. I.ogan, 'rhos. 32 ::ltr-Ir,m! :-tl'cet Brhhw::. '.Jmncs,' 10 11:lIIo\'er sI.
1 George street street. Leith lI-:'hmlocil, John, 14: Great 'Kin, "'Wcustcr, Jnmes, 21 DIlI,c street Lyrll, n. ! Walkl:r l>trcrt I Bl'llllicl' llud Kellncd\' :iD 1"or-

Andersoll, Jamcs, 8 })ulltlas st. *llay, Willi:Ull R :1 I10we street :,tl'cet "Wtlbster, AmI. 118 GI'orge st. :\t'Comi~h, '1'. BO Castle IItrret liJllmuprland l'Itl'ect' ,
*Arthnr, R. nud R. 11. :!3 St I..I:HclJ(lcrson, J. C, fill (lC(lI'j.!'1! !:-t. ~T\II'phy, A. D. 13 Dernnrd It. *Whitebcml, John, !) J?cttcs row ~l' })onnld, R. :n Hamillon pI. : IIrOl!\I'••1. l'. 26 Mora,' pl:tco
Andrcw square ,~Hcndcrson, J.:W St j):ttr;ek sq. Mnrmy, John, 5 York place
*Whitehead,J.juu.15 StAndrew ~I'Fl\rlalle, T. 11 lJ:JrIt:lwC\v ~t. : Browu, J. Count\' hnt'1
"lJanks, r.5. tu Mansion-house 11t1Iclluel',son, R, 11 U(lyal LX- 'i'ltlll'my, Johtl,1N. St Davi«ht. square ;\i4GilIivrtw, WCI. 13 :\.:Wc:.t: 11 ....1'1.', J. ::~ I'rcill'rick street
road change 1:)II!I'1'I1Y, Willillm, 18 ScotJnad
*Wilkie, James }o'. 29 DUlldns st, Circus place ! Ihu u. J :lInc,'I, jj I (; rent mug ~t.
"'Uayne, James, uti CnsUe street '*11cnry I J:mliuc, 1SSt A11i1 rew sI}. Rlt'eet ·Wishart, W. 11 York p\;wc )I-(;rcgor, 1>. 3-1- Barony stl'('et ! rai"Il~. G. ntllllI.:35 Georgc IV.
*Daxtcr. J. C. 7 }Iowa street *ltutehi:lOu, Alcxaudel', 18 LOll- l!<}\ci\8on, J. 3 Ab. rcromby pI.
·W()therspooll and llnck, 18 GL lHutosh, GeOl'ge, :!.') l'iU ~~u'Cl!t' hti,lf!I'
5tuart 8trcet ~tnek\ AncIrew,-5 YOl'k pln(:e j! CnmldJeU, A. and J\. 22 l)ublin
Uaxtcr, P. 3tlN. Uanover street (\on street ~ ~ii\h('t, .Jas. 2) York pl.icc
*Young, Jnmcs, 24 Georgc gtrl'ct M':\lIh, .Juhll,:!;) St t:uthlh'rll't. I atrl'ct
*Uell, J. 25 North lJl'idge *IuneR. J\. T. 6 I>lUulas Rh'cci ~ \ ~'Omcer, Wm. 30 Atva strec~ *roung, John, 3 Glolleester 111. Mmm, Wm. 22 HlIcbllrn place.! Call1pbl'!I, J. A. 2 Athyn llln(',c
*Beveridge, 1). 110tnry }l!lblic, 38 l!'Jamioson, Andrew, 66 QUCClIllt. l!'Olijlhnnt, R. 11 Young street allll 110 Pril\('l'~ strl"l't\J('II, Willinm, (j !tutlmlll
DCfllllrd street. *JOhllstoll, J. S. :.n NOl'thum- \ "'1'(lf\()1I Thomru! 16 Hart street W.·lters. ~lillllr, Wm. 5 Dlllutns slreet square
nl~d" lIel1l'Y, 2} 8t Allflrcw 1'l{1. bel'1atHI street *Paris, 'Jnincs l 23 St Alldrew sq.

Undgdonl, 1>. 1·. 72 l'ritu'cs st. *Joll11ston, Joscl'h, 23 Duke Ilt. . ::Ipar!,er, John, Register otUce
AndOl'8on, J.etliam, Iu\'crleith~ MiIl:lI', W. 28 Cumherl:lIld street I Cnrurgie, .lames, jllll. JG Wind~
)il!;r,.James, 18 Elfler strcd I sor !ltl'eeL
:)Hoyd, .lamed L. ·1 South l:'ol't st. *.Jtlnner, J. M. 4 N. StAlllil'cW ~t. !*Patcl':;on, D. W. 10 NOl'tbum-
fll'lI('e, Alcx. 2 Thistle court "'l{eegnn, John, j) N. SL Va\'id st. I hel'iaml street
home), 18 Union ~treot . O:rih'y••JmllC!1, 1 J:YI'Il pl:l<'C
Andenon, Willbm (]leqister O~il\'y, Charles, 7 i\linto street Casscls, Alexnnder, 8 Nortlmm..
hcrlm:d strcet
*Huch:llI, 11. 12 Dublin stn'\ t *1\:I«o11r, W. 7 Young IItrcet ' Paul, Patl'ick 7 N. St David ~t. Anderlloll, Wm. (,lim'n Ckrk's 1)8111, Willin,m, :1 l>ownic place Cay, .John, jllll. [) S.-E. Circus
*nllch:m:l~, .Jalllc~:. :!7 GeoJ'A'c st. ~'L:U~OIllI, .Tallles, 20 (!no.Jcll st. I'lOl'cacock, William, nnd 1(.P.18 qRicc), 10li Constitution street I'orteous, \\. ~7 (;eorf!c ,II'C('t I plnel !
nl~11I1 Ihm\, 210 lllgh strecT. ,"I'llndale, Uout. 1;; Hoynl cil'cns I Hill stl'eet Amlcrsoll, W. 11 Humin!! !itl'ect Potts, Thomn.'1, 19 Hroughton i (::1)', Tt DUlldall, !!3 8t AndrelV
*t.U:"CSS, J. 11 DrnnlllloJlfi 1'1. ')L:mdnle, '1', lUullt. Hi J 'Ith st. l':l'ccbles, John O. C. u lltlllt. Raird, kohflrt, 6 I,eopold l)lace place I I' Jluare
l\tCnll·Il~. Gco_ 35 (;('"rgc 1\. hI' *LIl\\'SOn, l\licitacl, 1) !:l(.:r I't. '~I'hin, .10hn, 13 lll!riot row
IIremncr, U. 52 Brollj!htoll street Py!>er, .John, 37 nr~ngllt\11l I-t. _ ; (:II(~Yllc & :-;tllnrt, 11 "Olllll~ :it.
·CcullpbeU amI Smith , 2G York I ~IJchtlrll, 'fhomas, lJG Oeol'gc 8(1' I'o\lock, Wm. a N. St Audrcwst. Uri<ig('ford, n. '1'. 28 'l'ol'phic\Jcll Jtnlnsny, Jnnles. 1 Clnrcmont 1'1. Ch!'YIIC, H. ti Royal tCl'rl1l'C
1)lnce *LCl'l J. n. W. 11 HUIIIlVCI' st. lfPortcous, J. S. 31 St An(trcwlQ. street Unttrny, WiIlinm, H William I Chri~til·. J. (', ·1 Dllnc:m Htrct.:t.
·Carmcnt, J. ~~G Gl'l'at Kh\~ st. O(lLce,~, Dnvid T. 15 DlIhlin etl'l'I't. 'l'rhlie, l'ete1' Humrlen,":Minto
"'Cl1ttallaclIIPeterL.aO};'ol'thllm~ L(·ilh ••John, 123Con~liIIlLi{)n lit.: strcet
nrowll, D3\'id, 72 NQrthumber· street " Ncwill~1(1ll

land street Uobc1't~ol1~ Henry, 1 '1'nlbot pI. Cook, \\'. alid .1. ;}2 AhcrCl'ollll",
~ J.,e.rl~lI(l st.rc~~,., • I *T.!ddle, JOSCI1JI, 12 ~cot land M. ! 1*1:111101', .J. Y. 14- Dublilll,*
COIltI.1Ck, n. ')",1(,1'1\ 1,IlICO ,*J.lIuls:lY, .J. K. 31 lork plneo . *hanken, TlwmalJ 08 Quoen
~Cornillon! H, ". (ii (11~Ol'J~C sI. *Li\'ing~toll, G. K. 26 KOl'thmn·l . . ltenton, .JamC8 ThiStlo copg
.t. BrowlI, l'IJo:<. i 0 TorphielielJ st. ltogcr. William, 46 Ann street
lll1tCC, })ctcr, M Queen fltroot
Ronaltlson, J. Somerset eottllge Cownn, Hoberl, :) CfltIL(',1 tCI'rOl:C

Cox, Ruhcrt, ;t;) Ruttnnd ft'rcc~
*C('lton, n, 61 Castle HrCl·t hCl'l:md street
ItOOlll't, .John, 21 Gcoa'gl.: 11Illlare ~Lothiall, And. GI~lrn row
. *U.oberlsoll~ J. 'A. 66
I street .
'redonel .
Cndenhead, /\. F. 41-A llrol1gh- Roy, O. 2 Bellcvuc terrae!)
tOD street Sim, George, 40 Chnrlotte sq. Cruigie, Henry, falcuullllU

.. .-----.----------------------------------~
Wri LAW DIRECTORY. Wri. *125
128 .Wri EDIltBURdli AND LKITH Wri
~WI'ord, I~. juu. 12 Duke at. Hpt Bod Stein, 15 Great &l'Farlane, Jamell, 9 Aibon pi. "
Crteh_ H. 11. 18 Nelson atreet Kmg street :l14Kenzie, Jas. lIay, 10 St An·
PcaMm and Robcrtson, 17 Royal Shnnd, J. n. 1to Gcorge street Thom~lIlI, .:Ider, nUll Bruce, 5 S.
cireus 2'
Bhaod, John, Ro)'nl circus Cluullllle IIlrcet
Peddie, James and Alexander, Sinelair, G. L .... Wnlker street '1'h01ll81)11. Alux. 4: South Junc-
~ lOUt 84. York'place Jlaldane, B. 17 Charlotte lHJ.WU'e drew square 36 Albany street 8kenc and Pcaco{·k. 18 Ilill st. lion sl!'ret
CaiaaiiPam, Ill. 00 Queen et. Hamilton, Kinoear, & CO. 85 M'Kcozie, InDes, and Logan, 23 Pollcxfen. J. U. 6 India Bt~t Skeue, W. F. 18 Hilt street Tod, It.·ur)', 89 for}: place
~D, lamtIt 14: Ruthmd .sq. Queen street Queen street Pringlc. Robert, 6 1laitlsnd st. Skinner, WiIliam, 41 Norlhum-I 'fod, Ul'lIr.r, jUll., 8H York plnco
Dalmahol aod Wood, 12 Hill st. IHamilton, Alex. 35 Queen street M4Kenzic, J. W. and John, 16 Richar,ison, J. no Norlbumbcr- berluud street I Todll, Murray, and Jam(,8t1/~, 1)6
DarUng, J. 8. 64 Nortbumbcr- HamiltOn, John, 81 George st. noys) circus land street Smith, Alexlllld{'r. 18 York 1)1. Queen "trt'Ct ..
: laod Itnet lIardyman, J. H. 5 Howard pI. U4Kcnzie and Kermack, 9 Hill Robcrt£-;"J, G. B. 28 Albnny At. Smith, Andr{'w, 27 J)ulldn~ lit. Tr:ull, and ~tUrrtl.y, '1 ~1e1"I!IO
D• .,lc1eonand Syme, 22 Castle st. lIatton, J. 25 Nelson street stl'CCt Robcrtlon, Jas. 11 Heriot ro"- Somen'iIIe, Uobert, 19 India st. Mreet
Dicboa, H. G. and B. 3 Dundas Hay and Pringle, 20 Young st. Mackenzie and Fraser, 85 Freda- Robcmon,J. S. 11 Cl:tremt. eres. SpeDe, Nath. 28 Wnlker ~tt'C('t Trnq:llIir, Williftm, 17 Young st.
'.treet Heodcrson, ThomM, 8 Brullton rick street Robcrtsoll, R.•J. 22 India street Sprot, T. 10 Drlllllmond place 1'lIrnbnll, J. ~ J. lti Thistl., st.
Douglas, Alexander Sholto, 22 place Mllckersy, L. 00 George Itreet Robertsou, T. It .. 7 Gem'ge st. Sleunrt, .1. & C. 17 Indi:' ~tJ"'.:t Tllrnbnll, .John, "9 U('orge [Iq.
Yonng street Uill, Robert, 2 Picardy jllace :llacker~y, W. 2' London street Rollo, 11. J. 1G Dnlldas IItreet Ste\'cllsoll, Alex. 9 Heriot row 'furnllull, I'l\trick, 34 India street
Dougl.., Chri.. 22 Yonng street llill and RobertMn, 4:2 Frederick l\Incknight, J. 12 London .tftet ROllS, 11. 71'itt street Stewnrt, A. J. os Gcorge "treet Tytlcr, J., 19 Castle street
Douglas and ~mitb, G}'cttea row street ' l\14Lacblan, Ivory, and Rodger, RU5!ICItS and ~ico)son, 9 Shand- Slcwart, Archibllld. I i India st. Tyt]l'r, Jnm~ S. 19 Cnstle st.
Dunoau and Dewar 6 HiIl15treet Hope, James, 81 :alomy place 26 Caltle street wick place Stewllrt, J ame8, 11 India strl"et li lIher. J "hn, 14 B:U'ony street
DnuC811, John, 21 hundu street Ifope, J. and J. a1 :lloray 1'11\ce l\(4Lean, 11. 1'. 5 Hi1lstreet Ruthcrford and llerrics, 3IIowe Stewart, John, 4: N. l:harloUc Wuddcll, W. 20 Royal circus
Dum)", and Wilton, 16 St An- lIopc and Alaokay, 119 l'rilll~C15 l\(4Neill, Arcb. 8 Ilillstreet street street \\'lllker, .'ohn, 2 Queen fttrl'Ct
drew ~uare strcet ~lacDaugbtoll and Fiolay, 24 Pilt RutlterfimliiJ. 14 Albnny street St,odart and tunes, 2 Dl1lmmond Wat~oll, Alulrew, 0 Walker st.
Dunlop, G. and G. 14 Bill Etreet Jlome and Rose, 89 Castle street street, W. • and W. J. 6 Royal placc WilllOll, .J:,m{'s, 21 )(aitl:'Jlti st.
Dutbie, Wal. 6 Great King st. JIonle, T. E. 0.10 Atholl crcscent :llaconoclliu and Duncao, 10 Hill cIrcus Sutherlllntl. A. G. 22 "cUes row Wecldcrblll'u, G. 2& Aitll,lic pllle\!
Elder, James, GThistle street Ilorl!lburgh and Livingston, 26 street Sands, W. J. 62 Gt. K:ng strl!Ct Syme, Th.Jl:l. !i Carlloll term('(! Wright, Jllme.'1. 2:; 't'orth ~tr,'et
Elder, John, 3 W. Cireus place 1,'Jrthumbcrland street Maome, J. A. a Gloucester pI. Searth and Sood, 28 Bernutlllt.. "nit and Clld~~OIl, 2 J':-rk 1'Inrc \~ri~ht, .)",bll, 28.Forth stred
Eniot, W. S. 32 lte~n' terrace Hll~bes and :alylne, 1 South )Ntitchie, Bay}cy, and Hender- Soott, A. 13 Drummond place 1'l\wse and UOllar, :.m 1: ork place \\ ),he, Alex. 13 Plcnniy placo
Elm, A. G., R., & W., 4 Itoynl Charlotte street lion, 11 no),al ExchaoJ{c ScoU, Bmoe, and Glover. 88 TawllC, John W. 019 Quccn street
terrace IHuntcr, mair, and Cowall, 7 Mllltlnnd, Gcorge R. 7 :North St , ,
FredE-rick Btreet Tennent, I'. 9 I.yne(\och pl:lce I It'''rl'rr, 8110rt a_d.
Fcrgu80n, John, 1 Regent terrace York 1)lace AndrelV street Scou, :lfoncrieif, and DalJr.lty, Thomgon nnd Dickson, 1 Thistle I
FcrgU80U, Wm. 6 Northmnbcr- Inglis and lalie, 16 Qncen lit. Martin, John, 32 Great King 17 Duke street court Smith, J.trvinc, 23 Dondl18 et.
land Itreet IngJie, n. M. 6 North ~t Da\'id street
Fcrric, J. D. 11 Constitution st. street ~Ielvillc & Lindsay, 110 George
Ferrier, T. 11. 136 l'rinccs Itreet Jardine, Stodart, and Fraser, 31 street
"'inlar, C. P. 17 Northumber- l»rinccs street ~[cMne, Arch. 43 York place
land street JOhostOIl, Robert, 8 Broughton ~{elviUc, J. M. 110 Georg"! Ih'eei
)'isbcr, D. and J. t) Drougbton place Miller, .John, 46 Albany_ Itreet
place .,olmllt,on, It. Bmoo, 8 Drotlghton MCllzies, W. Joh1l, 10 Hill street
Fleming, A. 20 J.. :le(l')ch pla<-.. "Iaee Menzies, Wm. 31 Rtltland square
forman, J. N. 4: iiill street .To lic, Strong, and Henry, 40 MitcheJl, A. 28 Dundas stteet
}'ruer, Wm. n4. (;astlc street
}'orrootcr, J. 8 DrulU'llond place l'rinces street
Jopp and Jobnstoll, 30 Albauy
l'r, Ilcrietl~ D. S. 11 Dulrc !treet
~h...ltgomery, William, 17 Albolt
French, Jobu, fS Graham strecl. litreet crescent
Gibson-Craig, Dalzh,l, Rnd Bro- 1{enncdy,1I. 17 Manor place l[oro, (ieorge, 28 St Amlrewaq.
die, li Thistle Itl'eet I{enncdy, J. 11 Great King st. Morton, WhiteltctUl, and Gmi"
Oibson and Tait, 1 Nortbumbcr- Kinnear, Gco. T. 85 Qucen street 11 Queen street
land 8tteCt Kirk, J. 12 Claremont eresccnt ~rowbrIlY, John 1\1. 16 Hill lit.
Gt'bson 1 Jobn and Henry G. 12 I..aurie, W. A. 13 N. Blink street AlolVhmy, .J. T.16 Albanv street
South Charlotte Btrect L€!ishmnn! J. 18 Drummond Ill. Murdoch, B~yd, and Hen'denoD.
Gifftlrd & More, 28 Bt Andrew sq. Levcn, JOhn, 1 Bellc\'lIe crescent 120 COllstitution street
GiIleftpie ..'"hn, 81 boorge street Lindsl\y, Maokay, ami IIowe, 62 Murrny and Bdth, 48 Caetlest.
Goldie and Dovcd~ York place Castle Itrect Afurrayand Hunt, 63 George st.
Goldie, A. lV. 8 lork place Lindllay, James.jun. 110 Gcorgc :alul'rny and Logan, 141 George
GonIon, A.lI., 25 Rntland squRro street 8treet
Gordon, Arthllr }'orbca, 16 Rut- Mndssy, John M. 191\felville lit. Murray, Ant. 141 Gcorgo street
laud &quare Undsnr and Patcr80n, 10 Nor- Murray, Gcorl(e J. 1 MelvmelC.
Gordon, Jas. 20 Regent terrace thnmberland street
Gonn, John, 18 Wt\lker street IJogun, Edmond, 141 Georgo st.
l\lurray, Tho,. G. G6 Queen .t.
Nn)lier, A. J. 23 AlballY street
Graham, lIumpbrey. 11 8hand- I.ogan, O. Register house NCIlson, S. 1 North Charlotte
wiok place IJongmore, J. A. 56 l\lelvillo st. street
Graham, l'atrick, 14 Royal 14yon, Georgo, 26 Forth street Newton, JamC!, 83 Great King
crescent MacaJlan, A. B. 19 Young street street .
Ogilvy, R.H: Cumberlanc1.~
Grant and Cllthbcrtson, G North MacaJlnn and Chancellor, 19
Charlotte strect Young Itreet
Grant and WaUace, 80 Drnm· Mncandrew Robert, 83 Dublin It.
l'atersou and Romanel. 1
mond place Macnra, IJ. :M. 68 Northumbcr- Pnterson, Adam, 86 H.riM roll
Greig, Gcorgc, 9 Abercromby llUulstrect }'atcrlon, 'fhomas, • ladf. street
"lace ~lacbrnit· amI Parker, 12 Great l'atrick, M4Ewen, Rnd CarmeD&,
Grlcrson, A. 15 St Andl'elV Iq. King strcet 32 Albany Itreet
Grieve, Andl'ew, 4 llclville eres- M'CnuiUieh, J. M. 18 ~Ioray l'atlen, JOtIU, 7 Drllmmoad nI.. If*'
cent Jl)ace l'atti80n. J. 16 Hroulhton ptleo
GuDud, W., 16 Nelson street ,i ~llDol1gall, -1 Gt. King stree' Paul. Thomson, 10 tfnion atree\ •
.. : • ,-~ 1 " ,

',' .' :'::~:.!:!', . .(X_ill PabUc are indicated. bl an., Agentl or ProcllfAton &,a. a.) AND MARRIAGES•
.; '.' -',~,:, . ,.l1IIIDBDaBlD. STollDA.VU-Joha Browa
: ":.>i.mId~U. Jolmatoa, Bobt. Sbaw, Job
. " )[otr~' .1uAiider Lesll.
Bvm.T-4.- Ji'KlnnoD
PaD.-",'" lam_ HatehiloD, 01'111\ ImJa'b
lWIG.UbxR O'Nm-Joeph Nlcol
oa.uaow 1St ](u.A.'lIIoat-WiWol Bethue,
jwa. ••• ~ NHm6tr prefized to tAe NaN of tM Strut ifl tk &ua DiNCl"'1, irulicatu tA,
,~-J_tI D. K'Nee
&giftration Di«ricl 0/ BirtM, Dlatlc" arod J/artWgu.
ABGILDDlU. JUu.OUDDallGU--Wllliam NichollOll
"O.aN-D. Carmichael
An.alM. )
. -
WAB-Jolm Cume
A'I'B-Oeo!!. On611.., BUlh lWm, Boberi ADDm-Oeorge Gentlel Name of Diat.rict.. filDl' of Beciattv. 08i0e.
)f'(!:llluu~, Roben '.rg1IIIOn OoA1'DBlDOK-HcDry K'Lachlau
KJLVAtsSOCIt-Jamll BroWDiDl, Job liDl.,. GLASGOw-Henry MUler, navid Young. £Obeli
lfA'I'DOL:l-ThOJDU Bell MoDJO, Thomu Barclay a, Alexander M' Ker-
l'AlflfSSIU. ncber, A1ex. U'Leu, Colln )l'Donald, John Edinburgh-
Kmu-Oeorge Ta,lor .
M'Leaa, £Obert. M'Craeken, John W. Dealt,
Doaald M'Tavilh, Peter M'Bride, Hugh Ft~e­
land, Joaepb Sorley,Jamel no:sa, AogullL
1. St George's, • •
2. St Andrew'c, •

• •
Bobert Dick, •
· • · ··
Oeorge O. Adams,8.S.0.,
2 St Cuthbert's glebe.
9 North 8t David street..
3. Canongate, • . Andrcw Balfour, • • . • 183 Canongate.
TevMO--.Jamelll'Kay . )lacbT, Malcolm Hedd1e • ·
4. St OUes, • .. •
5. Newington, • •
• · David Beatson,
• • •
.. 9
City Chambers.
Hill place.
DUMBARTON -John ne,.,af
STIUTHAvu-Francia Wilson
• • TholJlM Heriot, • · ·
~ S. Forwan, • •
DUlU'Bu:s-Thomu Come
DUXn.u:ssBD& •

NAIU'-Jobn Wilaon
North Leith, •
South Leith, •
• •
• Gj rt Archer, • • •
·• 40 Bridge street.
69 Constitution at~t.

. · · ·· ··
Portobello (Burghal), Alcmndcl' Paterson, • • Counoil Chambers.
EDINBUBOHIIBtB& OBUIY, &c. Mussolburgh, John Lcitcb, .·· ·
• 47 High street.
EBllfBvnou-Oeorgc Black, A. Dryadalo, W. J.
Munro W. A. 'l'hoDUlon, John Grady, Andrew LERWIO., SBI'rLAlfD-Sam. HeDl'1 Dalkeith, • .· • •
• William Banie, • • •
· (Schoolmaster).
Wcbllt~r Robcrt Gordon, John Ca", WiUiam ,-
'.rhom.o~, James )[urc, Roben Gordon Nicol.
CmuF-W. Fargul(ln
ELUINSUru. DUlrKBLD-Henry Ritchie
ELGIN'-ll'inlo.y ltullrll l'uTH-Jamell Hally

Cvr.\D·FIR-Henry )liIlic, John Clims GItEBNOCE.-William Shearer
PAlSLEy-T. Campbell Cl, AieL Il'KechDie NOTICE.
DUNnKE-Alcxander Alllm t John ll'enwlck, John BON'AR BRtnGE-Chnr1es Fraser
MaiLbcw, John Hutton, Pt:Wf Peteraon TAll(-WUliam Munro
JIADDINGTos-JamclI Andcr-lIon FALKIltK-Dnvid Black
STIRLtNo-Jobn Slnclair, Jama Jllller To avoid jOI_ in meetiD&' upon the Foot-pavements, ohle".
Ji'OnT·WILttAlr-John Campbc:ll
GnA~TOWN-.J obn Grant
I DINn-W. lIuirbcad
the general rule, "Keep to the Bight," or, ~1l other words,
NORTU UIlif-R()(lcrick )l'Donald I DoRNocn-PbiUp Mackay allow those that JOu meet to paN OD your Ien. If thia
l{INGUSSIFr-G. Mackintosh IIBLMftDALE.-tTamcs Gunn
lNvERSE.,;!;-.Jamcs Cameron, Donald Baira, .Alex-
ander l\lacrne
well • known rule 'Were more generally acted upon, much
l'onrnwE (SKu)-Alox. llartin
'NEWTOX.STIWART--Da,id Martin fl
Inconvenience would, of COU1'le, be avoiclacl in our crowcled
XINCAlIDlNESlltBB. STBAKRAF.R-J. )('William n a 'lhoroughfare.~
FE'ltEBt'AtBN-Jamee )laodonald WSGTOJi-Wm. Carson n a


Alder, William D., N.P., Findhonl place lfacgowan, Alex. ironmonger, Lord Cock.
bl.trn street-house, 21 Bronghton plac~
Allison' Jiw cabinetmo.ker amI upholsterer,
133 Rose ~treet
AndersoDt Robcrt architect, 8 Dundas street
~ra.c!lregor, :r.liss .M. Invedeithfield, Ferry I'd.
Mackenzie, James, commission agent, 9 North
&ird H J acco~nt. Kiu~'s pI. Leitwwalk 8t David street
Baird' H~gh .T. artist, 6 Kmg's pt Leith walk
Bank~ John Alel:. 30 Haddington place
:r.rackenzie, James, 11 Melville place
~fackie, WilJiam, writer, 7 East Adam street GENERAL DIRECTORY.
Blair Alexander (brewer, Alloa,) 12 Royal Mr.cleod, Nicholas, merchant, Shelburn bank
Ex~11ange-agent, James Renuie-ho. 10 houso, Whale bme, Newhaven
Nortb St Andrew street
Breysig & Co. commission and forwarding
:r.l'Naught, Misses, Burton cottage, Windeor
place, Portobello
agts. 36 Martin's court, Dernard st. Leith Maitlawd, MIss, 24 Ann street
Burns John coal merch. 16 Port Hopetoun Malloch, P. S. chambera, 12 Royt\l exchange
Oarfn;e Wniiam l1.D. 112 Canongaoo :r.raxwell, William, writer, 27 Chcyne street
Clark ltobert 4 'Lynedoch VI ace lliddleron, William, waiter, 14 Market pllWc,
(1A)rn~I" Jame~, soda-water manufactory, 17 .Stockbriu~
Picardy place M~ddleton, .:r.lrS, cook, 14 :i\Iarket p1. S~kbr.
Conlthwaite P. & Co. whole&tt.le toa and cof- lbHer, John, bookseller, 49 Gco.IV. bndge
fee merchants, 25 North bridge-agent, Miller, John, lithogrnpber, 8 Merchant street Abb Ada
W. H. Rac Murdooh, James, law accountant, 12 ~yal Am~()IT, Fmucis, Secrettlrll to tlw General! Actnm, Jmnt's, (uh'ocatl', 51 Northumherlllnd
Po,~t·Oflice for &otfalld, 25 .Moray Placu street
Crawford John photographic artist and exchanae-ho. Joy cottage, Corst.orphme
lamlsc~pc dra~er, 89 South Clerk street Park, Wdliam, golf club an~ b~l1 mak~r, Abbott, '\V. i. C. 2 Bn:der's place ,Adam, Jmnes. 1.'1 Pitt tila'eet
Cmwfortl, William, 11.D. 1 Stewart st. Jock's Musselburgh, and Brlmtsfie,d Imks, Edm. Abbott, l\Irs E1i1.3, 2 Baxtcr'~ place : Adnm, .John, hake1', J-; High ktrcot, Leith
lodgo Paterson, ~amc..s, Tol1cros~ • . AnnoTts 11'011 Co. 14 North U:mk street-II. 'Adam, John, draft.:,:uau & cllgmVtH' on \\'voI1.
Ande~on, managing pa.rtner 1 WilHhml' street
Currio, .1. & Co. rag and general merchants, Ponton,~lss, 8f.>uth GothIC cottage, TriDlty
1 Old Pbytdc gardens Rae, J: Gordon, agent, Rosehall cottage, Ahel, John, 26 Pitt sb'cot Adam, Joh\l, lotlgings, ]8 Brutlliwick lotn'ct
Daviu,-;on, AUan, joillcr, Abbey hill Newmgton Abercrombie, Misses, 7 Doune terrace, !A<lam, Patrick (."xmg <£: A,) 9 Hrallclou st.
Dick, )[iss M. dr<:SSlnaker, I) S. College Htroet mtchie, dames (late J. and J. ll.itcMe and ABERDEEN, I~cith, & Clyde Stcnm-ShipI)ing Adaw, Rohel·t, "Tight, uf) LotlJian !'tl'cl'f.
Dickson, AIel:. advocate, 13 DeBn terrace Co.) 12 Frederick street-house, 28 Tor- Vo.'s Offices, Gmuton Pier, 23 Commercil,l .,,-dam, Hobcrt, cityaccountaut, City Cham.
Dickaon, David, of Kilbucho and Hartrea, phichen street Place, Leith, amI () South St Andrcw 8tl'Cet,, 19 .MClulow place
Edinburgh-G. Mathicson, agent I Adaru, S. wool-merchant, Afton hlg.~: Ferry
advocate 13 DC1\n terrace Robertson, John, Merivil cottaO'e, Midcalder
AnR~:E"!N, Moray }~jrth, Invemcs.." Caithncss, , rond
Duncan C61. Carlton lodge, Mnrrnyfield Robel'tson, Robert J., W.S. 22 Yndia street
EDINDu:taR Apothecaries' Company, 39 Earl Ross, A. Ellison, 10 Jordan bank Orkney, and Shetland Stcrun-Shippillg ('0,'8' Adam, ~h'g, 20 ClarcHce street
Grey street--See .hdv. Rutherfor!!t Rev. Alex. C. 11 Montagll street Offices, Granton piOl', 23 Commercial plac<', Adam, Mrs, :j Ra.udolph plnce
Faloonar, }Irs General, Falconbcrg lodge, Bamson, uhristopher, spirit dealer, 15 Port- Loith, and 6 Sout.h St Andrew street, Edin- Adams, AlcJ:. bootmnkcr, 3 J)o<:k ~t. Leith
Greenhillllark l!l.nd place hnrgh-G. :r.!athicson, agent I' Adams, Alex. tailor Bnd clothier, 1 , lIalJ()\'cr

Oor(lOn, Misses, confectioners, ~l S. bridge Scott,:Mrs G.F. 3 Br!dge st. .Musselburgb Abernethy, James, grocer, ~c. 22 Plea')ancc I street .
Aucnlcthy. lhss, 110 L:\Urlston placo i AtlamH, Andrcw, 13 Bom~lIIgt(Jn place
GouMing, Jamcs, & Son, furmturc dealers Scott, !!rs, 16 r..ankmllor street
and upholsterers, 128 Cowgat.e SOO'lTlSH :r.lorc&ntilo Record and Protection .ACADF')lY, Edinburgh, Henderso!l row I Adams, Ocorgo C., sJo'.e. and registrar
ACADEllY Royal Scottish, of Pf~inting, Sculp. of births, deaths, aud mntria~cs, for tho
turc, a~d Ar~r:itccture-'lllc Hoyal Ac,\e ,' district?f St All~tr~w8 -.10 tIll 3, :-;atur-
Greenock Robort 9 Minto street of Trade Gazette-puulisherand secretary, I

BaB Da;id advo~atc, 13 Pitt street . James Cwke, writer, 21 Bath st. GlllSgow
day 10 tll112, 9~. St Di\\'1d strcet-hol1!tlJ,
Ho~e, Ato';' Gcorge, Whitfield lodge, Crown Shand, Charles, bookseller, 18 Drum!ll0nd st. demy-D. O. Hill, secretary
ACADEMY Southern, Park place homlO i 10 West Brighton C1'(\/<. Portobelio
Sh~pperd, James, accountant, 3 Stratton pL
street, Leith walk
Hunter, Andrew Galloway, I) Meadow place Shle!ds, George, 16 Ha:t street ACCIDE~;AJ. DEATH lNs'CnA~CE Co. i:! Pl'ince.<;' Adam 1', John, jun. S.S.C. 8.W. Mnitlnnd street
Jamieson, John, engraver on wood'and dealer Small, }lrs, of Ovennams, 1 Atholl crescent street-Wo Lambcrt, agent. Sce Adl'. I Adams, Uobt. !!mith :md lromnongcr, " nut.
in printing m:\terial 14 St James' square Smith, Alexander Gordon, 3 Grove street Accountar.t in Bankruptcy's Office, G. A.: land 1,lace-hollsc, 2.8 'I'orphichen t-Itrcct
F.ssoll, New General Register House Adams, W. D" M.l). and t-Iurguofl, 6 Argylo sq.
Johnston Misses 1 G:eat Stuart street Stewart, Daniel, (H.Jf. Oen. I1.cfJileer Ilolt8e) .A(''1urofi~ John, hairdres.~er, 20 nose street
Kcds1ie, Alex. }f~lta house.
AdllUlson & OuUand, W.S. 10 Nelson I1trl!et
12. Gardner's crescent . Afiair John tailo~ 227 High street Adamson, Anclrew, i Drummond street
Kennedy, Atex., W.S. 26 Ca.1ton htll
Lawson, .JamcH, W ..S. Woodvi11e, Trinity
Stob1e, WaIter, 189 Caueewayaide
Taylor, WiUiam, 50 Rankeillor street Adllir: Mrs, 59 nr~ngbton street I Adamson, Alld~\". pll~~tcrer, 25 S: I.tichmond st.

Adnir's Dnnedin TemllCrancc Hotel, 219 amI Adnmson, Dn,nd, wano and spmt merchant,
Leef,:r.trs Robert, 18 Bucclen~h plRCe . ThoJlUJon, ~~. Jns. Cowper, (J5.,A George si. 221 High strcet I :32 Northumberland street
Lindsay, William N. 48 JunctIon st. Lmth Wallacc, Wtlham, baker, 1 Mattland street, Adam & Kirk W.S. S) South CharloUe st. 'Adnmson, DIn-id M., S.S.v. 16 Nelson strcct
Lumsden, James, builder, Grange loan
Macadam, J. Bruce, 2 Heriot row
Newhaven. •
Web&ter, John, bird at1<1 auuM} prese"cr, Adat~ & :\['G~cgor, wool"brokors, 83 COllati- A(tlllUson, Geor/;."C, contracto~~ 36 Leith ~t.
tlltJOU !,treot I Adamson, James, &. Co. prmtcrs and htho-
M'Donald, Rev. ehas. Cadell, 3 Forrcst road 265 High street Adnm, Ale;(. teucllcr 17 Union strect-Sce I graph Cl'S, I) 8t Jnmes' squnro
}i'Donald, Wi11iam Cadell, 3 Forrest road Wilshcro, M. 20 Elder street Adl1.-hous(', 14 D:mda." stl'Cet ; Adamson, Jamcs, wine and spirit merchant,
M'Donald, Mrs Dr, a Forrcst road Wilson, Miss 0., 1 Lcslie place Adnm, Alex. 1"., W.S. IS) Clarell10nt cresccnt !) lla1'l:ct ~tr!!ct
Adam, JalUcs, 1'5.~.C. 19 Claremont CrCI:ICcllt . .:\d(\llU:!Olll JalUc~, printer, {j South CoHcgo st.
AdamlOn, John Willlam Mackle, 9 Hamilton Aikmao, G. engraver, printer, and litbogra.
J)!ace, NewiDgton pher, 29 N. bridge Aitken. Andrew (J. ..1. ~. Co.), ti lfansflelfl Alexander. A. " Sons, joiners and cabinet-
AdamlOn, T. carriage· builder, 13 Spring gar- Aikman, lames, leatber mercbant, 2t. and 26 place makers, 30 8andl'ort street
denl, Abbe,hUl Niddry street Ahken, Andre. (A. G. ~. Co.), 4 Vanburgh Alex~nder, AJcx;nder, corn mercbant, 11
Aikman, J obn, & Son, painters, paper-hangers. place I Bruito sCreet
Adamlon, Walter, ribbon and flower merchant,
29 South brldge-:house, 31 Clerk street and glar.iers, 8 Queensferry street-ho. 1fi
Aitken ADdw. (GP.-O.) 2 Grcenside place Alexander, Alexalltlcr, grocer. 21 I.oudon st.
Altken: James, & Co. wholesale tea Ilnd coffee Alexander, ~ndw. baker, $ Davic stree.t
AdamlOb, WaIter, builder, St I.oonard's lane
-bou.e, 10 St Leonard'o street
Charlotte place
AikmaD, Mrs A. 9' Lauriston place dealers, 1 Grecoside place .• I

Alexandl>r, Ch. (.4. d: J.l~acnabh 21 :Mmto It.

Aitken, J. & G. victual dealers, 19 G~es st. I Alc:.~lUlder, Cbarles, tailor and clolbier, ,
AdalDlOD, Mn A. plumber, &c. 64 Clerk Bt. Aikman, l\lra Jltmes, 3 George place Aitken, .James, chemilt and druggl.t, 44-1 Slmon square
AdalD.on, 111'8, 5l\1'Kenzie place Aikman, Mrs Jamt:~, 7-B St Patrick square Brougbtoo street-bou3e, 1.2 Fettes row I Ale:xan~er, Ch~rleA, nunery Ilnd llt!ed~man,
AdamIOD, lIrs, provision dealer, ~ AUison pI. Aikmnn, llrs, 11 Charles street Aitken, James, smith and farrier, 91 Pleasance I 30" est negl~ter IItreet-bou~~ 15 Nelson
A.deock, Gilbert. I)llper merchant, 1 South St Aimers, Samuel. ;'8 Rankeiilor st. Aitken .Tames glll'dener, Dean ' street-nursery, Larkfield, Trtmty
Andrew sl.-ho. 30 James' square Ainslie, Danki, 48 Aloray place Aitken; James: gr.'lcer, $9 High IIltreet I Alexander, David (Ilo..'ml ElIgi1,e~r'), Ann-
Addis, Rev. 'l'homas, Morningside place Ainslie, P"vid, 540 Queen street Aitkell. James, solil. :tor, 45 St Cuthbert It. , field house
Addis, Mrs \VilIillm, 6 Grove street Ainsl:.:, .Tames, coal mercbant, 3" Shedft' Aitken, .lames (J. A. ~. CO.), Maryfield houlc I Alexander, Gt.'9rge, builder, 1$6 Cau5eyside-
Addison, Alexander, baker, 124 Kirkgate-
brae-housc, 2 Old Bridge end
Ainslie) .Tobn, furniture dealer, 2.;6 Cowgate
Aitken James, corn dealer, 11 Kirkgate I house. GJ'3nge ioan
Aitkcn:.Tames,coHector ofaonuity altseslment, Alc-xander, Geo. provision mercbant, 9 Sc
Addison's Alma Hotel, 112 Princes street Alnslie, Wm. ( Gardner ~ Aillslie), .!:~ Lauris- 12 Royal Exchange-hoUle, (j North St I Plltrick .treet . ,
Addison, Jafl., spirit dealer, 6 Rose street ton place .Tames· street : Alexander, H. D., 1\I.D., IU!'gl'On, 46 Canon
Atlic. Adam, grocert 6 Coburg street Ainslie, Hoo. :Mrs. J5 Gloucester place Aitken, .Jobn vcter. :;urgoon, 14" Causcyside I gate-boufllc, 12 St .John I!treet
Adie, Alexander, and Son, gpticlllns, DO Ainslie, Mrs, 11 Keir street Aitken .John: commiss. agent. 63 New build- : Al~xandcr, J., teacher of music, 20& Calcic st.
Princes street Air(l, .John, letter-carrier, 3 Nottingham tef. in~8' North bridge-hot 6 W. Newington I Alexander.•Jas. '1'. 8urgl.'on and accoucheur,
AitUc, In. spirit merchant, 38 St Andrew st. Aird, 'rhoma.o;, 3 Saunders st. Stock bridge ,\itke~, John, teetotal coffee-house, 10 ~ 2S MelviUe Ittreet
Adie, Mrs, spirit dealer, 1 Dock place I,Ieith Aird, Mrs ,V. King's place High street , Al('xander, .Tamel, ~ Lauri8ton place
Adie, lIrs, Canaan, Grange loan Aird, Misses, Spring valley house, Morningside Aitken John silk mercer and draper, 1 Bax· . Alexander, James, nurllery ataa seedlUDan
Adie, Mrs Robert, 11 Dllncan street Aire, Miss, 6 Springfleld tert s'plllce":'hnuse,l , (/)i(·k,on.~ (~; CQ.) Leit~ Walk Nunery
An.lUTANT-GF.NER,u'! Office, 21 Young It. Airmet, Jas. earthenw. dealer, 96 Pleasance Aitken, John, painter & glazier, '1 Uuion pI. ; Alexander, .Jame!, CanadiAn br~ ..,~r.l~s,urancc
ADVOCATES' Library, Parliament square- Airth, J. & Co. wine merchts. 26 Quality st. Aitken, .J. upholstert'r, cabinetmakcft carver: Imd general agent, 9 North Ht J)ayul Itrool
hours in Seflslon, 9 to 4:; Vacation, 10 to 4
ADVOCATES' \Vidows' Fund, 5 S.-E. Circus
Airtb, )\frs, 6 Hope street. Leitb walk
Aitcbison and Sons, confectioners to Her Ma-
and Rilder housc agent, undertat;er. and Alexander, Rc\,. John, D.D ... St Vmcent .c.
appraiser,39 Fre(lerick atret't ; Alexander, John. tlesher, 53 Ellrl GreJ st.-
place-.John Cay, collector jesty, 77 Queen street Ahken Thomas (Lo1ldon ~ J?dill. Sllipping' house, 51 Earl Grey street
Affteck, Archlbald, flesher, 9 Home street Altchison, David, draper, 22 and 23 Kirkgale Co.); Jesafield cottage, Newhaven r Ale~ander, .Tobn, tailor and clothier, '2 Can ..
Affteck, George, hosier, glover, and laceman, -house, 10 Glover street, Leith Aitken Thos. spirit dealer, FrithfieJd baths " Dlng Idacc mad .so Clerk street
39 Queen street Altchison, David, fi!'h mercb. 146 Canongate Aitkcn· Thomas 21 llowe street Alexandcr, John, :.uilder, 11 Gilmorc place
Afft.'Ck, .Tohn, 38 Brunswick street Aitchison, George, baker, 1 Wemyss place Aitken: Tboma~ L., leuerprels printer, 211 Alf!~ander, John, grocer & spirit mercbant,
Affteck, John, gardener, Fi11yldde gardens Aitchison, Geo. grorcr and spirit dealer, S5 Gl'Orge IV. brid~e Ncwhuen
Affteck, Robert, grocer, wine & spirit aea1er, Richmond plaeo Aitkeu, 'Valter, baker, 111 Nicolson .treet Alexander, L. wine merchant an(1 agent, 10
26 St Leonard strect--bouse, 22 Ahchison, James, watch and clock maker and Aitken, William, -'7. B!idge street, Leith ~fan.fleld ~lace . .
Affteck, \ViUiam, hatter, 41 N. Frederick st. jeweller, 16 Dank 8t.-ho. 41 Buccleucb It. Aitken, Wm. comn.ISSlon merchant, $ South Alcxan(ier, Jbch:ml, draper, hOlier, IlId shut
Agna"', S. A., BtlvoCllte, 81 Princes street AitchisOD,.Tohn,& Co. brewers,SG South back Hanover .treet-ho. 31 Rosebank touages maker, "'61 Lawnmarket
AO.RICULTURIST FIRE, Ltl:'y., CATTLE, and of Cllnongate Aitken WID. victual dealer, 6 North Alexander, Robt., butch~r & poulterer, -'2 So.
HAIL INSURANCE Co. 9 South St Andrew Aitchison, Robert, cowfeeder, 6 PoUerrow plac~ Clerk st.-house, 5 Weit Preston .t.
street-F. M'Minn, super1.ltemlent
Aitchison, Thomas S. 16 Archibald place
Aitchlson, Thomas S. dentist, 31 N. bridge street-bouse, 12 Fet'" row
Aitken, 'Vm. chemilt and druggist, 3 Pi" Alexander, T~omu & Son, c~pcr~ ..pock st.
Alexander, 1. B. (.d. ,S' Son), .. SaDdllOrt
ASSOCIATION, James C. Walker. architect Aitchiaon, Tho. shoemaker, 299 High street Aitken William, wine and spirit merchant. I1 street, I.eilh
and secretary, u3 }~rederick stt'eet Aitcbison, Wil1iam John, 5 Bruntsfield place 60 F~untaln bridge Alexander, 'fhomatt, commiaaion agenC, 2
.liken, Richard, 11 Danube street
Aiken, Mr., llltlies' nurse,5P Llluriston street
Aikenhead, A(lam, flesher, 13 East Richmon(l
Aitchison, Mu, 15 S& John street
Aitchison, 1\Irs, 92 Lnurjston place
Aiti:hison, 1\lre Jas. drape)', 9 Spring gardens-
Aitken, ltlrs .Tamel, H.wthurn bank
Aitken, Mrs.Tanet, grocer, 44 Home "tree:
Aitken, lIra Thomas, 1 'forpbicheD street
I Smith'lt pia«: .
Alexaoder, Be,. W. Lmdsay, D.D. 11 Drown
square ..
.treet and 46 Broughton street Ilouse, 19 North.West Circus place Ailken, llrs W. ladiel' nurl\c, 1 N. Jamcs' tit. , AJex"nder, WIUtam. 40 George Iquarc
Aikman, Andrew, & Cc. law printers, 11 Aitkcn and Campbell, wine merchants, 1 J S& Aitken, l\Irs, ~6 Boya1 crescent ' Alexander, Wm.21 CometJ bank
Hanover street-hou~e, 30 Castle street James' 'quare Aitkin, Afill, 12 Brandon street Alexander, Wm., l i ~bal·lt. str~t
Aikman, dealer, 17 QueeDsferry s&.- Ailken & Co. flrewood factory, 61 Fountain ALRERT Medical Life Assurance Co. 2 Nortb Alexander, A[rs, & Co. outfittmg aud baby
house, 9 South MelvlUe place bridge St Davhl st.-W. llell, agent linen warehouse, 87 George It~ .
Aikman, ArchibaJd and Co. merchants, 1 Vie. Aitken &Co. ceal mercbants, 67 Founwn br. AUlo:, Loan Co..."llose .trellt Alexan~er, llrsJ1Dlc"grocer.andspmtdealer,
torla street Aitken & Wright, provillion merchant., Char- ALDIOW Wine Co. 10 l\lansfteld place 19 Kukgate-houae, BonnlDgton bank ...w.-•.
Aikman, A. and D., wboletale leather mer- l(ltte lane, Leith " Alder Henry Ral meter manufacturer, Alexander, Mrs, grocer, 23 Bread ''''''et;''
chants, 38 Nlddrystreet Aitken, Gray, & Co. corn factors and corn- Sci;nnea hili-house "Sali.bury place Alexander, Alis. Ann, 35 Broughton .&rees
Aikman, David, agent, N. B. Rnihvay, Leith mission merchantI', 21 Bernard stred Alder' W. Inland Rev;nue officer, 5!0 Unn· Alexander, Alia, i NicollOn aqtlll'c =-:
Aikma~, George Spankie (A. A. !~. Co.), 9'~ Aitken, Capt. A., n.N. !l2 Broughton place ketlior Itreet AlilOlI and Cowan, corn mercllaat., ~ (..,'I1lti·
f..launston prace Aitken, A. (ltlv.r.fllall ~ A.). 19 Buccleucla pI. Alexander & Macnab 'he natioQ(.1 DJOIUming tution .treet, Leitb
Aikman, Geo., Jun. rlrnughtsrnan allrl engraver Aitken, AJex. 0 Sylvan place and mantle wareho~aemen and gentlameD'. Alillon, Jobn (A. 4' COfOall), 12 Regent terrae...
on wood, i9 N. Bridge Aitken, Alex. coal agent, 9 Port-Hamilton ()utfitterfl, 82, 83,8" South bridge , Alison l John, house carpenter, 21 UraJ .trtct

AUaa " Ga., wine merchants, 25 ShedI' Allahom,G.. E.,M.D.,II.B.C.S.E.,89Jlrinc:ea Andft80n. GeOl'ge, plumber aDd patter, 8 Anderaon, Peter, taUor, 21 Lothian Itreet
brae, Leith Itree' Green.ide place AndellOn, P. commis.ion agent, N.lnverJeith
AUua, Charla, meseenger, Commercial bank, Abnond, J. E. mouming warehouse, 28 and 29 Anderaon, George, grocer, , Ampbion pJace mains
S Co&&age
Allan, ~e, ti- Nelson Itreet
ABan, George, baker, Shrub place
Allan Geo. ,,4- Cumberland street
AUan: .Tame!, taUor, 5 Drummond Itreet
North bridge-hoe 2' Calton hill

-bouae, 12 AthoU place

Alstou, Geo. elotbierand hatter, Hano'fent.
A18too, John, tea dealer, wine merchant, and
grocer, SO Tolboo&h wyrid, Leith
AnderBon, George, news-agent, 39 Lotbian Andcrson, Captain P., Granton
Andcr80n. George, shipmaster, 36 Albany st.
Andenoll, Robert & Co. metal merchants, Ind
paint manuracture", 6 Timber bUlh, Leitb
ADderson, Itobt. teacher of nntut'al history and
Anderson, Hart, collector of 'Vest Kirk poor- physical science, 1 Gayfield square
Allln, James, S.S.C. 8 N. St Dadd Itrettt AIston, Mn, 8 NicollOn square rates, 1 Hudand street Andenon, Robert, pianuforte seUer and tuner,
AllaD, Jam. & Son, bootmakm,42 Leitb It. Alvei, Colonel Cbarles G. 26 Broughton place Anderson, Hugh (Abbot'. 11'0" Compan!J),.$ 10 Dean street
-bOUt, 16 Brougbton street AlveI, Miss E. If: Raeburn place :\leadow place I ADderaon, Robert, printer, l60 High strect-
AllaD, Joba, tailor aDd clothier, GEast Regis- Alve., Mill, GScotlaud street AnderaoD, .lames, solicitor-at-Inw, 8 Dundls t bouSf!, 110 Grange pll\.~e
ter .treet Ancrum, .T.," Son, cork manufacturel'l, 149 street '\ AndcrlOn, Robert ( W. Ulip'hu1It .(0 Co.), ~OUdl
ADan, .Tobn, cabtnetmaker, 18 Dundas Itreet Roaeatreet Anderson.James( eu.lonu), Upper Hermitage, Sciennes bouse
.Al1an, Jobn, tailor, Si India place Ancrum, John, 21 Laurtston street Leith ' Anderson, Robert, spirit ll1~rchanc~ 3 North
AUan, Robert, S HiIl.lde ....resccnt Ancrum, Thos. butcber, 19 Uicbmond place Anderlon, James, bookseller and stationer, 28 Ncwington place
AUan, Robert, 8harebroker, 4-A St Andrew Iq. and 188 Pleasance Brougbton street Audcl"Ion, Robert, st,atloDcr and bookbinder,
Ansn, Robert, leather mercbant, I' Horse AnderlOn & Scod(lart, tailO1'l and clothiers, Anderaon, Jamel,lpiric merchant, 1 Hamilton, S 'Vest Nicohon &treet
wynd-houlI,3S Hone .,nd 62 New hullding', North bridge place, Neryillgton /Andenon, u. and R. caodlemakerll. 93 GUu'
Allan, Robert, proprietor of the Caledonia1z Anderaon & Wil1iamaoD, general merchants, Anderson, J. clotbier, hat.ter, and sbtrt maker, .treet-ho.2 Cas.ells· placc, Leith
Mercu~lj, and Wtiklg Herald and JJ£:rcury, 10 & 11 Timber busb 45 Soutb brhlge-ho. 2 E. Sciennel pIllet! I Andenon, 11. (Jlead .blaster, l\'ul'Pnal Inst.),
2d5 HIgh street Anfleraon, Wilaon, & Simpaon, S.S.C., 1 Ander80n, Jamel, bookbinder,22 St I'atrick I Johnstone terr.ce-hou.... Cumm place
AllAnt Thol. C. (Ncott ~ ..4.),9 Brunton place George Itreet squartt I AnderiOn, Robt. «(Frant i~' ,1.), " Talbot pi.
AUan, 'V. (Cu8toma), 21 Lothian street Andersou, Ro,al bazaRr,21 Princes street- Andfrllon, J. upholsterer, 28 Candlemaker I AncJerlOn, Samuel, slutet' anti glllzit'r, 1:1 Co-
Allan, Wm. spirit merchant, 14 Roxburgh pI. house, IS Duke ItreeC row bUTg st.reef, N. I.eith
AUan, Wm., S.S.C., 48 London street Anderlon, A. cabinetmaker, 33 Brunswick It. Anderson, James, plasterer, Lotbian r08t1- Andenon, Tbos. lecretar, Ncr/. BOIlI.: of &01.
Allan, ~bl! Ann, dressmaker, 68 Nicolson It. Anderson, A. clothier and draper, 5 Drum. bouae,28 Downie place umd,41 8t Andrew Iquare
AUan, Mra John, 8 Newington terrace mood street Anderlon, James C., Lander road Andersoll, 'l'hos. com. age•. t, 12 13eaumont pJ.

Hamilton-houle, 6 Newport street

AUan, Mr., 14 Archibald place
Allan, Mu Wm. coal mercbant, 12 Port- Anderson, Abrabllm Collil, Fort-major, Edin.
burgh Cllde
Anderson, Alex. 12 Hi1lsquare
Audel'lon, .Tame., Jun. 13 Brandon street
Anderson, .laIDes, 1 Londun row
Anderson, Tbot. L. bl)I>ier, glCl,cr, amllhirt
maker, 10 Rutlam! plal;:8
Andeflon, Jamel T. advocate, 3 GJourc&ter IAnder.on, Thos. Scou, W.S. 1 Atholl place
Anan, Mr8, French stay maker, 4-1 George st. Anderson, Ales. victual dealer, 4. Upper Dean
AUan, Mrs, gardener, Lover', lane, Leitb
Anderson, Alex. 27 South Clerk street
Andcrson, .Tamel, printer, 1 Clerk street
Anderson, JaDlel, 3 J)ort!and place
t Andersun, Urqul1arl, & Co., wbolesalt.' drug-
gist. and drYl1llters, so Quality street
Anderson, Wauon, grocer, 33 Elbe st.
Allan, Ifn,ladiell' nurse, 1 Newport street Anderaon, Alex. H. accouJltant, 16 Grange Anderson, James, bookbinder & stationer, 233; Anderlon, Wr. grain mnch. 1'22 Laurillton pt
Allan, Miss, All:mtleld, Ji'erry road rOAd High street Allderson, 'V. perfumer, 2 East Ucgisler &tr~f!C
Ander80n, Jobn & Francis, l\T.S., so Castle Amterson, Wm.l\larchmont heruld, Iyon·elk.·
Anan, Miss, milliner and drelsmaker, S To- Anderaon, Alex. tailor, "'5 London !Iltreet
bago street Anderson, Archibald, advocate, 1 Athol pI. itreet depute, Regieler ho.-hnu,e, 1:1 Union .f.
AlIan, .Miss l\fary. 14 George street Anderson, Andrew, ftesher, '1 Veal mal'ket
Allans, Howie, & Co. commislliun ag('nts, 69 Anderson, Charles, S. S.C. (General llegi,'er hrewer,), 14 Gilmore place I
AnderRoTl, John, (Ta!Jfor, Am/ersOII, QlIfi Co. Amlcnon, Willilm, corn dealer, 16'; 'Ve~C pt.
Andel'SOo, Wm. writer, 11 DunJu street
Anderson, .John (A. Jllal'hitlotl t ..~on),- Andcnoll, Wm. flellhtr. (8 Middle market
Adam square HOU8C), ~ N.-E. Circus place
Allardice and Sclanders, upbolsterers nnd cabl- Auderson, Charles, Trinlt111ouse, TrInity
netmakel'l to tbe Queen, 12 George st. Anderson, David, & Co., commission agents,
Canon grove, Church lane
Anrleflon, John, boot and shoemaker, 5
I An(terlon, W. autl J. ironmonger.,22 Nicol-
Ion .creet
AlIardice, John (A.. cl; S.), Cecilia villa, 14 St Anthony strt>et, Leith Rutland place AnderlOn, \"ilIillm, to.n clerk, 107 Contti.
Sciennes bill Anderson, David, of l\loredun, 24 Moray Andcrson, Jobn, 18 Ducc1euch place tution 1I"l'ct, Leith-hun.." ~I l'ilrig It.
Allal'dice, Miss, South Clerk street place
ALI.lANCI British and Foreign Life aml Fire Anderson, Davltl (D • ..4. tit CQ.), 8 King's
Ander50n, .John, SI St Dernard'lI erescent Anderlon, WIUi.m, clothier, Broultham It.
Anderaon, In. jun. butcher, 106-A. Oeorgc .t. 1AndersoD, Wm. llpir. mer. 10 Gibb's entr,
,I Assurance Company, 90 George It.-David place Andenon, John, Georgefield, Trinh1 IAndert1On, Wm. (..4. d: Stoddart) {} Brough.m
I Maclagan, C.A., manager-Sec ..4dv. Anderson, David, stoneware denl"r,29 Corn- Andenon, John, W.~, (J. c:C: P. ArukrlON'i street
W.S.) )5 AI .. street . Ander80n, 'Villi.m, merchant,38 Con.titu-
I. ALLIANCS Marine Assurance CO. 30-D Comdl- mercial place
tution .treet-Joha 'Varrack & CD., agents Anderson, David, (Al'L. 6' A.) 2 Dick place Andenon, In. (R. Gr;er"e 4' Co.), iJ Ea3t don street-boo 8 Regent terrace
Claremont Itreet Anderson, Wm. baker and confectioner. 12
AJtison, Alex. asphalter, 4 AthoJllane
Amson, Jame", shipmaster, 37 Couper street
An(leraon, David, hairdresser and perfumer,
1 J 9 Nico1eon street Andenon,John, pu"eyororfiah to the Queen
for Scotland, 106 George street-ho. 108
I South College Itre'et
Allderaon, 'Wm. slater and glazier, ]0 North
Amson, James, houae agen" 210 Mid. Arthur Ander8on, David, grocer & spirit merchant,
place 268 Cowgate Anderson, John, .gent for tbe S. T. L., i'l CoUl'ge streel-house,
l\Jiddle Arthur place
'8 Lotbian ttreet
I Anderaem, 'Vm. wine merchant, )0 Pilrig If.
Amson, llis", 8 King's place Anderaon, D. haker, IS Hamilton place, and
AlIman, Georgc James, 21 Manor plnce, aml s St Antbony place-house, 1 Riego street Andenon, John G., 'Veat Viewfi~ld, Trinit, I Anderson, Wm. (&11 If Co.), 7 Brown It.
Uni'fenity, M.D., F.R.S.L. & E. regius Anderaon, Duncan, Keeper of Chapel Royal, Andenon, John H. mail guard, 2-. Cumber- Aaderaon, Major.General 'V. C., Edge lalll
prof. of nat. bist. University, Edin. Hol,rood palace land .treet Anderaon, WiUiam, literary wriler,.sO Indi.
ALLOA and Leith Steam Packet Co:, Office, AnderlOn, Fibdla1, E. I. lenlc:e. 3t AnderlOn, J. lIodgtoD, 8 Cutl. unlce .treet
8 Queen .treet, Leitb Moray place Anderaon, Letham. wrilfr, In'ferleith6eld AnderlOn. 'Vm. W. tflchtr of writiltg•• d,h
AU shorn , A. H. bomreopathlc cbemist, sr. . 'I lereon, G:lviu" church officer, Lothian road Andeflon, Le"i., ironmger, I Bridge .1. Leith me tic, &c.,6 G.orge .treet-boule S 110"-
l'rinc('s street .. aderson, Geo.~ Rosebank, Mayfield lOin bouse ~ I ard place
At\"'" ,lIn C. 18 Blacket place
•'1lcle~, ':un, ladiea' nune. 28 Jamaica .t. Annudale, Jamea, Clerk of 'Vorks, 11'
ning place
ca.: Armour, Roben W., accountnDt, 10 Bt.c- ASYJ.u)t, l\ll1IldaJeue, 181 Canongate
cleuch place ASYLUM for Industrioul Blind, .78 NicollOn
ADdlhOD, Ml'I, loc1glDB", 9G George at. ANNUITY Aasellmt.OfBee, 12 Roy. Exchuge Armstrong & Hogg, brassfounden, gufitten, street-Tbo•• WaUace, manager
ADclenoD, )Ira Dr i.. &0 AUnto st. ANTJQUAIlIAN Society, Royal Institution, ptumben, ~Inc and tin-plate wOl'kers, 50 :\JYl.UM fortbe Female Blind,lli811 Hendersou,
~, Mn D,. farrier, Hamilton's ent"y )lound-John Steuart and T. A. Smith, Lotbian road muU'on, ss Nicolson strcet
Andenoa, Mn,,46 South Clerk street 1I.D. secret.riet Arm.trong, John, draper, 12 Charlotte place Atkinl, George 0.6 HermitlRe place, Leith
ADderaoD, Kra George, 22 Ga)'6eld square Anton, James, ngent, 2 ToUcrolls Armlltrong, .Tohn (A. d: J{ogg), 1 Rutlaml st. Atkin80n, lease, clothier and ou&fitter,8 St
AndenoD, Kn Helen, 3 Ho~ atreet Apthorpc, Albert F., clerk, (Joint-Stock Co., Armstrong, Rob. pbot~pbcr, 63 Princes st. Andrew square
~~D;.)Ir, James, 29 St Bern.rd'. cres. Register Office), Excbequer Chamber. Armr.trong, Thomu, cl8hier, RanI.' 0/ Scot. Atkinson, John llalfour, S Royal terrace
.lDdenon., grocer, 12 Wrigbt's htt. Arbuckle, JOlIeph, cutler and bandage maker, Iand-hou!le, ditto AtkinlOn, J. T., Deput)'(~omptroner. General
Aodenon, Mra John, 20 St Cutbbert .treet '{'3 South bridge Annstrong, lV. stationer, &e. 18 Sandpurt st. Post- O.JIice, I Gay6f."hi place
A.Ddenon, Mrs John, Findboru place Arbuckle, A. grocer 13 Atholl place Annatrong, W. & A. cabinet &cloek case mkrs. AtkintlOll, R. coacb.hlrer, 8 N.-W. Circus pi.
Aaderlon, )lrs J. 2 SaUsbur)' .treet Arbuthnot, Sir Robert Keith, Bart. 16 Char· North Grav'" c)ose-ho. 18 Greenside row Atkinson, Thos., 1\I.D. and surgeon. deputy.
Anderlton, Mrs J. lodgings, Ii Rutland place lotle square Armstroug, AIrs, lodgings, 21 Nelson street inspector. general of hospitals, t 1 l\linto st.
ADders,'n 'Mn M. ladlea' nune, 16 Jamaica Archer, Gi1bert~ registr.r for South Leith, Amaud, Major IIeory H., H.M.Indlan Army, ATUS Fire & Life Assurance Co.'. offiet--
street 48 Constitution st., house 11 Great Junc- '" Windsor street W. 'Vhitc, 12 }'rcdcrlck 8t., H. Too, S9
Ander80n, lIra l\Iargaret, Ii Cheyru: street don street, Leith ARNJSTON Colliery Office", St Leonard'll York place, O. T. Chiene, 7 George street,
Anderson, l\{ra P. 29 Howe Itreet Archer, James, po.·tralt painter, 10 Roy. cret. DepOt, and North Bridge Atation agents
Anderlf)n, :Mn R. 4) B1ackf'ord road Archer, J. gardener, Hermitage, Lochelld road AmoM, James, baker, 'is Home street Aucbie, Alex. 17 Georgo street-boule, "
Anderson, lira, lodgings, W Alban)' street Arcber, Professor T. C., direetor of Indus- Amot & Ertkine, chin:J. mereh•. 60 West port Argylclquare
Andenon. Mn, 20 Coate. crescent triallIulIeum, .if; GUIDour place Amot, Rev. Dayid, D.D. 38 George square Auctiie, Ale>:., U Grange road, accountant,
Anderson, Mo, sick nurse, 1 St Bernard's Ar~ber, Mrll, .ick nune, 14 Queen st. Leith Amot, George, mlssion.,v, '1 Fyfe place CJydeAdale ban le, George street
place Arcbibald, Andrew, 41 Clerk street Amot, Mn, 8 Come))' Gi".-en plao; Aucbincloss, .J ohn, & Son, smith., North Rose
Andenon,l\lrs, ladfes' nurse, 47 Thistle st. Arcblbald, Andrew, baker, 82 Kirkgate, Leith Alnot, Missea, ~ }tutland square st. lane-hons,-', 15 St .Tame,· tlquare
Anderson, l\lrs, 18 MeivilJe street ArchlbllJd, C. baker & confectioner, 1 Archi. Arnott, A. meu.antite agent, 13 Salisbury st. Auchinleck, .Tohn, New-haveu park
Anderson, Mrs, 13 Stafford street bald place Antott, .Tames, W.S. S Wem)'!l8 place AUDITORS' Chambers, 16 Royal Exchange
Anderson, l\{rs Captain, Ii Roxburgh place Archibald, Davhl, farrier. 166 Rose Itreet Amott, .Tames, baker, ..." Bucclcuch street Aue. C. E., Ph. D.~teacher of German, 50-A.
A,.derllOn, MI.I, 7 Gcorge 19.uare Archibald, David, 69 Rosemount buiJdiDgI Amott, Jobn! W.S. I St Vincent street North Frcderick "treet
Andenon, Miss B. dressmaker, 16 Greenslde Archibald, Francil, Old Ship botel, 28 Shore Amott, J ••mallwllre mer., &c.• 129 Kirkgate AuM & Chalmcrs, W.S. 211'hhnle stw.!t
place Archibald, George, baker, 40 Jamaica .treet Amou, l\Irs Robert, wine a ..d spirit mer. 38 Auld, James. bootmabr, 897 LaWDmarket-
Anderson, )fiss l\Iargarct S. 6 Windmill st. Archibald, George, engraver, 8 Elm row Potterrow house, 'l'albot 1,lace, East I'reston street
Anderson, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 44 India pJ. Archibald, George, kee~er, County ball , ,
Amott, Mrt, .s Clarence etreet Auld, .lames, bootmakcr (tile Etli7l. Boot and
Anderaon, Miss, sen. of Winterfield,!l4 )n- Arcbibald, In. victual dealer, 3 Green.lde pI. Amott, Miss, 3 KiDg's placf!, Lcith walk Shoe JVarenouse) 21 Soutll bridge
verleitb row Archlba' 1 John, baker, 29 Piu street Arnst, Adam, artist, 31 India 8tr~t Auhl, .James,bootand .hoe mQker,513 Lawn-
Anderaon, Miss, 8 Lynedoch place Arcbibald, .Tohn, coal-agent, 1 George Itreet Arthur, Chill. flecretarv to the Edlnburgb & market-house 362 Casu eh ill
Ander80n, Miss, 34 North Castle street Archibald, ?\Ionis, grocer and spirit mtr· Leith Gas Co. 33 H~we street I Auld, .h., plumber and gasfittcr, 22l1ome It
Anderson, Misl!I, dressmaker, ·1.6 Coas,;tu. cbant, J Park side street Arthur, Geo.2 Wellington pk~e ',Aul<l ••Tohn, W.s. (Aflld 9' Cnal'llCrl, W.S.)
tion street, J.Jeith Archibald. R. tailvl & clothier, 18 North br. Arthur. R. & R. H., S.S.C., S;~ St .~ndrew sq.. 10 Duke street
Anderson, Miss, milliner, 8 Rutlnnd lllace Arcbibald, Mrs George, S Archibald place Artbur, Richard, advocate, 40 Northumber. i Auld, .J. coal mt'rchant, 37 wnnam IItret't
Anderson, Miss, Rosebank. lUay6eld loall Arcbibald, 1\IrI Margaret, cutler and bandage land street Auld, ,Tohn, shoemaker, 13 Heriot'lI buit.1ingl
Anderson, Miss, 10'l\lnl'),fleld maker, 117 Klrkgate Arthur, Richard, SoS.C. {H. d; R. 11. A.), 23 Auld, .Tohn, bootmaker, 9 Elm row
Anderson, Miss,5 Great King street ArchibnM, 1\Irs Wm. spirit merchant, J1 Mar. 8t An(lrew sq.-ho, Vlewficld, Morningsidc Auld, William, leather and gu~tl.percha boot
AnderflOn, Mistea, 4·'" Blackst place ket street Arthur, Rob. H., S.S.C. (/l. q- R. H. A.), is and shoe manufacturer, 407, 4St, Lawn-
Anderson, Misses, 35 West Nicolllon stret-t Archibahl, l\Ih:,s, ~ South.west Circus place S, Andrew square market-bouse, 20 Mesdow place
Andrew, Alex" grocer, wine and spirit mer- Archlbal(l.l\Iisses, 30 Pitt atreet Arthur, 'Vm. 4 RallkeiIJor street Auld, M1RS, matron,.John Watson'. institution
chant, 31 Couper street-ho. 7 Hope teT. ARCHITECTURAL Institute of Scotland, 89 Arthur, Wm . .79 Brougbton iltreet. Austin, 1\118 Elizabeth, 8 Mar), place
Andrew, Mrs,3 Hnry place George It.-Wm. Miller, S.S.C. 59 George Arthur, ?ttrs Andrcw, 15 Buccleuch place Auton, R. (N. /1. Colour Co.) 4 AI~mbly at.
Andrew, Mrs, " Elder street square, hon. IICC. Arthur.• Mi.l, 2 Wellington p13ce Ayer, .J.mes, tailor, 10 Catberine street
Anglesl William, t~a mc:ochnnt, 13.J. NicDlsoll AreuI, :AIrs John, lodging.., S!9 Stafford street ART, Scl,ool of, Ro)'al Institution, Mound Ay ton, Ed .... s\lrgeon-denc1st. 1 Charlotte pt.
street-house, la Clcrk street Ardmillan, Lor(}, 18 Charlotte square ';, ARTS, Royal Scottish Society of-han of meet- Aytoun ••Tamcs, 26 North NeJllon MU'eet

4 Downie place-boust>, 18
Angus, Jllmel 11. wine nntl spirit O1('rchnnt, AnGUS Life Insurance Co. 38 Frederlck .treet
-ScoU, Brucc, and Glover, 'V.S., agm"
inJr, SI Georgc strt!Ct-,John BcatBon Bell, Aytoun, llobert, 'V.S. S }'eUt... roW'
8('cretary, " 1I1ll.trect A)'toun, 'Vm. Edmondltoune, advocate, pro.
A! gus, ,T. plumber, brassfoundcr, and gas~! Arkley, Patrick, advocate, 29 Great King aC. ARTS. Uoyallnstitudon (or the Eucourlg~. res.or of rbetoric In,t benes lettres, sheriff
fitter, 5 Lothian street and 20 Ghai;cl st Arkley, lIiss Elizabeth, furniture scmpstntt, ment of Fine, Royallnstitutioll, lfountf of Orkney, 16 Great Stuut street
Angus, Robert, 76 Constitution street 26 Pleasance ARTS, The Royal Association for Promotion Aytoun, l\lrs, ~ Inverleitb row
Angns, 'fhoml~s, Imith, .60 Ror.e .treet ArkJey, MilK, 17 Casse))s' place . of Fine, liS Princes tltreet
Angus, 'Vm., agent, 1 Mnrkflt ftreet Armet, 'Vm. & Son, tailors, 8 E)der atreet Aecbroft, Peter, china and g1ase warebouse, B.UUIGTON. Mrs .Tohn, 2 Rnndolph place
AnguI, Mrtl C. 10 Dublin street Annitllgc, Ales. B. accountant, 40 Albanllt. 1.5 North-West Circu. place Hadenocb, G. R. !l9 Up(ltlr <Tray street
Angus, )fra, 2.7 Montagu street Armitage, Mrtl Samuel, 40 Albany.tree, ASlAY ,Goldlmitba', Office, 98 South bridge Batgrle, Ales. coal mercbant, 39 Barony 8treet
Angus, Mill Je~8ie, dressmaker, 47 India 1)1. Armour, Archd., Ihip-agent, ho. Wladorf, AI8I:MBL Y Room., Ii" George stroot Baigrie, Georgc, agent, i rar"aide tltreet.-
Angul', Miss, 12 Castle street 'Vardie ' ASSOCIATION fot the Reflvalof Sacred Music, See Adv.
Annan, J. pla.terer antI moclelJer, S. W'.,Armour, lIal'l1, priater, 54 South bridge- St Cecilh, Hall, RaDdolph pIACe-T. )1. Baigrie, GCOfP.'C, seed and hop agent, 19 St
Hunter, director l'ntrick square
Thistle street lane-·ho.• 8 Dubdal "treet hOU3e. 18 BuccJeuch place
Balkle, lame" (Ktloz, Sanlwl, ~ Dicu(JII), 6 Oain, 1\:IIss, 9 Trinity creaeent Bolgarnle, Jamea Hogarth. C.A. 9 North St Haptie, John, carpenter and house agent, 30
.. (~.rdllef·~·r:rf:acent Bain, Miu, 121 Princes street David street-house, 12 'Vest Brighton Earl Gre, .treet
Baikie, JM. malOD, Old Canonmillll house Baird, A., tea de.ler and grocer, 3' Home It.. crescent, Portobello Baptie,lln, 1$ Gardner's cre5rent
Baildcm, H.C.chernl.tanddruggllta 73 Prince. Baird, Alexander, chair maker, Mint, South BaUanline, .T. & Co. saddlcrs, l3-Lothian road Barber. Mrs, ~r, 21 Barony street
.tree' Gra,'. close Balll1ntine, Jas. g1ass-ttainer, house-paiater, Barber, l\Irs lIelen, lodgingll. 28 Indillllt.
Bailey, Jobo, boot & .boe maker, 'i8 PrinCt!'ll st. Baird, David, teacher or dancing, 59 South aud mural decorator, 42 Goerge street- Barbour, A., photographer, 47 Wbitfield pt.
Bailey, JobD,.IS Torphichen gtreet bridge house, Warrender lodge Barbour, George F., of Bonsbid, 11 Gcurge
Bailey, W. jun. & Co. merchants, IS Gray.. Baird, Jamel, spirit dealer, 8 Young street Bal1antine, ltobert, cunfectioner, 83 St Leo- 'quare
market Baird, James, fruiterer, 18 Stockbridge market. Dard stree" Harbour, Mra 6eo. 17 Gardllcr's crescpnt
BaUey, WiUiam,jun. & Co. clleanical Dlanure Baird, Joltn, & Sons, skinners, wool d~a1ers, BaUantyue & Co. printer", Paul's 'Vork Barduy, David N. clock and watchmaker. 9
manufacturers, 60 Snlamllnder street and leather dres'ers, Silver mills Ballantyae, .Tames, baker, 4~ Clerk Itreet- Rutland place
BUte" Ifr••Tohn, 6 West Richmond Itreet Baird, :fohn \V., W.S. 4 Drummond place bouae, 1 Uankei1lor street Burel.r, GCOI'ge, hat and ('ap mnnufacturer
BallantYlle, J. stationer and bookst>lJer, 491 Ilnd warehou'Jem:m, i2 Adam Square
17 Niddry street I
Bainte & Palmer, coach-maker., warehouse, I Balrd, John, lather and plastert'r, Low SlOugh-
BalDie, CbarJel, grocer and .pilit dealer, 12 Baird, Robert B. of Courance, 17 Leopold pt
Bernarlt street-house, 5 SUtnmerfield Barday, George, provision rilerchant, JSl
Bal1ant,) ne, John, historical and portrait I Cal10ngate
l\lora,ltreet I Baird, Robert, writer, 6 Leopold I,lace painter. It.S.A. 6 Abercromhy place I Barc1ay, Geo.(Bc,'1'!/,B.,.t: Co.), I Carlton tfr.
Baillie, Jame8, teacher, ... Marmion terrace, Baird, William (6.1' .• 0.). SI Minto etrect
Baillie" J. M., e.A. 16 NortllUmb!rlaDllst.
Baird, \Vm. plasterer, N. I'itt street-house,
IS Duncln street
Uallantyne. 1\1r9, 6 Great Stunrt Itr..:et
BaJta'IJtync, AIrs Wm.21 Droughton l,lace
Dallantyne, Rubert M. 6 Abercromby place Barclay, John, l'erbcna cottaJ:;", Sciennes hill
Barday John, teacher, Duncan placl!, Leitb
Barcla,. Lieut.~CoJ. I ... Coatell cre!!ccnt
Baillit', Jamea W., W.H. agent tor Western Baird, Mrs,21 Soutb Norton place Ballaatyne, Misses, dressmakers, [j,5 India Barelay, 'Villiam C. 'l:&intcr and giMer, !l
Life Auurance Comp:my, and Law Fire Baird, Mill, of Camelon, 4 s.-W. Cireu. pI,
Assurance Company, 20 Hill stteet-house, Baird, MilS, 18 Lt>Opold place
14 \Valker street BAKERS' House ufCall, 2 North bridge
Cemetery, 3 Warri.ton crescent
II Roxburgh place-ho. IS Drnnllnontl street
Ballen)" W. superintendent of tile Edhburgb Barctay, 'ViIliam. wright and undertaker, 1~
BailJie, John (};;:rn IUld B.), 18 Nelson tttreet Balbiruic, Jame... , clerk, 17 Al'thur street Dalleny, Airs John, 9 London strect . Barday, WilHam, umbrt:1la maker, (;9 EIl{)t
Bamie, John (8. J, Po/mel'), 20 Grange road Balblrnie, ,Tohn, engineer, superintendent of nalleny•.Misl, 6'1 Albaay street I Cro55cau8ey
Baillte, Nicbol, mercbt" 41 Soudl CJerk at.
BaUlie, Robl. G. of Culterallers, 14 Walk~r It.
Haroournnd Docks, Leith-ho. 3 Blluk pI.
Ferry road
Baillie, T. & N. provililon merchantB, 15 ,lie. Balcarras, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, .H
Ballingall, .Tamett, rrovi,lon deal. 71 Kirkgnte I
Balteuy, MillS, corset milker, 11 lhrket pt. : Darc1ay, Mrs, har.ket maker. toy lIud flinci'
warebou8e, 71 North llonovt.'r IItrl'ct
Balls, James, hote keeper, 83 l'rinces strceC Barker au(l Forbt:s, tallurs amI clothiers, :12
toria street London street BalOlain, James, " Eht Ad.m street South bri(lgc
Baillie, Waiter (Warrick a"d B.), 18 Due- Balderston, Mrs, 46 Ann street DaJmain, lIir.hael, agent, Clydesdale Bank, Barker, B Quctionerr Bnd commission agcm,
eleuch place Balde1'8ton, Miss, 23 Melville street Harmony bouse, l\Ioruingtide 1 Park street.
Bamie, Wm., of FalabilJ, lV.S. 2' Forth st. Bald win, lVm. W. T. 12 Rutland square Balmain, Miss, boarding school, 60 Gl'cnt Barker, Bernartl, clothes broker, J39 CowJ:atc
Bail1ie, lIrs Wm. R. 3 Nortbumberlll1Ul I'lt. 8alfour & Co. wine merchants, U Georgc King ttreet Barker, frands (lJ. ~. For/us), :1 GreeDllidC'
Bailllc, Mrs, 3 Atholl crescent street , Balmain, MIFIJ, tlmsmakcr, 219 High 1It:~ct row
Baillie, Mrs, sick.. nurse, 53 Bri8to street Balfour, Alexlltlder, teacher, neU'1t school, 21 nalmain, Misses, milliners, &c. 21 Charlotte Harker, Patrick, furniture dealer, J 72 Cow.
Baillie, Mrs, '1 Lynedoch place f.lOuth Junction street-huuse, Nortbfleld ttreet, J..eith gate
Baillie. lIrs, lodfl'ings, 17 (;.lovcr street Balfour, Antlrew, 16 St .Tohn's hill Balmer, Mrs, ladies' nurse, '0 Jamaica street J1nrker, Thos. ~9 Brbto strt'ct
Baillie, Miss, 1 Nelson str.·et Halfour, AndreW', regbtrnr of birth., deatbs, Bambrfdge Miss, oS Chrlitian bank Harland, John \Vading, SUf~('on, accouchLUr,
Bain, M'Nicol, & Young ( W. B. q' (,0.) Bri- and marringes for district of Canongate, BANK OF DEl'OSIT, Branch, 2-D St Andrew 81). chemist an(1 dru~gist, "5 l.fumc strect
tannia Iron and Wire Works, ~7 Cross. 163 Canongate--house, 7 Union street -Thos. Wallllce, S.S.C. manager Barlu, .Tames, secretary, ScoWs" (hwlII In.
eauley.-See Ad". Balfour, George Willinm, M.D., 2 Shan(iwlck BANK OF SCOTLAND, Bllnk at.-Branches, 99 It:ranct Co. New-battle terrace
Bain, Andrew, grol!cr aDd sp:rit merchant, 1)lace "eorp.c st., :md 36 COllstltution et., Leith Barlas, Uobert, land valuator, f'O Gihnorc pI.
u.s WC8tport Balfour, James, of Pilrig, Pilrig bou8e Banks, Alcx. jun. 22 St Patrick Iq. Barlow, 1\11'8, Clifton bank, 40 Ora Igc roa,l
BalD, Daniel,122 Causey:dde Bnlfour, Jnmt>s, 'V.S. .j. '!'histle court-house, Banks, Alt!x. engraver, 19 Union .treet Baruetson, Mril, 26 CI.fence Rt.
Bnln, D. accountant, 2 E. Broughton place 58 Great King street
IJanks, lienry, merchant tailor, 22 nuke st. Barnt'tt, Franci., r;;lu•• !laincr, 99 Constitu-
Bain, DonalcJ, grocer, t~a, wine, and spirit Balfour, .Tames )lelville, civil engineer, 13 Banks, John, die ar.d Ittlmp cutter, S9 South tion street, l.t·ath
bridge ' Bl.lruett, John, watchmaker R111i jcweller, 1
merchant, 66 Bristo street-ho. 34 Clerk 8t. AnnaDdale street
Bain, Gilbert, l\Iayfleld terrace Balfour, .T. H., M.D. professor of medicine Banks, Peter, S.S.C. 19 Mansionbouse roa ,1 I St .James' square
Banks, \Vm. & So"" engravers, prlnterl, amI n.uor<lY of Broughton I.odgc of I"l'ce Garo('-
Bain, Jamel, spirit merchllnt, 2 HillhousefleJd aud botany, 27 InverIeith rGW Iithographers,26 Wa.terloo place I ners-A. lliller, 1 Forth Itrect, treasurer
Dain, JOhD, llioemaker, 22 N.-\V. Circus pI. Balfour, John, & Co. corn factors, 136 CODlti- BanKe, 1\Ira R. spirit dealer. S5 Thistle street: Barr, Wm. grocer, 30 Cowl!atc
n-dn. Jnhn, boot and IIhoemaker! 69 Shore tution street Banks, Miss J. 2 Teviot roW' I Barr, Miss A., drt'slllnaker !lOll milliner, 132
Bain, Thol. cabinetmaker & upholr. 6 Coates BaIfour, J. 1\1. & .T., W.S. 4 Thistle court
place-houlle, 23 Dread street Balfour, John, 37 Ureat King street
Banks, Misses, 3 Mayfleld loan I COllongate
BANN,\TYNE CJ.UB-Davld Laing, lecretary, Barrie, Andrew, jeweller. c1o(:k and watch-
BaiD, Wm. (B. J.ll1N. and 7.) MayfieId loan Balrour, John .M., lV.R. 40 Thistle (ourl-
Bain, 'ViJliam, coach hirer, Dublin 1&. Jane house, Pilrig bouse
Signet Library
Bannatyne, Peter (National Bank), 3 South
I mlker (late Whittlaw..r /J.), ·J3 l'rhl~
house, 10 Duncln street, Drummonfl piece
Bain, WiIliam, Sciennes hill cottage B8lrour, Robert, Rccountant, secretary of Cif!) Fort street, Leith Barric, David, mlllon &. puvement muchilnf,
Doio, WIUlam, manager, Cit1 of Glasgow lIj' GlalgofD Lye .A"urallce Co. 10 Clare- Bannatlne, AIrs, 4 HeDdenon row Scotland street ltation-house, 10 Cumber-
blank, 12 Hanover .treet. mont crescent . Bannerman, Ju., D.D. proCessor of divinity, land Itreet
BaID t 'Villiam, banker, 6 InverJeith row BaIlour, Thorn.. A. G., M. D., JI George squ.r~ New CoUege, , Clarendon crelCent i Barrle, George, grocer nnd 'pirit dealer, -It.
Bain, Hral!arion, 29 Clareuce Btreet UaJfour, Rev. 'Vm. 16 St .Tohnts hill Daanennan,' Mn, I' Inverleith row Giles' ttreet
Baln, l\fr., .s North Bank street Sallour, 1\1",., 12 Maidand street Bannerman, Mn, embroiderer, ....B North St Ba,ron, John, accountant and (lepute delk 01
lain, )frs, broker and straw. bat maker, 1fO Balfourt Mill, 9 Hownrd plQCft
Cowgate Balfourt Mille. t 1 Union street
J.mes .treet '$
I teind., Queen 'treel
138' Bar EDINBUli.i~·H '\ :~D LEITH Bel Bel GENERAL DIRlOTOlt r. Ber 1:19
~t )In, 9 Mallliic.Jd p1aee Beaton, Hugb, coal mereht. 8 f'ountainb~ Bell & Co. boot and shoe maken, 33 Sftth Dell, Robert, wright, 25 Potterrow~,
'BarroD, Kn Margaret, 8 Eot Preston street "aton, John, spirit lD_bant, 4' ,,"veat bridge 48 Potterrow
BarrowmlJl, Mn, 19 St Patrick square ('rosscau'Juway Bell & Dodda, .hoemaken, 12 Vietom at. Bell, Thoro", .... lleDdenon row
BarroWDlaD, Mn, 1,. Keir street nuatson, nand, mercbt. Madeira I'. Leith Bell & ll'Leao, W.S. 5 Hilll5troot Bell, Tbomas, smith, Broughton market-boo
Bur,-. Bnah'hotel, '10 Queen street BeaUon, David (telsion.clerk for tbe clt7lt Bell and l\fenzie., arehit.ectl ud auneyors, 34 Barony It:rtet
BarrY, Brother., rag, Hln & leather mercbts., 12 Royal ExcbaDge, and Registrar of Birtli. 25 St Patrick square Bell. Thomas, 43 ladia place
.ft '8ick of Vaulta, Leith-bo. 68 GUea' et. &c. tor the district of St Gilea-Auistant, - ,ell. Rannie, and Co. wine m..rchants, 62 Bell, Thomas, waiter, 91 ROIIe street
'Barry, )In, 7 Warrlaton t'rescent W. S. Sutherland Conlltitution street, Leith Bell, WaIter, &. Son. slaters and chimnc,..
Baratow Dd Latta, C.A., 8()".a. India street Beatson, George ( Clark ~ Beauon) 21 Cbeyne Bell, A. & Son, ironmongers, 1 }t'rederick st. sweepers, aDd smoke curers, 9 Qtteentifcrry
lladaolomew & Law (late Metcalf it Co.), stred -bouse, 22 Rud.nd square ,r
street lline-housc, 8 aUace place
_Diner, and dressmakers, 29 Queen street Beat.on, ]fiBS, ... Mary place Bell, Alex. Melville, prof. of elocution aad ReU, WiIliam H. asaistant clerk uf MIllion, 10
BanholomeW', George, engraver, 20 Hadding- BeaUie, Ad am , (JVilliam Bt'¥Ittie cl: Son" "ocal ph,liology, for the removal of awn.. 'Vest Maitlan(lstreet
ton place builder.) Lauriston villa, I oluriaton p1ace mering, &c. 13 South Charlotte !lreet.,lnd Bell, Wm. power.Joom ~acking rope & twine
Bartbolomew. Jobn, & Son, engravers, .fr.. Be..'tie, Adam, DaIry noUle Milton Cottage, Trioity.-See Ad". manufacturer, Whitfteld pl"ft', Leith walk,
North bridge Beattie, Andre",6 St Ar.drew square .Bell, Ale". M., W.S. 11 Royal circus and 61 aO(189 Wcst botif
Bartholomew, .T. junr. West Wind.or cottage. Beattie, George, buiider, Grove street and.$ Bell, Alex. beadlc, St Stephen'. chureb Ben, 'Villiam, stock aIId .hare broker,2 North
Dick JJlaee Lothian rOlld Bell, Andrew B. advocate, 20 Great King tt. St Davitl .treet-boust', 15 Shandwick pI.
Rarton, Daniel, 14 Clarendon cretllCent Beattie, David George, IS Roxburgh street Bell, Arcbibald, bookbinder, -to Ellt Rose Ben, William, blacksmith, 17 Se Leonard
Barton, John, 3 Saunde....treet I
Beattie, John, auctioneer and appraiser, 20 .treet lane-house, 57 Hanorer ttreet strcet
Barton, WUliam, aceounta~t, 6 Cheyne .tret:! I West Nicolson street • Bell, Ucnj. surg. F.R.C.S.8 Shandwick pI. Bell, "'. bootcloser, 3 N. St Jamcs' street
Barton, Wm. teacher, EpIscopal Schooll 86 Bellttie, 'Vm. and Sons, budders and wood Bell, Benj. R. advocate, tberif of Banff, Ben, l\ln AtLim, L.rJ:6eld, Trinity
Junctlnn street merchi..:. 21 Bread st. and 15 F·ountainbr. Elgin, and Nairn, 5 Rutland square Bell, Mrs Robert, 30 lta,al circus
Barton, Wi11iam, plumber and gasfitter, 30 Deatde, W. ( ;IT B.~So1U), La.uriston gardens Bell, Ch.Lrles, M.D. ph18icilUl and accoueheur, Bell, Mrs J. B. Lander road
Candlemaker row Deatde, Mrs .T. 17 Ifeir street, Laurilton 4 Heriot row Bell, Mrs, ~8 Ea8t CI.remont street
Bartram, .Tames, bootmaker, 114. Nicolson st. Beattie, :Miss, 1 UnioD ..,},cc, TrinitJ Bell, Charles, 1 Steele'. place, Ilomingside Bell, Mr!l, 16 All''' ttreet
Buty, Margaret, 30 Hamilton place neck, Mhls .Temima, 5 Staffu,::' street Bell,, 14 cumherland atreet Bell, 1\In, W Fortb street
Bathgate, Oeo. T., seeretary, Scouish Trade Becker, .Tohn Frederick, 1 Union r1• Trinity Bell, O. Graham, advocate, 43 l\Ielville ft. Hcll: 1\Irs, flhoe warehouse, 14 Hnnoverfltrect
Prntection Society, 8 and 11 Rank It.-ho. Decker, W ••T. shlJ.l"broker, 21 Commei:tal pi. Dell, G. Hamilton, Charlotte sq. ReU, Mills. 2 Barony street
8 DuncaD street, Newlngton Beda, Eschricht, & Co••l.tip brokers .:d Bell, Geo., M.D., 16 AIV1ttreet I Bell, Mlsl Grace H., GreenhU1 part.
Bell, Gco. (Jal. Bell t £.0.), 1 Queen's pt. IBell, Miss .Jane, dreesmaker. 22 Calton hill
Bathgate, MisfI, :Merchant Maiden Hospital merchants, 10 Dock p1ace
nATUS. Pllblic, 12 Nicolson square-David Beda, A. W. Prus!4ian "ice-conlul, 10 Dock Leith walk Bell, MI8!C8, boarding and day school for
Little, manager place-house, 4 Queen's place !lell, Jamcs & Son, bell hangers aDd Venetian , young ladies, I.:tudcr road
Baucbope, .John, teacher, 19 Gayfietd square Bcddie, George, tailor Ilnd clothier, 10' High ~:ndow-blind makers,16A Soutb St Andrew '1IlendzuIJs, Hermann, tailor a.ld ~~othicr, 48
BUM, ))avid, 12 nuccleu~b place street streei West Regllter street
Buter, Edmund, 'V.S. 9 Hutland square Bedford, Frederick 'VilUam, J I ... D., bouee- BeU, J. A. ~l'chi~t, 69 York place llh:NF.vOLANT ADd Stranger', Fricml Society,
Baxter, Goo. china mcrcbant, 190 Canongate governor, George Heriot's ho ··.ital Bel1, James, & f'.o. wine mercllan18 and corn' 84 High street-Robt. ~ nderson, treasurer
Buter, .Tames C., S.S.C., 1 1I0we Itreet Boonle, Andrew,2 Drummond f!"'eC!~ factors, 50 Born~-d street, Leith . Benham, Jobn (Atfc1UJi71!l!Joatman, InchkeitA),
Bater, .Tohn, printer, 6 James' court, and IS ncgbie, Alex. shoemaker, 1 Infi '~a1'f 3treet Bell, .Tames, clock ant! machine maker, 19 I GralltclD pier
Nortb Bank street--house, 5 Lutton place Begble, James, M.D. pby!Sician t;, tile ~lQeen,
Baxter, .'ohn, 8 East Broughton place J.t. Charlotte street
Baltter, Peter, S.S.C., 36 N. Hanover street Bpgbie, .T. Warburton, M.D. 21 A~ la .·ree~
M'Dowall street

of Kincardinethirc, " Forrea Itrf!(.t

I! B£NIfAR Colliery Office, Haymatket &tation-
Bell, J. Montgomerie, ad,oca\.t>: and Iherift' C. Brown, agent
Rcnholmc, Hen. Lord. 76 Great King street
Baxter, Wm. clubmalter, 14. Queen street Beghie, John, cowfeeder, 4.8 Cros.e>'nR~~ and BeI1, .James, S.S.C. is North Bridge-l:"usc 11Jpnnet, Archlbald, sec. Bau/; rif Scot/c.nd,
Baxter, Mr" 8 Stafford street 147 High .treet 25 York plaee 8 Eton terrace, Abo CaroJine Lodge,
Dnxter, Miss, dressmaker, 61 Frederick street Degbie, P. 'er, 8 Denr place Bell, .James (B. ~. 4fj.), 22 Calton bill i Portobello
Bayley, Isaac, S.S.C. (M'Ritchie, B., t Hon- Begbie, Peter, coal merchant, 4:; : '.;;:I')tte Bell, .John, writer, 2S Cbevne street I llennct, Il.1ace merchant. 11 8m112 N. bridge
derson), 13 Regent terrace etreet, Leith-houae, 31 Coai(le:.f la'., Ben, .John Beatson, W.S. Agent for Church! and "' ... L~it!"! .treet-ho. 1 1.00«10n st.
Bayliss, Geor~e, lodgings, 89 Charlotte square Begbie, 'V. M. rector, 6 N" E. Circ:us ;,1,,/ .
Bayne, Alexander, Findhorn place Begbie, W. 35 Scotland street
Bayne, AJex., tailor & clothier, 8 Romi11y pI. Begbie, l\lrs, 5 Roxburgb place
• King strr ...t
Ben, John ()Jurn" & Be/I), 11 Bank street
of Scotland. 5 HIll street-house, 20 Great I Bennet, Forrtmt, WOtJU:'-l'1 .lraper, hosier, and
bitter, 96 Kirkg.te, Lcn:.
Dennet, .J., carrier, Albany cottagt}, I.#.ith
Dayne, Charles, fruifA.'fer, /j North St Andrew Begll, Rev. ,J., D. D. NeWington manse, GaJf • t UeB, Peter, 41 Gilmore plaoo I Bennet, Jame5, corn.factor and emigratio!'
street Begrie, )lrs I. K"ocpr, 78 St Leollard at!.. -t. nell, P. smitb and ironmonger, 9 North.west ngcnt, .S7 New Buildings, North bridge-
Bayn~, C. A. boot and shoe maker, ·16 Leith lleilby, Gt'o. Tbos., M.D. Burgeon, Falc.:-
Circus plar.e ; house,.; Hope Itreet, Cusels' place
c;;trcct-house 1\rurrayfieltl cotta~, Morningeide
Bell, Peter, builder, Patilon street-house Bennet, W. 39 Albany street
S9 Charlotte street, Leith . Bennet, llrs Lindsa1, 21 Drummond street
Bayne, .lamcR, S.S.C.!J5 North Castle street Heilby, Mra,7 IUndolpb cliff
Bayne, Ja.... spirit dealer, 7 Hall9ver street Beitb, Donald (lIfrtrra!l~· Bem.), 43 Cutle:st, Bell, Peter, smith, N ••W. Tbistle street lane Bennet, Ann and Maria, drapers, 138 Kirk-
Bayne, Jobn (Bo!ld cS" B.), ~9 Rose street Belford, Colln G. t. Dundas lttrect. Ben, Robert C., historical' &. portrait engraver, gate
2 Preston terrace I Bennett, .T. H., M.D. prof. or institutelll of
Bayne, Mrs, 13 Leopold place Delfrnge, W. hosier, glover, sbirt-makc..>J', ud Ben, Robert, dairy, 22 )faltbad street I medicine, unifcrsity, a11() consuhing ph,.-
Dayne, Miss LiliIlS, 7 Rankeillor street ladies' outfitter, 81 Georgo st.-huuw, fJ Reil, Robcrt, ( Wi,"mu Iron Wor... and Col-: stdaD, 1 Glenflnlas street
Bearup, GeorA<', merchant, 47 .Tunction strcet
Beath. A. 8 Glover street
8axo Coburg place
Belfrage, :&irs, )8 Nelson ,treet
lieric.1): 3 South Honoyer street. I Bennett, Mu, 7 Vanburgb place
Bell, RobertF. & Son, corD 'actona;:d chemi- Derk1c1, 'Vm. M. Linldlcld house, Greenbill
Boaton, A. dye!' nnd renontor, 3 Nelson It. Beljame, Monsieur, B.A.Paris, French .Iter,
Beaton, Don. grocer and spirit mer~hant, 6
Cowgate lleaa
19 Queen Itree~
DcH & Bradfuto, booksellers, 12 Bank It_ cal worb, Salamat.der 1It..-ofIice, S Unfoo ! Bmlard le Co., redi6ers, Leltb DittiHerr
place ~ Bemtrd, .James A. diltiller,'" Manor pl,ce

• -- . . -~--.------ •
Bemard, 'ftoI. ad la brewer., 11 North Bickerton, George (Edinburgh IMtitutim.), -----------------------
Black. Ates., D. D., 16 ClareDlont creaceDt Blackball, Dlvid. 179 Canongate
back Of Caongate 28 Torp1llchen street BLlck. Andrew, brusbmaker,29-A StAudrew Blackball, JOb 'V. bookseller, 2 N. New.
Demard, Tboma. (2'. to J. B.), 8 Leopold Biggar ud Stockraan, merchants, 10 Timber square-house, IS Cl,de street iDgton place
place :. , bUlh Black, D. If." H., 'Y.S. 21 SI Andrew Iq. Blackhall, Mn Jamel, 22 Upper (i1'k11t.
Bernant, M'n, noanlngton bank Bigger, John, house agent and undertaker, It Black, tobacconist, ~7 Princes s&reet Blackle and Son, pUblishers and booksellers,
Bemara.., Bobeli, bc-atbuilder, NewhAYen St Patrick square and 10 Leith Bt.-house, 8 Barony .treet $ South College ~treet
Bemiltcm,' Jam_, shipIDaster, 11 Portland Biggar, John, architect. 11 Rosburgh street Black, DIyid l\farcln, W.S. 2) SI Andrew BIllCkie, George V. gardener, 1 Summerfie1d
pl_a!:t'" BigKar, Waiter,).) Claremont crescent square Leith '
Berry,: .Y, " Co. eora.(actors, 127 Con- BILL.CRA)(Ua, Register h011le Black, Ed.ard, lurveyor, 50-A N. Frederlck mlckie, John S!\l3rt, professor of Greek ~"'
ltimdoa .treet BILLET-MASTE R'SOFf'ICE.Police office, Leith street Hill strftt . '
Berrr,' Alexander, 10 Soeiety Billing, William H., 22 Dean terrace Black. G., & J. Ca .., melsengen·at.ann5 and Blackie, J. R. watcbmaker, 36 Bridge fltree!
BerrJ, Ju. glao and china riyetter, 30 W. Billing. WiUiam H., homreopatbic chemin, sherifF.officers, 23 St James' Iquare mackie, John, tea, wine, and spirh merch.
, NortOD place J 9 Castle .treet Black, G. grocer, 9 Fox LaDe, Leith 3 S. College Itree&-house, 138 NieollOn Bt.
Berrr, James, addlEr, 13 Bread street Binnie, l\Irs, spirit dealer. 4.8 GlIssmarkt.t Blllck, Geo., ~3 St Jam~' Igu,re Ulackie, TbOl. mccer (C. of Se,.), 13 London
Berry, John, plasterer, 16 Calton JIltreet Binny, Grabam, W.S. 21 Duke street-house Black, George, druggist, , East Pilt street street
lJerr" Lawrence, pluterer, 3 Greenlide row 9 Hart street UI:tck, George, DiCK, West ntackie, lli.s, 10 Duncnn street
Beny, Robert f.nd Alex. builders, 12 Society Binny, John, W.S. 21 Duke street-·hoUle Black, Henry. 8Olic:ltor.21 St Andrew Iquare Ulackstock, .llrs, 2 Ah'a 8trL'Ct
Berry, Robert., 13 ClaremoDt crescent 9 Hart street Dlack, Hugb (G.P.-O.) 40 Model buiJdin~s Blackwell, .T. C. accoulltant, ~ Sprio.,fiehI
Berry, M. taddler, 11 CODstitution Bird, Hen. grocer & spirit merch. 2 Legat's Black, Jamee, M.D.p F.R.S.E., 2 Gc:orge sq. Leith t') ,

street, Leith land Utack, James, smith and machine maker, 80 mack_ell, l\Irs ft.. Somerville cottage, Leith
Berry, TbOl.) gunmaker, J N. St .Tames tt. Bird, Thomas, IDmir.~r, 26 and ~1 South Potterrow • walk
Derry, Waiter, Seacot houae, Seafield brid,:te-houae 3 Nlcoblon aCluare BJack, .James, 30 Saxe-Cc;burt! place Black wood, AJesander, shipmaster, 3 Fort
Berry, Mrs, of TayfMd, 13 Claremont creRct. Bird, l\I1'I, 1 India street lllack, John (G.1'.- 0.) 7 'Yest Arthur 1'1. street, I..ebh
Bertram, George, millwright and engineer, Birkmyre, Rev. John, D.D..... Comely baak Ulack, John, paper-ruler, Covenant close Hlackwood, Jas., W.S•• tock &! broker,
35 West Scienncs-ho., Sciennes Hill houae Birkmyre, lV. Fred. actuary," Comely bank Black, .John, iulvocate,52 Albany fltreet 19 St Andrew square
Bertram, Jas. engineer and millwright, Leltb Birnie, J. B. L., advocate, 33 Northumber- Black, John (eflg 1$ Black), 65-,& George It. Hlackwood, .Tohu (W. D• ..S· SOIU). 3 Jlau-
wall: foundry land street Black, John, cluthier, 13 S. Frederick street dulph crescent
Bertram, .Tamell, 14 Clerk street BirDie, Airs Susan, ladies' nurae, 3 Jamaiea st. -houae, 19 IntliB street IlIacI\wood, '1'. anet J. silk mercers, 43 Geo. st.
Bertram, J. publisber, 369 High street-ho. Birrel, Henry, wine antl spirit merchant, 1 Black, John, H. M. iOllpector of schools,.s3 Blackwood, "'m. ~ Ailll1Ue place
11 Melbourne place Salisbury street-houe, ~ Rankeillur pi. George Itreet Blackwood, "'illiam,and SUIlS, Ilublishl'rs ami
Bertram. John A. and Co. wine merchants, I Birrel, James, spirit mercht. li23 Lawnmfd'ket Black, 1\1. at 1\1. tobaceonlsUI and news agents, book~enel'1!. 4S Gt'Orge Ktreet
7 QualitY' street Birrel, John, spirit merchant, "'·a N. S, An- " Rosburgh place
Black, Peter, joiner, Hillhousefleld
Blackwood, \V. & SOUl,, 32 Thistlest.
Ulackwood, Wm. (T. 4' J. Blucl.:wlJoi), {)
Bertram, Mrs, Middlefield house drew street
Hertram, Miss, of Kerswell, 21 Ru\land sq. Blrrel, Wm. cabinetmaker, 347 Cowgate BLACK STAR Line of New York Packets, 2 Clarendon crelCl.!nt
Berwick, Wimam D.50 Albany street nirre1, Mrs Catharine, 15 Bucc1euch street Dock gates-D. Smith, ageDt Black wood , Mrs, ~ Auslie plal'o
Berwick, Wm. and Co. conl factors, &C., IS Birrell, Mu, 10 London street lllack, Wm. mer<lhant, 13 nallic street B1ackwood, AIrs Robert, S Arcbibald place
Bernard IItreet Bishop, J. B. engraver, 20 Annandale st. Black, 'Vm., Restaurant, 4ft Whitflt!ld plnee Blackwoo(l, M185, 14 Carhon stred
Berwick, l\[rs J. 1 Portland terrace Bishop, Jas. coal merchant, 10 Fon-Hopetoun Black, 'Vm. U. (J.P. Comlablc) 23 East mackwootl, Miss! 11 Charlotte square
Hethume, David, flesher, 1 So. Richmond Bt. Uisbop, John, 74 S. Clerk street Drummomi street Hladwor'b, lUehd. wbollule ironmonger, 3i5
Belhune. Norman. M.D. 12 Rutland place Bishop, John B. (Rogal Bank 0/ Scotlancl), Black, WiIliam, tea, wine, and flpirit mer- Higb atreet-house, Sciennc5 hill
cbant, 1 South Norton place-ho. 3 nIaik, David, engi'aver, 3~ Korth bridge
Bcthune, 1\trs, , Great King street
Bethune, Mrs, 4.0 Mclville streat
17 Brunswick street, Hillside
Bishop, .J. grocer, 83 Hanover street-hot 51 Black, 'v. aDd J. clothier" amI ~eneral 01lt~ llIalk, .James, printer, .5 Heriot mount
lleveridge, A. & J. merchants and c~mmi8Sion Bishop, W. C. fattor for Admiralt.y propert)", titlen, 13 Commercial place, NOl·tb I..eitb Blnikie, H. 1<'. practical engineer, 3 Comely
agent!, 37 Charlotte .ltrCE:t, I..eith 6 Annfleld, Newhaven
Dlark, W. ( 'V. and J. Black), 1." Commercial green ~Iace
Beveridge, AJex. (.4. ~ J. B.) 9 James' place, Bishop, Mrll,46 Great King street Place, North Leith Blaikie, Jamcs, 38 Nf!w Itreet
Leith links Hi.hop, Mrs, 39 A1bany street, Leith
Jllack, Wimam, 2 Hill place Blaikie, J.mes, jun. 38 New strCtt
BillCk, \viIliam, 11 Albanl street, Leitb Blaikie, Thomas (J. G. 'l'hlJ1I1Mm atzd (h,),
Beveridge, Ales. 17 Union place Bishop, )lrs, )8 Keir street nlack, Iln, 23 Piu 8&reet ~9 Se Andrew street, Leith
Beveridge, Daticl, tailor and cloth'er, 13 St Bisset, Archibald, milliner an(l draper, 43 Blaek, l\lrs, 6 Darnaway street Blaikic, William, pro\'isioll merchant, 3 Rose
James' IIquare Home atree' Black, 1\Ir8, 83 Great King street street
Ueveridge, ,Tohn, practitioner for synovial dis- Bisset~ .James, baker, 11 Clerk street Black, !\Ira and Ilis!!, (Boardillg and Bdllcn- Blaikie, Ref'. W. G., Pilrit; manu·, l)ilrig st.
east"S, 30 LomIon street BiBlet, .Jame,;, builder, ~o East Ctaremont It. tional Bltabluhmenl), 21 Forth strcet I Hlaikie, 1\lrs Alargt. 7 Windsor ~treet
Beveridge, .John (A. tS· J. B.) 8 Smith's pI. Billet, John, 8 Gayfield square DIIlCk, ,MilS A. lodgings, 15 Dublin Itreet mair, C., commission agent. 67 GiJmore place
})everidge, P. S., S.S.C. 38 Bem8rd street Diuet, lVemYlIs, painter amI glazier, 11 Hill BIClckic, John, market gardener, C}al'cmont nl:lir, Hugh (Hunter, B., alld Cowa1l), IJ
11everidge, Robert, baker, U London street place park ItClDt)olph crescent
Beveridge, Wllliam T. R. assistant elerk of Billet, Wm. jeweller and hair worker, 1& BlackatIder, .Tall. 3. Abercromby place B1air,Jamrs. drysnittr, 400 Leith street
Session, 39 Dublin street Rute Itret' lllnckburn, Major, 6 Eton terrace Hlair, James, 15 South Norton phce
Beveridge, Mrs Thomas Knos, 98 Lauriston BilHt, Mill 1\largaret, dreslmaker, 12 South Blackbum, Robert D. advocate, 9 Great Hlair, James, batter, 131 Kirkgnte
place Cude street Stuart Itreet Blair, .J. dairyman and gardener, Cherry bank
Beveridge, Mrl, 3 John'. place, Leith Black, Ad.m and Ch... book!eJ1era, 6 North Blackbum, Mr., 2 }i'orth stred Blair. Robert, Italian warch. & confer-tioner,
Beveridge, Mr. Maria, .pilit dealer, Bonning- bridge BJackh.U and Fox, grGCeFl, 211 Canongate 31 George street-house, .so
ton bridge Dlr.elr, Adam, M.P. 38 Drummond place Blackhall & Seou, comb manufacturers, 19 Blair, 1'., 'rirtt dealer, 6~ Cumberland !treet
Bews & Rendal1, corn ••genu, 1 "-elt Docks BIICk, A. and F. toy and fanel .are!lOU., and 21 New street and i2 North bridge lalle
Dews, J •.M. writer, 18 Elm IOW 87 Soutb Hanover Itreet

.... , "
B1air;~iln Jr. Jlarion,ille, Mercbiston BogIe, Rev. Wm. tachei-, Dr Bell'., lehool, Bough, Samuel, A.H.S.A. land.cape painter, Boyd, Major J. 'Yaddel4 stafl:.officer of pen-
~BtiIr, s BoBmng&OB place Greenside-houle, 1 Union pluo, Trinit1 2f Geo~e .tree,-hollae, s Malta terrace sioner.,21 Forth street
Blair. MIf John, ~ Alliaon eguare Bogue, lira, 16 Gardner'. creteeDt Boulton, J., capt. and Ilclj. Edin. City Artil· Bord, Rn. W. 6 Hamilton pI. NewiDgton
Blair; Mn W. D. 15 Howanl place Bague, Mill, 16 Gardller'. creseent lery Militia, 10 GaJfteld Iquare Bayd, Mra Andre., cook, 19 .Jamaica litreet
-Blair, lIn, IS :M". l&feet
Bwr, Mill J. Hunter, 8 Torphichen .tree&
Bolt, .Tames, ~rocer, 6 Dock place
Bolton and Co. sbip-chandlers, pain ten, and
- Bourgoia, Benoit, tayern, 2S Flelhmarket cl. Bayd, l\In, 1 HenderllOn row
Bow, JlDlel, baker, 6 N. College street Bord, Mn, So. Furt Street
Blair, M. ., ·15 Howard ,lace paper-hangers, 15, 16, and 17 Commereial pt 1InoOW, RMobt.nH., C.E. 7 South GraYllreet Boyd, Mn, register for serYlDis, 22 Had-
Blake, Wm. fishmonger, 16 North. Weat Bolton, David (Bo/ton and Co.), 5 Bank pllce fI, r. r, 7 South Gray sveet dington plnce
- Cire\u' place Bolton, lrirs, 7 Corunn. place, Leitb Bow, lfisll, 2 GiUeapie street Bord, A-lis., 21 South Clerk street
Bllkemore, Joseph, commission ageDt, Vie- Bonar, Rev. Andrew R. 3 St John street Bowack, Mrs Nicol, 6 Barony st. Boyd, Miss, ; Scodand street
&Oria groye, St Leonard's .treet Bonar, Jat., \\f. S. (Tllwse Ir B.), 15 York iJl. Bo"den, lirs, 23 St Jamea' square I Boylan, P. taiL & clothier, 15 St Mary's w,nd
·:Blanc, Victor, importer of ladiell' FreDch Bonar, Rey. Jobn, D.D., 17 York place Bowdea, lIrs, 14 Bruntlfield place I Boyle, Archibald T. advoeate, 120& Georse.t.
, boow aDd Ihoee, 69 George Itrc:et Bonar, Mn, 15 Ann street Bowe, James, merchant, 23 l\linto street Boyle, James. tailor, 10 Herio' buildinp'
,'Blue, William, grocer, 1 Huce1euch 8trcet Bonar, 1\Irs T. 96 Lauriston place Bowe, Mn Thomas, " Hermitage hill, Leith lloyle, Rev.•foseph, Albany strct:t, I.A!lth
Blan.hard, Geo. (Raimell, D., 4- Co.), 1 Carl- Bonar, Miss, 15 Gayfield square Bowe, Mrs William, 2 Smith place Bo,le, llrs, herbalist, midwife and medical
ton terrace Bone, Job, tailor, 22 St John street Bower, J. prov. dealer, 20' Canongate botanist, ,")8 and 60 Broughton ,'reet
Blanshard, Tholi. (Raime.,B., ~ Cu.), Smith's BONNINOTON Cbemical Compaay, Bonnington ,Dower, Peter, victual dealer, 188 Cowgate Boylc, )In, 22 London street
Bonnar, T. (B. ~ Oarfrae), 16 St Vincens st. Bower, lira M. 1 Rankeillor 8treet lloyle, Airs, staymaker, 21 Bank st.-house ..
Bl~!:~rd, Miss, Smith'. place Bonnu, Tbos. builder, Silver mills-OOute, Bowers, A. lodgings, ';8 North Cutle street BO)'I1P., Alcx. 'pirit dealer, 17 Sand port st.
Dowhm, llrs, ~ Herio' row Bracewell, Misll, dressmaker, 23 Canongate
Bleakley, John, boot and tih08 IDaker, 143 28 Scotland street
High .treet . Bonnyman, Mrs, 2 Shrub place DowbiU, lira,S Yocng street Bra(lbrook, RichanJ, grocer, Newhaven
Bleakley, ",Villiam .A. boot and shoe maker, Boog, 'Villlam, 2 Atholl I,lace Bowie, Andrew F. 1 Pitt Itreet, Bonnington Hradshaw, Johu, stationer auu gencrai ware-
88 'folbootb wynd, Leith Boog, Mn, 19 Grange road Bawie, Hugh, bookbinder, 9 Carrubber·. dosc houseman, 'i St I'atrick sq.
Blouom, '£. P. commission agent, 2 Moming- Boog, Mrs, 7 Fettes row Bowie, Henry, secretary, Phi!OIOphicallnlti- Brady, Thomas, wine and spirit mercbant,
.ide place Book, Alex. 11 Briato Itreet tution, Ediaforth villa, Wardie 129 Gra.~mal'ket
BLIND ASYLUM, SS and 38 Nicolson IItreet- BOOKBINDERS' Benefit Society- Aleundtr nowie, James, com. travdler, 3j, Clerk Itreet Braid, Andrew, ~1 St AJldrew s'lute
Sir A.dam Hay, Bart., t.reasurer; F. H. Car- Laing, Dank of Scodand, preeell Bowie, ,f. T., C.A., 39 Dublin 5treet Braid, Wm. victual-dealer, 17 Arthur street
Ita, see.; Thomas Wall ace, manager. Bookless, J olm, joiner, 11 Little KiDg street Bowic, M. and Co., .wholt'JIIle tea and coffee Braid, Wm. nccountant, 21 St Aourt>w sq.
PoUnd, School for the, 2 Gayf.~ld square-E. BOOTHSGREEN stay and sewing machine mercht~ . .i Blenhclm place Braidwood .famcs bookseller 910 Georgc street
8utherland, treasurer works, Canonmills Bowie, Mathew (.LII. B. (lndCo.) 39 Dublin Braidwool,Jamcs',tailor,12N.-,,-.CirculIl'l.
Blues, Wm., 40 South Gray street Booth, Wm. 20 Heriot place st~et't . . , Braidwooc.l, Jas. wholes. & ret. tea & cof. deal.
lilumenreicb, Rev. John, teacher of Hebrew Booth, ?tirs, 1 London street Bo"le, lill&el,. mu.Un pnntcrs and embroi- and grocer, 1 Sandport ,treet, Leith-bo. 11
and Germlm, 2 Grt'yfriars' place Borders, Fred. wood engraver, 1 London st.· derers, 87 PrmceI st. and 68 utili It. Bonnington place
Blyth, B0nj. Hall, civil engineer, 13'> Geo. st. Boreham, James, lodgings, 25 Cumberland st. Bowlby, Mra Capt. 3 H~milton pI. Newingtoll Braidwood, nev. John, 36 Minto .\reet
-house, Braeside, Whitehouse gardens Borland, Wm., general agent, 100 Victoria.C. Bowton, J.ohn, confecbOntrt 3 Hamilton pI. Braidwood, \Villiam ( W. ~ B.),"'6 Home"t.
Blvtb, David, house agent,20 Danle: street Borrowman, ~TohD (B. ~ Carr, joiner., &c.), i Stockbnd~(; Braidwood, Misses, 6 Comcly Green place
nIyth, Ed""rd L.I. civil engineer, 135 George Mackenzie place BoJack, BenJa\Din, boos and shoe maker, 11 Brand, Audrew mUlic leacher 1 P.terlOll's
Borrowman, Wm. victual dealer, 86 St x.r,'. Bill place court"
st.-bo. 36 Blllckd place
myth, Howard, 140 Church hill wynd Boyac:k, James, 15 R~c~mond place . Brand, David, spirit dealer, :u Wmiam st.
Blyth, Robert, officer of Customs, 15 Cannon Borthwick & Houden, C.A. 5 N. St DaYid at. Boyce, M1'I Joh~, splflt dealer, 13 COni&itu-, Brand, Wm., 'V.S. lIec. U";u,, Bit. S Nor-
tion street, Leith thuruberlatld s&
Btreet, North Leitb
Blyth, R. spirit dealer, 1 Portland pI. Leith
Borthwick, Archibllld, accountant, S Nor&h
St David street-hoe 11 UlItland equare I
Boyd, Bayne> & Co. fruiterers, "1 ~inces st. Uranti, Mra Robcn, India .ma, Canon place
BI)'th, Mrs, 9 Brunttlfield place Borthwick, David, chlmney-aweep, /j Green.. Bl)yd, A. B. ~3 ~bany ureet, ~lth Brander, Will lam, tiDwith and gl5fitter, 13
side place Boyd, Aw. mdlwrJght, Flora ha, Grove road! Canning place
Blyth, Mrs Chas. lodgings, 10 Baker'. place Boyd, Rev. A. K. H. 11 F~ttcs row • 3rah, Alex. grocer, 2" Yardbeads, J~ith
Blyth, Miss, 20 Bank Street Borthwit!k, Ja8. 14 Cloremont crescen'
Blyth, Yule, & eo; ~Iilses, milliners and Borthwick, James, chimney-sweep, 11 Ureen- Boyd, G. W. & Co. printer., 18 ~orth Bruh. David, wine and .pirit mercht. 18 Coal-
Bank street I hm, Leith-hou., 32 GUes' .treet
drellsmaken, 112 George street ,ide plACe
Boadell, Wm. shipmas&er,27 Albany st. Leith Borthwick, J.,hn, 6 Hamburgh place
Bayd, J. (B. BaYM, ~ Co.),
"E. Broughtoa I Bruth, Peter, 10 Eutfield, Leith
Br&t1h, Thomu, boot and IIhoemaker, 10 'Veil
Boag, D., stoneware merchant, 30 Water lane Borthwick, rrho. accountant, 28 Rut)aad se. BOyd, James, cablDetmaker, a Scotland It. NicollOn Itreet-houee, 33 Ricbmond place
Boag, J. n. wine merchant and familY8J:ocer, Borthwick, 'Valter, victual and I!pirlt dealer, Boyd, Jam!, L., s.S.C. (MurdDM t B.) Brash.> WilIiam, grocer & Ipirit defiler, 210
51 S. Clerk st.-ho. 3 Lord Russell place 01 FouDtainbridge So. Fort Street Cant'ngate
Boak, Allan, tanner, currier, & leather Japan- Borthwick, 1\Irs, 19 Great St1W1 .tree' :oy~, .lames, "Moray place Brash, 'f.Vm. grac. and wine mer. 13 lloIe st.
ner, 25 Rnd 59 \Vest port-ho. 15 Gilmore Borthwick, Air., sen. of Crooklton, 11 Atboll o,u, James, 61 Clerk street Brl8he, 1\I1u, dreamaker, 8 Roaeblnk
place Cft!ICp.nt Boyd, John, upholsterer, undertaker, & ap- Brebner, Alan, ci,il engineer, 1 Comely
8oe, S. provision merchant, .f, Market .t.-ho.
13 High street
BosweU, Alcx. brush, trunk, portmanteau,
and bellows manufacturer, 8 South Ha.oyer
praiser, 2 York place I Green pll1ce
st. and ",0 Nicollon .t.-bo. 3 Hope park :Oydd' 'Jfo1&n, jun. 3' Alban1 'treet Brcchin, \Vm. teacher aDd publisher of music
Boggie, Alexander. 408 E. Claremont IIveet 01, n. (O/iHrt B.), 21 .l\IelviJle .treet 2S Cumbcrland It '
:J3oggie, W. 16 Brought'>n pl~e BotweU, Mrs Colonel, 8 Manor place Doyd, Samuel, mercht. tailor, S8 Shore, Leith Brecbln, R. M. wholCllle agent, ~ North br
Bogfe, Jamea, smith, So.-Ellt 'l'hist1e st. lane BOTANICAL Society, 6 York plaee Bo~~~hos. J. (O/i"", t B.), 11 Regent Breck, Alex. slater and glazier, fS Howe It. .
Bogie, Wm., M.D., 19 Blacket place BoTANIC GARDENI, InYerleith row
Bouch, Thomu, ciyU engineer, cbamben, 78 Bremner, A. drJsalter, .tc., 2 East Adam at
Bogie, Mias, lace cleaner, 22 llole ~treet Boy, d Thomson (O/itJtr .. B.), U Ro,11 Bremner, EbeDezer, bookteller and .t.tlone;
Boglc, Andrew, W.S., 2!l Caltle stree:-houle, George .treet-hou.e, 6 Oxford terr_ terrace 12 Lei&h street-ho. 30 Ro.ebank c:ottt«es'
~I St An(lrew square Bouchard, J. 31 Spring gardens, Abbey hiJI

" .., \ ~
BreDiaer. George, eomectiooer, 229 Canon- Brodie, Nin.. shoemaker, , Charles street - - I
Brown, Rev. Chat. John, 39 George square . Brown, John, goods superintendent, E. P. ~'
.te Brodie, Patrick, manager (Briti," Lintn (4.) , Brown, Charles, \\'ri~ht, 2.. Wright's bouses D. Railway, Bridge ,)lace, BonningtoD
Breauler, D. writer, .$2 Broughton sn'eet 1.l Aiholl creteent • t Brown, D. water officer. 6 N. St Jamcs'lIt. Brown, .Jobn F. teacher, 1 Upper Gray st.
"_nef, EMnear, aceountant (1'1' Nicm /I, Brodi". Lieut.·Col. Thomas, 21 Greenh1ll Brown, David, writer, 12 Northumberland Brown, Capt. John G. i!5 Mcl,iUe street
CaIIt'I'on) 30 Rotebank, Gardners' crescent gardenl street Brown, John H:lrric, of Quarter, 2 llelville
Bremner, flulb. W.S., 1 Dundaa street Brodie, Wm. sculptor, n.S.A., 9 Coates place Brown, David, 1 Eyre place street
Bremner. Wilhe1m, tailor and clotbier. IS -house, 1 TorphicheD street Brown, David (B. ~. T.), 540 RankeiUor st. Brown, John Kid,l, 48 l\linto &treet
Btair street 8rudie, W. (H. White and 01).), 1 \Vint:IOI'_t. Hrown, David, grocer, &c. 29 Clerk street- Brown, John O. :lltj~t and designer, IS St
BrelDner, Ma Colonel, 23 Danube street Brodie, 'Villiam, printer....9 N. Richmond It. hOllle,31 . James' square
Bremner, 1\ln. 8 Castle street Brodie, 1\liu, 10 Hartatfeet llrown, David J. bake.., 55 Clerk street, and Brown, Uev. J. E. 24 Atbany street, Leith
Bre,uge. AdolphUl, 29 Gilmour place Brodie, Misl, .8 Alban1 street 161 Higb street Brown, .John (J. B. ~ Co.), !la Gt:Orge &trect
JJncmann, F. J., 19 Commercilll place, Leith Brodies & Kennedy. W.S. 59 Northumb. It. Brown, D. R., chemist and ,lruggist, 1 St' Brown, John. clerk, 50 Dl'unswick stl'cet
Bi.i4gerord, D. F.,2'; Torphichen street Brody, C. M., 49l\finto Itreet John street Brown, John, 25 India street
BrhJgeford, D. F., S.S.C. 72 Princelltft-et Brolocban, Andre..," Bristo port Browll, F. French teacher, 26 Frcf1crJck st. Brown, John, \V.S. Cou1I11I roolll$-house, 2
Bridges, Archibald (H. M. C.) 71 St Andrew Brolocban, Gt!orge, " Brown', place Brown, Geo. timber merch. 29 Horse wynd- Gllyfield place
Itreet, Leith Brook, WilIiam, nlt.clift'e place, Causeyilde house, 33 Brown, Joho, fish salesman anJ commission
Bridges, JII., \V .S. 10 Hanover street-ho. Brooks, Abrm. spirit merchant, 87 Rose It.- Brown, G., baker, 1 Rose st., 201 Higb s!., agent, 16 Lothian street
8e18eld house, Muuelburgh boo S Young stre..' & 1 Patrick sq.-ho., 9 Rose street Brown. John, grocer and wJue merchant, 136
Bridges, )irs, 2 Bowling Green ,treet Brooks, Mines, "1 Great King stmt Drown, Rev. George, 29 Blllcket place Nicolflon street-house, 6 Ucaumont pt
Bridges, Mr., 21 Dundas .treet Hrooks, Miss Jeuie. 8 Nicolaon square Brown, George, baker and confectioner, 5 & Brown, Jo!m, shoemaker, 12a Nicolson st.
Brims, Andw. & 80n, bnotmakers, 61 Brough- Brotchie. Rob. & Co. wholesale tea and coffee 6 CbarltJtte place Brown, John C.l:tndscape painter, 10 8t Vin-
ton street merchants, 8 & 9 l\litehell street Brown, George, cabinet maker and upbolsterer, cent street
BnlTANNIA Life Assur. Co.-Hugh Ross, Brotchie, Robert (01 R. B. t Co.), 5 John" 169 lWac st.-bo. 13 Cbarlotte st. Brown, Jolm, agl'nt, 1 Gilcs' street, l.eith
\V .S. agent. 1 Piu street.-See Adv. placll', I.eith . Brown, Geo. Gordon, Procu.rator Fucal', Brown, .John Crombie, ·~G Soulh Clerk street
BluTlsn and Irish Magnetic T,,]egraph Co., Brotherston,Geor~e, dairyman, 2f:9Canongate Qllicc, ('hunt!} Buildings-ho. 8 Kerr .,treet Brown, John, grocer llnd wine merchant, 16
(Limited) 63 Princes tltreet Brotherlton, 'ViUiam, weigher, St Leollard', Brown, Geo. blacksmith, 9 Citadel, Leith St ADthony plac(,.,-house, I Grove Itree"
BnlTlslI no<l Irish Magnetic Tcltgraph Co., cle~ot Brown, Henry, merchant nnd commission Brown, John, writing engraver. a Calton hill
(Limited) 29 Bernard street, Leith - Tonle Brotherston, 'ViIliam, hoot and shoe maker, 36 agent, lOO Grassmarket-ho. 2 Mound pt Drown, Jobo, lI.U., It\It.C.i>. ~ Itutland
Mnlcolrn, station master Buccleuch street Brown, Hugh, crystal & Statfortlshire ware- 8tft.'tt
.BRITISIl E)II'lRE Mutual Fire and Life As- Brough, William, 2 Morrison street house, 5 Low Ma:ket street n-own, .John, and Co. bootmakers to Her Ma-
. Brown, Hugh, tanner, currier, and leather jesty for Scotland. 12 &ut1l St ])afitlsL.
junr. S.S.C. agent. I
suranc.:e Co. 21 Elderat.-John Robercson, Brougham, l\irs, 51 G60rge square
Broughton, llrs Major, 21 Inverleitb roW'
BRn'lsH Equitable Assur. Co.-Wm. Tbom· Broun, Archd. advocate, 15 India ttreet
merchant, Gulland's close, 264 Canongatt.'- Brown, .John, butcher, 7 Shrub pl.-bouSfI ...
house, IS St Johnts hill llrown, Jobn, 9 Shrub place
sou, ageut, 8 Elder tttreet ,Brounellu, 1\Ion., teacher of dancing, and Drown, Hugh, bookaeJlerl 111 Nicolson street Drown, Jost-ph, and Co., wine merchants, :2,
BIUTISU GUllrantee Association-R. E. Scott, I caliethenic exercises, 8 Darnaw8Yltreet Drown, J. WiIliaml, S Great KiDg stree' I;"rcderick street
C.A., manager, 121 Princes st.·-Sce Adl~. I Brouncau, Madame, teacber of Ca1iItbenic BrowD, J. M'Kerrel1, 10 Ann street Bro~n, Lieut.·Col. 29 CumberJana strcet
,. BluTlsuLeagueofJuvenileAbstainell-office, I exercises, 3 Dllrnllway street Brown, J. 20 Statford street Hmwn, Matthew, eabinetmakcr, 3) and lit
East Assembly laue, .53 Uose street-Geo.\ Brown & .Tamicson, bouse joiners, car· Brown, J. B. writer, 2 J.ord Russell pl:ace St Leonard street
! l\FGibbon, clerk penters, and undertakers, Hope street lane Brown, James, smith, 62 Fountainbridge Brown, Richanl, 5 George I)lace

BUtTrSH Linen Company Bank, 88 St Brown & Pearson, accountants, 128 Georft8lt. Brown, James, draper, 16 Tolbooth wYDd- Brown, Robert,lincD manutllctUl'er, Watf!r of
Anarew square-Branche.., 45 S. CJerk Brown and Tregilgas, clothiers and taiJOft, house, 2 'Vellington place Ldtb
I street, and 48 Bernard st. Leith 56 New buildings Brown, James, plumber and gasfitter, 3 Rose Brown, Rubt-rt, conI merchant, Ben bar col-
BRITISH 'Vine \Vorks, Laverock bank Drown & 'Vardrop, architects 19 St Andrel' street lier), office, a Haymarket, Spiualfield bouse,
I- \ DltlTlSB Life Association, 9 N. St David st. square ' Brown, James, buoymaster, Northern Lights, and 77 St Leonard street-See Ad".
. Broad, WiIJiam, J Pildg place Hrown, A. bookseJler and binder 13 South 11 Madeira place Brown, Uobert, of f'irtb, 29 George square
James, of Carr1e, arcbitccf. 20 Pitt st. Brown, Robert, (Ill/and }levenue), )1 Glover
i Droadfoot, John & Son, Australian merchant~, College street '
I agents, ibip and insurance brokers, 16: Brown, Adam, 126 Plensanc~ Brown, Jas. Governor Canongate Poorhouse &trce', Leith
I,.ssembly tltrcet, Leith I Brown, Alex. groCl'f, wine and spirit mercht. Brown, James, 5 College street
Brown, James,4 Cliarlotte square
Brown, Robt. grocer and wine merchant, 1
Duke street, Leith-ho. 7... Constitution st.
llroadfoot, Mrs, 18 Royal terrace i 33 Piu street-house ,~ Jamel A. "Charlotte square Brown, Uobert, teacher, Hean path
Drockie, \Villiam, baker, 18 Greenside street i Drown, Alex. 8 Blackfo;d rnalt
-house, 12 nrolu~hton street I Drown, Alex. 42 Cumberllln<l stre,t James. cut-glua manufacturer, dealer Drown, Hobt. house painter, 14 Bedford st.
Brock~c, M.iss, 5l :Frederick str:.eet Brown, Alcx. Lauriston lJark • and stoneware, 43 London street Brown, Robert, 2,') Upper Gray street
P.rockle, MJss, clressmllker, 39 George street Brown, A. C., Artbur lodge, D,tkcltb rold Jllmcs, ham shop, 72 Leith Itreet Brown, Uobert, draper, 37 London street
llrod~lock, 1\Irs, :1 Rutland ~quare Urown, Uev. Alex. W. Dean bank lodge James, deaJer iD watches & Jewellery, Brown,Robert, groccr and provision merchant,
llrodle, .1. & H., house Illnnters, 19 Green~ Brown, Andrew, tailor, 24 Rose street ·u 170 Pleasance
sld~ place-hnusc, 16 Brown, Rev. Archtl. 7'; Adam square • Crown, Jamea, spirit merchant, 16 and 17 St Brown, Hobert Hope, Spitblfleld hOUI!, St
Drodle, Atexander, 10 Oxford lerrace Brown, Chas. clock ond watch maker 40 BrJlto Andrcw alr.:et, Leith I.eonard's street
Bro<lie, David, M,D. Beech bouse, Ncwin!!ton ' street-ho. 3 Salisbury &(lusre ' Brown, James, gardener, 6 Bristo place Brown, Rohert,:1 Downie place
Brodie, Gcorge, advocate, 20 NorthuJnberlaud I Brown. Chas. coal merchant, 3 H,ylftarlret Brown, James, confectioner, 122 NicollOn st. HrowD, Stuut,!ill Ann .treet
street and 75 St Leonard's street-hoe Gibraltar . Brown, James, lurveyor of woocil, 17 Minto Brown, Cap&. T.,lUayfleld cottage
Brotlie, Jotm, engraver, 1 Farquharson place houl'e street Brown, Rev. Thomas, 8 Comely bank
Drodie, .John C.. \\".8. (Gibsoll. Cmi!J,f, Dol- Drow", Chatlf's, paintn gbzit'f &0. U , Brown, James, coro ••rander, ,,0 Whltfield Brown, Thoma., wrigbt, 6 Poplar lane, Ldlb
::ir:l, ~'lJrocli/:), ':l6 Mora i Lothialt stn:e' ' , place -boul!e, 1 Pdmroae etreet
l • 1
------------------------- ----------------------'---------~------------------ .---------
BIOwa, Tho.... aclYocate, 8 Albrn place
Browa, Tbomu, wri&er, 10 TorpbiclieD street
Brown, Mrs Robert, 10 l\Uddleby Itreet
Mrs Samuel, Grange loan
Bruce, l'eter. writer, 2,(, Queen street : Bryceson, lliss,1 Hope Park square
Bruc&, ~obt. bricklayer and furnace builder, i Brydcn, G. &. A. mercbauts, 281 Canonga\.e
Browa, Tbomu J. 18 Clarence street Brown, Mrs Wm., 30 Rutland squara 23 Umon place I Bryclen,J. &. A. buildcl'!, Cott~p, Summerhall
BroWD, Tb.,..., cabinetmaker, ~1 West BrowD, Mrs Wm., 3 Heriot mount Bruce, Rob. Glru;goW' tem~rance hotel and I Brydt'n, .James, Tall)Ot pI. .B. -Preston st
Nice1aon... Brown, IlIss ADne,5 Greenhill gardens lodgings, 35 Leith street ',Bryden, James (J. B. ~. Sons), 27 Dunw
Brown Thomas, engraver, 15 Clerk street Drown, Miss E. C• .; Atholl place Druce, Robert, M.D. 29 York place street
Brown' Tbo..... cuter, 9 Assembly It. Leith DroWD, Miss E. dressmaker, 7 Duke street Bruee, Robert, 13 BrowA street ! Hryden, James, letter carrier, '2 P.mbn sc.
Browu: ThOl. arast, and tcacher of drawing, Brown, Mill Marion,3 Meado" plaee Druce, Rev. Wm. 43 Gilmore place ; Uryden, Jumes, smith, 8" CaUSf'f8iu~
41 Qu\~en street Brown, Miss, of Newton, 21 Stafford Itreet Bruce, Wm., LL.D. 13 Dundas street ' Bryden, John, Se Sons, bcll-hangt ..... Vpoetiau
BroWa, 1'homas (B. mul W4rdrop),32 Royal Brown, Miss, ... Rankeillor street Bruce, William, M.D., R.N. 1 Howard pL " and spring~roller blind maker:cJ, 10 F,edt....
terraee Brown, Miss, dressmaker, 1 So. Charlotte se. Bruce, 'Villiam, leather mercbant, [) Union rie:. street. and 112 Buchanan 'It. Glugo"
Brown, Thomas, Edinr. Gu Co. IS New st. Brown, Miss, matron, R'J}'al Edior. As,1um. place Brydco, .T. M. (J. B. find .li()n.'I). 23 Fettelj row
Brown, Thomas, 18 St Vincent street Brown, Miss, 3 Jamaica street, North Leith Bruce, Mrs Dr, 17 Broughton place Brlden, John (.!, B. ,0.; Scm. ,), ~7 Dundu 8&.
Bron, Thomas, cheDlist, 13 Charlotte place BrowD, Miss, 6 'Vat Claremont street Bruce, Mrs .John, 2 Willhlm street Bryden, John ( W. B. flnt! Sou), I HOYe It.
Drown. ,V. advocate, S8 Albany street Brown, Mils, 50 George square Bruce, l\[rs 1\larg&ret, 5 AlUson .quare Bryden, \"Im. & Son, b3H.hangers, Venetian
Brown~ \Valter, secretary National IDsurance Brown, Misses, S \Vharlon place Bru~, Mrs William, 29 York place I llnd roller bUntl manufacturers,;)/j George
Company, 16 Blackford road Brown, Misses, boarding scbool, Blacket pI.
BrowD, W. & 'r.) wood merchants, l\lontgo- Brown, Misses, 8 AlbYD place "
Brucc, 1\lrs, ladics' nur..e, 2 Hamilton place,
I street and. ; Uoyal bank place, Glasgow
Bryden, Mrs, gardener, Morayfield, Leith
mery street-houae, 41 London street
Brown, Wm. Ihoemaker, 57 Bristo street
Brown's Phronix Temperance hot,el, 11
St Andrew street
Sou.. Bruce, Mre, 2 GleDftnl• •treet
'Bruce, Mra, 24 }{elville street
Bry,len, l\trs Wm. I lIowe street
Drydon, .J. jun. paper, rag, cotton-wuw, and
Browo, William,amith, Brown's place, Leith Brownc, William, 5 Scotland street Druce,Mrs. trqln. of Symbister, 25 Hadding- metal merchant, 196 Cnnongatt'
Brown, Wm. A. hairdresser. 52-house,25 Browne, W • .A. F. Commissioner in Lllnaq, ton place i Bry(loo, James,jun. fleshcf , :11; Kirkgate
Bridge street 12 St Aodre" Square ':·'.Bruce, Mre, superiDtendent. lock hOIPltal'I' Bryclon, James, woollen and linen draller, 2~
BroWD, \Villiam, hosier, glover, and shirt Bro"ne, 'v. F. 2~ Albany stree*, Leith ,~1\01111 Infirmary' Grassmarket
merchant, 43 Leith street and t3 North Browne, Miss E. 138 George stree*
Bridge:: Itree,-houlet 'T Annandale street Browniug, Archibald, late druggi.t, 1 Welt
BrowD, W. provision de&ler, 138 Rose street RichmoDd street Bruce, ,Miss, at. Ann street
;Bruce, Airs, tcmperanoo eofft.-e-hoUIC and Brydone, J. llnd Sonll, printers, engra.ert,
lodgingtl, 1l\li1ae squaft: lithographers, publlsherlll, and nookaeUen-
Railway Directory office, 12 Elder Itn,,'
Brown, Wm. fruiterer, J::, So. Hanover street Drownlee, Alex. stabler, 18 Gnumarkel- Br'lce, l\1iu, 1$ Brunswick sU'et't, Hillu'!e I Brydonc, J. "80ns, jcwcUerK, artiates in bair,
and Charlotte Place-house, Canaan lane house" 20 Bruce, MillS, 10 Moray place I and cl"n tartan,w:lrk warehouse, by lpecial
Brown, Wm. (11. d; Jamielon) SI Stafford st. Bruce & Cunningham, civil englneerl aDd Broca, Misses, dreslmakel'8, 69 BroughtoD st. I appointment, to the Empreu Df tht) l<'re::ch.
Brown, Willidm, provisioD merchaD', 5 laud valuatora, chambers, 21 Casde .treeS Bruce, ittisses, 16 Scotland street I 29 Princes street
&roD, stre~t I Bruce & Son, bu~hera and powtererl, 9 BrUOIb" Miss l\fargt. drellt'A&ker, 9 Tbistle 'Drydone, Uobert (J. B. ~. So~,), S9 DubliD
Brown, WilIiam" 26 High Calton '1 Baxter's place dtreet strcet
Brown, \Vm. surgeon, F.ILC.S. 25 Dublin st Bruce, Alex&ndar, jewel-case aDd pocket-W BfuDtoa, Adorn, uphoIHterer, 27 Howe stree' Dryson, Alex., lie,. Majest,'. elock mabl'
Brown, William, shipmaster, 39 Albany st. manufacturer, 10 South Hanover Itree' Ales. cooper. ·1.3 Abbey hm for Scotland, .& In,erlehh terrace
Ldtb Bruee, Alexander, S.s.C, 2 ThiaCle coan- .lames, taiior, '1 Drummond street Hry600, James, optician, HO Princes street.-
Brown, Wi11lam, 19 Salisbury It. house, 8 Nelson street J. tailor ant! clothier, 9.5 Princes st. house 'l'rinity crescent
Brown, 'Villiam, R.N., 2.& Blacket place Bruce, Charles, (agent B. of Scotltmd, alii -house, 2 Great Stuart meet Bryeon, James, Scottiah Union Insurance In-
Brown, Lady, 11 Eastfield Tow" branch,) 2 GleDfinlu st.ree~ Wm. and Co. cloth tDereblnts and .~ctor, .. '1(.ieo~ st.-houle,24 BCl('.cleuelt
Brown,.l\Ira, " Preston te1"tace Bruee, Daniel, carver, gilder, pIcture-HIlI', warehousemen, 13 Nieolaon 11u• ro place.
Brown, Mrs" ladies' nurse, 32 Buccleuch st. and restorer, 12 Greenlide ptace ...., Wm. (W. B. 4' CD.)" 27 GeOl'fJel Dr1lon, ,1obn, 'Watch and clo.:K maker, 80
Brown, Mra, baker, 98 Canongate, aDd 18 28 Ga,field aquare square George IV. bridge
High .treet Bruce, Dand, tleaher, 17 & 18 Middle market ....._,U<_ A. H. 13 Rutland square Bryson, Rob. and Son., chronometer, watch
Brown, )10, grocer, 1 !!u.. Sciennes street Bruce, Dand, nroviaion dealer, lS1 Hiab" Andrew, plumber, 6 So. Mehille pl.- and clock tbakers inoroinary to tbe Queeo,
B ro"o, Mra Abram, 8 1\1 L~' • B G ,- 1 • & l--d ..ftll ~ 8 Grea.. Stuart Itreet 66 Princes street
terrace ruce, • C. clvi engmeer, .... , UI , Da,id, --hitect, 1°1 ~-rge .tree.. Br'llOn, R. (R. B. aM &",), IS Bmntlfleld
Brown, Mra Alexaodet, 2 Sab,~'UY It~eet chambers 21 Cutle street-h4M*, I WeI& -" ~ U1:V
Brown, llrs Andrew, 1 Auburn pI., North 1\laitland streel Dnvld, juuior, architect, 29 Fred. st. place
lt'ort Itreet Bruce, George, (TAom~n, EIMr, _ J., Jamet, gunma]cer and rifle manufae- BrylOn, 'VilliAm, leoiol', carver and gilder, 18
BroWJl, lln, 20 Howard place
Brown, )1 rI" Bellevue, Tnnity
'11.1'_ C J b ~.. nJ::: "&cl I ')1 B
W.S.) 2 Glentlnl.. ttreet
Bruce, Geo. corn mercbant, 6 Bald.,
H F' dh J
.t. ' 36 Welt Ref5ia&er street-'houae,"
Lothian etreet
Re,.Jamel, D.D.9 Hopt! terrace
Lenpold place
B1'1IOD, W. jun. (Scott"" Pm,)# Findhom
place, Hr&nge
Brown, mrS opt. 0 D u-cO. -- .1.1 e VI e ruce, en~, In om p ace John, wine mer~bant and gracer, 13& Bucha", AJex.leCretary to the Meeeorotosie:U
street BNce, Hugli, advocate, 10 )foray pu s&ree&-houw,1 Cambridge street Society, )0 St Andrew
Bro"n, )Ir. D. 31 Clerk street Bruee, James, baker, i3 Earl Grey I~ Robert, 18 Lothjan Itreet Buchan, A. W. corn. tr..elfer, s LeopoJd 1'1.
Brown, Mr. EUza~'h, h Spring gardens, Bruce, Ja.lDes, 34 Barony Itreet Thomas, aonn aDd pilto} maker, )S Buchan, HeDr" S.S.C., 12 Dubltn IVeet.
Abbey hill
BrowD, Mr. G. B. 48 AllDw street
Brown, Mr. lsabella, ... St James· aquar"
Bruee, Rev. John, D.D.
Bruce, Jamea, Hr Harlstree'
sue CobIII e-
h , I H-"d'
Buc ID" 0 m" 25 iftl mgton pace
ll. Ipod oSIcer, l.tabUshed Huchao, Mat. and Co. rectifiers, and BritlaJa

_. __ ~_IIA 1i9 Role atree& wine maDulactnrerl, )4 Assembly Itr..t

!. Brown, l\Irs Janet," Hill place
Drowo, 1\hs James, 20 DubliD Itr~et
Bruce, John, W.S. 38 Frederick ~
39 Great King Itree'
Brown, ){1'8 P. midwife and ladies' nune, 1 Bruee, John, 3) Ro)'al terrace • _......11
w. spirit merchan~., 86 Blalr .treet- Buchan, Mat. li G.~6eJd square
19 C
rl W. 6~ Cumberland Itree'
B h
uc ID,
Tb .. k )0 GI
0 ..... , e fir , over Itreet,
West Richmond street Bruce, Johu, Sholt., foundry, Orc 11ft wnUam, S Saxe-Coburg place Buchu, \Vm. commercial .ranller, 61 Tol.
Brown, Un R., 2.(. Fettes row lane :llr., :is \Valker .treet booth wJDd, Leltb
Brown, Mrs Robert, 100 Laurilton place Bruce, Peter, writer, 11 Clarence.&nII

. ~
11t:S Sohn, 2 GUmore place Caims, !'. baker & confectioner, .ss Home st.
t~lItlrretll & Byers, printers, 8 Baltic at. Cairns, lln, baby linen, muslin, and lace
"......... ",.•• Mu, ladies' nurse, .s Gibbt • entry warehoule, 77 Princes It.
ohn M., M.D., F.R.C.P. 98 George st. Cattler, Alex., JleUfiehl house, Trinity
Rob. & Co. mattress makel'l,210Cowgate Calder, Alex. (Cashier Seal/i," Nutiotlal In-
lfn, 108 Georgc Itreet '""ance Co.), .s Kcir Itrfet
llilS, 4.7 Great King street Calder, nadd, grocer, wine and I{lirlt mercbt.
Ilia, 8 Atholl place 11i Canongate
~"lll"t".n Jame., spirit dealer, 100 ROle st. Calder, Jobo, grain merchant, S8 Gilmore pI.
;.DUrtolll. lame., wright, Circus lane-house, Calder, Jobn, commission agent, 79 Nleolson
DUlndlU street street-ha. 81
l~.1arto'n. Rev. John, 10 Nicolson IiIquare Calder, Robert, cOil agent, Haymarket boule,
IBI!lI'ton~ J. H. advocate, Crafg lIoule aad 180 Rose Itreet
tlSUil'tOlD. Mungo, artist, 19 Leopold place Calder,'Vm. aailmaker, cordage, sailcloth, &c.
Craigleitb cottage, Comely bank store, i¥ Commercill place-houle, ROle-
T. ( G.P•• O.), Brougbtou pointmount, Madeira street, N. Leith.-See Ad".
spirit dealer, $ Drummond st.
Calder, Wm. teacher, John Watson's InsutlltD.
_hoe 19 Jlerclt3 street CaMer, 'Vllllam, beast and sheep laleamaD,
pg:ttel'l.Lawrence, seal engraver to the Queen, 19 Archibald 1!1ace
Geor,e street-house, 1 FiDgal place CaMer, l\lrs, 6 l\Iaryfield
~. J. and Sonl, carvers, gilderl, andCalder, 1\trs, lodgln81', [;6 Cumberllnd street
uralO!r. in curiosities. 1 and 2 non.ldlon', Calderbead, 'VID. confectioner, 48 Home It.
DWJd.UlgIo-Jl,0.2 Springfield, Leith walk Calderwood, HeDry, baker, 3·' Northumbtlr·
carver, gilder, and street
_ ~ 1 Queen ,t.-bo. Drougbton cot.
. . . . IIII .... Calderwood, n. coal merchant, 1 Spcnce·s
Rob. china merchant, $9 South Cbar- place, ~6 South Junction l'oad, S. Leith
Itreet, Leith Calderwood, 'Vm. 13 Torllhicben street
Da,id, 21 LeopoJd pi Ice Cnlderwood, Wm. steam bread and bilcuit
lIra Tbom"s, 10 Nlcolllon ttreet manufacturer,22 Earl Grey'treet
(:r.JteI. Airs, lodgings, 21 SaJillbury Itreet CaldweJl & Co. button and trimming mcrcbtl.
~.],a:n. John, bootmalter, ~39 Canonsate
Mrs, 81 MelviJIe street
• .J'lfUC.Mrs, 47 Great King street
318 High Itreet
Caldwell Brothen, who1esale .tatiun2r5 ant1
pubU,bers, 1.3, U,and 17 'Vlterloo place-
houle, Victorin. terrace, Portobello
DBLL, Jobn, of 'franent, adv. 20 Picardy I CaldweU, Da,id, button and trimming mer·
chant, 39 Lehb street
Mr., 3 Torphicben street CALEDONIAN Fire and Lire Al.lturance Office,
.l\fra Alex. 2.s noy.1 crescent 19 George Itreet.-See Adu•
...__... , Mrs, J.s Atholl crescent CALEDONIAN Fire In$urance Co., 2) Bcrnard
A. F. writer, 41-A Droughton It.-Mann & DUDc.n, S.S.C•• N.I'. agents
C.U.EDONIAN Loan Co. 7 Royal Excbuge-
S. cupper (Boga; Injirmary) , and A. Rutherford, man.-ho. 79 Cau,,..y.ide
IDtldieal galyanilt, 7-A Young Itreet CALEDONIAN Mercury, and Weekly Herald
Rou L Hotel, Welt RegiRter p1aee and l\fcrcury Office, 2M Higb fttreet
F. G. agent, 18 Calton blli CU.EDONUN PailS, 1-"1, &he Scottisb Na·
Jobn, lurgeon, F.R.C.S.E.27 Montagu tional institution for l)romoting the Employ.
~.ll·_t ment of Women In the art of Printing-
lfarpret, fishmonger, 1 Fishmarket Mill ThumlOn, 40 S. St navid st.-See Ad.:.
J. 408 Rankeillor str..>et CALEDONIAN Railw.y ,Tavern. Lothian rOlt.1
A. grocer & wine mercbant, 99 High CAUDONUN Screw Packet Co., Old Docks,
Leith, Jobn Go" Rennle, agent, l.lcith and
G. and H., \V.S. cbamber., 35 Georgo London
- CAL£])6NU.~ United Service Club, 1ft Queen
S.S.C. and S.L., SS George IV. .treet U GreenbUl gardens CaU.m, Cbarles A. cook and cODfe!)tioner, 18
Henrl, W.S. (G. and H. Orirn,), Clerk atreet
Greenblll gardens CaUam, George, and Co. brazicH to Her Ma·
u.tmll. John, cowfeeder, Gilmore park jest" amiths and ironmongerl, IS Green-
John, Iplri' merchant, 880 Lawn- side l,lace
' ••rJcet-·h01U.... ISl\fiddIe Arthur p1nee CaUant, John B•• St Patric1c square
~"_.J John, painter, 14 Bender. Canam, ThOl. and Son, suHtler., bralien,
row, ' a n d tinplate workerl, 66 Shore Letth
a_lIr. . . ~ Jobn, 31 NlcollOn .trctt Callam, Th"ma., IS Greensldc plaee

_ ....L-_"<:;._ _ _ _ . __ . ____ . ____ .__
Ca1Ieader, Dd. tanner, St Anthony lane, Leith Cameron, .Tohn, shipmaster, 7 Hope terraee Campbell, Colio, bank mt'Uenger, 16 Char-\ CampbeU, \VilliaID. (G. P.- 0.), 21 Sf. John'~
ana Bonningtou-house, Lucbend road Cameroo, John, 35 Scotland stree~ lotte street, Leith hill
CaUender, G. boot & .boe maker, 2 Spittal st, Cameroa, John, 7 Annandale street CampbelJ, Dick, & Son,ihoem...Jtel'8, Morning. I Campbell, Wi11iam, 4 Grea~ King street
Calleader, Henry, C. A. 19 Hill street- Cameron, John, coal merchant and general tide CampbeU, I.-ady, of Abreuchill, 6 Ho.ard pI.
hOl1le, 8 St Vincent lit. agent, Caledonian depot-ho. 6 Gardners· Campbell, Da'Yid, 3 Moray street CampbeJl, The Lady Emma, U St Cu~hbert 51.
Callender, John A. Braemar villa, Newbatt!e crescent Campbell, DaYid, woollen cloth merehlnt, 259 CampbelI. lira Adam, 11 Ann str4!et
ternee I Cameron, P. (J. ~~. P. C.), 25 George square Cowgate Cnmpb~lI, Mr. C. W. 11 Howard place
Callender, T. & A., currier; and oil mcrebts., Cameron, llober~, plcture"frame maker, N. St Campbcn~ DaYid, 88 West Norton place CampbeIJ, Mrs Donald, 9 Jnoverleith row
, St .A.nthony lane Andrew street laue €a.~l. Donald, wine and spirit merciulllt, Campbell, Mrs Dr John, )3 L,nedocb pi.
CalleDCler, WUliam, dyer, 31 W'. NicollOJ: It. Cameron, R. painter aud glazier, 214 CIJIOQ:o 521 lAwn market CampbcU, Mrs, 47 York place
Ca11endcr Mrs .James, 15 Grange road gate • • £lDipbell, 600. bookseller! stationer, and Campbeil, Mr., 8 Royal crescent
Ca1lender, MiN, 21 Gray street Cameroo, Rt. 93 Soutb bark or Canc.agaite SleWa agent, 12 Howe .tree~ Campbell, .Mrs, lIell. of BalleU3I,., 10 DundM
Caber, Cb aries, Golf-bouse tavern, 21 Cameron, Robert O. wine & spirit merehaa.t, CamphEU, 11. lodgiogs, 118 Princes street street
\Vright's bouses 13' Pleasance CampbeU, .Jame., 7 \Vell Lauritton plact' Campbell, Mrs, 60 North Cuile "reet
CalYert, J.'. n., A.M., rhetorical lecturer and CaUteron, Tbomal, gt'Oef!r, 6 Alison place Campbell, .TamCl&, Hill.treet lane, north CampbeJl, lIrs, cook. 9(l ROle IU'eet
teacber of elocution, New college, 25 York Caroeron, Thomas, jun., Bath street R."... .
I CllInpbeU, James, city recorder, 28 Candle.. Campbe1l. )1n, lodgings, 8 Lauriston lane
place I work, Leitb-house, 5 \·aoburgh pJaee ' mAker row Campbell, 11 rs. patent French .taymaker, J 37
CaI,ert, Alicbael, architect, 25 York place ICameron, Tbomas, fteslU'r, 15 Middle market CampbcJJ, James, m~llg putner (Edinr. PriuC(!5ltreet
Freclerick street. agent I
CAMOBN Society-T. G. Stevenson, i'l South ICameroo, 'fhomal; en.blnetmaker, 169 . .
liltreet-ho. 39 ThJ,tle street
Cameron's circulatlng library, 10 Clerk street Cameron, W. teacher of mUldc,l St John It.
Loan Cb.), 39 South Bridge-See Adt'.
Campbelt, J. M. agent, Iti Se Jamea' lCJuare
Campbell, lira, leD. of Walton park, " Ektn
Campbell, John, painter anll glazier, 28 St Campbcll, lb., IeO. of POISU, l i Abercromby
Cuneron & Violar<i, mercers, milliners, dress! Cameron, lVm. Hodges, ..~etary to th~ BM". Patrick square-Iso. 1 SibbaJd place place
and conet makers. 124. Goorge street I Water Cumpnn!l, 12.'1 Princes street Campbell, John Archd., C.S., N. P. Commiss. Ca.pbell, )11'1, lick Dune, 15 Chapel Btred
Cameron, Alex. ( Cu~tQm~). 6 IJank place I C.4meron, Willinm, merchant, 37 Dunw It. for Eng. and Irub aSiduits, 2 AlbYh place Catnpbcll, Miu HeleD, .so George street
Cameran, Ales:. cowtcedcr, .1) l>uncan street I Cameron, WiUiam, spirit dealer 5 Hope It. .. Camp'bell, John, haitdreucr, 48 Shore Campbelt, Mia.lI.ben.. 10 8. Bcruard'l era.
CameroD, Alexander, 6pirit mercbant, 11 Camcron, Wllliam, cab proprietor, 16 Market eampbell, John, ltabler, 6(1 .Brunswick Itreet Campbcll. Miss laabella, drestmaker, 68
Market strent street CampbeU, .Jobn l eowfc:eder, 18 B~ IItree' Frederie1c street
Cameron, Charles, ~ Bruntsfield terrace Cameron, ?tIrl! Archd. 15 1I0ntague ttreet Qunpooll, .John, wine ud lIPiri~ merchant, CaIDllbeU, Misl M. dreilmakcr~ 5 })uk" It.
Cameron, n. (il.f NlVen.~· C,), '1 Lutton pt Cl1meron. Mrs C. ladiett' nurse, 6 BristClltref.t lIS 'Vest port CampbelJ, Miss, " &xc Coburg pLaoe
Cameron. D. letter-eamer, .f.9 Canongale Cameron, Mr5 lIary, of Lakefield, 56C.1tIe CampbelJ, John, Iroeef aDd spirit dwer, 16 CampbeU, MiN. 5 Warriston CfC8cen'
(ameron, Duncan, 15 Grabam street I lItreet Camegie Itreet CampbeU, Miu, if) Groye villa, Groytl road

CAmeron, H. teacher, 21 Gayfiel<l sqoare-j Camt>ron, 6lrs, Frencb staymaker, S Dundlt Campbell, John F. goods luperiotendent, Camphcl1, Miss, 27 ScoUand street
honse, 8 Annandal., street street E. & G. R., Ainalle Couage, Morningaidc CampbeJl, .Mi_, of l.ochnell, Holyrood bouae
C~er)on, Hugh (Sc~Iti,,, Prnp'r(If blVc~tml'lIl : Cameron, 1\lrs. spirit dealer, I,f.~ Canongate ~~mpbell, M!.jor P. S. 11 St James' square, CampbeU, )lill'l, 8D Heriot row
• ., 240 G&rdllcrs. crescent I Cameron, Ilrs, Canning house anil New Club Campbell, )n.., of Southhall, 68 Nonbum-
Cameron, IIngh, arllst, '1 Annand.le street ICameron. J\frs 10 Saxe Coburg p!ac
~am.,ron, Hugh, fl~'H~er, )6 Middle market I Cameron; ~frS: 8 West ciaremont
Ccleron, Jas. prov1810n merchant, 5 Riddle's I Cameron Airs, lodgina8 20 Alhany street
s;eet Campbell, Major, 3 Hope terrace, Blackford
berland Itreet
Campbell, Miss, or SllCCOth, '1 Glo\leet&er pI.
0Ie, Leith . ICameron: ~Jrs, 3 Cum~l(ln(l street
CameroJn, James A. bookbmdcr & stationer Cameron l\fi!:s "3 Arehibald pI
Campbetl, Neil Colquboun, advoo. 61 Great Campbell, Mils, 9 Itandolpll clifF
Kiug street
Campbell, Ord Graham, 5 Oxford terrue
• Camp belt. )filltl, 1 Alnslle place
Canch, Mrs,28 London Jlt:reel
]0 C erk street 'I '.' ," ace Campbell, Peter, pap'lr.banger and floor. Cand1isb. U. S.• D.D. S~ Melyille Atreet
Cameran lam . it U" Cameron • .MISS, 1 Thomas street
ICameron, Miss, dressmaker, 8 Dundas Itl'U!t cloth merchant, " Victoria street Candlish, Wm. clerk, 47 Tbiide street
Cameron' J eS'rJllnh or, mverslty
street , as. re res ment room8. 10 Market CamE'roll,MissI . , 6 PicardyplaC(! Campbell, Robert, ironmonger and teed mcht. Candlish, Wm. lodgings, 1 Union pI. Trinity
Cameron, ,lames, hatter 21 Kirkmate r rith I CmFne:~n,. lkUsscs, stay and drC'ssmakf'n, iD 86 Grusmarket-bouse, 9 Grabam street Canning, Geo. 82 Drummond place .
Cam J 1p' c- , .. I r\."\lerlC . street Campbel!, nobert~ advocate, 27 Heriot row Cannoo, Alexander, ~oter and publtlher, 23
eroo, . am • general earlier!! and con 'C milto U b f 11 Campbell, Robert, of Skerrington, advoe::..te, East Thi,Ue 8Jreel-houe, do.
tract~rs, agents for the Caledolli~n Uailwa; I 11wyml~'Ler'hert, un era office, 82 'j (.'booth 4 Damaw.y street ! CA:tiOJiGATB, Bu~h Clerk or-Wm, .~ruer,
tor Scotland, forward goods to I ond I C bell d'" • CampbeU, Simon (C. {f Smi",),26 York pI. I jun. 'V.S. 31 PrinccI.t.reet
~irrpool, Manches.ter, Jnrmingha~, C~~~ j C:~~beJl ~ C"mr h, S.S,C 26 ~"or~ ~lftee
SJ e, and most parts of J..;ngIand-also
G IBgOW, Greenock, Paislf'Y Ayr Kn
I "treet b
o. acc merc ants, 60 George Campbe1l, Thos. B. & Co. metal llie1CMnts, CANOJiGA'r£ Poor·houJe, Cl ToI~ .ryad
milled lead and lead pipe manufs. S Picardy Cappie, c1ameA, M.D. 1~ LrlUftItOD pL
Jlock, Dumfries, IMfast, Dui.lin )&c. &n:-" C
!i t·,
b 11
C::::pP':I1' fmll
and all parts in the west of Sc~'la i d e ' ,cxan er. 6 Cmulottc square
\V.Si..22 Dublin lute' , place. and 117 Conatitution street, Lei&h Caravanaa, Mn. 2.s Duke .treet
CampbelJ, T. B. (T. B. &: Co.), 15 Pilrlg 8t. Carfrae and Clouston, lalld.&ur.",on laad
lrelJnd. omC'C'!;,!.t Uro\\:n square G~ it I t
camp~i:' e,; builder, Montg01ilery stred CampbeU, Tbom.t, 12 Gecrgeliquare \ ch·it engiDe~n, 1 Erlkine placc
bnddgc; }lai!way statim' L~thi".~ r~nd:: C~:Ppb:ll' A~~h'
an 7 Dernard l'Itreet J eith ', ,'
t· ;0, edbrewhers'114o.; Cowglde
• .ylt oc p ace
Campben~ Thos. ftcsher, 18 RomiUy place, ~arfrae, Ales. hl;nk ~~er, C!yde.t. lane
"Queenll'erry street I Carfrae, Jame., Jun. bamand ammal.wtrer.

(;ameron, J. & p. ranw'ay' ~3rrier" i U • 1\'lb)\!ll·I' Mrhi.bahl, waiter, !j Greenside.a Campbtou, Thomas groeer 24 So. Richmontl and dealer iD live Ilock, 79 PriDCtlj .tree'
street, Leitb ' , ern.fl, Illmp e ) Archlbald, la Forbcs street street J , Carfrae, Ja. M. bird .tufer, 8 S. }'rederick ..
Cafimetroo, .TaCmclI, & Son, curlNl h:lir malh.!- ~ ca::g':;.~mAorltlhd~' \V.S. (.4. ~. A. Ccmp6ell), Campb~n. 'thOl.lettet.carrier, to St .lamt'.' st. Carfrae, Robert (PfAI'die, Bouar If C,), l '
ae urers, halmers' ] 81 t}. I • . l'lace . Campaell, William, W.S... RtrtJa04 aq_re North Circus place ~ft
.r IS I Rtreci, I Cumpbell, Arthm' J'un '11" S (A
antI) Old Ph' cdolie,
YIlIC gar cnl l ' • "'... . and' "-
..:I. ~p
CampbeU, Wm. prorision dealer, i f Green. Carfrae: T. (C. aHd Gtddt,), 1 S. Charlotte ..
CamcfOo, ,Joh1l, t'ORch-hirer • }tll), 12 India street tide -treet Carfrae, Wm. uddler, 8 Quecueterry 1U'tet-
-office, 1i2l\laitland IItre;.,83 Ah:a 8tr£(:t gampbeJ), Chft!!., 12 Greenhill gardens Campbell, William, (c:I 2'. .B. . . Co.) 91' howe, 8 Wall.-ee "lace
. ampbeJl, C. D. 3 Victoria street Annandale street I Carrr.e, l\ln, S FreCIerick It.
I!I!IIJ!~~\"''''':'~~''"'-- "'oe- -- -,.i"'• ...--._. _ _ , _ ... _ .... _-....~~ _ _ _
• -.---~-----------_ _ _. . . .

• ,
Carfrae, 'Misl Jane. 11 Middi;b; strCt't-----·lc;~legY~Miss. 32 Blacket plare
C1!RUI, Jas. .rhing moter and copyist, 4 St CarD!C, Chas. merchant, 16 C!arcndon cresc. drnet-hou8e1 .;t
Carter, Nicholas, wine mercbant, 44 Hanover Chadwick, l\bs .Tames, grocer, 12 Shrub III ace
Cbatford, Madame, milliner, dress corset
Patrick Iquare . Carn!c, .las. ~en. fisberman, Newhaven .. CartH, 11" A. 28 London street I maker, 2 Castle street
Carlisle & Watts, stationers, desk, dresslDg- Cllrme, Leshe (CustlJlll$), 1 AnDfield, New. Carter, Ptlrs John, wine and .pirit merchant, : ChaltneruDd Cbisholme, vinegar lnakers,aud
C1I6e, &c. manuties. 49 North Hanover ~t. hayen. 202 Pleasance I wine and spirit merchants, 39 !'otterrow-
Carlisle, John ( C. ~. Wnlls), 5 Mackenzie Ill. Car1ll8hel~1, Ja.~. mould and figure mnker, 4 Cartel', )1r. Ni•.:ol, grocer and .pirit merchant, I bcu~e, 3 LOthian street
I CHALM£RS' Territorial Cllurch an(t Schools
Carlisle, WilUam, 2 UankeiJlur IJlace
I Greemude I}laee
CarJble, WiUiam, dml'er,:13 Nicolson stre6t Caron~Jules, teacher or Frenc11, 17S.Castlut.
Carlton John .f. tailor and clolhier, 68 St I Carpenter, M. boarding.hou~, 7 Buccleuch pi.
249 Canongate-house, 45 New street
Cartel', 1\irs, 42 York p~ace
Casey, .James, collector, 11 Thistle street
I ,Manse, ncv. James H. Wilson, 137 Foun·
Mar'jos wyr.d (,~arphjn, George, 16 East Adam street Caskey, \Vil1iam. grocer nnd spirit d~aler, 13 f Cha.lmers, A. C. GOlo\'er street, Leith
Cllrlyle, William, S Romilly place Carphin. Jamell Rhind, e.A. 25 Qu~n street Cou.~ wynd-house, :$ Crichton street Cbalmers.. A. Henderson, \V.S. office, 21
Carlyle, Wm. canine repository, Lothian road Carr, l\licbael, tailor and clothier. 1 Blenheim Cane1s, Alexander, W.S. 8 NorthumberJand Thistl~ street
Carment, John. S.S.C. (Pl.trick, M'Ewell, ~' place street Chalmers, C. S. (n. Rollcrtson ~. Son). S
C.), 36 nrcst J\:ing street Carr, Mrs, straw.h::t mtkcr, 2 St Vincent st. eusels. 'Valter Gibson (late banker), Black- Elbc st.-ho. 1 Piu street, Uonnington
Carment, !\Irs, 18 Cnrltol1 street Carr, llisscs, miliiners anlt dressmakers, 1 ford house Cbalmers, Charles, Castle bank, l\lerchistoll
Carmirhael, A. &. Co., butchers, 61 Bristo st. I Ulenheim place CaJlie, AndreW', dyer, 70 Clerk street Chalmers, David, 1\1.D. 4j Lauriston place
-hO'dSC, $9 i Carrens, Alex. rope maker, !U North Pitt It. Castle, .James, working jeweller, 21 Leith st. Chalmer., l)avid, smith & 'night. 87 Canon-
Carmichnd & ~on, poulterers, GO Queen st. Carrick, Andrew, house proprietor, ~Iorocco Catheart, .fa8., Jt'erguswn, Se Co. wine mer· gate-house, ~os
<":armichraol, Archd. provif!ion merchant, 55 close, 27:~ Canongatc chant.i, 8f, St Andrew street, Leith Chalmers, D. I'. advocate, 42 Charlotte square
Llluriston placc Carrick, .James, and Sons, Ironmongers, 1 .... Cathcart, JlS. (J. C., Fergu8Ion, t GJ.). 12·, Chalmt'!nl. Ed,,'ant, spirit merchant, 20 Com-
C:armichacl, Gco. I Cannon stre('t, I . .eith George sreet Carltun terraee mercial place-hot 16 Sandfllrd !'lrC('t
Cnrmir.hael, .las. (llegMcr ]{ousc), oH So. br. Carriclc••James, smith amI ironmonger, 156 Cathcart. John F. (GUlc.~pic~· Catncm·t, L,Uh) IChahncrs, Gcorge, sadcUcr, GS Clerk street
Carmichacl, JamC1J. 13 & 1.. lligh Ulllrket- Rose street-house, 4 Queensferry street IS Annandnle street , Chalmera, J. :I I.othian fiuect
bouse,22 Fles)tmarkct cJose I Carriek, WiUiam (bz(and llevemll'), 14 West
Carmlcbllcl James, ( C. (11/([ Son). 6 Ilowc st. I I'reston street
Catbcart, 1\lrs, 17 Great King street i Chalmers, James K., 11 Grange road
Catheart, MiSt, 8 Danube ,treet i Chalmen, Jame8, shoemaker, 32 lalllilf, street
('a~michael, .Tames (Rdillr. .Academy), 9 Carrick, Mrs, 32 Broughtoil place
Saxe Coburg plare Carroll, Wm., fish (tcaler, 12 Hobcrtson's ct.
~arm~cl1aclt'1. (/~iD" Sd,nQ!), 16 Lonuon st. CAltllON Co:swarebouse, Wet docks-Neilson
street I
Cathels, Misses, clressmkrs. 67 Cumlx'rlBnd I Chalmers, Jamc!.I, wine and spirit mcrcbt. 7.)
Shore autl 114 Kirkgate
Cnthie, N., tailor & clothier, 429 I..a"nmarket ChahncI'S, Jobn, spirit mcrcb:mt, "1 Tolbooth
( Ilrm!cbal'1, J. S. Jeweller, 20 llrummoDd st. 1\oac, agent, Leith Cathie, Tbos. ftesher, 19 Wi1Jiam street I wynd-ho. Mayfietd house
Carmlcllllel, 1.. pharmurcutical cbemist, 1:1 CARnON Co., Liverpool amI Leith traders- Cattanach, Peter Lorimcr, S.S.C. aDd s.L.1 Chalmers, .folm, shoemaker, 26 Calton hill
Calton street, Ilnd 1!1 Ql1cellsfcrry strcet- Neileon Uose, agent, Leith 39 Northumber1ancl street Chatmers, .John, surveyor of buildings, J
•, 11 • I Carron,Jules, consul of France, 44 Charlotte Iq.
Cnr~lI.~hacl.' MICcbcll (Pro. '~'II1('oml' Tu.r)-, Carron, l\Irs 1·.. )0 Madeira place
Cattanach, W. 39 Northumberland street II

Claremont place
Cattanach, W Dl. jun. wine and spirit. mercht.,I Chahners...tobn, coal merchant, Unlquhntstonc
.0Ihc<;,,6 "atel')oo J.1.-11O. 1 Summerhall pI. i Carruthers, .Miss n. 2 St Colme street 102 Nicols. . ::l st.-house, 2-' colliery office, 11 !'ort 1I0pt·touu-bousc, 3
(,Ilrnllchacl, ltobt. tlesher, 75 Northutnlll'r· Cnrse, D. & Co., coach builders and pro. Cau, 'VOl. (JJorroreman d: Co.) 14 Romil1y pt/ Downie place
lan~ Iltrcct,-;-hOl:SC, ) 7 ,Howl' fltrert . prietors, ~rcbarc1fiehl Caunter, ltobcrt, 25 Howard place Chalmcrs, Joseph, A.M. teacher, Newillgton
CnnU!Chllel, 1; smul., li St Aluirew st. Leith Carsc, .J. &; Son, patent nxletree manufacton', Causland, Wm. (S!lrv~!Jor·llkpart. G.P.·O.,) I school, South Clerk street
Cnnmchael. 'I Ilomas, brewer, 2:1 N. U. of! Greensidc--hous(> 31 GayfieM sq. • 1 Lealie place Cb~lmers, WilUam, "pi rh dealer, 4 Shruu Ill.
Ca~ongtltc \ ' . I Carse, 'rhos. (J. c.'~\· SlII'),:H Gayfieh18q. Cav.,e,ltajor.General, 12 Royal circus -house, '~A
'1on. stre('t
Carmlchae), \ .. & J. Irollmongcl''', (j3 Nlcol,,' Carsc, Thomas (11...,l[. CustomB, Leith), 89
Albany street, Leith
Caven, John, teacher, 32 Dundas street Chalmers, "r. M.2.1 Norton place
Caw, John (Black and C.), 25 St Jamet' Iq. Chalmefl, lb,.lames, 2 Janeftcld plaee
Canlllchacl, Wal.ter, arl'hhcct, tenc/u·r ofarchi. Canon, J\frs, photographic painter, 7 Hrough. Caw, .fohn, 50 RankeiUor street Cbalmers, l\Irs M., 38 Cumberlaocl street
("Nural ~lrawmg (tutc .fumi's Rut/WCll), .H! ton placc Caw, Mra John B. 1 HU18quare Cbalm~fI,l\lrs Th08. 23 DuL.e 8treet
S(n~tb hrlClg~ ICarsoll, i\Iisp, 82 Lauriston place Cawthorn, l\lrs E. 2 MelviUe street Chalmer., llrs W. millinrr. 3~~61.a\\'nm~rket
CBrmlcba~l, ".alter Scott, M.D. surgeon aru} . C:trstalrs amI Robertson, wine Iltu1 commission Cay anti Black, advertising and newspaper Chalmcra, Mre. epirit dealer, 1-10 W. lIait;", .•!
acc~t1chc\lr, .l Annanclale street ! lncrchs. Trinity "RUltS, 99 Giles' st. Leith agent', fiG-A George atreet ..trcct
Cartm~har1, Wm. S. surgeon and accouch('ur,: Carstajr~, A. engraver & ('haser, 19 South St Cay & .lohn8ton, furnishing Ironmongers, gas- Chalmers, Mrs, 2 Scotland stret't
22 ~or\humber!llnd street I David street fitters, and railway coach lamp mmnufac· ('balmers, Mrs, 18 Grang~ road
Camllchael, Wm. butcher and poulterPI', t to, Carstairs, Gcorge manufat'turing jewcller turer., 7 Gleenside plllC8 Ch.lmers, Ilrs, midwife, 72 Northumberland
.'i ~roughton mar~ct-ho., 8 l.fansfield pI. I Swinton row-hOt 13 St .Tames· s uarc '

Carmlchacl, Mrs.J. l·.lichool(oryoungladu.'s, i Carstairs .Tohn War i t loo
1 CJarence 8tr(,l't
Carmichael'Mr::: Wm .... H I , .' , r 5 on ge
Carshurs, Matthew, plumber amI gasfitter, 71
S.-E. Circus place I
Cay, .Tohn, jun., \V.S. solicitor. G.P.·O., S street
Chalmers, .Miss l.larion, 33 Dublin street.
Cay, John, advocate, sheriff antI commiSfary Chalmertl, l\Iis!i, dre<3sm ..; llackenzie place
C . 1 "1\ o~e street Northumberland street-house 20 Howe st. of Linlithgowshire, 5 S.-E. Cireu& place Chalmcrs, Mip, I ChurchhiU, )forning&ido
CarstnirlL W Ro' b k B . '

armtc lae, I frs, 36 lnvcrleath row Cay••Tohn (.dbcl'dtm, hillt, and Clyde Sflil'- Chalmer8, MillS, 58 India street
CRrrnicbat:l Miss J n t 10 So . n .., • lie an, onnmgton
Carn~gie ci" 1 • e ~ k' clety, rown sq. 'I Carstairs, 1\Irs, frniterer, 106 George strcet-
.' 1ar rR,s locma er. 45 }o~arl Grey st. nursery, Warriston 10dge
1);"9 Co.) 14 BarotlY Itreet Cif AMDER of Commerce & l\Ianufactures, ban
Cay, RGoort Dundas, 'V.S. agent of Orif'nblt 11 Melbourne place-Sec. Thos. S. l.iod-
Carne~e, .~ame5, jun: W.S. 16 Winl1l1or street I CarlltairR, Mrl, 4$ Inverlcith row Bank Corporation, ~1 St Andrew square-
~l::;e, tn('Tcanule agent, lOO Luuriston Carter, J~rederlck lIayne, C.A. 73 Ge ,rge st. house, 19 Grecnhill garden..-See AdtJ.
sa1, 36 Hann,er street
Chamber or Commerce, Leith, 28 Deruard
Carnf'gil' fames 1 1 ' . agent for European Life Assurance and Cay,1\fn F. )" Barony .treet st.-Pillans Scarth, \V.S., Iccretary.
land fltr~et ., ()( gmgfl, 33 Notthmnh('r. Guarantee Society, and s('c. t(' the Edin. C,y, Miss Janc, 19 Greenblll gardeDI Chamberlain, Henr, R, profe8l5Orof music and
CarD('gy, Hob. 1\1.)).. mind ~sylum-:h.ouse, 12 farltob street C£II Office, County Gnd City. 6 Waterloo pl. tinging, 1 Albany street, North Leith
Carnegr l\liss' of LOt "1 6CNt.llrllotte IIquRre Carter, Nmhol, spmt aDd "'Ine merchant. 86 Chadwick, Colin, grocer and .pirit dealer, 14 Chambtn, W. and R. publi.hers, 339 Higb
, , Ir) e son Hrcet CandleOlakcr row Citadel, Lei:h atreet

• •
ChriJOO, Jaaaes, grocer and wine merchant, I CITY Cbamberlam's uiiii.:'. 10 Royal Excb.
1 Catberi.e street, and SO High street- CITY Chambers, 10 Itoyal EXe~: ...£;e
house, 8 Lauria&on lane CITY Clerk's Office, 10 Roy.u Ex "!mge
Christie, James, ladies' boot and &hoe maker, CITY of Edin. Paving Board, WOIks offiee,
63 George street-boo 132 211 High street-Wo A ••Jardine,lurveyor
Chrlstle,Jamet,auperdsor of Inland Revenue, and engineer
5 Union street CITY of Glogow Lif~ Assurance Co. 21 St
ChriJtie, .Jamet, baker, ... N ••Junction street Andrew sq.-Rob. Balrour,sec.-See Ado.
Chnatie, John, & Son, breeches maken,hosiers, CITY of GlaSgow Bank, 12 Hanover strfet-
and glovers, 16 George street WiIliam nain, manager-sub-office., 60
Christie" John C., W.S.... Dunean 5t;. New- Grassmarket,8 Hunter square
ington CITY Poon-Ratesofficc, City Parish,4- Forrest
Christie, Joh. (t. t Fiudlater), Lauder road
road CITY Procurator·Filcar. office, 10 RoyAl E5:-
(,1uistie, .John, 6 St John street cbange
Cbriltfe, Captain R., H.M.I.S., St Bemard's Clan Tartan Warehouse, 29 Prince. etftlet
Bower Clapperton, Jolm, & Co. wholesale &Dd retail
Chrietie, Roben, manager, Scottish Equitable woollen drapers, S11 High street
Life ..4~surance Society-boo .runiper green Clappert!)n, Alex. l.!j Clerk etn~t
Chnstie, Robert, grocer and wtne merehnnt, Clapperton,Ja8. (WiJaa,t g" C.), WUliamfteld
53 Hanover street Clappcrton, 1\1••T. grocer, 31 Upper Gray st.
Asltn'anc.e Compaag), 36 Dublin street
Cbrlstie, Rt., iun. C.A. (aecretaf)' Nortltma Clapperton, Thomu, 12 'J.'cviot row
CllAp~rton, Wm. R. (J. l:. ~ Co.), 11 SaUs-
Chri,tie, Bobert L. working jeweller and I bury place
watchmaker, 11, 18, 19) and 20 Bank street CJapperlon, l\lrs Alcx. 29 Drummond place
and 10 Tolbooth wynd, Leith Clapperton, Mi.., I West CI.remont street
Chri.tltt, Tt-omas, teacher of English, geo- Clark and Deatson, furnllibintt and manufae-
graphy, histol'J, &c. 36 George street turing ironmongers, 2. Howe .treet
Cliriotie, ('.aplain T., R. N., .;8 Cud£: street I
Clark & Co. clothiers anti drapctfl, 1 Brillto pt.
Christie, Wm. eabinetmaker, Vicloria terrace Clark & Crawford, grocers ann wine merchts.
-house 366 Castle hill 3 Rudand place
Christle, WiUiam, alater, 31 Constitution Clark, Alex. «(,'lIlr"~· lkat6!m) 6 Wltarton pI.
street-house, 6 Baltic street
Chrlltie, WiUiam, 81 Clerk street
ChrilJtie, Wtlliam, pri.ter, 94. Pleasance
Clark, Charles, ageDt, !it St .Tames' p_
Clark, A., Salisbury Bank, St IAlOnard'& hill
Clark, Henry, ,ilk mercer, 83 (~orge ....t
Chrlltle, W. L. I Clalemont place Clark, Hugb, agent, 78 Gcorge stTt~et
Christie, Mrt John, 'Vigb"1 plaee Clnrk, J. invalid gentlemen's attendant, 1
Chriltie, Mra, 28 Duke street Dean It.
Christie, llr., U, Piu tltreflt Clark, ADdw. it. adyocste, 17 GreAt Stuarl
Chrittie, Airs, & Roxburgb place I",«t
Christie, Mrtl, Malta Green place Clark, .Tames, inspectb,s rllail guard, 25 Da-
Cbriltle, IIrs, 3~ HoW'ard plaee tony street
Cbriltie, ltliss, 30 How.rd place Clark, James, watcbll••ker,31 .'ounwnbridge
Chriade, Mil!l8, 22 Clarence 8tr~t Clark, .Tames Palrick, 10 Du~can ,treel
Chrialie Afill, dressmaker, 2 Corunna p1aee Clark, JmneB Backer, 8 Charlotte st. Leith.
Chriltit,' Altes, ~o Ann It!ftt CJark, .Jobo, Venetian~blind manufacturer j

Chri.tie: Min A. drclllDaker, i2 S. College st. Gayfiilld square lane-houle, 1 Windsor It.
CbrisUson .Tobn, ad,ocate, aheri&' of A),r.bire, Clark, John, currier and leather merchant,
3 Great Stum .treet I CowaD's cJ08C, Ellt CroucaUIICY
ChristilJon, Robelt,1'I'Ofeuorofmatcriamedica, Clark, JObD, S.disbury bank, St Leonard', hill
8n(1 eonsulting pbysician, 40 MO~J place CJark, J., letter.carrier, J2 N. Richmond It.
Chr18tai, Cockbutn, bootmaker, i8 Bidding.. CI.rlt, UObert, wholesale tea dealer, 36 Drum-
ton place mond place
e I-!U Ken of Englan(l Life and Fire AliU- eftark, R. ami R. printers, :"2 Hanover 8lr£1!t
ranee IDtltitutioh, 18 Hill .treet.
CHURcn of Scotland Schemes Office, 22 QueclI
Clark, Robt. engrlYer " IlthograpRer, 10 So.
Hanover .treet-bou.c, 26 Dublin _"eel
street Cl ark, Robert (ll. J: It. Go) 17 E. ClaremGDt ,to
Ciceri, J. & .T., Mantlca, and Torre, CI"efS, Clark, Robert, coal and lime merchant, 2'i St
gilders, and looking"gJ", mlJlufae&uren,8J Lconard Itreet
Leith street-house, i8 aired CI.rk, T. et T. Jaw·bookseller. and publish ..
Clacv. Plaec School,,, }If.-E. Clreo. plaec, and ers, 38 C..eorge .treet
~ Royal circus-Wm, 1\1. BeJbie,!'fetor Clark, Thomas (T. t T. C.), 121l'ol1h etrm.
(·ITY Accountant', Oftlce, 10 Royal Esch. Clark, nom••) wailer, 19 Fe1.vJi row

- ..- -. ~ ------------------
- - ~
Clark, Wm. Franeis, advocate, "' Scotland st. Clunes,.J:tl. (Afercurll OJli~), 11 Parkside It. I
Cockbum, James, fruit merchant, 1. Lin(isay ('-oIlins, Josepb, prof, of mude, .& Charlotte pt."
Clark, lViUiam, 29 Clmcgie litrect Clunes, W.letter-earrier,62 S. B. Canongate place-house, S Chapel st. COLONIAl. Life Assurltnce Co. u Gcorge street.
Clark, Mn Dr, 17 Nelson street ' Clunie, John, 86 South bridge Cockburn, J •• and Campbell, wine merchants, i -See Adv.
Clar!c, 1\11'8,23 Scotland street ' Clunie, l'hol. confectioner1 7 Salisbury Itreet '32 St ludrew square ColquhouD, John!' t Royal terrace
Clark, .Mrs, 12 Forth street CLYUE8DALI Banking Co. Royal Excbange- Cockbum, J. & G. tea, wine, and spirit mer- Colquhoun, John, printer," Duncan st. Leith
Clark, MI'8, ladles' nurse, 3,~ .Jnmaica street l\lichllel nalmain, agent-Robert Hru;t- chants, 21 S. CaatIe Itred & 3 India street Colquhoun, I'eter, grocer, 10 Cumbcrland st.
Clark, lIre, ladies' uurse, 12 Caruegie street iogs, accountant Cockbum, John, t; Doune terrace Colquhoun, Miss, 11 Torphichen !'treet
Clark, Mn, 12 Forth stre~t CL1'DESDALE Bank, 29 Gcorgc otreet-J.metl Cockbum .. John. keeper, RQ~l/fJl Society, Uoyal Colqu~oun, Mi:s, of Luts, 10 l\lclville street
Clllrk, lIrs, court dreslImakrr, 83-A George GreenbUl, manager Institution I ColterJ3hn, Wdhelm. Uamburl:;h Uefrtllh-
street Coast Guard Office, Leith and Clyde district, CockburD, I'. cowfeeder, 25 Arthur street ment ltooms, 41 Shore
Clark, Miss, 30 Uo)'ai circus Eliza6eld house, North l,eith Cockbum, Peter, eowfeeder, 30 Duke street, . Coltherd, Jolm, dail'y, 16 Cumberland stfL'et
Clark, Mis!!, Clnrk sllutel, Newhaven Coates, James, agent, 12 West Richmond st. Leith, and 101 Kirkgate Colston & Son, printers, kc. SO Rosa street
(,lark, )liss, drclIsnulker,52 llroughton atre(!t Coate8, 1\11'1 Thoma!!, 11 Calton hill Cockburo, R. L. baker, 29 Dean street Colston, Alcx. (c. and Son), Findhorn pla..c
Clark, lflsses Eliza and .Jane, 18·"\ Gcorge Cobban, lIrs, 8 Mary'. plaee
Cobbold, Alan B. Brougbton park
Cockbum, Mrs, 18 Lothian street Colst~n, James «(.'. (l1Id $tm), Findhorn 1,laco
Cockburn,lUrs C. cap maker, 13 }~ank street ColvilIct lint, lOO Lauriston place
('llu'k, Miss!.'!', 151" Cottage, Dick place I Cobham, M. professor of the pianoforte and Cockburn, Misl, 1 Albyn Place Colville, Misses, 7 RaDkeiIlor street
Clarke, Geo. A. I!I Montgomcrr street singing, 11 Greenhill gardens Cockburn, Misses, 4t Casdt' street Colvin, George {Dtybrollgl& ~. Co.}, 12 Beau-
fbrke, ,'nines, " I'lu 8trt.'Ct Cobley, WilIiam T. gold. beater, Sim's court, Cock80n, 1\irs, India shawl and lace (larner, mont place
Ciarkc, nall.h, Mcallow lodge, Meadows Cnlton bill-house, 5 10 Society Comb, David, coal merch., 'i.,)(J Port.llamilton
Clarke, l'bulI. D. gontlemen's sick lIursu aud Cochranc & Orchnrdsou, milliners nnd str,'ll\"- Coghill, D. J. ltackay, lJiSistant tlurgcon to Comb, Mattbew, Findborn l'!ace, Grangtt, and
waiter, 3 Saunders' st. bonnet makers, & Clerk street 2d R. Lanark militi", Jessfield house &6 lhno\'~r street
Clarkson, Ale"., ngent, NC., 3, St Audrew sq. Cocbrane, Alexander, assilltant superillten- CoghiIl, J. Jeafteld house, Dewar vlace Combe,Cbar. T·CCombe,llte,~,·('Q.),36Yorkpl.
-fao. :1, tondon street dent Newington cemetery Coghill, William, tailor and clotlner 6 West l'ornbe;J. S., )I.D" It'' 36 York pI.
Clarkson, E.,.U.IJ., II.};~.I.C.S. 20 JJroughton Cochrane, Henry, assistant superintendent, Nlcolaon street C,"nbe, MattheW', tailor, 13 North bridgc-
l,tace Dalry cemetery Collen. S. dealer in watches and watch mate· ho. Seatoll place
~lark60D, .Tf~hn. builder, 7 Spittal stree' Cochrane, Henry, Uaill\'ay inn, Haymarket rlaIs, 5 Leith street terrace COol be, Uee, & Co. corn factors, 139 Constitu-
Ciarkson, Lumt(!Dant-co]onul, b Carhon st., .James1 3 (~uecn's Ill. Leith walk Colcleugb, .1\ln, 1 l.ondon etreet tion street
Clarkooll, ltubert, FcrnichiU cottage Cochrane, .Tn. mastan(l block maker 29 COOl- Colden, John, and Son, wrigb18 and uncler- Combc, ltobcrt, upholsterer, 30 Hanover st.
~larks"D, William, 7 Spittnlstrcct lI1erellll place-bo. 13 Cromwell ;t. Leith takel'l', l\lonison street-ho. 7 Tobago st. Combe, UobL aboemaker, 22 Dundas street
~Iarkson, llrs, 34 London strect I Cochrane, John, tin-plate worker and gas. CollIen, "I. & J. milliners, dress and straw Combe, 1\lisscs, 7 Momlon street
Clason, Jamc8 H•. 1O Uuccleucb place fitter, 48 Kirkgate bat maken, 7 'l'obago Htred CO)IMERctAL Bank of Scotland, George st.,
ClI&S()II, ne!..l'atru:k, n.n. 'J'-!, George sq. Cochrane, .John, china merchant, 27 'Vest Coldstrt-am, J., )I.D., F .1l.C.P. &1 York pl. 30 Grusmarket, 100 Sollth Bridge, and ~,
Claston, WllhlllD, 19 N. W. Circus "la(!e Preston strert Coldatream, Mrs, ) 0 Windsor street I Constitution street, I.eith
\I01Y, .Jo~m, 8!"itb an~ ironmonger, 461'itt st. I Cochrllne, .In., ll.D. tlurgeon and aputhecary, ColdweU, James, ferrier & smith, Mary place I COHJlIHlC1.U. Society for Protccticn of Trade
C.' ..zy, ('co. city miSSionary, 18 Meadow Ill. ! ;';03 Lawnmarkct-ho. 27 Lauriston place -house, J 1 Hermitage plaC'.e and Commerce, .s6 lfauover strcet'-.J limes
<.:Ieghorn, Georg8, and t.:o. china and glass I f'ochl'ane, Johu, wine and spirit merchant, 23 Coleman, Mrs Charles, 28 London street l-'llulkner, S.S.C., :~,:cre!:ll·r·
, \fat Jhou'ie, 4.7 N?~th lI:mo\'er street I Elm row-1101Uif.', 4. lfontgomery street COLLECToa's office, David IngJis, collector, COM)IlSSAklAT Office, 3 Hill street
<. leghorn, .'ohn, Rpmt dealer, carricl's' quar· 1 COl'hrane, J. Ho & Son, lDanuf.'lcturers of gas Canoogate poor-rates, Council chambers, CnMMlllAllY Office, Exchequer Chambers.
tcrs, ) 00 Grassmarket , metl'rs Grcenside lane 163 Canongate-house, 2 Reid's court Parliament sq. - James L. Hill, W.S.
Clcg~lorr(I, l'hos. advocate, sheriff of Argylc-, t'ochran~, Hobt. & John, c(\l1ch builders, 18 COt.LECTOR'. office. Land and Aueelled Taxes, clerk-Tbomas Ing1is, depute
. shne, ~G Queen street : Bread street Property & Income Tax office, 6 Waterloo pI. Common, Robert, Park place bouse
(, leg-honl, M~s, Stoncfiehl, ,cana:lIl i Cochrane, I'aterson, & Co. corn factor., 18 COLLBCTOR'S office, Police, Prison, &: Re~ls. Common, Robert, jun., 3 Henry place
Clegborn, .Mlss Jaoe, Berlm alld fancy ware- : Constitution street
. hO\l~e, G~ George street.. 1Cochrnne, Hobt. H. grocer, 280 CanoD ate 'tree'
tra,it)n ASIeIll'Dentl, Police cbambers, High Common, \Vrn. candleluaker, 1 Gayticld lacee
. COMPOSITORS' Bentfit Society-Letlic l' Jem~
Clclall(l, " . &.1. bl.1cksm~ths, \, ate!' of Leith Cochrane, Rev. Thomas, 11 Clerk 8tre~ COLLIC.TO.'S office, Police Assessment, 110 ling, 13 Poucrrow, preses; Wm. Herries,
gleJaDl1, .Jobn, M.D., .s PIU strcr.t Cochranc, Thos. brassfounder, 9S Gilcs street ConsuttAtion street, Leith .; Gra1frlars' plaee, trcaaurer; \V. ROIS,2
d~}:~~' ~~~ \i~:t: ~f~l!a terraCl' , Cochrane, Wm. tailor and clo,hier, 3 Kirkg.te COLLECTt)a's office, S. Leith poor rates, prison Parkslde street, clerk
Cl I ' • I. 11 rt!e Cochranc, Wm. G, (Coclmlne Pater$on ",. asscsat. & road money, 5!) Constitution st. Compton, 1\Irs, 'f:1lbot place, E. Preston st.
er ~~ne, !I .. palllter, I):lpcr-hanger, and: Cb.), 'fhe Hermitage, Leith ilnks ' COLL.eTO.'s office, West Kilk poor-rates, 1 Compton, Mn W., Upton cottage, Mayfleld,
g !!l'.lCr, 92 High strf'et Cochraoe l\frs II R J 1 h t
Cl(:pbane, :frs! .15 nuc~leuch street , Cvchran:' 1\bs: 2 R:~k~iKor p
g~~nen, G. SI·ltlt aDd ~'Ictu~l tl!r.120 ~\O~8 st. Cochrane, Miss, 3.'> York plare
i::e Rutland street Newinqton
CoUedge JOlbua, relstaurattmr, 36 E. Rose st. Compton, Miss, utab1ishment for young
Coiled ge t ThOl. (of .IV. t C R.) 39 NicoJ. st. ladiell, Talbot place, East l'rcston .tred
NO~~l~lb:i~:~~s,, (jO New bUlldmgs, Cod!r~ne, Miss ltfm'garet, green grocel', 116
I Conedg~ 'WilUlm, surgeon, 1 Springfield Comri". Alex. silver engrlYer, 62 Thistle sf.
Clerihew l' t)' I Klrkgftte Collie, D. R. " Son, prlnte1'l and publishel'l, Comr!e, 1\lr8 1\1. J.; Montague street
Cleu~h ;U ct~i' o( g~n:lI, I!J Adlban y street : Coc~bu~n alld Co. wine merchants, 89 Con- 19 St Itree&-ho• .sl Hope park eod COol ne; )frs, S6 Clerk street
enT. H 8S l1.a, ~ut an aquare I slltutum "treet I eith Ct)lIie, D. (Ct»n. Bank), 82 Duodas street. Conacher, MIS8eI, 72 Northumberland stJeet
CJilnksc~~!;' l~~~~tkeirr, ~ llrougbtou st: ; Cockbum, Aacxa~(l~r, 12 Walkrr street Collie, D. B. jun., printer 11 Parkside 8treet Condamlne & Co. wine men., 4 Duke st. l..cith
I!treet-houBe 2.\ Stn;n; .r~r, 170 lhgb, Cock burn, Alex. cowfeeder,2118 Canongate Collier, John, tailor, 1. Heriot pI. Lauriaton Condarnine & Drummond, wiDe mercblnlt,
ClolIston 1'hos.' S 8 r,le square • . Cockburn, Alex. 18 Lo,hian street Collier, 'Vm. Franelst Englisb master, Ed!n- .. Duke Itreet, Leith
phv8ician to U' ., l~~':'C'S' jnd IIss1stanl, Cockbum, A. D. Coates house burgh ACt'.demy, 7 HeDderlOn row. Condimine, R. de la, 30 Drummond place
CIUI1~S. A. coal ~~:ch~n'tn,:a~::'n t I i Cocdkb,urkn, .A. ~oldlmith and jeweller, 3 Fre- CoUina, E. & Son, joiner., uphobterel'l, anll ConDell, Prof. Arthur, 19 Hownrd place
aM 14 I' t 1I 'h . .( I g on p • ,
I enc street
or opctoun- o. 7 LauristOIl st. Cockbum, Dr, Pontland villa, CoatCl
cabinet- makers, 110 ROle I,reet-houle, 26\ Conne1J, Christopher J amel, 2i Inverlehh row
}'redcrick Itreee Connell, Jame., 38 l\iel'ille .treet

--. ,.

• • ,
~Jl, James, Procurator-fiscal's office' Cook, Waiter, 25 Drummond place
Coonty buildings-bOo 2 M'Kellzie place Cook, W. & J., 'V.S. 32 Abercromby place
ComI, \Ym. bookbinder, stationer, le enyelope 'Cowan & (;0. paper milkers, stationers, and
manufacturer, 14 North S~ ADdre .. st.-j veUum binders, 17 Princes st.-counting-
Conncll .Tn. shoemaker, 31 OM Fisbmal'ket cl. Cook, W. hnircutter, &c.,8 Deanbaugb akeet house, 2 Elm r,)w bOUiC. \Vest Rt'gister street
ConneU: 1\1", 'J Union 8treet Cook, ltlrs, Claremont park Cornthwaite, P., & Co, wbolesale tea mer.j Cowan & Strachan, silk mercers, &c. 15
Conning, Alex. JUDo fle8her, 7 Deanhaugh st. Cooke, Adam (Inla!'d....1le,,:) 10
Conning, Pf'ter, 59 Cumbtlrlaml street. I 'V.
Cooke, Jawes, l\I. a '-'allnmg place
Preston It. chants-Rae, W. H., agent, 18 Antigua It. I Princes street
Cornwall, James, F.R.C.S. 6 \Vest CircUlI pt. I' Cowan, Alex. D. sih-er plater and s.'\(ldl~N'
ConnoUr, James S. (Bu/lnnJ!Jne ~ Co.), 7 Cooke, Jame8,job and postmaster, and Jivery Com.all, 1\lr8, dressmaker, 5 Howe 8tr~!'t , il'omnooger, ~3 r.awnmarket-housc, 14
Park street stables, lleuse lane-hot 10 Comely bank Corr1e, W. H. (Hellry.J.: t:) 81 Princea st. I Graham street
ConnoUy, 1'. J., 48 Buccleuch street Cooke, .James, music amI musical instrument Come, Ml'5, 32 Queen st. i eowan, Char!es, 37 Royal t'!r.race
Conllolly, !toss, watch.dcaler, &0. 2i Dlait st.
ConnoU)', Thomas, broker, 261 Cowgate
seller, Greenside place
Cooke, lIre, teacher of pianoforte and singing,
Corson, Mrs, drelS and mantle maker, 35: Cowan, DU1U (Htmtcr, Dlcur, mul C.), 17
Leith street ; Moray place
Connol', C. preacller, 1" Parkside street I 2,~ Greenside place Coeen., Peter, adYocett.', 70 Great King It. : Cowan, Gto., 1\1.0. surgeon, 30 Clerk street
Connor, )In, Il Pieardy place Coopcr, Alex. carver and glider, 12 Conatitu- COlens, Mrs, 70 Great King street : -house, 1" Rankeillor street
Conochie, .J. (O. 1'•• 0.) 10 Mid. Arthuf pI. lioo street-boose, 12 Fox Lane C08lI&f, G. (Bank ofScotlalld), 4 Frederick st. : Cowan, Geo. razor paRte and furniture oil
Conochie, Wm. (G. P•• O.) 10 Arthur 8treet Cooper, A. haircutter & perfr. 19 Downie tJl. Collam, Duid compositor, 32 Jalnaiea r.trect, mnnufllcturcr, 1 S.- \V. Orells p}Rce
Conquergood, Misses, milliners an.l dress- Cooper, Chaa, secretary, St Cuthbert'sLodge Cotton, Georg~ & Son, tobacconists to the I Co,, Georgc, accountant, G '!oddington pI.
makel'!l, 37 George street of Fl'ce Gardeners, 30 St James' square royal bousehold, 23 Princcs street I CowaD, Geurgc, lJurgeon, 32 Ahnto strl'et
CONSISTOJ.lAI. Clerk's Office, Parliament ho. j Cooper, David, accountant, 11 St .Tames' 8t. Cotton, Genrge, S.S.C. 51 CaCJt1e atreet ' Cowan, Hugh, advocate, " Aiuslie place
CONSOLS I.ife IDllurance and Investment Cooper. Hunter, grocer, 1 West Norton place I
Cotton, George (G. C. mid S01l), 11 Brilto st. Cowau, .Tames (Cowttn ~ Co.), 38 Hoyal ter.
A8lOCiation, 72 Princes It.-W. Lambert, Cooper, .ramcs, shipmaster, 1 1\fadeira street Cotton, Geo. tobacco manufac. ~31 High lit. I Cowan, Jas., gurdener, 28 Cruft.-au-lligh
agent. Cooper, J ••• boot and Ihoem. 5 High terrace Cotton, J. & Co. agentl, 15 North Bank street I Cowau, Jolm, tlc5hcr. '27 )Hddle m&rk~t
Conlltable, Tbomas, I,rinter to her Mujesty, Cooper, Robert, lodging', 13 Albany street CottoD, Jame., 231 High .ueel-houae, 10; Cownn, John, sbeep & mttle agent, 6 Hope
11 Thistle st.-house, 340 lloyal terrace Cooper, Thos. & Co. button factor and whole-- Buccleuch place , }lark square
CONSUL, American,.T. l\f'llowell,3LeopoJd pJ. sale warehou8emcn, &c. 1 & 5! So. bridge, I
Cotlon, Job!i, ~nuWmanufacturcr, 122 Princes Cowan, Lord, • Ainslie place
CONSUL, Bc!lgian, .Tohn 1\1. 1\litcbell, :.! Dock & 2 No. bridge street-house, 1t' Unfon street
place, Leith, ,
2" ~ooper, Thomas (c. ~. Co.), 8 Blacket pI.
CONSUl" Brazlhan, H. Denovan, Commer- t;ooper. Tboma., 811veremitb, 2 Swin&oD row
CoUon, Wm. (G. C.l; .sw.), 't Cowan, Patrick, 5 Merchi!lton park
Blacket pi. I CowaD, Itobert, W.S. 9 Carltou ,.'rrace
Cotton, 1\Irs .lames \V. 47 York place ICowan, T}lOmas, wine and sl,irit merchant, 1
cial place -honse, 20 Barony Itreet Coubrough, .Jobn, grocer and l'pirit merchant, I Hri8to port-houllc, ..
COlIsuL,Freneh,Jutl!s~o.rron, UCharlottosq. Cooper, 'YID. te~cher of writing, arithmetic, 19 Greenside street I Cowan, Waitl'r,2" orummomtJllllCC
CONSIJI, G~neral Dam,h,' Wm. Matshall,26 ami book:k~pmg, 10 George street COUNCIL Cbambers, 10 Royal Exchange Cowan, W. brusfounder an gas meter
CODlnituhon street, l.elth ICooper, Wllhnm, of Failford, 7 Eton ten,&ce COUNCILCbalJlbers, l.eith, I01Con.titulion st. maker, 60 llucrleuch street-bouse, Grange
CONSUl... D~ni8h Vice, .Jamcs L. B. Yule, 26 Cooper, William, cowfeeder, S6 Broughton.l. COUN'I'Y Fire Aasurance Office, 40 Shore- IolU!
Constitution stre,et , Coopt'r, l\Irs, 3 Poreland place Waiter SimpsoD, agent Cowan, \V. lieuteDant of llolice. 7 Brighton
CONSUl'l Hanseatlc VIC~, A. Uobinow, 2.5 Cooper, Mrs, cow feeder, 3 SberifFbrae, Leith COUNTY Fire Oftice - S. E. Trotter, 13-A I street
Coneutution Itreet. L~th Cooper, Mr8, 126 Lo.uriston place George street, arent Cowan, 'Vm. wood engraver and draftamtill,
COSSUUH Delegate italIan, M. Rampini, 10 COl)per, Miss Hannab, 1 Lord Russcll place COUNTY Police Office, Counly ball, EdiD- 1.5 St James' square
Glouc('stt>r place COPlNII.\GEN Steam Packet Office - Jobn burgb, anli Annfield, Leith Cowan, Wm. 2 Montpcli~r
CONSUL! l\Iccklenburg, Peter Taysen, J8.)Con. Inlester, 3" Bernard street COUNTY Prilon Board, "6 Gt:org~ at.-David Cowao, Mrs, 9 Cat'hon terrace
stltutron street Copestake, Moore, Crampton, & Co. lace !\Iurray, e.A. clerk to tbe Board Cowan, Mrs,35 Royal terrace
CONSIJf., Netherlands & Hanover, Alexander manufacturers IS-A Princes .treet Couper, C. Tenn.nt, advocate, '" A[oraJ pl. COWllll, Mrs, lOOKing", 130 Cnnongnte
Patcrson, 9 Bernard street, Leith Copland, G. 23 iJroughton pI. Couper, J.« A. dreumaken, 2S ROle street Cowan, Milll, 11'2 NicollOn sneet
CONSUl,! Ol~enburg, LeyoourneWatson,30'A Copland, Harry Y. D. 27 Stafford etreet Co"per, J. 1 London .&reet Cowan, 1\1i1'1J .J. milliner and straw bonnet
. Consutuhon street.. Copland, R. T. tailor and elothim',31 North eo8per. Wm. H. writer, • Piu street, Leith maker, 100 Klrkgate
CONSUl" Portuguese, Wm.l\fulr, Wet Docks Frederick street Couper, Miss, dress and straw-baDDct nluer, Cowey, Mn Wm. 3 Ga,fleld plaee
CO,NSUL, l'ru8Iiau, J. G. l'hom80n, 18 South Co:-bt:tt, Wm. surg.-dentist, &3 Frederiek .t. .sO Broughton .treet Cowie,.James, builder, Hllddington place-ho.
St Andrew street! Edlnburgb, and 27 St I Corbctt, Mrs J.lodgings, 14 Cumberland at. COUIlANT printing & publlibing office, 188 19 rilng model buildiog.
Andrew street, LeIth Dorlett, )fiSII, 88 Dublln &tree' High street Cowie, Thomas, grocer, 23 S. College st.
CONSUl" Prus~i8nVice! A.W.Bcdl, lODockVI. Connack, Alex. constable, Granton ier Court, John, S.S.C. 21 GeorgeSlClnate Cowieeon, Peter, printaeller, ltationer, and
CONIUI" UusSlan, DavlII Tbom, 28 Conlltitu-/ Cormack, Dllvid S.S.C and accou:tan.......d Coulln, Duld, archheel and citlsuperinten. general .Irehotllcman, A·~g l.othinn etreet
dop street t ~ l'L L' , ..,
and 5 Bri~hton It.-ho. 1 J2 l.auriaton plue
CS' h J I agen .or tie (JU' ffc AS8Urance Socitt, dent, City chambcl'I-boUle, 1 GreenhiU
;ON9ut., pams, 8S. Gor( on, ~ Baltic at. of London, 3~l York pIace.-See Ad". gardeDI , CowiClOn~ lliss W., dealer in toys, S North.
CON~UL: Swc~lsh and NorweJrlan, T. Hut- Connack, Mrs, 21 Leopold place Coutin, Geo. lU~or and valurator of bu~d- w~t Car~~ pl~ ,
chmson, ~adway buildings, Citadel Cormack, Mr" Findhorn lace
Conway, i\!lchael, & Co. tailors & cll>thiers, 4. Cnnnack, Mrs Jas. Dick
St 'Mary !I, wynd-See Adv.
pr. W. M: rtle bulk
Connack, Miss, 7 Great Stulll1lt~et
iDSs 12 Royal Excbange-bo. Sunoyl1de, Cowme, Walbam, Jun. -l1 l..othlan It.
Bru~tl6eld Unlet CowDie, D• .,id, clothier, 6 Weat PrntoD It.
Conway, Mlchael, 13 East A(lam street. I Corner J M wood en rater 10 B .
COUlin, Jobn, builder, .56 Cumbe~land It. Cownie, \V~. & Sonl, clothierlll, 63 South br.
2 k'3
on Y, Mrs,21 Lauriston street
,00 .,AJex.Shank,a(lvocate, 35 Great Kin~ st.
Corner' J~hn' 'ailor a:d clothier ~~~
stree't-ho':sc, 136 Geor e stre;t ... _aa""
COGIin, J. tabinetmalle:, 10 CaoDlDg place Cowpar, MUQ, 1 Scotland street
Coastaad, JobOt f) Grove .areet Cowper, A. 22 Coate& crescent
Cousland, Mra 1 Clerk Itreet I' Cowper, Charles N. writer, 35 AIYa !;tree'
~oo~, fJ~x. carter, Alhany st. cottage, Leitb Corner, MI8I1\bry, lady CDdY.belt d &a • COktie, W. ~tandab08maker, u.s High lit. Cowper, WilJillm, 6 Union street
C0\, tIn ( W, ~. J. C,). 11 Great King st. maker, 161 1\ose streel
~mct l\lrs lod I
.n I , Cout&,,' Hotel, 1. Waterloo piKe I Cowper, M. and A. cor,,,t & belt makes, 56
00 ,. 0 m, n Cumberfand "treet
Cook, ;\1. ami J. hatters, 10 Nico1son stl'eet Cornm~n Hypolft Q~ S S ~m rlaDd
33 C be
.tree' eoYentry, Andrew, adYocate, ~ Moray place I George Itreet
Coventr1, Rev. Georp, of Shanwell, 3S Aiel.. Cox, Robert, W.S. 2u Ru,land Itreet
Cook, Rev. Geo. A.M., 23 Ann Itreet -hous~ 1 D C . , 'n'· ., 61 C~ It.
..:, uncan st" rummond plaee viUe street I Cox, Rey. \Villi.m .1.6 Crown Ilreet, Leltb


&c.9 Gl'censide 1,lace

Cos, 'Vm:~nvclopo '-m-ak-e-r-,-b-la-ck borderer, ~ra!gie, Hy. 'V.S, , Falcon hall, Morningaid~
Cralgie, .Ja;;. stra,,-bool1et manufacturer, ,,0 Cratrford, W. portrait painter, 33 Aber-.:romby
Crawford. W. (Miller t C.), 61 Clerk .treet Croall, John, & SoDS, postmuten, and fUD~;d
undertaken, Royal CaledOniaD Bazaar 9 &
Coxe . .rames, commissioner ;n lunacy. 12 St I South brldge-ho. st. George street plaee 10 Leith walk '
Andl'ew square . .. ~ra!gle, .Ja~e8, l~ C~mberland street Crawford, 'Vm. Commercial Bank, Leith- Croall, John, coach builder and eoach nroprie.
COXIIOJl, JaUlu, grocer, WIIIC :md EPll'lt I Cralgie, MaJor. (hstrlct psymalter, office 46
merchant, 100 Abbey hili, all<16 Baxter'& pt IInnover street-house, 3.Castle terrace
Coyne, It la1ll\ Ilnd engilleering surveyor and I' Craigie. Capt. Uohert, dlt:h'IC_! paymaster, 46
houae. 30 Bronghton place
I tor,4 Princea !treet and Middleftefd
Crawford. Wm. baker, 31 Shore, and !l8 Leith Croall, .John (P. C. et 801:) 1 :NelsoD street
street, Edinr.-hoUIe, 6 Wellington pJacA CroaJl,P.• &Son,coacb buiiden,61 PriDeeut.
valuator 21 George st. and I; Cheyne st. Hanover street-house, 2 <.:astle terrace Crnwford, Mn D.3 Dane street CrOlJl. Robert, job and postmaster Middle.
Crabbie, J: & Co.• merchts., 40 S. Great Junc· I Craigie, Miss, of Dumbarnie, 11 Rutland st. Crawford, !\Ir8, lodgings, .. George place field house '
tion roa,' l.eith I Craik, Mrs, \1 Duncan street Crawford. ?frs, 41 Alelville street CroaJl, W. (J. ~. W. C.), i l Broughton s~t
Crabbie, Joim M. merchant, 6 Brunton place' Ct'amond, A~drew, tailor, 26 Le~en street

Crager. I'hillp, 3 l~ast Preston street

Crabbie, .John (J. C.~· Co.), 22 noyal terrace Cramond, lhss Jane, 8S Great Kmg street
(-'ran8toll, .John, 3 ,LorlUussell place
Crawford, Mr" 18 Ann street
Crawford, Mrs, 3 Antigua street
Croall, 'Vm. coach builder, 20 Leopold place
Croall, 1\In D. IS DaJrymple place
Crawford, Mrs Catharine.locigingl, 8 Hope st. Crokat, General, Newbank, Trinity
Craig and nose, oil merchants fond dry £alters, I Cranston, Uobt., "averley telDIlrrllnce hotel, Crawfor~, Mrs Margt. midwife and slckuursc, Crocket, David: grocer and Ipirit dealer, ~1
Anderson'" .,lacc 43 Princes st. .50 Thistle street Tobago street
Crllig, Brothers, a.,d Co. retail woollen drapers Crauford. M. (Canal Co.', office ),.1 Port Hopn. Crawford, l\J~S8C11, 17 Archibald place Crocket, 1'bomu Gowans, basket maker, 163
and hatters, 107 South bridgc ClueD, Uichard, grocer & wme mercbant, Crawford, 1\1185, 33 Dundas street High .treet
Ca'aig,, and Co, wholcsale woollen 13!i! Prince~ street Crawfurd, Ilis8, embroiderer, 26 India place Croke&, Miss, 10 Lynedoch place
mcrclmnts,11 South bridge Craven, Wm.lacc merchaDt.1211'rinces st.- Crease, Alex. 27 8t Patrick square CroU, Mrs A. 11 Hor- terrace
Cralg, Christie, and Co. Ilat manufacturers, house, Corstorpbine house Crease, William, merchant, 6 George square Crole, David, 3 RamEay gardens
23 Pottorrow I Cra\\ford & Crawford, S.S.C. 3 Queen st. Crease. Mrs,1 Gilmore plnee Croley, WilIiam, pharmaceutical chcmi.t Bud
( 'raig, Archibaltl ( Cmig Brotllers), 1G Blacket Crawford, A. & A. agents forCombe, Delafield, Cree, James, merchan.t, 7 Brunton place druf.lgi!lt, 1 Downie place
place & Co., & corn. agents. 8 Quality lane, Leith ~rec, 1\Irs Wm •. ~ Smuh's place Crole1, Wm. riding and medical belt maker,
Craig. CharlcR, baker, 2 Claremont place Crawford, Cree, & Co. wool.brokcl's, Junc- Crerar, Alex••pmt dealer, S29 Cowgate 13 tiouth Frederick strel!t
rrllig, navid, baker, 6 East Norton place- tion sll'cet Vrerar, Daniel, 4 Hart street (,roley, Mrs, Itaymllker, l:i South Frederick
ho. R Crawford, A. 11., H.E.I.C.S. 19 Hoyal ter. Crer.r, George, manuf..eturcr of IewinG ma-I street
('raig, n. 18 l~cttes row Crawford, Ucv. Da\·i:l,sub·treasurer to U. P. chines, ulg1e mills-house, Barony street CroIJ, 1>avid, fruiterer, 27 Hanover Itreet
Craig, Henry, Wnrllic crcscent Church,S <!ueen lit.-ho. 30 Broughton pI. Crerar, Jobn, .piri, merchant, 106 Nicolson &t.1 eroU, Uobert. 2 St ,J obn street
('raig, .Tas. '1'. GibbOn, \V.S. 2t. York \llace Cl'awford, David, S.S.C., Master Estra- Crerar, P. & Co. shooting establishment, 9 Cromar, Ale •• metal IDerch. I·, Upper Gray
rraig ••Tames. hoiser, glov~r, and shil·tmaker,
~7 South bridge-house 35
ordinary in the High Court of Chancery"
(C. !\' C.) '" Piu street
AdTOCItcS' close, High street I Itreet
Crlbbei, Peter, lapidory, Swintoh row-houlilC, Crombic, Ale•. of 'l'hornroD, 11 Moray piace
Crllig, .lames, dr3pl!l' and clothier, 50 Lothian 'I Crawford, George, baker, 106 Rose street 23 Clyde street ! Cl'ombie, Alex., yr. of Tbornton, 'V.S., 90
strcet Crawford, George, jun. baker, I1 LeTen st. Crichtoli, Alex. housekeeper, Custom· house, I (Teorgtl Itreet
Craig, James, wine mrrch:mt and grocer, 40 Crawfo~d, .James & C~. clothier!' Olnd drapcrsl ~ei&h. . i Cromb!e, And., & Son, dyers, 19 Brown sq.
Broughtoll "t.-house, 6t. 11 1hgh terrace, Leith stre,ct Crlchton, Davld, carpeDter and ' Cromble, David, lodgings, 2~ India street
Cra~g, .Tames, shoemaker. :389 Lawnmurket Crawford, Jas. jun. \\r.s., master extraordi. maker, 3 Tollcrofls J Cromble, .John, anerchant" 19 Drown sq.-ho.
Cralg ••Jas, grocer and wine mer. ·lO Clerk st. nary in Chancery, and commissioner Courts Crichton, G. & M. gold and sih'er Imith, and 90I..auriston ploce
I -house, 17 St Patrick square of Queen's l1cncb, Common Plc&8 and , ~atchmak{'rs, 55 North bridge. : Crombie, Ropert, draper, 17 St Patrick sq.
Crni~, .Jllmes, distiller pI. 11.•~. Cra;g), 6 I~xeheCiue" 12 Duke street ' ClIcliton, Rev. Andrew, 12 Arm~ton place Cromble, 11151, 90 Laurilton place
West 1\faitJand l't. 'Crawfonl, .1 ames, warehouseman 50 South Crichtonl Gcorge, J 1 llruDufield place !Crooks, Geo. merc~ant and agent for the Cafe
(' raiH ••JamcR, inspector of poor of St ruth· bridge-ho. 106 Lauriston plae: Crichton. G. P. 1 n~rony street ! dmlic!Jl 1116urallce 0Jli,:e, ~ Coostitution st.
, burt's. 4 Grove road. . Crawford, .Tames, agent, 1 and 2 Greenmarke& Crichton, Hew, S.S.C. 13 Nelson street Crook~, John, 8 Canning place
(raig, .John, ,~ Co. tailors, &, Inglalal\(l cos' Crawford, James boot and shoe maker 1 St Crichton, H. Hamilton, 'V.S. 13 Nelson It. 'Crooks, ~Ii&s Isabella, embroidery warehoUle
tunIC makers, 3 Leith street terrace-house, jI Bernard's plllc~ , (~r~chton, J. A. advoca~, 13 Nelson strect , 13 Union place '
, 2~ Greenside str~ct-See Adr. I' Cl'awfonl, .Tames, farrier nnd blacksmith, Old tr!chton, M. H. 21 Scumnes troom, ReT. Dl\\'id M. 1 Upper Gilmore pI.
Crmg, .John, provhilon ",1erchant, 8 Cathcrine Physic gardens Cflchton, 'V. silver plate manufr. ,rest Thistle Cropper, WilIiam & Son, house paintera and

8~r,'et-ho\ls,e, I~ Antigua st. I Crawfcid, .10llD, llalquhatstolle coal office S! street lane, north side : glaziers, 1 India .treet-house, 2&
~ra!g, .JII. lmglllcer~ 36 Albany street, L('ith Port IIopetoun, and J18 }>rinces street - Crichton, W. l' Elder street : CrCllble, Thomu, taHor, .(, Ealt Arthut place
(,rll!g, Thoma!l. 7.1~llst }>reston street I ('rawford, .Jubn, private hotel, 43 and 60 (~r!chton, l\Irs A. 17 York place • I Crosbie, Mlls .Janeo,dressmaker,4 E.ATthurpl.
CraJg, TllOmas, Vlctllal dealer, 42 liroughtoll I George street (tlcbton, l\Irs Colonel, 2 8t Dernard M cres- ' <.:rou & Carruthcn, jewellen, and dealers in
S~rt'ct-;-house, ;1 ~arony st. 1 Crawford, .John, 2 Barony street cent ,I articlci of virtu, 61 Hanover street
(',rll~g. \\ m. I.. t ,lllO~1 BUlIk, ~) Arcllibald pI. i Crawford, John, artist and photographer, 60 Cr~chton,?Irs Mahland Magill, 28 Moray pi. ,erOlSan, 1\lrs, 21 Bl'ough&on place
(,ralg, Mrs Jas. mufwlfc. JO MlIldle Arthur.,1. I Lothian road t:r~chtoll, Mrs,. 9 l\Ian~r place i CrolaaD, l\lidCs, millinen, 29 Drougbtoa It.
C,ralg, Ml's .lanet" 7 St Leonard's hill I Crawford, John Knox, S.S.C. 9 S. St Dadd Crlghton, Davllt, cabmd nnd, CrOPe, George, 10~ Cauleyside
(,ra~!;t ~lrs .J. 8 Grove street I street-house,30 Brouglu:m '(Ilnce , t,naker, Fountainbridgt: I Crouch, W. & Son, watchmakerl. }'W"clien.
(raIK. Mrs, baby linrn warehou8e, 393 LuwlI- I Crawford, ,Jobn. "overuor Orphan's Hospital Crlghton, James, grocer, tea & winemef(bant, , IUvcramilbs, and agent~ fOe Parcel Convey-
market C l' d ,.., " 1 h'
C "1' , rawlur , .l"llmmO, cat er-cutter" 2/) EalJt , ~ Kerr stree&-honse, 16 Dean terrace : ance to IndiA) Au.&ralia, and America, &c.,
•ra~g, 4' ~SS, 6 \\ est Clarernont street Crosscausey C;rlghton, John H. 1 Summerhall place 32 North bridge-bonae, 11 LUUOll pI.
C.ral.l~' .i\hss, 6 Carlton st~r~t
Crawford, H., S,S,C. (C.cC C.)rnastcl"cxtraord. crb::d' Robert E. (Courallt Office), 23 Arcrn-: Crow, George, maJon,&c.,.s1 Piu Itreet
~ rll,'g,ic, ~?av. "1.l>·llllyslclan, 28 Queen st. in High Conrt of Chancrry, :~ Queen It. place ICrowe, J. tailor and clothier, S North bridge
('ra~g~e, t~· 111., o{ ~c,llar!lfield, Leith walk Crawford, Uev. 1'homa~, D.H, Prufellor of ('roal, Tho•• A. 2 Rankemor pJace I Crowe, Robert B. rector Ref. Dr AncJrew
,ra!glt', or )(,!; t.P .• O.), 16 Roxhurgh st. Dh'illity, 13 Great King ~trt'ct CryoaiJ'k,J• Ilnd W. coach and haroes. makers, , 1'boml,.n'. ,chool, 10 Queealferry .trt!c~
(rnlgll', <.:eorge (G. P.- 0.), 056 India street Crawford, Thos. baker, 68 Kirkgate or Ianc: -house, 5 LOlbJaD rOld

_-;-~r=m~.~~~•.a.~r~_~."~"".C.4~"d"U.I"S~.C~""6.S~"$~S"S.6 ....a~"""...i""
------------------------------ 191
Caow,.· Hot.1. 10, 11, and I~ Princes street Cuningbam & Co. wine merchantll, J1 Clyde C,urer, Adam, grocer and wine mcrehant, Dale, Miss Margaret, dealer in stationer,-, H
CROWN &ANCHOR Hotel (Da,idson's) 2 High
terrace, Leith street
st. (late 38 nJair st.)-ho. 86 Gt. King It.
Cuningham, Alex. secretary, Northern Light-
Queen street-house, 12 St ViDt.ent street
CUA'l'i!r, Mrs, 13 !\fontgomer), street
I So. Clerk st· ~
Dalgaims, l\fis. S. J5 Gioucester p!3.~e
Carrer, Mitll5es, 3 AntiJtua street Dalgety, Harr, (Sroll, Moncriciff t D.) 41
Cao1WN I.iCe Assurance Company. 67 George house." 84 George It.
street.-H. W. CornilloD, S.S.C., sec. for Cuningham, And. jun. wright, 58 Tolbooth
Scotland wynd-hotlllc, 49 Charlotte street, Leith
Currie & Lamb, bookbiOllers and statione~,
10 Hunter square
I Minto fitreet
Dalgety, Mts Charles, "7 l'finto strcet
CAOWN Office, Parliament square I Cuningham, John, plumber and gasfhter, 45 Currie and Cu. wholesale confectioners, cho-,I Daigleisb & Son, machine cork In:l:lufac-
Crudeliua C. W. (~'U'aine ,~. G1.), Jessfield' Bemard street col.te manufacturers, and agents, 25 Geo. turers, Soutb back of C~nongatc
bouse Newhaven road Cuningham, W. A. 86 Great King street IV. Bridge Dalgleitlh and l:orrest, Iluctiout:ers !lutI fumi·
CruicbhaDk and Ronaldson, upholsterers, &c. Cuningham, Mrs, 'i Inverleith row (:ul'rie, Adam, ehipmaster, 4o.1j Tolbooth wynd, ture dealers t ... St Andrew squart.'-Sec Adv.
1 M'~dl's F1. •• ~un~ngbam, Miss. 86 Great ](i'1g street Leith Dalglcish, David, flellber and poulterer, lS
Cruickshauk, Alex. & Sons, hOSiers, shirt Cumngilame, lfrs, 23 Moray place Currie, Adam, grocer, 14 Kirkgate Bread street
makers, ladies', gentlemen's, and children's Cuninghame, Miss, f"uiterer, !) Charlotte st. Currie, Alex. adv?CAte, P. C. of Session, 4-S Dalglcish, .lame!. W.S. I ... Rutland square
outfitters, Si 4nd 61 George street I Leith Heriot row I Dalglcish, ,l. The Grange house
Cruickshank, Alex., Uecord~t and Superintcn- , Cuninghame, Miss, 27 Racburn place Currie, David (C. ~. LaMb), 3 Blair st. . Dalgleisb, .l('hn, agent for EdmoDston coal,
dent, Recordcr's Office, West Kirk-ho. ~911 Cunning, William, smith and iTo~monger,38 Cllrrie, Heriot, engineer, 4 Auburn place, North British Hailway Company
Torphichcll street (~uecn street-house, 9 S.-E. CirCUS place North Fort strect Dalgleillh, John, wright, ·..2 Pleasancc-;.Juse,
CndckKhank, Edwarll, 6 West Claremont st. j Cunnin~ham & Smith, wine merchants, C;9 Currie, .Tames, shoemaker, 114 Rose street S Uoxhur/lh terrace •
Cruickshank, Francis, A.It.S.A., pur:r:!!!, Georg : street Currie, Hc,". James, rector, Normal Institu- Dalglcish, Mark, Briti~l. Litl!'n Co. /lan!.-
painter,24 Geurge street I CUli!lingbam, Fraser, & Co. nurserymert and don, Johnston terrace-ha. 1 Eyre place Dalglt:iJb, Robert. BC8her. 33 }o'(\untainhridge
Cruickshank, .Jas. surgeon, 5 Nclf;OIl street ! florists, Comely bank Curric, Jobn, gartlr.ner and tlorilt,9 Grange l>algleish. Roi>crt. 1101,.1'000 glass-works, 11
Cruickshnnk, John, nroughton cottagl', 3:1 i Cunningham, Alex. grocer, 15 Earl Grey st. road South hack ~f Canongate
Brou~hton place I CUlln:ngham, Alexander, 10 }o'ettea row Currie, Robert, hootmakff, 76 Leith street Dalglclsh, WaIter SCOlt. The Grange house
Cruicklhalnk, William, 17 Cannon st. Leith : C1u&oingham, n. & E. milliner8 and straw- Currie, Thos., spirit l1lercha!it, 1... Market st. lJIII:-Ieish~ WiIliam, 1 MelYiIle street
Cruicksh8nk, lIrs, 15 BroughtOll place ! hat makers, 5 Admiralty street Currie, Thomas D. ~o St Andrcw square Dalg!cish, William, I';Catherine street
Cru:ckshunk, Mrs .Tohn, 2 Grove street I Cunningh"m, G. of Newton, civil engineer, 21 Ct.rrie! 'Villiam, 2 ... Clerk &tr~t I Dalglt'ish, Mi~s. 31j (rrang~ road

Cruil~kllhank. l\Irl! 'l'homas, 1 Alban, street, \1 Castle street-ho. 2~ Rutllind street Cllrrie, Wm. corK manufllcturcr, 48 'Vater lane OALIi t.1Th Colliery Office. St Leonard's depot
Ci·uicksh!ltlk~. Win. engraver, 13 E. Uegistc\'
I Cunningham, .Tas., W.S. 50 Queen street
Cruickshank, Miss, 6 Duncan st. Newingtl:1 Cunninghsam. Jam· 0 C. (J. 8f J. C.), 88 Lau"
riston place
Currie, &In, 65 York place
Currie, Mrs, spirit dealer, Echo bank
Currie, l\In, 12 Union street
-George Baihrrie-, agent-ho. 9 Parkaide
stre('t.-Sec .Adu.
I Dall~ !'.. :. H.N., J 7 1I0war(1 pl3ce
street and 21 St Jamc~' place Cunningham, .bmes, ,night, 32 Elbe street Currie, Miss, matron, Geo. Wat80n'8 hospital Dall, Thoma..'\.. C.A., 31 Dublin Itrcet
Cullen, Uev. G. D. :1:1 lloyal tel'race I -ho:lsf', 2·' Mitchell street, Leith Curridli~l, Lord, 60 Northumberland street Dall, Wm. cbina & glass merchant, .. Hano-
Gllcs' street
Cullen, ,Jas. cry~tal lInd china merchant, .so Cunningham, J. & J., fleed, linseed cake, a~d
artificial manure merchts. 102 We8t bow
Curror. ~. iam, farmer, Myresidc ver street-house, 11 J)undoR street
Curror, David, of Wester Craigduck;e, S.S.C., Dallas, E. W. l,hQtogra,.iler, 34 So. Hanoyer
Cullen, .Tohn, W.S. 3' York place I Cunninghnm,Jn.(Signet I.ibrary),~ Athollpl. 54 Northumberland ~treet slreet
Cullen, Thomas, surveyor oC taxes, 6 Water-I Cunningham, J. S. (.1. J,fJ. C.), 4 Churchliill Curtis, Mrs IUoba~d, 8 Heriot place D811a8. Mrs. fj Maitland street
100 place I Cunningham, Thomas, hat manufacturer, 61 (, William, Malta green cou.~ge Dahuahoy & 'Vood, 'V.S. 12,Hill street
CuJlen, MI'lI .Tames, 2 Ly~edoch place 1' North bridge Cusme, James, 23 Bem,rd street, LeIth Dalmahoy, .rames, E.l.S., r, ~-orrCR lit.
Cunens, Alrxandr(, 'l2 Pltt street ,/ ('unningham Thomas tailor and clothier 28
Cummiog, Doswall, late supervisor of Inland I St l\fitry's ~yud ' ,
CUSTOM House, Commercial place, Leila'!
Cuthbert, Alex. 12 Grange Roa<1
Dlllmahoy, Pat. (D. ~. Jl'ootl). 69 (~ucen It.
Dalrymple, John, tt'll and cofJ't.>e Ibercbanl, 2
llev~"'IC, 8 Roxhurgh strt:et I Cunningbam, Wllliam, D.D. professor of Cutbbert) Clllrkson, M.D. surgeoD, tl ~pence's Princes stieet-hou!e, Fi!ldhotn place
Cumm!ng, Charles, 17 LOllllon st. I theology in New College, 17 Salisbury road pJace-ho. 4 SempJe Itreet Dalrymple, .l ... rope sail maker, &c. 9 Bemard
Cu~mmg, .Jam~8,_ 1.1..1)., H.M. Inspector ofl Cunningham, WiIliam H. 3 Leven strf!et Cuthhert, Daniel. I,.ro~er and spirit dealer, 36 ~'fLet
Schools,20 Plh;g street C'unninrrham Mr. Armes lodrrings 6 John- Brun8wick street Da!rymple, \ViHillm, S.S.C. 1 j Piu 5tr~et
CJummmg, . •rames, W J101elllI ' anI! sptrit:
e wIDe . I ston place l'" ,,-, 0 ,
CuthbertRon, A.... 6 Lauriston street Dalzcll, Mrs, 2 HamiitoR place. Newington
, 7 Grl18Rmar~et-ho. 4R Gilmore 111.1 Cunningham, 1\trs .T. S., 7 Royal terrace Cuthbert~on, A. G.& Son, merchants and rom- Dalziel, Uev. George l S I..even IItreet.
Cummt.n~, .T,\mcs, artist, ;0 Elder street 1 Cunningham, l\lrs Patrick, 31 Princen street mission agents, I~O Constitution st.l.eith Dalziel. Goorge ( Giluon.C,aiJ{l, D. ~ Brooie),
Cummmg, Rev ••Tames Elder, ]3 Bucc1euch Cunningham, Mra W.3 EaAt Uegister street Cuthbcrtson, Andrew Gray, 31 Hkcburn pI. )0 J!egcnt terrace
street Cunninghnm, Mm, 24 Dublin street Cutbbertson, James, spirit deaZer, ... Ilegen' DaJzieJ, Wm. music cr.graver and priDter, 4-, .Toho, tobacconist, 10 St Vincent lOt. CunninghRm, )trs, 2 Haddington place street, I.eitb Ea" St lames' "treet
Ctlmm\O~, ThomnR, refreshmcnt rooms, ,0; E.' Cunningham, Miss, 5 Hope street Cuthbertson, .lohn, 1 Randolph place Dalzit>l, William, grain and flour merwlDt:
1Ud~mond street , IClInningham, Miss, Ins'itution for tbe Edu- Cutbbertlon, Wm. luperintendent Ed. "'ell. 32 CODdtltution street, Leith
Cummmg, Tho~. & f-lon, trunk, portmnn- I cation of YOUDg Ladies, 5 Duncall atreet, ern Ce7l'tte1'!J, Dean DaJziel, Mn, i Fife place
teau, and packmg-box makers, Lord Cock-I Newingtoll Cuthbertson, Wm., W.S. (Grant q C.), 66 Dalziel, Mrs Jobn, 2 Bank place
,bum.street ' . . .: Cunninghame, ~rr8 of Balgonfe, '" BJacke' pI. Northumberland street DaJziel, Miss Jane C. Ii Sue Coburg place
C~ml mmg, W., M.D., F.R.C.P.h. ]8 Amshc Cunyngnllm, SlrW. H. Dick, Bart. Preston- CUlhbettson, Mra, )adi~' nursc, 68 Rose It. OaJ1.iel, Mill, fishlDonger. 36 Frederlek street
• t' ac~ field Cut"h~:U'''II1: l[is".8 GreBt King trtreet -,lloule,.59 .
~umtn!n~, Hon. Mrs.l.cs1ie, ..... QUf'en strl'ct CunynghBtlle, Mrs, 25 Pilrig strei!t Cuthlll, AIex. liyery Itablell) li1 Rose street nalzlel, Mill, 16 In"la Itreet
C\lmm!n~, Mrs, 100Jgm~lI, • M81tland stre('t Curie .•Tamell, pianofortt. maker Si North CzarDecki, A. commerciAl tranller, (Mould Dank,., John, SD St J..eonard .~t
('tlLm~!.ngfl' Mrs, hotel, \1 St Cuthlll'rt's glebe, Hanover st.-workshop Brougl'ltol1 mark~t alld Tod) ~o Ann.ndale Ith'ect OaDks, 'Villi..." gl..., china, aud ras IDII'-
C ~hi)lan road ' CurIJ, Wlllinm, 1'; Hende~~on row chlnt, 32 Cowgale
un< (' , Joseph, RFcllt, BriU.~/1 Linfll Co. Curl1. Mrs, 1.; Hendcnon row DAIIL, Abram .. 16 BonninRton place, Leith Danb, Ellltb. hardware merchaflt, 8 Bri,to
"8 Bcrncrd street, Leith Curr:m, Hugh, furniture dealer, ~ BJair st. Daif!J lltview Oftice, 317 High .treet pll1ce

is 3 1$ 3 SS a
.. ~-~- ..-----------..... ---------------
Danlklne, Miss, lodgings, .$9 Drougbton st. na"ldson, Laur. (D. t Symt"),1 Rotlaod ~. na.lOn, Wi1Iiam, sbirt maker & hOlier, 09 newar, Andrews 120 Nicolson street
D' ~r:y, Miss, 18 N~lson .treat DavldllOo, L\.-Col., H.E.I.C.S., 'Voodcroft., Clerk street-hot 101 Cau5eJslde newar, Archibald, 41 Brilto street
Da!'l, Mi.. B. J& Dublin street Whiteboule loan Day, J. inlpector of poor, 49 Constitution st. Dewar, ReY. Duncan, minister of Hull, 3
Darliog, James S., W.S. 64 Northumberland DuldBon, Rev. l)eter, 11 Dean street Dta, George, grocer and spirit dealer, &7 Claremont place
.tree~ Dal'idllOn, P. M. 2 Christian bank
Darlinr, Ricbard, flesber, 10 Elder stroot Davidson, R. D. merchant, 9 Smith's place
Darlinf" l\obert~ carter ani! farmer. Bank Davidson, ltobrrt, 8 Heriot place
Higb street
DuI' and Dumb Institution, Henderson row
-William Ilutchinson, principal
I Dewar, Eb. (Dewar Gild Co.), Bonnington
bank, Leith
I Dewar, Francisand John N. produce broken
cottage,I,eith Davidson, Robut, AI.A., Wealeyan mini.ter, Deaf & Dumb place of worship, ss DruBs-I and commilsion agents, 18 Waterloo place
Darling, Robert, coach·I,lrer. 49 Couper st. 40 Duke .treet, Leith wick '~feet Dewar, Georgtt: (abinet turner, 32 Horse
Darling~ Robert, Jelter-carrier, Glenor('by Davidson, R. W. 8 Annandale street DEA.N Bank In.t1tution-Mibs Whiteford, .,nd-house, 97 Nicollon street
land, Grecnsido Da,ldson, Samuel Dobson (J/!,l1l'tlwrn alld matron Dewsr, Hugh Bruce (Dtmcan 1$ D.), 37 In-
Darling, r. B. 18 St I'atrlck square Co }, Sea~I,itf, 'rri:Jit~ . DEAN of Guild'. Office, City Chambers, 10 vt!rleith row
Darling, 'fm. wine merchant an(l grocer, 41 OavldlOD, Ihos. a"ctioncc and apprtuoor, Royal Exchange-R. Iforham, clerk D~war, .Tames, lodgings, S1-'orrest afrect
NlcoJlOu l1rcct-bou!llt', 19 4W. Nicolllon It. I 2 \V('st La\\riston place Dean, John (Sasine Office), 2 Lluriston ter. Dewar, John S. 11 Dund:1s street
n.rJing, Wm. stsy manufacturer.nd general Uav id80n, Wm. coffee aut! .pi~e mcrcban't Dean, Juhn, bricklayer and furnace buiteler, Dewar, _Tohn, lodgings, 13 Shandwick ['lace
mercbt. 94 So. brldge-bcuse, 5 Park IItree~ s..W. Thistle It. lane-boo 17 Elm row -yard, Lothian rOad-bouse, 6 Spittal st. Dcw:.r, John, lodgings, 8 FolTts .trec~
Uading, Wm. ""ir. mer." W. Richmond st. D,nid80n, Wm., millinery and mantle house, DeaDI, Da,id, 6 Park atreet Dewar, .Tohn, le.? South St Davld 5'ret't
llarHn';, Wm. & SfJn, t,Uord and clothiers, 54 N. Hanover street-house, Hermitage Deans, Robert, dra~r, 31 C.stle Itr(lcl Dewar, Ju. It'. bird dealer, 1911eriot bunding.
1 Hunter "lulle place, Stockbritlgt:. Deaus, Mrs, .... Henderaon row Dewar, P. coach proprietor, 25 ~t Leo!larll·,
J>arling, Mr. n. 100lgings, S 1\laitlnnd placc, David.on, ''''rn. &. Co. wholesale and retail J)eans, &IiSI, 3 SCead's place hill .
Newhaven ironmongers, 120 High et. Dear, 'Vm.lupcrvilor (.\ District In. Rtf")' Dewar, S. bootmaker, 9 Brigbton street
Harling, Mn, 7 SaXIJ Coborg place llaylctlloD, Wm. (Wil1.D ~. Co.) '" London at. 2 Haileat .&reet Dewar, 'rhomas, 1 Uutland street
Darling, Miss, miUiner anti dressmakcr, 5 Davidson, WiUiam. bootmaker, '2$.", Tbiltle It. Dearues" 1\Irs, ladies' nurse, so India place Dewar, Thomas, 17 Grc('nl'ide street
Gray's court, Nicolsou street ])nvidson, 'Vm. groc. und wme lner.1S Kirksate Den, Lord, S Mora, plllce Dewar, Wm. teacher of dancing. 59 South
Darling. Miss. 17 Piu slrt:et Daviclson, Mrs Alex., Catherille bank Dt'aI, .Joaeph, 1 Scodllud Itnet brillge
l)arlingtnn, Daniel (11. D. ~. J~")' Reelan Davidson, Mu A. ladies' lIune, 23 Union pI. Den, Thomas, tailor, 90 Rose street Dewnr, &In H. ~f. 67 Great King street
'Villa, Morningside Davidson, l\frs C., 47 Consututiou sL DelS, .&Irs Colonel, S Pittstreet Dewar, Mrs .1nlm, 140 I'rlnces etf('ct
Darlingt"n, IIcnry, & Son, uphol'Jtercrl; nlltl Davidson,1\1r1! Charles !<'orbes, 32 Rutland sq. D'~!le, Made. teacher of dancing, /;0 Fre- DewI'I,r, Ml.... New BuildinJCII, Urbto
"I'praiserll, li J:'rederirk street Davidson, l\frs Davld, &4 Gilnlour place deficit street Dewsr, Miss !sabella, 10 WCftt Prcston ,treet
DIUlWY, Hoberl, sl,\rit. merchant, Nc'\\'lumm Da\'idsoll, Mrs labet, lodgings, 10 Catberine st. De Flandre, C. teacber of French, 15 Dund:ts Dib(Jin, Henry Edwarll, teacher of the harp,
Davidson and I\eid, UI,ho18lerers, cll.binet- J)a"idson, :Mrs J. groc.!ries, &c. 28 Giles tt. IItreet piano, & organ, Ftod(len lodge, &forning9ide
makcrs, &c. 57 Frt'deriek t;trc~t Davidson, l\trs .lohu, :: r Warriston ,;rescent Dt'j"y, Caiixte G.elieh, botel, 100 Princes st. Dick, Alcxander M. merchant, .; Talbot plac£
Dav!dtlon & Symc, W.S. 22 Castle Iilrcf't Davidson, Atrs John, 18 DUDCI1D st. Drum- De Lisle, lb., of AdoD, 14 Duke street Dick, Abercromby nob. advotatc, 1 A1byn pI.
lJandson, ~I. gravel dCllOaltory, 16 Duke I mond place Ue l,'Or, Mnt, J9 Maidnnd street Dick, Ar('hibald, 9 Hope street
IIt~eett Leith Ilaridson, l\Irs W. 11 Bramlon street Dempster, G.llpirit ,Ur. 4 AnnflcId, Newhnven Dick, Charles, brewer, 263 Cowgate-house,
Du!dson, Atex. hatrdrrss,er, 1 St LflOllRfft st. })a\'idson~ Mrs, of 1\Iuirhquse, 12 Clarence st.
Davuisou, Alexander, writer, 11 nrandon st. DavidliOn,1\lrs lo(lgingll 7 Forth st
Dempster, Wm., musician, 362 C3Rtlehill I S Salisbury rOf4d
Denham, Jas. cunfectioner, 31 Earl Grey st. 1Dick, D;\\,j,l, J I Archibn}d place
l)avidsoD.. Arch•• Ildvo(,Rte, ~heriff' oC Ab:-r_, Havidson, 1\lr;' la TorpllichpD stre~t
d~en81I1rc, 24- J~utJand square Davidson, Mrs, 10 lV. l'reston st.
D3v~dson, Charles, house ul{t'Jlt, 8 Ahbpy },ilIl Davidson, l\Ir", (, St Bernard ('rescel~t
-house 29
Denholm, Jame8. boot-tree ~nd last maker,
Gilmore Itreet, Paur!l work
IDick, James, (W. Ta!Jlur (l1td Co. 1..ri/h), 13
Annandale street
Dick, James (J. T. llole.(: Co:. O.Jlice),21
Davldsou, l?avid, corn merchant, 2 Queen's ( Il/lvidson, l\Iiss l\IarWlret, J I Forres street Den holm , J3rnes, blacksmith, l\Iorningsidc I Couper tltred
pt,aee, l.clth . Davidson, Miss S<>phia, 3 Danube street Denholm,1.'ho. 'V. watehoulCman, 8 Canning! DiCK, .John, spirit dealer, 11 Dock st.
DI1\,!(~!lOIl, Da\'.ul, spt. mercht. 28:). Canollgate i Davidsun, l\liss,21 Montagu street
navu~s"ll, Davul, hotel kcrpcr. 2111gh terrace, lll'widsoll, Miss, 2 'Vest Ncwington
place. IDick,John, plumber, S9 AlballY street-boUIe,
Dennistoun, 111'1, 14 Ro)'al circus I 58 Brougbton street
J..~ltb strp.ct . • 1)avidson, Miss, dressmaker, 19lIome street Deaovan, Henry & Co. com.-mcrchts. ship and: Dick, John, City all(l Dean of Guild officer,
J)av!lhon, l!onnld, a,gent, IJ~ Kmg "stables Davidson, 1\ti~s, dressmak~r, 44 London It. insurance brokers, 2' CommcrciAI place I ('ity Cnarober,-housc, 3 Uacburn place
1>11\'111 SOli ,'~. ~blp am. lDstmmcc bruker I Davidson, Mis~cs, J Uanclo1ph cliff'
a,!d commISSIon merchant, 31 Salldport M. I Davie, n., chimuey sweep 59 Brougbton st
De1Ieret, l'hine". write~, ." "~astfieIct !D~ck, .John, ph."~bcr, J33 R?~e IIt.-ho. 16.;
DESTITUTE Sick Society, John ;WCulloch! D!ck, ,John, ~pmt dcaler,:~ .. {lurch lll~e
j)a~!dson, Rev. Gf'o:~e It. 17 {irCf!hl>itJe J!1. Davie, .John. l'hocmaker, ~8 s. College .;reet (Britis" Lbt~~ Co.), treasurer, 11 Duke !1t'IIJIC'k, R., IIhJp-broker, ~hdJle Dock (,ates-
1)a' !ilSOIl, .lames. halfliressc:', 64 Abhc! lull ~ nnel 61 !, ico\son strcet Deuchar, John, l\Iomingside hOl\IIf', B(\nnington mount
J>11 Vldson, .James. b!)ot and IIhocmaker, 4ft. Duic, 'l'homas, ~pirit dealer 34 (fill's· street
1IOIl(1on street
1> . \
J) •
J I & C l ' ;me!, m. rt Hlr, 2 HeleH J)lace Leith
\\' A I '
Deuchar: Robt. S.S.C., Jordan Cottage
Deuchar Lieut. Pat., R.N. ~ HenderlOn row Dick, Roberl, 2 S, ('uthbert', glebe, regiAtra!"
(or district St Gcorge',
'f'l( 0
son, • m, .~. o. ~a t and colour manu- n.c,ojcs, Wm. 11. wine and 'parit ~erchant neuchar, llrlt. Ales:. 2 Henderson ro~

I Dick, TbOl. bousc:gove!: St Ct!thbcrt I Poorh.

acturcrs, Ructloneer!!, &c. 24. Sheriffbrae I i1 Clerk "lreet ' Deuchar, Mil'lB E. R miniature paloter and I Dick, Thomas, taIlor, StlYermdlll
nai~~(~:hn"Jt~ln!&d' Co. sIhipbrokers and agenc ... , : Davis, Brothers, photographers S9 SU bridge ! Dick, Thom~, cow feeder, 9 BcMord street
.1 anl Jlln OI! c ippers, 240 Sheriff hrae . Davis, Phillp, 72 Great Kin g ~tl'ee' •
~:av.lyson, 1'11Ioc!ratt. palllter. 8 MO,rrison ,to : navis, .Mrs, ladies' nune, 2t. Uri8to street
tcacher o( drawing, l.auriston house
Hcucbar. Jdisscs, boarding an(l day school, Dick, Thomas, engrn\'cr, 13 Hm [Jlare
IJl1urh:ton bOlllle Dick, Wm. t'eter. surgeon 10 the Queen, aed
l):!~d::~' J~h~ ~~'~i' \;i;P. 11 Ehu raw I Dav;IIon, .John, lailor, 6 lloxburgh ,llace
J)avirlson' .John' 18 ~rrd raj I Dawson,.T(lhn, 6 BruJlswiek street
De\'ine, P. miniature painter & photographer,
101 -8 Princ('8 street
I profenorof veterinary me(licine, Veterinary
ColJege, 8Clydc streEt
n 'I 0 'J l ' '. CIl ow P AC{- Dawaon, Thorna!!. 6 York place Dewa, & Co. wine and Iplrit mer('hantl, Dick, Wm. grocer & .pirh tltaler, 1r nean It.
aV~1 1I ll, • 0 Ill, stilt lOner 2$ D~rnanl street I DaW80n, \rm. Wlwlcsale an . . I
Davidson, .Jonatban steelya".' maker 24-
ron)' strcl't-Jao. I Catht\~i;.l' stre:t a~ i ~ °r
'nh npI I cl ret:ul sta~loner,
ler, Ill(, enbgraver, 21 Nicoleon
, s r(le -house, G l,ox urgb place
1 Klrkg&te
IDick, Wm. (Sun Fire o./fice) 40 Princes It.
Dewar, AJex. (D. and Co,), i Thomlon'i pJ. Dick, M:!I'l, l.ornond ,'illa, .'crry rOld
De"M, Alex. bootmaker, 16 Charla etreet Ditr, l\1i9A A. stra .. -bonnet mkr• .s 1'oHcrou

- ..........r:-'-.--.. -.~-- ' - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - - - ._ __

---:----- - ----_ .. _----------
Dick Mi. Jane grocer, a So.llicbmontl st. Dicksoll, J. boot and shoe maker, 7 Elder at. Dishington, Thoaw, and Co. corn faciors and Dodcla, Mn J. D. lodgings, 3 Downie place
Dick' MillJanet, 13 Pi'tetreet Dicksou, Rich. (D. J. TnO'llUon g' Co.) 4 gen. comm. agents, 14 Constitt:tiou Itreet DOOds, )fn Rachel, lodgings, 1 Broughton
Dick: MislIes H. & J. milliners, straw-hat I Montgomery street Dishiilgton, Thos. (T. D. to Co.) Lark villa, place
makers, and muslin printers, 55 ueorge 8t. D!ckson, RobL letter-carrier, 6 Cat to? stre~t Trinity DOds, Dsyid, flesher, 166 Canongate
DI8P.ENS,U,\: & HUlUllne Society, Leith Mm nods, Geurge, nuessor of railway Ind canal
Dick, Misses, dreasmakcrs,35 Hanover st. Dlckson, R. (D. ~. Walker), 29 S. Fredenck
Dickie, H. D. 3 Ann Itreet I street road property in Scotland, 16 Duke etreet
Dfckie, JohD, officer ROJ/rll College 0lStCT!leonS IDicksoD, Hobert and Co. wine and spirit ;net- DISPBNSARY, Royal Public,21W. Richmoudst. Dod., J. & It. cabinetmakcrs, 61 Cowgate
Diekie, 'V. wig maker, hair-clltter, and per- chants, 1 Brunswick street-house, 19 DIS!'BNSARY, Homreopathic, 5 St JRmes' sq. Dodl, John, gardener, Old Botanic cottage.
ft~mer, 69 Nir.olson street Dickson, Robel't, architect, 11 Broughton pI. DISPSlCSARV, New 1'o"n, 11 Thistlcstreet Hadtlington place
Dickie, bin, ladies' nursc, 15 .Jamaica street Dickson, Uohert, grocer and spirit merchant, Divine, \V. baker &, 160 Cowgate Dods, Mrs Ord, 51 Lauriston place
Dtckie, Miss, 1<l Dean terrace 7 Canning place-house, 5 Dixon &. Co. gro~rs,35 Northumberland st. Dods, Mn Col, 8 Ann street
Dtckinson, (ieorgc,elotbil'r, 14 Drummontl st'l Dickeon, S. dairy, 4 East Scicnnel< Daon, John, hosier and draper, 61 I'leasancc Dad8, :Mrs, lodJting'l', 81 Gt'orJ!'c street
Dickins, Mu, straw.honnet manufactory, 39 DieS-son, Samuel, W.S. 21 Drumft'lJud place -bouY.!,5 West Arthur place Doels, Mrs. 13 N.-\V. Cir~us place
Clerk strcet 1, Dickson, Thomas,candlelJlaker, 9 Semple .t. Dixon, Thos. &. Son, coal merchants: S1 St Doherty. H. boot an(lshoemakcr, 132 CoW'gaw
Dicksous & Co. nursery, seedsmcn, & florillts, . DicksoD, Thos. coach. proprietor, 2 Scotland st. Leooard street.-See A.dv. Doberty, In. fruit & log!; dealr. Greenm~rket
1 Waterloo place-Ilurseries, I,citb walk, Dlckson, Thomas, hide, skin, and tallow Dixon, John, baker, 1 Greenside street Doijlt l\1'Kechuic, & Davit's, carve,., gildcn,
)'ilrlg street, aud l\edbraes broker, Thornybank-·bo.:1 Summerhllll pI. Dixs()n, RobL baker, 0 Eut Register street- and picture-liners, 69 Gt.'Orge street, and
Dicksoll & Walker,glaRs merch:Ultl!, plate glass Diekson, Thomas Goldie (Watsot£ alld D.), house, 31 St Jamcs' I!quare 25 ·W. 1'histle street lane
dealers, &c., 33 S. Frctleriek street I accountant,:l Royal circus Dixson, \VilUam, butcher, poulterer, &c., 46 Doig, A. grocer & spirit dealer, 6 nomilly pt
Dlckson, A. grocer, 3 Elder street-house, 11 Dickson,Thos. (Idle secdsman), 17 Canning pi. Dunflas street-house, 51 Cumberland st, Doig, Alex. 'pirit mercbant, 7 and {) Queen'.
Dickson, Adam, grocer, 38 Bristo st.-bo. 54 Dickson, Thomas,junr. flesher, 32 Queen st. Dixson, Miss, drenmaker, 36 George street place, and 34 Shore
Dick80ll, Alex. grocer, 122 High r.treet-ho. I,cith Dobbie, Thomas, con&enator of the Scott l)oig, Charles, writer. Seafield row~ Leitll
J J Lothian street 1Dick8On, W. & C. milliners, &c. SI Kirkgate mODument,4.1 Sciennel Doig. Herlry, 4 Upper Gray street
Dickson, Alex. plumber and glliifittcr, 2 'llJiCkSOn, W. candlcmaker, 124 Nicolson st. Dobie, Alexander, baker, 167 ROle 8treet DoiJt, .JunH·s, 7 Church hill
13rough8m 8treet-ha. 10. Dickson, Wm. grocer and wine Llerchant, 6 Dobie, George, painter and glazier,.w Han- Doig, J. smith and ironmonger, 3 SI I'atrick
Dickson, Alex. merchant, 2 Fort street and 7 Antigua street over street-house, 4- York place ..quare
D!ckson, Andrcw, spirit dealer, ·U Lllith wynd I~ D~{'kson, William (.T. D, & Co.), 20 George sq. Dobie, John, tobacco and Inuff manufacturer, Doig, R. wine amI spirit df'aler, 1 Hunter Iq.
])!ckson, Arch. W. Buygeon, 1:1 Northum. st. Dlckeon, Wm. accountant, 10 !loyal Circus
D~ckson, Art11ur,.2, Hill gquarp Dickson, Willillm, secretary, Bdinbllrgh Life
, 37 Niddry !street-ho. [j Craipidc place I
-housc, 2$ 'Vest Nicolson street
Dobie, Jobn, wright, 12 J~otterro"l-house, 63 Don, J. packing. box milker, IS S. Junr.tioD It.
DICksOD, A••f., S.S.C. 'lS 1>U1II138 street I AS8tt)'{m(() (;u, 22 Gt'orge street l.auriston place Donald, .John, hott'l, :} I'rinccs street
D!ckson, nd',(,J. n. & (l).), lti Heorge square I Dickson, Wi!liam, grocer, 23 .famaica street I
nobie, Thomas, (G. P.-O.) 5 Parkside 8treet f.Jonald, Jubn, china merchant, 10 IJriato
Dlckson, Davl,d, coach-hifl.:r, 26 WiIlialll st. I Dickson, William, 15 Bucc1euch place Dobie, lV. general clotbier, outfitter, and placc.-house, Mary villa
D!ckson, I>av!d, 1,5 Dru~nmotld street l
Dickson, WiHiam, spirit dealer, Canonmill. draper, 14- and U 1'olboow wyQd, Leith Donald, W. silk dyer and sco>urer. 34 Fred.
DlCkllOll, lJ~V1d :O;cot. W. s. (1'homSOlllS' D.), I' Dickson, Wm. wholesale grocer, 52 J..t)"hian Se. Dobie, 'ViIliam, cle:-k, 34 Uosebank Bt. Ind 24- Veitcb'. sq.-house, 8 IlllUlilwu
,3 Uoyal circus Dickson, W. cowfeedcr, 66 Potlerrow Dobson & Co. wrights aDd undertakers, 23 place
D!ckson, ~corgc, ad"ocatc, 3 Uoyal circu:: ItJickson, AIrs Arcbd. 39 East Claremont st. West l'l'eeton c;treet Dlloald, 1\Irl Alex. 21 Atholl cretcent
D!cksOD, (,eorge 11. ] 1 Lutton plllct· I Dickson. Mr:; Charles, 2 Comely Green crestt. Dobson, David, appraiser, 24 \V. Preston 81. Uonald. Miss, 6Cwing mislretls. Ho, of Rf'fuge
Dlckson, Gt?ors:tl (C~lJdesda'(' B"lIk), J DUllcau i Dickson, Mrs IJr, 13 Clarendon crescent Dobllon, Geo. (CuIloml), 2 Auburn place. DONALD80N'S Hospital, Whitchoufle to11-
.street, Nowmgtoll . .
Dlckson, Henry, coppersmith & brazlrr .j. I street
. IDickson, .1\1r8 Thos. lodgings, 18 Cumberland North Fort street I
treasurer's office, 32 Abercromby place
Dobson, John, brassfoundcr nnd gasfitter,.s DOll&ld8On, Gro. (Hender8Qn k Donald.OII)•
.<~u(:en's place, (Jrecnsidc row ' IDicksOD, l\Irs Thomas, 12 Shl'ub pl~ Hay street 541 St ]'fltrick !lquarc
1)!l'kson, H. G. & S., \V.S. 3 Duudasl!t., IDirkson, 1\bs \Va!t('r, 3 Royal circus Dobson, John, tailor, 333 High street Donaldson, Alex. bootmaket. i4 G~orge .Ueet
D~ckson, H. G., 'V.S. 21 DrUlnmontllllaclJ i Dicksou, )lrs, lodgings, ,U -.\ BroughtoD etreet DobsoD, Robert, Btnck and sharehroker,.s -house. 68 Gcorge street
l>lckson, .Jal~es Jobl>ou, C.A, 11) YOUf,g street.; Oickson, Mr!~, '~3 ca:.1 Claremont street Royal cxchange--house, Gilmcrtou Donald80n, Ale". tobacco pil'o malluf&cturer,
;-housc I.} Clarendon crescent : IJickson, l.hs, 3 Chapt"lstl'eet Dobson, T!l08. 8upervisor of j"lamlller:rnue. I SJuth Norton place
D~ckflon, .Jamcs, merchant, 48 George square Dickson, Mrs 28 Loutlon street

~~C~S(;II, .lame!!', coal m('rcJulIlt, :J COal(':s pI. Dicktlon, .MrR: !is Constitution street
10 Cassel's place I
Doullldson, ADdrew, cau~wny.la1e7 and COD-
I Dobaon, \Vm. com. travener~ J 1 Raeburn pt tractor, 142 mglllltrcct
11 ,~oln, Jlames.mcrdu,u.t, 1'J Tolbooth wynd) ; Dickson, ::\tiSSt:'fI, dress and straw bonnet Dobson, Wm. waiter, 38 India place Donaldson, Arch. currier, 3S4 CastlchHl
, .cH 1- lOUSe 2 Bonlllllgton place I lI1:1kers, 6 I)ark street Dobc;on, l\liss Ali50n, 8 Uucc)euch place Donaldson, Archibald, plaster('r, ~~ Davic Itreet
D~ckllon, Jas. 7 Uroughtoll l)lacc Dickson, H(']en artist iD hair 6 CaIton .t Dochard, Duncan, agent Perceton fire-clay, I..>onaldson, (~olin, office, 11 North Coltege
DIs~ks?ln,~fl1m\csl& ('0. &tationcrs, 10; Dkkson, Miss i. dressmaker '10 ('richtoD ~t sewage pipes, &C. depot, Lothian rOAd.- street-house. 4- S, I'atrlck I!quare
, 0\1. 1 ...,t l III rew strcet I I)' k ~f' , . .
D' le
l)i~k:OIl'. r" J I' IC son,..IY IllS IS:lhdla grocer 6 Poulan at
s lIplia~tt'r, 5 A!!miralty street 11 )kkson, Miss ::\1. fruiterer, 12
on, . 'Tt'J' 11."' Sons, Sflc<]smen nursery.: nicl~8(ln, Miss, dussmaker 7 Coate~ place
I..othinn str~t
Sce Adv. DonalclfICn, David, bak"r, 12 Canongate
Df:charty, Robert, confectioner, 29 Kirkgatc J)onaldson. George, grocer, tea, winf.', and
Do{l, Uobcrt, 6 Holyrood terrace spirit merchant, \ Mackenzie pl.-bo. 8
:~~~rj:~: Inv':r"~~~h :o~ Hanover stl'cct-' })~('~son, M!SIl, t<.':lcher. ss' Constit~tion st. DOllcl, Alias, 4 Dunc.'ln st. Drummond plate Donald;;on, Geo. bou!e carpenter, 3 A Elder
DicksOll Tn &: s Dlc],SOll, l\hss, 6 .\Ibany stret·t Leltb :rodds, Ales."'0 St l,conard street I street
Dick!o>on JIl. jun', (;
on, gunmakerR, 63 PrincC's st. tlin~wal1, Arthur nth'ocate 8 C't Stuart "'t

i/ 1 1 O' "f....
~ ')v: ,{.cot am lit., lrom, \V. llou:;c-carpenter und undertaker, nlnbufacturer, 61 Prillces str~t
Dodtl&, David, trunk, portmaDteau, and bag Dliualdson, .Tumcs, wine and spirit nJ(~rch,,"
7 Hamillon place
Dickson' John (. " • ~ Q71 \ ~ ,ondoD st,
A; i .1- Old Uroughton Dod()I, Thol. lerretUf!! Bdinr. Chf)ral Union, Donaldllon, ,Jaml's, clerk, 2& Haddington pI.
Dickllon: :John: \~~~k:~11~~t"1 ~t~~~l(rn rond : Diib~~r,.•John, brewer, (RnillbtlJ~111 t.nd LtilTt 13 Union street Donaldson. .James. classical mluter, High
Dickson • .John v ri 1 ! , . II.:~ son st. . 11t'urT!I)-ho. •'lIne mount. St Leonard t" DotIds, \vimam, and Sons, buildm, Coate8pl. school, 33 Gayfield [quare
Dickson, .John~ ( l;.7':~(t)' ~. ~\;~l:~~~ ::rcet Dlsher. Uobt. hrc'WE'r (R. ~~' 1.. Brewin, Co.) Hoods, William, house painler aDd glader, Donaldlon, J. grocer and flpirit dlr. &c. Hill.
, , ree t - house, 8 GrecnbUl gardens &c. lOo PJeasal!C8 I housefleld

.. .." .. - ....- ----------------..
DODaldson, John, adY0C3te, prof. of tbe theory Douglas, David, tailor & clothier, 3 Spence's Douglu'. hotel. S' and SSStAndrew square DowDie, John iUacleay (Bal/a"t!Jne ~. ih.),
of music in &be UDiyersity-c1ass-roolD, place Douglu'lschool,9 Great KiDg street 12 Upper Gray street
Paid:: plaee-houle, MllrchfieM Douglas, F. Brown, advocate, 21 Moray place Doull, Davld, and Co. British wine manuf. 71 Downie, Rev. Wm. lV. St Patrick'l Catholie
Donaldson, John, printers' joiner & brass Dougl&!I, Geo. CouUs, lathspliUer, Brougham P:?tterrow, and reetaurateul'l and confee- Church, Cowgate
rule manufacturer, &c. 14 Clyde st street donerl, 60 Princes .treet Down. and LethelD, wholesale grocers and
Donaldson, John, lodgings, '" lufirmarystreet Douglllll, Geo. & G. C. Jathsplitters, 32 Lo. Doun, James, joiner and house agent, Society, ~eneral merchants, 11 Timber bush
Donaldl(J~, John G., spirit merchant, I JAoi'd thian road Brown's square, Haddon'e court, 11'l Ni- DowDs, James, corn dealer, 2 Duke !!t. Leith
Cockbum Itreet .alld 177 High street-ho. Douglas, George, 5 South College street colson street Downs, John (D. a1ld Lethem), 8 V..nburgb
) 1 Haltton's cuurt, Potterrow Douglas, James, dentist, 6 N. St Andrew street Doull, Mrs, -io }'ark street place, Leith
Donaldson, Re\,. Jobn, 17 lIowe street Douglas, James, huuse painter, 3 Greyfriars· Don, David, S.S.C. (Gold;t~ D.) Elk nank, Down., 'Vm. coach builder, 6 Richmond pi.
DoDaldSOD, John, portrait painter, 9 Trinity pi lice-house, 2 Dalkeitl- -house, ~ Gray's court
ete!Cent Douglas, James, 27 Anne street DoYe, James, smith,engine maker, and collch. Doyle, Chas. A. (H. M. Works) Tower Hauk
DODaldsoD, Wm. trimming and hosiery ware- Douglas, James, of Cuers, 3-io Moroy place timber bender, GreEnside lane house,l'ortobdlo
house, "6 So. bridge-ho. 9 Montagu street Donglas, .Tames, picture liDer and restorer, 6 Dow, Alexander, wine and spirit dealer, 7 St Doyle, Miss, 11 Picardy place
DonaMaon, Wm. pipe maker, l~ Morton st. N(lrth Bank Btreet--house, Grange loan Andrew strect.-houle, 2' Calton hill Drew ancl Burnet, coacb bundel5, kc. J 6
Donaldson, Wm. grocer, 10 Moray street Douglas, Jame8, gardener, South bank Dow, Geo. wine and splr. mere. 82 Potterrow Bread Itreet
Donaldllon, Mm J. lodgings, 10 'Vellington pI. Douglas, J. waggoner, 105 Constitution 8treet Dow, James R. printer, 2.'3 Dundu street Drew, l\Irs ThomlU, I l~ Lnuristo!1 place
J)ooaldson, )\fra, 22 Grove Itreet Douglall, J&mes, victual dealer, 2 Castle Barns Dow, James, varnish maker, ~9 Thistle street Drew, 1\liss, toy dealpr, 99 Jirinces strl.'tt
J)ooaldson, Mrs, 26 Walker street Douglas, .James, teacher of En~lish, 9 Gr,~:tt DoW', James, 11 Bread street VroYer, D. teller, i\'ntiontll BlI7lk, 25 Qua-
Donald80n, llrs, ladies' nursc, 16 Jamaica King street-house, CanonmnI, house DoW', J. AllaD, hatter, 65 North Bridge ~t. I lity street
Donaldllon, Miss, fJ Keir strcet
Douglu.!t, .1. T., searcber of l)ubJlc Records,
33 Dundks st.-ho. 7] York plilce
Dow, John, aaddler, 86 Rose street Drover, R. (R. lIu"ter ~ So,,), J1 Duncan
Dow. P. D. writer, 173 Fountainbridge street, Leith
Donaldson, Misses, dressmakc~s, ~ ~t l'atriek ])olJglall, .James, lathspliucr, 10 Lothian road Do.: WilIiam, cork sole manufacturer, leather Drummond & L;ng, wholesale statjoner~, 3~
square Douglas, John D., W.~. 6 FettellJ row catter, dealer in shoemakers' tools and fur- Grassmarket
Doner), In. broker, 216 Cowgate I Douglas, John WiJliam, (lrdaml Rct'cn7lc) nlshings, 2 St Mar)". wYlld-house, 115 I Drummoncl, A. 'fictunl dealer, 163 Ca\lseyside
DOll Levy, .Tames, teac~lCr, 1I01y Cross School,
112 Canougllte-ho. ''..! Roxlmrgh place
:10 Uoyal circus
l)(\uglas, .T. B., &. Smith, W.S., 6 Fettes row
DO", William BrowD, writer and N.l'., 23
Drummond, Chu. bookseller. printer. and
bookbinder, 133 Kirkgate-ho. 22 Albllny
Donnan, Jll~t!, lodgings, 7 Hill place I Douglas, John Da\'id, searcbrr of Public Duke street street, Leith
Dores & LlUdlaw, flf'!shers, 23 and 2-1. Middle Uegisters, 33 l>undas st.-bo. 27 Albany st. Dow, Mrs Ann, 121 ROlfe street Drummonc1, nev. D. '1'. K. ~tontpc1ier cottage
m~rket ., Douglas, Robcrt, ~rocer and spirit merchant, How, Mrs Elizabeth, midwife and sick-nurse, Urummond, Vavid, wholesale stationl'r, 7
Dorru, .~tr!, ladles n~rse, P Clarence street! 172 Fountainbridge 2 James place lliego street
nott, Altken, carver, glldt'r, aud frame maker, I Douglas, U. spirit mercllnnt, 49 Rose fttrfet Dow, )irs 'Vm., Globe hotel, 3 Hm place Prummonc1, G. 5 South Col1f1g~ I't.
1" South .S~ David strect ])nugJas, Uob. warehouseman, 9 Fyfe place Dow, Isabella, tobncconist, ,s2 Home street Drummond. Henry Home, of mair.Drum.
Doug~II, Wdl!am, (..llnrlt,1J l1ill Cukillg Co.) ; nouglas, S., shoemaker, 23 CumberJaOlI st. Dow, Miss Jane, 69 Droughton street mond, 110 PrincCl'stred
:1 l',4st Hrgltlter IItreet . ])ouglns, Thomas, victual dealer, !'\ewbaven Dow,l\(isles, seminary, SI York place Drummond, Ilenry, officer of Ill/and Het'mlle,
Dou~al, Brothers, bootmnl:ers, &c. l~~ Kirk.j Douglas, Thomas H., flori"'t, seed merchant, Dow, Misses, commercial boarding house, .i7 16 I..onclon row, North Leilh
ga e ,.. aOlI 1Il1r!lCryman, 80 Gcorge st.-nursery North bridge Drummood, .hmes, hxlgiugt', 1~J Maitlanc) st.
Dougal, '\}Iham~ h?, S India Jllace I Uosebnnk, Wardie, by Inverlehh field ' Dowells & LyoD, auctionr.erll ancl valuators, Drummond, .Tames, R.S.A. 30 Hamilton place
DOllgal, ]\frs, IndlClI nurse, ~3 Howc street ' Douglall, Th05. fle~her, SO se Andrew street
1)ougal,. ~f18s, dres~maker, '25 Thistle streN I Leith J
18 George street
Dowell, Alex. (D. d: L.), 32 Rr.yal rh'cuR
I>rummoDd, .Jas. warehouseman, S Victorii\!lt.
Drummond, J. F. W., winc mercban: «('alh.
Doughul" Mrs, dairy, I.Northumberland pI. I Douglas, TllOmas B..~ Clerk streEt Dowie, Charlel & Co. pawnbrokers, 1 ~li1ne'8 cart. FerguslO1., ~. CQ.), St Aodrcw street, & Mason, Wine merchants and I Douglas, Timothy G. 21 Gilmore place ro~ I ~~
Italian warc·lwlIs('mcn, 116 Gcorge street . Douglas, W. C. 9 Charlotte place Dowie, James, grocer and spirit dealer, U Drummond, Jolm, clerk Shore Dues offict',
Douglas, A. H., M.D., 62 Xorthumherland' ])OlJgiKft, W. (Com Hank) <) Georl'c plane Potterrow 9 London row
street I I) .1 . , .. 0 '
D I AI" i oug aSI Wm. engraver, 2 Grnfriars' place Dowie, Peter, commission mercht. 35 )Iitchell Drummonc1, Peter, tailor nnd clothier, ) 1
oug all, 1 ex. Sholt.o, ". S. 22 Young Dougla8. W. S. 8 ITellt and mercant.ile account-
8trect- IOllse 30 JlJdls street

ant, 2 Greyfri';;s' place

DOl~!:s, Alex. refreshment roonlS, .J. King's Douglas, 1\1. & .J. milliners and wiclows' cap
I I ealton street
Dowie, Th08. S.S.C. N.r. agent for the Life DrummoncJ, Uev. Rob:. S., ~I.A. 53 Grange
A','lociatioll (If Scot/al/d, 12 ~ CODsticutioo road
DP I mnkerll,24 Hano\'er street street J Drummol!c1, Thomas, booksellu & stationer,
oug~s, A.. \'cnetiun winllow hlind.maker, Douglas, Mrs Eliz lodgings I'} Nelson lit ! 51 ... anrl !)[, IHrkgate, J..·ith
22 ~I'eensld~ pl.-ho. fI .Tame~' place. . .Douglas, Mrs M. \:ictulll cleat'''r -I ~ RicITo st
DougJas, Arclllbnlll. (Gc/ln'lIl )t("is[a 110) I ] )ougla~ afrs 'I'hos G 3' I' - ,
• I

D()wie, 1'holl. 3S Charlotte street, I.eith
Dowie, Wm. contractor, Canonmills cottage I Orummond, \Vm. porter, Holyroocl house
Douglas., I'Mrs 13 H
DJ ae k f•or(I VI'11 11, .1'I orlllngsldc
" D " J •• ·to lose street Dowie, Mrs, 2" Clerk street Drummcnd, \\•• Grange loan
t t
Douglas, Christophcr, W.S. 2'"1 \·ouog street I nou~las: 1\Irs: 8 Dllk~ ft~I~:::
Down, John boot and shoe maker, 8 (jnion Drummond, 'Villiam, 7 N.- W. CirCUli place
place ' Drummond, MI'tI, &obal~conht.:l5 Fountainbr.
-h~mf'~ 17 Drummond plal'() IDouglas, Ml's, {) Moray lace Downes, Cbristophcr, 17 Castle stree:! Drnmmond, M!s J. grocer~ " .. Brunswick st.
DODlIgbl.ll~' (. Home, t:hartcTc,l aCl'lrllntant, J 7 })ongla8, Mu, ten mcrc~ant .'6 Earl ('r t Downie. Laird & Laing nuraery Sf.lcdllmen, Drummoncl, MISII, 1~ St Vl'lCent street
u III street D I 1\ ' • ., ey ~ •
D 1 I 'd . oug a8, frs, Jodgin~tI. 6 Baltic &trret ancl florists, '17 S. Frederick 8tr~t-lJ'Jrae- Drummond, l'lisses, ~6 Dunda8 street
oug 8!1, ):\V1 I '."l'Itl'r, 23 Dlwdas fltreet Douglas, Ml's, I nl'anclfleld placc ries, West Coates aDd Pink hill Drummond's temperancc hot('l, 11 Callon st.
gouglas, ,J;)me~ lern(/ford, :J I I1o\\anl plnc(' Doug13s, Miss, miniature paiuftor 13 Hart st Downie, Alex., of General Regilter HOUI8- Drybrough & Co. brewers, 67 North back of
OUft !l8, S ayJ}c I
co age, tra~ learn. road
). (l1/d Jll.), La vcrod: ])ouglas, Mis!! Margl1rct toh;rc~nist 1
I Sandport .;treet ' , ,
S house, 7 James plolCC, PortobeUo Canon gate
Downf~, Charle~, 6 SaUsbu r , street Drybrough, G. wooer & 8{l;rit dealers New·
DOlJfil:I~' 1)a"l(l (h/mons/on .~. D.) book- i Doug}as, Miss, 9 Nelson street Downle, John, spirit dealer, 28 Clyde sIred haven
se ":r, 10 Forrcs ~trcct .I Doufl'lnll
n, Misscs, 1 O,·r'.or
.,\11 C
I t ('Trace, D can Downie, .f. (D. ~~. Laird), 'Vellt CoatetDureery 1>rybrough; Jobn, 15 Coates crescen'

. .. ---- ----,._._--------------
Drybrougb, T. (D. ana Co.), Camcron house Dumo, MD Richard, 12 StalFord street -------~--------------~-----------
Duncan, Jame., grocer, wine aDd spirit mer· Dundu, ,Tobn, C.S. 25 St Andrew square
D1'Jbrougb, Airs, 15 Coatea crescent DUftUII, P. boo~ ~d shoemaker, 38 Howe st. ('bant, 19 South St .Tames' street Dundas, 'Vm. Piu, deputy. clerk registrar of
D"burgb, James. 2 Abbey bill . • Duffy! Atrs PbdlP, broker, 305 Cowgate Duncan, ne,. John. LJ....D. prof. of Oriental Scotland, and registrar-generAl of births,
DrJburfCb, Joseph (N. D. &: Son), 3 Pirme· DUgUld, J. & F. C. boo~ and shoemakers, 5 language., New College, 3 Bttccleucb pI. deawst and marriages, Gen. ltl'gilter Houle
Beld Leith Home street and 40 Brlsto atreet Duncan, John, 21 Fettea row Dundas, ltlias Har.Jilton, 8 St Bcrnard'a eres.
Drybu~gb, N. & Son. coopers & stavemerehts.1 Du~uid! Jobn, Bod,st, &c., Tower park, DuncaD, J. M. advocate, 49 Northumberland ceDt
6,6, and 7 Mitchellst. Cargdlfield, 'Vardle street DUNDEE SteADl Packet Office, 2 Dock gAtes,
Dryburgb, IDehd. (No D. ~ SOll), Pirniefield, DUK.£
Leith links
or Buccleucb Coal Store, foot of Con .. ·
stltutlon street
DUDcaD, John, !lenior, 2 Heriot row DiVid f"mith, agent
Duncan, .J. tobacco pipe manufacturer, Dunlop, A. Vans, 18 llutland square
Dryburgb, M)'$, 6 nandolph place Duke, Jas. W. clerk totbeR.S.A ••• Thistle.&. Brown', entrl, ~w Neill's place ])unlop, Alex. Murral, advoCtltc, 1\1.1'. 67
Dryden, Adam, builder, lodge, 231 l\linto st. Dumbreck, W., lLD., F.Il.C.S. 49 Albanl Duncan, Josepb, dairy, 10 E. Sciennes Queen street
Dryden, .James, grocer, 86 Jamaicll street street Duncan, John, lV.S.,27 ))undas street Dunlop, Ales. 13 Gloucester place
Dr),den, .Tames, builder, 5 Saunders street Dun, .John, 41 lit riot row Duncan, John, mason, Hamilton place, Stock. Dunlop, C. & .T. booksellers and binders, 13
DrydclI, Airs, /)9 Charlotte street, Leith Dun, Uobert, teacber, 12 lVindmill street bridge-bousc, 1 Legget's laDd .Market place
DrydclJ\ .Miss, ) 1 Cheyne strt.'et Dun, Thomas, butcher, 11 St l'atriek square DUDcaU, .Tohn, plumber anti gas fitter, 104 Dunlop, Charles, cabinctmaker and house
Drysdall', Audrew (lJluuro, D. ~ Gordoll). Dun, Mrs And. 1 1\loroon street Rose street-house, 18 Fredcrick street factor, 29 HI'unswick st. amI CirCUli l,ne
16 Elder street Dun, &lills M. baker, 1 Brown street lane Duncan, ltev. R. Dick, 8 Bruntsfield place Dunl01', D.:M. batter, ~~ Nllrth bridge-houle,
I>rysdalc, Davic.l, wine merchant and grocer, Dunbar, Geo, It. advocate, 3 S. Frederick st.
~ Nirolson street-bouse, Sl\linto street
DrY8<lale, G.II. corn mcrcht. 12 Bcnumollt pI.
I Dunbar,.T.furnisbingiroomonger,60Hanover
slreet-housc, 20 Pitt street
Duncan, S. shipmaster, 9 Regent street, Leith 8 ltoxburgh terrace
Duncan, Thos. & Co. bootmakefa to the Queen Hunlop, O. & G., law agents, 14 Hm street
and Prince Albert, 51 Princes street Dunlop, G~orge, & Co. merchants, 15 .Tohn·l\
Dryedale, .Toscpb, S.S.C. & acet. 16 Royal Duubar, Kirkwood, merchant, 19 Charlotte Duncan, Thos. brusbmaker to the Queen, lane, Leith
Exchange-bouse, 10 Arniston place 8treet, Ltith whol~sale warehouse and manufactory, Dunlop, James, spirit merchant, 145 High
Drysdale, Peter H. baker qd confectionor; Duubar, Sir Wm., Bart. M.P. of Mochrum, Hope crescent, Leith walk, retail warehousc, street
1421'rincc8 street advocate, 47 Heriot row lA Baster's place-house, 2" Greenslde pI. Dun)op,Jamcs U. & Co" mcrchaotl,30 Coat-
Drysdale, Wm. ncp. Clerk of Ses. :1 Hart st, Dunbar, Mrs l'rofessor, 24 Howard place DunClD, Thomas, 61 Cumbcrland IItreet field lane, Leith
Dry~(lll1e, WiJ1iam, grocer and tea dealer, 2i3 Duubur, .Mrs, 5 ,V'est Circus place Dunean, \\'01. James, manager, NaJional Ba"k DUlllop, .Tobn, M.D., staft'-I!urgeon ItN. ~6
IlIgh strel't-houlic, HIO Duncan Brothers & Co. provision merchlll&l of &otland, 8 Royal circus
nrystlnte, lira A. sllbit dealer, 17 Ducc1euch
I 12, 13, and 14 Cbarlotte street, Leith
Duncllu & Dcwar, W.S. 6 Hill street
' Dun can, William, 204. Rose I>treet
Blacket place
DUlllop, Rev••Tohn C. 2 Scotlamlstrcl.!t
Duncau, 'Vm. furniture dealer, 42 Cowgatc Dunlop, Mrs CharJes Tennllut, 16 Inverleltb
Drysdale, Mes Capt. 12 ];'ettea row Duncan, Flockhart, & Co. chemists to the
Drysdalc, AI~ss, 12 St Vincent street
Hrysdale, MISS, dress~ll~kcr, 41 George street
I Queen, 52 North bridge,aud 139 Princes at.
-night bells, 5" North bridge, and 130
Duncan. William, S.S.C. 1 Heriot row-house,
20 Heriot row
Duulop, Airs Alal1 C. 36 It01a1 terrace
Duncan, \\TiUiftm, principal estractorCourt of J)unlop, Mrs James Usher, 5 James' l.lace,
Dubuc, Dr, teachcrot Jirellch, 121 Gcorge st. I I'riuces street
Session, 8 General Register Housc-bouse, l.eitb
Ducat, l\~r8, (it! Gr~a, King street DUllcan, Flockhart, & I'owcll, chemists and 20 Heriot l'OW Duulop, 1t{rs Wm. 21 Gilmore place
Du~}!auft"u~ & 1\1 Illtyre, l)hotographcrs, 33 (lruggists, 18 Bernllrd street, Leitb Duncan, 'Villi am, Jun. (D. ~' ..I11iller), 11 Dunlop, 1\Irs, 6 Piu street
&, .14 Wllltfiehi pIllet', Leith wlIlk DUDcan and .Miller. 8.S.C. and N.P. 11 South Nelson street Dunlo." Miss, 6 South Charlotte street
Dudgron, Alexauder, baker, SI l'bi&tle street South Nelson street
Duncan, Mr. Col. John, 19 Carlton terrac~ Dunlop, }listl, 53 Great King IItreet
Dudgeon, John (!ldill. JJurm Co.), 6 Uosellt. Duncan, Ales. S.S.C. (A/alm~' D,) 1 South Duncln, Mrs John, 6 Madeira street Dunlop, Miss('s, 2 Darnaway street
Dudgeon, .Tohn l<. 27 noyal terrace l;>ort st. Leith
Dunn & Thomson, S.S.C. 7 nill street
Dudgeon, 1\1••draper, ;05 Canongntc Duncan, AlIgus, spirit denIer, 1 Batb street
Dudgeon, Maj.-Gen. I cter, 10 Carlton street l>uncan Cotin & Son coalmerchants oilmen
DUDcau, Airs Joaeph, 38 Brunswick street
})unC&D. Mr.'I'homu, 13 Comely bank Dunn. Dn\'ld, metal merchantandironmonger,
Duncan, i\lrs 'Villiam, ...9 S. Clerk It. IS Blair street
D~{lgeon, Mrs, ~7 }toyuI, tl'rrac,e . and d:y&alte;s, Uppe~ Drawbridge-'coalata! Duncau, 1\lrs, or Parkhill, 31. Miuto street Dunn, Jobn, hairdresser, 'h) Kirkgate, Leitb
Dl,d~cOll, l\1~s "m. Jo Cassells 11]aco tions, Scotland street, and Sanus, Leith- Duncan, Mrs, 78 Gt. King street DUlln, .John 11. 3 Lord llusscll J,1ace
D\ltl~('on, MIsses, dl'css!n~k('rs, ] 0 Cassdl' pI., house, Jlonnington mount Duncan~ 1\lrs, 9 Shrub place
Dur, ,A1ex. wine and Spirit merchant, 17
l e,Tlck .stree!7bouse, :10

J)nllcan, D., kdvocate, 10 Howard I,lace
, DUllcan, Davitl, 41 nose street
Duncan, Mrs, 3 Comely green place
1)unn, 'I'homos, S.S.C. (1). ltt· l'homson) 1
Uamiay Gardens
DUlIcnn, Mrs, 42 GUmore place Dunn, 'I'hos. optician, mathematical & phi ..
Duff! Aloe. S}l~nt mercht. /) ~t Mary s wyn,d ! J)uncan, Gco, (T. D. tI, Co.), 4. Druntsficld 1.
gug' ~~cv. I,Iolry, SUIU~erticld hOUIIC, LCllh I' Dunt.'Rn, Georgt', tobacco pipe mauufactur!'r
U . ' .ts. WlIle nnd spirIt merchlint, (i West }.J. Coburg stred Leith '
Duncan, Mr~, 13 Lutton place
DUllcln, &Irs, ladles' nurse, 21 Jamaica street
loaopbica1 inlitrument milker, 50 Hanover
street-house, i Buccleuch placc.-See Ad".
Aclatn stred-hous/'! 11 G. (l . Dunean, Mi8s, Bclleville, HolJrood Dunn, Mrs, Langton villa, Grange loan
Duff, .rohn, 7 HankdUor street
Duff, j\f. 2 C:.rlton str('cl
I J) uucan, J. B~8.' 49 ConstItution at.
'1) uncau, J' c&lUont Villa, Brunts6eld links
])uncan, Miss Ann, e E. }'restoD atreet
DUDcan, Mie11 Jane, 2 Abercromby place
Dunn, Ifrl, ailk n·arf"hnnt, 5'lA Hanover It.
Duu., James, slater, 16111o!le 8trt..'et
D ft'1\.· '1" I ' Utlc8n, as. . Co. merchants and broken nuncao. MislI, 11 Portland place, Leith Dnns, Aliss, milliner, 161 nose etrret
u I .'(,1 v. lam cllrer nnd provision mer- 9 Baltic street '
DUDse, David, (J. Y. t Co.), slater, 50 Con-
D~W'~~' t }V{'.st bo\V-ho~s('. 15 Victoria st. J)unran, .Tames, 'V.S. (D. (', DcU'ar) 6 Hillst.
OG Duncan, 1\1i88, 2' 8t Patrick square
})uncan, Miss, 27 Hownrd place stitlltion strcet.
D tf. br,nt rultcrcr, 51 Nlcolson street --boust', 46 <luccn strcP! ' Duncanson 1\Ir8 WaIter 1 Prince Regent Dunse, Agnes, clunlllnerchant, 70 Canongate
D~ff: TilO:~~lw~)and poulte!cr, 2·' ~nion pI. Duncan, Jamcs, } A!\3embly street, Lei&h street ' , , J)Ullsmure, Ale". mer. S St .Jchn's pI. Lt:ith
D ff' ~1 fit' l,~ ,Albany st.~et, Leith
nUif.' ~frs . lluthner, 1O~ Nlcolsou street
U ,n rs, 2 Carlton slrcet
I Duncan, .Tamt's, M.D. f'.n.c S L & E l i
Heriut ro\v
. ( ,
' • .• • Dundas & Wi1son, C,S. 16 St A.ndrew square I Dunsmure, J., M.D., F .It.C.S.E. ,)3 Queen st.
DundaR, George, adv., sheritl ..f Sclkirktibire Durie, David, grocer, 12 Sh~re "
Duff. ~lrs 17 St I' 'k Duncan, Jas. smith, ~~ Scothlld stroot 9 Charlotte square Durie, .Tames, baker, 130 Ktrkgate & 6.. Tol.
D 11 It!• ,"!.lIz.,, l'.' atrJc square I Duncan, .J Matthew! 1\, 1) F' R C' P GO Dundas, Geo. C.A. ~, Broughton plate booth "'Jnd-lu), 45 1'olbooth wynd, Leith
n'uch forbctmakcr 90 I'ose st I 1'1 If' , 1. " . . . . . . ,
D uft,.•'I' \ IS~, I '
ArlUllton place , \ . I D ~ IlIr lit fI squ'lre Dundas, J. letter-carrier lO-l1ublin Itreet Durie, Wm. cowfetder, 7 Grove place
puff's Mis!!, Seminary• , 12 AlbanY!:lt ., 1~Cl't]1 I son row.Tames, 1\1.1>. of Coylon, 1~ llcndu-
" Ullcan, Dun~a8, .John FrAncls: civn eugineer, U3 })urward, Andrcw, cab,inetmaker, uphols\erer,
FtlDCCI st.-ha. l' St Demard'. crea. and undertaker, 1 Clerk Itreet-hOUIV. I
Durwud, Millet, grocer., 49 Buccleucb st. EDINBURGH Boot and Shoe Warehoule.21 EDINBURGH Ran~y Station AccEIU Co.- 'I Elder, John, pldsmltb, 1S6 Higb street
Alexander T. Nlven, C.A., 13 Queen at., Elder, Jobn, W.S. I) So. Chulotte st.-house
Du.thle, WaIter, W.S. 6 nreat King street South bridge
»Jeer, C.. M.D., F.R-C.S., 42 Great King st. EDINBl1.GH Baad Sodety, 7 Keir street secretary II 3 'Veet Circus pi 100
EOI.BU.OH RoperieCo.28Batlllt.&SSShore Elder, Joho, messenger, No. 1, (.bm. Batl~'
~er, .J. N. commercial agt. oS Buccleucll pl. EIlINBUJlGH City ArtiUer, MiHtio. erderl,
D,u, Mn A. Reid's court, C:mllngate room, tJ Royal Exchange EOINBUJlOII Scliool for the Blind, 2 Ga)'field co&tage •
Dyer, Alln, !) Windmill street IEDINBURGH Clothing Society, 1 Brighton st. square I1 Elder, I...pirit mercht. and ha, dealer Dean
Dykes, Ju., George hott·I, 56 Bcmardllt. EDINBURGH City Mission Office, 6 York I,Jsce EDINDuaoll Sabbath-aclsool Teacbers'Union, Elder, Thomu,.fO Royal terrace I

D,ke" R'chard, provision mer. 25 Bristo st. -nev. Alex. Miller, Hebron Bank Cot.. .5 S. Hanover Itreet-R. Young. lee. 11 Elder, Thomlll, & Co. wine merchants, St An-
J>ykelJ, Rober~ machine boatc1oser, 12 Leith tage, Canaan Lane,luperintendent EDINBU.OU Subscription Lib. 2 .. George .t. tbony court, l.eith
EUINJIiIROH Water Company, 123 l'rinces at. ! Elder. WilJiam, grocer and yictual dealer, 26
Itreet terrace
Dlmoek and Patcrrwn, solicitors-at.-Iaw, cham-
EDINIWRGU Choral Uaion, saloon, 14 Water-
loo place-C. J. Hargitt (56 Queen ",treet)t -Alex. Ram..y, maDager I Tobago street
EDINBURGH Young Men'",Cbriltian Institute" Elder, 'Vm., 10 Torphicben .treet
ben, .56 George .treet conductor-'r. Dodds, 13 Union street, ,ee.
D,mock & GUlhrie, tell, wine merchant!:, and EDINBURGH Eye Infirmary, 140 George street 73 Adam square-Alexander Greig, lee.; I Elder, Mrs, bl)teI, 9 Soutb St Duid fltre"t
grocers, 16 Nicoison street EDINBtTROIt FUDeral Establishment, 1) and 10 L. M' I ELECTRIC Telegto.pb Company'. Office" 26
Dymock, Jamel U. (D. ~' G.) 30 Buccleuch J...cith walk-John Croall nnd Sons, pro.. Edington, Alexander, fiillmonger, 8 \Vest I llernard street, Leith '
pIILce , prietor. N~wiagton IElgin, 'V. & Son, bookseller., IItlltioner. aad
and proc.·fiSCtll for the city, City Cb!Jmbcrs
-bouse, 19 Gcorge square
Dymock, Robcrt Lockhart,·law EJ>INBURGH Gas.Light Co. 25 'Vatcrloo pI.
Edinburgh, aOlI 11$ Constitution st. l.eith
-John Je. 'Vat lion, maDager
Ediugton, Alexander, tailor and clothier, 3~
nrun.wick street
Edington, Mrs Ales. G. 10 Hope lltreet
11 library, 10, 12, and 13 North StAndre~ le.
Elgin, Wm. jun, (E. cl- .son), 31 Scotland "t.
Elgin, 'V. sen. (E. ~. Son), 19 Norton pJace
EDINDUROII and Glasgow Union Canal Coo's Edington, Mra, 1 luverleith terracc Elliot & Fawcflu, gent'ral werchts. 19 Tiwbtr
EADIF., Jamesl hairdr., 26 & 35 Snndport st. I office, 1 Port·Hopetoun Edmood, G. teacher, 24 King .ereet, Leith bUlh. Leith
Edmond, John, rope aod ..ibnaker, 6 ... Shorc I EUiot, Gt.'Orge, cabinetruaker,20 Llurlaton at.
EIger, Mrs, teacher of music, 64 .'redcrick st. EDlNBURGuEccJesiasticalCommissioners-Jn.
EAGJ.K Life Jnsurancc Offke, 2, Uoynl circrs Rutherford, 'V.S" socretary aod ageot, 14 Edmond.ton, F. Se Son, engrafer. ami prin. i Elliot, Andre"" booklSdler, llublislicr and
-.T. Sband, ~V.S,' agent I Albany street tera. 60 Nortb bridge-ho. 11 London at. I stationer, 15·11 Princes strt.'Ct '
EAO.,': a~d AlblOflinsttrllnce Co. agent, Wm. Io:DINRl1J\OH Highland Society, 70 George st. Edmonds..on, Thoma. & Son, iron-merchants' ElUoe, JOSCI)h, mi!itlrY6lore clerk I..eitb .·ort
S. MUlr, 20 Bucc1cucb place EDINBuRoD Institution for Languages )[14. .nd, 110 West bow i ElHot, W. Scott, of Arklek)n, W.S: 32ltegent
Easeon, .1 all. cork ~amlrar", 1:1 Alllembly st. thematics, &c., s (~ueen street,
EE" ton , Jamell,cabmctmakcr, 28 Grccnside st. I Fergu80lI, Ph. Dr, and G. Bickerton head
n. 1\1. Edmoadstounc, Mrs, .5 Great Stuart street i terrace
EIIJlON8TON collit~ry office, Sandl, Leith-I Elliot, Wm. ,,"ptain, Uo)'al Artillen', I'.: Leo.
Iston, .James, tailor, 2:1~ 8t .Jam... s' square I masters
Easton, Jame9, janitor's iod~(', Moray house EDINBURGH Institution for the Education of
' < .. Archd. myth, agent. I ~old place .
Edmonston & Douglas, English and fordgn Elliot, 1\lrs, lodgmgs, 11 80uth Castle strl'et

Eastou,••Tolm 1\1. teacher of gllglilih and com.. I Y?ung Ladies, 2:1 Charlotte square booklc1Jers and publishers, 88 PrincES Itf\~ct : lWiot, Mrs H. 9,i Cau!eyside
E mercllll brallehes, 6-A (jeorgc street
aston, Mrs TllOlIlOS, 15 AlbalOY stn'ct
I RUINBURGII J..od!es' Iustitution I Park place
EmNDuRoII I.egal and Comrn~rcial Agene
Edmonston, Alox. (E. Q71d Doll,q/a,), 25 11.~ll~ot.1\lrs Rob,t. : Lllurilton l')Jace
Scotland street F"ihot, Mrs, ladles nurae, 364 C,umberland It
~a8ton, Mrs, InulI~lress, ~ East N~rton place I Office, 56 Hanover street-Jns. P. F:llkne! Edmonston. Jamel ("dv. Lib.), 377 High It. ; ElUon, 1\11111, boarding school for young ladies'
~ aston, 1\Ii88, 10 S~}1lth St ,J:lOlC8 elreet ,S$,C. secretary , EdmoDston, Samuel, artist, 11 London tit. . 23 Windsor str('ct '
F.aston, Miss, 6 Trl,nity crescent ElllNDl'RGl1 & Leith Gas·Ligbt Com any S J.:(hnonsron, 1'. ( 7'. B. ~. So,,), I Wharton p1. : EllIott, Mill, 13 J.~ast Clareluont Iltreet
Easton, ~lr8, IIHU(lI! nurse, 1 mu street ED~ON8TOHE ('lOat aad Fire Brick \Vorks, I Ellis, A. G.. R., & W., \V.~.,,, Uu)'al terrace

Gcorgc street and 10 Baltic street I 1\1'

Raton, .Tames, S ~lva,strect , EJ>tN1IUR(aI &. tcith Glass Co. 42' S"':I~~lln. office, St Leonard'", Depot~Alex. RUSl('U'I' ElIis, Adam G. (A. G., H.. j. JJ: E.), " Iloyal
Rbswortb, .Jos. n. amst,·~ l\follt1{OItlery ~t. I der street, Leith asent.-See Ad". terrace
Ebsworh.i JOII. publisher and tcacher of vocal I EllINBiJRGlI & Leith Brewery 21'2 Canongate Edmunds, Edmund, profelsor of .lnSing, 1 i ~J1~I, Rob. (A. G., R., ~. W. E.)" Royal tcr.
Eckr::dc, lron!gomery,~trcet : -Uobert Dlsher, managing'partner Gloucester place . Elha, Thorna", upbolsterer, cabinctmaker
" , ~, farrier, 2S 1 nnber bush-house, I I'~llINllUnGII and I eith LOan Co 16 C It
48 Quahty fltrect, Leith . A • •
a on s •
Edw.rd, '~m., 59 Cumberlaad atreet I ".Ildertaker, a~d house ageat, 21 llDd 23
Edward, 1\1151, 16 Scotland street Gcorgc IV. bridge, nnd North PiU street
Eckford. Walter 'l'rinit b h i . - ndl'cw U~ltherford, manager Ed ..an1s,. A. )I'Kenzie, lecturer on surgery, ~lIis, ,Willilrn, teacher, E.~tfield place, Leith
Eckford Wither' skillulr ~~l ~ '11 I ElllNBUkGII JJlfc Assurance Co.'s Office, ~2 211ndll\ street . F.lmshe, 1\rrs Geo. glan, elllna, and stoneware
}'.ek~ ' . ' • , I ,erml !l
'lord, "iJliam, confectioner 93 Hioll Ltr t I CiCOfl'C 11 C st • -G •L• Finlay, man ager.- Seo E<hvarde, Henry, "'00'1 merchant, house car-! house, 7 Charlotte place
Eckfor I 1\1 T' ' n " cc I I { I!.
Eddill~t~n r~ir" r~n~~ ~a~is ~fd ]ldgiligs '~DJNBllRGn Gnttll l'errha Hoot nll(I Shoe , penter, &c. 21li! Canongato
F~dwah1s, James, chimney sweet', 22 Dundas i
: ELPlUNGtl'toN Colli.-ry Office, North Dritl!b
Statioa-John Af'Kay, ngent
I~dgarO Al;x' d I .c~.l Ult aJ11 IWeet warehouse, ·~:ll Lawnmarket
' l ' an er, I;}llrlt mer. 56 West rort Il;'JllNnuncn LonnC 39 c - bh'd street I EJphinltoDe, )11'8. 36 Albany street, Lcith
E.( gu, .T. portralt-l'alllt('r I Summcrhal pi I" . ~ ~i • omlll\lly, .;,uut n Se EIl".rds, 'Vm. braufounder,60 NicolsoD st. EJrlck, Jamel, clock and ,,'atch DUlker 31
Edgar Robt 'I I ') . . -.7C-C .a( V.
Edga~ Uob(:rrr~;~d::l~~a ~i ~3 Jlon't' ~treH i Emsnulwn Normal School, .Johnston terrace -house 62
J.~ldcr, Ales. printer, 11 Batik street
I Blair s~reet '
I Ellton, John, ciubm4it<:I'l Northern Club, &1
boo 22 l..ond~1l 8trf'ct , . rl1e8mar 'et- j ~~))JNBUnGII Normal Sclmol, Moray house
F.(l~ar, nobt. hoot I1nll ",haem 1'6 H' , 1 hI1IN&URGIl and J'(.·rth Dread Corul,any, 321
Udcr, AieL 1I0)yrood Sau~ Manufactory,: George street
t:dgar "In C)'l I l ' .,) 1&11 street I Lawllmarkct 36 Northumberland atreet : E~UGaANT5 Emigration nnd I'ubliahlng office
',.. ..onIon l-tre(>t
F",(1 !tal',,..:\1iss, ml1linrr and dr '8
EdJtc, Geor~e manager cf~m.: tl 8N JI
ort I' )
/ lr.
...·DUi'D P I
~RGU, (\rt 1, nnt
1 D d R'
un ee adway Co.
t) 1 rmc('s street and Citattel, l.eith-Henry
Elder, Alex. wholeaale glue and chine. mer· : 1 Haaover stleet
cbant, importer of Bohemian gJass, la,a England, l'clcr, :odgings, ] sS. Castle street

Co. r:l Sc.ttla I I "M ' ''1 Wf (l1 e .mm

EDIShl'llGlI &11(Uathg~~fy~~ery sgeet
I Lees, secretary
11.!~DIND()nGII1)arochial Bonrdoffice, Forresl1'd.
• goods, Ice., 1 Broughton place i EtwI.•• U and S"ottilh Law Lifo Aasl1ran~
Eldn, George, grocer and "'pirit dealer, 27: A8~ociation-WillJam Smith, ~aalger, 120
8 So. Charlotte street AI al way .omp:my, -Georgr GreiJ%. inlpector Dean .treet ; PrIDeel atrce'-_'k!e .ttdfJ.
t'xE·J~mleson, St'l·, 'EDlNnt1lWH }'00r'8 House, f'orrpst road-Da. Elder, Jamel, 'V.S. ~ Thistle street-house,! EngU.h, .John, 11 London 1'0., Leith
E1JJNJlt:ROll HarmCom'
EIH~Jluno" Bib!e Soti!,~n~om' .to~ Jane nid Kpmp, governor; lIrs SlIrah Ander- 2 Nelson Itreet
~ldder, Jamfl, wine merchant, U. Dundaa It.
I Eplscoru Church Society Trainiag lutltitu·
tiOD, Minto lIoule, AtgyJc f1quare-llcv.
& Dl'poloitory, 6 York nla lJlIlI~e ooml lion, matron; l\Illfgart't E. Kemp aSliu-
r cc I nllt·matron ' er, John (T. E. ~. Co.), South Seafield t Frcdcrick Uowbottom, principiI
_17_4_ _ _~_.tE-. ._ _ _ _
EQUI'.fA.La Loan Co. ot' Scotlllnd, .f, .MlIne Il'acd~ Jas. engrayer, 14. Comely bank
Iq.-sale room, 1 Huntet sq.--C'..eo. Edge, Fair, Hyne I>ll.vid, woolleD and linen draper, 6'.l Brilto street
Falconer, WiUia~, grocer and spIrit dealer, F~I(ALE !'ltf!lter, Gilmore's close, 99 Graat-
market- ~fi8S Sidey, matron
manager.-Sec .A.dtJ. ~ G~smal'ket • Falconer, 1\lrs, lodgings, Anchorfield Fender, l\-Irlt, 1 Great Wellinston street
EQtJlTAJlLE Life Auurance Company, 21 Ber· F&lrbalm and Co. hOSIers and drapers, 30 8t FALI:IB.1t Iron Co. warehouse, 18 Plcardy pt. Fenton, Edw. 1.f, Albany street, Leith'
mrd street, I..eith, ~lnnn & Duncan, S.S.C. Andrew square -Robert Scott, agent Ft'nton, R. 10dgi!lW', 22 Cumbcrlaucl.treet
aDd N.P. "gents IFllirbairn, .Tames, & Co. milliners and general Falkner, James Pedaie, lOucitor supreme antI 1 Fenton, Mrs G., 1 Ellst Newingtoll place
Enkiue's Commercial Temperance Hotel, 12 drapers, 1 and 2 Shandwick place county courts, 56 Hanover st.-house, 11 Fenwick, Peter, wine and spirit mercbant,
S. St D&yid street I Fairbairn, Alcx., 11 Union street Abbonfotu bank, Momingtlide 119 High street
Ers!dne, Ales. slater, 11 St Andrew at. Leith Fairbaim, Geo. n. teacher, .John Watson'. Falkner, 1\Iisses, milliners and dressmakers, I Fenwick, l\Iiss, 19 Union street
Enkine, )frs, )6 Mansion Houso road
Erskine. Mills, 8 ltutland street
Institution •
Fairbairn, Henry, grocer, .f,6 Hope Park end
65 Castle street
Falla, Misscs 1\1. & J. milliners and. sLraw.hat
I Ferenbach, P., clockmaker and toy ware·
house, 132 I'rinces street
Bscbricht,." (Beda, B, and Co.) 1 Wellington Fairbairu, nev••fas. Free Church ~faaee, maken, 29 S. Frederick street IFergic, 'Villlam, toy warehouse, .f,1 Clerk st.
place,I.eitb 'I Newhaven Falsbaw, James, 26 Cutle street Fergus, 'Vm. wood merch. 42 South Junction
Espinassc. It'ran~is, Le Chevalier, French Fairbairn, James, engruver, 21 Clyde street FAMILY Enllowment, I..ire .\nurance, and Itreel-houlie, :> Morton itreet I
teacher, 1 llill street Fairbairn, JameR, draper, 1 I.lettlie place Albert :Medical Annuity Office, .f,..A Si Fcrguson, Davidson, & Co. merchants and
Espline, l\trA Charles, loogiogs,l\forninglide ; F:tirbairn, James, 3 Malta terra cc Andrew square-Roberc. AlIan, agent agents for Penlvian guano importers, June..
ESIJie, Mr. Dr, 28 Gayfietd squllre I Fairba.irn, ,Jobn, '} Alhon place, Leith
Ess(Ju, Geo. A. accountant. 10 Great King st. l<'airbllirn, Peter, M.D. 53 George square
Farmer, Alex. provision dealer, 147 High st.
Fanner, David, baker, 1 Calton street
tion road, I~eith
FerguS9fl. Adatn, 2 Richmond cODrt,
Eun8<lll, Thomas B. confectioner, 2:J Tol"l Fairhairn, Wm. surveyor, 11 Gtorge st.-ho. Fermer, Jame1, photographer, SnYermil1s .'ergu8oD, Alexander, pUrfeyor of cODfee·
booth wYD(l, Leith . IS Nelson st. cottage, Henderson row tlonary to tbe Queen, 1 Me1bourne pi.
EUllllon, Uobert, tailor, 43 Kirkgat.e Fairbairo, Mrs Jamcs, 17 Clarence street Farmer, .John, baker, 8 Roxburgh place, 130 Fcrguson, Arch. 5 Whatton Place
}~ubeon, Wm. bootmaker, t; St l'atrick square Fairbairn, 1\lrs, Jodgings, 6 Sllandwick plaee High strt'Ct, and 4 Blackford place Fergusoll, Fowler, waggoncr, !lath place,
Eunson, Miss, dressmaker, 23 lJernnrd st. Fairbairn, Miss Isllbella, lodgings, 9 Albyn pi. Farmer, :Misl Agues, baker, 209 Pleasauce Lp.ith
EUJmPI-:AN Life Assuraul'e and Guarantee Fairbairn, !Iiss, S Mary nlace FanlingtoD. A. ca Keir street Ferguson, Fcrgus, accountant, 12 Camegie It.
Sor.iety, S Queen st.-Fredcrick H. Carter,1 Fairfoul, Wm. 6 Ro:xburgh place Far'luhar, Ales. spirit dealer, 00 Yardheac:ls Fergnson, Gcorge (late A. hlncbrydc), hair.
C.A., agent, 13 George &t. Fairgrievc, &; Son, printel1l, 12 Rose st.-ho. Farqubor, ADdrew, grocernnd spirit merchant, dresser anrl perfumer to the (lucen, 67
F.vans, l\obert, tailor, 2 Kerr street 26 Fr('(terick street 20 Brougbton street Georgc street
y.:·ans, Mrs Owen. victualler, :~4 YRr<theo.ds Ii'airgrieve,1'h08.chemist&druggist,.f.6CJerk Farquhnr, Rober" grocer and victual dealer, Ferguson, Geo. sheriff offien, 67 George st.
EVENING 1)08t. antI Scottish ltccord News- street-ho. J Sylvan pJace 5-i Thistle street .'erguson. J. & Co. pawnbrokers, 312 Law11-
paper, publisbing and printing office, 21 Fairgrieve, William, smith,8 Dock IIt-ho. S ."arquhar, Mrs, 12 Cllltence street market-.Tobn Fcrgnsoll, manager
George street . Regent street, Leith Farquhal', ~lIls E. Findbom place Fergu~on, James, printer, ,')6 1'histJe stred
Ewnn, G•.AI. working)eweller, 14 Elder lit. Fairgrievc, :&Irs Wm. Imtgings, 59 Kirkpte Farquharson, Alex. 39 Fountainbridgc Ferguson •.Tames, gardener, 2 Shrub pI tee
Ewan, l\flSSes, 121 Prmces street. Fnirgrievel 1\UssM.milliner,&c,!t9 Princes ~t. F.rqubarson, Charles H. working jewel1tr Fergu~on, James, agent, 10 AnnantlaJc street
Ewart, John, builder, lI6 Pilt st.-bo. John's Fnirley, ,James, wine merchant and grocer 67 and watchmaker, 26 Leith Itreet-house'l Fergusoo, James H. drnl,er, 31 Eltler street
cottage, Hendersoll row Lauriston placc ' .Tessamine cottage, 'Vest Preston street JO'crgulon, J. & A. sug:u.houlC, 9 toburg
Ewart, John, plumberand gasfitter, 2 Erskine Fairley, James, jun. mcrcht. 3 Gilmore pla(e }~arqubanon, David, confectioner, SO and 34 street, Leith
place -ho.9 Wett por&-bouw, IS Vennel 1Fcrguson, John, W .~. t Regent terrace
Ewart, Wm. cabinetmllkcl', 2 Dnammond st. Fairley, .lolm tinsmith 109 KirJesate Farqubanon, PraR. confectioner, 71 Nicol!lon! Fergu50n, .John, furnMlingironmonger,smith,
Ewart, 'ym. cabinetmaker nnd organ builder, Fair}ey, R. ch~mist and druggist,8 ... Lothian st..-ho.10 WindmUl 8t. I &e., 10k Nicolson street
132 Ihgh street street . FU-luhal'101l, F. of FinzeaD, Ii Eton terrace Fcrgusoo, John, 59 J.llluriston place
Ewart, Aliss, 21 !lamiJton 1'1. Stockbriltge . Fairley, 1\1 ungo Co:lll'-:crclJ.16 Port-Ham 'hOD Farquharson, Jobn,32 Cumberland street Ferguson, .Tohn, tailor....7 St :&fary's wyntl
Ew~rt, l\Iiss~s, ~am~ers, &c. 29, Richmond pI. I ; . :rlcy, Elizab~th, wine and spirit merchant.. Farquharson, 1\frs J. C. 9 In'Yerlehh place Fergtlson, .John, ....f. Minto 8tr~d
EWlng, UenJalDm, tailor, 170 Hlgb street ; 18 Caltou street . FarquharsoD, Mrs,26 Elder trreet FergulOo, John, & Son. marble and coloured
Ew!ng, G~o~ge, 3 Chapel ~tree' !Fairly, Robert, (Afill:rr ~ F.) Mayfleld &er. FarqubarlOn, Mill, 1 Clerk streft piper makers, Carrobber'. close, 131i High
~wl,ng, Wdham, coope,r, M Brollghton street i Fairly, Thos. S. writer, 11 Broughton place Farquhafllon, lltss A. 9 IDverJelth place street-houle, S BI.i, street
.~wmg, Mrs H. confectlOllcr, /jS Broughton st. ' I~airweather David ~S Cumberlllnd street Fergu!on, John, 10 ~t l'.trick square
EXCIUNGE, noy~l, 291 High strect. !JO'aithfull, R~v. Val~ntiDe, 2S RoyaJ circus
EXrltAXGR .!{codmg-room, ISO Constitution: Falconar, Heorge, ot' 0arlowrie, New Clu!'
Farqubarson, MII', 23 Royal eircus
Farqubnrson, .l\Iis!!, J3 Sdfsbury rGad I Fe,gu~, Rev. Hobert (F"c se David',), 19

. street: '" i Princes street

~XCllANGE Stables, 125 C~n~~ttutlon st. r~e1th ! Falconar, MillS, Faleonball, }fomingside
FarquharBon, 1\fisle. E. & C. faney trimming
warehouse,S CatheriDe It.
Farrell, Rober1, poulterer, 1 Hope .treot
I I..auriston street
FergutOn, R. J. confeenoner, 2 John.tone
EXCHEQUEP. Chambers, I aruamcnt square , Falconer Dav. !Zl'ocer and tea· dealer 18 H me Fmie, Thomu & Robert, contractors, Bath I Fergu80n, Robert, china and fig merchant,
EXCISE PF.IH.UT Office,5 S. College street I street' 0 ,0
place -18 High st.-house, EskYlJe bleachfield,
~xrE ,m' £ N: A I. Gardens, I nverJeuh row I ~alconer, Duncan, sberifF-officer, 3 Victoria It. Fearn, )liS!l, 21 'Valker street MUleelburgh
iXTnACTOR 8 Chambers, 8, 10, & 12 Reg. bo.' Falconer. George spirit merchant 1 South FCArnl, William. teacher, 14 NicollOn square FerguRon, TbOl. woeer and wine merchant, 2
Xl'f.R1RNCJo: Investment Society, 3 North Se i Richmon(\ stre;, ' -house, 71 Clerk stret't Market place-boule, 8 Hamilton place
Ey~n~~~w street-A. LPatcrson, manager Falconer, Henry D. eesher, 82 PJ~&8anCe Fegan, ,J. & Co. importm of French flowen, FergulOn, Thol.,& Co.,ehina, glu.,andstonc
Ispcnsary, "OS awnmarket Falconer, .Tames. writer, 1) Mackenzi... lace and featber maDufacture",21 Gtorge &treet walehouse, 11 Commercial place-houae, 8
~yre, i,~os, s~ckm~ manufacturer. 3 Kerr st. Falconer, John, ageDt for Preston coilt:ri. Fegan • Co. clothIers, outfitters, and woollen Regent atreet
yre,.I Bsell, oardmg.acbool,8 RandoJph cJiW 2 High Calton ' drapers, 66 High atreet, and Kirkgate, J..ejth, PergulOn, WaIter, teacher of drawing and
F ACINEY IUrA J . . Falconer, Joscpb, Ihipping agent, Wet t10eb -ho. 13 Brigtiton er('~nt, Portobf.lIo- painting, High !CbooJ, and SS George IIlreet
Fae(t Tobn n s'fes, 10d~ngs~ 25 BrIdge st. 3ntt Granton pler-ho. Lufra cot. Gruaten FeUd, Mln EUII, teacher of drawing and -house, 10 Oilmonr place
Jejth 'err~ce' . • portrall-pamter, S lnver- IFalconer, Thomas, tobacconi.&,361 Hish
l -houae, 36 George street
I" music, 2S Satllbu'1 IhftJ
Fon, Wm. Ed. Cott6n, Lochria booae
Fe!gUlOD, Wm. flesher, 60 CII.rJotlo .""',

• z:p.: _ . . IGoiiii • .,1 11 N, rEI ,t 3 ±I ,£ 8 U 6 3 5 a .. ... \ .....

"ers-oD, Wm. 9 Raebum pJace Field & Allen, slate 8 - mercbanta, ,Jus Finla,IOD, Rev. Thomu, 6)lar1" plaee
Flett, Ww. joiner and cabinetmaker,.s Albany
F~-IOD, Wm1am, W.S. 6 Nortbumberll&nd swnen, nod enameUen, JUIlction load, FinlaJlOn, Wm. G. teaeher and cbaplain, street-houae, S Cannon Itreet
;r~t Leith Trades' :Maiden Hospital, 14 Clerk street Flett, 'Vm. jun. commcrcial traveller, 4 Coat-
Ferpson, Wm. morebant, 31 Drummond pI. Field, )Irs Captain, SS Great King etreet FinJaylOn, llrs Wm. 2 Alva Itreet field lane, Leith
Ferp.OD, WilUam, bookseller, 1 aDd 9 Bank ••'ielding, )Iiss, 8 Cumberland Itreet FinlaylOns Mrs, 128 NfcollOn Itreat Flett, lln, ladies' Dnne, U India place
.treet FIn and Kinroll Railway Company's office, FiDley, J. shipmaster, 11 London row, Leitb Flint,lln, furrier, 25 North bridge
}'ergusou, William, ~pirit mer" 2 Queen 10 Northumberland and Finnie"J. brush manufaeturer, 1 Ricbmond pL FJockhart and Calder, be.ut and sheep tales-
Itreet. Leith Pat.erson, W.S. secretari8 Finnie, Thos. agent, 18 Cromwell.tteet mCD, J9 Arehibald place
Fer8U'on, 1.11'1 Admiral, 2 }:(00 terrace Fife,1\Ii88, milHner and straw b()nnetmaker, F!DDie, Ili. Apes, W Ciarence atreet I FIockhart, W. (IhnC41l, F. ~. Co.)) Lomond
J!"erguaon, ~lrl Archd., 2!l '-'t Jnmes' 1~t1are 26 Haddington place FIrth, Wm. 12 Grove road house,1'rinity
)"ergulOn, )lrs J., Jordr... bank, Mornmgside Fate, lliM, " Rankeillor lmet
FergusoD, )Irs Jame., 1 St Cutbbert'.glebe \.'inc:h, Mrs, commercial bouse, and stock
Ferguson, &11'1, Bpiritdealer, 2 Bernard It. ! show.roo~':l4, 20 George street
Saad~, street, Leith
Filber, Alexander, 6 NicollOn square
Fischer, Frederick, German coffee-house, 39 !i'lowen, Thomal G. historical engraYeT, SI
CbarJotte square-·housc, Warri.ton house
Flowen, Mi.. 1\1. 21 Cbarlotte sl)uare
Ftrgulon, .1\(rs, 3 London row Finch, 1\11'1 W. )I., 1 l.uUon pI. Fisber, D. "J., W.S. 9 Broughton place Fludc, Thos. P., R.A., Graoge bank houle
}'ergWiOn, ~Ir5, 9 Belleyue temce I Findlater, James, (C/u';stie d: F.), 2 Hope F~,ber, Daniel, S.S.C. 9 Broughton pllCe Flyn, )llss, a Carhon street
•'erguson, )lr., grocer, Cberry bank park end bou!e Fl'!her, John, 'V.S. 9 Broughton place FJynn ••John (G.P•. O.) 39 South bridge .
Fer,uson, l\frl, matron, Edin. Lying-ltllmti- Findlay, George, spirit dealer, Water of Leith J.'iahtr,.Wm. bootmaker, 11 Catberine st.-bo. Foggo, Robt. G. manager, P. Lawson & Sons,
lulion, Thistle .treet
Ferguaon, Mrs, ladies' burae, 49 India place
It'icdlay, Jas. chief wuter gunner, Edinburgh
1 WmdlOr atreet I Bangholm
Fisher, WiIJiam, wiue merchantantl grocer, 171 Fogo, Mlljur-general, R.A. D.L. of Kirdeton,
Fcrgusun, Miss Agnes, ) Carlton street FincUay, Jobn Ritcbie (&oillllan rffice), 2 Home atreet-bowe, 16 3 Manor place
J.'crguson, Miss, dressmaker, SI nroughton et. Daraaway stree& Fisber, )In, I Vanbursh place IFoord & )(oir, CnaocflllD,l curricrl, 91 West
Fcrgusoll, 1\li~8, 1 St Cohne .treet Findlay, John, 42 Tlli.tJ~ street Fisher, Mn, ladies' aur., 60 Iadla place port
Ferguson, )liss, 3t. I,ondon street
F.,rgu80n, &Iiss, 1: ){dr street
I PindlllY, WiIli.h), small wares, 79 Rose street
. Findlay, .l\irs, .~5 George s'Iuare
FUHEav, Board oC Britisb \\'hite Herring, .·oote & SimPlon, Cruiterers and greengrocers,
80yallnltitution, Mound 23 Green market
Fergusou, Misse8, 1 J'ark street ' Finlay,C. Patrick, W.S. (iJlacnallglltol14' Fe) Fitz«erald, :MicbAeI Sbannon, Ichoolm •• ter Foote, Jobn, fruiterer and coach hirer, 23
].·crcu6son, Gco. (Cathcarl, F.l§" Co.), ,sAtholl ) 7 Northumberland street (St Mar,!" Ront41l eoJlt. ,c"ool), ~ Kirkgate Duadas street
jo'erg"sllon, l'., leuer-carrier, 2 8\ .lames' pI.
I Finla], Charle~, writer, 6 Great Stuart street
Fergu~S(ln, Julm, accountant, 2K India street FinIsy, Georgc, fish merchant, 8 Suuth Col-
lege street
Fitlpatrick, F. pawnbroker, 179 Canongate Foole, WilIiam. 14 Warriston ereReeot
Fjtulmonl, .John, flab and oyster merchant, }'orbes, Peler, & Co. wine & brandy merchts.
.s Brougbton .treet 97 South bridge
Fcrgusson, It. n. G., of Isle, 8 Uelleyuc eres" FinIay, Henry 'V., 81 S. bridge Bible and F)anaisan, 1\1. pawnbroker, 14\l Cowg..te- Forbel, Alex. bookbindpr, 5 l\liJnc·. court
cent stationery warehouse.-See Adv, bo';'H, 21 Hlalr a'rett . . Forbel, Alex. "' D Henry st.
l<'ernussou, Wm. plumber and gas6tter, 112' FinIay, G. L. manager, Edinburgh Life Ass,,' Flemlng, A. B•• & Co. pr!nting-mk manufac· Forbe., A!a. coach birer, 24 Piu ~treet
, Nu:olson str~e.t-bollse, 1J Lut~on (,lace •mnce CompQ,1g, 1'1 Nortbumberland st. turer., pracllcal Cbemls\8, 4a Salamander Forbel, A. builder, &c. 3 \Vat Newington pI.
Fergu8I1o.n, Wdham, groc('l' alld wme mcrcht., Fmlay, Georgc, cowfceder, 2 Beaumont p1ace atfeet-lioUle, 10 James' place, Leith "'orbel, Daniel, lodglDgs, 108 George street
~~ MaulaDd street Finl,y, .lames, 9 Antigua street Fleming, Alex., W.S., 20 Lynedoeb place J."orbea, D."id, gl..., chln.,and lamp ware-
~ergu!l.son, Miss, 18 Rutland square .'inlay, Jas. solicitor, ~9 St Andrew square FJemiDg, Andre", S.S.C. " Young street bouI!.', 13-A, St Andrew square
liergusson, Miss, 9 Castle st~e." ~!nlay, Js. watchmkr.& jeweller, 56 Leith st. .'em~ng, Geor~e, baker, ~ Drlsto 'POrt-ho.' Forbcs, Goo'1 Cumming place
Fcrme, )~f6 .Jau(', 40 ,Uankclllor lit. 1'1OJay, John, bootmaker, 48 Hanover It.- FlemJng, 11. bllor & c]otbler, HlIJbousefield Forbes, J. chimney sweeper, ~9 St Patrick Iq.
Fer~le, E. U 1nvcrlcub place house, 12 South St DIl'id street Flemlng, Jal. wbole..aJe mercht. Brougham It. Forbe., John, dairyman, 3, Earl Grelstrect
FerrJ~, .A. B. ,< Orcrtun, Co,t/ Co.) Railway Finlay, Peter, water officer, 16 Heriot place Flem!ng, .Jal. dairy, '16 Northumberlaad st. Forbe., ~v. Joo., LL.D. house governor :lad
, bl~ddmgs, Citadel,. tenh Fin)ay, Robt., S.S.C. and N.P. 2 Queen st.- Fleal1ng, Tbomas, gardener, DaJry Jaae ebaplam, DonaJdlOn'l hospital
F err~c, George, 23 Ulclnllond place }Jouse 17 London st. FJemiag, Thol. wine &Dd "p;rh merchant, 93 Forbel, John, 11 Portland place
Feme, .!. ~., S.S.C. an~ Notary })llblic, ) i Fiut2Y, :John, 16 Scotland st. We.t pon-ho. 23 street Forbet, Patrick, 10 Groye atreet
C~nstltuhon str~et, J. .elth FinlR.y, Thoi!. fishmonger, poulterer. and game Fleming, W. J. " Co. sack manufacture" and Forbel, Pe&f:r, writer anrt accountant, g
~crn.c, 1\lrs, J:ldies nurse, -ileA nronghton st. dealer, 51 Charlotte .treet Leith contractOl'l.l, l' Shore GardnerPI creacent
Femer, nav~d, bookseller, and Bibl? deposi- }<'inlay, William, cabjnetmak~r, &c. 21 South Fleming. Janet, grocer, 6'1 'V. Thi.t1e street Forbes, W. plumber, bruafouncIer, an(l ga.-
, to~y, l ~ LeIth st.-h~. Towerst. lortobel1o 8t Andl.Jw strect and l'aul's work-house It'Jemiag, Mn Marg. eonk, Deanhaugb honlie fltter, SwinlOn row-hOt 17 St Jamel' Iq.
l>l" f .lcr, (tcorge, 1.) Armston place ~ South St Da\'jd street ' ., Fleming, Mn, Se.grove hOWle, Leitb Forbt.'I, \villiam, advocate, J7 AinllUe pllce
Fcmer, Jamcs, tcache: of ,1rawinH, 12 (~ue('u Finlay, Wm., M.D. F.R.C.P. Cherry bank FJemiag, Mr., midwife, 23 Howe street Forbes, 'Vm. (G.P.-O.) 11 Melbourne pI •
. st~eet-house, 8 KClr street I Trmity' , Fleroing, :&In, 1 Sue Coburg "la(',8 Forbet, l\fn Daniel, p1umber alld gall fitter, 1
f;-err!erJ .JollD, ncc~unt~nt, 56 Jndia street Finby, 'VHliam, ~ecretary, Scottish E uitablt Flemiag, Minea,2O DruPtmoDd plate Formt road-hoUle, 2 Grt,frian' place
l~crr!cr, Robcrt, l.J KClr strect AS8lmtlh!e Sorirfy 19 Drummond face FFllelllington, Jamet, "aiter, 140 ROle Itmt Forbel, Mrs, milliner aad drfJII.a1cer, 21
F:~rr!cr, Thomns n., W.S., 136 Princ(tot 8t. I·'inlay, Mrs, 5 Salisbur~ st P eteher,Angus, of Dunanl, advocate, .s Ain.lIe WiUiam street
~:~i~' ~:rs t'hmej ~r~wford, Seaficld lodgc ,.'in1ay, l\IrIl Cathcrine, ',s:.! Droughton street place Forbes, MI'I, lodgings, ]0 Lothiln Itreet
Ferric'· rs 0 n, o~ gmgs, J.) J)ru~lm~nd st. ~~nlay, Mrs W. s Eallt Preston !treet ~:ete:er, John D. 26 Drummond plau Forbew, :&ID, ladies' nune, IS .Jamaica It.
I ~Irs, ladies nurse aml mlllvilfe, 10 IF m1ay800, Danie1 tailor antI clothier 3 ~ '."-t
('atb'cnnc street R . ' , ,01 ,.,,,. :te er,Peter, globe maker and mapmouftter, Forbes, Mn, Beacb houle, Trlnit,
.. 1 Clyde street
Ferrier 'Mrs .H n k'l1 r eglstcr strcl·t-house, 411lfirmnry street Forbet, IU• .Jan.t, 6 Minor p)aee
Fiddcs '\"miam sn~ln.;cl: °l Et~eect 1 1 Finla,son, .Matthew, dentist, 53 Charlotte at. FJeteher, Mu, U Clerk Itreet Forbel, Mi.. Mugt. 11 Hender80ft row
' , } rt . , ea er:... owgntc lent I"cuh Fletcher, Mitt, lodginp, 9 Gard.e,', erescent For_, lliu, 11 Archibald plaee
-lOUse, 112"cs bow
Fic1tl&Allan s k'
. r' ] R"
, ' ! n ayson, • ipmt (Jesler, 21 Abbey Flett, G~r~e, tailor lad clothier, SS Sudport Forbn, Mill, " Sha.dwlck place
paillters 21 ;~('d C~rtrsl sllltcJs,gl:mcrs\& I ~~nII1Yl!ul1, TIl()mas, 31 Cumherland street .treet, LCi&h Ford, Jlmet, "ine Ind .pidt mercblnt, 18'
row, and tlUlJctio:~~:1I1 cl~h llcndcrson I } mlaysdon , ~. druggist & deMist, 33 To1booth
I J i "'yn. r.(,Ith
FlhU, Wm. tea dealer, 3 Bank'treef. Leitb- High Itrtet and 15 XirJCgale, Leitb-houle,
OUIe, 8. Albaay 'treet, Leith (, J-ohn Itreet

_"!IIi!""'""r-~-".-. __ ..
~' ~---.---- .. . --,----.--------__-.____...

~~~··~4=V~~cxn~.s~=-~~"iF.5an."~.~"~r~'1 ..JI.r...'.I...S . .U......I...2~S. S.S.S

. ....2.............~. ... .
Ford Jamfl O'I"N"I'r aDd spirit merchaDt, 611 Forrest, Mn Daniel, 6\ Brunswidt street Fowler, .Jas. tailor and clothier, 80 Georae It. Frlser, Joho, soda water mADufaO:lurer, N. W.
St'Andre~ ;~-;t, Leith
Ford James merchant 31 Regent terrace
~orrt"st, Mr. Janet, grocer, 111 Cau&ey.ide
Forrest, Mrs W. H. 30 Moray place
Fowler, John, bootaDd.boelDuer, 120 Nicol-
Ion street
Rose streetlane-bo. 103 ROle street
Fraser, Joho, coach hirer, Ilegent tenac:e lane
°ca'' · .
J Se' E drape'rs and hosiers, 202 I I"orrt'st, MiAIfS, IS :Manor place

«'on'ester, Alexan(ler, baker, 31 Fredenck It.
Fo~j:rn,eflint glass manufr. to tbe Queen, Forrelter, .John, ~.S. 8 Drummond place
Fowler, Peter, wright, 2 Weat Cr08lC&uley
Fowler, William, tailor and clothier, 73 Cum-
a.erland street
Fraser, John, hair dreuer and perfumer, 8'
Fraser,John, actuary, and manager ofthe Life

Holyrood gl..lI-works, So. back of Canot.- Forrester, John, Joiner, 3,9 B:oughto!l pI. Fowler, Miss ~t. drell8ma1cer, 12 Duncaalt. I A,soda,ion <if SctJtklnd, the ASAOCiatiotits
J, ate, and uS N. brldge-bo, 11 St Jobn st. l~orrester, Samu~l, s Sprmgfield, LoltD W~ Fowlie, Alexander. Stewart's ho'pital building', 84i! I'rinceast.-ho. 9 StColmelt.
Fo~ Thomas (l<ord d: Sons), 1 Henuit:ge Forrester, Wm. hthogra~l)er, letterpress pnn. Fowlie, G. S. agent, 2 Hill place-wareho.1 Fraser, cTohu Cbarles, C.A. llegister house
1'e.. Leith ter, and engraver,1 George street-hoUle, .si Niculson square Fraser, John, general agent for Scotland for
p, P; T'homaa grocer and "pilit dealer, 114.
~;nongate '
121 Prioces street
Forrcstcr, Wnlinm, fruiterer, n Nicolaon et.
Fox, D. B. 69 Abbey hill
Fox, Dennis, spirit dealer, 287 Cowgate
)lorl80n's vegetable medicine, 71 Prince....
}'tatler, Plltrick, advocate, 5 Heriot row
Ford, Wm. & Sonl, wholes. grocen, wine and Fo!,ester, Jane Home, teacher, Geo. Heriot's Fox, George. architect, 12 Gardner's creacent Fraser, Patk. N. (Neill 9' Co. printer.), Canon·
IIpirit merchants, 102 Cunstitution It. mfant school. Old AS8e~bly close Fox, )lrs l\flcbae1, )2 Comely bank miU.llodge
Ford, William, :U, l\linto stret't 'Forrester, l\f~ D., 8 ArDlston p'lacc Foyer, John, hatter, 3 ArgJle .quare Frsser, P. S. bookseller, 16 Queen .treet
Ford WilIi'lm seo .... Ca_lIs' place ForfeIter, l\IIAseA, teachers of pianoforte and Frame, Lockhart, bookbindert la N. Bank It. }"'raser, I\obert, dairymaD, 176 Rose Itreet
Ford: Wm .•J. (W. 1;: ad So,.,) 11 Hope cres. singing, 56 Queen street -house, 4ol\leJbourne place Fraser, Uev. R. W.6 Lauriston lane
Ford Miss 18 Le"pold place Forsyth, Alt-x. meter, 3 Hlmburgh place Francalaoza,T. teacberoffencingt 69S.brldge, Fraser, Simon, cooper, Lothian road, aad
Ford' Miss' fi South Gray street Forsyth, David, S.S.C. 30 St Andrew Ffjuare GYOlnuium, .U George street 6 Greenside place
Fordyo:r!, .J~II. DiogwaU, advocate, ... Castle fit. Forsyth, :Frnncis, cooper, tar and naphtha }'rocia, navid, agent, 30 Grange road Fraser, Thomas, llrainllge clepartment, police
Fordyce Goorgc D. ",boealet sherif of manufacturt'r-works, Salamander street- Ftaler, The Brothers, plOfe8lOn of IUUJIc:, 71 chambers-house. 173 Fountalobrldge
Sutbc~land aud CI'~lmcIl8, 5 «'orres street houle, Andersoo's villa, Leith walk Princes street IPraeer, Thomas, victual dealer, 3 Huntl,. at.
Foreign WiDe ',"dUltll, wholesale and retail, Forsyth, John D. 1 Fife place • Fruerand Aodenon, clothier. to her Majesty, Fruer, Wm. L •• pirit dealer, 13$ FountalD-
63 Prin,.-. ;st.-,Jobn nryee, importer Forflyth, John, printer, 82 South brulge • I 8t Andrew aqu.are bridge
I Forfar 1\obcrt architect,20 Pitt street ForAytl), .John S,t clothier, hatter and hOlIer, Fra-l!Jr & Co. booksellers, agentl for the Irish Fraser, Willilm, agent, 23 Clyde .treet
National School Bookl, U Quet"n IUHt Fraser, William, coach.hirer, J J.'orrn ItrMt
i Forem'l\n Allthony, boot nnd shoe maker, 3.&
25 Nieolson street-houMe, Salisbur,. bank,
Fonyth, Robt. tailorantlciolbicr, 401 Briltolt. Fruer,"eyor of taxes, 6 Waterloo pI. Fraser, William, W.S. and Master Extnordi-
Forg8~\,David,cabiactmaker,Mi1ne'sclote,212 For~ytht Thom:JB, 18 Drummond Fruer, Alexander, glazier and dealer in wia- nary of Chancery, 54 Castle .treel

Forgan, DAvhl, grocer
2; Ornssmarket
ana I
spirit. merchant,
FOrsYlh, Wm. furniture dl'aler and C£l.bioet-
nlaker, 3S Cllndtemaker row
FOflyth, 'Vm. grocer and provision mercbaDt,
dow glasl, 3' Blair .treet
Fruer, Alex. 2 &rony street
Fra.~r, Alex. 1.!J Mansion House road
}'raser, Wm. jun. W.S. and town· clerk, Ca ..
non gate, 31 I'rincel street-ho. ,,~ MelriUe
Fruer, Alex. (Ne-ill t Co. PrinUn), Canon- }'raser, Wm. boot & shoemaker, • Higb market
I'organ, David, en6incer, l\flddleficld house 7 8t Anclrew's wynd
Forgie, .Toian, flcsher, 3 and 4 Middle market IForsJth. Mrll, " N. Mel"ilIe place
-hou!c, 116 Lauriston plRf,e Forsyth, Miss, housekeeper, noyal Infinnll1
mills lodge street-house. Fiahmarket
Fruer, Alcx. AI. (P. ,. ,A""OIl), 18 Broogh. Fraser, 'VilUam N., S.S,C., ontl )falwr Ex-
Forgie, Uo~rt,('aule agent, 106 Lauriston r.1.1 Fonyth, Miss, milliner 8; dressmkr. S5George iOo place traordinary of Chancery, 41 Alball1'ueec
Forman, .Jamea, a(lvocate, 6 Drummond p. I street Fruer, ProfelSOr, 12 Rutland .treet Fraser, \ViUiam, S.S.C. allistant keeper of
Forman, .Tohn N,t \V.S., chambers, -1 Hill FI.)fL,yth, Miss, S King'8 plAre Fraler, AieL grocer and coal merchant, J 1 Register of SaliDes, S~ South Custle Il&.red
'treet-hou!Je,8 Heriot row F.Jrstall, John (manager for Fegan & Co., 68 Canongate Fruer, Wm. Imperintendent, Nigbt Atrium,
Formlm, T. S. teacher, 40 Bridge st.-house, High street), 12 Broughton street Fruer, Alexander, shoemaker, ~1 at. Old Fisbmarkllt clolie
Hamburgh pI. J.'ort, Edward, flesh er, 103 NicolKoD street Frater, Alennder, 136 Ple&I&DCt! Fra.aer, Afar~ett china mercbant, 6 North
Forman, Mill, /j 1\fanor placc FORTII anel OJyde Steam Shippio8 Company, Frunt Alt'x. A.R.8.A., 1aodacape painter, Richmond street
Forrest & Company, Edinburgh and GlAsgow 35 Bernarclstreet I Hend6r80n row ~'l&1M', 1\ln Thomu, gl... and china riYe&er,
ruilway delKJt, Haymarket, eoal merchants Fortie! .John, artist and teacher of drawing, Fruer, An(lrew, tailor and Hilldalll1 dre.. 2.; Ashley buildings, Nether}; J'ff
Forr\~8t, Alexaoder, smith, ) 10 Rose street 2 South Charlotce Itrret maker, 16 South bridae FtAef, Mn 'Vm. Canoomillllodge
Forrest, Daniel, stationer and newlI agent, 1 !<'ortune, .Tohn, painter, ., India street Fraaer, Ar,bur, 10 Randolfth crescent Fraser, Mrs William, 14 I'ordand pl&ee,Leith
WC&t Uichmond street Ft}l·tune, John, watchmaker, 23 Dundu.t. Fraaer, Charles, furniture dealer, 4. BlaIr It. }'ruer, Mu, late of Firga.k, 17 M_nor plate
Forrc8t, Uavid, 11 Cheyne street Fortuoe, R. slater, 9 and )0 So. Junction It. Eraser, Donald, 17 'V. Nft-olaon .treet .f.'ralU', Mra ladie.' nurslI, 53 Drilto atr.
Forrcst, Gco, bootmltker, 96 Nicolson street Fortune, Robt'rt, baodage and artificiallim1t Fruer, Donald, flint-glals manufr. 89 Leith Fraser, .M..., cook, li3 ROle Inett
Forre8t, Jas. grocer and spirit dealer, Water of maker, 93 George 8lreet-See Adu. 'YNk-houllc, 9 Shl'1lb place 'lraaer, 1\1 ..., 47 Great King atreet
l.eith •, Fortu:1tt, Miss E. & J. (suece8lOrs to Kill Fmer, Geo. fishing hair manuf. 51 WelIt port ,,'r.tler, Mrt, 19 Piu streel
Forrest, .Tobn, spmt dealer, 59 Low Calton .Tanet M'Dollald). 14" Princes street Fruer, G. bonnet bloekmaker, " High Calton Fruer, Jlra, 26 Pitt Itreet
~orre!\t, .~n. gro. am18~irlt ~Ir., 115 Cowgate Foster, Mi •• Elizabeth, 8 Eagtfieltl, Leith Frller, HURh, \V.8. 35 Frederlck IItreet- Fruer, Mrs, 118 PrinceI Itreel
iorrcst, Sir .John, Bt. of Com18ton, a Hope st. Fotheringham, Jam" baker 35 Coupet' It. bout.., "Ddnd...tred Fraer, Min ARnea, 8 Atho} place
I'onest, I'., plumber, &c., 18 I>ock street- FothcringhRtnc, nob~rl, jot~er and cabi8et- Fruer, Rev. Hugh, st Anllltreet Fraser, Miss Elba, teachf'r of Englilb Md
house, Seaficltl place, Leith maker, Phyftic gardens Frater, Jamf'l, M.D. 14 Clarence """' musie. 10 l..oadon row, Leith
Foncst, Richartl, groccr, wine nnd spirit }'oulis, David. ironmonger, 138 Hlgb s~ Fr.r, Jamea, EdinbUl'gh and Leith eamer, Fruer, Mil1l Janet, 6 Great Stuartatrcet
m('rchant,l Elm Row Founs Robert teacher Old Auembly cIGIe U Clyne Itreet Fr.,er, Mi&8,3 AlholJ place
Forrellt, l\obt., auctioneer and apprn!gcr, 06 -h~use, 14 'lV. Prclton street F~~~, Jalllet, ho:.lle agent, 80 Nicot.D at.- }'raler, Min, ) 8 Leopold place
F North ~auover 8tr~t-ho. 3:1 London st. Foulls, La<l,., 14 Lynedoch Jllace uuuse, 4 Hill piece }'ruer, Mill, 19 Warri.ton creseent
orr('l\t, '1. IIm\tl1 & Ironmonger, ~o and 2~ Foulll, l\ti,s, 7 St Vincent street Fruer, .Jamc8, Eden YiU., ChDrda JaDe Fruer, l\UIIe., I Porrtlltreet
Clerk st.:-houset ·13 Mont~..tU st. . Fowler, AJex. pnintl'r, paper-hAnger, & . . . .' FFraaer, J. (G.P•• O.), 1 An.fleld, Newb••,.. Fruer, Mill!el, milUners, i Warri.toD plaee
Forrc~t, WrdUMl, cngraver, I1 Archlbald pI. riMier, .John Marka,(_. Gen. B". H....), Frater, Ralpb & Co., billiard 1WIn, 11 So. S&
Forrest,"m. pl1l5ttrcf, 11 Dread Itreet
12 DunClln street, Drummond place
Fowler, G. I Weft Claremont .",eel (\Dro place Andre" Itreet


;,..... ' ..- 56 $ U U ge a -, .... \ ...

180 Fr.a EDINBURGH AND LEITH Gal Gal GIN'BRA.L DIRECTORY. Gen 181 Williun (No B • .Adotrli,tr Office), .'i' Fyfe, W:illiam, 8 Moray .t. Galla...y. Wm. 3 Mon~ street Gaacaigne, Rey. Fred. St Mar,'. Catholic
South Clerk .treel Fyfe, MisseS, dreamaken, IS E. Adam at.. Galloway, WillIam. 8 AtJioll pI. Church, Broughton .&reet
Flue Robert joiner Low Drougbton Fyfre, Mra Dr, 9 Warrlston cracent GaIlo..ay, Wm., tobacco manr., 32 Victoria li. Guh, George.• 211e1ville street
F r'George 29 MelriIle street .'yfe, Mn, ladies' nurle, 8 ClareDce street
'::eh, R. artttlcia\ lorist and feather rouer,
US ROle .treet GAELIC Scbool Society, eommittee room. od
GaUowar, William, chiDa merchant, 51 Tol.. Gatherer, lIra M. S1 BroughtoD Itreet
"booth ,,!nd, Leith-ho. "
OI11o..ay, WilIiam, IS Lutton place
G.yin, Crichton S.landing .urye,Gr, ("U,/01ll8,
23 Claremont (!faceDt
French, John, W.S. 6 Grah.m street depository, 6 York place Gallowa" 'ViUlam, ..riter, 33 London .tree' Gayin, P. & R. commiuion agents,3S Ber-
French, John, grocer and spirit mer~h.nt, 21 Gaft', William, .uperintendent, Canal work., Galloway. lIn, 9 Gardber'. crelCent nard .treet
Bern,rd street-house, 11 Cassel. pi. IS St Antbony'. place , GaJJoway. Mn Janel, 10081., J Brougbton pI. GaYia, P." Son, cordage & canYII m.nuf. antt
French Mn Dr .ss Grange road Gains, Mrl Capt. 1 Gilmore .t., Paul I work Galloway, Mn, 10 Manor pl.ce uil maken. 12 Commerelal pi., .nd Batb.t.
Prew, Alexande:, teaeht:!', GraDton eottages Gairdner, John, 1\1.D. and F.R-C.S. '5 Nor. Galloway, Millel, dreumakera, 3 ~Iorton st. GaYin, Peter W.jun. (G.~· &",),2 Laverock
Friend MI'5Sophla confectioner, 83 Brough. thumberland street Gallwey, 1\lra Dr, of c:utIe, 38 Nor- bank
ton ~t ' Gairdner, Wm. T.. l\1.D. and F.R.C.P. " ·tbumberland .treet GaYin, Peter .T. (P. 4' R. Gaf1in). Jeu8eld
PaUNJ1LY IalUrance Co• .to Princer '. 'eet- Northumberlanl\ .treet "
GAll. Certiflcate Oflice. 10 G.Yin, Robert, A.R.S.A., 2 Layeroek bank.
Measl'll Jol1ie, Strong, & Henry, agentl G.~rdner, M!, Thomas, 1 Drum.mond place
FIIINnLY Societies, Re«lstrar or, A. C. Galrdaer, MIll, 3' Bruntlfleld hnka
Gamgee, Joh•• prof. of ,el. med..n IUrg., G.vio, W. and C. general merchantl, 19 Corn.
Dew veL eoI., office, 8 St Cuthbert'. glebe mercial plaet!
Ritchie allvocate, 10 Albany street Gum, Andrew} boot and shoemaker, 166- . -hause, 1~ Cude terrace GaYin, W. S. (P. G. t SOtI) , Chmy bank,
.'rler John (IOrlw, a.p.• 0.),5 S. College st. ROle street-houN, 135 Garden, Jama, & Son, tl:i1on, ISO High It. Whale brae •• .•
})ier' ltfauhew (Clyclt,daie Bank), 16 1\01a1 Gairnl, John, "riting-m..ster, and teacher of Gardiaer, J. ad'OCIte, 6 Pan .treet • Ga,la, 'Vm. (w. t·e. G.), Wd!lllm8eId.
E~cbt\nge aritbmetic and book. keeping, 24 Castle .t. Gardinn John W. inlpec. or poor, N. Leltb, Ga,ln, Wm••hipmuter, 6 Maelelra It. LeIth
Frier, noli., landscape painttr, 56 India st. Gair:n~, 1\lrs and l\lisses, dressmakers .nd 11 D~k at.-ho. Auburn plpee, Leith Gayln, Wm. Allan (Allan 6' G.),2S Clare-
Froom Jonathan, 11 ~'relton Itreet mUbners,~... Castle street
Gardiaer, Jabn, S.S.C.-cbambt-.I, 4.6 North mont creacent
}'uJJarton A. & Co. printer., Itercutype found- Galbraith, E. M. writer, ) 6 Keir It.
en p~blilhen, and booksellers, Stead's Galbraitb, 1.'homu, grocer, &c.:. 881 lIigh
pl;ee-agency, "Soutb bridge -ho. 10 N. St AniJrew It.
.t. Hanover street-ho. Grange house, York Gav!a, )Ir. D. ~l Jame,' plactt, Lcit~
road, Trillhy G.'lne, .Tn. builder, m~Dt and bricklayer,
Gardiner, WilUam, tailor and clothier, " at Wbiteicld cot~e
FUllarton, John A. (F. 9' CQ.), 6 Abereromby Galbraitb, Thomu, 402 Buccleueh street Patrlck lquare • G....n, Mrl, Jodgtrtgt, ~3 ~eorge Ib-eet
place Galbruth, Mrs, 37 London street GaMiner, Wm ••t&tioner, 66 South Dndge GAZITTF. Office, n. !\1aJcst1·., 18 N. Bank st.
t Fu11arto11, ,I. K. (Indigent Gcntlewomt,,', FutUl Galbraitb, 1\In, 30 Castle atreet Gardiaer, Mra T. leather mercht. 1 Gile.' .t. Oebbie, Frtnei" advocate, 3D Albiny .treet
O./ftce),28 Stnft'ord street Galbraith, Miu, dressm.ker. ~6 Frederick It. Oardner and Aina1ie,phannaeeutica1 chemllts, Gebbard, }'1. 21 Hr-riot buUdillgs
}\ulfartoD, l\Iajor Stewart Murray, I.S. as Ann Gan and IngUs, publisher••nd bookseUera, tS8 George street Geddea & GloYer, Imperi.l hotel, restaurateun
f street 6 George street
Gardner, Alex. grocer, wine and .pirit deMler, .nd confec'ionert, sand 6 Waterloo place
II Fullarton, 1\frll, of Skcldon, 28 Stafford street GaU, George, straw bonnet manufacturer, 8
Full.rton, Miss, 21 Heriot roW' North bridge
Fuller, John, clothier and dr.per, .;, South GaU, Jas. ( G. ~'l"'Blil), Myrtle bank, Triaity
bridge-house, 6 East Arthur place IGaU, Jas. Jun. aculptor, 20 Gayfleld square
2.59 High .treet-hoUle, 1 Meadow plac~ Gedde., Ada.. Gordon, 28 Hamilton place,
Gwner, A. clothier, 5 and 6 Portlana place. Stockbridg~
Gardner, ADdrew A. 27 1\loDtague street I Geddel, J. minin" ~nginecr, 16 Shandwick pI
Gardner, J. J., Son., &; Gardner, opticianl,&c. Geddes, John, collector, GrantoD pier
Fullerton, Son, & Co. gal meter manufacts., G.l1away, Alex. a1iipmaster, .; Coburg street
& Abbey mount-houle, Libertoa I Gallaway, W. D. 16 PiIrig street , George atret' I Geddet, Major-gen. Joha, U SaUlbur1 roU
Gudner, Jamet, grocer, ~5 High It.-house, I Geddea, Rod. sf.lrSt dealer, 141 G1'IIImarke'
Fuller ton, Thomas, builder, Spittal strect- G.Uedy, Ales. 11 Scotland street 1 1\ltadow place Gedde'J CuI. '~m., C. B. ,1)2 George square
hOt 12 G.rdncr's crescent G&1letly, John, S.S.C. 19 London Itreel
Fulton, Aw. aaddlert cap and hAmess maker, Galled" Mu WilUam, 126 Pleasance Gudner, Jame., ~8 Rutlaod .treet Geddet Millet, Jad.iea' bo.rding school, tB
86 George street-bouse, B Maidand st. Gallie, L.ird, & Co. copper, iron, lead,.nd tin .. Gardner, John, collec::tor for chari&able In.d.. Atboje crescent
Fulton, F. eorn merchant, 3110118 It. Leith plate merchants, ss High street, and 98 tutionl, 376 Cllde hfll Geddis, Dl\yid, baker. 1 Pier pt. Newhann
Gardner, Peter, cow-feeder, oS Union dreet Geikie, Jamel S. ornamental hair m.nufac-
walk Conatituti~ .treet, Leith Gardner, 'l'hOl. tea merc:ht. 64 .'reclerick It. I turer ancl perfumer 10 tht Queen, SoS North
Futton, Hugh, deputy harbour-master, Gran- Gallie, Alex. writer, 72 BueeJeuch street Oardner W. C. Glugow & Manchetter ware.. bridge-house, 16 DuucMn It. Newiagton
ton pier 'I, G. eabinetmaker, 27 Kirkgate-ho.30
house: HO NicollOu street-house, 18 Dun-! Geikie, Mrs, .8 India street
Fulton~ John, ... Fire place Gal1ie, Jamea B. 1 Mayield terraee • can street, Newingtoa . GeU.n, 'ViIIi,m, printer, 13 Brow!' Itreet .
Fulton, John, AmI Co., Pleasanct' brewery
Fulton, W. D. 2 Salisbury square
I Galloway, natid, boot and .hoemaker, 4.
I Yard1ieads I
GlmJuer, Mrs Belen, clairy, 13 Dean street GeUat1y & White, engravers and htbograpbic
GardoEr, Mt. Jean, lodging., is Downie plAce prince,., 'l6 {;forge street
Fuiton, l\Irs, • George p1ate I QaUoway, Jas., com. traveller, <is WhiUleJd
Gardner 1\ln \Vrn. 37 Constitution It. Leith Gcllatly, David, 21 Cheyne street
Furhy, M. teacher of French, 9'; George It. ! place 11

Gardoer'1\lrs 13 Ann .treet Gellatly, Robert, wltcb and cJockmakcr,

J..'urley, Robert Cbarles, chemist and lurgeon, . Galloway, Jam'I, ('ollector of poor.ratfs, pri-
89 Rarl Grey street IOn-U8esament, and road-money, & hou'e Gard!1er: lIra: 2 naroDy.treet I 78 PriDce. atrc.. et
G.rdner 1\larga'l'et & Isnbr:lla, milliners .nd Gelletly, T. chemist & druggist, 278 C.nonst.
J.'urze & Co. London porter store, 3'; llitchell ractor, &9 CODstitution Itreet, Lelth-ho. dresa':'akers 28 Downie place I Gembl... 1\Ir8, 1 St Vincent sLreet
street, I...eitb, P. Dow.e, agent Heriot houle, Leitb walk
Pyre, Andrew, S.S.C, 21 St Andrew square- Galloway, Jamea W. 50 Ch.rlotte Itreet Leith Oardner, lIi'; EHz• .s8 George aq_re GemmeJl, James, wholetll.e paper aad rip
agent for National Mercantile Life A8Iur· Galloway, J. & W. fteahen, 2' Cause1side Gardner, Mill 11 Scotl.nd street. mercbant, agent and consignee, 9 S~ Joho.
"jce and Sun Fire Offices-ho. 15 Leopo1cl Galloway, Joha, Ihipmaster, SI Bemard ,,. Gardoer, lUu',95 Fountainbridge hlll-hoUJe, 13
Gardyne, Jamtl Carnesy Layerock bank GemmeU, Rev. Robt. 11 Lutton place
, P, aee Galloway, Iloncrieft', house factor, ageDt for hoult., Newha.en ' " Gemmcll, Wm. provilion rnercht. 19 Earl
Fyt~, George, builder, :I Clarence street Northera Fire and Life A.8uranc::e Co.
Pyfe, Nelll!on, cork manufacturer, )litne'.· 049 Constitution street • Glrland, J. Ormond, pawnbroker, 39 St An. Grey street
COUrlt Chalmtf1l' close, 81 High street Ganoway, R. S. writer, 1 SaU,bur, 8 uare
drew, Leith-bOo 8 Ron&1dlOn bid.. GemmelJ, )In, 19 St lohn .treet
F'N , Tbhom~sbN. (Ctutom.), 39 AlballY etreet, Galloway, Robert, bookbinder, Si S. dlerk lit. Glrland, Mn, 7 N•• \V. Circ:UI pI.
Garret, lfila, 10 Abbey bill
GINZaAt. Board or Lunacy, 12 St Andre".q.
GINt:aAL Hailatorm IDlurance, 12 Prince. It.
ort Lelt -house, 17 Park tide street Game, Andlew (.... Aikman t Cf.), i Keir st. -Wo umbett, agent-See ifdv.

• If • • U ,... a 3 Sl l b . II
182 Gt'" EDINBURGH .AND LEITH --------
Ga•••• \L Life and Fire Aseurance Company, I Gibson, Jamea, & Co. dyers and scourers. to
Gifford, James, merchant, 10$ South bridge- ! Gi11on, In. & Co., preseTYed pro'ision manu-
house, 38 Drummolld plllc~ fadurers, S Mitchell strt"l.!
1...'" Sout,b St Andrew street-Mr Jas. S. Nicolson It. G!fford, John (Nal;()nal.Bafl.k)~ 2 Syban pt. Gmon, D3vid, sack, &c. manufacturer, 38
Mack (~cnce cV :5lack) agent Gibson, Jas. classical master, George Watson's
G!fford, Mrl, 14 Fettes row 9 .Grassmarket--house, 7 Art.hibcld place
GaNu;L lWgistl1 Office of Births, Deaths, hospital Gilbert, & Co. pawnbrokers, 40 Tolbootn wd. Gl1lon, John, merchant, Hillbouse6eld house
and Aiarriagel, New Registt'r houlle Gibson, lames, (J. G. and (;0.),10 Windmill
Leith-house,6 LOIlc.lon Row Gillon: John, jun. 20 Charlotte 8treet, Leith
08NIBAL Steam NaviJ!lltion Company, 21 street G!lberl, Robert, grocer, 11 a.n~.I)2 Yardhead8/ Gmon, Peter, pro,illon dealer, 10:1 Cowgatc
Waterloo pI. Ediu. and 29 Shore, Leitb-R. Glbson, James, tobllcco manuft\cturer, 149
W. Hamilton, manager-Sce Adu. Princes st., and 1 South St Andrew street Gtlbert, Thos. baker, 17 LothIan stl't'et GUlon, Wm. (Smail and Co.), [) J.·iul!111 i=iacc
Gentle, .Tas., W.S. (A. ill A. Campbell) 2.~ Gibson, James & Co. clothl\'!rs and outfitters, Gilbey, W. & A. wine imJlortert and dilltillers, I GUmour, ,V. and 0, tanners and currlt.:fs
.12 ~t Andrew aquure , . 7 8 Sou ,!l back Canongate '
Dublla strfet-ho: 36 Queen stl"eet 106 South bridge
Gilchrllt, James, pbotographer, 14 NlcollOn Gtlmol1r,J\lex., writing master, 3' Buccleuch
Gentle, John (G.P.- 0.), 8 Parksioie sired Glbson, John and lIenry Gordon, W.S. 12
!Equare place
Gentleman, .Mrs, lodgings, 1 Stafford street Charlotte street Gilchrist, .rohn, china and crystal mercl1811t, Gilmour, lIugh, tea and ooftee dealer and
Gentleman, :Mre, 2S l~ast. Maidnnd street Gibson, Jolm.. jun. 'V.S.(J. t H. G. Gib8on),
76 Rose street grocer, 16 Greenside strec&-bo. 18 Gayfield
George, Airs, 14 lo'o'!'th s~r,!et 38 !\Ioray place Gllchr;It, John, grocer, 52 GUcs' street-boo square
Gt'oT,:hdes, S. photographer, S8 Queen 8t. Gibsor., .John, 'V.S. S3 lnverleith row
Gibb, Alexander shocma1cr, 8 Caltou street Gtbson, ,John, commis. agent, 1 Coatfield lane .31 ~Ilble wYIi~ . ~~hllour, Jobn L. 8 Caroegie street
.Gibb, Alex. builder, .~ Not.!';r6ham place- Gibson, .rohn, dairy, 1 Hope strf'et Gllcbrlst, John. 28 lodla street ("Ilmour, .Mu, lod~;ngs, 8 .'ntigua street
~~Ieht!st, J. (G. P.- 0.), 2&. Middle Ardmr plo Gilmour, Mrs, ~Iary cottagl', 'I'rinitr
house, 1\Iayfil,!ld terrace Gibson, John, tubacco manufacturer, 499
Gllchrl8t, WilIlam, lI.D. !.!3 ~eorge sql.:..:re I Gilmour, ~lrs, 16 St .John street
Gibb, Alex., umbrella and rlrasol manufac. Lawn market
turer, 28 Georgc st.-ho., 11 Clarence 8t. Gihson, Joseph, agent, of England In- G!lchr!at, Mrs, S3 Ealt CLtremont .&red l' G!ll'in, chlls. D\!rnllrd t 32 Df\lUghton place

Gibb, And. commission agent, 2 Buccleuch Sllrance Co., 25 (iayfield square Gllchnst, .Alra, 28 Creorge 8quare Gdray, 8rother8, coal merchar,ts CaledoniaD
"lace Gibson, Mungo Campbell, 13 Hermitage pI. Gi1~h"itlt, l\lrs, lodginll!, 1 W. Richmond st. rail way ,
G~le8, Arthur, 11 Scodand street '!ilray, Joho, agent, 9 Braughan, street
Gibb, Gcorge, boot ancl sllo(> maker, 6 Duke Leith
street, Leith- bouse J., Glover street Gibson, Peter, bui1cler, Greig's balt
Gibb, G. clerk of works, 17 Dalryml)le place Glbson, Peter Cll'.rke. surgeon, 10 Picardy pl.
G~lel, l\lrs Jarn~!I, 17 Scotland street
Gdftllan, .r. bUlldu, Ca8t1e terrace
G!lfillan, J. 17 Dread Itreet
I Gllray, .Jollt!ph, grocer and l)ro,i.\oo mercht.
52 South Clerk etreet
Gilroy, Wm. flesher, 171 PleaslU1ct'
Gibb, JllmC&, ~ l\lontlXomery street Gibsoll, Robert anll Thomas, cheese and
Gibb, .Tobn, tailor, 2 t;t .10hn street butter mercbantl\, 93 Princes st. '~t:~.. Gill, Robt. printer, 59 Shore Gilruth, .John, writing ma8ter 6 J..!astfidd
Gibb, .Jolm, builder, 9 Greensitle p1nw GlbBon, Robert (R. nnd 7'.),34 Howe strent' Gm, 'I'hol. (llQmalieB ~~. PclltrsM), 49 York place, Leith '
Gibb. Thol!. & Son, commis. agents, 1 Rox. GibsQn, ThoR. (G. d; Hector), 2 South-w"", place Gird\Vood. Wm. Ilnd Son, twa'tl mercbant.,
burgh plkcc Circus place ~:-- ".r"~~~)\
GILLF.!lPIS'S HOlpital, Wright's houseI- Tanfleld, Canonmi1ll
GJbb, Thomas: r. G. ~. &.1), 108 ]~aU1iBton GibsOll, Thos., architect, )2 noval Enhange R. 'M. Grnbam, treasurer, l' l>itt .treet I Girdwood, D. 'Vil~t\lal dealer, 10 lJeanhll1gh It.
place Gibilon, 1'., furniture dt'aler, 1 ~'t' Plrasance Gmf'spie & Cathcarc, commission agents, SS,' Girdwood,. Uuber., wool broker, 'hntield,
Glbb, Thoma!, builder, 87 Clerk street-boo Gibson, Thomas, dairy, 15 Gil.nore street Berntlrd .. treet Cauonmlll"
12 Mtadow pb'8 Glb8on, Thomas, 16 Lcopoltl place Gillelpie, Alexander, gasfittcr & smith, 62 I Girdwoud, llob()r~, 71 Great KinJt .tn.-et
Gibb, Willlam (Jlurroy ~ (,lbb), 11 Gayfiehl GibBon, 'Villiam, 8 Inverleith row Broughton street. . Girdwood, 'rhos. (Cltallccry) " 'l'albot "Iaee
Gibb, l\Iiss, dressmaker, 44 India place
Gibson, Wm. W. corn merchant, Bonninpton
bouse 41
GUJeltptc, Am1r6W, 11 Salisbury road
I Girdwood, Mitls.1\l. matron, GHlcspi(."s limp.
GiIJelpie, Gordon J. wine & spirit mercbant, Girlc, George 11. tanner & t'urrier, 125 High
14, and IS Sand port Itreet street-house, 3 Dllxtfor's place
G!bbon, AJex. of .Johllston, /jfj York place Gib~on, Wllliam, draper, 1 Lothian street- I

Glbbil, H., IIhoclpaker, ~ S. College st.-ho., house, 12 Graham street Gillespie, Jnmcs D., .1\1.0. 45 Ca'JUc street I1Given, I\o\x!rt, coach builder, postmaster, ..,i
81, Causcwn.ysule Gibson, Wm. pa;'1ter allcl glazier )0 Pitt It. Glllellple, John, \V.S., 81-A Gcorge street coach hirer-hou~ & Itables 3 and. St
G!bhng, ~o~n, d3ir>:, 36 Heriot's. buildings Gihson, William,spirit merchant ~nd museum Gillell)ie, John, grocer and wine merchant, Cuthbertts lane '
Glbso,r " ralg, l'alzlel, &. DrodlCs, W.S. [, kreper,42 Wbitefield rIace 18 Howe street Glanville, !\frs, lodgings, }.S Dublin street
.Thlstle stree~ Gibson, William Yule, agent, Raimesfleld Gl1lesp!e, John, M.I? 68 .co~sti'ution street (i LASGOW, I..eith, & Hamburgh Steam Ship
Glbson & Talt, W.S. 1 Northumberlnlul Gibson, 'ViJUam, writer, 6 Bl'utlswick street G!l1C8P!P, 'V!n: 68 Con~ttt\ltloD .~reet Company, 9 Dock galea-D. Smitb, agent
• ,street T • Gibson, l\Irs and Misses, boarliing and day- GllleaplfJ, \VIlllam, uf forbanchll1-ofHce, 11 Gltl!lgOW, Wm. grocer and spirit deaJer lOG
Glbson ami" atker, corn merchant~ IJonning- school, 8 Church hill Morningsicie North St f)avid street West port '
.ton steam· mills Gibson, l\trs, 10 Druntsflelc1 place ~!lIe&p!~, llev. Wm. 3 'y~st N~wington Glasgow,:\far~aret,spiritdelller, 11aW
G~bSOIi, Adam, 7 Hope terrace Gibson, Mrs ll\lgh, Trinity vtlla, York road ('rllleslne, Mrs John, 9 Gardner s creflcent Glass, ltho~. priuter, '" South bridgu
~!bson, Alexander, 26 Bl1ccl~uch place Triility , Gillics Brothers, iUk mercers and drapers, Gla8s, !lobert, "hnle.alc merchant, Victoria
Glbson, Arch. accountnnt, 10 Ahitlnncl tit. Gibson, Mrs llitcbcll 6 '\Thlllsor street •.3~ an(i :I .. George street . I terrace-house, 17 Buccleuch place
Gthson, C~nr!('S, Ill:illtCI', 18 Thistle strect- GU)llOll, l\Ir£ 'rhos., 69 Northu oberland Bt. Gallle8, Jas.n., reporter, Dally Re,iew, 71 Gl15l1, WDt. painter & gluier, 5 ElUit Adam
.1lousc, :),1 .Fredc~lck street mhson, .l\lrs W. F., 15 Warriston crescent Clerk street street
G~b!lon, Dnvld I.. Silk mercer, 34 South hrhtgc Glh~oll, .l\lrs, h Pltt street G!lJ!eB. Rev, Frand-, 17 Dean terrace Glas8ford, Jame8 Oordon, of DougalstoD, 3
Glbtlhn, Georlre & Co. merchts, .S ,VcC docks Gibson, 1\Irs, ladics' llurse 6 Park 8t G!1l!l!8, Pder, confectioner, 196 CowlZate Ht'ndenoll row
. - OUS?, 13 He!~itage.lllacc Gibson, Al'rfl, tJ Bucc]euch' place • g!~ll~eaJ Robertson (G. Brotllcrs), 50 Georgest. I Gleadhill, l\Iis!I, teacber of the pianoforte, J6
Glbson, Georgc, clV11 engmeer, S DennlJaugh Gibllon, :Miss, Romano d1ta, West Dick pI. ~! !e8, Sam, tailor Dnd clothier, I Young 8t Roxburgh plRce
.street Grange ' gm!e.~ \Villiam, (Un;on Bank) 2 AlballY st. Glegg, Capt., H. ~I.I,F. 8 Carltor.a urNt
gi~l'on, George, ag<'nt, 15 Brouglltoll strcet Gibson, Miss, S AthoU place • ~e8, Mrl, 16 York place Glcgg, Roilert (Exchequer), Grt::nhill park
, son, Gcorge, 38 Moray place Gicldcn, W m. lotl~inlls, 3 Shandwl "k lIce' Gl~~k Si8ters, milliner. and drenmakers, 63 Glen, R. & J. coal merchanll, 7 Port-HamiltoD
Gl~~~~n~e~~YtGd.n'on, W.S. (.1. anrl ll. G. u!fForcl au(ll\Iorc, W.S. 28 St .And~e: ~. • .If gate
G~n~s, lUght Uev. Bisbop~ Greenblll
-hOU8~, 7 Spiltal street
c. ~
H' I Il la streft
oc IItret't-l1011se, 'l'rimty villa
Glffon), Adam, advocate '15 Drummond pt.
le ~. Ilhnnber antllcRc1. rncrcllAnt, GlfFord, Alexander 1. r.1tlore) 28 St And-
rew square ., , ,
I Glen, Alex. bagpipe maker, 30 St Andrew Iq.
glijI l.nau,Anc1rew, 30 Hamdt(lUpl. Stockbndge Glen, Oeorge, mUlical in.trument maker. 26
1man, :Mrs, 3~ Clareace .tree, I Kirkgate

."lI""?Jr:·-·'--·· ---.. ------- ---------~___- I

~..:..- '''-.-f----:;=;CJZC;. za,u"' URiC., U 8 JS csa: sa
GleD. George, upholsterer, 18 South l<'rederlck Gordon & Burns, elothiefl, 33 North brid~e Gordon, }fre, 8 Rutlaad !!quare Gowana, James, railway contractor, Rockrilte,
GOluon, Adalu Ha)" of Awochie, W.S., ~s GordoD, Misln, 13 RanieUlor street Napier road
liU'oet ' .• RId Gorman, Nath. furniture dealer, 239 Cowgate Go"aDS, Jobn, 17 Shandwick place
GleD, John, wine merchant and commlsaum ut an squlU'e
agent, IS Moutgomerr street Gordon, AIeL c1ogmaker, S cowgate bead -bouee, 13 Hill place Gowans, John, 08 Bro~hton street
Glen, Robert, 17 Elm row Gomon, Alex. boOt maker, 2S Barony st. Gormlar, James, grocer and provision dealer, Go"anl, Chas. Wm. Uniull Bank, 10 Dun-
Glen, ThOl. coal merchant, $ Port-lIamilton Gordon, A. R. 2 Baltie ,treet 112 and i66 Cowgate can street
-houae, 1~ Semple street Gordon, Artbur Forhes, ot Rar nt , W.S. 16 Gorrie, Alex.lpirit dealer, 78 E. CrosaCluaey Grady, John, messenger-at-anns and sheritl'-
Glen Tbomas, muaical inltrnmeat In,,ker, 2 RutllDd square Gorrie, John, "tbocate, 25 London Itree& ofB~r, (ountT buildiugs, and 25 St James'
N~rtb Bank street-house, 20 Calton bili Gordon, Major Chal. 20 Claremont crncent Gorrie, Wm. superintenden', P. La.lOn and s1uare
Glen, lltl David, broker, 186 Cowgate Gomon, D.,M.D. surgeon. 1 Buccleuch place Sonl, Bangbolme Greme, Mill, 18 Heriot row
GleD, Mu, lOG Lauriaton place Gordon, Major Duncan, 16 Walker Itreet Gome, 'ViUiam, S South Gray Itree' Graham, Andrew, tea, wine, and Ipirit dealer,
Glen, Mils, milliner and dreumaker, 26 Gordon,Ed. Stratheara,adyocate, 2R1ndolph Gonle, William )1. architect and civil en- 70 Bri8to street
KirJcRlte crescent gineer, '1 Young .th'et Grabam, Andrew, spirit dealer, '8 Yardheads
Glesa, Mil., 35 AJ" atreet Gordon, F. groeer, Wa.ter of Leith Gome, Mu Daniel, 20 RankeiUor st. Graham, navid, grocer, .& Dean path
Glen, MIISN,25 Welt Laurllton Gordon, Re" James, Lynedocb cottage Gome, Mrs, l i Scienllel Itreet Grabam, David, Ipirit dealer, 33 S. B. of
Glendinniag, MII, $5 Cumberland street Gordon, James ( G. tC Crau!lord), 18 Londou Gotman and Mur, wrighu, N..'W' cut, Ne,,' Canongate
haven Grabam, Da•• prowlaion dealer, 219 Canongate
GIOlg,Jamell, LL.D. teacher of madlemutic8, row, Leith
11 Duncan street Oordon, James, writer, 1 Syfford It. GOIman, David, grocer, 4'9 Lawnmuket I
Grabam, George .... .58 Gilmore place
Gotklrk, A. & Son, broken, 2Ld. Cockburn at. Graham, George Smart, 24 Gayfleld squre
Gloag, Peter, writer, 41 Saunden' street
Gordon, James, educational publisher, 51
Gloag, William E. advocate, ~6 Albany Uanover street-houle, S. CJerk street
Gordon, James, 'V.S. 20 Regent terrace
Goudie, Gavin, builder, LesUe place-houle, Grablm, George, printer, 51. Nicolson street
Si Dunda. street Grah,m, Gilbert, head muter, Normal &000/,
010BI Life .lId Fire lDaurance Co. I..ondon, Gordou, James, Spaniah conlul, wine mer. Goudy, ?tIn, 12 Antigua Itreet Moray Rowt, l'l Luttoo pI.
Peter l\obertson, 100 SOlltb br.-Sce Adv. chant, and general agent. Baltic et. Goug&, OweD, in cbarge of Her Majell),'s Grabam, Hugh t janitor, Edinburgh Academl
GLODI hotel, 8 Hill place Gordon, Ju.artiat, IG Spring gardens, Abbey apartments in the Lord Chamberlain's Grabam, Humphrey, 'V.S., 11 Shandwiek p .
Glover, Rev. Wl11iam, D.D. 8 Fort" .treet blll d~tment at Hol,rood palace Graham, J. C. Eutfield court
Glover, Wm., W.S. sheriff clerk depute, 18 Gordon, .Taa. spirit dealer, 48 Hanover street Gould, John. fj Upper Dean terrace Graham, .John, house painter and gluier, 2
Charlotte Itreet-bouse, 1 Alban), 8t. Leith Gordon, Jamcs, Legac),-duty office, 81 Cum- 6ould, .Talllel• .5l1eriot mount Stafford st.-bo. 29 Al" street
Glonr, 'Mrs Rob. lodging8, 11 Portland pI. berland It. Goald, R. gardener, 13 Pilrig nlodel bulldinq8 Grabam, John, governor and treasurer of
Glover, Miss, 11 Ealtfield, Leitb Gordon, Jobn Tbomson, tberifl' of Midlothian, Goulding, Jamel, broker, 1~8 Cowgate . House of Refuge, 68 Canongate
GoaIeD, Geo. B. letter-carrier, 8 Morton at. Ihen! chamber", county buildingl, High st. Gourlay, Mil., 20 Howe Itree& Graham, John, cork manuf. 48 Tbi.tle It.
Goalen, Thomas, wright, 8 Morton st. Leith --house, 6 Gloucester pI. Gourlay, )lrs Dr, of Kincraig, 16 Howard I'l. Graham,John, roach hirer, Norlh Hill at. iane
Goalen, Rev. Walter.M. Starbank boo Trinltv Gordoll, J. P. com. agent, 82 Haddington pI. Goyan, John, W.S. 18 Walker Itreet Grabam,J. pianoforte.tuner, 16 St Vincent It.
Goldie and Dove, W.S. 8 York place . Gordon, Sir John 'VatlOn. R.A. President of GUVERNEBau and Tuton' IllItitution.4Cbar- Graham, .Tobn, ahipmastt'r, 6 Bank place
Gotdic, Archd. W., W.S. 8 York place the Roya.l Scouish Academy, and limner lotte place-Mra Mackenzie Graham, Jos. draper, l.5 UniOR place
Goldie, J. G. 17 Calton hill to the (~ueen in Scotland, 123 George st. Government Emigration Officea-Thos. Hay, Graham, IJatrick, \v.s... Royal creacent
Goldie, Joltu, 07 Cumberland street Gordon, John, (H. M. Inspector of &.:IIOU/,), agent, SI QUalit, atreet, Leith Graham, 1', 17 Dund" street
Goldie, Robert, shoemaker, Newhaven :) Belte,ue crescent Gow, Donald, 2 St Vincent street Graham, Robt. B. J!linter, 20 naddington pi.
Goldic, Wm.1\I.D., surgeon, I Bnnner place Gordon, Captain .John, of Cluny, " St Andrew GoW', Forbe8, tailor and clothier, '29 Lawn. Grabam, Robert 1\1. treasurer, Gillclpie·.
Goldle, Mill, 13 'l'rinity crescent Iquare market HOlpital, 14 Pitt Itreet
GOLD8!IlTHS· HaU, 98 South bridge Gorllon, .T. & G. chemists and druggiats, 32 I
Gow, James, paper ruler and bookbinder, IS Graham, Robl. grocer, 93 Wc,& bow
Goldswortb, John (NatiOlllll Ban!'), 39 1\Ion- Dristo street
tagu street I Gordon, Uev. Robert, 14 Northumberland at.
Good, Alfrcct (Scottish JVidou:s' J<'unJ), 1 Gordon, Robert (Bank of Scotland), 29 War·
Dlair street
Gow, James:M. Unron Bank of Scat/aud
Gow, Jas. dealer in metalt, Eaater road
Grabam, T. proviaion and com merchant, 26
Graham, T. slater and glass merch, 29 Cu'le
Morningaide bank rieton crescent Gow, J. 24 Clerk Itreet at. and t!1!ter "nd gluier, )2 ConlbiU, Leith
G00l1, .Tohn, spirit dealer, 42 Potterrow Gordon, Robert, tobacco manufr. 5 Heriot Gow, Wi1llam, turner, US Higb street I Grlbam, T. A. F. 9 Alalta terrace
Gool1a11, James, carver and gilder, 3 IUgll bridge-house, 48 1\linto street Go", Mrs, lodgings, 4~ Albany Itreet I Graham, 'VID. goldsmith Ind commission
Calton '1 GordOD, R(\bert (MtUlro, Drusdale,9' G.) 16 Gonn, Alesander, banker, $ Piu Itreet agent, 2' Gro,e road
Gootlal1, Miss, 60 Cumberland street Elder st. Gowan, Chu. baker & confectioner, 4 Uaion Grabam, nev, Wm. maniC, Trinity
Ooodbllrn, Aira, 35 York 1,1ace I Gordon, Roberl G.letter carrier, ).; James' sq.
Goodfellow, Adnm C. COin. trav. 13 Union st. Gm'Jon, R. painter & glazier, 47 Earl Gre)' st.
place-house,6 Grabam, 'Vm., LL.D. teacher of elocution,
Gowan, George. boot and ahoe maker, 30 hiltorT, and geography, 11\10rly p),ec
Goodlet, W. (Gou'anl 6' G.), 2i LondoD st. -house, 4& Whitefleld piace Graham, Mrs, grocer, &c. 49 Cumbedaud s ,
Goodlet, Mrs, JOtlgings, 1 Charles street Gordon, 11D. vlct\. deal. 13 St An(lrew Bt. Leith Oowan, Geo. chief clerk ( C.P.• 0.), North- Grabam, ~h. Balfour, 8~ Brougbton pll1~e
(,~man, Edward B. staff adjutant, Grove Gor(1011, Mrs Ann, 7 Atholl crellcent field house. Jock', lodge Grabam, 1\1" D. , Si Lean.rd street
,.11a, 9~ DUllcnn street, Newington Gordon, Mn Catberine, midwife n.nd ladies' Gowanloek, Robert, bookseller, 16 Chapeltt. Gruham, Mrs General, 12 Roy.l terrlee
Gooall~r, A. 18 Regent terrace nurse, ~o Drumm ondstreet Gowablock, W. & A., fteabera, 43 W. NlcollOn Grabam, Mn GilIetlpie, 1 AinflUc place
GObO~8lr, Geo. clothier, outfitter, &C.,2'(' South Gordon, Mrs C., lodglngs,~ High ter., J.,eith lilt. Itreet Grabam, Ml'I .JackloD, 'Claretldun crescent
rl~ge Gordon, M,S Dr, It. Northumberland fltreet. Gowanland Ooodlet, silk meretra and mourn- Grahlm, Mrr. Dr William. 151 Duncan Itree'
Goodslr, Jobn, prof. of anatomy, Universit,' Gordon, lba G. 1 Tanet It. Home lit. jng warehousemen, 25 George .treet Graham, 1\lrs, 1 FarringtoT. place
Goodwin, Augustine M. tobacconist, 22 Bristo ('rOrdon, Mrs G. 1\laitland, 20 Atboll crescent Gowanl and Mackay, contractors, S, Role- Graham, Mrs, 12 Picardy place
I!tr~t . Gordon, ~Ire Harry, i Clarendon crescent bank Orahlm, 1\1111 A. mllliJler amt straw hat
G00;181f, MIS8CS, dressmakers, ) 1 Dundas st. Oordon, Mra John Smith 14 Pill street GowAns, AJex. (G. d: Goodltt), 3 Viewforth maker, , Dublin street
Goo dd' Rcv. Wm. H., D.D. 8 Musionbouse Gordon, Mr. J. 9 Newlngton terrace
roa GordoD, AIrs, 10 Eton terrace
Gowana. Ale". Itone"are mercbAnt, 30
Grab.m, Min Stirling, of Duntrune, ~9
For&h Ilmt

•• -~!"""~'-"'--~---~ . . ---.. -",. ~-..-....-- . --,--------",---- . . ---~ . . ---

11,(,..,1 I FI L .11 e diM S.J5 • a
Grabam, l\filS, I) Malta terrace I Gran~, .Robert (H. G. f &nI), Gothic bOWle,
Graham, l\liflll, 8 London street I TrlD1ty • lea}
Grabam 1\liss 30 Royal circus Grant, Robert, grocer and splnt.' er, 10
Grah1111,'''.'.!., ·-CL~ of pianoforte, 11
"'. 1_', K_ nc"
West Adam street
. £')
& 1H'11
'V. tLaurlstuD
, place
Dundas "treet Grant, Wm. prmter, .. I B ree
Grabame, lamel, writer, 29 Arm street I' Grant, Mrs Jaue, 41 .York place
Grandison, James, shoemaker, 125 l'leasance <!rant, 1\11'8, 21 ,H~ml!ton slre:, •
Grandil.lOO, Wm. punch.eutrer, 3 lluccleucb 8t. ; Grant, l\lrs, 1 Spt;ngneld, Leith walk
Grandi80n, :Mrs, Binnie's close : Grane, Mrs,! l\ItUtland street
merchants, -tr du&rlotte "tret't, L~ith I
Grant & Audcrfoon wholesale tea and coft'ee' Grant, Mrs, _... Cumberlaod street
Grant, l\lrs, 10 Scotland street
Grant & Cuthberlsou. W.S. S N. Charlotte st.. Grant, Ml's, 1 Athole place
Grant and Wallacc, ,V.S. 30 Orummond pt. I Gran~, Miss Cbristina S. Bathfield cottage,
Grant, Adam, writer, 18 Brunswick street " Lcllh
Grant, AJex. general agent, 14 Clyde street Grant, M!ss EUz!l~etb, 2 East6eld
Grant Ale". law and general printer, 14 8t I Grant, MillS, IS Pm street
J • .:aes'I'q.-ho. 13 I Grant, Miss, 10 Uankcillor street
Grnnt, Alexander, .-rroeer, wine and spirit IGrassick, .Tames, 440 Cumberland street
merchant 140 South lames' street . Gravett, Jas. butcher, 52 N. Hanover street
Grant, Alex: W. 11 Union 1,lace I Gravett, Miss E. milliner, 42 Ge.orge .street
Grant Arcbibald I\essiou clerk for St Cllth- Gray and Co. stationers and librarJans, 4
ber;·s-ho. A~enue viUas, Comely bank Baker's place ..
gardens 1 Gray, DUlIn, & Co. biSCUit manufacturers,
Grunt, Charles, ale and porter mercbant, 20 i 29-A Broughton .treet .
'l'imbcr bush \ Gray, Alexander D. (lale Wm. J1Ea/ne ,md Co.)
Gntlt, D. 1... Canning place I bootmaker, 100 George st.-ho: 93 •
Grant. D. S. (G. ~. A.), 54. COllstitution slrert I Gray, Alt'xander F. pharmaceutical chemIst,
Grant, DllVid, &. Co. and gas-; l.i Spring gardenl-hous~, 6 ••
meter manufacturers, 45 Crosscausey-ho'l Gray, Ale"". grocer and Spirit dealer, 13
20 ltankeillor street I W Mer lane
Grant, J),lVitl. (j CI\S.-;cli's place , Gray, Ales. metal merchant, Parkside-ho.
Grtlnt~ David, cook and confectionrr,6 North i St Leonard st.
8t Anllrcw street-hot 16 Droughton street I Gray, Alexander, BellevulI, Ferry road
Grant , Daniel, tailor, 51) South b:i!I~e : Gray, Alexander, 30 Stafiord street
Grant, Dunean, a~eiU, ,,4, South hridge-l Gray, Andrew, cork manufacturer, 80 Shore,
house, 4 ~lt'adow I,l ace Leith-house, 10 Glover st.
I Gray, Andrcw,provision de31\.'r,253Canongate
Grant, George. 9 Grange loan
lirauc, Rev •• fames, D.D. IS Gt. King st. I Gray,Charles,watch and c)ockmaker, 140 Bd
Granl, Jas. D. advocate, 48 Nortbumberland, street-bouse, 1 Whartoll lane
street I
Grant ••Tames, 8uperintendentofLeith poJ;ce, I Plt'asance
Gray, Charlel:l, smith and ironmonger, ~1
!8 Charlotte st.-houst>, ~s Constitution st. [ Gray, Daniel, house painter, 18 Imlia. place
Grant, .JameR, S!61>:mubc street I Gray, D.miel (G.P.·O.). 78 Pleasance
Grant, .Tames, 33 Gihnore place I Gray, Geo. batter,136 Kirkb"8tc-bouse, 137

Grim:. ,fumcs, spirit dealer, 19 Webt Rich. \ Gray, .J. & J. proprietors a1'(1 publisher. of
mond "treet I Nnrt/. Rnlisl, AdverU,fr and Ladiu' O.un
Grant, ,Jamc$ lIenry, agent, 174 Pleasance Journal, 8 Melbourne p14ce
Grant••John, confcctioner, 52 Shorc-hotltle, Gray, .las. & Son, hootmakcrtl, 123.'\ Princes
19 Bcrluml street\ Leith strect-housl'. I Mound place
Grant, ,John, traveller, 18 Drummond street Gray,.James, & Sons, furnishing ironmongen,
Grant, Capt. ,Tohu, oS Clarcnce street 'stove and grate makers to her Majelty,
Grant, .fotm, ll('countant, lli 1)«an terrace ! ss George street-hou')e, 402 India a~
Grant!.Joseph, W.s. (G •..)' JVtllltl{:c),~iO Druln. Gray, James, & Son, wholesale wineand.pmt
mond ,)lacc merchants, and rectifiers, 19 Lothian at.
Grant, l.achl.lD, hotel kt'cpcr, 13" Rose street Gray, James (llllmui Revellue) .. IA)rd RUI.
Grant, l'at,ick, 22 Charlotte 8(luarc sell place '
Grant, l\obert, sl,irit df'a\er, 10 Greclllidc row Gray, .Tames, jun, (G. ~. SOIJ oootmakera), 1
-home. ~ East Gilchtist entry
I :Mound place '
Grant, It. "me & spirit mff. 62 LOlUlon s1. Gl'&Y, Jamcs (Aitkl"n, G. ~ Co.), a BoDDtas.
Grant, nob,ert , & Son, booksellers;, publillhc1'I, ton place
~nd, anl' agents to thc Society I Gray, ,Jame", hosier, 18 Fettes row
or. I romollOg Christian Kno" ledge, lit. Gray, .lames, 2 "Iopc park
Pnnces strct't-bo. York road, Trillity I Gmy, James, jeweller, 27 NicollOR .tnel

_ _. . . .~_
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, . ._ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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-·~WT~.~~~MM.I"d~t~I~'~I.t7.t ......~
""I \ ,;
Gre•• George, 68 Gllmore place Grien, David, wine and .pm, merchant, 1
Gunn, Ales. watchmaker and jeweller, 10 Haig, Andrew, tinsmith, 73 Potterrow -
LeIth street I Haig, Adam A. 143 Princes street
Gnij Jama 37 MiDto ,'reet w. Ptel~n .treet Gun, Aiel:. bookleller, S7 South bri~ge- Haig, Ar<:hi~ald G. commercial tr&YEJler, :1
Gnii James' chiu warehoUle land 2 JAIr Griefe, DlYid,joiner, i Xeir,tred
":ket .U";d ' Grieve, Hay, cabinet maker, 15 St James' SC).
hOUle,l Henry plaee . \VeetNe.lngWn
Gun, Alex. groeerandspiritdeater, 12 Yard- Haig, George, tlether, 4 Richmond lane
Gmg, Jamel, clerk, 4 Calton hill Grieve, James, ladict' and ge~tlemen·, outHe. held, Haig, George A., 45 )lon1 place
Grei~, J. & J. c:oach lacemaaufacturen, Mon- dog .arehoUle,9 North bridp' .1_, GUDD, Daniel, clothier, 1 Catberine street- Halgo, ReT. James, 16 )finto street
leltb', clote, 61 IJigh .&reet
Gre~. James (J. tJ. G.) 17 Patblde .tree&
GrieYe, James, groeer and apirlt ucuer, 28
Clerk. .treet
110. 14 lla1'J8e1d Haig, John, of Cameron house, fife, 2'Char.
Grelj,John, & Son, printer., 6 Old Pb,.legar. Gl~eve, James, plasterer, ~ St Cuthha1
Oreig, John, (J. t J. G.) as N. Richmond Gnne, John, agent, 24 Mltchell .treetL
.t. Gunn, DaYid, temperance refreshment house,
lotte square
Halg, Joteph, baker, 2 India li.reet
Gunn, GeOl"gt', lUb.editor, Cout'ant, 1 Sum. Haig, Robert, 5 W. Claremont 8tr .. ~ ..
• treet Hrie,e, John (NIll. BrIM), 28 Brunt........t. merhall plaee HaIK, 1\In RobL, Vie~k, Brun. .&t",d linb
G~Joba, baker, 7 Tolbooth .ynd,Leith- Grieve, J., Cafe.RoJal botel, Welt Reaiater GUDD, John, 18 Rosebank cottagee, Haig,lln,48 We.t RiChmond street
hOUR, SI ~treet. Gunn, Robe. boot and Ihoe maker, 2 Bedford Haig, Miu, 2' Gilmore place
Gmg, John (JQI. mcilo" am' Son.), 21 Gnen, John, Pretton Collaerlea and ~
In,erleith tenace Park Fire-clay Worka-ofEce, North bndge
.'reel HaUlng, George WiIUam, 17 Union place
GUDn,Robt.lOlicltorand accountat.t,6 North HULUYT Societ,.-T. G. SteYCnsoD. i2 Fre-
Greig, John (G., Son), 8 Keir ,treeL ItatloD, John Faleonlll', agent Fon .tree&, Leith derick street, agent
Greig, JohD, jun. (G. to Son) S Archibald pI. Gr!eve, Jobn, (G.P.-O.) 8 Da!rymple place Gunn, WiIliam, Granton pier JlaldeD, Areh., H. If. cUltom., 6 UnioD .t.'
Greig, Joha, engmeer (D. t J. 0.), 125 GneYe, Robt."Co:rurniturepnnter.,dam~ak , Gunn, Mn Don. lodgings, i7 No. Richmond Haldaae, D. RutIJerford, 1\1.D., 14 Stafford
FountaiDbtidl[e moreen,carpet, Iron bedltads,and bedding street .treet
Greig, John, H.M.I.A., F.R.C.S.E., 29 Al· wareboulet 83 George .treee I h __ (Juan, Mn El1en,t groetr, 13 St Patric1c. Iq. "aldane, James, C.A. so Stafford street
ban,. .treet Grieve, Robl. coach currler, patent eat e.r « GUGn, Mn, ladlet nune, .w Broughton jt. H.ldane, Jamee, SI Buccleueh place
Greig, John, .bipmllter,36 Albany at. Leith on-cloth manufacturer, 4'1 CastJe bUl- Gunn, Mill,'3 Buce1euch .treet Hald..e, In. pawnbroker, 9 Riddle's cl. Leitb
Grelg, Peter M. (Jal. Dicklo" and Son,), boule. 71 CauleYlfde Guthrle, Ales. S.s.C., 47 Albany "treet Haldane, Kobtrt, of Cluaaden, lV.S. 11 Char.
22 Annandale street Griele, R. S. (R. G. t Co.), 7 BJaeket place Guthrle, Cbarlet, 79 St Wonard Itreet lone square
Greig, Robt. (G.P.-O.), 6 PiJrig st. Griele, Thomu, grocer and wiDe merchant, GuUarie, Dayid, printer and publitber, Nort1, Haldlla" ~[r. Wm. 2.1 Lauriatnn .tree'
Greig, Thomnl, baker, 11 S. Richmond st. .0 Home .treet Brith" ..4gricIlUu";'t. 377 High .t.-ho. 21 Haldaae, .lfr. \V. SO Hamilton placa
Greig, Sommenille, lV.S. 2 In,erleith terrace Grieve, Wm. wright, 23 Bemarcl .treet London .treet "aldane, Ibl, 3' Drummond place
Greig, \Villiam, baker,2Jamaicaltreet Grieve, Wm. (l,me, to G.), 9 Blacket place Guthrie, Jama, coal merehlDt, li7 Causey- Haldon, <ho. builder, Moriaon s!reet.-houflt,
6re1g, Mn Andrew, 29 Galfield square ! Grie"c, Mrs GidclJn, wine and Iplrit mercht. aide 18 Gro,e Road
Graig, Mh B. 42 Blncket pI. 8i Roae .tred Guthrie, Miehael,spirit merchant, 11 Co:alhiU Halkett, Samuel, keeper ot :..... Ad\'ocatea'
Orelg, Mn, 7 Hope street Grieve, Mra, grocer, 4 Melville place Gutbrie, PaL (DpIocJ t G.), Seton place librar,., S5 Ellt Claremont strect
Greig, MlI, 9 AberCl'omby pJacc Grieve, Miss Helen, 48 Lothian street Gu,hrie, Tbomu, grocer, 81 GilR' street Halkett, Millet, 1 Randolph pllce
Greig, IllI, of W. Cambus, 2 Innrle!tl. Grieve, .Ilia Ib~garet, IS place GutJarte, RaT. Thom.., D.D. 1 Salilbury road HaU, Arch. boatman of ,cultom., I AnDfield,
t4!rrac:e . Grieve, Mau, 2 j Charlotte street, Lebb Gutbrie, WilIiam, adYOCtte, 27 RutJand It. NewhaTen
Greig, Mr., 37 Drummonc1. place I Grieve, Ilisl, 8 Nelson atreet
Guthrie, Mn Ales. 4' AlbaD,. atreat HaU, Davld, lodginga. 6 India street
89 Earl Grey .,treet I
Oreig, Mi.., milliner and .traw bounetmaker, : Grieve, Misl, 1 BaDk place
Grieve', hotel, 22 Princn .treet
Greiner Brothel", clock Ind toy ",arehouse, Grifti&h, tTames, accountant, 13 Bank et.
Guthrle, Mn, 10 Se Patrick square lIaU, Grorge, amith, NewhaYen
Gutbrie, 1In, frait merchlDt,6S1 Charlotte It. Hul, Jow-pb Lewi. (Ordnance Sflrt1ty Dtpt.).
Leith Willow bank houle
bOUR, 82 South bridge
Greliche, &1. grocer 70, dairl 69, Thi,tJe It.
80 South bridge and 7 Hanover I,reet-I Griffich, Miss Mary, 13 Bank street
Grind ay, Cowan, & Co. corn factors, 127 Con-
stit .... tion street
Gutbrie & SbJ1Iinglaw, MIIIeI, mUUne,.,48 Hall, Robert, ROle bank, Bonnington
Soulh Clerk.&reel
Gutbrie, Iris., dreslmaker, IS Vietoria atreet
nail, Robert, .mith and edge. tool maker, "
unrie street
GR£SHAJI Life ASlurance Society, ) 6 Dundu GriDdlay, Thomu,26 Royaleireus
Guthrie, Ifia,of Cralgle, ~ Carlton terrace I1all, Tbos. pa.inter and glalier, 2 EJdtr .,.
street-H. J. RoUo, W.S. agent Grindlay, Mrs, Grange loan
Grey &. Son, Teterioary .urgeoos to the RoyAl 1 Grindl." Ifrs, 26 Royal circus UaU, Th... JUD., painter aDd glazier, 3 Sum.
Cat, lIunt, 3) Pleasance, and 119 Rose st. Grinly, l\li89, 37 COllltitlltlon street
llAc......T, JObD, baker, &3 Yardheads mer bank
lladden, Robert, & Son, paiaters, 100 Constitu· HaU, Thomu, waiter, i9 S. Frederick .treet
Grey, Alexander (G. d' Son), .5 Ilosburgh st. 'I Grin&on, A. silk mercer, ~2 South brjdge- tion Itreet, Lehh-houae, S. Junction at. lIall, William, joiner and cabinetmaker, IG
Grey, AIel. jun. (G. t Son), SI Pleasance house, 46 NicollOn Itree' Haddo", Thoma., dairy, Comel, bank, aDd Duke street, Leitb
Grje~80D's coal Ind lime depot!, North 1Groat, AIeL G. advocate, 12 Hart Itreet g Deanbaul'h Btreet lIal1, Wm. teacber, Bmol'. 1(;1.001, BfWtll.
Bratish anel Caledonfan raihuys- officc, Grogan, lirs, East yjUll, Dick place trick·, dOlt, l~ Butcltueh place
• ~7 New buildings-See .Ad". I Grosset, William, baker, 50 Home stred
Haddo., WiUiam dairy, 10 North.W. CirClll
place Hall, Mn, lodgings, 29 S. Frederick afteet ..
Gr~erllOn, ~ndrew,. W.S. IS St Andrew aquare Grubb, J. S. muslc.seller, 1 Ga,fteld place Hiddow, WilUam, Clldesdale iDa, 26 t1ra••, Hall, Mn John, .S Hennicage hUl, Leith .-
Gt~cl'8On, u.8upenatend. Rosebnuk cemeter, Grubb, IIlIa, dressmaker, 46 Nlcol8on Itreet

mUk.:t HaU, )In, II Antigua Itree'
Gtlerson, .J" .11 S. Imhlt aDd furnilhing iron. GUARDIAN !<'ire and Life AI!urance Co. 91
Haden, Georp, ~netr and . . .ufacturer HaU, Mi••, 6 F,(e place
mooser, 19 Hanover Itreet, and Brougbton Abercromby pl.-Jamea'Vllkir., C.A., agent of Warming a.d Yentilating apparatUl, &c. Hdl, Mbset. dream,kers, ! Clerk .treet
• ~arket-housc, U Nelson street -See ..4du.
60S York place flAllard, Ffedericlt, ad 'OCtte, i9 Scotland It.
Gr!er&on, Sa!OueJ, 20 Heriot place Gullan, Thon.lI, builder, 40 Nieoleon Itreet lIagart & Sctln, W.S. 14 Great King street HaUey, Geo. BonniDgtoD gro.e
gricrloD, M~8sl\1argaret, 30 Rutland square Gulland & Gray, lldies', gentlements, ..d Hagar&, (~olonel, it) Duke .treet)
r.ersoll, 1\blll, 30 Rutland Iquare
, ueen, 19 PnnCc81treet houle, 10 Broughton street
cbildren', ouUltteftl, 55 North Hanover .1.
GflQeve and Oli'~r, !altera and clotbiers to the Gullalld, John, com dealer, 20 Grceflside
HIIIfl, Ju. V&leDtiae, of GlendebiDe, 19
Clarendon cretce.t
Hagart, Lieut..Col. 13 Atholl CfeICeDt
HaUey,Ju. witb ..,,·mills-ho. BODningtoD
HaUey, BeY. Thom.., 6 HenderlOD row
HaUe,., WilIia., dra~gllt,,,,, Shore
Gr~eve, Andrew, W.S. 4 MelYiJle crescent GuUand 'ViUlam, \V.S. 6 Clarence .treet agut,., Jam.., shoemaker, i83 an" ~81 Halllbufloll, W. W. Ontnal POlt-otpct-bo,
• n .l.
Gr;;'Nr naAndkrcw, bookbinder aDd stationer GundJach, Henry, teacher of Germ.D, iO Se.
I Andrew Iquare HHlgh .treet .oamU" DuddfDptOll

~ -." .",,". -.;;: ... "1"_ C '1 en s U 55 :ss L

Hallida,JI Adam. flesh er, 171 W I:It port Hamilton, Thomas, dairyman, 803 Canoaptei Hardie. Davill, accountlDt, 7 Elder street Hurl •• J. Tbome, profcuor of mUJict 11 Ran-
HaUid.y, WiU••m, ekinner, tannet, and wool Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. lV.lter, E.l.C.8.... Bardie, Dadd, eattle dealer, 12 S~ Anthony dolph crescent
mercbant, BODnington Bellevue crescent place HarrilOn and Hill, woollen draper. and hat-
Halliday, Wm. millinery, etl'3w bonnet, Ilnd Hamifton, WiIlillm B. (..4ccouJltant. 0.liat llirdt.·, James, tea, wine, and tlpirit merchaDt, ters, 36 and S1 North brid~e
m.nt,lewarehouae,108NicolsonlStreet G.P.·O.),1 Fire place . 15 Queensfer'1street--boule, 11 Al,a 8t. lIarrilon. H. &J. G. aecretsrif'S Uni&ed King..
HalHday, \Vm. papeN1tainer, 2 Shrub place Hamilton, Willillm bootmaker, 40 Georgelt. Hardie, Jamelt 2 Haddington pJace dom Provident InltitutioD, 23 St ADdrew
naUlday, Mn J.ladies' nurse, 11 Leith street -house, Lauder road Hardi." James. tailor, 2 Glan,me plate square
terrace Hamilton, Wm. tea dealer, 10 BrightOD It. Hardie, JameB T. (Janau naciUI t Co.), lIarrison, George, 12 Blackford J'O:Id
ltaUillay, Mrll, lodgings, 115 Princes stf'tlet Hamilton, W. L. tea dealer, S Brighton street. 6 John's place) Leith Darrison, lIenry, accountaol, 19 Dundllllt.
Uallid.y, ·lUes E. S. lodgingl, 3' Cbulo~~~ Hamilton, 'V. bootmaker & house ageDt, 122 Hardte, .John, merchant, ... Galfie1d place Harrison, Captain John, &djt. Royal Mid.
Habwel1e. Keeley, nrtil!t. 16 Picardy place
I Nicoltlon It.
Hamilton, W. L. hatter, 42 North bridge
Hardie~ In. & W. B. commluion merchants,
18 Greenlltde pJace
Lothian Yeomanry, 18 Alva street
Harrison, John Go., accountant, 19 Dundna
Hamblt'ton, Wm. Innes, U Roxburgh st~eet Hamilton, Willlam, Ipirit-dealer,61 St Leo. Hardie, Robert, & Co. printers, 20 Frederidt street
HAMBUROIl Steam Packet Oflice-JJt.:&nb~, nird etreet street, And i7 Rose street Ham'OD, M r-, 19 Dundas street
34 Bernard street Hamilton, Lady, 16 Great King street Hardle,Robert (Robt. H. ~ Co.), 6 Pittltreet Harrower, Alcx. victual dealer, 4, Tolbooth
Hamilton and Muner, London pianoforte aDd Hamnton, 'fhe Hon. Mill, 18 Eton terrace Hardie, Thomas, merchant, '" Bernud at.- .)'nd. Leith
mUllicosclJers, 116 George Htreet HamiltoD, Mm Alexander, 11 George square houae, 10 .John's place IIarrowt'r, Mrs D. lodgings, 1 So. Charlotte It.
lIamilton, Kinnear, " Co. W.S. 35 Queen It. Hamilton, Mre Charlee, Blackford road Hardie, T. lodgings, S8 York place lIart, Francis, teacher and boarding adtool,
Hamiltoll, Adam, profellOr of Dluaic, 18 Hamilton, Mn Christian, ,f.7 Constitution at. Hardie, 'Vm. cabinetmaker and upholaterer, 66 Giltllore place
Castle tltred lIamihoD, Mrs Robert, 24- Inverleith row .1 Ftederick street Hart f Wm. philOflophical instrument maker,
lIamilton, Alex. (U, K., er Co.), The Elms, Hamilton, llrs Tbomu, 10 IliU place Hardle, W. P. (PUI"f:U and Co.), 76 George 1 North College t:ttreet-ho. \Vharton lodge
Whitchouse 10811 Hamilton, Mrs, lodgings, 19 Salisburystnet Itreet Hsrtt llr8, lodgings, 137 George .treet
Hamilton, An,Jrew, tea merchant an(l grocer,
12 NicollOlI st.-ho. 13 Roxbur~h It.
Hamilton, 1\frs, 8 Salisbury street
Hamilton, Miss Cbarlotte, mUllC-leacher, James' !l!uarc
Hardie, Wm. auptriD. Regia. 0fBce, 21 St Hart, b.b..lla,2" Clerk street
lIarticy, John J., houle painter and paper
Hamillon, Amlrew, grocer and sptrit mercht. 116 George street Hardle, Wm. (AO, n. Railway), 2' FettetJ row Illlnger, .so Rose street
163 Fountain bridge Hamilton, Mil!8, miJJiner, 23 Nieolton Itreet Hardie, ,Vm. comraiuion ageDt, 7 South St' HartIc)" Thomas }<'. clothier and hatter, si
Uamiltun, D.&'l'. orga1l builderstotheQuecn, Hamiiton, Miss, 13 Royal circuI James' street Nsw buildingw, N. brid~e- ho. 16 Alanor pt
116 George It. Hamilton, Mis.;;, 4 Henderson row Hardie, )1111, 26 Alb&1l1 street HlIlrthill. John, Nortb Briti.h and Colonial
HamiitQn, Daniel, baker, 38 Kirkgate Hamilton. l\1iss. 15 Great King street Hardle, Mill, mUlic teacher, 13 llaDkeilloT News room., emigration and newspaper
lIam!lton, Uuben, advocate, 16 Gt. King It. Hamilton, Miss, 36 Qupen street street OftiCCfl, 1 Hanoyer It.-ho. 14 Gardncr',
llamtlton, Culonel J. J. Bengal army, 21 Hamilton'slodglngl, 99 Princel8treet Hardy, Cbarlee H. fanCJ eabinetlDd creacent
All'a ICtreet Hampton, .John, 20 Coburg street e&se maker, 1 Elder street Haney, Edward, 1 Soutb Norton place
lIamilton, Jas. flcshcr, 16 & 17 New mll'ket, Hampton, Wm. cooper and filb-curer l' aDd Hardy, E. L. EUzafield, Bonningtoa Hatvey, George, R.S.A. historical painter, 21
Leith-house, " Ri,'dltl" cJose, Leith 15 Hock .treet Leith ' Hardy, Henry, arcbiteet, 17 George atree&- Regent ternce
Hamilton, .James, 6 London row HAND-in-Hand Fire and Life Inlurance Co, house, Jot. Buccleuch ptace lIarvcy, J. b001 and shoemaker, 113 ROle at;
lIRmilton, Jamcs, clerk, 'I East A(lam 8treet 11 Hanover et., J. B. Lee, secretary ., Hardy, Mrs, 10 Minto Itreet Ha"ey, .James, 8 Comely gr..en place
Ham!lton ••J. H. (R. Wlaite ~ lb.), G Elm ro" Hantlyside, George, .hoe warehouse, 2 Juae- HardJman, Jobn H., W.S. _IbDt extrae- narvflY, In. solicitor, and N.P. ~'l Bcmard It.
Hamtlton, Rev. Jame., chapJain, Ropal In- lion street, Leith tor in the Court of SeNiOD, S Howard plo HuYe)" R. E. commlllion merchant, 21
fiN1}ar.!1t 9 Mon1.Ogu 8tr.~t • • Hamlysid(', James. grocer, 10 Caufleyaid. Hard,man, Mn,5 Howard place Quality street.
Ila!nJhon, .Jaml'~ \V. IlIIlstant clerk of Justi- lIandYllide, P. D., M.D.,F.R.C.S. 11 Hope .. Hargitt, Cbarln, profeAOl' of music, li6 Queeu Hllte)" Thomal, MerchiatoD eutle
CIa!)'. 20 Dublin Itreet. Handyside, Wm. 25 Great King street street Han-ey, Thos. furn. deal. 16 and ll2 Weat bow
Ifamllton., J. Anderson, archttect, 16 South lIanrlyelde, W. of Cornhill," Inverleith IOW' Jlarsitt, C. J. profeaor of mUlic,.s6 Queen lIaney, Mn, 21 Blllcket place
Fr~erlck strect Hand),side, Airs, 10 Moray place atreet Hame, Miss, 9 Brown street
lIaml ;on, John, W.S. and agent for the We...t lInnna. Rev. Dr, 6 Castle terrace Har;du, Edward, 31 Nelaon Itreet Ha"ie, Min, ·U George &qUire
of E11gland In,,,,allcc Co. 81 George flL- lIannab, WilIiam, poulterer and pJ'O'riaiva Hukell, Jas. Ipirit mercbant, 11 IIigb It. Halsell, Mrs. Globe t.a1'ern, 10 Shore, Leith
llo~se, 1 Great Stuart street merchant, 15 Frederick "treet Harkn.,.., Peter, joiner, 2 Shrut.. lane Hutie, Ales, '>iIl poster, l\PLtod'. land, Old
Ham!1ton, John, " 1\faryfteld Hansen, H. P., North Fort sL HarJcolD, Joseph, gun and ride manufacturer, Assembl, clOle
I1nml1ton, .lohn Alex. architect, 41 Geo. It. Hanson, H. P. and Co. ship.broken aDd co•• 3'1 Princes .treet-house, 3 Ga,field place Hasde, John, 18 West NicollOn Itroet
-house, .... Maryfleld ) mission aRents, 11 Dock place Harlow, Thomas, paper ruler, &c. 2CZ Nlddry Hutie, Thomas, Bilker, 1 Dunea.n Itl'OQt
lIam!iton, 'MI\nhe"" ~ I rimrOlc,pJace lJanlOn, Wllliam, teacberof MUllc.l0F. . . strce~ I "asde, Mrs, 26 Royal crescent
Harn!lton, !'eter, archItect, IS Htll street street. ' Hulo", DaYid, wrigbt. 78 Uonad&udon .&reet HIlStioRI, .James, '1 Park Itreet
lJamllton, It. W. manager, Gen. Sttam Nam- nanlon. l\fi., teacher ofpiaDO and 1111810 8, I. -bousp, " Duncan street Hastings, .fame., hoUle painter, 28 HolW
gat!Ol& Co. 21 Waterloo place. & 29 Shore, }'orreutreet narper, Gcorge, agent, Water of Leitb wynd, Nortb College .treet
Le~th,-See Ad", HAaBOuR .. muter's office,foot of Shore, Lrilla, Harper, Henry,24 PUng model buildinp Hastingtl, J.mea, box bcok ..Jceeper, Que..',
HaL~~on, Rober., Signet Ha11 keeper, 8P$ Hareu., Henry. shoemaker, 36 Clc;rk s&rea&- Harper, Jamet, engineert i Hope terrace theatre
U' ,nmarket bo 2 Lord Ilulsell place Harper, Jlmes, wine aD(lapilil merc:blDt, 21 Hastings, George, engineer, 5 Canon .t. Leith
~m~ton, Robf."rt, ~t.D't F.R.C.S.E.) 1Abbota· HUden Robert A. 6 Doune terrace Rose .tr~t-boUle, 90 Haswell, Geo. writer, 28 ltfinto .treet
or, park, Murnlngl'ide Hardest" Gco. draper aDd commiuion . - L Harper, Rt'V. lame., D.D. Leith mouol Has.eU,Jsl.winemerchL&grocer,80Greae
Ham~lton, n. tlbmpcr (G.P.-O.), 13 Rose st. 10 Nicolson atreet ...-"7 Harprr, Mrll, 139 Gf~ Itree~ lide Ilfeet, "91 La.nmafket, and 66 Gr...
~::~:!on, ~. ,:. Broom park, Granton pier lIardie, And ... cabinetmaker, ell JAu.... Harper, )"", 12 King's ....ace market-bou..., Oay6eld lIoUle
H 'j on, Th" ~roccr, 12 ROle street street, and 3 Co"feeder ruw ' Harpers, ThomlOn, & Co. coro ladon aDd Hlls"ell. Mia", 20 Aill8He pJaee
L!'o~;d t o~a.a, wood merchaDt, 53 St Hardie,Cbarlefl, woollen ".rehou.. se .... coID.iNion agenta, 5lO Conlii&utioa atreet Hately••Jobn, stone merchant, Porl Hopetoan
• ree. 'bridge-house, 13 Rankeillor . . .: ; : Buria, John, ftlb dealer. 'Ua. pi. Trink, -hOt 2 St JAmcs' square

_~--r"'----------~' --..-.. --------------------'

.... -- .--.-=
P C?ii...... ' F t"",'P' SI a s J& U 5 J as a.
HaWI:, ''"-01. Ledgenrood. waeber of music, Ha" P. &R. eilk.d,m aDd lCOurers, 1 Heriot Hendenon & Crawford, hOliery establish-I Hf!nderlOn, Jp. spirit merchant, $ Dock pla~
S 1.11 buildiags, and $ S. St Dayid st.-See Ab. meat, 80 NlcollOn .treet -hoe 29 Cooper Itreet
H!l,!J.Mr:~:(c:!deWigg, 9 Forth street Hay, Peter (P. ~ R. H.), S King'. pljce HendeflOD & WilIon, corn merchantl, 11 HeDdenon, Jamea, clerk, Shore clues office, 2
H J W S 25 Nelson Itreet Hay, Peter JUDr" .ilk d,er, 7 King"s pace Jane8eld place
u:.:O~~':&to. g~ engravers, cutters, and Hay, Peter, grocer, "F~hia~t Henderaon & Billet, bookbinder. to her )1... HenderlOn, Jamel, S Lutton place
er:ltalluetr: manufs. ~ Gr;kDs~: l'ib~y ~:~' t;:!:;'f":hit m:rc:a~t,
9 Church st.
jesty, 19 Hill Itreet HeDdenoD, J. wholesale stationer, 19 Blair
Henderson and DonaldtoD, S.S.C. 20 St ,treet-houae, 11 Gilmore p'ace
Ha_dOD, JI;4$. aspector 0 wo s, lIey' Robert (P. t R. H.), 10 Fyfe ,lace Patric'k square Hendenon, Ju. Forman (Bank of &:0#«11(1),
IItreet, Leith I Re H y' Rob rt famil, grocer and wme mer- HeadeDon " Jacbon, wine merchants,.,6 "llalta terrar.e
HAwK,n:LD Houlle Lunatic Asy um, s- a h, t, e d' I IIment for J Bowden &
tal.' :tad Leith c aD ...n 10 e -0 • Nicolsou street IIcnderaon, James, 7 Fyfe place
H ". nl,..., ., "fi.. dressmaker 28 London st. Co.'. neYoDlhire ci~er And perry, 8-Hundy Henderson & Turnbull, wine & spirit mer- Hendenoa, Jamet, photographer, 68 Princes
:::t: . 'Baro t t house 8 Wamston crescent
~:.W~~~ndl=;~~~:~er, 1 C~:;hm H:y:~, machlne.boot-closer, 86 Niddry at.
Hawk., Heo. engiater, E. P. & D. railway Hay, Samuel, TrlDl t y cot~ge t f poor
chants, S3 Bemam .treet
street, Leith
Headenon & \Vilaon, bulldera, 27 Charlotte Henderaon, .Jal. bore-dealer, 14 Potwrrow
HendellOn, Jam..,.. SlDith & farrier, , Murray
station, Can:d Itreet lIay, Thomas,. usiltaut- ntpec or 0 , HendenlOn, Adam, Salllbury villa, St Leo- street, Crosscause)'-ho• .56 E. Croneau.ey
Hawthorn WiIliam 9 Chc)'ne It. Clt" fl4 Henot place nard'. hill Headenon, James, meBlenger ( Un;otl Dank).
lIaw&hom: and Co.' engineers, Leith engine ni". Th~mu, merchant, ~nd Government HendenoD, Alex. 12 High terrace 6 Brighton street
work., Soutb Junction street. and Granton emIgration office, 31 Qualtt)' Iitreet-botlt5e, Hendenon, Alex. 8$ Lothian street Hender.on, James, mal Inerchant, 7 Port
iron worb-S. A. Davidson, managtng Prospect bank t lIeodenon, Alex. butcher, 1.5 Canongate Hopetoun-ho..... Heriot place
Ha" WiUilm, wood ~~rchlnt, Haddon .court
1Ir nner-ho. SeaBeld, Trinity
and M'Kechnie, silk d,ers, &c. &e.1S -house,l West RIchmond .treet
Jortb Melvllle I.-works, Water of Leith Ha" W!D: tobacc~nIBt, 32 Ho,,:e street
Hender80n. Alex. builder, yard, Lothian road IIendenoD, ,TaDles, baker, " West port
-house 1 l\lound place HenderlOn, Jamel', datry, ... Piu street
HcndeDon: Alex., H.E.I.C.ll.S. 10 Church Henderlon, In. slater & glazier. 3 Cutlc.t.
Ha), nnd Philipl religious book and tract lIay, Wdbam, smIth," Gree~~lde row ood hill, Momlngllde Henderaon, Ueut. John. B.N. s 1 GayBeJd sq.
do o.Uory, DS Kirkgate. Hay, W. Bnmacr, S.S.C., bulteo! Hol1" , Uender80n, Andrew, late officer of CUltoms, lIenclenon, J. architect, chambcl'8, 7 Hill It.
I1al ~nd Pringle, 'V.S. 20 Young It"eel 3 Howe street-house, 82 publtn street 9 Weat Claremont street -house, Grecnhill park
lIa , Alex. 1 Gay'field place Hay, l\ffl Alex.•2S St James square Hendenon, A. engraver, lithographic" letter- lIeadenon, John, Queen', remembrancer, and
Ha~, A\cxan,ler.jun. watchmaker &jewetler, Hay, Mn Beatrlce, 10 Comely green place preu .team printer, 71 Shore, Leith-ho. regiatGr of joint stock companies in Soot-
46 Prince,. luee\-houae, 31 Bl'ougbton st. Hal, Mn Colon~l, SO Regent terr~c8 12 ClLnon .treet land, Kxchequer Chambel'll, Parliament sq.
Ha" Alex. writer, Bonnington bank Ha" Mft, ladles outfit and bBby1tncn ware· Hendenon, Angus, optician, 23 S. Hlnover lIenderson, lohn, agent, LondoD Parcel Des-
Hay, Ales. portrait engraver, 9 Henry stred lioule, 26 George ~tr~t street-house 11 High terrace patch Company, 1 Frooerick street
Hay A Water of Leith m\11s-1Io. 30 AI,. st. Ha" Mn, AI Conllututlon street HenderlOn, Arcbd. 2S Clerk Itreet IIenderlOD, Johu, S.S.C:..~G St patrick ~q.
lIa),: Aiex. ltatieuer, engraver, and printer, Hay, Mrs, '1 Montagu street Henderaon, Barelay, fJuperin. of work., Gal H('ndeflon, John, M.D. I .John I pI. Leith
'North brIdge Hay, MD R. S.~ S Rutland square Co., Reid'. court, f'Janongate lIeaderloD, Jobn, painter, 4. Spence'IIII.1ace
Hay, Arch., commission agen', 2 Salisbury st. Ha" lln, fruIterer and green grocer, 18 lIendenon Charles .~. 39 Rnyal terrace lIenderson, John Pierey, 52 Inverleith row
lIay Chas 10 Fettes row Green market Henderaon: David, ironm. 78 nroughton It. IIendefJOn, Peter, teacher, Heriot.'. school,
lIa,: D. If': Itul Co. decorative prlintcrs to the Ilay, )f~s, ladies' nune, 38 publin strfet
Queen, 90 George street I Ha" Mln, grocer, 19 Haddmgton place
I1a", teacher of English, &b. 2 Drum- Ha" Mlls, '2 Rankelllor street
Jlenderson, Davld, 23 Mahiand street 12 Grange 10lln
Henderaon, D. teather, Arthur street academy Ucnderson, Peter, hatter, 44 North br.-bo.
lIendenon, D. (1:1. t T.). 9 'Vcllington place Sbul'pdn.le, Dalkeith road
mond Itreet lIa" Ilia Dalr1mple, 1 Coates crescent Hendenon. Re". D. chaplals. andboulle go- UenderlOn, Robt.• S.S.C. 11 Royal Exchange
Jlay, David, draper and IItraw.hat milker, nay, Missellll.& J., dressmakers, S~ Dublin vemor, GiIlelf,ie', bOlpital, 1 llrunts6eld pI. -bouse, 6 S& Vinccn& .treet
0$ CaflOngate street Henderson, Dat'. cbim...wpr. 9 Gibh'. entry IIendenoD, Uohert, house carpenter and
Jlay, G. & D. photograllhic artists, 68 Princes Haycock, W. working gunma1cet,2t West boW' HenderaoD, DIl~. writer, 6 Upper Gilmore pI. build~r, 19 Rose street lane-house, I St
atrect Hayden, Wm R. 14 Clerk street Henderaon, Dl'.vid Wemyss, grain broker and CuthOOn's glebe
nay George, house agellt, 39 Home street Hayne, lUIS, lltaymaker, J1 S. Frederick 8t. factor, 129Conltituuon street-ho.S Morton HenderlOn, Robt. builder, S& Cuthbert'8 lane
Ha,.: Gco. (J. JlIilne t Son) Finllhorn place Hayward, Robt. Porch ester ,m., Grange lOin street IJeitb flenderaon, n. Short's obflcrvatory, Cattle bill
Ha" Gcorge, milsionary, 11 Kcir st. T lIealey. Helen, shoemaker to the Queen) $3 HcnderlOn, }'Iavid, baUer, -'6 North bridge- fIellderson, R. (H. ~ Willall), 9 Summerfield
nay, Uamilton, S. A.L. accountant, Nortl} Hanover street houle, 15 )[eadow place Hendeuon, Simon, baker, 1 Dublin Itreet
Ihmk street-Ilo. 2 BuccIeucb place Henley, lira Alexander, baker, 1 Crosacaule, lIenderaon, George, Nortb8eld, Donnington Rendenon, T., warehouseman, 8 Chapel .t
Hey, J. & A. leather mercham., 07 Niddrr Hearder, Th08. n. druggitt and dentist, )8 S. ilenderson, George, Ironraongcr, and dealer Henderaon, Thomas, bread Rnd biscuit baker,
street Frederick .treet in all kID()1 of tools, 20 Victoria Itreet 6 N. Newington place
Hay, James, postma.tcf, 109 Abbe, hili Heath, JohD, park keeper, 'Veat cottaget, I lendersoo, Geo. 10 Spring garden., AbOO1 hili Hendcrl!on, Thol. (11. ~. Crau:}iJrd) 8 Chapel
n"y, Jam!.'8, dyer, 16 .Jamaica street Granton pier Hendenotl, G. victual dealer, 6 lIowe st. street
Ha,., Jas. Edin. Roperie Co•.S Linkapl. Leith lIeatly, Ana. 2 Pilli,; It. Jlenderao:J, George, 63 Cumberland street HenderlOD, Thomas (M"rdocA, BO!ld, and H.)
lIay, lames, baker, 217 Canon gate Heatty, Mn, dairy, , St Andrew It. Leith HendehC'.n, G. (B. L. Co.),.54 Inverleith row W.S. 8 Brunton pIBOO
1I1\Y, J 11., .John's place, Sl Leonar()'. HeaUlie, Mr., 12 Raakeillor .treet Uendeni)n, George, , Park IItreet· IIendcrton, Thomas, 16 Eatt Ad,m I,reet
Hay, J. Wntcr of Lcith mms Hcccor, Dd. advocate,'" Northumberland .t.. Hendm.on, George, 8 Madeira place IlendeflOa, Thomas, clerk of the corn mar-
Hay, Jobn, .ilk (lyel', Orchardflel(\ Hedderwick, Robert, Chri.tian hank IIcnderlOD, Gines (latt' (JURto"", Lt;I!,), Rose ket, 23 Laurieton Itreet
IIRY, .Jobn, of l\lorton, 98 Grecnhill glr(lena Heddlr, 1\In,28 Bernard It. fm., L'yerock bank lIendenon, Thomas S. teacher, 36 India It.
Hay, .John rrAo""oll t H.,) 25 Gcorge street Hedle" John, lIM:omotl,e manager caW,. llendfrson, H. coachmaker, 98 Abbey hill -hot 9 S.-E. CirCUI place
lIay, John, woollen draper, '189 High Btrcct- tItan Rail.v, 2 Lower Gilmore place lIendt!rlon, Henrl, coach hirer, Regent ter- HenderlOn, Thom.., Ipirit dealer, 1~7 Cu-
Jiol1se. 29 Duccleueb plnce Heiton, John, of Darniek Tower, accountut, rare lane ongate-houlC, 1IQ
Hay, .Tobn, miller, Hay II mill, Leitb walk- 1 Hunter sq.:-ho. 7 N.~W. CircuI pI. Henllerson, Henry, 6 Elm row lIenderaon, Thomas, grocer, i S. Richmond It.
bo, 7 Smith'. place lIe1ton, Mn George, .5 Deanhaugh Itree' HenJerlOn, Jame8 C., S.S.C. 99•• George It. HeDdenOD, 'V. & R. mercbu.1l93 HiSh It.

e U b ,... $ 3 se En
1::.,:9::...:':.-.___B_6n.----E-DI-NBURGH AND LIUT.H _ _-_Ht_iW___ Het GENERAtJ DIRBorony; Hog 195
lIeDd';"~"W. R. 2 Uaion place, Trinity Henrys Jardine, S.S.C. 18 St ADdrew ....ure HetberingtoD, Peter, .hoemllker, 17 GUes' et. HfI1ditch, Samuel, agent, 9 Ann street
Hf'DderIon, W"lter, comm. tra, ...... Pleasance -house, Liberton .";il! Hetherton, Henry, jun. bell-hanger and lock- Hillhouse, Henry, furniture dealer,22 nlair
HeD4Mson,Wm., M•Di, F•R•C•P• ptO,.~ 0 f mcd• lIenry, John (Jullie,Slrollg,and H.), 3 B:pe smitb, 44 Nlcolson st.-bouse, 21 Salis- street
"gen pa.thology.19 Aina1ie place place 'd bury street Hilliard, H. & H.. cutlen' instnlmeat, artiRcial
B d ' Wm banker 8 Brunton place Henry, John (H. tlnd B.) 8 Da" Itreet Hctherton, Henry, Ben. missionary, 21 Sa-, limb, truM, anll bandage makers to Royal
U:~d::'::. Wm:·yictuaIdealer, 20 Buccleuch lIenry, In. artiftciallimband bandageloaker, -litbury street : Dispensary, 7 Nicollon ,treet-house, .'i
tr t S York place.-See Ad". Hetbertoa, Wllliam, waiter, 17' Rose street 'Hird, \Vrn.2 .JanefieJd place
n:..cienoil, Wm. (B.LintnCo.)'.ill Scodandat. Henry, Th0D!as, 90 ~eorge etreet
Heudenon, William, grocer, 11\lorison st.- llenry, W. (~1. a,1d CorJ'ie) 8 Randolpb cres-, John, (late Jamu Spiltal and Co.),, Hirschft'ld, Guido, '2 Quality street
silk mercer and shawl manufacturer, ]2; Hitchcock, John, macer, High Court of Justi·
hOUM2 cent St Andre" square-ht'. 1~ Saxe CoburgpJ.: ciary, 22 Gayfield square
BeoderlOD, William, smith and bell banger, Henry, &In Edw. 2 Fredt'rick street I
He",at, R. K. agent 11 W. Richmond Itreet Hislop, Alex. smith & farrier, CanonmiUs
Ch!l.lmers' close, 81 High street Henry,1\1rs, 11 Leopold place •, A. L. PlIrig cottage !Hislop, John, blacksmith, Bangboll!l
HeaderlOu. Willhun, spirit merchant, ..0 Hepburn, David, D.S.R'I C.S. L:, !ipnDg cot·, George, bill-poster" 399 Lawnmarket i Hislop, Jas., houlle llteward, HQ,ut! of llef.
CaDdlemakcr row-ho. 4 West Adam It. tage, I~llverock bank roall, TrlOlty He"it, J. & Sons, leather merchllDts, !it 6, 8, I' Hislop, Uobert, inspector of letter-carriers,
Hendenon, C. trimmillgehop, fj Greenaide pt Hepbur~, James. jan~tor, BeU's school, i S. alld 10 Niddry st.-houlC, 7 Argyle sqU3fC a·. P•• O. Waterloo place
Helldenon, Mn Ann t lodgings, Rosewood JunctlOD ~treet, Lelth • Hewit, ?tIn, cook, liD India Placc Aislop, Thomas, &5 India place
place Morniugsidc lIepburD, Slmon, carver and 611~cr, 26 Han- Hewson, Jobn. mislionar" S3 WUUam street lIi8iop, Wm. furnitnre warcrooms, 28 Ilowc
Hende~on. }Ira Archibald, wine and spirit over street-houlI~, 26 Fredel'lCk street Hiekey, Rev. Pntrick, 0.1\I.L, 43 Constitution street-house, ~ Royal circut!l
merchant, 71 Grasemarket lIepburD, Mi!J8, 11 Castle terrace street Hifllop, Mrs G. saddler, .. Coal hill, Leith
HcndcrlOn Mre Dr l)ordand villa, Ne"battle Hepburn, 1\Ii8_, dressmakers, 2 Albany st. Higgins and Thom, engra...en. printeR, and Histop, Mrs Mallraret, 2 Summers' place
tonace J ' Hepting, Lambert, watch and clock maker, 62 Jitjlographen, 21 S. St Dand' street Hielop, MI'!" 1I Scotland st.
IIt'ndcnon , l\J.n E., groeer and spirit Leith atreet • Hlgb, Geo. 2 Ellen street, Nonh Leith His1op, 1\11~8, housekccper, G. P.- 0., Wa·
merchant, 19 Higb street IIerhert, Jos. boot and shoem., 1 Shrub. pI. BIGHT.AND and Agricultural Society of Scot- terloo place
HcndersoD, Mr. J. (H. t B.) 30 Clarencc Bt. Hcrbert, Murk, provlaion m.:rchant,11 and laud, 6 Albyn pt.-Museum, 3 Geo. IV. br. HobdllY, Thomas, po!Itma"tf!r, hackney, pot""
IIcndenon, ?tIrs .lames, 16 Hart street 19 Charles street Hill and Uc:berulOn, W.S. 42 Frederick st. ing. and runeral equipa~e establishment-
Hende"son, Mrs T., 7 ltIerchisloll park Herbel"t, P. boo' and shoemaker, 83 Clerk It. Hill, T .'l010800. & Co. wine m~rcht8. tnd pur- offices, ~ York place and York lane
Hndcraon, Mr", Jamea, 10 S. Cbarlutte at. HERCULEB Inlurance Co. 4,7 George Btree& yeyon to the Queen, 45 Frederick street Hobday, \V • •1. livery stables, Y"rk lane
llenderaon, Mrs John, 1 Manor placc Hereull, James, Batbfield bouse . Hill, Ales. priDtseller and publisher to the Hobtlay, &frs F., Berlin repotltory, I Hope
Hendcraon,MrsWm.miUineranddressmaker, Herd, John, cabinet maker, 48 \Vbttefleld pL Queen & R. S. Academy, carver & gilder, street
9 Sl'utb Col1~gc street • Her<tman, And. teacber, 10 Grove R~\ • 67 Princes street-house, '1 DUDdae et.reet Hobkirk t Wm. & .Jobn, eorD men:han",
lIenderson, Mu, lodging.., 10 In,ba etrcet llerdman, JohD,-conl merchant, Bell. milIa Hill, Aler. oU manufae. IO'GUmour street l'l WiD(18Or street
HandenoD, ?tIn, milliner, Duccleuch street -boule, Sunbury house
Heuderson, Mrs, 36 Cumberland IIlreet Hcrdmatl, Robert, A.n.S.A. historical and
Rill t Crawfurd, ad'ocate, 2 Pieardy place HOOge, Arcbd. corn factor, 40 Bernarel Itreet,
Hill, Cumbcrland, city missionu1, !l Hermit- Leill" ancl nalry mills, MUfl'ayficld
IIenderloD, Mr~, 8S In,erleitb row portrait painter, 32 Danube street age place JIOOge, Colin. stationer, 5 Dublin 8&.
Henderson, Mr" ladiea' nurse, 440 India pI. Herdson, Jamel, Iona villu, Dick place HUJ, David OctaYUs, R.S.A. CaUon bill stain Hudge, George, g)asl and cbina repairer. I·A
Hender.~on, Mrs,laliles' lIurac, 10 IIaddington Heriot, It·red. L. Maidand, of HlJI, George, smith and beam maker, 12 Cumberland street
hOUllO, S. B. of Canongale vocatc, 18 Rutland street Rit'hmond place-houae, 29 IIOOge, .J. 3$ Duccleuch street
Hendcrson, l\hs, 27 South Clerk street Heriot, Jamcs, 1 Hill Fquare Hill, Franci. B. 26 Hamilton place Hedge, Mn, 2 Iloxburgh terrace
I1endenoo, Mr., 42 "lIrig model buildings Heriot, Thomas, merChant, and rClgi.trar or Hill, Georg"'. 8 Roxbul'Rh terrace lIodgn, AIrs, 1 Luuon place
Jicndersoll, Mrlt, ladieR· l1ur~, 1461'rillces st. births,deatbe, anll marriagca, (or tbe diat.tlc:t Hill, Ju. L., W.S. 42 Frederiek street- "0<18On, Rey••lames Stephen, D.D. Oxon,
lIendel'8On, Miss Agocs, dressmaker, 2 of Newington-houn, 10 to 3, Sat. 10 to )2- house, 26 Herlo' row F.R.S.E •• Rector of die Edinburgh Aea·
Chcyne "treet -boUle,9 Hill place HUI, Jas. 10 S, John stred demrt 62 Great King street
I1enderlloD, Miss, 2 Ncwington terrace Heriot, Thos. cork manufaeo -'8 Ple. .nee HlIl, James Matthew_ 1$ Mor.y place IIOOllon, 1\1i11, boanling school, IS Royal dre.
Henderaon, Miefl, dresllmaker, 4 E. Arthur pI. I1erio&, WiIliam, printer, 17 Quality Itt-bo. AtU, Jas. grocer, wine and spirit merchant, 85 Hoer, John, hoot and sboem.ker, 86 St An-
Hentlersou, Min, 99 Howe 8trce' 11 'Vellillgton place, Leith Kir1cgate-houle, 86 drew street, Leith
HCDdereon, lfiBle!t 1~ Ann "treflt HERIOT'S, George, Hospital-chambers, 11 HllI, .John, boot & shoe ..arebo. 4S NicoJIOD st. 1I0ifmaDn, .Yohn D. R. pJane and edge-tool
Hendrie, li. COlllmer. travell ... Artbuf street Royal Exchange and 31 Hanover street manufacturer, Castle terrace-house, 26
Hendrie, .l~mell, to},a«o manr•• Catherine Horkel, Adam, grocer and spirit dealer, 89. St lUll, John, builder, 15 Duke street, Leitlt CRndlemaker row
Itreet, 2 Balu-r'J. place, and 292 Canongntc Andrew Itreel, Leith Htu, Peter smith 18 Roxburgh street Hofl'D"r, Louilr, mlrer of SeaioD, 49 Geo••t.
IIcndrie, Mrs .Johu, china and glw ware- Herbl, .Jal. (J... Young and. Co.) s\aler, IS HIli, Robe;t, tea a~d spirit dealer, 491 Lawn- Hofford, Will lam, printer, 1 Oxford tel'!lcc
room9, 23 Grecnllide place l\f'DoW'all street market Hogartb, Adam, commiseiob ageAt, Green-
Bendriel llis8, [; Dewar t.1ace llerklcls, Mrl, 47 Great Kin" ,tlft' Hill, Robert, W.S. i PitardyJtilce market-houlM', Wardie coltage
Hendry, Robt. M.. writer, 10 Duaean Itreet, HerOD, James, groeer, 160 Pleuanee Hill, Wm. aecountant, 2$ St am"' square "agar.h, MJ'II, It Uni"n .treet
Drummond place Heron, John (Royal Banl), 13 G.rdner'. er. HlIl, Wm. 3 'Nicol8On 110gben, Wm. S. "leIlOr, 6 Waterloo place
lItmdr)', Wm. saddlers' irQnmon~er, Cactle Heron, Wm. spirit dealtr, 1 SbandwicJc pl_ HUJ, Wm.leatller-cutter, $8 Low Calton Hoghen, )lnt 3 Hambt1r~ p1aee
'1'1'1r. l..otb~.n road Heron, MI'lI, eplrit mefcbllnt, 1 Howard pl. Hill, MII John, &6 India at. Hogg, HODeyrnan, & Willllon, wbole le 'hait ,
HV'"J and Cr·rri •• Rusuan merchants, 19 Heron, Mn. S7 Con.cltation Btmt BlU, Mrs John, 17 lCeir .tr.1; dealers, UJ !\Ieule lane
Cbal \t~ 1I\I"eeL) LeIth Henies, Wm. Young, of Spottea, ld Rerio' tiiU, Mrs Jobn, 10 Merchant IVtet· lIogg, Alex. rn, wine, and spirit merell.nt, 7'
Henr1 & Ro1\8, mft,.onR, .~. CnmbcrIantl st. lane row Hili, )b. Boben, 9'H&U. IInet Briato Itreet.
Henry, It. gun. ri~e, Rnd ptfitol manufacturer, Herriel, WiJ1iam, prtntelj • Gre,frilll ~b Hm, )fn, 5 Abereromby p,1aee Hogg, A. Etplla cottage, Morainpde
8 S. St Andrew IIt.-ho.•6 Geor~e 8trcet HEARING Fillhery office, !l Dock pl-l' :telt HlU, Mtll, 19 AI.. I'red . lIOtrg, D.. id, Gray'a cou,'
Hen~, hue Ander&on, S.S.C. 1 George at. -J. Mmer. general intpeetor..;..a... Upper H!lI, MII', 9 Hoa, Fruer ('11., H., ~ lVi/Ion) 5 Had-
-tiOUII8, Harlodgl', Trinity hermit. Hill, Min Kif)', is Heriot row' dlngton place

-~--------------________•••••••P~• • ··_~T~~~I"'- ~--~---------------.

Hog, Jam" A. (!mg t H.), 12 St Uonelman, Rcbert, 43 South ~Ierk street Honb~h & Blair, tea and eoffee deale1'l, ... Howden, James (BortMcick aNd H.), accoUDt-
LionareI street Hood. Alexander, wine and 8plrit merc1aaa', Leith It. terrace Int, 20 1\I.nor place
Bog, Jame. (J. H.I$ Son), 2' Grange road 22 Couper street, Leith . Honburgh & Livingaron, W.S., 26 Nortbum. Ho.den, Jas, and Son, jewellers and witch.
B I Hood, Alex. «; Albany street, LeIth berland street makers, 31 Princes Itreet-ho. 19 NelsoD
u:ll: James 12& Causeyside
la. h~t~ &. toy warehouse, S"' W '\' Hoed, Jas. smith and lwJlm-mAker, 3 lWDow ..
lIecl-U:r ,met-boUJe 9.E. ScieDnes street all street
Honburgh & WiIIlOD, groeera and wine mer·
chants, 17 N. ,V. Circus place
lIowdeD, Patrick, auctioneer, :ii,praiser, Ind
Iiogg~ jama, tllld Sens: pubn.hers, 18 St, Hood, James! boot :nd shoemaker, 12 St Honburgh & WiltOD, grocers and pro,leion furniture dealer, 1I1eroom, 16 Victoria It •
.A.Ddrew square I Patrlck .quare merchants, 61i and 67 Brougbton street HowdeD, Peter, and Co. wine merchar.u,1
Hogs, John, 9 Scotland .treet 1I0od, Robert, ll.D. 5 Salilbury road Honburgb, Andrew, tailor and clothier, 36 )Ieule lane-home, 6 Brandon strp.ct
Hogg, John, stationer, 2 Pitt Itreet-bouse, Hood, Thomas, baker, 66 Buccleueh street Home ,treet Howden, Tbo.. grocer, " St Andre", sL Leith
&8 Cumberland street Hood, Mrs, is London ..treet T • Honburgh, James (11. l'f Blllir), 3, Clerk st. Ho"den, 1\lrs Aw. 11 Melyille atted
Hoa, In. tinswith & gu6tter, 74 S. Clerk at. HoodleR, Mrs C. l~gingl, 1 "elhngton pI. I1orabnrgh, John, bistorlcal engraver, 18 Bue- Ho"den, 1\lrs John, Ii Dean stre\1t
H., Thomas, temperance cofft.'eohouse, 1 Hoop'er, .John, lodgmgl.. 9 George street, N. cleueh place Ho"deD, 1\lrs, 8 Carlton terrace
Hunter equare Leith. Horaburgh.. Jobn, 39 South bridge Howden, Mrs, boarding huuk', :11 Howe It.
Hogg, Wm. & Co. commission agents and mer- HooJ1er, Wro. M. pianoforte tuner, 50 Brunt- Honburgh, llrs G. midwife .lnd ladies' nunc, Ho"den, MI.I Jel~ie, 42 Grange road
chants, sacking "arehouse, 14 Royal Es- WIck st. Ii St Jame,' place Howe, AllIsander, 'V.S. 62 Cattle strt'et-
change-ho. 9 Scotland at. Hoooer, Mrs, Ii Duke street lIonburgh, Mrs, 26 ~orthumberIand st. house, 6 Sbandwick place
Hogg, W. upholtterer and undertaker, 50 Hope & ftlackay, 'V.S.U9 Princ" street T Honburgh, 1\ligel, 10 InyerJeith place
Horsburgh, IfiH, Summer hall
1I0"e, David, printer, 9 S. Ricbmt'nl\ street
Howl', George, boot and sboe warehoule, 19'"
Dunda, .treet Hope, Andrew, anny and navy contractor, N.
Hogg, 'Vm. auctioneer, appraiser, and furni. lane YO'!Dg street-huuse, 2 D~n ~errlce lIonburgh, Mill, 63 York place Canon gate
ture dealer-48 N. Frederick 8t.-1'·)Use, Hope, BeDJamin, Bank ho. Mormnp'lde Honburgh, Mill, 1 West Maitland street Ho"e, W. IIpirit merchant, !l66 Canongate-
19 Brunlwick street Hope, Da"ld Boyle, advocate, 1 Erskine place Homy, Jamel, spirit dealer, -& Shore house, !It ~alilbury street
Hogg, MfI Alex. 4 Aln street Hope, Col. F. S5 Alban)' street Hoseuon, Gilbert, 38 Bronghton Itr..,'<et (Jowey, Thomu, & Co. agents for t111~ goodl
Hogg, Mrll F. fisbing.tackle maker, 79 Princes Hope, Geo. farmer, Fenton bams, .. Geo. sq. HOIeUOll, James D , 3~ Broughton Itreet traffic of the North llritiiA, ant) E. Per,A,
street Hope, George, 7 Salisbury street IfOSPITAL, Donaldson's, Whitehousc tolI- andDtlndu Railu:ay.-Officcs at tha l\ail"
Hogg, Mrs, millinery emu juvcnile warehouse, Hope, James, f:nbTaVer, gene- J(lbn Cook, W.S., tcellurer, 11 Gt. KiDg It. wa,ltations
86 Clerk street ral printer, aDd atationer, 21 South bridge HOSPITAl, for Sick ChiIdrc'!n. 7 Lauriston Jant: Howey, Thomas, Igent, 13 Gilmorc place
llogg, Mrs, 5 Mlddleby street Hope, .James, JUDo (J.~' J.ll.~. 31 Moray f.l. HOSPITAL, Fever, Royallnflrmary 1I0wie, Ales. "' Milnc 'quare
Hogue, David Wilson, M.D. and doctor of Hope, .John anJ James, W.S. 31 .Moray p • H08pn'AL, Gillespie'., 'Vrigbt" houses Ho"le, James, portrai t an(\ animal pa.inter, 4.1
deDtalsurgery,65 Queen street Hope, .John, W.S. 31 Moray place HOSPITAl" George Heriot's, Lauriaton PrincH Itree'
JIogue, Rt. operating and consulting dentist. Hope, Jol1O Dayid, 6 Contltitution street IIoSPIT,AL, Gp-orge 'Vat80n'l, l\IeMJows-Jas. 1I0wie, James, lime a~ent, 8 Parkside It.
65 Queen street Hope, Uobert A. merchant and commission Young, treasurer flowle, Jas. jun., mimature painter, and l,bo-
lIoliday, Thomas, engraver and cbaser, 17 St agent, 7 Victoria street lIoSPITAL, Leith, antI Humane Society- tographic artillt, 71 Prince. st.
.Tames· square Hope, Thomas, 20 Drummond stree~ 1\lInn nnd DunCln, S.S.C., 21 Demard st. Howle, Alex. J. chemist, 69 l'leasance-ho. 65
1l0lingworth, Mrs, SI Coatfield lane, Leith Hope, 'Villiam, corn, seed, am! manUl'e mer- 8ecrctariea Howie, John, sculptor, Uran(lon st.-houle,
lIollill, Mlsles, mUUner!!, dress & straw-bon- cbant, Dick place, Grange HOSPITAL, Lock, Royallnflrm.ry 10 Saunders' street
Det maker8, 29 l<'re(terick street Hope, Mrs .James, 4!l Castle street lIosttT,AL, Merchant l\faitlen, Lauriston lape Howie, In. tea and coffee ,leal ...r, Ii & 6 Tol..
lIo1mes, Matt. locomoth'e superinteDllent, Hope, Mrs, ~ noyal terrace -Robert Walker, treasurer booth wynd-houle, 1 Madeiralltreet
B. ~ G. R., Haymarkct Hope, Marion, dressmaker, 8 Ibebufn place nOSPIT,AL, Orphan, Dean-.l. Scull MoncriefF, Uowie, Willi&n" G.ayfleld. Ilalkeith rO!lcl
Holt, l\Hus Mary.Ann, 128 Nitolson lit. Hope, Miss G., spirit (lealel', 4-) Saudport st. if) India street, treuurer 1I0wlsoD, Arch. Y. of lIynMord, GCiorltoD ter-
lIoltum & Welsh, coat makers, G Gcorge st. Hope, MillS, 33 Montngu street Ifouack, David, cabinetmaker, 6 Bellcyue race
lIol,YROOD, Bailic of, WlIliam D.lIay, S.S.C., Hope, Miss, Wardie lodge, D. grocerJ 3~9 Cowgate Howison,.Tohn. paper ruler, 1~ lloyal exchange
3 Howc st.-IIO. 32 Dublin st. Hope, Miss, 9 Gloucester place Hossack, 1\lrl, provlnon .hop, Oranton pier Howlllon, W., M.D., F.U.C.S. 9 Iq.
HOLY1l00D Flint-glass wks. 13 S. n. of Canon- HorETouN Rooma, ~2 QueeD street-Ra .T. Houlden, Thol. stationer, .tc. 9 and 11 NiC01-llIowlson, 1\Irl, of Hmend, 18 Ulack(of(} road
gate Barry Ion street, and 63 George street Howi80n, Mn, 19 N.-W. CirCUli placa
Home, ,John, North Mercbiston h{)use
Home, .John, 11 Walker street
Hopper, Thomas, 7 Cafton hill
1I0retzky, 1\1ons. teacber of music, 1 Soot.
Houliston, Jobn, tea, wine,and Ipirh mcrcht., Howi.on, Mra 'Vm. I AI", street
74 Leith street-house, 10 Grccnaide Itreet HowllOD, 1\Irs Wm. 166 Cau8cysidc
Home, Sir George, bart. ad vocate, 22 Howc st. lamhLrect HOUSE Agency office, ~ South Hanover, t.! Ho"kins, Jobn, chiS eDgineer, GrantOll pier
Home, Geo., portmanteau and brusbmaker, IIorn, Andw. accountant, U6 l'rinces Itreet Housl and Land Agency office, 23 St P(u:;\!k -bouse, Queensbcnl place, Wardle
100.. 0 George street Horn, Robert, 't\vocate, 1 Randolph crelcent square lIo"kiD', llll5, Suuth eottage, Wardie
Home, Robert, & Co. engravers and litho- Horn, William, chiDa mcrcbt., GO Cause)'.ide
gra}lhers, 13 Gcorll'c st.-ho. 27 Eldf'r 8t. Horne and Uose, W.S. 39 Castle street
HousB of Industry, to St Jobn 8treet-l\1r1 1I0y, Alex. tailor ant} {'\othier,
GemmelI, matron
"6 Victoria It.
Hugbe. and l\Iylne, 'V.S. 1 So. Charlotte It.
Home, D. Milnc, of Alilnegradcn, 10 Yorl: pI. Horne, Archd. accouDtant, 2 'V.l\Iaitland It. Houston, David, mereht. i9 Bridge It. I.ciLh I Hughel, Ed"in, "" maker, Leith ""mill.
lllome. Uobert, tailor, 13 Nicolson street
I omc, Lady. 19 Rut1llnd street
Horne. D., of I..allqwell, 'V.S. 10 Atholl cm.
Horne, Georgc, balrdresser amt perfumer, 1
Houston, 1\Irs, 56 Inverleith row
1I0\lllton, Mrl, 7 TOl'pbichen Itreet
I -bouAe, Piu Itrt'et, Leith
Hughes, Geo. (H. .\' MylTlc), JO RutIautt It.
lIome, Mrs 'V. N. Mercbiston h(\use Duke Itrcct lIouy, WiUiam, examiner to the G.l',- 0., I Hughe.., .John, printp.r,8 Thistle at.-house,
lIome,l\lisll, 35 Broughton street Horne, Jamel, civil engineer & land survel0r, Oaklelgh ,ma, Wardie 6 Man.Held ,lace ,
Home, lttiss,lodgings, 13 Union place t9 Se Andrew squalt.! Howard, WiIliam, teacher ofmualc, 31 George Hughcs, Pat. furniture ()eater, 110 Cowgaw
Home, Anu, 4& Georgo square Horne, James W. writing master, 10 South .treet I lIuBhe., Eli1.abetb, grocer and apirh dealer,
] IOllcymllll, D. wright, I Young street-boo Col1c~e street 1I0w.Rn's Opn-tlta Hou,c(Waterlooroo1DJ).! nillhouaefield
• 1~1 Rose Itreat Horne, T. E. 0., W.S. ]0 Atholl creaceD~ is Waterloo pIaee Hughes, 1\lilis, 11 Lutton place
HOD1yman, Jas. grocer, 158 }t'ountainbridgc Borno, Mrs, ... Park street HD"den, Andrew (.1. 11. t So,.), 19 Nelson st.\llugbson " Co. ltockbrt'kcrs, " George street
- 10USP, 4.$ Earl Grey street HORNINO Office, 22 Regiater house Jlowden, Edward, broker, 161 Co"pte -boUIe, 49 Laurilton place
198 Jiug EDINBURGH AND LEITH . Hun IfiC 199
BUlhaoDt A. D. wri&er ad ItO&ary pl1blic. "\ Huuter, J......hip broker, 13 Bemard.t. Huatel' Wm. upbo1st~,ClbiDetmaker, and HutchiloD, Mmam, (Dto/ mad Dufllh buIi-
George atreel.-'iO,lf/', "'9 J."uriston place Huoter, James, 22 Elm row furniture dealer, J6~ aDd 188 Cowgate- tution,) Hend~non row
Huia,D. R. W. (&;JJ.-.: B'*J, Cumln plaee, HUfi'o~dr, James, (A. d: Co. GMlgOtD), 13 Gay· MUle 1 Hope Park ~uare Hutehilon, W. inYMid attendant, 8 Home I&.
B~le, Edward, mercha.,t, 2 Walker atreet
e, square
Hunter, lames, builder, 62 South Clrrk s&.-
Ranter,"lfn }'rancia, ftMber,
-house, 68
"9 LodailD It. HutchilOD, Mn Colonel, Laurltta.Jodge
Hntchilon, Mr. 1 Howe atreet
BWe, Riebud. M.D. & I~oorge lliuare house, 12 Schtoneli Itree~
Suie, Mn JalDet, sa P...'""\SC balik
Hull, MicUel. Granton hotel, GraDion

Demard atreet
Huater, James J. 18 Lotllllll street
Hunter, James (G. P.-Q.), 101 C1aUle,.l1cle
HULl. Steam Packet Office-John Ink!ter. 34 Hunter, James A., )1.0., 18 Abercromb,.

Hunter Mrs J. lodglngll, 11 Greenaide street
Hunter' Mra Dr. 5 Duke street
Hate: M", E.ladies' nune, fi Elm row
Hater' Mrs, 7 St Vincent Itred
Baute; Mn, 'Pmt dealer, CanonmUls
I HutcbilOn, Mrs, SI North NelsoaltftJet
Hutchilon, Mn, tick. nure, IS J&Ulliea street
Hutcbison, Mr., ladies' nune, 6 Ro~burgb .,t
HutcbilOn, Mrs L. 2ft Gay6e1d Iq.
Hutr.hilOn, Miu K., dretrmaker, 81 Dean It.
HUMANS Society Edinburgh aad Leidl- Hunter, .rohn, auditor of the 4 ourt of s.- Huucer; MR, lodgings, 18 Drown lweet HutehilOli, Miss, 2 WindlOr Itreet
Mann & ))"n.;'D,ll Berawd It. ~ecs. lion, 16 R. Excbaage-house, Craigcrook Hunter ~ln, lodgings, i t flund .. atred Hutton and Roas, London, Manchester,lnd
flume, George, 100 lAuriaton place Hunter, .Tohn, advocate, .f,1 Queen street BUBter' Mra, of Hafton, 6 Atboll crncent Glugnw warehoule, 12' Hi~h It.
Hume,Jamea,&Co. millera, Haymn.r'ketmills Hunter, Jolm, painter, 72 Tolbooth wfPd, Rate: 111\1 ladies' nurle, 93 NicollOn street Hutton & ROIl, hosiers and .hm lMkeH., 179
lluml', JaroN, Inn.keeper, ·Old Gibbet toll Leith Hunter,, MrI,, 11 Rankeillor Itreet H'19h .treet •
lIume, Jamel, builder, CaMUa' place - Hunter, John, grocer, 3t.; Cowgate HUnter, llil8 Agnes, teacher of mUlic, is Hutton, Areh. pawnbroker, 10 High ,treeS-
bouse,11 Hunter, Rev. John, D.D. i Regent ternce London street. houee, ... Roxburgh Itreet
""me, Jamet, apilit dealer, 1 Niddry street Huater, In. aeuion.clerk, 163 Canoagate- lIunter, Mill A. lodginge, ~ S. Charlotte It. IJ.. ·tdn, J., le Co. wood merchants, Ban·
Humc, Jubn, bruab manufae. lot 'Ven bow house, 9 Ne" atreet Huater, Mi.. J. dreuma~er, 2 Simpton'. court keillor ,tree'.
Hume, John, grain and s'our dealer, 16 Hunter, John. Abbo&lford temperance hotel, Hunter Miu 26 RaukelUor .tteet Huttont Jaa. die" ltamp cutter,39 South hr.
Groye .'reel. 11 Greenaide .treet Hunter' Mill' 6 Great Stuart .treet HuttoD, Jametl, leacher, 1 NicollOn "quare
Humo, John, publJc steam walhing-bcuse, Hunter, Jobo, 13 Hm street Hunter' Mi~drel8& cloak maken, 13 Hope Dutton, Jaa. grocer, S Maidaad It. Newha,en
is S. D. Canongato Hunter, John M. teacher of Engli.b, 20 York atreet Hutton, Jobn, inapect.or of worlea, TaapbaU,
UUlne, John, wdght, 10 Coatfield laIle-ho. place-house, 2& Albany street Hunter l\fiues, dres. aDd cloak makers.f, Ferry road
8 LaurIc ,treet Hunte,', John, comminion agent. 19 Elder at. Bucceleuch Itreet Huuon, John, ... Poplar laue, Leilh
lIume, J. bookllClIer & fltationer-depository HUllter, PhUip, cooper, 6. Nicollon st. and Hunter, l\lilsel, boarding and da,. school, 32 HuttOD, John (H. t R",.), 8 Grahun meet
of Scottish )touthly Visitor Tract Sotiety, 64. South Clerk aU'eet-ho. 62 NicollOD .t. Dublin .treet Hutton, John, IIUYenmith,6' New buildiDp,
a HanoYt!r "treet. Hunter, Richard, 10 Ain.Ue place Hunt, Wm. engineer, 38 Spting gardena, North bridge
Hume, 1\1. N. Mudonald, of Ninewells, 16 Hunter, R. lculptor, 3& South Clerk at.-ho. Abbey hill Uutton, .Jobn, .pirit merchant, 6 South Me!·
Abcrcromby pllLCe
I 4 Lord HUf!sell place
Home, Pe'er, ,Ictual dealer, 48 C~uong.te Ht!uter, Robe",~voeate,sherUrofDuUlbutoa
HUlbaD~) Wm., M.D., F.R.C.S.E., 28
rence street
C.... viUe place
Hutton, John, 28 Buecleueh plaC!'
Humc, Ilobert, '14. Potterrow _ ond Bute, 61 Northumberland street Hutcheon, Jametl, turner, 19 l~ltb wynd HuttOD, Robe. spirit dealer~ if, Potterrow
HUme, Robert, & Co., plumborl:l, bra.~~ I Hunter, Robert, 88 Dundas street
atrcet.-Sce Adv.
founders, ADd gaafittCfS, 23 W. Register Hunrer, Uobert,24 Greetllide place
Hunter, R. and Sons, wrigbts Dd cabiuet-
HUkhinl, ChI8. surgeon-dentist, 26 Cbar]oUe
Hutton, Robert D. danclDg academy, 56
Nicolson street
Hume, nobt. (R. H. ~. Co), 4,9 Grange toad I makers,'" Albau, street lane Hutchinsol\ Brothers, mercb&utl, Rail.a,. Hutton, 'Villia., writer, flO Nelson street
buili!in8ll, Citadel Huttoo, Miu LilIaa, teacher of pianoforte, 1
lIume, 1\In WiUiatu, 2 Smith'tt plllCC Hunter, Robt. soda water manuf. AlJan's close HutchinlOn and Ro«en. timber lIIerchants, N .catlOn equare '.
Uumlit, Alh, 6 NeJson street Hunter, Robert, /j Archibald place Heriot buildlap, Ulth "alk Huxtable, Alfred, tNeher of mue, 6 Cutie
Hume, l\1ra, Jodging.., 72 IJroughton street Huntpl, Capt. Robert M. Cb",rry bank HutcbinlOD, .In. firewood f'actofJ', Ind wood street .
Hunt, Jamea (Mllrray !1" H.), 28 Gt. King 51. Hunk:. Robert, china and 81W wftrehouae, and coal mercht. J,. Gauelll' pl.-houae, I! H,aU. Lewil J". India Ruhber, &C. Sf) GIl·
HUDt, Mrs,28 Great King street
I 19 Bf IUl1hton street
HUllter, BJair, & ('A)wan, W.S. 1 York place Hunter, :tobe~!, tailor, Simpec»n's court
Hunter & Co. cooks and confectioJ)lIrs, :J Hunter, ~lobeH (John.ttme, Ho~· Co.), 1 Box-
Kintl'l place
HutchIDlOn, M. elerk, 9 MODtagu .met
Hutehinaon, ThOl. (H. BfOIMr,),'" S,Junes'
more placo
HYDItOUTIIIC, Turkilh, and Galn.nieBatlu,
Sciennes' HilI-Dr Jamea Lawrie
North St Andrew i'ree~ burga tJ't:,,~ .
pllce, Leith Hyndman, A. lodgings, 8 St Pttrick .treet
Hunter, Ad.m, physician, 18 Abercromby pI. Hunter, i'lbt. iun. builder) Nottingham pI. HutchilOn & Co. mercbauta, t 1 Bemanhued •
HUbter, Andre", .59 South bridge -house. 11 ,'alton hit! HutchllOn, AieL tolidtor, 18 London street IlunAca, Iln M. ladles I nunc, 60 South
Hunter, J)avid, Elizafteld, Donnington Huntsr, l\ J'."t;:c (G. P.-O.) 10 St Anthony HutchilOn, And. Alex. Idyooate-chambera.j Bridge ,.
HUDtn, Daviet, carpet warehouse, 178 High place
strvct-lio. t Gcorgc place I Hunter, R(I~:-;' ,~5 Kirkgl1te 18 London street' ,Imllch, Fun. Brodie, F.R.C.S.E. denu.tand
HutchilOn, And"••ugar agent, 16 ROle at. I surgeon. 48 Queen .tred
Uun!cr, Davit! (Du1tCan,}t'luckllllrt, lY Co.), l~! Hunter. :'iam ... '::'ptor, Bellevue, BroughlOD
lhnto street
HUllter, Da¥id, picture frame maker, 23
I Hl,uter. ·1';'O~d'" M. teacher of muaic,:8
Uandol.,,, pi:&(.,';
HutehilOn, A. emith, 141 Kirkgate Ilmlacb, George, 41 Atu; ;tree~
Hutchiaon, David, spirit-tUr. 2 Little King lit. ' Imtacb, l\frs Agnetl, 48 Queen atreet
Candle maker ro"
Uunter, Davidson, teacher, 19 Thistle Ilt.
I Hunter 'I.'boar.M! • - -eer 36 Tolbootb w)'IId,
I..eith ' ,
HutcbilOn, Hen. tpiri' mercbant.,4' Home.t. Imll" GeoJ:ge, flah '!lefchant,8 S. College It.
HutchilOn, Ju. printer, 31 'Vright'a hO\llel herEKIAL Fare Ind Life Oftic-:-~fth agency.
H~n~r, ~~van A. (Hunter, lJlair, ~. Wwan), lIunter, Thorna!!. :' .irun.wiek st. JIiUldde Hutchl5On, .Tobn, lCulptor, 97 George ~&1'fet J. B. Tod ~ Son, 71J CODlltltUuon .trc!et
HutchitoD, John,eom. t ...,eller,6Inghston81. IH?ERut Fire and Ltft= InimranC8 Oliee,
or place Hunter, W. clir\,ec ",Id gilder, and lookiDg" Hu~hilOn, Peter, merchlnt, 8 E. Preaton It. Munay & Log"n, Igenta, ...1 Georg~.treet
H'Vler, Geo. grocer aud 'l,irit mercbant, 12 glass manufact'Jf(:f, 4 MerchRnt street HutchilOn, Peter, grocer Ind .pint dealer, 1 Imne, Henry, pastry took, 6& Soutb bridge-
est port . Hunter, Walter, 1 Salisbury street Hamburg place llouse, 15 South College s~ree'
H~n~lrl G~orge, clual and rag merchant, M Hunter, 'V. bookbindu, 104- lligh st.-bo. 10 HutchilOn, R.ofCarlowrie,UBemanht.I..eitb Im~e, Rilbert l~. 3 Dugean. "treet
• t .. ary 8 wyud SaHsburr street.-Sec Ad.},
~tlntcr, ~eorgbi fteshc':, 29 Slludpo!'t st. Leith Hunter, ;-"lUiam, wright, 3 South HoaM pt. HutchilOn, Rc'hert, builder, Lutton plaee-...:bo. lome, Rob. slIuth and fanler, ~ S. JODctio11
4 Preston terrace street
Uunter, J' ea nctmkr. 18 N•• W. Circul pi. Hunter, 'Vm. & Co. drapers and cl\)tbiefl, S HatchilOn, W.& builden,Lothian rd. Inch, D"id, tetber, 8 Howard .treet-hcnIJe,
unter, ames, grocer, G8 Shore, Leith Nicolson squarE-
& C..,1e ter,-ho. Sp,.... bOUle, Colinton 6 Huntlr IItr(let

•. ..
..... . .
.......~~~..I. .S...d...S...~-.IIPI.f1....S..:.u.__.__._.a~I._.,._~~~X~~..__.I.•::~~.,
.t;;~~ ~.~~u..~af.j.~'.~
~.~- ~,..... ~---"'--- -.-~~ . . . -, -.- - - .- -. . :< Cl ~ ,........ 'h ,
IDeb, J. 8.ether.63 London Itreet-bouse, 76 loglis, WilliaDl, jun., .0 PJelllDee,.
Dl'OURlatoD .treet and Forrest road
Jrelud, Thomal, aecountant, and agmt for !, John, alater,.; North BlInk Itreet
the JUnI .Il.hI/Jl Lift t Pire .;f'.nrrtJftee Jack. John, Ipirlt dealer, 1 Soutb Narton
Ineb,!tIn,. SoDlh Howard place IngUI, Wm. &J. ahoemaks. 16 Queensrerrylt. &ckt" " Hunter IC}.-bouee, 71 Clerk st. place
Indenrick, MlR, 22 ROle Itreet IDglis, Wm.jUIL grain brok~r and factor, 122 Ireland, Thol. jun. 71 Clerk It. Jack, S. boot and eboemlker, 1 BaroDY st.
INDIGBNT Gentlewomen's Fund Office, 28 Constitution Itreet Ireland, Wm. contractor for mllOn aDd hOUle Jack, Thorn.. C. bookseller, ItatioDer, pub-
Stafford It.reet-John K. FuIJarlon, eec. IngUe, Mu Dr, 40 Coate. ereteent work ID general, 25 Clyde l&reet Usher, carculating library, 92 Princes st,-
lNDl'I'UT,AaLB Life As.urance Company of IngUs, Mn E. lodginG'. 18 DunCln street Ireland, 1f1l8, l' Gayfield ~uare boo 1 West Claremont street
ScotlaDd, IS Queen street Inglis, Mn .l. spirit dealer, 8 Spence's 1'1. Leith Ireland. )Iias, 22 St Patrick square .Jaek, Mn Andw. 48 India street
liDUITay, HoulC of, 19 St John Itreet IDgUI, Mn, ladies'nurte, 40 N. Richmond It. I.ISH Evangelical Society, Edin. Auxiliary Jack, lln, matron, Ra,al Edinblfr9'1t. Asylum
INDUnalAL Schools (Original Rl8gOO), Ram- Ingtis, laabella, dressmaker, 28 Carnegie .treet -Wo F. 'Va.lOn, treas. &2 Princes etreel .Jack, Mra, 13 Piultreet
1&1 lane and Marionville honse, Jock's i Inglis, Mia, 6' Broughton street lro.., Darid, tailor, 6 Beaumont place Jack, 1\In, midwife, SS Duke street, Leith
x..: . -R. M'Donald IDglil, Mill, 3 llansion house road IronI, Ju. grocer anc! spirit merchant. 39 N ••Jaek, Miss Agnes, 8' Great King street
b'!lUS;ltt.lL School (United), Soutb Gray'. Ingram, Mrs. dressmaker, 3-St Bemard's roW' Ricbmond street Jack, Miss, drel8maker, 7 Union Illftt
d.,.", 46 Higb street-C. Ferguson. teacher Inklter, Jobn, manager of the Leith. Hull, & Irun.ide, Edmond, caner, IS. High street Jackes, &don, 2'llndia street
lNFIRMART, Royal, Infinno.ry Itreet lIamburgh Steam Packet Co. 34 Bernard It. Imne, Thos. &Co. auctioneenand appraisers, JacklOn, Alex., F.R.C.P.E. 24 India It.
InRle, Mrs Mary, Ili Buccleueb place INLAND Revenue Office for Scotland, 10 10 Victoria Itreet Jacbon, Edw. Jamfs. 6 Coates crescent
Iaglia & Leslie, W. S. 16 Queen I'reet Waterloo plAce IrTine, Ales. F. advocate, 4. Heriot row Jackson, JamCl, 13 Piu street
lagUs, Alexaader, City tavern, 3 'Milnesquare INLAND Revenue ( Taz Office), 6 'VaterloopJ. Inine, Dunean (National Bank), 15 Hart et. Jacklon, Ricbard (HelUJersQn -t J.), ~
and Lord Cockburn Itreet INLAND Revenue Office, Customhouse, Leith Ininl', Geo. ftesher, 13 Queensferry st. Greenhill prilens
IagUI,Arebd.M.D.andF.R.C.S. 33 Albanyst. Inne. & Gricve, oilmen, groccrs, and wine Inine,Jas.dieandltamp.cutter, 13 Welt Ue- Jackson, Ro"bert Edmund Storesby, lI.D.,
Inglis, David, recorder, Council chambers, merchants, 11 St Andrew square gtlter Itrtet F.ll.C.8., J8 Queen street
163 Canongate-ho. 2 Rtlld's court Innes, A. umbrella maker, 35 Nicotson It. Inine, Jama, builder, 7 East Pin street, Jackson, Uobert, dair,man. Maryfteltl
IDglil, David,059 Broughtoll street Innes, A. Taylor, S.S.C. S Dundas st. Donnington .Jackson, Thos. & Son, plumbers, gl.fitters,

-house, "Coates crescent

Ingli., David, privalfllo(lgings, J02 Georgc st. . IDnes, Charles, plasterer, 46 Thistle .treet
Ingtil, H.lfaxwell, W.S. 8 N. St David street Innes, Coamo, advocate, principal clerk of
ses&ion, IS Inverleith row
Inine, John, 23 Cbeyne street
Imne, 1\1. Sinclair, Cit1 cbambers-houlf,
21 East ClaretoOllt Itreet
.nd zinc workers 37 Howe street and 31
Dunda. street
Jackson, Thom.s, coal mcrchant. S. B. It. de¥
IngU., Hcnry, W.S. (I. ~. Lalle), of Torsonce, lune., Sir David. 140 Brandon street Inine, Robert, 3 ltatcliff'e terra('e pOt-boust, 1 Arthur Itrt!et, Leith walk
16 Queen Itreet Inues, John B. (Mack1lzie, 1. aI,d Logan), Inine, lIrs Captain, 22 Blacket place .J.ckson, Thomas, wheelwright, Lothian road
Ingtil;, lIenry, 2 Spence'. place 37 lIeriot row Iniae, Mra Thomas, 352 Caltle hill Jackson, P. & T. wine and spirit merchants,
IngUI, Hugh~ Canonmlll. Inne., Jobn, gardener, Seafield, Leith Inine, lIn, lodgings, 18 llony place 1 Howard street
Ingli&, .Jamea, bookbinder, etntioner, papEr Innes, John, stationer, 74 Nicolson strcet- Inine, Mill, 23 Northumberland street .Jllckson, WilIiam, 8-' (ft. King st.
ruler, and account book manufacturer,
I hOUle, 2 West Richmond stnet
12 Thistle 6treet- bouse, [j N. St James Innes, Peter, plasterer, 63 Frcderick st.
street Innes, Rev. Robt. St Marfs <:nchoUc Churdt.
Inine, Miss E. 1 Grove place .Jack80n, Airs W. ~ FeUeI row
Ir,ing Brotben. portmanteau, trunk, and .JacksoD, Mrj, l.dies' nurse. 1 Horno lane
brush manufacturers, 80 Princes street ,JacklOn, Mra, Tanfield house
IngUs, J., & Co. hat & cap wareh., 41 Leith at. .Droughton street ftlting, James, 1 AIva sued Jackson, Miss.r. mUliner and drcssmaker, 12
Inlll~l. J. 5 Salisbury Itreet Innts, Robert, shipbuilder, 8 Bridge street- trYIng, .lames, 13 Charles I"ee' South Richmond s'reet
nglis, J. 11. 24 Bue~leuch pJace house, 2 .Maderia place
In~1l8, John, The Right Hon., Lord••Justice- Innes, Robt. portrait p.inter, 66 Gt. Iiing st.
Imng, J. ltationer, .... ,V. Register It.
Irving, Vim., 'gent, 21 Frederick st.-hon~e,
J.cob, Frederick, bricklayer, and furnace
builder, 'Vesloy cottage, Trinity
C~erk, 30 Abercromby place .. Innes, R. (.t. ~. Grieve), 28 Hayfield square 12 Henderson lOW .Jacob, llo5el, broker, 3~ Gcorge IV. bridge
Ingbs, John, & Co. grocers and Spirit dealfrs, Innes, 'Vm. ( UniollBanlt cifScotland), 8 Great 1nlng,1\Irl D. 6 lleadow place .JaWny, Mrs J. GO Frctlerick st.
207 Co "gate I Stuart street Isbister, 'rbo!. brush, trunIC, and portman~au Jaff't", l\fn WflIiam, 29 Alva street
lngl!s, John, tailor, 8 Spittal street i Innes, rurs Thomas, 6 Danube street maker, "'elt End J.'.ncy Emporium,2 Rut-I Jaffray. Mn, sen. 30 AlvA strcet
Inghs, .JohnJ gardener, E. PowderhRlt Innes, Mrs Wi11iam, 1-' Pitt .treet land place-ho. oS Hope .treet .Jaffray, Miss, ... Graham strect
luglis, .John, tf'a dealel', 10 Leven street Inoes, Miss Isabella, Uerlin wool and fancy Isbilter, William (A. S. ~. Co.). publisher, lilJlimC8, J. & Son, bootmakers, 102 Gcorge st.
Inglis, John, J2 Clarence street repository 13 Dundal Itreet l)iU street -boo '" Cas&1e .treet
Il1~1i8, Peter, farmer, Ea~t PUt?n, Ferry road Inlklp, Wm: warehouseman, 26 George st. Isbilter. Miss, clreumuer, 68 Clerk .treet J.mes, Wl1liam, boot and shoemaker, 9
Inglis, !tob. (Gall/;! Ingl,s), Dtck place INSTITuTION neaf &, Dumb Henderson row Isles. Andrew, curner and leather merchanc, Keir street
Ingl!s, Robert, grocer, 33 Heriot Buildings INSTITUTION' for Drawing 8~d Painting. 84. 9 and 1I Blair Itreet-ho. 9 St John street .Jamelon, ADdrew, advocate, 2 Bruntsfield
lngh~, ~t. boot and Ih~maker, 23 Rosemount Frederick street-George Simson, R.S. A. Isles,1\I1'8, S York place terrace
h,!ddmgs, Gnrdners crescent INSTITUTION, John Wateon', Dean-John Ivory, Lord, 9 Ainslie place. . Jameson, John, fishmonger, ~~ Queen street
Inghfl, 'rhos. (leputo commis!ary-clerk, Parlia- ! Hamilton, W.S. treasurer ' Ivorr, Thomas, ad-locate, 9 Atnshe place -wholea.'llc .tall, ,'; Old F bhmarkct-ho.
ment aquare-bouse," l\Ierchiston mount i INSURANCE Company of 8cotland 9'; Gcorge Ivory, 'Villiam, advocate. 12 Albany .treet 1 Dlrnaway Itreet
In~is, Tno8. victualler, 38 Lotbian stfcet-I st.-D. Maclagan, C.A. ';'anftge~.-Sep. .Adu. Ivory, 'Vm. (AfaclacMall t 1.), St Roque, .Jameson, .rohn, writer, 11 Queen licreet
ouse, 11 • jlNStJRANCE Companies.-Sce lnn,rancc Direc- Grange loan .J.meaon, R. fruiterer, 19 (~ueeb ~t.-ho. 16
logl!., Thos. pr~~'~ion mercht. 173 PJealla~ee , tory, also Adverti,ementl. lvory,1\Iiu Rotefteld cottage, Grange loan Jatnnon, M,s, lR Nelson street
Jn~s, U~v,. \Vdham, A.M. teacher, ~eu; ilNnRNATIONAt. Life Assurance Socid1 (late , .fameson, Misl, 21 Roy.l circus
,elif1'I~" 3cflOOl, Vennel I National Loan J.'und Life Society), tJ S. .J".o\1"8 Temp. hotel, a South St Andrcw st. IJamieson, Alex. (C. A.) S South Charlotte It. ,
Ingl!s, WllUami T. 8 De~n street , Charlotte street-Alex. ,Jamie!lon, agen' Jade, Andrew, printer, 13 Clytle streee Jamie80n, Alex. co"feeder, 78 Q.1Jf'eo .treet
In ghs'IW: & C. bookseden, IJtationt"re, and: IONA Society-To G. Stevcnson 22:Frederiek Jack, Chas. gardener, J37 Cauaeyside .JamielOn, ~lex. turner, 11 Adam square
circu atlo.n UbTllrians, 46 Hanover strcet-; IItreet, agen, ' Jack, Colin, dairy. I-A Haddington plmee Jamie50n, Andre .., S.S.C.-office 66 Queen
b~use, DJ~k pillet', Grange ' Ireland, Geor~e, buiMct", horJ(le carpenter, and ~Jaek, James, ~lothh:r, 7 Cb,rlelatreet street-house, 22 Atva street
JngIJt~k' WUham, coachbutlder and barnees-; agricuJturalimplement manufacturer, North tJack, .John, writer, 1 Blenheim place Jamieaoa, Andrew, 'ailor, foot of "'lethmatket
ma er, 40 Pleasance j back of Canongate-house, 43 New Itreet Jack, John, jeweUer, 9 DlYie street close, 199 High Itreet

• ---• .- _7Z"lII"": .......::::zpw..~. pt Ib I" U 3C 5 $ S It ••

202 Jam Joh
Jamiesoo, George Auldjo, 58 Mel,iUe street Jockel, Chri.tlan, Berlin .nd,Frankfort'. . . . Johnlton, J., s.a.C. (JoppJ: J.) 28 Duke.. JohDlcon, MiJl, 14 Queen Itreet
Jamieton, George, steam-boat owner, 2 Sbore honae, ) 18 George atree', W"t-end bDaar Jobnston, )fajor Laurenee, 28 Royal terrace Johnstollc, Bunler, le Co. pubUiben, 2 Met·
JaanieIon, Gilbert, and Son, wine Ilnd tea JoeJ, M_, 18 Drommoad-aueet Johnston, Pamck, broker, 136 Cowgate bourDe place
merchants, 66 Gl'UIIDel'ket Johe, ThomAS', teacber, 18 Dean t.trraee John.ton, Lieut.-Col. P. 37 E. ClarelDOUt at. Johnltone, DaYid, 8 LeYeo street
.JlIIdeton, Hen. (BroH* ~. J.) 29 AIm It. I Jobnl, T. & Co. clothieu, 60 Prine-a etrect dohnston t Peter, coal merclwlt, Echo bank John5wne, Fred. t&yem.keeprr, '1 Ab.,.
Johnlton, Peter (PliMn' d: J.), ~6 -Crou. Johnstone, G. 38 Richmond place
JamielOn, Hen. ivory turner, 29 Richmond pi. Johnson, Cbal. E. artist, 1 Young atreet
Jamieson, .lames, M.D., 16 InverJeith row Johnson, Joseph (Soo'. Wid. Ftmd), 39 Dab- Cl\u.eway John8tone, John, engtayer, printer, &: litho-
Jamieson, Jas. pbotographer, 42 I..othian road lin street Johnlton, Robert, W.S.8 Brough&on pJece grapher,7 Park street
-ho~, 82 Stafford street Johnson, lames, glals and china mere_t, Johnlton, Robert, painter, oS Charlotte Itreet, Johnstone, John, teacher, (Callo7l Jail,) 34
Junieson, ..T. Auldjf), lV.S. 161nyerlmth row 16 W. Port-bouse, Vennel Leith Clerk slr"t
•JalDlelCtn, John, agent,. 116 Causcyside Johnson, 'VOl. waiter-tables and forms .Tolmsron, KobL Merehiston cottage, Borough- Jobustone, Robert, l\dyot.ate, 8 Nelson It .
Jamie.on, 1). wine and spirit merchant, 6 for hire-12 India place muirh8ld Johnstooc, R.:Jbt. (Matht!lon t Son), 2 SaUI-
NicolllOl1 squlre-Ilouse, " Amiston place John~on, )fn W. 39 Albuy Street, Leith Johnlton, Robt. cm.plain to city workhouse, bury street
•Jamie80n, ltobc,'l't, & Co. ",holeate eoffeeand John.ton" '1'bom, coal merchants, 11 Port- 11 St Jamet' tqU&re Johnl!ltonc, W., N.n. Inlurancc Co. !l2Gny•
Ipice dealers, 1 &:. 8 Leith "treet terrace Hamilton-house, i5 Arcbibald plate JohDlton, Robt. victwaldtlller, 51 Hanoyer at. field square
Jamieson, ltobert, fruiterer and florist, 1-8 .Joho8ton'l Family &. Commercial Temperance
Baxlcr', plaec,-houle, 6 Fyfe place Hotel, Waterloo plaee
Johnston, Robert, Ii Summerbank
Johnston, Robert, accountant, 46 Queen .treet
Johnstone,'V. commisllion agent, 25 TIII,tle
street and 87 QIJHn atreet
Jamfcson, Tbos. 1 Cannon .tr~et J ohnston, A. and J. vtetnallen,91 Canongate Johnston, Robert, builder and contractor, 20 John.tone,WilliamJamea Hope, Vice-admiral,
JamielOn, W. M. haberdalh. 60 Bc fi High-st. Johnston, Adam. 80 Upper Gray street S. B. of Canon.-ho. 3 Comely Green era. 24 Albany meet
Jamietlon y Mra Iaabella, ladies' hurae, 25 Jobnston, A. cabinetmaker aud undertaker,
Arthur etreet 9 Charles street, and 6 Park pJace-house,
,Tohn'ton, Roben, N.P. 6~ Queen .treet Johna&One,'V. lV. 13 Carbon street
Johnlton, R. Bruce, lV.S., 8 Broughton pl. Johnltone, Iln, ladics' Dunc, Ii James' plaee
Jamieson, Ilm R. IS4 CaultlYlide 6 Park street Johna&on, T. and Sons, .rights, 69 Role It. Johuttone, Mr., AO Melyille street
JamielOn, l\lrs WilIiam, 3 .. Howe street Jobuslon, Alex. buildt!r, fj Comely green pI. Johnlton, Thos. (T. J. ~. So,") S4 CUUe It. Johnstone, )Irs, 515 Warriston .:rrscent
.Jard~ne, Stodart, & Fraser, W.S.:U Prince..t. .Tohnston. Ales. ftesher, 3 Queenlrerry street JO""'OD, Thowu, ironmoDler, "Tolbooth Johnstone, l\irs, 2 Union plaee, 'frinity
.Tardme, Alex. provision merchant, 42 W. Jobnstoll, Alex. baker and proYision mercbt. wynd, Leith tTohnltone, ?tin C. f:tncy wareho. 53 Clerk It.
Richmond street 21 GrecnBide street. John.ton, '1'. B. (W: 4\..... x. J.), 9 Clare- Johnltone, Mias, S Howard place
Jard~ae, Robt. pro. mercbt. 3 Drummond eL . Johntlton, Ales. Keltb, geographer to the mont creaeent Johnltone, Mill, private day acbool, 11 Leo-
.Jardlae, W. A. surveyor, and engineer to the (~ueell, March Hall, Prestonfie'd JoItnlton, ThOl. furniture dealer, 40 BJur .t. pold plaee
Edinburgh l)avins Board, 19 Queen street .Jahnston, A. (Tho8. J. ~ Son), 6fl IloIIe Itreet Johnston, Thomas, jeweUer, 34 North bridge Johnacone, )fillS l\Iargarct, lhoe warehol1ie,
.T&ltrau, Wm. ~ Co. agenw and merchants, Jobnllton, Charlet, tEa dealer, 8 Henry etreet Johnston, Thol. printer, 11 Welt Adam atreet 311 Higb ... treet
H. CommercIal 1,1 ace, Leith Johnston, Daniel,eabinelmaker& woodmercht. John.ton, Tb08. M. 7 Findhora place 1JOhUltoOt!, l\liu, 140 Prineea atreet
.Jcandin, "'runds, wholesale basket warehouse, Jot S. B. of Canongate-.ho. 10 E. Adam It. JohDlton, William, printer, 11 W. Adam lit. lohnccone, Min, 11 Anaandale ItrHt
a Hay 8treet-bouA~, 26 Rankemor street Jobostoo, Da,id, & Sons curriers and leather Johoston, Rev. William, 10 Hailea litreflt Jvhn14tone, MUsel, 8 'V. Newiugton
.Je1fery, .John .T. grocer and wine Jnerchant, merchants, 70 St Ma"';', wvnd Johnston, W. & A. K. geograpberl\engrayen, Joint Sleek Company'e Regiltration ORiee-
NmewhaveJll .Johnston, Rev. Georse, D.D.,·F.S.A. 6 Minto and printel'8 to the Quecn, publilhtll, litho- Exchequer, John Henderson, Tejliltrar
.Je rey, nav d, 9 RAndolpb crescent street grapben, and .tatlonen, ... St Andrew.ICJ' JoUle. Strong, It Henrl, W.S., Sun Fire IJId
.Jefli'ey, John, & Co. brewerIJ, 31 Grassmarket Johnston, ('-reo., teacher of da.'leing 11 BroW1l JobDliton, Wm. B., a8..&., Shlney lodge, Life Insurance Officc, chambers. 40 Princes
.1c1frey, .John (J. J. and Co.), 41 Melvil1e st. street • Whitebouse loan Itreet
Jcft'rey, ,f. & E. cabinetmakefl, 129 !lose Jobnston, Goo. jun. teacher of dancing aDd Johnlton, Wm. poulterer. 1'1 High 1DIrbt- JolUe, Mi,.a, &91\lel,ilJe .treet
Street taue mUI'ic 22 Elder street hOUle, '41 Lawnmarbt JoU" .John. tailor, 27 UJair Itreet
.Jcb:ey, Robt.engr&.ver&printer, 116 Uose.t. Joho!lto~, Henry, 3 Hermitftge hill, I..eitb Johna&all, W. victualler, 19 Howe It.-ho. 8 Jolly, Robt. of Sceyenlton, 21 WlndlOf at.
.Jef&~YtW;gcneral draper,.4:i Tolbooth wynd, Johnston, Henry, 32 Heriot raw JohnstoD, \vimam, baker, liS Roae atreet .Jont., Alex. ehipmashlr. 86 Albat.1 It. LeIth
Lelth-_muRe, 10 W~lhngto1l1)lacc Jobnston Henry James 69 York place Johnston, William, agent, 3 nayle,treet Jones, Francis (G.P•• 0.), 78 IAudlton pi.
,Jcft'rey, Mrs, 11 Clarence 8treet Johnaton; Lieutenant J. 'C., aN., Admlra.1ty Juhnston, Willlam, (111. &w.) 8 Anna.edalc It. .Jones, R. &1. wm.•gentl' 19 Conltitution It.
;cft'r~y. ~lre, )0 Bucc1euch place agent for TranIJJOr19, 2 Portland terrace- Jobnlton, William, 6 Lotbian street Leith
• cnlnnll, Mrs, 4: street house 5 Invcrleith row .Johnlton, )lrl Dr,8 Pilrig skeet Jonn, T. W. J6 Comely bank
~onkins, Mrs, lodies' nurse, 37 WiJ1iam 8l. Johnsto~, James, writer, 1 India street JohnAton, 1\Irs G. 0& Bur Grey etreet Jone8, Tbos. agent of Bank of Scotland, 17
.fenklnson, A. (Jolm Alille)' (f: Co.) 21 Leith .1ohnston, thmes eunier 68 Sl 1\Ia1'Y" wynd .lohn8ton, )1ft, provitioll mert. Si' Clerk Itreet Charlotte atretlt, I.,ebh
J street
k' , • •J0 IlDston, .Jatr.ell," M.D. surgeon, 34 Queen .t. ..lOOnaton, Mu, of Sandl, 28 Royal terrace . ,Jonea, Mn, 21 NeJlOn street
. cn lDtlhon, ~ m. ond .Jal. wine ~Dd spirit ,lobnston, .Jas, belt and game-bag maker 801 .Johnston, Mra,ladie&' nune, SI BrDDI"ick ct. Jones, )1,., 10 C.lIt1c terrace ts. 11, 78, and 79 St Andrew lit Leith
~cnt~nsOD, John, eowrecrlcr, 3 Dean street
Lawnmarket ' Jobnston, Mu, victual dIre 7' BmU8btoD et. Jones, 1\11'1, Jodgings, 22 Dunda.r; street
Johnston, Mrs, ladies' Durae, 19 Jamalea Itreet Jopp and Jolln,con, W.S. so Albany 8trHt
·c: t.nson, Wm. (w. ami J. J.), 53 Conllti-
JenuUGn ,street,
Johnlton, James, late officer of Fishery, ,
Eastfleltl, Leitb
J"hnston James, farmer, Grange loan
.Johnston, MI'8, French stay-maker, 16 Georp Jopp, Charlt!l, civil engineer,!l4 St Andrew
Atref!t tqulre-howse, 3 Royal terrace
· J .
21~ ~f' & Co., commission mcrebRnts, Johnb!On, .JameA, baker ,41 London etreet
Ai ty street .Johntltotl, .J. fleshcr, I>rumdrYlln
Johnllton, ?tIrs, 31 Buccleuch place
JohDRton, 1\lrl, i1 Elder a'reet
Jopp, .Jobn N. spirit dealer, 161 High "reet
Jopp, IIr., 30 Alhany str£et
J erv~lt, rs, corset 'W3rchoullc, 99 Princes It. .Johntlton, ~;tlhn, 1 -FAstfield, Leith Johnlton, Mrs, 1 C-analltreet Jordan, Jamel, cooper, j 18 'Kirkgatc
/"!swoode, Lorel, U. ltandolph cresC(:nt Jobnston, John, stabler, West Nortbumber. Johnston, ltra, 9 Jlm~' place Jordan, Mra John, i Crown 5tr...,t
eSB,man, Wm. ten, cofi't!e, wine, aUlI spirit laud Itreet IIDe John.ton, Mils A.81 Eut ClareDlonhtreet Junkilon, Wm. fleaher, 91 Kirkgate
Job:: ., ~6, 6~ ~llorc
cb Johnlltoll, Misa Margare', Jodsingt, 66 North Jupp, A. «eller, 4 RODaklaon'a build.
Johntlton, John, IU"(:7 or, 28 Grecnside .'.
Jocket' ~tJ8, dPI~r dealcr'd87 Kirkgalc Johnston, John (Ca!1 '" JQ/IIUJtOIl), 13 Oa,- Frederick .treet IDSS, Leith
' onr., csher an ham. curer,60 fie!d tlquare .Tohnlton, Miss, e.raw.hat ...ker, 7 Ba, at. Jupp~ C. HeDr)', (Ctulmft.), S Comllma pI.
Q uecn street-boo 55 T b J S SS
dO n8Con) n. ., • •C• 21 N ord•• tm&erlaadst. JohlWton, MiN, 37 Queen .treel Jupp, H. music 8ellcr, 32 Kirkgate

CC' ... a

ti • • 1'1 U 2 IS 5b33321
Juan.r, J. )1., S.S.C.,. N. St Andrew street Keqan, T. wiae merchant, 1 North St Dand Kenaedr, Charles, corkeutter, • Intlrm.r,.t. ' Kerc, Andrew, shopkeeper, 2 Dock place
-houle, Bonaington brae Itreet Kp.aaedy, Daalel, Jil'e stock agl. 10 GardDer'l l Ken, And. A. (Royal Bank), .. Brougbton pi.
Juaor, )Ira, ladies' Dune. 16 Jamaica street Keighley, Matt. 2 Upper Gray street crescent Ken, Archibalcl, wlor,17 'Vest Regilter st.-
JU.JDICAL Society, 40 Charlotte square Keiller. Alex. M.D., F.ll.C.P.E. 21 Queen It. Kennedy, David, teacber of mwic, 15 Due- houle, 15 St Jemea' square
JUITICE oC Peace Office, 10 City Chambers, K'eir, Robert, warehouseman, 47 Quality st. clencb Itreet Ken, Chu.l\I. wine mer. 9 Bemard at. Leith
Boyl1 Exchange Keir, Robert, 67 Gre1l' Kiag .treet Keaned1, Fred. hop and ,eed ageat, 51 -hou.e, 11 Deaa terrace, Ediaburgh
JUSTICE of Peace Office, County hall Keir, 'lilIeS, 12 Buccleucb place Princes 'l.-house, 100 Lauristoa place Ken, C. J. accountant, S3 Dublin ItreeL
JUSTIC1A:&Y Office. 40-"~ Register house Keith, Alex. I MIJta Green place Kennedy, Rev. George, 15 Buccleucb place l Ken, David,21 Warri.ton crescent
Keith, Geo. S., l\f.D., F.R.C.P. &7 Northum. Kenaedy, Hugh, W.S. 17 1\lanor place I Ken, Dnid, .tone carver, Lotbian road

KAlIf, llmel, undertaker, 3 Charles street berland street Kennedy, Joha, W.S. 11 Great King street Ken, Geo. tea and coffee mercbt. 4S Brough-
Klrle" Mrs A... Clarendon crescent Keitb, Geo. boiler-maker, 15 Cannon st. Leitb Kennedy, John, pawabroker, 1 ~lilne sq. ton street-house, 2 London slreet
Kautrmann, H.& Co. commission merchants, Kelth, Jas., M.D., F.R.C.S.E.I0 'Vemyu pi. Kenned1, Robert, grocer and 'pint dealer, 1 Kerr, G. houae agt. 8 Hamiltua p1.l'aoekbridge
1510 Constitution st.-bo. DeIJevue cottage, Keith, Joba, 16 Picardy place St Jlmes' pllce ~ Kerr, Henry, merchant, 51 l'riaCClltree&-
Trinitr Keltb, Thomll, grocer, 1S2 Fountainbridge Keanedy, Robert, spirit merchant, 167 Pleas- ' house,.53 Albany stred
Kay, AJex. & Co. plumben & gasfitters, u.. Keith, Tbol. M.D., F.R.C.S,I~. 2 N. Char- anoo Kerr, H. N. J. "0 Inyerlehb row
Princes Itreet lotte Itreet Keaned1, ~J'bomu, spirit dealer, 16 "'eat Ken. Hugh, coach-hirer, 2 Hope strf!et
Kay, Arcbibald, dairy, 40 Coupar street Keith, Wm. 'pirit merchant, 1 GfUsmarket Nicolaon street Ken, .Tames, provision merchant,27 Bridge st.
Kay. Charles, crucible manufacturer, Green- KelJ, Hrs, 8 S&afford street Kennedy, Tboma., 'Vardie hotel, Graaton Kerr, James, grocer, 89 alld 91 Nicolson street
side row-house, 81 Hi~h street Kelland, Profesl!IOr, 20 Clarenllon cresceat Kennedy, 'Villiam. Ihip hotel, 7 E. Regilfter st'l -bouse, 6 Hillaquare
Kart (1eorge, fruiterer, J 47 PrincClltreet KelJoek, Alexander, Innkeeper, so South back KenDedy, 'Vllliam, W.S. S9 Northumberland Kerr, Jllmel, Captain R.N. Hope cottaga
K11, H. R. ( T. Kag ~. So,,), 6 Randolpb pi. of Canongate street Ken, .Jas. tea & coffee merch. 21 llicbmond pI.
Kay, Jas. basket mlnufaeturer, 65 Tolbooth Kellock, 'Vm. traveller, 10 Spring gardens, XenON)" William, teacber, 3·' Buccleucb pI. Kerr, .JamC1J (Saline OJlicc), " Torphlchen st.
wind and 18 Queen Itreet, Leith Abbey hill Kenned),. 'Villiam,26 Cumberland s&reet Kerr, .Jobn B. umbrella mauuf. 411'o1OOotll
Kay, Jas. & Son, upholsterers & undertlkers, Kelly, And. pocket-book maker 28 Green- Kf:anedy, 'Vm. hotel keeper, 8 Princes st. I wynd-l)ou~, 13
89 George .treet-ho.7 Great S&uart street ,ide street ' Kenoedy, W. P. bookseller,&c. 79 George at. Kerr, John F. gla1.ier, 61·11 N, fo'rederick st.
Kay, .T., 98 ~onstitution st.-ho. '7 Kelly, Henry, grocer, &c. so Pleasance -house, 7 London Itreet
Kennedy, l\Irs Ann, King's Arm.' Inn, New..
Kcrr, .Jobn, clerk of works,
'0 Sorth Uich·
Kay ,John, wlne& spirit merchant, 39 Jamaica Kelty, .lames, spirit mercha.nt, 8 Greenlide pI.
street-house, 72 Northumberland s~ree' Kelly, John, & Sons, Imltbl and ironmongers huell Kerr, .Joa.tban D. cupper to the Queen, I.>
Kay, John" baaketmaker, Market Italrl, 27 -houae 6 Castle itreet-wOlk.hop, 156 Kennedy, ?tlrl, of Romanno, 25 Forth 8\leet Dublin street
North bridge Rose street Kennedy, l\lrs, straw.hat maker, S Carnegte Kerr, Patrick It, 60 )tlt&cket place
Kay, Peter (Olitl~r and JJoyd), 3 ~ntigua st. Kelly, Jobn (J. K. and Son,), 6 Castle st. sueet Kerr, 1\. anti Son, tailors and clothiers, 10
Kay, Robert, Umon hotel, • I..othlan road KeUy Mri midwife & ladies' nurse 2S Howe Kennedy, Mrs, 40 CumberJaod street Elder s&reet
Kay, :rhos. (Jas. K. !~' SOli), 7 Great Stuart st. Slr:et ' , Keanedy, Miss, 26 Cumberland street Kerr, Robert (Corn. Bank), ';3 ,Albauy street
Kay, Thos. & Son, plumbcr8an~ g~sfittcrs, 18 Kelt, Ilrs, china merchaat, 30 Horse wyntl Kennedy, !\Iils, Helen cottage, Church Jane Kerr, Itobert, victual dealer, 12 ,Jamaica et.
Kennedy, Missel, ladles' institution, 1 Park pt Kerr, Rob:rt, spirit Illcrchant, 2 Nid(lry st.
Charlotte place-:house, 9 'Vlllaam street Kemp&Co.chemical photographic and philo.
Kay, Thomas, missionary, Taap hall, J.'erry sophicalinstrumeni makers, 12 &'l:Hnfirm- Kennedy, Mllses, milliners, 62 Cl1ufleyaide I K~rr, Thos. «(f.P... O.), 7 West Artbur "tIlCC
Kennington& Jenntll',silk mcreera andrl!, Kt'rr, 'Van. wine & spirit merchant, 1 J'riuces
K road . , ary street-house, 187 Causeyslde
ay, 'Vl1h~m, bootmakcr, 38 Alva street Kemp and Kirk, coach and van builders, 28 47 and 48 Princet st. aad ¥, 4, 6. 8, Ilnd 10 'I .treet, 148 Uigh street, antI 19 Ifanover
Kay, Wnlaam, bookseller ami stationer, [, Soutb Junction street St Davhlstreet Itrtct-bousc, Napler villae, l\Ierchiston
Bank s t r e e t , Kemp, F. (ll.L.C.}l.) 56 Cumberland street Kent, Geo ..~e Killiclr, 24 Howe street Kerr, 'V. steam hoatand coach office, I Prince.
~ay, Mrs At~x. lU Prmces street Kemp, George, clerk, 17 Cannon street, Leith Ken"ard. 'V. music-teacher, 5 Randolpb pi. street
~ay, 11rs ~tlzabeth, 20 Drummond place Kcmp, Geol'ge, coacb wright, .. Little King st. Ker, Robert Darllng, St Monard's house Kerr, 'VilIlam, builder, 175 Cau5erli(le
ay, .Mrs 'lh~.. 16 C:ll1reDCC street Kemp,.T. & R.coalmercbts,14Port.. Hamiiton Ker, Thomas, and Son, torn merchants: St Kerr, Wm. cork-manufacturer, 9a Jl(l"C st.
~:y, Mrs, 8 ~ardner s crescent -Douse, 5 M0n180n street IJeonard'. house Kerr, Wm. teacher of vow musie, 3 lion aId·
K 'I, ~IiS8, Dick I,lace west Kemp, .Tames, coal merchant,/) Morrison st. Ker, Thomu, eutler and Burglcal instrument son's bulldings, I...eith walk
e:dle & Knox, cabiDetmkrs. and upbolstrs. i ~emp, .lames, merchant, 79 Clerk at.-ho. 61 maker,21 Pottcrrow Kerr, Mr., grocer, oS" South back (~anongatc
K ... 1 ~hurch street
I !\.emp, .Tames, DaIry house
gardener, Q~ecn lit. gardens : Kemp, .John, engineer, "8 Junction tit.
Ker, Thomas, bootmaker and leather mer- Kerr, Mn Jumcs, boobeller and citculn\lng
chant, 7 St Jamcs' square 1ibr~ry, 32 NicolsOD street
K !C, 0 n,, 2iJ Hanover street IKemp, .Johu, cbhnney-sweeper, 78 ROle st. Ker, Mrs, Nelsoa's monument, Calton bill Kerr, Aln, 11 Norton pJace
~:::t Nicbolas, ~plrlt merchant, 202 nose: Kemp, Robert,(late Kirk",ood and K.)plumber Ker, Insa1\l. _,. 18 Upper Grayatrecl Ken, Ilrs, 19 "'cUeft row
Keddie Tbo8 b' t k I ! I and gas-fitter, W. Thistle st. lane-huuse, Ker, 1\Iiss, 9 Grecnhill gartteDs Kerr, Mra, 13 East Adam Itreet
, • ca me ma er an( appraiser, 7 2., IIowe st Ker, Miues, 31 S.xe COburg place Ken, 1\1"1 ladies' nUflle, i St Vincent atreet
K::t J" Mc1ville place-lloul!c, 9
J\emp, Roberl. Calton hill
Kd l~' ~llplrft r~er~ht. so N. Hanover st. Kemp, \VilIiam, victual dealer 46 Ear1 Grel
Ker's Laboratory, 16 Leith street Kerr, Misl Agnel, milliner, 31 Lothian 5treet
Kennlck, 'V. R., 'V.S. 9 Hill.,.-hoU&e, 22 Kcrr, Mill G. miUiner, &c. 3 Downle plare
K ,c, ex.) .lA:she place street ' York place Kerr, Mill Alargaret, 31 MonilOo Itreet
~t;!l:i A. F. c?mmis, mercht. 19 Chat lotte IKemp, ?tlrs Robert, 33 ltlolltRfCu street Kermlck, Mill, 3 Lyncdoch pllce Kcrr, Mill, drellsmaker, Baster's close
c1oll)_,agen, ior At/tU AIIllratlr", CQ. Lon. Kemp, Mrs Dr 'i'homls Lilldley, William-
K d r lOUse, 19 Charlotte It. IJClth field, Bonnington
Kerr & Co" china warehoulC,
3' Brougbton Kerr, Miss, ... Upper Dean terrace
Kerr t Min, 18 Scotland Itreet
K~!l:l~:' y:::~ ~e~op~tbtl,ntk'tCaDnaan.Janc I Kempster, T. sheriff officer, 366 Castle hill Kerr, A,lex. printer, 9 Brighton street Kettercr & Co. German clock makers, 23
Ke(lzlie' • I S ree, onmngton Kenmore, John, 22 Elm row Kerr, Alex. boot & sboemaker, 4 Se Aathony pi. Green.ide .treet
Keegan: ~:~:rt,s:iiJ!Cr, so ~ut~ Clerk st., !Kenmore, "'illiam It'. ll(lvocatc, 35 London It.
street ' cl\or, Sort I St Davld: KINROSS-SUIRF: Railway Company, 9 PriacCl
street-Henry Lees, lecreta",
Kerr, Alex. 'I St Patrick square
Kerr, Aadre"" urbi&ect (oJIIee 0/ H.
WorA,), Findhoro place
M'I Ker, George, 11 Clarcnce street
Kidd. Chu. tailor & cJothier. 1 '6 Princes st.
Kidd, Jamel, 121 NjcollOu et.
206 Kid EDINBURGH .AND LEI'l'II Ki,. Kif Lam 207
Kidd. Janu~e, janitor, New College Kionear, C. G. H. (P. {f K.}, architect, 49 Kirkwood, James, boot and Ihoemaker, 74 Laidlaw, James, baker, , lCerr street
Kidd, John, merchant, 75 Constitution ai.- Northumberland atreet St llary's wynd .l..J\idlaw, Jobn, baDk metllleDger ( Brit;," Line11
houe, 3 CasleU." plaee Kinnear, Da,id, accouDtant, 21 Elder street .Kirkwood, J' t Abbouford park, Mom:ngside Co.), JO Georgc Itreet
KlM, In. baker and victual deulr. 21 Anbur st. Kinnear, Geo. T., W.S. (HtlMilltm t K.),S{; Kirk wood, Jamee, goldamitb, 37 London street Laidl.w, R. & Son, Veoetian bUntl maaur••
Kidd, Petcr, oS Victoria street Queen street Kirkwood, Ret'. James, 27 Claremoot street bell-bangers, bras and ircmfoundtf8, gas-
Kidd. Tbue. (G. P.- 0.), 2 Glenorcby place Kinoear, George ThOI., W.S., 28 Ro,al cireua Klrkwood, RobL wlor, S Brunlwick street meter mloufacturers, and gllstittera, Simon
Kidd, Miss, & Portland place JUnnear, James, writer, 9 Hennitage phce Kirkwoocf_ Mra-Captaln .Tames, 2S York pL Iquare
Kidel, l\filll, ~ Comely bAnk Kinnear, John, spirit dealer, 1 .Jobnston plate Kirkwood, Mra John, 26 Royal Ct'eacent ILaidlaw, 'Valter,5 ItRnkeillor street
Kiddy, Mra, 28 George IV. bridge Kinoe.r, 1\1" Thos. 3 Clarence street Kirk.ood, Mrs,30 PiU street Laidlaw, Mrs, vietua1 dealer, 23 Arthur .t.
Kletel', In. C. teacuer of music, 6 Great Stuut Kinniburgb, David, coal merchant, agent tor Klrkwnod, AI,., Fortbfield cottage Laidl. ", 1\11'8, 3 Newingtun terrace
street G1IBglJW rock moulding sand, 16 Port. . Hope- Kirman, 'Villiam, coach birer, Church lane Lait:,aw, Miss Helcn, dresJmaker, 2 Kcrr st.
KUgour, James A., watch maker, &C. 429 loun-house, 18 Downie pi. KiIIock, &I istel, IS Drummond place La.dIllw, Miss, 9 Newingtcn t"rrace
Lawnmarket Kinoinmont, Uoben K. mercht. 16 Hart It. Kitchen, John, slater, 16 Cowao". elolO J4Id_~, A. tailor and clothier, 27 Sllndport , ••
KOgour, .fames, assistant-keeper of register of Kinnis, Mu, ladics' nurse, 25 'l'hit!ltie st. Klausman, A." D. clockmkrs." S. College st. Lalng, Ales. preses. Ho()kbillders BeneSt So •.
decell, &c. R l\llnto Itreet Kinnoch, Andrew, Abbey bill foundry, 59 Xnapp, ~fra, S5 ItlYerleith row lJank of ScoIlatld
Kilgour, .rAII. el".sical teacher, 8 Do"nie J.ll. Abbey hill-houae,61 Kniglit, And. waggoner, S st. Laing, Alcx. cabinet maker, Cant's dOle, 106
KUgour, Jo,ltJ.lla, wholesale and retail tea and K'inross, Wm. 4ft 1I0we street Knight, Douglu, spirit mercht. 12 )larket It. High street
£Off"e merchant, 69 Tolbooth wynd-ho. 2 Kippen, A. M. spirit dcaler, 4-G Charlotte st. Knight. Re,. Geo. IS Feues row Laing. ADdrew J. RoyallnlnntlJcc inspector,
Uegent !!treet, Leith Loith-ho. 3 King"s pt Knight, G. k Son, smiths and fumilhiDg iron- 13 George atreet-bouse, 35 Rosebank
Kilgour, William, of Gla,Ue, 31 Ann street Kippen, Dun. 3pirit mer. 25 Richmond place
KUgour, Mra, lodgings, 38 Charlotte Iq.
mngr1l.21 W. Registerat.-ho. Calton'hiJI Laing, David, Signet library-house, James
Knight, \V., grocer & spirit dlr., 88 Canongate Itreet, l'ortobello
Kippen, .Jas. H. of Wcstcrton, 8 Oxford ter.
Kilgour. Mr. Wm. 12 Union stre"t Kirby, Miss, 8lllIistantmatron, JOhll Watlon"s Knight, Mr., of Jordanltone. 21 Dean tcr. Laing, David, writer, 5 R:mdolJ.lh r11U
KlLI.lNGWOkTH Colliery, a E. Register street institution Knight, MI'I R.lodgiop, 101 Prince!! Itreet LaiDg, DUDcan, teacher, I. . eith mil road
Kilpatrick, A dairy, 1 Scotland street Kirk, Edmd. bank met;8eng~r, 8 Register pi. Kaight, l\U.. 1 Montpelier Lalng, Geo. Veuotlan blind maker, undertaker,
KUJ,l&trick, Mrs, vlet. dcaler, 113 West port Kirk, Gt!orge, 13 Cassells' place Knox, Adam, (CaledQtliatl I,,,u,atU:tI Cog.}t 1 wright, and bouleagent, I'alener's buUdiP8lJ
Klm, David, 52 Cbarlotte street, Leith Kirk, .Jamc!!, grocer and wine merehant, 461 BrightoD place 'V«!lt NicollOu streilt, amI 70 Potterrow.-
Kinca\d, !o;ir .John, IUllpector of the l'rilOnl Lawnmorket Knox, James, gluier, 16 Catb,..riDc street See "'dv.
and Factories of Scot. United Suyice Club Kirk, Rev. John, 17 Greenhill gardens -hOUlIe, • East Brougbton place Laing, George, workIng jeweller and "Itch
K~ng, Allall, eUjtiUl'er. 2 So. NGrton ptaue J(irk, .John, W.S. 12 Claremont cresceD~ Knox, Jametl, accountant, 7{, Princes strcct- mak...r, 50 Leith f>trcec
Kmg, Ucv .•Juhn, O.M.I., 4a Constitution It. Kirk, .John, Ship inn, Newhnen houle. BathSeld, Leith Lalng, Geol'ge. might, 11 Lothian road
Kin~. ltobert, gnsfiltt.r and bell.banger, 6 Kirk, Mrs, .)4 RankeiUor st. Knos Uefreshmtant Rooms, 49 High .treet- Laing, lIcory, en~'er and manufacturer of
BunoH "quare Kirk, Mra, 5 U{lsburgh place Wmiam M'Belth glau seals, 3 Elder Itreet
King, Thus. gar(lcne;\ 7 Canon st. Cilnonmill. Kirk, .Mrs, 24 Gnyficld square Knos, Samuel, & Dickson, frlngo and ,pmI' Laing, Jamcs, grocer, tea, wine, and 'r.irit
King, Rev. Wm. 19 Clarenee street Kirk, Mra Wm. sJ.lirit dealer, 12 Clerk street maoufoCl., hoslel'l, glonn. aud smanware mercht•.n Kirkgate-ho. 1 Madeira p act,
King, .Misaes, milliners, &c•• 4- Castllt .treet KirkaJdy, Mn,22 Windsor street merchantl, 13, U, aDd. 11 South Hanover Leith
lungllorn, Ales. builder, 4 East I'itt st. Leith Kirkham, John, 26 Duke street, I4elth street, and 40 and -la Role .tfeet Laing, JohD .T. architect, 19 West Preston It.
Kinghom, Hugh, builder, •.; Uonnington pI. Kirkham, Mn, .n Broughton street )[DOX, Thom.. (KfIOZ, StI..J, t DUtltlOn), Laing, Rev ••Jehn, ~o Pitt. Itreet
Kinghorn, .Jam"s. fureman of work docks K~rkhope, Alexander, grocer, 3 SeotlaDd at. Dick pllce Laing, Rob. (Ro,!IG1 Bank), 27 Windier street
r~tiith. 6 East Piu street, Bonnington ', John, grocer and wine mercht. 1 Knox, Wm.,M.D. and Il1J!OOn, 11 Hart street Laing, 'Villiam, ship agent, " ... Bemard streec,
Kiughorn, WilJiam, Bonnlngton So. Melville place-house, 3 Randolph pl~ Xohler, E. & Son, bar,.atring mater, il North -bouae.4 North Fort strtet
I{~Dghurn, Miss A. 3 E. Piu st. Bonnington KirkhoJ,le, Wm. grocer, 6 Dean Itreet bridge Lalug. Wlllinm, ltationer, ) .. Heriot place
Kmlsy, .John, agent for Tranent COlliery K~rkland, .John, manager,7 Splttalstreet- Kuchler, Heinricb, prof.ofsinpng, 103 George Laing, 'Vm. miUioer cnd laceman, $4 Tol-
North Bridge lI,adon-ho. la l\rthm' st....! Klrklao(l, .John, manager Duke of Hamilton's street boo,h wynd, Leith-ho.4
See Ad.,. coJ1icries, 10 Port-Hamilton lCydd, lInt ladies' nurse, 18 Bedford street Lning, WUliam, Rl'oocr, 41 West NlcollOD IC.
Kinlay anc1 Mackintosh, Misle8, Summer Klrklnnd, 'I'hos. grol!er and spirit merchant Kyle, John, £Oal merchant, 3 St Leonardts Lalog, Mrs laabella, matron, Orphan ho.pltal
cottage, 'rrillity 6 E. Richmond Itreet ' depot-bouse, 3i Ranlceillor Itreet Laing, Mrs, 22 London atrect.
Klnlocb, Alex ••f., M.D., of Park, 2 Mayficld Klrkland, 1\Irs James, lodgingtl, 10 Preston Kyle, 1\11'1 Arch., J AlbAny Itreet, l.elth Lalng, Mrll, 16 York place
ferrace street K,1e1, Andrew, tailor, 8 N. Richmond I\t. LainlJ. MR, 1 AI"a street
Kinloch, lion. Lord, 21. Great King Bt. KirkJallll, Mrs, 1 Hope street. Leith walk Kyles, James, 3 Kyle plaeo, Madeira street Laing, Mi.1 H. bo.udin~-lIChooJ, Newhaven
Klnloeh, Gcurge, of Kinlocb, 32 Drummoml Klrkland, Mrs, 10 Clareuce street K,lea, Wnl. teacber of danclDg, 3 N. Rich- f.-ing, :Miss, 20 R.nketllor street
place Kirldnnd, Mre It grocer, 8 Eider street mond street Laiog, Miss, 9 Dewar plac:e
Killloch, Geo. U. General Regilter houae- K!rkpatrick, John, advocate, 39 Morll1 place Kynoch, Mra, 9 TorphicbnaltlM Laing, MisWi, 2& G.,tleld tHiuare
\to. W. CoateR ,ilia Laird & Banks, .Jt manu(acturen, 22 Con-
K!ntoch ••JatnCII, dairy, 20 Hanover streot Ktrkwood & Mum" wholesale hardware
merchants, 78 South bridge I~ACJ[tE, G. grocer and fruiterer, 11 Dundu It. ltitution .tne'
K~nloch, M!"" lodgings, 68 GCOI'g<" It. Kirkwood, Alex. and Son, medalJi~ts die and La eoar le WllIOn, export ageDtt, ship aDd J..aird, A. (L. & B.), J1 Vanburgb place
Ktnloch, MIll', teachcr of pianof. and licglng ,.tamp cutters, 9 St JamCl·lIq.-ho~le Wnt iUlur&llee broker., 18 Commercial place Laird, Rober. B. (D. t L.), 9 GroYe IU'eet
.72 Northumherland It. ' Dick place ' LADII.' 0 .. J01U11al oftiee,8 Melbourne p)~ Lalnl, MI'I, ladies' nUrle, 28 India place
Kmloch, Mhs, 13 Dick pl!lce Laid).w, David, nctua11eraaddail'J1llaa,1J3 Laird, Miss, 14 Heodmon row
Kirkwood, Alex. ecaher, 291 Canongate
Kinmont, WiUiam G. surveyor of taxes, c Kirkwood, Chafiat, aCCodntant, 3 P.~J'IOD" Cowgate Lamb, Ed ... elcrlr, Ho. of RertJlJ8, Caaong.
.Wa~rloo ~lace-llo. 6 Hope park court, Olel Broughton Laidlaw, IAYic1, Jun. (R. L, _ Stm), 3 Lamb, Franei., 18 N.-W. CircuI place It-
Kmnaml J M11111,32 Uankcillor street NewingtoD tmaoe Lamb, G. & Co. HiIlhousefield c:otcap, Fmy
K~nnalrd, Miss M8'Rarct, 6 IAeopold place Kirkwood, Dunbar t merebant,19 Char1'*"'-
KlDncar. Alex. S. advocate, 4' Heriot row Klrkwood, Jail. working jeweller, UJ TJiiltle Laldl,,,, George, groceraad 8pirit merchant, !Old
street-hot 37 London street New iane, NewhaYen Lamb, JamefJ, glll!!.stalner, '8 London slreet

------------~~.-......,.....,~- ..

Lamb, Jobn, builder, Lothian road-house, Latimer, Mrs, proprietor of M'Phenon·. Laurie, Mn Wm. 3 Gloueester place La.rie, Mrs, 16 South Charlotte slrte'
2 Rosebank cottages ointment, 111 High street Laurle. MiNel, 391\lontagu street' La.rle, Mrs, S9 St J""eonanl.tred
Lamb,Peter(Custom,), 2Vanburgh pI. Leith Latta, James, C.A. (B. 4' L.), SO-A India It. LAW Ltf" Aaurance Societ,. of London, 33 Lawrie,1\lr,.• IS Duncan .t. Drnmmond pI.
Lamb, Richard, aceountant,21 Leith street -ho. Bland6eld house York place-D. Cormack. agent.-See Adv. Lawrie, 1\[1'8, AlIantiel«i, Ferry road
Lamb, Robert, ",ilor and c]othier, 5' New Lalta, Robert, writer, 6 NellOn street I
Law, Danie1, brewer, St Anthony st. Leith T..awrio, 1\[i58, 17 Arthur atred
buildings, North br.-hOo 5 Kerr street Latta, 1\Irs Robert, Blandfleld house I, George, gardener, Hillhouse6eld ami,' Lawrie, Mill', 9 Ain,lie place
Lamb, Tho.eonfeclioDer, 19 Leith 5t.-..ho. 21 Lattl, Mr. T. A. 391\11nto ~eet Annfield cottage Lawson, Andrew, 21 Cliarles street
Lamb, Thom.., slater and glader, 18 Clerk I.aubach, Conrad, teadltr of music, 12 Law, Jametl, tailor & clothier, ...23 Lawnmar. J~awson, Chas. of llorthwick hall, 35 G:corge
Itreet-house~ 1 St Patrick square Broughten Itreet Law, James, ScotllmatJ Office-house, 16 Scot- square
Lamb, !tin R. embosser and black borderer, I.aubacb, P. teacher of mUflic, ~ Dro~ghton pI. land .treet Lawson, Charles, jun. (P. L. ~,. SOil), S~
11 Hanover street Lauder, A., carpet manufacturer, draper, and LaW', Jobn, & Son., mnsonic jewelle"'-:' and 1 George ~ul\re
Lamb, Mrs, 26 Duudas street uphollterers' furnishing wareho. 59 Princes W»ts,98 George street I l~awson, Fraotis, 10 Comely green place
Lamb. Misses, milliners & dl·essma.ken, 115 street, ROle It. lane-workshops, 11 Green.. Law, Jobn, victu&l dealer, $ Tol1cros!I-ho.: Lawson, George, .&6 Charlotte square
George street side pI. and 3 Upper Greenside lane-houae, 15PorUand place I Lawson, George, baker and conff!ctioner, ;
J.. amb, l\fislles, furnisbed attartments, 121 11 'Vindsor .t. and Springfleld house, s. Law, John, HiUhouse6eld I West Newington-bo. 1 Salisbury flacc
Princcs street Queensferry Law, Philip, officer, Commissioner of :N'orth'll.aWfIOn, George, fruiterer and victua dealer,
Lambc, A. J. 8 Coales crescent i JAuder, Andrew, 25 Bread streel

Lambert, William, accountant, ) Danube It. Lauder, James Eckford, R.S.A. historical
Lights, George .treet . 1 North St Andrew street
Law, Uobt.lI. grocer and wine merchant, -1-9 Lawson, Hea. mlllmaster, Uonnington mm.
-office, '12 l'rincea atreet.-See "dv. and portrait. painter, ~" Fettes row Hanover Itreet-ho. 62 Law50n, .Jam('s, tobacco In(l Inuft' manufr.
Lambie, 'Vm. tE-acher, 40 Coatfleld jane, Leitb Lauder, Jam,,,, 19 Lutton place Law, 'V. and G. d\:l&lers in tea and coffee, SI 110 West port-house, 9 Graham It.
Lambre, Niculas, New noyal botel, 18 and Lauder, R. S. historical painter, '1 CarJton at .. St Andrew Iquare Lawsoo, James 11. 10 Daoube IItreet
19 Princes street Lauder, Thomas, water officer, 97 Kirkgate Law, Mrs John, 86 George ttreet I.&wlloo, Ja.. letter-carrier, 1 Thistie street
I.amond, Jametl, S.S.C. 20 <lllecn street Lauder, Thomas, baker, 2 Elder Itreet Law, 1\lrl, ladies' nurse, 3M India pl-.ce TAWSOD, ,lamelt, wright , 1 Tollcro••
Lamond, John, tailor, 21 East CrOlJscaus8Y Lauder, Dow~er Lldy Dick, Greenhlll house, Law, Mias, Iodgiogs, 18 Piu sc·cet Lawson, Ju., ship agent, 2'~ Salldport street
Lamond, William, advocate, 1 AlbYIl pI. nruntsfield place Lawrence, nnid, clerk, Granton cottage , tawflon, .John, dalr,., 21 Water Jane
I.amond, Miss Christian, Is Gardoer's cresc. Lauller, 1\lrs Calberinc, lodgings, 1 Alv& street Lllwrence, Geo. C. hairdresser, 25 RO!le street Lawsoo, John, flelher, 180 CaoOnb'lte

l.amond, Misses, la Grallam street l . ander, Mra John, 1 Hilllllace Lawrence, Georgc C. AS Cumbc::-Innd street IAWfiOO, John and J{obert, ,Ictual de.len,
J] Amy, Miss, 19 Manor plllce Lauder, 1\lrs, 2 Darling's buildings LAwrence, 11. American cs- 6·' Grn&lm.rket
LANCASllIkE Fire&: Life InsuranceCompanys Lauder, 1\irs, 11 WindSor street tablishment, 1$ Greenside pJace Law!lou, Michacl, S.S.C. and solicitor-at-Iaw,
Macalium & Si(ley, 65 l)rillces at. agents Lauder, 1\lts, Ro)'al terrace gardens, London l . .awrence, .James, surgeon, n.N. 20 ltlinto ~t. S Elder It.
for Edinburgh-Sce AdlJ. road Lawrence, .Joseph, straw· bonnet. In 1.1 miillnery LawsoD, Peter & Son, tbe Queen 's .eed~ment
Lancaster, Henry H. 11l\vocate, 22 Albnny It. Lauder, ,Mist 1\1. lace cleaner, 13 l-'rederick establillhmont, 401 I..othian .~reet I C'TfO. IV. bridge.-Nuraeries, Golden
Landa.le, Davld, miolog en~lneer, 6 l.'orth st. street Lawrence, Mrs, spirit dealer, 10 Commercilll Acres, Uanghulm, In,erlehh row, and
LalUlale, John Jamfls, milling engineer, 5 Lauder, Miss, 30 Kirkgo.te place l~ilIiput, Trinity
ADuandale IItreet Laule, Pidely, German dock maker and Ger. J..aurence,1\fts, ladies' DUl'8e, 4S India place Lawson, 'Vm. coach-hirer, 6 Albany st.
lAnd ale, 1\oOOr\, of l'itmedden, S.S.C. & man rMncy bazaar, 5 North bridge Lawrie & So08, grocers,.s East Scieones st. Lawson, Wm. puinter & glazier, 2-& and 39
N.r. la }toyal circus Laurence & Black, surveyors $O'A Frcderick I..awrte & Mitchell, photographers, 31 S t Bridge st.
Landale, T. Rnd R., S.S.C. 18 Jo'orth street street ' I'.trick square Lawson, Wnliam,3 Glover street
Landale, TbolDas, S.S.C. IS :Forth street I..aurence, l\frs, 10 S. Gray ttreet Lawrie & Ritcbte, plumbera, bra.founders, I.awsoD, 'Vm. collector for the Unyat Allif)-
],ane, 'rhos. scll(~ol.sJatc maker, 3'1 Leith walk Lal1rent, 1\ladame, ladies' wardrobe,3 York pI. and gaafltters, Catherfne street court dation for the Promotion uf the fo'inc Artl,
I,aue, 1\lrs .T., 1attphall, Ferry road Laurie, Alex. & Co. printers to Her Majesty, Lawrie, Ali'x. ftesher, 40 HIgh street 3 Rosemount buildings
1.8ug, Damel, 9 Brighton !treet 13 North Bank street l.awrie, Alex. mUlic-teacher and organist, 41 l ..a"'8011, )frs WilUam, ~.s West Nicolson st.
Ling, Peter (C01ll: Dank). 24 Ranke:ilJor st. I.nurie, Andrew, Burgeon, 13 Broughton pI. Fortb .tree, Law8on, Mr8, ('ook, 39 India place
I.allg, Uob. Ts. wrl~er, )0 Grove street Lauric, Sou, and Co., merchants, 10 Qullity IAwrit', Andrew, Ipbit dealer, IG Downle 1'1. tawlon, Min, ~1 FeUes row
Lang. Samuel, fiaIJlng-ro(t and tackle manu- street.
facturer and bird. stuffer, 5 Hanover 8t.- Lauric, Andrew, upholsterer, 3 Saunders
-house, .&() Gilmore place I I.awton s ,M11I8, ... Sprillgfield
Lawrie, Archihald CampbelJ, advocate, ] 11 Lay Association Church of Scotland, ('01ln
house, 85 Causeys1de street Damawa), street I C. Grant, sec. and treasurer, 60 Georgc It.
Lang, ;rhos. Ram ford. controlJer, sorting (lfJi~e, Lauric, David (Bdillr. Ro~ri(' GJ.), 8 London IAwrle, Edwl\l'(l, dairy, Palrick hall I Laycock, Thol. 1\(.0., F.Il.C.I'. ~rores8or of
G.1 .-O.-ho. 22 Brighton pI. Portobello row Llwrle, Henry, clothier, 7 Hill "quire the practice of me(licinc, physicran, ... Uut-
tang, l\lrs \V. 8 J.?anube street Laurie, ('eo, dairy, " <lu&lity street. Lamie, Jame., M.D. hydropathic and Turk. land st.
tang, 1\Irs, 6 Armston place Laurie .James 43 Ann street ieh batbt., Sciennet hlll-ho. 2'4 RankeUJor Lazzarool,· I\nt. & SODS, figure makers, 11
I . :mg, :M!ss, George street! LeitJ) I..aurie; James: dairy, 12 Saunclers street street Adam squlU'e
I.sng, ~hss llary, Greenblll bank Laurie, Juhn, '1'.0. Kil'kbank, Newbattle Lawrie, James, Itorekeeper, 56 Bridge .treet, r.a7.Zouon;, "';:t. spirit deal('r, 1~ J Cowgllte
1.anksk111, Ro~)e!t, 1 lI~pe M'race, N. Leith terrace, Morningside North Leith Leadbettel', AIel. Joiner, 2 No. Ncvdngtoll pi.
LIanglands, Wdham, bm1t1er, l\Iorningside Lauric, !lobert (7'. B. Camphcll & Co.), 118 Lawrie, James, fle.her, 39 Duke street, Leith Leallbeller, C. architect, 38 Hanover SIreet
Ap8~ef' 1\lrs, 24 South Castle street Constitution street I..awrie, John (L. t R.). '9 S. St Jamea' st. I...eadOOuet, .Tames, spirit aad provision mer-
IJ..lug!e, J. & Co" 8ailm~ke18, 8 'rimber bush Lauric, Thomas, writer and accountant, 6 I.awrie, John, baker, 26 Rose ttreet chant, 26 Causcyside-ho.ll Canning place
. .argte, Mrs, 10 CaRRell 8 place Clllrence street Lawrle, John, 0 Henderaon row Leahy, l\frt A. 12 Spring g:1fdcns .
II,ascellcs, Aw.. furniture (l~alel', 251 ('owgate Laurie, Wm. Alex., 'V.S. Keeper of H. 1\1. Lawric, In., marble cutter, 13 Great Junction Lear, William, mtlteugcr, 12 St Andrew sq•
..allcelles, 1\1181 .Jane Smith, dressmaker, [j Gazette, 13 North IJanJc street street Leith Learmont, Jamell, and Co., Port.HopelOUD
C.annon street, Leith Lauric, Wm. F. Hunter, W.S. I Avenue Lawrle, Peter, Brougha:n .trut foundr,., 69 Fountainbridge-house, 4
Lltlt~er,. Gcorgc B. watchlnd clock maker, ,mas, Comely bank Lawrie, Peter, l!aUoner, SS Cle1 k street Chambert' buIlding.
! 1/ ]lIgh street Lllurie, Wi1liam .M. 3.i Leith street Llwrl~, Willilm. ~2 Ann atre~t J I.earmontb, A. ,ictual dealer, l;," Brlsto .t.

. . <-' •• " ~.- -- .'- '" . _ - , , - . _ _. _ . _ - - - - - - -

• .1 \ ,.,
Learmoath, A.Ildrew, dairyman, 29 St Patrick Legget, D. D. skinner, 1et.ther mallufact.uer, Lennox. Mrs, dreamaker, 97 Nkollon street LiddeD, W. H. tuner, eurrier, and japannar,
Iqure and wool- mercbant, Dean ,khl-Works Leon, l\frs, 7 Ingli.toD street 18& Weat port-house, Blinkbonny
LearmOllth, T.homu,bellhanger,gu6tter, and Legget, John, watcbmaker, I" Nicolson 1"- Leonard, Mrs, lodgings, 8 S. Frederick st. Liddell, Mrs Audrew, 1 Mlddleby ,Ureel
eoal merchant, 21 Barony street, Robert, morocco, roan, puchmeat, Lepper, 1\1"1 11 Cuncan sI. Drummond pi. Liddell, )tiDeS, 30 Rutland square
Learmonth, Mrt, of Park hall, 1 Forres st. aDd tymran manufacturer, skinner, UDIIeI', Lennont, Alex.l26 Fountainbrldge Liddie, Ju. trictua1 de.ler, 46 ~ IV.
Leuk J. B. iroD•• 10 & 11 Tolbooth wynd, and woo merchant, Water of Leith. Leslie & Hanbury, milliners and dreumakers, bridge
Leith-houIe, 1 Union street, foot of Lei&iJ ' Leighton, Alex. York lodgE" Trinity 79 Gforge etrtet Liddle, .'<*ph, S.S.C. 12 ScotlAnd street
walk Lelghtou, Goorge (G. P.· 0.), 5 Jam81' pI.ce LetJie, A. tinsmith and gatfltter, 61 Pleuance Lidtlle. Thomas, gardener, Heriot hill
Leaek, J. B. compositor, 9 Brown stred Leighton, Geo.jun.letter.carrier, £) Alison sq. Letlie, Andrew, statioDer, 37 EaTl Grey st. Liddle, Wm. dr,ealter, oU, and eolourmao,
Leawock, Mrs, :H Buccleuch pl~e Leighton, Josepb, victual dealer, 88 North Leslie, Andrew. house superintendent, R01al 47 Ilegellt arch
Lebum, Thomas, S.S.C. 56 George "quare IUchmond street AsyluOl, Morningside Lidgate, AJex. tailor & clothier, 29 Nlddr'I~.
!Abura, Pat-lt. wti&er, 8 Upper GUmore "I. Lelghton, Robert, 2 Grove I.alle, James, civil engineer, 72.A George .t. Litigate, Ju. leather merchant, s.. St
Leekie, Wm. spirit mercb...t, 21" Cowgate Lcigbton, l\bs, l~ging., 9 W. Preston st. -house, 2 Cbarlotte square square
Leckle, WiJliam (cashier, 00111,. Bank), 11 Leishman, .Tames, merchant, 21 Blacke~ place Leslie, James, coal·agent, 21 Lothian street L'FR Auocllltion of Scotland, tbe AIIOcia·
C.rlton terrace Leishman, Jobn, W.S. 18 DrumDlond place Leslie, John, 6 "owe street tion's buildiugs, 82 Princes sveet-Joha
Le CODle, John, engrayer, .5 Glanville place, Lt.'ishman, Peter, clothier and hatter, 41 Sou1h Leslie, John, 10 BroughtoD pltee Fraser t manager.-See Adrt.
Stock bridge bridge-boo 10 Aun!lndale street Leslie, John, 7 St Vincent street Ligertwood, James, 7 Hope terrace, N. Leith
Ledingblm, James, tailor Itnd clothier, 90 S. IAlltcb, A. tailor & clothier, 17 West Rich- Leslie, Thomas, tailor, 40 SaDdport strel't Lightbody, Funcil, ciyU engineer, 1 Y Gag
bridge mond street LaUe, 'Vm., W.S. (I"gli,~ Lulie), 8 CI.reD. street
Ledingbsm, Jamea, commercial traveller, CR. I...citch, John, 9 Antigua 8treet don crcscent I.igbtbody, J. & J. elate merchantl aad cemes.t
Shie18/.f So,.,), 46 Bristo street Leitch, Thos. tailor, 140 Uaeburu place td.'lHe. William t painter aDd glazier, 1'4 manuf.ctur~, 16 South Junction street-
Lee. J. B. W., S.S.C., I18C. for the Hand.;... Leith, AJcx. commercial traveller,. ChrisUan Pleasance !louse, 23 Albany street, Lei,h
/land Allur. 0.-.. 11 HaDover street bank, Trinity LeaUe, WilIiam, 111 High Itreet Lightbod y, John, 81aft~.urgeon, 17 D\lDUbe It.
Lee, Ju. beraldic and ornamental engravel', Leith, Jas. chem. and druggilt, If Union pt Lel1it", l\liss, 20 Fette.row Lightbody, Wi1Uam (J. ~ J. LiglttbHy), 28
2$ J[l\nover strect -house, 81 Broughton street Leaels, ~lohn, arcbiteet, 21 Heriot row Albany .treet, I~eith
Lee, Robe. advocate, 40 North Castle Itreet Leitb, John, IOlicitor, 1!l3 Constitution IU'eet Lerhem,.Jame8, tobaeconlM, 7" Shore-honle, LiIlico, Thom ..., ba~er, 36 N. Frederick It.
Lee,1\ev. Robert, n.D. profeesor, 24 !.;eorge -bouse,2 Portland tenace I Regent str~t Lime, .Joleph, .1 George squire
square LElTH and lloTTEBDA.M Se. Ship. Co.'s office, Lethem, John (DotttlfS~· L.), 2 Tholnson'tI pt lJillle, Thomas, baker, I Dread .tr_et, Wm. corn merchant, 6 Leven .treet .5 Wet docks-Gco. Gibson & Co. agenti- LettoD, Emanue), 13 Union place Lillie, WiIliam, 19 1\Iioto .treet
-house, 3 mlmore place house, 18 Hermitage place LettOIl, W. H. military taUor and clothier, 14 'Li1lle, Miu,23 Arcbtb:ald place
Lee, Mn, 18 (UtH, street I.. JITH Candle Co. 84 St Antlrewllt. Leith Leith street-hOGIe, 97 Broughton pt Limond, Mrs, J9 Coalt.'S cresceD', 'Mies, 60 lUor8, place I.EITH COlD. Lis~ office, 2 Bemard st. I...eith Leftn, Jolm, 'V.S. 1 Bell~oe erescent Limond, MR, of DalLaiT, 6 Mel,mc meet
lAte, Mill, 21 Leopold place LEITH Corn Market and Genera' Exchtmge Leti80n, Min. tic Co. ladies· and children's Lind, AndreW',jun. tailor, cJothicr, and gene~
Lei'. ~1i"se8, lallles' 8cbool, 6 Uuccleuch pt. Co. Llmited, 28 Bemard st. In. Scott, sec. outOtters, &'!. 78 Princes street ral outfitter, I~ Dock place-hogae, a
I.IJed.maD, .Jat. 611ansfield I,laco LEITH Dock Commilaionoffice, Cutltombou8e.t Levy, M. A. clothier and woollen draper, 9", Commercial place
Leec:bml!n, Mr. and At iss, 17 St James' sq. I Leith 96. and 98 So. bridge, and 1 Tolbootll wynd, Lind, A. AeU. 6 Cb"7ne street
LUJ)& ant.! Yol'Ii:sbh'c Insurancc Office, 72 LBITH, Hull, and Hamhurgh St"ampacket Lci,h Lind, David, tailor and clotbier,2 Bridge ""
Princes sh6et-Wm. Lambert, and .1. '1'. Company, 34 Bernard street Lny, l'~lchael A., 21 Clarendon creteent North Leith
.JamiellOn, 2<~ Raeburn place, Ilgcnt.~ LBITIf Mechanics' Library 13 Tolbo-Jth WJDd LM'y. PhiUp, fur merchant, S3 George .treet Llnd, Ilobert, general merchant, 21 ficaN,
Leeke, 'Y/!liir,m, 90 Princel street Leith Na'lgation School, io Dock street Lewi. tic Beater, drapers, haberdashers, silk plare-houae, 17 London street
!-rcs, Alex. rougo maker, 17., nose Itreet J..EJ1'U l.lbd Newcastle Steam-packttt COID- mercers, and sta,. lllanufactU1'er., '17, '18, Llnd, Wm. cheese merchant, .(. Lothian ICnIet
J.ees, Charles, R.S.A. 11) Scotland strce' pany, '" Bemartl street '19, and 80 Leith Btree' -boo 3
I.ets, Davill Todd, S.::;.C. J,s Dublin street L.:ITII Public I,ibrary, 116 Constitution st. Lewis, David, bootmaker, 2t7 Hlghtt. and.52 Lindcsay, Praneil (L. muI Son) .33 Quality It.
Lees, Henry, 8ccreta.,y and ~encrallll:umger, I.Eli'1I }'oor's House 32 South Junction street Tolbooth wynd. Leith-bo. Findhom 1'1. I..indcuy, Jas. & Sons, wine merchant., 33
11./ill. Pt'J·th, ana Dundee Ra;/wa.", 26 Scot. L.:1T1l RClUling-Roo~s, 130 Constitution street Lewis, Jllmes, grocer, wine and spiri~ mer- Quality street
land street I.BI1'1I and St Petersburgh Steam Cc..y. Ex- chan', 34 S.Jutb Hanover Itree' Lindeu1, Ju. JUD., W.S. 2'J ~ent celTIC\'
Lees, John, tobacco manufr.3 Drown square changc buil(lings, Lellh--D. n.lIaq,rregor, Lewl., Jas. groeer, wiDe and spirit merchant, Lindcsav, Lieut.-Col. P., 8 BraniJon IItree,
-house, Argyll park . agcDt 6 Se 'I Market street, 1'i'1 Canongate, and ~9 J...iodeeay, Mrs, 11 Rulland street
lAles, Uobt. surgeon & drugglSt, ~o Nicolson I J4EITU Sabbatb School Union, Jas. S. 1\-Iack, Pleasance-hou&C, I George square Lindsa" Jamieeon, &: naldane, accountants,
strC('t I 5 Bonnington place, cor. IeC. Lewis, .John (LtwU ~ Beater), 2;i-A Mioto st. 24 St Andrew square
tees, Willia~, .A.~I. loctureron natural Phi-II.I-:lTH, South, I'arochial Offil·". 83 South Le"is, John A. chinA and glue agOl'lrie, 107 L!nduy, Macka", &: Ho,!c, W .S. ~ Cutle st.
losophy, :-5l!bool of Arts, IS Dublin sued .function road . Georgf' street Lmdsay &: Patenon, W.:s, 10 Nortbumbcrl.and
LeeM, ~~l'S ,,:. ~1 Clan'nee 8treet . J....:ITfI Total Abstinence Society Committee I.ewil, Richard, boot and shoemuer, U St street
]..ecs, MISS, mdlmernnd tJre8smaker,58 Tillstle Rooms, .w Kirkgate-J as. Henderson, ,:or. .lame.' __ quare Lindttay & Ric~rdlon. cIocbiers & oudltter.,
street sec. Lewls, WiUiam, chins, gl. ., and rag ware· 20 North Dndge
Lej::gat, G. & .T. whip amI thong makcrs to the Lcmmi, Enrico, LL.D. teacher of Italian, 30 .house, 4 Cro~eausey L~ndsay & Soo, grain m~"chanta, SI Cowgate
Queen, " Brown squarc.-SCf; Adv. Uudan(t square L1(~hten!ltein, Georgt" professor of mwlc, 19 Lmdsay, Alex. (L. d; Bicllardlo1t), 92Gnmge
Leg:ld, .T. & It coach hirers,.H BroughtOllSt. Lendrum, R. & Co. booksellprs nnd stalioa- In(UIl street ' place
Le~gllt, J~s: l~anagl'r, Dennlebill and New.. erl, 20 Hanover st.-hu. 1~ Gr:mge road Li(Mell & Co. engraYeh, litl1ographers, and Lindsay, Chu. & Co, ,)lnmben, brill found-
ti .. id -:; ',cries, 4 I'ort.llol,otoun-housc, Lcnnir, E. ')ptician, 46 Princes &treet-hotIIIe, priDter!\, 69 Stlorfi Leith-bo. IS Elder sI. erl, and meter manufac~urers, 8 Hreeu-
17 Portland place 2 Queen street LiddcH, Gcorge, bak~r. 12 Home street aide fltreet.-ooutt, 10
Lcggat, .Tames, 16 ,Chapel street Lt-nnie, I'. agent, 9 Davic streel Liddell, Rt. optician, and apirit.leyel mauf. Lindaay, nayid, et Co•. tobaccOllillltl, 3 Llndsay
Lcggat, lOss, 11 lortlamllllace , Leny, tT. M. ofDalswiulon, ~i Abcrcromby pi. S$·A Hanover ftt.-ho. 15 Elder street place

;~ ;');~_aI 1I IiIiW~IOi i 01i':~__

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.....:::::_ ::':'

, ".
LiD_f, Da,ic1, photographer,36 Leith walk Lilter, Ed. painter, ear'er, and gilder, 47
Linc1Iay, Donlld, ICC'., it. St Andn'w square London street IJaan, Afatthew, 1'1 Quality street I ..orimer,James (L. t YOfl1lg) 62 Gilmore pi.
Lint1Ial, George, rope manuf.:11 Horse "ynd . Lilter, Richard, commercial tra,eller, .1 S. Lizan, Mr. John, Breez, cottage, Mert-hi,ton Lorimer & Young, clTU engineer. and IIur-
Lbldla" Geo. (.£. t Sun), 9 Teviol l'OW Clerk Itreet hank veyora, 37 Frederiek .treet
Lindlay Geo. 63 Constitution Itreet Lttton, A1ex. 21 Grange road Lban, Ma, W. H. 11 Windsor Itreet Lorimer, John, huilder,62 Gilmore place
Ltndtaj Geo. Yictualler, 11 Caulewaytide Litton, AieL brulh maker, 6 Rutland place Lock, Ebenezer, tailor, 9 E. ScieDllel atreet Lorimer, John, adToc&te, 19 Albany street.
Ltnd.y J. . ., & Sonl,agentsand wholesale Liston, George,';8 Broughton Itreet l..ocke, Mra, 6 Comel, bank. l.oriOler, l\In, IS St. Bernard'J creac:enc
,,-irit~erchants, 8 Royal ExchaDge Lilton, M. If.. boat builder, GrantoD Loekbar&, WJUiam, gardener, Dean Lome, John, contt3CtDr, 98 Giln' street
LinClsa~! JII. (&i,in Office, Register J!otue), Liston, Mn Ramage, 19 St Cutbbert Itred Lockhan, Kite 11. EIIiot, /j Rutland place I Lotblan, Andrew, 5.S.C. d Elm row
S7 Gumorepl. Lithgow, Miss, boarding school, 10-,A. Seat., Ch. merchant, 25 W. NlcoltOllsm:et Lot.hian, lIaurice,~rator.fiscal (orcount1,
Lindlay, June., baker, 73 Kirkgate-ho. ';2 land street Lockle, Wllllam, tailor, 118 Wett port Count., hulldlngs-ho. 28 Drummond place
LiDua" J. K. S.S.C. 31 York place Little, Andrew,jun. wholesale ironmonger, 35 Lockie, MI'I, lodgings, 1 Brighton Itreet aDd St. Catherine'.
Llnc1Jay, J. paincer and glazier, 10 Chapel IL So. Hanover It.!'eet-ho. 33 London street Loewenltein, Sigtlmund, teacher or GerlDan, Lothiaa, Peter, gardener. 10 Sauuders' street
Linduy, James, W.S. 10 Northumberland It. Little, Andrew, ... London It. 24 Queen street Lothian. )Ira Jobn, 15 Cariton terrace
Linelsay, James, fruiualesman, 8 Pb),sicgard. Little, Andrew, Procurator. Fiscal's office, to«an; Ales:. S. advocate, sheriff or Fortar... J.lothian, Hn, grocer, 11 Greenside row
-house, 16 Eut Claremont Itreet Count.y buildings-house, 3 Montagu at.. ihire, 12 York place IAuden, Da'fld, lodging., ...4 Howe Itreet
Lind!ay, Ju. bookseller, 32 Clndlemalcer row Little,Alch. wholesale ironll,oager, 31 Hlno,er !APn. EdmODd, W.S. Ul Geo~ street Louden, Wimam, corn merchant., 10 Beau-
Lindsay, John M., directorofH.M. Chancery, Itreet-house, 13 Hope terrace Loin, Geo., W.S. clerk or teim"', Rtgister mont place
19 Melville st.reet. Lit&1e, Ja commiuion agent, 12 Cat.herine AOetH, lIa"thorn brae, DuddingstoD Louden, Wm. 21 Pilrig model buildings
Linduy, John, 18 Wett Richmond street It.-houle, 13 Elm row Logan, Henr, Smit.h, 108 High "tree, Lough, John, ehimDeJ~.weeper, U WilIiam
Lind&'l" John, printer, 39 South bridge-ho. Little, Robert, Royal Imtilulion and NalioMl I.opD, Hugll, Ihip carrer, 49 Timber bUlh st.reet. and 14 Jamaica Itreet
11 Union place GaUery, Mound Logan, JOhD (Mackeuie, In'M', aM L.), 29 140ugton, Alex. 1 Soutb Charlotte street
Lindsay, In. coal merchant, 1 Coates pJace and ILittle, R. plumber and gal6tter, 12 Hamilton IDdla It.ree' Lougton, Alex., tobacronin, 37 Hanover It.
Haymarket atation place-Ilouse, /j Saunder.ltreet. !4aa, John, 9 W. CI.remont Itref'1. LoTe, A. & P. china and glass .arehoulc, 7
Lindsay, Rohert, printer, 11 Union pi. . Little, lira, 1 Bonnington pJace Lopn, John, printer, 86 Pleasance S. ColleJte Itreet.
Linduy, Robert, fruiterer, 8 Ph,sic gardens Ll&t.1e, Miss. 41 North CUlle It. Logan, John, wat.chmaker, /j Dean Itrt et. Love, M. &; J. milliners, &e. 9 nUl .quare
Lindaay, Robert, pharmaceutical chemiat and I. .ittl.jobn, H. D., M.D., F.R.C.S. 40 York pI. Logan, Thomas, -:,riter, ~2 Stafford e:,:eet Lovell, Miss E. 39 )Iontagu street
druggiat.,l1 Elm row, lnd 30 St Amlrew sq. Littlejohn, T. M.confec.31,33, & 55 Leith It. !'..osao, T. M. carrier, Ehza6eld, BoonlDgtoD I Low, Davld (S. L. ~ Co.), 30 l!into .treet.
-boo 1 l'iirig Itreet J...ittlejobn, Mra A., 2 Minto Itreet Lopn, M1'81 14. Sue Coburg place i Low, David M., Melville cutUlge, Cumin
Lindsa" Thomu (J. L. ti- Bon) 15 1\Ian-\ Littlejohn, Mrs, 13 North Bank lit.. Logan, 1\Irs,27 Nelsoo st.reet. I place, '-'Trange
tionhoule road LIVBIU'OOL and London Fire and Life Insur- Logan, l\bl, prov. dealer, 32 H('riot. buildings Low, tTas. gardener, 2 Maryfield
Lindaay, T.ahipowncr, 30 Charlottest. Leith
Llndsay, Tb08. S. accountant, 36 Hanoverst.
I aace Co.-K. Mackenzir, 29 Northumber-
land It. W. Wbite Miller, S.S.C., 8 Bank. It.
Logan, Misses, 83 Great. KiD~ .tteet ILo", .Jobn, plumber and gufit.ter, U N. St
Logie, Gilbert, bookseller, 11 N. Bank Itreet I Andre" .t.rect.
-house, 20 BlllCkford road and 'V. D. Young,23 St Pat rick Iq. agent. I"ogic, llill', dreasmaker, 18 Chapel stfet't. I 1...0", In ...tater, 30 Nicolson .t. & i i Clerk st.
Liudsay, William, 1 Hamburgh place J.IVERPOOL and London Insurance Company LONDON & Edin. Screw Steam Ship. Coo's Low, J. lod~ings, J4 St Andrc" street lane
L!Dclsay, 'Vm.( A-fercurgoJjice)3,W. Preston st.. I..eith agency, Jas. Cochrane, 3 l\litcbelllt. oftice, 9 Dock pl.-'l'homas Aitken, mlnager I..ow, .John Ininc, sub-editor. lJailg Rev;etu,
LmdsaJ', Wm., 12... Coostitutton st.-bo. LiviDgston and Weir, mereantile ageuts 7 LONDON and Provincial Pro'fldent. Societ.y,! Grange place, 100 CauRewayside
Hermitage hill houle Roxburgh place ' 30 Se AO(lr~w !quare-see. for Scottish Low, (~olonel Robert, 1t(ayfield, Trinity
Lindsay, Wm. cooper, agent. for the Patent Livingst.on, Alex. COOl. agent and cork ma- Braac'b, DlYld FOfsyt.h, S.S.C. I..ow, Wm. eabinetmaker 2 Ea"t Norton pi.
.Washing Machine, 31 Hanover street nufacturer, IS S& Patrick sq.-ho. Braelide, LONDON Floor Cloth, Paper Hangings, and l.o., Iln habella, lodgi~"'-house.keepcr, l'
l.mdsay, lUrs, glove dyer & cleaoer, 9 High Merchiston Gutta Percha Co.-Michael lVillbire, sgr., Hope street :>
terrace Liviogston, David, 106 South bridge 1... Soutb St David street. Lo", Mrs, 11 Parkside ,treet.
I..!ncllay, Mr., 7 Cassells' place Uvingst.on, G. K., S.~.C. 26 Northumberland LONDON Hotel, 2 St. Andrew square Low, AIi~8, Dick place
J..mdsay, lUrs, 1 EJJen street atreet LONDON Million. Societ.y, Edin. Auxiliary Lo", Miss, U. Dublin Itreet '
I ..~nd8I\y, M~ ,~.lodgiDgl, 15 Brown street Ll'fingston, J. menellger, Commercial BanA,. to-W.}'. Watlon, trellllrer, .;2 Princ('8 st. 1 Lowden, lV. wholesalesmllt1 war .!!', 18 Hill pt
L~Ddsay, l\l!ss, 8 Duncan street, Newington 10 George Itreet LONDON Parcels'Despatch Co. 1 Fretl...rick st./ Lowe, George, professor of cl.Dci::" :'lId Calis-
l...~ndsa"J 1\IIS~, 20 Forth street Lhlngston, James, clerk, 2 ... Salisbury st. -..J. Hen~erlOu, agent. thenics, 1 A Hill street.-ho. 2 Clar,'ore It.
1.mduy, 1\hsses, straw..hat. makt'f8, 17'; I Liv!ngston, J. property agent, 9 Montagu It. I.uNDON Pnntlng & Pu.b. Co. 6 Roxburgh pt Lowe, John, 1 Upper Dean terrace
LONDON Union Assurance Society ana An .. · Lowe, Josel,b, teacher of dancing and uU..
. Canongat.c
J.mkJat<!r, Mrs C. grocer Rnd provision mer·
LI'fmgston, .John, tailor and clothier, 20
Sout.h bridge
and 13 Hanover street.
nuit,. Office,2O NeJtton sUeet, 16 Itill street, thenic exercises, 52 .·re(l<.'rick lltreet
Lowe, lira Captain, 30 ltaebtn'1 l}iace
.chant, SO Grullmarket Livingaton, John, cottage, Regent road
L!nn, l\fra H. "East Adam strect Lfvingston, John, propel'ty rulent, SI Con Id· LONDON Union Fire and Life l\5sur8nce I..owe, l\frs, matron, St Cuthben ot poorhouse
Lmton, Andrew, cork-cut.ter, 87 High 8treel- tlltion street-ho. 1 SmithY, place Office, 13 Hanover st.-D.G. Thomsun,lgt. Lowes, Thomas C. (G. P.- 0.), Bridge pl~-e,
.house, 18 Drummond ~treet. . U,ingtt.on, Josiah, hosier, glover, and shirt- l, Thomas, & Co. engineers amI machbte Uonaingtnn
J.mton; Thomas, superintendent of polIce, maker, 37 George street. lDAkerS,21 New at.-ho. 212 Canon gate I.owfoot, Wm. clothier, hatter, and hOllier, !.I2
.Patbament square Uving&ton, Jos. (L. J: Weir),4 Minto stred Longmore, A. C. (&ch.), 11 E. Claremont st. Sourh bridge
butcher, ~9 J~mllica It...
red C. C. reglstratlon examtner of
Livingaton, Robert, mislionary of Free Sr.
Paul'M 18 Camegie street
t:ngtnore, .John Alex., W.S. 86 MelvUle It.. I..awi., l\lrs, 39 S. Clerk street
Lonlgltaff, Thomu, 17 8rlllto Stlect. ILowne, Thomp., 11. D. surgeon, 46 Mint\l st.
~~rtb~,deatbs!andmani8ge'forthcnorthern Li'ingst~n, Mn, 1 Bucc1euch place r mer, :Alexander, M.D., H.1\I.I.S., 111 Lowrle, John, wright, 1'1 Abbey hill
Istnct., 3t. GraD~e l'C!ad Li'fing&ton, Miss dress and cloak maker ~O B.runl"lck ~treet. I Lowthrope, Lldy. 12 Manor place
1.19t,. Alfred John, JUlltlce of peace fiscal, and South brid e ' , ro~mer, Davld, printer, 11 Union place Lull, E1lire, 5tucco lIIaDufr••·ountl.iD clost-,
bbl'i~' comt ble for the county, county Livingilton'l fodginge 16 Castle Itreet
U1 (mge- o. 34 Grange road A.
Lhiogstone,l\ln M. tp1rh mer. 170 L trterrace
o mer, Jamel', ad,ocate, i l HUI.treet
..onmer, G. contractor Ind archit~t, l\Ia),fielcll ~ Hjgh street
Luil, JoseJ,h, caner and gilder, 8 St P.triek

Luke, .Jamet, baker, 25 Bruna~ick street--ho. I Macallan, A. B., W.S. (MacaUan t C.), 26 - GE.~ERAL DIRECTORY.
M 'BuD, J·u. M.D. BUrgeon B.N. 12 Trinity M'Cheyne, \Vi1~iam, 24 Maitland street

'151 Cumberland street Rutland sq. ~t lal'Chr.1std. 'Mtcb. Paisley shawl warebouse',
Luke, WUliam, ... Gron street MaeaUau, James H. 3 ScotlAnd street }1'B~lD, lames, book,eUer anll news agent, J 9 Jamaica street
Lake, Missel J. and E. is Nelson street ~lacanaD, J. (M. t Ch.ancellor). 26 RutllDcl Cnchton'treet M.ccolJ, John, messenger Jlcnk of &otland
Lumley, Edwud, G. t.ailor, clothier. 'LC. 271 Iquare l\f'Hain, l\Irs, I.dies' nurse, 13 South bridge 2 Lauriston terrace ' ,
BJl!ad street. . Macallum Bc Sicley, stock ~d 8~are br~ken, M'Bayne, Mlstt t 20 Dublin 8treet l\I'CJacherty, Wm. green grocer, 12 Qu~ns-
Lumsdaine Jame&, s~;1~e'd.1.3 Old Pbysic gar. agents for the Lanc{u/l.lrtl Fire ~. Life In.- Macbean, lEneas, W.S. 8 Darnawa, ilt. f(!rry stree;
Lumaden, 'Jamel, c . maker, 39 St Leo- ""et Co., and sole agents for .the Due de Macbean , l\frs, 1 Abbe, M'Ctumplta, .John, tailor, 22 I'itt street
oarcl ureet. 1\lontebello chamltlgne, 65 PrlDce& st.rclet. M'BeaD, H. 7 Ann street M'Clure, Henry, 11 Caltoo street
LUlDlden, Jobn, tailor, 64 Broughton street -See ..1tiv., . M'Bean t lDs8, 7 Ann tttn-et l\IlComhie, Alex. spirit mer. 25 Broughton at.
TAumsden, :&Irs Henry, 6 Le9pold place ~Iacallum, Walttr But.iWlan (JI. t S,d,,), M'B;ath, Wm . .K1lOX Refreshment Rooms, 49 1\-1'Comish, T. writer, 30 Castle street
LumadeQ, J\fre, 1~ G!oucelter place .f, Castle 'terrace High street AI'Contiie, Mrs, ladles' nurse, 10 Cltherin~ st.
Lumsdt'n, 1\1188, 4 tirange loan Macollum, tl!s, 42 Inv~r1elth row Jlaebeth, Norma", artist, 28 Sue Coburg pt l\l'Connci, E. & 1\(. embroidcren and chit..
Lundiu, .Joseph, sprt. merch. 487 Lawnmarket Macallum, i\bsses, 65 Castle street Macbrair & Parker, W.S. 12 Great 'King st. ·'6
dren's dressmakel'tl Gf-orge streel
Lundy, JObD .J., It.G.S. (Nur'" Briti,hOJlt.ur Macalpine, Wm. saddler, 12 Broad ·Ylld Maebrair, Dav••J., S.S.C. (M. &; Park~r), Maconochie Ind Dun~n, W.S. 10 Hill .treet
Co.), Primrose bank, Locbend road Macalpine, 1\lrl Ja~e8, 2 Atb:ll pIle: Maater·extraord.ofthe High Court of Ch an· Maconochie, Jas.... Middle Arthur
LUllh, Joseph, spirit dealer, Tynecutlo, Dairy 1\1' AIJan, Jlllues, prIvate lodgmgs, 4... Char-, eery of}~ngland and Ireland. )2 Gt. King st. Maconochie, 1\1r1, French stay maker 65
Lyall, Alexaudu, baker, 11 Shrub place lott.t~. square. • !\I'Bride, 1\lrs .Tohn.:l6 Bernal'd street Thistle street '
L)'nll, Jarnp.8, builder, " 'Vellt Adam street ~I' Alpme, 1\1188 lIelen, stationer and news M'Call, C. & Co. engineers ar:d millwrights. l\1'Cormick. Miss, 60 l\1eh'iUe !tred
Lrall, John, mercbant, S Pcrt-Uopewun-ho. agent, 69 Clerk street. Montgomery st. l\fCCorquoolle Bud SCOll. commlElliolJ mer-
7 Lothiau road 1\1' AJpine, Mis.IJ Mary, l!i! MelviIJe street M'Call, .Tamel, beddiDg and iron bedstead chants, 13 Bernard street
LyaIJ, Re•. J., A.M. )3 E. Adam street &Iacandrcw & Dudgeon, corn factors and maDuf. 17 Greenside pl.-ho. '25 Barony st. M'Cowan, Fran. D., M.D. & RUr~. 23 Eldtr..t.
L)'all, J. M •.mercantile agent, 13 E. Adam st. merchants, 11 Constitution street )1'Call, .John, 40 Frederick street. M'Cr.kf!n, .John, S.S. C. 'l2 'Valker 8tred
Lyall, John MorisoD, agent and wholesale Macandrew, D. M. (.H. ~ Dudgeoll), 67 York 1tI'Call, Peter, & Co. sugar and spice grinders. M'Craw, John, shoe wareho. t031...·nmmarlret
atationer, 16 South S~ David sh'eet place and coffee routtn, MODtgomery street -ha. 22 Society. Brown ..quare
Ly.U, l\lchard,corn merchant, 38 Bridge at. Altlcandrew, .T. aud .J., S.S.C. 33 DubUn lSt.. M'CaU, Miaa, 2 Blaekford road lWCrltw, Robert, tobacco and auuffshop, 105
Maccalll1m, George, account.. 13 ltlonlgomery Hi~h street
Lr.U, Robut, agent, 5 Soutb College st.- Ahcandrew, James M., C.A. 19 '\: ark plaee
house, 32 l\ankelllor street l\lacandrew, John, jun. (J. l'5 J. ]If.), 27 Re- .tbeet IftPCraw, W In. photograph ie artist,3 HaDO'ft!r
LyaU. Mrs David, 23 Alva street gt·nt terrace MaNallum, Geo~e, stockbroker, aud ageut, street
Lyall, Mrs ltoberlt 400 Albany it. N. Leith }lacIJndrew,1\. (Beg. House), 23 Warri.ton for tbe Lnndon Fire and Life .AsIU,.'lilce Co. 'MeCraw, Mrs, 2 ~mith'8 place
Lye, Thomu, straw-bonnet. warehouse, ~S crrscer.t SO St Andrew square l.lcCredie, Miss, 63 Cumberland street
Higb strf'et llacandrew, Robert, W.S. 33 DubliD etreet Mac?lllum, .Tames, vinegar maker Ilul corn- lWCrie, Willilm & Co. paper-I!tainer'l to the
Lyell, DavJd, writer, 1 Walker street -ho. 23 Warriston crescenC mIssion agent, 36,11 Pottcrrow QueerJ, 2-2 Leith walk-hoU!;(·. 11 Pilrig st.
LyJe. Alex. merchant :mcl commiseion agent, Macandrew, Mrs, 61 York place M'Callum, Daniel, grocer and 'spirit dealer, l\f'Crle, Mts Drt 13 Salisbury place
58 Timber bush-house, 17 Dn&h street Macara, L. M., W.S. 58 Northumberland st. 317 eowgate M'Crorie, Mn .Tane, Admiralty street
Lyle, George,23 Union place M'Ara, Peter, mason, 194 ROle screet l\f'Ca1lum, Dn. spirit mer('hant, 39 Tkistle st. AI'Cuaig, Dn. & Son, tailors ami dotbien, )0
Lyle, John, clerk, 3 .Jllmaica street Macarthur. Alexander, builder, 31 WiUiam M'CaUum, Hugh, draper, 1 S. Holyrood st. Frederick Itreet
Lyle, Peter, tea dealer, BeU's court street lanc--house, 2 llelville street l\f'Callum, .John, and Son, eooa water manu- l\f'Culloeh, Andrew, advertilJing Igcnt, 10
Lyle, Tbomas, stockbroker, 65 l'rinces st.- Maearthur, John, grocer and spirit morchaat, factu~rs, 1 W ..,t Richmond street-ho. 11 East Richmond street
ho. &0 Grange road 162 Rose street M'CaUum, Mrl, (iressmaker, 166 Founwnbr. Macullocb, Heorg", (iraper 25 Downie place
l.yon, C. confectionery and fruit, 33 J..'redcrick l\facarthur, Mrs, 2 St Andrew square M'CaHum, MfI Edward, 12 Brandon Itreet -lloulet 17 Breacllltn't:i
street Macarthur, 1\lrs, 9 Antigua stred M'Callum, Mrs, lodgingl, 64 FrederJck st. M'('ulloch,llorati-> n.S.A. JamlS(apc·punter,
Lyon, David, bookbinder, 505 Lawnmarket Alacnrthur, l\fj~s, tea.chel of mUlic, 2 S\UJl- M'Cambridge, Peter, pawnbroker, 69 & 51'1 7 Danube t\tret't '
Lyon, Gcorge, W.S. 26 Forth street mcrhnll place Candl~mr.ker roW' l\l'Cullocb, John, tellt:r, B. Linen Co. iJad.•
Lyon, nu~h, S.S.C. 7 N. StAnelrow street- }l'Arthur, Cbarles, Sou,hern club, 15 IDfir- M'Candhsh,.Tohn M., W.S. manager, National 11 Duke st. agent for PAomu Fire attd Pe.
ho. 20 Fortb atreet mary street. Fire and Life bumrauce Co. 1S Moray pI. /iean lfife IKlUl'anct: Compani~••_See .4de.
Lyon, .James, hairdresser, 61 Low Calton M' Arthul', .Tames, tUl1ler and Co' M:Candlish, Wllllam, 2.'1 Inverleith row :WCulloeh, .John M. B. Linen Q). Ban"~ Wj
Lyon, Wm. (l)owclls ~ L.), 1 DUlldas street 118 High strect-htluse, 32 New street. M Cann ••Tu. mantle manufac. 99 South br. India ttred
Lyon, j\liss, tlrcssmaker, 35 North Pitt street lI' Artbur, Jo\m, grocer, &c. 29 Lothian st. )t'CanD, .Ta~ stationer, 6 DeaDhaugh street &1'Cul1~h, .T. & Co. cabinet makers. join~n,
Lyon, Misses, 9 Bucc1cuch street ~t'Arthur, Jolm, railway contractor, Edi". M'C~nn, Wm. boo, and shoe .arehouse, ~61 upholsterefl, and appraiM:fI, Caslle ttrrace
Lyschinski, Adam, M.D. 10 'WarrilltoD cres. anti Glas. llaiilcay Ihgh stTeet M'CuIJoeh, Thomas, plumber, Lothian road
ll' Arthur, llrs, shoemaker, 1 Water laDe ll'CArdle, J. tea, eolee, and spirit merchant, )lICullor:b, ThOl. T. chemist and druWllt, 61
MACADAM, Anstruther. clothier and linen l\1'Al·thur, Mrs, 12 Sbrub place Victoria terrace South bridge
draper, 45 George IV. bridGe-houee, S M' Arthy, .John, coal merchant, IIaymarket M'C,rter, 1\11'8,6 ScotlaDd Itreet M'Culloeh, Wm. painter, 22 Downle pI.
.Jordllll bank Atation, 36 Wi11iam street M'Caftney, Geo. carter, 18 Duke It. Leitb M'Cullooh, Wm. I~ Athon place
Mll.(!<ulam, .Tames, missionary, 4 Wemyss ter. M'Auly, Elizabeth, eatiDg·houlc J 32 Lothian "CCartn~y, Hugh, tailor and clothier~ 30 l ..t'ith i !K'Cullocb, WiIliam T. keepi't' of tlte Nat.
Maca(lam, John, tailor, 38 Home stnet street ~treet;-houtle, 4·A North bridge Mus. of thc AntiquariNi of Scot. Roy. Inlt.
Macadam, Stcven~oD, I'h. D., F.R.S.:g., Jee-I ~[acaulay, D.•T. 6 Park street M Caskle, Jlmes, anel Co. bat manufacturers, M'~'unoch, 'Vm. sbcritr offict'r, 371 High 1&.
turer on cbemittry and analytical chemist, Macaulay, Ja!. P. superintendent,Aasembl, ~O Ca:ndlemaker row-ho. 18 Brown sq. M'Cul1och, MI'I, Findhom place
Surgeolls' hall, Nlcoleon street-bcu@e, 26 rooms ~!,CCukk!e, .T. (J. M'C. t Co.), 18 Brown eq. M'CuUoch, Mrs \Vm. lodgings, 6 SI Vineent
Brighton place, Portobello Macaulay, .John, meSllcngel' and housekeeper, ,a" as Ill, Mrs, 40-8 GeOl'p square streel
JlaWlan & Chancellor; W.S.-cbambers, 19 Exchequer chambcrl4 ~:Ccault' Charlet!, eontrlc&o1', Hefiot cottage \ M'Dennitt, .Jas. pawnbr. R~ Kirlcgate. t"elth
Young street Macaulay, Miss, '" West Claremont stleet IU, J ImCtll) hatter, 11 Bread Itreet If'Dennitt, Th08.lpirltdealer, 1 Sherrift· hrat

\ ..
M'Detm~tt, Jame;--f~ather --mercl13~'t, 611i .M~~onal~, R. luperiDtendel!t original ~ II'DougaU. Nell, .pm, daler, 23 Bank 5&.- &Iaefarlane, Daniel, wboje!IAle Itationer, 30
Nonh Hano1'er .tteet mdu.tr1ai school, )farion\'llle house, Jock, houR, 17 Arehibald place Victoria It.-house, 130 Causeway side
11'Diumid, Anguli, IN..:LldloD '8 h08pital I Jodge • M'Do~l, Patrick, '\1.S., • Gt. King street l\facfarlane, Donald, dairy, 14 QuceuRferrr st.
II'Diarmid, Arehibald, clothier, b3 George MacdoDald, Re1'. Roberi, 9 Ja....cs meet, )1'Doupll, Tbomu, wright, 2 Welt Crou- &lacfarl.Dt', G.missiooarr,6Bowling..gret)n st.
street I Ferry road
M'Di~id. John, clothier, JS North bridge ~lacdona1d. Robt. & Co. tea, WIDe, Ind splnt
. ,- caU&e,-hoUle,3 Buccleucb lU'f!et
~f'Douga1l, Tboe. cutler, '8 Nicolson Itreet
M.darlane, James, 'V.S. 9 Atholl place
MacfarlaDe, Jobn, Bay Horse inu, 51 RfJl!e st,
M'Diarmid Jobn, jeweller, 10 Buc.cleucb
street '
merchants, 10 Gndf.!'~ket
Mac,lonald, Robert, ,plnt merchant, 1 Nor-
... l\I'Dougall, Mn John,!iO Heriot place
l\faedowal, Mrl, In'~razdoran lodge, 'Vest
l\faefarlane, Peter, '8 Potterrow
IlnerarJane, Peter, head master, Y"UDg street
It'Diu.ld, lira J. spirit mercbant, 8' Low thumberland place Coatea Ichool
Calton Maedonald, Stodart, S.S.C. BMA Abercromby M'DowaU. James, merchant aDd agent, 10' )I.crarlaue, }tobtrt. advocate. Ilberiff of J.en-
Macdonald, Boyd, & Co. corn racton and place • L.uri.ton plaee-oflice, 10,,"A frewsbire, SI Heriot row
eomwiiiion merebts. IS8 Conltitution sI.. M.edonald, Tertius, surgeon and. drugtst, M'DowaU, Robt. baker, ~7 George street aDd Macfarlaoe,l\. ( ..U. d: JV.) 1 St Cutbben's gl.
M'Donald Alex. 10 urabam street 13 Catherine .treet-hO. It Barooy 'p'eet 19 Frederick skeet Macfarlane, 'I'holl. "riter, 11 Darnawa,I&.
Macdouald, Ales. 20 Rankeillor street Macdooald, lV m. wine aad .plrit merchant, "f'Dowall, Thomu, 11 Lothian street Macfarlane, Walter, 5 Cbeyne fttrl'et
ldatdouald, A. ftesber, 8 Antigua ,.t.-ho. ~ 33 Shore, L!itb-ho. 3 ~. J,!»ctlon liltl'eet K'DowaU, William, bookaeller ond Italian er, MacfuJane, "·illiam, M.D., F.R.C.S.L. ~l
Maoool1a1d Alex. Edin. and LeIth earner, MaedonaId, '~m ••l. worklDg Jeweller, gold- J.i North bridge-house, 12 HUt lCJuue St Bernard'l crescent
GRiehm'ond co~rt Imitb, sil1'enmith, and w.tchmaker, 139. l'1'Dowall, Mrs Col. Centre yilla, 'Vardie ~Iacrarlane, Mn John .',,4 J'ark place
Macdonald, A. market officer, CaI'ruhber's cl. Priru~cs Itree~ . . ltl'Dowall, l\In, ]od~ngs, 1 Hill place )ladar]ane, 1111., straw-bonnet nlakel', M-a
Macdooald, Alex. so Tbi.t1e It. ~llcdonald, WlIb.m, tador, 12 But ~ )lIDowell, James, United State! consul, S George IItreet
M.acdoDald, And. gardener, "2 Causeysidc street Leopold place M' Far1ane & Gibb, cabinetmaker~, 20 Duud..
MacdonaId, ADdre., 7 Summerball l\IacdoDald, Mrs Mary, 1 Hende~n row l\I'Edward, Mrs J. grocer, Canaan lane street, and 6 Nortb PiU street
Mucdonald And. W. clothier 5 Salisbury It. Maedonald, ?tIrs RoDald, 27 Hamilton place l\l'Eyoy, J., saddler, S8 Charlotte st. Leitb- )1'Farlane, Alex. dairyman, Loyer's tane, 1.0n.
M.cdonlld, Angus, saddler, 2 Brund6eld pI. llacdoDcld, Mrs 'Vm. commercial lodgings, 2 ha. 2 Jane6eld place don road
lIacdonaId, Archd.•pirit dealer, New Dock Canll streel )I'Evoy, John, boot-tree and last maker, M'Farlane, Davill, carpet anll hearth-rug
t"ern, 1 AdmiraJt, street Macdonald,lfrs, 25 Barony street Chalmer's C'!lose. 81 High Itrcet manufacturer, dyer and scourers &c. Canon·
Macdouald, Dan. tinsmitb, 28 Earl Grey It. l\Ilcdonald, Mu, 13 St James' square MtEyoy, Patrick, 128 NieolsOll street milts
'Macdnnald, David," Clerk It. :Macdonald, :Mrs, 31 Gayfield square llfEwan, Itu. David, Alma villa, Strathe.rn l\l'~'arlane, John, wire. cloth mauufacturt!r,
:Macclonald, David, tea, wine, and spirit mer- Macdonaltl, )lrs, spirit dealer, 1 Stafford Itreet road IS Smith's place
cballt, 457 Lawnnlarket alacdonald, )lrs, 35 'Vest Nicolson tU'eet II'Ewan, George, ad,ocate, "0 Great King :\I'Farl:tnc, Peter, lodgings, '0 N. Uichmtl. st.
M.cdonatd, n. merchant, 16 Brunswick street l\Illcdonaltl, )bs, 26 Cbarles st, street M'J.'arlaue, Rooort, & :-;ou, wire·doth man u·
MacdonaJ:l, n. gardener, U IDdia Itred MacdoDald, )lrs, lodgings, 2 Atva street M'Ewan, Robert, baker, 72 Gruamarket r..cturcrs, and dealer! in rubber mal,hin.,
MaooouaJd, DonaJd, sccretary, J.'rce Churcb l\IacdoDald,lirs, ,traw-boDnet mabr, ·19 St If'Ewan, 1\1. 38 .\Jb.nystreet belting, aDd India rubber goods, Steal~', pt
temperance societYl G York Ill. l .. eonnrd street M~Ewatl, Rev. Thomas, 7 Mansion hOe rh ad M'Farlane, Robert, wire-cloth manuf, ...turcr,
)Iacdonald, Gilbert, bookbinder, S Enst As. Macdonald.l\In, flesher, « Canon gate II'Ewao, Wm. brewer, 10~ ~'ountaibbrldg~ 13 Smltb's place
lembly lane, Roscstreet-house, 10 Dublin Macdonald, lliss, housekeeper, Gcorge He .. M(Ewan, Wm. wine and spirit merchant, )33 M'Farlllne, Wardlaw (Dunran, Hocklmrlt~'
street riot'. hospital ' Rose Itrect Co.), 1 Damawa1str~et
Macdonald, Grant, boot and sltocmakl.'r, 1,'8 l\facdona1tl, Miss IsabeI1a, lodgings, (j Stafford 114Ewan, MrR, 6 ClareDce atreet 1\14 Farlan~, W. 11. dra~rI J9 Uniw pt-IIO. 23
Princes .trt'et street M'Ewan, Ifll, ladie.' nurse, 13 Robb's court )I'Farlane, W. H. (S, ~ 1f1.) 30 St .fames· sq.
l\lacdoDald, James, borse-dealer, 153 Ilose ~tacdQnaJd, )liss RobertsoD, 2·' Walker st. Cutle barns Mo Far)ane, Mn A. todf(inss, IJ Druaunond st.
street-house) 1 St Cutl1bert's glebe )lacdonrll, EDeas U. advocate, 37 York place M'Ewea, James, W.S. (Patncl:, MIBlDcn, t l\f'Farlane, lb., 17 Keir street
~IQcdoDaJd, James tailor and dothi~r, 423 MacdooelJ, l\lrs G. n. 30 Greenhill gardens Carmen'),9 Union .treet M'Farqubar, ,Misses, 18 .'cttet row
Lawnmarket lWDougal, AJex. farmer, Granton M'Ewen, .Tohn, "riter, .. Torphicbcn atreet Maefeftt, W. cblna and glus merchant, 42
)1actionalcl, J.mes, 8ultioner, bookbinder, anll M-Dougal\ Geo. gr('cer, &c. J8 Howe street .i\l'Ewen, Thomas, sculptor, I ..otbian road South bridge
news-agent, 9 Bread st. -house, S Clarence st. lU'I-'adyeu, Finlar, cork manufacture:, 108 Macfeat, )Irs, oS Wind milt street
MacdonnJd, .Tames, 26 Charles st. lWDougal, tl. grocer, 6 Dublin st.-house, Kirkgate l\lacOe, Rev. nanieJ, 1 Comely green crescent
MacdonatcJ, ,Tames (G. P.-O.), CJ Kerr !l\trect 2-A Albany strec& ~l'I"adyell, Mi!lses, teachel"s, 28 ..~lva strcet Mactie, In. l' Hope tcr, WhltchouSt' gardent'
Macdonalll, .lames, guide, 59 'l'hietle street M'Dougal, 'Valter, cowfcc{ler, 26 GreeDside Macfal'lan, Jobn F. & Co. cbemists and drug- )lactic, 1\lrs Patrick, pruvision dealer. i99
Alactlonald, John, writer snd accountallt, 23 street gistl to her M.jesty, 17 & IS Nortb bridge Cow~ate
CumberJanll street 'I M'Dt)Ugald, Robert, 3 Upper Gilmore place Macfarlan, Mn David, 6 Uamlolpb crescene AI'Gachlt', ,fohu. watchmaker, 20 Baron) lit.
Macdonahl, Jobu, New Ship hotel, 2C Shore MacdougaU, Colonel, U Cltlrentlon creacent !\l'Farlan, J. shoemaker, 70 Cumberland st. M'Gnrth, L. Madeira cottlg .., :\llld.. irn street
Mactlonald) John, lodgings, 6 Forres street l\lacclougall, Gilbert, .f. Gat<lner's crescent .M'Farlan, lIra, 17 Lynedoch pJace ll'Gecban, .fames, spirit mercht. 3 }o'yfo place
Macdonald, Jobn, teacher of elocution, 06 MacDougall, Professor, 6 Clarendon crescent l\l'}'arlan, Miss, 3 Nortb Charlotte street M'Gt'Chan, Mrs, lodgings, 8 Cutle street
George street l\Iacdougall, l\bs A. 21 Albany atreet, Leith Macfarlane &, painten, glazitn, and M'Gcorg." Mrs Ebellczer, 33 IUchmond place
1.tacdonald,.fohn, printer,23 Cllrrubbcr's close J\facdougaU, Mr.;, grocer, 6 Chapel st. deal,," in paper han~ngs, 7 Chnrlo&te pI. M'Ghie, Robert, grocer and .pirh dealer, 92
Ma~(\onald, .fn. accountant, 1 Randolph elifF II'DougaU, Alexander, treasurenuptlrintend- Mar1arlanc, Andrew, chemilt and druggist, Pleallnoo
Maedonald l John H. A. advocate, IS Abet· ent, Royal Infirmary 2407 Canongate Il\lac~ibhon, na"id, architett, 89 George st.
cromby place 'M'DougaIl, Jamcs, gartlcner, Silver6cld Macfaflane, Alex. corn ractor .nd agent, 61 1\I'Glbbon, Charles, builder, 7 East CJuemont
Macdonaltl, John B. artist, 6 Gt. Stuart lit. MfDouRalJ, Jobn, grocer and spirit merchant, Constitution street-ho.S Wellington plaee street
l\Iacdonald, Lieut.-Colonel, of PowdcrhnU, 78 GUes· street Maerarlane, Alex. (Sun Fire OJlict), SWell M'Gibbon, David, wine and spirit mercbant,
Powderhall M'DougnH, John, wine merchant :md groeer. Arthur place 7 Easl Richmond street
l\!acdonald, Nl'il, 13 l,lace I l\!ansfield place ~facfarlnne, Chas. wood caner, U. Rose at. M'Gibbon, George R. cltJthi. _. draper, 90
Maedonald, Peter, \\'ill(> !llld spirit merchant, 1\PDougaJJ, J. coach hi:er, ; W. Sali!lbur1 pI. olllll!farlane, D. (amil, grocer, Icc. 73 Hano1'er South bridge IItrcet . -Y••
9 Kerr street, Stocl:'mtige and 21 W. Preston ~t. atref)& H'Gibbon, John S. builder,30·SCotllnd .t. .

, .~

house, 17 Keir street, Lauriston

M'Gilchrist, JobD, M.D. 63 Castle street
:l\l'Gibbon, lohn, clothier, 1.5 S. College st.-\ M'Gregor, John, shoemaker, 9.2 ThiltJe It.
M'Gregor, .J. R. ,f,() Great KiD~ street.
M'Gregor, Rey_ Malcolm, 5 N. JunC,hon st.
&I'lntosb, William, lighthouse store-keeper,
Granton cottage!
M'Intom, )fn, lOdgings, 6 .. Bw:c1euch street
}!acka,., Jam" G. working jeweller, 3~ No.
bridge street
)lackay, Jas. T. hat manufacturer, 6" North
lfaegill & \legbie, house painters & paper M'Gtegor, Peter, SODS, & RobertsoD, SIlk mer- M'Intyte, DaDiel, 1 Fingal place Uridge-house, 2l Danube street
baugers 62 Brislo atreet I cers aDd drapers, 30 Geor~e Itreet
JlacgUl, Archibalcl, houl.4e paiDter, 21 South I Al l Gregor, Peter (1). M'G., &»U, 4' Co.),
ll'lDtyre, Dun. combmaker, ~ Northumber-
land &treet
Mleuy, John (Public l.ibr'lr!l), houlP. fac-
tor, 2 Jallefield place, Leith
Castle street 23 Lynedoeb. place l\1'Int1re, Donald, Jordan bank ~Iacka,., John A. oC Blackcastlc, 26 George
Maegill James ironmonger, smith, gasfitter, :WGregor, Robt. 4S London street M 4lDtyre, JohD, missionary, 8 Glover street square
.& and tinlmith, 6 Quecns(erry street and ){lGregor, William, porter ami ~le bottler, 16 M'IDt1re, John, bootmaker, 119 Pleasance Mackay, .Tohn (..!ll. ~ CM,!lolm), 401 E. Clare.
Coatea lane W. Nicolso!lBt_-bo~se, 8 Nlcolson square M,4Intyre, John, 12 Dean atreet mont street
'Macgill, W. artists' colourman, 103 Princes st. M'Gregor, Wtlliam, buIlder.... Duncaa Itreet M'lntyre, N. S. missionary, Sciennes hill ~Iackay, John S. engraver, 2.. Salisbury street
Macglll, Mrs Edward. 21 Castle "treet ~N3regor, Mn John, 13 Gayfield ~quare )I'ln",re, Elizabeth, spirit deal. 180 High It. l\{ackay, John, collector of city poora' rate, ..
M'GiJl Janaes baker 8 Haddington place M'Gregor, Mrs Margaret, 11 l\lelvtlle place )i'lntyre, Mrs, 1 FinlJal place Forrest road
M'Gm: John) boot &'sboemaker, 48 Nic:oleon M'Gregor 'MlI, ... Bar~ street. 'k'In'yre, Mrs, ladiea nurae, 35 Scutlaad st. Macka,., .John, " Park street
atreet M..'Gregor, Mrs, furnlture-pnnt cleanel' and M'lntyre, Miseea, Frencl1 stay makeN and .Mackay, .John, pharmaceutical chelDist, 121
M'GiIl, William, factol, Granj'Ce loan glazier, 19 .. Rose street milliners, ... Elder street George street-house, 7 St Dernard's crea-
l\1'GiII Mrs 11 North :&Ielvill~ place M'Gregor, Mr., ': Drummond street M'll'er, Jal. clothier and outfltter, 2~, 81, cp.nt
)f'GilI: Mre: Jodies' nul'llC, 126 Rose street M'Gregor, lira, 26 Dund.8 street & 82 S, llar)"_ w1nd.-See Ad". Mach,., John, accountant, &c. 29 Fred.,riclc
If'GiIlivray, Anth,. wri~ht, 32 Hone wynd M'Gregor, M~ ... Cannon street 1\1' IYer, Patrick, carpet shoe maker, .so St street-boo 4 Shrub plnce
MCOillvray John spirit dealer, 55 'rbl8tle M'Gregor, l\ftss Afargaret, 36 Hanover sueet ,1Iary'& wYDd ~18ckay, John, 12 Castle street.
street' , If'Hutchen, WilUam,5 Randolpb crescent 1\I'hor, John, hosier.nd draper, 76 Nicolson l\tackay, .John, spirit mercbant, 168 iligh
~l'Gi1livray, William, writer, 13 North.west M'lndoe, WiIliam, biUpoeter, Carrubbera cl. street--house, 2' E.., Preston street street
Circus place . IIIgh street-See. ~d", . ~1'Kain, James, Ihoemaker,'; South St James' Mackay, Colonel, 21 Walker street
M'Glasban, A. engraver and lithographic M'Innes, DOD. provlslon dealer, '1 Jam.alea It. street l\lackay, NeU, buUdcr, 1\Iorton st.reet-bouae,
printer 26 Clyde street l\PInnes, .J., tin.plate worker, 1 Lotblan It. Mactail, Dand, 11 IIeDry street fj9 Kirkgate, I ~I'h
M'GJa8h~o Alexander teacher of daneing, Macintosh, AIex. painter and paperhanger, 4 Mackail, Hugb, 9 Madeira place Mackay, Robt, , ,V. S. (1l(~Pt ~ JI'K.), 10
37 NOI,tl~umberland ~tfeet Meuso lane-ho. 129 High sveet. Mackay & Chiaholm, jewellers, silversmiths, Shand wick place
M'Glashlm, Alcx. grocer, tea and provision Macintolh & Cameroll, bouse paanters, 48 and dealers in curiosities,"9 North bridge 1\fackay, nobert. artist, or landscape painter,
merchant, Granton \.ier llanover Bt.reet Mackay, Cunningham, & Co. goldsmiths to the :l Great King "treet
~f'GlIl8ban, Stcwart, sculF~or, Canonmills br. Mneintosh••Tames,, 52 Ran· Queen, 54 Princes street Mackay, Uobert, 3·c Elder street
-ho. 6 Humly st.reet keilor atreet Mackay & }('PberIOD, wright., and under- l\[ackay, Thomatl G., 'V.S. 7 Albyn place
M'Glasban, Mrs, lodgings, Granton pier Macintosh, J. A. wood engraver, 35 Lothian takers, IDS Hish st. and 80 ShofC, Leith l\1ackay, T. bootlnaker, 6 Nortbumberland
M'GIMhall, Mrs, 2 So. Cbarlottc strc;ct atreet l\fackny, Angul, printer, 27 Sout.h bridJte place
l'tI'Glash8n, Miss M" .lordan p1. Morningside .Mscintolh, Mrs, ladies' nune,.n Hauo..-erlt. Mackay, Arcb. baaket maker, Dailie It'yCe's Mackay, Wm. fj Hope street
.l\facGoun, Rev. Robcrt W., Mornin~sid" lWlntoBh, Adam, glau-cuttcr, GreenBide laae close, 101 High It.reet Mackay, Wm. cork·C\\tter, 31 Inair .treet
If'Gowan, Atcx. irollmonRl'r, Lord Cockburn lWlutoflh, Anan, booksel1er, 70 Nicolson st. Mackay, C. G. 11 Lutton place l\Illckay, :Mrs A., milliner, 2 .. Lothian street
.treet-Ilouse, 21 Droughton street M'lotosb, Andlew. cooper, 407 CrosscauleY Mackay, Charlee, goldemith. '; Baxter'. place Mllckny, Mrs Andw.1 Drummond street
M'Gowan, :i'.1r&, sick nurlle, 2 Hamilton place M'lnto8b, Andre .., wine and spirit merchaat, Mackay, D. tailor and clothier, 300 Lawe- MackQY, Mrs, !lS Dllblio IIUee,
l\l'Grain, Peter, grol!er, 281 Cowgate 2 Infirmary street marled Machy, 1\Irs, wax-flower nllker, 3 Tollcrols
}{argrelror, Don. lodgings, 17 Greenside strec.t M'lntosb, Geo. shoemaker, 39 CandlemaJcer Mackay, D., City and of Guild officer, Afackay, Mra, of Bighou~, 14 A!va street
)lacgrpgO\', llonald It., merchant anll ship- row 10 Nicolson lueet Machy, ?Irs, \Villiam6eld. Newhaven
owner, Exchange building!!, Leith-house, M'Intosh, George, writer, 2~ Pitt Itree~ Maekay, Dav. boot and ahoemaker, 3S Leith Macka" Miss, 21 Nelson Btreet
18 Minto street, Edinburgh l\I'lntosh, Henry, furDither to sboemalwn,, 25 Gayfleld square lfackay, }fillS Christian, dressmaker, 6 "Test
)fac(,,'l'cgor, John, tobacco manufacturer, 10... !to! Soutb Richmond street Mackay, David, hairdre!'ser, 8 Greensidc pI. Adam st. . cel
High street, 2 Leith street, aOfI 71 I'rinctls l\1'lmosb,.Tas. bookf.(.ller, 5 No. Collegeottee\, Mackay, David, tea merchant, S Slair strt:et Macby, Misaes, :l-c Elder IItreet
street-honse, 13 Gayflcld square and" Norlb Bank slreet-house, 2 Norda Mackay, DoDald, ) ... Howe Itreet M'Kay, .A. &. C. chioa anc! rag merehantl, ..
Macgl'cgor, Maloolm, S.S.C., 18 St Andrew College 8tree~ Mackay, Donald, melleuger, City of GlaaglttlJ Bridge Itreet
square M'Into.b, .James, tailor and clothier, 25 " 26 Bank, \ 0 Hanover .treet ll'Kay. James, coal agent, Scotland street
l\['Gregol, Alex. architect, 3 North Char- North bridge-house, 68 Laurieton place Mlcay, DuncanJ gardener, Grange loaD station
]ottc IItreet M'lntosb, James, writer, 2 Mar"l place l\lackay, Eneas, tea and coffee dwert 10 W. M'K.y, J9hn, Newhaven
M'Gregor, Alex. grocer, 2 Scmple 8trflet lWlntosh, John, church officer, 23 St. Andrew Richmond street-hoult', 11 i\l'Kay, Mrs, ladic8' nurse, 35 Coalfleld hue
l\i'Grcgor, Angus, chimney-sweep, 18 Gifford square l\Iackay, EwaD, baker, Hillhousefteld M' Kay, 1\Irl, general register for It.T,anb, 3
park M'lntom, 1\1. chimne,. sweeper, 5 Coburs Mackaj', Francil A. (Holm Ban" ~ Seollo."d), Elm row
M.'Gre~or, Donald, Tho Royal hotel (late street 7 MODtpelier M'Kean, Alexander, baker, 2 Charles .treet
Gibb',), 53 Princes street M'lntosh, Robt. tobacconiBt, :J.I, Kirkgate Mackay, George, grocer Dd Ipirit mel'Chant, }f'Kean, And., Chance]ot villn, Uonnir.gton
M'Grp.gor, D, writer, 3411&rol\Y streot ~\I'lntojh, R.pavem.merch .. i·A Commercial 2 St Leonr.rd street )1 'Kcan, .John, t.-.ilor and clothier, 10 Jlill
)1'Grcgor, .JamCII, tic Son, watcb~ ancl clock- place Mack.y, Henr" tailor, 10 S. College Itreet place
makers, I\mi jewellers. 'lr, W. Rrgi"ter st. M'lntosh, Robl. grocer and spirit dealer, 113 l\lackay, Ii. grocer, 609 Lawnmarkel M'Kean, Martin, baker, 2'/; Breall at.
M'Gr.,gor, Jamc&, CM' (;. ~ .~.). S lloray 8t. Cowgate Nackay, .Tlw. (Nat. Bad),2-t Quality street M 'Kean, !tobert. C. 3 Great King atnet
WGrrgot, .John (M'Gregor <i'Sou), 25 Ba~ l\I'lntollh, Thomas, livery stables, 26WilUlm MacJcay, James (M., C,mrai",nUtJl, ~. Co.), )0 M'Kean, Mn J. 1 Albany fltree'
rony street street lane Shandwick place M'Kcchney, A. furnace-builder. 80 PQUerrow
l\f'Gregor, John, ta\1or, fj Ken street M'lntosh, Wm. shoemaker, '25 Kirftgate-ho. Macka" Jamel, coal merchant, " Newport lI.'K2cbnle, WiUiam (DoIg, ",11'K. 9" Daub),
1'1'Grcgor, .John, chairman, loo lttJle 8neet :, London row street 10 CalC(lO bill

\ '"
McKel,tet Jas. coal merchant. Haymarket, Mackenzie, J. O. (ltl'K. 4" Kermack), 7 Royal 1flcklu, M"J; 34, Danube street ~f'lntotb Brothers, merrbants, 3 Quallt1
'1 South St Dayid Itreet, LochrJ1l, Canal circus llackie, Ch... surgeon, '1 N.-'V. Circus place lane, Leith
hula, and Juction br. Leith-ho. 11 Weat MackeLzie, Rey. John, 1 Oxford terrlc~ )Iackle, Johu W. biscuit manufacturer to Macknight. A. Ed. advocate 12 London st
Mait1and atreet-See Adv. I Mackenzie, Joaepb, 2 Hermitage hill, Leith the Queen and Royal Family, 108 Princes l\lacknigbt, James, 'V.s. 12' Lontlon street
s~t • . . Il\IaC.kni~ht, ~lr8 'Vm. spirit dealer, 40 W.
K'Kel,ie, John, ,u"eyorof taxes, G Waterloo Mackenzie, Ken., C.A. 2? Nortbumberld. It.
plaee-houH $ Lutton plac,~ Mackenzie, Lord. 24 Benol row llackle,. ~lent •. J. l~te mstruct~r. of ~"itary Rlcbmond Itreet
M'Kenna, T. c'ina merchant, 68 Cowgate Mackenzie, T. 46 Bernard st. and Civil enganeermg and mtnlDg', In the Il\Iacknight, 1\Irs, 12 London street
MackeD!) Lorenz, spirit merchant, 19 Sanel- Mackenzie, T. of ApplecroBi, 10 Heriot row ~ttilSh :Military Academy. }'5 Princes at. :&lockraYt llev. 'V. 3 Roxburgh street
~n street Mackenzie, Thos. W.S. 35 Frederick st. Macki~, John (G.P.-Q.). 8 'Vest Adam street! M'Kutcheon, 'Vm. D. lodgingll, 39 Albany It.
Mackenzie & .'raser, W.S. 35 Frederick st. Mackenzie, W., II.D., H.E.1.C.S. l' Carlton l11Ck18, John, tin smith and gnsfitter, 20,' llaclachJan & Stewart. bookseller. and pub ..
Maekenzie& Kermack, W.S. 9 Hill ,,'reet terrace Dundas street lishers, 64 South bridge
Mackenzie & Middlemas, cooks and confec- Mackenzie, WiUiam, bookseller and publisher, Mlckie, John, 12 Bonni~gton pJace Maclachlan, hory, an,1 llodger, W.S. 25 So.
hOller', 63 Queen st.-ho. 3S Caltle street 59 South bridge Mackle, John Duff, sblpmalter, 36 Alb4ny I CastJe street
Mackenzie, Innes, and Logan, W.S. 2SQueen l\Iackenzie, 'V. B. 1 Layerock bank, Trinity 'm:e t , Leith (Macl.chlan, D. (.1[. ~~. s.) 2 Fingal plllce
slreet Mackenzie,'V. H. 2 Mantdleld place
Mackenzie, A. C. (J. lVi/son t Co.), 241 Mackenzie, Wm. C.lodgings,22 Aillslie place
llackie, N. 11. (.I.U. B. /:) Co.), 14· Assembly IlIaclacblan, G. (1.l1'L., 1';0'1/, l"i Rodger),
Itff7t-houee. 3 tT~n!field place, Leith MayfieM terrace
Greenslde place I Mackenzie, llrs Alex. 41 Heriot row
)Iackf:lzic, Alexander, 19 Charlotte square . Mackenzie, lIra A.lodgings, 111 George It.
llackle, 'Vm. commllllon mercht. 21 Quality \ !\IacJacltl:ln~ .James, tencher, 8 ArtJiston pL
st~t • . l\laclaehlan, .John (J.ll. ,- Steu:tlrt). 3 Hailesst.
:Mackenzie, Alex. accountant." Charlotte pI. I Mackenzie, Mu Finla" wine and spirit mer· llaclu.e, lfn, 9 John ~ plAce, Leltb IMaclachlan, Roberl, 6 'Vemyss plaee
I chaDt,6 South College .treet llack!e, 1\Ir8,25 IndIa street .1I'1..acblan, .John, head master of Dr Bell'l'
)Iackenzie, Alex. S Raeburn pJace
Mackenzie, Alex. l.te captain 58th I\t>gt. I i Mackenzie, Mrs J. A., 4' Ibnkeillor street )laclue, M~ Thomas, London row I school, Niddrle steet-house, I.UJertotl cot.
Mlckle, 1\1111, d!elsmaker, 8 Wemyss place lI'!~chJan, Rn. James, Glenalmond cottage.,
Danube street Mackenzie, Mr. Kenne,h Franeis, 3 lnver-
Mackenzie, Ales. Kincaid, manager. ann- Jelth terrace lIackinlay, DIYld, of NewlandbufII, 30 Royal, SClennes hill
tlUwciul/Jank. Geol'ge street llackenzie, Mrs Uichard, 31 Abercromby pI. .c:race ll'Lachlan, Robcrt, 7 Craigside place
Mackenzie. Alldrew, Coni Rlchange officer- Mackenzie, 1\Ir. Wm. 3 Hamburgh place llacklnlay, DuncaD, woollen draper, and! ltl'I.achlao, '1'. c1assieal teacb. 14 Scotlantl st.
house, Corn Exchange Mackenzie, the lIon. Mrs, 16 Moray placo outfitter, 2 Bank st.-ho. 200t. Smart st. l ll'l.acbJan, T. fl.h-d~aler, E.Curnberlalullauo
Mackenzie, Cb, (Seton 6' bI.), the Avenue, Mackfmzie, )Irs, midwife, 150 I1igh street ~lackinJaYt P. & Co. general drapers, outfit-! M'Lachlan, \Valter, jeweller, I I ~ Nicol8011 Bt.
GrecnbUl Maekenzie, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 Duncan st .• ~n, and stay manufacturers, t Dank street, AI'Lacblan, \Vm. & Andw., grocer. and wine
)llckenzie, David, surgical instrument nlaker ])rummond place and. 427 and 429 Lawnmark~t merchants, .; Lindla, place
& cutler, liS So. br.-Ito. 6 ltoxburgh tit. Mackenzie, lIrs, len. 12 Great Stuart street lllckmJay, SamueJ, 32 St Patrlck square . M'Lachlan's Jodgingll, 32 Earl Grl'y street
Mackenz!e, David M., S$.C. 22 Dumhls l'trecl : Mackenzie, Mrs, 51 lnvcrleitb row l\1~c~lnlaYt ~fI, l~dl;8' nurse, 29 India Place', Mac)_gan, David. M.D., ."R.C.I'., lIurgeon
l\lackenzle, Don. advocate, 12 Great ~lunrt st. Mackenzie, Mrs, teacher of music, 7 Duc-
M, K!lIop, MI.I, m,l!mer1 ' Blenheim place to the Queen, 129 George street
Mackenzit>, Henry, cbemist, 40 Dublin street cleuch place II Kmlay, Chas. & Co. wmemerrhts. and gen. 11\laclagan, Davld, C.A •• 129 (ieorge street
-bou~e, :18 • !Mackenzie, Miss, boarding establlsJlment for ~gent., 10' Conljti~u~ion ~rl'et ).. ; ~laclagan, Dougl~, M.~., F.Il.C.S., and Ice.
1\lackenzle, Frank, teacher of mUSIC,1 Brighton I young ladlclI, 25 Greenhill gardens M .~inlay, Chas. (M R. d,o Co.), 14 1 drlg st. turer on materIa. medIca, ~8 Heriot row
fltrect . 1 '
Mnckenz~c, Geo. ~ .:s. 9 Hill street
I Macken~ic, Misses, 18 Hart street
: 1\I'Kenzlc, .Alcx. boot and shoe maker, 3 S.
:\1 Kinky, Wm. boot and shoe maker, 3 Dean ~lacl3gan, It. Craig, ll.D. surge/Ill, 281lcriot
street row
MackenZie, .James (1tl' K., I1HZl'I, ~. Loga,,), 9 i Nelson street ll'Kinlay, 1\lra Letilia, commercial house, llaclagan, Mn Dr, Osborne cot. Queensfcn,
Doune terrace. . 1l\I'I{cnzie, .\!exander, tailor, 3 Clyde street 11 George street road
Mackenz~e, .Jas. fruUerer,81 Klrkgate .l\l'Kenzic. Uev Andrew, 4 TuJbot place ll'Ki~nell, llrs, 1 Farquharson place ll'Lalne, Angul, 39 Inverl('ltb ro'"
llack~nllou, Clllnks, 23 Great Kmg street
Mackem!1e, .Jam~s, tailor. 3 N. 81 Davld st. M'KcIlZic, Davicl, ironmonger, 36 Victoria st.
1\lackcnzlc, ,Tames Hny, W.S.--cbambcl's, 10 AJ'Kcnzie, James, bookbinder and stationer,
St Andrew square 22 Duke street
Maclaren, C. M9reland cottGgl', Grange Joan
1\lack!nnon, Rod. past~y cook, 12 Charles st. Madareo, J. teacher, 11 lIamilton pl.-h". 10
llackmtosh, Alex. dairyman, 13 Oreenaide llaclarcn, John, bookseller and publi.her 138
l\lackenz!c, James, tinsmit!l" 15 ~ W e!tt p~rt ,l\PKcnzie, 1'bomas, 6 Society, Brown sq. .trc:et Princcs street-housc, 59 Castle "tr~t'
Muckenz!p, .T. W. & J., ".S. III Hoynl cm'Il!l,l\('Kenzle, Wm. tailol, 10 Duncan street l\lackmtosh, An drew, advocate, 25 NQrthum- M'Laren, Olh'er, & Co. silk mcrcery, shawl,
l\1ac~eIlZ!C, .John, W.!". 16 Iloyal ~ircus IM'Kenzit", William, builder aud plllSterer, ber!and a'reet
)Iackmtosh, Geo. Call1an grove, Churcb lane,
drapery, and gcner.d 'urnlahing warehou'Ie,
329 High Itreet
:M~kcnzle, John 'Vlmefoord, W.!;. I (j Royal, Hope park end house
CI"~US.. . I M'Kenzie, Mrs D. lotlging!', J6 E. Adam st. l\[O!niDgside )I'Laren & .~ndeuon. mcrchants anel com-
MackenZie, .John, buokseller nOlI statIoner, ltt'Kenzlc, 1\Ir., straw ..bat maker Dcnnett's Mack!nt08h, J. of La Mancha, 15 Queen It. mi",ion agents,
~lacJuntosht J. sur•• dentist, 52 RankeiUor st. .Madeira court, Gll.lIgow
St .Tames'square: arul
60 Ro~o street close, I S6 High street ' '
:Mac~ !nz~e, ,Tohn, co~n. agent, 8 Car~lt~gie It. IIU'Kerracber,1\lills .r. Berlin Ilud fancy ware- Marklntolh, .John, tobacconist, 42 Nicolson It!'Laren, Rev. Alez. oS Hucdeuch place
Mac1.enzlC, John, cny chop and plC hous(" I' ho:\sc, 48 ~orth l~redefick street-ho. S3 st•• U5 High 8t., and 63 S. bridge-house, l\I'Laren, Daniel, cork manufacturer, 6 East
161 H~gh s,rcet , ,M'Kerrcl!. Mrs, 4'J Drummond place 52 Rankeillor Itrt.'et ."-dam strert
Mackenzie, .Tohn, gardener, (.rangt'llolln 1\Idckersy, 1.... W.S. 0)4 London strl'c. :i\lack!ntosh, John, junr. 4 Johots place M'J..aren, Daniel, baker, 2'4 I>ukn 8t. l.eith
MacRebzie, John, invalid nu:-se,4 Dalrymple llackersy. \\r m., W,s' (Lo"doll (""foll FiJ't ~ae~!ntmh, J. (Inland Revenue), 3 Henr, pI. ~I'Laren, Dav. (Jal. 1.llt L. ~\. Son,), 36 Green-
• aCA~Qtosh, L., S.S.C. 25 Northumberland st.
place .
Mackken7.~e, .1ohn U. 7 llucc1euch 1)II1C6
and Lift ,bsura1lcc Co.), so G~orge street
Mackey, Cbarles, China ten Co., lIaddington
Ma~ cmae, .Tohn, treasurer of the ]Jank ~ll )IOUSO, South back of CauollAate ank'
1\1 orl!t, 12 Melboume place
hlU gardens
1\lae~;:o8h, R. T. seedsman & nurseryman, M'Laren, D. & Co. merchts. 9 Constitution
l\1'Laren, D. and G. wine merchants, 15 St
:SCotland, 11 Ahcrcromby plnce Mackey, ,John, agent, 24 Greenside place l ~c Ii! Mrs, lace-joiner aad repairer, Andrew street, Leitb
Ma~kcnzl~, ,J?hn Orfl, W,S. master cxtraor- l\PKichan, D. & Co. funeral under&akeh, 3 -A. ltt .treet M'IMU'en, David (D. Al'L.1t Cu.), 15Forth It.
d!nary ltI Challce~y, & commlllsioner of the Infirmary street ~~8ct!ntOflt, Mu, of Geddet, 3 Montpelier l\['I.areD, DUD. John's (',oft'ee house, 301 High
COdUf}t,s 0hf Queen 11 Bench, Common I)leR!!, Mackichan, Mrs B. boarding school 11 Belle- ~I'ck!uto"b' M,rl, 2$ Scotlal1d .treet street-hootle, 12 Royal exchange
nn .xc eCluer, 9 mll atreet vue crescent ' ,. le JDtos ,1I1IS: 17 Clarence street 'M'Liren, Duncan, NtlwiDgton house

--~- ~:... .-
o \ ...
----------~------- . . . . ..,...(IIIIIIII'--------------------
- I
M'Laren, DuncaD, &t Audlew's teloperanee l\lat:leao, Robert,. advocate, lP Queen street llacleod, R~v. \V~lter nOSg,,, Eyre place M'Nab,.John.(Aie.randtr£cM'.Nab),27South
hotel, 14 S. St Andrew street Maclean, ~Ira, Dick place • M.acleod, "m. tailor, &4:. i8 Howe 'L-ho. Clerk .treet
M.'Laren, G. AtlinBton (D. go G.lIf'Laren), 1 Maclean, Mrs, toy shop, ge PriDcee !ltreet, .so Cumberlamd lItreet MaCilab, John, writer, 2S St Cuthbcrt street
Cusells' pllce
I and 19 South College strM
N'Laren James &Son8 wholesale tea dealer., :,M'Leln & Hope, corn, seed, and guano mer.
2 Viet~ria ter;ace 'M~lbourne place chant', 1 King'. ltables, Gl".lhmarket
Macleod, ?tbs,3 Crichton street.
1\14L£OO, James, engraver and lithograpber, 30
~ Jamea' squ!lfC
llacnab, I'eter, .nmonger (ill ,t· }() 51
Em'l Grey strt. ~t .• •
JWNab, A. and J. scourers, dyers, nud clear
M'I..aren J. (J. ML. {( S.n",),42 lIinto st. ! M'Lean, And. baskctmaker and .Importer of M,Leod, In •. ammal-paiDter, " Bucdcuch st. starchers -werks, Inglis' gr~1I blellchfield-
M'Laren: James, bootmaker, 6 Duncan st.- willow'J, 61 'l'olbooth w,nd, Leith ltl,L~, l\f~Jor-Gen. Don. 29 O:-eenbill gar. I offices, 39 Queen Itreet and 86 South bridge
house ~ Drummond place M'Lean, Charles, engraver and enameller, 11 M Leod, NJcolas, mercbaD~, and &gt!~t for j .-;St'e Adc.
M'Lar~, .Jamell, N. B. Railway, 6 Spring Elder street . Lon. As.!tllran:c Corporallon. 15 quahty It'11PN.lO aDd Shepberd, drapers, fi1-A and 51
rdens, Abbey hill l\l'Lean, Chas. chlD3 !Derchlln.t, -t.3 Clerk .. Macleod, RoderlC&, tea dealer, 46 Nlcolson sI. ; North lIanovt'r (.treet
.'L:ten, James, bootmaker, 51 Soutb bridge M:Lean, Hector F., '" .S. 5 Hill It. M'Lood, l\f~s, of Polbeth, 2 George • .reet, M'Nab, •• ames, curator of the Royd Botanic
_boo 15 Nicol~on square M Lean, Hugh, 1 ~ ?orthmd place • North Leith gardens, Invcrleitb row
l\1:Leod, }I~ss, 9 Archibatd pl~ee M' Nab, .James. ~rocer and wine mercbant, 11
l\t'Lnren John builder 2' Lauriston atreet 'M'Lenn,James, spmt merrhat:t, lSS High at.
){'Larcn,' .John: advocat~, 12 DarDaway st.
If'Larcn, John It. 33 Howe lI&reet
~I'Le&O, .10hn S. K. (Briti$~ T~i,,:en Q.,mptl'lt!l"
bank) S Lllvetock baok, fnnlty
M,Leod, !tI~ss .J. S Welt Newmgton place I ])owme place-house, 1 1..0WCl' Gilmore pI.
M~, :MISS babeUa, ., Hamilton place, l\f'NILb, .l\Irll Uobcrt. 19 Drummond pt
M'I..aren, .John, riddle maker and wooden. lPl"eaD, ~fatcolm, 11 Belle~e .terrace NewlDKt~ l\1acNair, Alex., 46 Gcorge street
ware merchant, 98 West bow M'Lean, Malcolm, genllemcn S &lck nurse, 1lf.8 M:Leod, ,Mus, teacber, 20 Coburg street ltacnair, .John, brewl'r, 11 SI An'bony .&reet,
If'Luren,.J. boot &. shoemkr., I Deanhaugh st. ,Rose 8t!~t M ,Letch~e, Rev. J... D.D: 6 Regent &errace Leith-house, 3!i .Moray place
l\{q~arcn, John, dining & refreshment rooms, M LClltl, ;cl,9 Danube street !l,Lougbn, Cb.rl;~, 2 Keu street 11'Nair, WiIllam, IDl'tcht. 21 QuaULy -treet
21'rinces street i\l'Lean, 'lh0!Du, Newbattle terrace &1 Lu.ay, DenDJI, broker, 251 Cow-gate I -houst> 12 East6eld
M'Laren, .Jobn, spirit dealer, ~ Cowgate- 11 l Lean, WIIltam, boot &: shoe ware'houle, i1.s M'Lulkie, William, ehoe merchant. 101 Higb: Macnair, ~lr8, SI Q'Jl~n street
house 11 St ,Tohn's bill Canonf.rllte street . 1l\1'~.irn, John (G.I'•• O.)" Eut Arthur pI.
l\f'Lare~ Joseph merchant, 1t2 Lauriston l\l'Lean, William, ironmonger, 21 Bread 8t. Maemabon! J. and Sons, furrlt:n;, 37 Hanover i If'Naught, Mrs, J4 South Clerk street
J. place " • M' Lean, )irs, lo~gi~gt!', 2 Portlaml terrace street,lklD warebouse, Rose Screet lane-; ~l'N.ulZhton .\: Co. commission agentK, 128
M'l.areD, Peter,cabinetmakerandupllolsterer, MILean, Mrs, ladl~8 nur.lo, IS3 Rose .treet house, 23 D,;,ke strt.'et I Constitution SUet't
&9 Uroulthtoll st. M'Lean, !.Ira, mUbner, 3 Elder st.-See AdD. Macmabon, ~lch.rd, Clarendon hotel, 101, ~1'Naughloll, A. spirit dealer, I Itutland pi.
M'lJareo, W. N. advocate, SG Great King It. jWLean, Mrs, 2 Chartotte8tr~e', Leitb ~d 105 Prances, street ~ ~I'~augbtoll, Alt."x. (.11. ~' Pi1fla!l) 24 Piu st.
M'Larcn, Wm. C. (D. M'L. ~. Co.) ~ Hill· M'Lean, ~~rfi D. 45 Frederick street ltLcmahol1, Mrs, 23 Duke street ; ~I'!\a\lg"ton, .Joho. licenlled coppemnith
side cr"scent :WI..eall, MtStlell, 21 Albany street M'Maltcr, J. ~uf!t.tlnwndent Of,COU1!'y roliee, : and brazit'r, 4 atltl 5 1: yf~ place
M'Laren l\Irs Catbarine, 24 Ctarence fltrect M'Lean, l\fissea, milliners, ~ Charlotte street, County butldmgs-housc, 369 Il1gh strett ,~I' Naughtoll, Mrs, 3:l Montagl.l street
M'Laren,' 1tfrs N cil, h6 Great King street ILeitb
?tl'Lal'en, MISS ,Tane, SI Spring gardens, Mac1ean's School, 19 Thist1eat.-D. Hunt8r,
M.acm.aster, John, I! Roxburgh street
M MClklln, Wm. wnter, 6 Clarence :;trcc i ,
lltNau~bt"n, :Misses, 8 Atboll p!ace
ll'Naulty, J. fthoc warcho4se S St M.ry'.
Abbcy bill I tt-acher Macmilllan, Jo}m, 'AI. A.. (High School), r.) Bu(:- ; wyntl ' •
ltlaclnuchlan, Rev. Thos. Vie_fortb manse 1\['IA'''Y, Ken., as.A. JlO! painter and cleuch place ! Macoec, Jamcs, «Co. coadl and harness-
M'Lauchllln, Peter, tea, wine, and lii,irlt mer-I photographer, 10 Br'Ddon street M'l\lmau, Aud!cw, flesber, 1 High market-I luaker,106 Priacentrect and J,.8 lo'uunUin-
cbant, :14 CaRtlo street MILeish ••Tames, grocer and sl,irit dealer, 75 ~o~ae, 66 Leah Vlyn~ bridge
M'l'AlUchlan, \Va1. .Tewe1tor, 111 Nicol~on fit. I Pleasance M Mlllao, Charle., ablpmalter, 6 Hamburgh , Macncc, Mra, )od~iugll, fnl vl'Orge street
M'JAuchIBn, \Vm. n. fish curer and fish M'Lellllll &: ~on, booksellers and news agmts,
salesman, 8 Upper St .Jobn's hill 20 rolOOotll wynd, Leith
4l\[lUan, Gf!orge, J Grabam street
M'Necs, William, watchmaker, 153 Iligh
I stret't
M'Laughlan, .Tn. fUl11itorc dlr. 120 Cowgate M'Le'IRD, Mrs, ~ Bellevue tenace M'MlUao, J~met, shipmaster. 6 Hamburgh pI. I ~1'Nt'iHc, fluid (C/'a,zctr!l), 21 Xdllon street
St 1\1orY'5 wynd
M'L9ugbJan, Mar" dealer in oM clothes, so M'Lellan, Miss, teacher, I..eith Mill road
M'Leouan, Chas. wine In(\ spirit merchant,
'!'l~rth Leith . . I
MISei!ie, .John (elumerry), 3 Du('clcllcla .t.
M Mill.n, Thos.Jun. ficsher, 16 E. A;dam &t. lfacnclll, Captain Hector, »)laitiluuilltrec'
M'l,(luglilin, .Johu, lodgings, 3 E. Register st. 1 186 Callongllte
Mac1aurin, J. (l1r·Ji,,, Liltlm C(l.)~ 1 Hen. M'Lcnnan, Donllld,spiritdeale'r,l E. Regteter
derson row st. antl 47 High st.-bo. ~ E"'t Adam atreet MtM~l1an, Thos. butcher, Market, Leith
!d':&lillan, Thos•. butchrr, 'l0 Greenslde place Il\I'l'dll, Arcilib.lld, \V.S. H Hill strec&-bo.
-bouse, ~ Unum street 13 Great Killg at.
~[,N'dll. Uhrht Hon. Dunc:\n, Lord .Jultiee-
Madaurin. Mra J. 7 lIenderson row M'Lcnnan, Hugh, gatekpr. Stewart's hospital M I Mtllan, T. & T. b:,atchers, 45 Clerk street I (it>neral, 1:~ Great King Mtreet
M'aclaur;n, Mrs, h-y lodge, Trinity M'Ll'nnan, .John Fergu8on, advocate, SI l\I'lliIJan, Mrs, dressmaker, 10 Society rll'S-em, RIght lion. Sir John, G.C.B. Gnn-
M'l. a), P. (Mtlroltd5 w.), 'l1 Htlmilton pI. ])unda:; street M' }tUbn, 1\11'8, 5 Dunuas street lon house
M'Lay, Dnvid, 29 .Junction street ll'Lcno8n, Mrs .1. sick.nurse, 53 India place H'Minn,Francis,superinwndcnl,Agricult",.isl I :\I'St>iII. ~rrs Col. 23 St Cuth~rt street
lllaclean, D. & Sou, .~rol'ers, fruiterer8~ & Italian ,:\1 'LptlDln, Mrtl, spirit dt."ater, 1408 Cowgate !'IlUl'm~Ce Co. ·IS Clfmhcrlall.l street I ':\f'Nicoll~ Alex. bootmaker, 9 Hamilton ItL
warehou!?cmen to the Queen, «l7 Princes st. l\Iaclcod, Alexander, ~ Latlrilton place M 1\IolTau, Adam, dairy, S New street .M' Nh::oll, ,:\1 f.\; Jamcs, 26 I'itt IItrcet
and 61 QIJf'cn st.--hout!(', 4,'" 'Frederick st. Mncleod, D. R. & Co. commi"sifln merchantli, 1\I'Morran ••John, ccach.hirer, J S. Col1cgo st. Mar.nif'. J.« C. wjne and spirit mcrehaDtI
J\1n.clean, Alcx. S.S.C. '~'J Scotland street nnll agents for the l~(ltldc", rmd P,.ottincial Macl\lurdo, .l\listtes, 9 Church bill 102 Wot port '
Maclean, Alex. architect, 10 N. St Andrew st. J1farine Imurant't Co. 15 QUlllity tit. Leidl M'M.urray, Jamcs, bootmalwr, 36 Candle- Macnish, Wm. M.D. 28 \Varriston crcsc:ent
-hot L:lrkticld, Ferry road Macleod, J. G. E. {fJdiu. fcade'lll!l),1 Dran&-. maker .roW' MacIUl,h, Xcii. & Co. home and rorcig~l eom.
M.cleah, Ch·.rlf'6, grocer, tea and win£' mer. street ~ff'l\Iurtl1(" T~om.ns, 20 strH' mission merchant .. , ship and anSllraoec
chant, !.. (ll1cpno;frrry street-house. t. 'Mac1eod, .1. tailor & clotb. 87 -A Brougbton tt. !l acn.b &: U1tchle, wboll'811e Ironmonit'l"8 brokertl, 7 Duke Htr~ct, Leith
.Maclean, .1"IUl, ElUnburghacademy, Raeburn 'Macleod, N. mer.Shelburnebankbo. Newba". an~ DaU mauufacturers, CJ.7 Geo. IV. bridge: )lacllisb, Neil (lV. M. ,S' Co.), 2 Hell('vue cres•
cottage, HJcburn place l\1ac1e()(l, Rotl. bootmakcr, wholesale and le-" n.n. 21 and 29 Cl\lIdlema1cer row .!\I'N iVf'n, Allan, wine and spirit lU~rcb!l.D.,
Mac1c~n, . Gc~rge .1. teacher of writing, 90 tail, 95 Princea street :acnab, lames, wrirer, 3 Darling's bulldiugs 2 Lothian street-houAe, 3 I.otterrow
FountamhrHlgo Matit'od, Uussell M. chemist" (lnlggl.t.l S. IeD.b, Jo~n (A. Ftlll6,.loM and Co. pub- !\I.rnfv~n and Camcroo ("tah/;..,I"d i nO),
Maclcan, John, ~1 Albany street CollC;\ge st.-ho. :} W. Mayfleld, N'ewington Ushers), F mdlater lodge, Trinity ,..holf!!l81t'l'tlltiullrrf;,'J3, 2~') 27. &~il mair st.

iSt ball
224 ~M~~~____~E=D~lN=B~U~R~GH~A_N_D_L_E_IT_~~__~jf_~'V;_w~~~_ J/'Vic GENF.RAL DIRECTORY. Alar 225

M • James 9 He'D1'f .tre~t
Po &
Co., wholesale station.
M'Pbenon, Jobn, agricultural implement
maker, II South Nor~D place ••
M:~!clr, 1\-l-r-!,-E-IS-.-~-M-o-m-in-b"8-id-e-h-o-uae ---:-I-M-.-n-o-D,-T-boa.--ca-use-Y-II-'-'e-r, &e. t7 Btilto
){ ~ le, )frs. proVlIlOD sbop, 121 Canongate Muon"y, John. clotbier, 9 St If...,.-. wycd
en and pasteboard manufacturers, 19 Blair Il\IfPherlOD, Peter, 1 UUton plaee. Tnolt)' • :ft1'Whannell, Pe~. grocer and WiDe mercht. j l\lANCHISTU Fire InluflD~ Co. t3 Cutle
• treet 1'1~PhenoD, W. (wtt of Cullmu),6 Lapslde ~5,.North Frederlck .t. and 6 India place Itrrec-Murr&1 & Beitb, agents
lI'Ord DaYid, 10 Buecleuch Itrt"Ot I place • 11« ~ ilea, George, 2" George street )IAHcH~lTr:rl Fire I DlluraDee Co. 23 StAndrew
)Iac ~, Myles, publisher, I1 So. St David ! 1'1' Pberson, )In A. cook! 1~ Jamaum .treet ltl Wb~ )111, 9 Sout~l MelvUle pl.ce sq-H. & J. G. HlmlOn, .gents.-See Adt:.
/ t-houle 21 Brou~hton I:ret!t I ~1'Phfl'lOn, 1\In C. ladies nune, 3 Comely lfacwh~ter, John, artist. I Mound place MANCUF.ST!& Fire IUlurarloo Co. 8 Bank st.
, .ree, . hI' n I I
Macphail,Nlcol(agt1ltjoT "Ke1t:tc,pu "er,l,
&9 Soutb bridge •
I ac;.
green p
I ~l'~herson, JoYI1'8,
Ed h ·t If·
en enDl age, .. _orulng..
1\lacw:hl.rtt'r, Mre, 17 l\Iontagu 'treet -",om. White MilI.r. S.S.C. agent
J.I"VUham, Robert, S.S.C. 23 J..oodon street Mann & DunCln. S.S.C. and notaries public
K. bail Wm 74 George It. side M'William, Wm. agent, Stirling and ..4l1oa I
and agents for SCQttith Equitable and Calc~
1\1 ~bai1: i\{r;D. 16 Comely bank MCPhenon, Mrs, 27 Hamilton place Steam-boat Company, GrantoD ! doniall Inlurance COl. 21 Bernard t1tr~t
M::herlon, Ale,;. merchant, 28 Bern:ud st. M'Pbel'lOn, Yrs, 50 ~.nkemor Itree' M:WUliam, 1\1n, 25 P~tt street Illanu, Alex. coach prollrietort llegcnt ter. t.l!e
.bo 6 Montgomery street 11'Phenon, 1\Ire, lodglDgt, 57 York place M Willlam, )frs, lodglugs, $1 Clerk street 1l\1ann, Ales. solicitor, (M. ,. J)t,;nca1&) 27
)t;"h~l'IOn, A. principal eity officer, ~s w. M'Pbenon, }liIS, 12 Brou~h.ton 8treet 1tlabon, .John, new...ageut, 2"8 Cowgate Pilrig street '
rifcoJlOu Itreet Macqueen, Gcorge (JUlttcwry O,8iCt), 9 l\b.chell, Edward, ~cDt, 6 Bellumont place IlIan", B. 8hipml!lter, 29 Alhany It. I.elth
}lacpherson Charles, engineer, superiut{md. Meadow place • Mack, Andrew, wnter, /j York place Illann, \ViUiam ( ~liJlan & Jf. 1, 31 Stafford It.
ent of str~t' and buitdin~s-cffice, Police Macqueen, John, haberdasher, 27 West Nltol. Mack. Jam" Smitb (8ptttce t Mad), $. )taun, 'Vm. writer, 22 Raeburn l,llce, .nd
ebamber.-hO\:.e, 50 Cumberland street son Itreet
Macplu~rson, Daniel, 8tertG!ype fOUDder, I 1 Alaeq.ueen, .J. It., S.S.C. 19 Charlotte street,
llollDington place
Mack, 'Vm. n.
119 Priuce••'reet
hat and cap manur. 2 Hunter Mann. lIiu, 21 Lcopold place
South Thistle .treet lane
:\Incphenon navid 33 St Antlrew square
Afacqueen, Ken., H.E.I.C.S. 9 Royal circus
. lIJuare-house, ·ld ~Iontagu street
lfack, 1\1111,3 West Arthur plaee.
Maasfield, Thorn.., t"!.A. 26 Abercromby pi.
Manefield, Thomas, & Robert Spotti.woode.
~13cpherson: Jas .. plumber and bras8ro~nder, Maequeen, Mils Caroline, baker, 9 India Magee, 1\1" C. dressmaker, 9 Antigua street accountlnt!!, 1 Thistle Itreet
99 Constitution .treet-house, 30 Klrkglte IItreet .l&idment, Jamet, .dYOCale, 25 Royal circus !lanlOn, David, S.S.C. 12 Queen ttreet
Macpherson, Very Rev.•J., D.D. Rt Mlry's ll'Queen, George, .sI Broughton street 1\(a,iu, DIYid, eo•• trav. 112 Laurislon pi. Miotic&, AnthoDY. 3 North S, JamclI' .treet
Clltbolic Church, Broughtou streel l\I(~uee.. , !obn, wholesale warehouseman, 67 ro,
1\ll11n, Ed •• seal and copperplate engravc:r, Mlnuel, Juhn, am teen mISter. l.dinburttb
::\lacpherson, Norman,advocate~ Gllnke&treet Great Kmg street . 31 North bridge Castle ::>
Mac hcrlon Ml'8 3 Doune terrace I M'Queen, John, lodgmgs, SO George dtreet Main, Geo. spirit mercbanc, 1 Infirmary Itreet ; .M .. Nur '&'CTUJU!.', Board of Trustt-es for
)IN,tee, JI1~u.», l~gings, 10 Hill place l\l\Quitlen, James! dyer and renov.tor. 1 'V. -hot 16 High school yards UoyallDstitution, Mound •
M'Phenon & Svme, prlnten, l i South St Adam Itreet Main, Jamel, Peacock ion, Newhaven alu'1h, Gerald E. Military Store Brlnch \Var
Da,id Itl~t • M'Qui1len, 'Vm. silk. dyer and scourer, " MaiD, Peter, 31 Spring glrdens, Abbt:y bill Office, Lehb r'ort '
::\I'Phersou, A. leatber-cutter, 9 Ut.t1e King Portland place . .Main, Rev. That. (Fr" St Nary'.), '1 Belle. )fur.tfu·, Churcb anll School 10 Dock ~,.
str~et I Macrae, Cameron, In~ ~band, cl~tl~len. Ind vue crescent Marj()ribanluf, Wm. 21 Inyerleith row
,WPberson, Ales. Wishnw iron-works an«1 i habitmlkerl. late 'hlhs and Wllhams, 10~ 1\bin, ThOl. h.irdretler, Ii Coalhill Marjoriuania, Mrs, SlllittbufY green cottage
collieries, aocl Uroxburn ancl F.allterhQu~c ~ George street Main, 'In Thomas, 6 Leopold pJace Muu," IhLL Coking CO.'5 office for Scot-
collitrics, 3 S. Hanover street-house, 1 1 Maerae, James, plumber and gaditter, 28 So. Mair, Alajor Arthur, 29 .'bercromby place land, :1 East Uegillter etreet
Lennos strt'Ct, Et.ou terrace i Hanover .treet ltair, Geo. clotbier, &c. 2 Nicolson !!Quare &lAaQuls of Lothian's cos! office N. B.lhltion
:\I'Pherson Angus bookkteper (Court of Macrae, Jobn A., LL.D., 'V.S. master ex· Mair, .Tames, brDker, 0 Richmond plaCe )fUQUII of ]",othian'. coal ;'t&blillbtReut
• Stilton); 4!l9 I..a"';umarket traordinary of the High Courts of Chancery ~lair, William L. advocate, 8 DunCln Itreet, St Leonard'., Edinburgb, and 22 Ba1U~
:\1'Pherson, Arch. &. Son, plasterers, S3 Soutb of EnglaJld and Ireland, I to Gloucester place Drummond place Itreet, Leith-lIugh White. agent
Clerk etreet-houst, 8 ~t l'atrick street i llacrae, Jo~n: groee~, 2 Claren~ s~reet Mahland, Ed.ard Fr.nen. advocate, 3 Ainllie Mlrr, .Tame., & eo. 'ypefoucd.. rs. 21 and 29
:WPbcrson, Ardlibald, pamter antI decorator, : ~[acrae, Wdham,. tabor, ~~ Wnght 11 ho~e8 pbce New streel., anll London Ind Dublin
46 Gcorge It.-ho. 68 ~1'Ilat>, Kenth. wme & spun mr:cht. "oS Nlcol. )IaitlaDd, George a, \V.S. '; North St An. M.rr, .'as., M.1>., F.R.C.p.•:. {, Urandon It.
:\lcPherson, Cbarletl, whipmanuf. .5o Hlgb st., son street-boule, 11 Wett. Richmond et. d.rew .treet-bouse, 54 !debille 'treet Mlrr, John, Hawthorn villa, Wardic, Ferry rd.
-ho. $1 Hope park end ; Macrc(lie, Rober., 12 Northumberland street l':111tland. George R., \l.S., clerk of tbe Marr, .John B. bouse carpenter, builder, nnd
... North ~Ielvmc place
:WPhersotl, Charles (.Jlarpherson anti S!Jme), Macritcbie, Bayley, & lIendenon, W.S. 11
Royal Excbange
peace,. Coun,y buildings ugricllltural implement maker, Ferry road
l\Iahland, John, 9 'Valker street }(g,rr, Thomas, joiner and cabinctmaker, 1

91 S. B. of Cnnongate
)I'Phcrson, Oonaid, hmkeeper and stabler, Macritchie, J. Fife, Canal and'Visbaw coal
office, 3 Dublin street
)Iaitland, Kenmure, sberlW·clerk of :Mid- Leitb walk
Lotbiln, 18 Gilmore place lfarr, Wllli..." ahoemlllcer, Locbend road
)I'Phffson, Ga\'in, house agent, 83 Soutb \ Mlcritcble, Jobn, writer, 24 Dan\\be sVet' :llaidc.ud, lift, • Torphichen street Mitt, Mrs .James, 3 E. Ne.inglon place
Clerk street llaerikhie, Thos. Elder, of Craigton, 'V.S... Ma1cellar, MIN. 8 Charlotte square Marr, Mr., ehina merchant, 290 Lawnmarket
It'l'hcrson, Geo. grocer and spirit: mercbnnt, Gav6eld squire lfalcolm, R. D., M.D., F.R.C.P.E. 1~6 Goorge Marr, Mrs, S Warrlltoa cretlcent
39 Cumbcrland strcet n.
\ Maeritcbi~, W. t 1\1.0." Archibald place street Marrlble, .10!' n, aecountant (G.P•• 0.),
ll'Pherson, H. spirit merdu. 289 Canongate ,Macritcbie, Miss, 4 Gayfleld IIquare ,Malcolm, W,lter (Custom.), 2 Couper It, MI)'fleld terhCf:, Newingtou
-housc, 212 ! M'Tavisb, Peter, lodgingl, 22 Indil &tree' Marrial. !lichael, broke,~ J 61 Co.~.,te
street I
'WPhi!t8on, James, cabln2tmaker, 165 nose: Pti'Talish, Wm. tailor, i" Cumberlaod stree&
M'Vcan, 1\1 at. grocer .Dd spirit dealer, as
Malcoim, WilIiam, 13 Torphichen street
l\1.alcolm, Mrs, JodJrlngs, 18 Charles' stred
~llcohu, }Ira, MiJdle6eld house
Mant, John, RatclHfe pJac:e, )66 Cauteylide
Mlirsball & Aitken, wooJlen drapef' .nd eJo-
lPPbcfson, .Tohn, 10 Graham street, William street ....fa colm, Mr&, 8 Grange rOAd thiers,27 North bridge
,M'}'bcnou, John, rrown-room-kceper, E<lill. I M'Vey & Watson, brallfounders, guftttm, ~{allcollm, lira, lodgingll, 33 Queen Itreet Af anbaU et Small, artificial leg and b.nd.,,,
Caltle ~ aoel plumbeJ'l, 6 Old Ph,s!r gardeD. 1~ a co 10, Mi8l, ~8 l.ondon street maker, 20 South Fredmck Itreet
M'J'herson, John, coppersmith, gasfitter, nnd! )I'Vey, .Tames (M' VII t WatlOn), • 014 ~Ialall~~':! )fn Ju. lodgings. 16 Albany street MarsbaU & Son., jetlfeJJen & sll,enmi&b., 81
snuft'bo,;.makt-r, Can'ubber's close Physie gardenl l ",:u, Pat. & Son, m• .,....ouuler8, 306 Gearge ttreet
::\1'Pherson, Jobn,artist, 10 Wellington place, I )f'Vicar and Wlnkl, dreamaken, arc. .i I.awnmlrket Mlr.;hall jc Sutberland, plUtnef5, 2S •.lou'.
Leilh I Georse street )fallocb} Mill, 2 Shrub place Jane, ... It Charlotte Itmt, Leith

ManbaU, Ales.. Maitland place, Newhaven
Muaball, Arch. 4i Minto strt-et
IMarshaU, Mrs,.----------------------
30 l\oyal. circus
.Marshall, :Mrs, l~ Lau!lston place
----------------------------------------------------- .-----
Mason, Dav!d (D. M. ~ Co.), 11 Grabam st ,l\USONIC Lodge, PortobeHo-Alex.
llason, Davld, coal merchant, " Port-Hamil.. High st. PortobelJo, master: Wm. ll-Vcy,

Jlataball, Capt. D., H.E.I.C.S. 10 Royal ter. ManhaU, 1\11'8, IO.Ar~hlbald plac? , tou-houee, ... Hope ,treet-tee adt1. i clock and watchmaker, 69 High st. Porlob•
MarsbaU, David, C.A.36 Hanover street- Marshall, ~ffll, midWife and ladles nune, 2 .1\Iason, Georg~, ftesber, 48 Hanonrelreet I ICc.-3d 'Thursday, (lo.
Orchardfield stree~ ~ra.on, H.aSllSr...clerkof Session, 15 Register I :'IASO~IC Lodge, Ccldc-David Skir\'iog, i
boo 11 Dublin 8\reet
ManbaU, David: draper and stationer, 108 Marshall, M!" lodgmgs, 2 Trlmty crescent
Welt port-boul.!e, 29 I'~arl Grey street

I Marsball, .1\1185, dressmaker, 30 Royal cireu.~
1\Iason, James, S. S. C. 1... Pitt ..lreet
I 'l'orplticbco street, master; A. H:\y, f,5
Princes st. treas.; .J. 1\lackay, sec.-l st Fri-
MushaU, George H. 311eriot row I MarshaU, M!88, 4 Gloucester plate Mason, James, (D. and A-I.) 2 ROlburgh day, do.
Manball (T. (lale of Mallilla), Grecian eot. Marshall, MISS, IS Royal terrace
l\1onhall: Uev. Henry, D.D., St Patrick's. :&larbhaU, &lis8, teacher of pianoforte, 27
MalOn, Robert, Meadowbank
t:~\iASONtC Lodges Si Clair- Richatd Gray~
11 I'rinces Ill, loaster-Henry W. }t'blay.
Catholic Church. :'!60 Cowgate I Howe street &Iason, 1'homa8, 2 Baltic Itreet, Leith 81 South bridge, sec.-ad Monday, do.
){arsbull, .Jamt'I', plumber and gasfitter, 62 i MarshllU, Misses, 5 Grove str~t Mason, 'l'homas, 9 HercIes street MASONIC Louge, 'l'ratalgar, I.ehb-Thomlls
Droughton sU'eet Marti'l, Alex. 45 Cumberland street. Mason, Wm., S.S.C. 21 Dublin at!'eft Pearson, 11 South Norton place, muter;
J,furshall, J. and W. jewellers, 41-.& George M&rt\n, Cbarles A. commissivtl agent, 45 Mason, Mrs Agnes, 35 Castle street D. Slalkt'r, 9 Commercial place, 'cc.
street Montagu street Mason, Mrs Elizabeth, lodgings, SI India st. .:\hSONIC I ..odgc, Caledonian, Cafe Royal
lfarsball .Tames & SonA, British wine ma- Martin, David, baker, 819 High street Mason, Mrs.T. prol. deaJer, S St l\(ary's wynd : Ut'gister Sl:-eet-LaureDcc Tlulnon, Leith,
kel'8 w'ine & spirit m~rcbllntll, 39 }'uttcrrow Martin, Geo. plumberJ :J Picardy place-ha. ,
Marsb~ll, .J. (.T. M. ri" Son.), MIly6eld Ler. Martin, l. &. Son, c:,binetmakera, 16 South
Mason, 1\Irs.J. lodgs. S Hamburgb pI. Leith
.Mnson. Mrs,21 Clyde street .
master; William n.
house, lee. and treall.
Hayden, IS Register

MarsbaU .T ames (lledpath, Brown, ~. Cf).)

Ste:\d'~ place
MarsbaU, .lames, plasterer, 83 Coatfield lane
Clerk street-house, 1 Clerk street
Martin, lames, wholesale, retail, aO(\ export
stationer, engraver, and lithograpber, 5.
~Iason, lIn, lodgings, 1 Que(.'llsterry street
MASONIC Lodge, Grand, of Scotland-His
Mason, }frs, 1't!mnant warehouse, 9 Kirkgate I':\(ASONIC Lod~e, The lUOE', No. -lOS-C.
Mackenzie, 80 lieorge Jit. maiter ; .J. Laurie,
98 (ieorge si. sec.-lst TUt'sday, duo
Grace the Duke of Atbole, K.T. grand, .:\laoon, Miss, 13 Castle 8tref~:
Marshall Jumetl, silk mercer and haberdasher,
",0 So,;th bridge-ho, 2 W. Lauriston pI. ~brtin,
Hanover st.-house, 52
.'s. (latc JJlilson 6t. M.) 14 Dull1in st. i
master: W. A. l.aurie, grand secretary; A. Masters, WilIiulD, wine aud spirit mtircbant,
J. Stewart, grant' c)el'k-I4'reem:won's Hnll, I 1 l'...auristoJl street
lbnball, .John, plnmber and gasfitter, 15 Martin, lobn, snrgeon, 7 C()burg street
\V est Rf.'gisler street, ami 11 S. St Andrew ~Iartin,.f. S. (Bank of Sco!. ), 7 I!~nderson row 98 Georg~ st.; WiIliam AI. Bryce, grand I' :'Ia."tcts. Mn A. spirit (lealer, 110 Uose street
sLrect-hotlsc, 11 Ycrk lllace Martin, Jobn, W.S. 32 Great,Klng ~treet tyler, 129 nose street ,Masterton, Wm. boot&shoc mkr. 29I1omc.t.
MRfshaU, .1ohu S.S.C., N.l'., Sec. to Gen. Martin, .John, farmer, Inverletth mamIJ ~.IAsoNlc Lodge of Edinbltrgb, Mary's Chapel, IMATt:R.N'TY Hospital, ltoyal, Cbapel bou~­
Assfmbly's Home Mission anti l~ndowmcnt 1Martiu, M ••J., M.D. 16 Melville street

W, Manu, 22 Raeburn place, ma1Stcr; W. I E. Jobnston, matron

Schemes, 40" Jo'rc<1eriek s\rtwt-hou~e, Pem-' Martin, R~". 1Ingb, ScienncM Hill villa D. Alder, ,j Aroilt.on place, sec.-2d '!'ucs- Mathcr, Ala. miUwright, 69 Fountainbridgc
broh:o lo<1gt.', 'Murrayfit'" Martin, Peter, spirit dCliler, 45 Giles' street day, each mOl"", Slti!, hotel, E. RCf!ister st. I -houle, BrouglulIn IStreet
:\lAsoslc I..o<lge, Canongate KilwillDiug- Mather. Alex. dair.y, M High street, .John, 8(lvocllte, 60 Nortbumb. st. Martin, U. clerk (J.Smith "" &m) 15 Brown st.
Marshall, J'atrick, 27 r~lder street Martin, Robert, wood turner, Clycle It. 1a'19 Thos. Drybrougb, master, Cameron; I llatber, An(lrew, 2~ Suuth Castle 8trt:(;t
Marsltall, Pk. bootm.1br, 50 W. R(>gister st. i Martin, Thomas, acconntaot, 49 Castle s\, Stewart WallWD, arust, 33 Ho\ve 8treet,' Mathcr, E. shoe men'er, 16 South S, Dllvid :-.t.
MarAhall, Robert, merchant, 86 Llluriston Martin, W. slater an(l ~lazier, 4R-A Georgeet. secretary-2d Wednesday, monihly /Ma'her, JnlnC8, (a.l'.• O.) 15 Jamaica street
1,laoo, amI farmer, Gateside, Ktrkllston Martin, 'V. furniture dealer, 29 Dundas Bt. MASONIC Lodge, C/dlongate & Leith ··-1'" . Mtrother, .Jalues, ftc,sher, POII-f!.lfic(·, Newhaven
Marahatl, Uobert Bnrt, 120 Laurinton place Martin, Wm. plate-glass agent, !;lass mercbt. Stepbens, SblnweU Lodge, Leith, maater-' ;\lather, .Jimes, 15 South College htreet
Marehall, Robt. spirit. dealer, 14 Leven street and glazier, 15 J"rederick !Street-houle,l 1st Tues., mOtttltlg I: .:\Iather, .hl. & Son. warehousemen, 11 Leith

Marshall, Robt.llOlltmr. nV6ry stables, Dublin Cambridge street )lAsoslc Lodge, Joumeymen--.John Lamb, street terrace
street mnc-<lfficc, 29 I>ublin street Martin, "'rn. victual dealer, 2 Raebum place Gnrduer's ereacent, master; Rober& Phe- i Mathn, Thos. jun., vet. sur~. 7 Queen's pI.
M&rshall, T. & Son, (irr.pers, 14 W. Adam tit. Martin, 'V. spir. mer. 73 'l'olbooth wyd.,I.eitb
MarshalI, T. victulll dealer, 2 Antiglm at.-ho. Martin, 1\lrs Col. Stcphen, 33 ltegent terrace
mester, wright, 20 Laudlton 8t. lec..-2d ' Mather, WHllam, 112 'Ves\ bow
Thursday, do. I ~Jather, Wm. F. spirit mer. 9 St AnthollY pI.
7 Union street Martin, :&In E. Findhom pt., Grange ~[A80NJC Lodge, St Dllyjd's-A. Smith, 108, Matbcr, W. F. b.:okseUer, Jot Rose street
Marshall, 'rhomai, officer, RO!lul Co!legc nf Mar"n, Mrs, tea, wine, and tlpirit merchant, i
South Bridge, maltet; R. 1>. W"Uace,:U Matbcr, Mr. ,lamcs, 65 York place
Alva st. soo.-ht and :kt Tuesday, do. I Mather, lUrll, lodgiogs, I Hill &(1'
Ph!lstcianG, 9 Queen street 19 Carnegie street
MaTshaJl;"'. R. goldsmith, 1 Castle terrac(' \ Martin, Mrs John) 1 Eyre plaee ~IASONIC LOOge, St Luke's-AmlrelV lnglis,' Mather, Mill E. lodgings, ~8 St'luth Castle "t.
l\brshaU, WaIter (J, ..f W• .AI.), 28 Aber~ Martin, Ml's, \ Cumin place 16 Queen lltreet-S(iMonday, do. . ~lathers. Geo. & Co., w..tchantl clock makeltl.
cromby place Martin, :\In Wm. victual dealer, 98 NicellOD )[,.SONIC Lodge, 8t Andrew-Lindsay Mac-I 12 Bruntlwiek street, Stockbradgc
kcreey, W.S•• ~, l.ondon It., master; H. }t:.: Matber", David, book~llcr, .la:ioner, printer,
MarshaH, WHllam, Danish copsul-genrral for \ street-ho. 12 W. Nlcol~on 8t.
Seotlaml, 25 hegent terraet Martin, Miss Agnes, SO Clarence street
Marsball, W. coal merchant, 12 Castle street Martio, Miss Anne, 1 Doune terrace
Trotter, '13 George street, "ee.
~I ASON1C J...otIHc, St James's, OPf)rativc-
I and news-sgeDt, 2O-A Waterloo pl.-whole-
sal,: warchou~e, 17 -housE', S Argyle placc
MlJsball, Wm. & Co. ~(lhl antI flilversmitb8, Martin, Miss, 13 MelviIJe street I
.James Melvt 1le,21 St James' sq. I1l&8ter; Mathe&Oo & Co., watchmaLl:rs and jewclleftl,
.;ewellers, & wRtchmakerll,2'" Prince!! st. Martin, l\lisa, tlrcssmak('r, 2 St .lames' plAce D. n. Fox, 69 Abbey hill,sec.-lIt Tburs- 68 rroJbooth wJnd, Leith
Marsball, William, engineer, Stead's cottage, Marwick, J. D. cily. clerk , (Watt l< lJl.) 10 day, ever!! Mrmtia i Matheson. A. & ('0. blad: silk and crap!' Dler..'a place Bellevue cr('seenl MASONIC Lodge, St Stephen's-P. Stewart, I cera to the Queeo, 3P-.. Georj.1e .t;ect
)la1'Snall, Wm. coal viewer, 11 ArDi.ton pi. l'larwick, Wm. S.S,C. (Wall aKd .M;) ~ Johnston terrace, m••eer ; James L. Simp-I M.thclOn, AJex., Taaphall, Queen!.ferry road
Manlla\\. llr!. Dr, 2lj A'va street tTpper Gray Itreet son, 11 Lothian street, tEc.-!M Monday, Mathel'lon, Alex. (.d. ~lr.~· Cb.), 19 Nonbum-
'Marsha", MrR DaBa!l, ~ J.~,re place Marwick, Wm. ham and ('gg shop, '" Wett do. \' bed.od .'f~et
Martlhan, Mu Robert, Roaebank cottage Richmond street )fAIIONIC LodR'e, Defensive BalJd-George ~I.tbe.on, George, bairdredCr and perfumer,
Marsball, Mf! HI AIbany street Marwick, Wm, 9 8t Dt'rnard's row
Manh.U, l\lrs, I> Piu Itreet, and 'Middle Go- &la80n, Alex. baker, 20 Coupet street
I.aing,50 Lehh st' l laJUter; DAfalel Grant,
S9 South bridge, Iec.--4th Tuesday, do. I
8' BOle .trect
Matbeson, JalDf.t4, 35 India place
tbir. cottage, Trinity
llRrshat, Mftj, 'ilO Ran'keillor slt'eet
Martlhall, Mrs, 27 "owe tlrcet
Mason, Ddvtd, llthographicartist, ss Ktrkgt&D
Mason, DavM, & ('0. tca and coWee ulesmell,
I 88 SOUdl bridge
ton,4 St John fit. ma.tet; W. Johnlton,
~~ Da,le street, sec.-Sd 'Vednaday, tIo.
MASONIC l.od~e, Roman Eagle-Or ~liddk· I ~lnthCllOO, Johu, clothier and shirt maker, 51
Hanover siftM
Matbeson, John, S Comely gr('(,l~ p',I(e
928 Ial BDtNBUltOB A~-=L=E..:..:IT~H_ _ _ _ Mei_--:-_ _ Jlet GENERA.L DIRECTORY. Mid . 229
Matbeton Robert, .urtel:n0f 11. M. Public I Maxwell, 1\Ira James, 2 S~i&bury ~aeedu
----------------- "---
Work.' Ezcbequer (:
Aber~mby lace
bers-bouae, 2& 'Maswell, MraJames, lodl,!gs, 18 un Rt
• Maxwell, Mn Jane, la ea Dune, 6 c·
r· Jrfeio, Wm. pocketbook and cue maker, 37 Menziel, Urs Jobn, 9 Regent street, i;ith -
North bridge Menzie., :Mn Robert, 1 Rankeillor atreel
Meldrum, George, aeoountaut. 5S York ,lite Menliel, Mrs, 11 Calton Itreet
'Matheson, wnftam J. buUder. Lower Pilt at. :r.b'0oolt:r p trick 5 W. Newington pI. Heldrum, Wm ••pirit ,ilr. 43& Lawnmarket l\fenlie., }fn, 7 Scotland street
-houle 25 Abercromby place xwe, !' a , D. I Meldrum, Miss, lodgings, 11 Roxburgh It. Menaiel, Mrs, grocer and spirit dealer Lap-
Matbeson 'Wm su rintendent of ehildren, MasweU, MISS, toy shop," rlllto p. a.ce MelUl, James, 1~6 PrinC\~ .treet aide place '
City Pa~biai Dorrd, 11 Archibald place May, Wi11iam, Chain pi~r ~otel, TrInity C Mellon, J. pavlor and cont,-actor, 3 Spittal aL. :r.renzies. Mis" 25 Charlotte square
MathewlOn ~fi8S milliner and dreslmaker, }1ay, Wm. general furmlhGlU g hO~dse, 22t ta- lfelrose, Alex. grocer, 6.Jobnstone It. Leith t l\fenzies, Mi88, 31 WlndAor Mleet
• t' tberine street-bouse, 3 reenSI e s ree Melrose,Andw. & Cc', teadealers to the Queen, J Menlies, Miss S» Vanbllrgh pl'lce
19 U ni on IItrel' If ... b t I 170 High street
Matbie, Robt. 3 I.inke place, Leith ~Iay, J.urs, temperance ? e , • and c:roeen, 93 Gtorge strt'et lfeozies, Mils, boardiog IJCbool, M"I,UJe
MatbielOn, Alex. and Son.' plaoe and edge ~~yne, ~U':rt2 ~1!!:ii~~~;l~;:r~ewington Melrose, John (..4. 111. ~ Co.), 18 Moray place
tool manufacturers, 48 N lcollOn street
llathielOn, D.50 Y.rdbeads
yoe". 11 l 'd '
Meade, .John, Jewe er, apl ary, an
d seill n
f: •
I house, George square
Melrose, In. taUor lie clothier, 68 George It. Menziel, Misscs, aeminary. S Spiualltrect
Ilelrt'se, W. watch~nd clock maker,S High ter' Ah:acANTlLB Marine Shipping Offi4'e, 56 & 60
ftfathieson, George, shipowner and agent, grav~r, ... Nor&h St Andrew street-houae, llelr?le,, lodglUg~, 68 Geo!ge s~reet
I Tolhootb wd. Leith-Capt. T. Thompson
ClIfton lodge, Wardle 11 Ple&r"r place.. . . • "MclYdle & AdamlOn, hth~phlc wuten &Dd i l\baCANTlLE and House Agency, 7 k:ldcr
)ratbfesoD John eabinetmaker, 12 Keirst.- )h:cIIANlce SUbpcnption.Llb·Ylctorhterrac: draughtlmen, 21 St lame. square I street-D. Hardie, accountant
h use 1'Venn;1 -Henry Cameron, hbrarlaD- ouse, lIelvillt (,r, Lintlesay, 'V.S., J10 Georf!e ~treet I Mf!rcer, George, llnd SOD, lace merch:mts l:'t
)1a:hiSO~) Alex. spirit dealer, 11 India place Rlddell'.. c o u r t . • Melvilte, And. fishing tackle manufacturCl'1 21II 15, and 17 NlcollOD street-ho. E8kb~nk'
Mathi,on .Jall. spirit dealer, 7 Artbur st. M "mCAL Hall, ~. C. Batldon, 13. Pnnces st. St Dayid .t.-ho. Grange loan Dalkeitb '
Malhtllon: R., baker, 37 Clork st. & 46 High st. M,,:DlcAL,lnnhd, a~d General Llfll Aiiurance MelYille, Arcbd., W.S. 48 York place I Mercer, 'ViUiam, trimming mfrchant I"
-house,41 Clerk IItreet Coy. 2 N. Se Davld IItre~l-W. ~e ! agent MelYille, Franc's S. (AIIUI",,' curk of Srulon, I Union pl.-bo.S9 Broughton st. ' ~
Mlltbison n wine &. spirit mer. ~6~ Canongate t.lRDICAL Missionary Trainmg In8l1tntl0l1 and GM Keeper of&gilterofAttorne!! ["icencII), Mercer, Wm. Drummond, 4 Great Stuart st.
ifathilOn: Thos. spirit (teal er, 39 Dean stre':~ DislHmsary, 39 .c0wgate-~. B. 1'homson, 16 BrouRbton place Mercer, Mrll, 4 Morton fltreet
MathilOn, W. wine&spirlt merchant, 92 HIgh
,treet-house, G Park I!Itreet
surgeon, supprmte~Jcnt,
MEUlCAL, ~y~, SocIety, 1 .. e uroe p
lbo lace l\i' ~lel',~ne, Geo. 21 ro" Mercer, .Mrs, Benior of Gortby. 1. Moray pI.
llelYIlle, Jallles M., ,V .~. 110 George street . Mercer, ,Miss, {tressmaker, 3:; Droughton st
Matllon, Alex., stlltioner, 1 Union place- Meek a~d \\ dllam&on, wholesale tea dellen, f!
~fetvme, .Tas. co-opt'ratiYe .tore, Newhaven-I' l\hlftCU HTS' l!al1 t 4 unter liquare .
house 1 North St James' street 37 Matchell .tn:t:t • ho•• St4r bank ,~hi:RCllllltoN Golfing tJub, Calver's Go(f i,m,
Mlltlhc~ & 'l'hcilmann, conI factors and com- 'leek, Dav. watchmak~r and watch mltenal .Mel,dle, Ja•. (M. <So .4.), ~I St James Iq. . Brunta6eld Iinks-..'). JI. Nibbb. clIpta;Il'
mission agents, 13'1 Constitution street dealer, 60 No~tb. br1(l~e
Matthcw,.Jas. & Son,drapersan{\ linen manu- Meek, G. commiSSion agent, 19 St James at.
, Melville, Thol. "rigbt, 1 Annfield, Newhayen
Mel,ilIe, 1tlillea 'Vbytc, 27 1\Ioray place
I W. \VoUJcr&poon, lecrdarg
:\Ierrilce8, fo'letcber, dentist, 101 (ieorge It.

raeturen, 421 Lawnmarket aud 9 Caltoll street,.. o. Melville, llrl, :I North Charlotte street. ~lerri1ees, 1\(n, drclllmaker, " Tolbooth wyud
Matthew, .Tames, macer, Iligh Court of .Julti~ Meek, nomrt, workmg Jeweller, 1.. Thllde M~lvin, Alex. brewer, Borougb loch Leith '
ciary,2 Hay street . Itrt:et-house, :11 Brough,ton pl. llene]aws, Wm. grocer and wine mercbant, l\[errilees, l\lra .Jolin, 4 N. St Andrcw st.
l\fauchlino. Aw. grocer. 2.) No. RIchmond st. Meek, Thomas, 9 St .lamel pI: • U3 George street-boo 1 Walker street Merry, Jlmes, 13 lIendenon row
Manchline, .Tames (G.P .• O), 9 Jamcs'l,hce Meek, T. (ill. cl- IV.), ,Ij Queen s place, LeIth ~lcnclaw8, William, baker, 181 CllOOn/late l\IcsSt'r, Aclam, F.U.C.S.l!:. 11 Abbotsford
Maughan, Ed. J. [) Mary's pla~e Meek, .Mrs, b.oarding school, • 9 nutland Iq. ~Ienzie. & Co ••hipbuildere, 'Vet docks and p&rk, llurniogside
ftlaughall, Captain I'. 31 Mel\'dle street Meeson, Pafld, rng merchant, 7 Bellevue Granton llesser, James, !!Ilater and chimney sweeper,
Maugban, WilIiam C., C.A., 37 Melville st. Meik, :MISS, 8 Howard plaCE- ~Ieuzles, Bemanl,and Craig, Caledor: .. " dis- 67 St Leonard Itrf:Ct
Maule, .John, 23 Maidand street Mciklam, Joh~, 18 Ath~ll .crelcent tiller,., Ha,market Meaaum, .Juliim A. pAymaster of Coast Guard
Maule, ,John, builder, 1.0w Broughton Melkle, Arc1nbald, "elhngton botel, IS ~Ienzies, D. (BeU and hI.), architect and lur. in Scotland & n.N. Elizaticld house
Mll.xton ,J. 11 Eton terracc Leith ttreet terrllCC veyor, 2.> Se Patrick .quare Methuen. Ju. fish-curer, 90 (files' M. 4 Sand-
l\lnxtll~. Miss, 136 Gt'o"ge tltrect Mc!kle, Chr~8. actt:~rr, N. S. Saving. bad ~Ienzies, Heorge (bl. alld (:b.), Leith mouut port .treet, and Cable Wlnd-ho. \\"ll11a ...
Maxwell Marsball, amI Co. corn factors,26 Melkle, DaVHl, pro'lt:lon shop, 18 Y~rdheads lIen lies, Grab. (G. M • ..s. Co.), 8 .4-tholl crete field houte
Constitution street Meikle, G. tailor and clothier, ...~ Thistle It. :\lenl~c8, .Tas. Queen"1 hotel, ~31 Princes st. Me,tbYen, Thomas, nursery amI seedamau,
1\laxwelJ, Gea. dairy, 12 North l\felvi1l"1,1ace Meikle, James. com mercht. ) Beaumont Pd1• ~Icmaes, J •. M. engranrt prmter, and Utbo-! StanweJl nursery, and Leith Walk nurtery
?laxwell, J. L. clerk, 2 SaUr-bury square Meikle, .Tas. Wardie burn house, Ferry ron !:,'Tapher, 30 Hanover 1&. ! Metbnn, 'Vm. 11 Jtozburgh Itret!t
Mazwcll James tinsmith an{l gastitter, 16 MeHde. Thomas, Prince of Wale. hotel, 46
Riddf'il's c10l!l": Lc:ith ~ est 1\egilter street •. •
~Irnzies, James, 22 St Patrick square
:\Ienz'es, James, ~ocer, ~09 Cowgace
I Meyt·r, M. H. cabinetmaker, Burne':s clo!le-
lloule, Iteld's court, 95 Canongatc
Maxwcll, .Jas. baker, 112 Nicolson st.-houso, Metkle, W~d' grocer aud prOVISion dealer, 146 )(enzies, James, Brougham street i Middlemas. &: tJrmiston,llpir\t merchants 9:1
9 HIU ~quare Causeys, c ltenzies, J. shipmaster, ~ EUcn street Niculson It.-ho. 169 C!t,~seYflide '
~lax",ell, .John Hun, or Dargavel, C. B., secre- Mcikle, Wi11iam, S.S.C. masler estraord!narr lleDzics, John, bookseller aod publi.her, "l l\lid{llemass, Gco. wright, 169 Causey8jde
tary, l/;qhland ftlul A,/rir.lfltUl·al 8£.ciety of In tbe lJigb Court of Chancery, 23 }'I\\ st. S. Hanover street-ho. 28 N. Nel.on st. MicJdlemsLII, Gco. boot and shoe maker, 7
Scothmri,6 Albyn placb Meikleham, Mrs, :I Duncen street Mcnzies, Thol. wholesale &. retaH lace and Giles street
Ma,.weH, .T. teacher,28 llukc street, lA!ith Melklejobn, Joho, teacher, 6 Rore bank trj~ming warehouse, 39 Lothian s,.-ho. 3S, Midd!ema8l, G. at tie dcaler, I \V. XewingtoD
MaxweU, ThoR., t'gg. butter, cheese, nnd ham Meiklejohn, Joho, spirit dealer, 127 High It. Mcn7.~cs, Thomas, 1\bipowner, 1 Pilrig atree, Jam.", clothier, "hart-merchant,
merchant. 3 Howe street -house, 1~ West. Preston a&reet ~en~lel' Captain \Vm. 11' Gcorge street and outfitter, 18 South bridge-boo Dick
l\fau;'cll, W. A. printer, 1n Dnnllas street Meiklejohn, MrR, 7... Great King atreel enlles Wm ••John, 'V.S. SI Rutlaad square plaee.-Sec AdtJ.
Maxwell, Wm. draper, 4& }'redcl;ck street Mein, Alesaoder, hat manufacturer, liO S& ~fleDZ!el' Wm. Sf, Buer.leuch street Middleman, Robert, Rainbow hotel Ancl reil-
Maxwell, William, printer, 4 Beaumont pt. JohD strt-et-ll0use, 94 George at. .. enZICS, Wm. ?tt.D., F.R.C.S.E. 3 LOlbian taurant, 47 New buildings, an,I 1 Canal s&.
Mnxwcil, Willinm, 29 Cheyne Htrect M"in,A., 1\I.D. surgeon-dentist, 9" George It. road l\Iiddlemw, Robt. baker and confectioner,
Maxwell, :\bs A. lI. 11 CoatC's crel\cent Mein, .J. Z. engruer, printer, aDd litho- Menlies, Hon. La{ly,oC Menzle" Abbe, hill 20 Westl'rellon street-boulK', 1&
Maxwcll, Airs, of Shnlb bm, Shrub hill 110U!e ~apher, 9 Leith street terrace-hOt 16 St house Mi(ldlemus) Thos. watcb and clock maker,"
Maxwel1, Mrs, Cameron bank bouso,· Iquare Ifenziel, 1\lrI AUaa, i Manor place Spittal,'reet

. . . . . . . .' , . . . - w • .. .. ••
-~"''''''''''''i'',",,!J."'iIliS-..,rF~IIIi\l sr.WlIIIlI"'IiWII'JII'.%IiIGliili_~'.I.11I7_ , ...............IIIJif1'
...V-1........__•••·Kl=••••_ _
230' Mid Mil
EDINBURGH AND LEITH --------------------------
J ames B., Utllt, 3 DUDcao It., Drum- i~liller, Mn Thos. 15 Bucclench .tree'
Mlddlemus, Tbomat, fumlture dealer, 21 St
Andrew street Leith
I cbin. and glass warehoUle, 2 South St An.
drew at.
~ond pllc! Miller, 1\1,., ladies' nl1ne, 19 W. Crollcauaq
l\liUer, Jas. Jun. S.S.C. (Duncan q- M.), 11 Miller, Mu, 12 Antigua street

Middlemnss, Wait. F. writer, 1" Barony It. ' Millar, John (late RieAd. Milia,. ~ Son). c1~k ~utb NellOD street Miller, Miu, 16 ArDinon place
Middlemll6S WUUam 10 Elm row and watcbmaker, '" North bndge-houe, Miller, .Ju. & Co •.coal.depot, Edia. Firewood I Milier, Miss Mar" 5 Abbey
:Mtddtemus: William: wrigbt, 20 Bed(o~ st. ~O Dublin street • . ~o., 129 Fountambndge . '~Iiller, ~lis!', Georgc street, North Leith
Middlemasa Mn ladies' nurse, 46 Launstcn M1Ilar, .Tohn, confectioner, 7 Kukgate l\f!l1er, J. & R. grocers, 46 Bridge s~ree~ Millers & Arthnr, paint, varnish, 3nll colour
street ' , Millar, John, advoC'.ate, 10 Abercromby place l\hUer, J. & Sons, merchts.92 COl1!1tltutton st. msnufacturers and oil merchants, Timber
Middlemus Mn E. victual dealer, " .. S. Clerk Millal', Laurence, 26 Frederick street Miller, John, woollen draper, 29 N. bridge- bush and.; Shore
,treet ' Millar, Richd. jun. watch, clock, and nautical ~ouse, 19 Grabam at: Millidge & Son, jewellers and watchmakers,
Middlemass. Mr!II Robert, 13 Moray street instrument maker, ?8 Bridge st.-houlJe, Mll!er ••John M. book!ieller, printer, and book- 28 Princes street-houfle, 6 r.lansfield place
Mtddleton bavid surgeon, Ib4 Canongate 31 Albany street, Leltb ~llIder, 2 L~ndslf placfl-:-bo. 4 I'ark st. ltiUithte, )\[is!l K. 1\1. milliner, ~ ... George st.
Mi<ldleton: D. tea'mt'rcbt. 22 S. Si Jllmes' st. l'Hllar. Roben, teacher, 18 Thistle 8~ Miller, Juhn,jun. Civil enganeer, 137 PriDces Millidge, Miss, 3' Castltt street
Mi(ldlewn John, 13 Moray place Millar, Robert, clock maker, 6 Royal Excb. ~trcet Mim~ID, .J, lit J., SoS.C. 13 Genrge street
Middleton' .Tohn, M.D., physician and sur· MiIlar, T., confectioner, 16 Constitution street Mdler, In. baker and confectioner, 1 Nortb l'lilligiln, Jllmes, S.S.C. local manllgC!r, Jloyol
goon 1 West Adam sL.-bo. 4 St John It. I MilIar,Wm.tranRCriberotancientmanuscriptl, ~t. Andrew Sl.-ho. IS Clyde st. llUurallce Co., commissiuner to admini.ter
MI(hlletoIl, Robt. com. agent and wire merch., searcher of record., and law stationer, 5 Miller, .Jo~lI, bookseller, 3 ~ Gcorge IV. bridge oaths in Chancery, I\nd commis.·doner of the
:1 Greenside strep, JJundas street
ltlUburn, George, M.D. S Nicolson "quare ,Millar, Wm. smith, Caatle torrace-honlle, 22
:-pnntmg office, U-'l High atreet
M!ller, .John, stone, 19 Castle st.
I courts of Queen's Bt:llcb, Com.non P.leu,
and Exchequer. 13 Gt'orgc street
Miles, Alex. coal merchant, 3 Coalhm, and 7 ltutland square Miller, John, commiSSIon agent, 20 So. StjMilligan, John, 18 West Nicohmn street
Prince Regrllt st.-ho. 88 Bridl;e Btreet Millar, 'Vm. writer,28 CumberJand street ~ndrew st. i
MiIligan, .John S. (J. It J. J.ll,UigcUl, S.S.C.)
Miles, Wm. clerk, " Helen pl.~ 1\IiIlar, Wm. spirit dealer, 15 Cable wynd
Mill, Ebenezcr, S.S.r,. and notary public, 51 Millar, 'Vm. plasterer, 39 Jamaica street
Miller, John, temperance hotel, 20 South St
;Andrew etreet
I 38 Daonbe street
Milligan, Mrs, ... Old St Cuthbert Itreet
Princes street-hont'e, 12 AthoU place Miltar, Wm. Steel (Noble~' Co.), 84 Great M~J1er. John (l). I'l. "" S.), 20 Piu street IMilUkeD, Mitts, 31 Charlottc square
Mill, Uev. J. S. 2 Thomson's place, Lehh King street Miller, ~no. gen. !nspeetor of fisberies, Up{Wr Il\hllio, l\obl'rt, gardener. Dalr; "me
Mm••John (N. B • .Aduertiw), 2 Buceleuch MilIar, Wm. White, S,S.C. and S.L., Com-
place mislIioner, for taking affidavits for Sl1preme
Ht'rmltage, J..el;h IMiUon~, Geufgo woo«l merchant, Port- Hope-
M!ller, Joiu., ,V.S. 4~ Albany street I !ounsawmills,60 .·ountaillbridgp-ho. 12'1
Mm, Mrs, S5 Howe etree\
Mill, Mre, grocer and spirit merchant, 16 WU-
Courts in England, 8 Bank street-house, JO
Gem'ge square
M~lIer, .10~pb, 1 Union .treet..
Miller, l\hchacl, gardener. )IO~~lRgtlde
I:\hllons, n. N. timber mer., 73 Gilmore pt
Milton., 'fhomas, & SOM, timber merchanll,
Uam street MillRr, Agnes, ctmfectioner, 7 Rutland place Miller, P6~er, grocer Rnd .pmt dealer, 20 i Brougham Ittreet. and .Tunction lit., Leith
Mill, Mrs John, 8 Picardy place Millar, AIrs Dr J. 3 Lower Gilmore place ~()utb 111cbmond ",treet Iltillons, 'rhos. (T. M. ~. Son,), DruludryaD
Millan & Mann, t!dlorR anti army clothier. MilIar, Mrs Jane, Rosebank road, Wardie Miller, Peter, eurgeon, 8 BelIe"ue terrace , house
(late T. BIlr.kmast~r ~. Co.), 135 George sL Milhtr, Mr'l R. 11 Lutton place Miller, Robert, candlemaker, 8 Lady La.,on's! MilIons, Mrs T. 23 Gardncr's crescent.
Millan, R. (M. '-S" Mann), 8 Abercromby pt Mill.r, Mrs, It:allt Hermitage, Leith
Millar Brothers, com. wt'rcht&. 2 Quality st. Millar, Mr., 40 St Palrick square
M!Ut!r, I~obel't, 7 ~llh8bury roa~
IMHluns, Miss, 8 Morrison sLreet
~lin~, Wm. tailor and clothier, 6.3 N. bridge
Millar, A. & Son 11, smiths & machinemakerR, I Millor, Mrs, so North Castle street
1S Pottcrow-houee, 6 Brighton street I Millar, Mrs, of Earnor,k, 17 Royal terrace
MJlle!, 'I boe. Berhn and trimmmg merchallt,l Mills, 1\(,., 73 Constitution stred
2 Spring garden. I ~Iilnc, Alex. bootmaker .s St Jamcs' street
MilIar, A. watchmaker nnd jeweller, 36 Leith .i\lillal', Miss, tlrt:ssmaker and milliner, 108 Miller, 'i'bomas, stockbroker,and Irish eltatcs : :\1ilne, Alex. hootmak~r, 1~~ So. ~t Dand
street-house, 16 Broughton lIl1' Gl'orge street ~ent, 72 I'rinr-cs street-bo" 3 Fife place I' stre\!t
MilIar, Rev. Ales. 8uperint. Edinburgh City I Miller Bud Crawford, S.S.C• .;9 Georgc sq. M~ller, Thomas, 51 Hope park ~nd MUne, David, cnrrier and leather ,lIIercha1lt,
Mission, Hebron bank cottage, Jordan lane Miller and Fairly, printers, 12 Horse wynd )UlIer, Wm. baker antl confectioner, 86 Ni-I Boyd·. entry. St Mary's wynd
Millar, Alex. plumber, 73 Rose street l\Iill.-r nnd Grinton, haskd and toy Wlrehou.e, ~lllon street . . Milne, Geo. M. 59 South bridge
Millar, A. furnishing wareho.20 Bristo st. :12 Princes st.-house, 9 Hill 'quare M~ner, W'!l'! 1\I.P., ~o Constitution street MUne, Geo, grocer, ~63 Cl1nongatc
Mlllar, Andrew, 9 SL Lconanrll lane &!iIler, Noble, & Co., mercbants and ngenu, Mlll .. ~, \Vd~lam, S.S.C. and, master extra-I Milne, Jlltnt'S, groccr and spirit merchant, 15
MilIar, Amlrew, wa' and clockmaker, 5 W. ~7 (~unlity street, Leith ~rd1Oary m Chancery, 59 George square i India place & 18 William street
Sicolson street-house, I) LuUon place Miller & Richar,l, typefoumlcrs to ber lb- :\bl1~r, W. Steel, (Noble cl: Co.,) 8 ... Great· :\Iilne, JameR S. advoeaw, iO DUDcan street
Mmar, D. llrinter, 240 Salisbury street ,lcsty, Reikic's court, 6'; NicoJson street KlOg street Milne James & Son cugint"crl b .....•
Millar, navj,l n. tailor, 166 High street, Mill!:'r, Alex. cabinetmaker, 1 Forth street 1\1~lIcr, William, engraver, • Hope park I fou~ Itm~, g;, mct~r ;nanufactur.;.... Scc.
MUlar, David, builder and p,u'cment mercht. Millf'r, Alf'x. (G.P.- 0.) 33 Pilrig model ?lltll.. r, Wm, stockbroker. member of tbe I MUtun hOUM, 00 eanongnte
Dellevue-ho. Mansfield cottage, Bt!l1evuc buildings
Millar, Davitl, tlrapt>r & rlot.hier, 18 N, bridge: Miller, Davic1, & Son, wholesale stationers, 16
Stock Exc.hange, 11 South St David street MilD." .Jamea (M. ~, ."1071),39 L!lUri8ton pi.
:-ho. a "barton pi. Milne, James, .pirit dealer, 11 Charlotte PI·
Millar, H. glass pngraver, 11 Leith walk And J 8 Hanover street l\hUt'r: 'Vm. C. (R0!lal bi,titr.Uolt), 6 CIS- Milnc, .James, bootmakor, Iti Bank Ittt(.'Ct
MiIlar, Gcorge, victual deal,,), 85 Hi@h street :\Tiller, D. R .• shirtmtlker, 19 South Bridge ~I\s place .Milnc, J. & Co. typefonnders, Whiteford
'ttlil1ar, ltev. Jamc8, garrilloll chaplain, Edin- l\IilJer, Geo. stockbroker, 12 I'rinces Street Mdler,Wm.pocket-book maker,"1 Leith "YlUi house. ';3 Can(ltlgate
burgh castle-house, !J Ann street Miller, H. Maguus, general merchant, ~.4
Miller, Wm:, tailor and clot.hier, 6~ Charlo~tel: ~Iillle, .John'Jllrdencr, Sl1nnybank cottage.
Millar••Tames S. surgeon, 9 Archihahl place North Bridge ~trcett Leuh London fO
Millar, .Tames, hf'at\ malN'f In(\ house gover~ Miller, Uev ••James N. 3 Frfe lllaco
nor, Gcor~e Wat8on's hORpital Miller, .Tamel, S.S.C. 20 Nelson street M M~11}cr, Mrs Alexander, 7 CuscU.' place
~ tor, )irs O."id, I BelJevue terrace
:\Iilnc. ,John, prolision shop, 2 N. Junction It.
M!"ar, Jas. cork manufacturer, 137 Kh'kgate MilIel', .Tames, F.U.C.S ••;. professor of 9ar·
Mlllar, Jamc!I, ironmol1ger and seed rner- gery in the Univ('rsity, 29 CharJotte square :t
::Wer, 1 n JU, 19 Regent terraee
. er, I rs ames, 90 ConstitutioGltreet
-house, 19 London ruw, Leith
Milnt', John (Jamu bl. ~ Sura). ".1. Albauy.t.
1\liIne, ,John, 1 Jo'orret street
~hant, 02 Grllssmal'kct-lio. 5 Graham st. }\filler, .James, fnrntshiug ironmonger, 70 and
1\1~lIcr, AIrs James, 1 Hart .treet )litne. John, 10 Bonnington pllce
Millar, .Tames, confectioner, 1 North"we.t 71 Princes street-house, Cornhill, Wbite-
~ircus pl8ct' bOllee gardens ~!~!!er, MMn Margaret, 4 Hope terrace, Leith ,1\IiIne, J. Kolbe (H~ &J. JUil~.e) 48 India Ill.
1\11113r, John, & Co, potters to Her Majest.y, Miller, .Jamcs, gartleufr, Bonnington hoUle uuet, ra Robe~t, S Hail~ Itreet ! :\lilne, Ptlte!, coach hirer, 1 London Itreet.

,a. 81$ ss' =rE'

Milne P. baker S Clerk st.-ho. Blackford I MitcheU, Alex. 188 High .treet
)Ulae; a.
juni~r, painter and glazier, 70 I Mitc~e!1tArthur,M.D. 7 Lave10ck banlaiUas,
Broughton stret't 1 Trinity
Mochrie, Robert, draper, 19 Dundas stret't
MoWat, Alex. commer. tr4vel. $ Roxburgh pI.
l\foWat, A. lodgings, 6 Annfleld
Moir, Misses, boaullDg sthool, 8 Great Stulrt
Moir, Mill Jane, 7 AI.. street
Milne, Wm. wine & spirit mel'. 165 Pleasance I MitcbeH, C. J •.( Gen. &g. l/Q.) Talbot place l\loffat, And. cabiuetmaker, 62 Thi8tle street Molleson, 1\1111, 31 India street
1tfilnet WiIliam, S.S.C. 16 Comely bank, and i Mitcbell, DUld, boot and .hoomaker, .s-A MoWat, Dayid, White lIart inn, 82 Grass- I MollisOD, Charles, 24 Rosebank
9 Hf!rlot row t Hendereon .row • , market \1\I01Y80n, Miss E. dreslmaker,:20 R:1nkeUlor
Milne} Wm. painter Ilnd glazier, 63 Brough-I M~tcbell, Dav~d, 24 ". NlcoJlon street MoWat,G. Dirk80n, fish establishment and cod-I street
ton street Mttcbt>ll, Davld, engraver, 19 G.. y6eld square liver oil merchant, 88 Dundatl street-hot Mtmcrcilf, Rev. Sir Henry WellwOOll, Hart.,
MUne, Wi)liam, merchaot, 9 Lauriston laue Mitchell, Edward, hairdresser and perfumer, 19 Bruuswick street 43 St Cutbbert street
Milne, Wm. temp./latel, 2(, Greenside Bt. 31 Hanover street-house, 17 Cheynestreet
MUne, 'V. S. \ ,v.
~·J.lJlilnt), 16 Mnnor pI. Mitehell, F. G. 23 East ClaremO'ht street
Milne Wm. & Jo!m, stationers, desk and Mitchell: Geo. bootmaker, 2$ Greenllide st.
MoWat, Henry, S.S.C. & IiOlieitor at law, 28 1\IoDcreitr, J. advocate, M.P. }5 Great Stuart
George IV. bridge-boo Eldin, I.asswade lit rcc t
AIoWat, .lames B. messenger (JlalIk (If Scot. 'I :\Iuncreiff, 'Vm. accountant, ,)9 Gl"orge st. ma"..:'''' 126 l)rillces street M~tclwll, George, 25 .Green~ide street • land) l\Ioncreltr, WiIliam, 10 RudaDd square
MUne Wm. Ipirh mercbant, 11 Brougbton llJtch'.:l1, George, astnstant-mspector of letter. lloWat', Ju. spirit dealt'r, ~5 Brougit 'n strret MoncreitF, Wm. mason, causeylayer, and con-
str~t-bo\lse, 5 Pitard, place ca'.Tlers, 8 Old Broughton Iloffa&, Jobn, photographic artist, IfJ~ Princes tractor, 33 Wrights' boust.s
Milnc Misses,2 'reviot row MI~cllf'n, Gco. grocer Ilnd provision merchant, street Moncrietr & Thomson, accountants, 20lnu;a
MUne: Mrs Andrew, 19 Gayfiehl squarp. 72 Nieo)son street l\loffdt, .Tohn, straw-bat manufllcttlrer, 11 S. street
l\filae, ?tI1'8 George, la l1aryfie!d Mltcbell, Ja~. (H. M. CUltO""), J $ Cannon College Itreet MODCfieft', Alexamlcr, at},ocate, 16 Northum-
Milne, Mrs .lanet} I; Albany Itreet street, J...elth lloffat, Robert, house e&rpenter, St Cuthb"rt'. berJand street
lU1ne, Mrs Margaret, mi,lwife, 2 Murra, st. M!tcheJl, James, (G.P.• 0.) 9 Davie strc;.t , lane-boo 17 ... Hose street Moncrieff, D. ScoU. W $. conjoint. trea!urct
MUne, Mrs, i.l Glover street Matchell, Jobn, general merchants, 16 King 3 Moffat, Tbomas, jun. teacher of mUlJic, 1 and lecrrwy t.. tbe Uoyal Edinburgh
l\filne, lIra, lodgings, 2 Bucclcucb p1ace stables JAndon 8treet Asylum for the In8lulI, 17 J)tlke IItreet
lliIne, Mrs, 1 Erskine pllce l\litcbcll. John, flesher, 12... 'VeSlport MoWat, 'Ym. aod Co. druggiats,.sS Nlcolson !\Ior.crietf J. & Co. brassfoundt'rll, ga"fitters,
MUnc, M. & Co. straw. bat makers,3'" Frc(lc- Mitcbell, John M. Belgian consul am) mer- strcct antI plumbers, ROlburgh c1olu', :U,' High st.
rick street cbant, Mayville, Laverock bank, Trinity
Milne, Miss .lanet, dressmaker, 2 AJison sq. Mitchell, .Tohn H. tngraver and printer, 18 brae-house, 42 Yardhends
l\Ioifat, Wm. wrigbt & undertaker, narIiIlS'~ Moncricfl~ John Scott, C.A., 20 India ntreet
~(oncricft~ Mrs, 9 West Maitland tltrt'et
MUllO, Miss, 15 East Claremont street Union street MotTat, 'Vm. painter and glazier, IS Elm row Moncrleff, Mrs, 22 I.yncdoch piaet'
MUne, Missell, 21. Buccleuch l,lace Mitcbell, .lohn, master of fire-engines, Police Motfat, \vilIilm, sl,irit mercht. 11 St Vincent 1\[oncur, Davitl. turner, Mint, 56 Higb street
Milner, nobt. surgeoll & apothecary, S7 Bridge 1 oRicl', Parliament square street &fonCllr, MraM. 8 Bucc1eucb 111ace
street-housc, ,,7 Couper strcet Mitchell, John, ~nr(leller! Comely bnnk MotTat, 'Vm. U. Etlen gro,e, Church I:me MONF.Y Loan Company, 16 South 'brldge-
lfilner, Colledg{>, & IluIS, silk mercers, :17 & i Mitchell, l..ewis D., R. N. 1 St Stfpllcn st.
41 Nicoleon street
Milner, Thomas llugllec, Cumin lltllCt'
MItchell , Uobert, 6 Roxhurgh place
Mitchflll t Rob&. Burn, wine merchant, ~9
Moffat\ 'Vm., M.A. teacber of mathematiclI,
High school, 12 Mansionhouse roael
Ilobert UUlsell, manager
Monilaws, Mn Capt. 19 Gayflt'ht !iquare
Moflat, l\[rs Alex. dairy, 2 Cohurg street Mooro, Ales. Binning. of Auchenbowic, 26
MUner, W. R. silk mercer autt Incenum, ) 36 Wlndlor street Moffat, Mu, 27 8t I'lttrick square nutland 51).
l'rinces street t Mitchcll, R. H. (J.lL \\. JIeriot), 86 George MoWat, MIIII, 7 CasseU,' place Monro, Don. job.-mason. 0111 AIISf'mbl,. "lose
:\lilneK, 1\1 iss Leonara, 27 York place 1 street l\loffat, l\IiSl, French str.ymlker, 1... Green. Monro, "eorge, S.S.C., N.}'., .HAlb:my IItreet
Milroy, nev. Anclrcw, !.!6 London street I
Mitchell, J{obel't, refl'esbment rooms, 15 lide .treet 1\lonro, Georgc, advocate, .; Darnaw31 strt'C't
Milroy, John, 26 ~HtJto Iltrf'ct Downie place Moffatt, Willillm, baker, l'A Howe street Monro, nobt. (Otlllonu), 1'1 Albrmy st. Leith
MINER" A ~ife Assurance CO. S2 Great King' Mltchcll, Stirling (Sr"tsmon fl[licc), H4 Grange Mofflttl, 'Ym. L. architect, " Fetles row Monro, Miss Jan..., 10 Fettcs IOW
street.-See At/V. : plnce l\Ioffatt, Mrs, lodgings, 11 MelviUe place 1\Ion1O, Misl, tlretilmaker, )Sf Queen str('ct
l\hNISTERS' Widows' Fund office, 6 X. St j Mitchcl1, Captain T. I'. IS lnverleith row l\lohring, Henry, home and foreign fruit Monroe. David, slater, &(! .• ,H Thistle strt'et
David street i Mitcbcll, Thomas, spirit mer. Lothian l'oad- merchant, S,S Uegcnt arch-hot Bower ball, ! Monteith, James, commercial trl1"cller, G
l\linto, lIrs Jame!, tinsmith and gasfitter, 31 I home, 2 Alva street
Whitfleld },lace
llillto, Mrs .John, 21 J\lIlicltld street
Alitehcli t Tbos. mfrchant, 2:~ Dumlas Atreet
,l\1itchell, Wm., S.S.C. 2 LOt\tlon street
Bonnington rood r Glover st.
lloinet, Jobn, accountant, 80 lIelvillc street Monteith, Thomas, WOOtI merfhant, Coales pI.
Molr, L"'harles, boot alld shoemaker, l' BreA(il ~Ionteith, lire, Iuverleith huuse
AUTY lees, A ndrew, J,f· Cum herlnud street I Mitchcll, \V m. ( Cu.etU11J house) 6 Cannon st.
street-houle, ~6 Montcitb, ltrJll, !J MaicJand lit.
MUISIOS and school-bousjJ, Lady Ycster's, 7 ' Mltchell, ,V. city missionary, 9 Beaumont pt. )1 oi r, David, Imith and ironmonger, ~fin', Montgomeril!', .Jal. ~I.I>. 11 i'.\axe·('ohur'{ ('1.
Inflnr .....y street 1 Mitcbell, 'V. engraver, 23 South Uichmond
l\titchch & Heriot, straw-hat manufacturerlll street
and 105 High It.-house, .; Keir strtc&
~Ioir, George S. (F. ~. .J!.) 8 Spittalstrccc
I Montgomerle, Iloger, advocatt·. :J MahlafJd tor.
'Montgomery, Itn..las. F. ~5 Walk.·r IIt'et't
& importers of foreign strawl', B6 Georgest. Mitcbcll. !tIrs C. grocer, a S. back orConon- ~Iojr, George t printer, 9 Gardllcr'a crescent I Montgomery~ Wm. W.~ 17 Atholl cre!l~cut
lIiIChcll, Hutton, & Co. Leith walk saw mills, j gate lloir, Gcorge, advocate, sl.erift· of Stirlins-: Montgomery, Mrs, 41 Cl.!rk "treet
~rownts c!ury . I 'Alitchell, Mr. G. S Q,' ~ub1in street lihire t 110 George .treC'~ I Mootignani, C. L. grocer, is Shruh pl.-ho. 9
~htchcl1 & Son, coopers, 86 111gb street-boo IMitchcll, Mrs, 2:- ' ,,·,.k 8t,.,,'Ct Moir, John, M.D., F.R.C.P.E. $~ Calde st. I MontigDani, Henry G. merchant and commls-

~ Uoxburgh place , Mitcbel1, Mrs, f . atrcc' Moir, Peter, Her Majesty's honc repository., sion Igent, 6 Jlrummood IItre('t
Mltehell, Somervillc, & Co. comm. merchants Mhchell, Mrs, tit .:"r, 19 (jayfic1d fI(I' horsc dealer antI auctioaeer, Nottingham IMontignani, W. It ( Wood J' DJ.) J!) Great
~ntl corn factors, ~ Dock place Mitchel1, ~lt'I, ~"'\;. . '2 Union stl'flct place-house, 21 B1Ou~b'on street StU/ift Itreet
l\1itcheU, ~!(I. ti West Clat "mont strt>et 'V.
M!tcbell, A(lam, l\Illyficltlloan
M~~chell, Alex. (RrcllCquer), 28 Dun(lnSlltrcct Mitchl'lI, Miss, 2.1 St Ucrnllrd's crescent
llttchell, Alexandt·r, 21 Mclville tltreet
]\t~tchel1, Alex. 31 nucctcuchJ)lnce
'Mitehell, MillS, 23 Uaeburn place
Mltchel1, Miss, 1 Dount! tcrrace
lJo~r, P. M. agent, 3 E. Register .treet
lloir, l\ohcrt, 8 RankeiUor 8treet
l101r, Robert, gentra) engraver, 81 Blair st. Afood t John, R05Chall
T. o( I'itmilly, 7 ~toray pI.
Moodie~ lUes, I1 Pilrig IItreet
I !\h,tchdl, Alfx. \V .8. 2t4 Dttn 811 street Mitchellhill P. (D. Cam;~' ('0.) Orchardftel(l
)Ioir, R. jun. M.D. 8 Rankeillor street Mootlic t }frs, ladies' nune. 3 IlIWbllrn plarc
Molr, Wm. lodgings, 3.s Aloray place Moon, W. workingjewe))l'r, 25 S. Hano\,('rst.
l\htebell, Alt's. Electric antI Jntcrnational .Mochrir, ,Tames, "ine merchant ami g!OCtr, Moir, Wm. Vicwforth I Mooney, I)atrick, boot Iml shoemaker, ~ Old

I1 Telegraph Co:. office, 68 Princes s. 8t. Nicolson street-boo 112 Grange pllce ;\Ioir, Mr6 D ...\t. 6 Upper Dean terrace Fiehmarket close

",., ...........- - , _....................""_ iP<IIi

....•........-.:Ii4.... ,....w
......... "C"'' QlI...
..... .-.fII-.........' "' ....
' ....1 . . . .I_SIIIISIIIS...III
_.IiINiIIiiiIIU _1"':11-.-.•_,
, '
Moor, A. '1 Hope tenaee
Moore, George, agent, 12 ArnidoD plaee
1\forril. Mn, lodgiDga, 30 LoihiaD It..
MorriI, :Mn, 1 Spring ~
)fOl1On, Jam_, U&hograpber & engraver, 9-.
Drwomond Il~t I! Muir, Rev. Act.m A. S. 2 King', place
M1lir, Rev. Francis, .. North Fort It. Letth
Moon, HarriIOD, 9 BJiHhton street
)(oure, Jamel, S.S.C. 60 CutIe street
.oore, John, teacher, Bonle of Refuge
1\[orrison, Adam, S.S.C. 40 York p1ate
lIorrilOn, A1ex. builder," BeUeyue te1'l'lee
Mnrrison, Alex. watchmaker, 11 Ell' Adaa
Monon, JohD, dairy, ~ Dunclu street
lIorton, S. & H. ,,~. patent slip manllfaC"
taren, engineera••nd in. ship-builders.
I 1\luir, Henry, pI'inter, 119 Canong.te
Muir, Henry, priater, 42 Ro.e atrt'et
Alu't, Jamew, accountant, 28 S. Hanove"It.-
JIoore, M.. Se,bet, 32 West Richmond street litred Leith walk and '''cton. dock, Leitb boo 6 Middleb7 street, Newirlgton
Moore, R. B. pri\'&te hotel, 2 Forres street MorrilOD, Andrew, lIDith, 1-'9 Role et. Monon Wm. banker, 9 DllDcan It. Drum- Muit, James, tailor ancl clothier, 9 Charlotte
llool'e, Mu, 13 Chun:hill Mormon. Charle•• and :,on, agen", and mer- mond place place-houlC. 31 Stafford s!.-See Ado.
Kore & Ruthl!rford, plumbers and bras&- chants, S2 Const~tution st.-hoUJe, 19 Her- Morton, llrs, 20 LoDdon Itrwi Muir, JameA, ladie.' bootmaker, 89 G;urge It.
foUDClen A1bany .treet Ime mitage place, l.elih Morten, &lrs \Villiam, lapidary, S York pl.ce Mutr, Jas. & Son, brewers. Caltun blll brew-
More, Geo'rge, lV.S. (GijfiJl'd t M.), .. >} St l\Iorr~oD, D. dock muter, 14 ~ort!.nd place MOIeII, Davld a81Cuor of income tax, ~1 C...... ery, 28 North back orCIlnong4te
ADdrew fiquare-houBeJ (j Fe&tes row Momson, J ....". 160 Fouuta.nbridge Ilegie street Muir, .Tames S. bonklreller and agent, 60 New
More Graham, baircutter and perfumer. 13' I Alonison, James, 1 Orcbard6eld )lOllIeS, l\tiases, milliners and str.w-blt. buih1inga, Nor,h bridge
Pl·inc~s 8~reet MorrilOn, Jas.IUp. (lnlaad Rev~), 28 KIc- maken, 65 Thiltle streei l\iuir, JIS.. P. ironmonger, lleadowfteld cot-
More, Jalnes, 14 Danube street burn plaee KOSIIDan & Shirl"" prlnten, 18 Hanover st. \age. Hope park end
More, John Sehank, LL.D., ad,. proreuor of l\iorrison, J2mes, jun. 2 Fyfe place .nd 4-1. Rose stree' Muir, James, spirit merchant, Frre Gardeners'
the Jaw of Scut. in the Univ. 19 Gt. King Momaoll, Ju. D. dentilt, 59 Queen ,treet Mossm.n, A. & Co. jt'weUers & watchmaken, and Alason.' tavern. 138 Canongate
Itreet Morrison, .Toha N. (LeiU, Candle Co.), 2 80 Princes street-boo 10 Blacket place Huir, J. (&tllmper, G.P.-O.), IS N. back oC
Borgan, J. 8piritdeat and wool agent, 2i Shore Smith's pl.ce Mouman, 1\1ra, 6 Upper Gray street. CanoDSlte
.ad 64 TImber bush }Ionison, John (Leitlr. CuMle Co.), 8 Albany PrfOllman Mill, 2 Te'fiot row Muir, John, victual deater, 16 Buccleuch at.
Morgan, John, & Co. clothiers Lt military sireet 1\[otberw;U, J. hOlier and draper, 6 Home st. Muir, John (Ju. Muir ~. SO,.), brewer, oS
tailors. 104 George atreet l\IorrillOn, Mark, merchant, 3$ Bernam st. MOUlt,' In. No"herll !i~hl8, Batb6eld boU8C I'~lrig street
Morgan, .fohn B. 18 St John IItr~t l\IorrilOn, Robert J. 1 BeUevue terrace MOUlt, !llisle', boarding ~hool,9 S. Grayat. MUlr, John (G. P.- 0.), 10 Artbur street
'Morg.n, John, cowfeeder, 2 Primroee It-Leith l\Iorrison, Ilobert, messenger, National Bank, 1I0uld & Too, printen, engravers, .nd litho- Mu:r, .Tohn G. tailor .nd clothier, s t Tolbooth
Morgan, J. grocer, 221 Canong.te 37 West Register .treet grapberll, 3 and 4 Se. Jamf!" w,bd, Leitb
Morgan J l\1rs, 18 Clarenoo atreet MorrilOn, Robt., E.I.S. 6 Henot row :&Ioula, Miss Christian, 2 Coatfield lane Muir, .Tohn, 56 Can(tlemaker row
MO\'bam, .l.mel. clerk of Police court, and ~1orriIOD, T. (]leg. Ho.), 11 W. Maid.nd at. MOUDt, 1\lra J. chin. merchant, 177 Cow"atc l\tuir, Mark Huiburton, meslClIger t Bank of
billet master, 6 Wes, Preaton street. MomlOn, Wm. blacksmith, 89 Wbitfield pI. Mowat, Robt. .pirit mer. 10 Middle market Scotland
Morham, Rob. depute Cit.y clerk, City cham. l\iurrilOn, Willilt~l, 2 'l'homson'l1 place )fow.t, Robert, stockbroker, l.t. George street. Itfuir, Pet~r, bow.mlker, Royal Archen,
bers-houee, 91.auder road l\IorriIlOD, Wm. writer, 11 Fortes street Mow.t, T. engineer and iron-founder, Vulcan Af\~herat han
Morham, nobt. flcsher, 19 Fleshmarket clole MomlOn, Wm. tinsmith, Newh.ven foundr,. 9 1 North 1<'ort Muir. Peter! upbo18terer. 38 Blllir st.
MorillOn, Alex. of Bognie, 12 Randolph cr. l\{orrilon, William (C~damine t Co.), • .treet l\fuir, Ilichard G. 6 Blellbeim place
Morison, .~lex. 63 Great. King street Smith's place .&Io. .t, ThoI. wine and spirit mer. 2 Arthur Mutr, I\o~rt, l\t.D, 2 Gay6eld IItreet
Morison, Alex. K., S.S.C. 14 Piu sued l\forrison, 1\Irs lodgingl, 2 Portland ter. street l'luir, Robcrt, 17 Parkside &treet
Mori8on, Georgc, ... Smith'. l,\ace '[orrlson, Mrs Wm. 2 Andersont • place llowat, \Vm. dairy, 119 Kirkgate Muir, Robert, coal merchant., 3 ~lurra11treet.,
Mor;,':':"n, George, teacher, 39 l''ountainbridge "{omlon, l\lrs, midwife and l.die,' nUl'le, I Mow.t, Mrs, ladiea' nune. 165 Rose street Crosscausey
MorillOn, Jas. cabinetmaker and upholsterer, High school yards Mowbray, .T. M. ebamben, IS Hill .treet. Muir, Thom.~ , N. MelriUe "llce
78 Gt'OJ'ge street-hollse, 30 Normum. st. MorrillOn, l\lrs, 2 Charlotte st.reet, Leith Mowbray, John T., V/.S., an«1 commil.ioner Itluir, Rev. \Villiam, D.D. 1::; Saxe Coburg pI.
Modsoll, James, 4 Hill square Morrison, Misses, & Balmain, boarding aM of tbe Supreme Court of New South 1\1uir, W. & C. B. com ....i&liClll agcDts,15 ROyal
MorisoD, John, wine and Ipirit merehut, 1 day-school, 60 Great King st. Wales, U AlbanYltreet J:t:xch6nge
Macdowall.t. and 12 Greenside at.-ho. 21 l\lortimer, John, & Co. army and navy con. .Mowbray, Sobert, 'Sent for Commerclal Muir, Wm. (W. ,f; C. B • l~ Greenhill gar.
Buccleuch pllce t.ractors, and tAilors to the QUten, and, ~ B.nk, 24 Conatitution atree" Leith l{uir, Wm. merchant. and agent, Wet dOCb
Morison, .Tohn C. tailor & clothier, 1$ Nicol- I special appointmeDt, clothiers to 1:1.8. • "Iowbray, TbOl. agent f.')r S. AlIlIOp" Son'. -house, 'I Wellington pl.ce
son street-houR, 13 Prince Albert, 101 George street pale ale-store, Union street lane-boo Si l\fuir, Wm. HamiltoD, S.S.C. 18 l»icard1 pi.
Morlson, John, advocate, 30 Northumber. st. Mor&imer, .T. clothier, Bruntefield lodge Ga,field aquare Muir. \villi.m, baker, 2 Salfsbury street.
Morison, Robert, .s Keir street Mortinler, John, 1 Gayfteld street Mowbray Mn Cb.... Jodgiaga, 60 Cumber· Mulr, Wm. S. commis. agent, 28 Hanover st.
Morison, 'Vm. (IIlland llet:enue), 9 RankciIJor Mortimer, Thos. E. gunmlker, 86 George It. Jand at~eet Muir, Margaret, grocer & spirit dealer, 39 S. B.
street -late 340 St .James' It. London-boUle, 1 M .wbra" 1\lrs'Vm. IS Clarence street Cnraonga~
.Monson, Mrll H. draJlt!r, ) 4. QUt'enlferry st. I1ailcs sueet Moxey, George T., M.D. surgeon, R.N., 11 Mu~r, John.. mU(.~., ~ ~wnie place ,
l\Iorison, Mrs .Tames, 2.s Ann Itreet l\&: .... timer,'Vm.bumonflealerandN!tinel·,lapi. 1\lansionhoulM" road )Iulr, Mn David, 'pln' dealer, S-l \\l. Nor.
Morison, Miss, 6 Archibald place dary & jeweller, 18 North bridge.-See .dill. 110xOll, C. antI J. paintent 63-A Grorge fit. ton place
'Morison, Miss, 17 Norton place I Mortimer, Miss, drc8Ima'ker,2 Baxter'a plo Moxun, J. {C. alldJ. M.), is Frcdcrick It.. 11 )lu~rJ Iln Wiliial!" 11 Union stte.1t
Morricson, llr. Hugh, 27 Heriol r/)w .Morton & Co. gold & silver lace manufacturers, Moyes, Jam cs, pewtercr, 108 'Veat bow MUlr, MI1, 6 nay s court
Morris, Andrew, rope an(l twino manufac- 12 Union street Mazd, John, ar&iftcial florilt, ss George st.- Mulr, Mrs, drej;smaker, 10 Baker's place
turer, 6 8t P4trick equare l\lorlOD, Whitebead, & Greig, W.~ II QUeeR house 6 George Itreet Muir, lIrl, 16 UCj:ent terrace
Morris, David. clothier and tailor, 182 Princes .treet Ilozzi, kin millinery warehouse, S3 George .Muir, l\frA, 20 Bucc1eucb .,lace
ltortou, Ales. ribbon aud lace merchanl, .t.
st.:-house, 15 Walker street
MorriS, ,lames, late wine merchant, 1 Great., 16, & 16 South briclge-ho. so Lauriltoa
Stuart street Morton, Cbas., W,S, 11 Queen st.--botlllllt
,1. .treet '
Mucklc, 'Vm. (G. P.-O.), 3 Comely green
Mulr, l\lrs, lodgings, <It Charles fttreet
Muir, Mn, grocer, 8 Itrt..'et
Muir, Miss, 6 Nortb·ea"t. Circa plate
lforris, John, ta1tor, 429 Lawnmarket Ramuy lodgo l\Iu\!kle, Mr8 Alex. 3 ComelYl!een crescent }Iuirhe.d, Alez. tavern·keeper,.9 Broughton
1'tlorrh~, Robert, stationer, '1 W. Regillterstrect Ilorton, H.(8. ~ H. M. <X Co.), 3 Smith'.pl. Mudie, D. C. engineer and ironfouDder, Pan- street
-house, 1 Great. Stuart street Morton, Jamel, teacher of English, iO NelIOa mure foundry N. B. of \"':llDtlngate l\luirhead, And. house painter, ~ Nelson at.
Morris, Robert, bootmaker, GS Thiltle street atred l\luir & WilaoD, eom • •enlt, Brown Iquare -hoult, .s.Drouibtoa .treet

-.--- ------------~--.

... \ .
Muirheac1, Charles, fisbmonger an,l poalt\!rer Munro, Miss, dressmaker, 21 Broughton It. Murra" G. & SoD, clothiers, 33 Geurge street Ilium" 'Chomu boo, and sboe maker, 363
to &he Queen, 19 Queen It.-bo. 16 Young Munro, )11.. Ann, bootmaker, 3 Bridge st. Murray, George, baker, 2l\1arJcet at.-ho. 5 Sigh .treet
street \ Murdocb, Boyd, & HenderlOn, W.S. and )Iurra" George, wbolenle stationer, 19 Blair Murr• ." Tbomu G., 'V.S... Glen6n1usb'ee~
Muirhead, Clautl, '1 Heriot row N.P., 120 Constitution street ,treet-house, Libfnon -office, 66 Queen street
l\Iuirhead, Ju. Iptrit dealer, " 'Vest Adam l\Iurdocb, Charies, & Son, seal engravers )lurra" Geo. clothier, 2 Baxter's place ~Iurra" 'fhomu, LL.D. (lfl. ~. GiM),
.trtet cameo and die-cutters, " George Itreet ' Murr." Geo. wholesale stationer, engraTer, Thistle stffe' lane-ho. Colinton
Muirhead, lames, adTocate, 61 Northumber- Murdocb, Jas. (Nortllet'1l- LigMs), 11 S'James· and printer, 89 South bridge Mum" 'ViUiam, S.S.C. and N.P. (J. d: P.
land .treet BqU3le ).I1l1T&1, George, groeer, wiue mercbant, and .dJtlkr'Qn), lR Scotland street
Mairhead, .lamcs, baker, 175 Pleasance lfurdocb, James, jun. (Northtrn Lig"t,), n Italian warehouse, .;1 North Frederick Mum,., 'Vm. upbolsterer, 12 St Jamcs' sq.
l\Itllrbea.d, James, fish lIalcsman and commis- Henry street .treet Murray, WUmm, 5 Henr, place
Mon agent, 1,2,3, and" fisbmarJcet ~lurdocb, Jobn B. of aarlincaber, 3 Oxford l\lurray, Geo. (M. &: D.), 70 Nortbumberland Murray, Wm. (G.l'•• O.), '1 Clyde street
Muirhead, John (S. N M.), 3<l Barony street tetrace street Murra" Lady, 11 Great Stuart Itreet
Malboland, James, grocer, 29 Hereles street Murdoeh, Jobn, S.S.C. (~lfurdoc", Royd, t lltlrray. George, muon, HamiJ&On place-boo l\lurray, lion. Mrl Erskinc, 36 Ann street
MandeU, Andrew, & Sen, bootr.aJ:·!rs, 6 Hcnderlon), 14 Great King street 12 Market place llurray, Mrs Ales. 15 Montagu street
Broughton street Murdocb, .10bn, city accountant's office. 61 MUffa" George, C.A. 3 Abercromby place Murray, Mrs H. victual dealer, 5S Canongate
Mundell, AIrs, 3~ Hamllton place Cauleyaide 1\lurray, George .Jobn. W.S. 7 :&lelYille st. l\Iurray, )In John, I; NlcolsoD street
)tuugle, Valentmc, and ~. w~Jlesa1e warc-- Murdocti, In. Burn,jun., ad,·oe. 22 ltlanor pI. 1\Iurra" G. A, (lnllm" RefHmue), Bonnington Murray, )Ira J. 10 JalnfS' place. I.eith
houaemen,4-A Nortb bnd(Zf Murdocb, J..aurie, optician, 44 Ros~ street bridge l\Iurray, llrs P. 5 Danube street
llunro. Dryad.le, ami Gord"n, lfurdoch, Thos. eabinetmaker & Uph9lsterer, Murray, George J., 'V.3. 22 Coates crescent Mum,,1\Ira 'V. tailor Ilnd clothier, ·U Sa
arms, 16 glder .treet 3'1 St Cut'tbert IItreet Murra" Henry, confectioner, 109 Nicooon Mary'. wynd
l\lu~ro ~ MlLeod, cOlch builders, 12 Murdoch, William Burn, M.D. surgeon, li street llurray, l[ra 'V. H. 8S Great King street
Cathenne court :MelviUe street )Iurray, Henry, bootmaker, 9'1 Prinecs street 1\(urray, Mra, 31 Queen street
~Iunro, A. coach-builder, coacb & horse hirer, Murdoch, Vim. wine and spirit merebant and 1 South.eut Circus place-bouliC, 1 St Murray, Mrs. 20 Raeburn place
Broagbton m a r k e t . 191 High street, and 4 Rose street ' Vincent .treet. Murray, Mrs, 18 Clarendon crescent
M~llro, Alex'IJawnbi'okcr, Whllehone elMe, Murdocb, Mrs Geo. 21 Soutb College street Murray, Jamett, provi8ion Ibop, 123 Klrkgate 1\lurray, 1\b" 1 Hope terrace
!l16 Canongatc. Murdoch, MrA, lodgings, 3 Lothian street Ilurray, .James (G.P•• O.), 6 Malta terrace ~turray, Mrs, furniture dealer, 213 Cowg~te
Mutuo, Alex.2S Rankcdlor street l\fu\doch, Miss )1. lodgings IS<l Roae street Murray, Jail. 13 Parkside st. Murray, Mrs, 6 Blackford roud
Munro, Alcx. tailor and elcthier, 6 Bank Mure, Andrew, advocate, 35 Dublin street Murray, ,Tames, grocer, 36 Dundu .treet ~Iurray, Miss, 9 Howe street
1\1urray, Jas. C., W.S. (M.~· llunl) Stradlearn Murray, l\liu, 6 Comely green place
street Murc, navld, advocate, 11.P. 12 AinHlie place
1\[unro, Arch., A.~1. teacber, Claret hall, Mure, tTames, mdvorate, SI Princes IiItreet road Murra" 1\U", 111'rcston street,
Newington. MlJre, James, writer, and messenger."t-arms Murray, James, fruiterer, I ltlaitland place, l\Iurray, 1\Iil5, 9 Comely bank
1\Iunro, Arthur, 11 Cannmg place 18 Elder street ' Newhaven &Iurra" Miss It. 11 TC'fiot row
1\IuDro, Cap,taln ~har1e8, 'lO Danube street Mure, Robert, S.S.C. cbambers, 4-1 Gt. Kin Murray, John, letter-carrier, Green8ide end 1\1urray, Misaes, 4,'" Rankeillor street
l\funro, UaDl!,I, 81n~ma.ter, 12 GJ~vcrstrcet st.-ho. 5 Abercorn terrace, Portobcl1o g Murra" John,8heep and cattlc agent, 19 St &Iurray, Misses, 19 Dean terrace
Munro, Dan~el, wrJght, 3 Dowme place Mure, Mrs,3 Warriston creeCfnt PlItrick square Murrar, l\lissCIJ, milliners and dressmakers,
)Junro, Dayad, Madeira street l\lure Misses 10 Damaway street Murray, John, S.S.C. 7 N. St David ah'eet 75 Broughton .treet
l\1~n:i:l,lt})' T. (lll. 4' M'Lcod), lJroughton Murphy, A. r;' Solicitor &: N.P.18 Bemard st. -bouse, 1 Eut CJaremont itreet ~[urrle, Alex. 2<2 St Patrick square
M G' Murph)', Wm. gt:'ographer, engraver, and 1lurn.y, .Jobn, printers' joiner and brass rulc 1\[usgrave, tJ. gardener, Mayfield, Grange
unro, eorge, 14 Sahsbury street printer, 8 Uoxburgh street maker, 22 Niddry l&reet-house, 26 !it toll
Munro, Hector, gardeDer, Ucaverhall Murray &. Bt'ith, W.S. -'3 Castle .treet JalDeI' square.-See Ado. Musgravc, ~Irs, portrait and milliat.-I,ainter,
Munro, Hugb, 3 DUDC.'an st!ect l\Jurray& Gibb, printen,N.E. Thistle at. lane l\lurray, Juhn, 2 Eat Broughton plaoo and phctograpber, 16 South Charlotte lit.
~:unro, 1Iugh, draper, 48 Earl Grcf stred Murfay & Hunt, W.S. 53 George street 1\lurray, Jobn, cooper & fi.b-curcr, Ronald. l\lusgrove, J. bo~ier & glover, :; Melbourne
1.1unro, JI';fh'l houae-agent, .1 12 Nlcolson st, Murray & Logan, W.S. 141 Georgc street 80n wharf-boo " 'l'olbootb wynd, Leith
1\lurray, John, S.S.C. D York place
~Iu"grove, John, coal merchant, (; Howe st.
un:o, : H' (raper and bosler,9 Baker's pI. Murray, A. K. 14 ])uncan street Newington
M- 10. ~ I owe, st!e6 t . Murray, A. W. ::ipirit dlr. 2.'1 Co~stitution It )Iurray, Joseph, smallware aod fancy ware· and 5l\lelbourne I,l.
unro,. 0 lb, C Bsslca.l teacher, 11 K~1f street Murray, Abijab,sberitr.officer, 13StJames' I!! : houle, 640 Leith street llusgroye, William, gJazier and paint"r, li
AI~I~lro, John, bookbmder alld stationer, '1 Alurray, Alex. builder l\1'Neil's place-bous~ Munay, Josepb, boot and aboemllbr, IS Frcderick st.-ho. 8 Young I!treet
" I ne 'hluarc 15 Casscl1s' P1 ' , ~Uddle's clole, Leith Musbet, James, draF-r, 17 South bridge
Munro, John, tailor~ S Spitts} street Murray, Alex. ':i~e merchant nd • Murray, Ifartin, grocer, 136 Cowgate Mu!het, Jobn, 1 Walker street
)iunro, NeiJ~. furmture dealcr and house-I South bridge-ho. Cummin a la;:oc~r, 67 Murray, Richard, cabinetma1cer a"bd upbol- ~!u.kett, J. puneyor n.~1. forccs, Castle
agen t, 43 N Hldrr street M urray, Alex, victual dlr. 12 grfrummoncl st. stefcr, Brougbton market-houae, 23 Dub- Mutrle, Wm. hairdrCtser.4' Blair street
Mu~ro, W1m: provlsiun mercbl. 19 StAndrew Murray, Ales. victual dealer 1 Charlotte lin .tree' Mutter, Andrew, 80 Rote 1\lount builtlinga
8 reet, ..cuh street Leith ' Ilunay, Robt., C.A. (Beg.holl,e), 20 Raeburn :\Iutter, Jobn, 2 \vb.twn laDe
l\I:~~~t Wm. alater and glazier, 37 Brougltton Murray; Anclrew, JUDo W.S. 17 Walker st.- place Mutter, Mi.., 31 Clerk street
MOl W. CrOWD agent, ])nrliament square Murray, Robfrt, lurgeon and accoucbeur, 9 MUTUAL Scottish Amicable I.ife Inllur. Soc.
• t er street 1\1
(,;~"o'16 mE,t·l·J· macer,ll,!!l, Court of .1ustici· Murray, Andrew bootmaker, 19 Lomlon s.
fC . : ...
lIowc street
~turray, Robert, com, seed, and maDure mer·
3 No. SI Dnid st.-H. G. Wabon and
Tbomas G. Dickson, agcnts.-See "'dv.
~lunro Mu fV ell b I d t
•• iJ' l
urr.y, nnt. 0 rleW, 'V.S. 141 Gcorgc street cb ant, 7 Roxburgb place l\IV1'UAL Life Assurance Sor:1ct1, 23 Alban,
M '.M' &a m ~r nn s reet -houae, 15 Ain81i~ pllce
~I::~:' MrB J,ary, l~l~lDglft It &[aitlalld st. .Mumy, I>avid, 12 Atholl plac. Murray, Robert R:, (Union Bank), .9 South .treet
.. mer pIa:: . prOVISIon merchant, 1 ~\lm. 1\IUff8Y, Davld, C,A., .J6 George street-ha. Clerk street
1\lurray, 'l'hos. bookbinder 10 GIonr street
Myles, John, tnern, 0 J.'lesbmarket cto~
Mylell, .Jobn, portrait painter, 16 Picardy
Munro, lUrs spirit dealer B • St l\largarcl's road. Wbiteboule garden. 1\1~rray, Thomu, boot and shoe maker," place
MUDro,1\lra; Cook,&lodgi~D'1Io~n~I:~k=llzt(' 1 Murray, }:lben~7.l'r, auctioneer," St And,." Summer place Mylne,, 'V.S., 12 Cbarlotte tquare
o~, J: p. square- )0. 9 W. Cl.remonl at.-Ste Adu.

_v __ ~.~,_. __.. ...

~·,~.~~"_j~·w~._?~S.~~~·O.*lT~.~~ ".j.. •••
n.J1.Jd"'•• e~ 1~1.U..".'~'.7 •••u....a~"""".4.2.~.
'MJ1De, w. portmanteau maker, 2 George It. IN.,.IONAL Security Sa\"inpt Bank of Edln-
lIptlc,Jobn Young,II.D., F.R.C.P. 24 Rut- burgb-office, North Ba.k Itreet
!lewbmdl, Jam", '5 East ero.eauleway I NicolsoD t D. (D. N. a~ &11) Comely green
Ner,sam, J. coefectioner, 21 UDion pI. houae
laud street N'.,.lQHAL Li'fe Stock lnauranee Comp., 72
K,rt1e, Wm. C.!.., S Thistle court-agent Princetl5t.-Wm. lAmbert, Igent
NewlberrJ', Vn, miUiaer, 5 So. College .t.
Newton, J. S. Ho, of New too, 19 Atholl eres.
Nieol80n, George (HellderI07. cl: Biuet), 2
Atholl place .
.for Lo"dun Umora A.,,,,rance &cit!ty (Fire NaumanD, T. W. profeuoi' of muaic, 16 Newton, lames, W.S. as Great King street NicollOn, J. Bldenacb, I\d"ocate, 81 Albany
tmd Lift), and for West. Lifi: .Allur. 8ocie'll South Charlotte .met Newton, Jamel, haUer, ~1 St :Abry's "1nd street
lI,nle, Min, ~ ROIebank collagea
N.lCHOT, Dr H. W. 59 G~o!ge It.
Naysmitb, John, baker, 72 GUest .treet
Neal, F. commercial tra'fel1el, 1 Helen place
Neaves, Charles, clerk of Juaticia:'y, '7 Queea
County baD-boale, 13 lIiddleby street
Newton, llrl Hay, tea. a6 George square
NewtoD, Robert, BuperintendeDt of roads, Nicolson,J. (B1U3t!1l cC- Nicobon), ~ India It.
Nicolson, Joshua, boot o.nd .bll'.'~!ker, 117
ROl!e Itfeet
Nairn, John, RfDCer, 9 E. Richmond Itreet- street Nib)eu, F. B. (.Alfred Dat1N ~ Co. London) Nicolson, 'VIlUam, WiIliamfield, BonningtoD
hoose, 'l5 W~st Nicolson Itreet Nea,el, Lord, 7 Chll'loUe Iquare "8 N. bridge-hOw, Emestcm lodge,Wardie SicoIsoD, WiIliam, 16 Chapelatreet
Nairn, WiIlilm, greengt'Ot'er, 6f, Nicolson It. Neil, John, & Co., brassfounders and gat- Niebol, lbvidlon, ItatioDer, l' AmlllOn place NicoilOn, \Vm. clerk, 29 Couper street, Leith
Ntlme, James, sec. N. Brit. Railway, 8 Hen- fitlen to tbe Queen, CaUender house, 67 Nichol, Francis H. 8 Pitt street, BonDington Nicollon, &Irs, 89 Spring gardcnll, Abbey hill
derson row 1 Canon gate, Wilb entrance alBo 16 N. Back Niehol, James, bookseller and publisher, 10.& Nicolson, l\bs, 16 Forth 'treet
Naime, ?tlrs Charles, 8 HendenoD row of Canongate High street (puhliralwn oJIite of Mill;Oll· NIGHT Asylum, Old Fitbmarket dote, 110
Naismith,Alexander.farmt!r, Windleatrawlee NeU, John, eabinetmaker, 1 NelROn place ary Beeatdl 0/ Free ChNrCh q.f Scotland, and High atred
Naismith, Alexander, S8 Cumberland street NeU.lln, 16 Waniaton erEscent 'he BulflJark or Riformalion Joumal)-ho. Nightingale, Edward \V. clothier, 19 South St
NlilDlith, Jobn, grocer, Hillbousefteld Neill & Co. prbters, 9 Old Fiabmarket close 7 Salisbury place Andrew street
lfailDlith, John W. engranr,l StJamea' Iq. Neill, John, 2i! Rose st. Nlchol, l\Irs J. P. Huntlylodgc, Mercbillton Nightingale, E. W. " Hcndcrson row
Naismith, Rober~, tavern, 17 Citadel NeiJI, Mrs Andrew, 81 India street Inchol, Mu, 20 Haddington J>l. Nimmo, Arch. (B. LiJten lAJ.), 31 St An-
Naismbh, W.leather merchant, 2 CaUJeyside Nt'ilI, Miss, 8 r~oDdon It. Nicb04 Millet, millinera and dreumakers, drew IIquare
Naismith, Mr., 1 Lauder rOld Neill, Miss, 69 Ym-k plaee 87 North Cut1e street Nimmo, David, engraver, lithographer, sad
Naismi\h t l\Irs T. Victoria grove Neillon, E. Little, 1 ~ Causcyside Nicholsou and Johnltou, grocers and wine printer, S East llegisterstreet
Nanson, J. H. Forthland hOllse, Trinity NeUson, George, sm;th,20 College WJnd- merc\ur,ntl,1 E. Preltoo street NimlDo, J. & .T. engr&'fers, 1ithogw.~ ~op(ler-
Napier, Alex. Jobn, W.S. 23 Alban,. street house, .. St Patrick square Nlcholaon, F. C., H. M. customs, 2' Albany plate und letterp. prinlern, 7 Camlbber·. cl.
Napier, Ale:untier, chemist, 47 South Clerk Nenlon, JamE!, S.S.C. a Abercromby plaee street, Lc:ith Nimmo, Jame. (P.andJ. N.). 3SCutle Itreet
atreet NeilsoD, .John, S Orchudfield, Leith walk NiebollOD, .JIS••hipmaeter, 1 Alba..,..t. Leith Nimmo, Primrole (P. and J. N.). 4 Wharton
Napier, B. ~ Co. paper.mlen, 150 Higb at. NeUson\ John, , Shrub place NlcbollOD, John, lodgings, '" Cumberland st. place
Napier, Cbarlt.'t, tiesher, 1 Blackford place Neilflon, John, cabinetmaker, N. St Andrew
Napier, Goorge, advocate, and .heritf of .treet lane-bouse, 2S St James· square
Peeblesshire, Coates hall NeiJllun, Stuart, W.S. 1 No. Cbulotte .treet Nieholaon, ~fts, 4. East Claremont It.
Nieholsoo, Rev. Muwell, 3 Rt:tent terrace Nimmo, Primrose &: .TIIls. bras.foun. plumben,
Nicbolsoa, Wm. grocer, &e. OS l ..!luriston pI. and gas.meter manufrs. S N. Bank .treet
Nimmo, T. & Son, turn~n antlsplnning-whetl
Napier, Geor;e. tailor, 13 Frederiek Itreet Neilson, William, wrlght and cabinetmaker, Nicol, Andlew, bootmuer, 26 Elder It. maken, N.-W. Thisti" street lant"
Napier, J. Spring .,alle1, Moruingsido Duke .treet lane-ho. 7 Little King It. Nicol, EJ'8kine, M.A. 1 Blenhelm place Nimmo, I\obert, 6 AthoU place
Napicr, James, smith, 39 Water lune-bo. 76 Neilson, William, 1 North Charlotte street Nicol, Henry S. tobaceonlst, 1 North bridge Nimmo, 'Villiam, stationer, 132 Kirkgate
ConBtitution atreet N eilllon, Mn, ~o Windsor street -bouae, 81 Nimmo, 'Villiam, commissioD ascnt, Bell'"
Na~ier, Jam.,., chemist and druggist, H!6 Nen.OD, Mill Jane, female teacher, Orphan Nicol, Jemes, cooper, 77 Constitution street court, Leith
Nicolson .treet Hospital Nic:ol, .John (Setu cl; Orr), Kiefboute, Bran- NlmmClt WilUam P. bookseller nn(\ publl!lher,
Napier, James Brand, teacller of drawing, 20 Nelson & Sons, publl.hen, 2 Hope park eac1 don street 2 S. St David street-ho. , Whllrton pi.
S~ Andrew Iq.-~o. 49 S. Clcrk st. Nelflon, lamel, dentist,S Montagu atreet Nieol, JobD, mulicse11er lnd ltationer, 10 NimlDo, 111"1 Ales. p. Alblny .tred, Leitb, Jobn, 14 SClennel str~et • Nelson, James, vlctu~l dealer, 18 Kirkgate Calton steeet-ho. 18 Dundu Itreet Nimmot l\lrll F. J. 30 So. Hanoyttr Itreet
Nap~er, Mar~, ~d,ocate, shcnff of Dumfncs- Nelson, .Rob,. R., prlDtseller. Itationer, ad Nicol, Jobn, 3 W. JAuriston plaee Nimmo, Mn, S Uonald.on's building.
Ibm', 8 A1DIlte place
Napier, Robt. builder and contractor, 40
artists colourmaD,21 Hanover It.-hOUlf,
11 Duke street
Nieol, Capt. !lobt. 9 Picamy pL Nimmo, Mille', dretlmaker., 63 J.'rederick
Nieol, Robl. painter & gllzier, !t1 Frederick It. Nillbet, Jamea, agent, 2 nook pllll:e
B!ead etreet Nel,on, T. publisher, AlJden hOe Preston6eld -bouae, 6 S. Charlotte Itree\ Nllbet, James, S.S.C. 21 York place
Nap!er, Rober', 10~ ~range place . Nelson, Thomas, linen draper, I.f,Calton Itreet Nicol, Robert Gonion, meaeDger-at-arms, 2S, Jas., printscllcr and picture-fn.uae
Wapler, Robert, splnt dCller, 49 Frederlck Nelson, Wm. publisher, Salilbul'1 green St James~ equare maker, 39 Gt!Orgc IV. bridS"- hoW9l',
street Nel&on, Mra George, 28 Conlritution .treet Nieol, Robert, die & ltamp ~utter, 87 North 2 Beaumont plaoo
Napier, ~oberttjunr. wrigbt nnd bullder,22 Ncsbitt, John. photographer, 79 Princes It. bridge-hOUIe,16 BaakeUlor street ,NiIOO', Jamcs, wine ancl spirit merchant, .&.·1
G!eenslde p l a c e .
Nap1er, Mn Cbarlt8, 7 Pltt st. BonD&ngtob
. Ness, Jobn, sculptor, 18 Leith walk
Ness, John, wine and spirit merehlnt 1
Nicol, Rev. WaIter M. privale leacher,
Dundu street
i81 Catheriae .U'ce&-hoUIIe, ~8 Grcenlltle st.
lIiIif'!Jet, .J. C. writer, SS Howe "':reet
Nash, John, S Great King "treet llontgomery street ' Nieol, Wm. bootmaker, 11 St Leouud'. st. I NIt,bet, John !\lore, 12 Atholl cresetnt
NISh, Wm. B. ~l Gnrdoer·g ere&. Nevay, AIex. sd,oClte 1 Rutland .treet Nieol, 11i. 28 London street Nisbet, _Jobn, 2 Beaumont place
Nasmyth, Uohert, F.R.C.S. llllrgeon.deatilt. Nettson, Tbomss, joi~er aDd cabiDetmaker Nicol, )Ii~, drenmaken, SO St Jamea' Iq.,John, hOUIC-paiDter, IS George Itreet
to the QUt,>en, 5 Cbarlotte equare North.wtlt Circus lane r 'Si col, Misses, 11 Union place Nisbet, Rev. Robert, D.D. 19 Lynedoeb
N'&':I'tONU Assurance and Investm(:nt A.IO- NewbigRing, David, agent, 1 Bueeleuch It. Nicoll, Alexander, i Salisbury .treet p1.ICe
, cla'\on, 2-n St Andrew square-Thomas Newbilging, .Jas. painter, 7 Bristo pl.-bo. Nieoll, Alex. accountant,6 York p1aee-ho. Nlsbet, Robn1 (G. P ... O.), S51.otbhalllt.
WaUaee, s.S.c. agent 56 Candlemaker row 2 Elm row Nisbet, Robert, boil builder, :I Alban, 'leet,
N'&'TIOHAt. Rank of Scotland,42 St. Andrew Newbtgging,Palrick, M.D.,F.R.C.S.i9Heriot Nicol1, J ... , H~ terrace Leith
Iquare. and 16 Bernard street, I.enb row NicollOD, Alexander, .aYOC'ate, 16 Forth .t. Nilbet, Robcrt, grocer and houlC ageD&, 62
NATIOHA~ Mercan\ile Lifc Office, 21 SI. Nzw Club, 85 Princes st.-Dand Home, tee. NieollOD, D. is Camtbber'. e10le St Leooard ,treetr-boute, 22
• Andre" S Iquare-Andrew FIfe. agt'nt N zw College, bead of Mouad Nicolson, Da,id, & Soa, I"oetn, wine & .pirit NialJet, Thos. auctioDt'er and .pprailler, 11
NATJONAL Museum of tbe Antiquaries or 'Newtands, Peter, rope manufactum, 10,6 1IImhaDtI, S6 Caaanple So. HanoYer It.-hollte, " Ga,fh!ld "lure
Scotland, Royal1nstJtution Grassmarket I
NicolsoD, DaTid, apirit dealer, 38 Ab., bill Niebet, Thomas, 8 Georgc Iu-eet I

". - ... U• adS 5 2 le a a

Nitbet, RcY. Wm •• Hope park I
NOUH British Fire and Life InlUflDce Co. OgiJrie, J. & A. tweed warehoufemen, SI Omoael, Robert, ll.D., F.He.S.E. 43 Cbar-
North bridge loUe square
NlIbet. WiUilm, 9 Laurlstoa Itreet
I 64 Prineft Btreet.-See Ad.,.
Nilbet, WiIliam, Iboemtbr, 13 S. St Dayid NORTH British RaUwa, Co. oJBea, Canal It.,
.treet· and .. Princes .treet, EdiD•• and 1 Sbore,
Ogilvle, Jamcs (J. ~. A. 0.), 128 Princee lit. O'Neil, .In. Jodgiag house keeper, 74 Gra~s-
Ogilrie, John, secretary, North Brideb In- mnrkt!t
Nitbet, Mr. C. midwife aud Ilrk nune, 21 Leltb-Jamel Nairne, -.,..tary-TbOl. B. ~nce Co. 6i Princes.. street O:Nejll, James, broker, 100 Cowgate
Dotk pJae8 Rowbotbam, genel'l&l manager O~lYIe, J. (J. O. and Co.} •.f,~ Bernard It. I 0 NeIU, J. cl~thier, outfitter, amI draper, 102
Niabet, Mn Joh., 1 Enklne place NOIlTH Briti.h Rubber Company (Limited), Og11vle, lobn. & Co. commlSSlon mercbants'l and 106 High st.-bo. IS NicoJsoD IItreet
Nilbet, Mra Robert, 1S Montagu .treet Cutle.mil1l, Fountainbrldge-D. D. Wit- 48 Bernard ttrfet O'NeiJl, l\Jichael, broker, ]98 Co\\"ga:e
Nilbet, Mr., lodgings, 38 Lotbian street !iamlOn, junr. manager Ogilyle, Rey, Duncan, 60 Gilmore place IOperatifc hat factory, 73 St !lary'a wynd-
Nilbet, Mn, ftesber, Yeal market N oaTH Briton and Saturday Cbronlcle pub-- O~rie, Robt. 0 .• W.s. "Cumberland street I See ..ddu.
Niabet, Mill, 29 Montagu street litblng oifiea, 369 High It. Ogilvie, Robert, Windmill bouae Ol'.ERITT4 HOUSE (Howarers), 'VaterlQO
Ninn, Archd. dairy, 61 Cumberland .tree' NORTH of Scotland S&eam Shipping CO. t Oji).rie, S. 'r., B.N. 3 Howard place rooms. 23 'Vaterlno place
14'lYen, AJex. T. t C.A. 13 Queen street-boo Caitbnes" Aberdeen, and Edinb\U'gb Screw Ogi!vle, T. baker & confectioner, 2 Elm row Oraoge, Andre, photograpbic artilt, 11
3S Scolland street S&eam Sbipping Co., Joeeph Falconer &: Co. Ogitvie, 1\lrl', 8 Salisbury road Nicollon fiqQllre
NiYen, John, M.D. lurgeoD, 110 uuliaten i 1 S. St AnClrew street Ogilvie, Mrs, 19l\1ontagu street Orchardsoo, Wm. Q. artist, 61 Gt. King st.
rlaC8 NoaTH.I.N Alluunce Co. 20 St Andre. Ogilvy, Ale'llnder (SI,,,.p QUiet) Inverforth, Ord, Allan A. M. IUgillter Office for dome••
Nmm, Robert, gard"ner, AUanfleld square-Re Chriaue, jun • .eeretary.-See Trinity tie lien-ants, 4 South St Andrew .treet
Ni,«!n, Robert,jun. gardener, Jamatca Itreet, Ad". Ogilvy, Charlel, writer, 'I Minto street Ord, AUan A. M. 8 Hilt liquare
I..eitb NOI.TRIRtf Club. 91 George street OgilYY, James, accountant, 41 Cude street Orc1, Wiltiam (Ill/mad Rct'e,zlie oJIicc, 25tll
Niyea, Tbomas, wiDe aDd Ipirit merch,!"6. 0 NOIlTHUN Coa!l\linlog Co. 3 Coalhill OgUvy, M. F. 00 Gilmore place Division), 1 Tanit street
Miloc ~uare NORTHIRN Dislrict School, lIcnderson row O~lvy, James, ar?st, 2 Wf!lt Nicolson Itreet Orde, Rey. J.leon~rd Sh.f~o, 28 York plat"8
Niven, Tbomas, chemist aod druggist, New- NORTHERN Lightboul6 Office-A. Cunning- OS!lyy, .lAmes, "~ter, 1 Eyre place Orderly room, City of Edmburgb Rifle Volun-
baYen ham, secretary, 84 George street Ogllyy, Mn, so Gl1-uore place teerl, 1'.rUament square, opcn daily front
Ni,en, 111..,8 Atboll place NORTHEIUC Revenioll Co. 1 N. St Andrew OgUT" Mm, .. nandolpb erescen' 12 tm2
Niv1son, Rey.Alexander, LL.OO.P. 2'J Ga,- Btreet-Wm. 'Yood, manl~cr Ogtly" Miss, 18 Howe street ORDHANCI Su"ey Office, 1 I Me1bout'ne pI.
field square Norton, Miss, 2 Cbristlan bank Ogilyy, )fis" 2i Warrl~too crescent -C:aptaio Richard H. Stotherd, It.E.
lU,jlon. Mt., "1 Inyerleith row NOR.WICH Union Fire and Life Insurance So.. Ogle and 1\lurray, tbeological and claslical Oan:NTAL Dank ('orporation, 23 St Andrew
Nlxon, .1. clog and .boe shop, 127 lligb street ciety.31 Ptinccsstrcct Dookseller., 49 Soutb brfdge ! aq. Robert Duodll Cay, agent.--.'iee ."dv.
Noble, Alexander, pharmaceutical cbcmist, NORW1CII and London Accident and Caunalit, O'Hara, B. C. 16 Spring prdens, Abbcy1till Orkory, George,gardencr, Northfield
i4 N.-We"t Circus pi.-houlC, 1 Inlurlnee Asaociatlon, 31 PrincelltreeL Oldham, J. 51 New buiJdmgs-bouse, 2 East Ormau, 'ViUiam, gilder and frame maker,
Noble, Jamel, grocer, t CI.remout place Notman, Arcbiblld, baker, 40 Abbey bill Preston street, Ne.lngton terrace 1 HUl pl.-ee
Noble, Rev ••Jobn, O. M. I. 43 Constitution Notman, Archd. bakrr,36 St Andrew st. Leith Ollfiers, 0. tT. F. artist in hair to 'he Queen, Ormilton, .John, baker, 3 Orchardficld place
etrcct, Leitb NotmllD, David, wrigbt, Qualit,lane 21 Clyde street Onniston, Wm. architect, U Btisto strl'ct
Noble, U. grocer, 94 and 100 Wett port Notman, David, joiner. 42 Quality street Ol~phant, }~ranc!l, ~aker, 6 Middle A!thur pI. Ormiston, Mr••Tames, baker~ , Chapel 5t.
Noble, WilliatO, wine mercbant and grocer, '1 NOhnau, William, architect, Northfleld cot. Obphant, Francls. Jun. baker, 110 High It. Orphoot, Peter, 1\{.1). lurgeon·(lentilt, 113
WilIlam Itreet BonniDgton Oliphant, Robt., S.S.C. 11 Young atreet Gearge street
Noble, !\lrl Alexander, 1 North-Welt Circus Notman, "m. upholsterer, 1I0pe street lane, Oliphant, Wm. & Co. publlsbera and book. Orpboot, Tho!. Hendcnon~ advocate, 113
place and l ' Charlotte street aellen, 1 South bridge George Itreet
Noble, Mra James, 14 Cbal·lotte .quare Novice, G. W. artist, 10 K. St Andre" street Ollphant, 'Villiam, 11 Camegie atreet Orr, nuitl. lettcr-carrit"r, "0 Llluri!lton .t.
Noble, M1"I, 1 Scotland iltr«!et Oliphant, Mn, 21 Buccleucb pi. Orr, Capt. Edw. M., U.E.1.C.S. 13 nrul1s.
Noble, 1\1r., coal merchant, 13 Port-Ho pe- O·CONNAR. Bernard, broker, 268 Cowgate Olipbant, lln, .ick aune, 37 Ceuper strce' : wick .treet, Hill.lde
toun-ho. 151 Fountahlbrid~e O'Connel, B. whip gu, manufac., Belferball Oliphant, Mrs, J Alya street Orf, Captain .J. superintendent 0' Naval and
NoMe, l\Irs, lick nune, 3 Winflmi11 line
Nolli ••John 11. spiri' dealer, $ Uonaldson's
O'Connor, John, clothier and outfitter, 43 Sl Ol!phant~ Mr. Waiter, 8 Bu~leuch place Military Academy, "'l
Oltpbanh lehool, 3S Cbarlotte IIquar~lto. Orr, John, C.M. 11 rarkside Itreet
SI. Cutbbert street
Mar,.s wynd
buildings O'DonneJl" Co.licellaedappraiaerl, cabinet & 'Voodville, MurraJfield-Thomaa Spinal, Orr, Itobert, advocate, .so (irea, King street
NOAFol.K Cattle la Burance Co. 23 St Anllrcw upholstery warerooms, 43 North Hanover janitor Orr, WiIllam, dairyman, 33 Jamaica fit.
squarc ...-H. & J. G. narrilon, managers Itree' t...IiYer " Boyd, publishers, printen. and book- Orr, 1\Irs Charies, 50 Great King street
for Scotland O'DonneU, Charles, & Co. furniture dealers, binden, T"eeddaJe court, ) 6 High .treel Orr, Mrl W. lo(lginga, 8 Kerr .treet
Noru'ou Cattle Insuraace Societ1, 8 Elder 106 Cowgite OUTer, J. S. (M'L., O. 6- Co.) li Daraaway Orf, Mn, 7 India street
street-Witliam Thomson, agent O'DonncU, E. '3 North Hanover Itreet Itree' Orr, 1\U..., 23 Saxe Coburg Illace
Norie, Robert. 24 Brunswick street O'Donnell, John, commer. hotel, 209 High st. OUycr, R. S. (GritDe ~ 0.), J3 GIJfleld Iq. Orrock & Hepburn, rurgeonl and dentilh, 7
Norie, Mis., 11 l\Iaitland strcet O'Donnen, Mr8, 26 East CIsremont street Ol~ycr, WaIter, tailor,2!i WilUam .treet Abercromby pllee
Norrie, J)ayid. spirit dealer, 1 Shore Officer, Wllllam. S.S.C. 30 AI.. street Ohyer, 'Vm. (Briti8A LilltnCo.), 0 Nelson It. Orrock, AIel. bookbinder and .tationer, S5
NORTh British Advertiser office, 8 1\felboume OFFICES for tbe Scbemtl' of tbe Churcb of Oliver, Wm. spirit dealfl', 24 St Andrew South bridge-hOUR, 8 Roxburgh pt.
place Seodancl, 22 Queen .treet ~treet, Leith Orrock, Hector 11. srchitect, 19 BrougbtoD pI.
NORTII British Agriculturist oRiee, 871 OPPICB. of the .'roe Church, S8 Frederick It! 0ll!yer, Mra Tbomu, 7 Regent terrace Orrock, J. (0. ~'lltpfJunt), 7 Aberc10mb, pl.
High I\re~t 0"ICE5 of &be U. P. Cburch, 5 Queen et. 0ll,ver, Mra Thomlt, Newington lodge Orroek',lodgingl, 67 Hanoyer street
NonTII Britillh and Coloniat newsroom, emi- Ogg, l'ete:r, cowfeeder, 128 Rose street o. ver, Misl, 1 Lennox .treet Oshome, Jas. comm. agent,31 ;:;t Andrew Iq.
gration, and newspaper office, J Urmov«!r st. Ogg, Mrs, lodging house, 13 Unlon place OhYer, l\1i8IeS, ladiea' b08rding-lCbooJ, J1 O~wald, John, (Ge1ll1QI Rt,ilttr hQtut), U
NORTJ~ British Colour Co., colour, point, and Ogilvie, A. (J. ~ A. 0.), 8 Salisbury road Rutland ~UI\I'e Dublin street .
varnlsb manufacturers, 20 lItreet, OgilYie, Charlel, grocer, ao Dundu Itreet Om~n, Natb. tailor,.s6 Thiltle .tree' O."ald, J. 8 Heriot plaee
Little Carron, and " Commercial pla~e OgilYie: Hoorg." IlOule governor, Stewart'. Omlt'kThOl• T. plumber, gaafttter, and zinc Of"ald, Geo. elasaiell IDd French teat-her
Leith ' 1I01pltal wor er, 3 Yor), place of Leith High scbool-ho. 10 DubUa street

. \ '"
OTAGO Emlgrat.ion Office, ., Sf. A.drew Iq. Park, W. OnwneDtal engranl', 8& Soada
OU, WilUam, cloekmaker .. tor warehouse,
48 Leith ,treet-boute, " Calton bill
O,en.ton, Mn, spirit dealer, 1 Citadel
Hanoyer street
Park, lIn, 2 Trlnitl creeeent
Park, Mill, 23 l\IOlltagn atreet
Pate!1lon, Geo. 3& ~iuto It.

18 South Frederick street

P.tersou, W. A. O. adYCJCate, S9 Princee at.
Paterson, Henry, ~lfdatufter and cage maker, Patel'8On, Mra Ann, grocer, Main street,
NewhlYell-ho. 1 Maitland It.. Newh.'~1!
OvERTOX Coal Co.Bailwal bnildio8'.. Citadel, Parker, Jobn J., W.S. (Macbrair arul P.), Pa&etton, HUgtl, & Co. carpetlDaDuf'acturen, Paterson,}lra George "I South Clerk Bmt
Leitb-Shlp~8 ~rt, AUoa 4 Drandon street damsel.: &; chlnta warehouse, '11 South br. Patfl'lOn, }Ira Henrl,'6 Grofe roni!
Owen, Chu. painter & glazier, 2 W. Preston Parker, John, Legacy Duty Office, I,.. Paterson, Httgh. ,,-lumber, &c. oS Elm row Paterson )Ir. Henrietta, coach hin!r to
.treel Retletllle-bouse, ,,~ George square Pa&erlon, James, litbographer,ltatio...., and J' Elm "';w '
Owen, B. J. P. 20 GifFord park Parker, John, eabinetm.uter and uphollterer, DeWI agent, .3 Brilto a&reet l'.1terson, MI'I J .•8 Lot.bian It.
30 Dronghton street Patenou, JII. clerk, &1 Earl Gre,. It. p.teuon Mn John groeer S7 Leith wynd
PACK, MIllet, 16 West Preston street Parker, M. & Co. oil merchants, and .ar,. PI&81'10n, Jas. pawDbroker, 1 RichmoDd pI. Paterson,' 1\In l\tari~, lodgi~ga, 3 RutJand It.
Non, A. & D. bookseller. and ltatlooera, 13 salters, 36 WbitBe1d place Paenon, Jame., wri&er, 8& Great King street PaWfson, l\Ira, millinery, baby linen, and ...,.
.st Andrew square Pari~r, W. A. advocate, 9 Dundu 8t.-hO. P.te~n, James N. (Bad qf Scotllmd), 3S warehouse, 5. Lothian .treet
Patlon, Thomas, S.S.C. 15 Hart Itreet. . St Colm, Trinitl M1Oto street Patereon t Mns, Wardie 'riUa
Pae, James, 7S Drougbton street Parker, Mr., 9 Dnndu street Patenon, Jamca (Geo. P. aNd 8_), ~Pretton Patel"lon, :aln, ...2 York place
Pagan, Archibald, grocer and spirit dealer, U Parkinlon & Hood, Miuel, boarding-.chool, ..~~ce J (r ~.I_ '11'_1•• _.... Patenson, Mrs, of CutJe HuntJy, 9 Coatea
India place • Royal clrcul P..,..1 INn, 6mes, .&.DJMH P'lIfIHIIlon OJlice), Cfesceu,
Pagan, Oaw.ld, spirit dealer, 23 LadI Law- ParIane, Miss, 16 Cumberland street • W. Preston atfeet Paterlon, )IfS, of l\Ierry8ata,. Carlton It.
IOn's wfnd Parnell, Richard, '1 James place, Leith Patenon, Jamet, (P.~ .A.) U Grabam Itreet Patcnon, l\fi.1 A. milliner and .traw-hat
Pagan, S. A., ,. r D., F.R.C.S. 8 :&Ielville street Parrot, Captain Robert, Cbrisuln bank Paterson, .Tames, M.D. 17 St Bernardtl ere,e. maker, .3 High Itreet
l'.~an, Tbomas, spirit merr.ilant, 96 North Pau, Edwin, perfumer and hairdresser, .'l Pateuon, John (G. P.
manager, 'I Henry Itr~
G_ &m), asphalt PAtcnon, Mi.. Ma'1, 11 want,too clftceat
Patenon, Mill, dreumaker, 3 .'rederiek ft.
back Canongat.e Frederick .treet-boUJe, 6 Scotland atreet
PagaLI, UI'I, teacher of drawing and painting, Pate1'8on & AUn, drywtell, oilmen, butter, Patenon, J. (D,v",ock k P.) if, Broughton pI. p.tenon, Misa, ... Howe Itreet
U Fettes row and cbeeae merchants, '19 Grallmal'ket- PatenoD, John, watch .&.1«Ial cle&1er, 160 l'aterN>n, Millet, PnmrOle bank, Trinity
P~e. DlYid. ,,~ Gilmore place warehouse, !l and 3 Heriot's bridge High Itreet-houle, " L~rdr;Ru'8ell place Paterson, Violet., .plrit dealer, 98 Kirkbrate
Pluman Brothers, provlaioD mer...hanb, 87 l'atereon & Laird, houae.painters, 38 Homeaa. P~ter..un, John, draper, IO~ Kirkgate Paterr.on'. Bazaar importer of fanc, ~
Potterror. PctersoD u.nd Romanes, 'V.S. 1 NellOn 1tl'CH Pa&enon, John, dairy, 31 Duke ~treet, L~idl 88 HlnoTer .tr~t '
Pairman,J. (P. Brother~), Hope park square Pateuon and Sonl, London pianoforte and PA&8no.D, John, inlpector of Ughtior and Patison, Mu, 2 'ViIliam street
Fairnlan, R. spirit merchllnt, 198 Canongate music Aloons, 27 George street cletDln'J Talb«!t place, Eut Prelton It. p.dson, l\fisl, 11 Drandon Itreet
Pairman, Robert. 5 Roltburgb PaterlOll & Th6IDson, human bair mauuf'ac- Pa&enon, John, ••ntne:, SI Flethmarket dole Paton & Ritchi~, printer.,, and
PAirman, 'Vm. (P. Brother,), Hope ~k sq. turers, '1 North St David street -bouK, Burnbouae, Portobello ltationert,81 Princes street- printing-ofliee,
Falmer, D.vid, htrirdres6llr, 19 St Antbonl pI. p.terAOn, A. & J.llmiths, Morrison Itreet Patereob, Joh .., fle.her, Couper .treet 13 George st.feet
Falmer, James, teacher ofmualc. 6 Union pI. Patel'lOn, Abert&5, furnhure dealer ad aue. Paterson, John, 1~ ~nna~dale Itreet Paton, Alex. boot and shoe maker, 28 S. brieJae
Palmer, J.mes, grocer, 101 Grlllmarket doneer, "and 20 Blair street-house, IS Paterson, John, 0'111 enRlneer, iO 8t Andrew -hOt 6 D(:lumont pl.ce
Palmer, John, hairdresler, Lothian road PaterlOD, Adam, W.S. 96 Heriot row Iquare-house, 'Belle",e te~ Paton, Alexander O. boot & .boe maker, ..
Palmer, 1\1. (BdiUie ~ 1!.), 9 Roxhurgh street Pateraon, Alex. wine merchant, 9 Bel1llld PatefloD, L. merchlntl 42 Quahtlltreet Hanover street and 144 Rose Itreet
Palmer, 'l'bomas, victual dealer 15 Cowgate. street-house, C!l Drummond place Pateraon, .l\lanrice, bookbinder & boobelJcr, Paton, Ch.rlu, painter, 21 I..nndon It feet
heAd Paterson, AIel.:. h'IJK..!tor ot'stamps and tu.eI, 1& Broughton ~treet-h_se, SI Paton, Hugh, printer, book & luinbeller, pie-
Panton &; You'<b, c10thicn .nd hatters, 3S & 6 Waterloo place P.~r.oD,R.arc,hitect and cltl UIeIIOr, valu- ture-cleaner,Clner and gilder to th.d~uem
86 South bridge Patcrson, Alexander, Holly lodge, Trinity alion of land. aet,-oftiee,6 Hanoyer .tNet and to the late Duchea. of Ktnt, 10 Prium
Pa)'!\ffin Light Co. l.ochrin works, Home st. Patetlon, Alcx. F. grocer, 39 Kirkgate, Leith -houle,.7 Grange road Itreet-printingooOdic:e, 8 North College a.
-Peltr Shaw, ll~anager -bouse, 11 Glo,er .tretSt Patenon. Robert! :&1..0., F.R.C.P. Si Char.. -hou..,8oS Tower Itrei't, Porto~lJo
Paris, James, 8.S.('. pror•• fiscal of Holyrood, Patel'8On, Andrew, C.A. 3 North S. Anc1rew lotte Itreet, Leltb Paton, Jamet, chimnc!1 Iweep, 12 E. ea..
23 St Andrcw Iq.-ho. 69 Cumberland at. street-houte, 8 Abercromhy place PatenoD, Rob. merchant, 118 LaurlatoD pi. berl.nd S&rcet Jane
Paris, Wllliam, baker. 51 Canongate Patenon, Archlbahl, merchant, !l Baxte:r'. pL . Pate~oD, Robert, engraver on wood, 13,' Paton, John, (General Rtgil:er ROUte,)
J»aris, Mrs John, .. It Ki;kgate Paterlon, Daniel, H. M. Customs, 15 CanDon Umon place 16 ~readow place
Paris,1\I1'8, grocer and spirit dealer,61 Cum- .treet, Leith p.tenon, Rob. lodgin~, J9 Duke street Paton, Joseph Noel. R.S.A. artil., S8 Georp
berland street Pl\terson, David, plumber, suBtter, and _. Patenon, R. Roy, musIc aeUer, 27 Gtsorge It. square
Park, Arcbd. & Co. wine merchants, impor- plate worker, Dean -houle, llerChlston park Paton, Thoma. S. ad'OCIte 11 Forret street
tera a:IJ dealen in linseed cakel, manures, Pateraon, David A. (Cochrone, Pater• ., t Patenon, Thomll,. grocer, wine and spirit Paton, 'r1JOmll, metal d~aler and refiner,
seeds, &c. '1 George street-warehoul5Cs, Co, ), ael!aJrig park, Reatalrig road, Leith mercht. & E. Regl.ter Itreet Jronlide court, 98 Abbey bm-hOUR If
Thistle street anll Lelth-bo. 53 George st. PatersOD, David F. agent, & Ken Itreet Paterson, Thomas, 'V.S•• Indlaatree& N'ortoD place ..
Park, Arch. (A. ~ J. P.), ss George street Patcrson, D. W. (LiRdla, t Pater'Q1~), 11 Pa&erlOn, Tbomu ~C1IUON), Ant.horfield Patuu, Waher, cahinetmalcer, 19 .drlndon It.
Park, Howlld (Inumd RctJtmue), 19 InlUa st. Northumberland st. ~.&erson, Thos. K'JewelJer,21 N~collon Itrect Pa.COD, Waher, .urveyor for LJoyd'., 33 Sand-
Park, James, 6 Uutland street PatersoD, David, brassfoumler and gufitter, cater.D, Thol. draper, Sf) Lotluun street port strtet-hoUl:e, Lei!h mount
Pluk, .1as. D. englnccr, 23 London street 1 'l'hlatle street-houle,31 East Cumber- PaterlOn, Thomu/ lettcr·ca..'1'ier, 6 GardDer'1 l'aton, \Vm. fruiterer and green groeer .~
P ark, John, advocate, 1 Thomas street land street erelceat and ". Dundu Itreet '
Park, .John W. hoot maker, " Willlam street Patenon,Geo. &; Son builderund uphaben, or
PaterS?n, ThornRI, teach@r ~Iting, arith. Paton, Mr., ~ Goorge place
Park, John, 41 13runswick strect
Park, Uobert, merchant, 2 Brandon street
8' South Clerk Bkeet, and ~T CharloUt
street, Leith-See Adv.
p :ettc, 'W book-keeping, " E. Thistle: atreet ; Paton, \lilll, 66 Cleric street
af:;~' m. new & eecond·band bookseller, I Pa'on, Min, 1 I.ondofl .treet
Park, It. and J. t\mbcr merchants, Tower st. Patersoll, Geo. pawnbroker 128 NlcoilOn .t. nncea street Pilwn, Mill, 31 nroughton plate
Park, Thomas, shoemaker, 3 Ha7's court Pa'erson Gco. of Cutle-HuDtl,. adweate,' Pa,!,!son, W. (F. RicluzrtllOn~' Co.), to Keir PaUick. M'EwCb. " CarrneDt, \V.S. Si Al. ..
Park, Thomas, bootml1ker, (, Gtanvillc place Coates' crescent ' .... ee' bany street
Patenon, Wm. (B.~. Co:" BA.), • Regent CIf. Pa'rick, !tobert, hatkr. Us High ttred

$I Hq ne 1 0 _• • t •• •
Patrlck, M~ S. 23 Abercrombie place
b t t D & J
Peacock, Adam, 2 Lauriston temce
P.t.TRIOTIC ASlurance Co. of Ireland, Geo. Peacock, Andrew, tob,eoo manuf,ctr.lO High
Itreet-house, S Fingal place
Poodle, R., manufacturer of Iron and wire Peine, Garin t gen. merchant, lW Wf""L port
fences, agricultural implements, &CO, 132 Peme, George, accountlA..,t, 17 Gco!'ge st.
IV. bridge, and "l.I'
.l1'l.erc ant 6 ree - . • Peacoek, Edmund, engraver, lithograpber, George street, and $ & et FOQo&ainbridge- Petrie, Jas. shoemaker, IS Brougbton .t.
Pattage, Johnagents
C. 9 Hope street "nd sbow.tlcket writer,
h $7G Nicolaon
t street house, 12 Grofe street Petrie, Stephen .~.!l Filrig It.
Patten, John, W.S• ., Drllmmond place Peneoclc, Henry, butc er, ran on, Peddle, Rev. William, D.D. &7 George Iq. Petrie, AIrs, 6 St ViDcent . treet
Pattenon, John C. (I".l!cv.) 4 Graham st. Peltook, T. B. com. agent, 2 MontgomerTlt. Peddie, Mn, ataT and conetmaker, U 'V. Petlie, David, manufaetur. of hosier,', 314
Paueraon t John, 4 Launstcm lane --house, 1 Annaodale street Richmond .treel Lawnmuket ho. U Brown st. •
Pattenon, Thol. (..4_ Bell and Son), S nudand Peacock, W. tailor and clothier, 20 North Peddle, Milll, 118 Lauriaton place PhelDilter, R. wright, 20 Lauristoo strtet
bridge Peddie, Mill, Itraw.hat mak. Orchard&eld et. Pbilip, In. wood merehant, 29 Junction It.
Pa~=:',, boukseller, (. North Peacock, William (w. F. SkeNt (~ P.), 18
'v. PedeD, Mrs, 16 Gayfield square
Pedie, Wm. Iheritr.t'ffiecr, 297 Higb .treet
Philip, Robt., mer., Old Chureb wharf, Leith
IJhilip, Rev. Robert, 2 South GraTstreet
College street . Hill street-house, U Great King street
Pattenon, Wm. upholaterer, cablnetmaker, PCleock, E. & M. milliners and dnssmaken, Peeblel, John G. C., S.S.C., 5 Hill street Pbtlip, Willlam, $ South Norten place
anel house agent, 10 and 11 Queensferry $1 lIome Itreet Peebles, Thomas, hairdresser, I' Home It. Philfp, 'Vm. baker, 1 Leggat'sland
.&reet Peacock Mrs G. lodgings, 4.7 Cutle street Peebles, Wm. clothier, D Crown street Phllhps, Wm. (Corn. Ba"k) 13 Annandale.t.
Pattel'lon, Wm. boot anel sboe manufacturer, Peacock: Mn Henry, lodgings, 'i3 George tit.
2-'3 Cowgate Pearce, Tbo&. military store keeper, Cattle- 11 Duke street-Agents, John l\l'CuUoch I
PELICAN Life Aa.uranee Company--oflice, Pbillip., Airs B. bookeeller and scationcr, oS
Wanllton place
(B. L, Co:. BanA), 11 Duke It.. and PhUipps, Miss, 1 Scotland street
PAttelOn~ Matthew, 3 Lutton plaea house, 2$ St Bernard's crescent
l\%unay & Beith, $0 Castle st.-See oddu. Il'lIILOSOPHICAL Institution, .. Quecla Itreet
Panison, G. H. advocate, 18 Duke street
Pattison, John, W.S. 16 Broughton place
Pearee, l\fJ'I, 24 Alva street
Pence, l\frs, ladle.' nurse, 16 .Jamaica .treet PendreJgb, .!ames & George, com merchants,
13$ Constttution street
I -Henry Bo, qCT.; A. ')'00, librarian
Pbllp, Jonn, & Son, wine and sflirit dea1ert!,
t'attiIlOD, T. H., M.D.tF.R.C.P. 39 London at. Pears, Jas. '1 Finga. place .
Pictilon, WaIter G. mercbt. :IS llernurd It. Peanon & Robertson, W.S. 17 noyal CIfCU~ Pendridge, John (G.P•. 0.), lIl2 St Leonarel It. aDd cordial manufacturers, ) .'ir., pi.
I..eilb-houlC, Sunnyslde house, 'I'rlnlty Pearson, Andre.., clerk of worka, 38 Fountaul- Pendrigh, Jamea, chair.miker, 80 High IItreet I PhUp, WiIliam T. DarnlcYYilla, l\Iorninpide
PaJtiaon, !\trs", '1 Newlngton terrace t". bridge
Pendrigh, William, family linen warehouse, I'hilp, Mn F. P., Willow bAnk cottage
Paliilon, Mn Thos. Summer lodge, Trinit,. Peanon, A(lam, 22 nlackford road Anelllbty rooms, 54 George st. l'hHp's Temp. hotel, 28 St Jlmet' square anll
PattlllOn, Mi"s, boarding.scbool, 13 West Pearson, Charles, C.A. 128 George street Penman, John, grocer, '2 GlJea'street Seafield baths.-See Adv.
Preston street Pearson, E. plumber and gusfit\er~ 85 South Pf!nn1 cuik, .J. spirit dealer, Iso Causeystde Ph 11 pot, Jamea, 2 Buccleuch place
PaUllO"1, 'Alis", 33 ))uudl\lIstreet back ofCanongate-ho. 71 Pentland, D. working jeW'elh'r, as North· l'bimiltflr, 1\11'8, antI Miss Duft~ ladies board.
Patti80n, Milae" 33 Ellt Cllremont Itreet Pearsott, John, baker, 3 E, Register street Hanofer street ling Ichool, I Arniston place
P!ltton, George, advocate, 30 Heriot row Pearson, Thos. road contractor. Powburn PCDtland, Young, juS!. (1', t SOli), 13 Spenee's Phin, C. & A. filhing tackle manufacturer,. 80
PaUon, l\Jrs, laclies' nurle, 8 Kerr street
Pattu}lo, MiBl, 38 Ann Itreet
Pelnon, Thomas, officer of Inland RfVt1IUI,
11 NortGn place
place, Lchh I l'ril1('ft Itreet-hou.~, 9 'l'blstle street
P~nt1and, Y. J. 8: Son, coopers and .tave mer. I'hi", John, S.S.C. 13 lIerlot row
Paul, Uel_ John, D.D. 1:1 Gcorge square Pearson, 1\11111 A. 12 Darnaway street 13 Spence'li place, Leith Illhin, l\lisu, ~ Windsor street
Paul, l'drlck, S.S.O., '1 No. St Davidstreet I)ellton, Alex.jewel1er, $I Nortb bridge PentzUn, August. veneer cutter, ancl agent, J)hipps, '1'., I"opcrty Incl Income Tax office,
Paul, Robert,2 Uruntlfield place PellRton & Paterlon, tailors anll clothiers, 4 for Germnn furniture, Chalmers' close, SI: 6 'Vaterloo pl.-ho. Soafield houlk', I~chb
I'.ml, Robert, a!Os;"t. keeper, !\Iuseum of Antl- \Velt llegister street-bo., 1'1 Seotlam) It. Hlgb street /' PhipJu" )In, Seafield hOUIC, Links, Leith
quides, Royal Inlltltution, 42 Home str('et Pealton, Miss E. dressmaker, 4 Cannon lit. l'Eol'LE'g l'rovident AS6urance Society aucl Puu:!nx Jo'ire Aasuranet' Company-Agflnts.
Paul, Thol. new.paper reporter, 1 Lower Peat, Captain. R.N. Viewforth house Guarantfle AssociAtion, 4 Piu st.-secrc.~·1 Uobert AUan, .c~A St Andrcw square; .John
Gllmore placB Peat, John, so HaddJngton place tary, Robert Crawford M'Cullocb, of 11. j", ClI.'t hllk. H Duke
Paul, Thomson, 'V.S. JO Union street Peat, Mrs, 11 L,l1edocb place Peploe, Rrb. L.lnspec:tor otbrattches, Comm. street; W', S. 1\luir, ~o lluccleuch place;
!llmI, WiUilUU, writer. :1 llownlc place Peat, Mu, 9 Brilto place naDk, $ Royal tcnace I H. G. 'Vatson, 3 N. St Davitlst.; WilUam
Pautin, (hlorge, cablnctmaker onll furniture PeRttie, .John, 12 Bellevue crellcent Peras80, l~. interpreter of ItaUan and French,' Muir, 'Vet dock, (.chb-Set.' Adv.
dealer, 40 Howe st.-worksboll, .Jamaica st. Pcattie, John, working man's refreth"'~Dt 8 Queen's place, Greensidc row ; PfhlTOURAPJIIC Society of ScotlaDd, "all, .sI
Paxton, George, boiler manufacturer, Sala- rooml, 39 North bridge at. Per;!'I, A. landsclpe painter, 7 Osford tcr. I George street
Perks, Geo. 10 Uosebank cottages Plcken, Thomll~. 1 Albany str~t, l.dtb
mander strt'Ct, I ..eltb Peck, Mrs, 28 Saliabury street
Pa1.ton, Jas. shoemaker, Onkfiel<l bouse, Peddie and Klnnear,architects, S South Char. Perry, Mr~ Dr, J5 London street I Pleken, William, clock and watchmaker,
Arthur street I lotte Itreet l'eter, Da\'1d, J E. Cumberlnnd at.
l)etcrkin, lV. A. 8$ Great King .treet I
9 ~[clbournt: place
Pjgou. Gcorge (N. L. t1Jice), 2 John'l! place
Paxton, John, wine & spirit merchant, SCoat .. Peddio, J. and A., W.S. 36 Albany street
field lane I Peddie, Alex., M.D., F .R.C.P. la Rud.nd .t. '6
PeterJdn, 1\11'1, Cumberlau(l s t r e e t ,·l'ik:}, '.\rm. silk mercer aud draper, 3 Hanover
Paxton, .Mathew. S Glover street }'ecldle, Alex. W.S. (J. and A. J'fddie) :sa Peters, Alex. M. plumber and gasfit. 13 Dun- "lteet-houst', 10 Hanover
Paxton, !\t. grocer, 4 Fox lan~, Leith Alban1 fltreet das street : PHkington, J.'rcderick T. architt.:ct, 2' Gcorge
IJaxton, S. 6 Glover s1ft"et Peddie, Donald Smith, C.A. t Georgestreet- Peters, Robert, boot-tree and lalt.maker, fj I street
I'.xton, William, plain nnd uecorative houle ho. North Trinity houae, Trinhr. ?tfcDownll street 2"
jl'ilIdngton, 1', & Son, arcJdtet.tll, George It.
painter. 1 Abcl'cromby place •Peddiet Jas. W.~. (J. and ..4. 1 tadit), 8. Peters, WUJlam, accountant, $7 North bridge i PiJlanll, H. alltl J. printers, 6 J4mes' court-
Puton, Wm. (J. PIIlton and Co.), 11 Archi.. Albany.trcet ) -house, 6 Union pI. I house, Agneevillc, Seton place, (frange
bald ptaeo Peddle, Jamel, jun. (WgU, ~ Peddie, C.E. , Petenon Brothers & Co. general cOmmiSS\On,.))iUaUI, lIugb Scott ( City nJ Ula'fl ow BanA),
Paxton, }lary. grocer, 16 Glover street sa Albrll)' Itreet . merchants) Amson's place l~ Arrlitlton place
Peace & Co. agcmta for the good. traffic of tile Peddie, JameR, printer, 2 Nicolson lIquare
DuC('leur.h ]ll.
PeterlOn , John (Peter.o" Bro. ~. Co.), !l,s Pillaus, James, professor oC humanity, 43
Illverleilh row
E. & G. and S. C. rallwAys-ofHcea at E.)II'I. l'eddie, Jas. city milsion. 36 W. Norton pJ.
Leith, and Granton .ailwa,. ltalions Peddie, John Dick, architect, 21 ClaremoDt Peterson, Magnus M. (PtltrloR Bro. cl; Co.), ~ I'illans, .r amtll, 3 St Ucrnard'l crcscen'
I'eace, .Jal. (P.r Co.), 18 E. Clarcmont It. '1 erescent 28 Gayfleld aquare Pill an Ill, J. l-\ 2 East Newiagton place
Peacock, Adam, tobllcco manufacturer, "4 Peddie, Robert, painter, 121 K1rksace-bo. Petenon, I~ev. IJeter, I~ 8t Leonard It. Pillans, Col. Wm. 3 ~L Bernard's ('re'cent ...
Shore-houte, )0 Wellington place No. a9 Pe~le1' ~IaJor 1\I'LeoJ, 12 Abbotsford park, PiIIlml, Mr8. 2 Ellllt Se"jogton plnce
orDlDgaiue PJnker&on, l\Irs Jobn, 18 C.9t1~ .treet

. •

• \ r
PiDkertou, )(la, W SeotiUd sired POOR. Bo.rd of SuperYisioa for Relief of the, Pow~, G.
dation-ho. 3 Ladyfield place
w. (SNptr. C. RaiL) I..othiau road Pringlct Mrs, 9 Wh.rton place
Prlnglet Miss. draper dressmaker & milliner
PUle. Ja. (CtaI01Jtl),Bath8eld 125 George Street
Pirie, Rev. John, Fbldhorn plaee POOR'S Rate Office, " Forret' road-JolI. Prager, }In, ladies' UUl'l!e, 13 Camegie Itrftt 18 N.- W Circus place ' ,
Pinet, J ••et, .58 Clerk street Macby, collector Prafn, H. D. actuar1, (&.:11. UItiOH. /tUurance Pringle, ,Misses, 5 Ranclolpb clifl'
Pinet, John, pocer, &8 Clerk street Pope, Jama, & Sonl, wine merehantl, is olftce), ...7 George ttreet PRISON' Mnnagers, H.M. for Scotland, oOice
Pinet, Thomu, grocer, 2l\I.rmioD terrace, Charlotte .t.
Leith-houle, Junction boute Platt, John, gun maker, 2' S. Frederick street
Prate, Ro~rt, tailor, '" Soutb bri~e
11 'Melbourne place
Pritty, .John, printfr, 51 Broughton street
Morninpide Pope. lln, 6 Blackford ,Oad
Firrie,De.Yid, & Co. wrights, 8 Si Anthon, It. rort~ous, A. & A. curriera and ltather mer- Platt, 'Vdbam E~.arll (SuI17t'90T ~ Depart. Priny, John: clerk, 8 East Preston street
..d 4IS Junction Itreet l!IOuth chants, Gulland'. clOle, .nd 15 South St G.P•• O.), 26 PItt street PrittT, Joseph B. grocer and proviiioD mer-
Pirrie, ~e, fruiterer, .. Si Patrick square Andrew street-house, 35 Montagu streK Prat~ Mn John, 12l\laryfield, Euter road chant, 52 ThislIe street
Pirrie, lIn, lo~ing" 3, Cutle street Porteoul, Alex. f.rmer, EHt Merchiston Phtt, lily, nlatron, Houee of Refuge I'm Vy Seal Offiu, 19 Register house--('2 to "
Pitbladdo, James, clerk of works, 34 Wright's Porteoul, ~Uex. asphalter, 36 Leith walk-_ Preacher, .John, liS. St J.mcs' street Saturdays from 11 to li)-Aleunder Mur..
houses 6 Haddington place Prentice, Arch. tailor and clothier, 1 AlUon', docb, lIub.-keeper
Pitcaim, W. F. 19 Forth street Porteoul, G. 'dctual dealer, 86 CroucauR1 place PaIn S"'[11, writer to the, A. Carnegy Ritchie,
Pitcairn, Mrs, 9 Northumberland ItreH Porteous, Ju. cabinetmaker an,I uphowterer, Preutlce, Jobn, cowfeeder, 8 ToUcrou adv('Icate 10 Alban, etree'
Pitcaim, Mrs, 14 Herio' row U Nicolson .treet Preutice, J. GIu,6 'Vani.ton crescent Proctor) Adaru, plumber and gufitter 8
Pitcaim, Mrs, 124 Lauriaton place Porteoul, James S., S.S.C. SI St Andrew sq., J. Reid, landscape and mariue Church !aDe-houle i Dean It1"t:Ct '
pikaim, Min, 14 Howe IItreet Port~lus, James, teacher, 19 GayneJd 1JClU&re pli~ter, 6 Warriston ereecent PnoFEsslONAL LiCe Aitlurance Company, 28
fitcaim, l\Usl, 30 York place POrteoW5, Jalt teacher of mUlic, 11 Drum- Prentice, MI'8 Tbos. grocer, 13 Couper street South Frederick street
Pitmau, FrOOms, W.s. (J. and F. ~nder· mond street. Prer.u~, S. workiDg cablDetmaker, & joiner, Profit, ~Ir. Alex.. 13 Sslishury street
,on), 10 AIva street Porteous, John D. H. city millionar1, "GII- 10 Hisll.treet PaOl'laTY & Income Tax Office. G 'Vaterloe
PitmlD, Mrs Genera1, 46 Heriot row loway·. entry, li3 C.uongate Pr~t, Thomas, gun polisher, 190 Rose It. place-J. BaUour. W.S. clerk to Comn.
l'ittendrlch, John, cbiDa, glass, and rag ware-- Poruous, WiIJiam, writer, 87 George street Pretton, )(~I, 51 BrougbtoD'treet. PllOPERTY Investment Company-office. Du-
bouae, .5 Potterrow Porteous, William, oorn merchant, 11 Grau· ~tlell, Mls~ )fargaret, 1'l6 LaurllltoD place chanan', hotel, 114, High It.-Ales. Cuth ..
Pittendrigh, Rev. George,8 Spittalstreet market-houee, 4 Brown'. place Pr~c!, Rey. }.. dward, S2 Duudns .tr~t bert, manager .
PLAT. Glau Inlurance Company, 72 Princes Porteous, William, baker,2 Union sueet-het. Pridlf', .fames D. surgeon, i9 South Clerk It. l'roud, Peter, jeweller, 2 North bridge
street, W. Lambert, manager.-See Ad.,. 3 Antigua strm Pf!d!e, Pe~er Hatmden, S.S.C. U l\liuto street l'roud, 1\In, grocer, 98 l'lealance
Player, ,Tohn, c:oaeb.hirer, 39 'Nortbumber- Porteoul, 'Vm. painter, 1 Baker's place Pridle, ~olH!rt, ll.D. surg. 10 ~oxburgl) at. Prouclfoot & Gourlay I joiner. ad under-
land IJtreet, and Tant\eld Porteoul,llr, 'Vm. grocer aud spirit dealer, Pr!me Galt office....,\ CommerCIal pl.ce taker., Momingtide
Playfair. Dr Lyon, C.D. 14 Abererombly pi. 1 Heriot mouut Pr!mrose, Hon. B. F. 22 Moray place. Proudfoo&, JAmes, 8 Parkside street
and University Poruous, :Mrs, 13 Indi. street Primrose, John, coal merch.nt, 41 Whltfield Proudfoot, ,John, grocer, 9 Welt Newington-
Playfair, llrs G. W. 321laebum place Portcous, .Mrs, houeekeerer, Calton Con'fen.. .,1ace-bo.40 hOUft,1, 11 Roxburgh streel, Mi8&el, 28 Moray place iog hall, 23 Calton hil ~nee of Wales hotel, .w ~~ ,46 W. Register It. Proudf(.;)t, Robert, libocmaker t 11 DlVie It.
Plenderleatb, Mrs,6 Windmill street Porteous, lIiss, 18 Leopold place PrIDgle, A. grocer aud splfltdeal. 35 Clerk It. Proudfoot, Thomu, 5 Fyfe plarc
Plenderleitb, Mill, 29 Brougbton place Port(;Ous, Misses, 16 St Vincent street :-ho. 3 St Leonard's lane l'roudfoot, 'V. «(J. P.· 0 . ., J 1 llrummonclaf.
PIimor &.. Jobnston, masons, 7 Buccleuch It, l'orter, Martin, circulating library, bookseller,. ~ngle, George, 14 Rutland street Proudfoot l\lilll\[. dressmaker, 11 Davie It.
-hot 26 CrosBcauley stationer, and news agent, 42 1I0we street Pl'!ugle, J.mes, ~rapet, 4 St Leonanlltreet ProveD, Davld, Balmoral hotel, 91 Princes It.
Plimer, James, mason, :i6 St Leonard's Bt. Porter, Thos. wright, West Northumt'erlaDd Pringle, J . .cBd"•. Rope 0>.), 3 Hermitage Provest, Mrs, lodgings, 3... Dunda, .tr~t
Plummer, Alexander, flelher, n Home strl..'Ct street-bouse, 9 Jamaica IItrect place, Leltb PnoVIDENT CI.EaU· Mutual lilfe Assurance
'Plummer, Jo. 1 .ncl 2 Middle market-hot Porterfield, .Tn. H. gardener, Upper Hermitage Pringle, James, gel1eral mercbt. " Calton hill and Beuevolent f'und-A. Patenon, 3 No.
35 Laurilton place PORT-HoPETOUN }'oundry, 69 }'ountaiubr. Pringle, James, ..,y merchant, 6 1I0we street St Andrew streeC
Plum mer, Rohere, flesher, 29 and 30 Middle POST·OFFU:E, General, Waterloo place, sad l'ringle,James, Jiuen dr.per, 42 North bridge PROVIDENT CU:JUCS' MUtUlll Ufe AS8l1ranee
market 103 Constitution street, Leith Pringle, John, corn. lodgings, .J, Calton hill and Benevolent Fund, 6 EJdereCreet-Wm.
Pocock, J.mes, upholsterer, Haddon's court Pottage, .Tn. bomrepathic cbpmist, 99 PrInces Pringl~, .Tohn, CaIton refreshment rooml, 3 Gray. agent
Pocock, .laoNs, upholsterer and cabinctmaker, street--house, 9 Hope street-See Ad",. Catton street-bo. " Calton bill I'RO'\'IUEJ(T Life Insurance Office,.w Shore
12 Clerk street Pottie, 'Mrs James, 3 Davie street Pr~ngle, Jo1m, ..0 N. Richm~n~ smet -WaIter SlmptMm, agent
POLlCB Office, Police Chambers, Higb stn..-et, Pottinger, James, grocer, 1 Cable wyud Pnngle, John, grocer and Splnt merchant, 1 PkOY1DENT Life Offict!, 73--A George street--
and 18 Charlotte street, Leith PoUs, Geo. 32 Frederick street East Richmond street S. E, Trotter, agent
Pollexfen, ,lames R., W.S. 6 India Btreet PoUs, G. H. painter & decorator, 9i PrilK:tl Pringle, tl.jor-Gen. ufSymington, .5 ~I.n.ion. Pryde, .Tames, teacher ot mathematicI, 6S
Pollock, Peter, am\ Son, veterinary surgeons, f.treet-house, 71 Bristo street ~OUI!e road South bridge-bouK. 50
83 Rose street-house, 2 Fretlenck street Potts, T. dl:putc clerk of Session, 8 Regieter Pr!ngle, Robert, 'V.S. 6 Maitt.nd ItretlC Pullar, Jamel V., S.S.C. U Dublin stree.
PoUoek, Peter, hosier and glover, 94 Nicol.. office-bouse, 21 Broughton place Pri~gle, Robert K. of BroadBleadGWl, • Mel- l'ullar, John, aod Son, dyers and deanen to
IOn street POUI, William and Henry, wholesale mer- !lne ereaceu, the Queen, 23 \Vater)oo pJace
'Po\\ock, William, so1ici~r, 3 N. St Andrew chrmts, Port,Hopetoun warehouses Prmgle, Robert, FrenCh ltay mlD.facturcr, Pulsforcl, Rev. \Vm. 1... ~I.nliouboul\e road
"treet-bouse, 11 Carlton terrace
Pollock, 'Mrs Jnbn, 10 St Patrick square'
Potts, William, ( W. ",. H. Poll,), ~ Gilmole
PoIson and Falconer, paper rulera and book. Pottl, 'Villiam, agent, 16 Broughton plaee
~o Elu\.:, stree'
~IDsle, Thomas. mercht. 19 Piu street.
;ringle, Tbomu, 10 Drummond street
I Punton, In. Ihip.alter, 87 Cooper It. lieltia
Purcell, E. bill ~ter, 4 AclYoealu' close
rurdi~, Bonnar, & Carfrae, house paiDt.,.
binders, 19 ROylll Exchange
Ponton, George, baker, 10 St Vincent street I
Ponric, .Tobn, & Sons, coopen, 10 s&udper&
street--house,83 Bridge street
r. ng,le, Wm. cowfeeder, 4 Elbe street aDd decorators, 17 Oeorge street
. PriP~ug'le, 'Vm. ~ictllald...ler, 16 Gflssmarket Purdie, James, furni.hing iroamongtr, 23
Ponton, Robt. !lpirit merchant, 27 Abboy bUl Pow, .lames, surgeon, 12 Dunda. street
Pond8, )lrs JOsepll, lodgings, 8 Hope terrace Pow, Andrew, surffcorl , M.D. 12
l'oolc, Alex. hairdresser and perfumer, 47 PoweU, Frederic!, W. (D",1etm,7IHAAGrl,"
nu.- tit.
,ng t, William, Dick pl.ce,
p .ng e, Mrs W. A. 6 Randolph cliff
Leitb et!'~ct-bouMl, ~ BaroDf flireet
~ng~e, Mrs .Tas. grocer, 15 St Leonatd's hill Purdie, Jobn, London pi&noforte and mUlie
warebouAe, 83 Princes .tree,-house, '2
nngle, lll'8, g. and .p. mere. 78 Caaongate , George square
Brougbton .,reet-ho. 16 Porvell),3 VRuburgb place


...... - -' ..... ". "', •• W7¥lfQ--lIPttla-..a. 1\",."5
1,,.... t • J 1.15 • ,.,,1 s. .9. \ .i'
------------------------ --------------------------
Pu.rdie, Thomas. (P. B. cl: C.), 22 Aber. Racbum, Jolm & Co. spirit dealer!, 809 Ram_y, Alex. manager. W'ater (.Q. Green. Rankine, Thomas. wholcale boot and .hoe
craabI place Canongate hUlpark maker, 111 High IUeet,40 North bridge,
!'tINie, Cbriltina, $01 warehol.lSe. 19 Princn Raeburo, John P. accountant, 211)itt 5trHt 8.amsay, Aiel:. trimmiog shop, 1i Hadding- and 49 NicollOn .t.-ho. Lauri.ton park
atreet Raebul1l, Roben R. arcbitect. 21 PiU sueet ton place Rate, MiSl" 4 George place
Purdie, Mu Jaaaes, .16 MArket .treet Raebura, W. wine & spirit dealer" .s89 Castle Bamuy, And. sculptor, 60 S. Clerk street- Rathbone, Saml. general commillioD agent,
Purdie, MiIIe., 2& 'PiU street hill and 348 High et.-ho. 8 Park st. ho. 5 Montagu st. !l6 Grcenside "Jace-bo. Greenaide cottage
Punea, AIeL ltatioper, 32 Tolbooth w.)'nd, RafFerty" Peter, furniture dealer, 80 Blur st. RUlIa" the Very Ue". EdwardB.,LL.D." 23 Ratter, \Vm••blpowner, 22 SherifFbrae
Leith and 233 Cowgate AinaJie place Rattr&y, \Villiam, writer. I ... William It.
Panes, D. spirit merchant. 32 Pitt street Rtffin, Wm. builder, Clerk street cottage RaDllay, George, manager, SCQui,l, U'Ilion.ln. Rattray, Mi.!, housekeeper, 'I'rades AbideD
Puna, George, coacb hirer, eoates lane IblL\vI.Y, Caledonian-station, Lothian road I'Ut'aRce Company, 12 Aln street HOIpital
Punea, lame., watchmaker, 4 Victoria pI. RAILWAY, Dalkeitll Branch of '.N. British, St nuuu,., Jametl, writer, 1 Claremont place Rnttrie, Alex. baker (G.P.-O.), Granton
Purnl, lohn, wlrehouseman, 18 Hart street Leonard'. Ram..,., James, lodgings, 3 :.Maltland place, Ra"sch & BUIIe, clotbiers,babit maken, and
Punes, Peter, paperhanging warebouse, 26 RAILWAY Direetory office, 12 Elder st. Newhavell regil&eDtal tailor., 8 Gcolle street
Greenside place-boo S8 Broughtoll et. RAlLlY.AY, Edinburgh & Glasgow-stations, Ramu" lames, 19 Grav .treet, NewingtoD Uausch, W. L. (It. t BUlIse), 2 Elm row
Pune~, Robert, 18 Leopold place North bridge and Sbore, Leilh Ramul, Jame., 23 Laurilton street Ravenscroft, Edward (i'. lAW_Oft cl: &n) 11
PUrYes, Robert, '1 St Bernard·. row
l'ur,e., 1'b0l. gardener, Arlbur st. Leith walk
Pun'es, Thomas, lodldngs, 19 Albauy Itreet
RAIL'W.n, Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee-
beacl offices, 9 Princes street
R.lILW,U, Edinburgh, l)erth, &; Dllndee-
.Ra.ansa" .John, pianoforte warerm. 6 Calton It. Melbourne pl.
John, l!Iuperintendent of alaughter Ray, Jamea, West cottage, \Vardie
houses, S .Main point Ua,ncr,Richard, riding-master, Young .. treet
Punes, \Villiam,and Co.elotbiers to the Queen, .statioul, Princes .treet, Scotland st. lion. R:nn..y, .John, wright and uDdertaker, St lane-house, 3 Itutland sqUllt:
16 George Itreet niagton, Leith, Trinity, and Granton Stepben .treet-hoUle, 69 Cumberiand .t. 3.t:coaos, Home and J.'oreign l\Ussion3ry. and
Punnt WUliam, clerk, '1 Crichton l!Itreet ItA I LWAY, KinrOl8hire, 9 Princes lttreet- Ramuy, John, tailor, 28 Willlam street Children', ,Missionary, of Established
Pune., \\'m. tailor and clothier, 31 North Henry Lees. Ilecretan ltamsay, John W. wine merchant, 'Vet doekl Church of Scotland, publication oilice, 81
bridge-house, 9 )liddleby street RAII,WAY, North Bri1isll-offices, Canal st.'& -house, I~ Alva street, Edinburgh Princes strect-(Paton & Uitchie)
})urvcl!l, Mr., lodgin~, SS No••·rederick et. 4 Princes st., Thos. K.. Rowbotham, gene- Ramaa" PhUip, tailor, 31 Heriot buildings ih:cOR))S, Home and ,Foreign Missionary, and
}'unes, AIrs, 6 lIuntly st. rlll managur, (James Nairne, secretary; W. ltamsay, Rohert, grocer, 25 Greentide row Children', )Us.ionar)" of Free Church of
Purvis, Alexander, slDith, 121)eanhllugh st. Hardie, go,nls manager; James l\I'Lare1l, RamNY, llob~rt, smith, 4 High School yards Scotland, publication office, 104 lIigh Itreet
Pun-is, J05epll, 11 Melbourne pI. pusenger superintendent) Itatio11, \\rayer- RamIDY, TholJ., baker, 14 Hij:!h It. and 26 S. -(James Nichol)
l')'le, George H. 9 Montagu Itreet le)' bridge Ha~over st.-bo. 11 Melbourne pI. RECORD Officc, Uegister bouse - deputy
1'11e, James, IS Cbcyne .treet RAILWAY Passengers' Assurance Officc,4-A St Ramsay, 'Villiam, .later Ind glazier, St Ste- keeper, G. B. Robcrtlion
I'yper, Hnmilt(ln, advocate, 15 Royal crescent Andrew square-lwbert AllaD, agent phen Ineet-boule, 18 St Vincent strec' IlEcoaDi:R'S Office (Calton), ~1 Calton bill
Pyper, _John, agent, 37 :;;cotland street Raimcs, Bianshards, lit Co. agents, wholesale llalDu!, \V. tailor and elothier, ~1 Earl Grel R£COII.DIJ1'8 Oftice (Canougatt:), 163 Canou-
l'yper, John, writer,31 Broushlon street druggistl, and manufacturing chemists, St.-lit'. 9 Grov~ It. gate
17 Smith's place Ramsa" \N. H. Pill Itreet, Bonnington RECORJ)£ ..•• Office (Grey friars·), UPllCr gate,
QVEF.N" Tbeatre and Opera House,2Brougb- Itaimes, Ricbd. (H. \S' Co.), Bonnington park Ramsa)" ~\Irs C. L. of }'ala, 9 Manor plaee Candlemaker row, Jas. Campbell, recorder
ton Itreet Uainie. Robert, C.!. and actuary, Atlhbank, Rams.y, Mrs Dr, l.S ,.l\Iel\'me Ih'eet Ih:coRDI:JI.'s Office (S~Cuthbcrt'I!), \\'C3t J,irk
Quigley, Airs Jamfl!l, 32 DuncIu .. treet Dick's place Ramuy, Mrl!l John, 20 Blacket place gate
Quinn, Daniel, clothier, 21 St M:lJy':; wynd Uuiuy, Ile\,. Itobcrt. & Castle terrace Uam..y, IIrs T. 12 lIenderson row lleddic, W. G. gen. ttationer, 12 St ADurew Iq.
-Sec Ad.,. Ualeigh, Samuel, manager, Scotthih 'Vidllw,'
Society, 30 Georgt> sq.
Ru, Alexander, wocer, :1 ami 4 Glanvmcl Ralston, 1\Irs, lrimming warcho. 42 Kirkg.te
Ramsay, Mrs'V. Logte ltlill cottage
lllUDllY, Mrs, 1 Links I!lace, Leith
RamM1, Alrlt, 4-8 North St James' street
neddie, Mrs, ~1 Coale" creecent
Iledford, ,Jatne., house agent, 2. \Vest IJOrt
UccIpAtb. l\rown, & Co. iron mercbnnta and
place-llouse,1 Alary place Rllmage, Adam,2& Frederiek street Ramuy, 1\ln, dairy, ss St Lconard '8 ironmongers, 33 CamUcmakcr row, aud tU
R.1e, Dlu'id, builder, 11 Brandon street Kamagc, Alex.letttt-carrier. 26 Carnegie fit. Uamu)', Mr" t.; Dublin .treet ConsututioD street, Leith
Rac, George, grocer and victual deiler, '3Ilbmage, Ales. teachcr, 18 Rankeillor st. Uamsay, Miss Margaret, milliner and Itraw. Rcdpath, AIeX'. bookseller and army .ta-
DUllttas street Ramage, Aiel' •• ictual dealer. 37 Bridge st. hat maker, 6 La.uriston Itreet tioner,20a High st.-house, 10 Hermitage
Rac, George, coach maker, 8 Barony 8t. Uamage, Dnid, tobacco manufacturer, 116 ltamsay. Miss, View"me house, Granton placc, Stockbridge
Rae, Henry, lilk mprcer and draper, 7 and 8 Higb street Uamuay, 1\Ii£l, ... 1 S. Clerk st. lledpath, Alex. IIlatcr, 6" & 66 Lothian rO:l(\
Spring gardtma-houle, 11 Brandon atreet I~amage,J. wrjghtflDd underlakcr,206 Rose st. ltamtiden, .Tames, wool merchant, I Jlowe st. Uedpatb, Geurge, grocer, 1-1> E. Crotlllcaul'Iey
Rae, James, Edgebill nursery Uamage, Jamc8 & Son, stolltlwarc amI rag ltandale, 1\Ir. George, spirit dealer, "1 Shore Redpatb, )irs, furni~hed apartments, 11 ~Id.
ltae, John, 5 Glan.Ule plnee merchants, H 8t Andrew "treet, Leith Uanken, C., plumber, 18 \V. Nicolson it.- ,.me .tred
Uae, Uobcrt, 1llumber, 2 Gabrlel's road Ramagc, .Tames, Ihhograpll1.·l· and (lraughts. tiouse, 128 Nicolson street Rcdpath, Miss, 39 (jeorge squaro
Rae, Thomas, writt.:r amI accountant, 9 man, 30 llankeillor sCreet Rankcn, n. fle!her, 9 West Salilbury place- Ree, HennanD ( Combe, llec,~' (,'0.). 18 'Vind.
Raeburn pl:1ce Ramoge, John, baker amI confectioner,:1 &. " house, East ScicnDel atreet sor street
nne, Thomas, I!pirit dealer, 61 Shore .Alhert place-bolls,>, 2 Ranken, Francis, eut-glus: manufacturer, need, ElIerington, 1 llitndolph crescent
Rac, llcv. Wm. 9 Henry st. Uamagc. John, bookbinder and 'tationer, SZ9 brassfoundcr, and gnsRtter, 16 Pieard), place Ut'ed, llooort, furniture broker, ~.)o Cowga\e
Uae, W. H. agent, 13 Anti~a street North bridge -housc, 8 lIope ereacent Reed, Mrs, 2 Rutland $tluarc
Rac, Mu, Laverock bank, Trinity Rnmage, l'cter, br8~sfounder. Victoria terrace RankeD, Gcorge, 0r.tician, 112 Rose street Ib~PRE'JUI£NT um UU.lJING nOOKS for the
Rae, l\lrs, ladies' nurse, " West Adam street Ramage, l\In, cowfceder, 8 South Niddry tit. Ranken, UCllt..CO • Cargil6eld, Trinity '" orking Classes-See detailed at Hotels
Rneburn, Jamf'.8, portmanteau & trunk manu- Ramage, Mr., lodgings, 7 EaH l\dam street nlDkcn, Thomas, S.S.C. 68 Queen l!Itreet am/Inn,
facturer, [) South St Antlrew street-buuse, Ramll8'e. Mrs Robt., 21 1Iowe ~t. Ranken, AIrs "elen, 17 Dread street Ih:FVGB, House 0(, Queensoorr,. houle
'j North St David street ltampmi, JOt. Italian con:;ubr delegate, 10 nank~n, Airs, ham l!Ihop, 101 Nicolron street Rt:G1STBAR for Nurth Leith, "'0 Bridge l&reet
Raeburn••lames S. h.llt(:f amI bo~ict', 107 Gloucester place Rankln, Alcxander, 3.S North Richmond street -house, '1 Ham burg place
{'corge strl'Ct-hOllSC, 21 l)iu l\trect Uampling, J. "'atcrloo hotel. & \\'aterloo Rank!n, .Tohu A•. 2311egellt terrace RI:G11T ...U. for South Leitb, "'8 Constitution
Raeburn, John, & SOli, brok~rll, 245 Cowgatc rooms, 23 & 2... Wat(·rloo place llanklD, John, nctual dealer, 2' C3mtgit.l It. strecC-Gi1bert Archer

-"'----- -.~ ---,.-..;"""---------------,...-- . •

• t ., .,
REGlSftATION Distrietaj&c.-I. S& George'., Reid, Robert, grocer, il Haddington pJaee
includiDg I.andwudofSt Cutbbert&', Robert Reid, Tbol. superinteD. Southern cemetety 21 Lothian atreet
Rennie, W. & J. grocer ad wine merchants, Richaroson, DlYid, grocer and spirit men'he.
8 Bemard .treet-bo...6
Dick-otBce,2 S, Cuthbert's glebe. 2. ~t Ueid, ThomllR1 boQ~ and .hCM'maker fi nonaId- Rcnnie, Mrl, 61 North Clatle It. RichardSOD, Fnncls & Co. merchants, OltI
AndrewI', George C. Adams-oftice 9 son'8 buildlnga, Leitb walk Rennie, Mn, midwife, 56 Bridge street Corn Exchange, Grusmarke.
Nortb St DaYid Itreet. 3. Canongate, lleid, Thomas, .. St Bernard's row Renny, Jamel, 10 Torphicbe. atreet Richardson, Ffancis (F. R. t C6.) 16 Ab-
ADdrew Bllfour-uffice, 163 CauoDgate. 4. Reid, Rey. Wm. ed. of Brili'" Herald, 23-8 Renny, Jas. jun. 22 PiC:ardy place botsford park, l\Iercbiston
St Glles', Da'lld Beat50n-oftice, 12 Royal George square ReDton, Hepburne, 11 S, James' place I Ricbardson. Isnac, ba' manufacturer, 31
ExchaDle. 6. Newington, Thomas Heriot Reid, Rev. WiUiam, 6 Merchiston park Renton, Jam .. l, S.S.C. SI Thistle coan-honse, Oearge IV. bridge
-office, 9 Hill place Reid, Wm. merchant, 12 Hill square-houee, ~ Scotlllnd atreet Ricbardson, .Tames, and Sons. smitbs Ilnd cart-
Rebem, Mrs, cowfeeder, E. Hermitage, Leith 28 BJacket place Renton, John, organ-builder, 8 North Bank wright8, Orchardfield street
Reld & ReJ'Dotds, law antI general printers, UeitI, William, dealer in plate and crown street-house, 10 8t Patrick &quare IUchardson, J. (F. R.~· Co.), J..auriston gardcul
1.. Thistle !ltreet glal8, 8 Bristo place BeDton, J., )I.D., LR.C.S.E. 4 St Jame,' Iq. I Uichardson, Jal. advocate, 22 Claremont cr.
Reid & Coo's London porter store, 3i Constt· Reid, \Vmiam, gardener, Rorebank Reatua, Robt., l\f.D., F.R.C.P.E. 26 Howe st. Richardson, .Jas. accountant, 25 India It.
tution st.-Cbu. Momson & SoD, agents Retd, "William, fishmonger & fish salesmu, P..enton, \Vm. (W.R. cl: Co.) 2~ Buccleuch pI. Richardson, Jas. merchant: If) COlltes Crete.
Reid & Son, booksellers, stationers, printers, SS Fret!:.-tick street, and of. Fishmarket Renton, 'ViIliam, & Co••ilk mercer8, general I Richardson, .Ju. jnn. & Co. merchantt, 1
and cbartsellcrs to tbe Admiralt,,36 Shore Reid, Willil'm, & Sonl, builders, antI under- drapers, olltthten, acc. 12, IS, & 1. Princes Calton place
Reid, A. printer, .. Nottingham plaee taken, 2 And 3 Jobnston ter.-See Adc. street, and West llegister .tree~ Richardson, J. (LincUay~' R.), ~ O:.uniDgpJ.
Reid, AlexlUlder, optician, 47 South brldge- Reid, W.n. grocer, 42 & 44 Earl Grey st.- Renton, Wm. coach-hirer, 6 Lotbian street RichardsGn, John, tell ami coffee merchant,
house, 5 Salilbury street hp. jO Rcnton, :&Irs, 22 Buccleuch place 36 Alva ItrC()t
Reid, Alex. inspector of weights and measures, P.~id, WilJiam, writer, 27 N. Ncleon "met Renwtck, David, Iplrl' db. 20 Greenlidc lane Ricbar(i80n, John, W.S. so Northumberl. It.
County buildings Reid, W. S. (Bk. of Scat.), 12Warrislon cre.. Renwick, James, coach pr~rietor, N. Jamaica Richardson, John, cab proprietor, (ia)'fleld
Reid, Alex. tinsmith and gasfitter, S4 Vlctor:a Reid, W. " G. wool brokers, stores, GrantoD street lane-boUle, 8 Howe .treet equare, lane
street nnd 1 .Johnstone terrace Ueid, W. wool, corD, and general eommiuioD Renwlek, Waiter, seed merchant, 1 Piu It. Richardson, Ramsay, boot ami !'hO€'maker, 10
Reid, Alex. Ilnter, J86 Rose street agent, Tower ~rk cottage, Trinity Bonnington and 11 Charlotte plnce-houSf', 9
Reid, Alt>x. mercbant, 26 Greenbill gardenl Reid, Mn C. P. (R. &; S01l)~ 18 Albatly Itreet, RenwicI, Mrs, 28 Charlotte square Uichardson, Robert (R. Brotln:,,), 12 Drun.
Re\d. Archd. spirit merchant, 22 Thistle st. Leith Beech, Daniel, victual dealer, 2U Union pt. field platc
Reld, Charles, spirit l'ealer,22 Union place Reid, Mu, 16 Ain.lie place Reach, Geo. W. ag;ent for Clydeldak Batik and UicbardlOn, W. agent to .Jot. Rogersand Sonl,
Reill, David,7 South Charlotte street Reid, Mrs Dr, Drumsheugh cottage Scolti6la Union J1UII.1'tJtU:~ Co. 15 Bemard st. cutlers to the Queen, S:J New buildings,
Reid, D. alld Son. nUf8e'fJmen, 23 Heriot Reid, Mra Jama, 21 Minto Itreet -house, Ram..,. place, NewbaYea road North bridge-house, 13 Duke st!cet
buildings, Leith walk. Rcid, lira .Jobn, baker, 'and 5 Hnntly It. Reoch, In. Inglis, .. Hamilton pi. Newington Rich.rdlOn, William, engraver, Talbot pi.
Reid, D. wrigbt and manRle-makr. I Hope pk. lleid, Mn WlIlialn, IS Duke street R&POIlT01\Y for Ladies' Work, 132 Georgest, E. Preston street
Beid, Daniel, lnallOn and chimney sweep, 1 Reid, Mrl, 20 street Helto., Mil8 J. fringe, tanel, aDd trimming RichartIson, Wm. fumithing ironmonger, 56
Tolbooth wflld Leith Rcid, Mrs, 49 Brunswick street maker, 68 George street South bridge-boo Wetter ball
Reid, George, hairdresser, 164 Rose street Heid, Mrs, Jatties' nurse, 65 Cumberland It. Rettle, Middleton, adY0e8te,81 Al_DY ttreet Ricbard90n, MfI, Drumllheugb cottage
Retd, J. antI J. coffee roasters, 7' S. Clerk st. Reid, )Irs, straw-hat maker, a nose street Renn., C. com. trayeller, 26 Alt.ny sc. Leith ilichardson, Mn Robcrt, 52 nroughton street
Reid, .J{\mes, 3 Graham street ReM, ?drs, 1 Scotland street Reynold., ADdrew, printer, J.. Piu .treet RichardlOb, )lrs T. ~ Bonningr.on placc
Reid, James,2 Steelets place, MorDingsidc Reid, Miss, charlty.chool, 69 Caulleyside a.ynoldl, Andrew (Rtidd: BtyMId.r) printer, Richard.on, 1\Ir. 'V. leo Kirkgatc, Leitb
Reid, .James, bone lard, .')8 Salamander st. Reid, Miss, 8 Atbotl place 27 Hamilton plaee Rlchllrdson, Misl, 7 South Charle>ue .t.
Ueid, James, writer, 22 Dundls stree~
Reitl, Jarnes, writer, S Comely green place
Reid, Miss, dressmaker 65 CUlOberl..d It:.
Reld, Alisles, milliners, 5 Hanover street
Rhilld, D. arcbhect, 4" Great King Itreet Ricbard.oa, Mill, ll; Gartlnert, crclCent
Rhind, John" aeeountU\t, Natio..t bank, 39 Richmond, Mn, 8 Clarr ' street
Reid, James, china mer. 840 Candlemaker roW' Ueikit·, Mr••T. fruiterer, 11 Wiltiam sUM Gilmore place Richmon(t, Min, SI Scotland lit.
ReM, Jamea (sec. C. B. (l"f 8.),18 Carbon ter. Reith, John, 40•.\ Northumberland stred Rhind, John, sculptor, El15t ROle .treet lane Richter, Dr Otto1 prof. of mUlic; 1 India tot.
Reid, .lames,2 Mora,. street REUGIOUS &; Charitable lnstitutlons-oftice, -862 Casde bill Riddel, Rt. mercht, Blair park. Donningtoft
Reid,.J. writer, 61 Cumberland street 6 York place Rblnd, Robt.27 Spring gardeu, Abbey hill Ridden, ,lames, accountanl, .. Uendenon row
Rcid, .Tames, gardener, Femeyhill RELIGlOUS Tract aad Book Society of Seo&- Rhind, Wm. surgeon, 1~1 l'rineet .&reet RiddeU, John, ad"ocate, .s7 Ilelvillc Itreet
Reid, .T. tanner and leather dresser, Powbum land Depoeitory-8. Grierson, manager, IS Rbind, Mn, 6 Gloucelter place Ridden, .Tohn, tailor! 63 North bridle
lleld, .T. (A. Kay 6' Co.), 3 Gilll'6pie street South Si Aadrew street RbiDd, Miss, [) Dean terrace Ridden, l\lisees, 21 St Cuthbert .treel
Ueld, .Tohn, & Co., silk mercers, 15 George st. ReDliall, Magnus C. comlDinion agent ad Blach, G. S. 1.. DUDCIIlItreet, Ntwington Riddle, James, boot and Jhoemaker, .., St
Reid, Jobn, and joiner,:1 IngUs. general merchant, 156 Pleasance Riach, 1\1... Ales. 1<& DuDCID .treet, Hewing- Vincent .treet
ton street-boo 13 East Adam street Renden, Wm. corn factor .nd general aret'tt toll Ilidland, John, grocer and wine hHrcltanl.
Reit1, John, plumber and gufitter,2 Ingliston 32 Bemard street Riccaltoun, )l1u, i6 Char1et Itfee$ 11 Union placc-houNI, ~ Gllyfield aquare
st.-bouse, {1 Rennie A. R. tnerehant, S{)-ft Conl&itutioa Ricbard, .Tohn, S7 Alban,..treet Ritl~lh, DIVid, confectioner, 36 Nicolson It.
Reid, .Tohn R. writer, 2 .Tordan lane street, Leith-hoUIe, '7 Albaa1 8t. Ed'or. Richard, Robert (Getc. Rig. 110Ut), 12 St -ho.30
Reid, .Tohn, (mllnaa. Edin •.f [..filA GtU Co.), Rcnnie, Archd. flesher, I .. Beaumont IJ1~ Leonard'. st. Ridp3th, .In. classical teacher, 1~8 CauseYlidc
12 llaltic street, Leith Rennie, J. warehouseman, 3 Andel'8Oll's pI. Richard, Walter (J.1iJln t R.), 240 Regat ter. Riley, '&lrl, ladies' nulV, 3.; In(lba place
Rcid, John, 2 George place Rennle, J. agent, 12 Roral excb.-ho. If} St Richard., J. & Son, d,ers, 11 Charlotte It., Rintoul, Wm., 36 WhidJeld pi., IA!hb walk
Re!d, .T. ~n. J: Rl!ynold$), printer, 2 Baron,. st. Andrew s&reet l..eitb-houle, '6 Water lane Rlntoul, l\{if:s, Melbourne house, ScicDnctlam
ne~(), lhtchell, grocer,21 Burns' street

-:-ho. 2 Spring gal(lens, Abbey hill

Rennie, P. house carpentCT, 32 Cumberland It.
Reld, Uobert. nouse-painter, 2 Btenheim pI. llennie, Th08. {Briti81~ Lintfl CQ:, BmtIt), ,
Register place
Ricbardson & Brown, wholetlle
•woollen drapert, 3 Hunter ~.
RichardlOn Brother., merch... 105 W. Bow Rlntoui, '&Iilllel, teacht'nl t 6l\1orton ureet
retail Ritchie, A. Camtgy, a(\voeate, writer to .he
Pri" Seal aDd reglttrar of Friendly Socleucs
Re~tl, Robt. cooper, 1 I.eggatts 11\1ItI Rennie. Wm. mith and ironmonger, S••E. Richardloc, Alex •• Son, boollDUen,l N.Wt In Scotland, 10 Albanystrect
Keld, Robert, bootmaker, o·~ Buccleueh It. Tbistle Itreet lane Circus place-ha. i.5 CbeJUe .t. Ritchie, A. (R. t Son), 25 Ga,Reld square
Reid, Robert, dentist, 19 Heriot row RenDle, W. & A. ftcshcrs, 118 NicollOD tt, Richard,on, Andre..., 7 Sammerfteld lUtchie, A. H. tobacconist, [j Kirkgtlte

•• ..e••~•••~e.j.i''i"Js~••r~".l_I.S.S"'''.~''''''..
~~.~.~>-~·_-~.~{~p~t.~~r~§~.-~·_-_- ~'~(1.a.l.'~t"'''.I '''''IIl, , \ .
Rit EDINBURGH AND LEITH Rob __-------B-o-b-------G-E-h~-_R_A_L~D~-I-R-EC-T-O-R-Y.----.--~R~o~b____~253
Rltehie, Alex. grocer, S3 Abbey hill
lUtchie, AIl'x. lIandyudt:, IcuJptor, Ramsa,
IRitchie, ltfrs,lodginga, Heriot row
RhctJie, Mr., Gardoer'. erescent
Robertloo, A. cabinet and picture frame-
makel', 34 Rose It. lane
Robcrtaon, Henry T. bookkeeper, .. Hay lit.
Roberttlon, Hugb, 8 nalrymplc "I:lee
lane-house~ Herkes loan, Musselburgh lUtchie, Mn, 13 Gayfield square Robertsoo, Alex. adYoca!e, 7'6 Great King st. Robcrtson,J. raihvaycoalagent, .. StLeonanl's
Bitchie, Alex. lithopaphic printer and engra- R~tchie, Mil. Ague!, 17 ManlionhuU5e road RobertloD J Alex. co"feeder, 70 nOlle street dt.ilOt
Yer, 19 South St David street Ritehie, Miss Maria, Iu-aw-bonnet maker and RobertaoD, Alex. 39 Bernard street llobertson, lame!, wine :lnft spirit mere-hant,
Rltcbie, Alex. agent for Ednwncbon', Rail- milliner, 28 CaDdlemaker row Rot.erhon, Alexander, commissioD ageut, 96 184 Canon gate
way Ticket Apparatru, Weaterhall villa, Ritchie, lliu, 1 Leopold place High street Roberteon, .James, spirit dealer, 3 tawrie st.
Mddowl Ritchle, Mill, 140 BrandoD Itreet Robertsoo, Alex. 'V.S., 13 Rudan,t stret't Robert80o, .Tas. A., S,S.C. 56 Fredt!rick st.
Rhcbie, Andrew, 3 Lord Cockburn street Uitchie, Milllel S. and A. Berlin wool estab. Robemon, AJex. wine and spirit mercht., 11 Robertson, ne... James, Gf'.mgc conagE't 13(1
Rltchie, Arch. (; Aladtlira place lishment, 67 N. Hanover street Clyde .treet-ha. No. 9 Causeyside
Ritclale. Arcbtl. sculptor, Lothian road Uoach, James, llOOkbinder, 208 Clnonpte RobertsoD, AUan E. (Inland R~vt.'lIue), North llobartson, lames. jun. working jeweller, 5
Ritchie, Charles: agent for Shotts Iroll Co. ROAD OOiceof COllnty Trustees,County room Newington place StJames' square
~.and 25 Citatlef, lJeith Robb & Soc, 5ilver-plate manufacturen, Robertson, Amtrew, wood merchlnt, 1211ad- Rohertson, J. S.• W.S. 11 Claremont crclfcent
Ritcbie, Da,id, tobacco and snuff mauufac. Wcst Thistle street lane dington pL-ho., 4. East Broughton place Robertson, .Jas. gown-keeper, 9 Rose "tret't
.so North britl~e and 82 Greenside IItreet- Itobb, Geurgc, printer, 18l\1iddle Arthur pI.' Robertson, Andrew, secretary of S~ottit:.h Robertson,.1. umbrella manufllctr. hOlier, and
boo 10 BlenllClm place nobb, Geo., superintendent. blintl scbool, 2 Provincial Assurance Co. 65 Princes st.- glover, :12 Leith st. anti 3 BreB.t strett-
lUtcbie, l"red. Jnmea (J. BitcAfe cb &n) 33 Gayfield equare ho. 3 Howard place-See Adtt. Jio. 32 Ibnkcillor st.
Lundon street Uobh, l. & J. milliner.. and dressmaker, 10 Robertson, Chilli. advocate, ~ Great l{lng st. !\obE'rtson, lames, ,night, l\Jorning!!itle
Ritchle, Gco. shipmater, 3 Hope ter. Leitb Charlotte street, Leith Robertson, Chu. C.A. 11 Howe st. Uohert80n, Jamell, baker, 1& Dran street
RitcMe, George, brewer, BeU's brewery, 46 Uobb, James, lIub-editor, 1 IJower Gilmore pi. Uobertson,Chal.meBJenger, CQlnmercifll Rfm~', UobertlOn, Jamctl, tailor, 1 t I.t'ggat's land,
Pleuance Uobb, John, builder, &c. 22 Barony st. 10 Gecrge street Stockbridgc
Ritcbie, Jlugb n. engraver and photograpber, Hobb, .Tohn D. 17 Union ldace Uobertson, Cbarles, ropemllkcr, Bainfieltl Uohfrtson, .James,jul1. shipmaster, SIl Albany
116 Princes streot Uobb, John H. builder, 8 New Broughton ItobcrtlOn. Charles, 10 Mid,llc Arthur place 8treet, J..eith
llitchle, las. 28 1'orpbicben street Uobb, Jobn, commercial tra,cller, 5.5 Cum- Robertson, D. Albert hotel, 27 Uose st. UobertllOn ••lames, (G. P.-O.) 35 I1risto 3t.
Rltchic, Jamcs, & Son, watch ,,~ clock makers, berlan,l street Uobertaon, D.H., ll.D. 10 WelHngton plare Ilobertlon, .James... ~ nose street
25 Leith atree' Uobb, Thomu,grocer,9 Frcdericlr. street-bo. Itoberb.on, D. I. city chamberlain, 10 Uoyal HobC'rtson, Jas. 20 St ,James' IIq.
Rltcblc, J. ropemaker, twine and metallic cord 14 George street Exchange-house, Gllmerton Uobertson, Jame8, wine anet spirit mrrcht. 6
.m.~ufac. 22 So. back Cl\non~a.. Robb, Tbomas, iron.foumter, 69 Fouuttlln. Robertaon, D. & .1. cou•• agente, Gcorge IV . llilne sq.rc-house, f. 'l'cviot row
R!tcb!c, Jamoa G. baker. 130.llelAnce bridge-boo " Chalmers' buildings bridge and Merchant street Rohertson, ,Tames, lodgings, 1} Wemyss place
Rltchle, .Iames, wbolesale Itatloncr, 140 lfigh Robb, Wm. wine merchant nud grocer, US Robertson, nan. commission agent, 19 SI Robt>rtson, Jamea, 29 Cheync strt'ct
.treet-house, 13 Blacket place Princes street Patrick square JtobcrtllOn, .fal. (J. R. t\' 0,.). 6 market pI.
ltitchie, Jamca, smith, 11 Nicolson street IInd Uobb# Wm. sherilf-ofticer, &7 Charlotte street, RObertaOD,, & Son, cork manufacturers, Uvberuon, .Iames, W.S. I1 Heriot row
3S CllDtllcmakcr row 1.l'ith and wine coopers, 8 lo:lbe street HobcrtllOn, .Tames, baker, 2 Stftflortl tltreet-
Ritchle. ~ameJ, amith Ind macl1inc maker, Uobb, Mrl, .56 Crosscausey Itooortsoo, David, tailor, :; TontiDe buiJdingtl, house, 1 Coatel eresteDt
.' Laurllton IItrt'Ct . lloberts, Brotllers, & Co. of LontloD, importers Leith Hobertson, .Tames, coach·bh·er, & North S&
Rltch~e, Uev. John, D.D. 19 Salisbury road of l~rencb ailks, &c. 26 George streel RobertlOn, Davitl,fumiturQ dealer aOlt French ,Tames' atreet
Rbc1uf>, Jobn S. accountant, 10 North St Uoberts, George, wright and builder, 12 pollsber, 17 I..otbian rOld Robcrtson, .Iamet, 6 Comely jrrcc·n plnre
.An~rew Itreet . ,lames' place-house, StrathearD road UolxrtlOn, Dd. hosier and «lroper, 2411igh st. ltobcrtlon,.lamf'!I, wine IDllspirit merchant, 18
Rnchlc, .In. (Lawrae~' R.), Jti Uroughton st. Uoberts, G. sllrg. ltoyal Navy, 22 Howard pI. Robertson, Davit! S., C.A. 10 Great Stuartat. Hano,erstreet
R!tch!e, John, &5 Gcorge Stlllare Uob,:rta, 1'homas, grocer, 8 West port Uobertson, ))onald, 13 Inverlelth row ltobertRon, .Tlmetl, plumber, 1!~ Conlltitution
RJt('h~e, John, W GrOVH street Hoberts, W. A., M.D. dentist and surgeon, 30 Robertlcn, Don. «lealer in horses, postmAlter. street-house 1'1 l\irkgatc
R!teh~e, John, flesber, 27 Home street Queen street and li very stable. keeper, the l\IatWnlc mews, Itobcrtson, .J. C. 6 ~tackcnzle .,la('('
Ritclue, Patrlck, press amI projecting It-tter Uubcrts, 'Villiam IIcn., British wine worb, 83 ROle It.-ho. 7 Fredcrick Itreet Bobl"rtllOn, JIIS, coal mercbant, olH Couper lit.
manufacturer, Oltkflctd, 102 l)lcllsance- JJaverock blmk Uobertton, Duncan, spirit dealer, 14 8risto st. ltobcrtsClD, ,lames, & Co. chf'mi!ltB and ctrug•, 18 Bucc1euch place !toberta, Mrs.lauet, midwife, 2 Rommy pt. RobertsoD, DUD. spirit dealer, 100 Cowgate gist., 3S Georgc street-houst'. 37, Hobert Peel, l\1.D. and L.R.C.S., 16 Hobertson Brothers, general merchants, '0 Hobertaon, Dun. tailor, 62 Thistle It. Uobertson, Calttain l. I S Upper (fray stn-et
HIU stre::t 'l'imber bush ltoberlson, George, 'V.S. 17 Royal circus Robertson, J. le M. chiDll ml'rchants, 9 South
Rltcbic.. l~obt. ejyil ~ngineer, and agent for Robcrtson & Cairns,' plumbers, brassfoundccs, Robertsun, George Brown, 'V.S. deputy-keeper Union plaee, and SR Victoria slrt'et
Perklns l.~t(·nt heat,mg apparatus, nnd ageut and gasfittcrs, 31 Nicolson street of records, Regi"ter house, 28 Albany It. ltobertlOn, .f. anti Son, engint'ers &Del milt..
for the Umon ~nd County Insurance Office, Robertson & Hope, grain' aDd seed factors, Robertson, Georse,ci,n engineer, New work!!, ,nights, 6 Admiralty street
.Lo~do!l: 1G Ihll street 129 Consd lution strcet I...eitb dockl-fiOulfI. 1~ lnyerleith ro" UolJtrtlJOn, .1. & .T. wholcsatl' Scotch anti Eng.
~!tch~e, 1lIomas, Il8ICSmall, 12 Chnrles street Itobertson and Scolt, newspaper and adfertis. Ro'bcrtson, George, tailor, 119 ClullCysi~e )ish warehousemen, !~ & 1·12 High lit.
ltcblC, Thomas, sCulrtor, So. Norton 1)1.- ing agents, 1:~ Ih.llover street Robertson. Geo. church officer, 10 Dock !t Itobertsotl, .John, ('oach hirer, 32 Clarcnc" It.
.bo ..!21 St John's biJ Robert8on, Alex. nml Co. music-selltrs to tIlt Robe,tlon, Gcorge, baker, -IS St Leonard It. Robt;rtlon, John, tailor and clot bier, 6 Urllto
n!tch!e,1';.{~lJ'Knh/(' It.), Brougham street (~uoon. 39 l'rince!lltreet Robertson, George, clullcal muter, Grange place
Rl~clne, \\ Ilham (I aton~' llit.:Me) I·t. Hen. ltobcrtson, A. c..'\fT. and gild. 29 Frctlerick 9&. houlIe school, 2 Duncan at. Newington RobertllOn, Jo'm and Co. stock and share-
. crson row -bousc, 17 Itose street lloberUon, Geo. (D. d; J. R.), wine mercht. brokers, .n George street
r.::c~!(', ~~:ll~attlc & sbeep agent, Ncwington Uobert!lon, Alexander, teacher of matbematics, 20 Annandale ,treet RobertlOn, .Tohn, wholt'pJe aOll retail boot and
~ lC, I tarn, general drapery aUll family 2 Pilrig street Robertson, Goorge Gordon, M.D. llepnt1 in- shoe manufacturer, :183 I.awnmarkct
n.l:ie~ ,;;:ehouse, 8 ~ictoria street Itobcrtson, AlexanGer,:n Nlcolson street spector gen. of hOlpital., 32 W.rriston eres. Roberoon, John, tailor, 2 Canonmills
nit Cl t.IC, 1\1 m'l~ B~~dmgton place HobertBon, Alex. book.kecper, Ji Glover It. Robertlon, H. confec&loner and putry-cook, RooortlOn. J. commer. tr&lel1er,2CZ Grove rd.

, rs,
mt~bli Mrlf, 138 Icoblson street
anu e strt'Ct
Uobertson, A. joiner, E. Cumberlaud at. lane
Robcrtsoll. Alex. W., C. A. 82 Great KiPg ,to
62 Soutb bridge-houle, 63
RobertlOn, Jlenry, writer, I Talbot p"l(~e
Robertaon, .Joha, clerk. I BeaumOD& plnee
Roberhou, J. bootmaker. & 1-:. n('gi~t ... r It•

~'~~_. __'NA~··~~~~.. ••
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I a ...............
RobertloD John, dairyt '2 London st. Uobertson, W. grocer ad .pirit dIre 8 Role It. RobertaoD, Miu, 40 India.treet Rolland. )Irs, 13 Hope street
, bn I-.:I!- Robertson, 'W'iIliam, Robertson, Mi88, 7 Heoderaon row Rolland, Miss, l' Sliandwick place
Robertson, Jo ,25 IIUQI a , t Will!- 9 1St ADdrew
be dsquue
1__ ' _
Robertlon John, 10 PriDee Regent stret:t Robertlon, UlIIm,., wo r aD SUR_,.,., Boberf.lOn, Mill, 40& George IqUlre Ilo11o.. Alexander, carter, .lS Vanburgb place
Robertson' ~ohu T. 2 Summerfield, Leith Constitution street, Leith Rober&loa, Mise, drHImr. "0 Broughton It. Ro1lo. Audw.spirit dealer, 170 Fountainbridge
Robertson: John B. writing-muter,8 North Robertson, Wm. gardener, Pilrig It. gardeas Robertson, Mia, milliner aad dreumaker, 40 Uollo, Andrt'w, grocer, 15S 'Vest port
St Dand .treet • Uobertaon, Wm. Oai.fle1d fowdry, 102 PJa· Frederick street &110, Hugh James, W.S. master extraor-
BobertlOn J. H. (R. Bra,) 1 Jamaica at. Leith WIre BobertlOn, Mill, 20 CumberJand _treet dioary iu Chancery, aod Commil&ioncr fOr
Bober""; John, IOlicitor, 63 ~nover street Roberllon, WiUiam, unlmltb, 8& ROle .treet RoOOrtaon, Mlu, 65 Northumberland street the Courts or Queen's Bench, Commoll
Bo'bertIcm John, merchant, Nilwhaven Robertson, Wm. spirit dlr. 10 KIDg st. Leltll Robertson, )Iils, 1 Afeadow place Pleas, and Excbequ(·r, 16 DUDO...treel
RobertaoD,., ..loh n, Jun"
' S
°1 Elder st_"t
w.~ Robertaon., William, grocer, 2 High l&teet- Robertlon, Miss, 4 Rutl.nd square Rollo••Tamea, .31 Nicol80n .treet
-bOUJe, 92 London .treet house, 'I Broughton place BoOOrtsoa, Miues, 56 India Itreet RoU->, R. boot lInd shoem.ker, 31 Caltle Bt.
Bobertson John (D. 4" J. B. ).1 Laurilton pk. Robertson, Wm. com. ageDt and draper,.s2 Robertson's Academy, E. Pre,ton .met Ro110, ltobert, boa' buildt:r, Admirahy street.
Mobertaon: John, fUt'nilbeil apanmeatl, 17 \Vest Ricbmond street Roble, JalDeII, editor of CaWom<.m MtJI"CU,." Ro!lo, 'V. L. law Ilnd SflneraI printer (0"'6"3
Melville street RobertsoD, Wm. baker, 14 Tobago Itreet '1 St Vincent street ll':!urmer NewljIOper), .36 Nltldry .treet
J ( n_~A al n-Wer BOIIIt) 23 Robcr&lon, lIra A. 2 Scotlaod street Robin, Mrl Sa. so Waniflton creseent nono, Airs Wm. 2 Lord UUilscll place
Buccleuch01. place~r ""'-:/ ..\0
})ober.a ....n. Mn AIeL railwa"z .tat.ion hotel
MU •
Robinow, Adolph, HlDIeI.tic Vice-Conaul, Romaneund PateriOn,aille...mercer. and tartan
Robcrtsoo, .Tos. (J. t J. B,)' 84 Laurilton plo and refrelhment room, 21 Marke, meet 2 Moray place manufacturen to the Queen, 09 N. bridge
Robcrtlon, I.Alurance, & MelYille erescen& Robertaon, Mm Audrew, !i2 Dundu It.reet &binowB '" Marjoribanb, earn facton and Romanel,John, S.S.C. (Patt'rlOtl 6' R., w.s.)
Robertlon, MagnuI, wright, 8 N. ,Junction at. ltober&aon, Mra Andlew, U. tl'rederick Itreet general mercbantl,2$ Constitution .treet '1 Bellevue terrace
Robertaon, Peter, agent (Com. BanA), 100 Uober&lon, Mra Dr, i Summldleld, fAith RobinlOn, H. publisher, .tationer, and news Romauel, Robert, .. Oxford terrace
South bridge •. Roberteon, Mm Dun. 61 Grea' King .treet agent, 11 Greenside street-hot 10 C.tbe· Uomanes, !\lrB, 1 DetJevue tcrr.3ee
BobertlOD, Peter, tea, wine, and Splnt mer- Uobertaon, lira G. 28 Albany street rine 8treet.-See Ad". Romaue&IA1rJl, 6 ~;&dejr. atreet
cbant, 62 Canongate UobertlOn, 11r. H., china mer. 9 Drummoad. RobiDlOn, Jam~, 1& Gardner'. e~nt Rombach Brott.ft and Co. wholesale leJ
Robertlon, P. (Oommercitd Bank), 1 South street Robinson, John, officer, town·ha1I, Leith- warehouee, 82 South bridge
Gray street •. ltoberlaon, lira lames, 11 Albany It. Leith ho. Locbend road Rombnch, Joaeph, &: Schwab, watcbma'kera,
Roberl8on, P. S. DW1Iery & eeedsman, Tnolty ltoberlsoo, Mra James,18 Gardner's creacent RobinlOn, Robert, horticultural builder, Ca. 10 Antigua street
Robertlon, Robert, watch-cue maker, 8 Uobertlon, Mr, Jam", French eonM:t maker, nODDliUa-bo. Brunton cottage IlonaJd, Alexander, boot nnd sboe maker, 30
Nicolson square • " Leggat's land, 8tockbridge Robinson, Mrs, 8 Annandale street Jamaica street
Robertlon, Robl. Bishop's elate, 129 High It. Robertlon, Mra John, 24 Duke street RobilOn, l. boot snd .boemabr, 8 NicollOn It Ronald, John, s.S.C. chamben,2O Hill street
Robertson, Robl. COrD merchant, 1so Nicol- Uoberteoo, lfrs John, 17 Rose bauk cottage RoblOn, l\frs 1\1. wonted shop, 131 ROle at. -hJulC, 1tle.dow baDle, DalkciLh
son atreet-house, I.auder road, Grange Roberhon, Airs Margaret, 19 India .tree& Rochead, Miss Jane, matrOD, Stew.rt', boep. Ronalds, Edmuncl (Bonningto"C/ae,.,ical Co.),
Roocrt80n, Robert, tobacco manufacturer,8 UobertBOn, Mrs Palrlck Grab. ., 29 Sue Rocbeeter, J. E. corn. tnvetler,82Grange road Stewartfleld, Bounington
S, P.,rick street Coburg place Roden, Mr., 32 Cumberland .treet Uonald80u, John, agellt, 8 St Leonard ,treet
Robcrtson, Robert, grOC'.er and spirit dealer, 1 Robertscl', l'tloa P. milliaer.OO drellmaker, Bodger, David, silk dyer, i4 CfOIScaUJeJ- Uonaldson, John, writer, Somerset cottage,
Dean path-bouR, Grove co.tIlge 36 Rriato street houle, 15 Buccleuch street Mary'8 ptact!
Robertson, Robert, (P. M' G., 80118, et: 11), Rober&Son, J\frs Wm. 16 Drummond plaee !lodger,J.F. (M'L./I'Or,y"tR.),4'Howest. Ronaldaon, Wm, wine merchant and grocer,
29 South Frederick stt':.1et Robertson, Mn Wm. lodgings, oS North F,.. Rodger, 'Vm. writer, '" Ann Itree' 8t Patrick st.
Robertson, '1\ E. baker, 66 f!umberland at. deric:k street Rodger, Wm. bairdrfner, 143 Plataace 80111l1dlOn, !\lr. Wm. Belville hOt Dalkeitl. rd.
Uobertson, Thomas, 9 Albany street Robertsou, Mn W. draper, 182 NicollOD at. ~er, Mrs J. greengrocer, &c. 6 Baker'. pl. Itooney, Hugh, eam. agcnt, 2 GrecDside place
Robertson, Thomas It., 'V.S. and sharebroker, -bouse, '1 St Patrick square Rodgen, Jamea, Blackbraell coal depot, 13 Pt. 1\01&, Edwud, chiropodist, 27 Howc .treet
47 Georgc street - house, Gorgle lodge, Robertaon, Mrs, French coraet maker, .. Hamilton Rosa, George, al.D., surgeoll, 80-, George It.
Slaterord Thistle street Rodgera, Mr8 M. ladies' mine, 6 Baker'. pI. Rose, AJex. mineral dealer and teatb~t of
Uobert80n, Thomas (StandlJrd Lift A.ur"ancc Ilobcrtson, Airs, 4 Great King street Rodgera, Milltlel E. &; A.milliocl'f warehouse, drawing, 1 Drummond street
Office), 49 South Clerk stree& Uobcrtson, Mr., lodgingl, 21 Elder .treet t" Buccleuch street Rose, H. ( era;g d; 11.), .3 Hillside cretlccnt
Robcrtson, ThOl. (Oliphant~· c::b.), 38 lllnto UobertlOn, Mn, ladies' nune, 4 Newport at. Roger, George, bouse agrnt, 100 High Itreet UOAe, J. T. & Co. ,hipbuildcfII, Wct docu-
atreet RoOOrtlon, Mra, temp. hotel, 60 PriDces It. noger, Wm. miniaturc-t>alnter, 7 Dewar place house, 2 John', place, I..cith
Robertson, Thomu, S Fredcrlck Itred Uoberllon, Mr8, 6 Dundas .treet Rogera & Boag, IIddlUJ ad hafaell Rose, Jamc8 ( I/QrllC d: R.), Dean bAnk hOIlle
Robertson, '1'1101, baker, 0 St Palrick square Rooortson, Mrs, 38 India .tree' makers, 80 Princea street Rose, Jaa. boot and IIhoemalcer, oil Tbilt1e et.
Robertson, WaIter, grocer, 11 St Anthony pt Rebertson, l\fr., SS Minw Itreet &gen, Ales. (HlIlt:AwoII .. B.) i Hlllalde nose, L. & Co. corn merchta. S Banle tit. Leith
-bousc, It Roaebank Rober&son, Mrs, 2 George place crescent Role, Rob. H • .IlL e""lo"." Soutb .·ort st.
Robcru.on, \Villiam, & Co. wholesale hosiery, UobertlOn, IIrI, 9 St Vincent Itree' Rogers, .Ta8. smith and IronDlonger, CoaCf' nose, Neilson, agt. for Carron Co. 8 llanle pi.
small ware, glove, and ,am warehouaemen, UobertlOn, :&11'1, 43 George square lane-houle, 9 Gro,e .treet Rose, Thomas, SI India street
160 High street Rooortloo, Mrs, midwife," Tontine buildiap ~ers, J. H. IS South Charlottf1lU'eet nose, 'Villiam, lnight, 4.9 Lont1oa street
Uobcrtson. Rev. Wm. l~ DrumrnoDd place RoOOr",on, 1\lr8, Cherrybank ~ell, Thos. " Dund.. ttreet-8ee .Ad.,. nose, 'Vm...ddler, .ss GrallllDarkct
Uobcrtson, Wm., 1tI.D., F.R.C.l'., Re~ar RobeJ1aon, Miill Haniet, .')2 Minto street RogcfB, WlUiam, boobel1er, bookbinder, .nd ROlr, ~IiS8 Margaret, lodgings, 9 Hope IItreet
of Sco~dah Branch of General 1. 'cal RobertlOD, llill Helen, i8 George squ.... 'lationer, 10 Charlotte pt.-ho. 2' AI" sl, Rose, Miu, drcRAmaker, &c. 1 Drummond.t.
Council, 28 Albany street RobertlOll, :Miss .T. grocer & spirit merclalalt Rogenan, Mra 14 Clerk atreet Rosie, Mu, 52 Cumbcrland at..
Robertson, W. (JVm.B.andCu.) 7 St Palriek 2 West ~rt-house, 11 Ke!r lireet Rorand, C·\Ptai~, fencing-room I Md gymna· R05I. & Aitchison, &allof. aDd clothien, IS
sqult\'C Rooortson, Miss Loni.., if) Ann Itreet 11UD1 18 St Andrew aquare-hoUJe, t!C l..elth street
Robcrtson, Wi1l1lm, S.S.C. ,~ }t'retlerick sL Robertson, Miss M. 4 Sibbald place Ga,.Seld square-See "e. nOBS & Foster, ropet twine, and fi.h liae mt-
RolllOd, Geo., R~)'al academy, nufnctnre~, 2 Coal hili
Robertson, Wm. brewer, Summerh"n
I Robortson,Mill, 9 RankeiHor street
Robcrtson, William, Jetter..carrier, ~ NorLb Robertson, Miss, '1 Torphichen .treet 86 South bridRe-holllel 86 E. Claremonl
Ilree&-tee .Adv.
Rof's and Thomson, photographen &0
Queea, 90 Princes Itreet
Frcdcrick street Robertson, Miss, 8 Annandale street

ROIl • WriRbt, gold-beaters and dealeR In Rou, Mn, miniature-painter and teacher of }tOYAL Excbange Assur. Corpor. 18 So. St Rus8cll, \ViUiam,wrigbt, 2 Seo6eld row, Leith
COIDI, 26 New street drawing, 187 Princes Itreet ADdrew st.-J. G; Thomson & Co. agents ItUSIeU, 'Vm. tailor, Abbouford park
Roll, Ales. & Company, grocers and "ine Roas, Mrs, boarding & da,. Icho01, 5 Forth st. }tOYAL Fire & Life Insurance Company, 13 RU81ell, W. K. Leith law mills
mmbllRtl, 1 N. St Andrew st. RosI, Mrs, Uichmond cottage, Church bill George street-Jamea Milligan, S.S.C., ltussell, Mrs Major, 240 Gardner', crescent
'Roll, Alexander, lodgings, 8 Young street RosI, MrsJ. spirit dealer 4.79 Lawnmarket local manager.-(See Aell!.) Russell, llr. Oliver, 6 Pitt slrer&
noss, Ales. teacher of mu sir, ~ l\lilne square Ross, Mrs, 11 Comely bank Ro,' AL Horlfl Bazaar, Brae house, and I.otbian Russcll, 1\[rll R. grocer and 'pirit dealer, 26
Ross, Ales. writer, 23 Howe street Ross, Jellie, china. merchant, 1to Catherine It. road, job & post-horse~masters - ScoU, Laurislon street
Ross, Ales. joiner, 23 8t .Tames' square Ros., :AlislI, dressmaker, :n India place Croan, & Sons, p,roprietor. Russell, Mu, 8t Vincent cottage, nick place
Roll, Ales. F. writer, 71 Cumberland street Ross, Miss, 19 Union street ROTAL Na,al, l\lilituy. & East India l.ife Hussell, Mr8,2 Salisbuf\' street
ROIl, Andrew, grocer, &c. 95 Grassmarket Rosl, Miss, ~ 'Varrlston crescent ASBuranee Societ1, " Pitt street - Da,id Russell, )frs, 11 Regent terrace
Rou, An(lrew, lodgings, 5 Hope street I~ORS, Millses, milliners, 37 Candlemaker row Crawford, S.S.C. agent ltussell, Mrs, of Ulackbraes, 15l\egcllt terrace
Rots, C. ~t. (Purvel ~ Co.), 18 WarristoD ROil, Mislles, 8 Graham street Uor AL Physical Society, 6 York place-.JollD ! llu~scll, :Mrs, lloIyrood palace
crescent ROTTZanAM & Leith Steam Ship Office-D. R. A. Smith. M.D. sec. 7 \\T. Maitland street Huesc)}, Mrs, lR I.f'oJlult1 place
ROIl, Daniel, upholsterer and house egent, 14 1\lacgregor, agent, Exchange huildings, Leith nOYAL Scottish Society of Arts-hall of meet· Uussell, Miss, 22 Rutlnnl! squ3.rl~
Elm row Rough, Arch. upholsterer, ehuirmaker, and ing,ol George st.-.T. B. Bell,S Hill st. Russel1, Miss, 11orthside. Trinity
ROIl, David, tailor, 3 Warriston place houae agent, 18 Leith walk IW\'AL Society apartments, Mound l\ussell, Miss M. Brthany house, Grange
Doss, David, tailor and clothier, 83 Richmond Rougbead, P. C. & Co. pianoforte manufac- U",ldiman, .Jobn, cutler an(t surgeons' inltru- loan
phee-house, 1 Fafqubarll()n place ture,., an(l music sell~rs, 55 S. Clerk st. m~nt. maker, 29 aneI 31 "rest ll~gister street RUSIICll, Miss Jane, IS (iatdnef's rresccnt
ROIS, Davld, confectioner, 3 Cburch It. and 15 nnd 17 Sciennes IItreet-boule, ~ Uuddiman, Mre,12 Shrub place HUlIl!leHs & Nicolson, C.S. 9 Shnntlwick pI.
Ross, Dllid, confectioner, 02 North Pilt st. Lord RUl'sell place Umldiman, Miss, oS Atboll place Rutherford & (;0. wint~ amI spirit merr.1umts,
Rots, David, paintef & glazier, HI ... nose st. Roughead, William and Son. hosiers and Rulc. Geo. (Comm. Bank), 7 Bucc1euch place 72 antI 75l1igh 8t. ~ Si: 1 Leith st. 3 Urum-
Ross, Donald, water omcn, 56 Potterrow
ROIl, Donald, (H.~· R.) 2 Cheyne ttred
shirtmakers to H. It. H. the Prince Consort,
60 PrinceR street-honse, 50 Mhlto street
Uule, 1'holnas, 8 Cumberlllnd street
Uuneiman, Jobo. "aher, ~ Picardy placc I mond st. 30 Bri!Sto st. amI 3S Sbore, I.cith
-caunting-housr, 30 Nitltlry lit
UOII, Georgo, jun. advocate, 7 Forres st. Itougheml, 'V. draper & hosier, J 18 'Vest bow
ltosll, George, wright, 2 ))ortlaDlt place, 14eitb Roughewl, Mrs, 69 Gilmore place
Ross, George, comm. and provision mer. 19 Roughcad, Miss A. lodgings, 35 Scotland It.
Uushbrook, 'ViIHam, 2 East lSruughton place Uuthcrford &. Berries, W.S. 3 lIowe litrcct
UU8St'1, A. (ScQilma'll Office), '2 Uamsay gkrdens Hutherford amI Son, bootIDakers, 1.&2 Gcorge
llussel, .Tobn (late .1. and J. Bazttr), glazier street
Quality street, I£ith Rougvie & Son, furlliture dealers, 31\Ielbouroe and slater, 18 Leith IIt.-ho. " Bl\xter's Ill. Rutherford, Alexander, 9 Urighton "treet
RO~I, Hugh, '\1.S. 7 l'itt street place UU!lsell, Alex. Jas., C.S. 9 Shalldwick l,lace I Rutherford, An«Iw. luul Son, wine and tlllirit
lW!ls, Hugh A. grocer, 126 Ca\\seysi«le Rougvie, David, (R. t Sml), 352 CnstIehi11 llus8ell, Ales. wright & undertaker, Carrub- mercballts, U'l &. lU High street.
ltosH, Hugh, & Co. manufo.cturers of ladies ROUIS,., Rev. E. Sumichraat, teacher of ber's close UUlberford, Amlrew ... West Adam street
and gel1tlemen'lI ready-made linens, and French, 1~ Frederick street Uussell, Alex. agent for Edrr )nstonc coal and Untherford, Andrew, i9 Cau!cysidc
baby linen, 3 Nieolson atreet Rowatt, Thos. and &m, paraffin Jar.lp manu- brick works, St Leonar(t's «lepot-house, 5 Hutherford, Chnr)es D. 21 !\Iantagd IItrcet
nou, James, bookbintler. SO S. Hanover st. facturelfl, Lothian road l'arkside Itreet-See Afl". I llutbcrford, George, baker, 43 Urougbtoll at.
ROil, .lames, photogropber, E. Puwderball Uowden, John, & Son, corn mel ~bants, 51 Hussell, E. & It bakers, 4.1 Bridge· street atull and 71 I)J('a"ance
Rou, J. M. b Forth street Bernard street 3... Tolbooth wyn(l , Uut.herford, .John, 17 l-~arl Grey IItrrct
ROSI, .Jal., spirit merchant, 21 St Leonllrd st. Rowden, .J. (llowden 15 Son) 2 :\Ia"eira street llu'lell, Frands, advocate, 35 Mel,ille street I Uutherford, mcb. smhh, 10 Bread street
ROil, Jobn, S.S.C. 79 Great King street Rowe, George, head master, .John Watson', Itussell, George, manager So. Bridge Pawn-, Uuthcrford, 1lobert, \V.S. a 1I0\\'e street-
RO.I, John, Venctilln blhut maker, 31 institution broking Co. 35 South bridge-Sce Adl'. I house, 6-&. Great King IItreet
Wrigbt'l houset-house, 29 Rowe, V. H. 2 Parkside street Hussell, George E. lol Ue~cnt terrace Ulltherford, l'hum", flt'5hcr, 27 CJerk street
Ros!!, John,'engineer, 21 Duke street, Leith- Rowell & StOt:ldart, mast, block, and pump Hus.ell, .J., M.D., F .It.S.E. 15 Lynedoch pI. Umhertord, Walter, winc al:d spirit tiealer,.U
house, I Mortun IItreet makers, 6 Dock street Uussell, .Tames, lodgings, ';3 Cude strt.'Ct nose street
ROBS, John, shoemaker, 2 N. NewinRton pt. Rowell, ,V. (R. cC Stoddnrt), 6} Albany st. Leith nus.ell, John, C.S., South bank, Canaan lane Rutb~rf(ml, 'Vnlter, 3 Graham .treet
Ross, John, photographle artist, 137 Princes l\owland, Rob. tailor antl clothier, 369 High st. I~us."lcl1, .John, wright,21 Lauristor: street Rutllerf:>rd, 'Vm. victual (lcaler, 9~ Crou-
street Rowley, Mrs, 11 Parkside street Uus.eU, John (!lob. Rlllltll & ,SO,,), 6 :\laDs- eau.ey-ho. 12 lIeAmnont place
Uoss, John, tailor, P08t'O.tJicc, I \~ l\Il"rnlpgsitle Uosburgh, Wllliam, ~I.D. I ..llverock bnnk field place UutherfOl'd, \Vm. sphit mcreht. 11 Abbe)'
UOIII, Murdoch, 8 Duncan I)t Drummond pt. VUlal, Trinity. Russell, .Joseph, Lavcrock bank Uutherford, l\frs \\'iIliam, 7 Uruntsfleld pI.
RosI, l)hiJip, G Mllnor p1acc Roy, Audrew, wood engraver, 8 Buccleuch pl. Uussell, Robert, & Son, sklnot.'rs, tanners, and Hutberforc}, Mu W. '" StlHlbllry load
Ross, Rob. J. painter,glazier,nn(l pllper hanger, Roy, George, writer, 2 Bellevue terrace wool dealers, Canonmills Uutllerford, 1\1 rl. 39 Georgc square
S'V. Nicolson 8t.-ho. 17 Luttou place Roy, James, lacemon, ~3 and 2~ North bridge UUlsell, Iloilert, baker,2 Pitt street ltutherford, Mrs f'., lodgings, 18 Salillbury
ROilS, Rob. 10 Salisbury street ~-house, IS Arniston place UURsell, Robert, 3 Orcbardficld I street
Ross, Robert T. artist, 78 Queen street Roy, J. 'V. 13 Cassell's plaee ltussell, Hobert, clothier, 7 llomilly place I Uutberford, Mr8, ladies' nUrle, 9 Raebum pl.
Rosl, R\)bert, 1 Staft'or(t street Roy, Mrs1\[' victual dealer, 37 Cumberland at. UUt!scll, Thos. wholesale ironmonger, 6 and Uutherfor«l, Mis3 lIelen, t. Wharton place

ROilS, Thoma., grocer, 3 Home street Roy, Mrs, of Nentbom, 2e Drummond place 1 Hunter square-house, 3 Middlebl st. ItUlherlord, Miss, ~ Hunter square
Roll, Wm. metal dealer, 39 Greenside row Roy AL AMoclation for Promotion of Fine Artl ll'.4sseU, Thomas, currier & leatber merchant, Hutherfurd, Andrcw, advocate, 41 Alban, at.
Roo, Wm. ftesher, 8 Drummond st. In Scotland, 126 Princes street Boyd's I"ntry, St Mar)"s wyod ntlth~rfurd, John, W.S. l ' Alban,. street
ROfIS, William (Gazetle OjJice), 2 Parktide st. }tOT AL Bank of Scot1and, 36 5t Andre"
100t11, Wm. 'pirit dealer, a Dock place
Ross, Wm. keeper of Queen Mary's apart-
square-branch, G Hunter !Iq., Ind SO Her-
ltard street, Leith
ION orth Bank at.-ho. 7~ l..auriBtoD pt I
Uusllell. TbOl. brush ana trunk manufacturer, n·ftlt.. rfurd, Wm. fishitlg-tackle maker, book.
seller, and auctioneer, ';2 ))riucellJtrcet
RusscU, Thomas, copper 6mith, 7 Ueigo tit. Uutberfurd. Mr., ... CultOll terrace
ments, 1I01yrood-ho. Meadowbank ROYAL Clan Tartan wal'fhoulie, 101 George 11. Uusscll. ne\,. Wm. A.1\(. 1 Claremont place 1 Uutberfurd, Mi~s SUlln, 11 NclllOd street
ROSI, Mrll Sarah, 0\8 North bridge nOTAL College of PhyslciaDlJ, 9 Queen .cree& Itu8sell, 'Vm. & Co. eoal mercblll. Haymarket 1Rutll~r, JOtIeph, 6 SAuuderlltreet.
ROSR, l\Irs, 35 Charlotte square nOY AL College of Surgeons, Nicoltoo Itreet Ruuell, Wm., C.A., i31ndi. IILreet Ryley, .John Sheffield Gilbert, lieut. col.
Ro!"" Mrs, 16 Ann atreet ROYAL Edinburgh Allylum, Momingsidc l\ull.!lell, \ViIli.ln, wine and sptrit merchant, 2 Salisbury road, Ne'Wington
ROIs, Mr, E. ladie,' nurse, 60S NicolsoD It. Roy.n Enrincere' Office, 42 Northumb. at. 2 Quality lane_boo Claremont park I Rymer, )frs, Roschall co\tage, Dalkeith road

• w, •
\ .
a,mer, lira, 31 Great King street Sanderson, Mark, tea, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 21 Cbapel Jane, Leith-DouB, 32 Scartb, Pillans, W.S. & N.P. (S. &: Scotl), ~tt, Brucc,~: <!lover, \\r.S., 38 J:.'rederic" st.
Rymer,lliss, 51 Hope park end
Bernard street MasterElltraordinaryinChancerYtandCam- ScoU, Low, & Co. (late l'atison & Pringle,)
Rymer, lfi8l, "Grabam street
Ryrie, Aleunder, gardener, DaIry lane Sanderson, Mat. bird-stofFer, 66-.\ George It. missioner for Courts of (l\\een's Bencb,Com. silk mercers, drapers, and ge.aerat ollttiUen:
Byrie, )lilil~, 31 Gayfield square Sanderson, Micbael, church-officer, St Tho- Pleas, and Exchequer, 28 Benlard street-- -t., 5, and G South bridge •
mas' ehapel-ho. 10 Forres street house, 37 Scott, Moncrieff, &. Dalgtty, W.S. 1i J)uk c st.
SA.UT" AllUm~, A~~V. Jas. N. Miller, sec. SanderlOn, Robert & Tbomas, coach·builders Sceales, J. & .T. 1\1., British wine manu- Scou, Adam B. tailor, ss llemard .treet
6 York place I.othian road-house, 17 St Cuthbert street faeturers, 15 St Andr('''' It., I..eith Soott, A. W. manufacturer of aeraleft waters
So.ddler, Andw. merchant, 138 Pleasancr. Sandersou, Thomas, 1 1~ette8 row Scealcs, Adolphus ){. Willow bank, Newbaven 49 \\rater lane-house, 6 Quality str~t '
Sadier, Mu, 72 Broulthton str" .. t Sanderson, 1'homas, (ll. A" T. S. coach Scealcs, '&li8s, Adelphi place l::COu, Alex. bootmaker, 109 Georgc street
Safely, l\fiss J. matrC?l, Canongate poorhonse bl4iMers),22 Gardner's crescent Sceals, Andrew,2 Kyle's place, Madeira It. Scott, Alexander, fruit tUc·r. 7 Green market
Schaclle~, C.onrad, lithographic arti!lt aUtI ~cutt, Alex. engrn.vcr, ... Northumberland place
SAILORS' Home amI refreslllner~t rooms, 13 Sanderson, WUliam, stationer &: printer, US
portrait palllter, 10 Dublin It. Scott. Alcx. t t nope street
Dock place Canongate
Salmond, J. & Co. grocers and ,vine merchts. Sanderson, "Tilliam 2" ~finto street
131 Uose street -ho. 5 No. Charlotte st. Sanderson, Miss, 2$ Upper Cta,' :street
Salom & Co. opticians, 91; street-ho. ~anderson, Miss, S Buceleuch street schaw, Habert Cl!: S. ~ CQ.), Lmks pt.
Schaw, Kobt. & Co. wine merchants, 33 GiJes' Se ott, Alex. U.l~.I.C.S.... 1 I..auriston }llace
" street, Leith-ho. Link; pla~, Mortotl st. ~cott~ AJex. 24 G~r!tner's Crl'l'Cent
~,cott, An(ircw, \\ .S. IS Dr.unmolUJ place
Sandford, E. D. advoc. sheriff of Galloway 11
Schaw, l\frs, 30 (rllmorc .place I Seou, Andrc\v, seampn's hat and oil cloth
25 So. Hanover street
Salomon, Henry, boot and shoe maker, U RAndolph crescent Scbenck & l\lacfuJan(>, hthographers and en-\ manufacturer, 32 COUllOcrcialltlace
gravers. 19 St .Tames· square.-See Adu. ~cott, Andrcw, tailor. 53 Bristo street
Princes stree\ Salldford, Uev. I>aniel F., curate of St John's
~chenck, F.~ lithographer (late of S. A" . '[ac-
. bCOU, Ant1~c",. cllbi~e~makt'r, l~ L(.'Ollold I'l.
SalolUon, 11. importer of Jt'rcnch sltoe" 63 churcb, 17 Randopb crescent
Gcorg~ street Saudilands, D. spirit dealer, Silverfield, Leith • jclrl<;1/e) .,0 Gcorgc street Scott. Archtbahl. sollcltor,3f\ Frrdcrick 5t.-
Schemman, llrg, J ... Howard l)I'1~ boo 20 Walker lit.
Salomon, Madame Honry, corset maker, 63 Sandilnnds, William, mer. and eom. agent, 2'2
Schmitz, Lconard, Ph. D., l..L.D., F .n. S. E. J I~cott, Archibaltl, Ht \\Tintlsor stred
Gc..-orgo street I
Commercial pl.-bo. 5 Glover street
Rcc:or of Higb sebooJ, D ntg"nt tc:-:a:~ I ~cott, Ard.libald, architect, io Tcyiot r3'"
Salter, )Iiss,29 Uegent terrace Sanllilands, Mrs, 30 Hamilton rl!lce
Schneider, A. 12 (,lueen street SeoU, B. grocer, lIillho\1scfieid
Salvesen, Chr. (1'. S. t (,~.) Dayne6~ld house, Sand~lands, 1\fr~, lodgings, 4 Elder street
Queensferry road, Leith Sandlson, A, tallot, 67 St LeoDard stree\ Schneider, C. H. French master, llighsC'hoo!.\ SCOUt Bryrt. buH!h'r & houlIe agl·nt T3nfield
Samson, Misses, 27 Monta~u street Santis, 'Varren Hastings, W.S. alul solicitor
class room, 20 St Andrew square-houae, ....'3 I :-;cott, Charleo;. advocate, 8 Nelson ~tr(lct
E. Claremont street "cott, David, hakcr, ...0 I.otbian street
Samu('l, James, flcsher, Hillhouscfic.ld
Samuel, .lames, flesher, 76 Abbey Inll
of custolus, 5 lloyal circus
Sands, ,V. H. & W. J., 'V.S••'i Itoynl CirCUI !
Schoeleher, Mdme. E. Etablisscment Hcutt, Davitl, C.A. I I.ontlon street
milUncr,llress&corlietmaker,7bPrinceut. Scott, Dayid, 1 Carlton street

Samuel, James, fl~sh\!r, Newhaven Sandl, 'Vm. John, \V.S. S2 Great King st.
Samuel, Jo~n, wrlght, 25 I.e,en street-ho. Sandwitb, l\lrs, u. Melville strcet Scholtz: and Lerche, glall f:'ngraver!l, olfll Scott, Duid. SUl,crin\cndent of IHuhoulil'!=
8 Wright s houses . ~ang & Adam, S.S.C. 61 Great King street
Phystc gardens ! ss Great Kin~ ~trect 0 ,

Samuel, Peter (Knox, S. ami n,ckIJoll), Sllng & .Darker, :wholesale druggists, manu- !kIlOOL of Arts library and model room, I' !'kott, D.lvid, cli:1rh'red aCCCluntant and agent
Ailam square for Imperial Fire and Lift! Insllrance Co
Lauder road factunn lY chemtsts anll commisllion agents
Samuel, ltobert, (LciiT. Candle CQ.), 5 Morton York la~e' , SCtlOOL, St Thomas's, Gibb', close, 250 Ca-\ i 7 Hill st.-house, I London Ilt.-:-;CC Ad,;.
nongatc I Seou, Dd. shipowner, Rltimc~fit!ld, Ferrv roa.l
street . . .. Sang, E. teacher of mathematics, civil engi-
SamueJ, Wllllam, spmt denIer, H Shore neer, nnll actuary, ~ George street Senom., llev. Dr And.1'homson's, If' (~ueens'l Scott, Davitl, china anu provision merchant
ferry street-Robert Bums Crowe, rector 2S Wil1iam strceL '
Sandcman, Johu, 7 Anllantla.1e str~~t ~ang, E., (So 6' JJurller), 20 Drummond place
Santleman, nob., mauufucturlOgc<li>lnetmaker Sang. Geofl;c, 37 London street ~CHOOUU.BT£RS' Widows' I<'unfl, 16 Thistle 8t.1 Scott, Dou~ll\s, ,fl.. Son, rlipC' milKers .5 North
and tll,holsterer, 9 Grccllsille street-llo. 28 Sang, John (S. !) .d.dam), 61 Gt. King street SchoJ'p. John, teacher of German,'" I Queen st. I Bank strect- house, 25 uvelJ str~et
Schult7. t 1\1. 'F. &: Co. sbip-chnndlers, &c. :2 I ~cott, P. shipmal>tcr, 8 Dorminnton place
. Gayfield square-Sec ,,It/v. Sangater, A. 11 Cheync street
Sandemlln, 'Vm. B. collector-of IIborc dues, 13 Sal')son, A. tai!or, 107 Causeyshlc • Dock street . . I1 ~cott, G,corge', baker, I Wuniston place
schuItze, Ale:x. & SOD, wholesale and ('.ommIS- Scott, Georgc, bilker, 10 Sroll~nd street
Elm row SanllllD, n.
prmter, 81 Clerk street sion mcrchants, ~.; Commercial place ,Scott, Gcorgr, gatekeeper, noy~l Infirmary
San(lCmall, Mrs T. n. 5 Lonllon street SAS}:. z Office, i9 Register bouse-lO to j ;
Schultze, Alex. merchant, 1 Primrose hnnk.1 SC'ott. (;eor~et 23 Norton l,
~ndcman, Mr., 7 .:~nnlln(lale street Sat,(rdeys, from 10 to 12
Sandemall, l\lifiS, milliner nnll straw bonnet, SATU; :lAY t:-hronic1e and Scottish Thistle, 369
Lochcnd road It;cott, Gcorge Io'•• 8.:5.C. 11 South Gray st
Sc]anders, Miss, '28 Torphichen fit. \ Scott,.Js.O. U. wareboulleman, 1W. N ('. tao;ut.
maker, 69 George street 1 IHi-''- atr!'.-t Selater, Robcrt & Sont die anltstarnp cutter!, Scott, .Jamcb, portrait painttr, 6:i "'retlt'rick st
Sanders, Wm. It, lI.D. 4. Stufford Rtrcet i S,,·.md. "S, ".,hn & Son auctioneers H Qua-
Sn~ders, Miss, children's dressmake!r, 132\ lity lllll'eet- .bo. H ' I
· 63 North briligc-hollse, 18 Uucc1euc'h pt. ~cott, .Tames. 8hot!mRkcft ·h) CumlK'rmnll
!'dater, Alex. woo(l engraver, t Blenboim pI. Scou, .James ( Wi!lld ~ S.), CharclDont park
(,eOl'ge street . •
Sanderson and J..awne, Wll1e merchants and I
Saunuer.~ J .h.• 11, grocer, 1 Orchardftc1d place,
r lHt 19 ~ .lee bank
"trocers, 101 l'rinces st.-ho. 'l7 N. Nelson Sauu\~trs .. ~::\.. I, wrigh~, 15 l\lItchell street-·
Selater, T. $; D. boot & shoemakers, 3 Elder st. ~i(ott, .Tumes, <25 Piu Strl!et
Scoon, Kenncth,31 Clerk street S.::ott, .Jas. merchant, 2 Wdlington pt Leith
Scot, Miss, of Trinity, 81 Great King street Scott. James, cabia.·t.uakcr, UI,holstercr, nnd
IItreet 'IOU8(' "', •• onatitutlon street
Soo,tland,. A. Pearson, S.S.C.-chambers, 29 ,undertaker, 10 Clytlc ~t ·-ho. 11 IJunaa, st .
Sanderson & l\Iuirhead, lluittlers, 1 Ncw ~ai\t;Jlers, r. ~.:.. appraiser, I" Quality st. • F rcdel·lckstreet-bousc. Coate. buuge south SCf1tl, .Tames, ... l'itt 5t1'fet t Leith
Drougbton ~'jun('h!(!&. '11. . ami S.S C. ';1 SCOTSMA!'i nnd Weekly Scotsman :Scwspaper SCOB, .Tnm~ (G. P,·O.), ,r, Itatcliffc terrace
Sanderson & Son, lapidaries, jewellers, & seal Alba: Ir 8t~~e;' • Office,267 High street !"c.'ott, James, baker, SI No. Ilichmontl street
engravers, 15 George strcet Savillc, ~lis~. 19 ."lke street lane goott & Allan, wine mcrchaDts, 3 Kirkgatc ScoU, Jas. Ilro,ision dealer and greengrocer
Sanderson, Amlr. cO\'fecder, 60 Nicolson st. Saw ere, Tt (0&."8 ,; ~rchibald place Scot~ &. Fcrguson, engraver!!, lithographers, I "Antigua strect '
~ander80lI, .Jall. (8. t Al.), ~1 l.ondon street Sawef8, Thom"~: ·.,lo. baker and confectioner,
Sanderson, .Tames, surgeon, H.1\1. 'Madras
• army, 11 Clarcmont cre!lcent I
310 Lawmm,rl.., ··-house, ,Ul
Sawers, AUc<s, ~ 1 .Manor place
Sanderson, Jame8, (/'eace !.md Co.) railway Sayers, H.obert, SI Jlrouglaton street
pnnters, and stationers, 63 Princes street : Scott, .Tame!!, 39 ~{ontagu IItreet
Sco!.t & Orr, cbcmistK & drug. (J. Nico/, Kid, Hcott, .T. &. 1'. Ul1holslcrers and umlertaken
heue) ~I DUQ(lu .t. I 10 Goorge street
ScoU & Younger, ,hip-chandlers and p:linterp, I SeoUl James (J. find T. 8.),26 Stllft'urd IItreet
~~en'l, ~ Bre:ul stree~ Scarth & ~ott, W.h" N.I). 28 DerDard IC. 6 and 8 Commerdat place ' Scotl, .fs". coal merchant. 30 NirolRon .treet

---'-.- ..

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SccKt,Joho,eoDrectioDcr,6Riddle'sc1ose,Lehh Scott, \villia•• " Soo.joiners, VeDet bUod SCOTTlln F.pisoopal Church TrainiDg Iblti. Serfmgoour, Henry, upholstery 'Work;;;;;,
Sect", John, 8 NioollOD square makers, 156 Rose street tution. l\linto ho. Argyle aq_D. H\)me, life. 23·" George .treet-house 18 Chapel !it.
Seott, Jobn, eee. Leith Corn Market and Gen. ScoU, \Villiam, teacher, 11 Parkside street SCOTTlSll Episcopal Church School., St An- Serymgeour, 1\lr., :U, lIowe street
Exchange (Lhnited.), ~ Bcrnard .treet Scott, Wm. refreshment rooms, 13 Calton st. drew's Hall, Leith .,.nd Serymgeour, l\Ii58,2S Clerk strt.'et .
~tt, John, family linen & baby linen warebo. Scott, Wm. 5 Portland place SCOTTISH Equitable LiCe Asaur. Society, 26 St Sde.ard, J. 11 Castle street
S Greenllde It.-ho. 16 Greenside pI. I Scott, \Vm.1\I.D., F.R.C.S.E ... Dean terrace Andrew .q.-Robert Christie, manager, Seater, Geo. S. (Leith, llull, and Hamlrurgt.
Scott, JOhD. W.S. 17 Duke It. Sec. to the ISeott, Wm. gatekeeper, Edinburgh Poor Ho. \Villiam Finlay, secretary-See .Ad", Steam l'a(;~t Cb.) S' Bernard street-hot
Roya/. CoIltgeoJSurgeons of A'dinburgA, and, Scott, Wm. Coal muter, 28 Gilmore place SCOTTISH Farmer and Horticulturist Office, 2.. CharJotte .treet, Leith
Treuurer to the ilQ!lal Edinburgh Asylum ScoU, \Vm. flelJher, 18 Roxburgh 273 High street aDd 18 Royal exchange Seaton & 1\lanhall, bootmaken,.50 Wcst Re.
Jor tAe 1uane 16l\1iddJe Arthur place . Sconlsfl Institution (or Education of Young gister .treet
SCott, John (Scart" ~. S,), 11 Hermitage pt ScoU, \villiaJr, plumber, gas6tter, and ztnc Ladies, 9 Moray place Selton. Itobt. auctioneer, 16 Broughton st.
Leith worker, 1'anfield SCOTTISH Institute for Civil, Commercial, and Sf'ggiet A. machinist and ptintillg preu maker,
Soott, John (Bla~khall ~ S.), 30 Ihddington I Scou, Mrs A. fruiterer, 18 Qucen st.-bo. 59 Military Education, Lothian road Broughton market-bu. 39 BaronYltreet
place CulIe Itreet ScOTTISIl Jurist Office, 11 Thistle street Selby, Robert Barctay. solicitor-at-Iaw and
Seou, John, 'Vater of Leith mills Scott, 1\lrs Adam, seamstress, 10 Se Andrew ScOTTUIi 1\lislionary Society". Committee. S.S.C. !it6 DundalstrCi!t
Scou, John, cabinetmaker, 237 Cowgate square room!, 6 York place Selcraig, Thomas, grocer, 1 Glenorch,. plare
Seott, Jobn, Cockbum bank SCOll, 1\lril Alex. lodgings, 13 Piu street SconllH Mutual Plate Glass Association- Setcraig, TbOl, «(r. 1'.-1).), to Calton hill
ScoU, John, provision merch. 2 Leith walk Seott, ~lr8 A. 10 East AUllm street manager, S. £. Trottc:r, 73 George stree& SaucT SubiUiption Library. 26 \VllterJoo
Scou, John, boot and ehoem. U.t. Broughton Seott, 1\lr. Col, 8 Atnslieplace SCOTTl.U National AsllOCiation (or the Sup. pl.-Alex. Greig,libranall-housc, 39 Earl
street ScoU, 'Irs Do.vid, 27 ltutland street preuion of LicentioulDeu aDd the Recover,. Gre,. Itreet
Scott, John, smith, l!lltobb's oourt ScoU, 1\lr8 E. spirit dcaler, 35 Giles' st. of the Fallen, 6 York pt.-John Cbalmers, Selkirk, \Villi"m, tailor. 35 Leith Itreet
Sco", Jobn, 7 Anllandate street Scou, Mrs Geo. S. 2S Rutlnnd stft'et see., John Millar, hon. treasurer SeUer, Wm. 11.0., F.Re.p. 18 Northum-
Scott, John A. gen. eom. agent, BeWs court, Seou, 1\Ir8 .Tohn, Patriot hall, Stockbridge SCOTTISII National Insurance Co. 22 St An- bedand Itreet
Quality lane-hot 1 ncllevuc crescent See)tt, 1\lrs l\!ary, 11 Ann street dnw sq.-JohD M. lWCandlisb, manager Setaebier, llr., 3 Aln street
ScoU, John M. " Ho\vard place
ScoU, .T. cowfceder, 1 Albany street
Scott, )Irs T. G. 22 Heriot row
Soott, .J. R. landscape-pointer, 8 Frederick st. Scou, 1\Irs, .. \Vest l)reston street
Scoll, Mrs, 15 Uaeburn place
SCOTTI.H Permanent Property In,estment
Society, 13 Royal Exchange _ Tbomu
11'Dowan, mana~er
SBaYANU' National llegtltry, 1 Frc(le!'ick It.
-.T. Hendenon, ml\nager
S£JlYA,.TS· Institution, ... South Charlotte st.
Scott, Mungo, corn merellant, 6 Grassmarkct Scott, 1\lrs, lcather mereh. 12 lJaker's place &OTTISH Press Offict', 2$1 High street -Jame. Drummond, clerk
Scotl, M. l~mon:ldc aocl m}(la water manufuc- Seott, 1\1rs, 6 Uaddington place
, tory,)17 Ph;ardy place. • Scou, Mrs, 84 Gr~at King strcet
Seott, I cter, & Co. clotlncr and 11lirt merchts. Scott, Mrs, ladies nurse 39 E. Crosllcauae,
bridge-Hugh Cameron, manager-boo
Gardner', creacent
SCOTTI.H Property IDvestmentCo,t02 South SESSION Clerk's Office (or t11(' City, 12
Royal Exchange
S£SSIOl'll Clerk'; Offic~ for St Cuthbert'::, 7
9 South bridge ScoU, Mrs, lodgings, 46 ilankeillor street SeOTTIS11 Provident Institudoo for Life As. St Clltbbert'l glebe
ScoU, Peter Uedford, of lteMord hm, 3 Seott, 1\Ir8, 2 l1elle,ue terrace IUfInce and Annuities, J' 8t Andrew Iq. SIIII'IO" Clerk's Office Cor Canongatc. 163
Bl'untsfleld place Scott, l\hs I Lawric street -James Watton, manager.-8ee .Ad.,. C"nongate
SL'Ott, Uobt. C. hOlier, glover, amI shirtmaker, Seou, 1\1r8; flesher, 26 Lothian street-bouse SCOTTISH Railwa, GlIette Office, 21-A George SESlIlOt: Clerk's Office for SoUtll I.eitb,
• 22 South bridge-house, ~1 Montagu st. I 9 Brighton street ' street Church "fiery, Kirkgate
~cott, Uabcrt, slater and c1umJley-sweepcr, 131 SCOll, Miss, .')2 Northumberland street SCOTTISR RefonnatioD Society-office. 6 York SESSlON Clerk alld Uegilltrar for North l..eith
Home street " SeoU, Miss llobert!on, 22 Gt. King street pJlce-George Lyon, bono aecretary; G.ll. -l'bolDlo&iJ S ••·urmau, ... 0 Brit:ge Itree\-
Seott. Robert, S.S.C.atld, 63 North. SCOU, 1\fislt, corset mnkl.>r, 34 Frec.lerick street Badenocb, acting.secretary-WlD Leekie, boule,1 Uambur6', North Leith
. Uanove~ fltreet ). I
SeoU, Miss, 2 CllUrch llill treasurer, Commercial bank Seton & MackenZie, foreign .nd ..:nglilh
Scott, R. F.... , C.A. 127 I rmccs street
I Seott, Miss, 5 Bucclcuch place
Seott, Uobert, Regent hotel, 16 Waterloo pI. Seou, 1\Iiss, 59 Lauriston place
Seou, UoOOrt, 6 Bank place Seou, Miss, 26 AIYa street
SCOTTISH Register and Home Institution for
DOlDestic Sernnts, 7 Qut.en It.-James
Walker, cletk; Mrs SiDclair, matron i
booksellers, ltationers, and bookbindt·n, 80
George street. and IS 'l'bi,Ue Itreet
Seton, Fr:1ncis C. iuspectorof brancbet(Royal
Seott, Uobert, comm. agent, 8 ~uk£' street.. ScoU, .Miss, Findborn piace
SeoU, Robert, f;Vocer, tea, WlOC, amI sPUlt Seott., MillS, 12 Pilrig street
merrh. 175 Il1gh st,-ho. 6 'fcviot row
Seott, Aliss dr£'ssmaker 100 George street
SCOTTISH Trade Protection Society, tJ and 11 I DmIA),9 WindlOr atreel
Dank atreet-\Vm, White MilIar,S.S.C.,In.w; Seton, Gco. a(lvOC'..ate, 8t Dennet'!!, Gretrabill
agenc-George T. Bathgate, sec. I
Seton, Grcgor, wine and IIpirit nlcrchant. 7:S
Seott, Stewart, upholsterer and cabinctmaker, Scon, 1\lIs~es 1\1. & E: dress and straw-hat SCOTTIIH Unifersities Commiuioo-Robert I York place-house, .. North St .J.ntcll' it •
•i\lCUIi~ lane-house... 6. • makers, 2 West Nicolson street Berry, sec. 36 Mora,. plate I Seton, Henry, nterinary lurg. I ~9 Rose 111,-
Scott, 11108,! C.A. 6 Not'tb St Davlct street- ScOttl Misses, 9 Gayfic1d square ScOTTUH Union Fire and Life Insurance: home, 1 (~uccDllfcrry Itn't't
• b0l18e, 3 (yayficld square Scott's Royalaclulemy for riding Lothian rd. Co. n George ,treet-George Ramsa)" i Sec"n, Pat. boot &Dd shOPm:.kcr, 4.s Candle-
~cottt 'l:hos. (J. ~. T • •V.), 16 Rutland street Scouts scbool, 1" Picardy place' manager; James Barlal, sec.--See Adv. maker row
~eott.' 1 hos. (lltdpath, lJ"OlI'II, 1~' CII,). 23 Ar· Scott's lodgings, 124- and 125 Princes street SCOTTISH Vocal MWlic Allociation, 13 Queen Sewn, Le.-Col. R. S., Madras Anillery. 11
clnbnld place
Seott, 'l:holldunr., C.A ..6 N. St David st.
~cott, ~~omas, 41 Laurlston place
SCOTTISII Life AssuraDce Society
3 North St Davict street.-See Ad".
HcoTTlsn ArboriculturaI Socictv Cl Yorl; pl.
11.-.J. F. !\IoWas, !ec. and trcllurer
I WindlOr Itreet
SCOTTISH \Vidow.' Fund and Life Assurance ~ton, lira, 13 Coate. crescent
Society, 9 St Andre", 6quare-Samucl Seton, Miu, 16 Cclmeiy bl-nk
cott, omas,1 Randolph cliff SCOTTISH Alllloc:iatton for Suppre~iDg Drunk.. It'\leigb, manager Severs, nenjn. corn. agent, 3 Comel,. grccD pI.
~eott, Thos. ~~nk messenger, 29 I;"ettes row cnnels, 6 York place-John Buckle, conY. Scougall, EI1i., & Co. mercht5. 6 Baltic st. Seston, JOIepb, .. Brandfttld place
ScoU, JV Sl!lrt dealer, 98 and 29 'l'olbooth Sco,.nsn Bazaar, 29 Plinces stree~ Scougall, A. flesher. I SI ratrick sq.-bo. 21 ShaDd, ..\les. Bums, ad,oC8ce, &7 QUCf!n It.
wyu,V' ..cIn 1 SCOTTISJl Colout \Vorks, Timber bush and & &ouga\1, lame., H.M. Inlpector oC Schools, Shand, John, W.S. mllter extraordinary in
SCOlt, Chancery, 2' Royal circ:UI
r. ,opand malt mercb. Soutb Thistle
S strl!;\,lane-ho.23 Duke st.
• c);!~t.l::p!~;;:' Jawcralg eollicry o5P.ce, /j
SCOTTISU Drainage and lmpronmen& Co.

,J~hn Uonl\ld, S.s,c. man, director, 20

l.5 Smith'. ,late
Scougall, J. (S. Bllit, ~ Co.), Prior1, Ramll1 Sband, ThOSolpirit dealer,
plaee, BonningtoD
.9 Dean It.
Shand, \V. R. commercial "'Yeller, MarioD
! HilI stred, James \Y. Uallhe, 'V.S., tee'f. Scrivener, Wm. 6' BroughtoD Itreet villa, Sciennea bill

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___ •
_ _ _r•IIIiI_ _

Shand, Wm. broker and dealer in mechanics' Shepherd, Wm. dryulter, 119 PlelSlllCtt Short, Johnt church officer, 19 Rose strtllt Sime, Thom3J (P. 0- R. lJ'right), st. Blacket
sook, I Victoria Itreet Shepherd, 'VilUam, 1 NortJa James street Short, lVilliam, spirit merchant, 10 ruSb rigf,'S place
Shmb, Chriawpher, bootlDuer, 2 Catherine Shepherd, WiW:un, draper, 46 HOlVe It.1IId Short, Mu, 13 Eat Adaaa streel Sime, Mn Andrew, 29 Richmond place
It.ree, 18 Union street-house," Howe street Short, )'In, 1 Park street Simm, Jobo, 2 King'. place
Sbaak., D. cabinetmaker aod house factor, 1 Shepherd, lira, IS Charlotte square Sbort, Ill", .Ires,maker, 63 Clerk 'treet Simmit. ~frs DI,21 Raebum place
Lnlie place-hoe S Raeburn place I SbepIJard, }-'raneiJ, Laureote burn, Napier SHoaT's Obse"atorr, Castle hill Sinsmin., Jacob, teacher, g E. DrouKbton p1.
Shank., George, SI Barony .tn-et park, Merchiston SHOTTS Iron Coo'a Foundry, 9 Spring6eld, SimplOn & Grabam, facton, Ililver'l,)aters and
Shanki, Jamet, 11 and J.j Staffurd atred I Sbeppard, John & James, painters, gluien, LeitD wlllk--Alex. Sinclair, manager uddlen' ironmongers, 2 Mound place
Shanks, TIIoI. filbing-tackle manufacturer, S aud pa~r-bangers, 21 }'r()derick street Sibbald, And., atation agent (E. P. ~ D. Rail- Simpson & M'Dona1t1, chimne,. sweepers, $1
Frederick street Sbeppard, IIn Ju. painter, glazier, and paper- -.v), Citad~lt Leith 1'histle 8t. and U; Cl1useyside
Shank., Mu, liS Broughton street banger, 107 George bt.-ho. 2·' Stafford at. Sibbaldl' c;eorge, lurg~D, 2 Argylllquare Simpson au,l Taylor, halr.drt!sscrft and pcr*
Shanb, Mn, ladies' nurse, 22 Jamaica atTeet Sherar, John, fJUl'Veyor and accountant, 2 Sibbald, J. and Sons, ltonmongerll, 6~ Geo. st. fumen, 15 Soutb St Dayid !ltreet
Sharp, Fraud., watch and clock maker. 2S I Deanbnugh street Sibbald, J. oowfeeder, Werter boo Comely bk. Simpson, Brothers, & Co. wholesale tea deal.
Clerk street Sberrit, Adam <G.P.-O.) 58 Bristo street Sibbald, .Tohn RoberltOn, )I.D., F.R.C.S.E. ~ Waterloo place .
Sharp, George, 6 Cumberland meet SHERn'r Clerk 8 Office, County buildings- 141 Princes at. and Lochend, KirkUlton Shupsou & Co. sllirt makers, 86 Sout~ bruigf?
Sharp, William, 2 Grt've road Keomurc llaitlaud, 6hel'if clerk of l\Iid- Sibbald Jobn, M.n. aaistan' physician, SianJlson, .Ales. & Co. grocers. tea, wJUe, Aud
Sharp,lln, Great King street
Sharp, 1\Ir8 Robert, 5 Lutton place
SUBRI~F Clerk's Office, 18 Cbarlotte st. L(:ith
Royal Edinburgh Asylum
Sibbald, 'r.. (J. S. alld 8Q114), 6 .... .& George at.
sl,irit merchllntl, ,$ Baker's place-Ilouse, ) 1

Bbalp, Isabella, poulterer, 13 Dundu street SH.RIFF Clerk of Chancery Office, Excheq:ler,
Sharp, Miss l\iarion, baby lillen and ladies' l'.irliament square-F. G. Souler, sheriff-
Sibbald, Waiter (J. S. aNd S01ll),
Sibbald, lira Captain, 8 Scotland Itreet
,$ Cbe)'uc street
Goo. Iq. Simpson, Aitkeu M. 34 Grcenbill gardetls.
Simpsou, A. C. inspector of poor, 2 King
out6ttiag warehouse, 60 Leith street clerk; D•.M. Latta, dep. Eheritf·clerk Sibbllld, Mu Hen",., 27 Great King street street, Leith
Sharpe, Robe. corD dealer, 26 UlJper Gray It. SherifF, Francis, clothier, 19 St )Iary's wynd Sibbald, llfn, cook, 39 Iaaiaplace Simpson, Rey. A. L. 25 Howe street
Sbaw, Andrew, cab· hirer, 27 DuJCe st.. Leith Slteri~ James, cabinetmaker, [) Hope street--
5haw, D. chimney-sweeper, 3 l'itt street house, " North 1\telville place
Sibbald, Mrs, I) Nicolsol\ .treet
Sibbald, Mrs, 6 Bank place, North Leith
I Simp$on, DllYid, ageut, 2 Orchardficld 't
. Simpson, Davitl C. engraver, 10 8t .famew pt.
Sbav, George. saddler, 61 Clerk street . Sherift', 1\lrs Jane, 4. Clerk street Sibbald, Mrs, lodgings, 8 Hope .treet Simpson, D;lVid Lind!ny, plate chest maker,
Shaw, James, 21 George IV. bridge Shield, George, depute. clerk of ses.ion. l' Sibbald Mrs 29 C)arence street 25 St James' .quare ,
Shaw, Jame., 1 Lower Gilmore place General Register house Sibbald: :Mil~, 11 Brandon street S~mpson, Fraucis, broker,.65 Leith w)'nd
Shaw, James, boat-builder, Coatea place Shields, William, 16 Hart street Sibba)d .Miss <l$ Georgc square Slmp50n, G('org." S Lotlllan road
8h.", l'atrick, a(\vocate, Ihcrift' of Chancery, Sbiali, A. (Gencrol Jugider-hofUe), 38 Blacket
36 Charlotte square I place
Sibbald', au~ llargarel, 3 East Preston st. I S!mllson, Geo. 3~ Nhldry Itree'
Siddie, .Tohn, builder, 2 Lord Russell place I S!mpson, Geo, Victual dlr, 14 BrunSWick st,
Shaw, Uobert, cabinetmaker, 2$ Sciennel I Sbiell, David Russell (Dank of Scotland), 17 Side1, Cbas. mrg.•accoucheur, 64 Itanoyeut. I Simplon, G. B. 23 U~ion place .
Shaw, Uobcrt, cattle dealer, Ilainpoint i Upper Gray street Sideyt DaviJ D. (Macall.". and S.) 64- Hano-I Sim{'tlOn, Henry, sta:loner, 17 Prane<.. Itre~t
Shaw, Th08. W, peruke maker, 1 Chapel st. ShieD, Wm. a.latant clerk of Seuion (RegiI-
Sbaw, "Tilliam, (N. Britisll Railway), 19
Ann I!treet
Icr-!tou,e), 8l\Iiddleby street
Shiell, )Ire, 26 CUlnberland street
ver street
Sidey James A lurgeon 42 Queeu street I -house, Sc1v,l1e, lortobello
Simpson, Hugh, 61'Ocer, &e. 11 Tobago It.
Sidey: Jobn, co'at merch~Dt, 15 Comely bank Siml'llOn, J. coal loerchant, 11 I'ort Hopetoun
Shaw, William, coal merchant, ~ Port Hamil- Shids, John S. "ine merchant, 69 Coostitu- Side-1 Wm fielher 63 Hlgb street ,Simpson, Jame!! V., F.n.C,p. 1,r6ft.'SIOr of
ton-b"UIIC, 21 Semplo street don 8treet-house, 26 'Vindsor st. Shlcy'Mis;,Tane m'atron, l\Iagdaleue Asylum,\ midwifery in the UniYersity,.;~ Queen It.,
Sha." Mre Dr, 7 Clarence street Shiell,llatthew,confectioner,45Nortbbridge 18i canonga~ Simplon ••bmes, bootmltker, 6 Melbourne p ,
Shaw, IIr. ~argaret, i Howard. ttreet -;-bousc, 106 Laurlston place Sieyewrlght, .J oleph, English hotel, 10 So. :,t· ,-bouse, 35 Ge,orge ,I brid~o Y: •
Sbear, Davld,.victuaUer, 1~3 Klrkgate Shlets, Ilobt. & Son, wholesale confectioner., Andrew street Slmpson, Jp., prlDters Jomer, ....9 Dubbn It.
Shearer, Arthlbald, 19 India street ,$ and G Dristo place SIG1UT Library Pa1'liament squlrt'.-Hours SimpsG::, Jamt!l, cowfudcr, UO'lemount,
Shearer, Archd.18 Dlmcan .&reet, Drummond Shiels, Hobert, '" RlUlkeillor .treet In aeaaion, 9
turday 10 to I
to,,; neation, 10 to 3; Sa-
Gardner's crescent
Shnpson, .1a1. carpet manur. 70-A George It.
plalJe Shiele, 'fbomas (Wm. S. and Co.) 8 Cuscls
Shra~er, James, stationer Ind bookseller, S pl1lce SIGNET Office Regit.ter house Simpson, .John (G. P.· 0,), 17 Chey",: street
Leith st.-house, S Brougllton It. Sbie]s, Thomas, painter and glazier, 1 Soutb Silver, G. M. (G.P •• O.) 97 West hf:\w SimpsoD, .Jamel, 2i London street .
Shearer, .TltlDes, 90 UO!e street 1I0ward place Silvic, .James, writer, 46 Home street. Simpson, J. F. corn merchnn!. 138 Conshtu·
Shearer, John (G. P.-O.), Retreat cottage, Shtels, Wm. & Co. wine merchts. 52 Coastitu- Silll, Alex. (N. B. Colour CQ.). S ThomlOD S pt. ti.m strcet-houFC, .9 Hermitage plar~
Soirnnea hill I don street Slm, Fr. R. glaucbandeliel' It cut-glall manu- Simp50n, Johu (UnIClII BanA), JJonumgton
~bcarer, .l. fr. 1 Kyle place, .Madelra street ,Shiels, 'Vm. G. 7 Upper Gilmore place

~ lIopetoun-bousc, 9 Lauriston street

Shearer, Thomas, CORI merchant, 6. Port Shiels, W. of Bankliead, 13 Pilrig street
Shiels, l\frs, to North Se Andre,," stre~t
facturer 96 Princes st.-ho. 3 E. N ewington
plnce '
Sim, Grorge, writer, <&0 Cbarlotte square
Simplon, .J, (A. lffdrOlt /-t' Ct!,), 12 Uo~ ,to
Simpson, .John, g~o:e1', ,)6 Karklitntc, ~uJt
Shcddca, .J.,. spirit dealer, 23 Grecnside roft' I Sh~llihglaw, Thos. writer, n Preston street Sim John lE Danube street SimpBOD, .JobD, 5111r1 ' ,tcaler, 56 Fouutaanbr.
Sbeddcn, IDlllmcry warehouse, 3a Hanover Slullingla", 1\lra, 40 Great King stNet Sim',\v. 1. & J. trimmingwarch • .53 GfO. It. 1 S!mpson, J. coal merchant, 1Il'ort U?PCtOUD
.trcet Shiress, Davitl S. 48 India street Sim, 'Mra, 40 Charlotte t1qullre I SnnIlfion, Jobn, baker and f;onfuct. 1,.,8 High
Shcnnan, ,Tulm, builder, Bellcvue cottAge, Low Shh'reW, Chaa. 1I. corn factor, 2 High Caltoa Sime A teltcher of nafig., ,$ Fox lane, Leith street _
Bro\1g1lton -houso, 6 Annandnlc slreet Simt!' Ales. grocer 31 Duke atrtd, Leith Simpson, .John, bootml~er, S Crlchlon street
~hcherd, Atcx.(MI.4\~band S.) 15 .'eUeI row ShirreJF, C. J. advocate, 10 Hope str.~et Sim':' Adam: win'e and spirit merchanc, 3 SimpsolI, John, l.i H ermltagc pl~co .
Sbepherd, Geo.llpirit merchant, Peacock ino'l Shirtsingcl', Mat. German clockmalcer 1n N. Melyille place Simpr.on, .J. stoneware mer. " "am.ton place
3 Orchardflcld st.-bo. 40 Lauriston st.. Pleasance ' Sime, Geo. smidl, 24 Pleasance S~mpson, .John! 17 Archibal~J place .
Shepl1erd, George, 16~ PlcftSUlIce SIIOfiE-DIiRS Offier, Custom-house, Ll'itb Sime Rev. Joiln S Windmill 5t~t \fl.lml)son, r. tador antl c1otlller, 8 DowOle pl.
Shepl,lcrd, .Tamcs, statIoner anll b001c:setJt!r, 8 1ShorrocJc, Uobert, spirit dealer and ca\'tien' Sime; .Jobn, secduntan~ and stockbroker (lalt Simpson, Ricbard, upholster"r, undertaker,
Lenb 8treet-ho~se, 3 Hroughton place quarters, 10 Bernnrd st. H. lUaitland ~. Co.), ~ Thi!lt1e court-ho. appraiser, ,and h~m5e age-nt, 121 Georgc It.
Shepherd, John (G.P.*O.), 18 Dunean st. Sbort, Darid, a(1countant, 2,$ Xortb bridge .a Dlackct pla<.~ -hou~('. \) f.otll\Qn ros(l

tU e U •• J • S JU 1 al
\ "
Skene, Jas. F. advocate, 18 Hill street Small, Aw. (Ro!lGI Batik), ~9 E. Clarelllont fit.
Skene, lV. F. & Peacock, 'V.S. IS Hill street SmaU, DaYid, bnkctmaker, 33 lIano\'cr st.
-house, if) luverleith row Small, David, glas. stainer. 22 Greenside pI.
Skene, Mu Jane, " Duncan street, Leith Sm.U, .Toho, college Hbrarian, CoUtge
Skene, Mn Colonel, IS Lynedoch pl"re I Small, William, Ihirtmaker and outfitter, 30
Skiffington, .John, china mercbt. 109 High It. , South bridge-house, 2 Preston terrace
-house, 105 High street
Skill, Ilia, 7 Montagu street ',Small,
ISmall, ~rocer & spirit dlr., 93 Caoongate
'V. Kerr, basket maker, a.5 Blair street
SkilUng, Andrew )1. sboemaker, 3 Helen -house 51 Nicolson Itreet
p1:ace, North Leith ISmall, 1\IfI, College
Skilling, Jobn & Son, boot & .hoemaken, 30: Small, Mr., of Ofcrmains, I Atholl crescent
TolbOOth wynd, J.,eith-llo. 5 UeJen place Smart & Co. stationer. and ncw, agents, 32
Skinner, 'Vm., W.S. "1 Northumberland st. I !lose stred
Skinner, 'V. n., S.S.C. 8 Blenh"im place I Smart, Alex. printer, 5 South College street
Skinner. 1\f:s J. R. 5 J...eopold place I Smart, Andre., baker, 11 .. West port
Skirving, Dnid, 7 Torphichen .treel Smart, James, flesher, 'l5 Middle market
Skirving, TbOl. fanner, Nether Quarryholel Smart, James, ehilla mercbant and ral:! II~lller,
Skirving, Thol. chimney IWf.eper, 122 nOlle st. 237 Canongate -
Slaney. Tbomas, Douglas bote), 8f, end 35 Sll Smart, J. A. lugn agent, ) 9 Elm row-hot 17
Andre\\" _quare I Smart, Rev••Jobn, n.D. 11 Smith's placc:
I StJohn street
Slater, Andrew, Ilater, "0 Canongate-houst', Smart, John, &: Son, bootmakert, I Queen st.
~ Smart, John, flesh er, 15 W. Nicolson street
Slater, Jamea, eabinetmaker, 52 BrougbtoD st.l San art, In. jun. (J. S .•f: S,,,,) 2 If addingtoll pI.
Slater, James (G. P.-O.) 5 Canning plRce I Smart, Jno. spirit mercbant, .u I.eitb~!lt.
Slater, Mrs, 1 Drummond street : Smart, John, 12 Shrub place, Leith walk
Slater, IIr., fruiterer & greengrocer, "and.; Smart, .John (Smart ~ Son). 8 I,.nndon ~tr('et
Green market Smart, R. C. engraver, litbographer, and goItl
Sleigh, George, tailJl',.1 Lotbian atreet printer. W Elm row-hot f) Smith's placc
Sleigb, W. L. Marlon villa, Seiennes bill I Smart, Robert, to George strf't't

SleIgh, )Ira Eteanor,26 RankeiUor street; I Smart, Wm ...pirit t1caJ~r, 27 Hichmoncll'Jace

Slight, Alex. & G. H. engibee!8, 3.&. Loeith walk -house, 6 nill place
Slight, Alex. (..4.. t G. H. S.), C.,heriDc Smart, WiIliam, spiritmerc:hant,!J Old l'hysic
cottage, Leitll walk gardens-boo 26
Slight, Alex. surveyor, 8 Spittal street Smart, )frs J. spirit re('r. S. St MarYA "rDd
Slight, George,41 South Clnk Itreet Smut, )fiUCI, milliners and dre3smaktr5, 6
Slight, Geo.H. (A.~· G. 11. S.), 25 Hadding. Brighton street
ton place Smeal, .T. grocer aDd .pirh dlr. :l Admiralty "c.
Slight, James, tobacconist, 28 NicollOn street Smeal, Jot. station agcnt, K P. and 1>. rail.
Sligo, Archibald Smith, " Drummoml place war. Granton
SUmmon, 1\(rs, hOller, &5 Tolbooth .,y. I..eith Smeaton, Rey. Gcorg(', prOfes.l'Of of tllt'ology.
Slim on, David, 'I'A Broughton s1reet NeW' College, 16 Duceleurh pllce
Slimon, Jame. (T. B. CampbfJl ~. Q).), '1." Smeaton, 1\1l'fI, I.flies' nu::'8", 7 J\ictllnonlt ct,
BroughtoD street SUEATON Brick Works-office, St l.ecHlard',
Slimon, Kobt. general furnishing and monu. .tation-neorge llalgrifO, "gent
facturing ironmonger, Sce., ... &.: 45 Short' Smellie, HenrT, groccr, 30 N. Uicbmond tt.
-workshops, 20 Broad wyod, l..eith Smellie, 11., grocer, 80 CrO!iscauS(·y-ho. ~:?
Slimon, Wm. 31 GiJes' !'t. I..eith SmeUie, H. photographic artist, 102loio, bridge
Sloln & Son, coal mer!., 49 Brougbton It., 67 SmeUic, Jo. tea dcaler &: grOC"c'r, 3:1 Bristo st.
Castle street, and Leith walk-See oddo. 28 Home street, and 2 Orchardfid(l plar.c-
Sloan, ThoB. (Slt'Ilnl ~ Sin.) Carstaira cottage, bc,. 1 Buccleuch IItreet
Lover', lane, Leith walk I' Smellie, Wm ••T. (Deputy (.'aml'troll('r, G. P ••
Sloan, Miss, dreamaker, 61 Cude Itreet, nnd Office), 2' Warri.ton ere.cent
1 S. St Jamea'street
Sloaoe, )In Jaa. 16 Keir .treat
I Smellie, Misl Lucy, 7 Stafibr(l street
Smlbert, neorge, baker, 216 Canongatc
SIoane, )lilses, 29 Clarence atred Smith & Co. prioler1l, 9 ~o. S1 Andre" Itreet
SI,mand, Joha, printer, W St Leonlml street Smith & (arven, milJincrII and dressmakers.
Sman & Co. wholeta1e &: relail cbina aDd '1" George street
gl&l8 wueboU!Ie, 33 George IV. bridge Smith and Wilson, drugglllts, 50-a Charlotte
SmaU. Hobart, Yictual deeler, 2 Hamilton pt street, Leith
Higb rlggs Smith & Pbilpot, auctioneers, appraiscfR .nd
Srn ail, Thol. victualler and groUt', 12 East generall"olDmiusion agclltll, 79 Georgc sf.
Ufcbmond .trEet Smith. A. lit D. muool. .daterll, glnzien,
Small & SoD, bird.ltufen, 88 Gtorge st. i cbimney.,weepers, &c. 6 W. Lauriston pi. ...

....... ~c...·_~,.;,;-__...............;;~;'O¥.fiil;Ji...
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a ........5.......,..,••, .... r_
.........III.IIPIil......IiII. .
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. \ ;
Smida, .\c1am, boot&lhoe maker, 63 Pleasance ,I Smith, Geo. dairy, 3 Northumberland place
- Smitb, J~hn, umbre~a and panlO! mlnuiae- Smith, Thos. pliuter and paper-hanger, 2i
Smitb, Alexander, W.S. 1& York plaee' Smith, George, bootmaker, 1 lfaltlaDd at. , lurer, 38 North bndge. George street
Smith, Alexander, leerew1 to Edinburgh Smith, Georgc. 19 Salisbur,ltreet :;mlth, John, bell.banger, south, and gat- Smitb, Thomas, lodgings, ..., Cnmberlan(l
University, Boawen road, Peel pt \Vardie Smith, G. F. agent, 20 Nfllton Itreet fitter, 26 Earl Grey street street
S.tth.. Ales.. com. traYellert Bonniogton mills Smith, G. H •• M.D., 80 Great King street Smith, John, painter, 10 RaDkelllor street Smith, "Talter, "heep and cattle ..lftman
Smith, Ales. merchant, 2 Bank s1. Leith Smith, G. I., Royal bank, Clyde st. laue Sm~th, John K. bnilder, f Ga."Clner·s crescent Dean cottage, Dean '
Smith, Ales. M. teacher, lil Stcp!le1t', ICltOOl-' Smith, Henry G. C. teacher of mathematics, Smith" John, umbrella & parasol maker & Smith, !lev. Walter, S George squint
bouse, 7 St Vincent street 1 Mound place !!lffler, 78-.\ Princes street Smitb, WaIter, plumber and sasfitter. 1 t
Smith, Alex. lV. teacher of singing, 12 An- Smith, H., photographic artist, 102 South hr. SmIth, John. grocer and wine merchant, ~ India place
\Jpa street Smith, H.Burgeon (T. et H.SJllitA), Heriot hID , Duncm 8trce~ . Smith, \viIllam, 1 Janefleld place, f...eith
Smith, Alex. tailor, 1~7 ROle street house ~mith, John, ta~or, HIUhou~eld Sm!th, Rev •. "{m. Laurel bank, lSormip~n
Smith, AIel:. builder, Tanfield Smith, Harry, ad,ocate, 1; India street Sml~, John, tador a~d clothier, 102 South Smith, 'Vilham & Sou, builders, 79 S. Clerk
Smith, Alex. baker, 12 WiIltam It. Smith, Harr1 W. window·tie1cet and ahow- bridge-house, 06 Clerk ~treet IItreet
Smith, AIex. corn factor & commilHiiQn agent. card ~rinter, engraver, and litho. 102 S. br. Smith,J. N. chemi8~ & druggist, 62 Kirkgate Smith, 'Vm. wright & undertaker, J2 Upper
22 Dernard st.-bo. 18 Annanclale Itreet Smith, J. Se Co. jeweUen, G Clerk street .. -houle 48 Junction . t r e e t . I?ean fltreet-hous.!, 2 Cht'YDe .treet
Smith, Alex. lodginga, 11 Albany street Smith, J. Inine, short-band wr. ~3 Dundu at Smith, John, coal merchant, CaJedonllD ralJ.- South, Wm. boot and shocma)(er 71 'folbooth
Smilb, .Alfred WaIter Preston, chemist, 3 St Smith, J. A. writer, 1'1 Hil1strcet hp. 8 Downle place-See .Ad". wrrnl~ Leith-bouse, io '
Dernard's row Smith, .J. Stacey, wine mer. 11 Racburn pI. Sml~, .Tohn, 111a.,1 manufacturer, elothler,4 Smith, \villiam, architect and civil eogiDeer,
Smith, A. grocer an(lsplrJt dlr., 24- I.leven st. and 99 George street .. ft~neral dr~per, 106 South bridge 4 Melbourne place
Smith, Andrcw, S.S.C. 29 Buccleuch place Smith, J. smith and farrier, 81 Abbey hill Sm!th, J. (lJ. S. ~ &111)" Clerk It. Smith, William, 161 CauM!yshle
Smith, Andrew, W.S.27 Dundas street Smith, J. watchmaker and jewel1er, 11 and Sm!th, John, builder, 9 Glover .treet Smith, WilIilm, house agent I Dean .treet
Smith, !udrew, brush and trunk manu- IU Kirkgnte Smith, John (J. S. and Son), 2' NicollOl1 Smith, 'VilJiam, flCIJhcr, 10 'WeAt port-boo
facturer, 70 Nieolson st. Smith, J. Campbell, advocate, 30 Ro,al cireut
Smith, Arch. E.U.V. masterSt Davidtslooge, Smith, Rev. J. S. Grange loan
1 1\lillto street Smith, Jas. architect, H.1\-I. master mason for
I Greenltill lodge
Smlth, J. & S.on, W'i!eworkers and weavers, Smith, William, woollen draper, 261 High
mmstone buddcrs, Importers of}'rench burr street-house,~) LauriltoD "lrm
Smitb, C. baker, 1 North Ri~.mond st. and Scotland, 7 West Maitland st. blocks, 219 High .treet Smith, Wm. wire worker, 11 S. St AncJrew 51.
89 Hilth It. Smith, .Tames ( W. 6' Son) 1 Henry st.
Smith, Chnrles,grocer. 'piritdeall'l', 1 Riddle's Smith, James, 26 1\linto street
s. Smith, Laurence ( G.P... 0.) 17 Bristo .treet
Sm!th, )I. ~wfeeder, 6 Hone wylld
I and 162 High atreet
Smith, Willi,;Ut 73 NicotlOn street
close, l . eith Smith, Jamell, builder, joiner, undertaker, ~m~th, Patrtck, 5 l\forto~ slre.,t I Smith, Wm. spirit dealer, 12 (;r:lssmarket

Smith, Chas. grocer, 38 Duke street, Leith and bouse factor, BeUe,ue Sm!th, Peter, letter-camer, 42.Buceleuch st. ! Smith, 'Vm. manngcr, E. '" 8. Law Lifo
Smith, CoMn, llortrait painter, 3~ York 1'1. Smith, lames, wright & builder, 1~ Riego at. Smltb, Peter, grocer and wplrlt merchant, 1 Al8u;-ance AIIOciulioll, 120 J'rincC'S Ineet-
Smith,Dllnid, corn merch. 25 Hacldington pI. Smith, J., musical glus manuf. '; ~l1ion at. ~ordan place, Mominglide ho. Elmbank, Whitebouse loan-See Am..
Smitb, David, com. traveller, 2 Kyle's place, Smith, Jas. (Douglas d: S.), 2~ Scotland It. Smith, Pet. B. sculptor, Dean park-hOe J 1 Smith, 'ViUm.m, grocer and ~ptri' merchant,
Madeira street Smith, Jamc8, grocer, 131 Grassmarkct ~ut1e te!!ace 99 South back of Canongnte
Smith, David, grocer nnd wine merchaut, 39 Smith, JameR, grocer and wine merchant, ~ Smith, PhdlP, broker and furniture dwer, Smith, 'Vm. watehmaker, 33 'Vest Nicol-
Droughtor. strect Union place 2' and 75 St Andre .. IUee&, Leith son street
Sml&h, David, manager, North British Insu- Smith, .Tames, wrlght, 7 Brown street Smitb, R. l\lackay, ... Bellcvue erea.-oftice, Smith, 'Vi11iam, and litho-
rance Co. fa I' street -hoe Dud- Smith,.Jame8, 17 Cauels' place Exchange buil~ng., Lei&h grapher, U Northumberland street
dingston cottnge, l>ortobello Smith, Jas. 128 Constitution street ~mith, R. P. stationer, &c, 125 NicollOn tt. t Smith. William, gardcuer, Bonnington
Smith, David (EdinbtU'[J/' and Pert!. D,'cad Smith, James wine and spirit merehaat, 80 ~m~th, nobt. <Ct:sto""!), ~ Hamburg place Smith, 'Vm. grocer, 7ft High screet
Co.), I G Richmontl place and 8~ Lauriston svcet SmIth, Roben SlDclair, Surve1CJ: Of' tUft, G Smith, WIn. C. 6 V:lDbul"«h pbce
Smith, David, 26 'Vnrl'iston erelcent Smith, .Tames. 'V.S., 11 HU1 street Waterloo place-honse, I' Preston Itreet Smith, 1\lrs AlclC. 1 S. Charlotte street
Smith, David, plumber and gasfitter, 20 'Vest Smilll, Jamcs, 4 Graham street ~mith, Robert, ~.S.C•• 9 S~fFord ~t.reet Smitb, AIrs Andrcw, 103 Grorgc IItrcJ.'t
Crosscau8ey Smith, James, writer, ~ Danube ~treet Smith, Robert, Jun. (H. 11. &: Co.), S.S.C. Smitll, Mrs C. fruiterer, 2 St I'atrirk &q'lare
Smith. David, 7 N.- W. Circus place Smith,John Alex., M.D. and surgeon, 'I We8t . 3.5 Queen s t r e e t . Smith, :Mrs David, 10 Glo\'cr street
Smith, Da'/id, 10 Roxburgb place ?tlaltland street SmIth, R. luneyor of building! and valuator, Smith, 1\lrs EIi?.abcth, 22 .l\IelviHc .tl"et!t
Smith, Davitl, dyer anll scourer, 17 George Smith, J. ArbuthDoU (B. L. Co. B.), Belleyue , ~o. Castle street Smith, Iln Gilbert, 35 Scotland fitrt>et
street antI Si Jobn's hill lodge, Dick place srn!'.!, S. tailor aDd clothier, 13 North bndgc Smith, Mrs J. grarer and spirit, 10
Smitb, D. 1\1. advocate, 1Ii S. Charlotte Itrf'ct Smith, J. L. bookseller, lltationer, circulating Soutb, T. & H. surgeons and drnggi.te, and Spence·. place, Leith
Smith, D,,·id. working men', refresht. rooms, library, anll stamp' distributor, 1 Antp , ~anufs. of aerated water~, ~I Duke street Smhh, l\Irs .Jnmes, 6 West Preston atreet
11 ROlle street I strect-llO. 19 Spring garden" Abbey hW Sm!tb, P~v. Thomas, " Ketr street SrJith, Mrs .Tames, 2' St Patrlck 5cl'mre
Smith. D. slater, 39 Leven street Smith, JOllll t cut-gl.... manufacturer, 1 g. Smith, Thomas, wrighc and undertaker, 2 Smith, lths .10hll O. J4 Piu street
Smith, David, sbip-broker an(1 commission phion place S ~:iCcletlch street-tio. 6 Hope park £!quare Smith, Mrs .J. prov. dea!t!r, 269 Cowg:tte
agent, 9 Dock glltcs-llO.5 Madeira lit. Smith, .Tohn, governGr of Prison, Regent roed mh~lll'hT. surgeon (T. q. 11. Smith), Heriot-, Smith, l\In Law, ... Portland terrace
Smith, George, joiner; 19 N.-W. Circus pl:1cC Smith, Jobn, watebm"kcr, 18 North bridge
Smith, r.eorge, 'lfcbitect, 17 Gcorgo street- Smith, .John I'. warehouse, 21 Bread sweet
housr, Rudey lodge, Trinity Smltb, Jolm! :\{.D., F .R.C.P. 20 Charlotte 14·
.. ouse

Sm I h' T l
Thomas, Brougham street
I Smith, l\Irs Margarct, so Aln street
~mi~' l 'h 01. teacher of music, 3 Heriot mount Smith, )fn 'Vm. 4, Hope street, l.cith walk
Smith, l\Irs ,\Tilliam, 'mlics' nurse, t Dean
Sm~th, George,31 stafford street Smith, John, currier, 101 I'leasance m t, ,~lUa" porter and ale merchant, 10 street
SmIth, Geo. n., S.S.C. 9 Stafford street Smith, In. M.D., F .n.c.s,g surg.-dentilt, 11 . South Autdry street Smith, l\fn W. B. 6 Hundy fltreet
Smith, Rev. Gcorge, D.D.... Unmloll)h clifF Wemyss place SDlh~, TItos. & Pat. JDfI'chanb, SO Consd. Smith.1\lrll, lodgings, )0 N. St ADdrew It.
:5mttll, George, S111wl mllnufadul'cr, J08 ~o. Smith,J. D. carver an(1 gilder, picture Jiaerud tUUon Rtl'eel Smith, AIrs, 27 MODtagU Atll"l't
b.ritlgc-ho •. l1\1into s t . , clenner, 33 W. Urgiatcr street Smith, Thos. lodgings, fp6 Northumberland Smith, )11'1, lodgin~, I~ Union strect
Smltll, Gco. tAIlor, &c. 69 St Mary 8 wynd , Smith, .Tohn, 56 Albany etreet street Smith t Mrs, GreenhiU lodge, GreenbilllJllhk

'-0·-::;" ..... _::;.... . IiFiij(illill~-., 'C...............IIlIU..,•• 'iil.... • ,.
..1.i. . . . . J ...... J U U se b'.
Smith, Mn, 25 Haddington placc SOCIETY for PropagatingChrJstian Knowledge, Somervillo, Mill, boarding Ichool, 421\J"ny pt SpeDce, James, (ruitcrer, 1 Brougbton street
Smith, 1\Irs, 8 Mar, place 49 Queen street Somerville, l\liases, millinere, 83 Bridge st. Speuee, James, l'.U.C.S.E. lecturer on lur.
Smith, Mrs, 26 Warn.ton crescent SoCIETY for Relief of the Destitute Sick- Sommerville, Alex. C. snk mereer and draper, gery, 21-A Ainslie placc
Smith, :Mrs, 1 North.West Circus place John 1l'Culloch (Britu" Linen Compan9), 50 Nicolson street-huu.e, 56 Spenoo, John, 6urgeon.dentilt," Nelson st.
Smith) Mn, Welt Grange treuurer, 11 Duke street &JOlmertill~, G. lapidary, 9 High ter. Leith st. I Spencf, .John, architect, 5 Lothian roacl
Smith, Ml'I, 2'Gayfield sCluere
Smith, Mu, 16 Broughton place
Scottish Episcopal Church-H. J.
W.S. )6 DundaSltreet,&ecre&ary and
Somerville, Henr,,4 Hope terrace, Leith Spenee, John, tavern-ketlper, manufacturer of
SommenJUe, James, mason, 18 Jamaica street lemonade, soda water, and ginger beer, 10
Smith. ?tlr" china merchant, 19 Clerkstree' treasurer Sommerville, Airs, 212 Canongate Hunter square, and ... Dlair street
Smith, Mill E. lodgings, 2 'rrinity crqscent SoCIETY, Total Abstinence-committeerooms, Sommenille, Mrs,cowCeeder, 9l\lacdowaIJ st. 'I Spencl', .Josepb, saddler, 24 Grassmarket-
Smith, Alisl, 15 Danube street 52 NtcollOn st.-I!. SmeUie, keeper Sommerdlle, Airs, lapidary, seal engraver" boo 46 Home street
Smitl., Alisl l\Iargaret, 2 Crichton street Soehns, Frederick, lithographic draughtsmnn,
Smith, Miss, Firth cottage, GreenhUl bank 63 l-'rederick stree'
Smith, MillS, French conet maker, 1 St Ber- SoLDIERs'reading & refreshment rooml, 374.
Somner. Uich. grain commercial agent, N.
UaU"'ay station
and mineraldeller, 13 West Uegisterstreet I Spenee, Norman (Edin. and Leitl, Ga$ Cv.)
2 Haddiugton place
Spent"e, William, sec. 11. I ..intn Co., 36 St
nard', roW'
Smithy Miss, 2 Hope park
Castle hill
SOLIClTOIl.l of Supreme Courts-library,
Somrter, Mrs Margoret, 45 E. Claremont .t. I Auorew
Soren&en, H. A. & Co. commission mercbants, SpcnC81' 1\bs AIel. 8 CI.rcnclon Cfl...cent
Smith, Mine. E. & M. dress and cloak Parliament house-hours of attendance,
makers, 62 ROle street Selllon, 9 to .a., Vacation, 10 to 3
Smiths and Co. pu"eyora of lamps anc) oil. SOLlcIToas-AT..LA w-hall, 3 1\. Exchange
32 Constitution street
SOl'cnsen,?tIartu8, merchant, 13 Bernard
house, .. Hermitage place, Leith
st.-I I Spence, Mrs Da'lid, 131 Kirkgate
Spcnce, l\lrs Gearg." cowf..ecler, 'l'hornybauk
Spence, Mrs, dairy, oS William .treet
to the Queen, bruafounden, gasfitters, \in. Somervitle, A. G. (General P(j,t. Office),Larch. Sorreck, Aliss, French staymkr. 15 Brown st. I Spcnce, llr., Athc1stane cot. Fcny rd. Wardic
smithl, and railway lamp manufacturers, field villa, EIster road Sounnes, Robert, grocer and winc mercht. 82' Spence, Albs, 8 Smitb's Illacc
1 Dlair street and 5 110,", stree' Somer.ille, Alex. (Inland Ret.,'cnllt), 2 Sue High street Spen., Natbtnicl, of Craigsanquhar, W.S. 2~
Smytb. Chas. Pialzl, profe••or of practieal Coburg place Soutar, J. G. (Bank of Scol.), Findhorn }ll. Walker str,'!et
utronomy, and astronomer royal for Scot- Somerville, Alex. turner and print cutter, 10 Grnnge Spent, 1\lrs Dt, I" Drummond pla<.'e
land, 1 Hillside cre.cent High street Sauter, Franc!s George,26 Rutland street Spidcn, .Mrs n. 21 Charles IItfl'Ct
Smyth, DaYid, tailor, 18 Welt Richmond st. Somerville, Rev. Andre.., D.D. foreign .eey. Souter, John, waiter, 2 Kerr street Spiers, 1\lrs A. ': Walker IItreet
Smytb, Mrs, 30 Clarence street to Alission Board, U. P. Church, 5 Queen Souter, S. provision mercbant, I Admiralty Sl,iera,1\lre Grahahl, Whitehouse foau
Sm)'tb, Mi.l, prof. of dancing, 401 York pI. street-ho. 32 Ann street street Spink, Mrs, 8 I'ie,udy place
Smyttan, Geo., 11.D. Caonan pk. GrlUlgc loan Somerville, Andw.leather merclual1t, 98 'Veil Souter, 1\Irs, ladies' nurse, 12-A St James' sq. Spinb. l:has. WClOt' turner l 24 Kirkgate
SnOdgrass, James tiruggist. 238 Canongate port Souter, 1\(rs, 46 Great King street Sl,inkl, Chas. Gra \', nuvoealt', 26 Ht, KiD'"
Snody, An drew, S.S.C. city aRent for I..elth, Somerwille, Aw. collector, New Slaughter. SOUTU Britlge Pawnbroking Co. 3& So. bridp;i!, s t r e e t ' 0
26 Gayfield square and 123 Constitution houses Geo. ltusseIJ ..... an.gillg partner-Sce Ad",. Spiltal, Laciy, ~(j Gro't King street
street, Leith Somenille, .James, baker and victualler, 129 SoIJTUER!( Academy, Park place house ,Spitt41, l\trs Jamee, ... Uralldoll street
Snow & John.ton, fleshers, .; and 6 Middle u.ose street Soutter, bazaar, 10:.! Princes street-work-, Spittal, M1'8 .John, 8 Nicolson 8cluIlre
market Somerville, .James, S.S.C. GO H.nover street shop, 110 ltose slreet Sl,ottiswoooc, n., C.A. t Man6fidtl mill S.) 1
Snow, F. fleaher, 19 Middle market -hot Slate€ord hOllle Spaldmg, Peter, grocer and spirit merchant" 'J'histle !tr~'Ct-ho. 1S Ho .. nrd plnce I

Sno,,", Jobn, flesber, 16 South StJames' street Somerville, John & Co. wine mercbants, 46 )4 ltoae street-houae, 20 Sprot, Thomas. W.S. 10 IJrutlltllond place
Snow(lon, Walter, 31 Broughton place Quality street Spaldillg, Mrs 'Vm. J 9 ltacburn place : Sprot, 1\liss, 28 Itutland Iquare
Snowdon Mrs, 11 Gitmore place Somerville, John, hosier, glover, IIhirt mer· Sl,alding, 1\Irs, temperance hotel, 11 Leith st. 1 Squair, .Ja~. (S. Un. Jnsur.). 9 Arni'lton place
SoCUTY, Camden-'f. G. Stevenson, 22 chant, and general outfitter, 35 Princes It. Hpalding, 1\(rs, ladies' nllfle, 9 .Jamaica street St Clair, .Johu, teacher of violin find concer-
Frederick slreet, agent houae, 1 Sco&1and stree' Sl,altlon, Alisses, ()rcssmakers, 21 Bruns· tina, 19 South bridg~
SOCIETY, City Mission-T. ScoU, treasurer, Somerville, John, 10 Buccleuch at. wick street ST CUTIII£RT'S Lodge of Frcc l.iarllt'nt'rll-
10 George street SomeniUc, .John (J. S. ~ Co.), 240 l'ilrig Ilt. Spankie, 1\lisfl, S l\[Quta,ItU street Wm. Hald.nt·, 1 iJedfonl street. It. W.)L;
SOCIETY for Clothing the Industrious Poor, SomenUlc, John (AI. S. ~ Co.), 22 Pilrig It. SlJaven, 1\oOOrt, aaddler antI harneslI m.ker, i W. lJurgc, 10 North bridge. trca~:url'r
7 Brighton street Somenille, Lieut.-Col. 9 Royal creacent 16 S. St Anflrew at.-ho. 8 'Vest A(lam st,! ST CVTUllt:RT·. I'elfilb Chambers, ~'it Cuth.
SoCIETY, Gaelic Schoola-'V. P. Kenncdy, Somcr.i11e, Robrrl, W.S. 19 India 8treet Spa"en, 1\lr8 John, 11 Duncan st. Newillgton ! bert's lane-.Jamet Craig. inspector
treasurer, 19 George .treet Somer~i11e, Robert, Ali1ne court, 81 High st. Speirs, James, eommiasion and house agent, ,ST CU'fIlIlRn'. or Weat Kirk l)oorh"~ullf'
SOCIETY, Hakluyt-T. O. Stevenlon, 22 Somcr,'llle, ltobert, stationerand librarian, 10 10 N. St Andrew 8t. I St Cuthber&', lane, Lothian road-'l'Iw;'
I<'rederick st,'eet, agent SpriDH gardens-house. 2 Church street RpCllCC & l\lack, S.S.C.l.a.A S. St Andre" st. : Dick, houle governor
SOCIETY, Heriot's Beneftt-.John Mutton, Somervlllc, Robcrt, wholesale stationer, i5 Spence, Andrew, tea, wine, and IIpirh mer-1ST lI .. IlGUftT's Convent, JJrunt"fil'ld linh
73 Nicoleon st. Hanovtr street-house, 9 Dean strcet chant, 66 and 61 'rolbooth wynu-houle, ST STr.'U£X'S Sellool, Mf Urunswick fllred
SoCIBTY, lona-T. G. Steven60n, 22 Frederick Somerville, RoiJert, ... ltadeira .treet, Leith Adclphi place, Leith links ISTAGE CoacheG-~('t' Cos v n "se.: p'!\!C-
street, agent
SOCIITY, Irish Evangelica1, Edinburgh Auxi-
Somenilte, Samuel, 1\1.0., F .R.C.I'. 17 Hart
Spence, A. 'V. agent for Insurance Co. oC' TORY
S.cotland, ahll British GUllantce Associll_1 Stage, Miss, tracher. ~" Haddlngton pll!cC
liary-W. F. Watson, 52 Princes street Somer,ille, Tholi. ot Greenficld, 19 Danube tlon, 1o,," Constitution street-houllc, @ Stalker, David. watcb & clock maker, 0 Com~
SoCIETY, London Missionary, Edinhurgh street Clarenllon crelcent ! mercial place, I.cith
Auxiliary_ W. F. 'Vallon, .;~ Princes Somcrville, Thos. llpirit merchant) 1G Fltch- Spene.., Cbarles (Spenct and Mac!.;), 90 Stalkcr, J'cter, Illilmakt'r, 3 Bemard street
street, treasurer market close Causeystdc I Stalker, Thomas, hairdresser alld l,crfum'Zr
SOCIE'f\", Naval and Military Bible-'VUUam Somenille, Wm. grocer and spirit dealer. Spcnce, Charles, grocer, 3 lIaddington place, 23 North·wclIt CirCUli place '
Kenoed" 79 Geor~e street, trealurer 183 Canongate Si'ence, }t'raocis, painter and glazier, 6 Sll Stalker, WilliRm, china merchant, 38 Sand.
SoOlBTY for Preventmg Cruelty to Animal. SomeniJIe, Mr. James, ,Ictual dealer, 1 Ha- Andrew Itreet-house, 118 Klrkgato port etreet
-Hugh Paton, 10 Princes street, treasurer milton placo Spence, George, 8urgeon, Drou~ham .5treet Stalker, 1\11'1 James, spirit dealer, &c. 36 N.
SOCIETY for Promoting Christian Knowledge Somerville, Mrs George, victual dealer, It Spcnce, Jam.,s, taUor and clothter,31 South Piu street
-Uobert Grant and Son, 64 Princes stred Greenside street bridge I Stalker, Mrs, lodging8, 31 Alblny ,treel

-~ < • • •- , r,.'44i........
ioW . . . lflP nt' LUll Flam ... ,pr . . . I • • se 7 2 • I. If

e \ or
I Stevenson, Jamea, tea lIn(l (oftt-e dealer 'lO
Gcorge street Steel, Dand, .blpmaster~ 2 Aladeira plue
S1'.AlIDARD Life Assurance Co. 3
- 'ViUiahl Tbos. 'fhomson, manager-Sec Steel, David, druggisc, IS Bucc1euch place
Steel, David, chemist, 29 HaooTer street
S&cnhouse, ll!', cook, 38 India place
Stenbowe, Miss, " Hopfl terrlice, Leith I Heriut I,lacc, l.auriston
Step::'enlJ, F. A. St3nW'eU lodge, Bounington Stevenson, Jas. late surg'. Ma(tras establisbm
' '

ST.AI'iDAIU> Property Investment and Land Steel, Ebcnr. commis8ion agent, 6 King's pI. :itephens~ H. cot. Bonnington road I1 H.E.t.C.S. J I St Bernard's crescent •
~tephe~8, J ... tea dealer, "Fleshmarket close Stevenson. James, J3 Randol1)h crescent
aud Building Society, 31 Gcorge IV. br.- Steel, G. Payne, agent, " Henry place

7 to 9 1".)(. I
open on )Ionda,., 'Veduesclay, and Friday, Steel, Jas. boot and shoemaker, CanaaD lane
Steel, James, Craigend brewer,., 8-1. Nortli
Stepbens, W. National Bank
Stepbens~ Mrs 'Vm. 1 Sannders street
Ste\,cnson, John, (U"iOlC !lcl1Ik),2 Graham
Staohouse, 'Vm. 71 Gilmore place back 0; Canongate :-'tephensoo! & Son, COJ~b manufacturers to i Stc\,euson, John {So .\- Co.),29 ltaeburn pi.
Stantey, 'Mra Montague, 10 BeUcvllc terrace Steel, 'Villiam, upholsterer, S9 Thi!5tle street her )laJesty, 25 Prin~s street-house,! S:evensOIl, .John, grocer nnd wine merchant,
Staples, Mrs, 28 Northumbe\'land street Stet'l, Wm. wine and spirit merchant, 6 South .. Grange villa, 'Vest Nt'wlngton I 8 North Melvl11e place-houst-, Ann villa,
Stantoll~ Clark, sculptor, 80 Georgc street HanOTer Itreet stephe~son, John B. (Jamt4 RQkrtson tr CO. I Grove road '
STAR Life Assurance office, 10 George street Steel, William, baker, 21 Caesell's place
-J. l.ivingston, agent Steel, William, general draper, 1 NicollOn st.
,.. chemists), 37 George street
~tcpbc:oson, lVm. surgeon, Grange 'fi1l:t.
I:;;tevenson, Jt>~:"'. spirit dealer. Crafg's close,
265 High street
Starforth, .John, architect, 18 Queen Itreet- Steel, Miss, (!r~ssmaker, 6 S. Castle street StephcJ,lon, Wm. fancy tamer, \Vest Ro~e It. 1 StevensOD, John. flesh er, 16 Flc!;hmark~t close
house, l\Iurray6eld Steflle, James, baker, 5S NicollOn Itreet- · lane . I StcvensQn: }'cter, philosophical instrument
Stark, .James, smith and kitchen range waker, house, 51 ~tepheDson, Mrs Uobci't, Gra.nge .111a j maker 9 I..othian street-house 5ti
36 & SS Lothian retad Steele, John, fumisbirg ironmonger, 1~4 STETTIN Steam })acket Office, J. Ink5ter, 3" I Stevenso~. Philip, R.~. 33 Bridg: street
Stark, Adam, ironmonger, 8 Bank street- I'linces street and 100 High street-house, Bernard street . Stevcnsoll, Ilobcrt (Com. Bunk of Scut/nnc/)
bouse. G5 Laurilton place 5 Gilmore place Stenart, Archibald, \V.S. 17 India strt.'Ct-1 33 lIowe street .,'
Stark~ Georgc G. corn factor, 3 E. Clarenoo It. Steel." Pal. S.2S Inverleith row house, 6 Alm street Steverlson, Rev. n. H. !) Oxford terracn
Stark, .Tames, butcher. 3. Abbey hill Steele, I'eter, classical master, 1..... C. Normal Steuart, Charltos, W.S. 17 India st.-house, 3 Stev."ns0!l, Tbos. Berlin wool. buttou, .and
Stark, John, Invalid's attendant, 10 Dalrymple school, 33 BucclcDcb place Albynl'ac~ trJmmlllb' warebousr, 76 l'rinccK st -110
place Steel.. , \V. & P. furnishing ironmongers to the StCUlrt, • & C., W.S. 17 India .treet 11 38 UaukeUlor st. . .
Stark, .Tames, lI.D., .'.U.C.I'. 21 Rutland st. I Queen, 61 George street Steuart, Jamcs, W.S. 17 India street-house, Stc\"cnsOD, '1'hos. Gco. booksl'llcr, publisher, &
Stark, Joll1l, grocer ant1 spirit dealer, 32; Stcelc, 'VilkinlOn, mercbant, 18 Pilrig street 8 Dounc terrace bookbinder, 2'2 Fledcrick 8t.-bouse, 4 Tor-
Abbey bill I Steele, W., S.S.C. agent for Guara.ntee Society, ~teuart, R~bcrt, of Cllrfin, 46 Moray. place phirhcn street
Stark, 1\oht. 'll. llcetlllman and lIori&t,-1 1 George street Steuart, 1tf!SS, of Sten!!rt hall, 16 Mattland st. Stevenson, T. civil cnginct>r. 17 Heriot row
nursery, Edgchill, Denn-7 South Charlotte '\ Steele, William, wine and spirit merchant, s Steuart, MISS, 3 Albyn place ~tc"eDsonl 'Vm. Cowlln, ';2 Gro,'c street
inreet W. Ricbmond st.-ho. ) 2 Iloxburgh pI. Steven, 1\1. M. printer, 3 S~mmerhall ~lnce StcvenlloD, \Vm. cattle dealer, JOr<!an hurn
Stark, 'rhos, tohacco manufac. sI West porL ; Steele, ltrs M. 2S Nelson Itreet I
SUtven, Robt. VictUal & spint dealer, s, Ellst Stevcnson, \Vm. upholsterer,5a Uanow:r st.
Stark, Wm. buildt:r and architect, 48 Loudon Steele, Miss, g Summer place CrosscauseT -house '13 Itolle 5tret't
Stev~n, ~. builder,joincr, antI. timber mercht../ ~tcvenson,' \ViUiam, turner, Lothian rond

street Stecle, Misses .M. & C. drcssmkrs. '.23 South br.

Stark, WUliam, jun. huildcr--yar.·, SPittlll 1 Steelc, Mislcs, 19 Pitt street • Vlctona street, and ~onttrngg . Ste\·cuson. \V m. If. confectioner and fruitc.'rer,
strect-house, 6 Keir street 8tooll, Gershom, 7 Annaudale street SteveD, \V. grocer & wme mercht. 45 Bru]ge I 22 Victoria street
Star1il1~, Miss, 3 W. l'rcston street 1Sreell, Gourlay, R.S.A., portrait And anilllll street & 37 Sandport st.-ho. 1 Bank place Ste\'enson, .Mrs Alcx. 108 Gcorgc &trct't
S1'ATF. Fire IUlurance IlDd Accidcntal rlf)Ath painter to tht! Highl.ud and Agrieultun! Steven, l\1rs, 11 Richmond plare Ste.enson, Mrs .James S Atholfplare
nnd Casualty Insumncc, 2-11 St .ADdrew Society of Scotland, " llandolph place ~tc,enl, 'I'hOB. boot and shoe maker, CLnr- Stevcnson, Mrs Jame;, 51 Clerk IJtrret
Iquare-Thomas Wallacc, S.S.C'I1!~cnt SleelJ, JllO., U.S.A.&culptorto her ~lajesty- I
~ lotte street, Leith-houst', 21 Gilcs· street Stevenlion, Alrs Jnmes, S.- 'Y. l'\(>wington 1'1.
8~\'ert, Mr., 31 MclriUe street studio, 9 Ran(loJph plllce; bronze foundrJ, ,:,tevens, Wm. cooper, 6 'I'ollcrols-house, SI StcVeJllOn, :Mrs, lodgings &0 RankeiIJor str<!ct
St:lvert, lira nob. Is Clarcmont crescent Grove street-house, 24. Greenhill gardeal Stovenl, l\lrs .Alcx. 65 Nicolson .'reet IStevcU801l 1 Mrs. 11- Nicoillon square
bTl.;,ur I)a~ket Offices - SCe CONVEY ANes Steen, .John C. head master of the Edinburgb SteYens, l\In, I.; l\Iontagu street I ~tevensoJ" Mrs, lodgings, ,;, Drlllto street
DIlUWTORY Ladies' Inltitution, 1 l'ark place-house, ~tevenlOn & Co., stereotypers, 28 Thi~t1e Kt. i StcvcUBon, Mrs nr, 2 1\le3110,\, pi.
Stcbbing, Alexander, painter, 10~ Kirkgate! 61 Lauriston place Stevenson, A. U. architect, 10 TOI'J)Mchcu IStevensoD, Miss U... ~ India strert
-house, 12 Glover street Stcgmann & Co. corn facton and co",. mer. , street . I Stevenson. Mi8s, Carrarll cot. DiC"k Id. W ('5t
;-";tebhing, banc, bookbinder, 5 Nicoleon st. ! cbnn~, 34 Ccmltitution st:eet StevenlOn, Alexander, tnmming, hosi(lry, :lOd I Stevcnson, EII1.. ~I. drct.mlakcr, &c••Jo"dan
Steehan, Ji~. G. Louis, printscller. picture Step-ann, C., Claremont park, Leith link.
frame maker, and importt.?r of German gilt I Stell1, .John, 38 Grango road
lace warehoule, .$8 South bridge nnd 54 anti I burn cottage
29 Nicolloson street-house, Marion villa, I Scevcllton, .Tobn, ptirule d; ('M/WIt r('ial Iwt"l
I ! 2:1 Oeorge street
moultlings, nnd foreign and Britisb cigar Stein, Andrew, commission merchant, ageDt
dealer, 12 mm row
Stcc(}moll, Henry, bookbinder, ..... George
for Camcron bridge and Seggie diltiller"
Sciennes bill gnrtlen8
~tevenson, Alexander, W.S. 9 Heriot row
Stcv~J\8on, Allen, hat manufacturer, 1 'Vesl
Stewart and Co••Dcrchants, :11 f;t Audrew

strcet-housf', 2:l 'I'ldstlc street Stein, And .• W.S. (Hagart tS- S.) U Great · Nlco)son street S\awart & (-'rAser, dres~m. :\1 BaTOTIY strcr.t
Stccumnu, .Julllc~, sllh·it der.ler and carriers' King street, nnt} Woooville, TrinitT ~tevenson. Andrew, bookseller, 1) N. B:l1lk It. i Stc-wart, A. (/1 ,1[. Customs), 6 Pittst. Leith
quarters, 211 Higb street Stein, C. St Andrew's lodge, Trinity :;tevenson, D. & T. civil engineers, 84 Gcorge ',lSte"llrt. AI('x. painter anti paper.banger 95
Slcedman, .John, grocer, &c. 20 Tbistle street Stein, .Tohn, mercbant, Lochrin ,.. street }'rmccs st.-bo. 13 Cllsdc terrace.: '
filCe(\mnn, .lohn, 21 Fettes row Stein, .:\1IS8, millnr. & dressmr.3 Portland pI.
~tce(lm~n, Michae), boot nnd shoe ma.ker, I Stenhousc & Black, contractors, 7 .Jobalton pi. terrace
Stcyenlon, Dun. S. f' Co.), 29 naebum 1'1.
8tevenROn, Dand, civil engineer, 25 Uoyal Stewart, Alex. "pir. mer. 9 l'hYlic g.rdent
Stewart, Alex. James. W.S. 98 Genrse ~trcet
so "esll)ort
I Stenhouse, Andw. & GC(). agents IDd ,hip -bou!!e,27 Pitt street
Stcedman, William, wine mercbant & grocer, brokers, Wet docks S'jeDson, .Rev. D.D., • .& Hermitage J Stewart, .\Iex. conservator of PhrenoJogical
1 Charlotte street, Leitb-bo. 3 Spriogfield Stcnhouse, Gcorge, 6 Cdt)e street p aoo, Lenb Museum. ) Surgeon .quare
Ster(lmau, ~trs, 42 Queen street Stcnhouse, Thol. (..4. t G. S.), 24 Albayst. Stevenson, .Tames, 7 Union Itreet Stcwart, Alex. grocer, wine & !!pirh mercbt.
Stecdman, Mrs, vtctl. cl enter, 13 Fountafnbr. Stellhouse, Valentine, drapf'r, 76 Shore S teveUIOD, Jamcs J builder Se hOU!k! Clrpentrr, la India placo
St~c1, O. plu.mber, gasfiurr, and zinc· worker, S&Cnhoust', 'Vm. baker. 5 Little KiDg street Broughton market-bonte, 10 Cumticrland Stewllrt, Alex. (G. P.~O.' 8 W. Adam d.
22 Gl'ccnsul0 place, and I Orcbard6eltl st. IStcubousr, Mrs. 7 LOlufon street street , Stewart, Aln. 1 I1rightoD stre!?t

Stewart. Allan Duncan. ciyil engineer, 12 Stewart, Patrick, coal merchant, 22 Willlam
Castle .treet-bo. 3 Churchill street Stew,rt, M~,~fCrossmount, 11 Albany stree' IStocks. I'eter. (D. Sloc~'~ alld Cb), 4 John"s
SteWl11, A. CG.l).-O.) ..& Earl Grey.t.
Ste.ut, A. VIooil, 33 E. Cll1remont stree'
Stewart, Chule. & Dayid, solicitors, 23 Custle
Stewart, Peter, eoach-hirer, 2 Melville street
Ste_art, Peter, letter-carrier, .s s. College It.
Stewart, Peter, wiDe and spirit merchant.
Stewart, )In. 27 Pitt atreet
Stewart, Airs, 16 London street
Sw_art, 1\fre, I Brandfield place I! place, Leith
1 Stocb, Peter, bak('r, 31 Bridge street
Stocks, W. & Co. £hiua and general merchts.
1 Glover It., 64 a~d 65 Kirkgate-lto. 66
street 11 E. Register street Stewart, Mrs, 1'" Archibald place
Stewart, Cbarles, 11 Clarendon crescent St~wart, Peter.. photographer, 1 John.ton ter. :-;tewan 1\lre 20 Dubiln stred Stodart & (unes, \\ .S. 2 Drummund place
Stewart, Chal. plumber, 20 Elder street ra.ce :-\te"art; Mr~ 65 North CatlIe street Stodart, Geo. T., W.S. (Jaf'dillc, .v. ami Prasef')
Stewar', Cb.rles, tailor and clothier, 8 Baron, Stewa", Robt. writer, 31 Broughton Itreet Stewart,1\ln, 1 Upper Gray street 16 Ahercromby pll\ce
street Stewart, Robert, yic&uai dealer, 13 Welt Stewart, Mary L. teacher of music, 3 Leopohl Stooart, Gcorge, mcrcht. 11 llitcbell strert-
Stewart, Charles, messenger, Clyd~dlllc Bank, Maitland street plate bouse, !i Brunton place
29 George strcet Stcwart.. Robert (G. P •• O.). 2 James' place Stewart, Miss Charlotte, 26 Gilmore placo Stodart, .John lUddlc, \\r,S. \S. and Innt6) 2
Stewart, D. eabinetm.ker, Baxter'. close Stewar" Robt. boot maker, 26 Nicolson street 'Stewart, Hills, dressmaker, &e. 22 'Vliliam et. DrummolHl place .
Slewart, D., CroWll hutel, 10, 11, and 12 -ho. 81 Causeyside ' Stewart, Miss, dre£ln:aker. King'. pI. cottnge Stodart~ 1'. G. medical chemIst, :; Grassmkt.
PrinceB street. Stewart, R. victual dealer, 12 North-west Cir. Stewart,1\lisl, drcIsmaker, 10 George street Stotlart, l\[rtl, ;) Hrunt!ificltl plaeft
Stewart, Dan. superintendeutE.O· G.Railway, cus plllce-boule, 13 Stewart, ~liss, 31l J.·ounw,inl-ridge l'\todart, Miss, 61 Ilchille street
North bridge atation-boUH, Haymark('t Stewart, R. D. tear.her of mUlie, 3 Leopoid Stewart, MlsI, ttressmaker, 59 Frederick st. Stodart, Miss, )2 Xelson strl'et
Stewart, Dr·:-id S. (N.lJ. A. Office), 39 1\1on- place Stcwart, lIiss, ",0 India street Stoddart, .John, 60 So. Dlacket place, .
tagu stret.' StCWIl't, Robcrt, ham merchant, 9 Soutb Ha.. t;tewara, llisR, milliner and drcssmaker, S StOlldart, J. trimming w~r(lbou~, I S. lmdge
Stewart, Davitt. 14, Minto street DO\'cr street Hamilton place Sta<tdart, David, blacksmIth, 1 Hope terrace
Stewart, Donald, crier, and asst. bar-keeper, Stewart, Robert, writer, 8 Ken st. 8tocl:brldge Stewart, Miss, dressmaker, 135 Rose street Stoddart, Tll(ls. (Amierlon & .s:) 9 Oardner's
Court of Sesston, 31 Comberland street Stcwart, P-.ubcrt G. chem. and drug., Canon.. Stewart, Misses, millineR and dressmakers, crescent
Stewart, Duncan, coach hirer, 1 llaidand mills l:t'idge- house, 27 Hamilton place 102 Princes street Stoddart, ~rrs C. 20 Fettes roW'
street Stewart, Itob., stock and shlU'e broker, 10 N. Stillie, JalUet, booksp.l1er, 16 Princes Itreet SWcidart, Miss, ~6 Howard III ace
SleWaft, Captain DunCl.n, 10 Rankeillor street St David street-hoe 65 York place Stiller, Fretlerick, wine and spirit merchar.t, Stolldart, llisl, 43 Heriot ro"
Stewarl, Duncan, lodgings, 27 Castle street Slewart, }tobert, ISO Rose street ... Brougbton stre(:t & 3 Litdtl Kin,,,, .treet ~tod,lart, Miss, 7 Cass~ll'A plare •.
Stewart, Dun. wine and spirit merchant, 39 Stewc.rt, T. & J. boot and shoe makers, 8.. STIRLING and Dunfermline Railway Co.- Storely, Ilobt. colehbullder," St Leonartlalull
Frcderick street-house, 40 Jamaica street Leith street A. J. DickEo!!, S.S.C. 25 Dundl8street, sec. Stotie, .,t,ndrew, \\T.S. 12 Broughtoll place
Stewart, George, broker, 76 St )lary'. wynd Stewarl, Tbomas, 21 Montagu street Stirling Archd. Drougbam street Storie, .Jall. commi •. agt. 10 W. Preston It.
S\ewart, Geo. corn nnd spirit mer. 12 N. W. 8t.ewart, Thoa. china mercllant, 7 Hay'lcourt StlrHng: Rev. At·ch. 37 ll;)ntngu street Stormontb, .James, teacher, Canon!l,,'e BitTY"
Circus placo -house, 25 Bread street Stirling, D. coach-hirer, ... lIaddington pt. Scl400t, 33 ~!olltngu Itr(!et
Stewart, G. C. ladies' and gentlemen's boo' Stewart, T. Graing('r, M.D. 13 Castle terrace Stirling, George, gardener, 8 Kerr street Sto1montb, 1\115!1, 38 Danube "treet . .
maker, 10 South br.-bo. 24 Gayficld sq. Stew.rt, 'Valter, IUJlerintendent, Court oJ Stirling. George, grocer, provision and spirit I Storrle, A. plane ma~uf. 161 (o'ount&m brJ~ne
Stewaft, lIugh Munro, sbare nnd stockbroker, Scs8ion, Parliament house merchant, 38 Gnes' street, Leith I Story, Uobt!rt t ... Sprmg gardentl, A~bey hal
10 N. St Daviti street Stcttart, "rilliam, 5 Alva street :-\titling, James, civil engineer, 11 Hi~l street IStortar, Th~matl, bOlllc a~cut, I? JhH Il}uarc
Stewart, .T. and G. merchts. 113 IHgl1 street
Stewart, J. C. clothier, j3 South bridge-boo
75 IJrinces st.
Stewart, 'Villiam, baker, 4 Alison's place
Stcwnrt, Wm. ironmonger and smith.. 2
Albany street-bouse, 23 Dublin It.
chan',2 St Patrick street
~tirling, .Tohn, grocer, 6 Richmond lane
:;tirling, John, grocer, wine and spirat mer- Slo~b('rt, Wdllaro, of Bhuket, Corgt:n lottge,
(,range lonn
Stolt. J)Ilvitt, " l'ark street
Stewnrt, J. C. (Nat. Bank) J 6 I.. ondlnl street Stewart, Wm. spirit dealer, 23 Gilcs' Itreet Stirling Wm. gpirit merclunt, 50 Cros... 8tott, J. U. leather mf!t'chant, ancl gUBa prrchll
Stewart, J. L. lamlscupc-painter, ~5 E. Clare-
mont street
Stewar" Wm. 6 Huudy street cauley-housc, 21
l'\tirling, WilIiam, cabinetmnker, 272 Cowgate
I d"pM, agent for County Fire OffiCl'. 12
Siddry street
Stewart, 'Vm. goods llgt1nt, Edin. and Gla...
Stewart, James, iotigirlJ:;i, !lO C!!!1t' flb'eet Stirling, William, 20 AinsHe placo i StoU, .Jolm, 76 L:ll1riston pla('e
Ste\\'art, James, cab hirer, 10 Ullnclolpl1 clift~ - .... ,Co. station, Leith-house, 2 Jue-
hem!"n\:\: ~.tirling, ~(n, Garthshorc, 9 l!ehiIl6. 8tret:t I StoU, lba "'~ wtne nlercballt, 13 Sb rub place
Stewart, Jas. )V. civil engineer, 13 Gcorge
street-house, East VicwficM, Trinity
8tuW8t't, Wm ••T. E. 1 HeUevuc ~'~oC~!!t
Stcwnrt, l\lrs Cbas. C. ) Bellevue crcacent
Stirling, l\fn, of Castle milk, .... llc1vllle 8t.
:-;tirling, Mrs, of Hobne bill, 6 Mva street l -house, l\hdllteficld •
I StoU, '»:s James, 2 Salisbury IUtet
Stewart, .Tames (Union Bank), !J Arcbd. pl. Stew:"t, Mra David, 6 Bailes street Stirling, ~ti!~S~ ~1 Queen street Stott, M1SI, 7 St Anthon, place .
Ht.ewlIrt, J as, P.~O.) 2 Pilrig model build. Stc\yart, Mn DUncan, 3 'Vinclsor street Stirton, D., bOlier & shirt maker, 291- Lawn .. I Stracban, George, tailor, 11 S. Itlchmood Ht.
Stewart, Jail. baker, 10 Couper street Stewart, Mrs G. l\[·Ken7.ic, 4-Sl\Ielvillc street market-bouse 300 I Strachan, Hunkr, corn agf'llt. -' Hay atrcct
Stewart, .Tames, 135 Rose street Stcwart, l\lrs Helen, grocer, 48 La\\riston It. Stobie Thomas s-r(lener Dean gardenll I'Strachnn, nobert, wine and flipirit mcrchaut;
Stewart, .lames, spirit merch. 331 Canongate Stewart, Mr8 I. 15 Fettcs row Stable' Willi.m' victual d~ler, 38 St Leonard 4.::::pittal street-ho. :l Spinal strt.oct
Stewart, .Tames, 'Voodbllle vitJa, Dick place Stewart, l\Irs .Tamel, 33 Howe street stre~t_ho. St Patrick square
11 Strachan, n. 11. :H Nortbumbcrland Ilre,.t
Slewnrt, John, 28 Grange road Stewart, Mrs, 22 Scotland ttreet Slobic, Willi,m, clothier, 17 Grecnlide st Strachan, Thos. land surveyor, .; Uamloll,h
Stewart, John, 1 Mound place Stewart,1\ll'S, 14 f"..cotland street Stobo, Alex. L. grocer and wioe merchant, place. .
Stcwart, John, 2 Claremont place Stewart, ltrs .John, 10 Eallt Adam street 138 Cowgate Strachan, \Vilham, 65 Cumberl:mu Ih ~et
Stewart, John, M.D. 13 Gcorge street Stewart, Airs .Tn. slater, glazier, and chlmn'l- Stobo, J. tea &. spirit mercht. 6 8t James' S(I' Strachan, Wm. emigration agent. a~c. a~ent
:'itewart, .lohn, (Gcn. RC!I' QUice), S Spring s".~epcr, 9 Queensferry lane and 14 Wright'. 8tooo, .John upbo18terer }c!() CumberJaml st. for Sutton ami Co. railway c:arrtcl' ,Dd
gardens, Abbey bill houses-bouse,30 Alva str(.-cl-See ,Ado. STOCK Excbang6 20 St :\ndrew square ,f"
(ontr:actofll. amll.ivcrpool, New or~, ,nd
Stewart, Jolm, painter and glazier, 11 Baker'" Stewart, Mu P~ter, rye-grass seed merchant, Stockman, Wm. j. (B. and S.) Great Wel. PhiJaltelphia s.s. Co., 41 Nortb br.-he. 'l
place 3 Lauriston street lingtoo Itreet Strachan, 'Villiam. grocer. 70 !'="(\'I'- uo. 2
Htewart, .John, 'V.S. ~ Norll1 Chnrlott(' street Stewart, Airs nose, 40 Great King aired Stocks, David & Co. wine merchta. and por- PiU Itreet, Lei&h
Stewart, .Toseph, gardener, Bangholm cottnge Stewart, llrs, Cumln place, Grange ter agents, .. Bernard street Strachan, )lrs, 49 l\lelvilIe street
Stewart, J.. aurence, gardener, Lovers' loan, Stewnrt, Mrs Wm. sp. dealer, 8S Canongatc Stocks, Dnill. bootmaker, 87 'Velt r.ort Str"ban, Alcx. & Co. publisher!', .,~ Gcorg~ It.
Meattows Stewart, 1\Irs 'V. lotlgiogs, 10 & 1) Albyn pI. Stocks, James (D. S. ~. Co.), Clltherine ,illa, Sl.ral1an, Ale.. (A. S. ~. (0,) Ashlc1 ,dIll,
Bonnington Grange

\ ,.
~inDau, .U•• u • .l\8UJe1 V1UIl, Ul"augt: I O~&"'"'''' ... u ............... _. - .. 1"·'&-""--u. ,y1T...,&.. "', ...", • • • • ""''4 "' .......""•• _, -1~"'-·- ..... --./---1 "'--"-~T --.----.-~ -- ~- -- - ----

Straiton, lIra, 4 Hamburg place I hannonJ, 66 Grea& Kingstreet foreign wool, Citadel Svme, Thomas. \V.S. (Datit!so,. ~ Blme), $
Strangman, Mrs, 'l St Colme f!iU~et I Sutherland and Knox, booKsellers &nd pa.b- Swain'S, John, pri,ate botel, ... and 5Albyn pI. •Carlton terrace
S&ruenburgb, Robert, spirit dealer,5 Corn-I lishers, 60 Soutb bridge
mercial pl&ce-house, 1-' . Sutherland, A. bootmaker, 87 Nicolaon street
Strathie, And. groc.2 Orcbardfield,Leith walk Sutherland, A. G., W.S. 22 FeUes row
• S".m, Edward, proviaion merchant, 53 Kirk- Syme, AIrs, 37 George square
gate-house, Si I
Syme, Miss &arab, prove dealer, 261 CD"gate
Swan, George (TiI06. JVltyle t CQ.), Big Jack'!! Syme, Miss, 20 Greenbill gardens
Street, A. (Inland BeveI1ue) E. Pitt street, I Sutherland, Ales:. bookseller and stationer, . close-house, 2Ii! St .John street Symh~gton, J?hn, superh;'t. goods d~pot, Cale-
North Leith I 75 Ge\)rge street Swan, James, baker, 81 Draughton street dontan llailway station, Lothian road
Swan, Job?, & Sons, sheep and cattle agents, Symiug.v», !!t'o: lodgings, 65 Frederick ·r.
Skeet. George, cabinetmaker nnd furniture ISutherland, Andrew, provision. merelwat, 29
dealer,45 nud 47 Hanover street I Dread stred ' 37 Laurlston place street
St.reet, )Ira, J7 South NortoD 1,1. Sutbcrland, D,micl It. Rtationer, 21 Sftth Swan, lolllt, china mcrchaat, IC3 'Vest port Symonds, Master, ItN. tl'Hbe:r or navigation,
Stronach, Ju. Watson, corn factor, 12 Royal Hanover street.-ho. 10 Grange road SWan, Rev. \Vm. 7 Hope crescent G Gardner's cres«ut
Exchange-bo. '" lloxburgb terrace Sutherland, Da"id, & Sons, ma80ns to the War Swan, "~m. lodgings, 6 Clarcnce street Symous, Peter, spirit dealer, 8 Riddle'l clOlC
Strong, A. D. South Fort street Depal·tment, LGth;'m road-llo. 13 Dowuie Swan. Mrs Georgc, 52 Albany street 8ymonl, 1\Irs, 32 Charlotte square
Strong, John, spirt& merchant, 1 Northum- place Swann, J. R. builder (Ellin. 8afD .itRlh), 21
bcrland place Su,herland, David, bootl.:lnker, 10 Kirkgatc Leith walk-bouJ1Je, 'Vindlor cot~r-e TAAl'. Andrcw, linen mercbant,9 W. Clare..
Strong, Tltomas, W.S. 4,lj MelviUo street Sutherland, D.jun., buildt:t, Lothian ro..d Swan90n, Alexander, spirit dealer: 2 Horse mont street
Struthers, Jamcs, M.D.22 Charlotte 8t. Lc:tb Sutherland, D. (G. P.- 0.) i lllowe street wvnd 'I'aap. Wm. linen merchant. 37 North bridAc
Sw-anson, Donald, shipmuter, 11 Couper st. T:lgart, J. D • .; Windsor strl'<'t
lecturer on anatomy, Surgeolls' hall I
Strutbt:rs, lohn, M.D., F.R.C.S. SI'ark pinctJ, I Sutheriaud. D. builder, l\o);Cb.)nk, "Tnrdie
Sutherland. D. G. publisher, 6 &:r.burgh pI.
Stuart and GonIon, pianoforte and musie;.· Sutherland, Erskiue, accountant (Coumu:rclal
Sa'~mson, Jobn, dentist, ~7 Castle street
Swauson, 'Villiam, 1 Bene"uecr~nt
Tall anll Cricbton. W.S. 2 Park place
Tait, Alex. boot & shoe mercht. 15 Nordl br.
Swanson,lUisat:s E. & S• .sI Clerk street
seU"rB,7 So. Sc. Anorew strcct
Stunrt". Rev. A. 1\Ioody, "''I Queen street
Stuurt, Ales. (Clwyne ~ S.), Innis ville, Diek
II Bmlk) , 14 'Vindsor street
Sutherland, George, chiDa and glass m~chant,
" Greenside place
Swallston, Davi«l, draper. 7 Nieolson "quare
S"al1stoo, O. officer, 5 (~ueen street
Tait, Ale!., Dicksous & Co's nursery, Leith
Tn:t, Alexander, f,'TilCCr and t.lpirit dealer 24
Sutberland, Hugb, grocer, 1 Cannou str~<!t- Swanston, Henry O. mail mcsscnger, 17IUego i.,·Ua street '

Stuart, Alcx. seecl-crusber, Citadel bouse, 6 Dean street Itn'et Tait, Andrew, t:Jilor. 71 Broughton street
Stuart, Charles Villiers, 20 Rutland square Sutherland, James B., S.S.C., 2 Elm roW' SwanstoD, Thomas, \VooUen elraper & hatter, Tait, Andrew, baker, :13 nose Ftreet-bousc.
Stuart, J. G., M.n. 64 India street Sutherland, lames, plaste:er, U CharloUe IG4 High street-boo "0 Gllmour place 6 Lyocdoch place
Stuart, Gordon, coal mercht. 1 S, Bernard pI. street, I..eith Swanslon, Mrs, Madeira place Tail, George, advocate, ." Abcrcromby pllce
SWUIMiSG, }'ortb, Club and Humane Society, ' Tait, 'ieo. D_ flcsber, ·"u 'folbooth wy. Leith
Stuat~, Jas. lnusic-sellcr, I Archihald 1,1aoo
II Sutherland, .T. " Scienne8 place
Stuart, .Tn. (GCll.llcg. HQ/lSc) 17lJlackeL place Smilerlan(l, lobn, grocer, 32 Uridge street
Stuart, John, commcr. trnv.3 l\lontngu at. Suthcrlallll, .Tolnt, spirit dealer, 66 West port
~3 Hanover st.-D. Turner, l,on. secretary! Tait, .iamt'8 Campbell, W.S. 2 Park place
Swinbumc, Major-General, of Marcus, 131 Tl\it, Ju.s. jun. \V.S, 1 Nortbumht:'ri:uuJ st.
Stuart, Rev. Job." 1:1 Forth street. I~utherll\nd, John, book agent, 31 Lady Lllr- Great Stunrt street , Tnit, .Tames, flcshcr, ,. eat market-bouse, 25
Sw:nton., Ali!x. builder, 13 Ingliston 6trect I 'Flesbmnrket close
Stuart, ltobcrt L. (ChCUtl6 ~. S.), 'V.S.• Innis SOli'S wYlul
ville, Dick place Sutherland, .lobn, lodgings. 18 Dublin street "'wiuton, Archibllld CampbeU, ad,'ocnte, and; Tah, .Tam'!s, plasterer, 1 .Mound place
Stuart, 'Vm. S., S.S.C.24- I>UUdI\9 street Suthcrluml, ,Toscpb, tailor and clothier, 93 l)rof(:~sor of civi11aw in the UDh'ersity, :l-l,'
Tail, .Tame", grocer,Orc1lortlfield
Stuart, '''Itn. bootmakcr, [,7 (Jcorge street (jcorge street Cbarlo\te square Tah, James, S!'0ccr, 2fi .Jamaica street
Stuart, Lady, of AIJan bank, 20 l\laltland st. SudlCrland, Peter, 8tationer, 9.} Soutb b:idfJe Swinton, Jr..'1le8, mel!merist :lOtl galvallist. , 'rait, James ((;.)1.-0.), S Spinal street
Stu:wc, .Johu, 2 Uel1evue tel'l'aee Suthcrhmcl, Colonel R. S.,
Stuart, Mrs 'VilHam, U 8t DCfllnrd's crescent Suthcrla.'lll, n.
441 LalTDUlarket
lllackct pla« St Patrick h1uare
Swiuton, T. \\'lM merchant, 2 Dundlll! stree'
I Tait, .Jamr<:, chief porter nnd gard/.!ncr. noyal
Infirmary I
Stubbs's Tra(le J)rotection ofliceg, J. 1lurll, ISutberll\l.'d, U. P. booksrller. 34 Heriot bunds. Swinton, MfS, 4. Atholl crescent, .John G. 4.1 Clerk strrct
man., Ld. Cockburn l\\.---ho.2:l St.Talm~s' Ilq'l Sutbcrhm.l, Sinclatr, sboelJlkr. 6 Horse wyud Swil1ton, Mis8, 26 IbnkeiUor street i l'ait, .Tollll, mh'ocat(', nnd sheriff of Clack-
Stupart, l\:lrs Major, Dumt~Zl ,·ilIa. 'l'l'inity I :-;uthcrlancJ,
"1. A. (S. q' K:IOZ), 1 Willclsor.t.
Sturrock & SOIl!\, perfumers & bairclrcsscrs to Suthcrlalul, 'V. fruiterer, II Duke st. Leitb
RwilllOll, l\lisse~, 39 Ji oriot fl)W
Swirlf's, lames, draper••:0 Victorill8treet
ln9.nnan nnll Kinross shires. 2 l'uk place
Tait, J. butcher 10 Portland place
the Qw,'cn, 33 }'rinces street Suthrrhulll, William, " Jlittle King street SW!);l:, .Tas. upholstery 111:«1 general bouse- Tait. .Jobn Il. baker, 2 QUC('nsfl?rry st.-ho. 9
furnishing warf.'rooms, 22 IInno\'('r street i Talt, .Tohn 11. office keeper, 3 tirorgc street
Sturrock, .T. &: Sons, brassfoumlers and gas-' Huthcrland, WiUiam, ;c\\'cllcr, -&6 Sduth
fitters, 1 Duke st. Leith-ho. 6 (~uccn's PL/ Clerk street If
SWot',I, .James, (!I,)1l1 merchant, Old hri(lge Tait, ,T. ·i PHrig street I
cnd, Leith, Seotlaml stft.oct staliol~, & Gran- Tait, Pringle, baK(,T, 10 Carn"g1(! tltrctt
~turrock, "ohn, jlJ~l. (j (~Il~en's pl~ce . SutllCl'lalld, W. wine 8.nd spirit mel'cllan~ 3
~turroc~, ;l?hn. w~lter\ 1 (,art1I~~r s crcse.cnt I, Mcusc lallc-:h~use, 5 Leith street terrace tOil-house, 14 GI~\Ver street-Scc Ad,,_ i'rait, Hobt. aJ;cm. (or Bllptist ~Home ~ti2lIiiou.
8turrccn., 1. (.T. .'S. ~ • •~0/18), 2 1 homsoll s 1'1. I Su thm'1ancl, ,V tlham, 10 Hant burg lllace Sword, 'I'hos. ivory, wood, and bonc h~'11er,; ary !"ociety. 1 j l"I\rkHidl' ~tr('t't
Sturrock, MI·s• ..,:Mcuse lane. ISutlll'rJand, Mrs J.lnitlwife 4 Vcunfll 21 South britlge I Tait. Thus. grol.'er, 14 tiouth Goll"A'e strnet
Sug.ien,l\Irs, mhhv.& la<1lCs' nurse, 1 Granton I Sutherland, 1\lrs, lodl?ings, 1'1 Howe street Sword~ \\:'alter B. ~inemercbant, 13 Ehlcr st., ' 'fait, 'rhos. poc!.ctbook ami jcwel-CJl.'1e maker
I\nd 1~6 Kirkgnt(',I.eith ~ ~orth bridge
Summers, .1. draper, ) 28 Lauriston IISutherlaml, MillS. halr artist, 8 Hawe street
Suthedand, Miss. tcacher of l,ianofortfl and ~y,lne)\ l\[rs llargaret, i Maitland ~trcet
Sydscrft~ Mrs n.
18 GfI':.'euhill gardens
Tait, Tho8. smith nnd ironmonger, Clyde st.
lane-hou!<e, S St .Tame!>· street

SUtnl.ncrs, .Johll, baker & confectioner, 133 sillgiug, 19 Union street

})l'mccs street Suthcrland,1\Iiss,grocer,.&'5 SalHlportst.Leitb Syh'alll, Hc:nry, 4- SUmmer hank Tait, WiIli,Hn, of Prior Bank, 2 Walkt!r st.
~umm~rs, l\lrs 'l'homss, 45 Grnn~c road ISutherland. Miss, 7 St Vincent street Sytne, .lames, commercial tfl\'('ller, 4.9 SOllth Tait, W. hoot ilutl dlol' maker, 234 CtmnnSltc
Sv~ Llf..: ASll\mmCO Socicty-;\Icssl'S .Jome, j Sutbcrlnntl, l\Ii~s, 11 St Janu's' square Clerk 8trc..:t I William. 'mtton, trimmi!l"'. lIerlin wool
. ::oitro!!g, & 1.lcIll'Y. ·10 Princes street. I Sutter ,Arch. civil cngillccr Rnd luud-surfeyOf, S1::'~ • .lames, prufcs~or of clinical surgery, I and hosiery warrh.)tJsc, l!l ;1)(1 13 Sond:
:-;r S hn' Ofhcc-:\lcssrs .lollie, :-;trong, R.IlII :l Hili street . - HUlland st.-house, Mill bank houAe . britl~c-houlI?,,,~ Minto strC'et
lieury, W.~. ·lO l)rillcc!I st.; ll. l\Iurray, Suttie, lUehartl, lctterearricr. ~ James' place :;ymc, Jamcs, slater and rhimney.sweepcr, liD 1Tail, \\'m. pla.'ltcrcr, .1- iilfo port n..
?Cco.utllant, 46 Gcol'p;e st.; A. 1·'yfe, S.S.C. f Suttie, )Irs \V. cow feeder. !) Wright's houeea South ,Junction strce\, l~eith ). 'l'rut, WiIIillJn (I hmi"'I1, }'l(}d:/wrt, \~. Co.).
21 St Alldrcw !:<q\l'\r~' I Slltton & Co. railway carriers, .u N. bridge Syme, .John. bootmn}:('f, S Portland place 11 J)llrnaway street .


::.: ,
. Tay 'flw 277
Talt, Wm. 6 Pitt street
TaIlor, James, Lixmount. Trinity
Tait, Wm. ~9 Whitfleld place 1'aylor, Jalles, optician,'6 Princes street- Ta,!Cn ~nd 'VUson.. eorn merchants, 135 Con-' Thompson, Capt. Tho., ·n.N. Jeslfield, Ne",.
Ta" IIn J. H. 6 Belleyue crescent house,2 Queen street sututlon IItree' haTen road
TaYlen, Peter (1". d: W.), Clllremont cottage Thoms, O. Hunter, adfOCAte, 10 Nen.on st.
Tait, MiI, Agnet, dreetmake:, 41 George st. Taylor, Jas. eabinetmaker, 68 Nieotson stred
Tait, )fiH H. D. dressmaker, 33 'l'bistle street Taylor, James, publisher and printer, (Large Teape, Rev. Charles Richard, FindhDm place, Thomson & Agoew, stationers, 53 S. Clerk st.
Tait, Mia, dreumaker, $ Howe street l'ype Chriltian Library ware/ID.) 21 Geo. st. Teape. ReY. Hudson, A.B. ~o Warriston cres. ThomlOn & Dlckton, W.S. I 'i'histie court
Tait, Miss, 1 Eton terrace Taylor, James, 3 Seton place ~eenar., Mrs J., inkmaker, $ St Anthony pI. l'homson Elder, & Bruce, W.S. 1i ~O. Char·
Tait, Mi.., '\rimming Ihop, 8 Queens(erry s~. Taylor, James, druggist, 116 \Vest bow 'IEIHD Office-Nos. 9, 11, 13 Regisur house lotte street
TANNa•• & Curriers IIouse of Call, 1 Vcnn('l Taylor, James, market gardener, Iuverieitb -houn of attendanct', aesaion, ) 0 till S; ThomllOn & nay, clothieu .birtmakers and
T ..lh, .lohn, 3 Gardner's crescent gardens vacation, 1t till 2 ; Saturday, 10 ti1112 outfitters, ;10 Nor,h bridge 't

Tanlh, Jobn, 15 Uomilly place Taylor, James, & Co., 7 l\Iercbidon park Telfer, G., ladies' boctmaker, ss George It. ThomlOn & l·orteoul tob.cco Ilud snuW
Tenab'e circuJating library, bookscller aud Taylor, John, & Son, cabinetmakel'l and up.. Telfer, Thomas, ironmonger, 25 Gilmore pI. manufacturers J2 C~lton .treet
stationer, 1 William street holsterers to the Queen, carvers, gilders, Telfer, l\irs, 10dginSI, 60 North Castle st. Thomsoa, Laud~r. alld Co. wine merchant I,
Taker, Rev. WiIliam, 32 Gilmore place and picture.frame makers, house-agents and Telf'ord, .Joseph, coa~ agent, 13 Gr3D~e lOin 27 St Andrcw stre'!t, Ldth, and 18 So.
Tate & Co. milliners and drapers, '2 Victoria licensed appraisers, and venetian an,l wire T.lLI:GIl."pu, ElectriC, .nd I'!ternatlonal Co. St Antlrew Itrect, Edinburgh
street gauze blind manufacturers, 109 Princes It. 68 Pnncea Itreet-Alex. MltcheIl Thomson, Alex. accountant, , S. Junction
Tatl', ,Alcx. & Son, utin hat manufacturers, -works, Itose mount, Gardner's creaceu' TELJ:GUPH, Electric. Co. !l6 Bernard IUtet It•• 14eitb
... Victoria street Taylor, John, builder, 4. StJames' square Temperance Hotel. 2, Greeaaide street ThomllOn, Alex. gl:us engraftr &: china, mer•
Ta·.1t1e and Bonar, 'V.S. 23 York place T.ylor, John, bootmaker, 25 Elderstrcet Temple, Alexander, Mayfield cottage chant, ~D Pleas.nee
Tawse, John (T. ~. Bonar), 11 Iloyal terrace TaylorI John, wholesale and retail grocer and Temple,, Locheud road l'hO"IOU, Alexander, M.V., .'.U.C.S. E. 8
TatVse, John, advocate, 4-9 Queen street wine merchant, 7 Downie place Tewple, DIYid, provision mer. 88 High It. Teviot row
Tawle, .John W., W.S. 49 Queen strect
Tawle, :Mrs, 11 Iloyal terrace
Tarlor••John T. watchmaker and jeweller, SI
South bridge-housl>, r, Buccleuch place Temple, Thos. grocer,~..s High street I
Temple, Jas. provision merchant, 2 Union pI. Tbomson t AIex••pirit dealer. Newhann
Thomson, Alex.nder, ,ccoulltant, G NewiDg.
TAXES, Annuity, 12 Iloyal Exchange
TAXES, Asscsscd, lurveyor's office. 6 Waterloo
1'a,lor, Joscph, clerk of works, 11 Great
Junction street, Leilh
Temple, 'Ym. 1I1esman, 42 Buccleucb sUeet
I ton terrace
TeDnant, T. M.. & Co. engineers and m~chiDe Tboruson, Alexander, gunm.ker, 16 Union
maken., Newmgton works, East Scu!Dnel pl.ce-IIoule, l~ Union ttreet
place Taylor, Laur. cashier, Union Ba,,", Parlia·
TAns, County Police and Prison, Tax. Office, ment square Itreet, and St Loonar(\'8-house, Abana Thomson, Alexander, br35Sfoumler, (ircenllide
... George st-W. Kennedy, collector Tayl01', llich. silk and lace merchant, SI New ylll., Gr.nge court-houKc, 9 Grecmidc place
TAXF.8, Police Prison and ltegistration, Police buildings, Nortb br.-ho. 22 1\tinto street Tennant. W. G. coDlmistdon .geut, £1 1'im. 'fhomson, Andrew, l\1.D. surgeon, t 1 Nor·
Chambers, Uigla st.-A. Tnomson, collector Taylor, Rob. merchant. 13 and 16 Cusells·pl. ber bush-ho. Bonningt(ln cottage thumbcrland It.
?:er.llant, Wm. shoemaker, 14 Dowuie place Thomson. Rev. Andrew, D.D.63 Northum.
TAXES, Police, 110 Constitution street
T.uEs, Property & Income,-David lbr·
-bouse, U .
Taylor, n., (J. T. ul/d Son) 22 Gilmore pl. lenneD', Patrick, W.S. 9 Lynedoch pht.:e
'I'ennent. Miss, 13 Torpbichen street
I berll\nd street
Thomlon, Anti. brewer, l.othian ....le, Abbtv
shall, C.,A. clerk to commissioners, 36 Taylor, Wm. and Son, grocers arlll wine mer-
Hanover Itreet chants, S Baxter's place-ho. 6 Uuion lit. Tcment, !). W. (G. 1'•• 0.)" Hin ' I Thom.on, Andrew (1', tC: /JaYI. MuUeld cot.
TAx£s, Property, Income, LantI, and Asscsscfl, Taylor, llev. 'Villiam, J2 Atholl place Terrot, Illght lteT. Billhop, .yott;.h E/'UCO- Thom.on, Andre,," (CIIs/oms). 1 mien at.
6 Waterloo place Taylor, William, and Co. soap, 8tcarine, and pal Chu~ch, 26 Regent terrace Thomson, Andrew Young (Carr.l1l DJ.), 2
Taylor, Anderson, & Co. brewers, Drumdrran candle manufacturers, • Salamamlcr street Terro', 'Mlssell, 9 Carlton Itreel Sand port atreet, Leith
Taylor, Bruce, and Co. merchants, J3'" Con- Taylor, Wm. spice merchant and commiaaiun TnloWale. George, grocer and Ipirit me,'. Thomlob, Arch.•nd Sous, woollen dr:apel'l &
stitution street agent, 40 Elm row c~an', 1,6 Cowgaw clothiers, 255 Uigh Itreet
Taylor, \Yalker, & Co.'!! I.onuon porter store,
72 Constitution street-J. B. Too and Son,
Taylor, Wm. victuRI dealer, 11 Atholl place
Taylor, \Vm. (W. 7'. and Sun), 6 Union at. Ragged School, Ramsay
:rhal1on, L. agent, 8 Atm.nd.le streeL
ThUD, Robert, superintendent, Origin.l, Thomson, Arch. fanier, Ch:P1otte
Thomson, A. (A l' .~. ~'Oll~) 12 Bucclt:tlch pi.
Thomson, Cbarlee, Capt. ItN. 9 C'!lJSellll' \ll.
agents Taylor, William, commission agent, 32 Duke
Taylor, Alex. merchant, 1 Charles' street
Taylor, Alex. cabinetmkr. ] 7 Wright·s IJOUSCS
street, Leith
Tarlor, Wm. boot and shoemaker, 136 Canon- Thatcher, )I'll, , Bruntsfield terrace
'~b~ck, l\lrs John, broker, 169 Cowgate
l'h.tcher, l.ewis lIay, ll.D. 13 Albany streell Thomf.On, Ch.rles, Collector's ",flice, I'ohce
Thomllon, Ch.rles W., C.A. 20 Indl •• ueet-
Tllylor, Alexander, butcher antI ham curt!f, gate-house t St John street
12 Downic place Taytor, Ilrs Agnes 31 Bucc1euch place lbm, Jamet, bookseller, 1. lofinnary street, house, !) Bhmheim place
Taylor, Mrs Alcxa~der, 16 Hart strccl atld .s$ South Buccleuch pt: I Thomson, D. &.J.stec1,ard maker.. and IImith.,
'l'ar10r, Au!lrew, wine mercbant and groccr,
9 St PQtrlck square-ho. 2 l\lidt1lcby street TaIlor, Airs .John grocer tea and spirit mer- Thom, Adam, LL.D. 3 Bellevue terrace I Broughton market-liouse, 2 Btr':lDy ",
Thorn, A. chemist "nd druggiat, 78 Queen It. ThomlOn, D.•J. merch. ) 9 E. Clarernont Il.
chant 9 Hamb~rg plac~
'faylor, Angel0,draper and hosier, 116 Nicol-
, , son sLrect-:ho. !i John's place Tarlor, 'Mu Joseph, 66 Broughton street '!1'hh om, C'i?rdener, 43 Croft.•n.righ
~m, Davld (D. T. &: ('0.), merchant, Ru..
I ThomlOD, n. J. &. Co. rectifiers .nd Drithth
wine m.&kcl'I, D .nd 11 Gile.' ft •
.I,arlor, Arclnbaltt, agent. 62 G,assmllrket Taylor, lfrs Mark, 19 ltoxburgh streel
al~n (!.onllul aDd .gene for Lloyd'., is Con- ThotnsoD, Unitl, boot .nd .hoe maker, 29
la),lor, ~rchib~l~, 33 Castle street Taylor, 1\[rll, .j. Great King Street
Tay tor, Cha"!. balllard rooms t 25I1anoverst.- Taylor Mn 38 Heriot row ItllutlOn street-house, 18 Hope creteefll,.er street-houtC, :n
, house, ~9 A~tigua street . Taylo;' Mrs: milliner, stay, straw bonnet, and Thom, J. (Johndor. ~J. Thorn), 25 Ardlibald Tn'lmSOD, I>nid, )2 ('...omel, green place
raylor, FranClS, ma~er of the propelle(llafe baby linen wllreho"",, 4.2 Princes street place l'homson,, tobacconist. 3 Leith .trtet
buoys, &c. 6 Lawrle street TayJor, Mrs, 10 Arniston l,lace ilihom , Rev••John, iD Cllfenee street Thomson, n. G. stockbroker and accountant,
om, !lobert,2 Robb'a court 13 at.-ho. 1 Argyll pI. Meadow.
Taylor, George, dairyman, 32 SherifFbrae
'raylor,<!corgc, (City Chambtrlai,,', Office) 13
1'.ylor, Mrs, 8 Abcrcromby place
Ta,lor, MrR, 9 Queensfen1street i~om, 'i'homo, engraYer, {} Brown Itree' I Thomlon, Rev. E. A. Flndhorn place, Grange
omllll, CapL F. W. L., R. N. 8 Trinity eres. 'fhomaon, ":Ilward, baker, S. Abast.-ho. ~J
•.Rankedlor street . 'faylorJ l\ft!, 1 Scotland street Th'f0~'" J~hD, fliut gl_ manufacturer, 3S Thomson, }O;d. china and Itone warehouse,
!.aylor, .Jas. 12 Parkstde street Taylor, Miss, 4.... UaukciUor 8trect
I aylor, J!lmC8, flt'Sber, ...... CJerk street-ho. 04 T.ylor, Miss )1. teacher, 7 GJover stree. uc:lth w3tK 3,. Bridge street
Taylor, ,Jamcst Hrocer, .) IJord ltuSs('11 placc- Ta,lor, Misscs 1\1. & A. millint't"l and draa" 1~ompson, D'Arcy ",rcnt"orch,:1 Brtndon It. Thom.on, G. (G. P.- 0.),16 GUmore place
bous!.:, 7 Gratia," street makers, 2 Brown's place, Ltjtb oOl[-lOn,. James, tide luneyor, (.iaiom- 'fhomlOn, Geo. boot lie ,hoemaker, S3 George
0 • •, Lelth-hoDIe, Albany ttreet, Leidl .trtel

• \~.$~t~
,- r ..
• Cid ,. __ ~..
3 .... a6~..a ......~
d ~ • ....
------- • ........ \ .
ThoDllOn, Geo. hairdre8llef
and perfumer, 1 'l'homsan, K. li~ut. of police, S W. Adam st. Th~;;;;;n, 'Vm. Cbllllotte villa, Sc!ennf!s hill Thom:o~, Miss, 12 R~;b~;;~i~ plafe

Waterloo pl.-hunse, Easter road Tho1ll8on, LCW18, 3 MOI.1UgU stre~t Thomson, 'V. (lV. T. «£: (0.), 1 Hermitage pI.: ThOln5on. Miss, 21 Leopoltl place
'rho.lOn, Geo. confectioner, 2<.2 Lcith strect Tbomson, 1\Iatthew, cha1r and cllbmetmaker, Lei,h : Thomsoll, )liss, 6 PUrig lltr(.'d
'I1lomlOn Geo. COlD. traveller, Jordan bank 38 New street . Tbomson. Wm. grain merchant, N. D. ran, I' l'homson, Miss, 34 Howe ,;trcl!t
ThomlOn' Geo. .hipmaster, :l l'tladeira place . Thonlson, 1\Inrra1, baker, 39 West Nlcolson way station Thomson, Mislol, 12 Nelson streot
Thom80n Wm. (Ilill, 1'• .(: Co.), 18 India ·1'homson. Miss, 59 Conlltitutiou !It\'eet
ThomlOn Geo. tailor & clothier 2 South S&
'l'hom80n: Gee. tailor amI clothier, 118ltosc I street
Tbomson. !turray, M.D. a~d J.'.C.S. lecturer
on cbem. & 811alyt. chemtst, S Infirmar1 st.
street ' ! TholO$OIl} Miss, lodgin/l", 5 I Brnughton street
ThomsoD. William, accountant, Thomson. l\{i\lS, 1 Vanbttrgh place
James' 'street ' I Thomson, Nillian Hill, advocate, 11 Alv~ st. anns$ antI insurance a"'c) It , 8 Elcter street 11'hom~on. Misl\Cs M. & 1. silk and worsted
ThomlOD Gidcon, tailor aut! clothier, 1r Thomson, P. agent, 1 Gay6eld place Thomson, Wm. M. ag~~t, S Elder stre.-t ! !lbop, ~3 nroughton fltrel't
Bristo ~t.reet Thomson, P. gardener, -1 E. lJroughton pI. Thom80n, William, machine maker (Sholl$). : Thomson, 'Misses, 9 Cl1sseU's place
I..cith walk ; Thomso:'!, Mi~s\!s, 76 COllstitution street
ThomlOn, H. 'r. 15 Dem:ud It. l'homs~n, Robert, & Co. I'Ju~be1'8, ga~fttters,
Thomson, H. B. 4 I'ortland terrace and zmc workeIs, 22 amI 2.:> Grreel~sulc pL ThQlllson, Wm. ~pirit llealer, 13 Hopc street: Thomsoll. Misses, H Scotilnd street .
Thomson, .Jas., of Glendouran, 31 Moray pI. Thomson, Iloberl, 35 Ge~rgc n. bndge Tho1nson, Will. 'rhos. actuary. mlmager of tht' Thorburn, Rev. DU\'id. 1 John's p!acc. Lc\th
8ta Ild,U'ti L i.f6 Astllt NIII'I', and of th~ ('o[nn ir.l : 'l'horuurn, Fronds, sroccr ami !lplr! t deaJer
ThoDlson, .Tamcs, builder) 6 Lothian ~oad Thoms6D, R. cO?per, ~5 Clcrk 8t!Cet LiJi: ..I.'hSlt7nnCt: <AI. :l George street-house, . ~ Ht>riot huiltliubs . .
Tholnson J furniture dealer 67 Cowgatc TbolUson, U. sblpmast., /j ] ltt st. DODJllugton
Tbomsoll: J. ·G. & Co. agents 'for Royal .Ex- 'f110IDson, R. V. cloth. & tailor) ~r, Ibnkeillor 41 fttoraY'Place ! Thorhurn, <t. men'hant, 12 IJctmlt:lS('~1. J.l,:th
dlallge Assurance, 18 S. St Andrcw st.; and street Tbom80n, Wm. tobacconist, G Brighton lit. I Thorburn, (;. teachl·r.2 .Alh:\1Iy st, r-i. J.Nth
'fhomson, 'Ym. builder, 10 St Anthony plllce : 'l'horhurn • .lamps. turn('r and ll{.nnet block
mercbllnts and commission agents, vaults, '1'lIo111son, Uobert, eRttle dealer, 11 Dread st. Thomson Wm. provision dealer and f(uiterer, 1 makl'r, Old I'hvsic garc\(·tls-houst>, .:.t
21 St Alldrew street, Leith 'l'boDlson, Robert, (R. T. {(; Co.), lllulUber, , I '
H Charlotte Jllace- ho. 2 Mclvillc 8trCt't I Hankeillor street
Tbomson, .Tames, dairy, 239 IIigh street 2 East Norton rlace
'fhomson, l\Irg Annc, 11 Cumberland street : Thorbnrn, W. & ('0. tea dtftlrrl'. I.:.\nlo !'t.
Thomson .Tumes Sten-art ( C,lslom,), TbOlnson, Robt. Jun. 20 8t Audrcw square-
17 Dati. street, Leith Sce Adv. 'fhomson, 1\Ir& D.lodgillgS, 3 WeBt Uegister i 'l'horhuru, "·m. bilker, 58 St I.l'onarcl strl'ct
street Thorbllrn, 'Vm. htlkcr, v.a. llermml Rt.-It,.
'fhomson Jal!H~e !J Antigua street Thomson, U. D. wine merchant amI grocer, 'fhomsol1. Mrs EUl)bcmia, I Rutland street l l~ (,onstitution ~trcct
Thomson' James' printer )8 Mid. Arthur pI. 23 South St Antlrew st.-ho. 8 S. Gray It.
ThomsoJl Mrs .J"me9, 31 Constitution strc('t : Thorhurll, Mr~. tll Buccll'\lch plllCt'
Thomson' James'Gibson 'B York I)lacc 'l'homson, nobt. H. and Co. wine rnercilantll,
TI.omson: .1amell, (ll.Jl.' Cu~tmnll) 'I'up hall 01 Constitution ht.-ho. 2:) ~mllmdatel:lt.
ThoDtson: 1\Ir8 .J. grocer nnd spirit IIlCrclU~IlI, : Thorlmrn.ll j,s, :10 Mimo street. .
63 Cnulewnysitle : Thorn, .10hn, cual merchant. 'l'l Ihgh fI~g8-
cottago UonuinlYton bridge lane 'l'homson, Robert V. 26 Runke.lloT street Thomson, 1\[r9, 50 ~foray I,lace I uftiee, /3 POft Ilamilton .
Thomso~, .Jllmes,l)akcr, 13 Church street Thomsoll, Uobcrt, (G. 1'•• 0.) 1 Old l)bysic 1'hom2l0n, .I\Irs John, 7 Windmill street 1Thorn, MrA Ho\)t'tt, 'l9 .\\'hltfld~ pl3cc
Thomson, JamclI, builder, 10 St Anthony', pi. gartlens Tb0111son, Mrs lIargarct, 20 Upper Grfl111t. l'l'h\lmton & eo. vlllcaoi~t'~l IndIa rul!bn nud
Thomson, .Tames, grocer, () Fox lane-hot ~H Thomson, J\obert, baircuttcr and perfumer, Thomlon, l\trs )'cter, bnkc:r, .IJ'" Charlotte Rt.l \uterproof dl'f)(it, is l'rltI('('s .t,--~l'e ..U,·.
Mitchcll st. Ib C:ttberine st., i9 . 'fhorntotl, navil . ml15otl, .Atholl crescc.>nt bue
Tbomson, .TlllnCS, ti Pllrksi\Je strt"Ct '1'II01D80n, Uev. Tbolll. 18 Clarence street Thomson. Mrs Peter, J. . rcnch stay1nak~r, J: -hot:'1t.', (itl India Rtff't't . .
T110111IIOn, JameH, insl'. Couocil dumber!!, 163 '1'h0I118011, TI!omas, gar~leller, llathfieltl ~oulie GayfleJd place l'horntoll n. ci, il and fJlt'chsmcal (,1l~IJIt'cr,
Callollgatl'-bouse, (; Comely green placc Tbomson, 'I homas, sllk.tnerccr an(l hnen. Thomson, l\frs R. u J.copot.1 place I Lorll Cm'kbnrn !>trcet
Dlomson, .'alm, com. agent, 26 Nelson !It. draper, 13,) Princes street-honsl', S Itut- 'I1JOmson, .l\lra Thomas, ~2 Ann stn?et I Thorllton. )II'~ L. ~l ;\Iont• .-;u stl'CC~
'nlomson, .lolm, l)rinter, 10 tiociety. land pJa;c .• Thomsoll, 1\[ra WilUam, 0 Royal terrace I"hr('eplnnd, Mrs, 6 tltlP~· !ltreet.
Thomaon, .John, grllen grocer, 46 J{trkg:ltc Thomsoll, fbomas, g~occr and spmt mcrcht. Thomson 1\trs WiUiam, Jj Alvn SUC\lt Thwaitt.'s, W. Kt.'lllO, S.S.C. agent f~'r the
l'holUson, Jobn, Brunmn cottage, LontIon 2·£ Duke street, Leith Thomson: )frs, of Polbeath, 11 West Preston ~ (irc'3t Britain, l.ifu .\SlltmUlCl' Otfll'\" ttl
road ['1'hoI1l80n, 'J'homall, W.S. 1 Thistle court- Itrcct I I10~(' IItreet
'.l'hoUlson, John, wine & spirit merchant, 21 , house, IS "Talkcr street 'fholllson, Mrs, 16 llandolph c:retcent ! Th~·n(' • .J:tmt's. mcr\'h~lIt llnd manu(a('tufM,
'Vest }Jort-house, 11 Dnvic street Thomllon, Thos. corn merch. Gilmore street, Thomson, 1\I1'lI, :11 Gaytit·hl square H, if;, anll 7~. Ll\unston. litrl'd
'nlOmsor., John, pawnbroker, U South bridge J)aui's work • 'fhomson, ~frs, lo(lgings, :J9 St I.eanard It. ThYH(" John (JII!I1&,: ,(; oS,/1I"\, butcher, '.N
'1'homsou, ,John, S.S.C. 7 Young 8treet-ho. 'rhomson, Wm. furnhure dealer and umlcr. Thomson, :\frs, 3 Montagn at. Claren('c street
Amphion cotlng(', Trinity taker,,,~ N. lI"nover IIt.-ho. 2 N . .femes' Thomson, Mrs, 11 lJri,to stre.:t : ThYllt'. Wm. & SOD, iteahcrft, " ~(lring gnr-
Tbomson, .John, grocer and wine mcrcllant, street
12Cowgate bead-ho. t 5 Argylepl.MentlowH 'l'holllson, Wrr.. coal merchant,24- Sheriff brac
1'hOII1130n, In. wino &: spirit mer•.~~ Cowgate ,. -house, {) .
Thomson. 1\Ir5, (traper, 21, Clerk street I d.. ns-hollsc,6
Thomsoll, Mrs, IIpirlt dealer, M",.fieltl inn ' Tihhctts. G. &. U. (;. hattC'rH, :18 Muth hrulgc
Thomson, )frs, lodging!!, 121 George street I Tihtlf'ft~, H. ti., !ill; N.. (sufl ~tr('~·t
Thomson, .r Ohll, photographer, J4 (j rangcroad I I homson, W. B. surgeon, nnd super1Dt~nd~nt l'homson, Mrs, sick.uurllc,21 Blah' ~trcct ; Ticnlt:'y, D. catlserrlayer, 69 South Back of
Thomson, ,Tollll, ,night, M 'l'lJistle street of lledicalllisstolllry 'l'raining Instuunon Thomson, Mrs, ladics' nurse, 4 J-.\ Broughtoll I ClInongate \t' J) •
Tllomson, .lohn, 14 B. Adam IItrcct a11l1 Dispensary, 39 Cowgate . street . Till, Charlt,s, toh.:1cconi!4t, 'l7 "'. ,,"glstt'r tit.
'\,homlion, .l. }{er, ( Wallacc 9' 7'.) 9 Dlen. Thomson, WUliam & Co. com. a~ent9, shIp
helm placo and insr. brokers, 129 Conslitutlon 8t~~t
Thomson Mrs 49 South Clerk strpet I and 9 Leith !'treet
'nlomson: ~ns~ A. trim. shop, ... St I'atrick st. TiJlie, Thorn .. !!, 11 C.\Jtto t('rmeR.
Tbornson, .Tohn, shoemaker, 11 Bnvic street Thomsou, 'YIIl. and Co. grocers anti proVIsIon Thomson, MissA. <lressmnker, 7 East ltegilitcr Tindnl ••Jnho, :1('coUflt4nt, 6 H:.d.h:1gton pi.
:l'homson, .t. bank messenger, 28 Uernard 8t. mcrcbantfl, 23 St Andrew s~I'cet, Lcltb street : 'rinds!. Mrs. ·l~ London ,,(root
Thomso\l, ltev••John, ... Jamaicll [IItrect, North 'rbomson, 'Ym. groccl' and WlDC mercba~lt, 9 Thomson Miss E lo(lgings .; lIamburgh pI. j 'i'ingman, .J. fj N ••Junction IOtrect
I.eith Duke street
Thom80n, .Tuhll, groccr, 232 Cowgatc -~ bOt 'l'homson, Wm. 1\(. advocate, 22 Alnslie pl.
Thomson; Miss, 18 Clarenc; Itret!t : Tinn!swood, Rt. commisldon ay-ent, S2 Bt'r.
Tbomson, )Iisa Marjory t 2S Gayfleltl squara! nnrd street-ho, :} ,Jao!field placo .
1 High 8:11001 }artl. Thomson, 'Villiam, r lladtira place Thomson. Mill M. straw-bat maker, 113: Tinslcy, .:urs Ift·len, 10d~llIgl!, .u Lodl\an st.
Tbomsoll, John Brown, corn merchant, I Thomson, 'Villiam, straw bonnet manfacturer, Canongntc . To~l Urot!lcrs, '!1l1lcr~ and corn .m(:rcbant.~,

.. I
Greenhill gnlllrus 10 South College street Thomson, Misa If. T, 13 CUlIlen's place Stodcbrulgc mill!!, J nakcr }ll~ec
Thomson, .Tohn, grilcer and provi!liol1 mcrcltt. ThomsoD, William, .; Dukc street, Leith Thom50n Miss, dre.smnker 2S Huwe st. : Too, Adam, Brid~ place, Uunnmgton
321 High street Thomson, \villiam, '; Melbourne place

\ ;
--------------- GENERAL DIRECTORY. TWl! 281
Tod, Alex. & Rt. millers and corn merchts. 'forrance, George, 18 Comely hank
Leith flour mills, Commercial place Torrance, John, biker, 4 Northumberland st. Trotter, Nicol. painter, 29 Richmond place I Turnbull, Phipps: Windsor ,·iUa .-
Too, Ales. 10 Trinity crescent Torrance, John, coal mercbt. 92 Cro'lcausey 1.'ro&ter, Robert, 9 Lcven street Turnhull, Uohert, fllnily linen warehouse "-
'1'od, Ales. gardener, l\Iaryficld, Easter road Torrance, Jos. spit. dlr. 56 Charlotte It. Leith Trotter; !tob. tailor anti clothier. 11 Davie st. and 6 Nlcoison It.-bo. l\Ia,tield terracl!
Tod, George, bookbinder, 10 Haddington pI. Torrance, Josepb,job. gardener, Bonniogton Trotter, S. E., accountant, mnnager, Scottish Turnbull. Thomas, fishnlonger,22 Lothian st.
Tod, George, grocer and sl)irit mercllant,21 Torrance, Richard, 97 Sicolson street .Mutual Plate Glal8 ASlOtiation, &Dd agellt I Turnbull, William, accountant, RO!lal JJalt~ vI
for Pro,ident Ufc and Count1 Fire Insur-/ &o"~lIId, 36 St Andre" square
Elm row
Tod, George, writer, 32 Uankeillor Itreet
Torrance, Tbos. spirit dealer, 192 Pleuance
Torrance, 1\Irs, 54 George square anee Officcs, 73 Georse IItrret ITurnbull, W. E. 23 Archibald place
Trotter, Thomas, flesher, 7 Middle market- Turnbul1, 'V. E., 21 Gardner'l crescent
'fod, Henry, W.S., Atlas Assurance Office, 39 'I'orrclnce, :AIrs WiJlillm, 3 Salisbury pllce
York place Torranee, Miss, 16 Upper Gray Itreet ho. IS Se James' square Turnbull, William B. (Special Jlissiotl lu Ilo-
Too, lIenry, jun. \\'.S. 39 York place 1'orre, Paul Della, 15 Catherine street Trotter, Mrs llarsaret, 20 Cumberland sb'ect l1U", CatlwliCI), 19 N,-W. Circus place

Tod, Henry M. (J. B. T. ~. S.), wine mer.. Torrie, Mrs '1'. Jameson, 21 Royal circus Trotter, l\[rs1'hoDlu, 11 Glover street Turnbull, Wm. baskctmaker, )2 N. Hank st.
1'roussel, Leon, chanctUor of tbe French con· Turnbull, Mrs Georgc, 2 noxburgh .treet
chant, 71 Constitution street Torrop, Christopher, 21 Geo\'se street
Tod, James, flesher, 20 S. Junction street Torrop, James S. 17 Meadow place sula&e, 4 Ladyficld 1'1. Gardner's crescent TurnbuU, Mrs William, 2 Drummond •• reet
1£00, .T. and Son, railway and generalsmitbs, 'I'orry, Joltn, agent, 19 Commercial pI. Leith True~tt Brothers, photographic artists, 7~ I }:urnbull, )1 rll, 49 Gcorgc Iquarc
engineers, machine maken, and spring JU3- Torry, John, writer, 1 Hcndenon row Prmees strf'e& Iurnbull, Airs, boarlling and da,schoolt 26
Truman, Hanbury, Buxton, & Co:& Lonllon Dublin 5t.
nufacturers, 29 l..eith walk T08haeb, Robert H. 11 Charles "'treet porter store, , IJernard street TurnbuH, 1\Irl. 19 Home street
'rod, Jas. tailor and clothier, 90 South brillgc Toshack, nob. engineer, 69 :t'ountainbridge- Tuck, Mill J. boardihg-school, 17 Coates cres. TurnbuH, l'1rs, 25 South Clerk street
Tud, J. B. & Son, wine merchants and com-' bouse, 13 Dawnle place 'l'ullis? R. & Co. papermakel'l and wholelale Turnbull, lira, • tSeorgc place
mil8ion agents, '12 Constitution street- 1'oucb, Anthony )1. Union Dank of Scotland', 8tat10n~n, 7 George Itreet Turnbull, Mrs, 4 Hill plare
boo 71 Sub ·office, agent for tbe Lanca.1bire :t'ire Tullie, William, HOOlt> lodge, Viewforth TurnbuU, Mrs, lodgings, 6 Brunlwick strt'C!&
'rod, Jas. (Moult! f' To), 4 llrunton place and Life Insurance Co. 62 GcO~\~ street Tullis, )Irs, 3 James' place, Leith TurnbuU, Miss, 21 Vuion street
'fod, .Tames, Bonnmgton farm Touch, Mrs, ABbury ,1I1a, Dick place 'I'ulloch, lIugh, com. traveller, Dick's plAce Turnbull, lHsses, boarding school, "I Drum-
Tod, Jamell, advocate, M, Great King street Tough, Miss Mary, matron, Gladstone Insti.
Tod, In. (.T. To(i u,.d Son), Content cottage, tution, Leith
Tulloch, Wm. spirit dtaler,Il9 Elbe street r.
mond lace
Leith walk
'fod, John, engraver, 8 Thistle street
Towers, .John, 11 l ..utton place
'I'owers, Miss Jessie, ... Cbarlotte st. Leith
Tulloch, Mrs, 47 Great KiDg Itrep.t I
'I'ulloch, J\ev. Willlam,25 Gay6eld square Turnbul , 1\fillK'S, 13 Pl1I'ksi,Jl' IItrt'et
Tumbu)], Misses, board.-school, ., J)oune ter.
f:ullob,)I!ssII.L·'rW~lanlls.l\Ierchis&.pk. ~J:urucr, AlIan, tra"eller, I Bucdeuch 1,Iace
Toct, .Tohn, live Ilock agcnt, 9 Portland place 'rowert, John, shoemaker, 361 Lawnmllrket
'rod, Robert, painter, pl\llcr.hanger, & glazier, -bouse, 11 Keir street
1: ultob, 1\hu, 11 \\ amston crescent
'I'ully, Dlivid, stationer, 78 Queeh "t.-bo. 76
\1 urtler t Havid, draper, 31 South bridge-boo
RS NicohlOll street
35 J)unllas st.-ho. 26 1\oyu1 crescent TOWN-Clerk's Ofli<:e, 10 noyal exchange Tully, James, lodgings, 8 Mackenzie place I Turner, Jaulel & Co. engraver .. , lithograpbt !'1'.
Tod, Lieut.-Gen. Slletol1ius H., 15 Hope tcr. TOWN-Clerk's Office, 107 Constitution s&re,~t Tully, lIra, 21 Duccleuch street and general printcrlS, Lothian road
'fOIl, Wm. live-stock agent, 13 Grilbam st. Townsend, Wm. and Son, pianoforte makerll Tunnock, Matt., S.S.C. chambers, 2" Grorge Turner, Jamcv, & Co. "inegar makers, CUDt.
Tod, Wllliam, 9 DunCAn strect, Ncwington and organ builders, 9 & 10 Greensitle pllet' street-house. 12 Darnaway st. lnerci:ll court, 247 Co\\'glltc
'l'od, Ifrs Alex. '5 Princes Itreet TRADES' :Maiden Hospital, lUll bank house 'I'unny, ,Jas. G. photographer and calotYl,ist, Turnt'r, .lames, wine and spirit merchant.
'l'od, Mr. Andrcw, IS Artllnr street Trail & :Murray, 'V.S. 7 Arch'il1e street 93 r'rmces street Lothian road-ho. ) St Cllthbcr(s glebe
Tod, Airs Jas. Itaymakr.r, ,Ho Dristo I)trect
'fod, Mra John, 39 Dublin street
'l'rail, Anthony, W.S. Commissioller for taking
Affidavits in the Courts of I~aw and Equity
Ture-ln, John, grocer ahd spirit dealer. 19, Turner••Jam«:l, jun. (J. 1', mut (il) 7 St
Gre"llside row Cuthbtrt's glebe
'rod, 1\lrs Jolm, J" AinsHe place
'fud, Mr., 8pirit denIer, 7·1- Northum. 8t.
in Ireland, 7 Mclville street
'rrail, Capt. J., H.:t;.I.C.S. agtnt for J.·orelgn
'rurcah, Mr••John, 2 Union street, Leith I Turner, .J. china merchant. !J.) Thistlt' street
Turnbull, Morrison, &. Co. wholesale cofl'ee, Turner, .John, coacbman, I:! (;Ilhon bl~l
Tod, 1\irs, SS Great King street Vineyard Association .Toint-stock 'Yinf' Co. truit, and ,spiet' merchantt, 21 Greensidc pt Turner, Peler, victual and sl,irit merchant,
Totl, 1\Irs, 2 Uoxburgh street Limite.t, 4 St Andrew square TurnbulJ.. Salvesen, & Co. eom. mer('hantl 18 Clerk street-lIoule, 3~ St I'alrirk S(luara
'1'0<1, Miss, 8 Atholll,lllce rram & F'letchcr, wholesale coffee, fruit, nnd and SblP brokers, 23 Sandport stree\ Turorr, Hd. l!pirit dealer 1 Laptilic JIlacc
'I'od, 1\(iss, Grecian cott~lge, 'l'rinity spice merchants, 31 ~t Andrew square 'furnbull & Spears, letterpres8 Ilriuters, 30 Turuer, Hobert, collect~r of rents for tbe
'fod, Miss, Viewville cottage, 'Vardie 'J'raill, A. (7'.~· j,"etd,er), "- Great King st. Hanover street city, IS South CoUf'ge strret
Todd, George, sccretary, 8tQ7ulanl Lif;J Assr. 'fram, Alex. hosier, 2.&.1 Canongate Turnbutl, Adam, 4 Northumberland place Turner, Samuel, fruiterer, 3 Blenbcim pllcft
CQ.-bo. /j E. Clarcmont stree&' 'l'ram, Uobt. iron-founder, 1 St .John street 'l'urnbuU, Adam, lettcr.carrlt'r, D6 Hernard st'j Turner, Thomas, wlr(' .,,· , I Writer's
Todtl, John, grocer and IIpirit merchant, 3 Traill, 1.'homas S., M.D., professor of medical Turn bull, Alex. corn. agent, :u Constitution ~n. court, :~ 17 High strl'Ct
South Richmond street jurisprudence, University, 29 Uutland sq. !urhhul1, "lex. grocer, 41 Gilc.' street Turner, W. demonstrator of anatomy, College
"odtJ, .Jobn, fish curer, 6 Coal bi1l TRAHSPORT Office, 2 l)ortland terrace, Leith l'ut'nhull,G. tca& cotft'edcnJer, I H.eith walk Turner, William, 31 Cbeyne ~trect
'l'odd, .T. commission ngent, 2" Bucc1eucb pI. 'fraquair, 'Villlam, 30 Clarence street Tumbull, Geo. V. (T., &lVCIOII, a"d Co.), 2S Turner, 1\lrs D. ~f1rtlc bank, York r(I.1'rinity
'1'odd, Thomas, manufacturer, Booth', green, Traquair, 'Yilliam, \\'.S. 17 Young street t'harloLtc street, Leith 'I'urner, Mrs Mar1, ., Welt CiaremoDt It.
(~anonmllJs Trayner, .John, auvocate, 5 Albany street TurnhuU, J ..mcs (1: ~ Sptl,r,), 22 Scotland lit. Turplc, Misl, ~3 Grange rOld
,"odd, T .•Tennct( Cllstm1l8), 21 Alban1st. Leith 'I'regilgas, W. C. (Brown and T.), 10 Elm row '~umhull, .Tames, 11 Al'chibald ll)ace 'l'ufJll, Geors.., stable., 6 l'ark place
'fodtl, WiIliam, 13 Grecnllill gardens TrtDch\ Mis8 Isl\bella, 12 Salisbury street 'I urnbull, ~u. teacher (Keir Strut Acaciem!l), ! Tuting, Mrs, Gothic cOltage, Trinity
Todd, 'Mra A. 1 Clerk strect 'I'rcnch, Miss, 7 West Clarcmonl street
Tods, Murray, & .T amiellon, 'V.8. 66 Qucen st. Trcsbran, 11.1). tidt' surveyor, /j Jlope tcr.IJeitb
• , " Brown s place
I TwN.'ddaJe, .J••hoemlkcr, 14 N. Circus Ill.
Tweeddale, .f. profiaion mercht. 27 I'ht It.
« ~.S. -l~
urn bull, John, drl r," lIill square
Tollemachc, W. Francis, 13 Abercromby place Tress, 'Vm. J. 2 South St Davitl street iurnbun, J. J., )6 'l'histJe street Twceddalc, nob. jun. fleshrr, Bridge :it.
Tolmle, Hobt. tobacconist, l.ord Cockburn It.. Trimble, George, 9 Rachurn place urnboll, .John. W.S. of Abbey St Bathans, Twcedie, Major-Gen., 15 HUII.nel s'luarc
Tolmie, n: & 1\1. tobacconists amI stationers, 'l'JUNIT\' JIo. 99 Kirkgnte- W. Paton, Oluter .J9 Georgc square 'I'wet·die, ,famell. grocer IlDd Ipirit merchant,
, ,2.~~ Canong~te. 'I'ripncy, .Mils, gr~eer, 10? Abbeyhill ~umb\lll, .John, accountant, 1I India street 41 St l.conard »tr'eet
I omhnson, lhs~, confcctlOlll'r, 8 St Patrick sq. Trotter, Alex. teach. ot wrlt. &c. &9 George st. 1 urnbull. John, agent, 2 Wet, Nicollor. It. Twtedie, .John, 84 CroucauSC1
'l'opping, .John, letter.rarricr, 7 Little King st. Trotter, Ales. grocer & wine merchant, 27 Turnbull, .John. 25 South Clerk street Tweedie, I'cler, 12 lIowe Lttrcet
Torrance, G.Me.M. of'fbreave.2S.GeoTgc sq. Earl Grey street-hou,e, Crombie hall TUTnbulJ, Patrick, 'V.S. S~ India Itree' Tweedie, Thomas, 35 )o;AS& Cllremont street

, <

Tweedie, Thomas, draper, 32 Clerk s~reet I '!sber, lUss, .. SY.h'an place.
T.wee<lit~, Rev. W. K., D.D. 15 George square! Utrecht, J. H. tallor & clothIer, 1~ George
, '--- ----- ------
Ve~on, J. E. jeweiler, watchmaker, anli op·1 Walker, Geo., M.O. surgeon.... Dotlnington
Tweedtc, William, clerk (Edi"r. ~ Leith street-ho. U • . ticiaD, 54 Leith st.-ho. 11 Duncan st. I . 1 ' l a c e .
DrulUmond r.lace-See .ddt'. I"
• •
alker, Geo. (G . ..\. J. W.), ... "c1hrigton
Brewery Co.) 15 Ing1iBt~n street II~tterston, llo~t. timber carter; 2 Bal,tIc st.
\'ernon, Wm. ;., SO ISrillces: place, Lcit' .
Tweedic M.iss Anne, 8 Kelr street I, Utterson, MN,.French staymak.30 Frederick
litreet.-S.:e Adv i Walker, G. w .u:r-officl·r, 2, S. Ncwillgton .1'1.
Tyrrell 'Valter, ~ld beater, i4 Rose street I !itreet
"ernon l\Irs A. E. 11 Ouncalllltreet !''''alker, lIugh. bake!', s:~ ~t Andrc\v sf. L('lth
-ho'ISl W. Richmond ,;trcet
Tytler, Jame!, 'V.S.-chambers, HI Cast!a st.
"ettcrson, l\frs, Daslough cottage
Vertue,' Dum'an, H.E.I.C.S. :1 Eton terrace Walker, .Ja~cs, ~atiol:allhnk mcssl'ngcr,:11
"artue, William .• and Co. wine merchalJts~, West Hcglstcr st~CI·t.
-houae 'Voodhousctce, HosHn i VAJ.I.ANCE, George, breeches-maker, and, by
~9 Quality "treet

: Wa!ker, James, jallltoi. 20 \, Jrk I~lnce
Tytler .Ta:nes Stunrt, W.S. 19 Castle c;treet-j appointment, glover to the Queen. 1t Weat Vertue ':\lrs William. 23 Forth street . Walker, .las. recorder, Calton burYlDg-groullII,
hou~, SO :Mc1ville street Uegister street-house, I Gayficltl square
Yietor,' .Major-gen.:ral James C. 12 Eton I :.!I (alton hill-housl', I~ .
I Vallance, Jas. & Co. coal mprchants! 15 port..
terrace j, ,Tus. draper nnu illllhncry w;arehouse,
UNDF.R\VOOD, '1'ho. S. grocer, ·1 Ol'chnr<lfield ' Hamilton-house, lli St AntllODY ptacl
V'CTOIUA Lodging-houses, 8S West lmrt, 1l.1); l:U Kirkglltc-:llCtls(', I Thomli~n s 1,laco
Unger, Morit?! trlhlcr in diamonds, pearls, & VaUanec, ,Jo?n, jun. & Co. coal mert'hants, :; Cowgatt·, and 2 ,Merchant street ' Walker, .lames. 1101'11 ~It'"..tpcr, :1.1 heorge stre<.!t
preciolls !itouCIl, 03 N. bridge-house, 21 Port-Hamtlton
Gartillcl"s crescent Valiance, Je~!l, 6 Argyle square Virtu." Jam(,"S S'lmulisher and bookseller, .,6: -house, 11 GreeuMdc street
UlilO~ Bank of Scotland, Parliament sqnare.1 ValIance, J. jun. coal mer. 10 St Anthony pt
Nicolson street ! Walkl.!r, .Jas. of Dalry, advocate, 6 Etoll ter.
t12 Gcorge st. anll J.t, Bernlml st. Leith ! ValIance, ,Vm. baker, 6 Glllnville place-ho.
, Wll.lkt'r, .James. wright. tlphl)lstl'r<lr, am!
W ADORLr., .tames, milIwright, 2 Bowling.! bouae agent, l/jCi nOlle ntrc{'t .
U~IOS Canal Co.'s Office, ) ]'ort.llopctoulI 29 lIamtl10n plBce
U~n nn Industrial School, South Gray'£! closc, . Vallant'P,; "rm. F., 6 Al'~!c
green street ! Walker, .fames, habcrdl\slll'r llnd 11llslcr, S t
56 II igh street, C. J.'crguson, teacher. I' liqu: re Waddell, .fames, Claremont park, Leith i lligh "treet .
WaddeU, .1. fruiterer, S4 Lothiau st.-ho • .:.6 I Walker, .f.Ill. cotree, tca, and wine mCfl'h?tlt,
UNIT .'>1' Kingdom Assurance Co., 15 QuCe!l ; Vallancc? Wm. confectioner And llastry baker,
. oS ~ ~\('olson street-ho. Harrogate Villa.
stre,:t-}). S. I"raser, agent I 13 Hanover street ami 5 Caltou street
WaddeU I'eter Claremont park, Leith
WaddeU; Wm.: W.S. 20 R"YIlI circus l SciCDDeR hill
UNI'J"lW Kingdom ]'ro\'idwt Institution, 23' Valiance, Mrs, berlin-wool warehouse, ~9
Wa«iIlell, l\Irs Sarah, spirit dealer, 3 Veitch's Walker, Jame., of l-'ol'dcrJyc, ',ti (fartlnu'l:I
Rt Audrew square-H. & .1. G. lIarrison, I (;('orge IV. br.-ho. 72 Northumberland
secrctllriell.-:O;I!C Adt'. : I'treet place . .crescent. . .
Waddie Charles 11 LothIan street I \\ alker, .JRlDCIf, llpmt dC:llcr, ~ewhan'D
UN1'nUl Operative 1\111..on&' House of (!aU, 87 ' Vall!ntinc, .Johu, (Jfill!li(', V. ~. Co.) 12 Ar-
Waddie' ,Tsuncs, i 1 l ..otbian street I Walker, .Jas. grocer, :u. Ut'an street ,
St Anclrcw ~treet, Leith ehlbalcl t)lace
UNtT\" Fit·c antI Lite Assurance ASllol'iation, 1 Vannan, Wm. 11., 46 Home "treet
"'addi;, John, 'stationer, 1) Locbiau' sm'et IWalker. Jamcs C. IU'chitcct, sa ~. Fn.'«tend.
'Vaitt, Mrs, ladies's nurse. 1 Lr&slIordc land, t btreet, Agrif'llituwl l.a(/tJurtrs IJIl'clll1l!}s
26 South Hanover street-.lames .'blit,! Varey, Mis., 22 Comely bank North Leith I AI'IWL'ia filJ r. .,
local manager.-::5cr ...4(/t·. I Vdtcb, Andrew, head teacher, Geo. Heriot's
W.kernan, Mrs, Cambridge viHa, ~ Strath ; W'likcr .• John M,. (G. (m(1 J. H.). 'oll (har..
UNJn:n:;,\I. I.ifc Assurance Society,24 Pitt schooI-hout!e, 1 Lothian roatl earn routt . loue !ltreet, Leith
)faclInugbron & Finlllay, W.S. agents "citrh, (It'O. missionary, 2:1 Lallriston street Wnldic Dllvid 2.. Grove ~tr{Xt I Walker, john, lJ1.lSOlh 31 lIroughtoll ~trcet
Upton, '1'., painter and ~Ia?icr, 27 ghler stt'(!et Veitch, Geo. S. (Hank (!f Scot.), 5 Buccleueb lraldie: .Tame;, f.mir.h, bell .. hanger, and gas. I Walke .. , .John, ~roccr, 17f1 Foulltainhrillgll
IT nnston, Aug. n. '22 Athc!l (:rfflcent I place
Ur(jtlh~rt, Anlicfson, & Co., ,,1I01('lIalo drug.. Veil ch, Utw. ,Tames, D.D. St Cutbbert's
fitter Hamilton's entry, 3(; Bristo street ' \Valkcr, .In., W .S. 2(~ucell street-houae, '20
gists lmd rom.ll1l!rchants, 30 (~ua1ity !itn'eti mansc Waldie: James, coal and coke merchant, Whit- ! Rmlan,l !treet
fieh1l,lace, Leith wlll~, Hay~Jarket, Scot- : ":111k(;'r, John, 4 Northumlwrl:ulIl plllcc
r 'q,dl.lrt, Alexander, boot and slHwmaker, 361' lreitch, .Tames, hotel~ 120 nnd 12'2 Heorge ~t, land street, ami Junction bmlge ~oal sta.· 'hiker, John, ~ Hoxll\l~h trrrace
Frcderick street , Veitch, John, butler, 15 ('lan'nce street
{Trquhart, Grorgc, smith, Nortb Cin'us Jane Vt'itch, .Joho, Apirit dealer, S9 Fountain br.
donl-ho. 9 Stead'. place.-SCt~ Adt:. 1 "·alker..John 'Y'. (liflllkarl, H(au",,~, OJ.
Urquhart, James, sec., Scottish Coast l\Iis· Veitch, .John, !lO Middle Arthnr placo
Waldic, JdS. jun. ~iS Whitfit>ld place i Brat/forci), 9 !'ahllbury place
Waldie :Miss A. dressmaker, 6 Bran$wick st. ; Walker. John W. 1-1- Duke !l.trc{~t
sion, l\ichmond ('I)Ullgf', Ferry road Vcitch, Rohcrt, grocer, 3 Shrub place Wale jalllcs ~ ('riCll101l street I Walktr, :\la})I',(;~;,rral E. w. F., C.~., ('.ifO-
lirqllhart, James ,V.
villa, Gnmin place
East India agent. Agra I Veitch, noht. (Edin. H"cning COflrattt) 1
, JIiU ~«l\lnre
\V alker & Ailan, beraMic paintms,japannerF, I m:.lndel·.ill·Chi\,'f for Scotl.unl, 16 Charlotte
and glasa ticket writers, 10 IUgh terrace',: !:1!Uare .' •
31i Uristo street I
Prquhart, Kenlleth, wright and undertaker, 'Vcitch, 1'h08. & Co. stationers al1<1 acconu&
book manufacturers, 33 St Amtrew square
Ur'luhart, Hoderick. chcmitlt, S:J Nicolson, Vehch, Willillm (C(}urant office), Greenhill
allll New Bt~ugbton
Walker, A. B., Logie green
!Wlllkcr, ~(. and to. pubhsht'l1I And prm tCf!I,
i 21 Gt..'Orgr street. 'J •
Walker, Alex. portmanteau, trullk, and brush Walker, Rohert, Ih1rr, ~() \ ardbc:lll~
8lrec!--houSt·, :; Hill squllre 1 hank,1\(orllingsidc manufacturer, 91 l'rince!l IItJ"C(.~ I', Hobert, dOlhl(!f, 11 llomt' Kt,reet
!:rtlllhar', :\In, lndiclt' nurse, ," .Tamnica St. I Vcftch, Wm. cabinetmaker, npholAterer, an(l Walker, Alex. (DicJ-~11 cC: Walker), S.!,Walkcr,n.(lIrlly lJrnf llitlr),I'.?J.:lUrl!4tonla.
Urquhart, :MlS, [) St Colme strc('t ! l'ou5e agent, ,H George street-ho. 1 St
Ur(iuhart, :'\Irs Ut. B. IntUa villa, Cum in pI.
t:rqulmrt, ~fi!'l~, f) Charlotte pJace
I Cuthbert's glehe
I Veitch, Mrs .J. of \roodside, J~ Cllseell's
-.;.Droughton street ~ 'Valker, 1'. & Sou. hutchers and poultcrer•.
W.I1cer, AIel. (Iv' O· AlIan) japan., :1 Aurtber I .1 Albc~t place
street Pllrig street ," nlker, fbomall, baker, ., John!ltoll pl~
Urquhart, ~'liss, 23 St."\lforcl street ' place Walker: ADdrew late oftbe CeyIon Civil Ser.. 1Walker, TholJl&41, ,j'J (;rangc road
l;shcr lA. & Co. distillery, spirit & British wine! Vcitch, l\Irs .Tohn, 51 Hope park eull 'rice,S Atholl ' lace ' Walkc-r, 'rhos. oilll.nd colourman, 1f4 Urlsto :qc.
merch:mt8, ~2. '2~, aud 26 'V. l'ieolson st. I Vcitch, Mrs, :")0 York place Walker, Arch. «fraper. 4 North.west Circus, Walker, C~pt. W. If n,un~la., litrcf'.t
Usher, A. &.f. Edinhurgh distil. 31 Sciennesi Veitch, Mrs, <'f Stcwartfteld, 7 Pit-ardy placc place : W nlkcr, ". baker, t. !"'. St .James Rtr-let
Usher, btlrew (A. tJ. ,(; Co.), 30 Ulacket pI. I "«'itch! 1\(rs, lactics' nurse, &2 India place Walkcr,.\rchibald, chimney sweeper, 11 BrclHI Walker, WiBiam, grocer, .17 J,unlllra au:ect
Hsher, .hmcs and 111Omas, 1Ir('\\'('r3, 12 Mer. : Veitch, Misses C. & U. fa~cy repositerfY. 105 street Walker, 'Vm., N. B. RlIllwa,. office, Canal
chant street anll 72 St Lcon:trd street Nicolson street Walker, Arthur Abncy, 32 :\[elvUl~ meet litreet .
liehrr .•Tames, \(J LYllCdoch plal.'C Veitch, Mi!ifles, !j Ducclcuch plllce Walker, Dr, Itichmond lodge, Trinity I Walker, \~m!nm, draper,' 6 ;{Jrk~at(}
ti~her, .John, W.S. 14 Barony street V~nl, Ocorge, lithographer and ticket writer, 'Valkcr, Edwar«l, 70 St uonard street IWalker, "lll1an., boot-c.oseT, 2 Northutnher ..
Usl,(lr, .khn (A. "~hf'1' d' OJ.), 13 ~linto at. 2~: Hi~h street
Usher, '1'1 (.mas) 3 C :e.hncrs· street Vert', :\lr8, Se;! Saxe-('oburg place 'Valkt'r, G. & .r. linen aDd woollen drapers, ~! Jand place .. •
Kirkgate 'Walker, 'Vat. surg. 4, N'orthum3t!fJand st.

..... ]1-0 .£ • • •q • • ..
War Wat 28;;
284 Wal
------------------------ -------------OENER.-\l
-----------.- ----
110 Con.tltution It.-ho. l'irniefield pJace
Walker, Wm. collector of police 8llsessment, Wallace, P. teacher of Dlusic.. 188 Nicolson
street •
lVarrick and Baillie, winp. and spirit mer- Watson~ Heury G. (W. & /Jickton), a('count.
chants, 6 .Foxe's lane, St Andrew street, I ant, 123 Georgfl st.
Walker, Mu A. S. 21 Nelson street Wnllace, Rev. Robert, 37 Dublin street Leitb I W.lsOII, J. (Scot. Prov. bMt.), 4S Charlotte
Walker, Mn .lames, 16 Constitution street WaUace, Robert D., S.P.C.K., 49 Queen st. Warrick, Wm. (Jy'~. Baillie), Claremont park I square
Walker, Mre John, 93 Pilrig street -hot 31 Alva street • Warrick, .1\lrs, 'i3 Conl'ltitution st. I WatsoD, .Tames, 52 Charlotte st. Leith
Walker, Aln Wm. 47 Northumberland It. \Vallace.. Ilobert, ~ C'!. prlDte~'! 4~ Rose st. Warrick, Miss Jane, IlrOyil:.ion tlealer, 12 j Watson, Jas. writing-master, kacher ofaritb.
Walker. )fn, 16 Drummond !Street 'Vallace, Rober',hbranm tosoitcltors-at·laW' Portlan(1 place i metic and book-keeping, 12 (~ueen !!trCl't-
\Valker Mrs Brougham street 3 noyal exchange
Wason, 'Vm. rector, Robertson's Academy, house, 2 l'reston terrace
Newin~ton, 11 Roxburgb street \\"a15on • .lames" 1i Salisbury street
Walker' )In' 94 Clnrence street 'VaHaee, R. B. (Customl), Bath6e1d hoUle
Walker: Airs: broker, 41 Cumberland street 'Vallace, T. bt.'IOt & shoemaker, 6~ Broughtoa 'Vaten. 'Vm. prcprietor and manufacturer of Watson, .1. M. ~\; Cn. engineers, ('otltracton,
Walker, Mrs, lodgings, 82 George street street . Scou's vegetable pills, 51 Lothian street . Ilntl manufacturers of iron and wire t~nccs,
'Vaters, 1\Ir8, ladies' nurse, 8 Willi:un st. : gates, &c. St Lconard's
I WaIlace, Thos., S.S.C., ~·B St Andrew sq.
Walker Mrs of DaIry 9 Athole crescent
Walker' Miss l\fary' 6 Leopold place
Walke; Mis~ Enen 1 So. Charlotte street WaIJace, Thomu, 5S Nicolaon street
'Yallaee, William D., S.S. C. 81 Aba etreet
'Vaterson, l\lisl, dressmaker, 4,9 India place ; Wats()ll,Jamcs, pialloforte tuner, S Iluxburgh
'Vatenton & Johnlton, bookseUcrs,20 Ber- I terrace
\Valker; lli88, 3 Gl~ucester place
narcI street-house, :1 Hermitage hill I Watlon, James, (lairy, oS Raebum place
Wallace, 'ViDiam, Citg Fi,cal', Offiec, City
'Walker :Miss milliner & dressmaker, 6 Howe I Chambera-ho. 4,'1 BuccJeuch street I
W.terston, Davicl (R. IV. 4\' Son), 2 Upper \\'31500, Jamc~,.(G.P.• o.) :!I.J~ama!c..1. street
Gilmorc place 1Watso!), J. wrlUng master, ,,$ ~outh bridge
Itreet '
Walker, Miss, 3 KirkK!'te
! WaUace, Wm., M.D. 7 Church lane, )Iorn-
I ingsJcIe I
Waterston, David, amI Son, ready-made linen Watson, John, (&oIt. l'ror·. lll~t,), 16 {ir.:cn-
outlining warehouse, hosiers and glover!!, hill gardens
Walker, Miss, staymiker, 9 Piu street I Wallace, 'Vm. Fde~er, 48 Broughton st.
l~ Gecrge street . ! ":atl1on, J. bootm.aker, 1:!9 Xicolson street
'Valker l1iss 9 Hart street Wallaee, W. ot Busble, Wester DaIry house 'VZlterston, Geo. wholesale stationer and seal- I \\ I&t501l, .Juhn K. trcasl1r('r :Uld lIlanager,
Walker' Miss' Dr41f'.lsbeugh
Walkin~haw, lames, 10 lJowe street
Wallaee, lfm. mercbant, 45 Quality street-
house, 9 Pilrig street
ing wax maker, 56 Hanover street-housl', i EdiTlburflh Gal Llyht {OlllJmT!I.
6 St Jobn'. hill I f("rd road
I" ma('k~
Walkinshaw Wm. writer, 112 Canongate Wall ace, Alis., silk and worated abop, 132 Watentoo, John .T. 26 Hoyal cresc('nt I Watsoll, John, butchct'. 13 Grecllflido "lrt'I't
Wall, Jobn, 'printer, G Ingliston strer' ,George st.-ho. 10 South Charlotte. st. , Waterston, J. teach. of (lraw. 121 l'rince8lt .. Watsoll, .Iohn, tt'acher of writing. 1 :\Iurkct
Wallace and 1'homlon, commission agents I Wal~ace, :1\Iiss Jane, teacher of mUllc, ... 38 'Vaterstou, Mrs A. lodgings, 9 Albaoy street; Jllace
and merchants, 4S Quality street ! Nlcolson street T .
'Va~bertton, John, and Sons, buildcra and Watlloll, John, 9 Antittu:L S:rt't!
Wall ace and Whyte (late D. Ne'8 ~. CQ.), Wall ace, Jane, flesher, 17 North Rlcbmond house carpenterll, 8 Charlotte place ,r atson •• rohn, 6 W c~t l'resto!i strt'\,t
8culptors and marble-cutterl. Leith walk, street • Wathereton, .Tohn. buildcr,:1 Handolph placc Watson, John, ironmongl·r.:H Hanon·r "t.
and at S\Jl'ub place I Walls, .Tames, spirit dealer, 9 JUnlatl'a stree, lVatkins, Co). Jamel, U.E.I.C.S., 40 Hrum-. Wlltson, Uev .. Jollathan. '\\ J\nn street
'Vallace, A. ropemaker. 52 Bernard street i WaUs, .Tohn, S.S.C. S3 Heriut row mond p1ace , Watson. Ley~uur,nc, corn (actor l\ gClIerllllfl('r.
\Vallace, Alex. P Pilrig Itreet I,Valsh, Edward, grocer, III Cowgaw Watling, John, hotel and tavern kcepl:r, 23; 30·A COllstltUtJou str:~ct-ho. ,; llertllltage
Walla cc, Alex. shoemaker, .H Thistle strcpt Wa1lb, Mrs, 11 St Patrick square Fleshmarket close lllacc, Leith
'Vatlace, A. (w. ~,. ,.,11:/1"), 14 Heriot cuurt, : WaltcrsJ George, curator, National gallery, Watmore, Mrs, 41 Castle street Watlon, l'atrick Heron, ~1.J)., F. n. C.S. E.
Leith walk 1 2 Mound place Watson &. Henry, smiths and coach-builders, 16 11 ope strcl't
WaUace, A. B....5 Gilmorc place Wands, 'Villi am 'Y., painter and glazier, 3 6 Nottingham placc Watson, llobert, coal merchant, C'lllc{loni.aD
Wanaee, Du. wrigltt, house.factor, &c. 179· South-east Circus place Watson, Adam, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, Jepot.-hlluSC, 10 Calhcrint· strct·t
I+'ountainbridge I WAn Office, Military Store, Castl,,'-T. I'earce, 8 and 23 Union street-ho. 15 lIart street Watson, Ilob('rt, }<'. H. C.S.E. '~:J St l',.tricl.:
Wallaee, Eben., W.S. (Graut,~ W.), 13 Lon .. : military Ktort....keeper WatlOn, Uev. A. Jt~. 9 }<:ast Claremont street square
(Ion ,'reet ' Warde, Gen. Fra., lloyal Artillery, DanghoJm Watson, Alex. bookbinder, 23 Scuth bridge Wlltsoll, Stt·wart, por t rait.l'aillt. :l:l Howe st.
Wall ace, Get'. & Son, marble-cutters and stone I bower 'VaL",on, AncIrfw, 'V.S• .; Walker street I Watsnn, Hev, Thumns, 11 ('Iarellt\' :,trt-et
carvers, South Junction street, Leitb, and I Warden, Wm. merchant lie commilSion ngent, Wallon, A. lodgings, J4 Trinity crescent I Watson, 'rhos. tailor and clothier. :}O Jameg'
11 Ua(ldington place St Anthony's co.-llo. Bonnington mount Wltson, Archd. (I/. of &lJllfI1HJ, 2 Danube st.· square
WalJace, George, (G. lV. 1.\. SOil) 4 Montgo- Warden, Wm. 12 Scienne! place Watson, A. mat maker, 96 High street . Watsotl, \\'. F. bookseller Rllel station el', .j'~
1I1ery street Warden, 1\1rs Dr,23 Howard place Wllhon, Hev. Charles, D.D. \0 Charlotte sq I'rinces :;treet
Waaace, .lames, agcnt for J.Yatiml/ll H/Ul/.: ofl Warden, Mrs, 10 Clarentlon crescent Watson, Charlcl.l, 48 Ann street Watsun, William, ntlvocntt\ 12 Pilt "tr{'et
&otlallrl. 16 Bernard street, Leith-house, I Wardlaw, A. & .T. smith., Low Brougbton Watl!on, D, A. china mer., 43 St l.conar(J st. Watson, Wm. Smcllie, It.S. A. portrait-painter,
29 Uo)'al terrace I'Vardlaw, Henry, rag and cbina merchant, Watson, David, wine an(l spirit merchant, if, 10 }o'(lrt11 atreet
\\'allace, Jamcs, bootmaker, 10 South Char- ! 329 Canongate (jrassmarket

Watson, Wm. baker, I.; Caltoll sf.-- ho. Ifi

lotle street IWard Jaw, Colonel, late Bengal army, U India \Vatson, Davi,], ironmonger, 1~:; Wgh street-: Watsoll, Willi.m, tailor' and c1othkr. 19 ~
Wall ace, James, teacher of music, 138 Nicolson· street houle, 28 BUl'rleuch place Hose stTt't't
street i Wardrop, llaillan<l (Brown t IV.), Sydney Watson, }<'rancis ul!' t·t.~~' W.)" Old PhY!'ic . Walc;on. WiIliam, teller (OmJll/crrial /Ja7l~)~
Wallace, Jame8, wright and ul1(lertaker, 0
Church lane
I lodge
Wardrop, ~lrs M. 1i DrulIImoDd street
gardens I :s Dean terrace
Walson's general drapery warehousc, 316 tf" \\:atr,oo. ~Irs Akx. ~~ ~nn. "treet
Wallacc, .Tames, 12 Junction street Wares, l\li" .}anet, tobacconilt, 1 J Earl Grey ~J~O Lawnmarket 1\\ atson, Mrs Davld. 9 StaP.ord ~trcd
Wallace, .Tohn, tailor & clothier, 49 Junction .treet Watson, Geo. cabinetmaker, 1 Teviot row Watson, ~lrs J.:benezcr, 10 Smith's pl.1lcC
strt:et, I..eith \Varner, John, lodgings, ...5 Alban)' stree' Watson, Geo.joiuer andcabinctmaker, 9 Toll Watson, ~Irs (jeor~c, ',z3 Gcorge squart:
Wallacc, Rev. John, 5 Keir street Warrack, ,John, & Co. commission merchantl croSil I \ratson, l\Irs Gt'O. nIaeket place
Wallace, .John, & 80n, copperAtn. anll patent I and insurance bro'keJ'!l. 30-0 Constitution le. Wltson, George, writer 1i Keir street I \\'atl'on, !\Irs JO},Jl, draper, ~8 }Ju('c1t:uch plo
heartb manufacture,., 11 Sandport street -house, Catherine bank \Vatson, H. G., & T. G. 'Dlckson, .cc.untants, I' Wat~.)J), ~trl.J., I;uliel' narse, I Mnrkt:t pI.
'Vallnce, John, rlcrk of Holyrood bouse, SI Warraker, 'ViUiam, brulfounder, 14 'Ves' 3 North St Davi(l street WatsoD, Mrs Hamilton. 26 Piu street
Alva street Nicolson street-hot 1 Duccleueh .treet Watson, Henr)" nllt! Co. wholesale ntHl retail [ WatlOn, ~lr!4 T. 11 Melbourne pi3re
Wallace, L. A. :U Regent terrace
lYallacc, 1\1. (31. and" W.), P Casd. terrace
Warren, ,Tame. I..ow, H.P. lurg(,OD, nb Hu.·
sars, ... Melvllle street
woollen !lud linen dntperst 2'. IIigh r,treet· Watson, llrs 'i. B., 28 Broughtnt) plnc<:
'VatlOn, Mn \Vm. 11 Buccleuch place \ ',,""augb 'Vm. Z, Son, china !lIer. 95 Pleasece ·Weir, Archibidd, bootmaker, 44 Constitution: \\'cf~1iS, Utl\)ert (1j,lk~~ n:llk), I; Georg,,-pl.
WatlOn l\1~ 19 Windsor street I Waugh, Mra Marguret, lodgmg-house wper, street I W(,lOl'SS, T. A., H..N". harb•• mnster, Granton
Watson: !\lrs, midwife, 1.6 street I ,134. George fjtre~t • Weir, David. and Co. produce brokers nnd I Wcm·yss. Wm. dt:puty.cOlllmi~y.sen.. ral,
Wallon, Miss Ann, lodglDgs, 46. N. Cutle st. t \\ auchope, .l\lo~le,. alld BOI't', 'WIDe mer- cum. merchants, S Dank. lreet, Leith ! 6 Sali:,bury road
Watsar. :Miss )1. milliner, 12 Klrkgate I cllar.ts, 6 ConstitutIon strC':!t \Veir, Day-id, {lJ. W·. ami Co.) 19 Beruard s!. : W cm Pt', Alils, 1.3 Pi tt stret't
'Vatson' .l\liss Margaret, 1Q 1'0rpbicheD st. I Wancbope, Mrs G. S l\l oray place Weir, Henry, clalsiw ma.ste!'. 22 Danube It.: \\'cnley, James A.,' Ducchmch place
\'fatson' Miss S Parksidc street I Wnuchope, Miss J. la George square Weir, James (G. P ... O.), Kylcplace I WEST or SCOTLJ.SD Wine )lercbllnts, 17
Watson: .1\Iiss: 118 Princes street Weatberhead, Rohert, 1 Anll~Ddale street Weir, James H. baker, i66 1)lellSance I I'rillcu street
Watson t.liss, IQ Vauburgh place Wchb, Alex. shoemaker, 28 Pltt str~et ·Weir, James, provision mercilaot, nod com· 'VEST OF El'GLAND Fire and Life Insurance
", , , 48 Dean strect Webb,
J .Mrs Uobert, children's d1'e8l1tnllker, 1 milSion agent, 1 place Otlires-W. H ..... meroll. l '1~1 l)rillcclI at.

WatlOn, )liss, 2 Grove terrace amalca street Weir, John, (.l.ivi1l!ldiJll §r W.),3 Miutll st. and J. Lindsay, 10 Nortburoberliltull'treet,
Wat80D Miss, 6 l)itt street Wcbb, Mrs, 39 Thistle street "'eil', John, so Cumberland street agcllw
Watson' Miss, 27 East Claremont street Wcbstf'r, A. B., M.D. 13 Wnrriston crescent 'Veil', Peter, boot and shoemaker, 'i3 Nortb. WKST Kirk Poor.ratl!s' Office-·Bitt Antler.
W.tson; :Miss, dressmaker, .,2 Lothian street Wcbster, Alex. spirit dealer~ 12~ Canongale Richmond street SOli, cQllcl.'!tor, I Hutlantl street
Watsoll, Miss, drC1lmaker, 21 Nelson street We~ster, ~w •• S.S.C. N.P. mau~.r ~xtraor- 'Veir, llobtirt, grocer, 209 Cowgnte ,rcst, Alltlrcw, grocer, 1.) .Mortoll sh'cct
Watsoll Misses 11 Lutton place dmary In Cballc('Ij', and COIf.IUlSSlOner of Weir, Robert.M. winE" mercllant, 13 Carltoll Wt'st, John, (,o~ta\·rr, 12 Charles' &trl'Ct.
W ,ATSO~'S, (ir;rgc, Hospital, l\1eatlows-Jas. the English Courts of (~uecn'8 Bench, terrace WelSt, Will. ~ :\laullF.eld Vlac,'
Young, 126 High street, treasurer Common Pleas, and Exchequer, chambers, Weir, ltM., Uolhmd, & Wbigbam, winc mer- . Wcst, :\Ii!i!\ Gcorg:ua, :.! ~lal:stichl plllcc
WATT Instituti01l, Scltool of Arttl,llml Ebl'llr;,- 118 George street-house,:l Fortb 1Itreet cbanb!, 5 York l,lace \\' l'st, ~1iss, drcb~U1aku, '2,j Cum hcrIlIUtl st..
au(1 model room, Adam square 'Vcbstf'r, Andrew,,23 St "'cir, Samuel, sih'ersmith, Chalmers' closet W!,,~ nu:-. Edu('ational Institution. t: Xorth
Watt and J\lackic, Misses, dressmukers, 21 ,Jamt'II' sq. 81 High stre4!t ; Charlottc Gtrcet-lico, .J. ~l;ld(,lI!1
Nelson strcct \Vebster, Davi(i, 4,7 "l!istJe street Weir, '1'hos. H. ; llll.iles strect i Western, 1'. Salisbvry villa
Watt aud Marnicks, S.S.C., N.1'. 9 York pI. Webster, G. advocate, 56 Northutnbcrlandst. "'cir, 1'. Grah.lm, 1\1.]).: }'.n.c.p.F." sec. ' Wl'steru, Pt'h'f, rnallufll t;tnril1g jewdh.'f, 19
Watt, Alcx. veterinarv surg. 6 St James' pI. Wcbstcr, Hugh, spirit (lealer, 70 Gile~' st. Nt'lIl Tuwu IJ;R}JI'IIl/tJ.17/, 2':; Heriot row I " . est Ht'~istcr street
Watt, AJexnmler 11: &1I8ay master, Sydney W rbster, lamcs, S.S.C. 8 Glouccsterp1.-officc W cir, lUrs U. Duntias, 1'3 Gilmorc placc W{-ston, JObll, hQok!.cllcr. '2 W~l'It Collf'gc st.
cottage, 4(; Gr:U1~c road 21 Dukc street \Yeir, 1\lrs, 12 Danube street . WCI'ton, .101m, bllKt.'r, 11'i PIl'33:mcc
Watt, Allllrew, saddler, Jlnrness and llortman· Webstcrt .Tames, Cherry bank Wcir, Miss E. boardil)~.4S:h. 26 Uoyal tcrruce W.·stou, Thoma.'!.l victual Ilc.11er, 3 Duke ... t.
teau maker, 1 South St Davitt st.-house, W{'b~ter, J., tailor nnd clothier, 76 Kirkgntc W cir, Miss, !j Arcllibald l>lacc Leith
3:1 Dublin street Wcbstcr, Jas. tea merchant, 11 Dalrymplc pI. ,,'cir,l\liss, 25 WindlSOr strf'ct Wc~ton, l\lrs Uicharu, fringe & tanclwukrr.
"rntt, Amlrew (It.~. JY.),28 Scotland street Webster, James, pavement merchant, Juno- W eil!~e, I~. I.crmall, teacher of dl'"willg, i Il!:t liCJna!"l'
'Vntt, David, tailor, I'll 1iirkgatc tion bridge wharf 16 Queen street ; \\\·t1ll'n,tollc, I1ugh. fh'slll'r, :2 110\\"1.' ~trect

Chlllm~r8' close, 81 Hlgll street

'Vatt, Gco. ivory, bon(', aud cabinet turner, Wcbster, .John, watchma,ker, 107 'Vc!.t port
\\' cbster, .John, J.1. D~mla8 street
,,'cisse, lteinrich, Gennan m!lSter, {i Iluwc \rl:nrhJII. (h·o. !tlamp :ulIl ~)('am maker, :H
street :md ,'ll l.elth "",Yllll
'Vatt, lIugh, SoS.C. ( lV. (; i1[{lrrcicl.s).9 York· Wrhstcr, .John, )eatll{'r mercb. I Old Bridge \"tiIlS!.', lJn, teacher of music. 6 1I0\H' ... t. \\'hllrloll, )1 rs .J as, filth nWTclinllt, Gilmorc tit.
plllce md, Leith l,"de}l, Mlchael, officer of ll1lanll Ilc.~,·cllUl·, I'aul'" work
'VaU, .f ames, dcrk, 14 Patksidc Htrcrt Wcbstt'r, 1.. hoot maker , 9 Gatbcriuc street Honllington bridge ' Whif.lhllUl, ~JiH E. ,lrll}ll'r. (; Jlo~\t· Mrt'N
Watt, .James, spirit denIer, 22 Dean strcct- Wcbster, WilliJ:uu, writer, 2(, (~ucen street "'c1ch, Mrs,34 Uallkdlior street \\,hi~hllm. )!i,,!WI'. Frcllch !l1~~1II ... (·It-rk "t.
ho. g Cbcyne street Webster, 'ViJ!iam, grocer, 23 Durns atreet- Wells, .Jl1s. tea merchant, 12 Society \, hillas, ., .. 1111. \\rigbt, 2Q Hiq~o tl.-Iw• .H
Watt, .1nUlc!S (J. A.Batram lOut Co,), ,j Wcl- ho, 2 Primrose place ".ells, .Tames, builder, 17 I1rcad strect Thulllllon's court. I ; rlltl81l1arkt·t
Jington place Wc.·bster, )Irs, 6 Dclll'fuC terrace Welts, .John, 11 Spring gardens, Abbey hill . White .•\11.)111, and CH. COllllllil<.hjc, I mtr .. hants.
Watt, John, boot nn{lslloc maker, Aucltinleck I W('h:"ter, l\Jrs General, Denham green, Trinity Wens, L. & Co. tea Dlercllants, ·U N. bridge IOJ ConstitutioJl M.
l,lnce, Newhaven Wl'bst€l, 1\frs, lodgings, " Eallt Broughton l,l. -~ho. It; llontagu atrt.'Ct Whit(', AI ..·x.·~ SUllluHrfid,l, Lt'i!h
Watt, John, slipma!>trr, (:r:mton r,iip W('l)81<'1, ~ti~s, dressmaker, 30 Castle lItrcet Wdsb, A. ~roccr & wine merchant, 1 Pitt st. Whit!" .o\!c".gruclr.\:victual ddlil r.'L'l ;\orth ..
Watt, M. J. surg.-dcntist.l!\ S. Charlotte st. W('tltl"l, Aud.dairyman, 115 FountRinbridge -boo 26 Nelson st. wc:.t Cir~'lJ): pl.u l' nllll :HI I hw.l", .. trclt-
\Vall, Petc)" fruiterer nut!, ·1·8 Howc , 'Yetldel, James, and Co. wine merchants aDil \\' elsh, Henry (11. I)' W.), 43 FI'l..ucrick st llO\ll'!t'. 10 lbkt'r'" plll(,~'
s!rt'd I grocers. ~o ~.- \V. Circlls place-hot 19 Welsh, .lames, flc8her, 28 Uose street. WI,ilt'. All-x. I Ampliioll plal'l
Watt. Hoht. & Wm. commerciolllgents, ~~ an(II Wcddcl, WilIiam, commercial travcller, 1 Wdsh, \\~lD. Bcsher, IO'.! Rose l>trect-ho. 82 \rh il~', Alexandl'r. whulesale fi"h m(,1I ham, .s
" IIa(MingtoilJl1.-hons(." 211 Scotland st, Sylvnn place Welsh, }lrs Aftnes,9 Hill square ('oburg &tnt"
\ratt, WiIlillBl, rap('r •..,1 South bridge ! \\\·chlell •.Jns. & Co. hosi<'rs aud glovers, 1 So. Welsh, l\Irs l'rofl.'SSOr, 2 Gloucesler placc White, Cl'Impbcil, houI\r p:tinhr, IS lhll'll.'UI.
Wlllt, l\Irs ~l. hak('r, :; Riddle's close. nnd 6<;2: St Alldrcw :\tTC'(~t-houjle, 9 Salisbury road \\' el~h, 1\1r5, '1 Northumberland stre\!t . Whitt" j)8llid, t:lVI·rn kt·t>pa, X nnh : 'O!ll'g,.
Shore, Ll'ilh-ho . .')1 'l'olbooth. l.eith I Wl'<Mcll, JOllll, 1\ Son, silk nnd merino Ilyers, '''ebb, !\Irs, 11 McllloUflW place
Weish, Mrs, 12 Sciennes
!;tr(ct nlill CiS .Allum "{IU3rt!
. Wili!!', (;. st3l11pt'r ( fi .P.• fJ./,:, I lr ll/lllllm:d .,1.
\r(!.tt,.;\[iss, 2(i Uoyal crCSf'(.'ut I :, Infirmtuy stTl'!!t
Watlt'r:', D:n-id, Intlslll11:lkrr, 33 Pleasance l W(.(ld('l1, Ut. house carpenter, Dumbictlykell W('lsh, 1\fil>s, Wihht's place I· While (il'O. Towry, l;:mittt'r·at law, 11 Cia-

Wau$, H. dresl>ing-casc maker, ,IG Nicolson I place Wel~h, 4\Ii~s ~14 Heriot row I clldon Cr('H('Cllt
l\trc('t I " . cdddl, Wm. Edinburgh Bihle warebouse, Welsh, Mi&iI: 2 l'ark ;;trcct Whl~. lIugh. C'oalngetlt to :'f.lTflui" of 1.0*
WAT'I8' l1o~pital, Duke !ltrer!, Leith I ~s ~outll brhlgt-house, allill sfJMre W l'hv(lod. Captain WiUiam l\Iaconocl,ie, 42 thi.1H at Leith & l':.lillbllrgh-hoIlIlC, ~i;
Wall ch. l!o\)('rt, J'l Hhrnh place I Wcdclcrburn, G., 'V.S.25 Ainslic place i'l'riot row ("har!r)tt~ .,lr<'I'!, J.t.ilh
W,mHh. (jcor~r, ('ngraver, 21 Leith f:tl'Ctt Wcdo(·rbnrn, Mrs .Tames, 25 Ainshc place \'~\!lt1j ss, Higllt lion. the Earl of, 6 j. (~uccn W!tile, .lamt'!'. 'z;' Hornl l(·rt •• cc
'Vaugh, (i. hallllllrrchnnt, 110 !\icn\son Ilt. I Wed(lcr~pooll, \V. tobacconist, 7 Kel'r street street \\ hit(" Talnt·H. rhina, ~'r: I'll!, and ~tol:e·
":RUf!h,·.J., :trHIl-Jl!I,~t 111t.'l·. ~i l'allOn nate : W la:ro. y Herald & Mercury o 111 cc, 265 Higb Wemyss. Ch:u, nssist:lnt comrli8!J3ry-genernl$ warl' m~'rlhant. ~; ~I :\tal y'~ WYII.J
"au!!h. It Wl\I(' and sl'mt mercllant, 8 Suuth ' strcet . :, Salisbury place \rhil(', Jltnu. ~., st(H anti marine in-
St Amlrp,w l\tr.:t"1 I W.aG IlT~ & l\ft.:Mll' RES Office Writer's court, \Vemyss, .J ohn, Ruc,iollP.(>I' and appraiser, 31
Hanover Mrrrt
!'Il r.1I1C(' aj:!t'lll, .~ J Princl''' strCl:' -boo :n
(' Il~ tll' flln'/'t
Waugb, Thomas, J\i:lf("j Ilhlce cottng<' noyal rxcbange '

.. ••gq
~--~~~_~.--~-W&~'·~'~~._i-_~~h~.··~·N~1~ul.'M~.M'r.~pnMI"II., ~ ....... f ...........
~iJ~.~ _ U be..~w.2......
a .- [ ....~
.w~~ ~
WhiCl!, James 6rewood and coal merchant, i Whitehead, John, boo, and shoe maker, 6
':..----- n7ty GENERAL DtRECTClRY. lVil 289
--------~- .~~---------
foot of Scotbnd Itteet i Calherine Btrfet Wbytock, .Mrs, 9 Geor~6 street : V{i1kinson. J)avid. b!lk~r and cunfcctiolll'l'.
White, J. plumber and gufitter, 10 South St: W'bitehead, Laurence, boot & shoe maker, 1"6 Whyu, Mrs D. K. 28 Howard place 13 Broughton strt>et
Andre. stred-hoUlt', 4 Duke street . Kirkgate-house,.i~ Wick.l\lrl A. spirit dealer. 12 Sh(lre Wilkinlon, James. baker, 103 Grassmarl:ct-
White John Lal'~kbank, Trinit ..· Whitebead, Wm. & Soo,hOlieruothe Queen, Wickhlm, eapt. Uichard Slrakcn, barrack· house 5 - ' . .
W'hite: Re?,.'Jobn A. S (:luality street G3 Sew buildings. Xorth bridge-manufac_ master 50 RankeiUor street Wilkinson. Jamcn. Jlrmt('r, IO!t CauseY<;ldc
White, Joh. A. (agtnt t~. Bank of S.) 14, t?ry, Old Auembly close-hou.ce, ~ War- Wicks, surgoon,dentiBt, 55 North l'rcdcrick j \~!Ik!nsoll,.,. ~Iews a~eflt. 1 ~: Newlngt()1I i~l.
&matd si. I rlston ~rescent street i \\ dkmsoD, \\ m., :\I.n. pmate lecturer on
"''hite JohD haker.3 Duke street Whitehead, Wm. boot it Ihoe warehouse. 62 'ricks ,Miss E. furrier, 47 Thistle street I mt!dicine, 39 South bridge-boo 106 Lau-
,\Vbiae; John: mcce4S0r to W. B. ~tackEnzip. Prineet &1reet-house, 15 St Andrew !tq. \V1DO~S' Fund OfJiee ofW.S. :JllAbcrcro1Ob, j daton pl:\c~ ..'
ma••faeturer of Sbctlancl shawls. i?·c. 1'2 Whitehead, ~frs. ) 9 Ga1field I!quare
Frederick .treet-hoUfC, 121 Prince-a stre~t. Whitehead, 1\1",43 London Itreet
'Yigham, John,jun.l0 SaHsbury road
. Wilkinson,
"m. surv('yor. H, C:luser~ldc
WilIdntlou\ Misses, drt:lIsmakcn, 58 Hanuver
\Vhite John ~ocer, &c. 6 Jamaica street WHlTEHILL and Loaahead Colliery Depot, ·WlghaM. John. tertiUfI, 5 South (;rilY street I street
\Vh£~ Jl}h~, grocer, 5 Shrub place anti 1"; St Leonard'e-.John Burnside, ageot

Wight & Scott wbolesalel)rovision merchants' Wilks, .John, .. Garoner's ('res('ent

II0ray street I White)aw, James, GraDtoll pier and commis;ion a~ents, 3t. Elbc .treet ! Williams &: Norgatt', foreign boobeUtlT', 20
'Vhite Jeh::, ~eweller and pawtlbroker, 4, Whitelaw, Ju. cl~k and watchmaker, 28 'right, Alexam\er, \\' ight'1 p:t.CC I liouth Frcd.mck "tw', r ' ,
DtaiJ street" : W. Register st.-house. 30 St James' 5q. \right Georgc tteRht'r, 3·A Aluany !treet- WllIiams. In. Oll\'c b.nk~ \\. lhck pl.l.r~ll~c
lrhite. John, haker, 4 lIoW'e street-boU!K'. 6 -Whitelaw, J. cab.hirt:r, 12 ~Iorton street hou;e, 122 Lauriston place Willia1ll8, H.ubcrt t;0\,. U1spcctor of mmes,
Wbite, Jvhn, painter. paperhan~er, :md gla- I White!aw, M. and W. corn factors, 19 Bernard W i~" Rev Henry, 2" Walkcr titr~et Dick plae*,
zier, 32 Cau!!ewayside , street, Leith Wigi;~ Jas. ~lerk, 3 Comely green crt.'~cent WillilJms, William ,M. artist IUld e~~rav~rt 14
White, John, shirmastcr, 6 Hope terrace I Wbitelaw, M. 8 James' place, Leith Wight, Richard, spirit merchant, .)0 -;bor.! Cl~rk street. •
White, )L,4 Uil IIq~are I ":hitelaw, Miss, !3!J Gec"~e 8tre:t Wight RobL (W. -S' &olt). CI.reMont pili I. I Wllhams. Mrs \\ 0'1. 0 Elm fl)W
White, Nicolas, auctioneer, 3 Tolbooth wynd",,, HIT!: STAR Lme of Aust1"3.han Packets Wight Robert butcher, R Keir street 'I Williams, Mrll, 11 Aiu»u\.' J,tacl'
Leith offict",2 Dock gater-D. Smith, agent \n~ht: W. but~he," :J West nic!unoud st. WilIl.ltr.sou &: titark, corn factors, 19 Demllrd
White, Peter, 22 Duke street
White, Richard, and Co. wholc:'ale tea and
Wbitson, Georgct stabler, Young street lane
-house. 3 Young street
I Wlght Miss 11 King's place , street
Wigbtman, J:lmes Seton, of CIJur:mc<" 1 D:1.r-1 \\,i1lialllioll, Adam, cattle agent. 13 "ortlADtl
coffee merchants, 2; Waterloo place : Whitlo!', Thomas. commission agent, 20 St ll&Wny street , I J>l~ce
'Vhite, Rich. (ll. W. ~. Co.), 5 BfUnton pt John's hill I Wightman, .John, music warehouse, ~6 F rp-d- : \\ llh~I?80n, A~am. bool.seller and .tationer,
erick street-house -I" I ) ;:,plual fltrecl
White, Itobert, fruiterer, " Albaoy street WhiClon, Mrs Jas. 11 Duncan 5t. Drum. pl.
White. Uobt. 2:J Dl'ummond ptace Whitson, Mrs, of ParkhiU, 1 IIart street Wi/thtmltn, John, fleshcr. 11 Calton 8treet-- WiIliamstiu, A. (Witllt'$! l!lfif'f) ':1 Uoxburgh

White, Robert, letter ,.rrier, " Ui~h ri~gs Whitson, 1\{rs E. 3 )leh'ille street house, 1 l)hYbic gllrden, . i ,street • " , •
"nite, Robert, (G. P.• O.), 37 Artbllr street Whitson. lHss J. Echo bank Wiglltman. Wm. wright.~lRzipr, alld packlug. \\ llliamson. Aw. (M. ~\' JJ .) •. 1 11 pll1cl
White, Uot:tt, fiesber, Wo Canongate . Wl;ittaker, Alfr'!d, refreshment room~, 17 box manufacLur<'r !H WiJitficl,l place I WilIialn8on. Audrt'w, :lJtent. " lIannlton 1'1.

White. S. :French cleaner &. dyer, 8 Dublin st. High street Wightman l\h~ E. iodginftl'. III N. St lJavid, \\'llIialntmn, C. (W. &• •~((/rk), It~ l'llrltoll tt'r.
White, Stephen, cow feeder, 217 Canongatt' Wbitten,J. C. Sheritf-clerk dep. 13 London It. fltree' ' n ! WilIiamson, D4vltl, 2 \\ c~t Ncwm;.:tn!l pla(·••
":hite, ThoR. ami Co. tobacco. pipe manufAe., Wbitten, R. H. auctioneer, apprai!e'l'. com. Wighton and Son, workingje\Vclhml,17 (~uecn , Wlilillnnltlll, (jt'?r~t" tubal'c'o :11)(1 !>I~utt mallu.
tureriJ,22'; CanoTlgate mission agent, and h"usc-f.~tvr, " North street-houlI!.', (i St Vincent "treet 'acturer. ~~(.ras411I1ukct-ho.:\J Hume lit.
White, l'hoG. dyer, 31'l'olbO'lth w)'nd, Ldtb- I Hank IItreet-house. abO'ff Wighton t Wm. watchmaker, 21 IWl\cb:U1k ! Williarn~()Il. (i~o. hoot aut! shoe wtltchoul\t',
houlle, 45 I Whinet, J. comm. trneller. 26 Buec1eucb pi. "'ijCney Mrs,2H London strt'ct I :W5 111gb street
White, Thos. cowfeeder, s St Anthcny place i Whittet, WiJiiam, 10 Buccleucb stree' Wilkie ~nd Paul, br;'~:! and tiut: ~ .. te wurker3, I "'il1ialllS011, .J:unes, & ('0, warehoU8emt 11 ami
White. Thomu, 23 St .James· ~quare Whyte, Alex. J3 Torphicben Itreet Montgomery ~tr(!et I ('otlHnif;sioll a~~lIt8J 1:1 Bank IUreec.
White, Wm. woollen draper, tIIen's merrf'r,and Whyte, Andrew, & Son, wholesale stationers, 'VUk:e, Ales. coach· hirer, 2:' ~tr('tt ! Wllllamsoll, .Jam(.~t a(,c~uulaflt. ,) ,1I,kltl'lI ~t,
hatter, 12 Frederlck street-ho. 8 Wmtlsor " ~. St David st.-bo. 21 Bucr.1euch pi. Wilkie, Alexander, dupc-r, 3;\(orton Ifn'Ct I \\'illil\m~on, ..lallll.":: (."tuW/I [",,,lit ( (J.1t I ' I.o~l'
street Wbyte, David, grain merchant, 30 Lothian It. Wilkie, C"ptaiu. 3 FOI res street ! street . '1
White, Wm. wholesale provision merCb,lnt. ~ Whyte, Dnid, wine mer. and grocer, 1 To- Wilkie, I>avid «;.]1.-0.). 1 CirCUli lane \\,iJliamson, James, L'lilor, I H"luIL'!! C'rJat',
C(Jwan's close, E. CrO!!scaulley bago ~treet-ho. :! Crichton street Willde James (11 ...11. GU!t'ltc ()tJic~). 1 P"rk' Lt ith . 1:1 1 I
, Wllli::unson, .John, tltl~ml·er •.J ~ ngn I,.ace

White, Wm. officer, 11liaml Re"cnue, " St Whyte, George. letter-carrier, '2 Crichton st. street
Patrick square I Whyte, James, blacksmith. Spittal street Wilkie, Jame., C.A. 21 Abercromby placc-, \\,iItiRlnson, ,Joh", grocer and "lIle 1O('I'('h:: Ilt,
White, Wm. coach hirer, John's lane, J..cith ! Whyte, John, writer, 9 Graham street ~c .,d,ll). i "''' West (lort .'
White. i\lrs (i('orge, S Buccleuch place i Whyte, .John, corn. tr,neller, 6 Windmill 8t. Wi'lkie, .fames F., S.S.C. '29 Dum1as street ' Williamsou, .J. groc('~, ..J4 \\ C!llt port .
White, Mu, tanner, skinner, and wool l!1('r·' Whyt!.', Matthew, 19 St Bernard's crescent Wilkie, James, builder, :~3 Bridge st. 14t:irh I Will ia!D !tOfI , Pt:h'r. 3~sllltant :lIltrouomer, no, d I
chunt, nonnin~ton
WhitE', )lr8, .~9 Broughton street
Whyt~, R. and Son, hardware merchant, 213
j High street .,
I Wilkie .10hn sUver!unith. M E. Rose st. lane I Observatory, !.! 1 t 3Atlo 8trf'C'C
Wilklc' John' agent, 3~ Bernard atr.·ct : Wllliamson, Siodllir. J~ Ui.wket place
Whhc, :\liss, ; Duncan sll'eet, Newingtvll Whyte, Thomas, grocer, 328 Lawmnarkec- '\'i1ki~, Tho;nlls, llOokbiDder,:.!U HIgh strl'ct , WilUamson, :l:holn&S, .'): 1)rIA.tO ,street 'I
Whitecross, ;\Iiss, dressmaker, 8 Uacbum pl.i house, lJ2 West bow \Vilkie, T. & A. <trailers, H, ;,j and jli Tol.: \\' dli:lmson, ,1. hos . .ngcn,t, 11. t, {11~!{e1!{!' ~
Whiteforu,JohD, painter & paper-hangcl"4
Sali&bury place, Newington
Whyte, Wm. h!!'rdwne merchant, <:213 High
s~.-house, 1.5 Arnlston place
w./, booth .ynd, Leith
WUlcie, Wm, P. n.(\,'ocatc, 3 .'orrel street
I \\,iIIiamso!l' 1., AtlJ., ~.n.S.E., F.R.C.S.F..,
! '0 (~uahty s~:~t, Leith • .
Whitefont, nobert. turnf'r, 2<l Greensidc pi. i Wbyte, Mrs \V. 13 Annandal~ street Wilkie, Wm. 6 Mansficld place I
I WilIiamsolJ, \\ 111lanl, 13 North.welt C.rcus
Whitehead, Alcx.., Elizabetb "ilia, St Leo.: \\ byte, !lieses, 25 Piu Itreet Wilkie, Mrs, 61 Great Kin~ street pl:1ce. .
.n~rd's hill IWhytock, Ricbd. & Co. carppt tnanufacturt'1'S Wilkie Mrs grocer & spirit dealer. 3:j Bue.1 WiIIlamson, "i1Ia.m, 3 ~fortQn street, Leith
cleu~h 8tr~ct
"buehead, John, S.S.C. 11 Queen st,.eet-I aod furnitu.e printers, cabinetmakers, car-.
house, 9 Fettes row ! vers ~!.rId giJden, and house agents, 9 and 1J
Whitehead, John,jul1. S. S.C.1S St Andrew ~q. i George 'Ue~'
\VUkie Airs Spr!ng bank Ferry l().1d
Wilkic: Mrs :'anet, 12 MIl:leira plllce
1 WiIIi3mSOfl, )trs, 38 Pl':Mancc
WilIiamson, Mu, '" Ml'rning8ide place
Wi1Iiamson, Mr., lodgings, Anchor6eJd,
Willcie, 1\Iis8, 6 Park street Newh".:1i

-' - . . . . ." . - .... ~.otiw"".........

. . . . ........1. . . . . . .-. ... . itll.'.T.'IIiI1C'Mii_._.'...i• •lrIl....n.S.IlIIIIl-..fI8i1i11iilllUIJllSJIM........._._....__...... .
,os..............flil(~"lfi!n••••• s
WilliamlOn. 1\Irs, .. Portland terrace Wil!ion, Jnmes, and Co. silk mercers and
WiUiamloD, 1\1rs, 10 MaDor place dmpers, 3 South br.-ho. 31 Gilmour pt
WilU&lDIon, )11'1, CODfectioner, teacher of WiI!;on; James, bootma~er, 67 Nicolson street
cookery and p"try, ss Dundas It.-bo. SI \~!lsOll, Jame3, of C:Orbleha~l, 69 Clerk street
WiUiamIOD Mn 'Vm. victual dealer, 6. East "1180n, James, W.S. 21 Maltlacd st.
CrOllc&u:e, Wilson, Jnmcs, Guildford Arms hote~ 1 W.
WlUiamIOD, Miss, French staymaker, 6 Park Hcgi'lter at.
....eet Wilson, James, fruiterer, 14 Catherine et.
Willis, Misses, :1 Leopol~ place Wilso!~, Ja!?cs, Boar? of l\1auufacttU'e8 and
'VUloughby Mis!! repository, 182 George st. of bshcru!s, (j St Vu.cent st.
WUsbere, &iicbacl, agent for London 1o'loor. WiL<;OLl, Jamcs, dispen81llg chemist, 36 Howc
eloth, Papcr.hangit%and Gutta·percha Co., ~trcci. . .
U South St Dnvid street Wlls(lu, n~v. JamcH H. FountlUnbndge manse
WiJson & Co. dressing-~lIe, desk, and pocket- Wilson,.J nUles aut! Uobert, houso carpt:lnters,
book makers, 71 Georg6 strett-8ee Adt·. 23 Hicgo st.-ho. 35 Earl Grey st.
Witson A. antI G. fishing-tackle makers to Wilson, .James, butcher, 14(; George st.-ho.
H.R:H. Prince Albert, bird-stuffers, &c. 27 Castlo st.
19 Waterloo ll1acc WHrm!], Jamcg~ house agent, 1 Pilri~i::ce
'VUson, A. & W. U. printen, )36 High st. WiL')on, JalUcs, wine and spirit mere t, 1i8
\Vilson, All'xamlcr, con tractor, Gran&OD vllla Lothh,n st.
WilSOD, Alexander, corn merchant,S Madeira WiUaon~ Jllmcs, grocor, S
street Wilsoll, J. sheep and cattle agent, ., 'West
WUson, Alexander l\loncricft~ 41 Gt. King st. Preston st.
Wilson, Anllrcw (l'aystll and W.), Laurel Wilson, James, baker. 26 High Bt.
bank, 'l'riuity
Wilson, Andrcw, builder, 13 Downie place I
Wilson, J. & C. fishing line manufooiurers, B
l{J.,l1 lJ's plnco

Willon, Andrew, 1 Annan,lale street
WilBon, Andrcw, spirit merchant, 68 Thistle Wil~Qn, John, fishmonger and poulterer, 8
Charlotte pI.
Wi::iOIl, .T. Dove, ftrlvocate, 43 Moray pt
Willon, And. coai agent, 36 Wright's hOU8P.8" Wilson, J. P. Ildvol'Jltc, 20 Abcrcromby pI.
WitloD, Aodrew Hay, Ilgent, UOylll Bank,30 W1lson, .f. lodgings, 7 S.·E. Circlls 1)1.
Bcmartlst.-ho. 10 COllstitution street I WIlson, .Tohn, cOlllmn.'itm'. 2 Port· I opctolUl
Wilson, Andr('w, dOllti:st, IH Young at. Wilson, .10hn, gl'ocer, 37 Cowglltc
Witsou, A. dealcr ill li\'o bil'ds, artificial oyes, Wihloll, ,John, mnsoll, r)l Earl Urey street
cage-maker, &0., l!J Watcrho placo WilRon, John, Dial viilu., l~crry rond
Wilson, Androw, jUll. builder, 28 Lev{;n at.- Wibon,.r. ham and pi(' shop, no Nicolson st.
house, 19 Gilmoul' pI. Wii':lon, .J. !'later, 2·1 En1'l 01'(,Y st,.-ho. 25·n
WUson, Andrcw, tailor, 18 Downic pL Dread Ht.
WiIson, Oharles, butcher, 29t1 Lawnml1l'kct- WilsOll, John, gal'(IcnC'r, E.1RtOl' road
hOURe, 13 llr:mk Iitl'CCt. Wilson, Re\·.•John M. 14 Mont~om('ry street
Wilsou, 0., M.D., F.U.C.P.E. 43l\Ioray pL WiL<;on, .John, boot und shoo maker, 14l\lcl-
Wilson, David, 83 S. B. Cnnongato villo plnee
WilSOll, ])ayicl, cowf<.Jedcl', 15H Hoso st. Wil1'on, John, bootm(\ker, 34 N. PiU street
Wilaon, David, olerk, ·14 SOllth Bridgo At. Wilson, John, W}'ight, (i :;;hnpson's court,
Wi1son, David, butcher, 2 Hh.hlIo's cl. Leith Gret'nsido
Wilson, Davit1, "tD., F.llC.S., 12 Dean tel'. Wilson, ,In. commercial trn\'cllt'r, 11 ITalIcs st.
Wilsou ••lohn, grocm' and spirit mcrch~t, 2
Wilsou, D wid, teacber, 2 St John's hill
12 Cathcrmo st..
Wilson,IJav!d P. wine and spirit merchant, .~IhldI\' Al'~llllt· pln<.:o
\\' li80n, Pnt rICk , A.M. teachcr, r< Sahsbury
Wilson, Georgo, null Co. (lato W. and Marlhl), place
~'\ilors and clothior~, 22 l?uko a~.. I
WII1'Oll, )latrick. Architect, 2 Queen street-
Wllson, George nnd l' rctlcrlCk, Sl~ll'lt donlcra'l hOllliC, 1 Cr;lIgi(' terrncc
~-l Drummoud ~t.-h(). 16 lug Is~on st. I
WilHOIl, Pe\('I·. and Go. t('(I, Will(l, nna Sllirit
WIt'1011, Oeol1!?, msp()ctor of wmght.<l. }kalt,t'fl, Hl'gent Rrch pla(~('
mcasllrcs, City Chambera office, Wntcrs '" 11~()Il. I'rtl'l', tohnc{'(l"pipe mnIll.lfilClurcr, 43
court r.;'l'(lh('ad~
W~lson, O. (Stamp Office) 15 Garliuo1"a erl',3. WilS!)Il. Hichard, tohncco nlnnnfllctllt'CT Johl1
W~1son, Ocorgl\ H. j Holyrood temco 1{1I0X'l" hou!,(',415 Hinh ~h-('ct I

Wlbrou, Oeorg<-', conI merchant nnd cartor, 81 W!I:lOII, Hichf1.l'd, C,A.,o2::i l"rC'df'rirk street
r!Vnllnco p1. \\,i1:-l0Il, Ht,bNi, bnkhef awl 110tl1tcrer, 1
"!L'ion, Ocorgt', 3 Mndcirn place Cnmhcrlnud fltrCl't
W!lson, HcoI'gC", flclihcr, 2'l/'i Canongate Wi\!..OIl, Hohert., pawnbroker, 20 G~ensido
Wilson, Ocorgc, 8./'3.0. Dllucclouch 1)1. row-Lollse, v3 Canougate:

-- ..... _. - -...'_.- _................•..

- .........
". .
"*'""¥'Mf' .•••• , II.
__-_ _..--1.
n1l"E7'2t€!!7 _ _
C ., n . . .,W TI... 4
Wisbart, liiss, 30 London street Wood, :Misses, 6 Torphil"hen street
Wishart, MidS, 4 Pitt street., l~:mnington Woodburn, WilIiam, custom collector, 101
WITNESS Newspaper Office, 297 High street Fout. tainbridge
-printing office, 12 Horsc wynd Woodfor,', Edward, LLD., II.lL inspector of
W 00(1 & Co. music sellers, 49 Oeorge street schools, 1)9 Great King street
Wood, Alex. M.D. president of the ltoyal Col- Woore, H. J Orove road
lego of Physicians, 10 Ht Colme street Work, ~Irs P. :J Summerholl place
Wood, Alexander, fruiterer, 2 Bristo place WORKS, City, Public-office, 10 Royal excb.
Wood, Alex. spirit morchant, 9 Stead's 1>1ace WOIum, Office of H,M. Pllblic, l';Xehequer
Wood, A. tavern keeper,l St Patrick street buildings-R. Matheson, architect
Wood, Alex. coal agcnt, 4 Victol'ia. place Wortham, Henry, }<'rench cleaner and dyer, 1
Wood,Alexandel·(Jnland llevcuue), 18 Uruns- Qt1t-en street-works, Bellevile-house, 00
wick street London stroct.-Sec Adt'.
Wood, And. 1I.D., F.R.C.S.E., 9 Darnaway st. V{ortham, Madame, laco mender, clea.ner, and
Wood, Andrc\v, manager (J. O. <S' Co.), 16 clet\r stnrchcr, 50 London street, and 1
l\litcbell strcet Queen strcct.--Sce Adv.
Wood, Chris. sen., Hermitage park, IA'itb Wotherspooll and )lack, S,S.C. 18 Great
Wood, o. (Wood ~ Co.), ao Grea.t King street Stunrt street
Wood, Oeo. gardener p.ud florist, ltoyal terrace Wotberspoon, JllmcK B. M" Custom house
gardens, London rl'''.d Itnd ship broker, Wct docks, Leith
Wood, Oeo. S. cOIlI mercbant, 2 }larkside st. Wothcl'spoon, John, coal merchl\ut, St Leo-
Wood. n('ury, Cmigsidc houae nnrd'::! depot-ho. H Pll.l'kside street
WQod, Jamn!!, J;'.H.C.P. l!) Hoyal circus Wot.hel'spoon, WlU. of Hillside, S.S.C. 18 Ot.
Wood, Jnmes, bookseUllr, 130·.\ GeOl'ge at.- Stunrt fltreet
ho. 1:~0 Wothcrspoon, Wm. dl'llpcr and hosier, 43
Wood, James, cnbinet maker-workshop, Earl Urey street
WiUiam st. lane-ho, 20 Orcnt Htuart 1St. Wotherspoon, W. 2a Bread street
Wood, ,Tamcs, Ktut,joHOI', 47 N. ltichmond ::it. Worthingtoll, W. I\.<;''iistaut veterinary surgeon,
Wood, .J l\meS, !) UU~hlln1 plnce V\}tm'iullry College, 8 Clyde street
Wood, John, & Co. grocot'H and pro- Woycke, 'l'heodol'c, l>iaDofol't.e maker and
vi~ioI1 merchants, 22 Commel'cia1l>lnco tuncI', M '&wllnrd street
Wood, John A" advocat,c, 1 Hoynl circus WrCl:, Oeo, C0111 fl1ctor, 1In COD8titution at
Wood, John Oeorge, (/Ju.lmu/w/I cuul W.) 27 Wright l\Dd Bl'IliJ.wood, bl'Ush manut'acturels.
Charlotte flqulll'e :J (JmssmRl'ket
Wood, John H. 0 .lames' place, Leith Wl'ight, AIel:. and Son, seed and hop mer·
Wood, John, engineer, Chuhuers' close, 81 chants, 1 Ul'eenside place
High stl'eet Wl'igbt, Alex, B. seed merchant, 15 Consti.
Wood, .Tohu, stockbl'oker, li7 North hridg£' tution street-bouse, W })i1rig street
Wood, .Jolm, cowfccdcl', 1 l'llttCl'l'OW W I'ight, Alex. llailltcl', 24 Dundns btreet
'~(lod, John, dairy, 1 Spl'ingficId Wright, Alfred, 1\I.D. Mm'mion terl'llce
'~ •.)o(\, .Joseph, accountant, 7 Al'gylo plnce Wl'ight, Andl'cw C. {Jr. and n.), 17 Arth,trst.
WOLrl, .Joshun, merchnnt, ,15 Moutngu Iitl'Cllt Wl'ight, Charle~ Wm. (A, lI: and 8ou),
Wood, Hon. Lordl 1 Hoynl circus Bonnin~rtou bunk hO\lSe, }o'el'l'Y rond
Woull, P. & C. lllcrcbnnts, ·H DllI'nll1'd strect Wright, Fl'edel'ick, gold benter, 2H 11. l'1\Iton
W ou<l, Hob. pl'o\'isioll dealer, 34 Wawr IRne Wright, Ueorgc, grocer,;, NOl'thumbcl'li\nd pI.
Wood, nob. J. houso ami turret clock l11Ukcr, Wright, Ocorgc, commil'siou mel'c1mut, 25
!) L(·jf,h ::;tl'cet ten-ace Nort.h britlge-hou~o, 5 'l'orphichcn street
Wood, W, flclIitel', 2 1~1'isto street Wright, Jnm(,H, 1:1 AillSlic plllcc
\\~ Clod, W., EllwH, of :::ltl4ukhill, la Buccleuch pI. Wright, Hc\,. ,lames, 5 Ull.l'llllcr':; crescent
"ood, Wm. eA. nud nctut\I'Y, 7 North tit Wrighr, .Jmlll's, "'I'('l'Ctllry, Royal JJank, Bnllk
Allflrcw strect-ho. 2 Oxford lcl'l'IlCC hOIlSl', Uog;stcl' pI/Ice
\\' I)ud, Will. accountant, 14 Prl.l'ksidc :'!tl'Cf't Wl'ight, ,JnUles, W H. 2H ]<'orth street
Wood, Wm. (i .lames' pIne!', I.pith Wl'ighi.. Jam,:: "CN' t\lId wino llll'rcbaut,
Wood, Wm. a UOllnh!soll's buildings i,a 'folk, .' :,' J.eith-ho. a ~lorton fit.
W(lOO, Lady, r)3l\lciyi11u xtrCt't WI'ight, Jilt tna1 dealcr, 14:! nnd 143
Wood, )lr~1 t:lal'cmollt plll'k Kil'kgnk,
Wood, Ml'S J, ,Hi lIome st.rcet. Wright: JU!'. ~C~".;. "~'l'SS printer, 7 Hunter sq.
Wood, Ml'S WiIliam, :n Cm'itoll street Wright, .T. jnpaUllCl', h~·l JEgh street
W 00<1, M~, cook, 4,1 India pla('c Wright, .John, W.H. 28 l·'(ll't.h 8trt.'~t
W(lull, :;\[rs, 2 ClrU'l~mollt place Wright, .John, t~lilol',:12 West port
Wnod. 'urn, ludgings) 1ao Ocorge Btl·C!Ct Wright, .f ohn, wine nud I'Ipil'it merchant., 302
\~ ood, M~·s, 10dgill!;,'H. 2 MI\ittll.ud f'tl'ect l..a.wlllllurkct-hou::Ie, ·1 Brown's l)laco
\\ ood, Mtsl.l, lIerlU1tage llark, Leith Wright, John, 11 Glovel'street

Y~ Iolm, plumbe~ aDd ;ulitter, GB CJerk Young, IIrs ~ :t Xaitield bra .
- ~. Y(;ung, Mra'lbomas, BaU houae; Leitlt . ..

Y0UDgt J.
y~ John Q grocer aa.d sp;rit JDel'Chaot, Young, JlreWm. ~mbl'Olderer. 7a ~:al
,'a1 Iiellon.......
1'1 Weat Proston street
Young,~ 'I Umonatreet
YoUJJg, Jo!mt saO. and N.P. 3 Gloucester plo Young, ~ 1 Gayfield place .
Young, :Mrs, 60 C8stle street
Young, J. C. ofIioe keeper, (Colonial M/6 Young, Mrs, 39 OeuT square
..duur. Co.) • George street Younr, Mrala, 24 WinQSOf street
Young, Peter, 'MJ);, LAC.S., 1 Dean terrace Young, Mrs, 13 Howe street


_ben prched tu the dtroots inifi_ the number of the BesiI&rMiOD DiAtrkl.-
For Liat of Diatrictl, 100 p. -126•
YOUDg, Bobeit (~ Young d': Co.), wholesale Young, Mrs, 41 Clerk street 3. AMIe,.. 5 1Iill, )In Bobert 11 DooU, Jmes. howe J!g(!ut
tea and coffee merchant, 6 Arnjston ~1ace Young, ~ spirit-dea1er, 24 Sim!,D .quare 2 Abl..,y Cowt-hoU&l 6 l'utJartoo, J. A. (P. 6' Co.) It l\Iarshall, T. & Son, WIlICt3
YOQ'DI, Robert, 1 King's place, LeIth walk Young, KisS, lace cleaner, 26 In<lia plaCe Holyrood Church 6 Ballant1De, Job», ItS.A. 10 Gnnt, llolnn
YOWlg, Robert, S Mansfield place YOUDI'l', MiSs, b:>anling and day school. t Macbcan, Ma G BallnulYllCiill. M. 8 8lewar&, A1ex&Dder
Young, Rohert, Edinburgh, Perth, and Dun- 19 Abercromby plaoo 5 )liller, M'..w ~ 7 Orrodt &: epbQlIl, dcIltists 8 ThomIon K.
clee Railway reCrer.ihDient I'OODlI, Prinoes Young, ~{i.3s, dressmaker, 16 Charlotte place '1 Johnatoa,Fred.tavemkcepcr 7 Omek, James 8 Spaven, Robert, uddJer
street Bta~on Young, Miss, &infield house 11 Rutherford, Witliam 8 Macdonald, Sludari, S.S.C. 8 1\[l\ckic, John (G.l'.·O.)
Young, Bc )ert;, spirit merchant, 1 High st. Young, MiBs, 5 Duke street;
Young, Robert, & Co: tailors and clothiers, Young, Miss, 47 Gilmore place
46 and 67 St; MAry's ~d Younger, John, shiplJlUSter, 2 South Fort at.

F· dJa an
b ' 't dealer
i)'iOn, a.
11 CllriMie, Gwge, grocer
8 T3yl01, Ma
S Patersoll, An 1. aooountant
i ..~liUan, Uobcrt
9;'ificig, l\trs
6 Duff, JalUf.'It .pmt mwumt
4 Aluirbcad, J.: 2..
4 JIcndc1'6On, "d .
I 4 ~Nt'\y.~ MlI1f
Young, Robert, 21 &nsbul1. street Youn~er, Rooort, Ilft~wer; St Ann's brewery, ~'i:. 27 Pon&On, Iloberi 9 C:cig, George 4. ltae, Mr.!, Thmnas, and Son, tailol'8lUld clothiers, 26, 7 Blenheinl ~pJa08 ~~ 83 RitclUe, Alesander III l\li:!ar, Job.., .:ulvocatc -4 Ituthcrfoni, Audrew
64 North bcidge-houso, :.19 Calton hiU Younger, William I.Uld Co. bl'eWenJ, Hol"le ~ ~ 4a nnwtoD, Alu. cooper 11 ~l'Jiell%ie, John 4 Lynll, JtUlIC8
Young, Thos. wawh-gliBa maker, 6 Milne sq. wynd, Cnnongato ii. • 59 Kinuoch, A. iroot'OW1der 12 Catul>bcU, l\l~ 8!!Dior
Yo~, Thomas, M ti Clerk street Younger, William, 16 CBrlton terrace .; ~ G9 fox, D. B. 13 Tollolnllc1ie, Wdb. t'., R.N. 6. .~dam Street, E •
Yonng, Th06. 24 South of Canongato Yrue, Alex.lIUl.chino boot maker, 13 Catherille !~ 'i1 Lowrle, J. wrigb& 14 IJlaythir. nr Lyon, C.B. r; Hlass, WillilUll
Y(Jung, Tbos. 4 Henry place street court 87 Smitb, J. smith 15 Uumc, ~1. N. )(IJ)onald 7 lI:uuUton, JalQ(ls
Young, Walter D. aooouutllnt and houso tac- Yulo, D. C. Broughton hall 93 Pawn, Tbomas In ~N)onald, J. 11. A. udvocat(l 1 Jt.'\m"t;i' Un
101 Tripney, Ma 16 Stod:u1, Ocorgc T'b" .S. Q Wilson.111'1f Jam~
tor; Ilgont for the Uverpool and London Yule, JtuB08 L. B.13 Windsor strcot 109 Hay, Jame&, poslmlltel 18 Hunter, AdllW, M. .
l'ire & Lifo Insurance Co., 23 St Patrick sq. Yule, J. 11 St .lolm street 1:1 Rcid, Johu,joincr
100 CoXOD, Jamea, groocr 18 UuntcrJ Jam!!! :\., M.D.
Young, W. D1. and Co., ."ine and spirit mer- Yule, Thomn.s n. & Co. merebnntn, ExchaDgtl 98 Bendcraoll, llalbcrt
)3 Short, l\Ins
19 roam),!. Miss, boarding and 13 Kcrr Mn
chants, 17 Uowr~hcad buildings, 129 Constitution strcut '16 Samuel, Jnmcs, ficther day selloul 13 Lyatl, Rc". J. A. )1.
Voung, Wi11iam, • 60 Georgo squBre Yule, Thomas B. Wardie holtso 70 Garret, ltUss 20 Wilsoll J John I'. ntlvoratc 13 Conwny, Micluwl
Young, W'il1iam, (IJ. L. 00.', Bank), ;1 London Yule, 'fhomas (JViUon t6 Co.), 71 Ocurge st. 64: Davidson, J. hairdftlUet 21 Wilkic, .JIUlIC8, C.A. 13 Vv;-JJ, J. M.
atr«.t Yulo, Thomas, jun. commercial traveller, 3 62 'Vilaou & Co. ooachbuUdcrs !!l Gunrdiall Fire ~ Life As- 13 Fyfe, ~1i.'<SC.S
loung, Wi1!inm, COlOUl' nterchMlt, Silvorfield :Malta green place Crofl·an-Rioia interscct3. Jtllrallce Co. 15 Turner, W. butcher
Young, William D. (IV. D. Y. a1ld CQ.), 20 Yule, Wm. jUtl. skinner and 1000tbcr-finishor, 40 NotuilUl, Arcbibald 22 llurtiic, Thomas 10 l\torrioon, Al~!ltlcr
Gihnoro place furrier, and fur-dyer, Water of Leith
Y ounS, William, (for'/nl),lt/ of illland &venuo Yulc, Mrs, 10 Baker's pl4co
38 Nicholsou, David
3' Stnrk) Jamcs, but,cher
23 l)auick, ~{rs S.
Chit:nc, ll1lJ
25 MlllhuQR, Robcn
16 :WMilI:llI, 'fhClmM, jun.
16 Cart)hiu, Gt..'OfiJ'J
16 llwd(:.'"Wu, T.
ofo,e), 3 London street Yule, Miss, 1 Gillespic street 32 Stark, John, grocer \'1."11' T
Young, WHliam, clerk: 16 Salisbury street Yule, Miascs, 26 Invcrleith lOW' 8 Da\itlsoD, C. hotlse agent 25 ~(athC3on." uun • 16 M'l{clI&iu, &lnt D.
J 26 Mnnsfic.ld, 'r. nCCOWltrult 1f Tbom~11O JO}1I1
Young, W. S. (G. Y. and Co.), 1!'illyaidc houso 2 Dl1hur;h, nInell 27 !.cny, Jamcs Mneru{lino
fm-lAND New Shipping Co.-J. n. ~ •
Young, Mrs Charles, 20 Great King strt'et a......,. .....tMHJe. 28 MaranaJ, Wallet
12 Macdonaiu, Will. trulor
10 Seou, 311'8 Audrc"
Young, 111'8 James, J4 Baronl street ngent, 10 and 11 Tolbooth wynd, J...eith ...[ • The Don L4dy 29 1\lair Mnior Artbnr
Y J ,g, Mm Uargarot, ohina shop, 23 Bn1Jl&o Zieglor, Alexander, 11.D. 47 Gcorgo square ./.l elWet, • 80 Tile Right Oon. Lord Justice- 108 Sk.'Watt, &1n
)l'Lenllatl, DOlllltti
w10k street Zicglor, William, M.D. 47 Goargc squ.are 3....IIe,. - - , - Clerk 6 I'oLlan t I'.
:! llackintOl'k, Bobcd T. 31 M'Kcmi~, )lrs Richard G ~l'Lnren; n. cotkcuttcr
r; FultertoD, ,JOn, & Cv. 82 Cook, W. & John, \V.S. .J Bnimnin, JM1I.'8
p!. • . .a.-" .. M...rtl rar'c 82 D07lGldson's n~"Pi!al 7,€a- .. I.illn, Mrd 11.
'J IS .vHIa.. surer'lf Ol/ice
12 Petlcy, Major ~lac1C011 , :12 W. S. 'V{{JOWl' Fur.fl Olfir,e :4 DI'C1UU~, A.
Fnlkcncr1 James 1'., S.S.C. 33 (;mwford, W. portr4it pamter &_1. . . . . . . .
11 Mesaer, Adam, l'.R.C.S.E. U~ Dlllckadder, JamCll
lIamiJtoD] J3Ulc.:', M.D. Scc..'llC!, !Iiss
Kirkwova, James 4. &.... SQ••re. Spencc, Andrcw
Dailie, ThomM
,Vm. Ruuen loogc Scc 16 South Brid!Jc.
" ........., 8.1'ftf.
16 Biehardtoo, FraU(2s (P. It G. A••• 8Cfte., ... 1 ~N)ona1d, A. tavcm
(r Co.) 1 SQut..>r, Siml)n, grocer
1 MiddJewu, JOIlll, II.D. 3 Smcal, Jobn, groetr
2.•l-.eren." I'Iaee. 3 Frascr, Jame" 6 Cunoingfuun, B.teP.. miUhl~
~ bu~ ~~ ; ~~Q~~il!~::.c" (l,er C; DickM>n, J. thiplluw&er
G RobemOn " 800, cmainem
3 NcJeoD, James, I.S.C. 11 JollDllOtl, WiUiaIri, priD. 8 ~(ownt, ThomllJ .grlM«
3 MUmllt 0e0rD. 0.1. t 1 Johustou, TboIaaI, priD. M'Cror~t M.".Jaae
( Tai', \.~ -"'ouMc 11 Daf, IIIDII Uollo, MUm, lIoMbalWtt

• J $ C SS is
• 1 ~
296 .t1dv EDlh"BURGH A.ND LEt1'H .Aib .All sntET mRECTOR\\ Anll 29'1
4. AAw"'" ~108e. 29 Grei~, Jobn, H.'I.I.A. 3 Nisbetl Robert, boatbaildcr G JJigMm,d a"d A!JI'icllltllral 30 8tewart, ~11'8 20 BisboII, ,J. B.
Crerar P. & Co. sbooting 31 I,M be, :&r. ad,'oc3t.C {) Flett, 1Villiam Society 2R WFadyen, MitISCS, tcac1lerd 20 C7.:lnll'ckj, A. (..l/flldd 6'
~my , 31 h.t.a.lker, Ifrs, lodglllgs 6 Sibbald, )It'IJ .Margaret r. )tax'Well••John Halt, C.B. 2G ~tt. )tj~'t 1'(I{I)
Wileon, William, accountant 31 Nlcl~o~n, -,:. n. nd"ocata 6 Dickson, ,Miss "i M'Kay, T. G., 'W.S. 2" l'caree, AUllS 20 Tholll8on. Uobcrt 11.
Purccl1 Edward bill-poster 83 Inghs, Arelubald, ~t.D. G Hood Alex. merchant 8 Brown, Thos. :ltlvocnto !?2 .lnmiCllon, Anllrew, S.S.C. 20 Sinc)nir, .\dam
" 35 llope, Col. Frederlck 7 Oruicbhanks, Mrs Thomas 8 Hrown, IliW!8 20 Skeltoll, l'lissE'.s 118 Smith. Alexander
1. AlallJlle Plaee. :J7 Uicbard, Jobn 8 Nimmo, Airs 9 J:'airbainl, Ali!l8 .J. 20 Skcltoll. John, adn'l':ltc ! 10 "ergtl~l)lI, .lalll{,l', agent
1 Grabam M.ra GiUCSllic ' ;l9 )1'K'!tch~on, 'Yilliam 8 UowclJ, W. (R. 9' Sloddart) 10 & 11 Stc,v4rt, JUr:! William, IS IinlTi!lon, ('aptnin John S l1a\'ilh!on, It. \\'.
1 Camp~) Miss 39 Gebble, F,mncl~, nd"oc.'lte 8 Morrisoll, John N. lodgings 16 Uell, (;eo., AI.D. 8 Robcrtl!OlI. Mj~~
2 Blackwodd WilJiam 41 Fl'llSCl', "m. N., S.S.C. 'fl:olllson, J:unes 1ti Hell, Air:! A l:xmcroll, lIu/!h. tr:wb('r
4. ~'lIan·" (;10.....
a MaitJand, F. advocate 45 'yam~r, John, lodJPI!g5 noylc, Rev. Joscph
Hunter, Itobert
H lfack:lY, Mn-, of nighome
12 Itllm;:ay. (;£'or~e
tl .JolmstQlI Wm. (b'/um/ Uet',)
j<; Tlmlloll, f.awrf'uce, t<::l mCl'.
4 Cowan Lord 47 Gut~f.!e, Ales., S.S.C. 9 Uobert50n, TholUat'
10 Wisltart, Jamcs I:! It:uM:w,.1. W, win{' :nercllt, ft RohiuI'OIl, AIrs
t Cowan' Hug-h ad\'ocato 47, )lrs AIc-;. 1. .Utan Street.
r; Fletch~r Au~, :u.lvocatc 41 Rennie, A. R. 11 Uobertsolll.J. shipmAStcr 10 Pitmmi. }'rt'tlt'rick, W.S.
S 1-:5toll, .J anll~
6 Sherilf, Ch:lrl(::l U.
6 Napicr ilarK. rnl\'ocate 47 Rutberford, ~nr"" advocate J 1 n'acl~, \Vi Ham 13 Wilson, ~!J"1, mht\\'ifc
12 1\lollro, n. (JI. ~I. Customs) r. Stirling, Mrs, of Uoml'lliJI "Dnllrl-'.
8 8eOtt Airs Colonel 49 DlImbrcek, ",' M.D. }1II1(11on "'aee.
~!,'orY Lord ca Saul1dl'rs, W·.l. S.S.C. 12 Dllfl~ Thomas
1 Prentic(', Arelul. tailor, &c.
4 Hogl!,Mr~
2 t'illl:ly~oll, ltrs
1 C.1rnil', Lt's1io {('",((om,.,)
J )(eh'iIIc. TI.0III;'l3 Wright
9 Ivory; Thomas advooatc 63 Kerr, nob r .t, (COni. Ba 1lk) I:J Reid, 1\ll'S C, I'. (R. 9' SOIl) 2 J:o'ltirhaim. John
9 J..awrie, ,Miss t 53 Ker. Heury 14 Fel1tQn, Euward 2 Mitehrll. Thoma.'J 1 .·ra!<cr, .J:lInr~ «(J.P.-O.)
10 lIuntcr Richard 5r, P:trk, Jolm 21 'J'odtl, Thomas Jcnuett :! .letf.'1'8011 Ilrothcrs & Co, 2 WIJ,maltt. ,Mr~, 1,)d~illg5 1 11:111, An·h.
11 Wmi~8 Mrs S7 UaUeny, AIiss 21 1\lacdou~nl, l\frs A. :l AdmuJlOll. ;\Irs 2 IHaekstock. ~lr8 4 flclnlllltCI" Heo. lIf1irit denier
12 }Iure D~vill udvoc..'lto G!) nick, Jolm, plumber. 22 Dnnnmonu, Charles I Stcwart, WiUiam, baker f: U.:nmrd('ll. ltohcI1
(j l'lUl1(:ron, 'fhollla.s. grocer
3. "'mphloD .......,..
13 Wrigilt, Jam~8 at ,Monro, Georgc, 8.::;.0. 2:1 Lightbotly, Wil1i:tUl (J. ~. P. ,; )1 IltT:lt. AI!.'x, lodJ:illbNS
f'.oW:UI &: Co. ti m-hop. w. c.
14 Too 1\lrs John &2 Ulnck, John, ntlvocutc 1 LirIMbod'/) 4••411180.. Sq,.ar.". 1 Whitc, Ah':';!IIJ1I"r
15 ~(u~ay, Antholll 52 Swan, ?tIrs Georgc 24 Hro,,:ne, will. t'. L'lw, 4;cQr:rc, Annfic:ltf cot-
2 MillIC, Jllllet. dreSSlIIllkt·r 1 Smith,.f. cllt-gla.'Is m:mutilc, lage
16 Ucitl Mra 50 llcm'ick, W. n. :!.t Nicholso'l, J..•• (CustOllls) •f Urllcc, )lrs Mnrgarrt 4 AUIll'noll. Gcor~t'. grocer 9 ('.)IIIII!I /'oli('( 8/11 lioll •
17 For~B2 WiIlinm, adYocntc 4~ n~Qdie, Miss , U drown, Rev. John ,; I.cighton, Gcorge, jUII.
18 Cummmg, WImUm, 1\l.lJ. 4(. l\i!lIer, ,John, ".S. :.H 8tellltollsc, Thomas (of A. 6 JIIair, Mrs John 4. Ant"hor (,Io~ ...
19 Jlcnderilcn, I'rot: WiJlimn 44 ~hlne, John • •\. G. S.)
20~A Stirling WiIli:lm 42 Gow, l\1r~, 1001gmgs
21-A Spcncc,'J:lnle~, 1'.RC.S. 40 Arm!tage, A. B. :ICCotlllumt
26 nC;'nus~ C, commercial tra-
I. 1""a I!!5trt"t"t. 1 Wilkie, Thos. hookLiuder
:l llirkic. HClIry D•
[. MiII{'r, H{'\'. JUIIICII
I l.lUuter, )1111, Joclgiugs • J ., I· I 7 It· B{,:II1. U{,llrY A.
20 lIaswell Miss ,10 A"'mtnge, Airs Smllllcl :>7 Bo:ulen, Wm. shipmaster I HIIWisOll, ~"':i Wm. J~:ltl, • :UO{'9, SIlIlIl! l':l {'r j ll'Hl'an, Mi"H
21 Bumett: ChlU'les 38 Urn",n, W, Ildvocntc :!s JJ:nnloll, James, illsl'l,)ctor of 1 Oliph:mt. Mrs f :~I(·!lIlcr. If r~. Iml;;IIII!''I '!I I1iltlih·h. 8:111111('1
21' llumett, Mrs of Kenmny 38 J'l·.~wnn. 1'1. works 1 Irvmg, .Jamcs ': Ilhalll!l\l~I. )trl'. 1;"IFlIlgs ! 11 ('alllpllt'''. Mra Allmll
21 lJumett G. ddvoClltc an J'eddie, .f. & A., W,S. 2~ M:llm, n. shipbllilder 1 I.ain!!. AIrs U. latersoll, rh(m·'\.~ ,( ".«/IIU,')! la (:llnhll'r. Mrs
2:! Alar,ken;'ie, Wm. C. lodgill~:i I~(: J.:C(l)tll!e, J)m~lClI, ",:.H:· 30 Simpsoll, )lrs :l Sellcllicr, Mu
22 Thompson. Wm. M. mh'oeatc "It Cl tie, •.•11111., ,'" 1 ;JO WilSOll, )Ii:;s li Stellarr. Wm.
"Rd,.rflloD·M .-."....". 115 )tonar. llf1l
28 Uaml!ay, Very Rev. J<:. n. ~!6 J'cdtlie. Ale",., W,S. ::n ,MilJnr, ltichard i )Ioir, )IiS8 .1:lIIc 1 IJertr:llll,.J, (·ngi.necr
17 :-<'·Iltt. )lrs H.
11~l ~ha w. \riIJi:nlJ
2. Burnlcy, Wm. }'. ,,4 1I0y<1, John, ,Jun. :12 noiJl~rboll, J. jUIl, shil)1uaslcr t 1 If:mlic, .Jaml's, merchant :! ~IOlTI~OIl. )lr!! '\. !:!1 Urown Srcll.lrl
:?6 Wedderburn, G., lV.S. 32 l'utrick, WJ.:wuu, lllltl Cm'- 33 Boyd,.A. U. 1:1 Blair, Airs 3 Jt£'lIl1!C, .TmIlP.'I . (' k)" \ ~I
:U; Weddel'burn, lttrs mellt, W.S. M Hett, WiJlimll l:mi!! & Hose, (irl'l\:lltrr:< :!:, ,1)0'. \t·v. "eMit£'· , .. ,
Ij Andcrl!oll, JOhll, W,S. " ./ I' :!;. Mon-igOll, ~frl\ .;:lI1le;,
&11t.. 30 .JoPJl :IUtI Jobnstoll, W.S. ;1;; Syme, Jollll 17 Thomson, Mrll .4ndenmR'1If ''Ilia,
2. na any a4Doe. 30 .lop". l\fr~ :W Alldcrson, Georgc
'!7 Itoulo:l:lll, .J:lIII(,1I
~forc & Rutherford, plumb!!!,8 .!~ Rol)crtson, Willinm, M.I}.
17 ThOlIl~Oll, Nininn Hill. a(h'oc. Le;111 Wol/.:. I:m (:rnhnlOc, .1:1I111':t. writer
36 Grcig, John, :;hipmastcr 19 Hill. llis.s t'or~y:h, f'rancis, ('~op('r ::1.1 }'ullartoll. 8. ~l. ••. ~,
HUllter, R. & Co. 'night 28 UoiJcrtlioll, ~Irs Gcor~c 3G .101les, Alex. IIhiJlmaster 21 Begbie, .J. Warlmrtou, If.D.
') .Ih
•• na any
8. ree.
t 28 Uobertl'on, Gcorgc n" W.5. 31i t:lphillstone, ~lfls
26 IInrllie, l\lis!'1 :m Cmig, John, engineer
23 1.,,;,11, Mrs
:!.; ~f:\fI!hl\lI. ~t rs J)r
2, ~Rn"
1 WilslllI, AllIlrt'w
::17 tiilgour. \\ ilhant
::m Fnlt'Cr, }te\', III1J:h
: Cl W:\I~()II, Re\', .Jollath:m
1 Scott, J. cowfcetler 21 Johnstone, Vice-Admil'al an Ilcnnett, Willinm '.!7 Hamilton, Collll1el I }'c:lcoek. 'fhom:L~ B. ,~:I r.lIl1rir, ,':\fIIf'!t
t~ 3 Wight, George, flesher W. J. lIopo 31) nishop, Mrs :!ll (frabam, John
!, 3 Cleribew, I'eter, lodgings :!2 l,nnc3Iitcr, lIenry\'ocnte :m ear~c, Thomas 1 Wcntht'rhc:td. Robt'rt : 4'-. Ho!)~rr. Willialll. writer
() TrllYller, John, ad,'o("UO 22 AllIlerson, Mr~, lodgings
:m 'fholll80n. Edw:lr,t :; Carmirila{'l. Walter :i,: If.IJ, i4~ 11!1lach, t:.~ori!'" .:""'1'
j' :lH file, '£hos, N. (CII#()IIIS) :m Roger!!, WilIiam 6 l.alUl:lll" .Juhn J., ll.f.. I'11'i \\nl~m, Llarle;
{) )lillle, Mr8 Jllllet 20 Call1(,foll, )Irs, lutlgiugs :m UmwII, Willinm, shipIIIIUlter :m .latTrnr, Mrl'
7 ~f41\ean, 1\lr8 J. IS i\fllrshall, l\1rs 7 8r,n tt, ,1 oh 11 '41; Halclcr!lou, ~It"
:19 J 01111:1011, ~l rs ~!I .lnmiCllon, IIenry '; e.uncrou. lIuJ;h, lmitlt I I:! Thcl!tl!\!lIl. M." ThQma~
!, Waterl;ton, 1\Irs, lodgings lG l\Ialden, Mrs J3mes,lodgill~s ,10 I,yall, Mrs Hobert
11 Smith, Alex. IOllginga H IMhcl'fnrd, Jobn, w.s.
:!!I BeU, Atril 7 drown, William I;11'l f'attnllo, ~tiM
m Cooper, It. lodgiuO's 12 hor,., Willinm, nd\'ocatc 2. Alhert I-laet.!. :n W~"lut'e, W. D., 8,S.C. '; ~:UI\ICUlall, .John 1:11; :\ll1rrn). A, l:. ruh'.)c.atc
:1( Wallnce, .Joltn 7 S:ulllcm:m. )lrlt 31; )ll1rray. IIOll. ~lrll
13 Thatcher, LcwislG,y, M.D. ]0 nitchic, A. C. /l(h'ocatc I Wnlker nnll Son, tlcshcrs and 31 W:tllacc, Rohcrt
15 t:aston, Mrs 'fJlomas (i LrnvlIon, William,
': C:ulleron, .Johu :H Uru('(', lli:IJI
15 :&{owbray, ,John T" \\'.5. ,J White, Rohcrt, fruiterer
poultel'Crs ;Ja Catn{'ron. John, coach-hirer '; ~t('c1, (j{'r'lIholll I :i:! l'iommeryille, Ue". Awlnny
2 Hmnage, .John m; CO"Ilcr. Charles S. writer U Cllmllbcll, WiJliam ::!s W,ltll()I1,.M1'l!

17 Stewart,l\1rs
19 Pnrvca, Tholnll8, lodgings
2-A nillics, William
:!-A Ai'Dollf,tal, Jamt'.3
·1 Rlltnage, J. baker m, nlell, )fiAA 11 .JoI1ll910Il('. :\Ii~s ',:!Ij nohcrtllon. Misi i.oui!a
38 Kay, Wm, boot maker 1:1 WI,,'ft', )trs W, 22 ".'"nie, Willialll
19 l.urimer, J, ad"oo:ltc ~ Il('phurn, ~li~C8, drcssrnaker;o1 ]. Alh)'u .-Iaee. 36 Richllr<iwfI, John, tca nnd la Hick ••lamc3 I:m fhri8ti{', ;\Ii.'\'t
21 ~l'l.can, John

21 l\Iac!enn, l\ti9S~
23 Nlll)ier A. J., \V.S.
2 8tcwnrt, Wm. ironmonger I Dick,
Jln,,,oy Street, LdCI•• 1 Cockbunt,William,
1 J.nmond,
Aher('r(.mby, advocate
e<>lfcc mcrch:mt
34 Thomsoll, f;Jwnrll, baker
13 PutCI'801l f .John
13 Ualfonr, Jamcs ~(., C, E.
. l~ Crawford. ~Irs
; Hi J,ON', )1r6
23 2'llc ~iJuttml Life ,1ssurallcc 1 I'ick en, Thomas
2 Campbell. Jol.n A., C.S•
00 llB\" Alexander «(
13 I'hillip.-, Wrn. '0111. JJ«lIk) ,12
Hcm!ersoll, ~fil!",I!!
• , SoclCtll
• Hunter, John :&(.
11 mover, WilIiam, W.S.
1 Chamberlain, 11. n.
3 Stuart, ~litls
30 ,}ultra)" 111'&.1 flcn.
30 SOIi&b, AI." Ilargare'
15 Cnthcnrt, ,John }'.
22 Greig, Peter ~f.
10 Urown ••1. ~t4Kerrol
I 8 Hods, ~lrll Colonel
3 Stuarl, Chnrlell, W.8. 30 Ofttcer, Wm., S,~.C. 20 BobCmoJl, Ccorgc l G Stewart) Archibald, W.8.
21 J)ouSlu, "phD D. 1 NiCQu~n, Jamu, ebipmaster , and 6 Swan', priva&e botel.

-. -----_. -----._-".- ... _--------....._--_.

298.A.t&t EDINBURGH AND LlI'l'H AtA ..
=2=.-"'-.-.-""-=':'::"S-,-reet,--"""':'"'-:'.-=M::"ac-n7·tc-:b-:-ic--:,,;;;,:"",;.D~., MoD. and
110 Craig, lIra J. midwife At'" 8'1'UBT DIBBC'l'O:aY• Bar 299
L.R.C.S.E. 10 Conochie, John (G.P...O.) --------~--------.-------
11 Bonhwltk, Mm 2 Hendrie, James,'-------~----------~----
t.obacooDiA 21 3oyie, Mra, fltaymaker
1 8mitll, John L. booUeUer 2 Winfield, Mrs John F. )0 B.obcrticnt...Charlel ]2 Nisoot, John More 1 Tod Brothers, millers 23 )l'DougaU, N. spirit dealer
2 MArsWt.1J, Thomas 6 Olipbant. JfrancW, baker
3 Currer, M:issCll 4. Ara'yle 8qaare. 4 Muconochie, Jam.ea ~~ ~~:'p~~~L .....Ic Street. f. BaIIk SCree'.. ~ort".
a Cm~ord, )Ira Episcopal Clturclt TraiRing 2 WllsoJl, John 15 CadeU, Mra 1 Wisbart rutd Clappen:>u, corn Bank (If Si'otinml,
3 ThoDl!Out James I'~8tl~lltioll, J.Uir,lo House 16 GeddC8,Aliaea, boarding-sch. factors ~\r1l1stroll~, T. c.'\Shier
:) Kay, Peter -Uev. t'rctJerick Rowbot- I is &rtllur PIaee.. We. . 11 Moutgomeryt Wm. W.S. 2 Goroou, JarilC8 1..."lillJ!, Alcxmu)llC!"
3 Porteous, WUUIUll tom, l)rlncillal ; David 3 1\Iack, Mrs 18 Aleikfum, JOlln 2 Gordon, A. It !UOtlilt, Jamca • nlCS8IJll!itlr
3 Gilmour, Mra J1ome, Sec. :3 l\Pl'arlanc A. (Stm o~) 19 1Iay, Newton J. Stu:ut :! Mason, Thomas Muir, '!\lark U. nl\!S5ellgcr
4: 8cott, .lames 1 Gray, Robert, merchant 5 Di.xon, .10iIn 20 Gordon, ,airs Gilbert ~luitl:md
2 lIttereon, Robcrt 2 Glcn, Thomas
6 & 7 Dickl50D Wm. grooor 2 Sibbalil t G. suraeon '1 Ken, Thos. (G.P.... O.) :n Donald, Mrs AleJ:ur.del· 3 BurreH and Ilyrcs 4 Whittell, Rob. U. auctioneer
8 M'Donllld, A\cx. Ucabcr a }'oycl',.JQJm 7 UIack, Jobn (G.P.... O.) 2'"<) Urm.eton, Aug. 11• 6 ScoulJ'all, EUiIl, &: Co. -Sce :ldt'.
{) M'Artllur, ~lrs A. , Aucbie, Alcx. u{l~olsterer l}axton, Ja!. Oaktleld hoasc t·1:>
f) C lrlStie,, I iam
,u'U 5 Soott, IlongIas, "l!. Son
9 FiulllY, Jumcs 5 Adams, W. D.,M.D. &,••U Place. G Douglas, i\lrs, lodgings u Ch~thalll, J. gr~r
9 Watsou, .John 6 Vallcnce, Wm. F. 3. a.rthar S.reet. G Hruce, Gco. 5, John, slater
o Lcitcb, John, clotWer G Vall~ce, John 1 Arlhm'Street Academy. 1 Anderaon, 1'. 8'1 W.S. G Wilsoll, Mi~s Ellcn 6 DOllgl:LS, JamC3. l,icture-
9 DicksoD William 7 llewlt, .J. 1 lIendcrson, D. J Andcrsou, A. at1vOOl\te. !t DlIncall, J. & Co. broke~ li:lcr :md restorer
It lUagoo, MnJ C. dressmaker . 't deal 2 CunniuJtham, J. (Si!l. Lib.) 10 l~dill.~. Ldil,Glts.Li!J1!t CQ. 1 ,M·llItU.h, Jrunca, boobcltcr
10 Uombach & Scbwnb, clO\lk-
mak""",.. '"
5• .tlrlC'yle ........
Lees Johll tobacco mlluufao. 13 T~dt :&11lt Andlew
, ,
'&1 1 J
7 at lC!!on, a.c;. aplr!
13 KlllJRY John, agent
er 2 Boort, William
2 NiOOlson, Georgc
12 {Cl 1 0 n
13 IUnCIi, Willi31D
b I b 'Id
7 tl.!lItl)ll, J. or~lU' w cr
S Nimtuo, 1'. « .J.
Ibll, MI'IJ 6• .tlI'&'Jle ••'llee. 11 Uraid, \V. ,;ictuiil dealer 2 Alaca)pin, Airs J. 22 Whitc, 1I1Ig1l. CO:l) agent 9 8lc\'ensoll AUII. Lootllcller
22 MurlJ.(~f Lothian Co;,: Depot 10 Russcll, TilOllU'..S, hnt1-hru:lker
12 AliIlcf, '!Irs 1 Thomsoll, 1>. G. uccount4ut 11 L:~wric, M!as 2 Taylor, Jobn
12 GOUlly, ~(rs 1 Wood, Joscph, uccouutaut 17 'lII.801l, 1\1188 ~l. 3 }'rascr, Miss
5 Ste V(.'Il50n, ~:rs
D ... B
ab. OUMt.-.
11 I..ogi(', (mtmrt, book--oller
I:! Tllrubl1l1. Wm. ~a~kctllluker
12 Cruig, John 17 Writ C Andrew
12 '1'lt"'lor, Churtc! 1G Tholll!!On , John I!J • D G UUlJtlilllan, Mias \'OUllS, David, lII('rch:mt la 11. M. (ia::tlte Office
" 17 n le,.. 6 Wnlkcr, Audrcw 1 ' A \\' ~. 4..' • t
12 Smith, Alex. Wm. 6• .tlrn18Con P'aee. 21 Kidt:, J. baker Ballk 1·la("t·~ 13 .awne, . . .." ,0 prlll C~
13 Une, W. n. IIgcnt. I l'bhnister, 1\lrs &: Mis.s Dutr 23 LllitUaw, ~lrs 6 Ilrowll, Bli!s E'. C• la J.'ramt:', 1..I,ckhart, lJookhind'~r
«l Nimmo L RvLcrt 1 Steveu! Wm. merchant 13 Oric\"f, Autlrcw, hookbimlcr
4• .tlrehlbnlcll•• aw...... 2 PnUeraoll, Thomas 26 Cockhunl! l l ctcr, cowfeeder 7 Grant, 1\11'8 2 flal1.icl. &lrs ,Johu 1 I \V C
· 'I' () )' It' . J 1 I :~ h)\'(, G. . & 0,
-1 JmniellOll, Peter 25 ..lnmil!son, Mrs, nW's!) 8 NIVCII, IJ 188 ... )a llrmc, 0 III l' ,lI;'mt'1I /rim COII/pm'!1
1 Archihaltl, Charlcs, bnkcr 6 L:lIIg, l\1rs 25 ":chster, J :lme!! 8 Gibson, ~liM 4 Darling. R. C.'l:1cr nnd farmer 15 Cotton. J. & Co. n~cm~
1 Stllart, .1mnc8 G r Ollllg, Itobt. (7'. YOUll!J 6' 8i Wh,rte. Uobert 8 Tod, Miss, il Holtoll,D:1Vhl (/Jollo" .~. (,(i.) .\·(.t. StClu'jl,q SUI.·u:!J.i JJ!l1IL:
3 Arcbibnld,Mrl:! Georgc (,'0.) 10 1\~lUr, J?lm ~(~.P.-O.) 8 Durt, !Ii&ll fi ('Irahamc, Cal)t. John 11" 'I
5 Stcwart) Jas. (Union JJ(mk) 8 Nervill!J/o lI Aca(/tmy- 10 COlloclllC, Wlllmm S :M'Na\lghto~] M.i&lf ,; Cameroll, Alex. (CI/stom.!) "1, i lUlII tun, 3~Nulltaut
6 Weir, .aliss l\lIj,:l('hl:m, JUIUCI!, bead 4 llelldric, 11. commercial tra- 8 GnllowllY, 'vm. ti 8c<;Itt, R. (Inlfllltl llt:t:cl/lu) Hank f!ttrf...'C". Leith.
r, GI'Cig. John, jnn. muster yeller !) Mad:.rllme, Jamc. ~, W.S. 7 (;riev\l, Mill"
li lUack\yood, ~Irs Uoltcrt 8 }'orrester, l\Irs D. 2 Mown1, Tbom:'UI 11 'faylor, Wm. victual (lea1cr 8 Itosc, Neilsoll 2 Smith & AII!,tandcr, mcrehl.
:.s t:iclt, WilIialJl: mcrl'illlllt
(, JJulltcr, Uobcrt H Squllir, JalllC8 ..tlrChur SCree. 12 J\I'Cl,lloch, Wm.. 4. Bank HCreeC. 5 Rol'c, I,. &: Co. mcrt'hallu
(, Wishart, 1>, )'. JO J)rysdnlc, J05cph, S,8.C. 1" , 1)1 ' 12 A1!ton, Gi!orge, clotlllcr I
1 GiI\on, Davit. 10 'fnyJol', l\frs \mg s .ace. 12 Hre WiUiam\nrtist 2 Mackinlay, Duuc..'W, ( raper 5 \\\·ir, DM'id, & ('0. IlIcrcht.
!) l\lillar, James 8, surgeun 11 .ahmh:dl, WilIiuD! l)lIr\'~, TlIomas, gardener t
12 Tar. or, Ucv. ViI1ium
1.1' I E"A S se
:~ Stark, Ad:un, ~l'ollm(Jllgcr
4" Sinclair, Ju.mcs. draper :!. ~1''''0I1'' f!itree'.
9 AN.cod, IUiss 12 1\loorc, GCOI'ge, ngellt J:tCkSOIl, 'fhos. coat-mcrcbt. 12 .Lt 1, lA:uezcrt • • • HO't"lc Mrs
lJ Dick, Davitl 12 CriChtOIl, }te\,. Audrcw Wnlkcr, Alcx. «(if W. 6' A.) 12 .Murray, Davia J \ 1 Cri~ht(h\. G. I'.
11 Mllthcson, W. 12 IJick, .)01111 13 J.\rbuckle, A. f!I""'IN'r
ow G Kay, Villi:un f .tatiOl:cr :1 ('rai;!,. l'
J1 Craig, Willinm L. 1:4 J)illuIIS, lltlA'h SeoU .tlsHt'lnbly 1,,"lIe, Ea... "J "," 6 l\itmro, Alex. clothicr fi Brtl\\lI, WilIilllll
11 }'orbc:l, l\1is.'I ] 3 }'crgllsOIl, Will. 1 Ballnntinc mill Allan ....hurn Plaee. 1 .·e~usolI, \V. bookseller 7 Jnrk, Salllllel, hoolllll,kcr
17 J~orrcst. WiIlinm, cngravel' J.t Nichol, Davidson 1 Cuthill, Aiel:. Ih'cry stables 'I An,l H Millar, W. W., 21 Uarhcr 1 It rg
11 'fnmbull, .Jamcs 15 Wbyte, Willimn 1 Drown, D rs urow S Lit'rr}'M/ (I1u/ J.()/lIlt)ll 2:1 (;')1'(11)11, ..\Iel. lw'lllln~;er
17 Crawford, 1\{i:!8CB 15 j,'crl'illr, Hem'go ..tlMse_bly Street. ~ Dobsoll, Goorgc (ftu/ Ufe ill.mranCl' Co. ~!.; l'n';\r:\r, GC()c/!t'
S Gardincr1 J. W. 8 .If(!) Fir.; iIlSllr(lI/('e 2[', Cler" ••lalllt'1I (C. P .• O.)
11 AN)ollgall 1 Ncil 15 GI'cgor, Willi:un Alexunder 1 DUll c:m l...T ames, brokcr -I Cunie, lIeriot ( ''''11)1(11111
17 Silll}lSOIl, John 15 Roy, Jalllcs 4. AnulII, uobert 2:t It'Call, .1:1I11C.~
19 l·'lor.klt:ll'i Ilml CaMer, t!Attle IG Miller. Missl\1. !J Brown, Thomns 10 Grcl'Ilhm;,Johll, IItntioner 2;j l\1 ardllllald, Mr:!
denIers 13 Ensson, JnmCd J. Baln.~ld. 11 SI·Qlti.~J, 1'rC/lJc Prutection :,:.) M·Gn';.;ur .'villl
23 Gmy, Mi:-!s 3• ..tlrthur Plaee, EftfiiC. 14 llltchan, Mnthew, & Co. Yuung, ~lisseH Sf/cid 'I ~:' l.e~otld:. T. belJhnngllr
2:1 Seoll, Thomes G I·'lIl1er, .Johu 14 Mnckie, N. 1\1. Robcrtsol1, Charles 11 f~hlcr, AI('x. printer (d(I.(~i/l! C',apcl
!!!l eroul, Uobl'rt -1 lIcllller:;Oil, .aliss, dressmaker 1(; llroadfoot & SoIlB, ngcnta 11 Hell, Johll (n. ~. 1J.) all illlig'fic, Aiel.. conlmcrchnnt
!!:J 'l'umhull, \\'. E. 4 Crosbic, Miss .1ane 1. Baker'" Plaee. 12 Hell anti Hradfutc, bookseIJCI1I 1l~1 11:1\\ kl!j Edwnnl
!la CamCI'OII, Mi~s 4 Crosbie, 'l'honm:l 1. .tl'holl ~reMeea" 13 Bums, John 13 Willi:uoS<lll, J, & Co. 8~l Rc~~ic, Alex!UlIlcr
23 Li1Iic, i\1i!l:l, 1 Smnil, l\frs, of Ovcrmains 12 8oott, &Irs J. leather 1Dercbt. 1a Hums 1ll1d Reil, e\Olt.iCf:! :H ~h;rcl!'or, n. writer
2i, 'fhom, ,John (.Joll1lsloll ~. 7'.) 3. .tlnh9r I-Iaet", :J Grove, Cal,t. 11 Stcwart, .Tobn 13 (;ot:kburn, Mrs C. lJ.{ Hrur.e, Jnmc.,
16 Ait('hisol1 1 'fh( 3. 8. Middle. 3 llllillic, 1\II's 10 JUythc, Mr. Charles 13 Grillith ••JameI4, nOCooDtant 8. Slcwart &. Jo'rnscr, droomkra.
1,( Stewnrt, Mrs 2·1 Allison, Jo.mcll (. Swiuton, Mrs 10 Muir, )Ire, dressmaker 13 Griffith, Mi!!! Nary at nt'l), 'fhoml\!!l smith
14 AlI:m, Mm ~4 AlldCl'SOIl, Jobn 6 }'ergusson, Gcorgc 10 Yule, Milt IU Wi\l!QU, ChlU'Jea 82 Mllirhcad, JOhn
12 Wylic, ltev. Jmncs A, 24 Gi\chri:!tJ John «(J.P.-O.) G Hllnter, M~, ofllafion 10 White, AlexMdcr H Gray, C. watchmaker 24 Davidson, Jonathlln
12 Vnicntillc, .Johll 20 Vcitch, ,John 'I Gordon, Mm Ann o Mnnro, Jame8 K. draper 16 Aitehiron, Jtulle;" worldng 22 Robh, John1 builder
10 l\lnrshnU, Wm. go1tlmilh 18 Cldrull, John 8 l\lenzies, Gnn. (G.AI.tOo,) 1 rortoon~ WOOam, pamter jeweller 20 M'Oachic, .John
10 !\lm'shaJl1 llrs 18 Thomeon, James 9 Walker, lIra 6 Rodger,l(n,_greengrocer 16 l\fihu!, Jamee, bootmaker 20 Purdic, Jamea
8 Snwers, Tllo!!. 18 Robb, Gcorgc, prallt'l 6 Iodgert MI'IIl. 18 Chrinic, Uobert L. ~O Cooper ThomM
10 Home, Donald, W.S. a 8impson, AJex. " Co. grocc~ 20 llIylh, DA'fid, agent ~O AlIan, AIrs Jame8
G Morrison, Hiss A, 16 SCOU, WUUam 10 1I0l'DC, T• .E, 0., W.8.
4 Gr." A. " Co. 20 Blytll, Alill 14 Middlcmrw, W. F. writer

,t_. C t£ _ellS a 1 1
"'I \ "
H MaodonaId, T. G Brown, John Be~'. h.rt. 31 Gallows!, .John 36 Blytb, Edward L. 1. "1 )lutrie, lV, habdrea-er
If. Youug, MI6 Jruncs 6 Irons, Dnvid
U Ueber, J011O, W.S. 6 MacheU, Edward, ngent Nimmo, WilIiam :n Aitken, Thoma... 3S SbieU, Authony 4 l'aterson, Abcrtns
14 Car, John 4 l\laxwcl~ Williwn Uuchanan. E-d-vard G. agent 39 Rendell, Wm. com factor 40 Simc, John, accountant 22 llillhoUAe, Henry
H Car, Ml'lS F. 2 Nillbet, do~m Lyle, Peter, merchant' 32 RendcU, .(age. agent. 42 Greig, Airs B. 28 Currant HUSh
10 Leannontb, Thomas 2 l'inlay, George, cowfec:der SCOUt John A. 32 Wilkie, Jllhn, agent 44 Audel'8On, )ii8lleS 30 RatTerty, 1\~tEr
8 Black, DavilI 2 Nisbct, Jamcs 1. IleUts BIIIII. 32 Sanderson, Mark 60 Stoddart, John 34 FrlU!er, Alcx.
8 Stowart, Charlcs 2. Beawerball.
32 Tinnia",ood, Robt.•lgent 29 Uro",n, Rev. Gcorge 86 llryce, W. spirit dealer
Cumming, WilUruu 32 Chapman, David 21 teisllmall, JamCfl :l8 lluir, l'cter
8 Rae, George )Iunro, Hcctor, gardcncr JIcrdmllo, J oh1\ 33 Sim\;*>n, Waiter, agent. 21 Uan'cy, &In 40 .Jobn.'1tonc, Thos.
t; Bowack, )Irs N. Conneil, Ber. gut mll1lllfac. 38 GavlD, P. & R. agents 19 Bogie, WiUiam, ~(.n. U }'rlJler, Charles.
G Mitohell, ~lr8 1. Betlliord Street. Bernard Street.
3t Inkster, .John, agent 11 Stuan, John
2 Shanks, Gool'ge 2 CU1II1IIcrri«1 List OtJice 2. BI••••el• •0aM".
2 Gardncr, l\lrs {I Dick, Thomas, cowfecdcr 2 l'crgusoII, AIrs, IIpirlt dealer M Scatnrt Georgo 16 Gnc\'c, )liss, Newington cot·
~t Leith, lIull, untll/aml,urgl' tage L:ltfA, ~lrSlItobert
2 Fmer, Alcx. 20 1\liddleml\8S, Wm. wright a Stnlkcr, Peter, snilmnkcr SUam Packet Complllly 13 Ritcbic, JamC1l L.'\tta, J nmes
2 RelJ, 1\lis5 Hi Kidd, :AIrs
2 'Ibomson, D. & J. 14 Brown, Robert, paintcr
i 7'rlt .. w71, litmbltry, Bflxton,
~. Co., Low/o1/ Porter St.
8n )iorrison, At merclmnt 11 CottOIl, W111. (G. C. !,.
2. Blrnhrl. Placl".
2 Cr:lwford, John 10 Winter, .John U. • Slocks, David, & Co. agents 35 Forti, antI Clyde SMppill!} 9 Gne,,'c, Wm. (lllnu ~. G.)
Cmnparm 7 (~rit;\'e,
R. S. (ll. li. ~. Co.) 1 Rclnlcr, A. ",ood-cllgr:ncr
2 neid, JOIIC}}h 2 GUI111, Robert, shoemaker 7 Call1crou,J.&r. rail. Clrrieq 1 .Jack, John, writer
Ba'hlleld. 1 lIuldllUC, Will. It.W.M. 8 ItichardFon, David, groocr
!J5 Patti80n, W. G. merchant 1 Gilmour Oli"er
36 GilIespie & Cnthc:lrt, agents Brown, iliac!, Bellevillc 1 Nicol, E.-,kinc, It.S.A.
Knox, Jas. DathfieId cottage 8. Bellewllle. 9 CalHimlitw Fire ttlld Life 36 )I'Bridc, )lrs lodge t Carr, ~lil'hncl, tailor
Grant, )(jss Cbristina Duocan, Mif!s As,'lIIrall('e CU1Jl]ltIllIJ 1 ('arr, Mi~..e.~
n Kerr, C..M. wine IUc'lcllant 37 Scurth, l'Ulans,- W.S. 1'1' '.aren, Duncan, Ncwillgton
J.indsay, Mm Alexander Bellewue. 38 He\'cridge, I'. ::s., S.S.C. house 2 l:cid, Rollert, hOltllt'!·paillter
it I'ntl'rson, A. merchant 3!J Robf:rtson, Al{'xnmler Watron, )lrs ;; Turner, SillIlltel, fruiterer
lIcccus Jamcs
t ,Nortll, 2. SOlltit, 1. ~J·A DalrymJlIe, John
1\louat, John (N. Ligllt,,) Huntcr, ::Snmuel, sculptor 40 lIodge, A. C',Q111 mcrdt:lllt • M'Killo}l, Mi~~, milliner
10 Shnrrol.!k, J:oht. spirit dcalt'f G. BllM!kfonl. :. Uowic, M. and Co.
Thom80lI, Th08. J,"llrdellcr )lillnr, I>t\\'ill, builder 41 Wood, P. and C. merdlllntll
11 lIutcllison nnd Co. mcrclr.llts 42 lInrvey, .J6hn, soli('ilor C:WCIIl, W. G. (j ;\Iuir, Rkhnrll G.
}'eric, Jamca (CIt.'1toms) Smith, Jmncs, tlIulertnkel' 12 IIUIChisoll, R. (11. ami Cu.) !liII1C, l'eter 7 l' Olltlgcr, }tllilert
WUllIlCC, n. D. (Cllstom~') JIosllnck,lJ:wid,cllbinetlllaker 13 ~1'Cor'lllodllle & ScoU, mcfS. 43 Ogilvie, John, mill Co.
R !"kilmcr, w.n., :).8.<':,
Bath SCreet. 1 Mcgsoll, 1>nvid, rag merclulllt 13 l\Iurphy, A. D. solicitor U taing, lViIIi~m, agent 5. Blaekforf} lIoad.
44 Leitl~ (lmi Nrtt'cwltle Slt'am ~ 'fhomsorl, C. W.
1 1>uncatl, An!!1I8 1. Belle,·..e I're8eeDt. 13 HUlltcr, Jamcs, ship broker 2 ~PCall, l'fill.,\ !t 'fhomllm:, J, K.
Packet ('(llIIpall:1
4 Cheync, ~1iIl!lCS
11 Tbom!loll, J. Stewart 1 l.evell, .John, W.S. 1:) SOrClll!ClI, ~I:trius, ngcllt 4u Cunninghllm, John, plumber 11) Uitcluc, 1>t\\'id
11 Lylc, Alcxander, agont 1 Wilsoll,.I\lI s Al('xlllltler 14 lll/i:l1i /Jallk .if S('otlwlll 40 Mnekl', T. G :\1 urray, Mrs
W(-~/, 2. Bo...h,p08.
22 Cameroll, 'fhoIlUI!!, jllll. rope 1 Stewnrt, Will .• 1. K 14 \\ hile, John A, ngent G l'upll, Mrll
\ 15 llcrwick. Wm. &Co. merchtll. 41; Jlurdic, Thos. merchant nih~ol1, W. 1I0'dlill:!1011 1111,
tnllllufiwturer 1 Stewllrt, ~Irs t:lml'lcs C. -47 Iltfresh.muIRca1lil:Y noom.~ 8 UrowlI, Alex.
l'iiml)!'OIl ••f. Uunl\ill~toll l{'Iil,;u
28 /fdi!lb"rl/l, J(0l'(''';(' ('mlll'!I· 1 S\V1\1l1l01l, WilJitllll 1ft Cl!ldesllait! lJankill!1 (,'u. 10 FMlllcr, John
4~ Brilis/~ Linell Co:,~ IJ(mk MlIllrn, ~Ir"', "I'irit llCAler
a1 GIlVlII t 1'. &: SOli, rOllcmakcr8 :! l\1ncui.~h, Ndl 15 !teoch, Gtorge W. UHcIlt 48 Cuntlel1, Josepb, agent I!? Uarri,on, Hp _,I ~e
1fj Thmll!ioll, 11. T. 14 Wllt,;on .•John 1\. llOfwilll/"/" ( II('micnl ('0.
4. Daster'" ~I08e. 3 GonIon, John 4!t Dallantync, J. bO(lk!lcllrr 16 Urown, Walter Hnrlh·.: t:. L.•:lit.afieM
KeIT, l\li!s, llressmllkcr • Smith! It ~f. 16 ,;.Yut;lIltul nm,k ot" Scol«wcl llO Bcll, .J. and Co. wino mcrs.
-Jan;~s \\' nllnc~, Rbrent 1" Howison. )lrs 11 \lilt ~r, na.vill, J:liz.'\tichJ
Stcwllrt, D. cllbinellll:lkel' G Tait, 1llrs J. H. l):! Waltllcc, A. mpelOakcr
18 n",!('.III, }o'lockhnrl, lOt; l'O'\\,cll !W J.i IIdsay, l'hOIDn.'l S. 1"'I!, ThoUl:lA M.
1 ?lInin, Rev. Thomns liS lIemlerson & Tumhtlll, tr..:rs. While, !\Irs, fkiullcr, &".
~2 l'elll'llOIl, A,laln
2. Baster'8 Pine... 8 fcrgllllson, It n. G. of hIe HI "·i\iamson :ultl 1;1;u'k :a Rowden, Jolm, IUlIIS"n. m('rll. TOtfllUl'e, .J. jobhing ~nrdnr.
1 Aitkell, .John, silk mercer n IImuilton, J.ieut.-Cololld W. In Ht Whitclmv,:\1. & facts. fiG I>ykes, .'nmes. Georgc Hutd
:; Antlerson, Mr:l
I-A ))tIllNUI, 'fhoml\.ll 10 l\'nrwick, .JUIl. D. city clerk (;rnnt, John :if, Tumb\III, \llnm, letter-carrier
a Wi18on, Peter 1I:,Ui<lav. Willintll, r-knmer
1 lIr.milton, Mrs Smith, Wm, ~ardencr
!·n .Jnmicaon, lto1)ert 11 l\lnckich:m, l\lrs Ut Weir, D:",id (D. W, '\' Co.) liS Adl\ll1, tailor J.nw~oll, Uelll'Y, millmrultcr
2 .Mortimer, -MillS, dresslllaktll' I'cnUic, John :'10 Walcrllton :1IId Johr'lIon 4. Blalr fiilCl'f"rC. !'illlith, .\. cumnwrt'iai tfl,vdr.
2 l'llterso!1l. Ardl. 1l1crclmllt ."St ,Mar!/,s Chl/rch. :?J 1\Iallll nnd DlIllcall, S.S.C. RI ••le t " ~lolIW. 1 Smiths aml Co, oilmen UonnillS!toll lIIi11.~
~ U('Il, It 1". agent 2. Bellewuc T .. rraee. 21 E'lltitaMe Liti· A.~.~!lJ'. Co. Grnmlison, Mrs :1 Curric, f)n\-id, lJookhim:er llurrll\', G. A. U('lIl1ingtoll
21 (.Atit'timlifW 'Pire JIISll!'. Co. :1 .·crKllsolI\...Jo~n, :md :)on
!! Ahbolt, W. J. C. 1 1\iorri80n, Rohc!'t J. 3. BI.hop·.. t:IOAr. bridge
2 Ahhott, l\(r~ }~. I lliUcr, l\lrs f);wi(l 21 1\lllnll &. 1>IIIICnll, IIgcnts :1 Mnckny, IJa\'ld 1.0V;lI, Thonln! C. (1'.• 0.)
:! l\InrrllY, Gt,>orgo 2 Stnart. l\lrs John 21 Aitkeu,Gray, & CO.lllcl·chta. Burlleu, Georgc, ootlee·hotLllc n Mell, A. ('urrit.'r n!'itl~e pla('c
:J Hirle, Gcorgc If. :! .Millcr ·l\lrs 11. 22 Smilh, Alex. com tile tor itobert80n, Robt. 1:1 l'ntenlJll, Ahcrt:l:i T()jl, "tlnm, Unlflrc r!,lce
4 Ut\88cll, John, gill ss mcrchant 2 l\l'Lcllau, l\frs 2:1 ellsine, Jamcs 13 UrClnller, Wilhdlll, clothier Wc1,h, ), iduIC1, Bri,l~c 1.laoo
li TayIor, Wm. & SonM, groce.lI 2 Scott, :ftlrs 23 .:II01lOn, AIrs 5. Rlaeket 1a Go\\',.f Ilmc.s, Imper+ ruler Browu ••fl·!,II. f~'lOdA l'uJlcrint.
f. Co~eo!l, t1mlll',fI. lIllit'it Dlcrcht. :! l\!tl1lro, Bm!"" !l3 Gricve, Wiilinm, wright 4 ('ullninghrun, ~Irs 15 HmUl, 0:",;.1, mel'('!1l11lL ( h'. P. ,\. n.
1 l\tnck:lY, Chnrle~ ) (' .. 24 rrhowurn, WiIlilun, baker I~ ltot.crt30n, Jas. (.I. R . •\. Co.) 11, ]0 ~Iaenh'ell, r. W'.& Co. I JUllllcr, J . M. lIl)licilor, bono
H Dru"ll &: Son, butchers !! toy, ,corge
~I Thom, Adam, I.L.D.
!!fi J)llVidsOIl, .John, stntioner
:!6 Hiedric 'It'tegmph t'tl.
8 COOpt"" Thos. «( '.
10 Mossman, A. jcweifer
~~' Co.) I j Murrny, (;eorge, !ltntlO~el'
I i UcmlcflIon, Jame.!1, ~t:ltloller
, ninJ!totl brac
0. Beaamont .·Iaee. 4 YOllng, Duvid Mill('r, Jatn('jt, ~ardcner
21 }o'rcllcil, .John, groc<!r 12 Willinmson, Sinclair 21 Spenl'...c, John J~\'critlgc, Mrlll'..~pirit dlr.
1 Mcikle, JI\lIlCS 4 J\Iorrison, Alexander 28 'fhoD1son, John
1 llobcrtson. ,John .J l'lItcr.6on, John J.I Stlthcrlr:nd, Col. 21 }o'lmlllignn. Michael, p:l\mJ.r. :;!'t)tt~ John. ('cckbllm hauk
!!8 Leith Corti Mtll'kd Co.- 16 Craig, Arch. (C. BI'QtTlrrs) 2:; ~llIr.nin'n Imti ClIlnCrOll, tltn:....
n Mitchcl\, Willimn 1) Wylic, David
John Seou, I!ecrct:try HI Ander'llOn Mt1I 23 Camcron, ()onald, ~talioner
Ki!lr:hom, Wrn. builder
14 Rcunic, Archil..nld li Wylic, 1. lIcnry Halley, Jam~, !law mil"',
12 Colvin, Gcorgo G Wchstcr, 1\lrs 28 Sca:1h &. Scott, W.S. ~)ij Itamsay, ~lrs ,John 27 COIIIlOllv, n. wnl('!:-dlr., &c. Bonflington gro\'o
28 8C1\lth, PiIJ:mll, W.S.-ho. 87 22 Irvinc, MrA 27 .lolly, John. tllHor Thoflllltm, .'Imes (11. .U.
12 Itlltherlord, Willinm 7 ltolllnnc.1, ,John, S.S.C. 28 .l\lR(1IherSoll, Alcx. tn(lrehant
12 J\nderllon, Thomllll, agent 7 ltomancs, l\frs , 24 Brown, WiIIi:lm, ItN. 21 Thomeon\ ~lrll ( 'tt:d(lm.~) Taaph!lll ooltago
28 l'nUc1'8on. 1.3Wl'Cnce, mercbt. 26 ])uolOll, .John, :\I.D., n.N. :n Elrick, JamcR I1ttlley, (;corgc, UonningtQn
12 Drysda)c, Oeorlte ll. 8 l\liller, Peter, surgeon 28 Ucddle, ~(r8 2S Held, William
10 I.owdcn,."·iJliam ~. }'erguson l\lr8 :n ~(ackl\y, WilIiam grO\'C
29 lJriti,~I~ and Irish 1I1oflnetic
8 Rcnnic, lViIliaUl
o I'aton, .lc~,
10 8taulcy, Itn MOlltasuo
11 Ai'Leau, Alalcolm 1'dt·grapN Co.
~O llolJal Ball/.; vl'Sculkllld

30 Usher, Alldrtw (A. 9' Co.) Si Moir, Robert
32 Canlegic, ~1i.8I
U4 Sime, Thomas
81 SimlOOn, Robcrt
85 Small, W. K. baskctmake,
Bo••laato• •
Uomtlrd t tire
Dear, lbeDezer (D. It Co.)
A1eunder, 1U1'8 Sooatee, Adolph11l:H. Willow 11 Walker, A.rchibafd
bank 13 Berry, Jam., uddJer
7 Mackenzie, Frank I GO Dewar, ~f... ----------~-------------------
Bell, Thorns!, SJI.itb
&1, Alos. wri&er

.O-""" ... ee.

lIaU, JOIIepb L. (Ordnance
Survey), WilJow bank ho.
Philip, )1... F. P. Willow
14 ~Ioir Charles
15 DalgieiahJ DaYid,
16 Drew Ana Bornet
fl'" \) Scott, M...
9 lloore, Harmon
9 Ruthenord, Ales.
!) wg, Daniel
li8 Geueral'.'1 ElItry
5S Shcrrit, AdRm (G.P.·O.)
lH Tod, .Mrs
51 Stc"cn~n, )Irs
Gricl'~Qn, Jolm S. tlmith
Scggie, Ate:c. machinist
2. roulrhtou (~e.. •
1 Little, Xn Wm. M.
2 DicbODl Jamea, mercluln~
back cottage
4. Bonal'ldoela.
11 Charles, George
11 Well!bJames, bullder
9 Kerr, Alexander
{) Dewar,8.
ti. Lcnrmolltb, A. victual de:Ucr
62 Williamson, Thomas
Snodertl()u & ~fuirhc:u.l, bldnl.
8 Robb,.1. U. huilder
8 Gray. dimes (Aitken, G. 11 l\l'Cu oclt Georp Bright07i Street Chapel. 40 J)uguid, J. &. 't. W:dker &. Alhm, Jlllintera, &c.
~. Co.) l\lelvin, Alexander, brewer 11 GORUan, J. 10 Hamilton, Wm. tea dealer 4G l.ellillghnm ••'"mes 2. Hrou .... ton ,ttld).
8 Bma, Aim Borou.qAloch AOru6 11 RankeD, Mn Tt(:len
4: Walker Geo., JI.D., surgeon Uoulden, Thomas 18 Cochrant!', Robert and John 10 Corner, J. AI. 46 IIcmlcrson, Mrs 8 Mil!!hell, G(,Ol"gn
G Mack, j nmefl S. (of Spelll.. c 10 Dunc-1n, James lJS Uickson, Aclntn .. l>irom, W. wri~ht
1. Botaale GanleDI. 21 8mb!l, .John 8 Jlumilton, W. 1\1. tea dealer 36 Hamiltoll's Entry Patt.rson'.'1 COIlrl
~ . .Mad·)
8 Scott, F. flilipmnster )1'Nab, J. 8upen'nlcndent 21 Beattie, 'V. Bc Sons, builders G 'l'homson, William 36 RobertS\ll1, .Mrs 1 Brand, Andrllw
23 Flcming, Thomas G lIenderson, .lamcs 86 Wnldic, Jmnc5,8mitb :3 Kirkwood, C. acooullt:mt
9 JUchnrdson, .ftlrs T.'. DaU. 23 Alexandcr, ~11'8 G Smart, !lisses, drcssmllkcrs 32 Gordou, J. dmggist
10 MilIIC, JolUt Mh • H 25 ~1'Kean, llartin
11 Ilraidwood, .Jnmea o nng, cnry 25 Stewnrt, Thomas 4. Brlltto PI... 30 Rutherforll & Co. s}lirit 2. IIrtlul'htoll '-Ark.
11 nose, L. merchant merchants Cobbohl, .\Ian B.
BowllD,..areeb Street. 25 Wotherspoon, W. Baptist Chapel. 80 Ritehic, Thomas, tmlc8mnn
12 1\lnckay, John 2 llridgcs, IUra Thomll8 25 Bain, Thomas 1 Clnrk, and Co. 30 MiC/dittol/', ElItrV 2. Bre.ahtOD '-Inee.
13 Adam8; A. 2 Waddcll, Jam cs, milhvright 26 Sanderson, Jamc8 2 Wood, Alex. fruiterer 24 Davis, aIrs. ladies nurse 1 EhIer, A. Il~cnt
14 Wood, Johl!t merohant G )(ncfarJnnc, G. missionnry 25 Lauder, Andrew 4 l\11l:n\,llll. Miss, tov I3bop 22 Goodwin. AUJ!l1stino 1!. 1 Galloway, 1\11'8 Jnnct
15 Kinghom, 11. 8 Knight, Andrcw, waggoner 26 Wilson, Jolm, slater 4: Reid, William, de81cr in plate 22 ~tillRr, AlcxRlldcr 1 Knox, Ad:\1Il
16 DaM, Abrahnm 27 1\l'Lean, Willi:lm and crown glass Editlburgl:. Cwthillg Bodely 1 Simp!IOlI. Mrs
3. Boyd·. Entry. 21 Lumtey, Edwnrds u Sbicls tl Son, confectioners 1. RobertsOl1, Duncan 1 Hodtis. )11-11, lodginJ.!1
.0nalnl1oa,lWe,dlavea RUl!scllhThos. Itlsthllr lIIercht. 28 Napicr R(lbcrt, buildcr G Rohert.~n, John 8 1\llllr, :&fMl. ~roc{)r 7 UObCI't601l. Willilllll
1I0ad. 1\liJuc, a'rid, looh.,Jr mercht. !W Sutherlnnd, Andw. mercl1l111t G Sinc1air, Dlwid 1 C:lmcron. Mfi,~.ll\diC8' naf'llc 11.:1tIbnch l l'hilil'
Stocks, Jnmcs (D. S. 6' Co.) 1. Braadneld Place. Brida-e Street, .-..elf•• G Brown Jamea " UrowlI, CbarlCl, watcbmr.:-'('t 1 Carson, 1'tr!l
Cntharine vj1Jn 1 Newbigging, J ames 2 Wood, \V. fieshcr 7 I>ick&ll1, .1 nmcs
lIen<ler80u, Geo. Northfield 1 Stnnrt, 1\lrs 1 Andl'rson, J.cwis, ironmonger 8 Danks, )Ira E. 9 .'i!lhrr, D. ~ .'., W.H.
Rai!llcs, n. (R.~· Co.) Bon- 1 llollgllls, l\Irs 2 Lintl, Dnvid, tailor o Peat. ~lr8 Broad .,'Dd. 11 Dick!lOll, It. nrchitect
Dmgtoll park 2 II'DonnH, Angus 3 ~lonro, Ann, bootmaker 10 Donsld, John 12 )Iacnlpino, Wm. saddlcr 11 .'nirlv, 'rtlOlnlt.'1 ti.
Bnlfollr, A. tcaeher, North- 4 Sexton, .Joscp'h 4 ?Ii'Kay, A. & C. -t. B Port. 20 Slimol1, Robcrt t tinsmith, &0. la f.:n\"rit·, AlUlrcw, IIl1rgt:1l1l
field GoodWin, Wtlliam, gardener Old Church Street itltersecu. 13 (':\Ill le, JollII
1 Conn, Thomas, spirit denier 4. Broach"m ·Street. 16 Cruick~llllllk, Mril
Orknoy, GCOl'ge, gardcncr, 1. Braa.lob Street. ;3 Hill, At I!Il.irit ~enlcr 2 }o'lcming, Oeorge, baker l\lilIons, ThomlUl, & SOilS, tim. 17 IIrue(!. )lr.. Hr
Northflelft ;;4 ~nw~n, l\. pallltcr
1 1\tncleod, J. G. E.
G(,rdoll, SirJ. Watson,R.S.A. 2 !'nrk, Uohert 3 Sillc1air, John, booksellcr bcr merchulIu 10 Orrock, Ih'ctor n.
.5 J!nelmey, ~Irll Jmncs 0{ Tait, Willinm, pllUlterct' Ritchie, T. :H Uallllllt\'IIC, llrll Wm.
Cllthurillo bank houso a '1'homsoll, Det:.:;. W. ~1 Kerr, J. meal denier
D:wit1soll, Ml's A. C:ubnrille 4 l'nrkcr .Jo' 11 J )W S ;-8 1I01lstOIl, D. merchant 4. •1" MtrHt. .'Icmiug, .lame!l 21 l·otts. 'hlOnlllS
hllnk ! Sllluul: l\[1'1I Jn~INI • • ~1 Stocks, l'cter, baker "t I f)ow"lns, Gcorge CouUs 21 CrOI!!lnll, Mrll
It A 1 Th
Notlllan, Wm. NOI" "HeM tlot. ]J 'J
Wtll'rJlck, J. Clllltnrinc bRnl;: li .l\lnl'l' Hr hme i.' It C" S 1~ 013 81~tll~rlnud, John, ~er
.,. I'l,." '• • 1:1. sa Wdklc JnJf'll',8 buildcr
1 ogg, • I!pln mere umt
17 Smith, J.auNncc (U.1'.-O.)
17 Gray, W., M. D. IIllflrl!On
~r~al~r, Al~~~S
:!3 Coplnllll, Georgo
20 !'lclUlerlrith, Mill...
:11 l'atoll Millll
Seoll~an, J. (8. l.:.'1lis, I)' Go.) ~ I \I\\"( ('11, J~tel', wme lIIercht. ~13 Stepbe~8011 llililip
" ,:ulsny, I.v 't.-Col. I' /38 l' . J I'
n N
, .... 11 Thom80n, ~tr8 StC\'CI180n, M... "1 ~now.ioll, l"nlter
I'nory, Uamsny }llncc () Atlllm, llntrick • • . ourlC, 0 11~, coollCf 17 J <ntl' Tt omll A IIdc1'8oll, William ...., , J
1toollh, W. Gcorl,l'U, SL Clnir's 10 J\H,cny Kc r RSA .ongs"" , 1 B l\Icllzics Jarnclf 31 Mc('k. !tobert
JI.J Charters, 1\1183 11 Git1eon, Thomas mlrlW. John 33 Crnickllhnuk, .'ohn
Cl1l'iltnil'8, - Hose hank 11 »1l\'ilis,!Il, ~I r~ \V.· . I33 80lllCrvil,lc, AlifSCS, mtlliners 11 Alexander, Alex. corn mercb. , Archi b11./1 31 I.,."ttO)1, \\'. JI.
Nieolson\ Wm. \Villinl'llicJ\1 11 }'Misl)ll 1\1is." /Jo('~ ,street antersects. c)" "f'lk' AI
~.~ n I "le, exnn er
d StirJiI1:!',
... a"... t.·orrn~t"r, Joh n
G:WiIlC, \. m. WiJlia1~hlehl
,MC! hUCII, .Jumes J] ]javids~II, Alcx. writer ~G UlncklC, John n. watcJllnakcr ')~ D k
.. 0 'cs, n'IC111\r(I I.lluric, reter I' ..... \
:J2 (;Upin, Charlc~ H.
11 Unc JJcnr' ~ 1 Unmagc, Alexander ClmriM Street illil'T.':rct.'f. 2. 8muaheon Oall. :12 Gmllfirn, Airs HaJfour
1\1'1111', .MI'S l)r T. J.indly 11 U~c: J>:wij 38 I.~nJl, ltichard, corn mereht. 29 narkcr, Thomas Yule, D. C. 32 ('nrrick, M~
CI:llljlcrtoll, .Jns. WiJlinlllfield 1I Sihllllld, Miss 3~ Miles, Alex~l!t1er
O:1\'iu, W. S. Cherry bill n. :13 Smellie, John, grocer 1'u)e, .John, \\'.8. 30 ()rawfimt, WiIIi:\m
12 r.1'U:dlulll, J\fra 8.l ':Rw80n, Wdhnm Hii Roberlson .'Rme'! (G.I'. -0.) 30 Crnwfimf, Ucv. IJllvid
On"ill, ]lotCI' D.-yllclI (P. ~. R. ]2 Aitkin, ,Miss 40 forcnuln\ T. S. teAC'bcr :t;; SinclAir, Willinnl 2. Brea ..lltH (1.0.'). 30 ('rnwrord, J. K.. S.H.C.
fim'ill), Jeslllidd 12 l'atoll, Wnlter
MI1c1my, :ftlrs, WilJimnficicl J:1 AlIdcl'SOll, .Jnm(!A
! 4 ]~U8SClJ, F.. &. R. bakers
4.. ~ wceddalc, R. jU,n. flcsber 41 .'orsytb, )tobcrt, tailor nair.I, .John 28 Wntllllll, Mrs T. UO$wnll
Ucckcr, WiIIi:lInfielll 41 1>ewnr, Archibalcl WanlJaw, A. & .1. smiths :m A!\'e~, CQlonel Clmrl.·'1 Oco.
H Wil8on, ~h(1 .John ~ SUll~lporl §t~ca wtcrsects. 43 l'atersoll.t. Jnmcl! .'railcr, Uohcr:. joiner 24 1)111111",'1, O('o)rgr, C.!.
1:~'r'~usOII'1~h~, Cherry h:lIIl< 1,1 Jlines, Sit. D:will 4,! St~, en, "dham, grocer
hUlay, \\ m. ~I.D. CJ.c1'l'Y H Uitch!e Miss 41 Mallon. -JhomlVl Alllule, .John, hllilcler 22 AirkclI, C;lpt.'lill Alex. It N.
4b M}Uer, J. ~ .It grocers 6t }'raser, A. bootmnker Shcnnlln, J(lhu, wright 20 Clnrkl!on, f..,M.U.,U.£'1.e.s.
bank 1I • 'J ) . 41 Altken, \Vllham
lhmtcr, Capt. Uobcrt .M. OWle, 0 111 52 IIrown, W. A. h:lir(lrc8M!f
63 ScoU, Anorew, tnilor Jngli!l, Dayid 18 .'fIU!cr, Alol. 1\1
Cherry bank 1i3 .'r~cr, Mra 16 nOS'lrie, WiIlinm
1. Bread 8t."eet. iiG 8keen, ~lr8 08 Baillie, )Irs, Rick nurso 2. Broe.bton _arllet. 16 ')ottll, \Villiam, ft~cni
nobcrtsoll. Airs, Cherry hank 1 I.illie, Thomas, haker 06 It~nnie, 1\frs, midwife
Webster, Jas. Cherry hllnk 61 Cam1ichaeJ, Aiel, t( Co. 1 to IlCIlrmichael, Wm. hnt.cher 16 Smith, &lrs
Il Uobertson, ,lame!! ti1 M!)ncr, Ro~ert, surgeon 11 CottOll, ~rga ftnd poulterer Ifj rr.tti.~n, .John, W.S.
Blnir, JOhl!l((I",c1ellcl' 9 ~l'J)onaM JalUes r.s ~ltllsr, R. JlUl. watcbmaker , n Potls, O. U. Stevf!nson, J. builder 16 llc1viIJe, Francla S.
Crll<ieliu8, U. \V. Jessfield
ffhomsou, CRPt., It.N., JOBS- 10 nlltherfo~d, Richard, 8mith ......htOb It'reef. :0 Grah:un, A. te., mcrcb3nt MUlTay, JUf'.htl, C:lbinetmaker 14 J'3terson, J. (DtJmock 6- p.)
ficlt1 11 WCnnl, Jamea 1 Clotlli'l!1 Societ!f 68 Cotton, John, tobacconist ThoftlllOn, D. &J. emitbs, &c. 12 Storie, Andraw, W.S.
Aitkcl'I, Thomll!!, .1 cSfll1el<1 cot 11 Doll', Jnmes '1 I.IOOkie Air!' lodl'O • GG nain, D. grocer Mmlro, D. T. 10 I..t>3IiO, John
Omy, Wm. Willow bank. • 11 Thomsol1, Robert '1 Cownn' wminm gt s 62 Macgill and Bcgbi(l Curie, JIlI. ptf4noforfc muer 8 Johnt&on, Roben, W.S.
11 Forreet, WllfiWll, plasterer '1 Stcwnrt, Alexandcr 62 Falconer, Williim Manro, A. etJICbbulJder 8 Johoaton, R. liruco, W.S.

--_._--_._----------- -·-·-'----------~---. . .I

" ......---c.. .-- ·....«p·mawrm'i•• i '.- C",R I In,. U e I I el • b se

4.1.etr, Andrew A. ut M'Queen, George 30 Parker. John, ------
2. rauSW' ea ..,tftef, I .. J)Ullcan
G. (T. D. mul Co.)· 1:; Iu"'le, MI'8
2 Gray, lfrs . M Gray, John, groccr 28 Andenon, JIUlleB, boobe1ler lliluide. I 6 Aitcbison, \\ illiam John 116 Snfcaton, Rc\·. Gt!orl~c
2 St JatTles', Chapel 05 }~wing, :&Irs lIclcn St Alary'B Free Chu.rch 9 Hunter, Thomas 6 Stodart, ~Irs 111 GlUM, U(llt('rt, sih'cr1',I:'ter
I • •ro.I~~.1l Plare, 09 White, Mrs 20 ,(.'nrquhar1 A. ~ •
11 J.oruncr, A.,.lI.
'1.1 D., }I.:1lit•.
I .,.
"" I;.. It ~lottiDlcr,
I Cl dJohll 1\ W' liS Alldcl1\otl••John
;m Alel'ccr, WillilUll HI Charles, .,ames, ironmonger 1;; Orrt Capt. E. ~I., U.E.I.C.S. S' I)uI ler or , "n D~ k IS lIorsburgh. John, cllgr:l\'er
t. cm .Alurebeud, Alldrew 18 Uitcbic, John 15 Hrncc, ~liSB UrlCllll, Rcv. R• le • 18 Selnter, Rohert
? Dick, Dnndas G. 69 WLnren, P. cabillctmllker 16 Watson). }lrs, midwir" 17 Bishop, Jollll n. 1} H!yth, Mts n. 18 nailic, Waiter (Jr. ami 11.)
2 Bain, D. aooountant 09 Dallskine, Miss 16 AllaD, uharlCl 10 (;lbIlOIl, )lrs 18 Thiu, J:lntC8
2 Simmi11l, Jacob 69 Arthur, WilIiam 16 roole, Alexander 1. BI·....""·lek 8eret"t. 11 Crichtoll, Gcorgc IS Uitchic, l'lltrick
2 Murray, John, 69 Adair, Airs 14: Seaton, Robcrt 1 Dickson, RollCrt, ,md Co. 1:! Uidaard!lon. Robert 18 Annollr, IIcnry. Iltint('r
2 lhu\\broolc. William li9 Dnvic, Dunc.'ln 12 I·'orrcstal, J, 15 Simpsoll. Itobert la nryson. It (U. lJ. (lIul""olls) 19 Aitkcn. Alexandt'r
8 Baxter, John u! Urims, Andrcw, and Son 12 Urockie, William 19 White, John 14 UowriclI, )irs 20 )Juir, ,Mitis
" KilOX', .J IUIICS 63 .Alilne, William, p:,inter 10 Gullamt, John 19 Dicksoll. It wine merch:mt 15 Chisohue, Rollert :!l WhiLe • .I\utlrew
4 TlloIIIIIOII, I'cter, gnrdncr 6U Homburgh nnd Wilson, pro- St Mar1i's Call1olie Clmrcl, 19 1I0gg, Willianl B t ft Id T :H Oliphnnt, Ma.
4 Uobcrtsou, Audl'CW vision merchants G Wooll, Ja.", & Co. 19 ~Iotrut, G. n. rUb M e erraet". 2 1 Morisoll, Jobn
... Hoyd,John 69 Dow, .Miss Jane 4 Stillcr, }'rcdcrick, spirit Utcr• 21 SyaMolI, MisllCS 2 .farncsoll, Andrcw 2:! Jtl'lItOll, WiIlillm, juu.
4 WchstCf, Mrs 69 Bruct, Misses, ilrcssm"kcrs 2 Queen's 7'hcalre alld 0IJera 2~i t oung, John. china shop 3 (·mncron. l'har11l3 2:\ Jtobertsoll, Josellh, U.ll.lI.
5 Cook, )li~1.! G9 Wallacc, Thollll..", ShOClll1l ker /louse i )I,ukc , J..
.. .. mcs, b:1 k'cr .f Thatcher, Mrll !.'t Infl'li',
2. Bran.llton street. 71 Tail, Andrcw, tailor Brow.fs Eotry. 21 Taylor, Mrs ;; COllsill, Gcurgc ~. UrYlWn, .Jume.'I
1 Sllencc, Jnmcs 13 Ifendcrson, DIWid, tiusmith :m J)unlop. C. cabilletllJaker 24 ~ii1I1~. l\lil'se.'l
])uncnn ••John. pi,le-lUllker :)1 Johnstoll, }Irs, Indic!' Jlurse 4. BuecJeuel1 ..Iae.... 24 Wlltcr~teJIl, John }',
:l J"ictoria '/Otel-elm, Henry
6 }'ituimmons, John
75 I'nc, J:.uncs
75 MllrrllY, Misse8, millincl'l!
76 Gibsoll, Gco. agent
7 l\InnJell,A. & 80ll t bootrnnkcrs
J..eillt Wu/l.: Saw-;,1IiIls
Mitchcll & Untton
:la AlIdcrsoll A. cllbinctmnkcr
:l1 }'l1toll, Will ill m
1 (:otdou, D., M.I).
2 I'hilnot, Jnmes
2. Todd, JOl'l'ph
j2'; I'(·'ertloll, .f 01111 ( / 'dC,..~OII
)Iurrny, Ale!. buildcr 4'; Park, .John ~ .M}U••John (N,Jl.Adt·rrli,~c)') ~Jrothtr.~ (11/(1 Cf).)
la Wilkinsou, D. baKcr 83 }'ricnd, .AIrs, confectioner
1a l'atcl'Ron, .M. bookbinder SI) 1\Iollilt, John, spirit dc:der 1. Dro,,'ofA '-Iaee, 4t' Itcid, Mrs .. Altkcu. MrJ! 26 Glh,qoll, AI"lRllItcr
17 MUIlC, Witlinm, Sllirit dClller 87 SWIm, .Jnmes, Dukcl' rClillel. :it }'orr('8(, Mrs D;lniel :! Gibb, (,(lnllnislIion :1~Cl1t :!Ii Whillct, Johu, com. travcller
19 Huntcr, It. chimi warehouse 76 Inoh, John a NoLlc, Robcrt liS St SII'pl,CII'S Sc/,(}()l 2 11111 t Humilton, 8.1.. 2S Hllttoll, John
21 Gtlllnnd, John 74 Johnston, }lrs 8. grocer 4: Urolochnn, Gcorgo iiO UrowlI, .JOhll, clerk !? J\lilne, Mrs 28 WlItO'llln, Du\'id
:H Moir l'ctcr 72 Ihulle, ~trs .. Turnbull, J ahlCS, tcacher 50 Call1Ilhcll, ,John a n.ullc:m. ItCt. John, I.L.V. I!?S WlltM>ll, Mr'lI
21 Croab, WilIillm 72 Mncpherson, :&liss " rortcou!ll Wm. (\Om mcrl!ht. 50 Iloopcr, Will. Mnrtill! piano- 4 \\ ('lIlcy, JntllC8 1\. I:m Sinrl:lir. ~1i1l5
21 :&Iullro, Mis!!, (\rc8smnkcr 72 Badlcr, )lrs .. Campbel , ]tob. ironmongcr fortc hlll~r 5 White, llrs GeurJ.."C 2!, If:\\", Jollll
!,m 'rhumson, Misscs M. und I. 72 I.nubnch, Conrntl u l\lillar, Uobcrt 88 ])IlIlClln, Mrs Jo!!e"h ~ \~ih lI. Mi8S('s I:!ll Smith, Allllrcw, 8.S.C.
26 M'Combie, Alcxnllder 70 Milnc, Uobcrt, juu. paintcr !lS AllIcck, John a {Jlh~OIl, Mrll '1:10 l>Ylllock, .J:Ullc:l It.
27 ronng, Jnllll 68 }'etric, J alne.q , lIi10cmukcr Bro"'h·. Plllee. :m CtlthlJert, J):l\'icl, ~roeer :; i)ytlr, J. N. conmlcrcial agelit ;:1 'l'llvlor, Mr!!
:m ('rosson, M/<!scs. millin~1'R 66 'fnylor, l\lrs Jll1lCtiollBrielge, Leitlt. :11 }:diugtoll, l\lcx. tailor :i ~cott, MiM :H Ifnldllll~, Jnmcs
!?!l Gmy, Dunn: & Co. bllkcrs G.J licriviner, WiIliam Uro",n, WiIlimn, smith !!~ Gric\'c, John (Nat. Bad') 0 M'J.:ucn. Rc\'. Ah'''<alldcr ,:11 .JOl1ll5toll, Mr~
:n Walkcl', Johu, mason 64 In!rlis. 1\Iis8 l\I'Kclvic, Jas. cOlll mercht. ~s Young, John, Ilc~hcr 1) '·citch. Gcorgc Setun 1:11 I.eln't.Ick, ~Ir)l
:n Stcwart, Hobert, \rl'ilel' 64 Lnmsdeu, J. tnilor 'fnyJor, Misses M. &. A. :!4 Norric, Hobert fi Il'c. Mis~l'li I:H ~titchcll, AII'~l\IlIlcr
31 Hay, Alc:umdcl' G~ Craig, Jmncs. gror('r 4. Dro,,'o 8qna.......
:m i\1'~(lItril" 'lrs i Hull'. Gcorj!(' (f '(1111. /J(wt) ::u Giilnollr, l\lexlllIll"r
In Leith, J UllIf'1i 62 (;iIICl1pi(', A. iJ'olllllollg('r lR Wood, Ale:t8ll'!cr '; Cnrpcntcr, ~Ii~~ !:11 Steel, )'uter. tellcher
31 Sllycrg, Uoucrt 02 Marsh,lll, .Jalllcs, l)illlllbCl' :I tccs, John, tobacconist 1~ Grant, Ad:am, writel' 7 ~tackellzi~. MI'iI ;H Kenllclly, WiIF.un
:U Patcrsoll,:&f .mrico GO lJoyll', Airs E. mi( \Viii,
4 IA'ggat, G. mId 1. IS Altnrns, John '; MIlCkt'll7.ic, Johll :U Sillclair, Henry
35 Ale:muder, ltis!I Allu fiR SbllUks, Airs
;, Camcron, J, and P. railway III ~1'Donnlll, Vonlllt1, mcrcht. 7 1l:4IUl, 'l'hom:u
:la 11 OIUC, ~liss fiS ListOll, Gco. ('arricrs ]4 Simllson, Georgo 7 l.h·ingston, Mr~ 4. Bucch'llcb lIii'rt'r'.
:15 Mcrcer, Miss, drcssmakl.'l' liS 1>ick, .John, plumher 1tl Smail & Co, china warchousc ]2 :&tl\t Icrs, Gcor~(', au" <.'0. 8 Oliplllmt, Mr:! WaIter 1 TUntl'r, .\Inn
:1; Pipcr, John, writcl' iiS (Jowans, John 17 AIcxaudcr, Rev. Dr W. L. 8 Kirkwood, Hob(,ft, tailor 8 MOIICU:', lfrs Mary I SllIl'Ilil', .John
n7 Gathercr, :&Irs 58 l'nrl'CII, }'etel' 18 )lICaskic, .T RlllCS G )):n\'soll, ,John 8 Ilol.aoll, ~(i~ A. 1 .scwbij!llin::, r>1l\'itl
I!) Crombic and Sons, dyerll G Gibson, Willi:UlI, writcl' S ]toy, Amlrcw 2 8111hli, Till' ":\9
117-A )N.cod, Jolm, tailor M, .J. &. It coarh·hircrs
li4 Scou, .John, ~hocmakcr IH erombic, John G Wnldic, :Mis.'~ !t Wilson, n(!l)rgc, S,S.(', :J (;mnrtison, "Ul.llUllrh.cuttcr
:l7-c Atnnro, Wm. slater
:m ::iOlith, 1)1\"id, groccl' 52 Wnlkcr, J\lcxamler 24 ~lllir nnd WUson G TumulIU, ~frs. 10tlgl'II!!''i
. ~
10 .Jcll're\\ l\fr5
10 ArlU()llr, HollOrt W.
.. lIf'''' '1'
.) 0' .'('1 le, • 0 III
"J -A J)jCkSOIl, Airs. lodgings ii2 Rrc\llucr, V. writer 5. Brown (tert'et. D ruoeola ('oUa:ft". 10 ClUall, .JamclI
lJ (,harlell. \villinm
a .)I'l)ouglll, ThoUlIl.i. wrigbt
.. ! -A 'l'homsoll, ~h,tI, ladies'nursc
a:! l:lurk, Miss, .lrcill'lIIakl'r 7 Smitb, JaDlcs. ~vright
., l-A SJimoll, Jnmc8 1i2 Uichllrdson, i\lrl! Uo!JcrL 7 Alldel'l!on, Wilham Thom,oll, John 10 TllOtb~lrll. Mrs :1 S;&fllli~Ollt Mi~s
"I-A CnJcnhc:ul, A. lo'. "'I'itcr
41· A l~\!rrie. Mrs, lndirl!' mlfllC
52 SllIter, .fames '; Sinc1air, Jarncs 2. HrunCoo '-'acM. ....
10 Clnl'oU, .James
10 ,ro,... lit·
"I"""n, II 11&5
8 \'omlf', ~(rs J\\I"lrc\"
:I Gunn, Mis...
I:) u.

4:~ Ruthcrlhrd, Gco. bllkcr

4;, Itobcrttloll, Mili.'!
47 Pooll', Alex. hnh'dressel'
52 .:illly, Ml'l!
fiO }:wing, W. coopcr
fil) Cml\lCr. }liss, dl'cssmnk('r
48 Wnl UN!, \V. pro\'hlioll shop
U Uan'c}" Miss
9 Thorn, Thoma.'l
II "cask, Jamet B.
11 .Johnston. Gcorge
4: 'l'fJlI. JlIllles (.\1. mul 7;)
~ ~'lod:lrt, Georgo
G Crabltic, .John ~I.
11 \\' atson, Airs Wm.
12 Hllxlcr, .":\vitl
li Whill', It (R, W, tU/cl ('o.) 12 flail, Wlllmnl, teneher
12 Kcir, ~HM(,'J
I j UJ:me, William, "ft'JC('r
7 I''''mcr & JohnsfOu lon.~ons
• . ~
}JIICclCIICh Place IIlCer.•,wt.s.
49 Mllrehclld, J\!cxnllder, t;wem tS Iierr, (;l'orgc, tca denlcr ];l GCllUIl, William 7 Crcc, Jarucs, mcrcl:ant 12 'fhOlllllOIl, A. (A. 1'. ~. :"0/1,,): 9 I.yon, 1\fi~'t1l
49 S\ORII, Thomas ·S6 Aikenhclul, Atlllm, tIcs her la Bruoo, Robcrt 8 lIelltlCI'SoD, 'fhornall, W.S. 13 CUlIllin(tharn, ,Jallles 15 Itogcr, Dllvhl
49 Slol\n & SOli, coal merchants. U Aitkeu, Jamc8, druggist 13 Hunter, All's 8 IIcndcrson, W. h:mkrr 14 Ullrdy, Mrs 15 C1Ct1h:mc, )trll
-Scc All,·. H Gra~8tolle, G. wine merclmnt 13 Patcfson John f) AIl!ln, 1hos. C. (ScnU 1\' A.) 14 Jlardy, Itcllr1 1.) Kennedy, IJn\'ill
49 Gunu, )lrs 42 Crlllg, Thomas. ,·ictuIlIIUr. J/j SUlTeik. )liss
lil Kirklllull, Mrs 40 Craig, .Jumes, groccl'
GB lli Arthllr, )ta. l:i HirrllJ, Mrs Cllthcrine
16 Lindll3Y, ltra W. lodgingl . runtADeld '-'aet". 15 Wood, W. f:thfarl) f5 !fillcr, Mnt Tbomall
la }'I'CstOIl, Mrll A.
la .'crgus8oll, Miss
38 SWIIU, Jamcs
Sti lIoscasol), .lames D.
15 }'cttie, Davitl
16 }Iartin, Robcrt
1 Uendcr'$oll, nev. I).
:! I'uul, Robert
'5 IlickliOD, WiIli:un
15 AlI~lillnu. Jobn
I'l I)'\'sdalc, )Irs
1:41 lhiir, Pete" hOtfRlnkt'r, 1/.
u1 Ill'itty, John, llrillt('r 38 JloscllSOn . Gilbert :1 Scou, Peter Ucdford or Red- 15 Stecl, Da\'id Art'he,,' !fall.
51 1'homson, Aliss, lodgings 86 Coollel, ,VOl. cowfceder U. Brow'n Street . . . . ford Dill ' 16 KenucllYt Rev. Gcorgc 21 BorougUJch Brewery
ul Gm)" John Si Kcrr & Co. stoneware dealers Dun, Aliss, bnker

.. r.r.'.~~JQ"" ••I.J.I".S".J.F.......S~2. .S.b__e~C........~............
---".---- Can STREET DIRECTORY. Can 307
21 Tvlly, lira, 2. (;alto. IIW. 13 Carmichael, L. drugguw ----.~--~------~--~~-----~----~----------------~
12 l.eadbetter. James, grocer 1247 M4}'arlalle. A. Inboratol'Y cngin~, bras..llfoUlldcl'!l,
33 W"~, MD . t lIawks,J. bit nndspurnlaice:r 13 Seolt, Win.tefte!bment rooms 13 Brander. WiUiam Ne/{' Stl'<:e# inttrtc:ct.~. mNer mnntdllcturct8, &c.
35 Uodae. Mra 6 Cobley, Wm. 14 Neilson. Thos. linen draper
15 Watllon~ William, baker If: Grant, D. 249 Cart\!r. ~Irs :Skol, grocer SS Kni~ht, W. IIpirit dc~er
46 FaIr1)airn. H~ 6 Brown, John, engraver 25:~ Gray. A. pro\'iE-ioll ile:der
47 Wa11acet WiUiam
49 DurwarlJ, ~ groccn;
1I0PllCr, Tb08.
Kcmp, Itobcrt
16 Bca:rY, John, pwterer
1G Bdi". and Leith Loan Co.
11 Wightmnn, John, flcsher
1 j Bl'yden, J am cs. smith
11 Ann:uul:tle, .lame!
11 :\I\mro, Arthur
261 C~WQ1Jgtltr S('.~.~i01l(tl sCllooll
2fj:~ ~hlnc, Gcorge, mcrchllnt
78 hingle, llrs
DIlIi~, A. chin:nvnrc mer.
62 RoberL."On, l'eter, grocer
&1 Collie, D• .R. printer 11 Coutes, i\lrs T. 11 Diek:;on, Thomas 269 Uroth<.'l'j;thll, Ucorge 48 I1UtnC, l'ctt'r
51 VeiteJi, Kr8 ' 11 lIwlter, Robert, JUD. builder IS Fairly, E1i7.abeth, spirit dIr. 273 Carrick. Andrew 46 Alcx:mder, n. 1\, Iml'gI.'On
61 l\lill~r, ThomaS 1:' .Jolmston, Alcxuuder 1. t)aDlhrldce Street.. 27:> ~1'I..eau, Will. shoemaker U M'DQnalct, Mr!!, flcsher
!il R,",er, Kies 16 W:dkl!r, Jame8 1 Johnstolle, Mrs 271 II11Y, .JaDlcs. h:\kcr :JIi !\il'ol!lon, D. &: ~II", !!1'Ocer.s
61 M'lheraon, Charles 11 GoMie, J. G. Ca,9lic 7'errace.
1 ~lhldlel1ll\''1R, l~obl'lt 2~1 Urydcu, G. &: A. 6I1litlt~'l 8 Wil$on, J:UllCS
61 SitnlOD, ,Janles Kerr 21 Walker, J. rccorder of Calton 1 ~Iartilll WilHam 2 ll'J)on:lIJ, llr,; Willinm 1283, l);l\'itl 2 J)olla\dson, D:l\'M, haker
8' lleid, Uobcrt .22 nell, Miss, tlressm:,ker 1 Cox, 1\1l"8 GeQrge 3 W:,lker. WiIIi:ull ~s~ ~:l'hcrsnll, H. t1pirit mrcht. 3, .·an......te, ~. Back.
72 Gl1llie, Alexander 22 Bell, J:unes (E. ~. S.) t .• 91 K,rk~\'ootl, Alc~. fieshcr 'I'" \1 '. J
10 Somervillc, Jobn 23 I'orteous, l\lrs J. fJamero.1 Hoalle. f) (:
". a.louar;a e. 1203 ll:UIII!tIl'I, Thomas I.):: .. till,. :uncs,('"(' /,.-(.)
'10 Wilson, W. R. printcl' 26 Sim:lnir, Joltn Drybrougb, 'rhos. (]).~Co.) J l }'r~st:r, A. grocer 30() l~:tehllrn, ,John & Co. _.} i:m'.ltchnel •• rlloln:t.oI , bro\\'cr
6/. Hood, Thomas 26 Chulmers, Jobn, sbocmuker 15 IIcndcrsoll, A. butcher 3')9 W:udl"w 1I"lIr\' • hu\a(', 1>. t.
'I~ \1'
64 .Wintosh, l\lrs 26 Wright, 1\lr8 5. t)anaan I~a.e. 23 Brncewell, llr:; •
:l:n ,.
New:lrt, '" • "'..
.Jatl. flPlMt dealer :' 1 IIIr. J as .• antI ,QU.
!o: IIrC:lll'rs
(iO Cowan, W, brnsafolmder 24 Dow, Alexandel' Kedslic, Gco. Hellloll bauk 47 W:tUgh, J. l'pirit dealer 292 flel\drit', Jamcs • ~ 1 !ernar.l, 1. :tnd ••. brou·cr.
M MCIlZiclJ, WiIIillm 24 AIIIWUU, J. E. l\lillar, Rev. Alcx. I1ebron -Ill Cameron, D, Icttcr-c.vrier !?SG (:1':1\', Thos. \"il'tUI:.l dealt'r . ~~ •,tcel, .James, br!!wer
48 I'••J. Connolly 24 Knight, GeQ. blink oottaO'e 51 I'ari'l, W. hnkcr 280 ('odJr:m~, Rob~rt If. groc(,T . ',~ 1 1ll!811, Tholllllq, ~1U'n:-lmnt
.f.i Arnott, .Tamcs, baker IS Caird, F, G. :lgellt 1\N:dwllrd, ilrfol, GOl"hel1 .i;J Porteous,lI. D..r.mission:.r,. I 27" I'hilip, Gc(.rgc, gfo('Cr I h I J)ryh"(lltl!~l Illld ( 0 •• bn.,~·ct ..
·12 'fclulde, Wimmll, &t1csman 14 Liddle, William :Wtcotl, .lames B..:Mount 53 Wilson, Robcrt :!66 Hu\\c, Wm. !tpirit mcrdll\llt' Ird:llld, (.coI'gC, \\·Oflf.IJ:1rl1
4~ (1albmitb, Thomas J2 Turner, Jolln l'leasant ;)5 ~lurr:lY, 111'8 n. l'ictunl t1lr. 21i4 Brmm. IIngh. t:Ulner , 3. ('anonea"", 1Iii. Oark.
·12 Smith, Peterl letter-carrier 10 1\11 I\.eehnie, William CIc~hol'll, Mrs, Stonclicld I!~ l!:\)', Dln'id, tlr;lllCr, &c. :!G:? Mutlaison, It. wine and SJlirit. :!O .Jolm~ton. H. Imihler
86 llrotherson, lVillium Steel, J mnc.'!, shoelllakt!r
10 Sclcraig, Thomas (G.P.-O.) I),' ~cd, .John, & (0, tmwfdrs'I". ,JI1~rd''\nt. ~ I 22 Jtih'hic, .'amea
:\2 Urown, .Mrs .{ I'ringle, James I I>hiJip, Willi:nn 1'. ])arnley 6~ Che8snr, n. groe~~ ~aO :"t 1 ~(Jm,(I~.1 ,""//(){Il • I 24 f,llIng, TllOl1l1l. '
:!:! t:roi a , Dln-itl, smith 4, Greig, Jamcs, clerk villa 8~ S!cwart, )Irs, Spl,fIt denier .14 fnl!mc, I., & M. tobaccom~t..<; 28 lfnlllc ••Jo!::I, P.~. WAIOU/lC
20 Ih'nderson, W. victual dealer 4: Ott, W. clockmnker Brown Wm. Madeira cot. 81 Chalmcrs, D. snllth 123~ SIl~.I\~r!,II!1, .J, surJ!l'on U:lI~lei~h 111111 Son, Inad.illC
16 Muir, .Johu 4 l'rillgle, John, 00111. IOttgi.ugs DOtlgi:lS, Jnlllc~. gllrt1euer fJ~ Joll1lstoll.!~. ami J. ~:>~ Tal!, "m., ,ho('mnkcr cork manufilctnrcrs
14 Rogers, 'Misses E. nllll A. Wneon, .Miss, Wootlvillc n~ 8I11a.lI, '~d.hatn. grocer ~16 :::iuubcrt, G\·.)r~~ • !it Kcrr, llrs ll. gf{ll'cr
10 'WDiarmitt, John 2. C)OUOD, Ulah. Hregory, John, mlv. <.iaDaau 11u Do\~: Wllham .• .11 r!lll.u~roll, H.})I\~llt('r & gIRl. 1)2 <:J\llIe.~, Will. IctLcr-('mrier
10 M'Cortl, Havid 3 00Ot1a1l, J. lodgo 1;.1 M:' w, Mrs, Jlro"I~I~ll l-hop 212 };,{/w. /,,,,J ..c.tlt Bt'el:"!r!/ H llit(·hcl!. Mr:'! C. gro<'cr
10 Whitlct, WilliUln 2 Shirrcff, C. com factor Itusscl, .John, South bank 1;~ \\cbstcr, AIel. Spirit dealer -DI~h('r, H. tnlUln~llIg ;~ Gilmollr, W. & O. tlUmen!
4: Hunter, :Misses 2 l~:dcoll ..r, .John, a"'cnt 1_1 I!cnclerliol~, Thollm.o; I}artllc~ xO Kdlock, A. illnkeeper
4 1\l'I ,c0t1, ,JoI1l1, lInirnalllnintcr " }'ru3cr, ti, bllullet b10ck maker C)alldleanaker How, 1~1 I?al'c\n,v, (•• prv\'. merchnnt 212 ~l)lIIm('r\·lll .... Mr~ lIlt .lllhll~MI. n. '_'
4. IJu.'net's t).ose. 26 Brown, \villimn East, ·1. West, 1. ]~~ S!lIcl:nr, .Talll!'!', bak;r ::?12 f~hvanls, Henry: !I!J :-Omith, WiUimn, ~t)cer
~6 Wright, 1'. 23 HUllter, Dnvid lLla (lIT1ollgale I~tlrg/I &h6(ll I ~12 .forg'llll, ~?'. call1llctlllllkcr !I!l ('allwrlln. It.II:liry
l':ldcr, ~John,
}~tlgar, Uobcrt
2. fJaUoD, Low.
25 Hollinall, JOIIll D. R.
27 Mnc'13b :mtl Uitchie
, c,mlOugate UU~"ch"
1(13 1 ()I)~ l",~~J('/~r s U(
~ 10 Hr3:1h, \\ Ilha.m, grocer
20~ Cb3}mcr~. n.
III :\1'(' herloll1l, I>. IIInkt'('per
8:, Aill'ilil'llIl 1\1\11 Co hrcwcrs
M~ Kellzie, Mrs (H Lyon: .lamell hairclrClillcr 33 Umlpatb, IJl'owJI, nJl(l Co. Sf$SIOll Cl('r~.~ Oi'''/! 1208 CucKbum, A!c:l\. t'?wfeetler 85 I'c:lflion. f:. pillmher
Durns' 8tr..-et. 5!) Furrest, John, Spilit tll!uJel' a5 I-'ol"$)"th, W. (wlOtlgate (allne,l Cham- 208 ~toach, Jas. houk,h!lItlcr 8~t Wilwll. 1)1\\"111
21 Reitl, llitchell, gmcer fi8 Jlill. W. leather mcrch:mt ;37 nos", )Iissc.'!, millinera II(!l'S !WI Bower, .Jas'Jlrw;lslun de:ucr G9 Til)n1ay n. c~m~\\':lyla\'t!r
22 Webster, Wm. grocer lH WDiarmit.l, Mrs, spirit dealer 39 M'lnlol'h, G. shoemaker CUllOn!late Cl~rl;":I Offici' 20~ ~o~d, .f. 111! f::. SI.I"/II/' S(rn! mlt:r..,(('is.
2. «:alton I-Ioee.
45 Seton, Patril'k, shoemaker Cml~mgatf .10;1 H)8 } III rml\ Il; I•. Splflt dealer :m Muir, ~fr~, ';l)irit dealer
t)ahle Wynd. 4n lIent1erson. Wm. 1I11hit mer. •• llc[lt.itrar.i p.llire 19-1 U(\\v", t,~o~e , 3:~ (;rlllml/l, n, "llirit 1I,::\lc\'
1 l'ottillger; J allies, grocer ltichardsoll, .J. jUlI. & Co. 59 ~I'Camhridge, 1\ IKmubroker 1j~ T!lOmsoll, )~lS.' &1. wo Haxtcr , <,c(>',du!IA mercl!t: 17 f)1I1!flei .. h. Un K'rt
5 Atlamlion, :Mrll, fishcllrcr 90 1\l'Cr.skie, J, autl Co. 17" IJm~say, MIMC5 I
186 ~l'I..enlll\t1, C. 1\'lIlC & tptrlt 13 JI",i'lrootl (.'l'JAA-l('tlrl,f
15 Miller, WiUinm, !'illirit dealer
l!l 1\lcthllel1, .James, fishcurcr
37 Gilchrist, John, spirit lllcrcllt.
2. f."alton Street. ~(, Carter, !\icol, sllirh merollt.
1 & 2 Sinclair & Co, (lrvsalters 80l Itcid, .Tames, cliiua merchant
:1 I'ringle, Johll, Caltcm Re· as Uitchie, James, smith
177 J..eWtil, James, grocer
179 R1nckhaU, Da\"id
liH Ro()crtsun, George
li9 Fitzl)''lhick, f'. pal'rnbr"kcr 11'2 St ,/o/l1I Slrut in/( r.fcct.o(.
I • '.
J\'m Ih.:? s..",Ilt, I.
3. fJallBllder
67 C(l1WU!lnt('.
HOU8e, I {'rultmcut Rooms
l) Valiance, Willimll
.1 namsay, .Jolm
36 ~I'llurray••James
32 Lint1sny, Jnlllcs, bookseller
119 MlIir1 Her.rv, printtr
179 Rain" l>lwfd, priuter
11'l0 I..'\\\'SOll, John, flc.~her
172 i::dinIJllf'g/, Normal Se HKli I
181$ylum-Sidey, 166 i>OO!, I). t1csher
2 Uohertsou, ,Johll, tailor
Hi('boll, W. spirit dealer
Uenttie, Adam
30 Harton, WiIlillm, plumber
John Neil & Co. brass founders
nnd gnsfittera
6 Dickson H. letter-c:lnicr 28 Anuerson, J. upholsterer
6 J)ieksoll, lIclcn, :lrtist in bail' 21'1 Ritchie, Miss, straw hat mkr.
l\liss .Jane, matron
18:1 Sontcrville, ,nllialn
lli4 l\lidcllrton, I). !lIITJ,'OOtl
}.IR Snmlcriloll, n. st.1thner
I Ui'llol', Ale.';lml(~r
, IIUllttT, ~Ir!l, "pirit dN'ller
2. (!alton Hili,
1 }':trmcr, J)avid, baker ::s Recm·dd.~ l?Oice, Grey· 187 Mcncla\\"£, \Villinnt, baker j 146 Aitt'hiso'1, D. F. mc. 'cllt'lnt 'hight, Walt•• r
~ Wilson, 'fhom:UI, cowfcedcr friar,~' 205 1>ndgconl j\f !:3}lCr H2 Cameron, ;\(rs .l. !'pi,1t dlr. RIt.!':!lell, It. ~nd ~Iln, nkintl(!N
Regcnt Road.
n. O. Calton stairs
SHiM., A. lIhoemakcr 28 Campbell, J. recorder 211 lUnckhnll nn<l {-'ox, groeel'1\ ,140 Slntert .~. slater 'foda. 1'ho". manufncturer
llill, 9 ~leek, Georgc 215 Chflllm:lD, ,J(lhn 139 )fuir, J. spirit dealer J~J(){"s.qr('t''' Slm/ mu! St!fr.
/)ufJlIld S/Cll'(I)'/'s MOllument 10 Nicol, J. musio seller and o. t)anRI.... rlaee. 217 Whitc, Stcphcn, ~"feeder 136 Taylflr. Wm. shoemaker iug JI(l('!tir'l1' Worb
'l'h'c Um/ul Obscl'Val(J)'JI stationer Cameron, Mrs, (,anning boo 219 Grallam, ))a"itl, merchant J32 Barl', lfii4s A. milliner Stc\ynrt, RO)lel't G ..
J>lau!a{r't: Momwunt 11 Drnmnlond's 7emp. hotel 2 Alexl\l1tler, John, tailor 221 Morgall, .1. grocer I:~O Cowan, ~fiS, lodginG'" 8aikif?, ,Tllmt'-S
Nf'I,~on',9 MOllument 11 l l rnmmond, l'cter, tailor 2 Richllrdsoll, .John 229 Dremner Goorgc 1).l }'ofll, Tll(Ima.~, grocrr ~I'hrll\ne, Dand
Nati()1wl MonullIent 11 Mellzies, J\lr8 u Slater, Jamcs (G.P.·O.) 28;;' Alartin, DIlVid, baker 112 Walkint'III",", Wm. writer !ngli.... 1Iugb
'l'/U! 11;gll School 11 M~Cll1re, 11. ii Cook, J. )1. 237 Smart, JAn1CS, cldna mercht.. 112 CaM er, Da\'ill, f,(toCcr Hobillson, Jtohcrt
Bur/Is' :lIo1lfl1ncnt lt Carmichac1, L. l) WAlpinc, Th08. 239 Bym, J. bootntaker 100 Whit(', Robert, fle~her ftowi('. \V, contl1lctor
emU/ty ,Jail andDridewell- 12 Thol\l~ol\ an<1 l'ortcous. to- 1 Dick~on, Robcrt, grocer 2U Trai!l, A. hosier {IS Brown, Mr~ bnker ~;jl'ol .Jolin, KeinlOIlAC
SmitIi, John, governor bacco mercbants 10 CQl1sin, J. cabinet maker 24jj Wilson, George, fi~ber 00 ~liIne, James, and SOOb, gM ))(ltlgi;,tl!.I.,cr.nonrniJI~hon8(\

U 3 5S5 3 01 SS
• ,. ... • J
_._------,---- STREET DIRECTORY. eau 309
1. O::!IM'.Uls L;ip. ! G. ~....ecle Street. Boyd, Capt. J. W. statT-officer
AndersoD, G. 8t1rgeon·major, GeQrgc Street i11teTRectl. 24 Gairns, John, teacher Little, JamC8, ageni _._. . .-
lruer,)fra 3 lenned!, )Irs and P. )1. oftit:er 37 Deans, Robert 22 Davitlson and Syme, W.8. lluDTO lie ~l'Iad, roach-
rruer, Alexander 13 Itrager, Hn Wickham, Capt. R. S. bar- 31 Nichol, IliMe.s, clrcssmakera 22 Bogle~ Ant1rew, \V.S. buiMers
16 Cftmpbell, John, grocer 37 White, Jamcs )8 l'inkertoll, Ml'! Johu l..awrie & Ritchie nra.~ frs.
I'raIer, Patrick N. rack-rna.'!ter 18 Asher. Alexander
11 Olipbaut, William Pearce, T. 8torekl-eper 39 Jlume al1d R~, W.S. Yule, .t. machine boot-closer.
1. ~_Oll 8treet. 19 .Martin, MrlJ, grocer 41 O~VY' Jllme.s, C.A. 18 U:ulliiton, A. prof. of music 12 Wilson, D. P. spirit tncrcllt.
~Iuskett. J. purveyor B.~l.F. 1G I.h·ingston, :Mrs, lodging.s
1 Sutberland! 8ugh 21 1\lcses, David )liUer, Rev. James, chaplain 41 \htmol'e. lirA 13 ~1·DolI:lld. Tertll1S, surO'con
" rcaaion, MlIB E. dressmaker 23 Wright, Thomas, provision Findlay, .las. chief master 43 MUmlV' &: lleith, W.S. 14 King. ~tiS!les, mi11iDers 1. Rn!., .Je~ie, china rncrcl;an'
'1 King, Thomas merchant J.,'llllller 43 .Manchester Fil'C' bl.':urallce 12 ~l'l)ona1d. J. W. 14 WilsOIl, Jamc5. fruiterer
28 Inglia, JsnbelJa COmpml!/ 12 ~1'Ka..·, JoHn . !5 'fholllson, R. hi\irdrCIIJer
Macplierson, J. Cro"n-room 12 Allgus, Mis8 .J. )a Torrc. I'nul Dclla
~AII". Street, ~elt". 26 Wright, Mrs John keepcr 43 Beith. Don::dd
12 Stcwart, AlI:m n., C E.
26 Ramage, Alexander 45 Gillcspic. J.unes D., ll.D. tr. Dalgldllb. Wiltiam
1 Nisbet, Robcrt blanuel, J. canteen master 12 m~~ct, Mi~~ )L IG Kllox. Jame'4, gl:t1.ier
1 Carmic)lIu·l. Gcorge 2.& Rankine. John, victual dealer 41 Little, Miss
22 Clark, lViUiam 47 PC3cock, ~Ir!l G. lodginjtR 12 Mlmball. W. coat merchant IS Wilson. Thos. shoe \\,:lI·ehou.~
1 Jmnies011t Thomas
18 Livinglton, R. 1. ~.8tlebarn8.
49 Martin, Thomas. IW'otmtant 10 Cbe.~ar, lira Wm. lod;,;ings 22 May. Will. c:lbiuetmnker
1 Thomson, Jamcs, engill~r g M'Gcchau's lodgiflg.~
~ ShlcJair, Adam
~ ~1'Gregor, ~lrs
6 Fllrnic, Wm. shipmRster
12 Clnrk, Mrs, nurEe
12 }'erguson, Fergus
10 Tait, rringle, baker
2 Douj!las, Jnmc~, \'ictualler
ReM's Court illtel'.~ecls.
lH Cotton, George, S.8.C.
53 RUl!seU, Jamu, lodgings
63 Bowers. .\. loojtinJtIl
6 Steel. Mw, dl'CS!naakcr
G Stt'uhollsc.
6 Kel"· ••fohn
Cieorge _r.
2. ('atbolle l'hnpel
I ..
l{a('pher!on. r cry RCl'etend
8 ~l'Kenzie, John 4. ~a8tleblll. 55 Rayn!!, Jamell, S.S.C.
,., Hastings, George
8 Gilmour, John L. 57 Swantlton, John. dentist 6 lIux·table. A. teacher ofmtUli~ 1 John. DD.
" l.CJctes, Miss J:mc 539 Rachurn, Wm. spirit uenler 59 Scott, .ftln .& ,'ordycc, .James D. ~uh'oeate I lime.!!, Itel', Roll<'rt
6 Bruce, 'fbomas 3. t:'arrubber'" (~lolIJe. lif1 GriC\'c, R. leather mamdi'. 4 {'ockburll, l\Ii'l.~es Ga.ecui~ne, Rc,'. Frcd~rick
6 Mitchell, Willinn\ (CII.~/om.,) 59 MacllArcn. John
M'I'bel'llon, J. COl)persmith 649 lIendcrl!on, Robcrt, SllOrt'.1 la Itcnnie., )Irs 2 Cbnfl':U'd, .Madame, milliner
12 llendCl'IOD, Andrew Obset'/Jatory 5. ('aullle,,'.,·...dr.
1& l'utel'lOl1, D. (t'flslom.,) Ninullo, J. &. J. en~ra\'ers 63 ~t'GiI('hrjlit, .f.• ~('D.
Uowie, Ihtgh, bookhuuJe; 352 lrvine, 1\11'8 Thomas 65 }lacullum, lfis!eK 1. "'a .. tle Terrat'f'. Gt )hm.\oe11, John
1,. nI)·th. Uobcrt «(,'II8tOlI/.'I) 352 Rong\'ie, D:\\,jcj (uf D. R. (:5 .'alkuer, Misw 1 Wilkie, Mrll Grout G3 Tllolll~on, llr, ,.. Il'roeer
l't'l)I)1l:lld, .John, llrillter
]& )litchcll, JIlUlCS (Cll,~toms)
}'crgllsoll, .John, Rud Son A' SIIII) m; Stewart, M... :1 Cr:ligie. M:~or n. C. 69 Ucid, ltil'lI. Fru SrhmJl
15 Kcith, Gcorgc, boilermaker 362 Auld, Jamcs 67 Sloan &. Soo, colll merch:\nu 4 Maealilllll, W.llter illicium 75 Simjl~on & )l'I)O/ll\!d
11 Kemll, George, clerk l\I'h:doe, Wm. bill poster- 5 Rails),. Re\·. Itot,f'rt 11 Gric\'c, Jtobrrt
:;cu Adc, 362 llemllstcr. Willi:un 67 8103n. ll. ttre"smaker
1. ~.rlton St ..t,.. t. Nicolsoll, D. 362 Rhina, .Johu (:2 I.ind!lay, )!I\ckay, &. 1I0we ~ lIanlla, Rc\·. ,Willi!lm. D.~. I 79 ~~lthcrr.lnl ••"ntire"'·
8ti6 Kempstt'r, Thos. sh.-officer 4 Marsl::lIl, T.I•. (n· ..l/.~.(().) 1 ~t (.lhll~, n. Ilhoemaker
1 Seou, Dlt\'hl Smllrt, Wm. spirit merchant 62 Howe, Alexander, \\'.S.
37-6 Soldiers' 1'eadillg-)'oQ1/lS 60 Young, ~tra 8 Anc'erlloll,.f. Hl)tlh~on I' ~15 ElIiot, llr.; H.
1 Fcrgnsoll, ~lisll 3. (;arrobber's ~oort. 376 Gnrdner, John 60 ~(oore, Jame~, S.S.('. 9 G!,eig, David (/). !\ "; (;.) lot HUllter, JamC'1\ (6*.1'.·0.)
:1 FIYlI, :MillS
:aincdollald, A. market officer 884 Donalllsoll, Archibnld (;0 Campbcll. ~trll 9 \\ :dlace. ll. C\I. .,. n.) 107 Sall"oll, A.
o Clllrksoll, I.ient. -Colonel lt1l5sell, Alex. wright GO Tclfcr. l'llrll, lmhdngll 10 JonclI, llrs .J.llclisl1:LW IOfJ Wilkinlioll. Jmnt· ... t)nl\tl'r
'I I.under, It S. 1) nc~burn, Mi88 109 Uu",ct, John, accollut:lut
9 'fcrrot, &Iil!ses 2. ~.8t1e Strert. l'l!~ Christit'. Callt. 1'., ItS. 1 11 Smith. J'der n.
~a88rI8' '-Iaee. on MiUt'r, llr. IO!} nlloM. :\1i6S
1:J Johll5tonot W. W.
18 Cllrmcnt Ilrll
1 I'_1'1.nrcn, I" l h
\to Jl. merc nut
1 11.1 J. Calniolli<l1l
JJllntett, J 1 hottl :'6 {·mll~l'o\l. )fl'll, of Lnkefkltl It Tillie, Thom:uj I) 1 l'1)rrtst. )lrs J. grocer
2 AllderdOll, Robt. c.,lldlcmake\· :1 cnuerson, ohll. ~ :Iter 5f .'rascr. William. W.S. I 12 Gamgee. J'rofessor John 1 t:J ~tuir, Jvlm
Hi Wood, ~ir8 Wil1imn 3 Kitld, John, merchant :. l~remller, Mrs Wm. )1. 52 link. John. M,n. 113 Stewart, T. Hr:lIlgl'r 119 J{olll'rh..,~,;"b'£', l«iior
].. mackwood, Miss 4 }'or!!. W. merchant 1 Simpson, MisiI, milliner :;0 Allderson. J. IIlIt! }'., W.S. ' 13 Stewart, Alexander I1 12.') lIogg, J.
12 Cllrter, i'.H. accountant G Gr:nit, ])avi(l, session clerk 9 Fel'guson, !\1i:1l 50 l'itmall, ~'rctl!!rick, W.S Gilfill:m, John. tllliJcler J21 Cluthric. J. to:\! merchant
10 ])udgcon, l\lajor.ft!·ucralll, 6 )Iillcr, W. C. 11 Arcbibald, 1J:\\'id 50 l\turra~·. WiUiam. S.S.C. )N.'ulloch ••J. & Co. J 31 .f ack, ('. gartlrner
8 OIegg CUlltmll, 11.:\1.1. F.
j 1 Mofl'nt, ~Iis~ 11 Stfeward, J. fiO Smith; It. sUn'e..·or ~lilIer, Wi:li:U'll, IImith 141 DawlIllu. \\,i1li:lm
n ('r:ug, :Miss 1 J.iullsny, Mrll 13 ~tl\Son, Mi~ -S6 Walson, ~fiss A'on, lodgillgs IIcndr)" Wm. &alldlers' iron- 141 \\'ilkin_oll, Wilii:un
.; l'lItcl'Ron, ~h'8 1 Stodtfart, i\li ...'J 15 Englaud] P. l{ld~ngs H Jamcs, John lnong('r 11>1 Smith. Wrn.
:.! Dull~ AIrs 1 :MiIlcr, )Ira Alexander 11 Elliot, llrs, Jodgmgs 4i Clummont, l..oui!l }'. llofl'nulII. JI)hn D. n. Iti3 hnllnmollll, A. '\tlct. <lrater
8 Shiels, l'bomns.( Wm. S. ~. 11 Caron, JulC!, teacller 42 UOlle. Mrs .1:UIII'8 lG:i ~fiIMlcIIIMl\, .'11. Ipirit mer,
2. ~.rlton Trrraet'. G>.) Ii Cockb.lnll. J. 40 J.t:~. n,)\)crt. IIIh·oc.1tC 2. ~a'I ... rj .. «, 8creet. 169 ~tiddlt'IIU1611, G. ""right
1 Hnrclay, Gcorge 9 Tholllson, 1\1rs 11 J)ownes, uhristol,l\cr as Nimmo, .f. br:usfounder A.·l ~illbct, .Jns. SI,idt UI('rch~nt J 7.'" Kc:rr, WilIiatll t builder
2 (;tlthrie, i\li&l, of Crnigic n
' It'4,
Tllomsoll, CaptaID, N 19 Tt'tler,
JaDles, W.S. n :IR llackelllie, .'rancis 1 Christie. Ja.tI. wine mcrchant ) ill Chri!ltic. Hen..,.
:1 JhldllUlan t W. M., AI.I). 10 Dlldgcon, .MI'6 19 Tytler, James 8tnart, n·.S. 31; Yotmg. Jame!, )1.)). 2 Shsnk!l, C. ll(lotm:,kcr 1ST 1\('1111" J. Matlcir3 cottage
1: I:utherf(ml, l\trs 10 l>udgeon. )lissc3, JUi1liner~ l~' Millllr, Johnijlltollc \f1U'ehOll!O 34 MIlc1aehlan. P. IIpirit mercht, 4 lIemlne, JrullCII. tobacconist I llll,grA\'c, J. ganlcller
5 Syme, Thomlls, W.S. 10 J)ou~on, Thos, SillIer\,. of J. It. 19 Billing, W. • chemillt 34 Anderson, )liu I [; .'ar'luhar!On. Mi!!I 1(:6 Aleul:lltr, George. builrle:r
fi lIowison, A. 1'. of Hymlford 10 J.argic, ~Irs 21 Cockbnrn, J. and G. grocers :1, )! iIIid~, )lilll G Whitehead. J. bontmaker
J)ani<!t, clothier
(;rallgt: Lo(m (1I("rlcetl.
1:10 rw!nIlY~llik. John
1 In:mshal'd. Georgc 11 Fre1lch, John' :n )f~cJtiI1, bIn :a }'irrie, Mrs 3(argt. lodging5 8j GUlIll. ••J\lhu, victual de-'\Icr 148 ~eitllOn, f:.h;arci tilde
S Ilowdcu, Mrs 12 rcitch, ~Irs .lohn 21 "tlhllmson, P~ter at Jobllston, T. cabinetmakcr !J Cmig Wehllt('r, I•. bootmakcr 141, ~Ieiklc, \\'iIIiam, grt'eer
9 Cow:m, Roller!, W.S. la & 16 Tay tor, RoM. merchant. 21 B!:\oo & CUnnlUg~am, C.E. GtOTgt Strut i/lter.icct.t.
9 Cownu, Mrs 1:1 Jiirk, G('orgc, ShiPOWIIt:l' t2l" IlSO!'l )Irs, lodgmg~ 10 Aye:', J:unc.4 • tailor , 144 AitkEJI, John
10 Williamson. Charles la Jtoy, J. W. i 21 )lacgtll, A. hOllse.pI\Int:r 3!! FI1I~r. WilliAm, S.l'l.C. 10 Aleunder. T. letter-camer I 136 ltober~onJ Rev. Jnm('A
11 I.eckil. Willinm 13 rrhom~on, Miss )1. r. 23 Stewaft, C. &. D., S.S.C. 30 Wehlifer. lliM, drcllSmllker 10 .'crrit'r, )Irll, lalli!.!,,' nursc & J3' .JaQ\ie..~c)n, ~(t'1 It.
12 Cntllcart ••lamc5 30 Gltlbraith. )In midwif('l 132 ~(Ilnr., Arch .• A.~l. t~1('hcr
I j IImne, JlltneS, builder ,26 )faelachlao,lvory, &Ro<tgcr
]3 Wci", Uohcrt M. III Arklc,' l\Iills I W.S. ~~O Stew:m, .famell, loilgitl"1I 10 Davidson. ~Ir~ J40et 128 IUdp:uh, Jobn. teacl!('r
80 )t'Comish, T., wriu~r ", n.
14 M:lc~e",de, Dr Willinm 10 Smitli, '.fame~ :.;1 Wil!lon, J:1mcs, ~esbcf 10 Wat!on, Itotlert 126 UOSl!, A. gtoctt'
16 T..otilllln, Mrs John 21 Steel Wm. haker 2. Stew art, D. lodgmgs • 28 Ml\ther, ~li8l1 It lodgillg~ 10 Robin!On, H. I 122 n.. in, Daniel
1G Younger, William
11 I'ollock, WilIiam
1S Jtchl~ James
4. ~8.tle.
29 Graham, T. elater & glUier
31 Rollo, n. bootmaker 2.
26 Fa'eha,,·••Jame8
LApsle)' Ml'I
24 Alexander, J. :eacher
10 ~I'C~lIdie, ~lr!. ladies' buree I llfl Wili~l\m!On, TLo•. Igeu'
10 Dl\\'1dson. Jonathan
11 I:'i~her, Wm. bootmuef
1116 Janueloll, Jobn. agcnt
,1lt Gmn, C. maCt:r
:\lIft"TWIl. Lieut.-Colonel A. 133 Taylor, Archibald
lU Dtlnct\ll, !Ira Col. John C. fOI t·m:t}lr laG !IMon, Mra J\gncs
23 Gairn., ~Irt (''atltel;nt. ,stred Court. 1114 Green, Wm. ooolaeller

11, • ,"IF IS 3 5 U SU
1lt Moc1triet James
114) Aodii'8Oo.:a. printer
\ '1
Jack, JtlUU~S
Jobllston, A. cahinctmnker
11 m.ackwood, Miss
12 Alylue, James, W.S. 3 l'cddic & Kinncar. architects 28 Tllrnbtlll,G.V.(T.,Sult·c.~ell, 2
5 Thomron, Elder, Md Brllce, mul Co.)
D:whl$oll. p, M.
Norton, ~liS5
1~ CroiseJ Goo!g., , 11 Tosback, ltobert n. 13 nell, G. Hamilton, F.R.C.S. W.S. 30 Lindsay, Tht)lIIas
lOO:-Low, tloblllr.iuo 11 Aikman, Mrs 14 ~ob!e, l\lrs Jame~ I 1 l'nrrN, Robcrt
1 Riehurdsou, .Miss 32 Jlatcraou, llobert, !I.D. I
. Grange. Plact interltct..
Si JrydtiD, .Tames, amith
i3 In·jug, James
15 Dewar, Alexllnder
Iv Shcpherd, afrs
16 Arbuthllot, Sir n. K.
1 Reid, 1>.
1 IIarrol\'{!r, AIrs D. lodgings I ,)'
35 Dowic, ThoDla.i
··~ l'.c\'erlt
• I~C,:I..
l &" "J mere.
h . 1
u. C.~Ia.rrh
ClmlnwriI.. ~Ii!!il
7$ 'Lmdaay, Geor~ 11 & 19 Herocrt, .!lark 17 Hnld:mc, Robert, W.S. 3 Stew:,rt, AII:m n.
ee \YilloD" Wa. Ipirit dealcr 21 Spideu, )Irs ltobcrt, builder 18 Ardltlillnn, Lord 1 Stark, It. ~l.
9 Admit anr! Kirk, W.S. .If1'Hl'~ I.alll; j;:fer~rrt.~. I'1 Donald. J:UIlI'.'I
.J: 66 Bom, Wm. 21 Lawson, Andrew
21 Mnil', :Mrs, l~brillg8
119 1\l'Kellzic, Alcx:mder 11 Wlllker, Miss Hclcn 43 llegbie, Peter, coal mcrchant I? At ·~hlrl.lll, Mi~'1
6! KewaidYt Misscs
}l'Donlla, A. g:ll'dener
82 White, John, paintcr
26 Uicellholl, Miss
26 )laedoualll, Jamcs
12! 20 Smith, .Johu, l\I.D.
I·'lowers. l\liss 1\[.
!'2 Grant, l'atrick
13 Watt, M. J. surJ!eon-deutist 41) Sutherlnnd, .I:mle:'l, plu.'1ter('r 13
13 Brown, Georgc 46 Ki}ll'CII, A. 1\1. IIpirit denier
50 GlllloWl'Y, .}mnos W. a
i\loor(', Mrs .
UOSll, )1nl, Ibc}lIllfm,l cottage
myth, Jlownrd
13 )Jell, A. Al.-Sce IIt/t·.
SI .Leadbetter, J:unell, grocer 26 Mac<1otlaltl, .!\Irs 2"> Frlill. rmm.q Ladies' j,l$i. lIi Fimith, D. !l. ad\'ocnte !)l.JI Smith & Wil50ll, t1m~gi"ts 10 UeJHI~I'lIOI!, ..\I~xnnder.
2' Galloway, J. & W. 22 Chisholm, Rob. cowfceder 23 St'allgcman, l\lrs 10 ~:U1l11mlll, T. W. prof~f:or 51 J.·illlay, lhohlllS, fishmollgcr .J U "I.C ..M.S..
10 Hatulyside, JIlIllCS, grocer IS ~Ialcolm, )trs, lodgings .'lope St"cet intel·stlcts. of music 52 WatsvlI, Jllme" S GI!'~IJII. Mrs & MUI!es, bO!U'lI·
2 Naismith, Witliam 12 Ale:t:\Uder, William 24 H:lig, .John 16 MUl'gro\'c, 1\fr!, port. paillt('r 5~ Killl, J):l\'hl Ill/.:. ~cho.)1 ,
•. f:11.I ..ent Mtreet. 12 Wel!t, .John, c1!hrra"cr :;6 .l\Icl1zies, ~(jss 16 Lnwrie, ~111!, bo:\r(lillg·h""~ :;2 Gr('en, All''\:. artist " Cllllllll~gluun, .l. S, (J. wu!
12 Ritchie, Thomas 26 ltntchilli', C. snrt, H IJcgbie, .1ames, M.n. 53 .'illlaystJlI, .M. dentist . •1. (. ~
Cb:utcellor, }lrs, sell. of 12 .l\lackilluolI, ltodericl; 2; Wood, Jolm G. 2 8cott, MIII.~
1~ N?tm:lIl, Wm. ,1IJ1II1l~tcre~
Shieltlhill " Brodic, Nilli:m 28 Uellwick, Mrs I. Glbson, John & n. G., \\ .S. Clmr(otlr LaM i I/(I!rsrr/$.
1. t:laureh IJane.
3 Usher, 'l'bQmna 2 )1'Keml, AIel:. baker 21) Miller, ]'rolcl'sor .Jumcs 10 IIclloerwlI, 1\11'8.James 61 'fhoIllS()lI. )1 rs I'. haker
3. tJ.al_e...• t1188e. 30 J)llllclm. Hr 1\1., }>'.ltC.P. .J Ilil'k, .JI.h1l, ~"irit fll':,ler
1(\ Wnllncc, Mills 5ii Chishollll, A. "milh & Hlrri('r ~
Wood, John, engineer £h.rloUe ...."Re, ....elt •• I 31 }'lowers, 'fhos. G. 10 WlIlInce, Janu~s, bootmuker ,')6 Torrnllce••fos. spirit l1e:IIt'r
l'!'Of'tor. ·\d:un, plumber
~, Wnllllc{', .1. wri::cM
Watt, G. turner Aikell :md Wright 3~ S.\·IIIOIlIls, Mr8 . JO ('rei!!, Gcorgc M. Ilrtist 51 Uohb, William, '1hcriff·Ilt1i,'cr 11
JIcnderson, Wm. smith ~o!ttlt Charlotte St. mlel'sccis.
M'.\m, A. masoll
8 J:mllcsolI, AJcx., C.A. 58 M'Evo\', .J:lll1es, s:..1t.IIcr Kirklllan. Wm. ('O:ld. hirer
lyre, Neilsoll, cork mmmfilo. 1. ('harloUe Lane. 2. 8 ll1tc1'1latiolltll Life Society 69 llcll, P'£'t('r. builder
Kar, CharlC.l!, mnnuf:lCturer l\luir, Thomas, stabler 33 Oliphnnt. ')Ir, school Edill1·. 6' /la/llf/alt' R!I. ('0. 511 Dn'dell, M~ 5. ('h .....h IJan,',
WE\'oy, John, last mnhr Tholtlson, A. farrier 33 Sllittal, T. jlUlitor 6 Nicoll, It. l,ainter j!1 Uyers. n. J/(mrill!/.~idt: .
Cameroll, Jns. mul SOli, hair 34 lI:dJillay, Miss E. S. 6 l>t1l1lop, 1\11118 GO Fergu~oll, WillilUlI. fle.'lJwl' '; Wallu,,,:', Wtu. :\1. 1>.
manufactllrers 1. £harloUe Plaee. 34 Swiutoll, Archil. C. advocate 4 Serv{l"l,~' /1II1titlll;(l1I 62 Gtlthrie, )I~, fruit IIIcrdmllt. Unhnnin, MicllllCI, iiarm.. u)
Wcir, S:ullucl, sih'cnnllith 1 Ay tOil, E. dentist 36 noes, 1\11'8 2 .'orti(', .f. tencher of drawin:,! 6~ .Miller, Will. tl!ilnr ImJlse
Pcnt7.lill, A. \'ellc~r Cllttcl' 4 ~tackell1.ic, Alcx. :J6 Shaw, J'atrkk, advocate 2 1\JlGlashnu, Mrs ~lolrat, Wm. n. t:t1cllj.ITOVC
and agent for German fur- 4- (joverllfsse:I' k 7'lltors' In- 37 Millikin, Mi&s 2 Hunter, MnI .,. KC!IIICtl\', Mil\.~, lIc1cn ("flttage
niturc ,~titllli.m--lll'8 ~luckcllzic :18 Kilgollr, Mrs, lodgings Smith, Willinm Grny, ~l~. FalC:(lnl'r I'Utt:lgl'
tJ••I.en' •••11.0.-. 4 Colliul'l, Jos\!ph :l9 UayUlIs, George, l.x1gings tjh.rlotte S •• , lJelCh. Ander!lon ••John (,I. J!. (111(1
.~.7 5 & 6 nrowu, G. baker :md 40 Sim, )lrs 1 Stcellman, W. gruccr 1. ('la ..,' .... Mlr.:.· .... SOIl). {'llIl11:tn I{rm'c
POlmtailtbridYl!· confectioner 40 Sim, GCOIYC, writer 2 ~fon-ison, 1\1rs 2 llosl', HOllald Mnck:nt.l!lh, (;t'l)r~c
" }.earmonth, Jas. 6 Urql1hart, Mills 40 Juriciical Society 2 }1'J.ellll, Mrs 2 Watt, .JIlI!lNI .·a..noh fiier,''''.
6 Robb, Thomas, ironti>uuder 7 ~,ll1c~lrl:lIIe&. Wallace,paintnl'141 Carne!!)', Robcrt, ll.D. 2 Al'I.<:an, ~til\S~, milliners :? Smith, WiIli:nll, wri~h" HUff, 2. Wt..ct. 1.
". I 7 I~m.she, Mrs 1·12 1\('AI1:m, James '3 Clark, .)umes, baker 2 IIl'l1d('rdl'll, Mi~3.\gncs,tlrCS!J •
• pe .......e. 8 WilSOII, John, lishmonger :m11 142 Cb:tlmers, D. 1). mlvocate 4 Towi!r~, MillS Jessic :1 ltll!l.'\, f):",hl
21 Sanderson, :&Iark, merch:mt . .poultcrer, '" . 148 Omonti, n., ~1. D., }>'.R.C.S. G tTohnstoll, Uobcrt, painter 1; AIltler!!!)II, )I rs 1 YIlllllll', I):,vitl
4. tj••pel 8'ree'. 8 ":l~hr.rston & ~~lIS, hltlltlers 44 Caron, .hlles, .·relleh consul 6 Wilson, Mrs, fishmonger l) M'Fnrlane. W:lIter n lIay, ltobcrc.
n .l\lulr, Jmnt:s, taIlor 144 R('iti, lfrs Robcrt '1 Murrny, Alexandcr ti 'M'Cagie, .J:~. "3binctmnkcr 13 TIIOIllt4UII ••Jam,',!!. haker
15 ('nwi('. Tho:l. III11ith
2 Johnston, E.J/aterllit1//!O$p. \) Douglns., ". C. ·i5 WlItaoll, .lames (Sc.'ouuA !I CUlluingham. Alis!l 6 I.illd, A. f:('II.
3 }:willg,
3 D' k Georl:,"C
1\1 . 1 0 & 11 I' I cl
.' I'
.IC mr 5011, ,amsay
J'l'OI·idt'lIt 1Ilstitutitm) 10 noLL, .t mul Ft. milliner:; tl Ullrton, Willialll, nCCOlltltnnt 21 I\elldit' [I. KnolO, eaiJilletmkrl!.
le 'SO~rl, J,l1l'8 12 Armstl l\lIg, John, draper ·If)!'on, Gcorge 11 Richards a1\(1 SOli:!, dycrs 1 Simp:mll, Alex. ):! t:llrlillgt(1l1. ~lf'lI
'1 Sllaw, '. i': 13 In'ine, G. IIe:sher ~I ' . 12 Dllllc:m Urothcrs al1ll to. 9 Unwthotll, WilIiam 2 Sl/lIlen-ilit', Ilobcrt
8 Jlogg, WJlhnm, 13 Brown, 'fhomas, c1l('mit't ... ('lutrloUe 8'., Jiore •• 16 Cnlllllhell, Colin 11 J)ry('en, Mi!l.'l 1. ('Ire-uN Pla~..., li....;.
8 lIenderson, Thos. tH. 9' C.) 1,4 Thomlloll, Wm. pro"isioll dlr. 1 :\eilson. Stl'wnrt, W.S. 17 .fones, Thomas, bank('r 11 Sangst('r••\. :? ,\llIlcnmll. ('harle~, ~,S.('.
8 n~1I!1er~on, Thont:ts 15 Rog-ers, WiJham, bookseller 1 Neilsoll~ WiIIi:l1n 18 Police Office 11 rom~.t, navicl .. ('irf'/l,¥ I JIIlt'I! Srlmlll
9 J"I,I!I, ~ltss . . ]6 YOtlllg, Miss, drcssm:\kcr 2 Keith, Ths.,ll.D.,.'.n.C.S.E. 18 Grant, Jas. supennt. ()fpoJh~l' 1:1 J'~'I(', .':nll~g 6 IIl'ghil!. Will. 1\1. t~l!I'hcr
13_ mte!', Mr~, n1l1llllcr J(; l\ikmall, John 3 Mch'iIIe, ~frs 18 Glo\'('r, William, slleritT·c1crk 17 Rillll,SOIJ ••11,1111 (r; p,.{J.) G :1luir, aliM
l~ Can!pbcl!, ~Irs. SICk 1; Milllc ••Talllcs, fillirit dc..ucr :l ~I'F:\rl:lIlc, Miss 19 Kcdslie, A. }>'. commis. m(,f. 1j ;\Iitrhen. Edwl\l'Il
1" Low.c, GI.lbert, bookseller 18 Kar, Thos. & SOli, 1,lumbcrs ~~ ~l'GI'egor, Ale:t. nrchitec, 1fI Henry k Corric, merchauts 11 Coync, Itoderick, A." .A. !. ('In-.N PlaeC", ~••"'.
16 wglC, .!\lISS, urCl!smnker 19 Cannichllcl, t. du'mist " Stewnrt, John, W.S. lH Kirkwood, D. IIIcrc1lant 21 ncnlSoll, Gcm'gc 1 1\1 iIIrr. ,;lun(,!I, confl'('tionc:r
~g k~g~ct, J~?lCI~ :W Brown, Wm. fruiterer ii Grant and Cuthbcrt.son, lV.S. HI Marqueen, .J. ~t., S.S.C. 23 Irvill(" .Jf)hn 2 :O;illll~on. It lJootmnkl'r
i ICO son, r I l:nn I ;; nuist 1\Ir8 .lohn 20 GiIIOll, .10hn, jUri. 23 Bcll, .JOIIII, Ivriter, 3 ('owi<>~1tI lm-!
16 Guwnulm'k, llQbert I 1. (,hnrloUe ~uare. :; Salm~l1d, John 21 llalannin. MillOO8, millinCN ::::; Uichnnlllon. Ah:x:tDlier " Walker, .\rchilm\!1, flr:lller
17 Atcxl\ll(\crt .lohn 1 I)cwllr, .John, lodgmgs (l 1\laclc.'ln Geo .•T. (Wester" 21 ('alhlm, Thomas, gas6tter 2i 0('1I3tly, Din'id 5 Richar.I~l)n •.\. 111111 /':inll
20 A~JglIs, JOlm.
10 Lmd$.'l)" .lame!!, )llullter
:? Lcslil.', Jnmes
4 }\IO\\'II, .lame!!
11i.,tit~t;oll) 22 Stnathrn, JamCll. ItD.
23 l'tlJI~ ••J:\Iues, nDd Sous, wine
29 Uohcrt.son •• i;lmCII 1 Dnnmnoud. "'an.
1 ~lllck ic, (,hnrl('l\, !lurgcolI
::9 ;\lax\\'('1I, WilFam
fi ll'Doug'lIl1, ~tr8 -l Urowu, .'ames A. I (,lIarlo"", 8,. ., So.tll. tnt:!l'cl.:mls 31 TlI1l1cr, Wilham i ncitoll, .f.)hll. :lc('unnl:mL
" Ormistoll, }Irs J. ~ ~:I"'lI\yth, R. Ea$t,~. West, 1. 24 Scnt('n, H('o. S. 'I Chiltont, Mr!, 100tgings
4. tJharl... 1iOI. t ~ <-:mllpbell, Alexander 1 Rrown, MillS, dressmaker 25 Gri('\'e, )Ii~, t:larllll.lftn a •• k. 'I Smith, 31rs
"" lS.ree • I N(':w('s, I.ord 1 Cnrfrae, 1hos. 25 \\ :ilker, .lohn 6 ~ln(,'Ju('('tI, .John 7 ~ohlc, Ate~anc'er
1 Goodlct, ~Irs, lodj(illgs 8 :\Iakellar, ~fj!t J JluFthes nud :\Iihll', W.S. 26 Whit~, IIngb [) Damhritige, Mi!l.; 1 SoMe, AI rA
1 Ta)'!o:, Aiel. merchant n Dunda!!, G. advocate t SmIth, Mrs Alcx. 21 llclldcfl!on & Wi~on, hnilders " J.cith, Alcxmlll~r '1 nArllllld, )f,.,.
a 1\l'Kam, Jmnes .10 Watsoll, Rev. Dr Chftrlcs 1 LOllgton. Alexander 27 IJnterson, G. & 8ou~ bniJdm 3 1Jeddcrwick, Itobcrt 8 Atkin!On, It. co:\ch.hircr

312 Oir
EDINBURGH .AND LEITH f!!~_. ____ Cia ST&EET DIltECTOltV. Cle 31:l
-9 l~e;rie, A. B. (OvertQl~ Coal' 33
83 'Woo~, A. S!cwart :n LCeI, )lrs W. • i 1 C()lIs1and, llrs
,64 .Adamson, Mrd Adalu
BeU, Peter, smith ('(, \ Pattl-son, Allsses
29 Thorn, Rc\,. Jobn I' 1 JI:tIl, lli&e, dre,,~makcr •58 l·irrct, John
HaddoW't WilIiam, dairyman
BralclwoOd, James
Illltci,lson Ilrothcra, merehts. 31 Johnstolle, )liu
0}4 &, "5 Rirebie Cbal'lc!!, aO'cnt 29 Small, Aml.rew
29 linin, ~Irs 11. lodgings
29 J.innic, A1iss
1 ~lartin, IM~rt
1 Winter });lvi(l
I fiG Pimt, .fum~~ •
; 5G Tllmbllll, \\ IIham
(",ireu Lane inte,·sects. ~ ~ , c 27 Wat8on, )118'5 29 Sibbald, )Irg 1 }'arqllb'ar!on, ~liss Iij(j Smith, John, tailor
1 Witkiet Dayid (a.p.-p.) 13 Chishobn, )frtt, ~ocer
~ltadel Street. 27
Kirkwood, Re\.. James
}noinc, M. Sinclair • 2!) Yorston, .-\. G. 1 J)urward, Andrew )'{i
I ~~ I'lltoll., A.
29 Sloane, Mi$s 1 Todd, llr~ A. . I ~~' COIlInC, '.~' d '
Urqubart, Georgc, smith
Dunlop Chute!, cabinctmkr. ~Iaremont (,oUa",e-.
• 25
Stcwart, J. L.lulId:!c. pumter
O'Dollllel, Mrs !.'9 ~ nunlct,.,lil
32 Robc:rtson, John
rs... 'i wchrauc & On~lmrlholl, 11111- t .,.! Hum:
liners 150 J I er,t ~ocer
I re, I AI'.lxlIU
1\ el:UlI t'r, • "Ill, :ll or
Nevisori t Thomas T:n-Ren, Ilcter (7't.lysen 9' 25 Chif.holm, ltobert 32 amman, lfrs 7 J)l1n\'artl, Aluirew .c~ F'!I!UOI!. lfr I t
Younger, Georgc
Audenon, A. cabinetmakcr

llitchell, }'. G.
A1\(1erson, .John 30 Traqllair, William
:'0 Smyth, Mrs
11 Uisset, Jas. h:lkcr
1.j Clapllerton. Alexander
,'H, alrgrlc\"l!. • c"'S'SIS

I:ullkeillor St"I'jJ( il/lr,.,~(rt.~.

Dunon t Jnme!, wril!ht 2. (;lareDlont (,refiteent. 19 Thomson, D. J.
12 Stewart, It. victual dealer 9 J!lhnston, 'r. B. 17 Cl:uk, Jtobert 30 Alartin, lliss 15 .·'etehcr, ~~rs H Taylor, Jamfs, Rcshcr
12 Stewau, Georgc, corn and 10 Ballour, R. ncconntnnt 16 Milne, lliss 30 lIendfrson. )IfS
11.1~ Bro\~I1, ~~IO~. etlbrr3\'cr 142 Hlllluntmc, Jalllcs, baker
bay mcrclum, 11 Jtooortson, Jamct! Stew art 13 Etliot, ~lis8 28 IIllsbum1, Wm., !I.D. Stoble, "dham 40 Craig, JIII11Cil, !.'TOCCr
13 Dodl', )(rs 1:.'. Kirk, John, W.t'5. 11 Longmorc, Adnm ~. 26 Bamc18oll, .)lrs
2-l Thyne, John
19 Smith, ) l r s ,
!?3 lIendersoll, :\r~llIh:!M
:18, )'ctt'r, stationer
i :~I; IInrclu~, lIenrv
18 Lamb, "'ranei! 13 Berry, )lrs Watsotl, nev. A. E.
23 Serym~ur, ~h~s K.
24 Walk\)r, }lrs 134 Jl)hll$tone, ,'oll1l. tt'acher
13 )l'Gillivray, Wm. writer 13 Beny Itohcrt 1 M'Gibbon, Churlcs, hl:iltler 34 JIor~bllrgh, ,fanlc5
13 Stcwart, Robert 14 Borth~vick, .Jas. ;lCColllltant li Tood, Gcorgc 24 ll'I,:li1'n, Mrs
22 Chrilltip, 31i..
, 25 Shnrp, }', watt'lulI:lker
2i ltutherfonJ, 1ho1-\. Ile!lher 1:\4 Uowic, .J:ulles
1:' HUllter, lIugh ]6 IJiggllr, Waiter 3 Stark, Gco. G. :m Adam, ~lts ~() Brown, D:w!d, grnct'r
,Mllrray, JObll,.iIll~. S.S.C.
; :; 1 B:tin, Dlll'ill
13 Wiltinmson, Willinm 16 niack, nev••\lexlUllter, D.D. 1 :W Wylie, .Mill 31 Adamson,." alter :12 TWI'!Nlic, ThomlUl, draper
ll) 'fweeddale, Jnmcs 11 Sanderson, JUJIle8 20 IJillsct, Jamcs, bUilder 1joo: )lorgan, )lrs 31 Mutter, lhss :10 ('()w:m, Geo .• ;\1. 0.
16 J\sbcrofc, Pct(:r
16 make, Wm. fishmonger
18 Stnvert, !Irs
Ad.l F' \V S I
I'cnce, J:nnes
l'.mus:lY, J"I "'" 18 l'homsoll, Rev. nlos. 31 Brown, ~!r5 !!R (;rieve, JIIIIH..t
:W Tholll!OIl, )fr., tlra~r
17 1I~>r6burgh & Wilson, groccrs 19 Alam,.n.., R•• 6 .. 11"",
16 l'r'II,~I-, ~11'''9, drllllCr, dress.
M.: • '"
mu ert nnd milliner
19 (am,
20 Gordon, MIIJor Clmr Cs
21 I'eddie, John Dick
',' 1•
1 .Jack, I honllls C. .
.. "p. ]$ Thotllllon, .Miss
18 Urown, l'hot'lIs J.
Hi Kay, lira Thomas
31 SCOOfl, Kenn('th
35 l·ringle, .\le~lIIltlcr
(,'i!ford 1'arl: il/tcl"~((·I,f.
:?t I>owic, Jlr~
• 24 Gow, J.
1 J~mt.'ck, GeOl'ge, hOSier
14 J.'r:lser, .James, aI.U. 37 !!;\thison. Uoilert, hakcr 24 ('urric, WilIi:\ln
19 AitfhisOIl, MI'8 Jnmcs
19 Claxloll, Willium
22 ltiehurtlson, .Jumes
22 Uichardson, Ilcler, merchant 1 F~owJcr, Mrll , l~ Inglis, John ,3ll J)ickelle, ~Irs S. :l4 lIarl, 31i~!lc8 .f, nnll .'{rUE'S
1 CI~lpl'erloll, MUlS 12 F..ekforti, Waiter i -l1 )lolltJ!OttICry, J\lrs 2U,22, .'orr('st, 1', irt.JIIIMI)I!I'r
j'll ,\rchif'3Id, ~lr8 ,\lIdrew lK TnfllCI', I\~!er, \iclll:ll cJl!.lIer
19 Cllrfrac, ltobcrt, ho. 11aintcr 23 (:avill, WiI\inm A.
H' n~Wi!OIl, ?ttrs Jallo :m (;:\\'in, Crichloil S. 2 WIIS01l, Tholllas, 12 .'nrqllh:lr, Mrs
13 TurnLulI, WilIiam ll. _ 4 Turner, M..s ll:ll'y 12 D:\\'Idwn, )Irs 41 Sheriff, Mra Jane , U; ('altum, Ch:\lI••t. 11:ll!trY('llok
19 Smith, George, joiner ~Iaremollt I ark. 4 M:l{,~Ullay, Miss )0 Kirkland, )lrs j 41 ll:tthison, R. !
J4 FinlayoolI, Wm, G. teachl.r
20 W('cldell, JlltneS, f\1\{1 Co. 1 JUnckie, John !) IIni~, Uobcrt 8 Richmolld, Mr! . 41 'fnit, John O. H Ucrlrum, Jalll!!S
22 White, Alex. \'iclunl dealer
22 }lain, John, 8hoCUlI\~CI'
23 Stnlker, Tholl1n~, h~lrdrcsscr
2 SCOU, JIl. ( lVi(lltt (lml''''·cott) 6 Crmekshnuks Etlw:lrd
2 Wight,
(; Wnddell, Jumes
(Whllll emu Se,JU) 6 llitchell, Mrs l
4; UrowlI, Mi~8
fl Swan, William
f; GuJland!.. WiJlinan, W.S.
6 J..:mrie, Thomllll, writer
',-43 ll'I..c.,n, Chatle." I 14 Williall18, Willillm
~1'llill:lII, T. &: r. 1ll1tchenl I t.( Rogl'Non, Mrs
\I .c i J.'t'r('ie, Wm. toy wllr('lwlIsc It SiIllJl~on, Holle" fI.
24 Noble, Alex. drugglst, l) Wnd~lell, Pelcr (j Crnig, Miss G ~I'llcikan, Wm. lJ 1 SWl~U;(JII, Mi!lllc~ E. & S.. a If:t\ den, It.
(1 ltacewau, llnl 51 .\J<WiIlinm, Mr", lodging!! )'1 Kirk, Mrs, '"i,irit d('JI,'r
~ I.ow, Gcorge

2. ~lreUH '-Iaee, S."r:. 1 Stc~gmmm, C. !51 Augll's, William

• J 6 Wood, }lrs 1 Trellch, MillS 10 (;:mll'rolJ, ,fa.'I, A. h(II}J.h.ndt'r
nlld ~t;ttiOl!cr-See . f r!t' .
S l':llncron, llrs
1 !Iurrny, n. hootm:tkcr 8 Cook, Mrs V llcntlcrsoll, Andrcw 2 llacrllc, John, . 51 StC\'ellllon, !\Irs J.
I) CIIY, .Iohll, ad,'ocl:ltc n n\ls~cll, Wm. wine Ilu'rrh:mt 9 ).(lO'lIn, ,Jo11l1 1. «::larendoD «::relleeD,.!53 Jolmtltone, ~(rs C. ~ llil~le, I'cl«'r, b~kc~
6 8l1mh. J. /lIl,1 (0. J~\\'r"
U Cay, .Iohn.jllll. W.S. 10 W:U'wiek, W. (W. 1\' llaillie) H Ta~I), Andrcw G I
2 Lesl fS .
or(' on,\\'l.llil W 11 1 55 Urown, D3\'1I1 J. baker
·7 J h lil , \1." I 'I'
3 Wands, Wm. W·llallltcr & 1. (,1"r'"DlOllt '-Incr. V )tl\l'wy, Ebcncler 3 .~. 1I!J I.of ~l 59 Ban-son WiJlillm, hCliier
S (I {' [•. " ,0 UlItOUC. l' rs .. '. I" lam, .1 IHt"
.. 8m1th, Jlihn ( Jr. S, :\' S"TU)
K~i'l~)ll ~1:ICdlJlllIl.I,
gl:u:icr U!: rn,
1. c;lnrelle~ 8trre'. .( ,(ll Kcrn1), .iames .( "avid
.. ))()1I~1"3' Tho~. n.
1 "'ilson, John, iotlg-ings 1 Noble, JlUne!l, gr<a:er
9 UCllclcrsou, TholO. S. 1 1 Carmichael, ~h's P.
CIllIhnC1:l1. Jolnl am • 'ttl J 'kson
.. (' .Irhcy, 'Ill Uuyd, ,JnmCA
9 Cunllilw, Wm. iron!llonger Chrihtie, \\'. L . .
I' n' { ... r. Iirack , I rU' aCT \. I JJ); 6l Simp:101I, UI}iJr:rt (;. 2 Jnnlme, H. groccr
~u 't"cd\\OyO\i )';ofi's.:~r 161 ('~\\'ford, W,(.llll((lI·t\·('.):~ .'lrrkN'rf'f" Mou ....

'- 'FI. .
1 )tal1lsay, J :lInC.!l, Wrtter
3 ' \'\lC, l('orgc • 61 Clusholm, MI'~
- '" . .
I:> t ••

2. ·'Ireu.... PI8e~·, I'\USSC,a l~\'t1i!, )lr8

11 I'~el·. \"'11' \ M .1 a ouga, c ,". ,., ,
1 :l K'il1llcar) )lrH Thomas
I 1:1111, ' ••• 7 Bnnnermnll, ~a.'1., D.D. prof. 6.1 Short, MiM, t1res~m;&kl'r 160 ltalllilllY, A. JI(,lIlpt~r
1 Cowlm, (~eor¥c 2 Cmig, Chnricg
1 r, ll'DolIg:,I, George 8 Silence, A. \\. G:J ('italmer!, tieorge, l!:uldler ,';2 nIIl1ter, .J.a~fl!ll, hUlJ.ln
2 Arcl:ibaid, Mls~ Wood. ~Irs 2 r, (;rant, John, nCCllllllt:l11t ~ S{lCnee, Mrll :-\lclt,3mlcr 6i Stmw, Georgc, IlIIddlcr 164 JI,l,l,lIlcr, IllIhp, ~()fJl){'r .
,I ".00<1, )Ir~ ( nptrun 69 ~lncaIJlillt't .\tiu IIdC ll t st:!- 'it; \~ !lson, Itohcrt, Jlln. p:Hllter
"J ne,."
k 'I" :\1\( .. Ir"'"
-' '0
- -
Stewart, John 'I
(, SllCllce, Al r
., ~on, \Oll'r,
':.: ("b )'
a Eltlcr, .John, W,S.
t) t IIICI'''I,nllt !l D"wnr, ltev. })UIIC:\tI
I li Hrallt, C:-,plmn
2. t:~lnr...monC ~Crrd, Etl (, Aruolt, }hs
,I "
• J I
0 m 10 "arden, )"'8
11 St.ewn", Charlea
I HOlier
69 WiI&on, Jamc.'I
6t1 '\ I.ung, JOhll, I)hunhcr
fllJ hhj~~cr, )Iis!, drc.~lIl1\akcr
4'HIlinl, llrs 4:; Sonmer, llrs . ~ Arnott, Miss I 1:1 D!ckson, llrl' Dr :I .'eams, Willilllll iO (:1l.S)\lIl, \ntir('w, Idyer
4:l ~ehneider, C. n. 13 1~ICkllOlI, .J. ~. 71 Cocbr:\\lc, Rc\'. T1.omns i2 l'o~'ock,.J. upho.llterer
il Wileon, Mr~. J.
6 DUllb:ll'l llrs of the Iltgh ,Shnw, lIra Ur
G COrllWIl I,Js.,M.D.,}'.R,C.S. 8::hool ~ l!orri'~, )lrs, area. I a I'llrlon, DllnlO!
15 )lll.('d~l1g~II, Co1one1 11 Gillic:!, JIIIIlC'1I n.
17.. /te!'" .J, SllIII,f.
H Low. ,h,IIII, ~Iatcr.
16 C~I!'hIC, Cha:lcA 14 Dale, Air!! ~I. ,~at/Oncr
(;1 .......1. 43 Hell :Mr8.1ame3 III Key, George
1 Ovcnsloll, Mr~, ~;1lil'it dcall'r 4:, JJi('I~sOll, llrs i 11 Watson" Rev. TI~oInR~ 71 Ireland, ThonlM, :Igent
17 "lute, George T. 73 Young, Ale!Ulllder, paiuter H Jlol:ll, .J. tlll~rnlth
Swniue, Jo~. A. 1\111 Cor( e IllS 41 ""Icolson Mrs
'I t I' 41 M'Kuy, John : 11 B,!"lCC, leter, writer
i 11 Glbb, Alcltlllll.ler 18 ~Iurral', 'ttlt8tfOhrll ii J)avi~, W. n. tlllirit IIIcrcht. 7-l Bishop, J. tailor .
Sll1:1rt, Alcx. seed -~rl1shcr 1'). k ' 'I l 13 l\lowbray }I ra ,19 lJagan, ",amc.'l ,. 79 Kc""., Jarnell, mert:hallt 76! llMtm, J. & 8011. cabmctrs.
39 1 IC son, .1 rB J'. ~O KelJand, 1 rof~lSJIIor
o Brown, Gcorgc, lilluth l I • I J' I
iH f...1Iub, Thon!l1S, slaler.
14 Chl\dwick, Colin ! 37 JOIIllf;tullt>, Licut,·Coloncl 1. 15 ~Clt~!, 0tii-rCI\ 21 Levy, ~1.
81 Chrilitie, Wiliiam
81 Sanwn, ({obe", printer booklm~,lc"
I! ~. ~\~:i:~1I ~lfSl;lm~
.\, 82 UalJoway, ," m.
17 Xllismith, Uo!JerL 135 Uolnml, Hcorgc
Edillburgh, l'n'll" wul DIlII' I 35 lIulkett, Samuel ~! J Mr~ . 4:r '. (;It'rk !ltree,. 83 lIerbert, P.
~G lIogg, )11'1 D.
8" P~lerA()~, Gco, !' Son, bmltlrll.
(luk .slr~l:! Cotta!l,t!
(lee, ]lailw01/ Statiml 35 'fwecllio, l'homlll
Sibbald, And",: at-'uion agent i 83 liilchdsl, lIra
1 1~
., 109,
re~ R~v WilJiam

It- Balt,6. Wat, f.
Antlerson, Jamel ~'I()71/(1!J" Street ill1crsects. Uaffin, "Jlham, b\lllder

-""'""."""..................""'......---"",·-"(-;:S;:;;;;;o.Gillillit;lii';;;;,..ioiliii-iI;C;:li.j;olr••___ 'IIIt'........
i •• ~J 5511............1_ _'. . . ._ &111
....... .... t ...._ _ _~__...~:

NeUJingt01J Free Ohurch. 1. hates Lane, -------------------.--~<-~-------
10 ThoIllSOU, Wm. --------------------
Sibbald, J. cowtecder, Wertcr 24 ])rllo\'nn, Hen. & Co. UI('rs.
2G 'Turnbull, 1\1l'8 Coates Place. It) 1IonIc, James W. :touse 25 Sc!,ultzc, AJe..'(. & Son, nwrs.
2~ TurnbuU, John PurYcs, George, coach hirer 11 31011'at, .John Bush, J. Craiglcitb coUn!;'\;' 2!1 CQl'Iu'·.mc, J. tnallt and blook
21 Boyd, lliss l\luil', John, JllIlSOU College Strl!et Clwpel. 8 £ • 11 .. lIt:lkcr
21 Andcrson, Alcsauder 1:: Alldcrson, Wil1imn, bniccr . ..~ y _n-eaa ... rH. 30 Allderllon, Ua\'id
21 HendcrRon, lira T. t:'oatO.ld Laae. l:~ Rrown, A. bookseller 1 Maefic, ne\', D:mi('l 36 SeoU, A, sc:un:.m·s hatmaker
211\lacnab, John (A. ~. M.) 1 mh!!oll, .J, commission agent 14 Tait, Thomas, gro(.'cr 2 Hicksoll. )lrll ('harle.'t Tvtl, Alex. ;md Robt. (Leith
29 Pridie, Jamcs, surgeon 2 Mottld, Miss C. 15 Turner, Robert 3 Wight, .Jmncs rlotlr mills)
31 Wilson, Robert 4 I,lUllbic, Wm. tencher 15 ~I'K:lY, Heury, tailor a Mucklc, :Mr~ A,
4, }'Iett, Wm. com, tr:wcUer 1:; ~L'Gibbon, John ~ ~hl{'klf.', WilIi:IOl (G.P.-O.) C;OD",tltuUon 8C., L~lt ••
LuttOl' Place illtersects. 2. tJlyde Street Lane. (j 1':lxt01l, .Johll, spll'it dealer 15 M:lthcr, .lames n. hlftt>l,. G ....... 80. ,I Y()ung, G. & Co. mereh:l1ltll
3(; Huuter, n. sculptor Carfrae, A. bank messenger ] 0 llullle, John, 'night
1(j ~l'~lorran, John, conch hirer .... ISOli, J) "
.,'00 ,',t"
,,:mcIIOpC••'I()()(J'IC, :m(I1I o(l\'
39 I.owis, i\lrs
41 l)utel'l'oll, ~Irs Gco.
Smith, G••T. bank messenger 30 ))ulllop, Js. U. &. Cl). mers.
Tait, Thomas, smith 31 llollingworth, Mrs
18 D:l\'ie, John, shocmaker
W Wteall. lit,:!, fI'pol!itory
a. (;ou,."'·
.. G~en
.-1. 'I
6 11
. '(' ,:1r"t
J I 1) 'I
'(lIlt', ... I,0 InI) ,:l1l\'1I
III "rcIIll.
u C0, ZlI'"
41 Sli~ht, GCOI'ge 31 Ucgvic, l'eter, coal merchant 21 (imy, .John :1 Dnllf'all, )Irs to Will-Oil, t'rnncis W. bnuker
4:l Unillic, Nicbol, merchant (;oal Hili. 33 M:lrsltall,.J allies, plasterer :.11 ~Iurdoch, Mrs Gt'orgc 2 Sevcrs, UCllj:uuin 11 Jh'rr\" Tlunn:L'5, i\l. saddler
41 I.istcr, Richard t :::! ('hl'istie, Ann, lire.."Smaker :~ Mathcsoll, John 12 ('O(Jl icr• J\. c."uvcr aud gilder
41 Itunlsay, ~Irs 2 !toss &: }'oster, ropemakers 35 WK:1Y, l\lrs, ladies nune :!a Cowie, Thomas 3 Blaikic, G. l'. I W Uowe. llrl! .J. sl.irit dcollcr
2 1\tilC8 Alex. conI merchant (~obllrr: Street.
41 nUmSlY, 1\liss
43 ) loneymnn, UGbcrt n Nm',}u:m Coal ,l/illill!1 Co. 2 i\lotrat, MriJ Alex. dairy
4 llislop, 1tlrs Geo. SlUldler " G:lllo",:I\', Alex. shipmallter
4. ('ollece fliC •• l1
:! WC!!toll, John, bookseller
t 3 ;\l'I'hersoll, AIrs C.
-1 Uhnl5, John
I 14 Hi;hillgton, T, & t:o, IIIl'lrdl!l,

15 Wriltht. Alc:o<:mdcr H,
40 Briti.~ll.Liuen Co.'dJr.Ball£ (, .JohI15t01l, Alexander I'; ,M:I('mulrcw :ulIl Dudgcoll.
·17 NUlliel', Alexander, cbemist o 1'il\ill, ThomnH, lmirdresser 5 White, ;(Iex. fish merchant 4: .....olle;re "·,'lld.
6 Murrn\', Mis.'l June l\I('rc.hllut5
49 Mllrnty, Robert It G Todd, John, fish curer 6 M'll1tosh, 1\1 chiultlcy 8wepr. G '1'holl1;on, .Jamcs 1"t 1.'rt·rfl·~,..
• ~ Ll,v.
' I ).t ... '"' I '
49 Uobertson, Thomas 11 Guthric, ?tHch. spirit mercht. (j Adie, Ad:l1u, grocer 13 C:l.Skey, ~\'Il1" ~pil'it dcaler 'i Uohert.;OIl, .Jam('s HI COf'hr:lllc, !':tltCI bOil, &: Co.
4!l 'l'homsClII, l\lrs 1lJ Hr/lh:lln, TllOlllas, slate mer. 7 l\larlin, John, snrs.,rcon 20 Ln1.1.:ll'olU, Amhony 6 Drnidwl\oo, ~1i&1eA 1~ Thort,uTIl, Willi:Ull
4u Gortlou, Jamcs, publisher 18 l'rash, Davit1, wine merchant 8 l:erO'uson, J. IlIId A. :?o Nelson, (~corge. I:mith 6 Uurns, ~Ir~ Willinm tu ./OIl('tI. It M,
4!l 8Yllle, Jnme~, com. trnvcller 13 AmYcrson, S. slater l'atulI, IIl1gh, wright 1 Drebllcr. Abn ::11 1I:1'1)fr~, TholJlson, &: ('Il.
1. tJOatt-8 tJre8eent. 14 lhmcall, HI'Orge 8 Arutlt. llrs :::.• I.:IIf1.x
' I 1/, I')all k'S, !IllI, mel'(> IIttl,
49 Duncsn, Mrs W. (·.,Itbrld..... Doad.
<tU Nnl'icr, Jamcs n. 1 Robcrtson, .Tamcs 20 1'1' trOll, ~li:l8, tencher 8 H:m'c,., .James :::1 )1 urray. A, W. llpirit 11c:\If'r
la BU:Ig\ .Jnme.'J R. wine mercht. 3 P:lterson, George, advocate 20 11:11nptoll, .John
a l'atersoll l\(rs 22 Hampton, WtI\.
(West (;oatcs villu) Kinloch, I; Reid, JaJtle~
(;corf:..'C R. 10 J.nWl>OIl, Frmu'ill
(',,1//11/1 r. NUllk of :';cotlulHl
:H ~lowhr3y, lluhf'rt, I1gcllt
li3 '1'hoUlson &. Agnew, stationers
6ii Uougben", I'. C. music swoon 4 Inglis, 11. Mnwcll, W.S. 4. £ollc-ce. WOowall, Mra 10 Uurnet, Alexl\nder ::5 ItoiJilluws anti llarjorib:\IIi:..~,
54 AIl:mlicc, Miss 4 Illglis, 1\lrs Im'cr:mlornn l.odge II' Hay. Mrs Bcatrice corn lIwreh:llltlj
Tunler, WiIlillll1 (Wil\d~or "ilIu) Turnbull, P. 12 Tholll)\()U, l>u\'id 2(; Max\\dl, Mart'bnll, aud Co,
[,4. Young, 'l'homas 6 .1ncksI'u, E. J. Goodsir, l' rorcssor John
01 l~l'lItel', WiIlimn 7 II/IY, Misscs D:drymplc (;ockburu, I>r, I'cntlalld villa ~oDlDl .....el.1 Pia....•• ::~ ThOlIl, I):lvill. & Co. lIIt:'rrh'~,
Small, .lo. Iibrm'inn
M lWNlIught, Airs 8 I,ambc, A. J. Small, l\1r3 J. CII.~t()m /lolMe I'~" ~,'I~"II, M")\ ';ctlr::c
52 Gilrny, Joscph, I)rovii!. mcr. 10 StCVCl)S, Dt· Wm. C"mel'oll t Jamcs, jllnitor Crichton. Alcx, hOll.~ckceper, ~x <:rnllt, Jl~IIIe...
GO I\ctl1.lic, U. dmpcr 11 M:lxwcll, 1\(rs A. Il. Lawrie, WilIiam, millnlllster Jul(md RCI't'llIIe OJ.licl' '~~ <':r~ltlkll. ":orgl\ mercluml
48 Guthrie &. Shillillglaw, llisses
46 Currie Thos. D.
18 Seto11, llrs
14: Hardny, Licut.-Col. }'.
4. ~olle..e' 8t., North.
1 Whitc, D:llliel 1. ~on't"ly llank.
Shurl' Dlle,~ OIlier I
f.l .\h~1)1l ~ (O":~I1. corll flh'r!!,
/Jock COItI1l1is.oriIJlICT," 0IJi~e. :W-II J~u!lI1e.. A. It IIH'Z;h:lllt
46 Suthcriand, W. Hi Drybrough, .ftIra 01 l)atcrson, Walter Grcenoak, 4 Uirkmyrc, nev. Johll, I>.)). 3 4 North nriti,~h CO/Qui' \ .10·11 :-;~l\lth, fho!!, :md 1at. .
46 UrowlI, .10hn C. 15 Drybrough, John bookseller .. Hirkmyrc, William .'n.'tIcrielt ' (, :10-11 "arrllck. Jobu, nnd to,
16 niehnrdsoll, .lamcs, mcreht. t' J ke Mrs . 01llpUIIY I • • I
46 Audersoll, 'I rs J'j M'lntosh, Jnmcs, bookseller , .QC , . , ,'_.\ ~1'll1l(),;h,Jt p:l\'cmentlller.. e~III1Il1&.~IO\I lIIerl'lant'!
44 ?tfhldlcmas, Mrs };. vic. denlel' 17 Tuck, Miss, boarding school 6 Bow, Jmllcs, baker 7 Ch:unbcr~, nol.ert, jllll. 4.A l'rinm GilL ofiirc : -,\. \~ :ltIlUIl. t. lIIerl'hnlll
42 Alexnmtcr, U. butchcr, &'r. 19 Limoml, Al1's 1 lIurt, WiIlinm 8 UrowlI, Ht'\', 'fltOIlIll,lj ;, f::mtl!lIuurgh, }tout. lIpiritdlr. ~l 1~1\'I,n"j(toll! .J.)IIII. house fuc.
87 Gibb. Tkos, hlli!tlcl' ~O ;\lJ(lerson, i\Jrs 8 1':ltoll, lIulrh, printer H Murmy, Migg 7 5cott nntl Younger, r.hip .1.1 ~hmllc, \\. ~llltcr ,
~5 ThoIJlSOII, UObCI't, cooper 21 Heddic, ?tIl's 1]0 Am1ersoll l \\'ilIinm, slater 10 Cooke, JatllCS duuHlh. rs 13J SorellsclI, 11, ,\ and ( I). (,om
83 M'I'hcrsoll, A. &. SOli, plastrs.
~3 ~t'l'h~'rsoll, G;will. ho. :I~t.
22 (;owl)er, A.
22 l\Junay, Geo. J., W.S. 1
11 DonnltllloJl, Colin 11 Ross, ~Irg
12 I'ox, }1nl lIichael
tt St:llkcr. I>:lvill, watchmaker I., m~rch:lflt~
10 !..:\wrcll,sou, ~IN, Hpirit dcalt.r 13~ )1 UI'rI:101l , t.;harlc.!, aun SOli.

8.1 A'ulel'son, W. 1II1(1 J. smiths , 4. C;ollf!Ke 8t., 80u.ll. la Ounc:m, Mrs Thomllll 11 I.' TI 1. I ' UI!('lllll
7n Flllith, Wm. & SOli.!!, builtlcl's 1. C;etate8 Ball. 1 WJ.cot\, M. RllS~cl, dnlggist 14 }':lCd, .huncs, engraver ... erl:.!lI~OIl, 10~, C uun (e:lIer ;:\2 j)nl1.Il'i. Willi:lI11
iYelt'illgto" Cllllrc/, 2 Gibbs, U. shoemaker 1;. S:dc\', Johll, c()almen:hant SlmdpQrt S'l'ect illierst(!t.'I. I ~H Stl'g'llIlUlII and t '0,
Nnpicl', f]eorge, u(h'oentc Ui Seton, Mi:!~ 12 t::lvin, I'. & 8011, sailm:tkers a;, 'fur"I,IIi1. ,\ h':\;uukr
:; mnckic, Johu, I'pirit mercbt. 11

2. t:1,'de SCreet. 1. (",oatf"~ HOUftle, Ea,,'. 4 Klnusmnn, A,&: D. clockrokn!· 16 M:lephail. Mrs D. 13 UJ:\I:k, W. nnt! J. tailon 36 }Jmd.: Hi .vot/qwJ
G Xcwbcl'l'Y, Ml'8 J. 1r, )lillle, WilIinlll, S.S.C. 9 Jf Lilld t Andrew, jlln. 37 G:&r,lut'.(. ~Irll \~ iIIi:lm
:~ l\iackcllzir, AI~l. t.'li\or \ 'ockhum, A. D. G Frier, .John Heriot 1'0'" 14 .J:utrau. W. &: Co. agent'l .:17 Heron, )(fll
'; ~llll'ray,Will. «(;.1'.-0.)
11 Amlerson, .10\111, spit'it de:tler 1. ('uo(Mt lIoase, South. li AlI;lIllSOIl,.1 ames, printer
16 .Jolles, T. W. 14 1I8118('t:, n. P. ship brakcr 131 Hri:dt'\', lli:l'l
o Urown, James . 18 Torrance, Oeorgc 16, 17 Boltoll & Co. IIhill ch:llld.l :); Tholll;'JII, MnI J:lmct4
la Juck, Andrew, printer 21 Ale~;ll1ltlcr, William 1~' Torry ••Joll11, agent I as AlIdcl'lwn, Will. tncTd1:1llt
J;) MilIt'l', Mrs I;coti:m{l: A. Pearson 5 ~tewart, reter, lettcr.c.'U'l'Itr
5 B:'(d. ~e PCI'1l/it OJJice !!2 "llre~', ~lillS W (;:win, W. & C. mcrellants : 4a ~uhI6. n~\'. Johll
15 Uluck, Am1row :t3 l\ i.hI, ~li8S
10 JinlScr, .lames, c.'lrrier
17 Cuuillghmn &. Co, wine mel's.
I 1. (;eateR Plaee.
1 I,in(lsllY, John
5 DrnmllloDll, G.
5 mackic alld Son, pnbliBhcns 1 C; I •
13 nrickmRII, .', J. I 4:1 llirkev. Rcv. J'atrick
I:.!() Cb:tlmers, E. ~irit llIcrchnnt' 4:' l\in,,:Uev. Jobll
, ODlt" Y •••k 4.:ard. 21 JlCCkf.'f, J, W. ship brt:ker loH Wt·ir, Archib:tld
.\ I l'lrh'ller, l'eter, globemnkcr Ilodtls, WillinDl, & 80118 & I..ynll, Rovert, agent '
:..;3 Cribbes, l\,tcr 5 Smart, Alc~\llIlIlcr, printer CI'tmingh:un, }o'raser, ,It Co., 22 Wnod, Johll. 111111(.'0, 46 Alltlcr6()u, .'fiA..., IJrC5.~Jn!lkcr
l\lnntcith, 1110mn8 flori.'1ts 22 CaMer. Willinl1l, sailmaker H Ka\', .John, telidleJ'
~3 I:ra~er\ William, agent Bbn,,\ .Jnmcs, bOl\tbnilder li HOIIglall, GeorlZe Gs:aut.,AI'chihaht. \\Titcr 22 S:lIltiil:mda, W. agen, H lIuiuilton, Mrs
:?iJ Ircl:lm, William 3 Dick~\)/l, Jnmes, coal mcrcht. (; ~H\em~ic, i\irs, spirit (l(1aler l'Ihtt·hell ••Joh1l, J;'lIrdencr 2:1 A Ilt?rdeeu, Leilh. ami Clydt H J)avid'lon, :VIII
27 Mason, )tri'i 6 IJ.liu, Thomas, cabilletmaker '1 I.o\"e, A. & .T. JIfll.Mo \v, I'hOIlUI!, dair,. Strum SMpJlillfJ Co.-H. 48 Hrqi,"I'Clr fo1' SOIlII, Lt'illl
27 1:lIirbaim, Janaes, cngra\'cr 7 )'iek.~n, Mi8l!, dressmaker 8 ll11la", Georgc, fisbmonscr Lnwrie, W. F. 11., W.S. Mllthies()u, agclic 49 DU'IIC:lII, G. (D. Br(lt/,er.• )
!!i Olifiers, C. I. 1:'. :U1ist , 1} Rrodlc, WUliam, R.S.A. {) llemlrnJon, Mrs ". milbner


:;~~~~~--------~~~~-~----~~----,-------------------. ~.
.. 11'- ~1tn 119 \V ren, Gcorgc, agent • 7 1'lilncr, ltobert .!
2111 M'Grain, P. grocer
~. (:ralS81cle Ho ..".... (;ro,,·.8'ree'•
.Gt~811teiit Wm. & Co. merchtl. 120 llunloch, Uoyd, and IIcu· 48 Uobertllon, Jas. coal mer.. . 299 M'Fie, '&lr8 D. pro,'. store I H
'alenkinion, wnnam . dcrtlou, \\'.S. and N.P.
I' Grant,D.S.CG.tAndersoll) 120 Cuthbert80n, A. G. and Son .9 chant
Darling, Robert, coMb hirer
-. 'd J bro ker
..'JOl Rel,.
:.105 Duffy, Mns l'hilip, broker
,,001 , cnry
S. ~r.lplde Plaer'.
!! Jordan, Mra
6 Cox, !te\', William
ISO Itobertson, Wm. plumber 120 KaufTmnu, 11. and Co., 5. ~o..ab·8 t:=lofIJe. :llG Hunter, John, {p'occr !? WiJaon, WilIi:tm 2. C • •lterland I ..abr,
:G& DicUon, IIn 122 Jnglis, Willinm, JUDo Cl k J I • :117 )I'C~llumbDllnlcl, grocer 7 :)l'Lachlnn, }tobert East.
,68 ,_1. l~IODt M!-- UIIt
19 Burne", )11'8 11. lo(lj!'ings
- SnodAdy, .''In rcw, SS
123 Leith, John, solicitor
• .C• 2 ar " • 0 Ill, curlier, ,
'1 Wbitc, William, mcrcban'
:~29 Hoasack, • grocer
331 Malwelh, A. grocer
('rom"....11 S.ree.. )·l1ton ••lautcs, chimney-sweep
ltoOOrJEOn, A. joiner
69 Galloway, Jam cs, collectol' 124 Liudsuy, Willinm 10 l{itchcn, Juhn '. 347 tJirrell, wm. cabiuetmakcr 10 .'illuie, Thomas, agent 1 )l'l.nchlall, ThoRlll.i
&9 llort1ier'l Fire awl Life 12{' J)owic, Thos. S.S.C. 4;o"'l'ateo. :l!; i George Jlet iol'8 ScllOol 11
In,urallce CQ. 127 Berry, Darclay, :md Co. !!;'!! Stirling, Wm. eabinetmuker 4. 4;riell.on fii'rH'. eury :md no~'!
li9 Oalloway, ~1. house..factor 127 GrimUnv, Cowau, aud Co. Wrst,'. Bast, 3. 210 BUll, Hob. & Co. In:!t, mrs. :J C:\"'Ikey, Willian1 2. £.MHrland !'Ii'ret't.
lj9 'fhomson, Miss corn inctors la Painter, Thos. victual dealer 268 O'Conno\'. D. broker 3 ~1'I.cot1, )lrd 1 WilsOll, Robert
&9 Day, Jobn ' 128 Lejtlt (md St Pcters(,w'u 17 1"Otlug, W. & D: Blld Co. 260 StPatrick'sCatbolicchaprl 5 Simpson, .lohn. bootmnker I-A HOllg<', Gcorge
Gl Illld:'rhanc, A. oorn factor Steam Compatl!J wine and epirit merchants )larab!lJl, U('v. fIen!y, D.D, Ii Ilickson. John ((J. l'-fJ.) ~t i'cter, J):witl
62 Bell Jtmmic, amI Co. 128 Rotterciam 6' Leitlt Steam- 19 )Iunay, Robcrt, sboeulalicr Dowllle, ne,'. W. ". 1 l'un'c~, Wm. Ch,rk :1 l'amcroll ~Irs
(i3 Lindsay, Geo. (/Jell, Rail- sltil) o.lfice Mag({aiclIt Chapel 250 Reid, Robert, broker 1 \"oung, Itobcrt ~3 J)OUglll~, Sholto
,lie, aml Co.) 128 )(ncgregor, D. R. mcrch:mt 31 Liudsay and Son 2'8 WI\UOll, J. 9 Wale, JaU1cs :.m )lIDoualll, J. accountant
68 Gillcnllic, .John, )1.D. 128 Smith, It. M. lUcrehnnt 37 Wilson, .John, grocer :!U Coylc, M. IIhocmaker 9 Grcenficld, Jlelt'll .f. 25 Brcchill, Willi:uu
68 GiIlCllpic, Willinlll 128 Smith, JnOlcs :m MetiiwIMi.'tsimmry1'mill- 23. Burutl. Jamcs M. groccr :lnd 9 Grecntichl, ,John &ott 2;) Uorham, Jnmcs
69 Sbiels, Jobn S. wine mer- 128 WNaughton, D. amI Co. in!1 11I.~titlllir,1l aml Dis- spirit dealer 10 l)icks\)\t, ~li!lS I 25 ltobertsou, ~li8S
chant mcrchants pCf/s(lrJI 232 Tholll!on, John, grocl.'r :? ~lI\ilb, ,MillS ':?:J .'airwcnthcl·, Da\'itl
11 Todd, IIcnry It 129 lIendcrson, D. W. merchant 89 Tllomson, W. n. sllr~eon !!:.!8 Fnrquharson, A, grocer 2 White. Geo, IrUer-carrier 20 West, )fi!.!I
72 Tavlor, WlIlker, "Otl Co. 129 Wisharl, C. S. .1 I1ro\\'II, J:\IU(!~. dc:der 222 M'Keall, J. !! UUI'I\lIide, John 29 UrowJI, I.iCllt-Cul. Lawrence
72 1'0<1, J. B. antI ~on, merdlts. 129 Yule, Thomlls U. antI Co. 07 '1'lIom80Il,.J. furniture dealer 220 l'1'Laren. J. spirit dt'alcr ) ~Hlllin, Jamcs, book~cl1er 8~ Johnstull. Jnlllc!t
72 Imperial Fire (lllll Life 129 Robertson & Hope, IIll.'rchts. 103 OilJon, ),etcr, llrov. denh:r 216 DOller,.! ,JOhll, broker ., :n }'iIlIIlY:ffin, 1'holllll'l
OJ/icu 129 Saundcl"I!, Johu, wright III Wclsl., .:dwnrd 214 l..ecltic, Wm. IIJlirit dealer :1. ( /':'1 l'ater!loII, Di,,'id
73 Warwick, )Irs 129 't'homsoo, Willinlll, IInd Co. J13 l.uid)nw, n. cowrceder lJlair SI"eel i/ltersfct,~. .1 Jlrydoll,.T. merdmllt 31 GonhHl, ,'miles
73 )tills, Ml'8 130 Leitl, llcadillfJoRoom 115 J';ctot'ia Loda ill rt·'f 198 O'Neill. llichael, brQKCr .. 3 'fhom. C. glmlclIcr 31 Sh!Wart, f)onald
7i Brown, Ilobcl'~ 13{. TR1.lor, Ilrucc, and Co. mcr- 1JG Forrcst, John, IIlilrit dealer 196 GilliCtl, t·ctcr 28 COWlllI, .' IUlClI, ganJl.'lIer 13a furud ~Ir&
75 Ki(lti, Jobn, IIlcrcl:nnt clumte 13t Stobo, Alcxandcr L. 188 Dowcr,I'cter 26 l"olluger, It. urc\\cr\ 8t Ann's 137 noy! ~1r:s. vicpl.,l ,ll'llll'r
76 Walker, Mrg JIUlU:8 135 Tay!clt and WUson, mer· 13!J Unrker. Bernard, broker 186 Glen, M~ D. film. ware1lO. £ro Hit ."tn't't wt,.r,((t't$.
70 TholllSOU, Mis~e~ clmnts ltr, Cntnpbcll and Co. brcwers lSI, An. 8Jlirit denIer • ,,~(!a~N"')·. 189 ~~. J'III.'r!!OIl, Gcorgc
76 Angus, ltobcrt
77 Nicol, Jnmcs
18 1I1U'low, D. 'night
I 135 J'(,llIlrcigh, .Jas. and G~urgc, 149 l~l\ill, Mrs, broker
lneroh:lUls 161 IJowdcn, Edw"rd
136 llnltimr. John, amI Co. Hi; Mnrrin, 1\1. broker
172 Barker, Pat. furniture de:l!. .
16~ Hllntcl', Wm. broker
160 l>i\'inc, Wm. b:,ker
huf, u. Jh·.~t, ...
. 1 Hcnley, Mrll Alcl. bake!'
W ~lillnr, l(rs
,(1 \\nlker, MrIJ
,,,;; llanill. A!t·;t;.
,,, j 1.1lWlIOII, Muugo
78 JlobcrbJoll••1. Jlhllllber I lIlCil;hnil tll Hi!) Thidt, Airs, broker ] 56 O'DOllllel & Co. brokc\'~ 21 ]..'Ul1ont, .Iohll, tailor '147 Cook, John
81 ItCdPllth, Ikowll,lInd Co. 137 ltnrhcw & Theilmnll, mer.. 173 Mnekintosh, !tubert, grocer l:a Uurnel, .\. victunl fl('!\!er 26 l'mwJiml, X. Ii'alhl'r'ClIUt>r 49 t:mhnm, Mr~ A. gM'f'r
82 Nt Jmne...' Cllll{)c/
83 Adllm Ilnd M'Gregur
I eluant.
I 1:~8 Simpsoll, J. P. 1Il('rehullt
117 Mount, llr:! Jnllct
l/or$e W.lI1ui interscctl.
Bd ~l'Lelluan, Mrs,61,il'it dealer :!i U:,ill, :W:\icul, HIIlI YoulIg I£)1 ~h'CIl, Arl'hilJahl, .Iairy
HG Tcviotdnle, Gcorgc :m Scolt, )11'8 ,r,;J Lnwrcllcl', (:c(lr~('
89 Cockbunl nntl Co.
HO Miller, AfrlS Jnmel!
. 138 M:aeilonuld, nO) ll, lII)(l Co.
i mcrchants

203 Wcir, Rohert, grocer

142 FI:umigau, M. J'awubro~:cr 45 (:r:lllt, Illl\'itl, milt t~tl.
136 JolmstoJl 1 l'atrlcl" H ~l'Jlllush, Andrew, cooper
',0'; Wuthcr~Jl()(lII, J. U. :\1,
5;' ltuhb. J(.11lI
91 l'homsoll, U. 11. anll Co. : 139 Combe, !tec, & Co. merchts. Colle.n~ W!Jlld illtCI'S(;cts. ]36 ~turray, lllartiu 05 Ncwlllnd-s, Jlllnc8 ISO Wl·II:lillllin·7 • ~Ir" htgill){i
mercholltA 1 ;/ la:! iJoherw, 11. shoemaker I
6~ IJarc1:,y, William, umhreUa r,i Hicksou, "IIIi:un
92 l\liIlcr, JIlUlCS, amt SOilS , ('ormmo '·'nee-. 207 Illg1is, John 128 Gouldiilg, Jnmell, broker mnker ,;>H l:dwnfll, WiliHlII1
Ut. Gallic, l.uird, nlld l:u.
US Kay, John, tcncher
09 i\tllcl,he1'8on, J. l,lumhe\'
I l:! Christk., }liss, Ilresslllaker 209 lhm~ic!, Jmnes
7 Bolton, lira
8 JUPJl, Mrs l:hnrles Henry
!!:!9 Cr<'rar, Alcx. "llirit dealer
233 Ratlcrl\', l'ctcr, broker
120 M'LnllgIiJ:m, Johu
112 Oormlay, JI,mes
110 llu~ht's, I'ntrick, broker
Ut Ton'Cllct', Jot'"' coal Iller('ht. ; M) J'nri.i, Jamc". S.l'>,t'.
94 11lllherford, W. 'firtunl denIer, ti!.l Canning. "tter
~6 rortco~5, G. "ictllai denier 161 l)l4ri~, ~ll'l\ gnx:c(
\ltJ U:u'uctt, .'rllllcis
hlO lJnddcll, n. &. SOli, ,}nintcl':!
I .'OUI'' '.· S.reet.
23j SeoU, jolUl, cabinetmaker
:?a9 Gorman, N."fn,rniture(lcaJer
100 O'~ei\1, J3IUCS, br(!ker 84 Tweethe, .John 163 M'Crcdlc, ~tiM
lOO Hobcrtsou, D. tlpirit dealer 80 and El2 Slncllie, U,·nr)'. grocer 'f~l Jlt'mlcl1Iou, Gl-(lrgu
lOt Humc & )(cl\'lll(:, JlIUllIlICI"~ i 1 W"hstcl',.J. Jla\·emcntmercht. 24:1 I'utcrson, "lllIum 98, JI)hn, agcllt TB Gorrie, Alcx. ~I'irit dcaler ,'65 Ueill, Airs

lO4 MnckiulllY nnd CO.

lO!! .'urd, Wm. & bOllll,l1Icrcht:l. I ~ l'nterllou, .ltJtm, fleahcr
103 l'().~t V/Jiee
JO Stcwart, Jltlr.e~, bnker
246 RnctHlrn mill Son
:J .Mlllcolm W. (01' ('tt,~/OIm) 1247 Turner, JnmC!, amI Co.
251 Ln~c(,\le8, AlIdrcw, furniture
GS M'Kellnn,1 china. mcr~ht. ~"n~.dl!ath, (~eCJl'ge, t;rol.'C~
6t l)odd8, J. Ilud It
48 ThomwlI, ,f. Itnirit mCI'tht.
tU,:} Rcid, Mi88, tl(c~lal'lkcr
6{ "lIham~on, !lIra \\ m. "Ictunl G.) MlInm, Mr,~
dealer 65 Slrnchall, Willillm
10. Whitc, Ailnm, and eo.
10! SIlencc, A. W. ngent
105 D(JuglllS, ,f. waggontt'
,11 Swanson, })ollnld. IIhil'mllSter ,
11 Simpson, llrs, "ick nurse
13 }·rentitc, Mrs T. ~rocer
I denIer
S. .J.'·itldry Street ;1IIer8ect.~.
2li:l ~'\lrrl\y, M. furniture broker
4:! Duncau, WUliAm, furniture 56 Uobb, ~lrs
32 llanks, WiIliruu
54 Suwt!n, Robert
67 'tcid, .'alnt·s, writer
tJ7 DUIlMII, 'fbom:u
GO Stirling, W. IIririt merchant 67 Goldie, John
107 'l'lIe '1'oll'n /lull 14 Sumil, John, grocer 2:;3 Aillslie, John, broker 30 Dar, Williatn, Iriril dealer 48 ncgbie, John, dlliry ,Ii; Cathcl" lU:\&lA
107 Antler80n, Wm. town..clerk 20 ~t"~OIl, Alexander, baker !?l'i7 M'LuskI\Y, n. broker 12 l'hofllson, John) grocer H Heaton, .John ci9 Itam&ay. Joltll
]07 Cormcil ClmmllCJ's 21 Dick, James, clcrk 2r,~) Campbcll, D. cloth mercht. 6 Demou, Dun. VIctual dealer 80 Go\\':tIl.5, Alexander, stoue- I 71 111011180n, llrs
no Collector'.'! OJ/ice 22 Jlood, Alex. winc mereht. 261 SlIDe, S. (lrovision d~ler " .·jdde~, Wm. spirit dealer "are merchant 11 Ru&.-, Alcx. writer
]10 Walker, Wm. c(l'lIector 29 Nicvlsonl, WiIlinm, clerk 261 (,onnollv, Thos. broker 2 GordQtI, A. clogmakcr 26 .Johul\ton.t I'etcr, bni1!1er ja Fowler, Wm. tailor
112 St John' .• ('ht/rdl :.!9 W\'ight, 'J'homas 263 Diek, Cl,nries, brcwer 24 no~erl, vI,id, dyer 12 Luke, Jam\!1I
113 ~1'MilIan, John, teacher al Amlrcw, Alcxander, groeer 263 Allllersoo, David, grocer t:ra1aeb.lnD" .OaR. 20 Smltb, D. plumb(r and gM- 10 Colfluhoun, Peter, S'roc~r
115 Ir.'dilllmrqlt U(", Liqht Co. :1[, .'otheringlulm, J:uncli, baker 266 Gomlla,', Jamcs, grocer !lIJ'1iJ, !liaa fitter 170 )('FllrJtnc, Jllmes
116 Leith P,iblic Lilmiry 37 Alison, Jame8 265-A Jordoll, Jamcs, broker 5. (!ralale T--a-. ' lAwia, WiIliam, cbiJlll dealer 166 £000rt801l, T. & L. bakers
111 Campbell, T. D. aud Co. 37 }'"ntoo, JotlD, IIhipmaster 269 Smith, ~(J'8, provision ItOft ..... -- 2 M'Dougall, TholJllLtI, wright 62 Hlair, TholJ1:1'
mcrcb'Ults 37 Olillhant, l\ln, sick nurso 2ia Logan, Aiel. broker 1 WHeou, I'atrick, architect :l Fowler, reter, "right 02 Dryee, ASu ,fm.
118 Lawrie, Itobcrt 40 lillY, A. dairy 28;' Fos, Denllil, spirit dealer ~ Grny, John 2 Simploll, Robert 00 Gootlhall, )1isa

I sua s $ '4 , USUS a

--....------------.... --~
-------Jtea."" STREET DIRECTORY.
GO Gray WiUiam 5. Balkeltb Rcact. 112 Weir, ~Irg 1. 19 llurrny, ~[islJ----------~-------
GO Mowbray, )(ra, lodgings
5S Hogg, J. stationer
~. • l S h 1
~e$Sl(ma C O? • 8
l10 Law80n, James U.
Lang, ~1f5 WiUiam
I.stlt.tl_.. 122 KlIi~ht,
21 ll~
Billlllg, W. H.
.Dftek '-JArf!'.
2 lIitchcll, John )1. lklgian
1J.u.'~le, Jam cs, umkecper, Old S Wbitcford, MW. n13tron
56 Cal\ii:r, .Mm
56 Cousin, John! builder
56 Kemp, Francu
Gmbct toll , '. I
Ronrtld80n, Mrs l\. Uellcval.e 4:
6I Cathc.,rt, l\tiS8
Iuneg, Mrs Thorn&!
Jcnkills Afrs
1. Dean Baa'" ""I'e.
Brown, Uev. Alexander W.
1. Ik·ao Trrnwe..
2 Mitchell, Solllcn'iIIc. k ('0,
52 ROPic, Mrs DrO\.\'O, }.. 9· ~rthur lo.dge 2 Watson' A. (Banl: of S t. 1. DeaD Park. 1 f..owe,.J ohn 2 1\.('11" -'mlrew
~[m:IOl'lI... nK

50 )l'Leod, William irs, Sl,hsbury land) , co 3 Grci~. Dnvid 2 nl'rr/; Stal'· (1,- .Yell'
50 Weir, John O'recll tottagc Q S .J J • Steu'arl's JJ()spltaL-- 4 Ker, lliss ) ·orl.; l'ad:1 t.• (} {li.,;
48 )1.'Abnn, Francis ~bcm, Wm. Fublisher, Salis./ .. nut I, • ames, "rJter Ogil\'ic. Geo. ho. governor ;; GonhJ ••John
ItociIC:ld, Mis;c;, matrou !? ('Iwri(t;toll .\' I J'w/i'rlll/;'I'
46 Peterkiu, l\lrs I.:ury grccn , 1. Dar~iDC:s BrM'. () ~lr:J n. )1. i'a ·If! o"l.·!'
U GraMick, James Craigie ten'act.. 'IIter.~ec(.;. I )Ioff.·u, \\.
wTlgbt and f.'tctor l'owlic, Alexander
i\l'l.elllll\lI. l1ugh 1. lteanla"ur;1a llidrt·eC.
:.! G!U,(';'III'. 'I.rit". .\. JlUIt/-
44: Anan, G~ol'gc Young lltull\iaekay, NewinIY-1 Dnrli.",'ABolldlap. flltr!,,, Sr, /CIII SII;/' ( '.,III/1"W/
U Nicohioo, John, JodgiufS
U Smith, 'l'holllas, lodgings
ton gardens
Oliver, Mrs Thomas, Ncwillg.
.. I 1.32 Lamicr,
Mr.:t Wm.
Jamcs, ,rriter
AlIllcrson, W. V. major-gene-
r.d. HO~'al ArtillCll'Y' Edgehilt
1 ll' Larcu, Johu. !oliHClllllk('I'
2 Shc.'trcr, .JOIIII, ~urycyvl'
') Jl7til, Star 1.;1/('
fI·w l'w'A' Is
HI' .1Il,o(lrcr-
42 UrowlI, Alexander house 5 GibSOIl, Gcorgc 'I /;'mdt>, .... /f I/IIl fad, t (ijiif"
40 KCllllcdy, Airs te n lodge 1. Darna"'ay Street. . IIth!l, l'etcr, sculptor [j lIeitoll, llrs
Snllth, 11:1\ ill, :I!lc'nt
i\l()oll, .John, Roselmll 1 J:UUCSOII, .John !tea, Jas. Eugc-hillllursery G M'C:mn, Jmnc:;, $tlltioller
40 Seou, Jmnes, s}'oemnkcl' 2 JIcr1'll1l1 FI.~/H I'll
ltnller, :aIrs 1 ~l I' 1 W I1 • I""an Street• i COlluitlJ:. Alex:tmlcr :l Chri~lll:, A. !lpirlt ,I~.llcr
I Jfiia
38 CbalmcrE, :Murga"l't •Johllston Ale.'( Kc'tb March J. ae ar ~lIIe, :m an 1.
8 (,ook, Wi1limu, I'criulUcr
38 NnislIlith, AlelJm\ler
Pill Slreet inler.'wet,:.
....' I
L'O son,
• I"
I." I I
3 Uroulleau, Mons.
3 llroltne:l1l, )1adnm
li ~lollro, Gcorge, ad\'ocatc
Ivmas, ptlullS ler
Clark. D. gentlemllu's :Itten,
1 Smith. }frs, ladies' nurse
10 Ginlwood, D:l\'id
I:.! l'un'es, Alcxandcl', :omith
.i 1J(,1H1"I"l'OIl,.J. ~piri. ,1~.II~1'
4) Uolt, J:UllC'~. ~r'O'.:('r
i .\di'J. WiIIi'llII. ~l'idt ,Il'!l!.·r
1. Dairy Iloo"e. '/ Wightlll:IIl, Jas. Seton 1 Smith, WiJliant, housc agent Flcmillg, Mr!t. cook S ~llIlIli;!'II:l11i. 'I,
Elliot, JlIrs
I1elld(!rson, )(rs
Kcmp J:UllCS
, •
9 Wood, .A., .M.])., .F.R.C.S.':'
11 'fait, Wil1iam
:i .Jenkillson, .Jnhll
:.I M'Kinlny. Wiiliam
J. ...."·ar '-.aee. :. LowfOIl 1"
1~,/I/j'III),:/'1 Slop"
[lil1'/ ('tlW/'IIII!!' ~ (J/;i,·.
34: lluuge. }lrll 1. I.alry ',,"De. 11 l.llwric, Mdl. V. atlvoc.'ttc.
4 Crawford. )Irs J,
10 Urtla, 1:"1 hrid,t. ~ ('0. -h:p
3~ 1\l'G!ashnn, Al(,)xander
32 Rennie, ltctcr, joiner Ryri~, J\lcxHudcr, gardctlcl' III
M~cfitrl:me,. Thomas, writer
Flen:luu', Thomas, g:u'tleucr 12 Ollvcr, .J. IS.
., White, John. jeweller
-1 Andcrson, Alexander
v lIomlell. Mrs
Hell(lrie, '!\lis!!
C:uncroll •.\Iex. hrokl'l'3
11 \lall-t'lI. 11. 1'. hn,k.'r!'
82 .'1I1'IIuh:u·50n, .John i Rn,~cr, W. milliature painter
1\lillill, ~t(lbert, gnrdcJlcr 1~ .i\1' Laren, John, :uh'oc~lte ;; Logan, .John, watchmakcr n Lain:,!, )li,.,~ I:.! J.iml. A, iUII, l;lil"l
32 ltodeu, Mrs la S/If{"r·.~ i/.",,· 111111 U, {rc .. l.-
30 Christie, Alexam)er
Wnllncc, W. Westcr 1>alry 12 ~earson, Mi:.:s 6 Sutherl;md. U.
Cociarane, Hcnry, assistant 12 11l1l11oek. :\(attbew, S.S.C. 6 Kirkhollc, Will grocer 5. nick '-Iacc, 'i1'e"t. mnd llo"",.. '
28 )lill:u', Willialll, write: sUllcrilltcudent 10 Mure, )lis~cs 7 Itroctor, Allnrn ( ;ranr/t·. 1J It(/~, WilIia III
26 KCllul'cly, Miss 8 JIlgli!, William f'. llarthololllr.\\" ,.)f}hn,jr., Wilht-
26 KeulIl'dy. Witlimn E ftSt .ta I rot H OUMe. 8 M-Bean ••t:ue:\s, W.S.
G IUack, :\Ir, It Somcn'iJlc, )tobel't, stationer hor CO\tll(!C It()(>k MCrt"... t.
26 Shields, )In, 10 Andersoll, It nll1!,i~elJcr
24 Gr:mt, Mrs
24 M'l'a\'ish, Wm. 1.,UHr
22 }'cntoll, Robert
Uellttie, AdulIl
:,. nalyr... plt~
11 .custer,
le J
."'ee. ; 4: Calnl>bell, Itobert advocate
.Finlay, J. It.
.. DUlllop, Mrs
' 11 Dnvi(boll, Rc.... l'E-ter
1~ ll'IlIh're, ,J'l1!n
mart., (;('urge. :\Iure mOllut
mbl'OIl. lli,.iI. ItlllCICO villa
('orm :H'k, )1 r:l, ,I It.''', M: rL\,' -I
Srlmlt1.. 11. F. lI\l'rrhallt
A,lmll~, ,\It'xnud,'r
Alcxlllltlcr, Thl>'II:I.q, ~ Mnn.
umcs - It i fIOlt 4 la Gllrtllicr, Mrs lIclCIl, dairy bank ,'(l< '1'\" ..
20 Stobo, Johll, upholsterer 15 Croall,
" Air,> D. .,. a,· t" ~ rt'e•• 1-1 Simpsoll, ))111, dressmnker Ka\, ~Iis!l. ('arr(lfa rott:tS-rc :; l:owcll ~ ~In. I,larl
20 Trotter, 1\b8, lodgings 17 GiIJb, (;eor~e 3 Donaldsoll, :~. ,plasterer 17 Dick, Wi l1i:IIIl, b'I'QCer 3tc"ycmon. Mi~~. Carram eot. s F:lir"ri('\t', \\ ,lIi:ulI. ~l1Iit"
18 Dieksoll. l\lr8 Tbomas 17 Chi~hoilll \rilliam 3 JOhItS~OIl, "IIlHtIll, agent 18 Uol.K!I·~on, .JuIDCS. haker ,·'illinm!': •.John, Olh'c bauk Gray, T. H. \\ri~ht
16 1':1I'la11e,' Miss 10 Slark, Joim :; Crawli.mi, n. (lIf 11. ~' C.) 22 Watt, J:lnleS, spirit floalcr l'rillgle, Wm. 8t Helens
.llari".I's· ('/lIlrl'!: ~\' -""1mol
lG C{llt h:ml, .J Ohll, dairy 8 Robel t-on, Hugh a IIcnr.,:. John, 21 Elder, (;COl'gc, grocer ~Y()rlll·(,fI.~1 CII ... It nick, .JolIlI. ~\,iri& .Ical,·r
U Corbett, All'S Jail\} S Griet'c, "ohn (G.P.• O.) 3 ~r:l\~'lvrd•.Mrs D. 28 lIutchi:,on, Mary, dressmaker H, I.. 1I:UlIl't"lI. W. Iil'h-(,lIrt'r
U Gregory, l\Hss 4 ltlllCkcJl1.ic, ,JollIt 3 1 otlle, ;Urs James Andcnloll. ll:lvid
14 i\iel'rylccs, AlIdrcw [) Alc:<nnder, .\utirew, bakfr
:,m Cockhllrtl, It. L., bnker n..
ItIlSSl'II, llr~. St Vincent (·ut. 17 l'nr\l("hi.11 ,ml ·.f S. 1~·lIh.
14 Uell, DllVid J. Banulle "'..eel. u ~lilt'hell .J:lUl"8
30 Unrll:', Gco. grocer & spirit d!. Stcwarh Jas. Woodbinc \'illa J. w. ~. ... r, ill~pt~l"r
:Il Wnlkcr, .J(lntcs 18 fort'''', 1', phunl)t·r. &1'.
U Ogih-ie, Itobert, W.S. 1 Mackcllzie, C;lIltaill Alex. 9 Jack, J~I\Il, j~"\"clJer ;19 Mathison, T, spirit dcaler
IIcHt60JI, .J:1.8. Iona "illa
:.!O·22 (iih"oll. H. (', (I( Co.
12 Cr:li~ie, .J:tmes 1 Lambert, Will. accoulltant 9 tennif" It. ng •. ~ Cli'rk. Mi:-~, J:..\:a C(.tt.'J!:c
4" \\'a15oll, Mis.'4 Low, lUss 1,111 nt brl"S
W Unrric, J)a\'id :, Dn\'idsoll, )(i:;s 11 Proudtoot. Rob rt -IS Brucc, Georgc Willi:\lll~, Hobert
10 StcvenSoll, J. builder 5 .i\lurTaY, :Mr:ll'atrick 11 Prondfoot, Mis.• .31. ,\:I Shand, 'rhos. spirit deruer Dn('k~, ,,- eC.
S Ullle. Tlwnms 7 j\1'(;ulloch, lIoratio '1 Thomsoll, .Joln: 'IboctI'aker Ki:lloch. llil'lI, No. 13
Dwn Stretl Clmpel :;lIlith, .f. Arbuthnott, IleUe-
8 j.'jcl<iillg, ~liss 9 Wl..can, Neil 11 Trotter llnber: nun... 1)/ an Sired Sdu/{il
1I"WII " I\clI.I.,II. 1\l!t'lIts
6 Sharp, (;eorgc J,1 A!kcl!, Itichnrd 6 Dnn, Robert, t~,£ ileA' \'lIe villn I"~ It It a/Id 1:(111, nlar,. S{~al1l
2 Andersoll, J. H. 1~ ~11~llle, ~.lrd 1. Dearaad r".I' .... 1. )Jeall Terrace. S''''IJ'~(ml /'"rI., S',ip/.ill', ('III1 I'(l1,Y

(;ib~"Il, (;. a1111 ('./. mcn:ht.'I.

10 S~llIth, .MISS I.Mtlt~1tio .. , YOllug, Petcl', :\1. H., L. R.C.S. Kno:<, l'hofl. (irrcll):l\\' Io,fr,f'
1'1 -0 Plaee 17 LI:;htbody, J. staff-surgeon " 2 Hopc, A. Mhhllcnmss, .Jt\.'I. (l:l' r IlU ('''f''i',wi' Ir,tr.Jc
ll\ltChl"~Oll, n m.

o. " URI • 19 SOUlcrviUc, Thomas :3 W:ll.~OIl. WilIiam, Hope, Wm. Hoscm:l~' n....c, ~dl".lII. :t,.d.:
.Martin, Mrs In. 21 ltaekr.y, Jamcs, T. 1. Dea... 4 Seou. Wm., ~f.D.,F.R,('.S.E . Itwli~, l:ohcrt, Orrl,anhton Lh'( rl'""ll" /.ellll Tradal'
1.0w, 1I. )1. 23 Uremncr, ~Irs .Colonel Tril!ilg f'..11a[l1'1 r, nhitul, Miss t1
\'llIa , Wotl Il'r< 1'''' Il, .J IUlICI!. n. 'I.
~'orbc~, I1corge 3~ St~l!llO\\th, ~bss ~tobIC, T:l/"I~ru:. f,llIi'Je,.jc, 6 nell, ~lrs tut1'Ii., W., HllYllt(tUe hank Cll!\tCJllI h.,.... ~c IlIllI &Jllp hrllk.
WilSOll, lliss()S 3::- l\lIlhg:m, John S., S.S.C. Locl;hart, \\ m.... ,rden.<': 11 Kerr, (:lmrle.'1 &1. Inglis, ('ha;. l! b.'t~k i:':llr"'WI" .1. IIh:Jlpin~ IlgCllt
llurrav, Alexander 3-1 Mackid, llrs Elder, Lcwis, sl)fi-., me'1li..81 12 Wilsoll,Havid,ll. D.,f'.R.C,S. Grngan, ~Ir~, Ea!-t nll3 Dick, !;i. hanl, ~hi" hroker
lle~~, "'all1e~, D.D. 3~ Itcrdman, Robert :md lUlY dcaler 13 l>ickilon, Alcx. ad'fQC.'ltc 'rIlUoeh, 1IlIgh, l",'\\U!!'r \'illlt ~Inir, Wm. mer. nwlagfllt
J\Il(lcl'~OIl, 1tobert 26 Grant, Jnmes I'nt(>r5{l1l. D:wid, gASu,te, 13 Dick!'Oll, f)""id, advocate, Stnarl, 1\1(':,\. Innc:''''ilIe Ham!1ay, J. W. win(' mtH·ht.
14 Dickir, Miss Stunl't, Robert, fnnecrrillc lIarbNrr Work Ol.ftt:t'
l1uie, 1>. It W. RQyal Ballk 2-1
Stcwart, ~tT$
trqt1hart, J:unes W.
I ~o
Mncritrhic, John, writer
Wcir, Henry, cla..'lSic.l1 ma.&tcr
l'tunro, Captaiu Charles
I Smith, WaIter, sheep and
caule ~alc5man, Cottage
7'/1(: neQ11 Chllrc1t
15 Grant, John, Rccountant
16 Cri~hto\l. Jnmes,
n.ninie, Robcrt, aC(,'Olllltant,
Al!h bank
StenholllSc, A. ami n. IlgeuHI
itOllt' ••Juhn, T. nnd Co. IIhill-
Hr(llld, )(r8 n. . 16 Sim, John . Cllthhcrtsol1, wm:nm 11 Gillie$, Hev. fo'r:lI1cis Maclc.'tn, )frs huilders
lHhll'r. T. H. 14 )lvore, .Tame~ AitkclI, James, gru'(iI!fIer 18 John, Thomns, t(,Aeher Touch, Mrs, Allbury TiIIl\ l{cnlif;!l aud Co. ehipbnitders
1. . . . .e 1. S,r.ens, 1\lrs Dr
10 Pring-le, Thomas 39 Mitcbcll, ~frs G. S. 23 Johnllton. JO!ICJlh. S.S.C. t 1 Adie, ~JrtI -----
1 Martin lliM 15 Kissooh, Mil!se6 It l-roudloot, WiIliam :19 BrydoDC, Robert, printer 23 )lacm:lhon, .MI~ 11 J.epPt!r, lira
111 Sw, Mrs, Iodginga 40 M'Kenzie, Hcnry, chemist ~3 Dow, WilUant Brown
1 Kitcbch, lti~:l Great Ki,'g Street intersect.'. I
38 Corlett, )Iiss
11 Gloag, James, U •. D.
II l\I'.'arlane Mr.i AIm 23 Chabncr~ Mrs nlOrua.'1 11 Whit~lI. )lrs J:\me4
8 )lacp'herson, Mrs
.. Tumbull, llil!res
6 . ~oc:kbunl, John
16 Robertson, l\trs William
18 I.eisllln:m. J(.\hll, W.S.
! 1 DOlll;las. Chris10l'hcr, W.S. 11 l'orteous, 1. teacher of music
12 ~Iurray, Alex:Ulder
as ",lie, John
;;8 lIaJ', )lrs
38 llav, ~lill~ If. & J.
25 Car31'llnna, Mrs 11 "enlon, )I~ A. t:•
27 Yonng and S:lIl1lcrtl, grocer! J1 \'cmon, J. E.
G Harden t R. A. 19 }'illlny, WiIli:ull Roxburgh Place illter8ect.'l. .2.& Rooortson, )lrs Jobll 11, )Irll
;}G Cl1I1stie, Ik:bert.: jUOf. C.A. 22 Wilson, Gcor~e, anti Co. 13 Lawrie, )1111
'1 Abercroll)blC, )tis8cs Ht )1'Nnb, 1\Irs Robert 13 };:\I'clay, W. C. at Simpson, ~Irs
8 Stewm, 'amclI, W.S. :.m Sang, E. (S. ~. Bm'kCl') It Diekin~lI, G. clothier
2:.! M'Kenl,ie, .T. book.binder 20 MUne, J:une~ S. I\d\'()(~ate
32 HU11ter, Mi~ 22 White,ltetcr 18 Shepherd, John
9 K'KeDlie. Jllllles, W.S. 20 Kay. Airs }~litabeth 15 ferricr, l\1r8 John 32 Hay, Willi:&m B., S.S.C.
10 Ferriert ~li:!s !!O l\1'Larell, J:Ulles 15 Brycc, Thomas 22 Banks, lIenry, L'\ilor IS Shearer, Arcllibl\M
30 Burckhardt, Edward 20 U:tgart, Colonel 18 In~lis. )Irs F..
1. Do.'nie .'aee.
1 Croley, Will. druggist
20 Fleming, ~(is.;e8
])lIllCan Street illtcl'sect8.
21 Patcrilon, A. lllerch:mt
15 JJicksoll, Da,"id
16 Walker, !\Irs Georgc
11 Warurop, ~lrs
~8 Willinllls, lliues
26 CJark, R. engta"er
26 Tumbull, Mrs
18 rattison, G. n. It.jvocate
la DOtts, GeorJ,,"e
18 Baml. WiIlinm, J.I:lStcrer
18 D4\'idson, ;\Irs John
8 Cbalmers, Joh11 , 18 Joct, )Iows 1.& Dc Li!!l~, Mrs t\l Winter, Thom311
3 BbllO})J Jamcs 22 I(or, Mrs, o,-Sellthorn 24 Clmningilam, )(1'1 14 Walker, John WilIimn 12 .'owler, .\Icxnndcr, painter
3 l\Iuir, ohn 23 White, UolJcrt 18 Grant, John DulJlin Street lane 12 Crawford, James,julI. W.S. 12 "owler. ~li~.!l)1.
8 MUllro, Daniel 2-1 Cowan, Walter 18 I.inton. Andrcw ll:arshall, ltouert 10 Auld, John, \V.S. 10 )l·Kt' ~lrs
3 KUGx, James, lamI8urvc~'or 25 Cook, Walter, W.8. IS Fors)'th, Thonlns 22 C:Wl\IOOIl, A. &. A., \V .S. 8 8oott, It. eOlllmcrei:l1 "gent ,10 8luckic, lliM
3 Kerr 11..' ;.1 15"
G. rnl'11'Iller, & c. 26 }'letc1l('r,
D' kso John If G D,u'S
20 Gordon, 1\lr8 C.
20 1I0pe, Thomas
22 Gent c, Jnmc.', W.S.
20 Stcwart, Airs
8 Douglu, ~1r8 - 110 GowaulI, Ch:lrles W.
3 DodJ8, " riI ., • glOg.
... ( f D IOtI' s 27 IC
D' k n, S ' ., n. .
J \\. S G llarpherson, Norlll~tn 10 Il:mic, Anllrcw
3 Ituu l, Williu11l, writer 27 le son, !tnllle, ., • 5. Dr.....ond 8tl'. E. 20 lIamilton, W. .. White, John 110 Jf,hn!ltotl, WiIIi/ml
J 2~ 1..o1hin11, ~Inllricc 20 UM\\11, ~1r8 Jamcs f!ltreet, '4eith. /10 11'Kenzie, WiI!i:1II1, ':l.ilor
4 AU~\1l!,. :UIICIt 29 C1aI11>crton, ~Irs Alex. 20 Bennet, Mrs I.intl~lY ~O ll'na),ne, Miss A.. 10 Clarkc, Jallles 1'.
'I Tuylor, .John , •. ,\ '\. S 23 11lnck, Wm. J.J'.C. 18 Suth'!..J:md, John 1 Stllrrock, .John nud Sons 'If d , 'I
8 Smith, Johu, coat ml!rCll3nt 30 Grant amI ,\ tu nee. •• ~ .. Wil:!OIl, O. &: I'. If I'nllar, Jamel Y. ' It
1 I)rown, OIler', ....
en~.. to.,.
0, "I' I at1\'0(,:\t I'
8 Rimpsoll, Peter, clothier - :.10 Or:mt, JIl!lCllh, W.S. "~ I t S " IIlr, m.•.
1. Dnmsllea:rh. 14 llartill. Jamcs D
2 own~,. allies, COnl f c:lll'r
J G )1' I..anm,J. boot & !lhQ\:'lI\nkel'
12 Taylor, Alcxmlller Scatlami SUecl il/ta.~cct.~. 14 Low, )iiss 3 Weston, Thontas. ,"icCu;tlll!r .. IN:rel{or, Willi:uu
13 'l'o/lIIclt, Robcrt :n }'erbrt1!!on, Will. merclt:mt \\' :llker, l\Ii~ M. 12 Uucban, lIenry, S.S.C. " Condamillc :\Iul ('t). 4 {)oc.ltI, .\li~8
la WilRon, Antlrew 32 Killloch, O. mh"ocntc Itcid, )lrd Ill' 10 Ihuut:L'l, .Iames .. Contlamin!.' milt l)nllnIuond GnlY, "1'
la Sutherland. f)nvitl :12 Cmming, Genrgc Rich:u'\lson, 1\Ir<; .. . .. iI 1~1I(,~
10 8cbach~r, Conratl. nrtil!t [j TIlOtn!!OlI, \\ dham 2 Smith, .f. grocer
14 Tcnllcllt, Wm. sl10cmnkcr 3:1 Uuchannll, Wm. mlvocate G Gibb, Georgl'
10 )1'Dollalt1, Gilbert
11) ,Mitellell, Itohcrt :H lIatltane, )lrs
15 Workill!1 lIIen's Jlt'Ji'cslt- ~:5 GitTord, A(1:\lII, :1tl,ocatc
2 •••uhU.
1 Jlclldcr<1.ou, S. bakel' 10 AUh'llS, Mrs Charle" 7 ll:lClli!lh, Neil, Ind ('0. mer-
5. D ••ealll
mellt Jl(l(IIIU ::;; Gill'onl, .James :l .MacUitchit!, J. coal offi<.'t
10 Oswald , George, tCllcJ1U
16 1.lnfric, Alltlrc\v :.16 Clnrk, Uohcrt ;; lIotlge, C. stntioller 10 llillar. John 8 Callenuer, Thomll! 1 Dil!k!on. Georgc ..
8 White, S. 1)Sillclair, Gefltg'l't cOl'Jjlcr 2 RfJbcrt.'IOII, I;c(.·r~e, tC3cher
li ~N\ah, .JlIlIWS, ~rocer LIIIU/QII .....·trect itltcl ..~cct$. 11 )lar~llnll, I>a\"id, C.A. 6 ll'DollgIlU, .J. grocer 15 Ga-vi"I.', .John} ImiMer 3 U:uhgatl', (;corvc T.
lS Angns, J:IlllC:l n~
H' C()oller, Arch:.ll:urdrcsser
lS Kinnibllrgh, n. cOllllllcrch:mt :17 Gl,'cil!. )lrs
:IS mack, .\tJam, )U'.
:m COlldIlUJill('. It. tie 1:.
1:~ Hucll:m. l\tr~
15 (:iufI\'i!1e, .Mr:t W.
I:; Kerr, .Jonath:m n.
" Yoon!!" Gcorge, boot maker
.J Gmbam, ~1is8 .\, milliner
WHIt'If I o'pital
1G Hall, William, joiner
Ht J)tl\'id~n, Alex:mder
.. Chrilltie, JollII I~" W.S.
5 ('ullningham t lli~>1
I; ('fllick,;h:mk!l, ~li!lt
22 ~1'Cllnoch, \\ !lham ,,10 Wn1kins, Col. .J:UllC:J 15 UJ:tck, :\li.~s .\. 2. SCreet. 18 )I'Ca.nne\', (;corge 7 White, tliM
22 Andcr:;oll, .fUIlICS, pJ:lstcrcr 41 Tnrnbull. l\tiSI.iCil 1;' tees, Il:wid l'odd, S.S.C. 21 no!'!!, JI)I;n, engineer s Ttintlsa';, MiM
23 Gnn1encr. ~1. & I. • 1 lIome. Gt'orge, b:urdrcs&cr :.11).. '1'1 I) I I. 9 olltJ, It',illi:"n
4.2 l'I'Kcrrdl, :\rr:! I5 lees, WiUi:nn, A.M. '1 . I I b k
!' 23 Gardncr, l\Ir~, lodglllgs I . 1:; Darg, l\Ji~s n. .1 \\ llte, • f) 111. ;\ 'cr TI ..aren, 'Cl.
'.AII ~t· If 24 wmsoll, JOmll.;l, f.,t'J'()CCr 9~ GoodannlJ. t:t1wanl 8.
25 'MacllUoch, Georgc I.rt.mmonc fiji're,". 15 Rmnsay, Mrs u Cam))IJ\:,. 1S8. • 26 Kirkbam, John 11 Snn\'cn, llrs J
1\'111'111. 3. ...,·OIlIh. O. 11 Douglas, C. Home, account. 5 Jlooper, ~h'8 J" SI \ I ."
4•••rumdr,'fto. J)rumlllond Street I1nll 19 Gr:,,", John, grocer u YOlmlr, B'I' 'IIS1I
• 'I
law, ",nl
11 J rew 18 Gardner, W. C.
hi Geikic, Jalllt'S S.
1':",lor, Antlerson, & Co. Hosc\ Alex. millcralo;,:'ist 21 )Inson, Wm. S.S.C. I1
r, unter, l' rB r :'S ., alwc,
,'l\ C~At"b )'runes
7 n "l' E ~ urn, Cl er J4 Jteooh, G. S.
Miflolls, T. 1 Uo~e, lliilil 23 )1'Knv, ]\Irs rown, ., 188 •
31 Slme. Alcx:llldt'r, grO«'t I( Jtcf)cb, llr5 .~lex.
9 'fholn.~on, l\'illinm, grocer 3" 1 u"II' J K
.)"llIIston, J. 11eshcr 2 Turnhull. )lrs Wm. ! t:J Mum;", R. r"abinetmnker
11 1'1l(C1/IX 'U'O :If!C!!
'1. • O'd: • - Jl ay or~I n' 1:1111
14 ) IIIrr:n-,. t. .
BIIUc1c, Alex. :l )1;\\', David 123 8tcwurt, William 3:; :lrl:,. I'il 12 Graham, ll~ W.
2. nrum ..umd I-lAce. 2 l'eomuu, .1ns. hrassfollnder .2:J Oswald, .John 11 I ,('/.Icau 1:1'. Ofil:
Jv e 'J/,ce 3i Putcrcon J(,lm I .." I i h
•• ne... M.ree.t ..t"' •
Xo.~. 31 to 36-1.
2 .:wart, Willimu
2 lIeuuie. :\IIt)I'~W
':!5 )\rown, William, surgeon
27 /)Ilbiin Slre('1 Church
:m Rain, WiIliam
11 M'Culloch, John, tener (B!'i. "8 S 'tl' C't' I
. hI' n ' JJa ')
All. t..Q. 8 IlA·.
... nil I, 1.'1r es
39 I.awrie. Jnmc$, fI<'!iller I. . • Sk ~I J
t'lIe,. 1"lI ••C31l •
!l IJro.'er, It(l•. /"lIIter~· .~I'II)
1 Gurdner, Mrll ThomM
2 Stodtlart, .J. It., W.S.
3 Itutherfol'll & (.;0.
;; J:mlille, l:ohC'I,t 29 Simpson, J:UllI!S
13 RiehardilOn, Wm. agent
1" R 'd "l ""11'
:) ,el, II rSl J lam
I" '0 ".tl . . d· t (" Jl I
J le 1/ .. M 110 (
40 Ua\'idson, ne\·. JCoOert. )1..\. I D ...ra••-'arr, Lrl.b.
2 StmMnrt &: IlllICs 01 Chrilltic. IIelll'Y 29 Marsh:"I, Robclt l~ An~lt'rtlon, Edwllrd I 40 ~N'Mlanll ~lrll Dllrcl:w John tellC'licr
;; e:t!II\lbcJ), Arll.lllr, ,W.S. ;. Alltlcrsoll, Anrol\ 31 nnll, T., C.A. la (,llIsltolm, John Knox I •• S I I .1' \t"II' ,, ,
4 Ham, Jl)lm \\ .. ".S. 5 J\llan, JIIDlCiI 38 Mncalldrew, J. &: .J., S.S.C. j7 Seott, Aloncriefr, & J),lIget", ... lit Icr an(,j" I mm 2. D ••d •• f!!fC ..........
U Sli~o, Mchibnltl ,"incent 5 Whit{', Ueorge (G.P.-O.) 133 .Mac:llu1rew. RoiJer1, \V.S. W.S. • 2. o...ea. M'Hr'. 1 Urell1l1Cr, lluf!h, \V. ~.
Smith 1) Butler, n. spirit dealer 33 Chalmer.s ~1i5.'S ~Inrion 17 Nelson, Rol.Jel't R. Lane Ura.MOII• •-.IIee'. 1 I.vou, Wm. (D. ~. /•• )
G l'ol'fnnll, .Jamcs, ath'ocntc (j )tohti~nnni, 11. G. merchnnt 133 Kerr, C. J. accountant 19 sa\-mc. MiSl, Lallt 1 Comillon. Hypp<.litc W. 3 Dlckson, If. G. & S., \V.S.
~ l';\ttcn, .John, \\'.S. 7 Urunttm, JlllllCS, tailor !lS Watt, Antlrcw 19 Nelllon, William, Lmle :1 RQf..'I, \Iurdoch & ltoJrcrI, Thl)m;'l1
l:I l'orrClllcr, J!llm, W.S, 1 Ad:uniJon, Andrew 35 ~Iure, Amtrew, :lIh'ocutc HI P3t{'rson, lohert, lodgings 3 Millar, James n. IlrUet ;; IIIII~, Alex. Tnylor, S.S.C.
10 SllroU, ThomM, W.S. "I Slater, 1\lr$ 37 Wallnrc, Rev. Uobert 21 Smith, T. and 11. druggislJ 8 lleikJeham, lIB li lliUar, William
J.Ye/S(n/ Stred illtCI"~l'CI.~. 'j )Inck;w, ~rr8 89 Bc\"cridge, WilIinm T. R. :!l Binny, Grabam, W.S. it Jmrie, Robcrt n. li Relford, C{)lin G.
11 Ullrllf:SJ, Jamc.q , S.S.O. i ll'Grego r , ~tr~, :m llowie, J. T., C.A. 21 Binny, John, W.S. 3 )Iunro, 1Iugh li 'I':mlll\tl, )118
II Hnrncss. WiI\;mn, }lfinlCr 8 UO~5, Wm. lmtrhcr 3U Bowie. Mntthew 21 \VeNter, J., S.S.C. " Camcl'O'!t Alu. 1 lliU. Alexander, Jluhli.hcr
12 Itoberts(lll, Ite\,. "iIlialll !) llobcrtson, ~lrs 11. :m .lohn~oll, Jo~cph 23 Chria&ic, MI'I:I '; lIasbe, "j'bomu, bAk,...r !t "arker, W. A. 3th'ocat(:
13 S':QU, Alldrcw, \\'.S. t)'A ,)lorLQu, Jas. cllgr~wcr : 39 '!odd. Mrl'! J. :la Scou, Waleer, mercblUl& 9 )(orton, WiUiam !J J'arkcr, Bra

. \ ..
11 Brai(lwood, J. bookl!eller
11 Andenou, William
82 Collie, U. «)O1l1. Bank.)
32 Quigley, .&Irs Jamea
51 Wilson, John
1)8 Alexander, John, . .her
13 Sword, W. n. 'Wine 1U!rchallt I
5 l':tterson, Ih1gh, ptun:bcr
55 JOhostOIl, )11lI Elder Street Chapel 5. F .....h.r"o. Plaee.
11 Dewar, Jobn N. 82 Price, Bev. Edward 6 lIamilton, James If.
11 Goodair, M.iIaea 30 lIogg, Walter 59 Greig, l\liss . 15 Liddell, Robert 6 Lothiar.. Allure\\", S,S.C. 1 Brodic, John: engn\\'cr
11 Soott, .lames 28 ~litc~eU, Alexander 44 & 42 Ueid, WUIiam, grocer 11 Dickson, Alexander 6 Williamll, Mrs WiUiam 1 )1- KCllniell, ~11'8
13 Peters, Alex. H. plumber 28 Mitcbell, Alex., W.S. 48 )Iuuro, Hugb, draper 11 M'Lean, Chas. enameller 6 U~nderson, Henry 1 Root, J):u-id
13 Bruae, Wnli~:ooLL.D. 26 11'Gregor, )lrs .6 Douglas, lll'B AIeL 19 Hunter, John, agent S Archilmlll, Gcorb't, engraver 2 • •"~""e II1II.
18 lones, Miss lla 26 Lamb,-:Dlrs 46 Fairley, Mungo, coal mer. 21 Kinnear, David, :lCCOttnt:ult \) Auld, John, bootmllker Iteid. JamC!
18 SharP, habella. poulterer 2G 8elby, R. D., S.S.C. & solicit. chant 21 RobertlOD, J. JUDo S.S.C. 10 Paterson, )(1'$, coachbirtr Clllrkricm. Uobcrt
16 De Flandrt, c. 26 Drummond. Miss 46 Kemp, William 23 M-Cowan, F. ll., M.D. 10 Dalglcish, D:"'id Wilson, Mrs
11 Dall, WWi_
1'1 WihIon, 'Mis.s
24 Stuart, Wni. S., S.S.c.
24 ;~It, Alex.
34 }'orbes, John
32 l\1'Lauchlan's lodgiap
Taylor, J. bootmaker
Ullton, 'fhom8$, painter
10 Mid()lemllss, WiUiam
10 Trcgilgll.s, W. C.
. . e....,· .....
1'1 Laekie, George, fruiterer 22 enzie, D. 1\[., S.S.C. 30 Unptie, John 21 Home, RQoort 11 Lindeay, Uobert, druggi&t
1'1 Graham, ~[issea 22 Jones, .aIrs 28 ll'Donald, Dan. 27 )I:snhall, l'atrick 12 Stechan, E. G. L. llriutseller East (If bn'erkilh lloll'. 2.
1'1 Grabam, I'. .. 22 Comb, Robert 26 Smith, John 21 Robc1'f.Sl)u, Mra D., lodgings 13 Hews, ,J. )1. writer .'ogso, Robt. G. manager, P.
19 Mochrie, Robert, draper 22 RObf..r16oD, M..'1'8 Andrew 24 Wilson, Rcbert, plamber 21 Johnstonc, Mrs 13 Sandemlll1, WJllia.m n.!01l & Sons, Baugbollll
19 Harrleon, Mra 2'.! EdwArtls, J. ohimuey IIwetp 24: Wilson, John, III11lC!'l' 31 Ferguson, lames 11. draper 13 l.itt!c, Jamcs, agent Gorrie, W. Fiuperinwndeut, P.
19 UarrisoD, H. aecountani 22 Reid, J. "'riter 22 Oalderwood, William 38 Greenaway, James, grocer H }toss, Daniel L'lw!Q1l & SoWt, Danghotm
]9 Uarrison, J. G. accouniant 26 Farquhurson, )Irs 16 Wilson, Miss Stcwart, Joscpb, gardener,
19 Young, Grorge
NQrthufll~rland St. i1tttr~cts. 2. BMter a .. d. 26 Nicol, A. bootmaker Ij David!On, .J .. S.S.C. & N.I'. n:mgbolm co1la[le
19 Young,l\bes
20 1\1'Farianc:md Gibb
20 MIlckie, John
Too, Alexauder, gardener 22 Johndone, Goofge, jtm. 11 Davidsou! Wm. merdl3llt lIi~ll}p, John, bluckJIDith,
19 llaxwell, W. A. Wilson, Jobn, gardP.per 20 Cumminr ., JalDtif, artist 11 Smart, Jamc8 A B:mgholnt
18 White, Cnmpbt'lt SomerviJIe, A. G. 20 I'rinSltl, French 8Lay mallut: 17 Glen, AIrs Ilobr.rt Tod, Jwt. filrmer, Bonnington
19 Burton, Jaanes 18 Amlan James
21 ScoU and Orr, drucgi&&I Skirving, T. farmer, Leith 20 Stewart, Charles 18 Aloffat, William, painter Adam, S. wool wcrcbant,
18 NicoJ, &v. WaIter M. Gow, Ja.mes, dealer in metlle 18 Morc, Jame8. mes.-at-anns 1!) Smart, J:UIlCS A. agent Afton lodge
NQrtlu.llnberlmld St. j'ltersfctl.
23 Alorton, John, dairy
18 Mu.well, MrI, lodgiDgs
18 AUan,John
16 RoUo, I1ugh Jamea, W.S.
1 Johnstone, John
Munro, DrysdaIe, & Gordon
Munro, W. J. macer
J)rysdale, And. mea.-at-arms
20 Smart, R. C. fngn:,-er
21 Tod, Geo. grocer
22 Kenmore Joint
Riddle, Robert, 1Jlair park
~l·KeatJ. A., CIWlre\()t villa
iUstheson, ,\Iex. Taaphall
23 J.'oot, John, fruiterer 16 Gresluml Lije ..488ura'lct Co. 2 Grant, i\IiS8 Elizabeth 16 Gonion, Robt. mes.-at-arms Lane, Mrs r., Ta.plll"l
23 Smith, J. Irvine East/ield CUfu·t. 22 lIuu'er, Jamc.'!
10 Scottish Epittcopal Church l' Ewan? G. 1\1. jeweller 22 Hunter, ~lr!l E. 1adie~' nurte Kay, Thomlll, mill,oUoDJUy
23 Mitcbell, Thorn.., merchant Society Grahulil, J:1s. C. 14: Crichton, W. Hullon, John, Tuphall
23 Douglll,!, D. writer 4 Dceerct, Pbincna, writer 22 Young, A"drew
14 Adam, AJex. teacher 12 Brydone and Son, printers 23 Cochrane. John, wine mercht. Wilkie, Mrs, Sllfing bank
~3 Do", Jame8 It. 14: Syme, John, n.S.A. 5 ~f'J:'atJanc, D. engineer 12 Railway Directory Office Clllrk. Callt. SJlring bank
23 }o'ortunet John 14 Webster, John 6 Gilrutb, John )'. nUDa 10 KCIT, It. and Son, tl\ilors 1. E ...II.I.... Pllaee. Seou, DIlVid, Raimcmcld
25 Dicksoll, A. J., S.S.C. J4 EMer, Jwnea master
2r Siirlill(J and Dwifcrmli'/ll
Railway Co.
12 Pow, J. surgeon 7 .JoiJnston, J.
Darling, ltichani
Tbornson, Wm. Arconntint
1 Carfrae &: ClcuuWn, C.E. and
land ilun-eyora
Gihsoll, Will, T., RaimCJ\udrl
Smith, Rc\,. "'81. L'llmJ bt.
12 Pow, Andrew, :'I.D. l!:astfield Place. 8 Norfolk CaUldllsur.&JCiety 1 NiJbet, AlI'R John Wri~lt. Charles, Wm ... Jhm·
27 Drydolle, James, printer 10 Cnm)looU, )11'8 S I'oster, Miss Eli&abeth 8 Norwich mid 'JOndon Plate UlIIgt()1l hl1tlk hOU8C
27 Urydone, J. jeweller 8 CameroD, )11'1 10 Brash, Peter 1 Hope, DAVid llovw. adV()Clto
Gla,~ 11lSIlrmtCc 1 )liIue, Mrs • {)j('k~ It. Il(ltlnington mount
27 DUDcan, John, W.~. 8 Cnmel'on, lUll 11 Brown, Lndy 8 Thom.son "·m. M. IlgeDt I>lIr'l".m, ('. nonnillgton mt.
27 Yonng, A. 2 f:wart, John. plmnber
8 Glen, George 11 Glover, lliu 8 Armit, ,,1m. anll Son, tailors 2 SimplOn, Hn 1'. Tem!:!nt. \\' G. fionniugtlJQ
27 Smith, ADtlrcw, W.S. 8 Wal~er, Capt. W 12 1\t'Nair, W. merchant 6 Gray, WiIlillm. aJ:ellt cou"KU
27 llllnler, 1\lrs 8 Andc1'IIOn, Jamcl3, aolicitor J)ouj,!'uU 1 Wm. Bormingtoll
27 Bridl;C8, 1\Jrs EeboBaaIr. G Provident ClerJ:..If' JllI.tual 1. Et.8 TelTaft'!.
6 Robel1son, Mrs A"StI"anl'c As!or.iatiml 1 Tait, ~Ij~ ('uUage
29 Wilkle, Jamcs F., S.S.O. • Frascr, lIugh, W.S. Curric, )f I'IJ, spirit d....
.. Andrews t ltrs 2 Fergul'lor.. Ifrs :\i\'CII, It. Fanlcncr, Allauficld
29 Martin, Waiter 2 Swillton, T. \viDe merchant .Johnston, Peter .. Snmlil:mtis, ~fI'1l, todginp l..'1wrie, Alrl!, AlIllnfit'ld
31 Jackson, Thol. & Son Whitson, )lies J. h'l"OOel' 3 Vertue, 1>., H.E.I.C.S.
Earl Grey 8'reet. .. Wlntyre, Mis.'Ics • Cllmpbcll, Mn AII:UI, Mt..'l, AJI:lIltield
31 WI..cmuln, J. F. advocate Cochrane, Aleunder . , lt05.'!t Jamc.lI, bookbinder S:d\'c.~on. C. (1'. S. 6' Cl).)
31 Williamson, Mra Ea.~t, 1. Wut, u. 1I0we, Willialll, Graytleld o }'arqulmrson. F. nlli uti,:t! bOU3e
2 Lauder, Thomas, baker 6 nJackbuMI, Major
33 ])ouglas, J. D. searcher n Wares, Miss Jnnct Elite IHreet. 2 11111, Thomas, painter 6 \\'lltker, JMle8 G. & Co., nillho\W!.
33 nonglas, J. T. searcher 16 Cunllinghllm, Alcxander 4 Pringle, William, cow(eeder field COtt:lgC
33 Crawtor(l, }fis8 17 Rutherford, John Ellen 8Creet. 7 Cuoper, William
8 Robemon,D .and Son,coopet'! 8 BebDel, ArehilMUd Black, retN', jo,ner
83 Paltison, Niu 19 Gcmmct, WilIi:uu S CbaJmel'll, O. S. :&It'll1.ies, .J. 81lipDlM~r I!f"rr)' . . . . .
33 HUllter, Robert 21 Rams.'lY, Witliall1 9 Sim~lI, :&Irs
20 North British Colour Co. Tllomson, A. (Customs) J0 Gord/m, Airs Sou(/I-s;iJe.
85 Tod, Uobert, painter 23 Urucc, Jnmes, 32 Cnnningham, .James, wright lIigh, George
3;; WiUiamsoll, }ll'll. confectioner 25 Douglas, J\lex. t1 M.awn, J. We-et of Jnverltith Ilmc. 1.
Anderson, "'al.'!cn, grooer lVy/iet .J. shipma.41ur 12 Victor, )f'\inr..('.eneraJ J. C. nell~ ~llll, I..arkfield
31 Cnmeron, \V. merchant 27 Trottcr~ Alexander, grocer 38 36 and Scou, mirobaD!I
Wight 13 Hamilton, The Hon. ;\(t'I Maclcau. A. architect, Lark-
::9 White, Alcxmldl'r, brt'oCt'r and wine merchant EH. . .el• •..-e.
·11 Grny, Wm., book&eller 31 DCllham, James 2. Elder 8t~&' lield
Messum ••lulian A. pl\ymL~ter, 1. E,yl"e PI. . . )b.c1:lglln, ~In; Dr, O!Jwmll:l
43 Rne, Georgc, grocer 37 Lestic, Andrew, boolreelter 1 Hardy. Charlcs 11. R.N .. COI1.'lt guard volnnt.
j)O Ogih'ic! Charles, groo;r 39 Furtey. Robert. C. 1 D0031tlson, George, wftptt 1 Currie, J~';. Jamee cott~
·hi Gray, William 41 Gibb, Wiltiam 3·e Macby, Miues, mUhnen ~. El. Row. 1 Drown, D'l'.'id SJlCncc. 1\1 1'9, Athel~t:m(' rol.
-to Dixon, WiIliam, butcher 43·,\ \Votherspoon Wm. 3- B Burgelll, Geo, bootmlker 1 Forr~tt Richard, grocer
1 Alartin, MrA .John J)ouginll. T, n., Ror-ebank
44: raton, W. fruiterer 43 Camegie, CharlfI 3 IN-ani Mr8, milliner 2 NiooJ, Alex. accouuI4nt
1 Ogihj, J Ilmes J)ick, .J:unefl, J.ofnOnd villa
as ~("mlt, G. Dickson 45 St<:lwnrt, Angus 3 Laing, lenry, cnp... 2 ~tanhaJl, Mrll D. Anoour. A" Wind80r hou~()
:{G i\!urrny, .lames, grocer 4:; Jlollcyman, Jas. grocer 3 Dieuon, Alcxaolkr, ~r 2 Sutherland, Jnmcs B., S.S.C. 3 JlCllry, J,)hn, w.e. Witson, John, J)iaJ "iliA
;.H l'l'o\'cst, Mrs 47 Gonion, Robut a Sclater, T. & D••bOeiuke... 2 ltauaeh, W. L. (R. t BtUM) 4 Macleod, Rev. W. R. Antierson, J..etham, fnver-
:J:! Grny, l\lrit 2 8inelair, Robert Icithlield
:I:! Cavt!ll, John
49 Uibb, WiIliam
51 M'Nab, PeLer (M. tt R.)
G Law8on, Atichael, 8.8.0.
7 Dickson, .J.
2 O~h·je, ThomM, baker Jl'alteoa a.H. ~I:lcgrt'gor, Millll
Mary, In-
;J:! ({Ollllie, Gnvill 01 l'alerson, Jamee 7 llardie, David, acoo.ntut 3 M"ay, Mrs, Servants' Ker. FaJ(I(Iner, Mj~ verlcfthfieJd
t TAylor, Wm. com. ftgent Craigie, Henry Gray, AJeundert Belteyqe

, SIC 11,& J is 6 0$" t •

• \ .,
Karrt 'J. B. lIawtbom Colslon, James I 'Edinburg/' Poor IlolUt': 33 Dalgleiab, Robert, f1esher U I"o••tala tjlOH'. 29 nobett!!O~, Rohert -
Urg,~wt, James, mlsaiOlW1,
Richmond cottage
Col3ton, Alexander
LeWd, Vayid
Kemp, Daniel, ho~..go'f
"" City Parocliial Board •
Campbell, James
Dmmmond, 'Mrs,
1 LW!, .~. stucco lIIan1l ~1cturer ;!!I }'Illla, &li~ses ~J. I\tld J.
J9 Robertson, A. CIU'\'cr & giMer
Tod, )lis&, ViewYUle co~ BaJlle, Ales. , City Poor', Rate Office 36 Stetl'art, )Iills Fos. I,.ae. 81 }'ortC3Icr, Alcx. llUker
Ramsay, IliA,Viewvillehouse
Aode!'1JOD, Peter, North In-
verleith maiDs
Farquhar, llis8
Soott, Miss
Teape, Rev. c. n.
Fort .treet, .on" :
I Mowat, Thomas, engineer
!l8 Pearson, Audre,,', clerk of
38 MorMo, Gcorge
1 Dnncan, Angus
3 ltobertson, D:\\'itJ, t:\ilor
3 koberUou, )I~, midwife
33 I.yon, Cbas. C(mfcetioner
33 Dicmo Md Walker, gl,'lzicriS
Gcorgt Stred iutersl!l'l$.
Naismith, A1exUldcr, rarm~r, Ha" Gcorge (J. ~[illtr and 2 Dickson, Alex. merchant 39 l\luir, John, • Pal toll, ~1. 8G 1\1'Ii: • d Fm,lIcr. \\. .....
Windleelrawlee SOil) 3 Blackwood, Alexander, shipe 39 Farqubarson, Alex. ,., Sime. Audrcw teacher .• CHile an
)(eUde. Jamee, Wardicbnm ' ;la PU"e5. Mrs Jodlrmgs
Anderson, )Ira In. Ormiltou muter TlIONIY Rnck illtersccts. 6 Tt IOUlP!lOU, J lllllell, grocer ar. 'I)-'d 'U' fi'l '"
bOIlle Yilla 4: L:dng, \V m. ship agent Pmlt01l Street i1/lt.:r.~ect$. 9 Black, Gcorgl'!, grocer ~ -.:1.' ". ~ IIl10nger
Jnglia, Peter, East Pitton, Bm'.'lC, Henry 5 11uir, Rc\,. J:'rancis 12 Cooller, Alexandcr S. f:onmer a~d. YOIm~ •. C.E.
fanner 01 Borthwick, W. victual dlr. 37 hung, \\llham, C.••.
Kerr, Andrew 6 GUilD, Robert, solicitor Pose·,. L •• e. 37 CoptMd, R. T. hailor
2. Wet.,. ftoW'. Dnlrymplc, John 55 SomcM'iIIe. Andw. cullcetor
1 Sandel'lOn, Thomas o. 1!1.......aee. Fort Street, fiIo.... liG SimPlon. Johll~ 11 St A 'lflrell; Street Lcitll 39 Aitken, Jt1hn, upholllterer
1 DUllcan, Alc:!':. S.S.C. GO Aitlten, WiIlil\nl \\' . k d U 'n" . . 39 Stew-art, Uun. IIpirit denIer
2 Jacbon, Mra William 1 Butters, L. lK!al cngrl1\"cr Ntw SlaulJl11cr llQllsC$ arne:\1I :\1 It, wllle "1 Aft1{.'Ck, William, hllUer
8 AftOD, Robert, lV .S. 2 Younger, John, sbillmasler merchants 45 mu, Tbom50o, aud Co.
I r,l'Intyre, Mrs 3 \fright, Robort 6t) lIrowu, Jamcs, IImit!1
4 Moffat, Wm. I•• architect 1 )Nnlyrc, Danicl G9 Rt}bb, 'fhomas, itunfoundcr 2. Frederlek Street. grocerll
U 1\10re, Geo~, 'V.B. U Boyd, Jam~, L.(J/,~'Boy(l,)
6 DouglM, J. B., W.S.
6 Douglas, and Smhh, W.S,
2 Maclachlan D. (AI. ~. S.)
3 Peacock, Andrew
f lVilliamson. J. cngineer
ROle, Robert (Cftstoms.)
8trollg, A. D.
.;9 Toshach, Itobert
69 l.earmont, J. & Co. fO!1ndel'3
4i9 )Iillons, Gcorge
Sert'lmll .5
1 The NatiQllal R<!gistry Jt" 45 Welllh, lIenry
Macic:\lI. MrIl D.
1 LtJRlioll Paretl Ditlpatch Co. 4:' 1\Iaxwdl, W, dra[:er
1 Boog, Mr8 5 GiUon, William 2. Porth Street. V9 1\lathcr, Alexander John IIcnde~on, :lgeot 47 1'&&1, t:. perfumer
8 Wri,gbt, Robert, architect 7 I'cars, JamclJ I IliIlcr, A. cnbinetmaket Gi Aitken & Co.. colll Imd fire- 3 ltobert80lI, Thomas 49 Nallicr, Robt. "pirit dc~lcr
9 Wlnteltead John, 8.S.C. 3 Wcbstcr, Amlt·cw, S.S.C. wood merchants 3 Cltrfme, Jobn M. bird:dlliTcr 1'histle Street iI1tcrsecl$.
10 Ita)" Charlea PlNh.arket.
JO CUllningbam, .Alcxnmlcr 48 7'olbooth Wy,zd, Utll. o RollS, )frs, boarding school 73 .:I~;in and 1ti'Pake, rtlllC and 3 l'aterson, ~lil'S, dre~mllker .G 1 Urockic, ~Ib..
6 }tosa, J. M. twine malters II Lconllrd, ~tr8. Jooging3 1}1 Alllrra)" Gcorge, grocer
1l Boyd, !tov. A. K. 11, llmer, Thoml\8, fleshef 7 Da\'idson, )[r. ~!) Ycitch, John 3 Dunbar, Gcofg" n. at!\'O('.atc 53 ~t'Kerrlleher. 1\li!llC
12 Ahkcn, W. chemist 11 lIamilton, Jnmes, flesber D IIathorn. lire 90 ~faclean, Gcor~ J. 3 (arfmo, Mr. t,:l Corbet, \vilIi.m. dCllti~t
12 Aitkcn, Jamcs, chemist !I" Gurdiner, )liu
12 Drrsdale, Mra Captain 4. Flesh_arket (!Iowe. 11 Buthanaill ~Irs a Cockburn, J\!~x.ander. 53 Walker, James C. nrehitcct
NOlth British Ruhber <.:om- :J 1\lul\gro\'c, ""ham, ~1JU!icr . 53 Jtobcrtlon, 1\In W. lucJl!illl.~
• StE:pbcn, J amcs, tea dealcr 13 8tllart., Rc\'. Joho
Pill Street illtcrsec:ts. 15 IN.anm, D. p:my, Castlc mills 6 DttrhngtoQ and Son, "phol- 55 Wickt', J .•ur~llnn.denlist
14 GilTord, 1\1111 G l\lylcs, John, tavern kcepcr
16 Btevenwn, John, "csber 11 Clark, lira LJram/jicIJ Place intervelles. Iltt'rer:s [')a 1\('Wluumcl. I. grocer
1u Pagan, ~Irl 19 Pitc,'lirn, W. F. 5 ~banks, Thos. 51 Da"idlCOII ~dteitt; upholatcreN
15 Shcllhcrd, Alexander 16 SomerviUc, ThomM 101 Wootlburn, WiIIi:\ln.
ID )torham, llobert 21 Bl,'lck, D. educ,'ltional esub. 7 Soutter, J"mcs 59 Gill!on, Charles
15 Knight, Re•• George l')t ~1'Ewall, William, brewer 1 JtObert80U, ~oll~d ;'9 Stu.'lrt, Miu, dre&1mnkl'r
21 Patertlon, John, vintner 21 Black, IUs8, haunting acbool
Hi Sfewart, Mro
22 Camlichael Jamcs, poull~rtl' 23 Vertue, )Irs W. Grlll'c lload i1/tcrvellc.~. 7 Bell.A. lmd Stili, If..)nmong('rs I61 Ultrtlic, Wan. c3hinctmnker
16 1\lonro, &Iia,
18 .W}'arjubar, Misaea 23 Watling. John, hotel 2u Kcnllcuy, Airs., of Romano 11 a Wc,Mcll. Andrcw, d:lirymnn 7 J)llrlmtrton, lIenry tll J'axter. l\lill,l, drcmnnker
18 Omy, ames 26 Tait, Jaml1ll, tiP8h('r 21 Boyd, l\lajor .... W"dtIcll It.• Grcig, J. engincer r, ltobb,1'. I;ttoo:r 61 Kerr, John }-'. glllticr
25 IJourgois, llcnoit, tavern !!?!! CJrahllm, llis& Stirling 1:,Hi 1liUolIS, Georg!. 11 JJllync, 1\~!5~. staymakcr fi:l Camllooll, Mill.'S I. tlreq~'lmk('r
18 Crmg, I). 13 Crolcy, ""ham 1;3 Nimlllo, ~liIIlCII, drc5!mai;.crll
Ht Kef, &Ira 28 Wright, John, W.S. J 26 J.emlont, Alexander
o. ForlJel!l SCreet. 28 lVright, Jamcs, W.S. 129 )tillcr, J:lmea la Croley, l\lr;t', .tayml\k~r t):J Soohll:l ••'n!tlcrick
19 Clink, T. waitcr 2 Cnmpbell, Arehibald 13 l.audr.r, MI!i! AI. lace dc:1t1cr .;:1 Jnnell "etl.'r locl~inW'
20 Leslic, Mi8S 26 Lyon, George, W.S. 129 Sincl:lir, John
20 Stodtlart, 1\In C. 1. Forrea SCreet.. 26 Lyon, Hu~h, 8.S.C. 135 }'rnacr, Wm. L. !!ptrit delller J3 Bll\c}t, J~hn. cloth!er 63 Sc6U: JII:\. ,~)rtrnit pnintc:
2. Baillic, WJlliam, lV.S. 136 WilSOIl, lte\'. Jame.'4 13 NaJlI~r, GC<!rgc, tailor 65 SYlllin;,.t1on, )tl'lf Thl1lJ,
21 Mclville, Gc.lorgc 1 Frll8cr, )lisaeB 16 )tarun, \\ m. "Iatc glatl.!1 nu John"toll, ~Ii"" ~llltJ.,'1\rCt
22 Bcll 1\(r8
21 Stccdmnn, John, clerk 1 }'raser \filliam
1 Lcarmonth, ~Irs, of l'nrkball 20 LinJsay, 1\Ii~s " CllOlmers' Buildi".'I' ;lItcr.,ect••• mcrrh:mt 114 G:udiner ThomM tea mer-
21 J.awson, lli8IJ It) B:mnnh, Wm. mercbrmt chant '
21 [)otlcan, John 1 1\lilnc, John 18 " ..mdale, T. and n .
.! S.S.C. HS Afaetlcc. Jnmetl, alld Co.
17 DlitT, Alex. flllirit merchant • Hll('ir.. JnOlc! a(o'rnt
IS LaUllnle, TII001115, :;.8.C. 150 1\lorriaon, Jame.'1.
22 ScoUt Thomas
22 Sutlicrlnnd, A. G., lV,S.
!!3 Jlrydcn, J. M.
~4 lInrdic, Willhlm
3 Witkio, Captain 16 Nioolson, Alcx. 14lh'OCAtc
3 Wilkic, Wiltirml 1'. ntl\'Ocllte 16 Nicolson,
6 Fordyce, GcorJrG D. advocate 14 Gcorgc, )In
7 Ro8S, Gcorgy, jllll. ad\'oc.'ltc 12 Clar)(, Thomas
:AIrs 152 Kt'itIJ! Thomas, grocer
DowlIie Place i"t;neets.
19 1l'Dowall, R. baker
l.j I NulJle. ~Irs Johll~ eoal mer. 11 DOWllic, I.ainl, alld l.aing.1 la ) '4'nliuOI, )I;., fOlJgingll
GO Jaff"",;. )(f1I John
:'8 Frt~ ('I",rch OJ}it:t.t
lll)u Strut intcl·Sl'rtlf. ,56 ItQbcrt..~n,.f. A. 8C))ir.itor
24 Urown, Airs 9 1>a)01I111oy, .Jnmes 1:;8 lIoncl'lllln, J:lmcs 21 Shcppa.rd, John and Jnmt·!I. ! r,t tAger, )Irl\ J. tcolC", 01' nlluie
:!-t Laudcr, J. E. portrait paintcr 11 }'aton, Tbomas S. nd\'ocnte 12 Clark, ll~, scn.
10 Watson, W. S., port. painter 161 Stomc, Aleumler p'lUnters I 6' Simeoll, Gco. It.S.A.
Pllly.dde. 11 8ansome, J.'. Slevens 8 mover, Rc,', Dt J62 I1amillon, Andre'" 23 W,faon, ~Ire, worsted shop I:H 8illl.801l, Gcorge "'. telu:l,cr
Smith. AliM 11 Dnvillson, ~lis8 6 Laudale, D. mining engineer Jt.i2 Doui{IIlS, Geor"'c 25 Mitchell, )1" af 8im~oll, llcmll, institution
Afilcek, John 11 )Iorrison. Wm. • Laurie, Alcxander 11.3 lIaulIlton, Andrew 20 MOlon, J. (C. ~. J. J/.) 52 Lowe. JOK'llh, leacller
Young, lV.S. 10 lIanson, WiUirun 2 Blackbum, lIra lUG M'Callum )lrs 25 Ramag-e, A(Jam 11'11 co • I
JO lIa8so11, IURa 1 iO Ro110, An{\rew 27 t;icot, Robert. pAinter C J3trctt In tr8tl'tl.
o. Irladhora Plaee,
Pirie, Rcv. ,John
Thomsoll, Rev. E. J\.
10 Douglas, D. ~B. ~. D.)
10 Sandcrson, ItlchKC)
8 Dcwar, )tiS8!, lodgings
1 Fo••tal.br1dae.
NO$. 32-2 10 10-5.
(,-& Peddie. Robert
] 71 Wi1800, TbomM 27 i'ield and Allan, paint!!"'
1;;0 D'.;gTille, 1\ftltlama
172 DOllgtM, 'Robt. grocer, &c. ~7 I"ing, W. paten' tile agent UO-A AIIC, C. t:., Ill!. D. tt'3cber
173 Ilow, P. D. 29 DickllOO, JtObert 00-.\ mu,''', EdwlIrd

6 MAcdonald, .lohn 8 BtatQo, lIugh, coni mercllant 1 73 Fr~r, Thomas 29 lIo)Jj", )liS!, milliner 50· ,\ I.awrence and Ulack, lIur-
Cormick, Airs 4 neU, J. 1\1. advocato
Souter, JamclI G. 13 Steadman, Mrs, \'ictual dealer 116 MaflintOftb, )11'1 Jlmes 29 Bryce, D. jan. arcllitM:t \'cyor6
2 )tol>re, R. D. privatc hotel 17S Walker, John, trfoccr 29 ScOtland, A. P., S.S.C. 40 nogg, WilIi,'lm. Auctioneer
Jolmston, Thos. M. 16 Bcattic, lViIliam, and Son.
Ilarlin I )1 r.8 E. PermtRoa•. 31 Clark, .'Ilmes, watchmaker 119 '"allacc, D. lnight 29 lIall, MfI Tho•. lodgings 4s )('Kerrachtr, Ali85 J.
llryson, lVilliam East, -i. Wu" t, 3:l )'cndril'h, John, baker ISO Police Office 2!. 31ack." John, accoamnnt ,'46 Wightman,Jo!Ul, mmilJwIU'e-
~l'Cul1ocb, lire 1 1:'or'bcs, ~Irs Daniel, lllmn\)(ll' Earl Grey Street illtcrsect.t.
lSj Sbaw, Robert, cotl'feeder 29 Cameron, MWe!, dl'C&lmb. hoUMI

• , .
U Manball; Jolm, S.S.C.
ti Bill"_ RobH'tson, W.S.
'1 }'orsvtb John D
~ ,. . 1 Co mlDOn, Wm. cudltMaker 31 Thomso:l,-Mrs , - - - -f~5--~all~ur~ Th~l;:-A:G::M.D:·
il ~ WHliam. S.8.0. '1 Henderson, James 1 Grubb, J. S• .mU8i4.".lll!iJer .
U Bill, Jame3> L, ·W.S. '1 Amot, Getlrge, missionary 2 Brown, John, W.S. 31 Heudcrson. I:;ieut. J., R.N. 6 Crea!e, Wiili:ma
to ~ )A" milliner 9 Dougll:LS, Robert 3 W~·lldham. ROOm H. a1 l'aton, William, clothier 1 AudeESOD, )lise
(0 Jl'CaU, JOhn\11, 10 Hay, n. (P. ami R. Hay) 3 Har~()m. J08e'p'b 31 Cane, T. 1;1. C. ~ SON) ~ Jlnic, ltichanl, ~I.D.
31 7tlowbrny, Thomas, agellt 9 MilIil', WallaC(', Atisses
88 BruCle, Joho W.S. 2. ti;urlel's Road. 8 Cowle, 31rs \\ 111ia. 31 Ryrie, Miu 10 ~li1Illr. Wm. White 2. GH....f' I!Itftt"t.
3S Scou,.Archi1¥Ild, S.S.C. 2 Bac, Robert, plumber ~ Hardie, Jobu, m~ 21 MscdolllUd, ~Irs 11 narbom', Gco. "'. of BOllllkicd 1 l'et1die. 1)(111:\111 S., C.!.
33 1>onaldlOo, JamCl 12 CampbcJ1, Thomas 1 Andcrsou, WilwrI, &.
as Ar~$ Life Insurance Co.
SS Soott, BI"IICt, & GloTel', W.S.
1. GanIDer'. (;re8ftllf. 2. Ga"aeld 2. f,;aytleld Mtrft.. t 11~P Wau,ld~ I~'" John. D.D. Simp!'on, $.:-;.(;.
36 U::l.uhart,
Ales. !hoemaker
SO D lel, Miss, fuhmonger
1 Stnrrock, John writer
2 IN)otlald, 'MI;s'
1 VaUanee, G.
2 Robb, ~rge (School fior
1 M' J h
()!tlmer. 0 11,
. "cl v, Mr:'
; Hi Tw'.!cdie. Rc". W. K., D.D.
1 AlHlcr~ou, I~:t:lc, S.S.C.
.1 ~rchlbllld, JOI.ll!. CIJ:tl agent
S& LiUioo, Thomas, baker
~rgc Slr~et illterltcts.
3' D?ua)J! William. dl-el
2 Forbes, Peter
a Ritchie, Mrs
3 Tansh, John
the Blind)
3 S<-.oU, Thomas, aecountut
4 M·.R.itchic, T. E. W..3.
2 )luU', Robert, M.D.
• e elll .,. Oflfe.
I' lG j)ick~m, J)a\'id, (.I. /).k Co.)
1i IImnihon, M r s '
19 DymOOk. It L. t'OJit'itor
3 St<r"dm'll Lye :1.~$UTUIICe
Cum/-'fUl.,/.--::5cc Adl'.
!h?IU!'OIl, W. Th:.~. :wtuary
Andcrsoll, J:UUeiJ, hookbimlcr 20 Dlck~, W. (J. h. k Co,) _ J~ttT ~olm .If. QIlIl!Ci..t'ill,cr
3t )ldne, !f. and Co. •
32 Potts, G~orge
4: Wilks, John
Si &x>tt, lliss E. corset-1Dabr ~ Macdouga11 G
5 Wright, Rc~" james
I 4 )l'ltitcbie, 31ia8 '
5 Nisi>et, Thomas
6 WiJson1 IIrs W.
4 .. 21 (;ourt, JOIIll, S.S.C. •
.. .~eorp IW........e. 22 Clasoll, llev. P,,&rick, D.D.
l) {,Il1u1IICIlLifo ...1.<.·/flrll1u.':: {'IJ
-('regor, D. Cluuw. 6ccrc:
30 Duff, l..iexander 6 Blaikie, James 7 AnderEoOn, Roberi, teadIer 1 Laweon P. & Son, Quccn's !?a Rooort~lI, ~liMs Kllen t:try.-Sco AlI11
SO UttersoD, lira., ataJ'DlAku 6 Cameron, John 8 Bisset. John secclsmeu, &0. 23 GilchriBl, Mrs I) YOll!'g, .J. (; .• ol1iwkcoper
28 Wilson, Richard C..... 6 Pat~on, Tbom:t.8 9 Seou, Misses S Hi!Jhland !t Agricultural 23 Gilchrist, 1>1' WilIiam 1 Tulht'1, It & Cu. Jl3l'cranukt·rlt
26 Fairgrieve, Jo~ 6 S.11!lODds, J. W. master, L"i. 10 BoulwlI, Captain J &ciet!['s .~/liscum 23 lValson, ~nJ G. 1 l':ark, Archd. 8; (kJ., wiuo
26 Galbraitb, lliae, d.ret.amaket 7 51U!th, John K. builder 12 Bucban, Ma1thew . 2! Aitken, 'rhos. J.. llrintcr 24 lAC, ntw. Pro! Robl., n. D. lIlerclumts
26 Hepbum, S. 9 llolr, GeoJ1re, }lrinter 13 H~nter, J:une.s (.4. if Co.) 2. Shaw, ,Jame! 25 Cllmeron. P. (.I. ~. P. C.) i .'orre~tt!r, Will. ),lrill'cr
21 .~ms, Thorn:llI, nphol8tmr 26 M'Kny, John 1\lcxander i (;beine, Geor{!c r., C.A.
26 C-oUins, J. cabiDctm3ker
26 ltillar, Laurtmte
9 Stoddart, Thomas
9 Fletcher. Mi&.q, lodgiup
13 Ohvcr, R. S.
13 Ritcilie, Mrs Capt.

:.m )lotTut, Henry, S.~.C.
23 Currie & Co. confectioners
27 Drulltoo, WiUi:un
28 Torranoo, G. M. ofThnmt'c
Atl(J.~ /rMllTaJ/('C (~.
1 St{:eJe, Willimn, 5.8.<.'.
21 BroWD. Joseph., :Uld Co. 9 Galloway, !lrs 13 Johnston, Jolm
2! Pratt, John, gnnmaker 9 GilIespie, }In John 13 5imson, Mrs James 21 II!lcnnb & Uitcbic, ironmgrs. 29 Rrown, It. of "'irth U \~'hytock, U. &: (;0., lumi!lh·
22 Stf!\,ensoD. Thos. boobeller 10 Kennedy Daniel 13 ~1'Grerr, llrs Jolm 28 Klddy, 7th'! G. 30 JtAleigh. Snmucl Ill!! w.lrdIOLW)
20 It'U1ball!Uld Small ban~"'- 12 Fox, ('~rge 14 lrelan , 3llsa . 29 Valiance; !\In, B. W. wnrcho. :11 (;l!e:tpc. Misll, ofRoule 9 Wbyt(JOk, ;\&N
makers ,uat;" 12 FoUarton, Thos. 15 Uonnr, .Missu 80 BrYjl(.,., John, w:ttcbmaker 32 ScoU, 1,lld,· 13 R"!lu( bUUI"I1IlC': CQ.-J.
20 W'llliams nnd Norgate, book. 12 Bnru, Mrs Ca.ptain ] 6 Pcdcn, lIrs 32 Jacob, MOllC~, brokcr ill: })31011, Joicl'h Noel, R.S.A. . ~i!ligun, 1!l;Ula~Cr
@cilen 13 Heron.• Jobn (/w9 al Bank) ,17 Gibb, W. (Jfbrray ~ G) 8~ Itich.:udsOIl, hanc, h:t~ mauut'. 8-& l.awron, Charles, jun. I 13 Jhlhga!& Slid J)ick, S.S.C.
&.~C Street jJltn..~er,t3. 14 Unrtlllll, J. : IS Gilmonr. Hog-h • 33 SmlUl & Cn. chinl& "arch()u~c :15 LaW.lIOn, Ch...les, of &rth_\18 ~illg, A., ItuyaJ Ill.iIurauCG
18 Par.erson, a bird dealer 15 '~ilson, G. (Stamp Office) 19 ]'orteollS, Ja~\es, teaeila' 35 Cnirn~. G. n., W.S. . Wick Hili. lIlSpoot(\f
IS Bearder, Tho$. B. druggist 15 R1Ch~~o, Misa 19 MitcheU, D:wid, eugraver 35 C!1inlll, (;corgc, S.S.C. &8.1•. 36 Newton, !\IN Hay, ~U. ofll~ PAton ~, ;lrintcr4
]8 Glen, G~~ upholsterer 19 Bau~lOpe, John, teacber 35 5111))50n, J :lIII ell , bootmnker NewtQJl 13 Home, Rollert, Imd (;o.
85 Thomson, Robert, ft~t 1 15 .sishet, .J(1hn, Jlaill'~"
15 BapllE'., MN
18 Dl1nc.w, 1I~ ]5 Robin!!oll ••lame. 19 Momtaw~. ~ft$ Captain :U 8)10, )tre
16 Hamilton, J. arehitcet 16 Boguc, ~I", 19' M.i1ne, Mrs Andrew 111 Stone/a,,/ Pr(Jprrtg Iov('st. :18 Amot, Ke", J)avid,D.D.
ment Soci,ty
15 !'ntlllerl'lIlI. J. llml &u
1i J·ctrie. Ucorgc, :toomul~'
16 Bryllen,J. & Sons,bellhangers 16 Bogue, ~i!s
:J9 RedJ!:'th, MiM
1& Whitehead, llrs 3!) r olJng, iIlr:! t 7 ~I' Kinhll·, lll"ll
14: Robertrou 17 B:u-bonr. ~Irs Grorge 2(. G~ll, Jame.s, JUD. 39 Nhlbet, Jnmcti, Inintlclfer
14: R?u..~y, ~v. E. S. teacher i ~~ RU5SP!I. lIi!S Christian
Patriotic ...b.\m'onc(' Co. of 39 Brown, Kev. Cbvles Jobn 17 Smith. Goo. nrehit,ect
22 JbdJaud, John Ireland-I>. & J. Robcrt- 39 Rutherford, )In 17 llardy, Ht'nr)', arcbi~'
12 "hite, John, hosier ::~ WtJker, Jlln:es, on'orderly ~;; ~it;bcock,;!ohn D. 80n ngcnt8 40 Aielander} wm., 17 Aucllle. Alc::umcier
12 :ttlasFire6.Lilc Co 's04ice,' 18 r,amond, Mis8 Jane .... Ducrion, Ml'S ~ 45 )~l\c.1(Jnm. l
12 White, W. woollen J;ape~ ,IS Robert<'!on. ~1l'S James ~!4 NivUou, ~6\'. AlcuDMt An!ltntlher, doth. 40-8 M'Aflkil, 11", 17 /):1Iitll, D. ('yer
46 Ltddte, ,James, ,'ictual dcWer U }.illie, JO!K!ph 11 .'airbairn, Wm. ,ur~efllr
10 M'Cuaig, Duu. &; Son tailors / 19 Gray, William
S Srott, J. R. ' 21 ~~·L:tchlan. John
4 Cos.."81', G. (B. of Scotland) 121 Sasb, W. B.
2 Henry, ~1l'S Ed\\'ard 121 Tllrnbnll. W. E.
.. 1 Thomson, Robert
22 Johnstone, W.
23 Whitcford, Robert
2! lIutc1lison, MN
49 Miller, John, booklleller
<) G
I--Iun' tAr",D~ed

42 Purdic, John
43 Roberuon, ~f", I
19 Coltdomall Life bl6UrallCf
CO.-8c6 AIlv.
U Parker, .John (Inla1ld Rtv) 21 WI1!kor, M. & Co. pnblilahl;A
... .... 4:; 1I:ll"\'jr. ,Misa . 21 Coyne, Roderick, A.I' .•\.
122 S.~n!lersoll. Thom.
2 Pollock, Peter, farrier 24 Stcwart, George C 1
2·1 Gr:llmhl. Geor~"e S·
,23 -'lllIon, )lr8 T.
2 Dongla.s, David 45 Sibb3ld. Wldter ',21 Smi,h, l'bomaa, p:r.lkl.
2 Robcrtson,lIn 45 Sibbn.ltl, Mi. 21 Tayl(\!". JutnCIl, printer
. .ntblleld. ; 24 ScoU, Alexaftdtr 24 Smith. llrs • 2 Paton, Mm 41) Home, MiMJeS !!l SrtJlIillh /{(I'"/way (i(uctt!!
.'ltken, Thos. spirit l1ealor '24 Ituaee~ )lrn 2-1 Kirk, llrs 2 Ileiti, John 46 Robcrt.s(ln, Nit! :,H E"Nli"!J }'v;(t ~\. :)cuuw. lie-
..- I - 12~ Vcitch. Thomu 25 l.ning, ~liS5e8 2 Sinclair, I'. F. 47 Zi~er, Dt Alex., M.D. • cl)rd OjJJc:~
w,,. 'ft: P-""'. I ."~"t C'Ilmcron, Uugh , .. ~unl •Josepb
1 Gray, .,(rs, tobrux-onist
2 \I(lmron. Jrunes
I 2. G'.,.lIeJ4......
')J: ("b
, ....
I 2:; lmrhie, .\mlrew
2;; ltack:IY, })a\id
3 Aikman, Mrt' JalMl
" Rnte, Mi88
" Cr:m·fonl, ~trs, ledgiD&t
H Zitt'~Ir.r, Dr WIn., M.D.
-IS mekson. JIlMee
49 'lombalt, Jotln
21 TorroCt, (,IU·llItJ}iJ..-
2 I -'I :tedoll:lld. t:. hooltbimler
2l "(,~:UI,.& fo. IIrti6c. flotill&l
2 Dated, Mrs Hasweli James • 25 Th~\tl1son, Miss ... ~'n1ton, Mm 49 'furnbutl, Mr~ ~3·.\ &rpngCQur, H(tnry
3 ~Hrilcl1iUil, Ja.s. &pirit m e r . , '
ehMlt . 2. Ga78el. L...... 25 'fulloch, Rev. "ill....
~fl ~l1ody, Andrcw, S.8.0.
ll\~.augbtM. J. coppersmith! (,lark, ,J. Vt.'!tetian blind mak ~! ~amervll. Uugb. tea_
4 Tumbllll, )In
li Brown, Ricbard
6 Wcmys8, Robert, banker
51 Urouj!'ham,)l11
b! Geddfll, Lieut.-eo!.
03 Fnirbaim, I" I!tlft!tClft
2a·n <.:hristic, A. willo IQCrcbaAt
2:: S:~wentoll, John, hotel
2:) (*OW3118 :lIIfI GO(ldJc,
S Ptuhp••lolm, and Son wine:
3 llilkr. ThomlU
3 llille!", Rc\· .•lam .... v
,. Fn1ton, •Jelm .." ."
I 1 TI
Riehnrdttmt John _LJ" •• -. Samlumnn, Koberl trdIi·
lom,on, I'.
" '--r urer tcct
'28 I'ctcr!on. 3f:lgnUl M:
:.?s K<:~·c, ~Irs Dr
28 ~l' MId, If-

4. Georat' 81.....
1 Le .
:1 BI Will, JamCl

M W'-l'lchopc,.1M I"'
64 Torrtnee-, Jf1'lt
M Cr3i~';c, Ja1ftetl
8 8 .~, J , )I.D., F.R.C.S.E. 11& Ritehie, khn
;~ lIay, Julm
;t., 1Iay. YrH, oaltlt. rooms
2[, Browl!, J. (J. IJ. tt Cb.)
21 Plltcn!on & "SoUil, mUliescllcr:l
/'. I 1 T hc.ll'!$on, "
!frs lAt_ ••
28 hm€'tl, R. (1. ~ 0---'
, Hmll "GRe,·. WaIter 155 Fmdlay Mrs 29 C1!Juur/(Ile Ballk-JlMetl
5 ProUtIloot, ThQm3.!
6 Hall. lfiM II I ..~ t k-'Mon. J..... ....
T. (G.P•• O.) 28 Bruce. D. • ....., opo! eoT,gO • /)(j I..ebum,' Thomlll, S.8.C. Grcenltill, manager
1 n:Unt 11 lt ung,.\1exauder
Mnt l) A!tn1.:;o!\tu, I~II!I' board.ls11'eddit. ~. Dr 29 gwwart t ClIarlCIJ, mCSl;Coger
29 Greig,' )I~ AndreW' ID, ,
'} 'L" 1
tOD, "m. B. Hay,
SO RolaDd, Capmin Melflllo DoCIle 58 Gardincr, JliN E. : HoPHnJM' Street inler!tct8•

._--_.- -'------------
tUb 5 e US 2 a
IP. T~
\ ;'
83 Le",)". FbUip, fur merchant l'j.3 ellY nnd IIlack 99 iia7ti.: ~ifScotlar;d B~/~-;;1a:' mO'A Wood. Ja" Ixmkscllcr 174 AlIan, ~li8S !\Iary
[30 ~tlGregor, Po, SOilS, allll
.88 ThoftlllOD, Geo. bootmaker 167 ('roum Lift Office-II. W. Qffir.c-ehnr)e.5Bru~t'agt. 130 Wood, Mrs, ludgings 17-1: Smith and Gin-cn, milliners R()bertson, mUlIlin "arc-
38 )lurray, G. & Son, clothitr8 I Condllou, s.l).e., lIt:c. 99 CUlmingllant and.Smith. 128 Brown, Ilnd Itcal'3OlIs, C.A. I U. l\Iacllilail, Willi:trn house
3G Walker. JamEs, linen dralMlr 167 Fe\'gtUiOu. George, llcrfiullcr
aG llobertton, J. & Co. ebemlstsl69 Doig, .WKcchmc,llllltD:wic!,
99 J1euderson,JamcsC., S.S.C.
101 )Iort,mer, J. Ic.Co. tailors
ltG Malcolm. Dr, }'.R.C.l'.l:., 174 Donaldson, Alcl. bootmakcr I lla7iOl'er Strut ;lItfl..~cct;l.
37 Howard.Wm. teaclierofmU3ic (};lrvers and gilder.:! 101 l\Ierri1ees, F. dentist and F.n.S .•~. /72 l..eslif'. Jllmes, civil ('ll~inccr ,28 Gibb, A. umbrella mAnllfr.
87 Green. JOIep'h S. 69 Blanc, V. "rellch shoewareho.
37 Conquerpoa. ~li&se!, millin. 69 Sandemau. i\1iSll, milliner
103 KiJchler, 11. pro£ of singing
103 Smith, 1\lrs Audren;
12.1 Cameron nnd Viol:trd
Bov)£:, A.
12." '-cI't"I',
.. .. •
T. ad,·oottc
Jamcll , Ilotel
.12 Utreebt, J. 11. tailor
J~ 1 . ,t' t· I
26 Gcllatly & White, cngr:l\'cr"
' ret errc", ." reI 1/1 (I sce $. 2"u 111 ..~,
I. '" kt·p WI'II""'n
2G Uohert.'4 Brotberl! :mri Co
37 Step'beolO1l, J. B. Fredel·ic1.; Street illtersect8. 105 ~lacr:lc, Cameron, & Sbantl,.
87 BuCbbUM, J., S.S.C. 71 WililOIl :Uld Co.-See Adt'. clolhi~ra. 120 Veitch's hotel !70-A Siml,son, JamcII 26 Uraid"ood, Jas. book~cllcr
37 Blair, Robt. Italian lYareho. 71 Yule, Thomas 107 Raehurn, J. S. batter tlnd 118 Jockel, C. nerlin wnreho'lsct 10 .·crricr, H. book!l~lIer 2,. 'I'he EdiT/bury" Sllb$('riplivll
118 Webstcr,Andw.S.S.C,&N.l • I G~ 1)on:lIlIsolI, A, bootmaklJr Libmry
31 Living8tolle, JOl!iah, hosier 13 Gmy, John, ladies' shoemkr. hO$ier
116 Hamilton aOll ~luUcr G8 Kiuloch, Mr~, lodgiub"! ,2! M'W!l:lc, Geor~re
81 Gray,-John, Indica' shoemaker 13 Stewart, John! )I.D. ]01 Shc~pard, )trs ~as. 1,aintc~ 116 GS )[clrosc, Mr!, lodging! k 'It tt
39 Brooks, l\liss, drcssmnker 13 Curter, fredenck 11., C.A,_ , 107 L~\\,II!, J. A. chma merch:mt . Hunter, I MissD ')4 T 11
j--- III 10C', 11 a lew, ."
S S (" .
116 lJami tou, • & T. 60 M~Pher~on, A. 2-' YOUII[, JllInes, S.S.C.
39-1. )lathelKln, A. ulld Co. 73 Europeau Gllarantee .Ihsoc. Ca.,tle Street ;lltrrsect••• 114 Ilenzies, Cllptain Willi.un f)$ Suuk, Adam II"'1' B S I A. It ...,.". s •
·n llamilton, John A. i3 Bums, Edward 1t 2 BI"th. Yule, & Co. 68 Itas,oll. llis~, frin,.,t'I'c m:tk~r
'H C
Otl~I, anlue,
I k'" • J) S A
.u Butters] L. I!clIl engraver 13-1. Stewart, J. W. civil cngiur. 109 Grecnsmith, Wm. and Sou' .Tl I dL U S
110 ~Ie \'i1 eau iudeaay,,'" 68 Alctrose, John. tailor
I~'t rUI 91all ,.1' •••.".\.0..; • •
122 Ed;lIimrgh Liff' 11.~.~IlI'If1/('~'
n Dryadule, Alias 13 Peacock .Mrs n. lodgings 109 &'Ott. Alex. bootmnkcr lOS Burt, )11'8 fjS Sanderson, &bU,hird-8\uf1'l!r ' Compalty.-:'Sce Ad".
41 1'131'8hl1l1, J. & W. jewellers 73 Youn(r, Airs William 111 Mackenzic. !\Irs 10S Stc\"ellson, ~Irs Aiel. GIl Cleghorn, l\lis3 .'flne, Jlcrlill Finl:ly, G. 1.. Ill!tUll"cr
43 Black"ODd, '1'. & J. silk mere. 73 SCvU,s/,
43 Crawford} J. private hotel
Mutflal Plllte
Glf~ss, and Provide"t L[t'e
113 Of)lhoot, Dr PetCi'
113 Orphoot. T. 11. ad\'ocatc
108 Anderllon, John
108 l\,lilIar, )liu .
warehousc I

Uicksoll W P(.'<'I'Ct:tr...
64 Sihbald. T. (.I. S. aI/(ISd/I$) ,20 Wright, it. ~III' It 'lillCII
4;; lIenry, A ex. QIJ,ee 115 J...amb, )1i.~se8, U1illillcr~ t\lUI "
108 lorbe., D.lodgtngs 6,. Sihb:t'd,J,&Son~, irollmgrJ!. I mcn:h:mts
45 Blackwood, W. anl1 Sonft 73 Trotter, S. E. accountant, aud drcs!lmllkel'8 100 Alldcr801~, John, fishmonger 62 'f~II~h, Anthony ~tur;tly !:W Commercial 11011'<',
47 JtoiJerhon, John, 1l0l1 Co. County Fire o.Uiee. 117 Low, J. )odgillgll 106 Allllc~I1,JohnJUI~.butcher 62 £'''!Ol: I~(fllk o} ,,~/cotl!l1/(1 i\lr! }'inch, llropl'ictf'lr
017 Robcrtsou, 'rhos. It., W.S. 15 Sutiterl:md, Aiel. stntiollcr 119 Moir, Gcorgc, ud"ocate 106 Carsuul'!!, Mrs, fruIterer .~ttb-OJ/lf:t· 120 l'inch, .John. hosl"r
47 'fait, l\fiss A. drcSlDll\k~r ,:; ltcid, John, nuu Co. 121 Alackny, John, drllggist Castle Sti'tel illtersects. CO Gr:mt, C. IIccfl!t:tryantitrca- IM I>owclls & L\'OIl nuC'tiollr"N
.f1 Allnu, AIl'IJ 77 YOUlllC, W. n. Illld Co. 121 nubuc, Dr, }'rcuch teacher surcr, LaJl A,~.~(lci('tioll,· Hl ('hristic, J. nll.I ':.-'111. gln\'l'~
47 nllrla.~, .Jllmcs 77 Iturdie, UOlluar, uuel Carfme, 121 SimJlsoll, R. cabinclmakcr lot ~lol'galJ, J. aud W. tailOr! Churcll oJ '''cot/mu/. ' 16 Wrj, I' allli U. Iincn
-l7 l'rnin, 11. O. actuary, Scat.
19 EdillIJtll'q/' lliqMlIwl Sacy.
123 Gordon. SirJ.W., P.R.8.A.,
Imu n.A.
102 James, J. nut! SOil, hoobu. /j~ ~:trdllcrl\l~d AillSlic, chcmi:lts I lI:::rclmllt~
102 Inglis, J)l\\'ill, lodgillgd .510 (uuper. )Il~!les, co~dm:lkerl!' 14 l\towllt, l( ..bcrt. Hlli:khroker
47 ScvUilll, C"ioll Assur. O.1Jicc l'OOI/l.~·· 123 Wnttlon. H. G. nCcotllltru,~ lOO Umy, A!ex. D. 'buotrnllkcr i :It; J)\'Inock &: l'atcrt<oll, S.S.C. \ U Ullltilur, .JilOl~S, llud Co. will'.!
"7 Ilercllles JIIsural/ce Co. 19 Kcnuctly, \V. }'. hookseller 125 Superl'is;olll1oard /01' Re. 100 ScoU. ~Ii"s. 56 Mllcdonaltl, .John, tCllciu:::r l\ IIIcrchllnb
n lCnnll'Il)", George, nUU\lIgcr 7ll 1..eIlJie & IImnburg, milliners tief 0/ Poor 100-0 Home \ieo. portmanleAU 5j ~Ia!!aulay, Jllntc:f, I'. ('M/;IIII'rt'illl l1. of Scoff/fllI/.
-19 Woo" uml Co. nUltliclIdll'l'S ';!. Smith & l'hilpots, auctioncers 127 Thomsoll, l\lrs E. maker 54 ,ts.'fembi!l RIIIJIIUI ~bck('lIl':ic A. K. tr.ItIUWl'1
M /lo!}ul .'·iL'()tti~/1 Sod!'!!1 /1,81 nods, l\lrs, Jodgings 129 l1:tclag:m. David, M.D., {IS Jl1a.~ollic Lodge ofSt:otltl1ul 5t Itettdrigh, \\' ID, linen warc- I I:! Watel'llto ..: 1>. &. SOli. dr;~l"'r:t
A t'(s-JJ(l1l of Medil/!/ 81-A GiIlesl'Le, John, W.S. }" R,C.P. !l8 StCWllrt, Ales. JamUl. W.S. houac 12 Alh'lrllirc 111111 &IIIIUll'l')I
ut AI'clu'tectm'ul }I/I"itu'l' tl8l'A Uami tOil, John, W.S. 129 i\laclagnll, D/n-itl, Co!. '8-0 Law,J. and SoI1l,je\Vcllet'll lif \' eitch, Wm. cabinetmakt:r 10 Uobcrtsoll, t'lmrll',:4
Scotlaml. 81 Uclfrago, W. hosier & glover 131 Urycc, DUl·itl, architect 96 DoughlS & Mason, grocers 50 Hillies, R. 10 Cooper, W. writillg'IIlMtt:r
na Sims, W. A. & J. trimllling' ~a CI:lrk, ~tr$, milliucr 183 Siuclair, AIel. 11t. AndcrllOn, Airs, lodgin~ 60 lUnir, nooort I W Smart, Uobm
warcbollso S3 Clark, Hcnry 183 Sinc1air, lfisscs, of Ulbster 94 l\tCill, A. surgeon-denLtst iiO Siml'son, T. • ., 10 Slur' LiJi' .:h~llr(w( ('0.
,'):1 Mozzi, JO)IIl, lIfliticial .Iorh!t 183
Grie\'c, lCobcrt, nnll Co. lSC; )iillan ,ulIl !Ianu. clotbictil tli llcil:, .\Icxr.."lder 50 l!s!!kcr!llY, r.. \\.~. 10 8ttlwnrt, oM l:l~. drCl'SlIInl..l'r
[.3 l\(ozzi, )Ir6, milliner Sii }\m~.\'th, ~ti~s, milliner ISC; lUyth, n. H~III., (;.E. 92 Simp!t)u, l\liss, milliner 1)0 Cnmpbcll, .MiM 10 I.h·iu~!lton, John
.i:t Gawnn, Airs 86 Gmy, J. & SOil. iroomongs. 185 myth, }<;, L., C. E.
137 Uart, ~1l'8, 10dgiugA
90 Iluy, R. and CO.llaiQtCrs 50 M'Queen, John, lodging~ 10 I.aidlaw, .John
;13 lUack, John 87 Alexander, AII'll, ollttitting 00 Crombie, Ales. W.S. [i0 Schellk. .', lithu- tu I)cott, J. and T. 1I"IJl)I~tCfCfll
....:J .WDiunnid, Arch. c1othici' wnrchollso 139 Whiteluw, AliS$ 90 Hcnry, ThomM grapl.ter 3~tl yrlllter. S Rdillilltrq/, ~\. I.cit/, (ills CII •
[,;l l':lrk, Ar(lhibnltl 81 Porteol1:l. WiJlimn 139 lIarller, l\1rs ~S 8urt, John, M•• II.D. 4S·A )lartlO, '\\ IlhAUl, glaZier 8 Nisbet tbulllall
,')3 MUfru,)' &. HUllt, W.S. HI i\lnr:.lmll mill ~un, jewellers 141 1\tllrmy and LoglllI, W.S. 86 Fulton, A. IInddler 48 Simpaolt, TholnM, wat~llIllkr. 8 It:Ul8CI~ mll) nll~lIt·. dothicrs
:;3 Corncr, .Jollll, c10tiJicr 81.1 Arc/dlt'ctllrui 11l:1litule (If 141 Murray. Allthon" 86 Alitchcll and Heriot 46 ~1'I·hcrsoll, Arehd. 1lamter : 6 Uoltum and Wellll
.i5 )(I1"lIrilllle, 1\1. lItruw hat mk. .."klltlmul HI tllgnn, gdmoml; W.S, 86, )Irs John 46 )f'~air Alcx. 6 llozzi. John
.;5 Brydeu. W, mul 1)01', bell·, 89 ll'Gihboll, J)/\\'id, nrchitcd 1·11 bl/I}erial Pire {md Life 86 ~Iortimer, T. E. gnnmakcr -l6 ~Iurrnr. Da\'itl, nccountau~ 6 Alltfcr.iOlI Wm. writ.-master
hlUlgel'8 ~~I WNel" .Mrs.lodgiugl!
I Assllrfmcc OJfice 8i NQrthenl Lighu UJJice-.'t.. Cit!J Puvillg Rocmt fi .:a.~tOIl, i.
&1 teach"r
:;5 Telfer. Gideon, l:uli1:s' boot· 1:'19 Ray, J. & SOli, tll,h(llstcrers ua l\lcnclaw!I, WUt. grocer Cunuingba01, secretary SWI Fire l,.,sllrallcc Office f; Gall 1\1111 !ni)ii~
makcr 1.11 .Yorlhrrll Club 14tl WiJson, Jllme8, tiutchcl' Si Ste\'enaou. )lc.ssrs D. abd T. ('?".Illg Prison /JMtr(I, " I" Hughwn &: (,,, ••torkbrokerlt
jiJ niok, 11. nutl.T, milliners III Elston, John, club mr.s'er lU C.lrrick, J1l8. nnd Sons, cM) engineers -14 Mllhdgc, AfI!A It. ll. Itll!uncr "Ilughson. A. n. \\ri~
~1 &; 61 Cnlickslanllk :lml SOilS, 93 Melrosl!, l\. & Co. ten mers. ironmongers 84 Pbilip 44 Steedmall, nellry. book.iJuuJ('r 4 Gartlncr. J, &: J. Sous ani)
hosicrtl !la 811t Ilerlnntl, J osc)lh, tailor 142 Rlltherft'rd uud SOil, boot- 8:.! Walker, ~rl'8. lodgin~ . 42 Ual)lIIuinc & Anlln. PalutCrl! Garllnt'r
li7 Ai'Dowall, R. baker 9:: .'ort'l1Ic, It !mmlllge makcr makfll'S fG Seton Rnd M'Kenaie, book· -12 llac\'icar and Willkll, dress· .. llunloch, C. and Son. teal.
'>9 Moncrieff, Wm. lICCOU11t:lllt -Scc .Itil'. 140 E(lillbllrgh Eye Jnfirmary I!elJers makcl'3 enKnl\'ers
['9 Naciaot, Dr 11. W. {l3 Gray, A. D. 188 Brown, JliBS.t, SO Fowler, Jame.s, tailor 22 Strahsn, Alexander. and Co. "Count!! Pol:re 'r/u alld
59 Uoft'ller, Louis, mac('r of V5 I,Mltl'ance Company (if 136 Corncr, John 80 Clark. Stanton, sculptor puhlisheu Pri,,% oJfiCI!
Smion ScQtlolld,-Sce Adt'. 13H 118:<.tOll, Mi!s SOon leoss, Geor'ge, slIrb"COU '2 Gra\"l!tt\ )fi~.. J:. milliner 2 Myluc, J:Ullet
59 'frottcr. Alex. teacher 195 AlIial/ce l1ritish ~. Foreigll 13,. Wau~h, Mrs )1., lodgings 80 Doul\IM, Th08. 11. tlori~' 40 Ifamilton. Wm. '?o0tmru;pr
78 Mormon. Jas. ul.'hoJllterer as Small and &m, bmilltuflers
2 Sang, £" <':.E.

61 Strcl, W. and I'. ironmongcr:'1 Life As.mrallce Co. 132 Peddle, Rot.ert
63 SnloQloll, 11. illll,ortcr of, 95 8impson, RotJert 132 Wmou~bby, )liss 78 Bouclt, Tll,OI. a\'d engineer 8R Clark, T. and T. bookael1cl'lt "'treeC, Le .....
Freneh ahoes !
95 l'urby, M. teacher of French 182 RepOSItory fm' Ladit!l
63 Slllomon, :alatl. corset mftkcr \lj Hutchison, .Jobn, sculptor Work
78 Clarke, MI_ E. !lud J.
78 Clarks Hugb, IlfUt
36 Dixon, Miss. dn~smaker
86 Christie, Thomas, teacher
fAng. ~Iiss
~li1ltr, )fjs.
63 Christie,J3s.l11diell'bootmak.\97 JOhustOll, Mu, IItay makrr 132 Sallder!!, lliu, children" 10 11urvtt, Wm." Co. clothiere 36 Fer~n. "'Alter, artist Siru::iair, Robertl 8hJpm..'ter
liS Moxon, C. aOll J. pl\intel'3
G5 Campucll and Co., lace mer.
97 Chihl llud Iluie, cbina and
cut-glass store
182 Wal1ac~, Mill 1.
76 nardie, W.P.
Robb, Tbom..
32 and 81 GiUies, Brot!tere, aUk I
M'Lood, Mrll, 01 PolUcath
Chru&iameu, '\lra E.

~ . - -.... ' ~- ... ----

...... u.'
!S r a ur.. • .. m;~
\ .
s. till....•• EaCrJ', 7 CrclfSC, Mn 5. ti;11_Oft ~- 10 Ranlpini, Jo~pb, l1aUu-u-eo-n-·-:-:;-.-T-"- .;"'-t"-.- 30 Ft8nci.~ D;~ia, 8g~";t- -
3 Crernr, John 9 }'airley~ James, jun. Le_er. mlar delcO':ltf..· ')" S J I
fj BurrlU, Mm 11 llenderson, Jamea 1 Macnab, James S Webl'{er, J earn.... S.S.C. Dalgleieh,
D:~ I.. Icll'b,
John .c t('wart. 0 Ut
. <". ' t II u/:g,.Jamcs
9 Bemiersont.P..~-neep 13 Howey, ThoDW!! 1 ShllW, .Jamea ·1 John
6 Goruon, Tbomsou
'Valter ,-,cv.
C,_',- 't
~ I-
10 AndmJon, williiun 15 Boak, Allao ~ 1\- t 11 !.J'I'lSS :- ." .. I 20 ll;ti Ii~, John
1 Rohb, Jamea 'to Iltn; la , iJ . . . ra.~ ...01111. . IS Cimlmertl. Mrs
17 Alexander, John, builder
f;;lIett9 tlJtreet. If) Wilson, Alldrew
1 I'aul, Thos. 2 Welsh, Mrs -1 I.tlltlsdctl, ~h~s ! Hi l\mlcl"Soll, Alcx. B.
2 Hedley, John Glo,'er Street. T{'trord. JoseI'll. ooal mereht. I }.t TllolO50n ••John
1 Dco'!Jl, Job, agent 21 Donglae, T. G. 3 11illar, ~(rs Dr Alcx:1u,l;r, nc". builder . i:: ('\fthbcrt, AIl':".
7 l\l\ddlemu, G. 600tmaker 23 I'otts. WiIliam 3 LawSOII. WiIliam. Grout, Gcorgc j 10 l"utherlaw4. h. R.
11 Thom~, D. J. and Co. 25 Tetter, Thomas o...U....e ...... 5 S:mdil;mds, WUl. agent llendl'l'!I,lIl, l'eter ! 8 ~1:lIcljllll • .\t:-~
rectifiers 21 Dunlop, llrs 1Jpper. G Muntcith James Rum~l. )litls If.
17 Hetberington, P. shoemaker 29 Dreys!g, J. Adolpba 1 Croom, Rev. D. M. 6 Wi1&ou, Thol. (11. ~,. IV.) ~t:l(·kcnzi('.• John, j!'tlrtJcllel' .i. t.;rn...~ '·ill..
21 Qardpcr, afrs T. leiUber mer. Ilaile.11 Street intenecu. 2 Waterson David 6 PaxtOtl, Selby 1)111111, ~lrti, IAUl!--tolt viii:,
22 Sincl:tir, Willhllll, coo~ 8 )1' Dougaid, Robert 6 Paxton, Matthew 'fborll~Of1, Uou('rt, L:mgtoll 8S Cml.'it'IlsidC'.
23 Stewurt, Wm. spirit dealer 31 Wilson, Jamcs 6 l'el1and, John 6 Chalmertl, A. C. "illol Stcpilcullon, Mr.
28 DavidsoD, M.ra J. prov. dlr. 3a Grant, Jaosei! 6 Ilellderson, Dnvid, writer 6 Chishol:lI, JIlOlCS Smith, Re\". J. S. Stt·phen:lllll. Wm. !ltlrgeon
30 Slimal1, Roben 35 Swanllwn, TbolllU 7 BilioUs, WillilUn W. '; l'ayl{lf, )targa.ret, teacher J)rull:lllond. W. SPCIIC(,. (,h:'lrles, S.S.C. lew--
31 Slhnnn, WiIliam. dairyman 37 Linds"y, James 8 Lebtlrll, 1'..M. writer 8 Death, ,\"drew .Johll!'f~'n, J:Wles tree r()ttage
32 }STash, David, merchant 89 JUlil1~ Job 8 .WIntyrc, John, mitlilionary ~lch iiic .•\.
38 Schaw, Robcrt, and Co. 4:1 Bell, l'cter 6. GU_oar SWeet. 9 SluitlL. Jobn, bWJder Brown, ~lrs
Gran.... Pier.
3~ DRvie, Tbomns, spirit dealer 48 Bruce, Rev. Wil1inm 10 l\lurray, Thus. COW/Ill. Wjlliam ~t'1>ong:\I, AII·x. f.'1mu:r
SimOIl :sqrcare.
35 Scott, 1\lr8 E. spirn de~r 45 Wuilncc, A. B. 10 Buchau, Till);>. 1)0Ilgln5, .James .\ml(,l'l!l·n. ClIl't:lill I'.
G Laidlaw, R. and &n (;111111. Wi\lU\\11
87 Guthric, Thos. grocer 4:7 Youug, Alias 10 HiU, Alexander 10 Smith, ;\Irs Davld 11'1\:1)", DllnC(lU, ~arden('r
10 .~itchi50n, D. ~1'Gill, \VUI. Ikid, W. &. (;. wool brokcl'll'
38 Stirliu~, Gcorgc, grooer and Gillc.'fpie Street intersects. 15 Gibson, 'Ihomns, dairy !:!tU/'e1i
spint dealer 11 Simpsoll, Robcrt, builder Smith. ~lrs. West UrJlI're
42 P<'llln:lI1, John, grooor UPPeJ' Gilllwl'c Plo irzter::ene3. 1. GI.ovUle Plaee. 11 Trotter, Air. TltOil!l. (~ril\lllay, l\frs ,., WemYM. 'flu)!!. .-\. harboar-
44: Bllrric, GCOl'ge, grocer 67 BI:tir, (JlmritJf 2 Jlanlic, James, tailor 11 ~Iillle, Mrs ltaclall'lI, Charles, lll)rciand
Hnll. )lirlmcl. hotel k('('JI"r
45 1t'artin, Peter, spirit dealer 6!.l Rougbead, Ma 2 Milne, George, t.ailor 11 Wright, Jolm cotlllt!c
4.7 ~ nrnbull, Alcx. grocer Stenhonse, Wm. 12 llullro, Daniel Stothllrt, Will. f.lIrf!(·1I I.od;.,rc t·ultlJlI. H. d\,[lIIly harbour.
3 Rae, ..\. victual de_ lIIll:'trr
LO (uUeo, Jllmes, china mercbt. 71 Stlowdeu, !\In .4 ltac, Alexander, grocer 12 At'Into~h, William Haywnnl. Hobt. i'orch~8ter J.:l\"trn('1'.I>tt. (·If'rk. CllttagC!l
li2 t ilcbrisl, John} ~roccr 73 Mil1ons, Da'fia 'N, 5 Park, Thomatl 16 P"xton, Mar)", grocer \'illl\
8111elll, .Ju~\·pla. lIu\&iHII Itg:.-nt
68 IlnlTie, J. Brot. Ulrs 80 Barlu, ltobert l) ltae, Jon 11 ltobertson, Ale~mdcr [vHr). ~I i"l', ltt)ol\·,idd cottage
l/:. J'. •\" /J. Iltlil.)
70 Webstcr, llugb, spirit dealer 78 Thomsoll, A~lIoIIder .!i Le Cante, John, 11 Gibb, Geo. h·on-. WIP. :-iL J:uql1c
71 Gray, James, victualler
'12 Naysmitb, John, baker
7G ThomsolJ, George (G.P.. O.) 6 VnUance, William, 6*er
74 Anderson, John
] 7 Bailie, .Mrs, longings
11 Brown, R. (I. It Offieer)
8mylt:m. r.('orge, ~I.D.,
11.'1:1.11 park
l't'lH:llrk. rlt!nr,·. Imt.·her
Howkillll, .Jullli. (·n,...jIlt1'r
1. GleJIftaIaA 8~ .JurAlb. ,'. (,' ",mluII lJ,.it·t
78 J\1'Doug'lll, John, grocer 72 Weir, Airs It. J)undas Gr•••••1Il (;o1ll'C;. .\dit·, ~lr:!, Ca.u.wll1 011(/ Til,· Jt'drA'
79 _'itkcn, J. G. victual dealer 10 FerJ;tUSOD, Wailer 1 Bmaet, FYofetaor firrmt(lll IrQn Worb
90 l\lethucll, .laDles, flSbcllrer 68 GrClg, Gcor~c n.-u-clay, William b. f.ra ..p Pt. . .
2 Brnee, CharlCI IIt·J\th ••Jolan
62 Alexunder, 'fJIOllUUI, ngent 66 Hart, ~'ranclI Craig, Cbri.&tie, & Co. 92 J.illd!'.lY, ,\ lexllllder

2 Bruec, George (TlttJuOlt, 91 Stirlin:,r, ~(itcbdl Whitd;\I~ ••fnme-.
93 Anders\lu, U. & lL. candlel». 62 l..orimcr, James Elder, !\9 B.) Li·'!ton. ". rt hont buildt'r
~}{: Oleen, Geo. fl.8h lnel:~LIlt 62 I..orinll'r, John 2 BnlCc, M.... 1. ..r . . . . 8tnet. 102 Xllpier; llohert
W:ltt ••}dlm. ~[iJ •• IIIIL.."t'r
98 J..onic, J. contractor tlO Ogilvic, H6\'. Dt.Il1Cat1 8 Siaon, J., ItD., F.'LC.a. 1 M'lIjJ1:\u, ~e :;.~ l'i1lJ:11(,1I, ~Ili. IIIi-J ... itt> '!afl
!IS Corhrnllc, Thos. ur:tsafounde.r li8 Graballl, G. F. 4: MIUT3Y, T. G.., W.S. 3 Rutherford, Wnker 9 Currie, John h.J~· tll1r~
99 C"rstaits :rod UobertlW 15! Davidson, MflI D. 3 }toss, MillS 11 '~ndnrm. It ('Ilrtnnck. ,U{Ox . f"llMtllhie
:) Glllnple'. 888pital. 50 Og!lvcy, Mrs CbadI 2. Glenordl,. . . . . . 3 Rehl, Jam~ 18 Wil$Un, ~liltl (;{',lde:t. John. eollertot
' . . . , 1 l' 50 Ogliv(lv, M. F. 1 Sell'J'aig, Thontat, groeer 1 Tdylor, Ja.s. junr. IS (;r('Cllhill, .Jolnl ~1'(;IMhI\JI, AI"ll. wnc'l'f'
11en'.\lri!on, .ttev. !I. C lap :1.111 . '
2 Kidd, TIiouw: (v.P.-O.) 9 Whyte, John
:tntt hou3e·"'ovemor Lower Gilnwre PI. intersect:. 15 Callt'utl·.r. Mllf ~.I·(;huhalt, :\1Nl. lodgml."S
9 LAwson, JamC!, tobaCCOtli!t 11 Chalm... ril ••'lImt!lt H.
C;h'(lwo()(l, )I~s M. matron 48 ellmmin~, J _ 2. Glenorehy lA.... 9 Chatham, J. i 19 Uoug ••John
Frew, Alf!xantit'r. tt'acl~:,
5. GIHe,.le Stred. 4f; Alrcber, Pl'ofeseor J. C. Darling, Kobert (G.l.'.-O.) 11 MASon, DaYid '
21 ).ilololl, •.\ lli'x.
Uailr;... A le:lOanl !cor, b:lker
(I',"'..'-fljfir r)
, I
! ,'yl ie, ~Irs John
1 Yule, :\liss
2 Bo,v, ltiS8
~. l'llgc, D:..'rill
42 Don:!all, )Ira
J ..L.
40 ,aDt'm, Ahul'CW
61Io8et.!Rer "MIle.
2, North. 1, ScJtdA.
la 'fodd, WHUnm
15 Lamond, )I~
I;' PatcrllOfl. James
23 1"umie. ~liAA
45 'JummcftI. )1nl 11!0tlIa
.. ~ ('atcrgon, 1Wbcr.
1\('llIIedy, rholD(\tt,
1!(~1.Ck, Mu

I 3 ne"" J. 38 Calder, Joha 1 Edllmnd' t tduu.d

I;; (;rant, &Ins !:J Hmne, Itohen )1-IJltttah. Wi\lmm, \ightho\JlJt'
~ S.a.c. 15 (':tmeron, Dun~m sa Dmmmond, Rcy. Bob••
36 3 Young, Joi)

6 Cilmore, WiIlilUu 1 Hya't, LeWjli L. stol·ckc{·
a.l )turns, }1~. a I..awrie, Mrs WiW... 1'; UUllean, David 62 French, )Ir; Or Ul'n!imu, John. nttf'ndtlll:'
1. 6111...."" 32 Taskcr, .Rev. WiD_ a AUllerllou., ,J8lU1. T. ad,OCIIUt I!) ~lilJar, John Rcld, TIIOIt. :. 'tprrinkmlellt bo.ta1JlAll. J"e/IA .•lk.
'1,• Tile FCllm/e Shelter. 130 Sehaw, Mrs a Walker, rtliss 19 (,lark, Mrs .John
1g Cunningilam, Mrs Thomu
~itlt"I'1'1L Ct'l.:.:t'-"?l I ~1·WIWa1P. \\\IIi"'n1
28 SooU, WillillDl (, Rhind, Air. :;2 W:111<...,.. 'th..)3. I ffnlll:lto!l. It W. Urn<lIn,.:uk
3. GlImore Street. 26 Stc\varl, Ali8& 7 Campbell, w.. 14 (;0"'3n, Ale". D. 50 Lyle. Thomll&S :\I'Neill, Right Hon. :;r,J8hn,
TholnSOIl, Th08. cOIn merct. 2·1 Haig, Mill 9 &oU.l\J.iM I:! Gibtton, Wm. 46 Wall. 1\. 11. C;.l'.lt (.r.U11.H\ hOllse
Wllartoll, lirA, fish mcn:hlUlt 2:~ Ta,-Ior, Robert 11 caiptia, Mn TboI.. BciN"'- 10 11'I'h()r~oll, In. oil merchant 44 .\nchie, ,\Iexam)er, junior
Gains, Mrli 26 Young, Wm.D. lOll 10 M' f)on:du1\lex. 42 I!owdcn, Mi~ Jeeeie GrulIf __ mnrkef.
Dcnitolm, Jamctl, tn8tmaker 18 MaKland, Keamare 13 1hmiop, Ales. g t~utton, .John (1/. aNd RO.ft,) 40 D:ulO'N, Mra
S. Gllmore Plaee.
14: f1.rR}', Johu
12 Sinclair, John.
16 Ain.lie, l"~
15 Dlllgairna, Mi£l:8.
6 French, JOhll,
" ,JetYre)" Mi~
".S. 38 St~iII, John
a6 D:dgleish, Miss
.\".Ir(/,. -I. Soutll, 1.
('m71 l:.ahffngt!
RI('h;lrIl~m. Pranc:il',ftnItCo.
1 Fairlcy, .Jnmes, juaf. grocer 6 Smuh, WilIiAm 14. .Mac:rae, John, W.a. , Hymer, ~iiM M I,ist, Alfreod ,;. G. 1 Kcith. Wt1lillm ~pinc ch!rder
3 Lee, WillilUn '\ ',lohnr.f~lU, Uev. WiHiam 14 Indi.nll A$~urallc, a,."., 4 Pntterson, Joan Q tU List, Alfred J. i
8 Wrh:ltt ~ Crai« \\'000, bru&h
o Stecle, John 2 Durr' .. OJW Mre 12 Lum!dcn, Mra • Smith, JamQ • 32 Rochc.stu, J. E. mannfiv!tnrers

. .. -_._-- ---------- -~.--------------- ..........

, , .'
------_._------:-----_. EDlNBUROJl AND LEITH
--- Ore Gre STREET DIRECTORY. lIa;, 3:J3
5 Stodart, T. G. chemiat 5. Gray Street!) South. 22 .Jackson. Richard 17 D:l\'i~80n, Itev. Geor(;clt. i 19 CoubrougiJ, John. groc-;; -------
7 Cumming, Jun\ell, "'ine 1 Robertson, I'. (t,'01ll. Bank) 20 8yme, ~liss
merehnut 18 Sydl!crff', Mm
18 flanllC,. J~hn aud W.
COI!111llSSIOIl agents
8'120 21
Gullllnd, .J. COrti dc:der
John~ton, Alcx. baker
2. Baddlnlr'•• Plae...
I Ritchic, William
D Fair, D. It. draper 2 I'hilip, 1lt!\I. Itobcrt 16 Watson, J. (&ot. Prov. 19 Brod!e, J. & U. ho. painters ,22 l·oung. J. and D. tiu!!mitltll I-A Jack, ('olin, Ilairym:ln
11 Porteou8, William, corn ~ Gorne, WilIiam /".) 20 W.\hll:m, Thomas, sell. 23Kettcrer and Co clock- 2 eunningh:ulI, llrs
l' JIenderaoll and Wi1ROn
4 Blues, Willillhl
5 Wigham, Johu, tertius
a Muir, WilIi!lIn, ccmmission 21 Turnbull, )Iorri!on, lUHl Co. makers • 2 ~pcncc, Xorm:m
agent t-picc ~le:chants 2" Milue, W. Tel1lpercUlCf'l/utci 2 Smnrt, Johu, junior (J. S.
13 i~dgar, Robcrt, seedsman 6 I~onl, Miss 12 Campbell, Chlll'lclI 22 Gray, )116$, vQC.:diat 2:; ~Iitchell. Geor~"C, ~' Stm)
15 Bane)" W. junior, and Co. "I now, Mrs Dr 8 })ishcr, Itobert 22 Small, J>avid, gla.~1I stainer 21> C;uIlVbcll, William 2 If.·lrdil!, ,lame.;
ha ls 1 nl)W, Itobert n., C.E.
mere n S 1'1101118011, It. n. wine mer- :;. Gre'eDhlll H ••s... 22 Napier, It)uu. builder 26 )tacdOUA'IlIl, W. rowft!cdcr 3 ~pcncc, t~harlt'!I, J!l"O<'('r
2G Dl'1don. J:mleR, draper chant 22 Steel, 1):\\'111, plumber 21 SomerviUc. llr! (;cor~ « \\ nu, It :\1111 W. rom, ab'i'I1ts
21 Ft.rgan, Dli\'id, grocer J.auder , Dowager, Lady Dick 22 lIaU!ltm:Ul and Co. 128 Kelly. Anure\\' 4 Stirlillg. n. ('Qach-hirer
29 ~1ai:kcIIZic, A. (Cm'" Exc. ) 9 &Iouat, _Misflcs 5. GfteDhll1 Boak. 22 Dougl:LS, Andrcw 28 Ciccri, J. car\'er Xi UOj!g, "r:l~cr
81 Jelfrcy, J. und <':0. brewers 10 l.uwrcllce, l\lrs :!:! Whilefortl. Robert, turner 28 £:15t0I1, Jrune.'I 6 Tinltal, John
'11 llentlcrson, .aIrs A. spirit dlr. 11 Soott; Georgc J:'emle, S.S.C. I SlIlhh, )li8~, Firth cottllge
"citch. WiIliam 22 Thom:-on. R. & Co. plumbers I 28 JOhllstol1, John :,urv('jor 6 ('m\,lln. Hcorgc
79 I'ntersoll lint! Allau 5. GrAY Street, lJppt"r. Burn, l\lisscs 23 IICIlIlric, )frs John 2S Xiabet, Jamcs ' f; ScoU, 31rs
95 ltO~II, A. grocer 1 Stewart, l\Irs La"!1' l\tbs )Iary 2. CoOkc,.Jllmc.s,teachcrofmll!ic 30 naswell, JnInC3. groc~r (; l'ortl.'On c , All':\:.
~I!) Pelll(,ie ~/I/'ife~' 2 Keigbley. ~lllttbew Slllitll, 1\11'8 :H Cookc, )lrs 32 ltitdlie, David, tohaccoui"t A Illtantlalc S(I"\ Lt illt(r$ccl.ot.
101 Pn)mer, James, ~ :I Warwick, Wm. 24: .afacksy, .John. ngellt 'i Wil~n, WiIIi:lI11
loa Wilkinson, Jumesl b;lkcr " Doig, lIenry u. Gref!Dhlll PArk. 24 lIunter, lloLert 1. Gre'ytrl" ....• l'lae~. I ~){ ·(;ill. J:un('~. baker
12H nratiy, Thos. 151)irlt ulcrobt. f; l\Iossman, 1\frs Ucnderson, .Jolm. architect 24 Mackenzie. ,t. C. 2 }'cr~. ~Irs, f)alliei I 9 Uurge, C. hatter
la7 Smith, Jnmes, grocer "I Urown, J. r. teacher DeU, l\liss Grace 11. 2" Dunean, Thomas 2 DOllglat', W. s. I )() 'fod, (;eorge
HI Geddcs, ltollerick 8 Cullen, l'ho!. surveyor Ralllsay, Alexander 2;; TholllilOlI, Itobcrt, &: Co. 2 DoughUl, W. Cll'rrlW{'r 11 Wallat'(' t (;CI). 11 nd Sim, mllrbte
106 New lands, l'cter 12 })owllie, .J. 1\1. printer GI{'gg, Ilubcrt (}!:,rclleqlu'r) 26 }'UrvCll, I'eter 2 Ulumcllreich, Jolm cuttCI'll
100 Clcghom, Johu, illllk~cl)\1r 13 Gibsotl, DU\'id l.. 2. GrHlltllde 110... a Dougl:\.'!, .Jl\Ill~·.s I~ itolJertstln •. \I!tlre\V
]00 Brown, Uenry, mcrchnllt 14 Crumar, Alexandl.'l' 2. Gree...lde 14a.e, 17 1l.·UI\1l.1Y. ,\Ic~.
3 Berry, I.awrenee, l,l:1stcrcr 1. Gn"',, '-Iae..
8S Young, JUlI. victual dC:ller 15 ltubertsOIl, Captain John
l!O Linklater, AIrs C. grocer 16 Tom,nce, Miss
UatM}one, Samllel, agent :l .Barker, t':~I~cis
.1 Itu8Scll~.\\.llham •
1 In'int', ~fi.~s .;. •
1:J Ullm~l .f:'mll·... Itaillter
W 1I.1Yt ~Ji~. Klvl'('r
14 O'Niel, John, lodgings 17 Shil'll, Da"id R. (Bunk lif!
Cochrnlle, .J:mles, anit Son " 11 ay, Wtllmm, !Imtlt
7 Hurie Willi:tm
' I !!O Uurthololllew, G. chgnwcr
I ::t} (; mlmlll. H'JLI. n. paillt,'r
7:! 1\1' En au, ltobert, buker Scotlalld)
70 ~lllcdlllt:lhl Robert, aml Co. 18 Kerr, ~li8s ,M. A. I Jtcllwick, navid
1>ove. JUllle8, blacksmith
Uildlrist Lanf il1tel..~(:<'L'I.
10 Grant, }tol,t. spirit llh'rchanL 2 Sharp, Wm.I
I J. "ra"e Road. !:w Xirhol, ~fr'!
21 Itcid, ltl)ht. ::rnt'Cr
fin 11 n.sWI~tI, J mnes, A'ro('er
19 I'll1ml!:ty,.Jnmes
20 'fhomson, )trll &l:Irgaret
4ifl ,Jmuiellon, Gilbert, mul Sun 21 Alison, Jolm
I ,M'lllt(lsb, Adnm, cutter
Ulluptlllan aud Co.
11 J..othian,llrs
(lllcell·.~ 1'1(1('/' b,lt ,.s('c',~.
18 Arulstrong, W. A.
2 Woorc, U.
!" Crl1ig, .J:lme~
I 6 l'at~C!QII, .\Ir:! Henry
Ii :!:! HO)'ll, )lrl!
2-1 Sta~c. ~Iil\~. t(';trilt'r
6t I.:m·son, John :uut }tubert 22 Uillcklmll, )lrs J. I 2. Gre.a8lde Plae~.
G"ecuside Ctllll't illter,~cct..'. 110 Ucrdm:nt, A.
25 I)OU;dJI"'U, In:ne:s
I 2a Chi"huilll. f):n'jlf
02 'J':~'ll)r, Archihnld 2:1 Urowu, Itobcrt 1 Aitkcll, Jame.ll, amt Co. 1il! Thomson, AlcltlUlllcr 12 .'irth. Willillm
.if) Old q( GluRg.1JtallcldJI.-. 25 Sanderson, Miss 1 Wri;,rht, Alexander, nod l~~ Carse, .J. allll SOW!. smiths : 1-1 StevellllOu, .Johu
I ~~ ~1Il~th, J):1uicl, corn ractor
• w.) '. nnth, )IN
~~ U~)S,C, \\ iIIiam, saddler
0;1 \\ !nllM, John •
26 Shnrp, Uohert
27 Callender, ~li!ls
2 Cox, Wm. eOl'elupe maker
HI Turean, .John, grocer
20 \\'llson, Uobert
I 18 lIuld()n, (;corj.;c bllilller

120 CamllllClI, ~Iil\lj ,

I ;?:; Slight. (;. If.
t :!;, Brucc, )Int
liJ ~hllnr, Jalllcs, .Ironmon~cr :m Ua(tenoch, G, It. 2 ltoolley, Uugb, ClltlI. ngent 2:1 Shedtlan, .Jmncs, ~)lirit dler. I 22 ltobertsou .Juun
liO nuru~, Itoht. \'I~t~ml tlculer I30 Johnslon, Adum 2 Aitkell, Andrew «(;.1'.-0.) : 26 Hft', )liM U. nllllinl'r
2:; Ramsa-,:,. ~Obcl't, ~roccr !:u Uro"n, J~ltn ,:!~ Chrystal, ('. Lovtrll:ll.:cr
:1 Mchibald, John. \'iclualler
48 U~mlU,\, )h$, 8JllUl denIer
:1S GII/on, 1>. manufhcturel'
31 Clll))pcrtoU . .1\1. J. groe{'r
36 VlUulluell, nob. ironmonger 5. Gr..enblll Gard...".
34 J)I'ulUlUoud and J..ahlj.{
' • C:lrllishelle, Jamc!1l, and
] TbolllI'O!l, J. ll. corn mcr 4 Rutherlalld, G. chiuI\ mer·
:39 Ross. \\' ~1I1~1lI
lJr Ikll,.. ,~cllOnl.
2. ~.reen"ld~, tii'rt"f't.
I • 24 Gmhalll, William
Boyd, Antlrew, }lor;, ha'
l. Grol'e M'rl'd.
::\0 I'cat, John
;:10 ~'ott, J'llm, ( IiltlcVwiJ
j (It,d ....i·ull)


3:? n. MOiTllt, WMte }JClrt 111111 I'lllmt dlllllt. I ))IXOIl, 1 , l,:'.if'r

ohfl I 2 l..eigl,tOll. !tabert, ,:l'.! Ullchall;ul, .t..11lI
30 COlllmcrdal Bmd•.: r, Urowll, MiliS A. u lI()Jhlcr.~on, Christian ~ ll!'y, \\ m. caLlIlctmakc( 2 Urown. John ';12 (;ord01l. J. I',
26 lInddow, W. CI!ltlesdaldllll 7 Cousiu, Da"id u northwit~k, D. chimney-sweep .1., ~hdtllcton,
'I 1 I1 GRollert, agellt .,- ('ru'I"~
, .. ~-I'311k •.'f JI
1 rs • (j.ln
hm)" ••John. C:lrll('\I~
24 Silence, Joscph, saddler 9 Ker, Miss (; .'raser, Simnn, cool,er ~ .' at" 1:\, c~rge 2 Stc\"elllloll. Wil1i:un COI\ an <;owi(', .f alll{·~. IJllilrlt'r
22 Willhunsol1, G. tobnl'COuist 11 Cohham. ~t. '; C:l~' and Johnston, tinsmittu, ., S:ott, John, hllell. wareltollsp. I' 5 Marsh!lll, lti",,"clI SInal! and SOli
20 Urownlee. A. stabler 13 1'vJJ, Willia:n sAnderson, Gcorgc S )..lOlls:,)', C. anll ( o. plu.mbcfs 9 Rod er:'. JalnclI :i, HaddoR'" f'ourC.
10 I'ringlt', W. \'ictunl dealer I1 15 fnirns, r:,. ·r~e, R.S.C. 8 Mackay, I>a\'id, hairdresser 9 S~lIdclOall: Uobt. 1II'hl)~tercr, 9 I.air~, U(lb.'rt r('r)!U'l~OIl, Will. phuull('r
12 Smith, Will, spirit dealer ,15 Cll;I'II~, lIe:nry, W.S. ~'A Kelly, J. $J.irit met'Chant 10, Umrl{'!S : ~J C(,uslantl, John Hny, Will, "' .... d mercbant
f) Seou, M. corn merchant 11 Kirk, )te\· ••John 9 Towmend, ·W m. pianoforte 10 UOU.'lstQII, John, mer~llan~ i:1 Ik.ttttic, G<''t'rge, builder 1101111. ,J :tlnt·~
." .'1 th 19 Cny, Rohert I>llmlas, W.S. maker 11 Rolno,llO,",' U. IlIlbll:lher,-, 2t Wnldic, J),l\'itl ~Iax \\lll. J.lIllI·', h:tkt'l'
i ~2 Ritchic, John
t Q
3. _ray H OM', r.!'08 • 19 Cay, Miss .June /
&-e :1 01.
9 (W h, John, builtler 01 • •
\\ right. ~Ir~. Imlljt\ll~ rC.UU-
FlIitn/ JII,bultial Sclwoi 2ii Mnckcnzic, l\liss, boartiinA'- {. l'hoRlson, Alex. 1~ l~olTl~otl,.f. splnt merchant ; 22 J)unald,:IOII, Mu ftrcl.'t
Uaird, Alex. dlair maker school 10 Town8end, "·Ill. ftnd Son I.. "atsc,lI, John, butcher : ) 6 J:'(lrbe~ l'atrick I'()c(/f'k ••hllll''I
27 llrodie, J.iellt.-('ol. T. 11 Bortlawick,J. chimney-sweep 13 ~NI~to!b,. AIel:. cowfeedcr I 16 (iib!(.';l: Mrs <':OW.III, .\li~~
3. "ray·" f~lo8e!) ?iorth. 2\l l\lncleod, ~lajllr-GcnerRl D. 12 Unlcc, n.\'er nnd gilder I~ ll,ollat, lrlM, !taymaker ! It; lIume, Wm.
Girle, G. 11. curricr Set (In, George, mh'ocute, St 13 Cllllum, O. nnd Co. br:&aicrI 1b Glhnollr, Jlugh, grocer 11 16 !fnme John :i. Ballr.· HCr~....
Amllltrong, W. &; A. cabinet- UCllnct'd 13 CalluID, TbomM 17 A~/$fortl Temp. J/:>Irl 12 P(:ddid Roh<-rt 1 )Iorlimrr. Th ..,. };.
), C. 'M. I:; l.awrence, 11. cloth-cleaner 17 Hunter )fr! J, JOth.,ings I l' . '1' 1 J • ~ fJear, \Hlimn
makers I; Stobie \ ... ·11· I "1 .
3S Itay, ,John, of Morton 16 Andcrson, Miss D. , if 1 lam, COLlier 80 tr'd,
u:mg, \0 )Crt, ... ",mer
lfrs :J ~llldach ,\lI, ,lull"
-t. GrA)·~. t::...... 30 A1'Lartn, D. 16 &oU, Jotm ] '7 ll'Grcgor, Don, lodgings 6 ~dl' ~( :; WiIlialllthll, .1. flC('Qunt3nt
})o\\'n~, "dlillm ,H :-iillll',on, A. )1. 16 Brodie, 1\11'9 Jamcs 17 Walker, .lames, draper .. JJ k~' \~..rlilJ' .. ~h::wartt llr~ I):\vi,l
) 7 J)owar, Thomu .. .U ., '11 IIlm
Ih'.;g, i)nvill 80 Mnctiondl, )lrs G. B. 11 l\1+Call, Jamell, bedding 1i )(arkie, )I'Qucen Grol'e T~rraet". 'I Weir, 'fllotnall 11.
Jhllllcr, )t~ 26 Ucill, AlelCnnder mant,r.1ctllrcr t! llil!ar. lfr'l ltolit.
Darling, lli!8, dt'clIsmaker 124 Steel. .John, R.S.A. Lady Glc))orchy's F. Clmrch 18 Brockie, William, baker 2 Watson, ~J1A' 9 (.'bri!tic, JtvIJtU, jUIl.
-9 mll, Iba Robed 28 GedJell, Adam Gordon 141 Street., Geo. farnitare dealer
Ge.CW'ge Street illter8eCu.
,14 Ritehie. William
10 JobnsLon, William Heid 29 Vailanoo, Wm. '4-7 Clegh,ll"\. G. and Co. china • ...ldlf'ld.
11 Wilson, John 30 l:ilman, Andre'v and .!(Iass mer 'llants
;14 M'Grcgor,
34 Dllllas, E. W. nrlist
15 t:urll, Wi\liam
Cbapmall ••John, !\l.D I
15 Curll, 'hog
30 Drummond, .Jamell 49 c.iarlLo;Je & Watt, statiODel:S 3t Lcwis. JaDlcs, grocer Chal'l)lan, EJwmd, ll.D. Edi,t/··trlII, .1cademy--Gr:l-
••alla..,. Plaer. 30 Mundell, Mm 49 Law, R. H. groeer 3-1Wat80u, Jotm 1. _.,,-th.r. Bank. halll, fiul!iJ, In•.iwr
1 Butchi80Dt P~lerJ. spirit deal. 30 llaldanc, i\lrs 61 Gordon, •.tames, publidJer j2 Djcksoll, Jallles. mill Sons Deaf Qlhl /)umb bl$li... !io ll
. 2 Smith, Ronen (t.'U3tams) 30 ]lnny, Miss 51 Johnston, Rob~rt,,grocer 30 Colllb, Robert, ullhol&tercr ,\ikeu, ~frs J::mes
Iflltchiu!loll. W, llrjllci~ I
3 Hoghen, l\lr&
8 MaCkeDlie, Mrs
8 Miss
30 Sandilands, l\frs
2. Hano........r 8tftetw
In Carter, NiC?l
53 Healf'Y, Mn. sboemaker
53 Bishop, John. grocer
30 MCllzics, J allies )1. CUi-'T:1\'11f
30 Rose. Jml1~s, bookLil1d~r
30 TurnbuU & Spears, I'rintefl'
1• •aYIII.llet.
Coehrnfll', H. iunktr:per
5. Benr,'
Hllme, .I.ulle"!. :md (Jo.
3 Foravtb t Alexander 1 nudge and Webster, milliners 163 Stevemon. Wm. npholsterer 28 Mact'ae, Jmucs, plumber Uillmfl, Matthew a Comlllou, nobert, jUII.
4: Slrafton,lUrs 1 Harthill, John, newspaper 53 Chri:;tie, Robert, grocer 28 ~Itlir, JmnC!l, accountant :{ 'I·llltll.~h. J. (lrlumtl R~,·.)
U Tbom!lou, l\ E. ~[. IOOgs. agent & newsrooms Tltistlc Street vlterJects 28 7'Af! Unity Fire tlnll Life llcuzics. llernanl, and Craig, :
dit-til\cl's ' 4 G. ":true
66 (~u11and and GrJ.Y, ouUit~erll
6 Reid, ,Jmnes
6 Borthwick, Joltn
6 :&l'lJiJllllJ, Charles
3 I)il.e, Wm. draper
3 M'Cra,,: Wm. pl~otogrnp'ber 51 :&Nntosh, Airs
3 Uell, ~~obt. WJllhaw lrOD- 61 .M'Nab & Shepberd~ drapers
,tuuraltce 0llice
Muit, W. S., commis. agent
26 HephunJ, S. c.,\ll'er & gilder
!. ".Y·. eMIt....
s PlIrk. Tlu)9. :ohocmaker
4 Y'"III(!. 'fhoin:u
.') ;\1 m r:ly. WUlwn
,i. Hc'or,' Mlr.....
6 ~NJiJl:m, Jllme~ ~orks 01 l\latheson, John, clothier 26 Rllmsay, ThoDlIUI, baker " Itich"nlson. J:Ull' ~
'I .·orIlUln, T. S.
1 Mllson, AIrs
3 M Pherson, Alex.
6 Hnm~ Ju1m, bookseller
61 Cross and Curruther~
~l l\PDennot Ja.m~
9 l'nylor, .i\lr8 .T., grocer & z; ]teid,Misscs ~f. & )1. millin~rs 63 SeoU, R., 801.-a\-law sic.
24 Patoll, Alexander
24 Douglas, 11. and .T. millinenJ
22 Sword, J. ltoulC abrcnt
I G i\luir, )11'8

. ~ .Jllhll~lolI. Charlc.i
1 St.ewart. Thomas, tltonewnre : /·(frk.~I'" Ifo-nrm· • .\lex. .,
i Smith ••lulI. ( Will: S. ~\. S('mt)
20 f.cndmm, R, &. Co. bookselleri! I j 1':lUNon,.'Qhn (I;.I'.~. ""'111)
5 L:lUg, S. fi,sllln~-~aekle maker 61 Cbristie, AIe.xIU'ldcr JllCl'lilant
spirit mercht.
]0 Sutherland, Wm. 5 Urowu, \l m. frlll~C!Cr 67 Orrock's lodgings , 20 JUuJooh, Jamca, duiry I .) 11.. 4tt'• •ft,..J 1kref't.ILC' I!)}"IillrIlllidc.
j ,101111. nh'OOt
10 )teikle, Thomas 1 ~ayn,e, Jrunes, spmt dealer 61 Rioollie, .i\lisaes :;. & A. 18 Robcrtson••Jas. spirit dealer - l'.ft flew, macer,
M. • 'rot·s. Alu. writer
16 and IS )lillcr, D. aa:d &ID, 3 .J(·aullill, Fr.U1cl" !) ~I
\rll i \1.'11, .1;1lIle.~
4. Ho.dlton'tIl Entry. 1 Oremcr brot!l(~1'!I 71 Barclay, .Mrslt. basket mak 'r stationers Stracl-~. Hunter I !)lI ..y••\. cn:rrn'f('r
11 I~c, J. n. 'V., S.S.C. 73 Macfadane, D. grocer 4
Andersoll, :&lra, filrri('r 11 Aikman, Audrew and Co. 6t Sidey, D. (J/'(}allum ~. S.) RMC Street illter.'ttct•• 4 Robcrttlon. Henry T. I 9 JtM'. Ut\', \\ il1iam
11 J~~mb, ~I.rll, embosser. 14 Bell, Air!'!, shoe warehlJUlle
W"ldie, Jnme!!, smitt-
1 U
. am .on
114 P.
64: Sidey, Charles, surgeon'
11 Nlsbet, thomas, auctioneer 6') Noble R G
aft" 13 VnUance, Wm. confectioner 6;; I aw H. it
14 .Adalfls, Alelt. clothier
12 Cuy of OlfUgow Bad:
Doosol1 ••Juiln, plumhet'
.JObUfltOd, i\li,.s III
,11 ll.tekail, l)avid
Mu tJocil, J4lllM, j_lt.
.«-.......,........ I 5. Mrrelt"1I fiiitftd.
lfi!llt Ri!lg·~· 13 Lrm~tm Ultwn ~:i"e and Life Som~iUe,' .Tames, S.S.C.
60 12 Rain, ),"illinm, IOlUlagtr
/,t'itJ. ,UOIHlt. ' !l ll/llfoOU. 1hOl.
2 Sntni\, Uollert, victual denIer • Assur(lll~e (AJfI,PW:Y•• GO Dunbar, J. ironmon 10 Bridges. Jarnea, W.S.
1~ Thomll~n, (~.I>. 8tockLroker 48 Wilkill8on, Mi~!cB ger 10 Clark, Roh!. Engr:l\'(~r • I Noel, F. comlllel'("ial tr,neller 2U l1ullhull:Ulll, J:uafJ.s, gl'O(Cr
12 Uryc(!, Mrs.
l~ I\uderson, D:l\'itl, baker 1.1 Uobert"ou&8oott, lIcwspnpcr 58 })('ntland David .•welter
lIgCllts ~. t ,Jc .
to Brucc, A. jcwcl·r-!ue maker
8 Boswcll, Alex. bru.humker
2 ll:wis, WiJliam ,\l'llmr
4 Miles. W. clerk
I I. •«-.............f'.
2 P:tlrt!lQn lInd Alhm
i.i. D,u.IICan PIaft'. 13 1li & 1~ J\'. S 1 d 06 Forr('st, Robert, llnclloneer 6 Patcrson, Robert (Bu.rgh As- 5 SkiJling, .l.. ll. NIOt'lUa.l-r1' :. 4;(lrIlon. !tol~r1. tobat'f'Oni!!t
JVr.{·jngtoTl. - • )if +~. llQX, llUUltl,:lJl 66 Edinbur,qlt Legal ~. Cam. sessur 0lJice) 1. Rf"ndl"r. . Ho.. I.: Jl(,lulcrl!'oll, I'.'r
1 Amlrro(Hl ••I:ls., l;piritmerrht. • le ,,?II, . merCtul Agency Uffice. .. DaIl, W. cluna Illucb:mt
2 l>ali:rll, \lr:\ Alex. l,osl .'iluet mterstct8. 56 Falkner, Jumc!lI'., SoS.C. 2 rtlcw:ies, JOIUl, bookttclltr 1 Uc,y,l. ;\(N\ "eriOC ...Udbtp.

2 Mn)'ul', '\li:;~ Ht J\:('iT, Will. \Tine & spirit mer' secretary

2. Rar' NtH"eC. 1 Turry, .Tultn 1 1I,IY, r. Rnd C. ~i1k. rlyt'I'lI.-
3 Uowlby, }Ir,'l Capt. M. Ht Gd"rsoll, .John S, ironmonger 56 Wntemton, Geo1'b"C, stationer 1 M' DOIIIlJ.!, Mrs ·1 l'\'(' I tit .
4- lleoch, ,Jolm Ingtifl :H &- :!3 butherlnnd, D. It. Btu- of llnrtin, James, IItationer I WhiL'\on, lll"tl 1 Fraser, J\lcXltlldcr, A.R.S.A. I R TI"'rhIHII, Francill, g'lTI':er
l,i Kerr, Captain .lame!! tioller 54 J)avids,)O, Wm. draper }; Drysdalc, Willi:vn (D.e.S.) 2 Deuchnr, MJ':I AlcMnder 110 Hoyie, J:UHCI4. tailor
6 noyd, nel·. Wi1Iiam 23 Ucnderson, Angus, optician 62 num, Archibald 7 Miller, Atrl! Jruncs 2 Ikudl:lr, C31ltfli,IJ Prurici.' la All!.). ,IIJIIIl, .!!l)Ot'UlllkeT
7 ~N.cod, Afis.'i babeUI\ 25 Keildic, .lohn, bootm:mcr li2 CurIe, James, pinnofortomkr. 9 iUnny, Graham, W.S.
2 Sin11).'IOo, ;\Irll Gco. 11. W Il""'ar, J(Jhn ... IlInl ••II!.'llcr
9 AdnIDBon, John, W. ~r. 2;. 8mllerville, UoLert, Iltationer 5~ J)unu, AIrs, silk merciulut 9 B'1I111, ,TollO, "'.S. 3 G'a.~!Ifil1'!l, .Jame... G. I':n (;('hhanl, r. cl," k
11 KlOX, WiIli:lm, !I.D.
1. IlamllCoD I-Iaee. ;~ ~itlkell!nWI~l:clIIcrcha.u~ ~"o" Gv'm\'et'}tt .Jan~~, but~~:rAd 4 Ban1llU)'Ir, Mra Udd, 11. :ltll! Son. IlUJ'llery-
St 'kb"f,
u ge: t .1 I
HU "a om, • ..x: 0. OflllcuUls .' unn,. optlclan.-ot.'tJ t'.
25 Taylor, <JhllS. billiurd-roo01s 00 Kiddie, Thomas, spirit dealer
13 .JoLglas, )11'11
13 Douglas, Alisfl, minintllre 4 Nigh'inj::'al~, t:. "'. I tn~1l
1 Scmervl.•I,U,c, l]tl' ' ra, vIe. uC8 er C). I ro, l'lnlCs p:unter 4 ';rcclI, .MI'l' .:n l~alll~:lY. I'hilil" tailor
'J n· . '32 f."~:lII, lIT ..
t. • •

=; I.u~e, I1\1 ra, Ja(li" cs nurlle I" .,.

!?:; ~IO()ll,
HO,l\ .'
W. Jeweller, 71ustlc Street intersects. 15 Wntsoll, Adam " Hell. 'fhotnM
" Hamilton, Mi!lS ; :J;; IIII-:'li~, J:'t\
.. 1\1 (.uwan, Airs 21 Croll, D:wltf, fruiterer 48 Mason, George, fle~l!er 15 Pndon, ThoDlM, 8.S.C .
l,i-A uuri!!, ,Iohn /':U Suult'rlaml. It ..,
2BOn-tOIl, John 27 "XclSOIl, n. R. prilltseller 48 G0n!0n, J:mu.~, IIplrlt dealer 15 Inine, J)!Iuc:m
5 Mitdlcll. D.n·id, bootmakcr 3" (;illlill{:••Johll, dairyml\lI
f D~n!,ldsun, ,lames :m Tbomsotl, D. hootmaker 48 MaCl!ltosh & <Jarneron, ] 1) }'un·jll, John, Tl':l:rehon.~tna.n
G Hailey. R/!\,. 1homlli llua.clmlW!1 & )tQgcr~ \4M
8 Wllham~oll, Andrew, agent :m Steel, I). chemist ,1latnters 17 Somen'i1Ie, Samucl, M.D.
7 lCidtlcll. J:lml's JllCfcU:mt.i
8 Fergtlssonl.T~os. :H 1\litchcll, Edwnrd,11l1irllrcsscr 48 Fm(~18y, Jobn,. boot maker 18 Mneken;~ic, AliS!cs
1 Rf'rioC C'M'a-
8 Donald, " l.lham 3t }.ittie, M('hib:dd, ironmollger 4~ I~g!ls] \V. & (.,. ~oo~sellcl'~ 16 ftinninmont, Ro~li K. Uobcrt.,,!rt,
1 lfaclallrm, Jobn
Mis..'1 1.
8 8tewar~, lflss 3J J.illdsllY, Wi1liam, cooper ; 46 (;r:u~IC, Rohcrt ~(IIlms, VI-or. 16 lIcndc::rson, Mrll 1 MlIdnurin. lIra M'Caul. t'h:nlC3, c:t>ldraetor
~ K?rr, Oco. house agent 33 Small, n. baskctmaker ' tnct Pay. o.Ijice. ]6 ~bcild8, WilIiam
7 follif'r, Wil1iam, F.B.A. 2. He..... 11111,
•• ~l NlCoU Atex • a3 llatersoll',s bazaar '46 Burn~ & h:ulhc, plwnbers 16 Tllylor, )irs
1 If:ntill. J. S.
~ 1 d,aclaren, .. ames m; Jla~k, Will. engraver 46 ~ardlllcr, ,Jolm, S.S.O. a Umce, ,lames 8 Saime, )11"1 ~mith, T.•nr~
.2 I.ltllc, Uohcrt, Illumb('r :15 Mull', Andrl.'w, ironmongt'.r 1! Carter, Nlcholas • 12 Orol\t, Alcx. G. advocate ~milh, Jf. :ll.Irg.!Ofl
8 'Nairnl', .Jame"
Dunc:m, ~otm,. r.Ja.~on
..awn!!, r.dward, d:ury
:l5 J.iddell, ollticinn,
1tlfllrr~y, ~,eo. Jobln~g masoll, :~5 Hick, AJi8.'ic!l, dreS8mnkcrs
.~- Ulack \ and F
4J Clark, It Se It prlDterI
42 Thomson, Wm. uphobaercr
40 AJeton, Georgc, clo&ber
10 Brodie. Mis!
8 <Jhihl, Mril
" Crtr3r, DlUliel
11 FOl'ooq, lfis!I linty
12 Dttnenn, Jame8. ~r.D.
1!l Irviag, \\ iJJiUD. agenl
r.itldle. 'fhOl'M.'l
1. H ..riot' •••••".'.
26 1Ii1l, ~'ranci8 n. ~,~ 'I ' 'I' J &'S f i ' 40 Dobie, Gl'O nailloor 4 Macgrcgor. Mm
12 RamsIlY. MOl
UC:IUiml. 1>1' }'rrdcriok Wm.
31 .:wllrt, MillS •.14 "' :Irllll'llOIl" . on, ur.rtCl·s 38 I-endbctter' b archilec:t 2 Wtalker, )lias 1.( •. )). !.overnor
27 ~l'I)ollllhl, Ml's Uonald
27 Stl'wnrt, Robcrt G.
~1 J~'ngtoll,.Alex, .toharcOI\Illt 36 J.ind~ny. 1110;, s. aooountIDt
(t('01'!Ic ,street lntfrM·I.~. 36 ~ll\rshu.ll, DllVid, C. A. aa",k.111 ).(
13 Meny, JamCl, lLD.
DeAII!, 1\1 rs )NjonAl ,~ti~, homekeCI'Hlr

~! ~1'l.,Cl'ly, l)cter
21 ItcYIJ(llds, Amlrew
41 Grcellhilt, .James 36 Shclldcn, !\fra J. miJli.f
43 O'DOllllCJl & Co. upholsterers 36 Baxter, Peter, 8.5.4).
Ltcltt,.d lloa"J.
Chriatitl, Alel. I
14 Cnima, JObD
1-1 Lainl, Miss
Heriot 'Ioa~.
Oo.lloway. Jalll(l5

.. ...:~-.-

• ;".-:Ali~

r~lr"'.'t".55.iIi'rW re ,
C ..
:- ~ : a
-. 1:S
336 Her Ht'!!.____
.erlot Jlouat. -142 We\1woOO, Captain William I 7 ThoIDlIon. John. ~ro()er '~------
1 PorteoUIf, Mn W. !pirit dealer
3 8 ith TbomM
I M~conochic .
bulla StJ'e~t mtersect~"
la lInin, Gcorge, spirit mcrcht.
Hi.... Strut
l:i3 Uurgcss, ,Iohn, tnrner
153 ~"Kay anll M'l'hcrsoll, car- '131)1
I :a;l Itaclmra, \\ iIIimll
l·lllcollcr. '1'. tobaCt'ollillt
114 J'rol'fl'lll 11i1'c!~tlll(1I1 n./I:.

PIIIIII·.\ 'U/lic('

Ja:es •
StO!ldart, ~bss
10'ine, Alcxander 1:'. :ul"ocate East, 3. West•••
• p!'nters
1:;;; )IIWkilltosh, J. tob!l('('onist 1:11;7
, :Ui3 \harm)" Thllmll.... hootllltlkl'. : 110 01iI,Iiaut. P. jtllt. haker
·I\·)\\,crt, .John, hootumkcr IIOR l..Oj.CUIl. Henry, l"lIIith
6 Bi~k 'James 14u Currie. Alex. ath'oc:atc 1 youn ...., ltobt. spirit mercht.
161 UrowD. DllviJ .J. baker ! :Hl!! .\'(11'11, Ilriblll O/Iit'(' . 10... t:ling, AIt'.t. c,'\hint'tllll1ker
, 46 l'itm:lII. Mrs (:encral 11 lIarkCs8. Jas. 8pirit mereht. Hil JOPJl. JollII No spirit IUcreltt. ':16:. -"£:turd,l!! el/l'l,,,i"/e 0l/it'" Wtl O'~I'il ••John, clothier
W5 Crocket, ThQs. G. u:l~kct' 31::. I~crtr:un, J. (!, I'lIbli~hl'r 10 l Xidwl. J:lIIIC!l. OoOklll'lIl'r,
1. Rerlot'. 47 DWlbar. Sir Wm. IJart. 17 Wbittaker, A. rcf~ltmtll'
8 Davidecn, Robert
2<& Htndcraou Jamc@
R«'....lIta..«", .::ut.
)Iillm', ~f~ A.
J!J n.~ndersoll, )lrs C. ~ocer
165 l\l'Crnw. Rob. tobaCl'olli'!t 13G:i
167 M'Kellzic. John, pie baker : 369
131i~1 'fhom~()II, It \'. clothil'r
Hf)w!and, Rob('rt, t:lilor
ll'~I:lstcr, J:unes
!llIhlil'hrr, and hookhilllil'r
J"·"/II't/s.lIll1//{· IJllli FtJl'I'iqll
.lh#ioll(rnl (11/,1 ''/lit-
U Collier, Joim. tniJor RellrcH. )frs. cow feeder 45 "llson, It. toba~~m8t Nort!t Brid!ll' ill/'T,~II'I,~. !371 C'l:tppertoll,.1. & Co. mcr~. d/'{'II'$ Jii,uitlllllr!f, I!l
14 Laing, William 47 IN.cnnan. D. Spirit dealer 171 Jt:mki!lc. Thos. IIh.)c warch., :1.;; BLltlworth, ltidlanl. iron-', Ft'r(' ('/III,'('/' o( s. ·,t-
16 Finlay, I'eter, wnter-otHcer • H~r~ltal't' 8111. 49 ~'4ne:lth, W. r~f~tib. roomll ) i;i Scott, Hober!, .-mccr I monger 1,IIId, PI/Mi,·u/i"., ('/1,,',-
20 )l'DougaJl, Ilrs .John 2 WKell1.IC, Joseph 5a I':ttcrson, A. oulllner 177 J)onnldSOIl, John G. lIpirit I :~i; N,.rt/l IJriti'('ut.fJri,,'t!t/ll·i.~/; -.l:lnll'Q :Sie!,ol
20 Grie:'llOfl, Samuel 3 .Johnlllon, Ilenry 57 Dca, G. grocer and spirit
20 Booth Willhun 4: nowe, Mrs .lcaler merchant i :171 (;urhrie, )):witl, Jlriltll·r , lOt Ihtllh'r. Wm. IlImkhilltll'r.--
179 lJutton & nOM, hOli'i,'r:t. &f'. :17; /Jllil!1 Itn';t 1/' (l1/;t't' ; :"'f' .'ltb'.
20 Stcve~"OIl, Jnme~ & lI.all, )lr8 ~?b.n 59 Aitken, .lames, ~r
2" ll:ly, Thomas
"2' Gray, .:li1.abetb
7 Lmdsl\)', Illtam
Dernll'aa-e, TI.....
t>1 Greig,.f. & .1. m:mufactrs.
63 Sidey. "m. tte!>her .,
Lord ('(1('/.'11111'11 .'it/'/ rt ;'1/1/', ,./,. :~i1
JlJ1 )Illrdoch, W. ~pirit IIl1'fcht. ::ii
M'\ 'ullocll, W. f;heriir Ilfli.:ea' I to I
l'illd:tir, UoLert. tailnr , 1111
WfI::ht ••J. jllJlnnlll';-
\):\":!rl':!lIr, .f. tol •. \f'roui,.t
:!01 Urowtl. t:eorl!~. 1.):\1.('1' : :{.j EIIIIIII\I~ton. J. (.ldl·",,.), 101 H"oIdi." f;t'(lr~(', taiiw
D e rI0 , R OW.
2. Codlfftn(', William G. 75 ltnthcrforcl nnd Co. sll1 n!.
dealcnI. !!09 O'l)onnell, .Iolm, Inltd 13:\ 1 t;nlbrail h. 1'hOIll:l"l, j:rn"I'r )) nt Ail hit ••Johu l {'{)lli'dIUII~I'
I DUDcan, WiUiam, S.S.C. I~er.~t,!,..e .·ar~. 81 F~'fe, :So cork m:lnuf.1cturer
!?11 Slcrdm:m, Jmllt'~ i 1~10\ Hdi". HI'('uill!/ ('.JIIl'w,( , to:! t"~dl ••1.. 1111, dlldder
2 I>nncan, .John, sen.
2 UowhiU. )In
:\ Marshall. G. 11.
• HeU, IlrChnrlcs
[, "'rascr, Patrick, al1voCAtc I
.I. '~oml, (~Irt..~toplwr, f:lcUlor
"ood, :lhsa
rllll'".e Braf'.
Wiflhart, C. S,
81 Wood, John, engineer
RI ('nmcron, James, and SOli
81 Watt, G. turner
Wi~hart. Wm. (.1. W. 0' Son) 81 Weir S.lIih'crsmith
81 lIendcrson W. smith
Whyt4.', It anti SOli
Whyte, William
ISO; Mitl'hrll, AIt'lL
l..cwi!4, D(lvitl, hootlllal;rr 1(182 Hum. t;cn. :UIII !::t'lI, \'ielllal '
Smith. J. null SOil
Adair'!! telUper:lII('c hnld
: 100
1~ 1 l'ord ••Jllll. Willl' 1II1'1'('hallt ! !Ii:

. :1'1
11~O l\1'llIlyrt', t:li1.. l'pil'it Ilia.. 1 !I:!
Uaimaitl. Mis.~. dn',,--mal.('I· I I;..; ilnlllcr. 1». (,MIJI't w:\rI,hm:qp loo",
SIt'I'll" .1. rllrlli~"illl: irumn
1:01)('1'1..'('11, ,\:1"\.
\\ :\1';011. A. I\l:ttlr.·.~ 1IIt1ki-.
Mllthi.till, Wallt·r. \, ill" IIIt'l
t'li 'p!J;\1 \I' , II.I':Lilltt'r
'1"'1111'1." J);\\,j; • ::rOI'! r
G l\Iorrison, Uobcrt (l::,l.U.S,) Archer, .John, gardener 81 l'entzlin, 1. "eneer-cutler, :!1!1 Hum. J)a\'h!: ~olit'itor i 1ill (·/iI!k<,c:lII'R. H"h~r~. !klt!','r !-I; t.~lId!l·" :>11.1 ~"II. ' .... )I'l'r'l
7 ),luirhead. CJau1 • ~ ,Rf'rlllltar;e Plae£". amI agent for Genn:lll !!23 1>rysdnle. \\ Ilh:uu. f,:'I'OCI:I' : 1' ... ~H\ay, .fdlll.IiPII1lIllf({'ht., ~I / .. I" , ••• /, 1.1 ...... ('/1/'/ 11111/
8 P\lnunn, John N., ".S. I 1 'l'hompson, \\. ( W. 1'.~· ('0.) fumiture • '1:!.l (~:\r(iner, .Jmuc.q , mcrl'hanl : 1,:1; ~lJller. f)!l\,id H. t::iI .. r I~t C'llI'rry, .1.,1111. ('r:C'r:l\;'r
9 StcveUI!()I,I, Atcx~ndcr • 2 llorrison. llnrk RI ~olllen'iI1e, Robert, jOllier !?2i Sinclnir. ~tis:! , 1,;.: "iI~,,". ~Ir". hoh'I i )<O:.! :'\',IIIIIl,' •• n.. I"'lt. ~ro. !'r
10. Mackenzie, T. ot A~tl~rross 3 l'ringle, .fame!! (E. R. Co.) -81 l\.:ty, Charles. maulltitcturcr :.!:!1 ,. cui, (lcor:,!'c, ticket wrih'r I,: I ~W:III,;tltll. Th.I\I1:III, draper I :-0 1'.·I)lIII~!h. ham~, ( h,ur IIIl.r.
l! llobert80n. Jalllell, .>;. " Sorcnsen, )larius f'5 Miller, G. groct'r :;27 Adair••John. lai"lr It;.! I'IIl1t It, Wm. wirl' WfI' \..,.\, !'oil Hllm.'t • .I. j:IJl:tIl!U'r
1.. l~u.lIcnn, JamC8~ ~I.D.
.5 Watcr.i1, I.cybourne I' 7 I.intoll, Amlrcw, cork ('utter !!:U ('olton, G"OIj:'(', Inh:lc('nnist: lI;u .\lIticrI!OIl, Itlll .. 'rt. prillter ;,; \\aOlrilNI.I, Will. hal.t'r
18 1,!I1I1,. John, S,S.C. (l Atkins. Gcorgl~ O. 89 Smith, C. baker !!:ti ('(}lIti..'?, \\'1\1. IIhO('m:lI.l'r 11'1) U()hl'rl~(lII. Will. aUlIl'u. 1:;'1 1'lIIilh. WIn ::1'11'('1'
1~ IIIC,'l.tnl, ~lrs 7 !-'onl, Thus. (P. tJnd .~0I1S1) 93 }:('kfon1, W. cIJufcctiollcr :!:m l'homlion, .1:uuc..'1 i t;,-\ Hit:l/l'l"", .J"lm, h;a~.rr I;:! I:llllwrl;)nl~' ( ....
1~ llch'}l\c, ~ulf Joh~ 8 Will!tart, Edwnrd !)1 )Inther, Alexander, dairy :.! 11 Watsoll, 1I,'nry, :lIld ('0. 'I ).-.0 \al'i('r, n l'i('Il.l'apl'!' rnh·I'.~ I;,; F":!:lII ;11\.1 Cl', \ .... 11 a
1h l.lemc.!l, ". l:. of :Spots 8 Wi"hart, John K. 9!) Caim5, Alext'llulcr. grocer 2-1..') Tcmplt,. Thnma~. l:rOI;'r 1:10 ~1a('kl'1I7i,'. ~1r'. /IIhh\'l!,· tll'.ll c'r~ h,,",p. ):1 1:" .. 10,
11 ~tevenso~•. T., C.E. tl Simpson, J. 1'. 101 lfol.uskie, Wm. ~hocmcrch. '1.')1 ....·(·(/ft;$/I j'I·IS.~ O(/i('( I1 :-,' Ildtitlll,' SiI'/. So,.;, /.t'< 1/'1. 1,," I'r.. ••• Ill. I'.. , t.,I.d •
18 I(ti'n I).
19 CII, r, \0 ~
:~8Sbc t 10 )lorriaon, Chllrlc:" mcrchant 10:; lloir, Da\'itl, ironmonger
/11 Seott••John (St'artll am! S.) tor ~(~('k:lY, Arch. b.!~kct make
:t55 'fhotllSull, A. :lll,'
!!,')i SCllt.'mltlll.\'UI'·'·PlI/"
S4II1:'I ,1:.1)
i Hdlll, S'I/"':f,'II""/ .... ",,, f!1 ' 1;1) .J.III,i""'II. W \1. I, .1.. r.\.!.t
rO/lil'(' I.ill BnruN, .I:UIICII I ..,. (,:111 ... , I..lIt.1. aa.1 f ".11 .. 11
lIvll'c Street U1tt,,.sect.~. t!! Thorbnrn. (;('or"c. Dlerchant 109 SkltnllgtOIl ••J. clUtllUnCI ,lIt. :?:'i!l (;:trclner. Alex. t!l'o\,\'r 1;,0 l'aterl'oll ••J{)hn l!1t'rp,,:w,"
20 Dunc-1n, William 1:1 mbl'otl. )I\lIl~O t': 1113 StCW:\lI, .f. &: G. ntcrehal\~ :!6! M'eallu. Willi:ulI 1);;11 J:ogw, t:co. hHIlSI'-l1!,!Nlt I .-,r. I .,,1.. / h,,;. ,f. ".: .,.. i,.. I
21 J,.c$sc)s, John, nrchitcct H ~tc\'clIson, Rc,'. Wm. DJ). 117 J.<~.lie, WiI1inm !!tj.') ('1I1,-,/u lliOIl .Hlr""!'ll {flll/' );,1/ {)rysdllll·. \\'111. I!'rw't'I' ;.1; t: 11/,1, M." ,1:.11. fa ,i .
21 FIti1:ut(lll. MillS IlormU .. l'p r
i, 111 J.:lt!lIIer, G. B. watchmaker J/cm/d ( '/ii.·,· 1:'0 t;:mlell •• 1:1." .'I.: SIIII. l:til"rA ,r,t n .d)'. I •• b- f. tI ... i I 'f
22 ScoU, Mrs Thom:ts G. t i 1 J.aumcr, )lrs 21;" AII:m. Hohert ; 14:1 Kt'fr. Will. ~Jtir'it mUI halll :.0 \1:11'1,11. r·"II. , ,.,If: ~
')3 11'11 ll'~8 .M"rv I )lllIcr, .!~IJlI, ~ellcmr illspec- I '119 }'enwick l'cler winc mer. :!Ii:l ~tC\'clllt!ln, .Tohll. <;Jliril IlIr. II:! ~ IoU f:·U!\t·rl .. rol. ·\",In'\\', ,,, 1'1.:11'.11 •• I:,.: •• I ",I'!'

.,- u··
I , - I..
:!~ ltnckelJ~lc, Lord
(' I
.. •

~,) n l'Ir. .rlllatn, I ' . • D
I to" ot h:!herlc:'I
l' t' t' II J' 11
(Ir er le t , • v III •
(C" t ) I 1"-
.' . '
11:!3 "alson. D. m.mmongcr
.IrIc, G)
(" • I • t·311 Iler
:!Iij !'illlith, Will, w()cllell Ilrapl'r'
:!;( Jllnlilll'. W, A.
ntul SOli. I'I.irit .It'al'·r-
111'1 Fr" 1',11'10"111'1.
·11: \\.1:11' "':I, I: .1" 11, ' •• : '.
·111 I.mll .. \. Il,.h."
I ,

:!Ii llil1 ••L I•. , \\'.S. i'\ I "

lIucrsvll., aln~
11." om~ 1:;5 Arms:rong, W. &..\.c.'\bineL :.!;:; Scol/i"/I j'i"·,IIt,,,\, I/llrfi· ) I:! 111111tl'r. I~·.h('rt ::11 t !t,i., .• ·.• I..alt· •• !tr"I"
21 ~forrie~on, Ml's IIngh I Ht·r•.IC"c~ .·Iaee. • ll:?kc:s. .. C'lIitllrist fllil/',' . ill:! I)""nhl':oll, .\. (,:lll]1l'yl:t.\t'r :;'1 1.\('. 11""11,1., .lr:I\\ ·1,. I
:!7 ('nml.bell, Roth'I'I, :uh'oeate 1 ~/(.. ·klirld!it'· 12, l\lclklcJohn. J. Spirit (tcaler ::;;i IIllltartr, .Jaml'lI , ) \0 I~ih'hi(" .Jarn('~, -ta:i"llI'r ~\.trd"'IH~
:!A Maciagnn, DOlIgI:l:I, M.D. I 2 Hill, Cum (,erl:ultl, city mis- ,1:!7 ~il:on J. clog and ~hoe wOIl ::S:I 11:\\,. ,';,Im. \\oollCI\ Ilral)!.'T I;;,; Fouli·, I)!witl. iruIllIJOn:';I'r .:' L,It •• LII •• , ,Itll··/',' hl'I/I •• ;.
:,!:\ )f a(')nj!:lIl. It C. 6urj:'c0I1 • sioll:lry 11::9 ), A. ()o'unter :~q liot/t,l 1!'~I'C"(HI!lf' 1::1; rnrnu~r, Juhn, h~tk(~r :.:.; \\ )1 ... ,11 ...J !eIU''''. t.ahi I
:!:I :S~'Wblgg;t1g, I'lSt. M.n. ..:; ~imp~oll, John '\129 BUfllen, Gco. cotrcehoU$e :::I;I lIt'wlrl'ill'll. W, I: 1I11'r(,"~lIt I:!"; J:/,hl'rll'l>ll •• f. N.1. lI\('r"'II •• , :'1 I: .. !, rl"'Il. lIa\i.1. 1"'_1 .
30 1'a101l, Gcorgc, a<l\,ocntc ! ~l Kiuue:tr, .lamell. writer Rolx:rtson, Robert :::1;, nl.'tll'nth, A. bool.'I·aI,·r I:.!.; """ 11 !C ••Ja., \\\)ollultlral,c:r I~ 1:1"\1 11. \Ir~. I.ak,·r
:H llncfiul:me, RobeI'll nd\'Qc~tte 10 Uct'l,nth, .\le:\:lIl1ler 113t Unlet', n. llrovisio!, .daler !!:,j l\·dir, Wm . .fIhcrill'olihw ,I:!' IIl1ttilll :tII11: ..~~ TU'II/d"I, '·'mlf.
3:! .)olmstoll, Henry
33 Walls, John, S.S.C.
! 11
I Col. well .•lnme~
1 HI h HI
~ .C8.
1"~3 M'J..cal1, .lamC!l, 8ptrttl~ealer
113;; Wilson, A. &: W. R'l!nnter~
1 13;; Howic, lI\I~11, bookblUder
:!j7 Jl';III(·.•~ NUN/ltll'(I' (1/1/1'1
::!l!l Ailrhixoll. 'rhos. 8hol'lII:11 pr i
:40.; Willi:tlnsoll, (:. bootmah'r 1
'1',','1/ ('/lIlt"'/
.'>'... ,,', 1:1'1'/'" ;:./, n" 1>1
-"d,h'!! SII', d /Ii/'/'." /'/~
(Ilil'tr :lnclll·')II. 1.lIl.iI.ill!
11 /:'Ultl-:l\. 'fllOlBa q, hal.l':"
III 11 nth/li, A. l,a\\ nluoJ..(.r
:H Wch.h. )(iss
3;) Camllbctl. )liss
36 PRtCl'Stln, Al1mn, W.S.
: !~!
~\ Inte, 1~~)I~crt
~t.lIrt, "t1hmn . .
, 13:; )I'lndoc,
I Sce Ad/).
bill poeler.- ::IQ; It'!...1rcn,l)lIlIcIIII
:n 1 .1olllllltone, .Mi'lll ~1.
' 1!?2 Dil·"-lIll •.\. ~:'<''''f'r
jl:m I>.n·i,ll"Jf\, Will. N CIJ. in.n-
10 1'1':\('{J(k, /ull!n.\\'
hi ~llrnl'r\'ill ... AII'X. tllrllcr
;\7 11111('8, John n. W.S. I"· 1 hOIll, John.1I1llrlt merchnnt I 1-43 Rleakley, Joho, shoe .hop :H:l ealtlwcll :1IId Co. :I\OIl::\'I'~ 10 J'rl'r.lller. S. ('altilH't ,1I:\!;"r
:l~ 'fny\or. ~lr8 Hla" tilehool "",'ad, ; as Dunlop, JIlS. spirit mercbt. !! JtfJlJf'rl.~OI), Wi!lil\lII, ~ru"\'r
~l!) S\\intoll, ltill~c..~
40 ltitehic, Mrs. iO!'l!illgs
JI;gll ~dH)()1 1'ardlt.
l'orrit:on. !\ant, mhlwife
147 Farmer. AIel. prov. dealer
,1H Regbie, John, cowfeeder
SW Martin, J):witl, hakrr
a~ 1 Thomson,.T. llrovillil.1I m('rl. ,
IllS \hhllillr, .Jall. turner nll.1
3!!!l )1'Lnren, Oli\·CI·. :\11·1 Co. I, JIG J:allla:.!l? 1>. toill\('('o m:llIu- 1III1I1ou"...n.. ld.
41 ~t'K('n;de, llrs .\. 3 Hcrke!l, )lrs 153 )l''see!l, Wm. watchmaker :~~3 DOt.f:Oll, .'Ohll, t:lilor tilclnrer ' Nni!lll1ith, .John, gr()('('I'
U Kilmear, .-\. S. advocate " Itnm~a\', Robert,I'mith !
153 Patrick. RolleR, batter 339 Chnntht-fS, W. 81\11 R. pub- ; ! 1-1 nnchall:ln, J. ('O/li'chou!e-'\ 1II1glJc~. f.lizaheth. j!.o('er
41 IJUII, John , " WaL~\.Iii, P. U., )I.D. ' 1l1~ Gow, WiJliam, \aruer Ji8heu I Sec Ii dl', Donaldsoll, .'3.11. 1I1'irzt denIer

.-~"..;..:;.., ~r=O;;;:>!ia~::_~:~:-:-t,~....... :_._:~
: ....... __
--, --.--------
._.:_' ......~--
_i, .z__: _.

8in1ib, John, tailor
Kacby, EWIDg, baker
3 8utl{'r, Ar"!:;!. I'ivil engineer
s Comnll.c;sariat Opi.:p,
Rolyrood 'itreet, 8.
!\I'Callnm, Uugb, draper
- G• •
, Hop
ope Park.
5. Hope Tt"rraee, 11~ H!:l!I', M:s W. D.
F1emiofI' H. tailor nnd 5 Bell find aN.can, W.S. MeadotL·s. "'hltebou5e LoaD. la BJall', ~hsqe~
clotlllcr 5 Agent for CIl1Ircl, of &ot- Bol,'...... Tf!rraee. 1 Reid, D. "Tight nnd mllDgle' I.M IIrrn\". Mrs }(j (;ullrlay, llrs Dr
SamueJ, Jam"..., fte3hcr lam! R be maker 3 Campl;eU. )Injor 11 D:111, l':lt , n.N.
(P08t-OtJice) o ~l'Lcall, I1ector, W,S. 6 Dod, 0 rt 2 Smith, .Miss li Rymer. l\lrs 18 Spotti~wood, !tobcrt
La" George, gardener 1 Uenderson, John, architect 1 WUson, G. H. 2 Gray, Jamet 1 Gibsou, Adam 19 ('lII1I1CIl, !'rof'c~or Artbur
Bi.:;t: Peter, joiner and 7 Enston, Miss, sick nursc 4. Rome street. 8 lIoswc'- A1ex!U1der 9 Bryl',c, Rev. Jame5 D.D. 20 Brown, ~Jnt
Ci'blttetmakcr 1 Dunn, Thomas, S.S.C. 3 R08tl, Thomas, J~rocer " Miller, Wm. cU!!Tlwer 11 Croil, 1\11'8 121 Urav, ~lis.~
tiLde, Alexander" groccr 1 Dunn find Thomson, 8.S.C. :; Dug-nid, J. & T. C. 5 .'rMCr, Blt\§, t"Uopc P:trk 13 Liult', Arcbibald 22 Rol.erts, G. surgeon
WUaoDJ.. Tbom.'ls, natter 9 ~[ & Kemulck, W.S. 1 !\[otherwell, John '1'ratle.~' Maidell I/o!lpifa[ 15 Tod, LiCllt .. Gcn., S. U. 23 Warden, l\lra Dr
htt, D. grocer 9 Kermtlck, W. n., W.S. 8 lllltchison, William (; Kinmont , Wm. G. (lu/ant!,' Blyth, Bcnj, Ibll, Bracside 24 J>nnbnr. )ItS
Bain, J amcs, spirit dea~er 9 Alackellzic, Gcorgc, W.S. 9 Atllcck, Arch. tie8bcr RCtJell le) 1. l\tllcfie, John, 2;; Vallnter, Uohert
1III1"~'''Ae8eld Roue. 9 .Mackenzie, John Ord, W.S. 12 Lilldel, Gcorgo (; Nisbct, ltcv. WiIliam i .!\tiller, J:lmes, Cornhill \,,;lIa :?Il Stodd:ut, MiM
GiUon, John 1 I Stirling, Jas. civil engineer 13 Scott, Robert, slater Stewar!, Lawrence, gardener Cowuie, Wm. Loyal bank :!1 »l1nl;\II, ~Ii"s
18 Jiamilton, })eter, architect 14 Pecbles, Thomas Jlope Terr"ce, LelCh. gO 28 Wliytt, llt~ D. .It.
G. RIll Plaee. .t. Rope Park 8quare. Chri"lie. ML,~
13 lIunter, John 15 Marshall, )fiss
1 OrmRn, WiltiRm 15 l\lowbray, J. M., W.S. 11 .'isher, WiIliam, grocer o Smith, Thomas ,I h"l\g~kill: Robert :H J)(IIl~I:1:;, JrulICS Crnwford
2 Fowlie, G. S. agent 11 Scott, D:l\'id, C.A. Agent for 18 Falconer, 1>. grocer G Cowan John .l ,tllt'IIIC, (~c()rge, • ;I:! thn:llic, ~Ir:)
2 Bluck, 'Villimn lmpcrial Fire and Lye 19 Hamilton, MI'll G Alexml~ler, D:\\'id , AnnfieM 4 foih'lIitI/IISC, MiM ' 2. Hf"""", Plaee.
3 Dow, ~Irs Wm. Globe botel JIl.~ura1l(:c Co. 1!1 'furnbull, Mrs Peter
housc 4 Miller. 'Irs M:ll'g:1ret ... tb
4: Frascr, Jam('s, ngcut 19 JIemlel'son nnd Ui~sct 19 Davidson, .Miss, dre!!!maker G Penman, .J. nn(l W. 4 •X'\I'll 11 ! J :ulles, . 2 ClllhllJl, 1""00
Mm •
4: Brown, Mrs Jauct 19 Callnllder, lien rv, C.A. 20 Gr:lY, Thomas '1 Brycesod, l\Iiss [', T:r~trl!ll, n. I . hde !!uM'eyor fI Ilullt('r. Willinm
f; "llIle, .Iohll
4: Tumbull Mrs 21 Lorimcr, Jame:l~ nd"oc.'lte 2~ Auld, Jnmes .opl" Street. 1 Solllcr\'iIIe, 11(1111'1 • Inch, llr!l
G Smart, \ViIIillm 24 Blllckie, John A. profcs!5or 23 }'nttenJO\l & Laird, paintm
1 Donnan, Mrs Jano Foot of Ldth Walk. 7 ~todllart. Jnmes 1. How'''"' 8tft'f't.
20 RonaM, John, S.8.C. 24 Alexnnder, Airs ll. grocer
'1 1\1' Doullll, 1\[1'8, lodgings 20 Bamie, Jantc.'5, S.S.C. 25 Arnold, Jamce, baker 1 Kirklnnd, l\lrs '1 ('alllcroll •• John 1 Jal'ks(,r., I'. and T. gro<'enl
'1 LtulIlcr, Mre John 20 Dnillie, Ja,ne8 W., W.S. 27 Ritchie, .John :1 .'ultoll,,comm<.'r(·ltt. '1 MOrt', Andrcw \\ille&llJ1irilmchtll.(P.• ().)
9 lIenot, Tholl.:!!!, registrar 20 "tgcllt for lY'!Stenl Lif~ mu; 28 Smellie, John, grocer .. Smith, Mrs 1 A,lulrnw, AIl'xaullrr :.! ~ll:Iw. ~lr14 )l:\ rl!l1rct
10 Bu~ge, WiUialD L!ui· Fire Assurance Co. 20 l\tasterton. WiIliam 5 Bennett, Jamc/.l com factor 1 LlgcrtwootJ, .1:'IJnes :\ III('h, 1)l\vid, blUt.:her
10 WKclln, ;fohll 20 Scotti.~/t Draillage COllllltHllJ 34 Hairtl, Alex:mder G Airth, }\trs' 8 l'(lll(l~, ~Ir.~ J(l~I'ph ~. 00\1'1." "trnt.
10 Hamilton, Mrs Thomas 18 Skellc nnd Peacock, W.~, . 35 Unmll, John, coal merchant
10 Wl'he~. ,lamcs 1. Rope SCreet. :1. 00"-1." "·,'nd. ",.Oilt. WiIIillm, baker
18 G'Iwrclt (If Enghuul L~(e 36 lIon:bmgh, Ant!rew 1 Gill1iOll, J. dairy l")l\llg, W. :U1d Co. I)rc\~'('r,; 1:1UII~1\'II. ,J :1111('1\
11 Hissl't, WcmYllg, painter
13 Dick, Thom:ll-l. en'~r:l\'cr Office :~~ l\IacaduU1\ John 1 Ilobday, )Irs J-'. fl,d!f rllllti 8,,/111,,/ IIryd<'II, J. (fJrytlfll 9' Son)
16 iUtclii(., It ch'il ell~illcel' :m Hay, Oeorj::o 1 .·arrell, Hobt. poulterer '£hUIII,"OIl\ A. J,othi:1Il \lllt· !In 01\'1\, )IN
1:1 .at'l>onnld, N('il Uuion (//1(/ C01/1//11 40 Grieve, Thomns A.
11 Boynck, lIcnj. bo.)t mull-hoc- 16 Lont/oll JII.~.u:,mu·c "qic(.', . 41 1IlItchi~on, Henry
3 Andersoll. l\I\"li , H ' ; h ' l i i l ' hU, )Irn
maker r, M'K:lY, WiJliatll .1. Dor __ .. '·ynd. 1 ;\hlll'f • .J .. IIII
1ft Ihtcluc, Rout. I., ~1.D. 42 P:IIII, Uobt'rl [; Roi!.~, ,\udrc\\', lodgings I;!) (·v't'flltt.. :; ~lax\\(:II. fholl1l\..<1, wc)('cr
18 Lowdcn, Wi\li.'lll 1-1 DlIUlop, G, & G. law alJCl1t~ 43 Ui1'':PI, :\rdlll. draper r, ('lIl11lit~tham, Mi~.i 2 Swau<;tuu, .\I(''t. l-piril d('aler :1 itlllh('r(.,rtl a\l!llf~rri"J>, W.S.
G. Bill !illlu"reo. 12 »almahoy:md Wood, \\'.S. H 1\ilkt'lI, ;'lrs .,. J.,'1'occr r, Smith l\: Co. G SlIliI('rlund. Sind:ul' : :) HI:tll,·r{..rol. H..I,,'rt. W.S.
1 Cnw, .aIr:> John n. 10 M:1COll(){'ilie & DIIIIl'an, W.S. I I J I 'V
r, ('allwro'l. Wm. ~)lifit d(,:Ilcr 12 .\Iillcr :111.1 rairlt,s, prilllt'ril I:l lIa),. \\ Ill. Brlllll\\'r, S.S.t'.

'I '"
]0 cllz.ic~, Ill.,., \\ .:;.
J' .1.; Bar :uu, (\.111 •
1.16 Silvjt', .J:lmrs, writer
1 )lathe I', 1\1 rs jl
;; Shl'ritl', .'as. cabitH:lltlllker I 14 Allall, Uoh(>rt i :; .I"hu-t. 'H. \\ IIHnlll
~ M'XciU, Ardiibald, \\'.~.
t Veitch, Robcrt A.
1 Wi1S011, William
2 Dick~on, Artlmr
(i DlI11c:m alII I I)c\\'al'...~.
G D uncnu,. J:lmc:',
". "
.". 11(' '"
I •., ~I
I 'I I
'Olll. ••' rs •.
I 'I El'" lOAth
'1 h '" rwar , . r5 • 11...
4(, BmirlWQf)!I,
'1 Hrrig, llr:4
9 Hick, Archihnlll
II Pottage, .Juhn V.
I I:?~ 1f:J"twIrS, .Jmnc!<
:10 Kdt, )!r~, chitm m('rdmllt
:11 Ilcw:tr. Geor:!('. tllrtH'r
r. )'ollllg'. 11:'1\ i.1
r rill j ·11,·, (;, .. r!!"
:; ('.• t11I\ all. \1 r~. (IN.~li1aker
3 Weddet, WiUiam G })cwllr, 11. H., S.S.C. -If! V:mnan, WilIi:lm H. l) nose} MiSl\ M. lod~illlSS ,Z:! )1·(;iJnl'.\, All/Ire\\,. wright 1 H..... lq •• !.Hll"'" :-; S.C.
4 Tement, n. W. (G.l'.• O.) ., }o'orclnan ••John X., W.S. 47 1'lllmrnCI', Alex. flcsher 11 lIanl Y!lide. Dr 1'. H. ;:ll Linds.'\y, n. /'OJ'cmaktr !l ~lurr:l\, It"!'ert, ~urg-t!OIl
4 Aiorrison, JRmes 2 Grnnt, Willimn, printer .l~ Ca!tltrhCIIII, W. confectioner 13 Holland, Mrs 129 Urown, (;eo. ;lInl)('r llIer<:ht. I H .Mllrra)·, ~Ii_~s •
4: Wbittl, M. !? RI1I8fr~t>t '.dlne,~. 50 nro~sct, Willia:n, baker l:J Jllllltcr, !\h!l~, .1r('slIl1I!lkl'r ;, Smith, )Irs, (·owle(·lIel' : 11 1"lIthcrlllwl. )fr~. !OI.lgmg.~
-i Tnmbull, .Jolm u1 Dow, (g.,\hl·lla la Tholllson, Wm. ltllirit dealer f ' la ¥'.I\\IIg. ~lnl

5 Urqubart, Ito(lcrick Graham, .J<>bn, coach hirer ~1 I'e3cock. Mi5Ses E. aod M. lG W,\tson. Or. ".R.C.S.H. I 2. lIo"'ard 18 Inr.·. , I;J (;f!l\' ••~f 111
G Kerr. Jamcs Caml'hclJ, ,lames 5:l Cainttt, Thomas, baker 14, Alcxanller 1 Shicls, T, paintc'f 1:'1111 glazier' I;, (;II!; ,pip, ,J,.IIII, ~rocer
'1 L.'l·wrie, Hellry, clothier 14 rOm"st, Sir John 1 1"11011, ~Ir:l, spirit mcrch:ulI 17 f)"I\:lJ.I~illI, Itt·\· .•John
'1 We!ton, ~Irs 2. Ilill"lde ('re"eent. 2. Dope t;reflftDt. 14 Low. Mr~ :1 Rhbcrhil1ll, A. I 1j It/·h,·rl,t'lI, ('hnrll'~, C.,\.
1 lIetiot, .Jnmes 1 Symth, J'ro(, (,hl\rl('~ Pinz1.:l 1 SW;ln, Rc\". W. 12 l-iimpson, John a .Joilnqt(lII, )tiM I:t Chi.holm. Hltherl
8 Ord, AlI:U1. A.M. !? Rug-err, Alex. (Illllt'h;,,- I S nankin. thncis, mcrcb:m~ 11) Shrl'ill'. C.•J. ad\'Qr.ate :1 .\IIIIf'r~OIl, W. W. ,1:1 .J .. IIIIAlo". W. \itotnnl de.'llcr
9 ~laxwel1, Jamcs .~f}1/ ,\' If.) , 17 F(lrd, Willinm J. )0 Edill~t()lI, :\fr:! A. (;. 3 O::ilvit., $. T.. U.X. . ,\'",'11"'/111.. r1lllld ."t.
9 MilIl'r nnd Grinton :1 n()~C, flugh «('l'aig ami 1:.)' IS Tl:om, I>:witl ~ Sibhald, MrR, lodf,tingll 4 Rt'II!1, .John ~f. ; 21 ) IIlm~ ••John
\l We15h, Mrs t )}oJ,lll'rn, ('. Wiilbm (I >.1 I)unrnll':: hru~h mnnnfhct011 8 l'rawii)rd, Mf!'. )ollgil1~ [, lIaf,lym/lIl ••Jnitn I.~" W.S. '2:1 E.lgllr, It I,rovi<lif!ll IIt'alrt
U Lor(', M. :md J. millincrs 1[. Lm'('1! ~\. ('0.) I 6 ThrcCJlInlld, 1\11'5 :; H:ml~'mIUl, )lr:4 \\ 1111:101 ,2a rJ<'JIlIllj!, 3 rJl, rnitlwif'c

12 ~l'DowaU, Willinm
10 ~~ol'rnr, ,[homa!!, hO\l~e !lC"rut :; J\ 11:111, Robt.
.t. lIopt" '-ark En'.
" t'armlchacl, Mril Will.
4 Mru.on, Da' Iti, coal merchallt
fi C'amphtll,
11I: Mcik. 1I1M
Brtlcc, Wm. ll.1>., JUt
':!a )H.cQ(I. \\ m. tnilor
::.?a lJulIgnll, .Mrll
12 AndcTl'ol', .\I('xau.lrr r, Xelson, Thomas, and 80~ 4 Wright, Ro!x>rt ! :::3 'fhoms(lll, :\ILi.i
:!. Rolyrood P"I"(lt".
printers and publishers 2 W"ubcr, Mrs n UaW.lIlr, Miss I:!:l ItOAII, Alex:tndor
12 Rdd, Willi:l.lI1, t1ll'rl.'h:mt
Z. HIli Mtl"t>ef.
Un,01\('l, ~1r3 Muir, James P. ironmonB6 2 Kerr, lIugh, coaeb hirer I]It Cnmllhcll,
I) Jhmcnn, O. 2:1 Krlly. ~Ir:l, millwifc Ilnd nnnu
1 ~inasstl, f.. French tea('hi'r
1 u,wc, Ucorgc, prOlcssQr of
I l':UlIlIbcll, Miss, of Lodmell
AnticNon, DunClln
GOlllltl, Owen
Hopt" P"..k End R ....
Ma('kenzic,. William, builder
1. 11ope 1"9 ftf't Lane. ~ 12 '''''Iic. ('olonc-I.Jmnc3 S.
jfrs C. W.
Brown and .JamiclIou, joi.lcrll' la Wincltc.,tt·r, ~Ir:\ Colond
Simpson, Itr.v. A. I..
Aitkcn, l'hlllnM
Urunlon, f:<I. UI,holstcrct'
d.'Ulcing DrUlllIDond, Wm, po~c~ }'judl,lwr, .lames, c10tbicr Notmsll, Wm. ul,boletercr 114 Sdl{,I:imnn, Mr~ '!!7 l1ar~ht.lI, Mrs

l.. ____ ._______••- - - - - - - - ..---~-":r__--- _____..._--.

, \ ..
____ ~!!if______:_---:S:::-TR_E_E-::T nInECTOItY.--,-_ .Tal1:'_ .__:1_41
! 27 )IarsbaU. ~.
1 Uciton, John, accountant
2 Maek, W. B. batter
India Street.
East and Nos. 48-60, 2.
'J8 'Hobcmon, llrs I, ...verlel.h Plae,t". .. Urn.Oll, Alexlmder
27 Boil, FA. cbU'opOO1!t 3 Riehnrdl!On (( Brown, woollen West, 1 v
'lG Uenderson,
'lit h I F I 1\1 J C
9 arqu lru'II001 ! rll • •
G TaylClr, It.S.A.~al'dcncr 111-
.·acd. J.,.f amc.s.
!I }'Ur(luharson. ~Iiss A.
II r, se ()()

l- 2'1 Ramage, ){n

an .l-denoo, Mra Peter. tt
dra~rs '11 It 1 cro~ter, ,1""m. & Son,painten :14
Tumbull, llatrick, W.S.
IJarstow, C. ;\1. 10 no~bllrs.h, ~ll&e.@
\'l'rlcith gardens
_ill All
81 Bowden, v_, board 1O_-I10. 't:J .It1I1e"c
, tallts a 6"'~t 3 CQC' urn,. J and G• t1.
'W'I>r 32 Uarstow &: Latta, aCCollntunts 15 }'('mic, .~. "aek'~ (;108....
t Ireland, Thoma. N, nCCOlm~u 11 te w

Douglas, Alex. ~bolto

.1U.lII "
83 Wa.WIV6AAo, S·-art
4 Rutberforll, I S S .
0 Smith, • uuvoca
D b J ea
:10 JIG Dllllloll, Ml'8Charlell, Tcnnant IJi!j.2. Liltlt', a.
SS Stewart, lira r. 1l0llaZ )Jmlk of Scotland 'I un ar, urn ., Nichol80lI, J. I Itb 11'
83 s·"""e.........l Robert 28 White, T. and Co. pi\ICclay
IN~ .....,..
00 M'La-", oho
(W..... •
S U.1"
b-O Tll l l C C .lroD'"
as Nisbet,Jobn Ca~lpbe11 ,~Vf!t er GCl.<I. 7 RusseU IOma&, -
Orr, :l\fr3
• 0 ns t on, Jnm"-/l
R'leIIter, DOt

" .. , wnter
r ...
IN, proressor or
Fergns8011 John accountant
Barber, M~I!, IIcien
I""er e
U'twt, 1. J;,·«~/. 2.
0". nnd buth-brick mere Hulls
Swan, Georgc
2R Gilehrillt. John !i .Jnlttlston, I.ic:lt .•1. C., ItN,
38 Artbor, Ch. (B ~' L.G.Co.) 1 W~!'I~ltJ. letterpress printer musIc 1 J I 26 Gibson. H. G.. W.S. 6 Haiu, WiIli:1nt. hanker 2.•Jalftale88tr.'et.
nil< Mill, Mra. I b 1 ScoU,to!
})etel', merehant 1 Slmderson,
. I :l\1 1 rs 0 ID 2-1 Tait••o\lex. {!I'occr 'l CUlltlillJ.dmm. Ml'l4 1 V!llc, Geol'~e, butcher
37 Jackson, T. k.Son~, l~ lint rs.
8 C'ity (lI'Wasgmo Ballk 1 Um, 1'8 'H .Jaekson, Dl' Alel<andcf J/'lI'li(·. UcmlUls illiCl'Sfci. I Wehb, Mrs 1:lJhcrt
n9 Hell(lcrson, Altss, inutercr
, 'J
Spcnec, John, tavern e~
k per 1 :Matheson, Peter
). R b rt 22 .facke!l, Itoden R (;ib!lllll, Willimu ;} Wil.~(lII, Mrs, l'ick nurse
9 C:ul1plwll, ~[rll
... 8 Wntt, Peter.. fhdtercr 10 Currie and Lamb, bookbmds, I} Sine mr, 0 e 22 Crolllhie, David a Lylc. John, derk
41l Shepherd, draper It l\IacqllCl'n, Miss, buker 22 M'Tlwish, l'ctcr 11 Gr:1\', Monlaullt :~ Hiruie, Mrs
44 ('nnniehne) '.lis? t t 11 'furnbllll, .John, accouutant 20 Thomsou. Charlcll W., C.A. 11 Grn)' Mrs 1 ;\l'lnl1c~1 Donat.l
H l-olldcll, D. lodgmss 1. Da.O,. '" ree • 13 Hargitt, Charles 20 J\lollcricif. John S" C.A. IQ Uollertson, Gccrgc !) l\t'ChrilltaJ, M, IIh:&",1 ng-cnL
oH I'atersoll, Mis.'1 2 '''right, Waiter 13 l'ortcotlS, ~lr8 18 TholllllOlI. WiUimn 13 ]tObCrt.'iOIl, ))ol1ald !I l'nrtl'r. Thom:1S
44 Kinross, William 3 Frnllcr, Thomas 13 l.ce. Mrs Hi J)n)~icl, Miss H U:llIl1errn:m, Mr,~ n t\p:lldill~, l1rs
44 Ro~crs, J. }'. 4 Rcid, lit'S .John 10 Ul'Olln, Archd. advocate 14 Wardlaw, Coloncl . ' 15 IIlIICiI,COSIIlO,:ulv()('alc.I'rill· ].') .'llrhc."',3frlS
·12 ]'ol'ter, Mnrtin, nc"'s agent 6 IlIch, })nvid 11 ~Icwnrt, J. ulld C., W.S. :~ ClUupbcU, Arthur, .I Ul,t, W,S. citml Clerk uOi(,o,joll l.i Matlll'r, .'mlll's «(,',I'.-fl.)
:11'\ 1>uO'us, l)etcr, shoo w~rcho. 6 8tewurt, Wm. 17 Stcwart, .Jnull'lI, W.~. lU llcudersoo. Mrs, 10d/!lIIgs 11) Jnnlt{'son, .J, A., W.S. Hi Hickit'. AIr:!. lallk:.'uurfc
:\(i Wil!lOIl, James, drugf!ls,t, (j ~1'(~lnshlln, Stewnrl 17 Stewarl. Charlcs, ",S. 6 111111, D. lodgings IH .Jalllicl'Oll••Jallll''', M, n. l;i J/lltl'hil!!lll. ~(r:4
:H Gibson, Tho!!. (/~ (wd 1.) {; Smith, 1\Irs, W. n. 17 Stewnrt, Arehibnld, W.S. G I'ollc::.fcn, Jamc! R" W.S. '11~ -'litchcll, Captain, T. )'. 17 Wlllklll', Willillfll
'l-i .lnmicsoll, Mr8 "m. (; Purvell, Mrs 19 }Iatk, Howard ([lIiami }let.. ) 4 Patel'l:lOlt, .Jnmes. :!O SlH'ne, W.•.• W.S.-ch:ml- J!) M'I'henwlI, )Irll
:H Thomflon, :l\tis.~ J. . 8 1Iay, itobel1, grocer Hl Uob('rtsoJl, Mrd M. • .. l'atcrson, Tbomas, \\ .S. ber:!. I S Hill Street, II!) B,wd, ~(rll, c()ok
:I!! lI:ty, Wm. tobucco1l1st HI Somcrvillc! Ro!)crt, ".S. 2 lIuig, J08CIlh, b:lkl.'r W(/r,.i,~tol/ IIr'IC,~C illtU',oI((".~, 1!1 l.i~lc. (:l'Qrlfl!
:.!8 llillloll, Wm. India Plaee. Ht l.icittenstclU, (,eorge /Jolall;(,(ll Gm'defls iltl<1',~( cl. l!I .JllhlllltOll ••lh':4
2(; lhmt(lu, ltollert, M.D. Enst, 2. Wesl, 1. Ht Shearcr, Archibnhl 3••• O....ary 8frt>.·t. ('ar!<tairi',.1. Warrilltcm IlItI).!c 1:1 Wn:sun ••'mne:;
~.. Kl.!mll, RollCrt ""11' I t taker 19 nt:lck. John Rill/at f,!.Iirl1U11'!/-)p,00ngall, I:! 1 Mllrjoribaukll, Willi:un :! 1 1>1I11t'all. ~I r:l
-24 l'hilplltS, J nme~, • r, Dougnll, ItI1 l'lam, )00 11 , '13 Ru~"'cll,...~, .. C.A,
""llll',nlll, 'A. treas. :md l!up~rtntrll{ll'"t;,::?1 Urollghlon, Alrll ~r/ljor :!! ;\1.\i!IOII, 'fhmna.1
').! l\Cllt, Gt'org-c Kll1lck n M4Wlmullc, . Iyoly :'r: Ui~h:lrdson JIIS. tlceotllltnnt Urucc, Mra, supcrUJtendcllt of J:?:! Coullcll, (''pl\('r Jmne~ :!l IInnc~l1I, Mnl
~4 CJark mill Bents()lI, ironmOll.
22 Home, Sir Oeor~c, Bart.
11 Smith, Walt~rl, 11 tlllt )cr
12 JOhustOIl, \\ Ilham
:,~ Mackie,' 1\1;'"
~,. Robertsoll Jolm
J.(lck HO:ol]littll .
:!;\ -'l'('mllllillh, William
Forilyth, Miss, I~OllSCkel'Jlcr 2-1 :\lI"er~OIl, Miss.r. H.
:?a IHch.soll. W. ~rOCt'r

:I:J Orr. Willimn, dairy
:m (JOUl'l:l)', l\1is.'1.JI\IlC 12 "oung, IMw:lrd. !llnter ~~ Simson,D:tenf!lleroftlmwiug 'rair, Jnmes, chief llOrter 24 lIamiltoll , .Mrll nn),rrt :l.' ('/ark. ~Irl'l
:!O (':lr~lllIrs, Matthew 14 l'lIgan, Ardlllmld. grocer :;r: ('ropper W. llllintcl' :-leott, Gcorge, gl~t~ keeper 2.i ~tcclc, )Iatrick :;:nU]CI sull :m I{ay •. '01111, lluord\llllt
18 O.rih·io, Miss 15 l\tiIl1r••lnmcs, g-I'OW' ~~ UI'OWll JOhll 1 Alain, Gcorgc, !lllt,lIL mcrcht, I:W Y\ll~, l\!iS!!CI! 40 .\rchih:dd. (;. haker
I~ M!llollgllll, Geo,.g-rc1cer 1(; Stcwllrt, l\lex. K!~r('r :,~ M'Cllll~)ch, John M. ~ M'lntosh, A. spmt merchant 127 Ualfollr, J. H" M.D. :I~ IJI'),c\t'tI ••J:uUI''', ;.:ron'r
./nmai('(l Stl'~et l1Itas('('ts. 11 Matlll!!loll, A, Spirit dt':Ii('r ~~ E IW'lIds A. .M. surgcon :1 M4Kl'chnn, D, !UHt Co.. !~8 A\·tOIlIl, Mr!\ :J:! Clluam. hlll'ill
IG Allnll, Brurc :H Jlo~, lli!ls, (lre~s~takrr ~~ I~O"~u .;ohn, W.S. .J I>·Jllaldson. Johu, /odglOj.;l! b,i·( rhilll P/are illlcr,(('rI,~. ;10 ltonahl. A. Ilh"CIllIlh.l'l'
W l'hwnitcs, W. l{clso, S,S.C. :1:; Rilcy, Mrs, lad:J1I IIl1r~r 31 Ar~~t,' Allam, architect " Kcnnedy, Chas. cork cutter a6 Canniehacl, )frs 2~ Auch'rs"", Mrd
14 l'itc.,inl, Miss :15 A1'I.cllnll. l rs . 31 M()lh:~on Mrs ,1 M4Kcchan, N. ;,)7 Dcwnr,llngh Brucc (Dunellll 2'. rai:, .'allll'lI
11 i\iu('kny, I>ollIlM
1 (• 1 11 Geo bookseller
12:! Twectli('
.11111}1 It',
Peter• , • •
::0 Sihbnld, Mrs, cook
4"" I'"nWI'Cnce, Mrs, lattles ullr~e 1':11
Lnwlion, l\Irs "
at Ma:,o;l. ~irs, lodgings
." )'
>1 "tU ;..O~).' Il1.1'fll()nl'\S

rll 1 •
4 .'illlaYllon, D,
/.(l(It, lestrr ,'I (;Jlllrd,
I (l1111 D.)
[) \red dell! JOh!l, ~ Son, dyers :~8 ncUd~'r8(}ll, ~ff8
:l(l !\N...'llll£', .\UI!IIS
22 :-;Iutllk~. ~Irg
1~ HOIIIl'T\'iIIC, .~aIllC'.~, tn:v-0I1
Itl M:lkolltl, .io/III
l\) W:tlkill~IIt\\V, .l. !'Jlmt tle:ller 43 Hell, ~I'h0I'!Ia.'1 k lco 'l'ho;ntoll D:lV, (arca) mn.~on 7·A .1J~s~';Oll &hool Room.i :;!l 4;rcgor:loll. Mrs 11) flay, ,hUlH'.~, (1)1:1' •
47 Angus, 1\lts.Il, dressmn er ~'('I lmer} Jl.l'l~s 140 Kcrr, 11. ~, J. If) l'e:lr ·('. ~'r~, lalhrll IlIlI'Se
-' U\I I "1'1 !'ll"I'.. ~n~
i:' I 1 1 lll'os j HegLle, Alcx. Shoclllilkcr
S "lIt Il'r :lIIl ,
S ltl'IIWick, .J:ulIrs "
S Bl'I'('k, Ale~. Ilhltcr
AC, 1.'cr. r llltSOIl, Mrs, Intlics' IIltl'l'lC \ ;18
' t,,... 1 k r. (' Ro )er so
4ll WateriltClIl, MillS! (rcs::um '01' ~! \ , ~ I 'WiIlinm
.! n, " •. 8 'fhomson, Murray, M.D., 14 t Nh'i601l. !\fr~ '
Hl Ilntllll.I",,", ~'rl\
}',C.S. 142 Clmrl('s, John If) J\lIIlcn()Il, -'IN ~I.
(i W,'i~:,(', 1I1'inrkh 60 Fi!'h{'r. MI'~, '~Ihes' num' :~I! 1;~({i~OI(;eorge(r;.l'.o.) 12 & 13 Kemp & Co. chcmists 42 Macallum, Mrli Hl .Jullor, llrll. I:ulil'l)' %lUl~C
H{'r. Mi)<l\ 55 n:~l!nnt):l~(,' Mls~(,!I,drct1~llIkl1. r,~ ~~~I'fcr: ,'ohn, aCCoullt:mt H Thiu, .J:UIlC~, bookseller b' 143 .. illaul' ••J:UIICS. proful'or J.l J.\)u~h .•Iuhn
].j ~t, .\rlhllr, C. Southern clu
(', "'III'le, .1llhh r,r, Ihallll" I homn~ F' l'o\)ert .14 JlumlY!lidc, Wilh:\1Il J:! Kerr, JtoherL
G Whighnm, .~. ~. \" 1'11('1I, I''I'I", I1\1I·hi,
... '" 56 'Tlt'r,l\Irs ~ John
,,2 r. 1Ii1l
t -i:> Cnrst:&irll. AIr~ 110 ~Iillcr, )lillJlI:S
{; V·sHc, .John 50 IIcwitt. Mr!l, cook ,10 ~ 't J G 1\1 D ii. •n.1I8'01l S.ree • /)irkJwl"s ~Vlir.~tri(.~ illl(1·';I('I. 1 10 Simp~oll, ~hl!, Maymnl"'r
6 l lellticrlloll, ,:. '>0 nt';U'IW:I, Mt's, ladies' nllr~e M .(~llualr , ~ J~l~ • :! Itcitl, .John, lJl11mlJcr [,2 flcndcrsoll, Johll P. I IU Uahllcr, )lrK, I:utjl'~' 'IUN'
• , '-t j 1'•1 t'rl. M 52 • In me All'!' ,
(l Mulll'o, ." K. ; rs , k 1)0 WihlOll, 2 Ht-itl, .JiJ!'in, joiner u3 Wbl!I)Il, John I (i White, ,hllm, groc,'j'
GI'rillglc, .lamc.'1 ! ·1" A11I\1'1'1'11I1, Mu~.'l, drcssma ('r :.8 StcV~'lIson, }liss
n )t\lsgro\'e, John, ('onlmcrct. H 1!!,lttlt'r~~l\1, Mr~
H Wall!!. ,John, I)rintcr 0-1 IIclIIlcmlD, Georgc I -I enluhart, ~lr!l, I:uli ....· Ullr~(!
48 Gl'ckil', lit'S () lllltelti~l}n1 John uo KlIap, Mrs ! " Young', Arehihaltl, l!lntcr
4; l'nmlicli:lI'l, .l:1mrs I H (,Ihb, Mill'" ,f. C. 48 'nek 1\lrs Andrew i I.eon, l\Irtl 56 ]lolll\ltJ!I. MrK I· 2 Grcig, W. bakcr
" While, .John, ha~\'I' i 41 W(1011, ~ir8, ('ook. 48 Shire'S!!, D. S. writer 1:1 Rwintoll, Aluander 61 Mackenzie, Mrs 2 WII1l8, J:amcll, ltpirit tlcalc'l
" Pl\\\liu, Gt'o, rntnnclUlakrt 1:1::1 Rlcnh,lU!le, Mr~, ~ool, 48 1\tnuc K. ]1) ~ViI8(1n., Gc~rge, spirit dealer 1 ••,'f'rleltb TerrHt".
2 Wcthcrsloll, lluJ;h, tlcelll'r : as t!lW, Nr:4, )a(hc~ unrll(, Cl()IlCe~tcr l>lm'l! ;lIt('r,~('l't$, liJ fwcedlC, \\ 1 l 1 i a m · I....
., ..aRtalea .... !Jan.. \t.• •
a~ llohSOIl, ~h', w~ll('r
l;:12 H ' .·ortllnt'. John, painter 1 }:dingtoll, :\Irll , ; -'filler, Wm, plasterer
4. BaRt"" Hq,m".". i\lh~I~, .John, t:lllm' U M'I>onnltl, D. J. I""f'rlelth Boa8... 2 Greig, Jol'll (JlIS. Dlcbfllll' )'orter, Tltom'L'I, wright
1 lloi(t. Rollel'l, ~l\irit d\'a\t't i:,m ~I'Klltlny, Mrll'.ll;lrsr 42 Gray .James .Monteith, l\lrs ami SOIl8) •. Ith
1 Hqi,i/. I.(lall ('1l'S ~f/Jf 1"1/111/ ! ~K Laird, .Ml'lIt l:ftitell Ilurse 40 Stew~rt, Miss 2 Grcfg, Sommcrville. \V.S. "aRlalM "tree', ...e •
\ llol!~. 1'\Hll1, INnt), ('om·cho. \ :!(; (~rawfortl,. l'hllll 40 Uobertson, Hies 1. I • .-erle•• h ...... 2 (;rcilt, 1\11'$, of W. C~l1lbM 1 ltobertsoo, J, 11. (J(. J)ru.
1 llllrling, WillinUl, 1111(1 60u 1:!1i YOllng, MISi Ilartin, Johu, farmer 8 !lackcDzic, lIra K• .t, therd)

• ,


2 M-Douald, Rcv. Robcrt 4.....IIDllt.DC Terraec.

.aracgrcgor, Rev. MaJcohn
!) ;; AllisOIl, Miss 71 Girdwood, Uobcrt 16 Hru.ailton, 11. :\(hucatc
3 Brown, ~li6S ~
UoiJcrt.&on, M. \\"right
Hdiubur"it J.Yotmal Scltool-
.I:) WilsOIl, J. & C. m ROM, John, S.S.C. 1 16 Uamilton, tally
i Thomson, Rev. John S Andcrson, D, (AlIfle~'SQl1 ~. 81 Cllwl'ooll, N. C. advocate 14 ~lunlocb, John, S.S.G.
1. lielr Street.
Currie, Rc\,. J:I~. Rcctor Co.) s:~ Black, Mrs 12 ... ':briar anti Itarxl'!', W. S.
Niven, Robcrt, jun. gmdener 2 Rcid, Wm. and SOilS, builders
,j WatJacc, Rev. John u Jlarl";r, Mr.:! ~3 Logan, Ati&lCS t I:.! 1 .Icbriar, David .1., S.S.C.
•. " . .ee' (:eurt. llud lIudertakers.-Sec At/v.
1) Calder, Alexander Wnugh, Thos. Killg's 1'1:100 85 l'u,tcrson, J:unC!, writer ]0 Ellsou. G. A. al:couutauL
2 mu, Robcrt I Stewart, !'cter, pbotographer
'; 1\lorri::on, Robert Cottage . t'I::; I'IJlcrkiu, W. A, ~ ('t1th~lcrt~n, l\(is~.
G Baxtcr, John, nrin«r 1 Ueid, Alc~. tinsmith nnd
'i Moir, David
, Hdillbttrglt Bread &cietU
Stewart, .Miss, KillS':! l'lacc
Is:) Seott, David
,{'Ij Cr:ulIoud, ~li5S
1 6 HuUlle, "aher, ,\ .s.
Cl Littlcjobn, lIra 4 Taylor. All's
James, W.
1• -~ID"''''
G Pillnns, H. nn" J. printers !I 8 . ." • ..,. ; 8:) Alurray, .Mm W. 11, 4 Ucthuuc AIrs
6. "O.....D Baak. 11 :\hmro, John N ~... 81 Scou, ~118.S
... ", " C:ullpbclf, WiHiaul
.Ja~H' Plaee, Le"lI. , T1Ion\l!On, Gea. 11 Itobertsoo, Miss 1 l\I'Lcan and Hope, mcrehts, SG CUlluillgilllm, W. A. " Rohcr.soll, !\(r:t
2 "ySe, G(!or~c n. :&1. (Ba1lk 2 Rcill, .Johu, R. 11 rcrgusun, Miss 12 Dnvidl!oll, D. :lg'Cllt Sf; CUlIlling-ham. Mi~s .. ~l'J)oug:ll, l):ltriek, \V.S.
of Scotla1ld) ~ Cumllbcll, John S. Ainseli 15 Fcrricr, lCobcrt Gmham, H. smith ~ 1 Y:lIliewl(~z. Ml's ·1 Traill, Alexander .i.
3 Tu Uis, IUra cottage 11 Watsoll, Gcorgc 16 Ui:c!Jell, John merchant ;;~ Miller, \Villi:uu S.
" 11 utehimJl1, Thos. mcrchnn~ M'lntyrc, D. 1i Bcatlie, Mrs J. 2. Itia.. J!jtreei, f,lreat. M .1:leksoll, Willi:un 2. HlaC 8Crer', "IUle.
.0 DunloJI, ~Irs .Jas. Usher "'erlr\l~on, Mrs John 1. Hay, George .. ~.f. Jack, Misi Ague.') :l Stillt.'r, Frcllcriek
6 Wood, ,John n. 'I Hay. D. It ll:liuter 11 .'14 J:':lr!:mc, Mrs :1 BI'OWIl, .J. W. writer $4 :Scott, AIrs ;) StellhollSc, WiUinlll
6 Wood, William 8 i\lacmlam, AlIstruther 11 1 ill!>lie, .aIrs :1 ~l:teka\', • Hobert ~:! I'..0 IIcrL...~OIl, '.'1.. \t!' . , I\...' A• 7 :\l:li.:ouu, Willianl
'I rllmelJ, Itichard 9 1Iom'o Will. examincr to th(; 11 1\"Gihboll, .John :; Na.~h, John so :O:luith, Gcorgc 11., ;\1.0. '; TOI'ping, ,John, (U.P.. C),)
R Whitelaw, !\le r;J~,·u. IH Ifs!lop. Mrd ;1 1\1' KC:III, {tollort C. 78 l1ullc:m, Airs :) M'! hcriloll, Aiel-miller
~J Bm'cridgc, AII!X. (A. ~'J. B.) Deuchar, JtoiJt. S.8.C, It; G,llbraith, E. M. 5 AlIdcr.:loll, !\liss iG n~nh(llmc, HOII. l,oill II U... lkll·.s..;, ,'Ohll, jlJiucr
10 .·lcming, A.
10 J\hlrray, Mrs
n. HtC\'CIISOII, :Miss M. drcssmkr. 16 SIl311e, 1\11'5 .Jmncr
Ste\'CllSOII, Willimll 16 Ue Idcrsoll, Mrl! 1\1. loogiugs
!I i )()II!1!a.~'.~ Schwl
7 (' rt~~()r, 1>. Clullic
'ili lluliCItSoll, :\ lex. :u!n)c:\tc
n l\1ciklt:jO\III, fil1'5 I " Kemp, UCOr;!ll,
.. SUlhcrl:ulIJ, Wm.
11 Ha\'in, Mrs Dl1ncan I ~ llal IlillOIl, J Obll 11 Coak, ,Johll, W.S. ;2 I>a\'i~, l'hilip ~ lIutcbisoll: Davit.!
.J Ulldiou S'., J!joutb. 1~ Cmwlonl, Ue;': 1.11' U"I? I 70 ('l'SCIIS, Ml's
1~ Dryburgh, J oscph

..Ianefleld '-'"ee. t WilsOll, l\li::.:J, tobacconist

10 Pate "SOil, Willrun
~ Twcl'lic, ~Ii~s .A1111 ! ~ If ai!~art aud 8tl'I!I,. W.:S.
11.1 Skill, Allurew, ,\ .:s,
I 70 ('nllCII~, Peter atl\"cC:lt~
(il'\ I>, Mr:i
hina' 8'r(&t~t .... t'i'b.
:! SimpsulI, A. ('.
l'i Witch , Robert
1 Smith, Willi:lm :.! HlIutlysitlc, Gco, shoemakcr 11 Cathc:lrt, l\I~s (il; Inncs, U. l'oi1mit liaiutcr 1:; l\o\lcrt.solll.. Wm, bJfiri~ ~h:al,;r
:l ~I'Dollald, Wm. spirit dcalel' 8 t;rci/!, John 2. }:t1l1lond, O'!orgc, tc:~chcr
2 M'liay, .John, tlOuse £.'lctor 8 J..'crrlcr Jamnd, painter 10 More,.Johll S~hallk, aJI.oc.:ltl' GG ltmes, John
2 lIe\ld~rl!oll, Jamcs .( Tholllson, Alcx. llccount.\l\t 23 .Ml1CkIllIlOIl, Chllrlc~ (itl 1'1Irrt!nn(> J t.lm T Klrk...te.
10 Fortune, Itob~rt, slater 6 Stark, rilliam
2 'M'I~\o\', J:uncs <1 Smith, l'.ev. Thomas :!5 1.~'4ndyljid(', WiIIi:uu ,,4 Rtlthcrfo~l, 1l')I~~t. W,s. 1
2 Hinl, 1nlliam
11 Tay lor, J U~ jlel k of works
2 1\I'LongMiu, <:harlcs "17 Slbuaid, llr:l.lIcnrv ,,:.! lJl)tl~(.III, RI;\" ••1. .s., DJ). )el;~~~~I!:::!t~ornpany, II!/irit
2 S!,ewllrt, WilIhtm 1 agent 11 Mchcr, Gilbert, registr:n'
2 Gar\'ie, A ,drcw 29 Arkley, btnc1~, aavocate {j(} ~lorfisoIl ,\;. U:lltnaiu, Mi:!.'ll·" :! \VlllkH, (;. I\II.I.J.
3 Mackic, N• .M. I:! WlIlIace, .J:lInes :n It.YUlcr, !\Ir!! . . ,i~ Balli>ul', .':lIIIC:I, J' UII. ",S. \\ a lk','r, 'I
la Lawrll" ,J. Hmrhlc ('utter :! Gricn:, lh "itl '~'l !'\ :~
•.• cwton,.1:lmc::. " ."is 1;-,1; )1·).:lrclI, \\. ~. :I,hocatu :' I'';
:1 ChrmH', Will. 1.lilor
dohntl-i 1.l8I1e. H (;hishvhu ;.ud Ilnrl'cr, roaI 1. Ker~' t!tfl.,.·.. t. :I.i c..:o(J~, .\Icx. Sblmk, ad\,'leat.' ',j,; ){. Lan'lI. ~Ir!-' Xciii :1 SClltt ~ :\ 11,111. \\ iw' mcreht '.
1>ulllop, G('urgr, and (\). merchants ,1 ('rkbtoll, J a 'lIes. ~ruccr :r: Ballour, .John , it Uhill!l, V. :lrcilitcf!. -4 Fl'~1l11 IlIl!I ("" ""llith'!'1
i\larshall, :Uld SU!hCrl:llll\ ,1(, L'ig-lllhotly, J. und .f. !:Iatc :! t:vans, It.)bcl t, tailor :::, Bru{,I!, JoJ~n, ,\ .S, 5:: :;alllls, WiIJi:1I11 J(lhu, W.S. [, !litchil', A. 11. t.,J,.I\\"lI'i,1
White, Wm. conch hirer IlICrl'ltallts 2 f'olltar, .J,)hu, writer ,11 Brook!.!] ~h~~5 • ') !if) Orr. !tll\)Clt, :1I1\'lIcatc ,. \\ :lIker, \\ Ill. '!",Iper
lK nOli, .J(lhll, hoxllIlIker ·11 M.'.'rc, Jt, S.!> (., :nil! N.l.
.JOIU.'H '-hU't·. I
20 'I'ml, J:llll"S, JIl'lIher
2 ~lac,lllllahl, Ja,:. (U.l'.-O.)
2 Farnillghlll, A. ·11 \\ 1180n, Alcx. Moncl'wi?
.ill 01'1'. MI . Charlc,i
.4:-. BlIch:mllll, .Mr~ l.hlllC:u.
i Milkr, Jul.l!. tl'UkCliulH..:
x M'J)crllwtt .•1.111\1':1
Jre.~l Side I{lillks Leith. \21 naitmlr, .\I·~xatlllcr, teacher 2 Laidlaw. Belcn, rlrcsslUakcr i)t(lu/lIs Stn'{;l, 141: ~!.Ial·(l, ~frd ~t Mnsl!ll, ;\II'll, n:lIl11l. "lIrc.
1 ThorburIl, ne\,. D,n'id :!l fJcjllmrll, JIlIll(':-<, j:l1Iitllr :1 Eyre, l\lr.~ Thomas -I j Frascr, Mrd 41t (,1:>lIop, ~h~ hOIl'c
:.!.i f mri;" U, Smith
:! U"~C •• f. T. ~"'(hiplJlli!ucr Zlj CaMcl'wood. R. coal {lIemhl. ·1 Laidl:!\\'. Jamcs, baker 17 Hnllc ':\lrl' ·Hi <lrl';!lIr\', ~(r~ 10 ~lllherl:I'lIl, 1,. !.'H.IIII,I:"cr
:1 Hcyeritl!!'c, 11 ro ')!4 1\, 1 I" k • I b '1.1 {) I':llcrson, V. f'. agent ·Ii' lierklj;~:I, lIr!l H Pl':4('ul"k, Wm., W.8. 11 !"I!!itli. J, .h~\,dll'r
.1 Sll (,1" 1'''1 'I' (J~ S ~,( I) -, IlIIp:\lll .\.Ir ,eo.le I 1\1 u. [; l.amh, Rubert. tailor ,\7 ~l'l. kTlllaU, Jam~ 41; SOlltl!r, )lr:l 12 W,U"CIII, M. )li ....... lIIillim'l'
• • I \:-<: '. ~ .,. '!J I" ~ 2!l ~1'Lay, I>lI\'id
i' Bmldue,hollt. ('~.1J .•\' (1/.) .,.. 1'1'1" J' 1 I 5 l'facgregor, John, tailor .,; nurt, lltss i'it StrC( t i1/{rr~"d". : 14 CUnlC, AII:tlll, I!r .. ,'j'r
11 11', • 0 Ill, W?O( llI~rc laut
t; lIardic,Jas.'f.(.Ias.lJ:.S·(.'o.):"" 7 Wctlllel'spOOIl, Williaw 47 Tullnrh, Mra -I:! l>}i.W, Ch·I., ~I.D" F.R.e.S. i U Fllnl, J:lilll'l'. ~Iol"'r
7 IIcllllt'rmn .John M.D: n, J!:m thorn. :md Co. cllglilccrs $ Stirling, Gt.:orgc 4:1 nllntin~, Mr:J 40 Sh'w:lrl, ~Ir:i Ito~c I I:?} Wnlt. HIl",I, tailor,
, l~ 1 , 1 'I ,•.! ,"iOldlt I.nth Pom' 1I,1/l.s!! Stcwart, U(IIMt, Writer
1:1 .1I1 ::1Il0n:\ A ex. merc I:llIl "3" 11. I 'il P l' lO .' ;,1 Hurn, JalllCs, W.S. 40 )1'1':\\:111, G('OI'gt', advocntc 117 ,\ill-tll. ,'ll". ('Om ,Il'nll'r
!I ;\Ial'kic, ~lrs ::'1 j/"/ (J'( I I {J' roe ,!ll I /llCC S l'attoll, Mr:!, nursc ;·a Duulol', .Miss -10 ~(·G:-cg(\r. It .f. ! Ji Xtlllf:/I, .h·, \ il:tn.ll tlclder
III Hardi" Thomas llIerchant ' ::, opc, a~llcs,. unction lOU~C 8 Brown, H. G. ;.,i Tod, J. nd\'oc.'lto 40 Wri~bt. Miss I W Kuight, ~Inl W. hail'1lrc".~. r
• I

iJ, .Jolm'". '-Inc.".

'.,,, H;moll \\ m. h~llcltcr

\.In t~mbhi(', JII. & ('0. Itlerchls. II!'I OlT, ~[r~ WiHiam. lo(lgiDgt
)laedomdti, l'cter
;,i 'fud, }lrs 40 ShillinJ!'lllw, lfrs
;:!, ~\"JVtlford, E~h~a~d, 1:1•. 1>. I :.:~ t:ichl, ~lr~ <:lIi ,t. . t
I ~I l'lUllcrvlI ••h~. hatter
23 ,~i!dti!ll)\:.' Ha\ id •• Imp!'r
:; l'!ackinto&h. John. :Ilniol' I-I:.! f-crl!t!:l, wood mCl'l'liant tll :-;ang, .John, S.:S.C, (.'S. ~\' .1.) .1b ( :mnIJut, .John, :i.S.C. ',2i Hl,mkl'l, (Jlarl('~, tUfucr
1) 'fayll1r, M. A. .. : Crawford, Cret', & Cv. Hlna-'8 rlaee. fa ~aag :UHt Adam, S S.C. j 34: Wll:son, William 2:; :\ ·(lItl.:\II, \\ ilham
;; 1Ia\, .Johll Homc
2 I)iib"lt, (;corge
·1:1 }'.'rrir. I>:\\'id, "'right
, I(; l)i!'J..,.w, ,JChll, \~'right
t fOllug, RollcrL
2 .\inl,~.Mr8 W. 1':: ~lorison, J\\cx:!1uier
III ~1'QlIcCII, John
I :J:? MarHu, J'Jhll, \V.S. I :!I; (;ICII, GC'>fl:C
1:10 Woud, Gcor~e ( W. ~\. ( '0.) :w (;JCII. lli'..S, milliner
."i I~~a\'llp, (;('or~(', men'nanL 2 MlIir, Rc\,. A. I.i Itobcrtsoll, Mrs U. ~s Hunt, Mos 27 Halli", (jcorJlc
1. .J( ••"IMton(' I-hl(,.-. I ~ I\('mp, .John 3 ~illllll, ,John c;i llcwar. Mn~ H. 1\1. 28 UUlIt, J:UIIC.'!, W.S. 2:; J)odl"rly, U. confc<.ticlU:r
1 l\ilmCar, John, IoI,iril dcalcr : ·1:' ~lIIith tl. X. chcmi6t a Aruot, ~Ii!.lS H7 Wilkie. Mr!! :!G Sj.ittal, Lady ;JO Sillciair, Ad:ull
~ .'cq;USSOIl, it J. i 1:l \\ allac(', ,1. tailor "llougIM, All.!x. rerr~hmcllt t:7 hcir, Uohert 2·1 Kinloch, 11011, Lord :ro M'Pl;('rllot:, ,lamC!, plumber
! 50 Syme, JnDles
[, Walker, Tholna,;. iJnl;('\'
. I am, "'l 1'5 Agucs
(.'C lIulIlllg.
.1011('''0.. S,.,
.'ohmt'one 8'tI'eet. ,1 Wril{ht, Thoma:.:, (!'roccr
I 6
lIay, l'ctCI (/'. '~' R. llay)
6 Kippen, ,\. M. .
{l Stecl, E. cOlUnlisaioIl agent
~;; Orchardson, '~m. 9, arti~L
; I Kcnncdy••J. JUDo \v ,8.
22 1tobcrL~otl, (hM. ath oC:lte
~~ RobcrtwlI, lfil'l.'S
;a M'Xcill, Ui!lhL lIon. DUUC.'Ul, 20 Bell, .J. n., W.S.
30 i.:llltier, )1 i:u;
31 ~r'Kcnzi(·, Jam('.'S, fruiterer
.12 .JUI'P, 11. musiC.'!cllcr
6 Mclwsc. Alcl\:. grocer \2 .\iilnl', .Johu, provtl'iotl I\llwl' 'I Hay l'ctcr tord JlI~hcc-Gencral 20 Be)!, Alldrcw B. .4,lvoc.'ltc 3-1 ~Hntl)l!h, R. tobacconia'
j:~ ~I'Xc.lI, Archihald, W.S. 20 Young, ~;~ 35 'funter, Robert
1 Sll'IIi101lI'C &. llhllk c. mtme. 14 ('llri:ltic, Jallll!S, bak •.'l' 8 "'iglu, ~liss j,j Hamilton. ~I~ I': Graui: Rev. Dr Jmncl! 8.3 Simpson, Jobu
18 tudgc, Wm. c.1rh\!:i:;hL ! 6 '.lIll)!IUUn, John S For~ytll, 31iu

-- ...._--_ ... - ~. --,.,..-

.....,.,"""'........- ~ ........' ...f";;.•.;-;,;;~a;;;;;;IO;;

... _;,;;-iii~.·jiJOililfll!f'¥FDIii••~iIJ'IIII
... . ••IIF.n........' . . .
..._.~~ 16. . .lill......S"_••iiI ! • •_ _ .I::::!::.!IIIII._
. . . ._ , :
344 1{'il' EDtNBURGII AND J~EITIt _ La.lt__ __ Lou STREET DlUtCTORY. Lei
-a5llasou David, artist 11:}2 Nim~lO, l'·m.- !"t:rti~~r 2 Marshall, .Iames ~Hj -Uollar. M;~-l'I;;n:soll
36 nrydo~, Jamcs, jUIl. flesber 11a3 Dl'Ummond, (;. booksellcr () UUl'scll, John, wright. !It Aikmull, Mfll A.
38 llarnilton, D:\\'id. baker , 134 Walkcr, Jamcs, dr:tpcr 6 Smith, A. mut D. !It Aikmall, (;~orgc S.
39 Patcrson, AI\l". F. grocer ! 13(j Gray, GCOl'ge, hattcr 7 Catnpbell, James ~):! Aitchi~on, Mrs
10 Leith 'f,)to! Abstinellce So· 1 131 l\till~lr, J:uncs, cork m:.lulIf. I Lallrislon Pi. West it!terscct.~, !'O CrolUbie, Jollll
ciety's Committee Room , 138 Ucnllct, A, allli M. drapers 125 mcn, Misses !1O Crmnbic, ~1i8:5
on lVeir's Close.
42 Ralston, Mrs
,13 EunllOn, R. tailor 144 Smith. J ..Icweller
139 :\.ic.olson anti S,on, grocer5 21 l'ochranc, John, M.D.
142 \\ l'Ight, J~s. \'lctllal tlcaIer Lam';8lQIl ParT.:.
nruwlI. Alcx.
Gm/wm S!I'u:t illl( I'.;(t'(.~.

44 Skilling, Airs John 144 \rhitchc:vl , I.. shoc shop R4Jbcrtlioll, John
44: Paris, Mrl 14 7 HlItchison, A. smith Uankillc, 'fhos.
46 Thomson, .J. ::rCCl~gro~er 3. Kyle Plaee. 23 Bcattic, A. Lnuriston "ilia.
48 Cocbranc, John, tlll~llutlt W' J'lmcs (lJ I' -0 ) La1/r;,~toll (,'ardcIIS.
51 J.aing, J:tnICS, grocer Clr, ' • • •• Ucattic, W. Lauri.&ton gar.
51-A Dntmmond, Thomas 1. La,!!: IJadWMOn 8 Wchardson, .J. L:mriN. gar.
5!! LinilsllY, Jump-s, baker w yn • 29 lIutchison, Mrs Colonel
1)3 Swan, Ed. prov. mcrchant
vS Hay :md Philip
8 .l\lilIar, Robcrt
23 Png:m, Oswaltt, spirit dealer
1:;3 DCllthar. Miss £. R.
L(f1lri.~lQU Ilouse.
:;~I l'eddic, Uobcrt, painter Cattle 11farkfl :;;, l'IUlllbcr, .John
i'i~l Mncka)', NcaI, blli)tlcr /43 Snthcrl:md, .John 137 Swan, John
;!:l ~:ui~grlC~c, Mrs Wm. lot!gil. , 1. IJodyO..ld .-Iae... :~t) Milnc, J. tlf:1Ssfollnder
a!) I5nl1th, Charles )' 11 G W 11 ~cou, Thomas
f" Smith Newbifrginl'l' J <inlg
,~ • n' . :tA Towe, • . ChRtlccllor ofr'41 "co,
II J I.(on ~ tt AI ex., c... ... I C.0.

ro ~8e, .c"
, • /'I
fia HHlies Sisters, milllllcrs &c. 't . 43 Altlxl1nder, .J:uncs
,a :-\Iock!! & C,). ehilla lIlel'chttl, the hellclt consulatc 145 j\)'Ll'Oll, Alexamlcr
tiR Cl'awford, 'l'bos,. bakcr l~op1itlde I-Iaee. /41 ChaJmcl's, DIl\'itl, .l\I.D.
iO 1>1111,11, John, hllll'dI'C8Ser Mcmlics, l\lril, grocer 51 Bnchauan, Jal'., D.D. pro.
71 UalhlJgall, .Jas. 1>1'0\'. iIlcr. ~1'l'hcr80l\, Wm, fcs:,or or divinity
73 Litl{~:lIlY, J:UIlCS, baker Turner, Richard, flpirit dealer Ar 'Mould Place intersects,
75 l>:l\'U1S\)1l, Will. gro('cr W'lilt ?tIrs hdinll IIllrlle (• •• •
m Wehst<;'I', Jamell, t~lilor t" 'hO' -.'d ~"ill ~~ ~1l'ol~ol1, "llham.. ~(l(:er
77 & 7~ 1 alcs, .1. lW:Ohlr ~are e D. ",I (arnllclmel, Arclllbald
';!) Alcxa!uler, ~h'll Jas. groccl' Somcrville, A, H. fi1 l>od~, )frs
SI I>i('ksOIl, W. & C. milliners oolllcrvillc, A. (; • .lUll. [I:. j)(lbac, J~hll
:-;:! An'hibald, A. hakcr 5. ltnuder Ilolld. 50 ~cott, l\1t~s
~,~ 1"l':lScr, John, hainh'cs~el' ... 1 I' (J.... lln ) 59 hrgusOII, John
~~; Hill, J:lhlC,", (J'roccr "'amuc.
Robert~on,' It\, o. mu./. ( !o\ J I I'
(i deen, 0 III ....
fl.i .Job:>ou, 1\11'8 fl. spirit <Ilr, DOIl/lltl, .John, Mar\' Yilla f:~ F~I,il'lic, J:U.IlC3
91 .Jullkison, Will. Jlcshcl' S' 'I (." \~') ().J \\ ll:mn. ~h~~
• tr:<han, J\ ex. It.:i, l . \"0. 6- <'k '\' •
9;' ))ruIllIllOlld, Tholllas '-! I I' U h .• ~ • :tt',
!lllI,~. •
% )I(,lIl1rt, fOl'cst, d,.lpcr
Urll, .John 67 ' .1'IUI' ('y, J :un~~, grocer
L' , I

:)7 Win wick, J. spirit lJIel·dll. 11t-1I, AIr:'! and .Misses 128 t'tllllfllrl'S, '!\h:~8
~11 I,amlcr, 'rhos. watcr ollicer Murhalll, ftohcrt l:W Cvop('l', I'll's
(I" I'atcrsoll, V. spirit dealer Tl'lIlmnt, T • .M. 1:!ci I'l'ctl'ell, ~Ii,:g
!l!) TrillilIJ 1l01U~f' lIamilton, William I:.? t Piteaifll, .Mrs
11:1 Carstuhs and 1:oOOrt501\ Amlcrlloll, .Jamc:; C. I:.?:! \right, <:eorgc
1110 Uich::l'dSOIl, .l\Irs I!.!:! A11I1l'rson, Waltcr
IU() ('ow:m, Miss ,J. l4aurit" fiifreet. 120 Ml1\'sh:!II, Uobcrt n.
1O:! ~tcbbil1l!', Alex. painter 1 ScoU, llrs 1::0 Mal'shall, 11 r:i
w;; 1'lItersOIl, J. drapcr 3 Rohcrt,:otl ••J. spirit dcaler 11~ PCtldic, .Mi~iI
107 ('ockhurIl, 11ctcr, dairy 111all, Hollcrl, ~milh ll/'i I'atcrsotl l Itohert, merchant.
10S l\1'~'adYCll, I,. c{wk malluf, G T:tylor, Fr:mds, wright ] 12 COWiCSOIl, l'ctcr
10:l .':Iirll'j', .John, tilll'lIIith Tlwrhurn&Co. wine JIlcrchls. 112 Drew, Mrs
It:i Shear. J):l\'id, 111'0\'. draler 4, ...aurl,,"tn 14""(". 112 Main:!, J):\\,id
t H Chll!tIlCI'I', .Jas. spiri~ dealcr .J l'atNsoll, .101111 110 fSinm, .John, ~r.D.
1W Coc1!l';me.' M. e "n'CI\lftoecr
n..' W J' raser, I'~('\', R• '" . J10 IIhcrnctltv, J Mis.'J
117 Arehibaltl, Air!; M, cutlcr 'i /I(l'~/li~(/l.l;JI' Sick Cliildr(1l 108 Gihb. Thomas
11~ '~Ol'(lall, .~. c()(~I1('r . H Chn811r, .'allles /11": 'yilkill~Oll, W. n.
111'1 l-illCnce, f l':llICI8, p:unter :1 Milne, Willimn IIO~ (:ICll t .Mrs .
1It) ) o\\'~tt. 'lm. darry 11 .1/ac/uml Jlaicit'1I llo'~J1illll lOt; l-orglc, RO\)I. cattl~ agent
l!lt i'C(1t\\(', Ruber!, llninler 12 Walker, Uobcrt lnG Cnlwford, .James
1:!2 I>ougal Brothers • lct.f M4Dowall, .Jam(''I
J23 ,M 11 rrlW , Jamcs, provision , .."griM'on. la....·, 102 Capric, James, )I.D,
dealer .\'(I/"/', 1. South,.J. 100 Carn('gil', ,J. a~cnt
t:? t Addh:on, .\ lr:l:. hnkcr 1 Grant, Rohcrt 100 Jlumc, (tCOl ~c
t:!!l Swofll l W. B. ~lliriL dcaler :.? Wood, John A. 100 K(,llllct\y, J.'fcdcrick
1:!:t Arnott, Johll, :nul Co. 2 J),lVidsOll, 'fhomns 100 l'olrille, ~lr8
1:10 IllIric, .J:uncl'i, \Inkcr :.? f:1Iiott, Mrs UoLert 100 Ur()\\'Il, )lrs Uobert
131 llIair, JaulCs, hancr 2 Nicol, ~1~ , US Dcvcl'illge, Airs T. K•

· .....- . JS S d se a • ..
35 Adamson, G. contractor 11 ~fatlaer, J. and SoUf 17 Taylor, William ---_._-- STREET DIRECTORY. Lot
----,.----------------- 347
mi Patenon. lira J. 11 Spalding's, :Mrs, IJOtel 8 Bcmard, Thomas G. LoebriD House. 12;) Gome, John 4: Little, AUllrew
35 Wil80D, Mrs J. It lIal1iday, Mrs, Jadies' nurse 11 Henry, )(ra Fell, Wm. I~lwin C. I 21 A!~lt:lIIder, Alexander ~ i>iekl'on, John, jun.
31 Ct!ldwcll, D. merchan~
41 lnglis, J. and Co. hatters
12 Dykes, R. machine boot closer
12 Yule, Alex.
11 Johustone, Miss
Windsor Street iJlierICctl.
LoebeDd Hoad.
l'al'a]/ill Lil/ht CQ. ',.; WOl"ks.1 ~m \~lllmll, M~
Forrcst, ltoLert
Antirt'w, jUIl.
2 Kl'rr, Ge.)rJ,!'C
2 MitdlCll, Wm. S.S.C.
:t rorhhirt' Fir,; ~. Li./e 111-
45 Smart, John, BJ.)irit merchant II~ i'(e~e~o~ t1-1exi h tc)
48 Brown, lV. hosier
12 Elliott, \)apt. B.A. Callem)er, Da\'id, taulI!!r 33 (~aJ.lllway, Willimu. writer SIIl'WICI: Cv.
.., 1 Cl cs I' C 109 on o. J3 Baync, l\lrs
81 Ciccri, J. & J. Ia.ntica, and l\t:lrr, Wiliiam, sl!ocl.lakcr 3:1 ltitcliic, t'rcdcritk .f ameli
Torre, carvers and gilders Leltb Walk. 16 .Fife, Andrew, S.S.C. • • Uobertson, John H.; Kcumorc, Willi:un t'redcrick 4. ..ord (:oeliburll
80 Lewia and Beater, drapers Aborc Pilrig 3treet, 2. 15 Shicls, 1>an!el Temple, Davitl :\7 Urowl:, It drallt'r 8'reet•
'11,78 J..cwis Bc Beater, laf.c mera. 1 l\larr, Tltos.joiner 15 Scott, Andrew, cabinctmaker 2. Lo&'le GreeD. 37 Kirkwood, .'ames ClIlllming, 'rho::!. 1111<1 SOil
76 Currie, n. boot maker 2 Seott, John, provision merch. 16 mbsont.Thomas • 37 Galbraith, }(rs ThorJItOIl. Robert
U llouliston, John, grocer 9, 10 BdilllmrylL Funeral 17 Baird, 1tobcrt Bmca to ·r Walkt'l'. A. B. 37 S:mg, Goorffo nuru, Jnmes
18 l'orteous, Miss }'Otlll~, Ga vill, l:llliJary <), 1"~\ttlilOll, T lOll. JI., 1'.
Itl D.
72 iJrown, .lames E.~tab.-J. Croall and Sous oh Uitdlie, .\.
70 lUack, J)l\vid, tohacconist !I, 10 CrQaU, J. and Sons, post- IS Baird, l\liss l.tondoD Bo,,·. 41 Brown, W. and T. Tohnie, Hubcrt, loIJacconist
GS Bowic, Misses, Il.tllslin print- masters 18 J.t'raser, Aliss 1 Gillespic, Gordon, merchant 43 Brown, .J. gl:l&'lcnltcr 1>ou:thll!oll. Jubu n.
ers, &c. 14 lLel'iut Court 18 FortI, lliss :l t'crJ.,'lISOIl, AI~ 45 Andclrsou, Alexander (.oskirk •.\Icx, c~lbill('tIllll'U'r
{l'" Alurrny, JOl:!. limey warch. 14 Wullncc, A. (W.~· Wltylc) 18 Bryson, William, sen. 4 M:lckie, l\f~ Thom:18 41 J..isler, l-~. pailltlJr III\{li:-:, AII.'.li.. ~I,irillll('rch;lll~
.,2 H'lll'tillg, LnmlJert, watch- 14 TUnlbull, George, tca denlcr IS }'ur\'cs, Robcrt 5 M'1IItO:lh, William 4i JOhustOIl, .1. baker )tm'gu\\·llII. Alex.
GO [0; IIII rp, Miss M.
['{i Filllay, ,James, ,ieweller
11) Wallaee mul Whytc, marble
cutterll, Inte D. Ness
17 l\lilInrj n. glnss engravers
1S Russcll, IIlrs
19 Dl\rton, Alungo
20 CroaJl, William
(; H:ullillon, .Iames
1 Amlerl'on, .'ames
!l Hrulllmollll, .John, clerk
49 ltose, William
51 Ilalcarri!l, Mi:'lll
::.a InLl:. ,John, lIeshcr
". Lord lIultMrl1
t (;m)" !\Ir'! (;e.\rg~
.·1. . . . .
iil \"cruou, J. Kjcwcller 18 Ness, ohn, lieulptot· 21 Lee, l\liss 10 .'r:;81'r, )1 iss Eiiza la l'i:\'erilf~l', iCovel'l. bakPr t ('I)OPI'l', .\ti~, 1I:\l11I:1h
r.1) ":ling, G. jeweller 1l) !lough, Arch. chair maker 21 Uyrc.s, David I J Enl!lil'h, Johll :i:: Or:un, Hob(·l't. ~l.irit d~alcr :.! Bruwn, J miles B.
-18 Ott, Wm. clockUl:1ker and 21 Swnnu,J. It }!t'tlill. S(w.:mills 21 )Iann, l\fiss 12 HOl!:'I, Goorge z-.o \~'nrthamj Jleu:-y, ,I~el' :! JJ :lrCII~. 11 cnry
toy warehouse 2:.' WCrie, Wm. mId Co. 2] Thomson, l\Iiss 1·,.) K1111."::,
,. ••J liU WQrthlllll. i\JI'l!, la\.,\· cle;lllt:r :.: Roll ..., liIrli W.
41; Haync, (). A. bootmakcl' 2!. Todd, .lallles, HUt! SOU Cormack, ~Irs H l-2Ider. Alcx:llIder 48 WhiteiJel1ll, AIi'll :.! Sitltlit" .Juhtl
H Ueullct, 1>. la('o merchant 29 Todd, ,Johu (.I. T. ~. Sou) 1:1 Cal'i!c, MrsM. 46 .M'Gregor, Robe!'t :J Boag, J. It
33 'flwul:ls, J. flint glas mnl1uf!·. 1. l ..e8IJt~ Plaee. Hi HrummOlul t Heury 4S AII:m, WiIli:un, S.~,( "
42 AlIun, .J ns. and ~ou 11.
·to Hlair, .Jlllnes, tlrysalter ut Slight, A. &. G. U. engineers I ('oll!llant1, William
1 Kc.lslic, Alexander
It: C;urdou, )lr .J:uno:i
«:.ami 4S Stark, \\,illimn, blliltlcr
41'1 Tilldal, ~(r6
:1 1)\11111, .J'llill
a Crallstoll. ,'I>hu
:IH l\\'liay, Davitl, bootmaker n;; Lovers' LwlC ., It.•u;,;'ht·atl. I'. ('.
:3(j l\1i1lar, A. jeweller 3(; l'ortcolts, Alexnmler 1 Fairhairn, Jnmcs 19 ~mlll.', .folm 4:; I.amll, J'lIl1e:! .. (;ray, .'all1l':O, (11,1.1Ilt! Ilt",)
34 Stewart, 1.'. & J. uootmakel's M-A Lilldsay, D. rhotogl'llpher 1 Houdic, G. builder of t JJa\'illson, .11I.nel! ·1 Palter',oll •.'.)hll
:.t.! UObCl'tSOIl, .JII~I. hosier 37 Lallc, T. F.clwo slate maker I Shanks, Dnyid, joiner "obdoD 8'n",". H P:\\,hl:lI>lI. l\Ii"I!, drl''''mal-i('r f !llIn: t'l" ltob('Tl, !'clll pt(.r
:;0 !\l'Cartncy, U. tailor and 38 "rnill!r~ D. mnt glass nlaullli'. 1..",·eD Street. .,"lId/" 1. SOlltlt, 2. 4:: !tubertsoll. John, dairy G Ta) iur, J anle:!, grocer
c1uthier tllight, A. (11. l\' (I'. 11. S.) B(/,~t, 4. H'C.~tl u.
1 UCllndt, 1>. :lH Wishart. Afilll'l
])ick~'ms and Co. 1I1!1':>('ries 1 ;\Iol1l1t, fhum:!!>, JUIl. :H Fcrgll~nlll MI~3 L .~ot"hul Ilcmd.
:!R emwii.n·t!, W. bnk:'l' a 1>alziel, ne\". Gcorr,e ] ScoU, 1>1\ rid. C.•\.
~m Farqllh:lrllon, l'. n. jewellcr Al('x:llldel',.1. unrser\,mau ::.1 Clllrkl>"n, J\Jexllut\t'r Sf (,. -It :i. '< Frl(, ('/"1/,,,
Tail, Alex!ul(ler, ])jcksous &
a ('ulluil1gham, William H. 1 Jmperial [-'ire .~. 1. :/e ,:H Clarkgoll, ~tr6 AUllt'rlloll .1.llill
!!:! '1'110111:>01:, Gt:I)I'gC .1 .Joll1l!ltonc, Davit!
1S Jtusscl, .John (late Ul1xtCI'), Co. 's mU'St tics lmwnlll('( . :H Hurn!!, I)a"id S( (',:1/,1.. r(,~ / '".)r/,,,, .•.
5 I.e('. W. cOI'n aud flour mer. 1 (~ouper, J olJll 3:! UIJbl'rt:!oll, .Joho, j Ull.
glazkl' ami ~Ia"is merchant ~J Trottt'I', Roh('rt
Sco(fs 1:"'1lll NIIII/t:1 .1. -r-
I (j I\!'l'l",o; l,a{JIIl'lltol'/I
O. 1~,~UIl If),lIcl. t Hunle)'s, 1-'. cll.;r:wcr :10 HC\'('otlgl', John (it 1/111
SI I11U11'( Il".~ llall HJli.~('op(l1 1/ CI':lwflll'd, (i(·org't'. baker 1 Booth. )Irl:! :!l') Wigw'v, )lrs SI'I)It/.~/! 11I~1t1/J1,
I I I.elltm, H. W. miht(wy tailor
aud clothier ('JII/I'dl '1'mill. JI/,~/ill!I;.)tI 25 Samuel, .John, wright /j Sandcmall. MnI T. R. '\:.!~ MIII(;ofm. i\liss l"ral'lCI', Silllllll. ('("'11'1 r
19 llutcltco:l, .J:Is. turller 35 Wil~(lll. Ml'.:!, draper 1 Kennetl)" W. P. :!8 1.'.lrt(,I·, MnI
I:! Il rcmllcr, l-:hcllczer nnn~e, JOh;l, h.trler
41 llicksOll Sllil'it :li C;ra~·. ,JI'IIl1. spirit dealer 7 l'atoll, Miss ~~ :\ic:vl• .!\lis:I
\I) GUIIII, A. jeweller 1 J\lIt1. IIC;t!CI'
3H :-llIitll, n. S'lIulrJ"«l ll, It au,1 T. (0,11:11
.V/I/,!/( J'dt,~ ('ulI"l
~ ~hl·l·hcrtl, Jnmcs
'j HIU'I·. C. S. HI )Iill:u', Wm. poek. ltllokIllal~. :?8 Wil50ll, Alldl'ew, jUll. huilder
:W l'ramolld, AIII)n'\v, tailol'
7 Coldeugh, :\fns
7 Stcnhousc, AI~
:.!:i ])icklll)lI, Mn!
28 Colelllm:, l'tlrs Chal'1t'.'1
61 Uei.lpath •.\1(,,;. I</al,:
:,', i\lac:.rregor, JIl. tobaccouist ;\;, ,Ht WII:uloll, G. ~tamlllll:ll,cr :> t Smir I, Alextmtlcl', J.:1'occr 1 Milnc, J'eter :w ~tiIroy, Re .....\Ih!rcw ("tit dOlli,Ht Hfli/wllIl till' .••
;,i r:ltcr~OIl, l.\h:! .John, grocer ~) nallcuy, Mr:J 2-4 .Mackcrsy, W., W.8. Tnmcr, .1 JUlClI, \I 1111.' ~ l!'llIrit
l'f Mar,1I311, Robt. spirit dealer J;~ Wallace, l-:Ucll. \\'.S. :!I Mnckcf'tly. I.illd~a)\ W.S.
:!. I~eitlaf!ijt.·ect T"rruce. 6:> SilllPSOII, l'muci~l broker merrilant
10 lug lis, .J (lhn, len. dealer la Hlackic, Thomas 22 Goodlet, Willi:un 'J' IIrlltr, .1 1U1lt-i, :md (\). ('11-
:J Om'it/sIJII'.,· hl/lel I.'mto~ ~tl·cet. 1:~ Whitfcn, John C, 22 n(I~'lc, Mrd
,I. 1~llltI8ft" '-Iac€'. ;,:-rnH:re, lithogrol.Lcr:!, allll
a Cr:1i1!, John & Co. clothicl'!1 Mncphcl'l\Oll, Alexander 1 l'oekhuro, .J:unc.'i, fnlit tlclIlt'r 1;; Perry, Air:! Dr 22 Lamg, Airs IlriutcnJ
.J 1l0r8blll'gh and Blair Oli"el', 1\1is8 11 Edmorl8tollc, S. artist 22 Edl.dr, !lrs
r; lIclrosc, Wm. wntchUlakcl' 2 Mi 111'1', J. 1\1. bookseller Soott, Crollll and 80118
2. Leopold '-Iact'. :~ tin.! say, I>avid, and Co. 17 &imonston, }'rallcis 22 SimpsolI, JamC:i nJ11 dl)lI;all }:(lilll'll!} Statiml
!i Sutherland, W. 20 Morton, ~lr8
;; ("ll\ell, S. jeweller 1 1litchie, 'MiI'S o Mac aehlan, W. & A. groeCI'S 11 Cmnming. Charles I\J\\(·il. (;. Will, 1'31'1'(,11-
1i Fin!:"" Uohllrt 11'1 IIntchiSfln, Alf'x. 8.S.C. ~ .. r!>' IIUllt'rintclldeut
;; nurdoll, ~hs c. lodl.dng3 :J Hllch:m, A. W.
J~ink8 PI"c€'. 11 I.iwl,'Hobert IS lIutcl.i:<oll, A, A. ad''focatc Symingtoll, "t/lin, J,:o(lIi'\
:; ('oopel', .Jas. oootmakcr :l Wiili~, i\1i:!SI'S 1 Rnmsay, )IfS HI HIlI!Clly, Johu, S.S.C. )I; Carmiclllwl. .'l)lm
7 & ti .1:uuic"OIl, n. :md Co. a 1\1' Dowell, Jmnc!I, U.S.C. 3 Matltia. Uobert HI Murray, Anflrew D. 16 Stewart, ,f. t..:.
n SUlIlcml\c, (I. l:lpitlary a 8tewal't, U. n. CamcroIl. J. and 1'. Caledo-
I H Ml'ill, W. ,I. Z. 4 Stt)w:lrt, l\lary L.l".lIsic lcacb.
Uay, (Edim·. llllJ1(:I'!J Co.) ~ 1 Saudcr:!oll, .'lllllC5, Luilder
:.n Gllthric, Da\'ill
Hi 8t1nmrt, lfr.~
U Un. id son, WiIlil1l11
nian It:lilway agcU14
!l Wood, lloht:rt .J. li Mkiull('r, Mrs J. R. ~'ak8 Place, ,Jamiewn, .Jmllcs
I , Lincl:my, Mrs, "do\'o dyer 6 Killllllird, .Miss .I\lnrgarct Morlon Street.
~ 1 1'31011, C. painter
!.!:J Caneh Mr.!!
] 2 ~lllcknigh', A. K ad\'(JC41tc
12 MncknighL, Jamf.!!, W.:).
~1' Ewan, Thos. ~ull1tor
8~ :it:U'k, .f amcs
!O WHlker and Anal!. llemldic fi Walker, &liss Alary Schnw, Robert, U1{'rehant 23 ~1'\\'i1ham, ROUcrt, S.S.C. 12 M:1cknigb" 1\[:\ 30 Andcrsoll, Georgc
painter:! Ilnd ial1a'lUcr:! I li ~Iaill, Mrs Thomas
] I Crawford, J'Ulies, mill
(;0'1 (, ThoIllSOIl, Mrl.! R.
(l 1I:\il'll, itolJert, wI'itcl'
o. Luebrla.
Stein, A1ll1rew, mCrchl\D'
:?:J HUllter, Miss Agtlcs
:l;l Hoot1, Mr:1
10 Uirrcll,llra
H Smart, John
40 Ih111l8, )JidUlCJ. CI)al agent
J)ouglns, James. Iath-lIplitter
23 Hawkins, Miss 8 NeiJI, ~(j!l~ Kay, Uobel1, ell; m 111,/1;1
11 llcmlcfl'ivu, Angus G Lum~dl:ll, Henry Stein, John, mcrchau' 23 l'ark, James D. engineer 8 Grabam, AWa Lot/lian lwad C"/lrch

~-·-"~~~~~~~~_-.~'.~~I! .npMI.m_I.["'
• ••_•••• a~·~~ .....~'....~..55..i.rr.I~~t..S'$".~II
----~ ..-.. ..........
PercttOJ& Fire-Clay Goods' 35 Ni!!bet, Robert (0.1'.-0) 11 Watson, Miss -2 IlIne8, Robert. --~--------------------
11 )ll1nro, ~lrs Mary, lodgillglS !t Crichton, &lrs
Dep6t-Doobard, Duncau, HS Nisbet, llrs, lodgings 11 Ferguson, \ViIliam 3 Thomson,' G. l!ilipmaJIter 12 Balfoul', Mrs H R.1msay, ~(r.I
agent.-(See Adv.) 35 Wlntos}l, J:IDIC8 A. 11 Crollch, WiHiam 3 Wilson, George la Drummond••lames (;alloway, &lrs
1 Veitch, Amtrew ;{i, l\icnzies, 'i'lIomas 11 Towl.lrs, John 3 Sibbald, )trs 14 }'ultoll. Andre\y
)0 WillianL';I()D, ~tr~
t ThollU!()D, Miss 39·A Cowicson. I'. plilltsdler III Miller, ~Irs 4 8\\,:1U800, )11'5 Danicl 15 Wilson, Miss Jallc 11 8awcrs, ~Iiss
~ Stltbc!land, ~~Yid, jun. 39 Menzic!, 'rtiolflas 1 11 l>i<;kson, George H. 6 Ritebie, Arehibald 11. Steuart. Miss, of Stcuarthall 12 Lm'l'throlJ, Lady
3 Ile~zlC8, WtllUUll. surgoon, B1'i!litton Street illlcrSl!cts. 1;; DUUc.1n, ~1 ra 1 Thomson, WiUiam ! 1 N(lrril', ~li511 13 Cb.1mOOrs. Williunl
li .It.C.S.E. ~l C . ''''11' )£i Galloway, WiUialn 8 lIendeoon, George 1~1 1>e Lor, ,Mrl! i 14. Wright. MI'I!
Z; Simpson, GC{lrgc ~ .owme,' I !:lm 17 11 ughcs, 1\Iiss 9 AlackaiJ, lIug'k 20 ~tewRl1, i.ady • lG &tnne, W. S.
Z; Cro\\'e, Robert, U. 41 TII~sley, Airs, lodg~ngs 11 Gmh:un, fiiUlCrt, teachcr 10 Carron, }'. Wilaoll, ~lrs
.ti Spencc, Jotm 41 Sleigh, Georgc, tailor 21 11 }'rascr, MrA
11 1\lackay, Charles 11 Urown, .lames 2l WilI'OIl, .James, W.S. 11 Kenlledy, lIngh, W.S.
6 Dctlttie, G. 41 }.l\wrencc: Jo~ph 11 )toss, Uobcu, J. 12 Wilkic, Mrs
6 Thomson, Jllmc.q builder 49 1l,II11ter, l~~!\~c:s, fieshcr 22 Camcron'5 Coacil OJ!i('c HI Fllrmsl, Missell
11 Gemmell, Rev. Robcr~ Wyse, It\'s Dr 22 )Jell, Jtol)\!rt. dairy I:Alm', Mi~
Z; 1 'J nt~r8 ~\ll~hal!l
1 Ly:"I, John' W
W J.nuder, Jamcs 22 .'ergtl,Sson, WilIillln, g-roccr :.!O lIowdeu. ,lame"
Suthcrland, DBvid &: Son8, '''~.1 all'lrk,~ ""~/!o/)ls. Madeira SCree•• 2:~ (~entlcmnll, Mrs 21 .\llmllll, (;co. Jns., M,D.
masolls 10 the War Depart- Z;~ \\ II!!on, Jus. @illnt. merchant 1. I ..ynedoeb PI....e. 1 110\ :". J I)hn 2:1 llcudersoll, Davill
mcnt. ut; Pntcrsoll, Thom:u~ :!~ llunlc..och, J. Burn, jUII. mh'.
1 C:ltr.~bcll, Archibald 1 Coooor, J. It. I'hifmnstcl' 23 Alaul,.l 01111
I.aill"" GeOl''''o liU Adam, Robert, wright 2 Cullell, :Mrs Jamcs 2 lto\v,len, J. (J. il(JU'tiCtl alld 24 )I'Cheyne, William J. ! Pla~.
' 0 ' 'T.' &.' Soil
UOW:ltt, .."'t') StI.l~.ellsolll, I'• :1 Kenn:lck, ,Miss
JMlantyne, .James and Co. M-"; \, midc.l: .lohn $011 ) 1 )( ·ltOIl~llll, ,I u. grocer ant!
5, Mr.s a WilwlI, Malt.and M.ree',
.Jncksoll, Th08. wheelwrigbt ~4 1,nterllOlI, rh()nll\~ •
}tmnage, Adum ~! 1 ~ltcrson, !I,~r~, 1I111hner
6 '1'ail, Alltlrcw
7 llailJie, i\lrs
Alex. corn merchant
4 Beatson, David, merchant
4 8omerville, ltobcrt
. "hlc Ill' "rhallt
2 \' Olll'lg. Uobert
2 ~lnckcl\7.ic, W. U,
I.mnh, John, buildcr .1." J)IC~l!On, "i1banl 8 Andersoll, Alisl!
Kerr, Duvid, stonc ('.an·cr 50 Cr~ug, Ja,:,cs [, Smith, D:wid, agc::t HIlfI;lJllrgh, Miss 2 W('~t, William
9 'fl'IlIUlllt. P:ltrick, W.S. ti Duntmn, Ah:4 Jollll 1 Silnft(}II, 1holll:\.<I 2 Wt',~t, MiAA t;, It
ltobertllon, David, polishcr 48 Grieve; IllSS A. 10 Crokat, Miss n Gnvin, Willinm, shipt..aster I Wnterston, WiUinm t1, Awlrew
21 PI.l:lrIlOIl, Misses H )~~r,, ~oCi'r • 11 Pellt, ~Irs f; Itomallcs, :MrH ~ Home, Arch. accountant ,; 1.1..'C('IIIII:m, .Ja,'!.
l'Ihlvcnson, WiUinnl 42 ""S01l, li rnnCl~, lodglllg's 12 Hllrnsidc, 1\lilis ~I'(jarth, Lawrencc, Madeira :~ Itl)lanll, Adnlll, fi 1I11~hell, .Iohn
)':Ihuer .John 42 Watsoll, :Mi5!!
M<C,.lI~c~, T1V)Il1l\s, pbmlbcr 40 Scot~, D. b~ker
13 Campbcll, )lrs Dr John
14 I-'ouhs, Lady
Caldcr, Wm. Rosemount
Jo:ddio:.:-toll, Mrs
Urllcc, h. C. ch'il ('nginC('r
f: U~~, .. ~II, ,'.(,hll
(j \\ .11~ll', "m,
Cm IYle. Willimn :~8 l!l~hs, T. Ylctual dealer If) ItIlSSt'lI, IL, ~I.D., J..'.R.S.K 1 Shcarer, .l. T., Kyle<;' place C; Cr:aig, ,':nnt's 'I fi ~~ll1\l~!!,(', .1 ••J.,
(;rcig I). and ... I!mitbs hi hlrly, R. 16 Usher, .Tames
A:IIIN::!/)n, Jnllles, lllastcrer ~2 )1a~1I13Y, }~li7.~heth 2 :o\t'cales, Amlrcw 'i 8mith, J:li. :Irehitl'rt, (tl.~1. K t arn1\('hnfll, \\.
17 l\I '}t'arl ane, )( rs :! Willlllll,, ledging's Mal'ter ~tasoll for ~ctlt.l ~, n"rrlln, Mr:l
Jtitchic, A!chibald .W Wlllt~, U. mercllaut. ] H 8kenc, !\Irs CU10llci ~ Steel, CUl,t. Davit.! Inn:l) 110 .\lcInlulcr, I..
28 ~1 itchell, l'hom38 wine amI :10 :l\tOrrlS, 1\lrs Hl Nisb{'t, nev. }tobert, D.D.
spirit llIclchallt.' :w Seou, &lrs Andrew, fiesher :! Smith, )I\\'id, cOlluncrei.11 j Smith, .lll. A., M. O. sur-;:i. nan"lent.outt' noaa.
:!O }'JemilJg, !) lexander, W.8. traveller /oCCIlIl
;,0 ArlllstfOllg fInd lIogg brass- 24- 1\(ncknv, AIrs A. !! 1 Atllctlunaltl, ~lrs
fOlllldel'B ,« 22 'fU1'IIbiill, ,'h08. fh,llIllongcr a Kyles, JamC:", Kyles' l,lare '; Ad:UlllI ••John, Jun. S.S.C. 1 Un\Juck. Ucnjamin
22 AlollcrictI~ .MrlS .Mullro, lJavld !l ~lolI('rf'ill', ~1r!i a 11'~1i", Miil~
DOlIgl38, Gcorf~c, and Geofltc 18 Grahalll, A. merchant 23 ;\l'Gregor, 1). m{'rellant a l·rill~It'. ~!ajt)r.C :cn{lml
Coutts t') 18 Cockburll, A. 3. .JIaall.lf'ne ~M,.lu01. 11 ~!or":"O!I. Thomail, writer
T:lyior, Alex. cll,hinctmakcr 1~ Coekbnrn1 Alrs R. 11 •• nclnc, .lnmes, t; ;\1' E\\ ;\11. !le\'. Th",..
3• •aedo,,'all 8t. "t"f". !I l.;I..t·IIC, ~bjl)r Alex.
SI Cllt/d,(:,.t',~ Oll,bl' illtcrl'lrcts 18 nrycc, nOllert Sidc.'Y, l\IiM Jallc, matron 1l:t Stewnrt, Hol)c1 t. vi!'1l1nll('r
1 Mori.,op, .1. WiUl' 1ll1d !lliri t 1>ymcck, Jnmes It tre:ll'lU'Cr I 14 Chnlmcr:l, ~Ir.s ) I Moxcy, G. T. l.!urg.!on Jt.~.
West J(irk mul J)Jall.~e 1R I·'orbc5, AIrs lllerchaut
""itch, ncv.•Jnmc.l, lJ.D. lS HUllter, Jarues, J. 12 .'rlllICr, Alex.
4: Hood, .1. smith amI beam 1. . . .Inpoln" "al.iand M'reeC, 1:; Lindll:IY, Thomll.'J
fl't.,l .({irk RecrJrdfr's (}.//it'C 16 l}.rowl!, fJolm mak{'l'
Crlllck!!lmnk, A. r\'cordcr 14 SI~lcllllr, John, b:lker 1 I1alliday, :\1.1'8 .\dam Nerrhm·l'll. 17 Ititcllie, ~ti:l-"
:; Peter!!, Roli('rt, boot tree amI :3 Italllsny, John ~l Hutton, J all1('!I, K!'~cr I:.' Hllnks, I'etcr S.
SI Juh,,'s ClwJlel 12 I>lckson, )lllrJ!llret, fhtitcrcr last maker
«j Itcntoll, William Maltland Place. 4) L:\inJ!. Mil<s, bo:mllllg sthooi 16 r:r'lkillt', ~ir'l
!l Somcn·iIIc. ~Irs, cowfc('dt'f 1" I'ull'fclnl, Rt"·. Willinm
4. ~oChlan 8treet. (; ,'ullllston, WilJillm la Herkcss, .JIl~. (of Jamr.~
j Alcxn:lder, John
(; Urycc, .lames 1 lbtiter, J:mlcs 12 ~Iotl:'tt, W11Ii.lnl
J mh~oll, WiIliam, draper rOllng (IIld Co.) I ~I:u ray, .1 ames, fmitcrer 1• •al.a Tt"IT.rC". 10 1Jllclml1:Ul. Mnt
3 MIIrdoch, .Mrs <I Lind, \V. cheescmon~er W Bell, Jas. dock and machine 1 J'"t('r:!t)n. llt'li Ann 3 }'airbain:, .J:UII('S l:f Goohl, Hcv. Wm. 11" D.Il.
:1 Cbaimcl'!l, Jam('s 2 Al'Niven, AlInu, wme and makcr :! .\brshnll, Alexalltler " lIt'ntiel1loll,.1 a III Cl\ Jo'nrman
ii AIIJ!us. J. plumber spirit merchant
. "~ ; 1 1\I'lnllc8, JUIII(,S, tinsmith I, Mackenzie Place. :~ 1)arliug, Mr8 It lodgilllrS (lJank ol S"Ot/(lIIIi) Manual',. (~oar'"
• 2. ~o"el'8' lAane• ~~ Ramsay, .lames, lodgings 5 UOII#!,h, Samuel, lalldlwllpC Torr:Ulee, John, cu:ll lI1('t:;ht.
!l Stl.l\·cnson, r. instrumt. mkr. 1 DUlla1d801l, G. b"l'OCer IInll, Gcorge, smith
11 Dick!\on, A. AlIall, Airs, g:wdencr ,; J\damRon, .Mm painter
6 Mllrray, JamCl (U.l',.f}.) I. !larkf" Plarf'.
11 W:ultlic, Charles 810an, Thos. (,""[oall atl(l Sou) (, C'hahncl'I9, MiSlJ, drc88mnkCl' 1. ftaltlRnd Strf'f". '( Clel,mu, )lr.s :? .'I'rl(lllloll, Thom:us grOCt'r
11 Waddie, Jam('~ ~N'arlallet A. dlliry 5 Carlisle, John 1 Smith, George, boot maker
11 \V 1II1die, John, Iltationcr ~ nf'lrrowman, _Tolm 8 Urowo. Alra Abrllnt 11 Ba!lI'IIY, Mi:!.'l,
1 Stewart, I)nncall, coach-hirer ,., Gmhnm, T. A••'. 1~ ~Iutmy. GC(lrge, mMOII
11 M'Dowell. Thomns 5. ~lItton Plaee. 6 Robertson, J. C. 1 Wintour1 William, pnintrr
\0 Urown, Charles, painter 8 Tully, Jamcs 9 Grah:un, ~1i!!3
1 Hodgt'II, AfrA 2 \\,ilson, L\lrs, lodgingtl 4. ~arkf" fiI'r~e'.
'7 Gilbert, Thomas, hnkcr 1 l'inch, M1'8 W. ~1. {) )funro, !Irs, cook a Grant, Mrs 1. 'lanOl" Pla(!f'. 2 'lurr:lY, Gcor;::-C!, baker
19 Gray, James, nnd 80n 3 }'attisull, ~laUhcw 11 l'alooner, .Janaes, writrr a A[ontgomflrie, Roger. ad\'oc. 1 Pclly, Cuptnill Of'tllvilt!l " Hne, S. merchant
21 Allan, W. l) Shar\), A(rs Robcrt
••enelll'. Plnct". .. Cumming, Mrs, lodgings 1 Hellller!ull, )frg John fj J.ew is, ,i IlItlCII, grocer
II l..cslie, Jam()j;, coal agent l) lIen( CfS(ln, J amC8 (j UaUM, )lrs 3 }'ogo, )lajor·(;en., ItA.
21 Andcrson, }'etcr, tailor Cruick8hank alld Ronaldson, :1 Adam!l<lII, I>a"id
~: R~nnie, W, an(! J. grcccrs
~O M Arthllr, .J. \'I('luat denIer
(, naxter, .John, printer
[, Allardicc, Jamt''s (/1. 6' s.)
"'' '<
r. -:"'i~ t .fohn
cabinctmakC1'8 and under-
6 Pringle, Rooort, W.S.
1 8y(lncy )lrs Margaret
8 Mllcl:ed, Captain Hootor
5 .'ormall, lli&'I
6 Forbcs, Mib8 Jalle
.. UerllIU'lI, .Jalnea, A. dietiller 10 ('nrn{'ron 1 .James
! t Archibllld. William
112 Kl1i~ht, I>ouglas
31 Ken, Aliss, milliner & ~1ilJnr. Audrew ftadf'lra Plaee. 9 1\I0nteith Atrs
35 lleudcl1On, Alexander 1 Men7.ies, l\1rs I It Cllrrie, ThomR.'!
7 (:amcron, Donald 1 Lain" James 10 Gibeon, lrcbd, accountant 8 Boswcll, Mr8 Colonel ,IG Cameron, WiUiam

- .. •• J 3 s • se a
• 3 S.I
16 Pardie, M:ra Jamea
17 Cameron, Alexander
Tod, Jrune.'l, gardener
Jackson, Rohert, dAiryman
18 Clazl" Geo.
18 Davldson, Jom
miuioDar, ---------~---------------------
9 )l'lfhea, )Irs
3 Aikmdll, Andrc\V
2 Smith. Wiliinl1l Tower! Forgan, David
2 lll'OWli, John U. 'lf QUhrter nertram, :&Irs
Lord Cockbrtrn St. interltcu 19 Adam, Robert
1. :nary'. Plaee. 20 Auld, William 2 Macmthur, Alex. Malc.uhll, ~IJ')J
J. Bet"We Street.
21 Robertl!On, A. Rail. tav. M'Intoeht.!ames
2 2 Gash, Gcorgc G. .IUII...k.
3 Andrew, .Mm i. ltJellMMirae . . . . . 1 DaJ~lebhdVm. 4. •ereh••t S'reet.
4:. Barke& ••Het, ...... 4: Beatson, Miss a \vhitMn, MlIl 2 Victoria Lodging$
8ymt:', .Trunc8, profeS!Or of
G )Iaughan, Edward J. 1 Ferguson, Alex. ClOIlt'eotiotle G 1\Iurdooli, Wm. Bum,.t ~I.D. clinical !lurgery
1,2 Greig, J. china warehouse 2 J('hnstone, Hunter, and Co. 4 HUllter, Wm. carver & gilder
Brown, H. ehina warehoUIC G FinmY8on, Rev. thomas 1 Traill and )fwmy, W.S.
publishers 7 )(urray, Grorge J., W.S. llobcrtson, D. and J. agents f. BUne'. (;oart.
G SimplOn, W. china warehouso 7 Raez )Jex. grocer 2 Cliristian Trea8ttry Ojfl.ce 9 Stirling, )(ra" Gartshore !O Hill, ~Irs John 1 DoW'ie, (J. and Co. PI'Wllbkr!l.
8 CoboaD,:Mm 3 Rougvie & Son, farD1mtt 12 Usher, J. nnd T. brewers IS Forbcs, Alex. bookbinder
4• •arket, Gree•• 8 Sutherland, )Ira 11 "ow~entr~arew, W.S.
1 Crawford, Jamcs, agent 8 Austin, Mre Elizabeth dealer 18 ~k"tin, .MJSS 4. lIIereb.nt .aldeD 4. JlII.e'1II8qasre.
8 Frurbaim, Miss
4 Smith, W. architect 15 Ram.say, Mrs Dr . . .,Ital.
4, GSlatcr1.AIrs 2 )Insgrove, Jobn, glo'fer 11 RobertsoD, John 10d~Dgs 1 KeOTJcdy John
8 ScoU, A ex. 8 Smith, 1\1111 Dathgate, 31iM
18 Jlay, 1\lril, fntiterer Coldwell, James, flmith 6 Rimpson, James, tiootmaker 19 Lindsa~t John it, (11• •U. 3 Itl{!lit!, Aiexander
I). lIIerebllllton. -l l:..'tjllitahk Loml Co.
Docbel1y, John
llogarth, Ad,m, a~nt
Ronaldson, John, writer, So-
merset cottage
7 Royal Medical Soeietg
7 Thomson, William
D. (,1Ia11.)
21 :Mitchcll, Alexander Kerr, Wm. Napier l'iJla I ol ROS9, A. teacher of ma&io
23 }'oote & Simpson, trutterers
4. lIarket, BI,h.
o.•• "eab.
8 Nort!, Britis!t. Adt:ertilter
8 Gray, J. and J. printers
B Lailies' Own Jourrlal OJice
23 BaJderston, Miss
25 Brown, Mn Captain F.
26 Gordon, ~h8
Blair, Mrs ... )Inriollville
l'Ort('OU8, Alexander, fllnner
.Jolmstou, ltobert, )lerchistQll
I (; Robcruon,
.. Ilowic, Alenndcr
li Nivcn, 'rhoR. !lpirit merchant
.'3nlCS, vintner
Anderson, 1\1iss, ROlebank 9 PickeD, Wm. watchmaker 25 Montcitb :alias rottago () YOUIIJr, 't. watch-ld:L~ nmk('r
7 l\NIilInu, Andrew, flesbcr Anderson, GeOrgc, Rose- Chahncrs, C. Cn.'Itlc bnnk 7 nrl\~', llr:!, c{JIli.'C-hoIl8C
13 Carmicbal, Jamts bank 10 ChaproaD, Thos. auctioneer 21 Hoyd, Joim (Olivcr and B.)
11 Chamber of Commerce and 29 l'rl..'Cr, Gevrge llar\'Cy, Thomas, Mcrchistoll '; Alnnro, Joh .. , lhlOkhillllt:r
11 Jubustonc, William Rain, WilliamJ engiueer 31 St:\\,urt, )lra castle 7 Sillclair, Andrew, Imirdre5l!er
,(,homBon, hare", Mauufactures
4. lIarket, Low. l\lltch~U,
Adam 11 Ordnance Surve)' Office ~1 Uym, :&1r1J Curlror'aAdnm, Mjrc~;da 3 • •In,.
1 l\luirhcad, James, agent 11 Ravenscroll, E. :t3 Covcntrr Rov. Georgo Art mr, ichllrd,S.S.C. Yiew- ~tok, D. ,mUb ruld iroum(rr,
~ Caird, )(argarct, fishmonger
Tbomllon, Mrs D. spirit dIr. 11 Watson, !\(rs T. ~5 RWl8ClI, }\nucle, a\lvocnte fieM hOllse "
Brown, Capt.:T. Hayfield cot.. Stewart, '''''al .Mollcur, David, turner
}'rnser, WiIliam 11 Bertram I. 37 l\faughan, Capt. l'bilip !, ter, 'Ill) .
I.l ere uston Bnird, Alcx. clm:r,.r
4. Market, Wlnb, Bid.
a nanks, Misses 11 }'orbes,'fm, (G.P•• O.) 37 alaughan, Wm. Cbarlc~,C.A.
39 Cnthcr.rt1 Miss
a Young, )(rs Thomas 11 Welsh, Ml'I Mt"r...hlllltOb. ~orth. Ii, 111.'0 ""ftt".
11 Ram!I\Y. Thomas 4t Crawford, )Ics lIome, Mrs W. 1 Smith, uClJr~o
1 l'lummer, Jolm, flcsltcr Compton, Mrs \Vm. Upton 4~ ~ell, Georgc C. ndrocate
3 }'orgic, Johu, Hcsher coLtnge
11 Prison Managers, H.M. for Home, .John J Smith. Ardl'bnhl
Scotland office 4,) :Strollg, 1hos., W.S. 2 Littlrjilhn, )Irs A.
Snow and Jolll1ston 2 MacleotI, Rll88Clt ~1. cheblUit 41 Jefl'r\:y, John
7 Trotter, 'I'lIomas, flesher 11 Purvis, JoseJlh MC'fthlllton Park. 3 W('iT, .JI1. (Ut'i"9s(OIl t" W.)
8 Chllrlcs, Willinm, ficshcr 0. lIaylleld Terrace. 12 :Wlntosb, R. T. Ileedsman -tu Straeb:m, l\Jrs :1 ~fnYJlc, Robert ~ l.iVitll"~t()II, .JM.
li1 Wilson, ~liss 4- IlI~!iq, ThnUl:I'l G J)rr"tf:Llc, IJ:wid
10 1\Iownt, ltob<>rt Blacket Place. 1. lIelvllle t;relllcent. li3 Wood Lndy
15 Cmncron, Thomas Bain, Gilbert 51 Ridtlch, John, Rlh'oeate
G Cowan, I'atl'i{'k G J(llill~toll, Hev. Georgc, n.D.
W Cllmeron, llugh 4: Grieve, Amlrew, W.S. I)DUllcnn, Henry 7\')" Chnrlel! .
Tumbun, ltobcrt t)!) 'foliie, .l\liss 6 Ucid, Hev. Willlam 8 Kdgollr, .11l:!. (Ilt·yl.'llt<'r 1111.)
11 Bruce, D. flesher 2 Klnloch, Alex. .T. ~I.D. of r; Robe118on, Lawreneo fj1 Stodart, l\(iss
18 Antlerson, WilIinm, ficsher 6 l'ringle, Robert Keith 1 IIcndel'llon, .Mrs U (;I'I"'lIonk, ltoLI'rt
l'llrk GO .a1'Connar, Mis! K. 1 Tnylor,.Jn~lCs ('1'. ..1. !\'C(),) JO Hardy, Mril
Ht Suow, F. 11eshcr AfaclacbJan, G. .is .J:\m050n, G••\.
!la Dores nnd Lnidlaw, Bcshers 1. lIel..lll.- Place,Nllrell. 1) Tu!loch, .\h~! M. I.. 11 AtkcUilOU, 1ho.i, M.D. and
I.orimer, George, contractor ii6 Longmorc, John A'1 W.:'.
:!;; l;mnrt, Jnmcil, ffcsher
::1 CO\\":II1, .John
l\Iarshnll, J.
3 Sime, Adalll, spirit dcaler
4. Wl'hersoll, Charles
la l\(aitlnlld, Geo. U., W.~.
62 CumUI'!b, lttw. Dr
o - u ..e I
Homlen, Peter, mul Co.
n llurg('(I11
13 li!llit:r, .Iuhn (A. C. "~' ('0.)
J -I ,.,t<'!wart,
C' 1)'
anI I
~m, 30 Plummer, Robert ~.larrnble, Jehn 4 l'orsytb. Mr;:, liO Jo!mstol\(', Airs 13 JI ogg, 11 onrymnll. & WiI!<on 1:1 HUllter, IJnvid
4. Market, Yeal. Fnirly, ltobert, printer 4 Unist, Robcrt 48 Stew/lrt, ~trs G, M'Kellzic 8nthtrland, W. !lpirit !lralcr 16 nai~, Kl'\' .•1;1111('9
Gallic, Jaml)8 U. 4 .!\(uir, Thomas U Stirling, l\11Il Cooke, Jns. liver! 8u,blu.'J 17 I!W\\'II, .J3"'\\:,\, !-urvryor
3 Burn, Hew, flpir:t mercbant Gibb, Alexander, huilder 4. ~l1eriW, JnmC8 42 .'ra..'JCr, William, Jun. W.S. Srott, Stewnrt, upholsterer IS Mn('~rcgor, n"llnltl It.
4 Nisbet, l\lrs, 1lceher G Gric\'e, ~frsl grocer 40 Betlnwe, AIrs i l\fnckintosh, A. Ilainter lU Lil!ie, WilIi:un
Tnit, Jnmcs, flesh er IS. Jleado\t·bank. 6 Aitkent.,.Wil iam, vietuallcr 38 ConncU, James b. Rlddleby Street. 20 "awrenet', .1. 1"IIrgCI)II, It.X.
7 Anderson, Andrcw, fieslter ![ason, Robcrt 1 Bntst, Ko~rt, flesher :W Tytlcr, .Jlllni's J., W.S. 1 U,\deH,:&Irs A. 21 Rcid, Mr~ .1:ul1('11
Ross, WiIlinm 8 Stevonson, .Johu, grocer 32 Walker, Mtbur Aluey
n"rnllon Terrace. 11 :WGil1, !\[rs 30 ~toillet, John, nccount:mt 3 nUs.~lI, T'lomlUl !!2 Tllylor, Michnel, l\ll'rchnllt
:3 }'irret, Thomas, grocer I;' Jleadow Place. D IIogg', l\lrs 1'homns 2:!1 Uowie, Jatnl~J !nen'halll
11 lIurns, !Irs :w Alexallder, Jnm~ J. surgeon '; Gorthm, .John, mcrch:mt :t:s J.CWill, John (I•.•,. IJwil;r)
1 Hailiie, James 11 M'Gregor, !frs 20l Hntcc, ~11'l1
Wright, Alti.·CII, M.D. CJark, It. l\lclUlow Jodge 9 I'lIn'I!S, William 23; f)rYIlell, Adnm, lmilJcr
1 Uobcrtson, l\Iiss 11 )[oflitt, 1\11'1, lodgIngs 22 Slnlth, 1\lra Eli1.nbcth ~1'ISS
' rfir.IC, ~l
11 I",a 2-1 Sat:dcrlloll,
• Willi:1I1l
2 Steycnson, Mrs Dr 12 MllXwcll, G. dairy 18 AnderllOIl ltIt'8
2. :naryOelel. 13 IInyand M'Kcchnle, dyers 16 ~tartint )1.
J., ~I.D. 13 ~ewton, Robert, sur\'(~yor 2:; S'!lIth, JtUncs
3 Brown, l\liss M.
16 ?\tilne, Mrs Gcorgc
].I Uunn, })aniel
12 I'ratt, Mr~ John
.' 4 Gr:mt, Dltncan
Anderso!1J lIugb
] 3 Keddte, ThO!. tmbinctmalter
18 Wi!son, John
14 San!\wuh, .fttrs Jobn
J2 ~l' Alllint', ~li6S
10 UllIWD, .IUrA ltobert
dcrk of!~ion
, 26 l\hlroy, John
8 8hiell~, WiIIillm, wistant '.!7 Alex:mficr, Charles J. (A.
mill Mucua")
G Irving, JUra Dr
10 Colquhonn, Miss 6 Muir, .James 28 lIaswell, GCOTgI.', writer
10 AmlerS(lll, MiMl
7 Gardner, J runes 1. lfeltUlePlaee,8aatll. 8 l'agnn, Dr S. A., F.R.C.S. 4: Dall:U!. E. W. artist \29 Young, JamCII, merchalli
Mal'yjieltlIiolt.qc. 8 'fhomson, !I. G. 1 Kirkho~, John, grocer G J.imolul, Mrs, of DolbJ. 2 'faylor, And. wine morchnnt 30 !.ow,
D. (Seo.", Loll'. \\. Co.)
Aitl,cn, Jus. (J. A. f'f Co.) 9 l\lncqucen, Gcorgc 8 LaurIe, WilIiam, victualler 6 Warrcll, J"mc..~ L., )f.D. 30 flar,rburn :alt~
6 Caldcr, ~lrs . 12 Gibb Thomas, builder 4: Wil!on, RobeR 4 SimJl!OIl, ~Irs Colonel 2. 11I ddl~lel'. at Haird, WlUiam (a.p.• o.)
4- nnlniltoll, Jolm 15 lIeu!icrson, D. o RnttoD, John 2 Stcwllrt, l'etcr, coacb.ldrcr CroaJl, J. m.i1·coach builder a2 Cowan, Georgo
2 lIamiltOIl, John A. anhitect. 1G Paton, John 6 Bryce, Alldrew, plumber 2 Cawthol1l, lira E. CmaU, ltobcrt 33 WiJson, )lm
Low, Jamca 'I Keddie, Thomaa, warcroom 2 Thomson, M. StoU, lira WillilUll' 3l DWlCAP, Mrs, or !'arkltill
17 Tunor, Jmnea S.


, 352 jJ.;~ EDINBURGII .\ND tJEITH J[or Mol' STRr~ET DlRECTORY. 353
.. - ----_.--------------.----------
3' Ford, WiUiam 21 D,wid$on, l\li'!8 ----------~----~~~~-------
10 Uandyside, Mrs -5-K-·e-m-p--,-J-a-m-e-s,-co-'-al-m-er-e-h-an-t-:--a'-(-;-al-lo--w-'a-y-,-~liss~;--- -- '12$i--~IaCk:,,": ~liAA
Mi(ldlt'by Street i,'lttrsects. 21 Cheescbrougb, E<!wm'l1 10 Uruce, llbls {i Siml,son, Roberl, coal met. :1 }'m'gull!, Wm. wood lnercbant 21 Walso;!, )Iis~
sr. Patenoo, Gtlorge 23 Pitrk, .Miss 10 Druoo, Hugb, Mvocate 7 Combe, )1i8~8 3 Wilkic, Alelamler 23 Stl!ete, Mrs At
t:& L"raidwoOO, Rcv. J,.bn 25 Angus, llrs ) 1 Crombic, Alex. of ThomtoD 8 MilloJ)s, ~1iss :! Willillmsoll, WiUiam 25 Jlattoll, Jnmcs, lV,S ..
3. Greig, Jamea 27 Aikman, James )2 Stein. iUri! S Dl\vid~n, John .J Merccr, )lrs 27 Logan, Mrs
SS RobClUOD, Mrs 2j Samsoll, Misses 13 Middleton, John j'atc!'&On. A. & J. smiths 5 Ifenderson, D. W. nJ;ent 27 {.awrit', John
US RoiwrtSOD, Thomas 27 GMdncr. Andrew A. 14 Mercer, Mr3, leD. or Gorthy lIaldon, George, builder :; SllmucJ, n. (Cmullc Co.) 2:' Arm8tronl:. Mrs
3t) Latta, Mrs T. A. 27 Smith, ~Inl William 10 Hill, J. )(, ....._ Coldcn, J. & Sons, wrights fj Smith. Patrick 27 Rcid, Williatn, writer
40 Andenoft, Un Andrew 27 Caird, John, }o'.It.C,S. 16 ,I\lackenzie, Hon. .\Unt 3 Kerr, Miss 6 HiutOIlI, Misscs. teachers 27 Watt and Mackie. Mi31'CS
41 )lusball, .-\rcb. 29 Nisbet, )Iiss lli Cowan, D:niJd ... _ S (ioalcll, Tholll:I..'~, \\'tight
. 42 M'L.ven, Jam~ of .T. ~l·L. 31 Tbomton. Mrs L.
nnd &lU! 3? KeOlp, Mn Robcrt
,18 i\l'CandIisb, ohn DI., n .S.
] 8 ~Iclro~e, John
• -OrnIDI'-lde
a ••q "". 8 (;O:lICII, O. It, IcU('r-carrier
llarthoJolUcw, John, Orange I' ~I:I('kay, Ncil. builder
'121 ,'olles, Airs
Uargitt, Edward
:H lIutcbison. ~Ir:<
-IS Gonlon. Robert 33 Stormonth, Jamee., teacber 'I 18 Irvine, 3(ra. lod~ngs I:! Whit(lJuw, John, ('oach·hirer 31 YI.IIllIt!. J(llm G•

1.,bunk cOtt.'lgC
-l3i ..·~t:gu~ou, John (S. and F) 38 llellrv, Mrs A. DOlwe Terrace rnte1'$fct.f, .dudc, Thomas r Gran!;t.' 14 nOllald~oll, WilIi:ulI 28 MCIU':II!.'! ••Johll
oH ("ridie. l\~tt'r Hattulc!l, S.S.C. 38 Hope, Miss 21 The Rigbt Hou. the Lord ,llllll,k hOllsc 115 West, Andrew, l!rocer !!(i TiulletJ+, Jlllgh T.
4~ 'I'air, Willi~m. ulercimut :.l3 MmmaugbtoD, l\Irs I'rovost (,oldie, Wm. ~I.D. 1 Banllcr 4. Mound i-lacf'. :.W A\'lolln, J:uilcs
•, id 1.l)w1I0:1, ThoUlSQIl, M.D.
-4 j 11~\lgeU\., llam'
35 P(1ncoue., Alexander
37 Stirliug. Rc\·. Archibnltl
22 l")rimrose, Hon. B. F•
23 C;mningllame, 1tlrs
.1,11100 , •
Hope, BenJ:umn, Dank housc ' ) L' 'tl If . (' C
;"I~I I, cur) t. • teacllcr "6 TI
• I:!(l Wchlh. Adnlll J 1
-t:' [)~gett;·. AIrs Cbarles N An.Jerson, D. t·r )(orednn Uibdin, lIenry E norltlen } fUlt ••James, pllliltercr ~'J .M l~n,'8fllli ~ ill ••
-1::0: Brown, l\In; Georgc Dell
39 Soott J:mlcs
:lH !Awei, ~Ii$.i 25 Abl.ot" l'ranci.$! se::retary to lodge
Be'Jb G T M U
1 JIClldcrlloll, Alex. builder
I (;mr, Jallll!.~,jun.
! ~~ 'I !lll'~ ICII,I,' , : JI~ISI~.;~·
- ,f I .Ir" .1I,1l~.l<, ' ., ..... •
-l:- Hrown. J(lbn Killd 39 GoJdsworth, Jolm (Xat. B.) the (Jeneral Post*?'Ct L'~ I y, • t" • ., surncoll, 1 !\!"\\'''rt JOllll I.mulml ( 1//111/ "s.~. ('.filet'
-l~' UrIl\h.. C. M. 39 Stcwart, DIl\'o S. (J.' .ILL. V.) I:W Brodi.,. John C•• W. • .1'.1 con co ta~c ' v .. , "0 I1 W'II'
':;'.1 Roughead, Wm. mcrchMt :3~) L'lUric, 21 lIIlJt'ih'!, &I~es White G00d...'Ill I ( •
' IrC(, .':i. 11" I' I
• S 'ItlU, ) .)
~'.' Hjllll'!loll and Gr"II"ln -
'.'(} ~I t
nUou, J I L'IIUII .,1' I l ~ .1
.>1 l'hr~lie9 AIesnnder 41 lIa\.. l\Jre 26-.\ PJ:wf1\ir, 1\Ii!tlES 1 l" . ,. i. b I.
J ,Orllw!I.,IG ( allll
I !! \\ IIlters, (:eor~..c .. ..
,- • u~ on, .....11,. III I c..""ler
"0 SUllth 0 .' Il"cut
J:! l\o~rt~QU, Mi.~ n. '3 .·(l~t, Thomas 28-n Cnch\oD, .am Maitland Ainl , ~lis:; , Sllrhw 0
ValJe'".1 2 Bruwn, \'
( . I1
'-IS I)" ~rc'"' .t~l"I~~ 1'1
4':; Wood, Joshua, mercbant )(agill house J ,It) (/ ll!lt: I I' '\11 .1" '("
K' J 1 J S (' 11 ,., Je Irnge l' r:!
lIie~.f'1I 8tftf't. .5 Martin; ChsrlC3 A. 29 Coventry. ~. advocate ~all!er, JC"ISJlrlin~ vn11cy .\( '.:. amcl'C, . ew 0 ego IS .hullcson'. Mrl5
:> (~ilIl'n. John. sUll Co. ~5 M:1Ck. W. n. 30 l'orTCst, lln "'HI,ler, l l
tal' cs, 'ca lcr, 1 ;, .,...Irra,. 8CrerC. 18 Bllillil' .Iohll
~i Litv"flOel nUll LOrltiOll Ill- o. Mont~nf'r. :n lI\)pe, John tn~ Jas. W.S. • BI.llckford 1!lnce 2 :\iilne, llrs, lJIidwife Hi Adalm'ou IIl111 \1 11 1I:lIul, W.S.
I ' 111' I 11 K . I 'I' 31 Hope, .Jobn, W.S. F.splm, Mrs Charlc... 3 Ih'lldersoll, .'III11C!!, ttmith 1(i .\,J:.m801l, 1>. M., S.ti.C.
:!"l"{l/It"t'~VI (/1.;1 1 _mglt,41.!~ 311l0fl:,James,J'un.W.S. UCllderllOn'. Mry; Ann 3 Mllir, Jlohert, coal agent , i 2 Stodd:m, :\lii's
:. l>n'hurdl. ~. & SvI1i' 'l l' " 11
.. t~;'ldlit., Rl)t~rt, ~md ('0. :; 'Jwa~l. I lam 32 An( cn;on, Firusy Hogg, A. EIIPI!lI cottng\l I ~ I It d : 12 ~\Ihul. Gcorgc, painter
1t ~h,,!\l:ut. t:\....)!"'.:~. 1II1,':1.'li:mt
1 , ~;\ull\I\!N, J"llti. wri:::ht
.: i\lal'kmtwh. ~lfll. of G5'll~cs 33 M'Nair, John
~ Drul\lnh:m~l, Rc,". D. 1. K. :3 t DougL'\S, Jas. o~' Cavers
't "\\~'l.1. .\udrew (J. <i. J: ({I,) / ~l:\ck:'). h;UII,'IS A. :35 i\loir, William. kdgings
]0 l~.o!l..iI, John, tIlIJ~r.
} .mnor, John,'. ~.Iker.
l;llngh~t1d:!, "Ilhalll, bl!ll.tler
I I , , ftP er oa.:.. II:! ))lIlIgl:\..~, AlN l:lizllhcth
(~~l\\'allll, ,':une!!, R?ck\lJle ,12 TholllSOll, )1i:<SC8
:\lel1l1l, Mr:! J. 1. llulItly! 1U ThuIIIB, O. 11.
::, l'UI\lI1U\!n:un. Jaml!$ 2. Jlont:omt'ry serf'''t'I:36 Scottish U"it'erslry CQmmu- I roudfoot & Gourhl)', JOlllers .I(!,lge . j 8 (;rh~\'C, Mig.'f
:.: ~;ri~\~.. ~Jllh\l 1 N .. , 11111 IIf' 't mc 'l:l t sioll.-Robert Btrry, sec. aud undertakcrs .! l:I\'mglltont': A1e:t, Jkn('slIi(' H Seott, C, :ui\'ocntc
• ~' 1 t' ,,:
,) -1" :,~,C~'-~,~ 1 Ir~ 1nl ~\ .':1111 areat Stuart Street int('rs('cll. Denliolm, Jamcs, Llne:klltlllti: i ~hCPPllrd, hallcl~. Lanuller· $ .Jllhll:ottJtl, n. l'11\'ocatc
," {II:"'\' :'oUt
, " !\'n i\'. i\'ct'r
\1, • ~. " " " ' . ' '.'~ ',' 1;1, t 0./ IJ'llomson, Je, of Giendowran
4 ":dl:\\.'e. ( •. (I~f{" JI •:, ..)tlll,) °3'GJ. 'b~ G""r<?n R<:b,erUon, Jumcs t wrlKtlt
M.~OUll, Rev)lcherL n.
I burn
~. ~el"oD Plaet-.
li ('Ilnlcgr. ~li!l!l
G HIIIUC, 'Mre William
:' ~!~d. . ,mll Wiliil\t1l$oU -l t"1 11' J I ti 11 :.on, e-
" t'~'l(b'r:\J.t:, ~t

. ~,"\n\ lUl'I\:llallt
i l \\ r~·lI. (,t'\'. '111e'.Olll '.'8 GI'I'Aon,
~ J·,11n, J·un. lV.S. )1 illGlushan,M .Mls!! I M. I\.'· .,mll, J. c:lbilletml\ker .' T· It· I' I t · .
1I :,1 ,I, ~Il ler , \\fller. .
I I J "
: " • ~', :; 3~) Kirkl)strici;;, John, :h\vocalt'. • er, . I(~u'( cncr . Spl'lIee, .'01111, IIlIrg .• ,.elltl:;t
.3, Jlo.tap !!.iCH't"C. .. },~t~. t,cll~;C Campbell, Dick, amI. SOl~ :!, ~el,.on 8tre.. '.
$ "

Cbristison Dr :! ElcIl'r, .J:IIIW:o, W.8 .

" l?ICk~oll. Hldlnrll . • 41 Thomson,'~ illirun Thom:lS Dc~char, J. of )lornlllgllllle i Baillie, ~Ii~~ Cl' T
;: Lialt" .\nlirt'w
:: ~tI ..m, Jvhu, com. tra,'.
-l f.hswl)rth. J, tl':lCh(,f ot mt1~lO .. ) ~ 'n~.. ~
•~ "\,?!lllen'lCe, ~I lD~ F R C PE.
Reil! .J 2 Steel's r"'ce I,\Wa,.(I111
1" 11 'I l1, •• t" ..
r. " . ....
a. t ..rra~e.
,: t': \'m~,.tll..~rs 11.
.J El.:;worth,.1. nrtist
t • 'I :lQ' . 1\ t '....., 1 ~n, .,;.u, ., • • • ••
',' I

nell, Chnrles,.} Steel':; place :1 M'Kl!nzic, AIt'x:\udcl' Lallril.', .Johll T. O. Kirk Illmlt
,: ~~\mld~, Mi$S I .t tJ
ICI':lIlll, Jl c:<!\n~ (lr 43 Wil~on, J. Dot'p., adt'oeat~ Rtlllrtl,lmwtlC AS.IJI"m- I a U(·.lton, AlexlIn,ler, liver l'alll'flller, .Johll A. Braemar
.: b, '1U~)l1. !\(~ t::~l~l.'lbeU" ~ll'I., bu~ld~r H eouper, C. 'fenusnt, ad\'ooltc tcshc.1 Andrcw, housc 8\1-, [) {J\i\'cr, Willi:lm' Vill:l
,: \~,\II\lw~w. WilIism
M Lilt, t ...1IItl ~(\. (uglUeers l.' Sl ut illtff!(ect~ J,cranten,dent li CmickllhauK, .1. Illlr!!COn 'I' Leall, Thonul.i. ('ntherinc
M'\ ':111, 1'. :U1l1 (.\1. '1 11. ' (~I"'t'G$ ""r • • .. BmwII, Ails.;, matron I 7 P:llc..~on and ROlnI\U('lI, W.S.
,; ~t'II~I)Il:J. d\'lltist W'Ik' 1 I'mI,1 bru~ alii \ 't•. St1Il'f", ,,.,,:-ge, A.
:. i~.\m~\~·. ,\w. IlCn\llh1r I 'Ill 11111 : t R:obert or Cmn Jack, Mrs, matron .. . j HOllll1l1e8, .'ohn, S.S.t'. Hemler!!l)lI, ~fr,. Ur, l'ortllll111
till 1I1:lh' WOI'i>s. 'th ". ll\llU , 'oclUe S~ae. D., AI.D.• phYfllcum! U Douglas, MillS Vill 11
: ~l..'Il. lli:13 IlrowII. W. nml". 47 I?\U~~, Goo~, ad\" SwhaJd, John, ll.p. 11 n!!III',;1n IUIII .Miller. S.8,(,. Ilarhlll, Jl\lnes, BllIIner col.
~. Iltltdt'tlMl. ~l. c1rrk 48 A1~H '~, Dame! J et
.. \11111:ltoo. U~\·. J .lOIl!!
. ~\ I~. Hl'I.'l',rt1 11.
1:1 l'lIrrcr. Mrs
1:1 l:I~'II, J\,IIII. m~r('h:mt
I !'l ,.nan,:::
am ~Iol\ston, T. S.ASSlst.-phy. : j 1 J\tkinlloJl, l!lane '
8n1lth, Peter,
B fi JI M ( I b k J;ro,oo r : 13 Cridhon, ,'. A. m!voCllt" ~If 1\'1
"1I r" , :I.('{)-OpCi·n t'.. t
I.e~ ore
q hlu:dd~\,tI; WiUialll
1:4 \'i:lI'la'. Hl'\ll'gl1 A.
1:1 ~Jllith. lIurl'\' W. .:. 1~ Urn le I, n, 10S Icn an' i la Criehton, Hew, S.~.C. .. I Morrison. WiHimll, tin~\Ilith

. , !:\mL~rt~ll\l. Ht'\'" A. l'. , la Crichton, U. H:uniltulI, W,S.1 Watt, .Iohn, h"ot &. "hoeD/kt•
1:I l\I:Il·l':~lhulI.· (h'or~' ~,.r.J: llI'reet. hOIll!e
•• I. .,\!ttri~\ ~l~ M.
1-1 Wi1:1IlIl, I"·,,, ~1('lril AI. ., Ucill J.u.:ca G. lIo...l.plde Plaet.". ! 15 .'airlmiMl, ' ';IIiIlIU, surH'yor, (;clldi:l. Ha\'id, baker
11~ ,\Iexaml,:r. Char/clI I.' Kenncil~.. Alrll Anll, Kill,,''';
: ) I. llt1tnlU, ~h~ At\'h.
,., \\ ~.~~. t. ( )1', .,. n l . )
1, :'t~WI~. lb'$ . ,
I. M"ray "'II(1c"
I (crn~mm, llr
• •
3 C:lmpbeU, Davitl
8 }1'Greaor, Jas. (~f'G.~· ,
1 Addis, Rev. Thomll.'J
2 R!?xlIom, T. P. com, agent 1~ LII~c. ~hssel* J. lmd ....
.t. \\tIliamson, AIr:; : 1~ ~rlCriioll. John S . .
I Arm,; hili
)Iaio, .'amell, 1\(II'flck ill11
:' ~:,,"t, lltt4
~, \1.\r 3\.)iN ,\. ? Uoblt\\l~'" Alloll'h 10
tl Jt)tt "'ilUam
llontd..uol1, William, grocer 1>onglns, Archd. Dlackford 11: \hll'k, Mrs Dr.
1, (,uthcrford. ~hx,"1 Susan
I l:uJ".:rtl\oll ••John, merchant
l>ollgla.~, 111011. viclual delller
1~ UrJUe, Chatl~, !:fOCtr Villa

'~ )l·\\t\:nl.'f.l\", .l 1>111lS. 'HIli, l.m"!l

~ UVJ'II, .lmm'" 18 AUddlemU8, atl'lS Robel1 l'arlington! D. (ll. D ~. Sou) Nm·tlllllll/)rrlaml SI. jll(r,..~crt.~. Ale:xalH!cr. ,'ohn. ~roeer
1~ \ \~ l.h \\.\ )\1"$
~. ~.:, t~. l\vbl.'rt ('. ., n(lIl~lllli, Mnt H ,,'bitt) Johu grocer Rcdau vdl" It!) lIowllcn, And, (,I, 11. ". SOli) j GIIIIII. I>1I\'id, tempCl'ance
ti :O;iJlI'hllf, l'lIl'" (It'llrlW _':'..... ' _~ A.ort ...." 19 1I0wden, .JRmC:I, jcwcilcr rrlrl'sJwloli Jw/(.~e
:.: t ~t':l\ ,if;, \'\1\'111:"" 1 MIII\) I'IIIIIIY W 'I'. 1. mlVII'.·.~~ ~ • .-..::.;•• on ..... reet. ,21 8impson, Peter Clar'k, Miss, C[ar/.:'s "otel
::! \\ ~:'" :1, 'l'~ ~ \\ II\I\,htll'll, \lrll Ut'urN" t IItmdenon, \\ ilUam, poct'f 1 RO!~I Jobn. enginc~ 121 ~I'Neilic, David (('/lancer!!) M'Kay, John
'.! l t\ !'.II<:r(i""l. l'tu:\rl('~ O. \. "'1'l'llIt~1 Imctitllti,lJI 2 Drollgb, Williana 1 pun, ]trs o\lIdrew : 21 Walker,)lr& A. S. Samuel, Jamt:s , tteshcr

• • - X::;--i;r~iC1iiIlllliO~;;;;q;.'iIi'''.IN'illilt·''··'''IfII''''·$_1~U"I ~ .."I.I...........
••••~_'_ a.-..
.. ~ . 2 • ~ Dd 111••••_ _ _ _. ..
~~ .
354 New ~DINnUR~!i .A~~_LE1Tl!___, . Nie SHEET DIRECTORY. Nid 355
. - - - - - - : : - - _.. -T - - 6 Slbbald, ~fr8 111 Brown, Bngh, bookseller 50 8omerville, A. C. . 33 Smith, William, watchmaker
Darncy, Rol)t. spirit meroht •. u. Ple,,·laaton. erraee,
5 )Iurray, )lrs John 115 Cbristie, David, hairdresser 48 Mathie.sou, AJex. and Roo 35 Andersor. Mi&;es
SiDl~tl, 1\lrs J: ~~ocer (FQn~lerly Newz;lf/lon Place.) 5 Sr~~biug8, baac Nicolson Street Chapel. 48 MIGiU, John. shoemaker 36 M.'Donald, Airs
Kirk. John, SkI}! IlIU 2 Hendcrson, Miss 7 Ihlhartl, H. and 11. cntle."t. 111 Aitken, Waiter, baker '8 .=tl-Dougal}, Thomas 81t ThoDlBOn. )furray, baker
Mathef, Jus. fle.shcr (P.-O.) S Laidlaw l\lrs Robert £) & 11 lloulden, 'fhom:\!, 8ta· 111 l\1'Lacblan,, jeweller ~6 Vinne, J. S. pnblisher 41 Laing, William, gtt.>C:.'lef
Patel'lWn, l\lrs Ann, .grocer 3 Laidlaw' Davit! juur.
Thomson, Aiel'. spirit ~c:llcr 4 Young, itev. J:lh&eS
13, 15, 11 Mercer, G. and SOD,
119 Antiersi)n,David,hairdresser "6 Grubb, Alias
121 Kidd, James, agent 46 )1'I.eot.l ltoderick
48 Gow8nlock, W.
26 U.ber, Andrcw
Gosman and Marr, wrl"hts {) ~larshan, J. J). lace merchants 123 Brown, John~ shoemaker i6 lVults, iicnrf 24 Mit.ilelL DBvid
:Hradbrook, R. grocer 6 Thomson, Alex. accountant 1,; l"ork llolcl 125 Smith, It P. bookseller '6 Grinton, James, ':haper 24 Usber, A. and Co. spirit dirt.
Walker, James, spirit dealer 7 P'lttison, ;\Irs James 21 Dn.WRCII, Wil1i:J.Dl, stationer 129 \VBtson, J. bootmaker 4: .. }'orrester, Willimn, fruiterer 20 Beattie, John, auctioneer
.leffrey, J. J. grocer • 8 Ail:m, Ml'.!! John 23 Umnilton, !lis!, milJi.ner· HO Gardne(, W. C. haberdasher 4: .. Hetherton, H. bellhunger 1'1 Ba6tie, John
~nve!1~ Thomas, ehcJ1l1st 9 Laidlaw Miss 25 }'orsyth, John S. tailor and ," 138 Wallaee, Jane, teacher 42 )lackint03b, In. to!Jacco!l~~ 18 ~Iilligan, Jl)hn
Goldic" Robcrt, s~ocmakel' 9 GordoJ1,'l\lrs J:unes clotbilr 138 Blackie, John 40 BosweJI, Alexander 18 Uanken, Clark, plumber
HaU, ljcorgc, smuh 21 Gray, JlUne~ 138 Wallace, Paul 38 Asylum/or Fvmale Blind 16 Kelllu.dy, ThomM, .pmt dIr.
A"chitticck, John, Newhaven 5. ?lewloatun, W. 29 5te\,cnsol1, Alex. trimming 136 Brown, John, grocer 36 Riapatb, Dav. roufectioner 16 Al'Gregor, lVilliam
park 2 ~fiddletn:ts, Geo. cuttli dealer warebollsc 134 Angles, William, teamercbt. llilll)lace. 14 Wnrrakcr, Wm. braMfounder
2 DavidS(,u, Miss 31 Roberl:;on and Caim! 132 Robertson, All'S WilIi:J.Dl [32 Kerr, lira James, boobeller 10 Brasb, Thomus, shoemaker
?le.. IJaae. 3 Haig, Archibald G. 31 Robertson, Alexander 130 .RobcmoJl, R. victual W:aler 30 Low, t.Tohn, slater 8 noss, R ••Jaaniesol1, pblnter
DrrllOroulJll, Gcorge, grocer 3 Johl1st~l1, Misses.. . 31 Cairns, John . 128 l\l-Evoy, Patrick 30 Fraser, James, hoos;; agent 6 CoghiU, Wm. drnper
L:udlaw, hcorgc, grl)ccr 3 Gilh:sllte, Rev. "llham :n nollo, Jllmcs 128 Ritchie 1\1r.5 \30 SeOU, Jumes, co::' merchant 2 Ogilvy, Janu~8, art~t
G Aitkeu, John, ten merchant 33 Carlisle, WiHiam, lace warch. 128 1I0lt, }iiss Mary AWl 30 Ridpath. D. confcc~ioner 2 Turnlmll, John, agent
3. ?lew street. 1 1.:\w80tl, Gr-orgo, Laker 35 Intles, Alex. 11mbrella-m:lkcr 128 l'atersol1, Georgc 28 Sligllt, Jamcs, toba,!OQnist 2 Scott, ltlissC8
o ~1':&lorr:m, A(lam, dairy
U Hunter, .John
13 UruW!1, TitvUlns
10 BlaekhaU and h-!ott, comb
S I+:dington, Alexander
U I'rondfoot, John, grocer
1 ~
• l.ewpo.
ri !i)treet
37 & 41 )iilner, Colledge, & Ross
39 Colledge, TboDlas (of ,M. C.
~~. R.)
43 DiU, John, shoenmker
126 Napier, Jamcs, druggist 2G Stewart, RoUt'l·t z bootmaker
124 Dir.ksol1, Waiter cauillemkr. 24 CBtt.'Ulucb, Wilh:un
122 Hamiltou, Wm. bootmakel' 24 l'atcrson, TI'os. K.
3. i.
.'Idd 4Iiilt
ry ~ .r:eet.
1 H~me, tla~ICS.' l!pmt dealer
122 Brown, JaIl'.!s, confectiollur '~4 Smith, John (Smith I\' Son) 1~ Ch!s~olm ~ Co.leatLer wet••
mnk(lr~ 1 Alllln, 1\1rs, luck lIUCSO 45 11'Rae Kennetb wine mer- 1')0 50'...... ·" .. 1,,\,_ t,~~ •• __ 1....
.. vtt';'~., (.tVII . . , UVVII uuan.Cl
• ... & ...' . .
tr .•
'U' l 1r!
uvu-, 1,.......1I1111111"IV
. . . . . . ----...
1 •• I....
n ..
(' - b r 4 ~Iackay, Jas. cQ;llll}erchal1L CII"','lt ' -
120 Dewar, Audrtlw
.t. ..
AJ1UClOUU, Ult. tI.
37 DoblC. John, tobaccoUlst.
21-A .ray••lamC.II, rcwe 4: Robert.'IDn, Mrs, ladl(,s' nurse ,. .
21 tong, 1'h9111118, .md Son, 6 AlIlllI ~lr8 Wm. colli mercbt. l'lColSQll Square mtersects. 118 Ueollic, W. &. A. fle ..herlJ 20 I~, Uobert, druggist 2!t Lidgnte, Alexander
23 Gray; Millil, l\rclIAllIuker
4. 1I1col800
• 47 Darling', William, grocer
49 ltankille, Thos. bOOtUlakcr
1] '"
Taylor, J..ugdo, dmllcr
JJcrtrulU, J. bootmaker
18 O'Ncill, J. I
~~ ~!unro, N~il, f'u~litU)'C dCll.ler
.:to!Jul Ct';!ege of Surgeons mJ :SoullL Drtdge 1 mt'Ilbrokmu
25 ll()~ & Wl'igbt, goll'·hentcrs 1 lIuttoll, Ja!Ue!ll ~~:l(·.lCr 51 Dutf, }'etcr, fruiterer 112 l\~ul1ro, lIugh, hOllse agent Strutherl!, D'l' John ... c.:l)mp(l~lY.-SCC Adt'.
:l11\1\ll 20 :'lurr, Jamcs, nod CO. 1 ll11tton, ?th!:R Lllms, teucber 51 Gr:lhu.m, G. printer 110 \langh, GeOl'ge .!t'Adam, Stevenson Ph. 07 lIn.Yt.J . &. A. icathr.r mel'S.
38 Ulackic, JUIliCI!,jUlI. of musio 51 Small, WilIinm Kerr 108 IInllidny, WiIJimll, st::aw- D., 1!'.lt.S.E., Lect~rer on W l~r lJelfs Selwol
38 lIl:lckie, Jmncs 2 GrciO', Alexmll~cr. 8.S.0. 63 ?ti()fi'at W.&Co. apothecaries bonnet w'll'eiavust: Chemistry 38 Alkmau, A. and D.
as Thomll(lU, AI. l'uuilletmaker 2 })ed,fic, Jumes, printel' r.3 Urqllll.~rt l~od"rick, chemist 106 Crerar, John, spirit mercbt. Dicki'?, John, officcr 36 !iay, lLobert, muchino boot-
:H M'Artln:r ••Jnlllc.'J iJ " ,. "
lot Duff, i\Irs lll. milliner
43 Jrcl:md, Gcorge, huilder 3, '1:~IO.mll:! 55 Steclc, J:lmcs, ba!{cr If; Dymock & Gllthrie, grocer6 closer
3 Ih11, "Ilh~~n~ 57 Peacock, Ednnmd, engraver 102 Cattanae!l t Wm. jun. wme 14 Leggat, John, wlltehmaker 36 Rollo, lV. n('\Vsp~per om~
5. ~'~"'''ll'toO House. 3 lI~lIltcr, l\ IllmlO amI Co. 59 Wilsol1, John, ham shop and SPirit merchant 12 Hamilton And. tea merchant 30 Ruthcrfcrd mid Co. wuntmg
M'L:mm, Duucan {) ~hlhlll:n, Dr Gcorgo 61 P:n·je, John, b~otml1kcr US i\Iartill, ~Irs Wil1iam 10 Cook, 1\1.'& J. hatters • house
li! 1'\)\:he, G. ,S. :lgell~ 11:1 earmichllel , W. J. ironmgN. 116 l··orrest, Gc.orgc, bootmaker 10 Clt"isliall News amJ Day 30 SlInpsoJl Georga
ii. Plew·ln.-'o•••·Inef!, E. 6 J:urllcson, 1eler, Wllle mer- 65 lto~, ~lr8, hHlic.-;) num 9! Pollock, l'etcr, hosier Star Qfllce. 24: & 26 Aikman, JamCt\, leather
1 1,'cllton, Mr:! Georgo ,. chant. 60 J,IiJl('r and Uichard, type- 90 Giblion, J. and Co. silkdyel'& 10 AIa.ckny, D. merchant
G hsller, Alex. • fOlluders to her Majesty 88 Turuer Davhl, draper 110 Oickson, Jolm bookseller 22 lIurlo\\', Thomas, raJK:r ruJur
] Chapml\n, Jl"hcrt
1 Alex'uuler, .1\1195 66 SteYCIlS, ?Irs ilex. 86 'MilIer~ \V. baker and confcc. 10 Hardesty, Geo~gc, draper 22 Murmy, J. priuters' Joiner.-
:! ]'iIIans, l\trl! Ilugb
~ l'iIIans, J I F. 7 Swanson, D. draper 67 Wilson, .1. hc.otmllker M Mochrie, Jruncs, grocer 110
Byres, Mrs Sce Adv.
a Rim, F. }~. 8 itobllrt80u, Robc ..t fl9 Dickil!, \villi,lm, perfumer 80 Hellliel'son anll Crawford 10i ter~U!on, John 12 StoU, .J. U. leather mercht.
·1 Chi~hohn, Wut. jl1illcr S S,cott, Jolu.'. 71 l~aJ'(lllharl)ol\,~'s.confectioner 78 Grentbend, AIiss E. 8 Robl80n, J. shoemaker 5-10 lIe:wit & SODS, ]c:uhcr mer.
ti t"\'~okl!, Mlsl! JC~SIC I:~ Smith, William 7~ M'I~ol') John,~ bo~ier 6 Tumbull, Robcrt, linen dpr. 2 Kerr, RoberL, sl'jri~ mercJ.ant
;). ~e"'in,.'on·('. ~. 8 vlltttlll, :Mrs John
S Alsto.u, Mrs... .
7:; UnUm. 'vIm
I 7;; Home, RolJcrt tailor
lllc1wlOlld :St. I1llersccts. 2 Drysdnle, Da\'id, grocer
8 Wlddry 4Iiil'reet 4Iiilo Cb
• ,. ~ 11 ~ a •
:, \!'i1kill~l\1l1 .J. ~} IIm\'lcson, '"lham, snrgeon 7;, Morl'ison, J. C. tailor 72 l\IitcheU, Georgc t. Iileol80D Street.. 8 I~age, :&Irs W. cowfceder
~ 1\?s!I, .John 10 nucton, Rc·....John 77 Uit('hie J'UllCS tinsmith 70 ~mitl!, Amt. brush manuf. Wellt. 10 Smith, Th08. mcrchan'
2 "nlkcr, Gcol'ge . 11 Oml1l?c, AlIdrc, l,hotogra\,hcl' 'ill C'll;lcr 'Jl;O co~nmiStl. agent ~~ ~~ackintosh, A. !JookaeUer 1 ScoU, Janaes D. North Brt.p.
:! Hlacklmll .•Jlllm ".
:' I,eadbettcr, Alex.. .
11213 Pubiu: lJfllll.~-Da\'ill Little
IIrllntoll, WiUinm, mill Co.
87 8' 11 id' A boo'makcr
, t 1 .~er an , . ' . .. (is 1a),101', Jas. c..1bulctmaker 1 StevenSVll, Allau, batter Ea"!, 8. lVest,.f.
:~ .~ntlcwm, Itt. :-Ilnrlt J1'Iel'cht. 14 .'cnrns. Wil1iam, tcuchcr 11 esl :' l('(//,~Ol! Slrecl cntersecl". 68 AI\~n, .urs,.~res8maker 8 A~der.son, Robert, stationer 1 Nicol, H. S. tobacconi8~
~ ~crgllsoll, John \ 114 Stevensoll, i\lrs 89 K~rr, Jamcs, w:occ.r • ~1 ~u!1ter, I:h~hp, cooper {) Mtllar, Andw. watchmaker 2 Bakers' JJollse of CaU
'! ltobrrtson, AlIan B. 14 Gitchrist, Jas. photograpber !l3 Mlddlem , and Ormllton, 60 HI~, WJlh,!lm, greengrocer 15 S~l&rt. John, flcsbcr 2 Proud, Peter,je\veller
It Hcndcrson, Thflmas, baker 15 ~{lI.arcn Jamcs spirit merchants •• fO S \l anb, W. br~rotlnder 11 Lamg, Geor~ 2 Crow!:', JBmes, tailor
I an(lcrsoll, J\nd. cowlcc!der 17 Frascr, Donald . 2 8trachnn, William
r., ~e"'lbliton Plllce, W. wl o.:on w'r
,. C I'!'I 0 " .. • ..... t 95 Wilson,
Wm. wine Bntlllplrrt 58 A.q!/~n'.rm·IltdllstJ·ialBli1ld 19 Darling, Wiiiiatn, grocel' 2 Coo~cr, '£. button fal'jor
1 Clunl\ll, A. COld merchant Bast,6. Wesl,4. 91 Christie A. old bookseller w,. 1 - hoa. WnUacc, man"JJer 21 Brown, Thomas 8 Duulop D. 1\1. hatter
Ob Icnde{8c.IQ & Jacuon, WIne 26 ~1'Pheraol1, Alexander .f Hay, Alexander stationer
2 Wimnm~on, Dnvhl 1 Steel, WiHiam, draper 97 Torr11n~ Rkherd 1erc
2 Young, .lamcs R. 3 R088, lIugb, and Co. linen 97 J.ennox, Mr8t drCMnlnker - li IIUI\8 25 Nairn, John .f. A ?tiuD"Je, Valc~tine & Co
3 Forl.c~, A. bllildcr warchoupc 101 Unnkell Mrs ham shop ~~ wu~toulkJ.}).dlUlclngmaater 25 Doig, R. ~-A Bar&nolomew J. akd ~
O.) • a. er, ~mC!, grocer 2IJ LawIOD, Mrs WHliam
·l Stevcllson, Mcs Jntncs 5 1\\list, Jr,mes, a!!~! C~. opti. 103 l!'ort, Edward, flcmer OOIlf&l'ers' t
" Maxwcll, Mrs l)atrick Ci"Ud 10;; Veiteh, :MiStlC8 C. and B. 6.. ~OCtetY'/~otaz Jlbstine1U:' 25 Lockie, Charles, merchant
{,v O:,.mt
4.A~I·Cartney Hugb tailor
27 Il'Quc('u, Jo~~, haberdaehcr u J..anle, F, "are~OI.1IO toy
fj ll'i.eoll, Miss J. , So Buia', .lames, agcnL I t09 1\lurray, Il(llll1t oonf~att The room.
. Ut om"" btaildlr 81 Calleudor, WiUiam, d,er (; Black, Ad.m hDd Charles

356 Nor EDINBURGH AND tE1TH Nor f::: Royal E1zqiueers' Office (; Watson and Benry, smiths 1. Greltanl.el. Plaee-.
8 Tai', T. pl)Cket book maker 41 }('linliolt) 11 Thomson, Andrew, M.D. Latle-Phin, Chflrles Hunter, Hoben, jnn. bundcr 1 Sllunder8~ Jobn, grocer
8 Gall, George 41 1\liddlcmas, UOJcrt 18 Diekson, Arch. W. surgeon Reitli,Jobn 4. Old C; 2 Smellie, Johu, ~r
8 Heron, Wm. woollen merebt. 48;, :AIrs Sarah 15 llai11ie, J. M., C.A. Johnston, John 8 Ormiston, Jobn, baker
g EdJtllr, 'Miss dressmakp.:.' .18 Niblctt }'. U. 17 Findlny, G. L. 40 Arthnr, Richard, advOC-'lte liar, )11'8, botel
Ewillg, Beujamin 4: Peddie, )liss
9 Gnevc, .1. outSt warehouse 49 l\tackay and Chishohu 11 }'indlay, C. 1'., W.S. 38 Gallwey, 311'8 Dr
10 Burge, W. blltter uO ltitcbic, D:lVid 19 )Iatlaeson, Alexander 36 Elder, Alexander
Henderson, \Vm. merchant 1. Orebanl8e1d Street.
11 Bennet, D&\'id, lace mcrcht. 51 Prc.';tou, Alex. jewcllcr 21 .John8ton, J. 8., S.S.C. DlmJas Street inte,·secls. (Jeorge Ileriat's &Iwol- Riehardson, J amest Imith
, 13 Combe, Matthew, tailoi' al JI:lrtlc" Thomas }'. clothier 23 II'\·in~. l\liss Fonlis, Robcrt, teacher; 1 Steel, D&vid, plamoer
3' Calderwood, Henry, baker Forrester, Jnnc, home 2 l\larshall, )lr8
13 ?tliUar, D. dral~r & <:Iothier 51 Young, Clmrlcs :ami E. 2;; llackmtosh, L., S.S.C. 32 PJayer, John, coacb·hirer
13 :WDiannid, John, tailor 01 Old/mm, J. 25 Mackinto.f!h, A. advocate :J2 AdanlSOn, j!. spirit dealer teacher 3 Shepherd, George
13 Smith, S. tailor :lIId clothier 01 'J'/lylor, i\1i'!hacl 127 Cbicne, <!corge 'f., C.!. :10 J. auvccate Uastie, Alexander
}(OriBOll, 1. Orpha. a_plial..
14: WDowall, W. stationer 52 })ullc:m, }'Iockhart, :md Co. 29 1\lackellzlC, Kenneth, n.A. 30 1\lori8On, Jnmes )Iotlro, Douald
16 Tait, Alcx. 5:1 Uiclmrdsoll, Wm. cutler 29 1.iver}JQot Insfu'ance Office 28 Staples, )Irs Old Brldrte Eftd. Crawford, Jobn1 govenwr
l11\I'FnrJ:m, .J. )'. al1l1 Co. U4 YOtloO', Thos. arid Son, ttli~,)rs at Strncfmn, R. H. I.aing, )li8.!S IsabeUa, malrlJl.
26 Horabargh&IJivingston,W.S. 1 Webster, Jobn
1~ Smith, John, watchmaker IH llullcan, Flockbart, all': Co. 33 Uirnie, J. B. L. advocate Ncilson, .alias Jane, teacher
20 Horsburgh, l\1rs 2 Ainslie, Jnmcs, coal mercht.
18 Archib:dd, Uob!!rt (;4 J.amb, Itohert, tailor :J3 C~rnegi(', .J~mes 26 Livin~ton, J. K., S.S.C. 2 Sword, Jamcs, coat meroht. 1. Gdbnl Terraee.
18 Mortimcl', lVillium n5 C";ghton, G. and AI. watch- 35 Dlxon and Co. ~l)cerK 22 CanDlcbael, Wm. S. surgeon t l'I'Kenzic, Rc\'. Jolnl
20 l·~lcock, Wm. tailor makcrs Dumlas Stteet 11tter~ects. 20 Brodie, Gcorge, advocnte Old ~"ureb Street.
20 Liudsay and Uiclmrdsol\ uG Urown & Tl'egilgas, clothiers 37 l\1'Glasbnn, Alex. lones, Uobert, shipbuildcr 1 Hoffhrtl, WiUiam
18 &lifer, Dr Wm., }'.U.C.P. 1 Douglas. l\liases
21 KQhlcl', .~. :lIId SOil, lmrt)· 67 UfJlli~l't.• Jamcs, corn f:letor ar; Cattanach, P. L.,S.S.C. & S.L. 16 :l'loncrieff', ~.lcx. advoc:.&tc fhilip, Hobcrt, mcrchant
string maker 01 Gricrl!on's coal ami lime 39 Cattan:lch, Willinm 2 Wood, Wi1Iiam, C.A.
14: Gordon, lira Dr 4. Old Flshmarket 3 :l\Iurdoeh, John Uum
22 nI:lcklmll aml Scott otlice-Scc ~1(k. 41 Skinner, William, W.S. 14 Gordon, !tov. Robert ~Io.r.
24 Uoy, Jalllcs, laccumn 57 J'clers, W. :tcr»lllltnnt f3 Smith, Wm. \\Titinfl master .{ llom3ncs, Robert
12 P&terson.D. W.(Lintl.,ay~·P.) U Nigltl Asylum U Camp hell, Ord Oraham
2:; Wright, Gcorgc, COIU. me:'. 57 Woml, ,101111, stockbroker 45 Gairdner, lVilIi3JT1 T., ~I.D. 10 Fife 9- Kinros.~ RailII· /Jf!ice 9 Nel11 nnd Co. printers G Boucb, Thomas
~.; Slmrt, I>11l'hJ, accountant
26 Urcchill, Itobcrt M. n:rellt
5; /Jow's boal'tlillq~/t01t:1e 45 Gairdner, Joitn, M.I>.
53 }o'ord, .John, ghiss 111311Ufiu:. 41 Walker, 1\lrs WiIliam
10 Limtsay & Pawrsoll, ".S: 4. ~Iooncy Pat rick 1 Pcrig:u, .~rtllUr, J:md8ca~
10 Linds3Y, James, W.S. 81 ConneIl; John, shoemakcr painter
I 25 }'Iiut, 1\1. fnrriet·
25 Uell, James, SOS.C.
26 ~lackintollh, J:uncs, tailor
cm Uomancs and l'atcrson
fiO )luir, .lamcs S. agent
47 Walker, WilIiam, surgeon
49 Kinncar, C. G. If. architect
GO Meek, J>a\'id, ,\'atchmnkcl' ! 49 »ullcnn, J. 1\1. atlvocatc
8 Cassels, Alexander, W.S.
o Fcrguson, Wm. W.S. 8. «tld .""·8Ie Ganlrnll. S Kippen, J. H. of Westertoll
Crawford. James, Elmitb mnl 9 Stcvcllson, ncv. R. H.
t 21 Kny, John, lmskl~tlll:lkcr tlO (''''ribew, Jmncs, dcntist 51 Atfnm, J. advocate
1 Torrance, John, lmker
2 ~l'InLyre, D. eombmak~r farricr' 10 itrodie, Alexander

21 ltlnrsh:t11 and Aitken 60 l~dmol1stolle, }'. nnd Son 03 (jillespicL.Jolm, W.S. Scholtzc and Lcrchc, glau Smith, R. P.
27 Almond, J. l:. mourn\ug tH Cunllingham, T. hatter 05 Wri~ht, T. Strethill, M.D. 2. ~OrcOd PJaee, South. engravers
warchllUsc l-aIDler'.8ulldI01'1II.
1)2 AlIIlcrsoll 8: Sloddart,elothicrs 57 J{eith, George S., l\I.D. 1 Rlnck, Wm. spirit mcrchant Cameron, Jamcs, & Son, hair
29 1\IiUer, Johu, wooliclI llraJlcl' (la Aitken, John, ngent 59 Brollies nnd Kenncdy, W.S. Z; ]Ibilip, William J,lling, O. wright :lOll under..
malhlfacturcr:3 taker
:!!) nalllngc, John, bool,billdt'r
,t :w Aikm:lIl, GCOI'~C, cngravcr
fi:} lIutton, .Jdm li3 Kennelly, WiUiam, W.S. '1 Jlarvey, E(hvard
9 Bums, R.
Fothcringham, Il.cabinctmkr. Wnrr:tkcl', WiJliam
(la Sc1ater, U. Imd Son 61 lfl1irhead, .l:lmes, advocate Thorbllm, Jamcs, turner
t 29 Aikm:m, GCOl'gt~, jUII. ti:l Riddle, ,Jolm 03 Thomson, ncv. Andw. D.D. 11 PCllrson, Thomn.q 1 Clmtt.'t.way, John, agent.- 4. Park Plftef".
gl) 1'holnsoll :lIId J1:ty, clothicr Ii;l Mills, William, tailor 65 Uobertson, :Miss 11 M'Pherson, John
I 31 Ogih·ic,.1. mul A.
:11 M:lill, ,Ed",:ml
(13 Whitehcad, W. and SOil
G!; UUg'er, MOI'il",
]'ortCl', Thomas
l:i Blnir, Janacs
11 Kerr, lUrs
Sec .'1t/v.
1 Wightman, J~m~!!t fl~cdll'r I
1 EtliniJur(llt L(l(1i('.~' It:stillc·
liolt-i{cnnedy, ~lislles
1 Thomson, Robert «(i.P-O.) 1 Stce::, J·!!m (' 1"'lut mllstcr
:n J'un'clO, Wm. tailor
a1 .\itchisol1, ThoH. S.
:12 CI'OIlCh, Willi:nn, nnd 8011
M J\llIckn)', J. T. hntter
65 ))ow, .f. Allan
67 HUllter, Uobcrtl ntlvoc.'ltc
(;9 Gibson. Mrs Thoma.(!
17 Street, }Iaa
17 ~lorrjson, l\1i!s
11 Paton, Thos.
-1 ~l'Vcy, JllS. bra~4:llollnlllJr

3 It:medaillf': Ja.'!. spirit !"'alcr 2 Tnit and Crichton, W.S.

I 2 'f!!!!, J. f) I W.8.
61 Jicrr, William, winc merch. 69 Grcen, .John :M. .{ Wnt'lon, l~mn. brll$srouuder 2 Tnit, John, ad\'oc:1tc
;j:: t;onloll llIul IJurns 19 EI~in, WiIliam
3~ M'Kay, .Tallle:! G. working ~orthern Itllr;ta'le&: ~! C:lrst.~irs, M. plumber, &c.
21 Baud, IIrs
o 1I1Vey and Watllon, brass.. 3 Strllthers, Dr .101m
jeweller Ml'hool 1.;~ ~a~lchnel, R. flusher founttel's 4 Alacthrlnnc, Mrs J. f'.
.• ,h }lemmO', Jmnes 23 Burnet, Andrc\V G Oreig, John &. Son, pdntt::·g 4j TI1I'1'Y, (~eOl'ge, s~ablcl'
;11 H1aik, H:Il'id, t'lIgmYcr 1. l/etltlt·J ..~on Rvll'. U Todd, Mrs A. spirit dea1er 28 Scott, George 8 Lindsny, Jmnl's, Iruitmcrcht. G Johllllhm, A. cahmetmnker
:a ,Miller, i\1. H. gCllcrallllC'\·. 2. ~orth ..n'h..rIRnd 72 KilllllCh, Miss 23 Chalmers, W. lI. 8 Lintlsny. Robert Park 1'laoo bo\t'1C
;14 .JOhll~loll, 'l'hotnall, jeweller 21 Donaldsoll, Alex.
:\;, f:eikic, .Jmllcs H. perfumer '-'Rce. i~ nl'own~ Davitl, writer 9 Smarl, Wm. spirit merchant SQI/therlZ Academy
] ])ml"htir Mrs 72 Macrcdie, Rohert King, AlIan 9 Ste\\m1, Alcx. spirit mercht. Rnmagc:, Ale,.. teacllt,·
;m Jlarrisoll mltl Hill
;:7 'I'Rap, Will. linen m~l'challt 1 Stl'lJ~g, .J~llll, spirit denIer 1~ ~onnchel" Miss Jark, John, spirit dealer Grecn, .John :U. teacllf.. J'
Ritchie, Thos. sculptor Old fii60l'ar-houflle 4,;••
:17 :-iicol, Robcrt, die-cutter
;1; Mcill, Wm.
.11 ChiHholm, ~[jS!l, fun-ier
2 Wall,cr ,. Willinm
3 Smith, Gcorgc, d:tiry
4: Scou, Alcxander, engraver
1 ..
~,) K
Umlmcrs,T I ?Ilrs
a)". 0 In
,0 1\ll1rray, Ocorgc
2. ~ortOh Place, East. Leith Candle Compauy
Cathcnrt, }t'ergtlson, and Co.
I Brown. J. E. leacher
Common, Robert, jmlitvr
2 lAW. WilIiam 4. Park Street.
;IS I;mith, John
:l!) Market 8to;1'9
4 Tllrnhl1l1, Adam
.~ Uums, Miss Marion 68
Campbcll, Miss, of Sonthall 2 Thomson, Uobcrt Orellar..aeld. I 1 Wilkic, J:lmes
4 Eastonl....'Alrs, laundress l\Iorri&on, Mrs Jnmes 1 Fergusou, Misses
:m Jl~ttie! J. l'ef:c.ehment rOOlnS 4 Walkcr .Tohn 6n euthbcrtson, WiUial1l, W.S.
G Craig, 11. baker Struthie. Andrew 1 Wilson, .l\lies
·10 Uankine 1 Tllollll18 i; Wribht; (;eorge, gt'ocer 64: Darling, .lames S., W.S.
2. ~.l'1on .alaee.• 1Vest. C~r.5(~, 1). and Company 1 Short, l\lrs
oil Wells, JJ, and Co, tea mereh. (. jlnckny, ThOlna.s, bootmnker 62 DOllgIR.~, Hr A. H. 1\litcheUhill, P. (D. C. 9' Co.) 1 Darker, n.
"1 ~ntton & Co. railway carriers 7 Macclonnld. It. sllirit dealel' GO Cumt'lul1, J..ort. 1 Cooper, Onnter
~irn'pl!ou, David
., J Slrachan, Winiam 2. ~orth~.lterla.. d ~o )tatshnll, J. nd\'ocnte 30 BeTry', .lnmc." ' 2 Well!h, AIrs
42 l)rin~lc, Jnmcs, linl'tl .lrapcr litt t as l\lacnrn, I•. M., W.S. 3-1 Muir, IIrs Dand Cralgic, .~. II. 3 ltacLurn, WiUiam
42 Hamilton, W. L, hatter . re~ • 56 We\lster, George. advocate 86 Peddie, Jamea Hay, John .{ lIenderson, George
·• 043 Brown, WiUiam, hosier 1 GI~)son MII T~'t, W:8.
1 Tmt, James, JUII. ".8.
54 Cnrror, DllVid, S.S.C.
r,2 Scott, 1\liss
Campbcll, D. RU88ell, Rob.
Neil8On, John
, Stott, David
, Home, ~Irs
.•, 44 ~1i11l\r, John, watchmaker 3 Raillie, ftirs \Villiam U. r,o Richnrdson Jolm W S 2. N'ottlnlha. "aee.
44 lIendcrson, reter Un(lerwood, Thos. S. grocer • }Iaekay, .John
45 Shicls, :l\Iatt. confcctioner l) nralld, WiIlimr. W.S. 48 Grant, J. Dunda,,' •• llor$f! llepository--lloir, P. Orcl,ardjieltl Lam. 4- Ooull, MrR
,\ 1 '~ell1~, )lrs .6 Smith, Thl)mM, lodgings , Gibb, Alexander buUder Bnteel. J. (Shalls Foulldl'!I)
{6 llcnderson, D. halter G Darling, Wiliiam
~ rltc~l1rn, ltl1'8 RObel1 U llectol', David, advocate , Rcld, A. printer' Tllit, "IDles, grocer o Diekson, i\lissc,
.. _. - ""'~ .....
6 Wilkie Ilia Procurator- Fiscal', Office 8 Petrie, Stepben F.
G DeanI,' Dam fm' the County 6 ~Itlir, John, brewer --------------------~--
19 Pring1e, Thomu, merchant 1. Pltt I!litreett lorth. 161 Kenned" Roben
6 Gibson )In Ji,stice of Peace O.ffice 1 Lilldllay, Robt>,rt, druggllt 19 Steele, Misses 111 Gilroy, Wil1iam
G Williariuon, )lisI, mUHaer Brown, .John, W.S. 21 R.'lebum, Robt. R. architect Ems, Thomas, cabinetmaker 113 Inglis, Thomas
9 'it a))ace, Alexander &Iathison, W.•T. builder
G Mathison, W. merebant )Jaitl:lIId, George R. W.S. 9 Wallace, Willinm 21 l!nehum, John P. accountant 110 )Iuirhead, Jamea
8 Macaulolt B.I. clerk Archibl1ld, Georgc 11 ~Ioodie, )fiss 21 f..aeburn, James S.
Jackson, T. & Sons, plumbers 111 Shirtsinger. Matthew
1 J<Jhmtoo, John, engraver M~Farlane and Gibb
CfJtt1ltll PQiir:e Office 13 Shiels, ". of Bankhead 23 Black, )11'8 119 "'hepherd, William
7 Rutings, .lataes Cormiy JVe;ght and Mea- 23 l\Ieilde, WiIliam, S.S.O. 146 Clay, John 201 Gray, CbBrJcp
15 Campbell, T. B. iron mercbt. 56 Ewnrt, J. joiner
7 Connollyt Jatnes S. printer Sllre Qlfice 11 :AIICrie, W. (W.MoC. §' Co.) 25 8oott, Jamcs 209 ·Farmer, :&liss Agt!et, baker
52 ROM, David
G. P .....I• ., street. 3. Paul's Work, 19 Wright, '\.n. merchant· 25 M'WUliam. Mra G4: Cairns, A1e:mnder 202 Carter, MI'8 J. epirit dealer
21 Amlcr$on, W. town-elk. Leith 25 Purdie, Misses 192 Torrance, TbomM
1 Atc1dbald, IlorriB Foot of Leit/, Wynd. 34 Wihronl John} bootmaker
23 Walker, Mrs 25 :&l'Intosh, George, writer 85 Lyon, ali88, aretl8maker 188 AntnUn,Tbo~
2 Row, V. 11. 25 CUllynghame, l\rrs 25 Wbyte, Mieaes 178 Weston, John
9 WoOd, GcorgoS. coalmereht. Ballantyne and Co., printers 36 Stalker,)lrs Jamea
2 R08S, William and stcreotypers 21 :Mann, Alex. solicitor 27 Stewart, )Irs ]14 Grant, Jamee H.
3 Watsotl, Miss Hewat, A. L. Pilrig cottage 21 Stewart, Alex. Ju. W.S. PIU 8t.• BMaIDat_. 170 Browns RobeR
2. Pleard,. Plaee. JUaikie, Rev. W. G. PUrig 21 Twcedate. Jmnes, merchant 166 Weir, Jamee, baker
r. Dobic, TJlOmM 8 )(anin, G. plumber 1 Renwick, WaIter, seed mere.
G l'hoJnson, James manse 29 ArcMbl1lit, J. baker 2 Strachao s William Ift2 Shepherd, G.
6 Simeon, James, ftCOuntfUlt 24 Somerville, J. (J. S. it Co.) aa Drown, A1exander, grocer 160 Ueron, James, grocer
r. UU8Sell, Alex. coal agent G Runcimnu, John! waiter 22 SomerviIJe, J. (lit. 8. 4t Co.)
2 Keds1ie, John F.
32 Purves, David, spirit merch. 8 Rmnsay, W. B. Carnegie Street interaer:tl.
8 Gcntie,J(lhn (G.P.-O.) 6 Runciman, :AIrs, lodgings
8 Wotherspoon, J. 20 Cumming James, Lt.D. 30 Winter, l\liss 4: Couper, W. H. writer JoG Remlnl1, :&I8gnU! C. com-
6 1\liIne, Willhlm Robertson, WiIliam, gardeWl 30 Al'Cliibald, Miss mission agent
8 Jlowie, James 7 Vietch, ~lrs 4: Wisbart, :AIiss
H Prolldfoot, James 18 Stcclc, W. merchant 30 Kirkwood, 1\11'8 4: Scott, Jamet!l 152 Jlo:.;g, George, druggi8t
~ Nicol, Captain Robert 16 Gnllowny, William D. 28 Webb, A1ex. bootmllker
U Uaigric, G. ng<!nt.-8ee Ad". 11 )Ieade, John G Thomson, RobortJ . Ihipmn.stcr !46 Gibson, Thomas
11 Collie, D.It. jlW 14 l'l'Inlay, CbarJes 2(; )(INicol, 31rs Jrunel 6 Stcwart, Aiel:. «(}mtoms) ) 44 Leslie, WiHiam
11 Co:'fler, 1\11'8 12 Scott, Alias 26 Fraser, )Irs 138 Saddler, Andrcw
11 flOW Mrs 18 Wylie, Ale:!:. W.S. 7 Chalmcl'8, C. S.
11 ltow}ey, ~lr8 17 8oott, :&1.
10 Anderson, lV. wine merchant 26 Laing, Rev. Jobn 7 Gregor, John 138 AitkenbeacJ, Adam
l:! 'J'r.ylor, Jame. 8 Johnstone, ~lr8 E. 26 Wa18on, l\lrs J1runilton 7 Thomson, GCf)~e 13G Frascr, Alexander
21 Lind, Robort 6 Greig, Roben, (G.P.-O.) 26 Prntt, W. E. surveyor Browll Street illtertlcctl.
13 'fllrllbull, l\1iBses 22 Renny, James, jun. 7 Nl1iper, AIrs Charles
13 ;\Iurray, Jame! 6 ThoUll!On, ~li8S 26 Abe1, Jolm 7 Bowie, .\ndrew }'. ] 34: Cameron, ltobert Owen
20 Caden, John, advocate 4 Tait, .John 24 UniversalLijeAIsllranceCo. 8 Nichol, Francis H. 130 RitclJic 1 Jamcs G.
14 Conllor, Chntlc8 18 .I<'alkirk Iron Co.-Soott, 4 Pilrig Chrtrch
14 WOOl', WiIliam, P.~couutant IloOOrt, agent 24 :&Iacnaugldon & FinJay, \V.S. Sa/isburl/ Street i1tterttct8.
14 Wntt, Jamcs, clerk 18 )tuir, W. H., S.S.C. 2 ltobcrtson, Alex. teacher agents Pltt 8t. E.tBo..alapea. 126 Gellntly, Mr! W.
11 Oreig, Jallles (J. ~ J. G.) 16 Rnnken, Frrutcis 2 llentley, Andrcw 24 Forbcs, Alexander ) 26 Brot,:,n, Adam
1 lIugb, Edwnrd, saw maker
11 Aluir. Uobcrt 19 31yles, John 22 Cullell8, Alexander 2 Street, Alfred, (Inland llev.) 102 JtitciJie, l'ntrick
11 Orr, John, C.M. 16 llalswelle Keeler
PlrnleDel4. 22 )I'Clumpha, John 3 Kinghom s :&tiss 102 Itobertson, WiJliam
11 Chmes, J. (Mercury Office) 16 Keith, J 0 JIII 2 WaU,cr, William 20 l\tiller, John (D. At. 6' &n) 4: Black, Georgc, 100 Dodds, wmtnID
11 C:,I!Jowlu·ll,obr:l·t . 1" ScoU's School 3 Dryburgh, Richard (N. 8. 20 nrown, James, architect G Kingborn, Ale!:. builder 98 Proud, ~Ir~
)7 Seou, "ri liam 12 Gmbam, lIlrs
J7 Tait, Uobcrt (Baptist 11.M.) 10 ~ibsOIl, Peter Clark, snrgeon
o' Son.) 20 White, Robert G Kinghorn, James !lG Airmet, .J. cnrt!Hmware dlr.
:?o Dunbar, J. ironmonger 'I Irvine, ,lUDlCS 94 Christic, William
2. Pltt Street. 20 }'oriilf, Robert 92 }('Ghie, Uobert
4. Pa.·.hullen' Square. 8 CampbeIl, T. U. and Co. I 1 "~~lsb, ~dam, wine Dlercht. 18 Grant, :&liss Plea8aaee.* 86 JJ\/gan, .John, printer
metal merchllnts
St (,'ih',<;' Clt/m-/" I/i!", Street.
S l\till, Mrs .John 1 "lUte!', Thomas, butcher 14: Smith, l\frs J. C. 21 Aitken, Jamcs 82 Falconer, n. D.
!.illtOIl, T. slIlX'rinte!1dent of 8 Spink, lIlrs 3 Aitkell, W. ciJ!lmist anddrul" ]4 1\tllSon, Jnmcs, S.S.C. 29 Thomson, Alexander A rthur Street infersect.fI.
('11 v pniirn
6 C:lIl1CrOn, Miss gist .. 14 Reynolds, Anrtrew, printer 31 Gray and Sons, veterinary Arthur Street Chapel
1?J.-r1ieqllcr, 1l.111. C/laTllbers .. Sinclair, r eit('h, }\[.D• 3 Heal:•.J\lrs Colonel 14 l\[orrisoll, Alexander, S.S.C. surgeolls 80 Kelly, Henry
• :-;/1~riIt Cif.rk of Chmlcery 3 Shaw, Duncan H: Christie, 1\[rs 31 Gray, Alexander, jnn. 78 Gray, Daniel (G.P•• O.)
2 Hill, Robert, W.S.
J C(jmillis.~(tr!l Clerk's VOicc 2 Hill, Crawford, advocato 1) .Marllhall, Misses 14 lunes, l\lrs William E. Drummond St. intersects 74 Priends' Afeetillf/lIolIse
I WII, JalUCS I•. , \V.S. . li Clc!;md, Ml's 14 Graham, Robert ~r. 60 Fulton, .John, brewer
MnclUllny, .John PlerMltll1 Barrack•• I) lsbi~tcr, WiUinm 12 Walson, Wm. advocate 83 Watters, D. bmshmaker 52 Pleasance l'eri llorial
r lhlio/I }Janl.; (If Scoilaml Steedmnn, James, calltcen li Clm')" J ameli
'fay/or, l ..nllr. (U1/;Qll1Jmll.:) 2. Pllrl.. Motle. Balld. 5 Cow/m, Alexander, ba."lker
10 Gib80n, WiIliam, painter
8 Burnet, John, advocate
Adam Street intersects Clwrclt
&9 Lcwis, .lames, grocer 48 Heriot, 'l'lu·,nM
Gow, ,)ag J\1. (Ul1ifJ/l 1Jank) lI.lfj8. l) Gibson, Alr:l G Watson, Miss 61 I..eslic, Alcx. tinsmith 46 Ritchic. Georgc, brewer
Orderly Room, Edinbltrqh 2 StewAlt, Jame9 (G.1>.-O) li Clclnlld, John, l\I.D. 6 lInrdie, It printer 61 Dickson, John 44 lIendersou, Wnlter
Ripe Vt,llllltcers . ) 3 GOllld, Uobcrt, gnrdener . 1 noss, lIngh, W.S. G ltussell, Mrs Olivcr 63 Smith, AdRm 42 Ualgleish, .J. 'night
rJ.//ire of I/. ,M. JVorb 19 Cowie, .lames, joiner r lJl'i /mmia Life AUllra7lctJ (I Tait, William 69 1I0wie, John 40 Inglis, Wmjam, coach aml
• Mlltheson, llobt. surveyor 21 I.oudcn, WilIi:l1n (,n.-Sec At/v (I llllnJop 1\1~, lodgings '11 Rutherford, Oeorgo, bilker hamc.~s mak~r
(rOlI'II Allcnt's O~Jicc 24 HlIrpcr, Jlenry 9 Walker, :&li~s • 6 Gardiner, J. advocate 73 Wishart, JamCJ 40 In~lis, Wm. jun. poalmnst<.>r
?I~1I1'r3Y, Andrew, JUl!. W.S. 33 Miller Alex. (G.1'.-O.) 11 n~llrymJlIe, WiIliam, S.S.C. 4 Crawror(l, Rohert, W.S. t N.P. '16 :&N...eish, Jamea 38 Wdliamson, Airs
I ;,rliamclI! l1oll.'~e 40 Black, lIugh, (G.P•• (j.) ] 3 \hmyss, :ali:18 4 lwyal Nat~al and J.lJilit'lry 95 Wat1gh, WiJliam, and &n 26 Arkley Mu
( o/ll'b (~f Law 13 Dick, )liss Janet 4 C Ea,~t bulia A.qSllratlCe Co. 101 Smith, .Jobn, currier
42 lIcudcrsoll, l\lrs 24 Sime, Geor{'o
-,!d~·o;.ale8' Librar!1

11:1 Scou, :Mrs Alex. rawfonl, Davitl, S.S.C. U9 J\PIntyre, John 22 Abernethy, JKmCI
~olll;II(1rs ~I!JJreme Coltrt~' 2. Pllrl.. Plaee. 13 I.ow, .Miss ... lIendcrson, Jame8 East Ric/lmond St. interlect.t;.
t Ltbrm''1 J Wilsotl, ,lames, 110llS0 "gent 1:-! Jackson, Jnmc3 2-A 1ti'lntosh ltIl'8 125 Grandison, Jas. ehoemaker G. PO.tO. 8treet,
, Sill/let L{brm'Y 1 Hay, }letcr, groeer 13 Gray, ~Iills :.I Uogg, Johr:, Atationcr 148 Rosrer, William
, (,'ollllfllllall 1 Droad, WiJliam 13 Jack, l\trs 8 DjcklJon, ISllbc1Jn, grocer
:i 2 RUS8cll, RobcTt, haker 166 )Juno, WilliaM 12 and 14 Wcmy&l!, John
,,~!'crft{ CI(rk'.~ OQiee 15 Adnm, JRmcs
~IlJlcrtnt('ndent ql lloads'
Pllrl.. 8treef. ]1 Darling!, ~tiss
OjJilJe South, 2. 19 }o'raser, !tITS .. Pleasanoo, from Batisbnl'1 etrcct to Beaumont plaee. r;
1 :&lcll1.ics, Thomas, ehipowncr Do• EaR side, South hack of CfUlongate to BRUsbnry street 8
l\) Drown, AJ(;xMder no. West 8id~ E!I.8t CrosRCAulcway to Dnlmmoml8trcet l)
Do. do. Drummoud Iltreet to Cowgato. 3
~ Buk, '~oe.. 43 Barrie, Andrew, jeweller 73 Baildon, H. C. Medical Hall 12 Warr~k,:&1rs PrettteD.eN. eatl BoatL 43 CranstoWl's Telftper. hotel 74:Paterson. lVm. bookseller
4: Hntton, John 14 Fraser, Mrs WjUiam Cunyngham, Sir W. H. Dick, 8chultze, Alex. 44: Salomon, B~nry, ~boeb:~ 70 8ehoelcher, Madame, milliner
14: Morrison, D. dockmu·er Bart
G Brown, Thomas, wright 15 Sarrison, C. spirit dealer Lundy J. J. (N. B. C. Co.) i5 Hay,. 'Alex. Jun. ~atc. er 7G Knox, Jas. trade accoUUWlt
Prate• •tnet.. B. , , " ) Howle, J. portrrut pamter 75 Stewart, J. C.
1• • •rt·......... ,.. lit Prt.IrotIe ••aee. 46 Lcnnie, E. jeweller 76 Maclean, toy warehouse
2 Shaw William, coal mercbt. ••rtland .. 1 Nicbolaon and Johllltw, S Hamilton, Matthew 46 Taylor, Jamcs, optician 76 Stevcnson, Thol. Berlin wool
» Vallanoo, J. jun. 1 Berwick, J.
2 1\forrison, Ilrs C. lodgings 2 O~:, 1. PrlarGR .&reet Sout!, St Da~id St. illi!r8tcts. merchant
4 Mason, naviil--8ec At/v. • -11 & -is KeQnm~n ana Jenner 11 Cairns, Mrs, baby1inen ware-
G Glen, TboDl8A 2 )Inclean, :aIrs, lodgings 3 Aikman, And.
2 Profit, Mrs Alcxander h • Brown, Thomas 49 Green, Josepb S. and Co. house
6 Thom, John 2 Kmnsay, A. 81~master 3 Crager, P ilip PI'IIIeft Street. 50 Awe and SOn, opticians 71 )(acgregor,l. tobacconist
1 Glen, R. lit J. coal mc-rebu. 2 7'ratt$jJort Office 3 Sibbald, Min Nos. 1 to 9, • 51 White, lames, stockbroker 71 West oT Scotlalld lVine Co.
8 }lackey, Jllmes !l Johnscon, Lieut. J. C. agent RolJe"t.~o1l'8 Acad.-WISOa. Nos. 10 to 134:, :3 01 Kcnnedy, Frcd. seed mer. llallover Street il'terBect~.
9 Aitken, ,,\.IC:.lIUlder 4 Smitb, ~lra Laur. lVilliam, Rector Nos. 185 to 149, 1 Gl Kerr, Henry, merchant
10 Kirkl&Dd, Johu, manager • t 7 Craig, Thomas 1 Steam Packet alld Coach 51 Mill, Ebenezer, S.S.C, 78 GeUatly, Bobt, watchmaker
Duke uf JJamilton'.'t Coal 4 I,I\wson, James, 8hIp agen 8 Banon, :aIrs )(argaret
4 WilliamsonJ Mrs 8 Finlay, Mrs lV. Office 52 Rutherford, William 7S-A Smith, John, unabre11a
18 Thmoan~tcorn and 1'_.
11 Jollllliton Rlu! Tbom 4 'Iholllson, 11. n. 8 Prilty, John, clerk 1 Ken, W. willeand I!piritmer. G2 lVaf.SOn, lV • .F. bookseller
12 AJla", AIrs -to P.tter...,,', 1 )l'Ivor, John 2 Dulrymple, John, brocer 6S Tile Royal Hotel.-Donald • '"'"
1S Rodger, Jnmell, agent 2 l1'I.aren, John, rcfreebmcnt )l'Gregor 78 Levison1 )(L!s, and Co.
1 Wood, John, dairy WJlytock's cabinet ractory rooms 50l l\latkay, c •. llningham, & Co. 18 StiUie, "ames, bookaeller
14 J{Clllp,.J. nnd R. G Pittcmlricb, .John, chinn mer.
15 VallAncc, J. and Co. 3 Donald, lohn, hotel 54: Grant! Roberi, and Son, 78 JJailey, J. bootmaker
11 liaxtollts Cour/, DonuldsoD, G. Prest.n Terraee. 4 Cronll's t'oacb office boouellers 79 Hogg, .&Irs 1!'. fishing..tackle
16 }'nirlcy\...)lullgo .John G. 2 Pater8011, James, builder
~o Comb, lJavil\ 4: Norll, lJritish Rail. OOice 57 DunCe'lO, 1'. and Co. boot- maker
22 Sillclnir, )Uss
23 Graham's Court 2 Bell, Robert, engraver 8 Kennedy, lVillirun, hotel makcrs ?9 Ncsbitt, J. photographer
28 Craig, Cbristie, uud Co. 2 Small, lVilliam 9 Edillburoh,Perth,andDlm .. im Lauder, Alex. draper, &0. 79 Carfrae, J. jun. bIrd pfe-
1••·ort•••pet•• D. 28 Unrclay, William 2 Gray, James, (G.P••O.) dee Railway Co. 60 Joll1lS, T. and Co. clothicrs servel'
1 Unio/t Camrl Co.'s o.Dicc 26 7',mtljull'.'1 l~ltll'!I 4 Hutchison, RODen, builder 9 Killross-.~ltire Jiailway Co. 60 Robertson, lUra, Tewl)' l'Olel 79 Purdie, Cbriltin~ tor sbop
1 Crawford, ~1. 2li Bell, ltooort, wright 4 Brown, )lrs 10 Pnton, Hugh, carver & gilder 60 BrysonhJames, optiCUlll 19 Young, A. Queen I cutler
:,}, WilSOIl, .10hll, corumnstcl' 27 Itcr, Thomns, cutler 11 81ewart, D. Croton Iwtel 60 DouJl, • & Co. confectioncrs 80 ROlJel'S and Boog, aaddler.
a ll;,tcty, .lohn al) Marshall, Jnmes and Son, 5.Pre8"D8treet, W.t. 14 Uenton, lV. & Co. silk mers. 61 Croall, P. coach-builder 80 IrvJDit Brothers, tmnkmakera
4 l..cggnt, .Iames Illcrchants 1 Grie\'cs, David, spirit dealer 15-» Elliot, Andrew, bookseller 61 Dodds, D. tnmk-maker 80-n Phill, C. and A. fiahing-
it Scou, Williatll, aml Son SI) Chntmors & Chisholm, IIgents 2 Owen, C. l}aillter aud glazier IG-A Copestnl~e nnd Co. 62 Whitehead, Wm. bootmaker tackle makers
(:~ ShNU'tlr, Thollln~ 71 Doun, lllwid, ..lid Co. U LinclM:Y, lVilliam JG Cowan lInd Str4cban, silk 63 lJritish allll irisl,lIJa"netic 80-n Vernon. W. F. Burgeon-
7" Hcndcrsoll, Jumes 87 }'llirmlUl Bl'Jthers 'l'elegrapl' Co. Lim~/ed dentiat.':"'-Sco Adv.
7 )luttd, WiIliam aud U<:nry 82 Dl\w, Gcorge, merchant 3 Starling, )1L.1I8
111 ) • I 4 Scott, l\lrs 17 Cowan nnd Co. paper makers 63 Soote nild Fcrguson, enb'1'\'rs, 81 Paton and Ritchic, book-
8 I.ynll, .Jolm 80 u lick, •• smlt 1 amI machine G Alexl1nder F.,r..t:rt, len.
18 Lambrc's New RoyalltOlel 63 Armstrong, n. photogrul}hcr sellers
10 Uishop, Jamc9 G Paterson, j amca 19 Grievo nnd Olivcr, hatters 63 Brycc, J. wine l1lcrcluUlt SI BUrDI, 10hn W.
11 RimllSon, J. 80 1\t' K•ee11IIey, Aml. bricklayer 6 Smith, llrs JameIJ 21 Andersoll. E. Uazanr 63 Dickson, John, and Son 81 }(ure, Jamcs, advocate
11 Clllunhers John 74 lIUII!C, Uoberl 6 Cownic, David 22 Grieve's Hotel 64: Nortl, Britis/, Imml'mwe 81 AguelY, Stair A. advocate
J2 ChIlIllS, Alex. 70 I.ning, Goorgc, lVrialit III 1 J 23 Cotton, G. amI 80u, tobac- (,'u.-Sce .-idt.·. 81 Corrie, W. H.
13 Noble. }ll's John 6A nickson, Wm. cowfuedcr 6 .ll or mm, ames
It D 11 G Wn&SOIl, John oonists Smith, Dayid, manager 82 Lift A880t1. 0/ Scotlalld.-
16 Burns, John ~H 05.'11 onn ( , watcl' otncer 1 Wileon James, cattle agent :!t Marshnll, Wm. &Co.jelVellers 65 J.yJe, Tho01I1S litockbroker! tlee Adv. .
1. '·or'.p.ud .-iace. u4 J)OWIC, .lame", grv(ci' n l..ciO'ht~n Mrs lodmn- 26 Stephenson and Son GG MacaUum and Sidey, stock.. 82 Fraser, J. manlger, Life A.
48 Bell Uobcrt " ,4 , e" e-
1 Wilsvll, Mr:a
1 \\'iiSOIl, Itobert, phlUlbtlr 4S
U1':ly, lIra

~t~r.~; 11~:sim.
'd~ ':( •
South St AudrefIJ SI. intersecls.
27 Black, D~lVid, tobacconist
brokers of Scot.
65 Lallca.<fllirc Pi"e mul 14ife 83 Bnl1's 1Jetl/ord hotd
:$ A.1I1crsOIl, Jamcs t
Ali.~llI/ S'l'tare ;lItI'fSCl't$. 110 Ktr~llln , It rs, 0 gmga 27 )Iaclean and Son Insurallce Co.-See Adv. 83 Pardie), John, muaio·seller
:{ SIP-ill, Miss, drcssmaker, ·i2 000t1, John, spirit dtlftler 10 Hn\ Idson, )lrs 28 MiIlidttc and Son,jewellers 60 Scoui..I, Provincictl ..1ssur. 85 NeflJ cJluiJ
a Cooper. Airs
4 MIQnillcu t Wm. silk-dycr 38 Arllott, Ilobcrt, sllirit mereh.
36-1\ ~lacllllmn, Jamcs,
vinc!!tlr 13'"
~rtlnd, ~Irs, grt:ker
l)Ottlt~g, ~ml'cs, b rung aeb
2!f Brydollc, J. k Sons,jewellers
29 Clan Tartan warehouse
Co. Robertson, A. secre.. 81 B()wie, Misses, embroiderers
I tary.-Sco Adv. 88 Edmondston nnd Douglas
r, l\ield, Miss mnt:cr, ll!u\ commis. ng~nt 1 n • ~80U\ l' IS8, t.U • • 30 )Ioss.mau Rnd Co. jewe! 65 Ogih'ies Johll 89 AlIshom, G. E. , •
jj ScoU, M,'s 81 .Jardme, Stodart, and Fraser 66 Bryson, R. and Sons 89 AUshCim, A. H. cliemllt
24 Jlutton, ltobcrt, spirit dealer . 4: l\IClk.l~iolln.. John , 0)
,; G:Udllc\', Alex. tailor 18 l\lillar, A. l\l1(18on, smiths ]4 Ca~rlCk, "m. (Jnlana Re,,' 31 Norwiclt Ulli011I,I3ttrallce 61 Bill, Alexander, publisher 90 RoSl and Thomeon
11 TOIl, J,)II1l, c:tttlc agent 18 llarcJay, Willimn, \\"right 14 Smlth~ ~. S. (Inland Re .) Compaml 68 lIay, G. and D. artists 90 Lcek(), W;n;"m
1:\ Willinmsoll, Adam 14 lIelldcrson, Jnmell, hurse lUr. 1G Pack, )bsscs :n Norwich a'lld LOlldoll Casu- 614 2'elegrapl, Ujjice 91 ProVCllS' Bal'''''''al hotel
17 te~gnt, .)amcs, coal ngent I:.! Dobic, John, might 17 Young, Jol!n all!! Insurance Aasoc. 68 l(ilchell, Alexander 92 .Jaek, Thos. C. bot.1rseller
1'j Leg-gut, MiM 31 ('IlI11llughllm, llrs Patrick 68 Hendcr£on, James 92 Potts, G. H. painter
6 Aitchison Uobert dnil'\' 11 ~Illrrny, MISS Laall
, ,,] 17 Thomson, Mra W. fJi P01.,.,..1 32 MiIIl1r Rnd Grlllton 69 ROllgtlead, lViUiam, hosicr 93 Tunny, J. G. J!hotograpl,Jl'
l·urU.nd P ••, l~eICJI. 0. Po,,'born. 17 }'room, Jonathan • 32 lIarkom, Joseph, gunmaker 70 )liItar, James, ironmonger 93 Gibson, R. ana T.
1 myth, It groccr &. lilliri& db',
:! llo~~, (leorgc, w!'i.,ht
Telllt M , Alcxatuler, cottage ]7 Shillinglrnv, Thomll8, mater ~ Ssturroc:k aud 80ns, tlCrfumcrs 7l Howie, Jame8, Jun. artist 9fj :&Jacleod, Rod. bootmaker
l}c~rlloll, Th09. contractor 18 ~Ii~dlemu, Robert • omcrviUe. John, hORier 71 Frsscr, John, agent 95 Stewart, Alex. painter
» S}lnC, John, boott~ukel' }teld, J. tanncr aud leather 19 Lamg, John J. arcbttect

:11 HOWtlIlU, J. & Son, jewellers 11 Tho Frnscr Brothers 95 Brnnton, Jobn, clotbier
10 T~i~, .}olltl, butchcr 89 Ro~rtson, A. and Co.
dresser 20 ~fiddlt:lnlas, Robet1, ba~er 72 Bridgeford1.p, F., S.S.C. 90 'fod, Mr! Alexander
11 "right, kobett, Ilhipmastcr 40 .J!llbe,~trollg,& Henry, lV.S. 72 Lambert, william, account- 96 Sim, F. R. gJw manafac.
11 )N.cun, Ihlgh
11 Uobcrtsoll. Mrs .1.
11 f;)O\,CI', ~hs lobt, lollginjrs
2. P.wderhall.
Mnooonald, Mcut. -Colonel, of
21 M'DougaU, J. coach-hirer
28 Dob80n D~ wrigbt and 1111-
:g j~l~ Ll'e A8&Ura1lCe Society
40 Dr~n(iU ~7ISltra"ce
anto-Sce At/v. 91 ~Iurray, Bcury, bootmuer
72 Leeth and Yor!':slli"e It/sur. 91 Walker, Alex. pol1llllnteig
11 Ue3Y, John PO\\'lIcl'hnll 12. Dobsc:nJ, D. appraiser 4 D! t tlbam ORice-W. Lambert, agent manufacturer
ROKs, JRmcs 91 Cor-branc, John o tck, ,JRmes 12 )m1ir, 'j'bomlUl, &tookbroker 9S 8.tom and Co. 0~ic.laa8
11 Jhmcan, Miss
11 }'orb;s, lit-a John Sinctair!, Danicl
Inglic.!, dohn
FarqubarAon, Charla If,
Jusami", Cottage
:~ ¥::f'or, B:rl1t1•8c Co. frnilerel'l 12 lliller, Gco. stockbroker
rs ~. mill iller. 12 True6n Bro&hen, artist!!
38-A SIQclair, CoUnt boobeUer
Frede,*k St,", i"II'ltcts,
99 Fairpie'fe, HiM M. milliner
99 Drew. M.iN to, dealer
182 Ferenbach, P. clockmaker 21 JeDlOn, Thomas, and Co.
182 Craven, R. grocer 21 Miller, Noble, and Co. mer.
- 6 llilner, W. R.
7 Institution for Servants
H Comming, HoD. llrs Leslie
45 B:mon, John, accountant
Taylor, Alex. dairy
Archer, ~1t'8, sick nuns

99 SlU, M. baby linen 'W~bo. 183 Summers, John, baker 2~ Virtue, Wm. and Co. wine Walker, James, clerk 46 Duncnn, Jarne8, W.S. 18 Kay, Jnmes, basket maker
99 Jeni!, Mn, conet wareho. 134: More, Grahmn, haireutter merchauts Sillclair, Airs, matron 46 Johnstoo, Robt, accountant 21 Wi:shart, Jametl nnd 80ns,
99 Pottage, John O. chemist Cllarlotte Street illtersects. 80 Urqll.hart, Anderson2 & Co. s:\ Edinbul·gh Institllti01! 41 Neavcs, Charles, C. J. merchants
99 'P4!erson, W. A.O. Advocate h' h 31 Hay, Thomas, merchant 9 Royal College of Physicians "8 Im1achf F. B. dentist 28 Dickson, Thomas, fleaher
99 Hamilton's lodgings 135 Bryce, J 0 U, wlIle mere t. 81 Government Em;.mvttio. 9 Marshall, Ttiomas 48 Imlach, Mrs
135 Thomson, Tho8. dr~per "07° -
100 Deja.y, Calixte Grclicb, hotel 136 1\li1nel', silk mercer .olfice • 11 ~Iorton, Whitehead, and 49 Tawse, John, advocate 1. qaeeD..felry 8treet.
101 Sandel'lOn & Lawrie, ~ocers 136 }'errier, T. H. W. S. 83 L!ndsay, Franms, (L. t S.) Greig, W.S. 49 Tawse, J. W., W.S. 1 ":l[ 'Air Id'
101 Knight, Mrs R. IOOg1Ogs 131 Ro88, Joho, photographer 83 LI~~;ay, James, and SOn ] 1 Jamieson, John, writcr 49 &ciety for Propagating ~ asoo, D s, 0 gutp
101-]l Devinc1 P. photograpber 137 ROS8, Mr8, mmiature painter 40 Wdhamsoo, Tho!. M.D. 11 NisLet, Jamcs Christi",l Knowledge 1 Seton, HeVt
Th?mton, ~ lodgings
102 Stowart, l\lisses, milliners
102 Soutter's Hn7.11nr
131 CrunpbeU, Mrs, dtaymaker 42 P~terson, L. m.erchant
137 1\iiller, John, C.E. 42 Hrrchsfeld, G~ldo
103 Moffllt, John, photographer 188 Mnclaren John, booklellcr 42 N~tman, D.~v}d, jan.
12 Watson, J. writing master
12 Manson, D., S.S.C.
12 Farrier, James
Wallacc, R. D.
Canningham, James, W.S.
M'Nair, !lrs
Talt, JohnAR • a: er
.Job~8ton, 1ex. uesher
103 Macgill, Wm. colourman 139 WDonald, J. \V. watcbmkr. 41i ",an ace, lllUlam, agent 13 Niven, Alex. T., C.A. G2 Simpson, Dr J. Y. 4 CalT!ck, Alex. "
104: ~laClilnhon, Richard 139 DUDcan, Flockhrrt, and Co. 46 \\ allacc. and Thomaou, mm. 13 Indis,putableLi/eAssurance 53 DWl8mnre, J •• M.D. 4 Camck, James
104: & IOu ClarclIdon hotel 140 Jobuston 1\liss '6 Somemlle, John, and Co. 13 ScottlSl, Vocal Music Alsoc. 64 Ainslie David • CampbcU, Thomas, fleaher
lOG J('Nce, James, nnd Co. 140 l\('wnr, Mrs John ~erchants ] 4: United Service Club 56 Hargitt, Charles 5 Maelean, C.h~r1e8, grpe"r
lOG ~I'Nee, James 140 uray, Mrs, lodgings 41 Kerr, Bobt~rt 14- Baxtert Wm. clubmuter G6 Hargitt, Charles J. 1 C~rae, 'YdUam, saddler
101 Singer, J. :M. and Co.
4. q ual"l7 (}Iole. 14 Kincaiu1..Sir John G6 Forrester, Alisses 8 T~lt, .Je88lo
108 ~(l1ckic, .Tohn W. biscuit 141 8ibbald, J. B., M.D. Hi Fluer, 1'. S. ;;1 Shllnd, A. B. advocate 8 AI~lJn •.Johnband Son
manutacturer, &e. 142 P. H. baker Stirling, Wm. cabinetmaker 11; Ullited Ki.lgdom A,m,.. Co. 68 Gcorgiades, Sotires, l!ho!o- 9 Twt, John B. aker
109 Tnylor, Jolml.and Sons 143 I1aJg, Aaam A. J h to P t b 'ld 16 Fraser and Cc. bookaeUers grapher Taylor, Mra
U3 Mackie, Lieut. J. 0 ns 0, e er, UI er 9
110 Drummond, Henry 11. 16 Inglis and Leslie,W'.S. G9 Morri.son James D. dentiat Lan~-Bel!, WaJter, & Son,
112 Addison'., Alm€l hotel 143 Dundas, John C.E. 8. queenlberry .Oale.
· ,..,'. clumnev-nreellP.l's
112 Bnin, Miss 144 Kay, Alexander, and Co. Graham, John, governor H a"over Street Intersect8. \Jastle Street anter&cctl. {) Stewart, ~rll, ch~mne1-~r.
116 lIallidnv , ~Irsr lodgings plumbers l'rntt ~1iss, matron 11 Wighton and Son, jewellers eo Jackel, Conrnd, flesber 10 Paterson, Willirun, aphol-
116 Ritchie; lIogn n. photo- 144 Kay, Mrs Alcx. Donald Mi8s sewillgftlutreu 18 Jackson, R. E.Scoresby,M.D. 60 Jamieson, John, fishmonger sterer
grnpb(lr 144 }'ortune,. Misses E. IWd J. Lamb Ed\Va~ clerk 19 Jardine, W. A. lIuneyor -wholesalo stall, Old mkt. , 10 Thomlon'! (Rev. Dr And.)
145 R?bb, ~ym. wIne .mercbant lIi810p, Jas. 110'w~e steward 19 Beljeme, )Ionsieur 60 Cannicbncl & Sen, ~ultercrs Scl,ool
Castle Street infersects. 146 Kldd, uhurle8, tmlor More, John, teacher 19 ~Iaclcnn, Robert, advocate 61 )Inclean, D. & Son, fruiterers 11 ~('GiIl, Jamcs
118 Campbell, It. lodgings 146 Horn) Andrcw1 nccountant 1\1'MiIlnn Dougnld A.M. 21 Keiller, Alex. ~I.D. 62 ClU'miehael, ~Irs R. 12 ~['Clachcrtl, WillilUD
118 Cnron, .Julcs 146 Henl1er80n, nlrs, ladics' f t , 'PI ' tb 22 O.fJl.ce for Schemes of the 62 S~lth, ~Ir~ Lieu~naot 13 Irvine, G. tlcsber
nurse ..ueen 8 aee, ~el •
118 I"ruscr, :airs
147 Kny, GeOl'ge. frniterer ,1 Bell, Geo. (J. Bell ~. Co.) Church of Scotland 63 M Ken7.lo a~d ~[Iddlemasa U Morrison, 11. draper
118 Watson, 1\lislI 23 ~[aekeDzic, Inne8, aed Logan 6. Wemyss, Right lIon. Earlof 14 Maefarlanc, D. dairy
1! ~ Crnw lord, John, coal ml'.rch. 148 M'J)ollald, tirllDt, 81.JC-1 2 Dnvidson, D. corn merchant 24 Bntce, Peter, writer 65 Hoguc, Rob~. flu~g.-denti8t 15 lIardie, Jamcs, grocer
1j', HOJlo anti Mackny, W.S. maker 3 Cochrane, Jnmcs
14P Gibson, James, tobacconist 4 Bcda, A. W. (B. E. ~ Cn.) 24 Loeweostein, S. 65 BoJ,'11o, DI\V1d W1I80n, M.D. 16 loglill, W. aml.r. shoemakers
119 1\Ianll, William, writer 24 Webster, WHlinm, writer 66 Tods, Morrny, and Jrunicson, 17 Aikman, A. COni dealcr,
120 Ellglish (l7I([ Scotti,~lt larl' r; ,.Ieek, Thos. (.M. ~. W.) 20 Cnrphin, J. R., C.A. W.S.
Life As,QIl7'ance-Willialll Pi'o'Jpeet Dank. G Stllrrock, J. brl18sfollnder
26 Cleghom t Thos. rulvocate 66 Jnmie!On, Andre'!l S.S.C.
Smith, m:mng.-Sec AdL'.
121 Wntson, John, nrtist
Uay, Thomas,
fanallty Lane.
Lcrclumt (l Sturrock,J.julJ. brnssfonndtt
!J Doig, Alcx. spirit dealer
21 Stirling, n1isses Graham
28 Craigie, Dr D. physician
66 Murray, Thomas u.,
61 Dunlop, A. ~Iurray, advocate,
1. Raehurn Plaee.
2 Martin, Wm. victunl d~aJer
l~l White, John 2 Rnssell, WilIinm, me,'chant 2. qneen's .-Iaee, 29 Bartholomew and Law, drcss- M.l. 3 Mackenzie, Alexander
121 I~orrcstcr, Willinnt 3 1\l'lnI0511 Brothers, merchts. U1'ecllside Row. makers 68 Ranken, Thomu, S.S.C. 3 Dick] John
121 Lamh, Airs lodgings
121 .Hhiml, lVil!illm, surl'l'oon
8 C t' 1 A 1A
raw ort, . all( . ngents 4 Dickson, H. coppersmith 30 Roberts, W. A.,M.D. dentist 68 John8ton, Robert, N.P. 3 !1()()(Jie, ~[rs, ladies' nurse
eo Notmnll, David, "'right 7 Mnther, T. JUD. vet. 8urgeon 31 MnrraYt.~lrs 1;9 Dalmahoy.t Pntrick, W.S. 3 Shanks, Ds\'id
121 EWlm, Misses 32 Corrie lUl'S 70 Barry" J1rituh hotel G Watsoo, James, dairy
121 Craven, Wm. laeemerch!lnt fluality 8treet. 8 Pernsso, }'.
33 Malcolm, )1n1 72 Hopetolln Rooms-Harry 8 lIope, Mnrion. dres8maker
122 Cotton, John, tobacconist 2 Millnr nrothcrs, ngcnts 2. queen Street. 34 Johnston, Dr Jamcs 14 Jolinston, ~liss 11. 8 WhitecrOs8, MillS, ,irelJsmaker
123 Bdill. lFIl te l' CompallY- 4 I,aurie, George, dairy 1 Worthnm, Henry, silk dyer 35 Hamilton, Kinnear, find Co. 75 ~[ackintol!h, Jamell 9 Fcrgusoll, WillilL!J'a
A!ex. Rillllsny, numager 6 Scott, A. W. 1 Smnrt nnd Sou, bootmaiera W.S. 7G Wybcr, lili@s, staymaker {) Trimhle, George
\V .1I0dgcs (;nmeron, sec. 1 Uertrnm, J. A. wino mcrcht. 1 Hutti, J. A. cnrver 35 Hamilton, Alcx. W.S. 16 Weisse, F. H., teacher of {) R.1e, Thomas, acconntMt
123-A Gmy, J. and Son, boot- 8 White, Rev .•John A. 2 UrO\\11, ~lrs 35 Smi.h, Robert, 8.S.C. (lrawing 9 Rutherford, 1\lrs, ladiea'Duflt
mnkers 9 BUnlet, Jnmcs, merchnnt 2 Walker, John, W.S. 35 Kinnear~ G. T., W.S. 77 Aitchlllon and SoU!, con- {) Wood, Jamf!S
124 Steelo, John, it'onmonger 10 Lnnric nnd 80n, merclltmts 2 }'jnlny, Robert, 8.S.C. 3IJ Gentle, dames, W.S. I femioners 11 Dobson, Willinm
124 & 125 Scott's lo\lginfts 12 Tobacco W(lrc"oll8(~ 2 Wilson, l'ntrick, architect 86 lIamUton, ~liss 18 Tully, David-hotl!c, 70 14 Leitch, Thomal!, Wlor
1213 Milnc, W. &. J. stationers ]4 R:mllders nnd ~on 3 Crawford & Crawford, 3.S.C. 87 Johnston, Wm. merchant 78 Jamieson's dairy IG ScoU, }[l'B
1~6 Mnllis, .Tames. . 14 Snnnders P. n. nppraill(lr 3 Crawford, R. 87 Johnston, )liS8 18 ScoU, ~lra A. fruiterer 17 Smith, J. Staco
1.6 Ro~al AS~OClatlOlI for fh~ 1:; M'Lcod, h. R. & Co. agcnts 3 Jiuropean Life Assurance 38 Cunning, W. ironmonger 78 8tarforth, John, architect 18 Alves! IlJss E.
PromotIOn of tfie Fine 15 M'Leodt, NicholRS Co. Frcderick Street inter.ect8. 18 Ross, B. T. artist 19 ~paldlDg, MrR Wm.
Arts 17 l.i7.nrs, .I\tatthew B Stcvenson, 1\11'8 S9 Ameck, George hoaler 78 Thom, Alexander, druggilt 20 Munay, Robt. C.A. Register
121 SCOU, E. grskinc, C.A. "1 Heriot, Wm. printer 4: Philo,~ophical In&tiifltion
1~7 S;o~t) R. ~. accountant 19 Ross, Gcorgc, mercbant 39 M'Nab. A. and 'J. dyers 79 Currer, Adam, grocer bOllse
1.1 1,Tltls/t (,llarallter. Assoc. 21 M'Nnir, Wm. mercbnnt 4 Dowle, Ucnry, !ccretary 41 8ehopp, John teacher r 79 Jamiellon, Robert, fntiterer 20 ~Iurra;, ~(rs Robcrt
.. 'I'cd, Andrew librarian German' 0 79 ~[ui:hend, C. fishmonger Md 21 8immlOJ..Mr~
-.-~ec Adv. 124 1\(nckay, Jas. (Nnf Hallk) 4 Edillburgh (':hc!l8 Club pou1terer to tbe Queen 22 Mann, lY. writer
128 OfplvlC, .J~. (,T. ~. A. 0.) 25 1>rover Dnvid (Nat. Bank) 6 Offices of' t.~e V. P. Cl",","
131 7 he (l~leell.'l }Jotcl-.Jamcs 26 Airth, John, nna Co. o 8OmorvH/e, Rev. And. D.D.
(t Brown, ThomNl Artist
41 Hunter, John, advocate taaee. "'ree,. 23 Mitc~ell, !(iss
lIl~nllles •
1n .om8~ Davld, clotlue\'
\27 lInrvey, R. E. agent
I 27 Mnckie, WUliarn, mOl'cbant
5 Crawford, Ro,. David
o 8"608\00, Georgo
42 8idey, Dr JamesA
42 Stedman, Mrs .
69Shore Leith
24 JamU!800, Jas. Tbomeon
27 Cunnmgham, Hiu ,
f3 Stnnn, Rev. A. M........J v 3 Alloa". Ut" ,sleam Pacht 28 Monison, J8mee SUr"iJor
vw" C()'{fpuny'8 Office (Inland R've~ue '

:::= ; ;;
29 8tevelllOn, Duncan
Wothcrspoon, John, mel·cht. 8 Hunter, T. M.
42Hay, Miss 16 Muir, ~[r8
31 Morrison, Robcrt
29 8tevenaon, John Brown, Wm. :lgcnt 9 Steel, John, R.S.A. 4.1 Shiels, Robert 11 Russell, !Irs 31 Wnlker, Jnmes
M'Kenzie, ~Irs J. A. 50 Seaton & Mm'shall, IIhocmkrs.
30 Lowe, }lra Captain
Sl Cllthbcrtson, A. G.
:t ,.,dstoll Coal Depot
lVlliteMU Coal Depot
G. Hankelllor .. we. 4.
.4 Bell, l\Irs
18 Goodsir, A.
lU 1\liller, ~Irs H. j8 Bendzulla, H. clothier
32 Plal'fair, ~Irs G. W. Durnside, J. agent 2 Cochrane, l\Irs ,(4 Murray, Misses 20 Gordon, James (6 Prillce (If Wales hotcl
Chriati8 Captain Robert, 2 Dirrel. Henry, 44 Taylor, ~liss 21 IInrvcy, George. R.S.A. (6 l\feikle, Thomas
11.~1.i .8., St Bcmnrd's 4. Ra_say Garden•• 2 Carlisle, Wm. 44: .'errier ~Irs John 22 Lindesay, Jam" J, jun. 86 Brycc, Jam!.'.!!, gUllmaker
bower I Duun, Thomruz, S.S.C. 2 Croal, ThomllS A. 46 Scott, ilrs, lodgings 23 Ranken, John .\. 84: Hogg, James, toy warehoU!e
blcan, John, Raebum cot- 2 Russc1, Alexandcr G. RankelUor MCreet. 48 Caimie, John 24 Richard, Waltcr 30 Alexander, ChRrlc~, seedsman
tage 3 Crole, D. (Illlalld Revc1Illc) I Bower, Mrs 50 Wickhnm, Cllpt. R.S. 25 J\(arshall, WiUiam 28 Whitclaw, Jas. wntclunaker
1 Ross,lIugh 50 Cheyne, l\lrs!'. 26 Terrot, Right Rev. Bishoil I j Jrvine, John, stationer
!. BaUway.Edlnbara" 4. Ram".y Lase. 50 Cnw, John 27 l\lacnndrew, John, jWI. 4: rCll8ton and PatersOIl, tailors GI.l'oW, 1 Ballant)'l!e, James
Or;qilml Ragged Industrial 1 Watson, Hcnry GO Stc\'enson, 1\lrs, lodgings 29 Salter, Miss
l1aymarkct. ~~chool 3 Macintyre, Wm. 00 ~1'Pherson, 1\lrs 30 Huy, ~lrs Colonel 8. Reld's ~a.r'.
I1olmcs, Jlatthew Thain, Robt. s~perintendent G I.nidlaw, WaIter 52 Mackinto!h, John 31 Ford, Jmnes Dyer, Mra A.
l\1'KclvIC, .Jas. collI merchant Uitehie, Alelt H. sculptor 7 Col\"iIle, Miss 52 Mackintosh, .James, dentist 32 }~lliot, Wm. Scott, W.S. l\[cyer, 1\1. H.
Rus8cll, William, and Co. co:.1 7 Uayne, J\liss 04: Kirk, l\(rs 33 Martin, Mrs Colonel S. lIellderson, Baretay
merchants 4. Hamsay Lodlre. 7 Huff, John M Thorbum, James 34: Wallacc, L. A.
Waldie, JIlS. coat merchant Morton, Charles, W.S. 7 1\lcnzies, l\Irs Robert 54: Sclater, l\1i811 ... Rellde'. £oart.·
J.indsRY, John, coni merchant 9 J\IorillOn, Wm. (Inland Rev.) 54: Brown, Davi(1 (B. and T.) 2. Recent Ter. Lane. l\lillnr all(l Uiehard
Rrown, Robert, coal mercht. 1. Dondolph ~1I1t U Robertson, l\Iiss HuttOll, .J. & Co. wood mere. F¥ann, AJlchxandca' Stevens, 1\Irs Alexander
Brown, Charles, coalmcrcht. 1 Davidson, Misses 11 HuntCl', 1\lrs raser, 0 11
o. B.t.-lItre Plaee. IRestalrll' Park, Leith.
}'orrcllt and Compnny, coal 2 Henry, William
Cnlder Uohert
M'Art1IY, John, coal mcre.
3 Wardcn, Mrs
4 Smith, l'cv. George, D.D.
13 Hnrdie, 1\Iiss
13 Taylor, Gcorgc
la Gordon, !liss
}'raser, WillialD
~Inrrs, Jo!m
Henderson, Henry
2. Relrlster Plae.. 'I Paterson, Dnvid A.
l) I)ringle, 1\lissell
15 Gray, W. A., ~l.D. lIowi80n, l\Ira Wm. Ca.fcJlOllal liotel-J. Gricyc 0 Rlehmond Lane
G l)ringle, 1\lrs W. A. G RcnDle, '1 honms • . •
•. Railway, N. British, 7 Ucilby Mrs 4, Arthur, WilIiam Brook, William 8 Kirk, Efiward .. II~% George, tleshel'
NO/·tI, Bridflc Statio". 7 Maedo;lI\ld, John, nccountr.nt 4... Brown,
Woodthorpe, F. B.
ra. Ratl'll.e Terraee. 8 Jlardic, WiIlillm 6 Stirling, John, groccr
Gricw, .J. I'rcston tollicrics I 7, Thomna 4 Fife, 1\Hss 1\Iargaret :1 Il'\'ine, Uobert 8 Wright, Jnmcs o. Rlehmond I-Iaee.
.'ulconcr, ,lohn, nC'(lnt 1 8 .~yre, 1\lisses fj Urody, Wm. 'furnbull, 8urg. Z; Scou, Jamcs (G.P.-O.) 2. Del'lster 8t., East. 1 Pnterson, James, 'pllwnbroker
ChattawllY, ,Jolll1,"coal agent. n C:.mpbeU,1\liIi8 8 Moir, Robert
-Sec Adl'. 10 Stewnrt, Jmlles, cnbwhirer 2. Redbraes. 1 l\I'Lennan, Donald S. 0 M!lir, Jnmes, broKcr
R Moh', Uobcrt, jun. :M.D. Child, W. K. merchant 2 Anderson, Wm. perfumer 1 }'inllie, J. bnashmaker
.lackson, Tholl. conI me~ch:U\t. 1. Dandolph ~reMC(Ane 10 Grunt, )liss
1'l'cRtongrnngo conI olhcc , . • l{) Stuart, Captnin DUDCt'\l\ Stephells, Henry, cottage 3 J.llarley llill Collier!J Co. 15 Uoynek, ,>nmcs
EiphillgRton collierl OIliCl' 1 ]tecd, EI1~rlllgton (!Oicc ! 7 Steven, ~Irs
~/al''1"is of LlJi'/'IIlIt's Coat 2 GonIon, h. S. :\(l\'ocllte 10 Smith, John 2. Del'eut ..'rei.. 3 Douga)), Willinm 19 Anerum, Thomas
j)('pot 3 Hla.f!k~vootl, Jollll 12 lleattlie, 1\11'8 56 "'il80n, l'etcr, nnd Co. spirit 8 Y.oir, P. 1\1. agent 21 Kerr, J. tea nod coftt~e mer.
· I J b T ,I 4
KIII ay, 0 11, rnllent COlu.- .. 1\1 II 'I Ogllnc MI':I 14 Cownn, Geo. M.D. surgeon dealers a ~unningham, l\Irs W. 23 l\Incdonatd, Alex. Et/ill. mill
,u'II' 18 Halllng-c, Alex. tcnchcl'
Seo Adv. oJ " utc 1('011, "I Inlll .'iij Mohring, H fnait merchallt :1 Nimmo, Dnvid, engrnver Leit" carrier
DalglicslJ, John, }:dmonston 6 J\I'Jonrlnll, ~h'1I 20 Grant, David (D. U. ~. Co.) 47 J.iddle, WilIiam, drysaltcr :} J\I'Lnuchlan, John 23 Smeator., J\Irs, ladie8' nUl~e
coal 7 Horn, ltuucrt, ad\'ocate 20 Marshnll, llrs 8 Burgess, Jnnlt:s, merchnnt 23 }<'errier, GCOl'go
Gray,.Jolm, '!f/clItful' Wolly- ~ lIC1!.I·Y., WiJl!nm 20 1\I'Donnl<1, Alex. Rel'ent Street. l) Robcrtson, J. b{lotmnker 23 Ferj!uson, Adam
fOl'd Colllel'" ami Bl'ick- ,) .~rlhe), DavlIl 20 J,aing, Miss 1 Innes, Uobert l) I'atersou, Thomas, grocer 25 KiPJIeu, Duucan, spirit denIer
·lI'o,.A:· 1() ~ ras{"r, Arthllr 20 1\Iolyson, Miss E. 1 I.ethcm, James, tohnr.collist 6 AllaH, .lohn, tnilor 2; SUlllrt, Wm. 81?irit delller
Gricl'son, S. conI :tml limc 1.~ Santl!ol'd, }:. 1>. nd\"o.Cllte :W Gorne, Mrs 2 Kilgollr, Joscph 7 Kcnlledy, Wm. Sltip hotel 29 Jnmie8on, 11. Ivory turner
lIIerclumt.-See At/t.. l~ J\Iornsoll, A. of Bogme 20 AIdeI', Wm. (/lIland Rev.) a Willlon, l\Iiss, )odg-ings 7 Thomson, 1\lis! A. dressmaker 29 Trotter, Nicol
AI'1I;,~t()n Coul Dcpot l\~ Sle\'~nson, Jmllcs 22 I,nurie, Jas. M.D. surgeon -l Cuthbcrtson, J. ~J1irli. dealer 8 Gr:w, ThomlUl, ftesl1er 29 Symc, )Irs
SOlllllcr, Hicli:U'(l, g1'llin agentI! ,Jer~ls\Voude, L~rd 24 I.!lug, Peter (Comm. Ballk) 6 Roherb!on, 1\1. wright D Dixon, Uobcrt, bakcr !!fI Ewart, Misscs, millilulrll
'1'holll80n WiIIillm com IIICI'. I., ~~II\II" I1ngh, ".S. 26 Slight, aIrs !I Mcnzies, Mrs ,John 11 Stewllrt 1'. spirit mcrchant 2H Hill, George
, , IG 1homsulI, l\lt·s 26 Thomson, Robt. r. :1 J)unCRn, S. shipmaster 13 Cl1Iickshank, Will. engraver 33 Ros.~, David, tailor
li. RaU"'fty J ~. H. 1; Sundfiml, Hc,'. n. F. 2fl Hunter. Miss H DlInct'lnson, Mrs Wnltcr 33 M'George, Mrs Ebenezcr
Mt L~mlard'8 Oranch. 17 Hm'ris, J. 'fhol'1le 26 Nicol, Hobel't 8 l'crgu80n, Thomna 2. Del'l..ter 8e., We..t. 1 3:1 Johnston G.
St Leo/l(/1'(I'.~ ItOIl If'ut'l:s 1. Ilandolph '-I"e...
'1'~nlllhlt, T. M. & Co. cnginr:"l. 1 CnthlJcrtsoll, .John
26 Jcalldin, }'fall'!is
26 Swinton, Mis.'1 2. Rel'ent Terraee.
1 "'ilaon, J. Guildfo,·tl Arms aa Hrl\.'!h, T.' boot & shoemakcr
8 'rhomson, 1\lra, lodgings 35 Ait(lhi~"II, George, grocer
\\lIt~on"J. M.&Co.cnJ;incers,· 1 Wilson, Uobrrt
28 MIlIlI'O, Alexander 1 l'ergU801l, John, W.S. 7 Morris, Hobcrt, stationer lUcll11lOlIll Plat:c Chapel.
wJrc\\'()rl,CTlI, &n. 1 lIalkett, ~1i88es ~~ Umnajte, Jnmes 2 Hunter, Uev. John, D.D. 11 Valiance, G. glo"cr 16 Smith, Davicl .
',1.: Lyall, Robert 3 Nicholson, nev. Maxwell 13 JrViIlC, .lnmes, die-cutter 12 Hill, G. smith & beam maker
j)1I!keitlIColllj)I'}J.-nai~l'ic, !! Bnbillgton, J\lrs .John I ;12 Hobertson, .lames
_Gl'o. ngcnt.-Sce 11 d". :~ Atinm, l\hs .. l'aterson, WiUiam 18 fi!omervillcll\lrs, Illpidnry (J Downs, WiIliam
3 l\ylc, John, coallllcrehant :J Watel'son, .John, Wl'i!'fht
32 J\inaaird, Miss ~ {;raYI Uev. W. 11. 15 Mllrshall, John, plumbcr 6 Mnxwel1, l\Irs
4 Itoberl801l, Jas. R. W. conI 3 Kit'khlll1e, John, "''TOeer :12 Toll, George, writer ~7' ~OII'·1.etchie, Rev. Jnmes, D.D, 17 Kerr, Archibnld, tailor
I\l!ent 4 Sl{'ell, Oourlny, R.S.A. 32 Kylc} .Tohn, coal agent "'er, l\Irs Thomas 19 Western, Peter, jeweller 0. BlehlftODd 8t., Ea..'.
n!'other~lol\, Wm. weigher li I,aillg, Davitl, writei'
:34 Wcls I, Mrs ~ :1(let;wn, Willinm, merchant. 21 Knight, Georgc, am! 8011 1 I'ringle, John, grocer
36 Chisholm, David )0 b r~ltlzl Leonard, LI..D.
Et/mons/one COIII /)epot- li Cochrnne, Mrs 28 Hllllle, RobC'rt, & Co. plumb. r; Cummillg, Thomas
Hn~scl1, Alexander, agent.- li J\lorrison, 11. drnruor 38 Griersoll, Rohert a !Ie , George, W.S. trs.-Slc At/v. 7 1\1 'Gibbon, David
Sce Adl'. l) I1oward, W. musi~ teachel'
38 l\N.auehlan, WilIiam 11 Boyd, T. J. (Olive,'~' B.) 25 M'Grcgol'&8ons,watchm~r8. ~. Nairn, John
38 Aimerl1, S:lmllcl 12 AIi~Oll, John 27 T'II ('I l b ' t . 1{enllead, Adam, flcebcr
I d J lar es, to accollls
MaJ'qll;s of J.ot1dal/'s Coal Ci K H R la Baylcy, haso, S.S.C. 13 Alt
Depot ' IlY, . . 38 Mitrdocll, Willil\m 31
White, 11. 1I00ellt G ~ryborougIl; l\Irs 14 RtMieU, Georgc E 1 Ru dimau John, cutler 12 8mail, Thomu, grocer
10 Buuell, )In,ofB·lackbr..... aB F8~iJth, J. h,carver & gilder 10 l\I'Culloch l Andrew, agent
38 StevellSoll, Thomas
n 7 8t CecUia ilall 140 I:'crme, ~1t'S Jano
__ 35 ID 1\180D, Daniel, taUor 6 Kirklaud, fbomas
... - ,~ ...
2GLawreooo,G.C.~ 165 :&{owat, Mrs
~.1l1elua'" 8*., lIerila. 12 Tyrrel, Walter 12 Young, !fume
21 Robertson. D. Albeit hotel
78 Kcmp, John
12 Contes, James 13 Reid, tVilliam 1611Jobie. Alex. baker 76 Gilchiist,John, cbinamercht.
1 Smith, Charlea, baker
s KylClJ, Andrew, ~~ f
10 ~lackay, JEneas,
&ca" coffee 14 Learmonth, JIII.
16 WiUirullllOn, Mr
Hcmover Street intersects.
29 Baync, John
169 Brown, G. cabinetmaker 74 ~yrrell, W. gold beater
169 Cameron, T. cabinetllUlker 74 Macfarlane, C. carver
3 K lea\ William, er 0 6 Bailey, )11'8 31 !Iatheson, Gco. hairdre88el 169 Angus, Thomas, smith
~Clng 2 wes, John
11 Robertson, Wm.
18 Goon, John 33 Tait, Andrew, baker 169 Wil80U, R. plumber
12 FairgrievcJ. & Sou, printers
10 Rohertsoll, Alex. dairy
17 \Vallaoo, Ju.e, ftesher 19 Saundcl'Ii, A. M. 31 Brooks, Abra. spirit dealer 206 Durns, G. daaler ill horses 68 Cutbbertsoll, l\Irs, nurse
2ti Mauchlio~ .AD.drew Riddlet • (l10&e.. 20 Glass, Jumea 41 Robertson, J&mes 206 Ramage, James, wright 66 Stewart, James, grocer
27 GunOt MI8 701bootl, Wynd, Leith. 21 Wilkie, John, D1&IOD U Duucan, D. 204, DUnc.'lD, WiUiam 62 Smith, MissC! E. & AI. drc&8
30 1~l:oJOIm
• ,Alex. 1 'Villirun80l1, Jas. tailor 28 Farrcr, Juscpla 49 Douglas, It. merchant 202 Keddie, Nh:i1olllS, spirit dlr. and cloak makers
2 Wilson, David, ftesber 24 ~(omson, Charles ti1 Cnthill, Alex. livery stabler 194: Ross, David, painter 50 Banler, J. J. painter and
3D IroD8, Jal11ce, grocer 26 )Iyrtl~ l\liss.. • 53 Fraser, AIrs, cook 19' )l'Gregor, Mrs, print glazer
'3 Weir, Peter 3 WilBon, 31rs nelen, draper paper-hanger
-l Watt, )lr5, baker 27 Wiahtman, )vdliara 68 Briti,/, League of Juvellile 194 11'Ara. Peter, masoll 44 Murdoch, L.
'7 Wood, Jumcs, sh,tioncr Abstaillers.-Geo. M'Gib- 194 Watson, Wm. tailor
") Brodie, WilIiam, pl'illtcr i Jlaam1t{lu, JamC!, flesher 2& Riddle, Adam
bon, clerk
« WiUiamson, James
61 Scou, .J!IIlIes, bilker 6 Cameron, J. provision mer. 29 Steele, J obn 190 PrCbCOt Thomas 44: )IOSSmrul & 5hirlcy, printers
30 Bromner, EOOnezer 65 Macu1rlane,J. Bay Horse inn 186 Raid, Alexander, 81ater U .t1lbion Loan Co.
'" Chil'llOlm, Uobcrt, cowfccder G Scott, John, confectioncr 31 Aitken, William 69 JollUston, T. & Sons, wrights 182 Bumet, Gcorge, tailor
40 Korr, John 7 Smith, Chas. JlaTtOt'l'r Street i"tersects.
40 l'ringlc, John 8 Symon, }\eUlr, spirit de:\ler 33 Uuie, l\Irs James 71 Smitb, David, refrea1uDeot 180 Slewart, ROOO11 42 WallllcCt R. & Co. printers
40 Al'1~llrlane, )Irs 1'. Io<lgings 1) lIablane, Johu, tllnvnbroker 34 Gowans & lUackay, oontracl'l. rOODlS 180 Calder, Robert, ecru agent 42 ~Iuir, 1Ienry, printer
13 l\1urray, .Jobn, shoemaker 84 Gowans, J Ilmel:l, contractor 73 !liUer, Alex. plumber 180 7'lte Racket Court 42 Knox, Samuel, and Dickson
40 ItJ¥lis, !\lrs ladies' nurse 73 IJamilton, Robert
88 I.ClghtOll, Jos. victual dealer 16 ~laxweU, Jmlle.8 Dod builder 176 Fraser, R. dairy 40 Uutherford, W. sl'irit dealer
80 Smc:lic, llenry 84 Dobic, WilIiam Prederic/:. Street intersects. 174 Hetbertoll, W. w4itel' 36 Colledge, J osbna
12 Clnrk, John 1. Rlel'D Street. 35 Laing, Audrcw 71 Hardie, Robert, and Co. 17" ~Ioffat, Uobt. )1. carpenter 8-1 Douglaa, AIrs Thomas G.
6 }'rascr, Margt. china dealer 1 Anderson, D. baker 86 Muir, John 77 Uobcrtson, A. 174 Lees, Alcx. rouge maker 28 Welsh, Jnmcs, Hesher
7 ])runul1olld, DUl'id 79 Finlny, Willinm 120 Liviub'8ton, lIary Ann 26 Lawrie, John, baker
G. BlebDloDd 8f., South. 7 Uussell, Thomas Bosebaali: "ottap. 83 Pollock, I'. and Sou, farriers 166 8tephclIsou, Wm. turner
Alru'lIbnU, lus Robert 2-1 Urown, Alldrcw, tailor
I Fnlconer, G, 8pidt mereM. 13 Douglas, AJr:;, victuul dC!llcr 83 Robertsou, D. dcalerin borses 16G Walker, J. cnbinetmaker 22 Iuderwick, l\JiBs
3 Todd, .John, grocer and 'pirit 17 8W:1118ton, lIenry C. 85 RoOOrtsoll. Wm. tinsmith Hi6 Archibald, D. filrricr 22 nog-ie, ,Mjss, laoo cleaner
BOfJe....Ii:. 81 Grie,'c, Gideoll
merchant ~o WbiUas, .John 166 Greig, Du,vid, .smith 22 Nl:iIl, John
7 BctllUllC, Dn:\'id 23 Wilson, Jas. and R\. \frights
JJOImil1gtQ1I, RQad. 91 liell, Thomns, waiter 16G Gail'lIs, And. bootmaker 20 Acqllrotl~ John
n Howe, David lteid, William, gardener !la Kerr, W. cork manufilctUl'er Castle Street intersects. 20 SllalUillg, I'cter
11 Greig, Thomas 1. Bohlt's (;Ourt. 11all, Robcrt 101 ~Iuther, W. I'. bookseller 164 Jtcid, Gcorgc, hairdresser
Scott, John Gr'er80n, George, cemetCl'Y 103 }'raser, John 18 (;'l:11pOOIl, John, cowtcl:dcr
17 Stl'ach:m, Georl!e, tllilm' 1liS \filSOR, Dnvid, cowfeeder Bisset, Wm. hairwor!;er
25 Adllnl:lOn, t\mlrcw, jllnslcrel' Thom, Mr 113 Uarvey, Jamcs, bootmaker 15G Seou, Wm. :md Son, joiners 16
25 Afih'hcll, W. engt'l"l.\'cr l\l'Ew:m, l\lr 1. RoscmouDt. 111 NioolsOI!, J. bootmaker U S,lalcling, Peter, grocer
156 Kclly, John, locksmith 12 Uamilt'm, R. 8. grocer
21 ChCYIIC, Chllrlcs, titruisher Simpson, Jamcs, cowtceder 1'U Grey, A. & SOD, vetednary 156 Cm'rick, .James, smith
24 C:U11),bcll, 't'hoJllOll ~. llo~('I'Cson's (llose. Silllllson, Ml'S Andrew surgeons 8 Uobcrlson, Waiter
lliG Greig, Da"id, smith 6 lludgeoll, .John
22 1\1''IIt08h, Henry, furnisher to Hick, Chlll'1(''i, brewcr 121 lIoncyman, D. \nigbt 156 l\I'Gregor, Jl)hn, chairman
shocnmkcrs Can'oll, ", illium, !ish dealcr DOsenlou." MuJldinp. 121 Dow, .Mrs Anno 15~ Grunt, I.nch. hotel keeper
6 Willll)ll, Wm. spirit dealcr
3 Lawsoll, Wm. 6 Ueid, Mrs
20 Miller, Jletcr, grocer 1. JlolDllly I-Iaee. 1~3 .Joilnston, William, baker 148 M'Le(lu, ~Ialcolnt
14- Dick, .Miss Jaue, '!':o('cr 6 JJrf.wJ!,· f!(,O!'nc~ \. (,. P•• Q.) 127 Smith, A. tailor 6 Addi:SOIl, Jmllcs, spirit dealer
2 !toberts, :'\Irs Janct 144 Paton, A. G, bootmakcr
12 Jackson, Junet, milliner G Doig, Alexander, grocer
23 Juglis, U. 12U Seton, n. veterinary !lurg'. 142 Ancntm, J. and Son, cork 4 .Murdoch, Wm. :spirit dealer
2 Hemleffon, ThOlna.'i 69 Arehibaill, Dnvid 1:.!9 .Jetl·rey,J. &}~.eaLinetmo.ker
'I UUSl!eIl, llobert, tnilor SO ~lutter, A. manulncturefl! -i. lIosha ....h (;lo~cJ
12U Bryec, \fm.11. ).to }'Icmington, Jnmcs, waiter
ri. IllclanlOlld 8'., It' es'. 8 earlylc, \\ ilIi:un 129 Somerville, Jas. victualler ilig" Street,
8 I;ItJ m,', J\te.'\allder 2. lIolJe Street I..aae. E. 138 Brown, W. provision dealer
1 l\l'GnllulU, .10hll, and SOli
13 Cl\lIlpbcll, Th"mat',}.er l29 Wilson, 11rs, 1001gings 132 l\lurdoclt, Miss ~I. lodgings l\loncricfi', J. and Co. bfi1&5-
1 8intoll t John, slater Uobertson, A. cabinetmakcr l31 Salmond, J. & Co. grocers 128 Ogg~ lletcr, cowfcedcr founders
1 nay, Wmimn ]·1 Caw, WilIinm, joiner Bell, A. bookbillder _
Hi 'f:n:!lh, John, srocer Bdillburgh Barm Compa1l!/ Castle Street intersects. 126 Al'GiII, llrs J. ladies' nurse o. Boshur&,h Place.
1 Gilchl'ist, Miss, lodgings 133 Alliaoll, Jas. UIJbolsterer
1 Brown, l\Irsll, ladies' nursc RODRI480ft '8 Dalldl.l'lJ. Wilkie, J. silversmith 12:: Skirving, 1'homas, sweep
1;)3 }'rl1S~r, John, l!oda water 120 Clcplmu, Georgc 1 Gibb, Thomas, allll Sou
J HrowllinK' Archibllld 1 and 2 nutti, L. J. and Sons 2. Rose Street. manufneturer 6 Ucgbie, Arrs
3 Wig-ht, \y. 118 Thompson, Georgc, tailor 6 l'loffilt, Alex:U1der
3 Wood, W. ~ Drowu, Jawed, pItHObel' 13:\ Dick, John, plumber 116 SCOU, Wm. and Son, joiners 6 AlIdcr80lI, l\lrs Captain
u Steclc, Wm. spirit dealer 8 Nimmo. AIrs a UJaikie, Wm. nlerchant 133 1I1'}~wan, Wm. spirit dealer 116 J effrey, ]tober" enf,l1'avcr
7 .'OM'Cfo!t, I>alliel, stationer :~ Kerr, William {; Young, Gavin, lapidat)'- 1:15 Slen-art, Jamcs 6 Christie, If rlt
] 1 l\l'ltnc, Ken. Sllirit dealer 112 Rankin, Gr"-6C' optician {; Pairman, Itobert
3 Garland, J. O. Scc Adv. 135 8tewart, 3ti8S, dressmaker 110 Mnstcrs, :!Urs, spirit dc.'ller
10 l'edtUc, i\lrs, stl\ymaker 4 .f Andrew, music seller 6 llume, Thomas, plumber 135 Gairll, Andrcw 6 Kirk, ~lrs
)1 l.eitch, Alexander ;; ~ Jllhu B. 137 ROu50n, 'AIrs ~l. hOllier
110 Q)lJjn" E. and Sons,joiners [j Orrock, Alexalld~"
11 Ue\\'att, It K. agent
7 lsrowu, Gcorge, baker 110 Soutter, James and Son
1!) Grant, James, RJlirit dc..'ller
4: Ucicl, Wm. shoemaker 9 Jh-own, Georgo 137 Geo7ge lleriot's School 110 }'orrc:;t, Alex. smith 7 Livingston dnd "dr
7 l\lorton, S. and 11. 9 Itooortson, Janu,,, 139 Veitch, Andrew, teacher lOG Crawford, George, baker
7 !lurray, ]tober'
21 ROIIlll PulJiie iJi.'qu!1Isa1'!1 13 Brllsh, Wm. grocer 14:J 'Morrieon, Alldrew, smith 20 l\lnc~l1'cgor, .John
62 Ro\icrboll, Wm. 1. Hosehallk ~otta&"e8, 16:1 .'reneh R Frellerick Slreet mteraects. 18 BCI'm, William, flesher
48 Jlnig, )lrs II'} HUlchison, A. agent 104 Duncan. J. W. plumber
·16 Wylic, llamUton, th'l\pcr
Gllrdllcr's Crescent. 17 I-:Idcr, John 1~3 ~1:Lel\I~, Airs, Indie8' nurse 102 Welsh, WU1. fieshcr 16 Glcallhill, ~ILss, te:lcber of
44 Mnrwick, Wijli:un
2 l.amh, John, huilder 17 Annn, Charlca 103 n! I>onaltl .)R8. 8t~blcs 90 Duff, Eliza, corsetmakcr
:l HCllnie, Cbnl'. 13 Short, .J. church officer ]61 Com~r, i\[ary H AlIl.Ill, W. 'pilit merchant
42 Jnnlillc, Alelt. fl l\tciklcjohn, .John DO Shearer, Jamcs
40 }t'Knight, ~hs, lillirit denIer 1 niebop, WilIill.llI /lQNe SI tee' C/wpel 161 lIormon, Andrcw, smith !lO Campbcll, lira, cook Lall" Gicllorclly'.v Cltw'c/,
1U JIcndcrlloll, Rooort, joiner 161 Duns, .lames, slater 12 Steel, WiUillm •
32 MOOr(\, 'M. IIcf!11cr 8 Urnshc, M" :H Hal'}lCr, Jamell, WitlO meroht. 1~! PIIIIS\ ~IiS8, milliner no Dcas, TbomaR, tailor 12 Thotru!on, lliss
18 1.imbay, .John 10 l'crks, Gcorgc 1uo rtll1(llllerson Jrunu 86 Dowt John saddler
18 Smylll, Vnvhl, fuilol' 23 Coupcr, J. & A. dreumakcn 82 Weiah, \vjiliam 10 Smitb, Dllvid
11 R()ber~8on, Waiter I 23 .stc\'~ullon, William lOG Dick, John,'plumbcr 8 }'armer, John, baker
80 Colston and Sou, printers (I DawIOD, \fm.

-.-- _._----- - ,-......... ...-...

assF'~ Rox EDINBURGII~.A~N~D.:.JJ~E~lT:lI:.~:-;;--.::-;;:=R=u-:t===
- ) 2 Cousin, George, surveyor
__ Rut ~I:I'1' DIRECTORY. StAnd 369
~ W'n'aml 21 .lamieson, Miss l~ G:bsot!, TIl')ma.'l ... '5 Th01D!On, Thos. 19 Home, Lady . George Street inltrltcls.
6 III ~' it ladies' nune
~ ¥uted lSO~J l. ~a,6,* Pub. Co.
21 'ftJrric, )irs T. ~amCbon
23 Fnl'quhar6on, MISS,
12 Aitken, J. col.
12 Chesaer, John
5 Lockhad, Miss Elliot
SAnderson, John, bootmaker
Stark, lames, M.D.
Brown, John, M.D.
14 Scottiih Provident l",titttt.
-Jamea 'Wabon, wanllger
6 01& on anD' G nblisber 23 .....lithfut, Rcv. V. G. 12 llowison, John 5 Anderaon. Mn, lodgiflga 25 Cox t Robert, W.S. -8eeAdv.
~ Suth.erlan 'f b itSlor 2l) Maidmcnt, .J31ncs, advocato 1~ 8tronach, J. W. apt . 6 Lieten, Alex. brtllhmakcr 27 Gnthriel.Wm. advocate 15 Griel'lOll, AndreW', W.S.
~ D~VI~UUi.i be~ 32 Uowell, James 12 1.0180n :md }'alconcr 7 Miller, MiA Agoes 27 .Minto, .Mm John 15 Whitehead, Wm. bootmaker
6 =i~ke It &M. tobacconists 30 l~ouglas,~olm Wm. 12 Sessiou-Clerk'sOfficefortllc 8 Aadenoa, Mill, milliner 27 &ott, Mn 16 Whitehead, John,jun. 8.8.C.
~ B l' WiUiam C. Ilainter ~sO Clerk, 1\11$s Cil!;. 9 Barelay, D. N. watchmaker
10 Andel'lOn, T. L. hosier
28 Borthwick, Thomas
28 Scott, AIi'll G. S.
16 Dundu and Wioon, W.S.
arc ay, C t 30 lSeIl, Ilrs Robert 12 :WLarcn, Duncan IS IIogg" Sone, J8I. publi:<hers
5, . .s .......h'-' ree. :lO Wilson, l\Irs 13 &ollultl'ermCUlclttP"Opcrty 11 Seou, CroaU, & Sonll 26 Souter, Fraocis Goor~ 18 Mac~r, Malcolm, S.S.C.
U )tackray,ltcv. W. 30 MarslmlJ, )[rs bwestmcllt Society. 12 Dethune, Norman, M.D. 24: Myrtle, John Young, ll.D. 18 Fencing llooml-Caplain
I; Grey, A. vetcrinary surgeon :10 )Iarshall, ~~iil8 14 no~g, Willirun, & Co. 1• . . . . . . . 22 Cunnin~arn, «!:, C.E. IoWid, master
., Hunter, ltot)Crt " :.m Graham, MISS 15 Mmr, W. & C. B. ugcnts . 20 Waiter, John, ".S. 18 lIenry, JaNine, writer
it Palmer 1\1. (Baillie61ull.j 30 Smith,J. Campbcll,nuvocatc 16 Auditor's Cltambn's 2 . Reid, M1"8 18 Hmok. Fred. L. ~I. advocate 19 D1ac~wood, James, W.S.
11 l'iggnr: Johl.' . 28 Killllcar, Gcorgc 11" W.S. 16 Drysdale, Josepb, S.S.C. 8 Cleugh, Miss SE. 16 Soott, Thos. (J. &- T. S.) 19 Brown and Wardrop, ardli-
11 l\1e1drul\l, ~hS8, Jodgmg:; 2H Grindley, ThomtlS CI'JdesJale Ballki7tg Co. 8 Hay, Mrs R. • ] 4 Pringle, neorge ~
3 Rayner, Bieh. riding m&r5ter 12 Fraair, Profeuor tecta
11 WII8on, Will, 26 Grindley, Mrs t' ... b 19 Home, JlIDeI, civil engineer
11 Proud foot, J. :H 8hand, John, W.S. }'rier, .I1latt cw 8 Patenon, Thos. 10 IInghett George, W.S. 20 Northern Allurance (.'0.-
11 .MctlwCII, Wiltiam 2l Young, Archil. ad\'o('.atc 2. Royal Terraee. 4 Robertson, Mm 8 Enkine, Misses R. Chrialie, jun. mallager
1:) Hamilton, Andrew 20 Wadtlell, Willi:lm, lV.S. Greellsilie Clutrclt 5 Bell, ~jamin Robert 6 Park, JaDles
G CamnbeU, ~ LaY~J --,- Dr, F•R•C.P. -See Adv.
]5 lleattio, David Georgc 18 I1odson, Miss, bonrding·schl. 1 Colquhoun, John S._ IWilIiam, WW .S.S
20 Schneider, C. 11.
2 Syme, "'ames, profeseor of
17 l\lncmastcr, John 16 M:tckcm~ic, J. W. & .L, W.8. 2 llolle, Airs '1 DavitlBUlJ. .awrenee, ••
8 Gordon, Mn clinical.eurgery 20 Paterson, John, C.E.
19 Tuylor, l\Ira !\lark W M:iCkcl1zic, J. W., W.S. 3 JO{»I), Charles 20 Otago Emigration Office
18 Hill, Peter, smith 14 DennistulIlI, )[iss 4- Elhs, A. G., It., & W., W.S. 9 Baster, Edmund, W.S.
IG Cmigie, }'orbcs, G.P.-O. 12 C:lVaye, M:ljor-Gcnerat 4 Ellis, Adalll G. 10 Moncrieff, WiUiam 2. se .a.drew _aare. 20 Currie, Thom .. D.
It Oliver, Mi88eJ, boardiogHschl. 1 Fruer and Andcr80n 20 Gunbch, lIenry
14 Hamhletoll, William 10 J)ickson, WhU:UIl,aceonntAllt 4, }~t1is, Robert 20 Slnel.; Exchaljge
12 Dods, Ilns D 8 Dllnc:m, Wm. James 4: ElIis, W. 12 Baldwin, Wm. W. T. 2 London /lotel
13 Bryce, A. 11. 2 Macarthur, Mra 20 Thomas, R. jun.- .: ;1) Aclv.
10 l'ridic, It, M. • 6 SimllSolh '&tiss r, l)el)loc, R. 11. 20 Napiert JII. Bral: 1
S Murphy, Willimn 4: Parkillllon anu Hood, 1\Iisses 6 Cheyne, Henry, W.S. 14 DaIgleish, James, W.S. 2 Wallaee, Tbomu, S.S.C.
S cunuuln¥.l 1I08\\'all 2 llilllo}), Willhun 7 Cunnillgham .Mrs J. S. )l) Twi!edie, l\1~or-Geneml 2-nlJanl.; of Deposit N. St Davicl Street il.terscct8.
14 Omy, W~\ iam, ~~oal agent 2 Cil'clls Place Scllool 8 AtkiuSOII, .John 1 Balfour 16 Gordon, Arthur Forbes, W.S. 2-D Natiollal A'81trance and • •
6 .l\hlckenzle, U~vld RO"81 I!reseeDt. 9 Thomson, Mrs William 11 Borthwick, Archibald lnveslment AIlI,Jeiati011 21 Bra!d, A.. •
21 ~!..d, Wdhan., &ctlOuntanl
.. 11\111011, Arcll1bald '1.1 I 1I C t It E I C 8 18 Dunlop, A. Vans 2-D State lire Insllrance Co.
21 c..tu, of GlfUt[1rJrtJ Lift ~"ur.
A. (WitllcsS 8 CnUll}b~l1, Mr;'l
!'. Willialllson 1 10 " nrs la, al'. • ..•• )S Fergusson, lliss _ Wa])ace, Tbo8. ageut

Ol/ice) , 9 Somcn'llIe, 1.leut.-Coione ~ i!~~~::', ~~bn (T. ~~. Blmar) lit Meek, MI'8, boarding-school 4 Itnrray, E. auctioaeer Co.-Baltuurt R.cl8Il8tao'..
f) TunJlmll }\Irs 10 Archer, James "I G 1 :10 Stuart, Charlea VUiiers 4 Dalgleish and Forrest aue- mana~r--See Ad".
; Tod Mr; 14 Grahmn, Patrick, W.S. 12 Gmbnm, 11 rs encra 21 Bcrtr.\m, AliM lioneen See Ad" ' 21 Fyfe, Andrew, 8 S.C.
, 1u l'ypcr, Hamilton, nd'iocatc la )lnrshall! Miss 22 Arnott, Iflsses 4 Trail, Ca~~n J . ' 21 Natiollal AlercfJ1.tile Lift
o. Ho.burJrh Terraee. 25 C:ulcll, :!\Irs Alex.
llo:dJlll'!I" 'l'en'ace Cltal,el ~6 Watt, ;,lir;s
14 Uoyd, 'fhomson
17 l\Iillnr, !lrs. of Earnock 22 Bell t Alex. (B. t S.)
22 R088eJl, Miss
4: Foreign Vincyard As.~ocia·
21 S OJlj;.e
un r art
?l: ct
2 ))a5011, Jas. (D ~* JlI) 21i lInstie, Mril }8 BroatUoot, Mrs 23 Sprot, Miss '.A Al:an, Robort, IItockbroker 2! Black, D. • and. J~., \V.S.
:l Hodge, }lrs
", .f. W.
21; Tod, Itobert
26 Kirlmooll, ~(rs
19 Cr:\\~tofll, A. 11.\ 1I.E.I.C.S.
22 Cmbbie, John (J. C. ~. Co.) 24 Davidson, Archd. advocate
25 Gordon, Adam Hay, W.S.
'-A Railway Pa8,e"ger AS8U-
raNce OI/iCt
2.. Black, Henry, 8Ohcltor
21 ~le., And re!" W.S ..
5 Wntson, JameH 26 A\itkcIJ, .l\Irs ' 23 JOhllstOl', Major Lalucncc 26 Macallum, James, W.S. 4..A Family""Endownumt, Life 22 Scot~ish Nat,olwl F,~e and
l) Kcrr, Jnmcll, tea merchant 26 Wnterston, John J. 23 JOJlIIstOll, Mrs
U SOlltter, Airs J. h 24 \Vlutc, Jamcs
26 Mccallum, A. B., W.S. Auurallce, and A"IIui,y Life /nmrmlce Co.-J.
14 Hill, Gcorge 4. Royal E.e anl'e '),; StcvclIson Davitl 27 Siml!oo, Mn Archibald Office M. M CandU..b, manager
8 Dulgicish, .John, ",rigbt U S()licilur.Nd-LalV's l1all 2(; Weir, l\1i5~ E. 28 Munro, Alex. Binning 4:-A PAanix ].'ire Office 23 M'lb~, In. cln.rcb officer
8 Walker, John 3 lVaUace, Robert 21 Dudgeon, Jolm F. 29 Trail, Dr Tbomu St~wart 4:-n Johnaton, W. imll A. K. :3 lIameob, U. &. J. G. accoUU.
8 Dunlop, D. 1\(. 4 1\t'I.aren, Dnncan k 21 Dudgeon, Mrs 30 Urown, Mrs WiIliam engravers 23 Afanchuter Ptre 11lmrunce
6 J)~l)gon, Hobcrt\ stockbro er 28 Christic! I.icut.-Col. Charles 30 Griersoo, Miss -l-c Gordon, Capt. John (:o.~ Adll. •
Iloyal ~lreU8. li 1.I!lt!:my\ J. and sons, agents 129 Wallace, Jnmc8 30 GricraolJ1.~Ii88 Afcgare' 6 Beattie, Andrew 28 UlIIted, K!ngdom"t
fi ~httnr, h.obel't, clock,maker 30 WKilllay,D. ofNewlandbnm 30 Lemmi, .t.;nrico, Lt.D. 8 Attinaon Isaac clothier l",t.tlll.on-8ee Adv.
NQrlll,1. So'ttll, 2.
1 W0011, lion. Lord 7 \'alcdmm/ll L.,mll (.OIllJlW1Y :n Hmcc, John 30 Liddel, !!iM
31 Ilenziee, WilJiam, W.S.
So thS D
rids' .
a treet."ter8tct8.
28 Cay, Robert Dundaa, W.S.
23 Oriental Bank Corporatio7a
1 WoO\I, .lohn A. ailvocato f\ ChcSIIl'Y, D:\\'\(I 3*) Brown Thomas
n Dil·ksQn, G('orgc, advocate 8 J:..',1i7l!J!II.'!lh ~'it!1 Artillel'Y 33 Cullen; Itev. G. D. 32 Da\id80Dt Mn
1•••tl. . . Stftet.
9 Scott." Witlow,' Fund
IUranct Society-S. Ra..
A,- --&e Adv.
23 Paris, JAmel, S.8.C.
3 Dickllon, T. G., C.A. .Mt!,!1a (1DI.r,e 34 COllhtabl(', ThomM Jeigh, manager---8ee Adv. 23 AJ1hur, R. " R. 11., S.S.C.
:1 Dickson, !\!rs "'alter 10 C!!!I ~ll(1!ntJel,~ a:; Cowan, AIrs ) Anilenon, lIart 10 Bnehan, Alex. Meteorological 24 Jopp, Charles, civil engiueer
a I>ickson, J):wid. W.S. JO '~!Isol\: Georp~ , :~G Dunlop, ~lrs AlanC. 1 Collector's OJJi..ce, WtRt Society of Scotland 2.(. Gib:80n, G.
5 Sands, W. n., lV.S. 10 Clt!1 J ,·QC.- 'Iscal;'l
5 8alllls, W.lI. & W. J., W.S. 10 Morltam, R~ I!ep. cl~y-clcr
37 ('owan, Charles Chltrck Poor..Rates 10 Soou, Mrs A. 24 Lindsay,Jameaon,& Haldane
:18 Cownn,James 1 ~b()m80n, Mm 10 MackeoJie, J. n., W.S. 26 Dundut John, C.S.
'1 M'1\t'n1.ic, John Oril, W.S. 10 C~lUmb('rlam.'( (?t/It;c • 3n lIeluler80n, CharIee J. I Nevay, Ales. advocate 11 Innes and Grieve. ~I'I 26 Scottilk &!uit.A88U.&ciet,
9 )Iacqueen, K., JU~.I.C.S.
11 Bell, A'~'Xalltter M., W.S.
10 Clt!1 A('eOU1!«llI~ s ({tllce . 40 }~lder, Thomas
10 /)(,ltIwf GUlitl Um'k s (~/llCe 1 R tl d Plnee i ~rm8trongtJ.(A.andHog.q)
ewar, Tbomu
12 Gilbey, W. and A. wine im-
-I. Chri.tic, manager;
W. Finlsy', sec.-Sec Ad".
13 I1nmiltoll, )"S8 10 '/'O/t'll Clel'k's (~//ice • • an .. ' dJr 8 Psterson, M1'8 MRria
10 I.andale Rooort of l'itmctl. 10 1'IlMic W()rh O/lice M'Naughton, Alex. Spirit d 12 Hewat,J. (lateSpittaltCo.) 28 Giford and More, W.S.
1~ f~~oma{.EpUcopaIC1lapel
den, S.U.C. '
17 l'enrson Rml1to\)crteon, W.S.
17 Roberl8On, Gcorgl', W.S.
Of/ice I
11 lie riot)s J{(}llpit, 7h(l$w'cl"s 2 lsbister, Thomas, tmnk all
1l0rtmallt;sn maker
11 ~l'l{itchie, Bayl(lY, aud lIen- a Clnrk nnd crawford, grocetI
m say, BIN
~: :~~~J' Alex. W.S.
11 C • I~, M~xander, H.D.
12 General Board of Lunacy
12 Lea~ Wm. me.Hen~
IS Reddie, Wm. G. stationer
]8 Padoo, A. and D. boobeUen
28 GifFord, Alex. S.S.C.
J9 Finlay, James, IOJieitor
N. SI A"drew Street i"teraect,.
t6-A BIact, A. bruehmakcr
\0 Wood, Dr Jamcs, }'.R.C.P.. UerfJOIl, W.6. 4 AdRtns, Rober', ll'onmonltf
r."gl~) lIS 13 Forbei, DaYid, .....1DIIa1Ific. 80 Linduy, R. ehelniel

3.1.~, St. . ' - 15 M'Laren, D. & G. wine ~era. 3 Pillans, Colonel William Gh'en, Robert, coach builder, 113 GrIlY, Wm. aDd Son, eadd1\!lS'
ID LoRdon Fire and Life AI-\10 NSO~lcel ''t-f!' ~~t:~lIt 10 Sceales, ,J. & J. M. WIDe .5 Da\'idson, llrs postmaster, & coach hirer ,13 Nisbet, Wm. shoemaker
e Co 10 • mlt I, lJirS, ~~ manufllcturel'8 7 Mackay, John St (,'lltllbert'3 PoorilOrut,- 15 Simpson & Taylor, perfumen
.~~~~ G~. IItockbroker 13 Elgin, Wm. boo er 15 Baillie, T. Post-office 11 Stevenson, Jamea Dick, T. governor 17 Miller, Wm. stockbroker
: . LOndon Prot'inc:al PrOV1- }: ~a~roll\~!mb~~kbinder 15 Simson, Miss, semi:lary 13 Lorimer, Mrs towe, ~Irs, matron 19 Collie, D. n. & SOli, printen
L~~:s'John' lumber 16, 17 nrow~, James.• 15 Dundas, J. F. ~ioffat, Hobert, cabinetmaker 19 Rilchie, A!ex, lit110grapher
dent Society
SO Forsyth, D....vld. S.S.C.
SO Fairbairn and Co.
14: C " 0n 'If
14: tllll::k , . pi
'cture-fhune 19 ~Iunro, "rn. prO\'ls~on mere.
21 Middlemall, T. furmture ell".
17 Palersoll. James, M.D.
19 Whytc, l\latthew
Henderson, Robt. wright
1 8t... thb rt' at t
19 Carstaira1 A. f" graver
21 )leLville, A. fishing-tackl6
80 SimpSl'n, 'MiD • m. er 28 Thpmson, Wm •.&. Co. groo~ra 21 :Mu\:f:,rll\ne, WiIliam, :AI.D. I' ",0 e 8.,!'ft. maker
80 Glen Aiex. bagpipe maker 2 8t ~Ddre. S'reet, 8. 24: Ohver, Wm. Spirit dealer 23 :Mitchell ~ti8.'1 17 Sanderson, It and T. /21 Riggins & Thorn, cnllTavers
81 S~w'UL and'Co. merchants i G'b James 27 'fhomson, Lauder, and Co. :!5 Pearcc, 'Thomas, military 119 Liston, l\lrs Ramage 16 LYIlU, J. 1\1. stationer
~1 Q!borue, .T(\m('.'1 Ad sO,'ie' Gaper merchant 27 '1'homson, J. U. & Co. storc-kccJ!Cr, castlelI 20 Ailder8ull~ Ml'8 Juuu 16 Volt, A. c.1n·er and gilder
31 'Poneous, .James S., S.S.C. ~ \\'cdodeli, i. ~nd Co. hosiers merchants 29 Anderdcll, :'Irs .Tames 21 Riddell, Miss 16 Mathel', Ed. shoemaker
31 Clarkson, AIel(. agent 3 hi '8 Temperance Iwtel 29 Blackie, Thomas :n Anlicrsoll, .John 23 l\I'Neil, Mrs Colonel 14 W,lshere, ~Iich:wl
31 'Iran Rnli .'letcher I 5 it" burn J.tmes trunkmakcr 83 Garland, J. O. paWJ1~l"Oker 10 Cam\)be)J, Miss Isabella 25 1\~'Nab, John, writ~~ 14 London }'Ioor-cloth Co.
81 Law, Wm. mid Geo. merc ltS.
82 (.!uckburn :1\Id Campbe~l
1 Stuallt an
, d G '(\011 music- 86 Notman, A. bak.r.:
or, 138 Aidie J. spirit (:enler
8 DIIII( as, l\lisse~ Hamilton 45 Altken, Jallles, 8ohcltor 112 Hrown, John, & Co. bootmkrs.
6 Stuat't Mrs WiIliam 45 J);llrymp'lc, Wm. W.S. 12 Milue, Alcx. bootmaker
83 Vciteh. 'f. and C~d stationers 7 D s! e~iex spirit dealer 18i) Herk~s, A. spirit dealer ! Gmy, ~Mi88 43 ~IOIICrc,ff, Rev. Sir lIemy 12 l\l-Pherson & Syme, printers
33 Macl'her~o'/'i Dar 9 A~,.lcultl;':ist and Cattle' 67 Ford, James, provision m~. -1 Ogilvy, .Tohn A. W. Wcllwoot!, Bart. 12 Erskillo's Temperance hotel
85 /}oll!l/as S ote Illsurance Co.-F.~i'l\1inn, 14: Ramage, Jas. & SODS, china 2 Crichtonl\Irs Colonel 44: Campbe)), The Lady Emma 12 Dcwar, John
35 Slancy, TholURS merchants ) at B rei' PI-- 42 Orr. Capt. (Naval alld.Mili- 6 Kcnnington and Jenner
:15 ROJ'lat Jla"I!~ of Scotl(l/~tl- 9 S~iW~~~d Co. printers 77,78, 79 Jenkillson, W. & J. • r.!J ern. 8 ""~. tary Academy) 4 ('aledolliuIlPress.-SeeAdfJ.
mncs right, IIccret.lry I 11 J I I ber merchants 1 Crawford, James L. 40 Grieve, .Jame'!, plaster~r 4: TholllllOll, Miss
~~3G Spcncc
William (11. L. to.)
~ ~ ~~~~,;a q[ ~~~tfa~d Steam ~: ~:~e:;o!~gJI.' ¥~~V~ (C. F.
Sh'ppmg ",0. G ) ,j,.
1 Andcrson, Mrs 88 Veitch, Willimu
1. 8t Bernanl'. new. 37 Murdock, Thos. cabinetmaker
2 Nimmo, W.1'. bookseller and
in N'ntl\l~ ~. o. 1 Stewart, Gordon and tlpholetcrer 2 Finlay, William
n l Archd I B L. Co.)
't"1I' L '1letl 'Co's Ballk
38 M~c:lil~chl J('IID
11 Falconer, Joseph, and Co.
11 Urown's Temperallce lzotel 84 Cn~hcart, FergDson,
11 Smith, Wm. wire worker 84. Lettlt Ga7ldle Cd
Se Co
h aker
. J Smith, .Miss
3 Ingram, Mrs, dressmaker
2. 8f David 8t., ~ortb.
1 Keegan, Thos wine mercbt.
2 Tress, Wm. J.
2. 8t .lame..' Plaee.
D I 1 . I '~iark
~~ N~Si(~:~'i IJullk of Scotlalld
18 Religious Tmct n/lll Book 86 11001, J • tlOOt an 8 ocm 3#Smilh, Alfred W. P., chemist 3 Wa~oll & Dickson. aocounts. 1 Kenned RoLc:-. grocer ,
42 Andcrson, Thos. sccrctary
Society of Scot/o;.d.
15 Porteolls, A. and A. ctl.rr!ers1
89 Douglas, Thomas, flesher
St Anthony (lourt.
~ ~~~~~~IR~~rt 3 ."'·cottish AIIl~cClbltl Life 2 Clark, 'harlc!:!, a~eut
't-I k '\ 11' A.~.9Ilrance (.0.-8ee Aal). 2 Dow, 1\Irs, midwife
17 Fratcr, It. and C~. Bzliwr( Elder, Thomas, and Co. wino H .ll arwic , ,'i mm 8 Jllltllal Scotti.~h Amic(lble 2 Suttie, Richard
2. 8t tlndrew Street, ~. rooms . merchants Mal'11hall, MI'8 R. Rosebk.cot. Assllrance CQ. 2 }'ergu80n,I'eter
1 II'11'ller, Jolln, bnker 19 Nightingale, E. W. c10tlner Warden Wm merchrun Cuahnie, W. Malta green cot. 3 RoLertsou, J. B. writ.-lUutcr 2 Martin, !tobert
.. 21 Finlay, W. cabinetmaker ,. Keith, Alex. 1 MK1ta green pI. 8 ~['K(1lu;ie, J. tailor 2 )fartin, .Jallct. dressmaker
1 I.awson, Gcorge, ti'tliterer 23 TholllIlOIl, R. D. merchant 8t Anthony Lanr.. Christie, Aln, 2 Malta green 0 northwick, A. aCl!ouotant' U. P. Clmrch
I-A Hllrness, W., 11. M. printcr 20 Miller, .J. Temperallce hotcl Callender, Dnvid, tanner
3 PolJock, WiIliam, so1ifJIlor TI L il dC place (j 1I0wden, .James, nCCOUDtaDt 0 Jlorsburgh, Mrs G.
3 BXlwrielwe IlIvestmellt Soc. 18 lomsol~, au er, an ~'. Yule, 'rhos. jun. 8 ~Ialta 0 KeE'gnn John solicitor
3 j'atcrson, An . nccountant
10 Royal Exchange Assur. \ . . 0 . '
18 Prllssi(lll COIISUl'S OtJice
1 8t An'hu.y Plaee.
1 Kny, Robert, ~mon fIO'~ .
TT.' 1 I green ~Iaoe I r: ' .' ,
Cluilltie, lira, 2 !I.lta Green 7 Pau, Patrlck, S.S.C.
0 Leighton, Gcor'tC
0 Johnston, Mrs, ladies' lIurIJO
2 Prol,it/rnt Clerks' .MI/tual 18 Thomson, J. G. Ilnd <':0. . 8 Anderson, Davld, baker I 7 Murray, John, S:S.C. 5 I'arker, Johu
Ji'ulIll 16 Spl\\'ell, Robert, iladdler I 4 Kerr, Alexander.
3 IlIdustrial aml General Lile 16 llcll, J. alld Son) bell·hangers 5 Teenan, ~oseph, mk maker
p aoo
1. 8t (!Olllle Street.
7 Paterson & ThomlOD
7 Raebum, James .
6 Watt, A. \'eterinary surgeon
8 Douglas, Andrcw
Assurallce 14: Uellcral Life ~ Fire As- 7 Sto~t, MISS • 1 Fcrguson, Miss 7 GilIespie, W. of Torlmnehill 9 Meek, Thomas
8 Hunter and Co. .~Ul'ance Co. 8 White, TI\(~n~ns, dwry. 2 Carnlthers, Miss n. 9 Distrcct of S, AnJrew', 9 Mauchlinc,James,( a.p.- 0.)
4 Mcade, John, jeweller 14: Sr.ence & :Mack, S.S.C. 9 Matber, Wdl~a!D 5 Urquhart, ~Ira Registraiior, OlJice g .Johnstone, !Irs
9 Adams, George, ~8.C.
~ JAII~.lneerrr·IJle·s:,l~I~~~;n 14: ~t A1ldrcw's lIotel, D. 10 Thomson, Wbllham(G P. 0)
7 StrallgmRn, Mrs
9 .'raser, John, aetuary
11 Hutchison, David
9 Crawford, John Kno:t, 8.S.C. )0 Simpson, D:n'id C.
';t- M'I.arcn, kecper 10 Hnnter, Ro ert, •.• - . 10 Wood, Dr AJelnndt;!, Presi- 9 llalgarnie, .J. H., C.A. 11 Renton, Uepbume
4-n Birrell, John, spiritmercht. 10 White, J. plumber 110 Thomson, Jamcs., bUilder
5-A Hnyne, Chas. fruiterer dCtlt of Royal (J'ollege of 10 Stewart, Uobert, stockbroker 12 Rooorts, George, builder
~ (~II"'libllrn, G. bootmnkcr 10 Dickson, J. an d Co. Wuo L I
e- 10 Vallancc, J 0 hn,Jun•
Physicians 10 8tewnrt, H. M. stockbroker 2. 8t .J.IIlNt a..are.
Q \0 sale stationers 10 Mather, Alexan er 10 BUl!kle, G~orge f:nJ.
10 Sicvewright's Nngli8l& hotel 11 Roberts.on, 'Yalter
1. S, ~u'hlJeri'l!I GlelJe. 10 Wightmnn Mrs. IodgiDgI'
6 Grant, D. confectioner
6 Dougla..'I, James, dentist 1 n I D d 1 Stewart, Peter
7 lNortl"'r11 J>cvcr.sirm Co.
.Mcuse Lane illter,~ects. 2 ar( le, av~ 'rd
18 Palmer, Davld, hill IUlCr 1 Turner, James, win" mercht. 8 Inglis, H. Mi, W.S. 1 Bamett, JO~lO, watchmaker
7 trOll, n'.'H~' 8,S.C. 8 Henry, AIl!x. gu~~m'tn
l • ,
15 Gaft· William 1 M'Donnld, James, horse dlr. 8 AJlan, James, S.S.C. 1 Nnismith, J. W. engraver
7 "0011, Wllham, C.A. 8·A Waugh, R.. splnt ~~aler lu Val~nce Jaa. coal merchut 1 M:lcfarlanel.R. 01. ~ W.) 6 Soott, Thon'lIl1; acoountnht 2 H:lt~ly, John, builder
7 ltIaitlalld, G. R., W.S. 6 Aberdeen Slup. Co.,~ VQice 16 B wn lohn grocer 1 FairhRirn, 1tlm Jamet 6 JJi7liJter.,' Wid. Ffmd Office 3 & 4 Monld & Tod, engravers
7-A Ross, Aiel<. & Co. grocers .f. Ord, AlIan A.~l. ro" 1 HcnderdOO, Robt. builder f White, A. & Son, stationer. • Brown, Mrs Thomas
SL Andrew's Lane intersects. 4: RrgL~ter for Servant.t 8t AnthoDY Plaee, 1 Wil\tour, John C. artilt 2 Bell, William, IItockbroker " TayJor, John, builfler
2 ~lillnr, John, and Cl). china Jllnctiotllload, Ltitlt. 2 Dick, Rollert 2 .A/edicnl,lnvalul,a"dGene_ • Renton, John, M.D.
8 Charles, James, ironmongcr warehouse 1 3 CUIll'llings' hotel ral Life &ciety 0 llomaopathic Di&pclllKWY
10 ~l'I.eall,- Alex. architect Tod, A ex. 3 Cllrnmings ~Ira 0 Rooomou, Jame8, jnn.
10 Speirs, .Iames, agcnt 8t Jlndrew st., (Jel.h. 8' .lilt....,., 8tree~- 4 Uutchisol\ 'Wm and T; 2. 8t D.~ld 8t., 80ut.. 5 Adamson and Co. printers
]0 Briti.,h Protectorate Life 4: Howden, Thos. grocer 8 Pirrie, David, Se Co. wtiah.. I; Strachan MillS • • 1 Watt, Andl'ew, saddler 6 Stobo, John, grocer
Assurance a1~d AgCllCY 5 Cannicliael, l'homl!.8, smith 11 Law, David, brewer 'I Turner, Jame. (.f. T. 6" Co.) 0 Hay, P. & R., dyers-e.stab. 7 Kerr, Thos. leather mercht.
)0 Ibtclue, J. S. actountnnt
I 6 ~jlence, Francis •
9 IIcntly, Adam, datry
10 Elgin and Son, wholesale 11 .~rskiIlC, Alexander, slater
11 Maenair, John, brew.-
Anders(Jn, D. aoJ. Co.
-t --rn....'. ~
7 Fe"gueon, Mrs James
1. 8t ~ut"lIert' L
. ·hshment, 1 Heriot buIldW', ~ Wilson, Willillm, agent
8 Gllmgee, ProfC!80r J.'e oftloo '1 BJackbrlle8 ,ColIi~ry offit'P..- 9 Kirkwood, Alex. and Son
Jamns M KclvlI, ~gent 11 Aitken and CampbcJl ,
]0 Shicle, Mn
13 Gordon, J. viotnal dealer
14 8outtcr, R. shoemaker
1• ., JWC
8 Pillans, Jllmes 4 AU' AI ~ ~••e.. 9 Elae,., Mr'ic011I1IUf'Cmtlodg8, 12 Munsy, Wm. upnoJsterer
18011, exander 11 M'PhtlU, lI. book.U., 13 Trotter, ThomM, fle.gher
Western, P. Saliabur;r villa '8- 8& Uonard's 1I0use- Ker, '1 Bl'Ildahaw, J. warehOueDllU 6 RonaldllOn, W. wine mereht.
IS18 llu~, Ab!jah id tailor
Bevcnuge. Dav ,
19 uwrie, Jobn
22 YJddleton, D. grocer
Hellderson, Adam, Salisbury
,.m" . Robcrt D. (T. K. to &)11) '1 Robertaon, Mn W, 7 Brown, G; baker and confec.
18 M.aedonIldJ~ Ma :ea Police Office Whitehead, Ales. Ehzabeth St Pa,.r. ,Pree Churc'lt. 7 Km, Alexander 8 M'Pheraon, .0\. and Son,
14 Grant. Afex. grocer, &c. villa :?O.,A Siml)l()D. )lrs B. croeet' 7-8 Aikman. Mo J. plasterers
18 cantaia\ \Jeor~ U·,A Pulice .fttation 1-p Lamb, Thomas, slater 8 Hyndmau, A. Jodgings
14 Grant, A ex. pnnter i h
16 AucltinclOl8, Joh~ am ,
16 CaDl;.pbell, ~::, ~tmftker
I:' 10 Campbell. TII08.
~.!:td'!~Geo~, wright
• Walker, WiIlium, bat:er
Brown, C. Gibraltar hOuse
Clark, A. Salisbul1 bank
Foriytb, Ju. Sali8~ur;r bank
12-..1 Ifog@,t. James (ArTmtrcJ1lg
and 11.)
12·,A Ri(lhards, Robcrt, wnter

8 Lidgate, J. leather merchant 9 Alexander, G. prov. merebt.
8-8 Tomtinsoll, 1\lis8 J. confec.
8-c Laia, Joaeph, gilder 1. 8& 8te.laea ItCreet.
16 Le~lt ~w cabinetmakcr 2 Thomson, Georgc, tailor 25 Dewar, r. coach-hlrer 8 Ronaldaon, John, agent 9 Ta),lor, A. grocer 1 )litcileJJ, Lewis D., K.N.
10 Graevel.lbald 5. 8& Leonnrcl's lA_e. .. Oraham, )Irs D•.
16 Kerr.. bbert G 2. Mt .la.n' Street, 'N. 3 Baob, Robert .. Pringle, James
10 Gutllrio, lira
10 ft'ergu!!on, John
SI Stephen's Church
lit VillCellt Street Clmrch
16 Gordoa, iU' • p"er 2 Ramsay, John, cabinetmaker
16 eo...., W IRm, en • 1 Shephenl, William 3 Priogle, Alexander • Wilson, 1\fl'fJ A. 10 PoUock, AIrs John
.t7 Forbe8, Walter 1 Aitken &It'! W. ladiea' nurse 9 l\{iIIer, A. 2 l\Iackay, Gcorge, grocer 10 Henton. John, organ builder 3 Hamsay, Wm. & Co. IlllterlS
11 Murdoch, James 1 Greenh'ow, Ed. (G.Po-O.) 11 8inton, WiJliam, slater 11 DUDn, Tbomas, flesher
11 Huliday, Thos. engtl\\'~r 1 Berry, Thomll5 18 Brown,1\lr8 • 3. 8t Rar)"s W,·.d• 1~ 1l00d, Jamt'8. shoemaker
8t' .tre...t.
11 Loebman!!, N1'8 amlMl8!4 2 Tbom80n, WilJiam Adamlon, Waiter, budder 2 Do..., lV. ('.ork IOle maker and 18 Gann, 1\lrs Ellen, gl'oocr EaRl, 2. Wat, 1.
1'1 'lately, Thomas L. 8 1\lant.ina, Antbony 5. 8& LeonaM @ltreet. Jeatller cutter 13 Gutbrie, )Ir. C. 1 )(crray, lIenry
17 Sutherland, alias • 3 Bell, WiIliam, boot clolCr 1 Dav:d80n, A. hainlresscr 3 Mason. }lrtl, pro\'ision dcaler Ckrk Street iltter.~ects. 1 Amot John, W.!.
17 Johnston, Robi'rt, f:!,:lJllam
:.:e~~~,g)fra 11 Nic.ol'!"William, shoemaker
• Conw31, 1\lichael, and Co. 10 Liviogaton Alexander, agent 1 Gemb 0, Iln 1
o Auld, )lies
18 IIrOlm, John O. mtlst
I!I Schenck and Maclllrlnnc '-n 6
Brown, D. water
Bell, ,Vm. blacksmith
Koss, James, s~irit merchant
clothlers.-8ee ~4dv.
" Dutr, Alex. 17 Walsh Airs
16 Big'g!U', JOhn, house agent 7 }'oulis, Miss
:w Rubert80n .. J~mC8 o Kobert80n, J. coacb·lnrer 81 nrown, AI. cabmetmaker
1 Chambers, J. clerk
11 Stobie, WjJliam 1 Sutherland, )1i.8S
2'. U;ullip, W,II"un .• S AI~Naulty, John 1 Lealie, John
2~ Cruickshankll, Wdham o Aitken James 35 Ram~Yl~lr3 9 )taloney, .John, clothier 17 Craig, Jamcs
11 Duff, )Irs 7 Lcslie, 1\liss
21 ~'eMlIe, James , 39 I.aurle, Mrs 1;''' BOl'an, Philip, tailor 1 I1untcr, Mrs
21 Meh'iIIe and Adam~n 3. 8t .Iobn'IIRIII. 39 Lumsden, James 19 Shu'eft', Francis, (ltotbier 17 Crombie, Robert 7 Smith, Alcx. )(.
22 f'erguson, Mrs Arclubnhl 8 )llLnnchlan, B. Wm. fish- 39 D:mks, John :.!1 Newton, Jame!l, hatter 18 Darling, T. B.
cure .. nOlI fillh·slllesman 39 'fholRson, MI'8 19 Alurra)" .John '1 Robie, James
:?:t 1I0w(len, Mrs :m (,'nnningham. Thol. tailor 9 Kobertson, )lr,
2:l U1l\ck tit Caw, mel!.-at·amlll 9 Gemmcll, Jnmes n Twcedil', James, !ictual dlr. 25 INver, J. tailor.-See Acl", 19 naibrrie, Gcorgc, agent 11 )Ioifat, William.
2~ Nicol, Robert. GO~~1l 10 Smith, n. tlyer 43 Walson, D. A. cluna mereht. 21 Quinn, D.-See Ac/v. 19 Barrowman, AIrs
11 ~N.luen, J. 46 Robcrtson, Geotgn, baker 19 Robcrtsoll, Daniel, agent 18 Brown, Thomas
2!S ItoSll, Alexauder, JOllier 40 M'her, P. carpet shoemaker
:m Wchstcr, Aw. mes.:ltL.nrms 14 Wattl'8ton, Georgc -19 ~t'Donl&ld, Ml'I "3 O'Connor, John, clothier 20 Henderaon ami Dou:tld80n, 18 ltamsay, WiIlinm, slater
16 Bnlfour, Rev. William 01 Brown, &1. cnbinelmaker h S.S.C. 16 GrahRIIl, ~tNl
:la! f:lUltOtl,.J nmcJ!, taIlor ,IS Mnrray, Mrs Waiter, tailor
24 M'I.areu Ilnd Anderson 10 Ilalrour, Andrew li3 lIamilton, Thos. wood me~_i n Fergu8on, Jotm. tailor 21 Donald.ot'l, Georgc (llemJer- J6 Bounar, Thomas
1G IJorteous, ?tf iSH
25 If ill, William, nccountllnt 18 Brown,lIugb 51 Dixon, Thos. nUll Son, ~ 2iG Hunter, G. cll;na and rag :'orl and D.)
18 \vitROIl, Dnvid, teacher merehants.-Sce Ad.,. 22 Banks Alexander 12 Drummond MiH8
20 num, .'IlIUt'8 merohan~ t 1 ~ Dryadale, 1tlill!
2;; Nelson, .John 20 Whit8on, ThomaR &9 Sritta\field houllC - Brown, 1./3 Carlton, Johnt tailor 22 Ireland, 1\~ iss
21 Ritchic, ThomM Robcrt 22 Alurrie, Alexander 12 Currer, Adam
2:; CIlW, J 01111 61 Young, R. and Co. tailors
:!.; nrlldy, .John 21 CampbeIJ, WiUiRm 61 Hamilton, Wm. f;8 .}ohnston, James, cunicr 22 Amlel'8Oll, James, bookbincler 10 l'onttJll, Gcorge, baker
• 15·A Drown, Chas. coal agent 22 .Mellzie.s, Jnmelf 10 Urown, John (). .
:!fi White, Thoms.s • 69 Smith, Georgc, tailor IQ CUlnming, .John, tohaCCOl1l8&
:!ii Simp8!ln, Davld I.mdear 3. !iIIt .Iobn 8tree., 11 BrowJI, Hobt. A. coal Dlerob. 23 Lit'erpool ami London Fire
iO Buise, Geo.
!!;) lIay, 1\lr8 Alexlludcr 1 Brown, D. n. 61 ~le&'ICr, J. chimney-sweeper 10 Johnaton, D. & Sons, cnrriers and Li[e OJljcc.'f 6 Ilendcrson, Itobcrt, S.S.C.
1 Traill, Hobcrt, ironfollnder 61 Sandison A. tailor 23 Young, \~ ruler D. accountant 6 l'etrie, AI fII
:!6 WomY!ll, 1\Ir8 And!'c" 71 Brown, Jas. watch dealer 6 )1'Culloch, ~Irs, lodgings
26 Mnrray, John 1 TRylor, William 13 Begrie, 1\\1'8 J. alld agent
28 l'hilJI's 1i.mll'cmm:c lwtel
:m Wilson, Miss
:10 Adcock, Gilbert
:l() Cooper, Charles
1 Slater, AJld~,,:
1 Cameron, Wllham
2 Gibb, John
2 croan, Uobert
19 Guthrie, Charles
83 BnIJllntyne Uobcrt
Blakemore: J08. ngent, Vic-
toria gro\'e .,
73 Op.t!rative llat J.'arlllry-
Sce At/v.
Kirkwood, Jas. shoemaker
76 8tewart, Gco. broker
84 Smart, Mrs ,J. spirit dealer
23 WatBOn, Robert, F.R.C.S.E.
24 Clinksca1e8,
24 Duncan, Miss
24 Smith, ~Irs
6 \\,ilson, Jamc8
• Alcxander, nc\,. John, D.D.
:3 Gow, DOllllld
2 Carr, .\lrt!, straw-bat maker
:10 Nicol, Misses, clrcsllmakt'fa :t Bonar, Rev. A. B. Nlli.mitb. ~{rs T. Vlctona x6 Borrowman~ W. victualler 20 Ben and Alelll':ies, architects 2 Kcrr, )11'$, ladies' IIUI'!JC
:10 Wf'l\flnllc, Wm, Husband ... 1\tichUeton, John, ~I.D. 'grove ' 26 lIendcrllon, ,Jol,", S.S.C. (11. 8ala..ander 8'rt"ef.
KO ~l'I.n\lghlnn, M. clothier
:10 Whitelllw, .James G }:or~, .Jllmcft 72 Usher, Jo & T. brewen ~l Al'lver, Jamel S. clothier and D01la/dsoll) 1 Bllchanan, &lrsJ. Black J)"ll
:10 M' I.eod, J I\me. ~, lith0lP:IlJlher 6 CllrI.tIC, .John "0 Walker Etlward
"i White, Jas. chilla merchant 21 Scong'ftU, Anclrcw in 11
;l() W;USOII, Thomas, clotlller 9 Isle., Andrew 70 Adam~1l Waiter, mRlOn 27 Crease, Alexander .. 'faylor, William, and Co,
at »icksOIl, Itobcr! 10 lUll, James, merchant l'arkside hous.:l-Gray, Alex. 8t Patrlek 8q.are. 21 1\loft'llt, Mn 42 Edillburflh (wd Leith G1CUl,'
.. I>alziel, Wil1illm, engraver
11 Yule, J.
.lameR' Stree., E. 12 AI!'xallller, 11. D. surgeon
] a Aitc1lison, 1\(ro
metal merehant
HNlry Street intersects.
62 Nisbet Hobert, grocer
East, 5, Wesl, ••
1 Scougall, Andrew, flcsher
28 CampbeJl, John painter
2!l f..earmonth, Andrew, dairy
43 }'Ieming, A. B. printing illk
29·,A ForiK>.!,J. chimlley-sweeper manufacturer
2.· Mt .laMe,,' f!lItreet, 8. Hi Hilmour, 1\11'8 U8 Thorb:lm, Wm. baker a Doig, Jame!, ironmonFer 31 Ln.wrie and l\litcheJJ, photo.
1 8101\0, .lame!! 17 ~'ord, J. flint glass manurr. 40 I>odda Alexander 4 SWinton, JAS. mesmerist graphcrs
Pe:xton, George, boilcr maker
18 Morgan, John It 1\1 38 8tobie; W. victual dealer ~ Cargill, Jame!, copyist oS Reid, Jamrl, merehnnt
1 8\onn. Mi~s At. dressmaker 32 :\facklOlay, Samuel
~ Tltil, 'rllOmM 19 1I0lue (~f IJldttslrll- rs 36 Plimer .lames. mason " Hardener, WilIillm, tailor 09 Oray, Wm. & Co. mercl13nts
l) 'MRcKnin ••lRm('s, flhoomakcr Gelllmell, matron Dalkeith Colliery 4 llonRhllOn, Colin lit P.trlek tttreet. 00 BniIJic, \V m. Jun. and Co.
1 IInrtlie, Wm. \'iclnal)er 20 1\lein, Alexander 4)6 Aftlook R. grocer " Ca1\um, John B. hast, o. West, •. chemical manuremanufaes.
11 I'rcncbcr, Joll1l 22 Bone, Job 22 Pendridge, John (G.P•• O.) • AliIIl", Mra 1 Wood, A. tavern 61 11·I.eRn, T. and Co. bOlltS
4 Pime, Goorge 2 Stirling, John, grocer and cruehers
H; Snow, .John, t1C11her G. 8t Leenard'fII Hili. 22 Clark. K. coal mcr~haD&
li Young, Jns. coal mcrr.bailt J1rinr.le Mrft J. grocer 22 Sl)'monch John, pnntcr • Neil80n, Geo~, 8mith wine rnerchRnt G. 8.1I....ry PI.e.
17 CooIlCr, Davic1, nCl'''(l1Il1tant C .... Atr!! J 22 Nllbct, I\ober\, agen& • White, Win. onland lltfJ.) 3 Robert80n, Robt. tobacconist t Law!lOn) Oeorge, baker
18 Ihlllcan, J IIpirit merchant

H) Meck J Gcorge
S:(~:~;., R;bt: coach builder 12 ~.ele~on,C~~' re~
.. DonaMso", Mille8
,') Etln80n, \Villiam, boolmaker
• Thom!lOn, IIiM A. trimming 2 MuweJ , M... Jnmea
Dislter, J. Jame mount 10 .Eernc'l ",', .'.'-- (J Morris, Ando ropo manur.....
3 Torr.nOOt )(rs Wm.
1) Robel1lOD, Tbom8l, baker • Alder, lIenl'J


314 sa~l______~E=D~l~N~BU~R~G~H~~_·N_D__LE_l_TH-.~~~~~~c~i==----- 12Ranken, Daviti, flesher 16 Brnce, Misses 6 Fairbaim, Ifrs
-.&-W-~m-~--C-""~lE!s 19 Urown. William 9 Caanicbael, dames H Tennant, T. M. and Co. en· 16 J:o'inlay, John 8 Bell, Benjamin. snrgeon
gineers, &c. 1.4 Stewart, Mrs 9 RUllsetl, Ales. James, C.S.
'1 N•leh.T,-t. b k lie
01, dam,,~. 00 lie r
19 Slllith, Oeorge 10 Cameroll,
M )lrs
'J U h
14 :WLachlnn, Thomas 9 itusseIJs Rnd Nicolson, C.S.
8 Wilson, Pm -:.m" te&Cher 19 Wilson, Rohert, batter 11 ootgomerlc, amf.8'·",""
9 Walker, John W. 21 lIowe, Willimn 12 Hewat, John Scotland "treei. 14 Boyd, James, CAbinetmaker 10 Maekay, Robert, W.S.
10 Wyse, )lrs Dl' 21 Byres, Mrs, lodgings 13 !Iuir, Rev. Willinm, D.D. East, 1. West, 2. 12 Liddle, JOReph, S.S.C. 10 Mllckay, Jamcs, (Al. &- C.)
11 Clap~rtoll, WU1. U. 21 Young, Robcrt • 14: lNgan, ~rs 1 Kilpatrick, Andrew 10 Grant, Mrs 11 Graiuun, Humphrey, W.S.
12 Ogle, R; bookeoUel' 21 llethcrtull, H. scn., mlsstj. 23 Orr, lfiss 1 Philipps, MiM 10 Lithgow, Miss 12 Stewart, Mrs J, Shaw
18 M'Cric, Mrs Dr 21 IIclllcrton, HCllry. jun. 24: Bruc~, Rev. John, D.D. 1 Reid, l\Irs 10 ScoU, George, baker 18 Dewsr, John, lodgings
23 }'icld, E. teacher of drawing 28 iUacbeLh, Normsn, artiat 1 Deas, Josepb 8 Tl1om80n, ~li!SC8 14: Rol1and, Misses AI. and A-
5. Sau.1tary Plaee, W. 24 MnckllY, John S. 29 Rohertson, Mrs P. G, 1 Cowpar,lliuea 8 ForheA David 15 Belt, WilIiam
4: Whiteford, Jolll1, painter 24 MiIlar, Dnvid 30 R! ' ..lame.s 1 '1'ay10r, Mrs 8 Sibbald, Mrs Captain 16 Geddes, In. Jnining engineer
'1 M'1)ougan, John 24: LivillgstOIl, James, clerk 31 ~ ''!S 8 )(ac.allan, J. H. G AlveI, ~liS8 11 Gowans, John ,
9 'Rankill, David, flesher 28 l)ook, .hIrs 32 3 Kirkhopc, Alexander 6 Pass, Edwin
5. Sall8bury Road. 8andport street. 82 i.r' ," l) Browne, WilIiam G M'Carter, &Jrs S ..erl....rae.
'1 Boyd, Miss 4 Clark, Francis Wm. adVOCAte 1 M'Dermitt, Thos. grocer
1 Guthrie, Rev. Thom,,!, D.D. 1Brnidwood, J:\mel!, grocer 5. Sclenlles. 1 Ilenzies, ~Irs 2 Dickson, T. coach proprietor 3 Cooper, Airs, co"feeder
3 Hick. Chllrlel', brewer 2Alexamler, 1'. B. 1 Reid, D:witJ, 'night '1 Noble, Mrs 2 Uobcrtson, Mrs St 'nwmas' Ch.,rch
5 Hood, Uobert, M.D. 2'l'homsoll, A. Y. 12 Gorric, Mrs '1 Wright, Mrs James 2 Chalmers, l\frs 22 Ulltlcr, William
'I Miller, Hohert 4:&Iettmell, James, fish-curer ,12 Hunter, James 'I Horclzky, MOWlicur, teacher 2 DUlllop, Rev. J. C. 24 Thomson, Wm. coal mereb,.
9 Wcudel, Jamcs 10 l'ollrie, .f. &: Sous, ooopers : 12 WelSh, i\lrs
11 GiIlclIJlie, Audrew 11 \\'alll\oo, J. aud Son, COPIJC:'- \ 12 Christic, Andrew 9 Hogg, John 'Seaeot BO.IIe. 24 D!\\'idson, John, ship br.)ker
{; Hog~, William and salt mauufacturer
III }'lIrquhnrlloll. l\liss smiths I 12 Wnrden, William
11 JlisIOI), Mrs Berry, Waiter (B. 11. 6' Co.) 25 Allan & Ga\'in, wino merchta..
15 Gelidcs, Mnjor-Gcnornl .J01m 13 noughts. Miss ~r. tobllcoonist ; 15 nnd 17 Roughcnd, P. C. 11 Gardl1er, ~1ies Seafteld Hnt"8. 26 Davidson, .John
17 CUlluillgi:alll, Rc,', W., 1>.1).14 mu1 16 GilIcspie, GordOI1 J. '\21 CrichLoll,!1. 11. Philp, AlI(hv, (Albiol! Hotrl, 26 Graluun, T. pro\'ision mcrch,.
19 IUlchic, Rev. J., D.D., A.M. 1; Boyne, A. spirit dealer 25 ShllW, Uobert, polisher It Gulletl"" Aleunder
10 Wigh~lIn, John. JUl!. 18 Armstrollg, William,stntioner 35 Uel'trRm, Geor~e, c·ngiuecr Hi Kerr, ~lilis Edinbflr!Jh) 32 Taylor, G. dairymoo
8 O~i1\'le, A. (J. It ...1. 0.) 19 i\tackens, l..orcllz,·spirit tllr. 31 Ed;llbllr!ll~ Dlstillet·y 17 Gilrs, Artbur Seatleld 80u--. 3-1 Aill:flie, J. coal merchant
1'1 Giles, Mr8 -- 36 Wright, Peter
6 "cmyss, Wm. commis. gen. 21 Wright, Uobcrt, baker 41 Dubie, 1h09. Soieul1cs court 17 Wormald, J. D. writer Phipps, Mrs, sen.
4 Ruthllrfonl, l\Ir~ Wnhm' 23 Turnbull 81\(1 Snlvesen, ship- 4:2 Alder, Henry, ggS meter l)hipps, Thoma.'1 8horc.
2 Uylcy, 1.ieut.-Col. J. S. G. brokers manufactory 1'1 Peastou, J.
~ IIIil 11 b a... 24 1.I1WI!OIl, James, ship agent 19 Lees" Charles, R.S.A. Seafleld Lodat'_ Towe,. Street iltter.'lCct!1
11. ea H ory ""Iuare• l,W .~IU\iC Jamcs, bairdr~S8er G. Sclennes Bill. 21 Jlentlel'801l, WiJliam Ferric!', !lrs JUl.1les Crawford 1 Nome, David, spirit dealer
1 Galloway, It. S. 27 Llling, Alcxnmler, tnilor am1 Bertmm, Gco. S. hill house 23 Clark, Airs Robert 1.0 D M 2 Jamiel:loll, George
2 .Muxwell, ,J. L. clothier Bard 1\)', John, Verbena col. 23 Dick~on, J. IOn. Lo~:~: ~irs • 4: lIorshy, Jamcs, spirit der.lcr
2 I<'II/lon, W. n. 29 HUlIter, George, fiesber Thomson, Wm. Charlotte ,no 23 Maclcnn, Ales., 8.8.C.
21} ~(acint08h, MI'I'I
l.ogan, Milll Btltln S ~Iillars & Arthur. merchanls
G Scottish Colour Works
3 Urown, Charles 30 Alcxander nnd SOli Btadworth, R. Ruuy villa
8ali8bury Street. :1:1 P!ltoll, W/llter, snrveyor Ste\'enson, Alex. Mariou 25 Edmonsloll, Alcxnnder 8eafleld PJaee. 7'imber /J1l.'1I, illtcrJfl!ct.<r.
"7 t1 3 S ., I! lH I~orclllall, Anthouy villa, , west L I 25 Uelltoll, Jllmes, S.S.C. Forrest, Peter 8 Samuel, Wm. spirit deaJcr
lHW I t , . QUul, a. iI 21 Campbull, lliss Innes, .John 10 Hassell, ~lr8
1 BirrcJ, lIenry UU .'Ictt, Geor~c, tailor Sleigh, fm. • ~ AI'ion v'la 12 Wick, Mrs, Rpirh dealcr
2 RnsscU, Mrs 37 Davidson, K sliil) broker SJllInd, W. R. Mul'ion villa, 29 lIallard, }\ advocate 1IIiI._

:n llichmonll. lliss _~allel" ...... 14 Fleming, W. tmd J. alld Co.

2 Johnstone, Robert 38 Stalker, WiIIillIn east :n Elgin, William, jan. 2 Rnssell, lVilliI,m 20 .&Iacdomdd, John, New liMp
2 StoU, Airs Jamcs 30 .'ishcr, 1<'. oofi'ce house ~1'I.auchIRne, Rc,", Jame.i, 3 Doig, Clmrles, writer t(WCJ'n
2 Nichol, Aloxllllller 40 J..cslic, Thos. tailor Glen Almond coUllgO 33 Niven, Alex. TholOll, (lA.
2 UrowlI, Mrs Alexander 42 Hope, Miss G. Bain, Wm . Scil'lInt's hill cot. 35 Begbie, WiIliam Sea C;; ...we. 20 Mal'8hall, ~lrs Goor~c
2 Hay, Mchilmld oil) Sntill!rlllllti, Mis.~, grocer Allm'dyce, .hAm. Cecilla vii•• 35 ~NntYI'e, llrs Flcming, MII' 22 Morgau, .JamCIl. srmit dealer
Si> Cllmerl.'l\, John 28 .Archibald It. Old SMp tav.
2 Muir, Willinm 1 8aunderst Street nint~lIl, Miss, Melbourne cot. 85 Smith, l\(r:4 G. 1. Se_pt.. "tree'. 29 Gencral Steam NlIvigation
2 AllllenlOn, Airs J. • Martm, Ut·v. llugh 3:; Roughead, )liB! 2 ~I'Grcgor, Alex. grocer Company
3 YOllllg, J,unes ~ n~rton, John , Walker, James, Uarrowgato
:; M n~cth, ~lrs, !.lIck nurse villA. 3i 1'y)lCr, J. flgCflt 4. Outhbel't, Chu·k.ton, If.D. 31 Crawford, W. baker
5 l\1'l)ollald, Alldrew W. 8 1'~ltrle, A. ullholsterel' BUlTlc" ,lames, Allan villa !l9 M'Gibholl, John S. Rurgeon 133 ~1'Donald, Wm. spirit ,fealer
uli luglis, 1.
RCHI, Alex. 3 1~~ln1,~omns.
TI .
IJ!Jtir(lpatltic, Galva.nic, am1 White, JRmea 9 Dickson, Thomas lH Doi{-f, Alexander, spirit d{,tdcr
3 Clark, 111O.nas, w"!ter 7·llrl.:i,~/, Butl,s RailwQfJ ,flltation 12 Glen, Thoffl,I t8, cool merchant 85 &l11l. lloper;e Co.'a store
~ ~~~!~. ;~,~gl~arles 6 D,~ydoll. ,'ames, bUlld~r Shearer John, ltctrent cot18gc Coal ot~·ce., ;- 21 Shaw, WilliRm Bcrnard Street interltl.Cu.
7 Hunter, WaILer li ",!Ison, l~'lbcl!a, lod;!Ulgs Andel'son, R. (W. o. t Co.) Dun'clln, Colin, and Son l8et••••Jaee. 8~ Rcid and Son, hookllelicrs
'I 1I0})C, Georgc 6 "lIson, l\hs..'1 E. dressmaker South Scicnnc!I house Sword, Jamea TAylor, Jamcs 38 Ituthel'ford. W. !,,\,ir. denier
'I Chmie, Thomas G Ruuer, Joscph . ~l'llllvrt! Ncil S. missionary Wnldie, James Onthrie, P.. lr;ck 40 S'mp9110, )lr8, drllper
6 Clon~, I)etcr, wr:t~I' • , )"Kny~ Jame8
8 lInmiltoll. Mrs 7 8tf'l'hcll, ilirs Williatl\ 5. 8cleRne.,.Plaee. JJum, Andrcw, (G. B. ~ Son) 40 Silll}lIlOll, Wa\tE'r, agent
t) 'BlIrrie. I>avid MRIOn Coma, ~!atthew 40 Pnn·idellt Life Immronct
{) Wils011, }\Ir!l 10 tlowic, .John 1 UrowlI, ~Ir!l ...8 nOllllar, ThomM
Pillnns, 11. and .f. printers Office .
9 Wilson, Mi~s J. 10 I.othi:m, Pewr, gnr(lCllN' 2 AlUlcrsou, *8 '1~·I\:t. And. (R. ~ W. lVolt) I1alley, Jamc~ I'. • Coullty Fire OlJice
10 ltooil, llobcrt
10 Uunter, W,lIiam
]2 Trelleh Miss J
13 l)r(ltit, ltt'!; Alc~.
, 12 I.uuric, Jlunc9, tlllirynum
1. tii8s~(!obur.. I·18ct'.
1 .'Icmin\!. i\lr8
4 811therlnnd, Jns. J ..1'. vfficer
6. lfd •••• I!!Itreet.
1 Br6~\'n, ~1rs, gl'ocer
.. 6 '(!CA, Itcury
22 Turnlmll ••lames
22 Ste~\'lm. Mr:4 D.
22 Smll", .'ame! D
1. 8baadwlek Plaee

1 & 2
1 Herou, ,W II~. J1Jpll'lt dealer
• 4: 1 Coltel:J"lm, Wdhllm
~ I Ralld~IJ, Airs ~" spirit'dealer
43 CamJibcll. John, hairdresser
.F~lrh3Irn, James &'00. 4. and 45 SlimoIl ROLA t •
m Arnot, AlcxlIIulcr D. 2 SOIllCI'\'i1lC, Alexander 4 Dici,J1on, S. dairy 22 I'ink('rron Mill· rndhnt'1'8 tmd dr'lpers ' uer , non.·
14 MlIlIro. Gcorgc 3 Um:l', Mrs Willimn l} {,I\... ric ami Suus, grocun 20 Rcid, Mrs~
Gn~dlftlour, '~~l.rgC 'W~h~!tRichnrd,
16 Young, Willinm, dcrk
17 Wnuou, JUIlICII
4 Camllbcll, MillS
5 1>nlzil!l, Miss Jano Craig
9 Hogg. Jameil
9 Loch,, tailor 1& MnrrllY, William, S.S.C. 2
3 F,1 bee'
(en M' "I .Iam
'V., M.D. lro "pirit mer.
52 G'lant, J 0 IIn, con.ectloner
to.. ,
10 I,aw, .Jam!'! •
18 Rutl,erford, ~lr$. lo.lg\ngs 6 Bl'lfrl'lllll, \V. 10 I)tlllcl\n, .JosCl)h, d.a1r1 1G J.~d\Vard, .Miu (l.Uo:...e 'Al~:s W S 54 PeRcock, A. tobilcco manut
19 lInllliiloll'g lodgill~s 1 Darling, lIrs 12 Napier, John , ••• 66 Callum, Thomas, and Son
_ _ _ _.. SOU Sou STREET DIRECTORY. Sla 877
&8 B91d1..SAm.
. r

2" Goodsir, George, clothier,
outfitter, &c. ii9 lIunter, Andrew
r,9 lfackenzie, W. pubiiaher
99 M'Cann, mantle manufae.
)00 Glnbe InslIrance-See Adv. 88
- ._------
1!9 Gill aobert, pnnter 1 Livingstone, John 25 Greathead, H. turncry, toy, 101 Commercial Ballk (sfcb- 16 Gordoll. Jauuea
u9 Bai~ John 2 Alexander, Thos. com. agent and fancy bazaar 09 Macphail,
1)9 Davis, Brotbel'l, artiatl office) 16 O'H:ml. N. C.
&Gl'1iae,'Thoa. &pint dealer 2 M·Craw, Mrs 26 Bird, Thomas 1" Brown, ~Jrs Elizabeth
lID Marr, l(ra 102 Scottivl, Property Invest- 12 J.cnhj",
~ ~Irs
Edmood, John, ropenulkcr 2 Hume, )lrs William 27 Sword Thomas Anue
anil67 Jeuimau, W. mcrcht. 2 Bowie, Wm. 27 Hope, 'James, cogmvcr jj9 Grant. D. tailor ment C071lJKwY-Came- 10 Kellock,OIrs William
68 lIunter, Jaunea, grocer 3 WilJillm80II, A. (Ale~k ~ W.) 28 Paton, A. shoemllker fiO SlIthel'land and Knox ron, Bugb, manager
09 Liddell, Brotbers, e ,g~:L\'C1'8 3 :Morton, Hugh, cngmee:- 29 Adamson, Waltcr, mcrchant 61 Al'Culloch, ThomM, dru~gist )02 Smith, John, tailor 10 IIcnderson, George
62 Robertson, 11. confectioncr 102 Smith, H. art:st 8 Stewart, John
Quetn Strtet ",ter. 'eels. 4 :\iorri~n, Gcorge 80 Small, William, outfitter 6 }(·Laren, Jumea
70 Strachan, W. ~r
63 Mackintosh, John, toboo. 102 Smith, Harry W. engraver
6 Afonison, WIl!' 81 Spence, J. tailor Imd clothier " Story, Robcrt
11 lIeudenon,. A. pnntcr I 7 1;3Y, John, ~lI!lcr 81 Turncr, D. draper . r,3 Prvde, Jamcs, teachpr 103 aua 104 Christie and Kil-
2 Reid, Robert
72 Durle, Da\'1l1, grocer . 8 Crec, M1'8.Wdbam 32 Barkcr and }'orbcs, tailors 63 COwnie, William, and Sons, patrick, clothiers
14 Lotlll\m, Jnmes, t?~IlCCOlIIst 8 Spcllce, )ho.. 3S Bcll A. ami Co. bootmnker8 clothiers 105 Gifford, Jatlles, mcrchant 2. 8prln.. Gard~n ...
75 Chalmcrll, JIl8. Spirit dcalcr 9 Smart, R. C. cngravcr 3" Gib~on, D. L. silk morcer 64 Maclllchlan Md Stewart 105 Smith, J. shawl manuf.1ctr. 1 ~(orris, AIrs H.
16 Stcnhousc V. draper n Da\'idson, It ~. mcrchant 35 Mllth Brid,qe i'all.'1liJrokill!l 65 Imrie, H. confectioncr
66 Gardiner, W. stationer
lOG Gibson, Jamca & Co. cloth 2 Millcr, Tholl1M, merchant
71 lIallcy, \Vm. tlruggist 10 Wat80lI, Mrs Co.-See Aut'. 3 1'OrteoU8, JltmClS
80 MIlCkl'y and Macllhc1'8on 11 Smart, Rcv. John, D.D. rJG Crnig Jamcs 61 Mu"ay, A. grocer 107 Craig, Brothcrs, alllI Co. 4: Thyne, William, and SO!!
80 Gray, A. cork matluti\cturcl' 13 M·.'lIrlanc, Robert 35 Orrock, Alcx. bookhinder 68 Wbitc, D. hotel-keeper
69 Allans, Howic, and Co.
108 Smith, Gcorgc, shawl manu- u Gmy, A. F. chcmist
2. Shrub 1·lae~. 13 M'Farlauc, John dC 8G J'l&uton allll Young, outfitters 71 &Aoo1ofArt., 1 Q PI 7 & 8 nile, H. silk mcrcer
~ 71 Jamio80n, A. turner a~~,
AitchisOll, ltrs Jamcs
1 Wnllaco nnd Whittl ltaimes, UJaushuam, 81
1 Hcrbcrt, ,l08cl,h, bIlotmakcr 15 Scougall, JIIIIlCS, 11.1\ •• 0 11
of 31
Gunn, A. bookscller
TibbcttE, G. & n. G. hattcrs § 71 ~ZAroD1 r -- • ~
.- 107U118,
Q.. flgure
• "pelfee"
Castle Barns.
J0 Somc\'\'i1/c, Uobcrt
~ 1I0nuymuu. 'lI' rs IIchools ".11!omas
17 Ulaushard, 39
39 Edi". Loall
Campbcll, Co.-8ccAdv.
Jamc!. ~ mllkcl'l 2 Ing1is, Hcnry Mprln....~ld.
2 .'erJ(lIl1on, Jamcs,
Mnlloch, Aliss gardcner 17 Ulnnshllrd, ~hS8 39 IJutton, Jamcs, die and stallll' .. 72 Barclay, George hatter 3 Duuglas, Dl\vid Wood, John. dairy""
§ 73 APBain, Mrs ,t&diea' nurse • lIcnderson, ,John, painter 1 (.:ollcdgc, lVilliam, surgeon
:.l Ual1idllY, W. 4. Society. .cuttcr. ~ 13 Wiflhart, n. corn. mer. 8 Cuthbcrt, Clarkson, ~I.D. 2 jutti, Lewis
2 lIarktlCM, Pctcr, joincr 39 Lmdsay, John, pnlltcr • 18 E(iin~urgh YOU!,g It/Cll'S surgcon
n~ht. ~ ft?K~:I;~~~TilOmas 3~ ~~trsbIlJgh'/lIi}~zt)grnpher
8 Stecl/man, Willinm
3 Vcitch, grocer CAruttall l~Mt~tllte f!iip~nee'.. Plaee ~~lCb. , Lawton, Ali~
Sh,.llillllllllollSc 10 Cnnnic1ltlol, Miss .Janct ~c \Vrlnkl.l, • ('v.•.'~LD• 78 ~1·Bean, La. JaDltor I 1 C11 Iderwoo,d R• ' o Blackwell, J. C. agcnt
MnxwcU Mu
• Chill .. ,,;, WDl. spirit d,"I" Iln c'::':'~:I';I~:
0 'ft

4-.\ Mnckay, John, accountant 10 WMi11al~ Mrs

J In
40 }I~
I IIIson,
..h.n, .Il!"",,' I
.u 1..cI~hman, • ~ ot drllper
Jlcr h t
7G Brown, Itev. Archibald
-7 I' te
JI h d e · I 7 Gray, Jamea
a I"SOIl, ug, an ,0. car- 8 Inglis MI'lt spirit dcaler
, . '~I '
G Airc, ~lil!s
7 Grant, ~(r.; Ann
8 }'orrcstcr, Smnllcl
4 A ~eiJl\oll John
P!t WlltChoullC
,~3 Arlmcklc , JO~Cllh'outler
I' 1 b '11 42 M'!'ent, W. chllll\ merc an i8 K rkwood & Murray, mcrcts. I? S,mlth,! r8, {,rroccf 9 Sholls lroll Co.
- !AII nu, G'.eorgc,
4-A " bakcr 10 ~PCr'''vA cx:uu
10 Ucrry, Johu cr, III I cr b k 79 St Clair, J. teachcr of con- 13 1 ellt~and, Young, Jun. (Y. J. 10 Sitlclllir, Alcx. mnnnger
6 Whitc, John, ~roccr 1" B I'r: llobcl't huillJcr H Thlllllson, Johl~, ll:lwn. ro 'cr ccrtinl\ 1 • mltl S.)
1~ "~'Ifi' Jamcs ' i9 ~Iillcr, D. R. tlhirt makcr
9 Thomson, WilIiam. mllchino
44 ~rant~ n. ngc~t
1 Urown ,John, butcher ,H Fllllcrtol1 Rnd Co. pubhshcl"lt 13 Peutlancl, Y. J. mul Son,
!} .'rnscr,' n. .. {II, maker (Slloll.~ Jroll Co.)
xo Grcincr Brothcrs, toy ware- coopers
H J)unc:III, Mrs 80me..fiiet (:oUUl'e. 44 ('III'III}chncl, Walt<.r ) 1. Se....ord 8ert-~t.
44 ~l\rnllc1!ad, Jas •. (I,('g. HIJ.)
house I 1. Splte.ISereet.
1) Brown, John
9 MOlltigllllni C. 1.. .
1 UOllnhllloll, .John, writcr
4{ 1 ratt, ~~()bcl'l. ~RlI()r 81 Tnylor, John T. watchmalicr I J Wi1liam~on, AdulII, Iiookscllcr 1 G~ntleman, ~trs
10 YOllng, AUlircw, tlulor ~onlt'r"lIle ~oct"..e. 4-l GII1811, fhos. )'\'Intcr 81 l'inlny, Uenry W. sLa'iollcr. 2 Cnllcndcr, Gcorge
a Munro, John
1 (:ordoll, ,lamcs, writer
1 ROM, Rohert
11 l,ynll, Alcxandcr, ~akcr U1nckwdl, Mrs Uic1uml 4-l Wilson, Ua\'iil, clerk • -Scc Ad".
45 Allcicrson, Jmnc~, clotIller
~2 Rombnch Brothcrs and Co. 3 Mcllon, John 1 M'DoII01cJ, ~trs Georgc, spirit
I') ltuddimnn. Mrs dcalcr
1; ilicksOIl, Mrlf fiioueh IJrld..... 46 })ollaldsoll, toy l\':lrchoU8C " Strachan, Robcrt, wine an"
1:! "'augh, !\Irll Robcrt HIl.~t, 3. JFe.~t, 4. 4; Rcid, Alcx. oJltlcmn
Id Fortlyth, John, printcr spirit mcrchant a Oaxtcr, Mrs
l:! ~I'.\rllll\r, !\Irll 1 Stlllldart, J. trimming &hoJl 48 WClhlcll, W. Bible wnrchon~c
~t Alexandcr and llacnab, 5 Midd/emasll, Thomas 6 Bcck, II iss
outfittcrs 6 Ul'nll, John, bricklayer '; SmelJie, Aliss Lllcy
I:! SlIlart, .lohn 2 COllpcr, Th(ls. and Co. agcllts 4n Ogle l\I\(lllurray, bookseller:! 9 Smith, Robert. S.8.C.
I:! Chadwick, Mrs ,Jas. groccr a "i1son, J. & Co. silk IIIcrccrs nnd stationcrs 11:'; Gllnn, D. clothier 7 Kirklan<l, John, D1nnllgcr
la l'ItClLt, Mrll Wm. wiuc IIIcr. fi ScoU, Low, and Co. c1rnllcrs :;0 M'J1rinch, Mrs, lallics' tlllr::t!
~f) Cluuie, John 1 Clnrkson, John 9 Watson, Ml's J)llvid
Hi MOlltigllalli, Chas. I.. gI'OCC\' i Olil'hullt, W. allll Co. tiook- 50 Craigic, J. straw 0011111:5 1111 M'Nnb, A. & ,T. 7 Clnrkson, Wil/inm {) Smith, George ncll, S.S.C.
~ellcl'8 ~f! Unrdie, C,hnrlcs • 8 S)j~ht, Alexander ) 1 Shauks, .Janl(~s, IOllgillgs
lili Roland, G, fcncma mastcr. 8 MOIr, Georgc (P. ~. M.)
fi6ih·erO .. ld. lIIallufilCtllrcr W Amlersoll, All"li }'rancc!
y Ollll~ Will. colour mCl'dllllll 9 Scoll, Peter, RlIII Co. c1ra}Jcrs .\ 50 rl'ydc! "dUl:t
Slllll1iI;~lId~, Bnvid, ~pil'it tllr. 10 8IC~"al't, G. C. bootn~akcr ~o CI;awfor, .l Wlll"tlIOU~C~er
, tca1her An -Sce Ad". e M,mzics, Alitlses
15 Shanks, JanH.'s
SG Sitllpson & Co. shirt-makcrs 8 1'ittendrigh, George 21 Brown, 1\(;ss. of NcwtOA
.\l'})ougall Jas. gmli/!IIcr 11 Crmg Brothers, lUll! ~o'. ~1 ~l ~,art!n, .Jam~s, bootm Si Crnlg, J. draper 8 In~lis, John, tftUor 23 Ur'luhart, Miss
27 COJlland, A. n. Y. D.
-, w:lrch~lIec
. 11' III ).) 13 Tait Willinm, trnnnllng .,2 Grlllltlll, A. dlnlM!r 88 ltnsoll, D. and Co. tca and 8 Talt JAmcB (a.p.- O.)
.1.,. ve..m M.. 0:3, M StC\.tllson, A. lace ware.
H:lII'd. ,lohn & S?~IR, IIktuncrs H Morton, A. ribbon mcrdmnt _ hot,lsc 27 Copland, Mr:1
coffee Mlesmen Stark, William, buildcr
I!Ick. ThOl\llUI, t.ulor 1G J/III/clI Loa" COllljlll1l!}- 1 .. 4 "atson, J. master!Jf wrIting

~fI ~~lIrrny, Gcorge,. stationcr hdlcrtofl, ThomllS 29 Arcus, MI"I! Jllhn, lodgiuga
hckford, '\nltcr Hoticrt UU~8CI1, mallngcr 1[;4 Arrnollt, URrry, f,rmtcr .10 lodd, James, tailor
~IO ~1'Gibbon, Gco. R. clothicr
Whyte, Jamcs, hlacksmith 131 l\luil', Jamclt
1. I!Uh·t.·..llllIl ~oUII.e. 16 I~rn~cr A. tailol" I ,it Fuller, John, drl\~cr
81 Brown, Willi:,m
!lO Lcllillgham Jamell tailor 8. 8prln.. G.rdenl!l. DI Smith, Georgo
Farmer, JUIIICS, photogrnphcr 11 i MlIslwt, Jamcs, drapcr . ,~,! TI.lin, JamclI\ boo .lJcllcr 92 J.owfoot, "lilliolll, ~Iothier Abbey Hill. 32 Lo~an, Thomas, "riter
() "'I ' ( ' C· IX ~liddlcmnlls, JaDlc8, c1otlucr'j ub Hlchardl1on, fm. Ironmonger ~: ~rawford, William! clothier 18 A )Amson, Thomas
-. l'!' ID~ M .our.
32 Bill/don, ~1i1l5
-Sce Adv. 07 Watt, Willinm, draper ' ..,, J. C. clothier
Cobl!'y,"m. T. ~ohlbcatcl'
20 J.i\'illg~ton, John, clothicr ; 58 Mackcn'tic, pavid, cutler
120 1.i\'illglltOU, Mis.'!, drcssmaker ,liO Dauks, J. (he & sta~s cu,ter
94 Darling, W. geueral mercht. 19 Smith, J. L.
)7 Wells, John 30 Gray, Aiel[,
28 Fulfarton, J. K.
0. 81mon Nqullre. 96 LcSut~erIand, Peter} stationer 21 Rhind, Robert 28 I~ullltrton, Alr8
1 Alexandcr, {;III~. tailor nllll,:!l Atllcl, JmnclI, boolmakcr 96 ,VI, ~1. A. c1oth:er 29 Nicolaon, ~I'I
clolhier. . 22 Seoll, It. C. hosicr
6 Killg, UoblJrt, gnsfillt!l', &c. I:!a \\"lIt801l, A. OOok~indcr
1 09 Dewl\r\ W. tcaeherof an
lOO Francnlanza, Thos.
".ehe ng
er ~87 AForbes'ln:& Co. wine merts. 81 Main, Peter
:{f,lftlJl.. ·~/.'·ce
26 Seott, Jnmcs
24 ShcphKrd, Mrs Jam.
~t YOUII", ~lr8, "Iiirit dealcr !2:3 Steel, M. ami C. drcssmakers ,(>1) lliJnc, G. 11• '
98 Gvlt,~~,:;tf.o' liall
181 Bouchard John
31 M'Laren, 'Mis. Jue
20 Brown, J.
1" HaMane, Dr R.
1~ Duffln, }Irs

• ------ ------------~- -.>- -.

____ !.B~t~a------~E~D~JN~B~U~R;.GH~A~~~L~B~IT=I~I~~;;~j;'~;i~
6 !l'Donald, J. B. artist· 3. S9rpODIJ' . . . . .re.
2 Bruce, Alex. cUte. 42 Findlav, Jobn
Tol 379
70 Di~gar&Stockman, merchU.
O!bomaon,William '1 Cormllck. Miss Phre,.:J/v'" ~l ""'Jut.... ~l Myrtle, William, 0 ••\, 32 Blackwood and Sous, printers 71 Aodenon and WiIliamiOD
8 'KeU, lira • '1 Hamilton, John, W.S. 1 Swwart~ Alp-under 4: Balfour, J. M. and J., W.S. 26 Stevenson & Co. lureotyper8
6 .·Donaltl, Ilisl, lodpDgs 7 Ktly, Thomas Swan.el•• 24 Wilaon, Willitlm
1. '1'ONP PIaee.
, Sanders, W. L, M:D. 8 Moir, Misses U1 "1 Il!te 2. Thistle Street. 22 Reid, A. spirit deaJer 2 Burns, 1\lhlhae]
t Gralulm, John, ~r 8 Dillg\\"flll, A. a(l\"~te. Wilson, n. ro·. '11 r I-A Wylit. and Peddie, C.E. 22 M'Gregor, John, shoemaker 1. TOHI'O Street.
t Robertson, Jamet, baker 8 Innei!, Wm. ([Tnum Bank) t. Swinto. ftoW. I·A Lawson, James 22 Steedman, H. bookbinder 1 Whyte, David, grocer
2 :&lillar, Mn,loclglDgs 8 Bryce Andrew Cooper Thomas, siiyel'lmilh 1 Pateraon, D. br:ll!sfouudet 20 Steoom311, John, grocer 8 AlIAn, Millses, milliners and
8t.....ell . . ..,e. 9 Blnekburn, R. B. advocate Cribb~, Peter, Inpidary- :} Hughes, .Julm, printer J8 :tliller, Robcrt, 'teacher dressmakers
Meth\'en Thomas, seedsmtln 10 Robcrtsoll, D. S., C.A. Forbcs, W. jun. orasstounder :; Gibson-Cr.lig, DabieJ, .aud ~8 Gibson, Charlcs, printer 4 Allan, 8. coal mcrch:mt
Sevens, 'Ftanoia Alfred 11 ~(urray, LllIly Cuntairs, George, jeweller Brodie, W.~. Hanol:er Street intersects. 7 Colden, M. and .J. lIlillinen
12 Mackeuzie, Don. advocate 7 Catden, John, might
8tarIJaa'k Place. 12 Mackenzie, Mrs, lenr. G. Sylvan Plaee. S Elder. James, W.S. 16 Turnhull, John, W.S.
Grei~, John 13 Swinburue, Major.Gen. T. R. 1 F;lirgrieve, Tbomns 1 Mallsfict.i, T., C.A. 16 Schooltna.'1ter.~' Widows' F(I. 14: Robert.~n. Willinm, baker
1 Spflttiswoode, R., C.!. 14 Reid and ReYllo)(Js, printers 15 Gray, William, flesher
'Helville, James 16 Moncrcitf, J. advocate, M.P. 1 Wcddel, \Vm. commer. a:u. 17 Simplon, Hngh groeer
Steadf 8 Plaee. 16 Al·toull, lV. E. advocate 2 Gifl'ord, John 9 Brumby, )lis8 M:lrgaret 12 Ingle.. , .James, bookbinder
9 Patcnwn, Thomns, teacher 12 Kirkwood, J. jeweller 18 Sinelnir, .John, haker .
1 Marsball, W. Stead's cottage 11 Clark, A. R. advocate S Limont, )lrs John 11 Queen'tt P"intillg OjJice.- 12 lleek, Robert, jeweller 21 Crocket, David, ~
1 11' .'arJane, Robert, an~ Son 18 Wtlther:,poon and 4: Usher, 1di8.~ Thomru. Constable T d J 28 Elder, Wrn. victual tlealer
1 FuIJarton, A. & Co. ))rmterll 18 Wothcrilpooll, W., S.S.C. 6 Aitken, Alexander J1 Scoltisll J'Jri:ft .8 0, • engraver
2 1l.(nrshall,Jamea{R.B ..... Co.) J9 Borthwick, ~lrs T .11 t PI ee 11 ])llew 'loum Dispensary .2. Tblstle'l!!Itreetune, 3. Tolbooth W,.ail.
" .. » 1 9 i'tIontignnni, Mr ~ a 0 a. 17 Casey, Jam('£. collector Ri.-E. CanOllgatb POQTht1'lse-
3 Dcantl, )[is! 20 Wood, Jmncs J Robertson, Henry, writer 2 Safely,•Mis!!. matron
19 M'Lean's Scluml 'Murrayanll Gibb, printers
Waldie, James merchant 20 Mackilllay, Dunean 2 Bry don, J ames 19 HUllter, D. tClIcher 2. Thistle Street I ••ne, 2 Brown, Ja1T.cs, governor
9 Wood, Alcxan11 'ter, spirit dlr. --_... 2 Auld, Jamcs :n Auld m.d Chnllllel's, W.S. S.-W. 11 Wileon, Thomas, agent
1. _ _ I 2 Richardsoll, Wm ••engraver _
4:. Stevenlaw's "lose. 3 UnIt Thomns, jun. 2 Paterson, John, wp4:ctor 01 23 Cannon, Alex. Jlllbliflher Annan, James, plasterer Tolbooth Wy.d,
Irollside, Edmund, ~n'er 4: Syh'ani, Henry lighting, &e. lIanover Street i"teruct,. Robb alld Son, silversmitbs Leith.
Ewart, William, cabmctmkr. G Jolmston, Ilobert 3 Compton, )lie, OOarding 25 Kinnis, .Mrs, nune Da,-idson, Wm. spice mercht. 1 Levy, AI. A. clothier
S."nDtel".~I.. scbool 2.5 DougaJ,llil'ls Doig M'Kechllie nnd Davies 2 Iteid, Dan, chimney-sweeper
2. Stewanllleld. ., b 3 Comllton, Mts 25 Johtlslon, Wm. agent 3 While, N. anctioneer
')" D ,: n W OOo,~wouu:
.a n IldIO, •
__ L_r 2. '.E1aI8Cle~ 8.ree& ....alle,
Ron:,\ds, Edmund 1 Whitelnw, !' at ew 4 Duncan, Miss \" " )(errilces, l\fr!!, drwmaker
2 llooortson, Johu Thomas 4 Girdwood, Thoa. 2!) Bell, .Peter, smith .- • 4: }lurray, JohN, fish-curer
1. StoekhrldlCe Market. 2 Jlobertwn. llrs Dr dr 3h, H. D. KemJl, Robcrt, plumber ." Smith, George, tailor
8 toung, J 0 IIll, an d Sons, 3 S ~ ',ncl",'r,
.. '''ood.
4~ ll'Kenzir.,
A d Rev.
R b" An
e- 31i Turner, Julm Bell, Peter, amitb 4: I.ainf, Willium
~ l"II'lte, Alcxllndor ':a n erson, 0 \it :m Cameron, TbOl.cabinetmaker Crichi.uu, W. eih'1:1 pl.'i;f
fleshera It " J I 4: MiteheU, C. J. 6 Howle, .T. tea-dealer
12 Baird, James, fruiiflrer 6 Balllllltyue, 0 ID 5 Dick, Alexander, merchant 39 Webb, .&11'8 Rhiml, Juhn, sculptor 1 Oreig, John, baker
G. S.ratbeam IIftad. 6 I(cdsli(', J. F. 3~ M'Callum, Dun. Rpiritmerch. Nimmo, T. nnd SOn, turners 10 I.e:Ulk, J. B. ironmonger
1 Ilicllllf(hon, Androw 1. Tantletd. U Rose, J. boot and sboe maker 2. TII18tle Street "ane, Zetland New SMrping Gb,.·
M'Ewan, Rev. David, Alma 8 Bl:wkie, Gco. V. gardener Girdwood, Rob. wool broker 41 Amlerson, Mrs. nurse 8.-E. )Jauy
villa . 9 Hemlerson, Robel"t Girdwood, Wm. anti Son 47 Candlish, WiIliam, clerk 11 Macpherson, D. stereotyper 12 DICk8011. Jnme8, merchant
Wakcman, :&Ira, Cambrldge M T fi Id h.... Qt\
47 W"hster, D. Reullie, Wiliillm, smith
villa SuRl ....rfteld DOUR. Jnckson, ra, an e v-v 13 Leith Jlfttclmnid Libra,.,
DlitT., Uev. Henry 41 lV;,I(II, Miss, finder Bogie, Jnmes, smith 14: nlld 15 ])obiu, W. drllper
Robcrts, Gccrrm SeoU, It builder
Scou, Wm. plumber • 47 BUI. s, Mrs, conk T 16 Brown, Jamcs, flrapc.r
~. ~u .._~rh.ll. 49 Dot', Jos. varni~b maker
Dickson, John Smith, Alexander, builder, 1. hOlaa8 Street. 11 Adam, John, bllk('r
Donglas, David v I'!!!' fi It 51 Dud .~on, Alex. shoemaker 1 Park, John, advo~&e
ltIurray, David, 110001mt.'lnt Urydcn, .1. alld A. builden Tan e ( h b' 19 Chrilltie, nobt. L. jeweller
53 LeC1', )Ii,-, 1ft. milliner and 1 Cameron, Miss
}Iurray, J. C., W.S. Maedonald, Andrc\\" Player, John, ooac • am 20 )i'Lcllan & Son, bookseUel'8
dre malt'r ThoDltlUn'. Plal".e. 23 EnnsotJ, T. B. confectioner
3. 8tr1eben'. "lose. Rol>ertson, Witlinm, brewer 4. Tarvet Street:. 55 M'GiJlnmy. spirit,dealer 1 Walker, .fr-mes
Jloreburgh, .Miss 1 Go"'Ion. ~frs G. 26 Simpson. Mrs, t{l~' lIbop
Nichol, .James, publishcr " 51lVallace Ale"<. baker 2 Dowa:', Alex. (DetOOr~CQ.) 21 ScoU, Waiter, SPIrit denIer
Aitkcn, John, coft'cehou!lc 5. S,.mRlerhall'Plaee. lOrd, WilIinm {ill, W;. .'ill"., uJlholsterer
59 Thohll101. ~, ,.: I, "'rigbt
2 Morrison, Willism
2 )1 ill, Rev. J. S.
30 Skilling, J. & S<:m, bootmaks.
Ihmter, W. bookbinder.-Sce 1 Gllnn, Gcorgc 1 Peacock, )Us!!es 31 White, Thorn. :f, t1yer
Adv. 1 f:d":lr. Jamcs, art jilt 4:. Tevlot •••• 63 Morris, t' .~ ~ mnker 2 I..ethem. John, (D. 6' L.) 82 Cam:I'.on, hobt. funeral office
MaCb'1'cgor, .Tohn, tobacconi~t 1 Cn~nichael, Mitehell 1 Watson, George 3/i MOf!lC/" ,111:81: .. , milliners 2 Sturrook, Thomfts 32 Pnrves, A. IHationer
Wright, J. japanncr 1 Critrlllon, John H. 2 .'ll·lne, Misacs 61'_ Mac(lt;\lchll!. &: my maker 3 Sim. ~lcx. (N. B. C. Co.) 33 FinlaYlion, Thoa. dmggiat
2 Ma~~SI'lhtlr, ~lis." D 65 ftobert Oil, \lfli .. Th .. k 34 Russcll, E. and R.
1. 8tuart 8t..eet Grea.. 3 Work, Mrs I'.
J 2 Banks, }liu 67 Flem:,Hf. J~,.et' ,.'et o. orny .."n.
1 J01lnston, 'Misses :~ Stc\'cn, Miclmel ~I. 2 l\Io8lman, Kill 14 FerlY'lI~~n, '1..-; 1 Spence, ~Irjl, cowfeeder 8' Greig, A. china merchant
1~ Grelichc, 'Edw8\' I • .rrocer Dick8on, Thomas, hide, skin, 36 Hunter, Thos. groc.ler
1 Morris, James, wine mC1"cht. 3 (;1':1,\" Will. commercial agent I) Roberteon, James
88 Bleakly, Wm. )j.ootmllkcr
1 Morris, Robert, 1I,,,tloncr :J Thnin. Ilobcrt 6 ScoU, Robert D F R C 8.E G~ MOtfllt, AndlV. co.•• v~tmaker and tallow broker
1 )I'(lrcgor, iUiss Mar), 7 Bum John, ~f. ., • .• • 40 Gilbert !lnd Co. pawnbrokers
~~ ltobertl!on. DtUleM, \ailor Timber Ba.h.
2 n"cbcr, Sig. mu.~ic teaoher 1. fi'IIRI_er Plft"t". Tho~aon,A.I!t1rg, }<'.&.C.S.~ 41 Chnlmcl'8, J. spirit mcrchlUl'
56 fomrie, ·,lu. ell;r:rKv~r G Anderson, Robert antI Co. 42 Brown, J. C. hairdresser
2 l~n\llt{)n, Joltn 1 :MUlU'O, Airs Willlam, mer. 9 Lindsay, Gcor~c {L. ~' So,. )mnn, :,nrth, tailor 8 Largie••J. & Co. lIailmflkf'ra
a Chri~li~on, J. ad,'ocate 10 Scott, A. arllhlloo~ 43 .JefTrcy, W. drupcr
.{ Mercer, W. D.
3 81('('1(', Miss 11 )lunay, )lis3 M. 56 ~Ct~lI~on, \lllme." Jlrh:~er J I DownlJ and I,cthem, mercht8 . 44 Johnslon, T. ironmonger
M Fnrquluu. 1\ohert 19 Elliot, John, nl('rchant 45 Cnrrie, Adnm, ehillmn!>tcr
r. Hunter, Mi!\.~ 3 Ihalo)), Mrs llargnrct 12 CJappenon, Thumll3 52 )'reth-, ';IlSCpll B grocer 20 Grant. C. mercltnllt
r; }'falter, Miss JRnet 01 Muml\', Thomas, boot and 2. Thistle eo"'" ~o AN;.mnl,l, ,\iex: 2;; Ecklilrd. Thos. farrier
46 IInrrower. Alex. menl dCIlJer
4'1 Kerr, J. IJ. ltmhrelJa·maker
Ij Edmollst(mn. Mra 8hoclimkar 1 Tltomson and Dickaon, W.S. nO Crawfiml, lire "I. midwife fO Itooorts(ln Urot111'I'l!, mcrchtr,. 49 Tllit, GE'orge D. fle8hcr
t; l;allalltync, 'Mrs
r. Kei~r, Jolm C. Monny.. .....k • f) J"mes, S.B.C. t
.. Relltol'.... 46 )'nl'l\h:lll, Mrs 49 J.!lgan, Hugh, ship c.'trver l)0 Altllon, Jofin, grocer
tl .'inlay, Charles, writer )ii\ne, J. gardener 2 8ime, John, aOOOUDun 46 Inr!c)l, Chllrlell, .,tute."ef 58 1/)'&e. Alexander, ngcnt 51 Buchan, Willinm
42 Melkle, G. tailor 64 !Iorgan, .Jl1ntClI; wool agent 61 Wnu, lln, b!\ker
380 Tol EDINBURGH AND L=E=I.:.:TH~~~--::::,!:,(];_n_i-._-;:::- 381
- - - ~-. - - - ------- 28 rutcllie,"J;;leS WillIOn, Wm. gardener, Lix- 23 Cairns, A1exan~r S Lamb. P. 5. Tie........
61 )luir, J. G. t a i J o r , n Crn'luhaDb, Alex. mount ootlage 23 Simpson, G. B. 3 Powell F. W. Bruntl/ield Place.
52 Lewis, D. boobnaker -., TrI I~'" _t 23 .·Farlane, W. H. , Aiti:en, Andrew TulUa, William
53 Wri,,'tfIt, James, ~r. "'o"'-r -" 8~reet.• _ .y ..,resee
E I 1. • 2" Duff', Robett, butcher 6 Cameron. Thomas, J·un. Pea,t C.·:
M Laing, William, mi1lin~r Park, R. and J. timber mer- 2 Smitb, Miss • Of gtogs 25 Smitb, James, grocer ap...n, R• N.
Pot! SI'10Ihl00(1, Mr. A. bosler h 2 Park, Mm 6 Smith, \villiam C. 3 GOW&DI, Alex. (G. A- G.)
57 Galloway, W. ohinamerclutllt
uv c anu Q., 1I.[Arshall)
".. Mrs, lodmn
o. 0-mt ITnloa Piaeel' Trial',.. 1 Rennett. Airs Maclaucblal1, Rev. 'thomas,
68, A. wrigl~t . TrI.lty. 6 Baston. li81 1 Beaker, John F. 8 Downs, John Viewforth Ulanse
56, GO ltlercantile SllIpl'tIIg Antlel'@OlI, Charl!'!, Trinity 7 Brysou: Jamcs ~[. 1 ~lacpberllOn, Peter 9 Mellzies, Ki88
10 W.tson, Miss
Moir, WiUianl
Office lIou~ 8 Thomll,l, Capt.!:'. W. L., R.N. 1 ~le. Rev. Wm. tcacbt'l'
61 M~uan, A. basket maker I
Andcrson, John G. West 9 Bain, 1\li88 • 11 Laird, Anthony
1 Candlisb. William, lodgings 13 Bollo, Alelander
''Je.....'h, 'Lel'h.
View Park.
62 Duric, James, baker Vicwficld how;e 9 Donaldson, In. port. p:unter 1 Bellttie, MiA
6G Kay, Jnmes, b:uket makt'r Anderson. John, George6eld 10 Tod, :\'pl:Rnder 2 lfams, John 1"_It.. Haig, 'Irs
00 Spcuoo, A. merchant J~rown, )In, Bellevuc oot. 11 Ramage, Charles, Jodgings 2 Jlcmlenon, WitHam F. ThomlOn, J. G. and Co. "'le.. PIaee.
GS ~lathesoll &Co. watc1lmakcrs Calder, A. lleltfleld houS!l . U Burgess, Jnmes 2 Jobmtoo, :&In TboDl8On, I.auder, and Co. 3 Sb~ar, David
6'9 KiI{:"our JOSCllh, tea dealer
11 SnUlh, \\'iIIillUl, shoemaker
72 lIull&er, Johu, painter
Chcapc, Douglas, TnDlty 12 AI'Bain, Jamea, M.D., tur-
Crokat, Gcn~ra', Nc\Vbank 13 Goldic, MiM
geon, ItN.
2. 11.108 M'ree'.
Gardner, Pef-er, dairyman
I. Yelteh • PIaRo.
3 WaddeJi, lira Sarah, spirit 1
1. WalkerM'reet.
Menelaws Wm.
73 Martin, Will. spirit dealer Davidson, S. D. (of Ilaw· 14 Watson A.lo(lgings 5 Christie, Jas. (11limlCl Rev.) dealer 1 ~IWlhet, John
ili, 76 Wilkic, T. and A. tlwm &- Co.) Scu.cliff viii;;. llay, ,Vm. elmm l~ier h()~ 1 Stevcn8on, Jnmes
1. 1"eft.eI. 1 Lyell, David, writcr
dl'apers Eckrord, Walter,Trinitybalhs 3. Tweeddale £oun. 7 ~filler, Joseph
7 Balfour, Anarew
New (Jreyj'riar .•' School. 3 Currie, Miss
Tolle.... If
".. }<'ol'lIes. Mrs, lJeaclllaollsu
Gardiucr, J., S.S.C., Grange Olh'er and Boyd, printcrs 7 Balfuur, llisres 1 Tanners' house ofeall 6 \Vatson, Andrcw, W.S.
East, 1. It'cst, U. house T"neealltle. 7 Jack, ~liH, drcssmaker
Sutherland, )Irs I. midwife 1 Spiers. )11'8
2 Auton, JAmcs, agent Gnrdyne, Camegy Jamcs, Lush, Joscph, spirit tfco.ler 1 Young, )Irs IU'Itea, WiUiam. A.M. teachcr 9 ~laitlalld, Johr.
1 CnJsholm, Ales. corn. agent 11 1I0me, John 11.
a WKay, Mr& I..;lvcrock bank housc 2. IJnlon I."De'. 7 Smith, James
~ t~~:~~i,J:'~i~:ual dCAler Gi~m~~ ~Ir:~ llugh, Trinity Mowbrny, Thomas, ll:i{Cnt 9 M-Ewcll. James, \V.S.
It )fuir, ~(rs William
1 M'Adllm
11 Douglas, )Irs
Jame8 13 GoYau, John, W.S.
1» Morris, Da\'id
G Slll"(,UII~ WilIilllU, cooper Gilmour, .Mrs, ~I:uy cottage 2. IJnloa Plaee. 11 Fairbllirn, Alexander 15 Farquharaon, D. confectioner 17 Murray, Andre\V, jun. W.S.
7 Wrigllt, llo1tert Grahnm, RIl\'. Wm. m!Ul&J 1 )Iutson, A. stationer 13 Goo<lfetlow Ad:un C. •. "Ietorla I-.aee. 19 Wylie, A. 11.
1 Ahken, WiUiam, :u~ountant Grcgg, Jobn, Rose p"rk 2 Tcmple, Jamcs 13 "etcher, ~i r8 21 Feam, IIis8
.. WOOiI, Alcsander 21 ~laeka1' Colonel
S l)il'k, Mis.,
K l'rcnLicc, John, cowft'C<1er
Henry, b:lae A., H:l)" .Iodge "GOWl\II, Charles, baker
Kiulay Ullll )laCkllltosh, 6 lien, R. }<'. and Son, agents
l~~ ~titc1aell, J. G.
• Punes, Jamcs 23 Bryce, ~Irs
13 Dodds, Tho~ (.!'kc. E. C. U.)
9 \V ilLllon, Uoorgc ~n~SC8, Summer coUage 6 Bruce, W. leather mCI'ch.:w~ 13 Anderson, WUliam
4. Ylde"" 8'ftet.
Sband, Wm. broker
25 Montgomery, Rev. Jaft. F.
28 Spen&, Natlumiel, W.S.
1. Tor.hlebl". 8trHt. Kirkwood, )In,, J!'orLhticld 6 Gowalls, Charlrs 15 Cotton, .John
,I I.. I, R.0.
1 ,rotI'le, ,l"II'"o \l A. cottage \ .. 6 Wood, Jsmes f . 11 Adam, Alexandcr. teacher , CAmpbell Peter, merobant 26 Don:ltrlsoll, Mrs
3 CadelJ, ~Irs Uny, ISmlltle, Trllllty cottn~ G Palmer, J. tcacher 0 musIC 19 Sutherland, l\li!l1 C. 8 Ritcbie, ,fm. draper 24 lt~cdonald, Ilw Rohertson
" .Maitlm1l1, )lrs .John Jacoh, .'red~rick, Wesley '; Aitkell, John, painter J:J Ross, at iSIl ]0 I"ine.\ Co. com. ealerooms 24 W.~bt, Rev. IIcnry
., Kerr, Jamell cottage 8 Down, Jobn, bootnmker 19 t'enwick, .Miss 12 Bell and Dodds shoe ware .. j22 M'Craken, John, S.S.C.
" Stc,renSoll, T. G, hlJokscllcr 1.:1W501l, Jas. W.S, WoodviOc 9 RoberlSon, J. alltl At. 19 Ballks, Alcx8hder bouse' /20 Soon, Archibald •
4 ~t~F..\\'e1\, .J(llm, writer Knufflllllll, 11. lJrlle"ue (',ot. 10 Wilsoll, )lrs, c1ra):cr 19 Anderson, Rollert 16 Jlowden, Patriet, auctioneer 18 TltomllOn, T!lomM, 'l.S•
" Smith, Willium I.ow, Colonel R. M:lyfidtt 11 Ridlalld, Johu, grocer 19 ~lathewbOn, )Iiu 20 Henderson G ironmongt!r 16 Gordon, Major J)unC:ln
[) Wright, (jeol'gc ltacl:mrill, Mrs, I\'y lntlgc 12 ~Icreer, W. trimming mercbi. :n 'ftlmbull, AlittS !!2 Stcvcn8on:W~.conrectioncr /1. Ba!lI!e, Robert G.
li Wood. AIiMSCS Alal'shall, Mrd, ~liddle Gothic 13 lIomes, ~(iss, lodgings ::a Wall1On, A. cabinetmaker 30 Macfarlane1.p. stationer 14 Badhe, J. W., W.S.
i IN.cod, ltr~ cottage 13 Yotlng, J. & Co. slalers 12 Thomas, Alexander 82 Galloway, wm, tobacconist 12 Cockbum, Alcx"ndcr
i Whitc, n. K. B. )'arkcr, William A. ,utvOCAte, 13 I'''terson, Itobcrt, engravcr 12 alorton and Co. 34 Reid, Alex. tinplate workcr 8 Colvin, )lrs
7 Wyllic, Jamc." «(;. p .. a.) St COlll1ll 13 Crooks, Miss Isabella. 12 Mitchel~ ~In, 10dginp a6 M.. Kcnzie, D. ironmonger 6 r!'tte~u, WHliam
1 H(J11Crt.~1I, ltisa l'ntcr,-:oll, l\li$lIes, rrimrOflc 13 J.eUon, 'Emanllcl 12 n~"h, Hn Elizabeth 40 Swiries, Jsmes, drl\pcr " Smclal~, George L., W.S.
7 "\itk{,lI, Airs 'fhomM hank 13 O~g, ~1r8, lodgings. 12 Kilgour, !In 42 Tate aUlI Co. milliners 2 Tail, 'Villiam
; ~Itin'illg, Uavid l'nttisou, Waltcr G. m~rchl. 14 I.d,h, James, :lhCtnlst 12 Smith, lira 44 Tate, AIel!:. & Son, batters 2 lime, Eth~'ard, merdlaut
'; HUlIston, Mrs Sunny/)itle \'iI1t\ la Gralmm, JOSellb, draper l~ Ctlrrie, Mn 46 1I~1, AI!)x. tailo,r 1. . .•. .'.ee
lot lUair, MillS lIullter l'nttisou, llrs, Slimmer lo(l~ J)' d l~t . t 8 cU !O Paul, Thomson, W.S. 1 Alkman, A. & Co. mcrc1lts. • 1
9 Kt.·lIoch, Mrs 1\','111 1/\""11,
. . LieuL·Co\ollci, Car. h Y AIace t1I er. e k-
~('ar • 8 \\'joon, Adam 3 Falconer, Don. M.-officcr 8 B~n, )lalter, s ater
" •r
10 Uro\\,lI, "
hOIl1M, writer gl'llfl'cl(1 IG T omson,R bcx. I r ... G lIalden, A. W. (Il.M.C.) 3 Campbell, C. D. 8 W!I80n, llrll
10 UClIlIy,James Hollerts, W. U. 3 Lavcrock 17 I.indsay, 0 ert, pnn e GTaylor, W. grocer 6 Dmmmond, James 8 WJll!on, G(.'Orge, cartel' and
to StC\'CI181111, .\. Ross, architcct hallk 11 Lin~lsay, ~oh~ • 6 Cowper, Rev. WilIiam 6 Kidd, Peter coal mc~~h!,lIt
10 nnch/mall, Mi!t1 Uohert~oll, Petel' S. ntlr:'Cry 17 J.ortmer, nRvtd, prmter G emlnCn, Airs 1 1I0pe, R. A. merchant 8 Ca.rfrae, \\ "ham
\0 Walgon. Miss Margarct lUlIl s{'cd~man, TrilliLv ,Iurk 11 Robb,••John)I)' 4 ~Nlman, Thomas 13 Guthrie, MiM, dressmakcr W ......,
10 Elder, Willinna, writer
11 Colllllhollll, ~1i88

Smith, Geo. arcbitcct, hurley 11 Bevcndgc,

lo()ge 17 Grant, Alex"t1{
i c.;v .W 2 Porteou!, William, baker 15 Baillie, T. & N.
100 Bodand Wm. auctionccr
merchants )'1 I
Sntherland, I). e en "ilJlI,
13 Tenllcllt, lli59 Stullart, 'Mrs, Dunstan villa 17 llailingt .Gcorgc • tI.... 8tree., '.el••• Steven, Thomas, builder B RO!ebRh! Cb' k I..
13 White, Alexlmdcr T:wlor, Jamc:l, J.ixlIIoullt 17 Nicol, IllllS~. • 1 1A!ll8k, J. R. ironmonger T ruce, R• a; O. ne worJ\3
13 D:widson, ~11'8 ·n.~lln501l, .John, S.S.(;., AII\. 18 Shl'llhird, '\~llji' draper !? Tartarl, Mrs John 4. Wletorla erraee, Crnig, H. Wardic cresccnt
MelbUflrne Place. Yule, ThomM B. W"nUe ho.
13 nail"y. Jlllm
13 <:nldcrwootl. WiUiam
)1hion cottage 19 M'Far anc, ' , '
Tutillj!, ~In, North Gothic 20 Rcoch, D:m. victual dca er
J lJ.tter B 2 ?tl'l.aren, James, and Sons, )Jopc, MiM. Wardie lodge
].I BlliUie, Mrl'! ('Alltage 21 Ne~83m, J. Duncan, Colin, and Son,
merchants tea merchlUlts Jlowkin8, J. Qllccnsbcrry pi.
28 Bridgeford, 1>. 1-'. writer Warde, Gcncral, R.A. Bang. 22 Ueut, 9IRrlcs 3 Christic, Wm. wright JlowkiDl~, )(iss, SOl1th cot.
28 Atlams, Robcrt
2~ Uickerlon, George
holm bower 23 I.y)c,' (.corgo
Wellster, Mrs Gencral, Den- 23 Davltlson,~IN A~n t
V........... Plaee.
I Fisher, M1'8
, Glw, Robert, merchant
JVechallics' Sub. Library
Smith, Alexander, Pcal pi.
Falooner, J08eph, Lufra cot. ,
28 Sdandcr8, )lis!J ham green 23 Bruee, Robed, brick a1er 1 Thom50n, A%iss G M'Cardle, Jobn" tea mereht. MIIJar, MrsJane, Rosebankco.
Rarnage, Peter, Draufoundcr Matbaon, O. Cliftou lodge

.. ---.----_.--- -------. -- ...... -.--~~- - -

- • ..
8 Mackie, Miss, dreasmaker 12 Hunter. Gcorgc, Ilrocer Ua.vidson; Lieut.-Col. Wood-
9 Rohertson, James, lodgings 10 Smith, William, fi~hf)!" croft
It) Keitb, Dr J., F.R.C.S.E. 8 Roberta. Thomas. grocer Smith, Wm. El'll b:\nk
11 Smith, John, M.D. 2 Robcrtson, .Miss J. mereht. Johnston, W. n., R.S.A.
4. W f'8t . . . . . 6, Wester..... -... Wardrop,
lodge i\luitlnud, Sydney
89 &11, Wiltiam, manufacturer Ricbardson, WilIillm Hruni1ton, .Alex. 'lbc Elms,
9:1 Graham, re.0 bert, grocer
Ritchic, .A. Wcsterhatl villa
97 Silver, G. ~f., (G.P.-O.)
105 Uichat'uson nrothers, mel'IJ.
•• "'hanon "_e. .5, Wlcht'. PI. . .
Welsh, ~(iss
118 ltoughe:1I1, WilIiam. draper 1 Gray, Charles Christie, ~(rs John
116 Tnylor, James, druggist 2 Alutter, John Wight, A1')xl.lnuer
112 Mnther. Willin.m !fart. Wm. Wharton lodge
0. Warreader' ....odp. 110 Edmondstotl, T. and Son Buckle, J. Wharton house 1. "\Villi.... Street.
Ballantiuc, Jatnes 108 .Move~, .'ames, pewterer 4. "\VbanoD Place. 1 T:msh's Circulating Library
106 W:llker, Th08, colounnan 1 Edmonstoll, '1'. 1 Wilson, .Misses, booksellers
2. 11"arrlston "i"eHent. 1O~ Hume, .J. brush manufactr. 3 F'ergusOII. l\. anti fltationers
:3 ~lnl'r, lUrs 102 Cunningh:ulI, J. and J. 4 Nimmo, Primrose .5 Spencc, Mi$s
:J nallcllY. Willium
;1 )lure, }frs 96 Duff, Neil C. ham-curer
98 M'I...'lreu. J. dealer in sieves 5 Fcrgllsoll, Arch.
'I k A
7 Noble, Wiltinm, bYfoccr and
wine merchant
4 noss, Miss 2~ II:~~'eock, W. working gun- ; ~:~,'G~o. (G. B. t!' Son) 11 Reikie, Airs, fruiterer
5 C:unpbell, Miss maker 8 Brown, Misse.!! 15 Lough,Jollll,chiplney-gwc.cp.
(; l'renticc, J. Gins 22 Harvey, Thomas, furniture 8 ~Iillar. WiIliam ~ec Ad".
(; l)rcntice, ,Jobu n. landsc..1pc dealer 9 l)ringle, Mrs 19 Napir:r, Robert, builder ::md
and marine painter TowlIrt••John. churchotliccr, contr:Ultor
'1 nurry, Mrs Fr~ St John's 3. White Hot'8C C;lose. 19 (Jathie, l'hom:ls. fie~lmr
8 Whitehead, Willirun ~Iunro, l\ll.'x. pawnbroker 28 SCOU, David, china mcrclumt
9 .'yllc, Mrs Dr Waterloo I-Iaee. 1. Wt."8t Port. 27 J:o'orbcs, ~1I·s. tlrcssnmker
10 I.yschinski, Adam, 1\I.D. 25 Boak, A!Jall, tanner WhICIlt"ld (:oU"..e. 27 I)nngle, Willialn .
11 l)ntcrsol1, Miss l\lary Nortll, 2. SOllth, S. 27 Thomsoll, John, spirit mer. Gavin, John, buildert &c. 31 ~laclll'lhur, Alex. builder
] 1 'ful\uh, Miss 1 DiclulOll and Co. soodsmen 51 Frl\.~er, Gco. hair manufac&r. 31 lkantl, David, spirit dc.aler
12 Rcid, Willinm S, B lrnpcl'inl hotel 1. 11"a'"on'8 (.Job.)1 I .. 59 BO;lk, Allan, tanner WhlCfteld HoWJe. 33 llewson, John, miS5ionary
13 Wcbstcr, A. n., M.D. 5 Geddes, Jamcs, confectioner stitudon. 31 Stark, Thomas Green, Chaa. agent 87 Auid, J, coal merchant
14 Footc, WilIiam '1 Thomsnn) Georg<'., perfum",r 85 Victoria Lod,qi71gs 87 Jenkins, Mrs, ladies' nurse
15 Gibsoll Ml.. 10 Cnldwcll Brothers Ca\dcr, Willi:UII, teacher 87 Stoch, D, bOOtmakcf 1\'"hl.II...141..ace. 88 l\IIVellll, Mlltthew, grocer
16 Ncit, 1\i1'1 1!) WilsOll, A. &: n. dealeN
Rowe. George, governor !H Foord ulld ~foir, tanners 29 Tait, W'illiam 28 Ramsay, John, tailor
18 Ross, C. M; 20 Johustour's Tl'mpermlcdotel Hamilton, John, W.S. treas. :)3 }'lcmillg, Thomas, wine and 29 Thom, AIrs nobt. 26 Dickson, D. coacb.hh'er
19 }'raser, l\liss 20-A Mathcrs, D. hookseller, sta· Fllirbairn, G. R. teacher spirit dealer 30 GOWIlIl, George 26 ~N(\toshl Thomlls, sbtbler
20 Teallc. Re\-. Hndson tioner, llrintef, and news- Auld, l\liss, mntron 107 Wehster, J. watchmaker 31 l\1inlo, Airs ,fumes 22 Oliver, "alter, tailor
21 KelT, David agent Kirby, Miss, I\ssil!tall~ matron 135 Liddlc, W. 11. currier 82, 3.3 Duehlluftonr & l(4Jntyre 22 Gray, )frs, ladies' nnrse
22 Ogilvy, :alias 21 General Steam Navi.q~tion 11"ellin.toll .-Iaee.1 151 WKcnzie, Jamc8, tilUlmi&h 86 l'arkcr, 11. & Co., oil merchts. 22 Stewart, P. coal mercbant
~3 M.tcnndrew, n. Co.-R. W. H:\mdtoll, 1 lIoollli!ss, MI'IS 155 Rollo, Andrew, grocer 86 Wilson. R (P. If Co.) 22 Steu:art, Miss, milliner anel
:H Sme/lie, W. J. (G.P.-O.) manager.-8ec At/v. 163 Swan, John. china mcrcht. 86 Rintoul, Wm. dressmaker
25 Johllstone, l\[rs 22 Simpsoll Bl'Otbers and Co. 1 E~chricht, 'f. (B. H. [r Co.) 165 Allderson, William 87 Wightman, Wm. wright 18 )liIuc, J. mercbant
26 Smith, David 23 rullar and Sons, dyers and 2 WiJlIOII, Willinm i7l Ha11iday, A. ftesher 88 WaMie, Jrut. jun. Hi )lm, llrs, (;roccr
~ti Smith M.n cleaner8 .2 ArthUl', Gcorge 113 Kilpatrick, Mrs WiIliam- 89 l\Iorri8<ln. W. Ilmith 14 Rattrny, Wmiam, writer
~8 Mncni;b, Willirun, l\l.D. 23 1I0ward's Operetta-house .2 Artllllr, Miss 175 Glasgow, :&1. spirit dM1er 139 Waldie. Jas. coal mcrehaot 12 Smith, A]cx. bIlker
2!J Gonion\, Robert 24 lVatel"loo lIotcl-Rampling .2 Drown, Jamc3 126 Sime, Robert 40 Blnck, Willillnl 8 Waters, ~11·8. 1,,(liM' nul'!6
30 Uobin, .n[rs 25 E<li1lbllrqit Ga$ Lit/lit Co. .2 ScoUt James. mcrchant1 124 1\litchell, John, flesher 40 Primrose, J. coal mcrchan\ 4 Park, John W. bootmaker
:n Davidson, l\lrs John 26 Select S,ilJscl'il'tioll Librar!1 4 Walker, G. (G. ~. J. WJ 122 Patrie, Gavin t merchant 40 Brown, J. commercial trav. 2 Brace, John
32 J{obcrtson, G. G., ~I.D. -Alex. Grclg, librarian o Watt, James(J. ILB. ~o.) 118 Lockic, William, tailor 42 Gib~on, William 2 Patison, ~[r8
33 Hardie, David, accountant. 26 Banks, W. & Sons, engra\'e1'8 7 1\luir, Wm. merchanc 114 Smart, Atuil1lW, baker 43 Galloway ••Jamu
27 White, ltichard, and Co. 8 Mnefarl:mc, Alex. merehlDl 110 L. "vson, .J. tob'lcoonisl 43 Bell, W.illillm 4:. 1flad..1I1 .L....
2. Watrrlsion aO.lIIC. 27 Gallon COllvelling Rooms 9 lIenderson, IJavid. merehlD& 108 Mal"shall, DIlVid, draper 46 Wil8on, .M r~. fmitcrer Ogilvic, Robert
Flowers, Thomas G. historical (;clIeral POllt Uffice 10 D(lnaldson, Mrs J. lod~Dgs 106 GIlL!!gow, WilliRm. grocer 47 Barbour, A. photogmpher 3 Noble, Mr~, ladies' nune
engraver 18 Dcwar, Francis. auctioneor 10 Robertoon, D. H., ~I.D. 102 Macnoo, J. and C. 48 lIerd, Jolm, cabinetmakcr 0 Wilkic, John, silveramit1r
16 Scou, itobcrt, Regent hotel 10 10 J('fi'rey, Wm. drap(}r • 98 Somerville, A. leather mer.
2, Warrlston Place. 14 COlltts' hotel l'cacock, Adam, tobaceorua 9i Noble, Rober&, grocer WbUefol'd Roalle. 4. Wlad.UI 8 • ...,...
1 Seou, Gcorgc, haker 14 Edinburgh Chotal Union 10 Wood, '1'homM, merchant
10 ~lacpher8?n\ J. pai1!ter
8~ Williamson. J. grocer Sinclair, t\fiss 2 Dyer, .Miss
2 Frascr. l\fisscs, milliners hall 80 S~edman, M. stioemaker Milllc, J., &: Co. 2 YOllug, Mw Jeuie
8 R(1~, David, tailor
4 Simr90n John
]0 Game Certificate Office 11 Heriot, "dbam, pnnter
~~ ~I&lherlalld, John! IIpirit dIr. .5.... hl'eho.flfe..... 8 Romanes, Airs
10 inlaud Ret'C1lUC Welltnpon 8t., Gre" mot and EMlne, china 8 Sime, nev. Jolln, a.M.L.
.5 Phihpe, lira, stationer 8 M01lell Order Office merchant Gill is. Right Re" Biahop, .5 l\lacfcat, Mrs
66 E~A"~r Aiel. spirit dealer
Fender, Mrll
G 111 lu 11(1 Ile veil I«C ~'Tax O.fJice) SLackmaIl, W. J. (B. tr&) GrcenhiU 1 Thomson, Mrs
Water I,ane. 6 Asses,~ed 'l'axl~sSltrt'ey Officc 54 Wttbp.ln~n, J. grocer St Maryaret'a Contlsn' 8 SimpsoD, Robcrt
1 ltfl Arthnr, Airs N. shoemaker -Taxes, Property, 11lcome, 1. Wf'RlYSlII "'aee; 32 Wnghl, John, tailor Airs, EasUloming. 12 Dunn, R. teacbCl'
a Nillbct, .lames, flpirtt dcalnr
13 Gray, Ale,.. grocer
I.antl, and AlfScssec[ 1 Aitchi90lI, George, bak'e 34 Farq1l1lal'8On, Dllvid aide hOllee 10 Farquha1'8on, Francls ,
G llawl'8on, A]ox. inspector of 6 AnlOt, .Jamc3, W.S. 24 Redford, James t atationer Spien, Ma Graham, White. 10 GlbaOn, J. Rnd Co.
21 J.aw8<ln, J. 11ail1 I S&amps and TaxcCl 6 Maclanohhm, Robed 16 Johnlton, J. chiua lDerdU. hoUII 6 PJendedehh, Mi'I
i.eighton, Alex-. York I~ge 1 Thomson, Joho t S.S.C~---118- Wilson, AII();~;,d~lIli~t

-, Adenon, Miss Margarel S. ......he.d". f7 Cotton, Mn James W.

6 Whyte, John _ 9 Bemanl and Co, rectifiers 41 Campbell, tits . Marshall, Geo. Greci:m cottnge 1 Lightbolly, }'., C K, 16 )tuirilcnd, CIII18. poultl"'!'r
11, 02 Gilbert, Robert, grocer 49 Gill ~bomaa Nanllon, .1. 11. Forthland honse 11 Chey"o & Stuart, W.S. J.t .'-lcming'. Andrew. S.S.C.
2.......... 8tree.. 12 Gun, Aiel. !p'irit denier 61 Coldatream, John, M.D •. Stupart, llajor, Dunst:m ,-ilia ):; nell, Willi:U1I 10 St Lttl.:c's Ckw'clt
1 Brodie, William 18 Meikte, Davld, pror. dealer 53 Meldrum, (ko. accountant PalCI'llOD, Alcx. lIolly lodge ] 1 Traqtt:lir, \\ iIIimn, W.8. 10 St (,'eol'f/e's School
1 Filher, William 20 Walker, Robert 55 Gibbon, Alexander Ru~seJl, llilll!, J..'orthside house 11 Oliplmnt, }tooort, S.S.C. 10 Macfhrl:Lllc, llcter, tcacher
1 Snn,erland, W. A. 24 Brasb, Alexllnder, grocer 51 M'Pherson, Mrll, lodgings Tod, ~fiss, Grecian cottage W Alacallan &. Challt'cl\or, W.S. I 8 BairtJ, .Iames
1 Adam, John, engraver U4 E\':1I1S, !Ira O. pro\". dealer 59 WilSOIl, Rollert . <) Y !iit t 19 Afacallllll, A. B., \\'.8. . 8 ]toss, Alcx:Ulllc·r lodgings
1 Cladt, John 42 MofTat, William. factor 61 l\L'\Candrew, Jlra John _. OUD... ree. 19 'l'he Liverp0l)l ami Lot/dOll 8 3Jullg-rO\'e', Willi:'UIl,
8 Stewart, Mrs Duncan 43 Wilson, I'cler, pipe maker 63 Horaburgh, Misa 1 (;iIIies, S. tailor Immram'e Comp(wy U Chcdburll, William boot..
.u Tagart, J. D. 46 Gallowny, D:md, shoemaker 63 Mather, Mm James a WhitsulI, Gellrgc, stnlJ!er 19 Dick!.lOll, Ja.II. Jobs()lI, C.A. nUlk!!r '
;Z BIalkie, Mrd A[argllret 48 Gruham, A. SIJirit dealer f.5 Cunie, Mm 5 Bowbill. Mrs ~1 Adjttl(mt-Generafs Office
9 Seton, Francis C. 50 Mathiesoll, D. 65 lIunden, George 7-A Glafc, D. S. cupp('r 22 RnYllcr It sta11ler . 2. T ounar fit'reet '.tant>.
9 Seton, Lieut.-Colonel R. S. 53 Jlallket, John, bakc,r 67 MaC&ntlrew, n.M. 1 Gome, Wm. )1. architect alld 22 Dougl:'~, Alex. 'Sholto, W.S. 1 WhitSOll, G. stnbler
11 LiUf8, MhI W. H. G3 Jo'arquhar, Alex. spirit dealer 69 Bell. J. A. architt.'Ct civil engineer I 22 Douglas, Chl'is. W.S. 1 I1otleyman, I). wright
18 Yule, James L. B. 2. 'York I,;ane. 69 Neill,Misa 7 JOllllstOIlC, Charles E. artif:t . 20 liar nud l'rillglc, W.8. 1 Hope, ADdrew; contructor
16 Soou, Arcbibald (~roa1t, J. & W. conch builders 69 J0I108tOD, Hp-nry J.
17 Lauder, A'rs 11 Douglas, J. T. searcher
]9 WutSOll, Mm Ijl.obdlxlay , T,~omJ n~l' postmab8t1er 13 Seton, G~r, spirit dea.ler
21 Joll:i', Uobcrt, ofSlevcnston 0 ay, • • ivery sln ClS SI Paul's Chapel.
23 .lo:IIiOtl, M~, boardillg'l!Chool Sang aud Barker, druggiSt8 42 Carter, .&Irs
·~u Weir, Miss 2. Iork PI.ft. 42 Paterson, Mra
27 J.rung, R. (]loyal Bau!.;) 3 Omit, Tll08. T. plumber 40 LittJejohn, Hen. D., II.D.
~9 MhclielJ, Robcrt Buna 3 lIenry, J. bandage maker.- 38 lIardlc, 111010118, lodgings
Ul Menzics, ~tiss Sec Ad". 36 Combe, J. S'i IJ.D.
20 Shiels, .John S. a·A J.aurcnt, ~18dame 36 l~ombe, Chat· cs T.
24, Young, MhI 5 Isles, Mrs 3i Cullen, John, W.8.
22 KirkcnMy, Ilrs u Alorton, Wm. lalJiflnry 32 Smith, Colvill, port. pailltel'
20 Ncillll.ln, ~Irs 5 :51urray, John, S.S.C. 30 Pitcairn, :5Ii!!8
18 Ree,llcruumn G )fack, Andrew, writer 30 Veitch, :&lrs
10 cameree, James, W.S. 6~ Weir! R• .&l., Rolland, and 28 Ordo, Rc\·. Lconard S.
B 8uther anu, 't:rtlkine lVlugham 26 CampbeU, Simon, 8.S.C.
12 1lobkirk, lV. & J. COni mer- St (Jeorg.tls Chapel 2G CamflbeU & Smith, S.S,C.
cbants 1 Jlunter, Blair, and Cowun 24 Gibson Craig J T W 8
10 Coll1l1tl', "Irs 7 llulltAr, . ., E. A., ,tr.S.
,~ 22 Kermaek, - W.,R., .. ,. •
~ Whitc, Willinm {I \Vun and )Ianvicks, S.S.C'. 20 lluntc1'" Sclwol
U Gibson, Mrs ~litcbcn U Watt, Hugh, 8.S.C. 20 Walker, Jamcs j;lnitor
4 Aroma", tlRjor U. 11., 11 Marshall, John, plumber 110\ Smitb, Alexander, \\'.S.
1I.:5I.1.A. 11 Wishart, Wm., S.S.C. & S.L. JU Laing, :&11'8
2 llu&dlillOn, )lisa 13 Millar, John 16 GilJies, Mrs
2 Young, Georgc 15 Uonnr, Jamc8, W.8. 14 Tl10015oll, Jnmes G.
2 Cl)lIilltl, J08eph 17 erichton. AIrs 12 Logan, A. S. ndvocmte
2 l)hin, Miss 11 ]Joonr, ltllV. John, D.D. 10 )fome, Du\'hJ Atilne
:1 ....orld'8 nd ~Io" 19 Mac:mtlrcw, Jamcs ~I., C.A. 8 Goldic and Dove, W.8•
• , -t" • C!. 21 Nilloot, James, 8.S.C. 3 Goldie, Arcllll. W.S.
i f{'r:mer, S. cabmctmaker '23 'fawse allll nonar l\' .S. «) Edi"bllr.c,h CitlJ Jl;,.,tioll
]lc:acook.• A. tobacco manu- ••• _i) Be, II James, S•. S C'~• O~cc"
tacturer 25 Camcron. Airs G Re ;qious mid ehanl. /ll8li.
SomervUle, Alcx. tumer 25 Kirkwood, ~lrs Ca~taiu tutlons' House
0. "'raaht'" .aulles. 25 Calvert, F. n., A.M. 6 Rdillburgh Bible Society
25 Calvcrt,, architect 6 Sabbath A lliallce Office
!) Suthic I Mrs WilIiam 21 Alilnes, Miss J.cOJlOTa 6 & It' h J',I: . '-1' • t
]2 AlI(lc~OIl, .&Irs Jane, grocer '9 B R b I.lll , 0 as ,eJormalrolluoClt Y
11 Taylo1', Alexander :. race, 0 et1, ". • 6 Nicoll, Alex. aOOOUQtan~
.. IS Cl • 29 Bnlcc, A(r~ "m. 6 DawlIOn, Thomaa
~7 crot"O, Clllarllcs, wrlght :n Limlsay, J. K., S.S.C. 2 Boyd, John, upholsterer
:.. a vcr, lar ell, tnvem 81 Dow, :i1i&8CS Cl U bd Th t t
:n Stewart, John 13 C k D .1 8 8 ~ 0 ay, omu, poa mas er
31 lIutchisOIl, .lames : onnac', aVIl, •• C. York Bo••, Trinity.
:12 Macrae, Willimn, tailor 33 Lmr I·ire AssIl1'01Ice Sociel!1
33 Monctietl; Willimn of London·-See ,tt/t·. Ueid, Wm. (oommiuion agent)
34 Gl\rduer, Misses 35 COChl'l\nC, MillS Gib80I1, MI'I Hugh, Trinity \IUra
p' b 35 (;(){)(!bltm, ltirs Floekharl, Wm. ]..omond house
gG 'V~I:::UAII~ll::~g Gall,

37 )facdonc1J, En('1lS ROlla!d JameR (aall and I,lglis),

"6 () ':,I 3n Tod, Henry, W.B. Myrtle bank
" ,,088, ~. "COo\ian blinchnaker 3!) Tod, 1Ionry, jun. W.S. Turner, ~11'8 D. Myrtle bank
4. Writer,,' ~aurt. 3ft Alias Assurance Co. Gardinert..J. Gmngehou3e.. 8.S.C.
1T t 41 Grant, 1\11'8 Jane Walker, JJ. Richmond lOdge
tlTller, T 1Ol\. ",ire worker 41 Smith, Miu, Prof. of dAllcing Orant, Robert, Gothic hOUBe
2 Standard Wei!lhtsaml Mea· 4:1 Mch-iHc, ArchihR1d, W.S. I'smith, O. architect, Burty ltoU80
:mrC8 Office (City) 4G MOfl'isllll, Adam, S.S.C. 8tein, C. St Andrc\\"" lodsc
3~8~6~_.....:.d~CO~_ _~E::D.::IN:.:B::u:.:..n.:.:GH~A_N_D_h_E_llr_'H_ _ _ _ _.A__g_l1 ___ _ .Age pnOFE~RIONS AND TRADES DIRECTORY. .A.po_., __ 38!.
Kacl'he1'80D, Gavln, 83 SOIlr.h j Scut", Jut..a A. Udr. court, /la'rleultaral ... ple-
Clerk atrec' I Quality atreet BleD' llakers.
If'Qlleen, John, 61 at. Kin, at. SandiJand., lV. 22 Oommercial Ireland,Geo., N. B.ofCIlDonpte
Mathietlon. <Ho. 6 South St An· place )lorton, S. and H. " 00. Leith
dre" atreet SeGtt, R. 8 Duke street Walk
EDINBURGH AND LEITH Meek, Geo. 19 South Jamet' at. Scou, T 41 1,>&lIri8tuo plllce M'Pbenon, John, 11 Norton pL
MiddletoD, It 3 Oreenside st. Scou, W. 23 Duke I!Itrtet Alarr, J. B. Ferry road
Montigno.ui, Hen.,., 6 Drum- f\impson, R. 121 Oeorgll atreet Peddie, It 132 George Itreet.
PROFESSIONS AND TRADES DIRECTORY. mond street Sma!'t, J, A. 19 Elm row Young, W. D. and Co., 'If
Moote, George, 12 Arni.ton pt Smith, f)"vicl. 2 D.,ck plaee Oeorge street
)(orrlsol1, 0 and Sun, 82 Con- Smith alld AI'LareD, 2 BlUlk It.
ltitution .treet
Ko"bray, 'l'. 31 Oayfield Iq. I I,eith
Smith, G F. 20 Nelson ~l'eet Aitken, J8.I•• , Brougbton at.
ICun10 and Co. ~5 Qcorge IV. IHarlhil1, Jobn, t HanOTtf aL
Muir and Willon, 22 Bro"n .q. r Smith, Walrer, Dl!an cottage Aitken, WilHam. 3 Piu. .beet.
(Sel! Law Directorll·) I bridge Hay, Ocorg!!, :sa Home IItree'
D"vidson, Charles, 8 AbbeyhiU He~.lers.oll, .David Wcmyss, l2D
Mnirhead. Jume" 1 Fillb market Smith, Willialll, 1 Dean @treet Alexauder, H. D. 46 Canoogate
Muir, JamesS. 60 North bridge I Somtler, R. Nurth British Ran· AlIsborn, A. 11.89 Prince. at..
lIulr, W. S. 28 Hauover atreet.. way slation BlIildoo, H. C. '13 I)riocet It.
Ild\'O,"" ...8. ».l\·idson, l';, 31 Sand.
port street
Oonslltutlon 6t~eet •
Uenderson, J. 1 Frt!denck It
-See Adva
Muir, W. nnd C. B. 11 no,al CObl!-tilutilln street
Soreluu:n, H. A. and Co. 12 Billing, W. H. 19 Cude street.
Carnlichael, L. 13 Caltl)n atr...
(Scc Law Di,.cctc·rll·) D.1viclson, D, 12 King's stables Heron, Wm. 8 North bridge
A(lcock, O. 1 South St Anurcw
D4vidson, Wm., S.- W. Thistle Hogarth, Adllm, Ur.!cnmarltet
lune Bogg, Wm. and Co. 14 Royal
Muir, W. Wet Docks
Soren"eo, :AI Ilrius, 13 BeJ'Dlrd
Imd 19 Queens(erry IItreet
Cocbrane, J. 603 La.nmarket.
t-lrCt:t 1>icksQn, Tb08. Thorny bank Excbange
Ail kCf" Orny, Blld Co. 21 Der· Uitlhitlgton, Tbomlls, and Co. 14 Ilt,oll.8e .Age1lcy OjJice, 22 Han-
Murray, J. 19 S~ Patrick square I
Munro NeH, 48 Niddry stNet Spiers, Jllme., 10 North StAn- COW&D, Oeorge, 30 Clerk .treet.
drew 8lreet. Croley, Wm. 1 Downie plnce
Newbigging, D. 1 Buecleucb Steele, EJ.entzer. 6 King's pt. Cmbuert, Clarkaon, 8 Spcnce',
lI.r(i tllrce~ OOllstitution strcet over srrt:ct IItreet o'rllcblio, Wm. 41 Norlh hridge place
;\'Ikeu, J()ilu, 63 Nflrth bridge Docllllrd, Duncan, Lothian road. Hunter, J"hn, 19 Eldl'r atree.. Nimmo, W. Df'1l'8 court, Leith Strollllch, ,r. W. 12 Royal Ex- Duncan, Floekhartt aUlt Co. l.i~
,\ It k"\I, Will. 25 1I.1II0\·or street -Sec A dv. HutchhwD, And. 15 Rose atreet OgiJYie, J. 43 Bc!rDlvd st.. ch!ltlge Norlb bridge and 130 Prineca
,\ h'xaul!cr, '1'1.01:1. 93 O.lcl5· lit.. Douglas, W. S. 2 Greyfriara' pt lrvint', W. 27 Frcdcrick street Parker, M. & Co. Whltfield pt Storrar, Thomr.o;. 10 Hill Fq. street
J\ 1Il1"r~oll, 11 . 14 Nort I1 J').1'" k )llW'I"~. 1).. ....~•.. r , 35 Mitcbell stl'eet. Jl\straw.: W.I lI.ud Co. 14 Com· I'aterson, D. F. 5 Kt.!rr street, .0. O. (j Uoxuurgh DUIlt'Rn, Flockhart., and Powen,
t-I reet ...·IlICOIlCr Jo~. Orl1nton Pier and mtrlllal P !lee Pati8on, W. O. 35 Beroard at. plllc~ 18 Beruard 8treet, Leith
.\ 1I11t'r~on, Thomas, 12 Denn Wet Docks J obnst('n, Wm. 3'1 Queen atreet,
l\llllll place ~'I~lkller, Jumes P. li6 Hano\'cr antl 25 Thitllle IIt!cet Pencoc:k, T. B. 2 lfonlloDlery SW,UI, J ahn. 2'~ LlluriAton place Fliirgrit:ve, Thomas, 46 Clerk at.
,\1111111, Jdlletl, 2 TollcNl1s I street. Jobnstotf, W. 3 ~.1vle street Itrtet. 'J'a,lor, A. 62 lltlu!~ma.rket 1l'inlllyson, T. 83 Tulbooth .ynd,
Pentzlio, Atlguet. 81 High at. Ta~ lor, W,lIiIlUl.4 Elrn row Leith
11, I', It .'. alld SUit, 5 UIli.m pt Ill~ergU80n,'JallleS' 10 Amuln(lalc ~one£., R. :M. ~9l:ulIstit.uti()n It
B.·I\ Hubert. a lI:ulU\'er street street Kedslie, .A • .F. 1\} Charlotte et. Petersoll Brother" Alli.oll', pl Ttmnsnt W. G, 72 '1 imber bUlb Furl!!)" Uobett C. 39 Enl Ore"
I\t'\v~ IIn'] U;'lIdall, 2 Dock JII. I"III tt, Wm. jun. ·1 Cor.tfiehl • Leith , Portt OU", Alex. IUlpbaltfl', 36 Tbomion, J (lbD, :;W }I' cl"on It. Sfrett
IH lit, Churl!:!!, 67 Olll1lore !,llIce lane I\.ennetly, Daniel, 10 Oardnera I~eith walk ThuUl6on, !tob. 3>3 Gcorge JV. Oardener" Ainelie, 58 Oeorge
Potts, Wm. 16 Bro.ghtoa plate bliug., 8freet
BI"XIIOlD, 'I'. P. 2 Aiorningl.'ldc ""iockhnrt, CaMer, anll Co. 19 • erellt..'ent, .
1,lnce Archihll.ld plllce l\.ennccly, F l'cderlck, li1 Prince. POUF, W. &. H. '1 Port HopetollO Tbomson, W. antI Co. 129 Oon. Gutdon, John, 82 If reef.
n'I'II&\l1I Wm. 100 Viclori" st. Forgic, Itob. 106 I~anri8ton Ill. st.reeI, Prillglc, Jdm~1I1 4 C.hoo Dill I .dlufion strt!ftf, (lrny, A. F. 6 Spring gardllol
\lH: "'In' Uouert. 1\1 25 North l~o'Nlie, George S. 5A Nicol:!on l.:ling, Oeor/Ze, Pllhner'e build,
Pncr , John, 37 Scotland atreet Thom~on, Wm. M. 8 Elder Gray, W. A. 17 Brhsto street
.' Iolldgu
\, . 1 I!qllllre .
1tIg~ d"O I'oLterroW'.-See
UUt', W. H. la Antigua 8treet. .""d Halley, W. 76 Shoru
Br\l\\'fj Henry 100 Grassmarket PrtlIlCe8, Dill Id, 30 Grauge rond Adv. HalmH, BluDsbnrua, aad Co. Tod, J. n. And SOD, 7200Dtti· Hearder, '1'bos. B. 18 'red.titS
Smith'. Jllace t.ulion Itret:t ~tref!t
11. ,,\\'u' John '1 Ollctj' IMeet. ' 1"1"1sl:r, James, 30 Nicoll!on st. I.aing, Wm. 44: Bernard atrect
BUI"I, ',I Ilme~, I) N:col60n street II~rasert John, 71 Princes st. J.lndsay and Sons, 6 Ro)'al Ex· Ratbbone, 8amuelJ1 Greenaide Tod, J. 9 Porl]and place HO¥'ie, John, 69 Plt'.'ltsanee
H'lr..:rll!1, J. 3 J~lllt nl'~istcr st.. Frllser, William, 23 Clyd6 at. chim~e cottage Tod, William, 13 OrahaDl tH. J Kcr's h,borntory, 16 J.ehh sl
.:.ll'lIct, Allth'ew, 23 Norton pI. Ol1vin, I}. and It 33 Bernard Little, Ja.mcs, 12 Cathcrine al- Reitl, Wm. To"er Park cottt1ge, Tlllloch. It Dick 1'1. Orange I.eea, Robt. 20 NicolllOll street.
e .ItII, ~'. O. 18 Callon bill street I court Trinity
Rendall, ~f. C. 3! Bemard at..
W"lker, John W. I) Salisbury Leith, Jamell, ] f Union p)ItCO
place Llodsay, nohert, 11 Elm row,
C ,Itier, John, in x icolson st. Gemmell, Jas. {) St ,Tohn's hill .,ivingston, J.\. 15 St Patrick Iq.
e .lUerOfi, Johu, Caledonian rail· Oibb, T. nnd SOD, 1 Roxbnrgh J.iving~t()ne and Weir, 7 RoSa RendKI1, Wm. 32 Hernard .t. Wallnce and ThoIDIOD, 45 Qual- and 30 SI. Andre'W eqtlare
WIly alation placo burgb place Reunic Brothel'l', 30 B COIllLltu· il1 street )I'Cutlocb, Thoma8 T. 61 South
('.11 ler, Pred. n. 73 Ocorgo Pt. Gibson, George, 75 Uroughton Lyall, John 110rri1OD, 13 . .\ lion street Wau, R. awl W. , lIaddineton bridge
c 'y aud Bhu·k. 65 Oeorge st. street Atlaln street. Reocb, O. W. 15 Bemard s~. plllce 1tI'DollMM, Ter. 13 Oatberlnc at.
('ay. John, 14 n,H,HI\ street Oihson, Joho, 1 Coatfieltllane l~yle, Alex. 68 Timber bt~ah Richardson, W. 63 North bridge Whit~on, TboD'l!J.I, 20 St John'8 AfacfarhtM, A. 24'1 Canongate
Chuhlll rtl nud Chh:lbollIle, 30 GllIeapic and Ce.thcnrt, 35 !Jer'l Macphail, N. 69 South bridge RObertson, Alex. OU Higb at. bill M.·P.rlan, J. P. "" Co. 1'1 Nortla
I"-,,terro\v nartl street MacOallam, Jamcs, 86·» Potte,.. Bobertlon and Seott, 18 Ban. Wilkie, John, 82 Bemard street bridge
Clm ll l1way,Jobn, North Brit.b.h \OOr<IOII, J. I'. 82 lIaddingloD I row OYer .treet Willillmeon, A. 13 AI'Leod, M. RUllell, 1 8. Col,
railway Btatiun, &. 1 Old place 11'Cotquodale and ScoU, 13 Ber- Robertaoll, D. & .T. O8Or,. IV. pllce lege Itred
I'hY8h~ ~ardtln·.-Sce Alll'. I Omnl, A. 14 Clyde atrect nard ,treet brirlge \vilIOD, Jamet, 7 Welt Preeton Maekay, John, 121 George At.
(,t.icllc,Oel) '1'.7 G.·urge street i Grllllt, Duneiln, H SOIlt.h br.
C"h.hullll, Alcx 7 Vt'lUlel
M'Dowal, J. 104 Lanrillton pl.
Orecnficld, J. S. 9 Crichton sI. 1\f'Laren and AndersoD,
C\.,rk, Charlc~, '2 SI .1,lInes' pt II-trdie, John and W. B. 18 James' eqllare
i' Robettfton, D. 19
Patrick "treet
Wli3on, JtmeB, 1 Pilrig place
Maekenzie, H. 40 Dublin atreet.
Martin, J. 7 Ooburg street.
Robhlllon, H. 11 Greeaalde It. WUson, John. 11 H,Uee Itreet Milner, Robert, 67 Bridge at.
CI;\lk, Wm. 2:.! e'lrlltlgie street Ortlellside placo )laenab and Uitchie, 21 OGo,.. -St:e A (It'. Wi,h.rt, D••ld F. 78 Adam AfoWat, W. and Co. 63 NicoJ,oll
Clal \(80n. A. 31 St AIIclrew sq. I1artlie, W01. 7 Sonth Jnmcs' st. I V. bridge ROCheeler, J. B. 82 Gran,. road al)lIare ,treet
t:lllwrurd, A. &. A. 8 (lllality st. Harper, Oeorge, Waler of Leith llacphcrsOI., A. 3 Hanover.L. Roger, G. HiO Hi!/h Itree' WOlberepoon,JamelB. M. Wet Napier,Alexander,4TSo.Clerk
RoOnef, Hugb, 2 pt Dockl .tree~

- - iY _. - '1 no N' I"on It )loilatt W. L. " J:.'cttes row 1l!'erg It80n, W"her, 36 George it. Dalg1eish and Forrest, 4 St An· Anderson, D,n'id, a St AnthonY'1 Hackclt, J. 63 Yardhead.
N ap er "amt'!I .. hfi Id L' l' "V'II'
N' 'Tbomll~ N •. haven
ICO . . . ,
Notmau, WUlialll, l\or~ e

""YIC, l 1 lum drew square.-See .Ad~', place Hllig. Josepb, 2 India street
Iven, , ~ -North.west cottage, Uonnington 0 For~ie, John, 2 S. Cbarlotte .t. l>arlington &. Son, 6 }'redp.riek Anderson, W'm. 12 So. College Hamilton, Daniel, 38 Kjrkg-ate
NOCble, Aiel x. .... Orrock lIflctor H. 19 Brougb. Ga\'IO, Robert, 2 Laverock bank atreet street Haltie, T. 'i Duncan street
ircuI pace , . 'd S ' r.SQ t Davideon, T. 2 Ilaurilton pl. Arcbibald, A. 82 Kirkgnte Hay, Jamci', 277 Canongate
, 'h C 99 Princes tOil place GeorgIa t!S, otnes, u ueen 11 •
loUnge, .! nAd' PlltersoD Uohcrt, OlIanoyer st. Gordon, J. 16 Spring gardent'o Denr, Frabcis, 18 Waterloo pt Arcbibald, C, 1 Arehibald place flealey, Mra Alex. 1 Cr08s,
8treet--iOetl 1'. , S h .. bb I '11
Raimcl!, B1llncbaros, anti Co. l'cddie and l\innellor, 8 out • _:l e) I~ r Dowelll and Ilyon, 18 Gt'o. st. Arehibald, George, 42 Jamaica eau.e,.
S . b' \ Charlotte street (Jordon, Sir J. ,~. 123 Oeo. It. Jo'orreet, Robert, 56 N. Ha.nover street Hen(\enon, Jametl, .. West l)ort
It bll1~t a ~ aC:d Co. :17 Gcorgc Pilkintou & Son, 2~ George st. Gree~, Ales. 52 Charlotte @t. .treet Arcbibald, J. 29 Pitt street Hendenen, S. 1 Dublin street
o :~ ~n, • a Ulleburn, It. It :.n l'iU street Letth nogg, Wm. 48 North Frederiek Arnold, Jamell, 25 Home street Henderaon, Thol. 6 North New.
S s red Ba ker r ork hne Hhiud, Du.vid, 64 Great King st. Greig, G. ~[. 10 S. Charlotte lit. etreeL I Arnott, JIlI. oH Buecleueh It. iDgton place
S::~ t~~ll Or~, 2i DUTld,,~ lit. I SandeDllln, Uobert, 28 Gaylicltl Hay, G. an~ D. 68 Pr,inces ai. lIowden, l)atrick, 16 Vlctf'lria Bakers' Houle of Call, 2 North Hooo. T. 66 Bucelencb street
Smith Imd Willon, 60-n Vhar· IIquarc . . IInlllwelle.Keeley: 16} .ic~rdy pt. street bridge JobDlton, Ales. 21 Oreen8ide
'Lt tr ct 1 c'lth Scott Arehlbuld, 10 Tevkotrow llendurson, Jas. 68 hmcel It. lrvine, T. and Co. 10 VicLoria Ballantyne, Jamcs, 42 Clerk st. etreet
S 10CtlC... 'Georgc,
.. I. Oeorge st. Ill'llDOCl I , . . a ton I'll I Boveridge, Robert, 54 Lond<n .'ohnlton, J. 4'1 London Itrc~t
S::tb: 'tb John N 6'> Kirk"'uw

S I I'IIS8 J 238 Canollgatc

:1'. alltl·H."21 Ilukcst. Smith, James, 7 WeRt Alaitland Johlllton, C. 1-~. 7 Young st.

Johnstone, Wm, B. Shlney lodge,

Keddie and Son, 'i Melville pl.! street JobnRtoD, William, 123 Rose st.
)['Cullocb, J. &. Co. Cattle ter. now, J. 6 North College street Laidlaw, .Tamel, 4 Kf.'rr .treet
S~e~l~ O. 'Hanover street
29 Smith, .T. K. "1 Gardner'R crut. Wbi~ehou8o loan )[urra.)', E. 4 St Andrew square Broekle, WilUam,18 Greenside Il'luder, Tbos. 2 Elder Itreet.
Stewart It G Canonmills bdgc. SlUitb, Wlu. 4 Melbourne pIs-cc I.eea, C. 19 Scotland street Nilbet., T. 11 Hanover Itreet street Ilawrie, John, 26 n08e stred
Stodar,; T. G: 5 Gra!l~nlllrket Starforth, Jobn, 7~ Queen ~t. Al'J)onnld, J. U. 6 Great. Stuart. O'Donnell aud Co. 4.3 Hlinover Brown, Da\'ld J.65 Clerk street 'lanoD, Geo. '1 W. Newington
Taylor, Jamell. 11R West. bow Walker. ~ames C. 63 North ~~reet . street Uld 161 High street IlilJic, Thoml18, 1 Bread II,reet
Thom, Alox. '18 Qucen street }I'rederlck street J[ K~~, R. 3 Great KlDg It. Pate1'loo, A. 4 Blair streeL Brown, George,6 and 6 Cbar· Lilllco, Thoe. 3ft Frederlck It.
WiJson, Patrick, 2 Queen st. n'" htrter, John. 1 llound pt ltutberford, Wm. 62 Princes It. lotl<: place Lindsll" Jamell, 7'~ Kirkgnte
It.ppraIJilt.''rflf. Wright, Uobert, 8 .l!~ettelS row Milell, Jobn, 16 Picardy place Sllndemln, Robert, 9 Greenslde Brown, George, '1 nose street l,uke, Jl1mea. 25 nrunswi~k It.
(Sce .A ttctiOlll!lml.) :'-r'lOt'i,,1 1.'low'e,' and Jiiller,~.~.:} DUllcan st!eet street Brown, J.lrl, 18 High street I.yall, Alex. 5 Sbrub place
."r Make,'s. ~lcol, El'iIKi!,e, 1 Blenhelm pl. So.unders, Jobn, and Son, 14 Bron, l\lt'I, 98 Canongate 1I1'Dowa11 Rll;'t. 6'1 George It.
Jt.rcbltecC M. ' egull an d Cn. 21 Gcorge st ree t :\ovlce, O. \\. 10 N. StAndrew QUliHty street Bruce, Jame8, 23 }4rl Grey st. and 19 Frederick IItreet
neattic, Oeorg~, 5 l.otbian rOlut F It re 'I,
Reaton, Rob. 14 Brougbton at. Cairns, Thomas, ti.l Home st. ll'Ewen, Uobt '12 Grnssmar1:et
81:11 "nd ltleu1.iel, 26 St.l'utril.'k }I'~e!lch, R. 15,3 Hoso street Ogilvy~ .r. 2 West Nicolson It. Smith and Pbilpot, 'iU Oeo. st. Calderwood, 11. 34 Northumbcr· If'GiIl, Ja8. 8 Haddington pt
square hi l\ay, Mrs, 3. Tullcros. Orchardson, W. Q. 67 Grel~ T:iylor, Jolm, and Son, 109 land street M'Kean, Alex. 2 Charles street.
J\ell, J . .-\. 00 York plnca
Uiggl1r, John, 11 Uoxburgb st-
1\10Z1.\, Johu, 63 Gcorge street King street
.4rtlOl'la' I~h.. b land. Paton, ,J08cph NOlll, 33 Geo.lq.
Prince. street. I Calder,,'ood, W. 22 Earl Grey st. "tKeau, )lnrtin. !Hi Bread It.
Tbomson, Wm. alld Co. 12f) Cl ark, JalJ. 3 Charlotte Itreet. M'Kenzle, John, 167 High st.
Ihown, .Jall, 20 }liLt street B.nd"..t." _okt."rM. Perlgal, A. '; Oxford terrace Conl~itutlon Itreet Leitb M·I.aran, D. 23 Duke It.rect,
Drowu and WIlrdrop, 1\) Sl Arbuckle, JOI. 43 South bridge PrcDtice,.1. Itch1, 6 Warriston White, Nicholu, 3 Tolbooth Cockbum, R. L. 29 nean Itreet Leith
'I ,\ndrcw squaro }I'ortune, Robert, 0:\ Georgc st. crescent .. . wynd, I.elt.h Cralg, D,yld, 6 Norlon place M'Queen, ~1I8t!, 9 India Itrect
!I nr)'ce, n. 131 Ocorge street --Sce .Itf/v. ROIlII, John, 13. Prmces street
Uryce, D. JUII. 29 It'rcdcrick at. Henry, J. 3 York plaee.-Sec Ross, It T. 78 Queen st.reet
Whitten, Robt. H. " Bank st. Crawford, Geo. 106 }tole .treel llaekay, E. Iflllholllllefield
Cu.I'miehael, W, 44 South bridge JAsle-tree Mlakt."rH Crawford, Geo. 11 I.even street Mllckie, .T, W. 108 Princes st.
Adl·. Scbacber, Conrud, 10 Dublin st. , • 'Crawford, Tholl. 68 Kirkgate Martin, })avid, 23:; Canonb'Uto
Calvert, JUebacl, 25 York pI. lfillhml, H. anfl lI., 'j Nieoillon Smith, n. 102 South bridge Cane, J. and Sonl, 18 Greenslde Crawford, Wm. 31 Shore, aud )lason, A. 20 Couper fllrcet.
28 I~itb Itreet, Edinburgh
(:01l8io, D. Oreenhill gdnJeus street :-iyme, J. 14 I>undas street row Mathelon, Uobert, 37 Clerk st.
DicksOIl, It 11 Drougbtoo 1,lace Marshal! ,,_ Small 20 S. Frede. 'fruefitt Urothers, j2 Princes at.. Bab'· .... ln~n Wnre- Dlxon, John, 1 Greeollde street and 46 Higb IItrcet.
l<'orfar, II 20 I)itt street rick street' Williams, W. 14 Clerk atrett. ho.."e,.. DixoD, Robert, n R Registerst. l\luwell, Jamee, 112 Nieollon
PO:l:, George, 12 Hardner's CI'St.
~1'nouga1, Thomas, 48 Nicol· £rn.litM' £olourlft~•• Alexander, )lrs, and Co. Si Dobie, Alex. 167 Uostllltreet street
Oib~on, '}'homal, 12 lloyul Ex·
lion street
Hill, A. 67 Princes Itreet Oeorge street J)onaldlon, Ddvid, 2 Canongatc M~nf;law8, Wm. If<.i Cnnonb"8te
Gorrie, WilIiam, 7 Young etreet ....... In IInla' Aud t_old. llacgitl, Wm. 103 Princes It. Cairne, Mrs. jj Princes atrect Drylldale, P. H. 142 l)rinccs.t. Middlemaf', It 20 Wcat I'restoll
Hamilton, James A. 16 South mellet, Wm. It; Uo~e street N etson, U. It 27 Hanover at. Cralg, Mrs, 393 IJ:t"'nmarke~ IJudgeon, Alex. 51 ThiltJe It. street
,·'rellerick street Dickson, Helcn, 6 Cahou st. Sinelair anll Co. 1 IlDd 2 Calton Hay, Jlft\, 26 George sheet Dun, Miss )1. 1 Brown ftt. lane I Miller, .John, 1 N. St Andrew
Hamilton, John .\. 41 Ueorgc, J. autl SOilS, 9S Oeorge st.
lILreet Sutherland, )liss, 8 lIuwe t;t,
Sn.itb, J. D. 33 West Register
Bill, )I. 911 P. inecs .treet
UOIS, Hugb,and Co. 3 Nieollon
62 Tolbooth wyod. Leith I
l>urie,James, 130 Kirkgatc, and I street
:\liller, W. 86 Nieollon ,treet
Fanner, Agnee, 209 Pleallance Milne, P. 8 Clerk "treet
lI:llnihon. Peter. 13 lIillllt. street
lIardy I Benry, 1 j Geargc I!~. lloy, Jamell, 23 and 24 North Farmer, David, 7 Calton street I Motrat, WilIiam, 1 ffowe IIIreet
Hendcnon, J. 7 lIilhtreet (Sec also 11 ;,sfol'icftl, i'orll'ai/, ."Mphalterfl. bridge Fanner, John, 8 Uoxhurgh }I!.; Mulr, Wlllillm, 2 SaUshury It•
Kerr, .\lldrew, Jt'indborn place and Lalldscape Poinftfll.) :\f 'Kenzie, Wi11iilm, Hope Park Small, Wm. 30 South hridge anli Morningside IMuirhend,Jrullell, 1'15 P)ea~aneo
I.n\ng,JolmJ.18W.Prestonst. Brown, John O. IS StJames' End bOil se Seott, Johu, 5 Greenslde street Flemlng, Georgc, 2 Bristo port I Murray, Oeorge, 2 Market fit.
l.c&t\bct.ter. C. :1S (bnoYer et. I square I'aterson, George, ud Son, Sf }'orre8ter, A. 31 Frederluk st. I Naysmitb, Jobn, 72 Oilca' et.
I J.CIlIlc\S, .1 ulm. 21 Heriot row I nurton, lr nngo, 19 Leopold pt S. Clerk Itreet.-8ee Ad..,. Ilak.-rll. Fotheriogl:am, Jal. 35 Couper I Notmau, Arch. 40 Abbey bUl
I.orllner, George, Mayfield ter. I Cameron, H. 7 ~\nnandale st. Porteoul, Ales. 86 IJf.ith walk Adam, J, 17 Tolbooth wynd, 'treet 'Nolman, Arebihald,36 SL An.

Mathcl!on, itllb. l'arHament 8tl. Cairns, John, 14 Hcnderson row
lIcn1.iclI, D. 25 St Patriek sq. 1)I\118s, KW. 3" lIano't('r street
Jlucflonef."rll' Rnd
It-Oibbon, I>.will.S9 Ocorgc st. Drummond, J. 30 Ihmilton pl. UeatUe, John, 20 \V elL Nioollon
ll'Oregor, ,Alexaudor, 3 North I'~b8worth, J. W. 4 Alontgomery
,Adt\ison, AIl!x. 12. Klrkgate
Geddee, DIlVid, N'ewbann
Gilbert, Thos. 17 I.othtan It. Il drew ~treet, I~cith
OgilYie, Thomas, 2 }!lm row
A~tI.lbllOn. Geo. 1 Wemysl pI. Gowab, Charlee, 4 Union place Oltpbant, }<'. jun. 110 High It.
Altken, W. 117. Nicolaon street Orelg, J, j Tolbootlt .. d. Lelt.h Ormllfon, J. 3 Orehardficld pt
Charlotte street street
street AUan, Gcorge, " Shnlb place Grelg, Tbomas, ~1 South Rich.; Pari!!, WilIlam, ul Canongate
BorJand, Wm. 100 VicLoria It.
)1·I.eal1, Alu. 1() N. S~ Audrew FAmOllstoD, Samuel, 17 London Royd, Jobo, 2 York place .\lexahder, Andrew, 5 De-vie mond strte!. I' PeDdrieb, John. 32 Fountain.
.tree\ Itreet street. I Orehr. Wm. 2 Jamaica street hridge
Cbapmau, T. 10 Il.lbo.... pI. I
.\nderaon, D. 13 UalDlllon pi. Orouet, Wm. 60 Home .treet ; Pbilip, Wm. 1 l.eggal·s land


- ... .. ..
Meek, Mn, 19 Uutlaof} !quare Poison and Falcouer, 12 RUll1 i Onty, Wm. 41 Dlluda.. strett
Ponton, Gen. 10 Bt. "Vincent I". WIt!bllrL, J. 495 I.",wflmllrk~t M'Kerracher, lli151~ J. 48 Prede-
Por1eouI, Wm. 2 Union street Wright., Uobt:rt.. 22 ~"nd"ort. st. rick street }foir, lIi8I1!e., S Great Stuart. et.
EJ[chllntte Oreenbill, Juhn. 10 Bank sLlcet.
Ramage, Jobn, 4 Alhert place Youuy-, J .... 12 W. Prcswn at. Ritcbie, S. & A. 67 N. HallGyer llorrison and Balmaill, 60 Great *Rlimll~e, J!,ho, 29 North br. Ol1no, A't'X. 37 Sotlt·b hricl~e
lto.wnv, Th08. 26 Hanover .t., street King atreel Roach, James, 208 Canoog.te H",v and Philip. 58 Kirk!ftte
Dllfl'14 High atreet. Bank.. and ~unken. Stevenllon, A. 63 South hridp MOllat, )1i8~ea. {} South Oray st.
·Ilogera, Wm. 15 Charlotte pi. ·Hog!!" J. :Uld Sons, 18 S~
R~id, )fn, 4 Hanth Itrcet. (See Bank DU'ectorg.) St.evenllon, Alu. 29 Nicolioall Oliver, )[isses. 11 Rutlllnd Iq. R0811, Jamea, ~O HanoYer "treet A udre" ~l)uare
)toherh;on, G. USt Leonard's It. Hafilk~t :tIakerfll. Tail., WilUa~, 13 SOlltb hrid,e Parkinton and Hood, 11i8les, 4 8don and Mllckeol'.:le, 80 G~orse Moulden. Thomaa, 9 and 11'rtsoD, Jamell, 18 DeaD at. (Th k l. 1 M tol Tbomeon, MUlStB, 23 Bro~h_ RoYAl circui 8treet, al)(1 16 Thistle It.,", Nicolson street, k 6:1 G.:orge
'Robertlon, Jllmel, 2 Stllfford lit. ose maT 'e( Ilre a 80 Il street Pattilon, l1i8l, 13 West P1'fttooSinelllir, Joho, 3 Bristo port strcet
RoberllOn, 'rho.. 6 S~ Pairick trc@s M:l:ena.) Valiance, Mrs,29 Geol'ge IV. ILrect RteedmaD. H. 44 Gcorge etnet Hume, Jnhn, 5 HaD~yn street.
street. B lTela,., )[rs R. 11 H,.nover J:lt. brid,e Phemister )[rs and )lis. Duif, 1 Too, G.orge, 10 HiWdilfgt.on tlngliEl, W. and C. 40 Hl!.llOYer
Robcrtaon, T. and E. 66 Cum· 8urt, Roll. and Cll.. 270 Co"'gale Wallace, Miss, 132 Gcorge at. Aroiswu pl>lce place street
berland street. Croeket., Tho9. 163 111gb street • Ro18, 1I1rs. G Forth street Wal80n, A. 28 South brid,e Innc 8, Johnt U Nicolson "treet
RobcrtaoD, VIm. 14 Tobago st. I.Jcarulin, F., 3 H"y slreet
Itreet. Kay: .Tohn, 2'1 Nllftb 'Bridge
RU8sell, E. and R. 41 Bridge It. MIICKaY, Arch, 10'1 High strcet
ltu8sell, Rohert, 2 Pitt strcct
BUI • oJl'ertll.
Rutherford, Qeo. ~3 Br:JugbLcm Klty J, 6S Tolh"OIh ",,·r.d I.cith, Hewat., O. 399 L"wunlllr'ke'
~l'lndoc, Wm. Carrubuer'lI el
-See .Adv.
-M'oult, Jlts. 1'1 Orpt'lll'i,\c pt Pllr<.ell, E. Advocate's cloee
Seottieb IOlltilulion for Youog Wllkie, Tb08. 243 Higb IUeet
La.dies, 9 Mora.\· place
Simson. l[il!fI. 6 Royal clrcu.
Tack, )li&II, 17 COIlICS cre.ceDt
Tuml.ll1ll, Misses, 41 Drummond (Tb~.e marked t.hus .. are PU.b.
·Jack, T. C. 92 Princes t'treet
·Johnston, W. and A. K 4 St.
Andrew pq"are
"Johnlllone, Hunter,llld Co. 2
Melhourne place
Sa"en, T.jun. 3I\) Lru'lImarkeL M'Lean, Andre"" 61 'tolbooth Bird an .......1. . . lll~be~, a~d t keep ell· Wm. 5 Hank st.ff'M
Scott, DIlVid, 49 I.othlan I!t...,et "ynd, Leith 8tulft".,,.. 'l'ambun, Mn. 26 Dubtfn at. culatlllg IIbranes.) ·Kt'lIbcdy, W. P. '19 Ge<lpp lit.
Seott, Oea. 1 Warriston place Miller Ilnd Orillton, 82 Princes Carrrae, .J. jun. 79 PrinCft et.. Weir, HiS8, 26 R,'yal terroce Aoderson, Oeo. 3" l.othiall road tKerr, ~trll J.mes, 82 NlcoisOll
Scott, O. le Scotlnnd street street Vlirfrat', J . .M. 3 Frt'derick aL YOID" Kill, ID AbercrulIlby pl. Antiel'1!on, JI4•• 28 Broughton It.. 8treet
ScoU, Jame8, 61 N. Ricbmond Small, D. 33 Hanover IIb'eet Laiog Samuel 5 HHnc,ver" 8!1.lIant.yne, J., 49 B('mam fit. Lawri .. , Peter, 38 Clerk et.
street 'l'urnbull, Wu,. 12 N. Bllllk It. Sande;"on M~t 66 Oeorge IlL Bo••••IJ..e .... -UtilI and Bradfutc, 12 Bllok st. Lendrum, It &. Co. 20 HanG"er
Simpson, J. 158 High dreet -W!ltson, Arch. 3S Blackrrillrl' Small and' Son, '38 O~orge at. Ikmlardef', Rol.ert, Newhanft ·Black, A. &. C.6 North hridl:o~ etreet
Sint:illir, J8I. 133 Canongat.e
Sinclair, John, Jot Lotbian aL
WiltlOD, A, 19 \Vaterloo nlace Ltlton, M. n. Granton -H1acJr.i. and SOD, 6 S. Cullege
[.eslic, Alldrcw, 37 Elrl Grey
Sinclllir, John, 18 TohRl!O »treet Bird I.f'alt"rtll ('~Ivf"), NIlbet, Raben, 3 AlbaD: street,
, Hydropathic. GalvAnic, alltl Leith *Blnckwood, W. and So., 411 LiudsllY, ,r. 32 Candlemaker
Smart, An(lr~w. 114 West port Turkish B!ll.h~, ScieunC1l HIll Dewar,J. F.19 Heriot builcliugH Roll0, Robert., Admlralh IItl'ftt Gtorge st,eet row
Smhh, A. 1~ WilHllm tltreet Palerson, H. 18 (t',cllerick st. Bruid ..ood, Jam", 26 G.OtICt )f'Cann, .JIU~. 6 Deanlllnrgh lit.
Smith, ChaR. 1 N. Richmond It. PuhliC', 12 N ,COlllOlI Fql1l1re Wilson, A. and G. 19 Waterloo Shaw, Jamee, Coales plaee
street. ~t Donnld. J" me". n Brl'IId ,.t.
aod 89 Hil1b str£:ct Se,ficld nl\.tbB. .Andrew Phitp- place
o See Ariv. Boold.ln..... Bremner, Ehenuer, 12 Lelth.t. M D"wall, W. 14 Nor.b hriclb"e
Steele, .fames, 66 Nh~,)ll1on at.. ,.,. . 'T p" BI---~ ... -tth•• ('l'hOle marked • are al.o 8ta. Brown, A. 13 S. C~l1q.!'e ... ,...,1
~l·lnlosb. J. 6 Nh. College IL,
SIeele, Wm. 21 C:u!scls' ~ll1cc >'Iwlmmlllg, )
.... Itt strpe" ~ ......
Caldwell Brut.bcJ'll, 16 W.t.erloo and 7 N orl h Ullf,k Elt,eet
Slcnh(lUlI!', W. 6 Little Kln~ It. Tliflity i'llhll, Wultel' Ecktord
~ Turkish, 89 I'''iuces stre~t.
(See 8miIM.)
donera.) place ~h"'kirlto!lb. A. 70 Nicoll'on at.
SlcwlI.rl., Jllmc8, 10 Coupersr.. Btnek, PII." aAd Andersotl. Jamt'iI, 233 High lit. tCllmeron. Jal. .A.. 10 Clerk at. "M, Lc.\ucblIlU, Stewart, and Co.
Stewltl't, WiUiam, AIiAon's pI. Uell·Dnll:~r". _
Bell, Arch. 40 R'lse strut. lane Cumpbell,Oeorre, 12 How. _t. 64. SOllth hridge
StoeIt s. P eter, 31 Jlridge st. Bell, J, and SOil, 16 S~ Alldrew C 1 J
j ••

Bowi.-:, HUllb, 9 Cllrrubber'a cl. Carh.le and W.Lt, ~9 Hanol• .,r )I'l.cllan lUll! Sun, 20 rrolbooth
Summers. John, J 33 Princes st. street oc mme, . 29 Commercial p1.
"O. . eron, Ja,. A. 10 Clerk It. ,'reot wymt, I'l:lt.h
.. J. ('0'1 Drouuhto"
Sw"n, ,.... .."treet Bryden and Sonl, 16 South Howell and Stoddart., 6 Doek It.
"Coms, W. ].I N .. SI.. Andrew at. ·Cbambe,., W. aDd B. 339 High "l\IlIckt'uzic, William, 59 South
Tait, Andrew, 83 Ro~o street It'rtdctit:k lIt.reet HOft.'dlna-."elaool•• ·Currie k Lamh, 10 Hunkr I!q. I!t~ot bridge
Tait., ,J. R. 2 Qneens(trrv IiM<.'Ct lkyden, \V. and S .n, 65 (leo. III Black, Mi@s, 2\ Forth 6trt.(l~ ForbeH, AIl'S. 5 )1alle'g court ·Christie, A. 97 NicollOD et.. ·!(l\c1~rel\, ,John, 138 Prinees
Tail.• P.iDp-le, 10 Carncgic st. lIclhcrton, Hem'y, jllur. 44 Drown, ~lif:l8(,1l, Bellevitlc h.. dg. Prame, Lockhart, 13 N, Dank -Chuk, T. and T. 38 (kor!!. at. HrecL
Tho!llson, R 3·S Ah'l\ atrect Niculeon IItrl'et. Carpentcr, Mi88, 7 Bucdeueb "reet. ·n,UfSon, W. :.H NI(lolllon et. *)~"C(lhllil, 11. 11 Soulh SL
Tboln!lon, .Jall. 13 Church tI~ Kin~. lluhert, 6 Simon "quare I placc Oallo".y, ltot,ert., 82 Clerk.t. Drummond, C. 133 K:rkgat::. 1>llvid l.llrt'et.
Thomson, )Iurray, 39 W. Nlcol· l..aidll&., It and SOli, 'I Ollm(tur Oeuchar, lUel!(,II, Lllllriilton ho. Gow, Jamell, 13 81ftir street Drummond, Tho .. Ul'A Lld 90 AI"rtln, JamI'll, 54 Hanover It.
80n street I 8trect Elliott, Mil!s, 23 Windsor
Th('msnn. ~~ rs P. 54 Charlotte Lf'llrmOI)t h, T 2'1 RI\rClny strect. I':~'re, .MislH!8. 8 Rllnflol ph cU"
fit,...' Orien, Andre .. , 13 N. a.nk st.. Kirkgate Mather, W. F. 101 UUl!e street
Benderioo and llilll6l., 19 Hill EdmoD8tone aDd Douglu, 88 Mlllherll, D. 20-A Wnterluo pI.
Thstr;-et, Lf!;r1b Wuldie, Jas. HIIllllltdn'& entry Ocddcs, Mig~ctl, 16 Alhotl et'C8. ILret't. l'rincell .treeL ")loflr.ic!ol, J .,hn, 2 HIlDovcr et.
or IInn, \, m. 24 Bt'rn'lr(l st. .' Olhson, Mrs and 11i1tCI, 8 Boulden, Tbomns. 9 and 11 Ni tElgin, W.•nd Son t 10, 12,30d !tilll'r, J M.2 Lihfhllt\· pl-ice
TOtTUIlCC, John, 4. Norlhumuer· Bp .....) l' ar"'iO~U't·N. Cburch hill la North St. .\ndre\\' IStretlt I Mlllcr"J .. hu. 49 Gco.1V. hrlclgc
V land street
all~:lce, Wm. 6 Glanvil1e jll. • ~trcct .
. Clcj!horn, )li8S J~&lJt', ~l6 (;l.Jor;c H.J8\\'cl1 Alil!lI 20 Aitlstie pl&ce
lIol180n: MiI!S: 18 Roya,l circuli
collon Itreet, aDd 63 Georse
Itreet I
I muot, Aradrew, 16 l'rtnOM It. )llIlor, D. dud SUR, 16 and 18, WilU,m, IO' Bilb It. It'ergblOD, W. "I B.. ok alhet Hanhvcrstreet
WlIlker, nl~gh, 83 St An he': r'urhIllC, :MIPSCS E. llDd 1.144 Hunter, Mills,.,l, 32 D•• hlin at. -See A !lv, Ferrier, D. 17 Leitllltreet. I llilne, W. DOfl J. 1~6 PrincOl
w..trt Cf., I,tub i Princes Ladies' IustitutioD, 23 Charlotte Inglet, Jamell, 12 E. ThlaUe at. Finla,.. Henry W. 81 ioutb I lItreet
alk.·r. W, .. S. SI. JIl~IL'f\' , H"IHl('r~'ln and C'llwford, 80 .,quarc • Lyon. D. 505 L ..wnmuktt bridse.-See ..Ad.,. I
~torriil. It j W. Regiillfe p Ittree,
~l\~l, l\n;, 3 R';,ld!c'l! cl. 1,:iI.,.! XH'ol~on s!rrct. I L~hcs' InaUtuUoD, 1 P,\rk pl. !!:D,)nald. Gilbert, 21 Georgut. Forrcst, Daniel, '1 Welt, Ricb· ~!Urtl\.r, G"o. 89 SOllth Bridge
W!\ ~on, Wm. 1.1 (.111100 sf.rcct I Hohli!,,·, :l\fr" 1<'. 1 HOTIl' !1trect (."in#!, Mles Ncwbl!\'.'n .N, .Tllmell. 9 Bread ~. mond street N dllon. It It 2i Hltnovc:r .t.
Wc~fo3' John. 178 P!PI11IIUICO ! I hlll':'. ·,Mills. 13 D'UHI"tI sfrect MiaMI!; 6 Bum·1t:"ch pI. :.Kl
wt r
• J'mbe& It. }jiG 1'ICl\lIlUlCC .JOI·kl'l, Cbrtsti,dl, 118 Ocorsc I.itbgow, Mill8, 10'A s.,otlaud
'!te • I) n, 3 1)nkc 8I.r'ijC~ I ,~treet I~reet.
eru:ic. J 22 Duke .treet
ller, J. M. 2 Lindsay place
"Praser and Co. 15 QIl"n lit.
·Fullarwn, A. ,;."ci Vu. Stead'.
".N'c:I.on, 'rllOmall, It, Sone, 2
HlIllI! Pluk
;t~~;. JohnD, 41~tIlJ:e st.rc<."t I
At C·"lne!. K anl1 M. 46 Oeotg'C i\lackiebaD, lira, 11 Bclkmae
:~~ro,1 John, 7 Miloe .quare place, and d Soutb brldge ·NIChol, Jllroe&. 104 Higb d.
~ IlIlIon. . t nOIl~bl"n '" 'Inet. crescent. "'OC 0 , Jllmel, 104 High ,treet ·O,,1t and (oflia, 6 Ge.or,:. at. :Sicol, John. 10 Clllton lI'rfllet
p ~oek, AIl!x. 35 South brid,e Or.::mt., D. 44 Soulb Bridge
;~~;;~"':r~~~ 1031f{I~8IHd' ,('1\ "ler. Thol!'.ae,& C". 2 Spring I1 )1, Miss, 25 G~enbm p~r80n, Jllblae, 43 ilriato .t. -Grant, R. I;. 8001, till l'tiDcee
·:S,mmo, Wilham P. 2 Suutb
Sf. J)clvid flLre(lt.
, 6', I ousl!holt\ "' 1I1e"'l ,ardeDl
!'10O, if. 16 .8fltUglttOD al. IItrect ! ~immo. Willittm. 1321\irkgate

;,.-;. .- - ...--;;'7 .....=ma:3iIoi::s IIl"'=·~ e •· ....~~""II1:...............--•••1111J

3H2 Boo EDINllUHGIl J\ND I.raTH _ _ _Boo ____ . Boo J-ROFESSlONS AND TRAJ>ES DIRECTORY. Bre ~98
o~i;& M~~y 49 South bridf!e I Auld Jllmes, 21 South bridge I Oray, John, 73 George street Xiabet, Wm. 13 S. Sr. DAvid It. \Vbitetlead, Wm. 62 l'riuces Ht../ Shuwn, Rl)bt. 44 IlDd 45 Shore,
I i
·OUpbant. & O~. '1 South biidge Auld: John, IS Heriot buildings Hl1rn~lton, W'm.122 Nieolson at. Park, John W... Wi1lillm street WIIson, James, 67 Nic:oleon It. I and 20 Broad "'ynd
·Olh·er and Boyd, 16 High lit. 1Auld, J. S97 &. 513 La.wnmarket I Har.lIl~n, WID: 40 Ge~ge at. Park. ThoInu, :3 llain point. Wil8on, John, 3' N. PiU .tre~t. Smithd and C(I. 1 Blalr strec~
·P"ton, A. and D. 13 St An\lrew Auld, John, 9 Elm row HandYll~e ana 00. ... South Paton, Alex. 28 South bridge WUSOD. John, 13 :&Ielville place Smitb, Walter, 11 Indin place
.quare Auld, Wm. '07 LI.,nmarket Jun'tlon street UankiU6. Tho•• In High .treet WHson, Thos. 18 C.therinc lit. Sturrock,.r. and Suns, 1 Duke
PatersoD, \\"itliam, 'i 4- Princes Hailey, John, 'i8 I)riaces.treet Harcul, Henry, 36 Clerk street Ueid, WiiUam, 6 Ronaldlon'l Williamson, Geo. 3u5 High at. .treet, 1.llith
.treeL Blin, Jobn, 59 Slloru Ha"ey, Jame., 113 Rose street buit.liolJs
Young, O. 6 Dublin street Thomson, A. Greellaide cour'
·Paton and Uit.chte, 81 I'rinecs Bayne, C. 46 I.elth Itreet Healey, .M. 53 Hanover I~reet Richardaon, ~~lex. and Son, 5
Wallnec, J. and Son, 12 Sand.
I!Itreet 8egbie Alex. '; lofirma" .t.
Philip, Itn B. 5 Warriston pt. Bell &,'00. 33 Soutb bridge
Herbert, P. 83 Olerk Itreet
lIetherington, Peter, 17 Giles'
N.- W. Cireus place
Richardson, Ramul, 10 and 11
Boot an.. !liih~t ."k. . n port street.
I'oner, llartin. 42 Howe street Bertram, J. 1 H Nicolson Itreet Itreet Oharlotte place ( ....IH ) . Warracker, W. 14 West Nicol.
Blanc, '"ictar, 69 George Itreet 1011 street
l'u"ill A. 32 Tolbooth wynd, 8leakeJy, John, 141 Higb at. Hill, Jobn, 43 Nteotson street., Bobertllon, John, 383 Lawn- Chriltie, J. 63 Oeorge street WUkitl and Paul, IllJntgomery
Leith Bleakely, WilIiam, S8 Tolbooth and 37 Hanover .treet market Gray, A. D. 100 Oeorge street street., Alex. 21M High street wynd,I.eitb Hoey, John, 86 St Alldrew at.• Robertlon, Jo. (. East Register Oray, Johl1 73 George street '\vilson, Thomas, E. Broughton
Reid and Son, 36 Shore, Leith Boyall:, Beujamin, 17 Hm pt Leith street Htlaly, Aln, 53 N. Hanoyer at. lane
Uobiuson. n. 11 Greenside It. Brub, Tho•• 10 Welt Nicolson Ho., O. 194 Canongate ~obj80n, James, 8 Nieollon It. Aloir, Charlel, 14 Bread Itrect
-Soe .Adt,. .treet Ingli8, W. and J. 16 Queens. !\oJlo, R. 31 Castle .treet Aluir. Ja8. 39 George street Braaler8.
Seton and, 80 UeofDe Brims, A. and Sont 61 Brough. ferry .treet Uonald, A. ao Jllmaiea street Stewart., G. 10 80utb bridge
street ton itree, J ames, J. &. Son, 102 George at. Rutherford &. Son, 142 OI.'Orge Teifor, Gtdion, 55 George It. (Sf:e CoppeT6mitlt~.)
Shopherd, JameB, 8 Leitb street Brown, J. et Co. 12 So. St Davi(l Jame., WiJUam. 9 Keir st. street.
Siuclair, OoUn, fig-A l'rlncelst. .treet Kay, Wi1lfam 38 Alva Itreet Seou, A. 109 George street Boot-free !lakerM.
Sinclair, John, :\ Urifllo port Browa, J. 123 NieolBon atreet I Keddle, John, 25 Hanover st. ScoU, Jotin, 54 llrougbton .t (See Ltutmul:cr8.) (See Glovers.)
Smith It P. 125 Nlcolson It. Huekle, G. 10 N. St Davld It. Kerr, Atcx. 4 St. Authony pi. Scaton and ), 50 ''''elL
·~Smii:., J. 1•. 1 Antigua street Burgel., George, :3 Elder Itreet Kerr, Tholl':!'" 7 St James' Iq. Uegillter Itreet Ro"· ..,,ker.
SomervUc. It )bcrt, 1U Spring Bym, Johu, 2311 Oanongate Klrkwood, Jam~, ';4 St .Ma.,',. Seaton, 1'. 46 Oandlemaker row
gardens ClLtlcnder, Oeorgc, 2 Spittallt. wynd Aitebl.,)n, J. and Co. Soutla
Shanks, O. 2 C.therine street back or Cllnoogate
Somervillc, Uohert 25 Hanover Campbell, Dick, and Son, MolO· Lewls, David, 217 Hlab atreet Simpson, Jas. 6 }felboulOe pI. BraR"l'bunderH an.. Bemard. That!. and JnDlea, 11
street illgaide Lewill, Richard. 15 St.famel' sq.
Rtevenaon. A. 0 N. Uank street Chalmers, James, 62 Indiut. I.ogan, Alex. 273 Cowgate
Simplon, It 2 N.-W. Oircll. pI. .iiaNI .. e..... North back of Canongllte
Skilling, John, and 80n, 30 Armstrong.1 Hogg, 50 I.~otbian ClI.nDichacl, Th1fl. 2~~ North
*,stevensoll. 'r. O. 2:J It'retleriek Chetlburn, 0(,0. {, North 8t Ab\rLbur, Mr13, 1 Water Jane Tulbooih wynd, Leitb road buck of Oanongl~t.e
BtreeL Andrew street lI'Craw, John, 403 I.awnmarket 3blSft, J. and Son, 1 Queen at.
SLillie, Jamca, i8 l'rinee8 street Clledburn. WiIlinm, 6 Young 8t. M'])onatd, O. 148 Princes street Ur}re. An". 6 llclville plaee Campbcll, A. nOli Co. 145 CO".
Smilb, ..\d/lOl, 63 Plea.anee Cochrane, Tbot!. 98 (mea' street gate
·Strabnn alld Co. 42 Ocorgc Kt. Cootie, Wm. 23li lIigb at. M'}'arlane, Jl1mes, 10 Cumber. Smitb. O. 1 llllitland Itreet
"Sutherland &. Kuox, 60 South Cbrlstie, .Tl1rncs, 63 George 8t. land street Dabllon, Juhn. f) Hay street Dick, Obarlet!, 263 Co.~te
Smith; Wm. 11 TolbooLh wynd, ";d-ards, W. 60 NieolsoD street Drybrough and Co. 1]'; NorU,
bridge Chrystal, C. :!8 llacldington pI. ll'Intosb, G. 39 Candlemnkcr I.tlith
SlIthnrlllnd, J\. 7.i George 1\t. Oraig, James, 389lIigb 8treet row Ewart, John, 2 Erl'kine place ~aek of C~nOC&-a~6
Sleadman, )1. 80 Weat port }t'orbes W... S.,inton row Edlnburgb and (.I:lth Brewing
Sutherland, D. It 21 null 2 j Crawford. ,f. 1 St Bemard'8 pt M'lntosh, Wm. 25 Kirkgate Steel, JI\U1eS, Canaan Jane
J1:mover Ktreet Currie, Rohert, 76 Leitb street ll'lntyre, John, 119 Pleasance Hume,'Rubcrt. and Co. 23 West Company, JJ2 C:lnongntc
Stevel18, 'l'huI. 8 Cb:Lrlotte st. H,·gitter etrect.-Stle A til'. I fulton. J. and Co. 60 Pleasance
*Sutherland, D. U. 6 !taxburgh Davidson, ,f. 44 IJondon street Wh-er, Patrick, 40 St Mary" Leith
King Hobert 6 Simon squaro I Gmy. Jamell, 21 New!ltreet
place Davidlon, W. 25 Thistle street wynd Stewart, G. C. 10 South bridge I.aidl!low, It ~nd Son, SimoD tlq.I.Jerrrey, J. and. Co. 31 Oralla-
Sutherland, Pcler, P.i SOllth hr. Dewar, S. 1} Brlgbton IItreet 11'KI!.Y, David, 38 I.eHh street Stew art. n. 26 Nieolaoo Itreet Lawric and Ritchic 12 tltbe-
SltIherland, n. P. :;4 Heri~L DonaldeoD, A. 74 Gcorge lttreet M'Kay, J. 6 NorthumlK'rlandpl. market
l,uildings DougaJ Hrothera, 122 Kirkgate M', ./\ lex. 3 Nelson street
:-itewan, '11. anil J. 8' Leith lit.
Stocks, D. 87 West port rine street court ' I Alclvin, Alexander. Borougbloi!b
tTansh. ~Ji~s, 1 WiIllam street J)ougal, William, 5 India place )('Laum, .Jas. 51 South bridge Stuart., Wm. 5i n George litreet
Lindsay. Chal. an.l Co. 8 Green. lH·;.,an, Wn,. 104 Fountain-
"I'a) lor, Jumee. 21 George st. I)ot:glna, S. 23 ClJmberland 8t. . M' Lart''', J. Ii Dune/'.D street
M·Lare.... J.l ne,. . . Ilaugbatreet
Slltheritmtl, ./\. &7 NieoJ80n .t. siue street bridBe
Macpberson. Jamcs, {19 Conbti. llae~air. J. 11 St Anthony It.
'fhin .•T!;mes. 14 Infirmary st., Down, J01ln, 8 t'oionplaee ~ulht:rland, D.n·id, 10 Kirkgate
and ;'5 Souih bridge DuffelS, Peter, 38 Howe street ~\I'I.,ean, \y~. ':./5 Cllnongate 8utter. llobtrt, 14 St Andrcw
tution street r I..elth
'rlllt~, 1>a.\·id. 78 Queen atreeL Duneao, T. &, Co. 57 I'rio('esst. M'I.cod, Uod. 0,5 Prinec.strect street., J.pitb M'Vey "nd Wal80b GOld Muir, Jas. and Son, 28 N~rlll
·Virtue,J. S. 'JO Nicolson st. Dykes, Uobcrt. 12 J.chh at. tcr. WMurra.r, J. 36 Candlemaker PJlysi,: gardens' .bac.k 0' Canongll.fc
Syme, J. 8 Porlland pI. JJeith 11;lne, _Tames, "nd Son, lUlton Jhteblf~, Oeorge, 4(; Plensance
\\' I\terston, Oeorge, :;6 Hanov('r "m lay, J. 48 Hanover street row 'rait, Alcl. 15 North bridge
Iltrcet t'illher, Wm. 11 Clltherine lit.. Mnrshalt, Atex. 2 llaltland pI. hOUllt. 90 Canongatc Uobert8on, Wbl. Rlltl'lmerhnll
Tait. \Vllliam, 234 Canongatc
WalcfsLon And Jtlhllston, 20 1Porrest, Geo. 96 Nlco:son st. )1iddJem~s, Oeo. 7 OUel' street 'raylor, John, 25 Elder street Minto, .\1"",31 Whitfield
Monerie~ J. and Co. Uoxburgb
pl:lec Steel, J4mCl, 84 North back oC
n'mar,) street, I.citb Fraser, A. 61 Bristo 8treet )filne, .Tamct!, 16 Bank street Tl\) lor, Wm. 186 Canongate
'l~Vul!!on, W. F. 52 I'rinccs sf.. I Fro8er. Wm. 4 Hif!h AlBrket st Mitebcll, 0.2(; Greenside Itreet
I Thomsol!, O. 2U Hanover e'.rect More close Taylor, Andel'8oll, &. eo. Drum.
"llliams and Norgate, 20 r'rc· Gaim, Anllrew, 166 R'lse etrct't I' ~tuir, Jamel, 39 GeorS'c street TbolDpl!on, Geo. 33 Georgc It.
and Rutberford, .~lbl1nv IbYl1n
derhlk street Oalloway, J)llvid, 46 'Yardheads Mundell. A. and 80n, 1 Srougb. laue • Usber. J, and T. 101 Co.gate,
Wllllamsou, J\. 1 ~pitta.l street Gibh, A. 8 Calton street.
TOlfert, John, 361 Lawnmarket
ton street t rqUblift, A. 36 Jt'rcderiek It. Nem, In. et Co. 67 C~nongate "Ilnd 72 St}.conard·s rtreet
Wilson, lllh8e8. 1 WiIIillru st.. Olhb, Gco. 6 Duke st. Leitb I Alurr&y, A. B.19 London IItreet Nimmo, 'Po & J. 8 N.
Wl4l1acC!, Alex. 57 Thi.tJutrcct l'ateraoD, D. 1 Thistle Htrp-et Bank at. lounger,".
and Co. Horae.
Wood, Jamc8, 130·A Oeorge st. OU,I.'!, H. 2 SOllt,h College st. Mumy, 11. P1 Princes street ":aiJacc, T. 69 Uroughton et.
1I00f 4: 8h -.. I GoMie, Rohert, Newblwen Mum,. H. 1 S.·E. Circus place
Ol' .,.ol\("rlt. OordoD, Ale,. 2:l Barony street Alurta" Robert, 1() Cowgate
\\ atton. J. 12P SieoJson .treet Proctor,
":ebb, A. 28 Pitt r ..reet Uamagc,
Adam, 8 Chnreb laDe YOllager, Uobert, St Ann's
)'cter, Victoria terrace
1,lams, J\ lexandcT, 3 Dock st. I Gowanll, Oeo. 30 Wbitficld pt. Murray, Tbomas, .. Sl1mmer pt. ,\ cb8ler, L. () Catherine street Uankinc, Olark, 18 West Nicol.
lIan, James, anll Son, 12 JJelt11 Grny, Aiel. I). 100 Oel)rgo ai. . Murray, Tbornllll, 363 High st. 80n .treet Edinburgh Barm Compnny, K.
Weir, Aret-. H ConSU&utioD at.
Whltebcf.d, J. GCatberine al Rlnkin, 16 Pieardy plnce
. Nicbolson, Josbua,117 ROle Ilt~
I!treet. _ Gray, J. and Son, 123 A Prlncell )[unl'O, lliss Ann, 3 Bridge at. ltose fltreet Jane
./\nlicrsoll, J uhn,.'.I UutlanJ pt.. street Whltoh,.ad, L. 146 Kirkgate Robertaon and Cairns, 31 Nieol. Union Barm Oompan.r, SOCiety,
f 1011 Itreet J1rown equare

. ,
Brlek .... Tile".rlul. Bdl.ttic, Gllorge, 5 I..uLhiItP road 11)l&teraoo,.
Bruce, II ..ud Co. Wardie
Doobu.rd. DUlIl'.-Per"..,loll Fire
Clay Wurks, Lotbian road.-
Beat-tie and Soos, 20 Bread It.
and 15 FQuntainbridge
Bt.ttie, A. J.I'lltrigtop Yilla
Bdl, Peter, I'"ttlIlOD et. Leith
Jlimel, i

Plymer &. Johnllon,7

Pru~dfoot & Gourlay, Mo~

Ba._PteIdon Aamatrong, W. & A. Nonh Parker, J. 30 BrolJgblOn .treet Hunter, D&vid, 1;S-J.hgh .':;eet
Oray'8 elole
BalD, T. Coates plaee
Birren, Wm. 247 CoW'gate
Patel'llOD, William, 10 and 11 tHuder, A. 69 Prmcr8 8'ree~
Q1ll!en8ft·rry 8!reet
Paton, W. 12 Br~ndoD street
M'Farl&uc, DlI.vid, C.. nOli Ih ill a
Pattrloo, llugb, &. Cv. 77 S ..uill
Bee Adv. Boyd, Joho, 2 YOlk pll1ce Pucock, Jemell, 12 SO\&tb Cltrk brid,e
Berry, R. 12 Soe1et.,. I. de . .BroW'D, O. 167 I'WlIe .trec~ 8treet Simpllon. James. 10 Ceorge.t..
IdmlllllilSlone Brick and Tile Bi~lIet, JIlIllCI!, 20 E. Claremont Rae, Davtd, 11 Brandon street.
WorklS; 016ce, St. Leouard'lij Brown, Alatthe..-, 51 aDd 31 St. Prerauer, S. 10 High Rtreet Why~k, n. &. CQ. 90<urge It.
street ltaBin, Wm. Clerk street. cott. Leon&ld street. P,,?udt~t and Guurlat.y, llom- «;arveor8 «.lId ....nJ
del O!.- A. llUJICU, agellL.- Bonnar, T. ~8 Scotl"nd Itreet. Rend and Son, Juhnet.on Lerrace.
See Ad". CoUlns, E. and Son, 110 Role It. 1I1g1lde •
Jjn'den. J. a.nd A. SllmmerhaU -See A dtt. ·Combt>, R. 30 lunovtf Itreet. Ramtlay, John, St Stephen It. 8arcla,., W. C. 2 nt)xhurgh pL
Jacob, 1!', Gr'J,nton Ito1>b, Jobn, 22 BarGnyst,..t. Cruicktbllnkll &. Uonaltbon, 1 ltdd, Joho, 8 Ioglislon sueet. Bruce, D. 12 Grc\!ullldt' pllice
Brlek-'~",· ..r. and Ifar- Cltmpbc:ll, A. Montcome.,. It. ltobb, J. H. 8 New Broug~toIl JI.'NeU'. plllce Ros" Daniel, 14 Elm row 8ryson, Wm. seu, 18 Lcopold
IUlt!..... Blllldt'..... Clarklon, Jobn, '1 Svittalatrect Uob~rts, Geor~e, 12 J,lAma pt Darllngt.on, H. and Son, S Fre· Rough, Arch. 18 Leilh wl\lk place
Bruee, 1t"hcr~. 23 Union place Cowie J amet Hllddtpgt.on pi. lloblnson, R. Uaoonmdll derick atreel. SlfondelDHD, R. 9 Greeneide at. BUlti and Son., 1 RoDaidl5on'.
DeulIlI, Juhn, G Spitw.1 s~reet Crow,'Oeorge: 61 Pltt. etreet. Sllndereon & Muirhead, 1 ]Jew Dt,vidioa & Reid, S7 F,&deficlt Scott., ADd. 15 Leopold pla.ce butldin/:,78
Dodd, Wm. and 8anl, Coatu Broughton
GavulI:, JOhll, Wbillield cot.tage
Jacoh, ~'. Or.nton
}[·K.:cbucy, A. 80 Potterrow
Dr)deu, Adam, !3l !.linto It.
Saul&deN, John, 15 MUcW

. ·Scott. Jame8 10 Chde Butti, J. A. 1 Quecn street
Dobion :I.I1d Co. 23 W. PrtItoon Seoc.c., 'John, 237 C('I~gate
·ScOLt, J. and T. 10 Oc:orce .t..
Citlcri, J. &. J., AllIlltiC., od
Turre, SI L!::II h tol...,6t.
Bridle, BU t and 8p.r
Dryden, JameR, 6 ealludcra et.
E~3rt. JObl', l)itt, I!trcet., north
Scou, Bljce, 'l'anfi ..ld
Sbennlln, Jubn, Bellevtle cott.
Doddll and Son8, Coatea plaee Scott, S. )teuae lane
Dllnlop, Charle., Circullaae Scot.t., Wm. and Son, 156 no.o
Cooper, AieL 12 C"'Ulstltutioa
.'lk~l'. FOI be!>, A. 3 W. NcI.(II8ton pi. Simplon, ltubt. 11 Olover atreet
t • •

Ourward. And. 7 Clerk libeet. street. DOlg, M Keebme, and D"Yiel,

Hawks, John, 1 Calt.oll bill Fullerton, Tbos. Splttal etreet Smith, W. and Son8, 70 Clerk P....too. J. 28 Gre~ntloide sUeet. -Scrymgeour, H. 23 Oeorge .t. 69 Gcor'Se IItrtct •
U ...tke.... Olwinc, John, Wbittidd cl>ttage atreet F..dwarde. Henry. 212CI&DODpte Shao;"I, D. 1 Les1ie place Dott, A. 16 S. SL Dl\~·ltl a,t red
Darkl'r, B. 139 t:owga.~!1 GiLb, A. 4: Nottingbam place Smitb, John, 9 Glower stftet Rllie, Thoe. 23 Geor)te IV. br. SimpsoD, R. 121 Ge')rge .met GoodlAlI, JIHJI~tl, 3 f.ll&!b C.tlton
Gouldllll!. J. 128 Gillb John 9 Greeu8ide "lacc Smith, Ales. Tallfield &rrart, John, North PiLt Smith, James, Bellevue H~pLurn, SI~IOll; ?li lIulIo\·erlt..
Mmit-h. l)hili V, 24·A. IiIld 75 SL Gibb: 'J.'ho~)a~, 87 S. Clerk at. Sw~tb, J amel, 12 Ri ego. atrea Finlay Willht.m 21 South SL Stecbln J," 12 Rim row Hilt, A lu. 67 t rill et!) IIlre ... t.
Antlrew strcet" Leit.h Oilfillan, J. ClUltJe terrace Smuh, J. K. 7 Oamoen ereII. AIld~ •• treet' Stnen8~n, Wm. 53 H"Dovent H unler, J)"vid. 23 Cund IClllliker
Ooudic, O. I4cslie place Spiden, ){~ R. 21 Charles ...... Forgan, D. 2120anoapte St.irling, Wm. 272 Cowgate r"w
DruMh nakel'll. Ol1l1l1.n, T. 60 Nie()11OD street Stark, Wilham, 48 London ." Fot.beringbam, lluberl, 1 Old Sword, Jamcs, 22 HlI.Dover .t. nun'~r, W; " ~(e,eh.nt. It....
(Tbose markell- uro alto Trllnk HI~\doll, Geo. MorriB(ln slreet Slark, Wm. jun. 6 l{eir street. Pb,.lic gardeDa Taylor, Alex.17Wrighc.'sbollllc.1, Elhn. 1.34 HIgh lie..
anll Portmanteau ltlllkcre.) Hendelllon, Ales. 1 -'{ound pt Stoven, T. Victoria Ktreet Gallie, Oeurge.37 Kirkgate Tuylor, J. and Son, 1Q9 I'fiuces LUI", J08eph. 8 ~t P-:,trlt·k 1Iq.
Black, ,,'-nd. 29 A. SL Alulrew Hcnder.on &. WH80U, 21 Cb,r. Stevenloa, J. 10 Cumberlaa4 Glen, Otorge, 18 Frederick at. I street. lLa.c(llfllbe, ?barlc ... 14 nOlltl at..
loUe atrcet, Leith street Hardie, A. 62 Laurh;ton street Tlaom.on,lf. 28 Naw street Ormcn, W.lhlam. J Hdl PilUle
BI:~~~:~I nnd Scott, 19 Now It. Ilcndereoo, ltol~c1't, ]0 ROle et. Sutherland, D. Holen Yllla, Hlrdie, Wm. 18 Fredericka. 'l'bomson, W. 42 N.n..noverat' l P.wD, Hugh, !(j
alld 22 North bridge lIenderl!on,ll StCutbbert'1 lane H08ebank, Wardie Hay, \V. Hadrion's court., Wm. 54 George sll"tef, Ro~eruoo, A. 29 Fr.dcrh:k ,e.,
.UoslVcll, A. 8 Hl&oover street, Hill, John. Sl'ittlll ~treet Slllberland, Dd.Yirl, Lothian !d. Hialop W. 28 Howe .ifeeL Walker James 166 Rule .ked ~mllb, J, D. !l3 W. ""gll',er at..
Slid 40 Nlcol.lon BLreet HUUIO, Jame8, 17 ClUleela'place Swun, John It 21 Leith walk HoSi, 'lV. 30 Dundlll tltreet. Watson: ..l(\&m: 8 Uuiua Itrett Tllylor, J. 1l11J SOil, 10U l'ducea
Cumming, 'J1hOtl. and SuD, Lord Hunter, JllmelJ,62 8. Clerk 8t. 'rbomson, James, 6 Lothlaa llaater, It et CUt " AlbalJy Ian. Wataoa, o.orge, 1 Teviot. roW' atrllet
Cucki.llrll street. Hunter, n. JUD. Not.tingbam pI. road JobnBtone, A. 6 l)ark pl.. (;aUIt' 1't"alt"NI•
• Dodd~, D. 61 Princes street. Hutchc80U, R. 4 Preston terrll~ Tbom50n, Wm. 10 St Ant...,. Kar, Jllau:l, &ad Son, 89 Oeorge ~alot)·plflttl.
Dun 'un 'J'homas Hope ereacent, Johnston, A. 5 ComelyOrecn ~t. place Atreet no.. and Tbomlon, 90 rrincea (Scc .If gent•• )
all~l i'A Uaxt;r'splace Kerr, W.li5 ClIul!c.'lide WatheratGn,J.andSGD,8CJ1ir. Keddie & Koox. 21 Churcb Itt. street (;hf't.M.....ltp....
Pillnic, ,Juhu, 7 U.ebmond pI. I Ki~g1:.orn, Wm. Uonllin.gkm ~ot~e place Keddie, Thomlll,aod SoD, 7all.d TUIlDY, J. O. 93 Prince'lllreet Chatbam, J. 326 1.""'lInlarket
HOOH', Oco. 100 George IItloet f..ll.IfIg', Ocorgc, 11 1,otbum road '~~Ik,e, Jaa. 33 B~dge ,l Letda
Le,. ~ .. ""'eom"k..... Glhson. R. &. 1'. !l:~ l'rmce. at.
Ihlll C lohll 104 Wel<t hoW' I.amb, John, 2 Roso Bank cot. \\1180D, Andrew,Jun. 28 13 Melvllie place
Laing, .AIel. 108 Uigh Itreet I
*lrv:n',' Bru;her.. 80 Prince. st l.nnghmd", Wm. Momill!,"tIide
·hhi,,~r. TllOtI. ltntland JII. ·/I.lOr!lIll.r, Geo. MKyfleld terrace
I,il!t(lll ..\Icx. 6 Itntland place I.oruncr, J, 62 Ollmore Illace
H'lt~on .......
u .....
lAud er, A. 59 Prit"~8 Itrec&,
tlt'Cullocb,Juhn, and Co. Castle C~mmon, Wm. 1 GIl~ field pla('e
terrace Du.!luwn, Thos. ~ Semple Mfett
Aodenon, R. and R 93 GUell' st l.lind, Williltffl. 4 f..ol1u&u at..
(;bf' ... I..C..
*I'ft., J. r. SAd • M'Ar•• J. 194 nOte street
,ue .urn, • ,l". ,) I. tI rew ""'j 'I \ J
• nn~H·ll 'l'II,8 IoN Hank It Ll I rl wr, A. S' e VI le street'
2 'I I 'I I CaldW'ell, A. and Co. 318.n..-
llact.riancancl Gibb 20 Dund.. Di~'k80?, Wr. 124 Nh:olIOD at.. {See .Apo(ltecaTlu.)
8mll,h. 1\IJ'hc~, 70 Nlcol801l Bt. lhhbho!l, C. 7 g: CI!lremonu'lt Coop,er, T. and 00. 1 20..-
.WIII';cr, Alex. Dj Pril,ccI8t.

U'Uibhol\, J. 3l••i)cotlaf1d st.reet ~rldge

* d
tfI--a. atreet
kartin and Son, 76 South Clerk
Leith Candle Company, Sug.. r. f:he_leallft,,'r • .-e••
houlle cloeo. Leh.h
Miller, It. 8 Lady Lawaoo's
R"k ...."

Wullcril. \),I\'i.1. 33 Plt'n'llnce I M'C:rcgor, Wm. 4 DUlIcan street, Wm. 12 South IJrl .. May, Wm. 22 ClLtherint': I.'treet wynd J\".emp and Co. 12 Infirmal'J' It.
Wrigltt. and BlIlui wood, 3 Oruli' lL 1~11.\', ,N. 8 )f ol'OOn lit l ..olth ft'
(; 1IIIIet k .. Miller, Alex. 1 Fllrrh street Ta}lor, Wm.ll!1d 00." Salaman· {,' ... ftannr.e-
m<lI I,.:t \ 1\l'!\CI:ZI2, W. Hope park end alJ_"_"I~~"'· ){oft'at" Andrew,62 Thilltle st. der IItree" 'ori....
bouse . . - _t"I"C!'....
IluUioQ n("ftl~r. (ThOle mar'!led * are UpUi- llorrison, JamI'd. 78 Oeorgt..t. (;a...... }hiJey, W. jtll•. SL\lamatll.ler It..
I Mlllhcllon, W.•T. I.ower PiU at.
}ioftirrN W. 18 N. bridgc.-! ,i\1aull', .'ulm, I.. ow Brc1ught.on lurers only.)
}tulr, Peter, 38 BI.ll' Itreet ....ea-.. l"cith
Sec Aliv. i ~""\'r, Dol\'id, Btlll... vue it Altken, John, 39 Fredcrlck'"
Jlurdoch, TbOl. 37 Sr. OuthberL (See RfllJe ttfltl Rt,fl MaL'mI.) Bonllington <!h!mit'al Comp...,.
lia ..lh't"n . MOrtl~OIl, A... nclle~ue terrace ·AII.rdice and Sdander., 11 IItrtet. It.ime., BhUlf>blUdfl, .H 00.
Hurray, Rich.8roul'{bton market c:;..........Ceo.... Smic.h', piaet'
(Scl'lI1 u · 11\I1Ifr3Y, Aiel. M.'Neill·s place, Goorgc atrect IIl1rray, W. 12St Jame$'Iq. (SIt WriUI•. )
fill, (l.fOM.) I 1",Htb Walk .-\l1ilon, Jas, 133 RO.ltl'M' Ne~lI, J. 1 Neleo\l .,lace £.. . .lIey 8""............
.Attnm·oll, \\ r. 70 SI. Leonard .'.\ N.IJlier, U"III,. 28 Bread etrect ItAllderso6. A, 33 Brlln•• lck ...
N,edeon, W. 19 !luteaL.laDo ~...,.et . . . .raefo~. Bdl, Waltt·r,·,u.ld Sua," QuteDI'
.Alut" ... lc,,, H, 150 C .\lsl')'l'Iidc l'll:crsf,n, Gl'o. and SOU8, 84 ,Andereon, Jam(lll, 28 C......
Alchlldt:r, J obn, 17 Gtllllore 1'1, South Clerk Iltred maker row o ~oDlleU aad Cl). 43 Halu',ftr lOde,." Robctt, & Q). 83 George fetry.street I

l>tl'ti" , atreet I BOllbwlCk, D. G Greeoeicl. pJ,


... _ _---- ------ ----

.. -

. ,
----- -- --------
Bortbwick, J. 11 Oreeb!~ide pI. IUellfirie, Mrs J ohu, 23 Green-, Cobell, S. li Leith ,treet terrac~ Cr.;eron, Jobn, 33 Alva atreet Ilnglia, Wlllillm, 4.0 Piell8l&n~~i;;a.irley, M.16-i;~;:;'.Hamiiton
Dayie. Dun. 59 BrougMon st. . side place Crl)ucb, Wm. et Sun, 32 rrorth and 22 )[aitland street
Darting, ltubert, 49 Couper st.
Kcmp and Kirk, 28 S. Junction! Ferrie. A. B. C1tadel
Jltreet I' Forrest and Co. Edinbllrgb anu
EdwllrdS, J. 22 DIlnd" •• reet Hl1n~r, Oeorge, !iO St llary's: bridge
Dewar, Peter, 25 St. Leonard'., ~['~ee, Jamell, IOu Prince. it. Glasgow depo~, Hajmarket

)lorhes, J. 29 St P3trick aq. i wyud. 11 Elrick, Jame., 31 Blair street

hill Illunro and }l'Leod, 11'A Cathe-j Oilray••f. C..ledoniau ll,H flay
Henderson, D. 9 Gibb'e entry i Hunter, R. 19 Brougblon st.
K4Smp,J. 78 Itllle Itreet 1Johnetono, JdS. 16 West port
Ftlftune, J. 23 Dundlls street
Oellatly, RoOOrt., 78 Princes st. Dickson, D. 26 Willi'lm slreet I rine lIt.reet
Dickson, 'l'bomu. 2 Scotland st. I )[utJro, A. Brougbton market
Glen, It and J. 7 Pt.-Hamilton
Glen, T. 5 Port· Hamilton
Lougb, .f. 16 WHalm Itreet
I Ken and Co. 34 Br'lughton st. Gray, Charlea, 14 Blink street
){·Ueat.b,lt. 3 llidltlcton'sentry l.ewi8, John A. )0'; George at. Oreiner Brothers, 80 SOllth
)f'Oregor, A. 18 OUford park J.e"is, WilJillm, 4. Crosl'cansey bridge
Foote, Juhu, 23 Dandae atreet Sanderson, Robert and Thomas, I: Gray, John, N. B. naiitray st.
ForOO8, A. 24 Pitt street Lotbian r('lad Grieve, John, X urth British
)1(Intolh, M. 5 Coburg street. J.o\·e, A. nnd J . ., S. College at.. lIay, Ale.t. jun••6 pr.nces Fruer, Jobn,Rel!'entterneelane Stordy, ItoM. St J.eonard's hill I ltaUway.tation
Mesaar,Jame8,67 St Leonard st. l\lI1Creat, W. 42 Soutb bridge street Fraser, Wm. 1 Fonea atreet I Watsou and Henry, Xottingham, Orienlon, North British and
raton,Jamcl, 12 E. Cumberland l[arr, :&lrs. 290 IJ3.wnm.rket Keterer and Co. 23 Greenlide Given, Robt. St Cutbbert'. lane place i Caledonian slation. - Sce
• tfeet lano It'Kay, A. and C. 4. Bridge st. Itreet Graham, John, HiIl.tMet lane \Vllson and Co. 62 Abbey hill : .Adv•
lbid, Daniel, 1 Tolbooth w.rnd, )l'J.ean, Cbt1l. 43 Clerk 8t.reet Kng4)ur, J. A. 4.29 L,wnmarket Hp.y, James, 109 Abbey h U l . : lIenueraon ••Jas. '; Pt.• lIop~toun
Henderaon, 11. Ueb"ent ter. lane . ~Oftl JI~ ..~hant.. . Jackson, Thomas, ~orlh bridge
Scott, Uobert, 13 Home street
:&1IlIor, Jobn and Co. 2 Sonth S~ Klauaman, A. aod D. -' South
Andrew atree~ College atreet lIobday, Thos. York lane Amshe, Jemcs, Sheriffbrae I depot
Inglis, Wm. JUDo 40 PleallDce Aitken and Co. 67 Fountainbr. Johnatone and Thom 11 Port.
Sh"w, Duncan, 3 Pitt street Plttendricb, Jonn, 5 Pottenow Legget Jobn.14 Nicolson at.
Skin'il1g, Thomaa, 122 Rose at Ramage, J.s. and Suns, 74 St llat.>do~ald, W. J. 139 PrincCl Ken, Hugh, 2 Hope street Aitken, Alex. 9 Port-Hamilton I Hamilton '
Simpson et M'Dcnald 76 Cau· Andrew street, Leith street Kirman, Wm. Chnrch lane sq. Al1an,)frs W.12 Port.Hamiltonj Kay, Jobn Port. Uopetoun
a6YllitJc Ihnken, Fmncia, 16 Picardy 11'Gregor and Son, 25 Wea~ IJawlon, W. 6 Albany atreet Auld, Job, 37 William street , Kcmp, .r. a~u it. 111·orr.-H~mil-
Rm~tb. A. and D. 6 West IJ~u· place. R,giater atMet Legget,J, and It 54 Broughton Ba.lgrie, Alex. 39 Barony street! ton
street Baigrie, George, D.llkeith Coal' Killingworth Colliery Office 3
rlston placc Iteid, J. 84 Caftdlemnker row :aI'Nce, Wm. ] b3 High strcel
Stewart, lira In. 9 Queenaforry Uouertson, J. and )1. 9 Union lbtbe80n and Cu. 68 Tolbooth }['Douglll1, J. 7 W. Salisbury Depot, S~ Leonard'a. -. Sce I EllIIt U':!gil!t.or IItreet '
Itreet.-See Atlll, plllce
Symo, James,.50 S.•1lItlction It. Hoss, .Tes~ic, 14 Catberine at.

wynd Leith
llatbo"; and Co. 12 Brunlwick
place, and 21 Wcst Preston at. A dv.
l!.·llonan, J. 16 Sonth College Uegbie, P. 43 Charlotte street,
I' Kinniburgh D. 1ti l'orl-J[ope-
toun '
Walker, Areh1bald, 11 Br('ad It.. Scott, D. 2:l WiIlinm street street street ! .I.eith
Mlnn, A. Regent terrace lane Bishop, Jas. 10 l'ort.Uopeloun
: Kln1ay, Jolm, North British
I Ullilway.-Scc A Iv.
~hl"a • 'la d Simpson, .J. 4 Warriston place Mctros8, W. 5 I.eith st. terraee
Hto.e"!a;.... i.·~"':rflf Sjmp~on, Willitun, {\ 1.0" Mar-Il\[cek, D.vid. 60 Nortb bridge .\farabal1, It DubHQ Itreet lane: Blackbraes Colliery 01fice, 7. K\rkland John 10 l'ort.llamiJ-
M!I1ar, i'fancia, Windmill lane I South St... D"\'ld atreet : ton' ,
, ,. • ket street lliddlemas, Thus. 5 Spittat st..
Arnot. and f.rskulI;, (10 Weet Small and Co. 33 George IV.lllillar, Uobert, 6 Uoyal El- Mdnc, P. 7 IJondon street. I
Brown, C. ,5 St l.eonar!l street IKyle, In. 3 St L~onard'8 der,nt
Yunro, A. Brougbion market Brown, Robt. Benhar Colliery Le~rmontb, 'rhos. 21 !Sarony
pert, r: ~ I bridge change
Ashcroft, I ekr, 1 tI N .·W. Circu81 Rmart, J. 237 Canongate Miller, Andrew, 5 W. NieolaoD Pawrson, H. 10 Elm row Office,3 Haymarket, and ';i I street
I)IICO IR1alker, Wm. 38 S Uldport at. atreet Player, J. 32 Northumberland St I.eonard st.-See .Ac(v. I Leg-gat, J. ·f Port..}{opeloun
Bnter. Oeorge, 1D? Canongatc . Stewart, Thomas. 7 Hay's court Miller, J. U North bridge » atJ;et. nnd Tantield Burns, John, 16 Port..Hopcfoun 'l.indsay, John, 1 f:oatos IJlnce.
;:oag, nr~d3'130 dWaler IQne I Stocks, W. and Co. ti4 and 65 Miller, Rich. 68 Bridge street I urV18, Geo. Coate. lane, Coatea Bums,)[. 40 LothIan road, and! and 2 Edinburgh and GI~II.
rown, • , Ion on street Kirkgate l'icken Wm 9 M Ib 1 plll~e Cal:donian railway I gow U"ilway
Brown' II
11 H. li9
4 J.ow Markct street S oh I d 0 A G
Ch I . • u. er an, . 'f reeDSI'd e p. 1 ' R\It'!hie,' J. and e "urn~
• 800,25 p It.
l.e1th . I
U?nw!ck, James, 8 Howc .treet Buml1de, John, SL Lcorlard'8: l.yall, .Iohn, S l'ort..Hopetoun
>;~' h .ar otte street, Swan,.T obn, 16:1 West port Uombach and Soh "ab 10 All' Rlchardf;f)n, John. G.-yfield lane depot WArthy, .John, Jla,YDlarker.
_te t '" Tunler, John. 3!i 'j'hitltle street tigua street ' UobertloD,John, 32 CI,rence It. Caldenrood, It 2G South June· station
Clu~d and HUl(~; 91 Oeors; st. Wardlaw, 11. 329 Canon,gJllc , Sharp, Francl8, 25 Clerk .tree' ~toOOrt8on, j. 6 N. St Jamct'lIt. tion atre:t, and 1 Spencc's l['Kay, Ja&. 4 Newport street
Clegborn, O. and Co. 47 Nonh White ,faDIC! M3 SL .Mart"s: S'm
Hanover street " " I T S AS 0
I pllon, . ...
corge S recl. 8baw, .Andrew. 28 Duke atreet,
place, Leith
Cameron, John, Caledonian rail·
:\['KeIvie, J. lIaymarket.-Sce
.A (Iv.
Cull en JIlS 50 OUell' street • wynd Smith, Jobn, 18 NOflh bridge
]) 11 ,,, '4 I1 '\ oung, J. 23 Brunswick etreet ,Smith, J. 11 and 144 Kirkgate Stew.rt, Duncan, 1 Maitland way station • Macritcbie, J, :3 Dublin IIlreet
.., m. an over strcl.'t IS" n'ill' 33 \\' Ni I atreet Cbl\Dlbcra, J. 11 l'ort-lIopeloun Marqull of Lothian's Coal depot
I).lnk •• William 32 Cowl'nte t::hlropotllst ImUll, n lam, '. co son Stewaft, Jas. 10 Uandolph C'llUf Cbattaway, J. North Briti.b -lIlIgh White agent Se.
, e
})onald, .fohn, 10 Urbto placc R08a, Edward, 27 Howo atreet
1)uhse, Agr.Cll, 70 Canongato

lk D -id 9 C
,tll er, a~, ommere p
tal l Stewart, Peter, 2 Alelville atreet I· Hail way ltatlon.-See A (lv, I.eonard·s and
Stirling, D. 4 Haddingt,l)n place· Cbilholm and Harper, 14 June· llarshall, W:m. 12 CaatJ«l IItrcet.
22 Balt.l~ at..
}:Idcr. A. 1 Brotlgbton place ~loekmakt"",,,Gf'..m,,,,.1 T~Ylor,JobD, T. 81 South bridge White, Wm. John's lane tion street )(aaon Davld 4 Porr.-Jlamilton
PI r !It .. Ch I 1 I" eitstcr Jobn 107 Weat port
: 1nl! le, • fR, , ar olt.e P •
1'ergueaon, Roherl" 48 Higb ,to
(::Ice German Clocl·mal.-ers.) ! Who I ' J 2'8 ". R i .
I .' ne aw,. : : eg Iter 8••
WMtelaw, J. 12 llorton .treet Clnnu, Alex. 14 Port.Hopetoun -&e .Ad,,:
}'ergI18l!0Il, 'I'. 11 Commercial ('IO("k nnd '" ,,'eh . "alson, T. 11 Leltn st.reeL ~oaeh ".d Ba...e88 Comb. David, Port-H.milton :\fi1e.~ Alr1iltnder, 3 Coal hill,
place Mu"......
• •kt"r8 Crawford, Jo. 11 Port, HopetouD and 7 Prince Uegent. street
C • • Cr.wford, John, 118 Princc! st. MiUar, .f. &. Co. 1:!9 ."ountain.
Forbcs, DlVhl, 13 St J\ ntlrew Aitchisofl. ,famell, 15 n IDk at. J:loChlt"r8. C&lse, D. and Co. Orehl\r(leeld Dalgleilh, Jobn. ~lortb British bridge
• square Bllrc1ay, n. N. () Rlltland place (See Woollen Draptrl alia Co('hrano, R. and J. 35 Bread It. R<lUwa)' I :'t[uir lwbert i Mum), .tred
F raecr, Alex. 1••!.j :t>lea!!ance Barrie, An(lrew, 43 Princcs tit. I
Fln@cr, M. 6 N. Ibcbmond at. Hell J ames ] 9 AI'D.lwul .treet I
h I
Croall' p' an on, • c. e D1Ck!oD, Thomu, and Son, 67
c~:u' an: ~v. ~~~~dllafie Id D!cboD, James, 3 CoatclI placo ~Iusgrove, J~bll: 5 Melbourne
place, and 6 Howe .treet
Ganoway, William, 57 Tolbooth m,,;kie J
.-Yht\, Leith
it 36 8rld~o etrcef i
I Urown, Charle8. 4 Bristo street'j
• ('oa: ; "et"
a.a at! 0 ..£11'8.
Itre~L eter, & Son,61 Pnnce8 St Leonard It.-See ..A dl'.
DoWn! W
Noble, Mri. t 3 l'ort..lIopefonn
DU:1can, Co110, IUd Son, r ppcr· Northem Coal Mioing Co 3
Ollcbrist, .lobh. if: nose street: Brrson R And Son (to the Uaillie and P"lmer, 1; NiddJ1 Drew ~nd ~. 6 Richmond plae3 Drawbridge, I.elth, and Scot.. Coalhl11, IJ'!ith
Gowaotl. Alex. 30 Wost Cross-. (}'ICC'P). 66 Princes st,reet
I •
Itreet FUUOD A 8~":itt, 16 Bread at. land street station l)rirnfole John 40 Whlttie1d
o r,'.lU!ley : Bryson Jubn 30 Oeorge IV Oreig, J. and J. 61 Uigh .keo' OiYen 'lwbt.. S eorge .treeL Edmond.tone Col1lery Office, placo" .
.fr\!Ig', .-\ rchlha\d, :H Tolbooth' hri(tgo' •
HeDd~I'8OD H t Cut,hbert.'llane Sand., Leith, and St Leo. Robettlon. Jame. 48 Couper.t,
(. \V!nd, IJeith I('bristie R IJ 18 Dank street C;oaeh·hl........ JIutchfson ' W· 98 Abbe)' bill I Dard's depot RodJell JIt. 13 j'ort,.Hamihon ,
.r:~;~e·:· ] and 2 l.ow Market, CIIl.I'~, 'Ja~cs, :n .'ouutain'l Atktn!lon, R. 8 N.-W. ClrculS pi. c· 'UUd 'I'. Lothi\n Elpbingston Colliery, N. Briti.b Ru..en,' .Ales. li hr aide at·-
hrulge n,,\n, W. Dublin street lane
road and
, at • terrae. RaU"ay See ..4 d.. '
---- -------
RUlst)), WiUiam, and Co. Ha,.- t:o ••~etiol.er8.. I HopE', Andre", 7 Youug Ikeet
market. Aitcbieon and 80nl, 91 Queen lane
Soot.t, Jllmell, 4 AnUgaa street. street Ireland, W. 25 Ch-de street
Scott, James, 30 NieoliOll It., Rohert,31 Oeorge street, John, 98 Olles' atmt.
Seou, WiUiam, and SOD, 5 PorL-1 BrowD, G. 5 and 6 Charlotte pI. I"'lflmcr, Oeor~e, May6eld tv.
Hopet..onn Brown Jl1mcs 122 Nicolson at. AI Caul, Chits. Htlriot COltage
Shaw, Wm. 2 Port.H.milton Cal1u~, Cb:1r1~s A. 16 Clerk st. MoncreifT. W. 33 Wrigb,'.hoQIM
Shearer, Tbo8. 6& P".. lIopetoun Currie and Co. 25 Oeorge IV. llellon, John, 8 Spittalst.reeL
Simplon, J.ll Pdrt,.Hopetoun briJgc I'earson, TholDlIl. Pl.lwburn
Simpson, It and H. C.. ledonian Dcnbaw, James, 31 Earl Grey S~nbou~e and Black, '1 loba-
failway depot. street ston 8treet
8inel.11" MI1I8 B. 22 l'orL- Dacherty, Robert, 29 I{irkgate Wilson, A. Oranton Till.
Hamilton DaulJ, D. and Co. 60 Princes at Youog, Ja8. 5 Wellt. Adam at..
810&11 and Son, 49 Broughton Drysdale, P. H. 142 l',ioC(!s st.
atreet., lJcitb walk, and 67 1~uen80n. T. B. 23 Tulbootb ~oper••
Castltl I!trcet.-Scc Adv. wynd Leith
(Those marked • are allO llA-
Smith, Jo~n. Cdlcdnnian rail· Fllrqubl~rson, D. 34 \Vest. port curers.)
way stulloll.-Se~ Adt'. FarqubarsoD, ~'ran. 71 Nicolson
Stewnrt, P. 22 Wllham atreet street Alexander, T. and Son, • Dock
Stef:llrt., Oordoll, 1 Sf. Bernllrd '(t'erguson, A. 1 ~[elbourne pI. Itreet, Leh h
l'/ace . Friend, !Irs, 83 Brouj1hl.on st.. Brul1ton Alex. 43 Abbcy hut
Sword, J. 3 Old Bri<fgend. Scot- Gl?ddea 8ud Glover 5 Waterloo Dr,vburgh. N. and Son, t.i,6,aDd
land 8t.rt'ct stlf.tion, &ond OrAD- place ' 7 .at he'hell street
ton-Scc Adl). O()wan Charles 4 Union place Eftiog, Wm. 50 BronghtOft at.
Tclford, JlllJlCS, 1~ Grange loan Orant., 6 North St Andre" at. Fors,vtb, l'rlt.Il, Auderaon's.iUa,
'rhom, Jllhll~ 6 Port. Hamilton Grant, Jubn, 62 Shore Leltb walk
Thomsoll, \~ n~. ~4 Sbe~iff brac lIunlcr nucl Cu. 3 liorth St Fl'88er, S'mon, 6 OreeDlide pi.
Totl, Alex, TrlDlt.y ,tatton Andrcw street. Fruer, SII1I1ln. 1.0' blRn roa.
'ror~ut\cc, John, Cr0811Cau8ey Imrie, H. 6r; South brhlge *Hampton, Wm.15 D()ckl",e, Jobn, and Co, 3 Pori.- L"mb, Thomas, 19 Leith Itreet. Hunter, P 64 Sout.h Clerk
Hamllton Littltdobn, '1\ ~1. 31 aud 33 .Jordan, Jlf.tI. 118 Kitk/late
Valiance, J. and Co. 15 Port. J.eith st.reet. I•..t.ird and n"uks, 22 CoatUu-
H"uIllton M'Kenzie and llitldlemas 63 tlon ".trt'et
Walllie, J. WhilficId pt )Jeith Qlleen st.reet. f I.imltmy, Wm. 81 HftnOTeUt.
walk, HaymllTkct! Sco~lllntl Mackay, J. W.. 108 Princes I!L. M'(llloah, A11(1. 47 CroIl8C1lu",
8tr~et., nnd JunctIon ,hrldge, lUllar, James, 1 N.-W. Ch:eu! 1I)lcthuen, JlunclI, 00 Giles' It.
I~!l1th j house, {) Stead 8 pI. - I.lace Mlwhtll, J. and Son, 86 Hich
See .A. dv. )fiIlar, John, 7 Kirkgato Itreet
Wa:son, R. 10.,Cat1leri!le street MIller, J.. 1 N. St Antlrewat. *l(urray, .Tohn. Ronaldson ftt
Wh~te, lIugb, .. 2 BaltiC street Miller, Allnes, 7 RUlland place Penthlnll, Y. J. ar.d SOD, t3
W~lIte, J. foot. ot ,S~otl~nd street New8l1m, J. 21 Ul1iOIl place Spcoce'lI placf', Leith
W~hlon, A. 36 \\ rights hOllses Rllmage, .Tohn,.1 Albert place Ponrie. John, &, Sl)ns, 10 Sand·
WIIBon, George,' 3 Wall.ace pJ. Uidpath, D<1vid.36 Nieolson at, port. 8treet
Wonel, Geo. S. 2 Parbldo st. Rilchie. Alldr(.w, 3 Lord Cock. nobcr~llon. D. &, Son. 8 Elba.t.
Wotherepoon, Jobn, 8 Parksidc burn strct't Sine'Kir, George, {) DukolUtlll.
street, • n'lberLllon, J.tmep, 2 St.afford st. Leith
YOl1og, JIUI. 17 8. St James st. Robertsoll, H. 62 South bridge *SiDclair, Wm. 22 Oile.''''
('offee-Iloom-. ScoU, J(lhl1, 0 Uiddle'. clole, Stepbool, Wm. 6 TuJ)c1'Oll
tciLh Thomson. R. 8f, Soutb Clerlli.
(See Taver1ls.) Shiels, M, 45 Norlh hridgc "Todd, Joho, 6 Coalh1l1
£olour Jlanufacturen. Shiels, It. and Son, {} Bri,to pI.
Anrlcrson. Robcrt, and Co. 6 Summerll, .7. 133 Princel.treet (:opp.. ..,.mUh8 . . .
Timber bush Thomsen, O~O 22 Leith street Brazlel"lll.
FIp,minS", A. n. and Co. 43 Valiance, William, 13 South Callum, Oeo. aDd Co. 13 0tMa-
SI\Itt.mander st.reet Hanover st. nnd 5 Calton at. 8ide pl .. ce
Mille", and Arthur, G Shore Williamson, Mu, 35 Dllndaa at Callum, Thomal, 56 SbOl'G
NOl'I h British Colour Works, 20 ~ontr8etftrll. Dickson, Ht'nr)', 4 Qllcen'.,L
Elbe 81rect Forbea, D. 13 St Anare. Ill-
Young, \V m. SilvcrfieJd, IJcitb AdtlmllOIl, Gco. 35 Leith street ){·Naughton .•T:>hn. Fire pi. .
])ollaldgrltl, Arid. 142 Higb a~. )('Pbenon, Johu, 'Ct\wwW',
(.:oml} Make.,.. DO"'je. W. Cl!.nonmi11s cou.ago 01010
nlackh~lI nntl Scott., 21 New It. GO~~:lS' J1I8. Rock"illc, Napier Slimon. Roberl., 44 and 4GSMUt
I\lId .. 2 North bridge 0 d 'I ' and 20 Broad .treet.
StcphcnSOll, It 25 Princes et. 0,7::: an .It acuy, 34 nosa Wall nee, J. alld SOA, 11 .....
port sLre:d

-. ------ ---... -~-

• . -
. ,
-R-ic-ha-rd-a-,-J-.-46·'Vater lane MCCalJ, C. et Co. Montgomery Cowan,' WilIiam, 15 St Ja;'e-;"
lIatber, Ales. 9'1 Hig~'~treet ; l.entiMtM. . . , ltiehard. aud Sons, 11 Charlotte street square
1l0tfa~ lira Ales. 2 Coburg AHebison, Thomas S..n North
6t.1 (See Raberda$her8.) street, Leith llackie, J. 145 Princes atreet Crnickihank, WUJiam, 13 Enst
»organ Jobn, 2 Primrose st. bridge ;, D k Bogan, D. 24 CrouCtlWJey lIarshall, William, Stead', tilt· Register street.
lIo".tt: WilUam,119 Kirkgak: i Ay ton, Kdward, 1 Charlotte pl. reM8~~ ~.... Smith, D. 17 Oeorge ,treet tage D!llziel, Wm. 4 In.mes' st.
Ogg, Peter, 128 lWse 8;rcet. 'I Chisholm, J. K. 151)nke a.treet.1 (See Afllhnera.) lVeddell, J. and Son, 6 In6r· IfarshaU, WiIlill.m, 11 Amiston *Daw89n. William, 21 NicoJson
Orr William, 33 Jaml.LIt!a f;t. Cleribew. James, 60 N. bridge I e B"kel"ll mary street place street
l)at~l'8on, J. 8'1 Duke at., I.eith I Corbet, W.li3 Frederick strcet IltreS8lna--eask ~ ke } •

White, S. 10 Dablin,treet Miller, John, 137 Princea st. Dick, Thomas, 13 Hill place
Prentille, John, 8 Tollcro!s ! Douglas, J. 6 Nurth St. Andrew (Sce Pocketboo "rl.. White, T. 81 Tolboo~h wynd, )Iorton, S. H. and Co. Leith Douglas, W. 2 Grcyfri:m place
l"'ringle, W• .(. Elbe strcet street's. Leith walk, and Granton *,Edmonfttone. F. GO North br.
namago, Krs WiUiam, 8 South Finla~'80n, ~[. 53 Charlotte st. (See Apot/.ecarie8.) Wortham, Henry, 1 Qu,en st. )[udie, D. C. P4Dmuro loundry Forest, W. 1'7 Arcbibald plneo
Nltldry .trect IJeith
and 50 London street.-Seo Paterson, John, 20 St Andre1f *Forreater, W. '7 George stroet-
:Rebcrn, Mrs, Enster Hcrmitage }t'julayson, Thomas, 33 Tolbooth Dr,'salterlll, 4:e. ..4 (ll.'. square *GelJatly, J. 26 Gcorge street
'Bobertson, A. '10 Uose strcet I wynd, Leith mair Jamcs, 40 IJcilh street
Uobcruon, .T. 421.ollc.lon street 'IIel\rder, Thomas B. 18 Frcde· Bren:ncr A. 2 El1It Adum It.
ROSI, Jobn, 43 Willium strllct: rick Itrect Craig and Rose Leith walk
EIIl..roldere.... I Hitchie, R. 16 Hill dreet Hay, Ales. 4 Nortb bridge
Robcmou, George, Ncw Works, *}Ugglnl and Thom,21 South
Bennet, ..\. and ll. 138 Kirk. l..eith docks St »avid street
SandcnoD, And. GO Nicoll!Ol' !!t. i Hogue, It. 65 Queen street Davidson, W.,' s. W. '1'hl.Ue gate Robertson, J. and Son, 6 Ad· Home. Robert, 13 Oeorge Itrcet
Scott, J. 1 Alb34! strect , Hogue, D. Witson, 66 Quecn st. ItreeL lane
Sbaw, U. l(u.lnpomt I HutcbibR, O. 26 Chartotto Iq.
Sibbald. William, Wertcr house" Imlacb, }<'. U.48 Quccn strect
Duncan Colin, and Son, Old
Chur~h street
Bowte, Mislles, 87 Princes It. miraIty atreet
ll'ConneJ, E. and ll. 46 Oeorge Robertaon, WilU&rn, 102 Plea.
-Hope, .famel R. 27 South
street aneo Horsburgb, J. 18 DIIi!cJeuoh pI.
! ~[ackintosb. J.li2RatlkeUlor Bt. Liddle Wm. 47 Ilcgent arcb
Comely bank
SUmon, J. :n OiJes'strect I )loin, Arcbibald, 94 Gtlorge It. ){o).u;n and Anderaon, 2.J SL
SimplolJi, James, UOllemount, McrrUecs, }'. 101 Oeorge street James'square
Yl)ung, }Irs, 73 Gcorge street Roa., John. 21 Dl1ke 5t. Leith *Jetrrcy, Uobcrt, 116 Ro.e .t.
E 10
nc eer8.
Slight, .A. and G. 11. 34 Lcith *Johnston, W. &Dd A. K. 4 Sf.
'Walk . Andrew, squaro
Gardller'8 cresccnt lforrison, James D., 59 Queen J'arkcr, 11. and Co. Whiifield Bain, }1'Nicol, and Young, 27 Smith, \villiam, 4 )Ielbourne Le Conte, J. (i Olanyille place
Smitb, O. :s Northumbcrland pi. street place
East CreslCau.ey.-See ..4d". pllco IJce, Jame8, 2'7 Soatb Hanover
Smith, WilUam, Douningt.on Nasmyth. R. GCharlotte I!!quare Ralmes Blanshlll'ds, and Co. Balfonr, James M.13 Annandalo Ste"'enson, Melars, 84 George lItrcet
Smit.h, AIrJ It G 1I0rae wynd Nelson, Jnmcs, 6 A[on,ague et. Smit.h'. place street .treet I.tddle Brothen, GO Shore
Sommcrvi'.le, llr!!, 9 MacdowaU , Orphoot, P~ter, 11:J George st. Itichardlon Brothers, 105 Wcd Barttam, Geo. 35 West Sciennel Stevenson, Thotnas, 17 Heriot }lain, £. 31 North bridgo
strcet '\ Orrock and Hepburn, 7 Aber· bow Bertram, James, Leitb walk row Moin, John Z. SI Leith .street
SIlence, MrR, Tbo~ybank eromby place. Sang and Barker, York lane Foundry Stewart, A. D. 12 Castle Street terrace
Stev.·nrt, !.. 1.llvers 10nn • I Reld, R. 19 HerIot row Shepbert~, Wm. 1i9 l'lt!asance BJaikic, G. F. 3 Comely Green Stewart, J. W. 73 George at. )['OIublln, J\lex. 211 CI.nic lit.
Stobie, ,~. 38 St Leonard s, and ., Uobcrtl, W. A. 30 Queen street Siuclah' and (;0 1 Ilud 2 C,t.lton place Stirling, James, 11 lIill atrcct 1t«<J.can, Cbarl~l, 1'7 J:lder et.
17 Clerk strcet Smith, J olto, 11 WcmYS8 rlaco street • Bouch, T. 78 George IIreet Sutter, Arch. 3 HlJl atred l\[fLcod, .fames, 30 Se .'aDles'
Sl1ttli',1\[rsW.IIW~ig~lt's.hou8clI Spence, J. 4 Nclllon strect Trail and ;?Ictchcr. 31 S~ An. Bow, Robert H. 7 South Gray Tonnant, T. M. fUld Co. East square
Taylor, Georgo, 3~ tSherliT brnc SWllnBon, John, 57 Castle atrcet drow squrore
Tuylor, Alex. 13 ~\Iee,n st. J.cith Yerr.on, W. r\ SO Princea It.- Urquhllrt, .Andcrson and Co. 30 street Sciennes
myth, B. n. 135 George street Thornton, R. 1 Lord CockbufD street
*}[ollzie"Jame8 )£. 30 Hanover
Walker, Robert, ...0 \ nrdheade Sec Adt,. Quality str'P,t Dlyth, E. 135 Georgc street Itreet lUlIrsr, Wm. 4 Hopo park
Whitc,Stcpben, 217 C'anongate Watt, M.•f. 13 S. Charlotte st.. Wllrden' WilIiam, St ..:\nthonl Brace & Cunningham, 21 CaatJe Tod and Son, 29 I.eith walk lfitcheJJ, David, 111 G/lyfichl
White, 'l'hos: 8 St J\nthony pt. Wicks, .John, 65 North Frcde· court'
WUson, Davld, 1li8 no~e strect rick street street TOIhack, R. 69 Fountainbridge !quGro
Wllson, lsallclla, 5 Sllundera at. Wilson, A. 18 Young stree!' ""er'" and I!Scourel'8. Carfrae Ind Clou810n, 1 Erakine Watlon, J. It & Co. St Leo-I* ~Iotlld Ilnd Tod, 3 nud 4 St
Wilson, 'fhomas, S Calton .treet Beaton .A a NellJon 8trect place nard'. yard Jame,' .qUAre
])ove, James, GrceD8ide tano Williamson, J. 4 Flngal pJace Nafllmitb, John W. 1 St Jame.'
Wood, John, 1 Sprlngfield Itle • ~Uamp (!UU~"'·I clll:'!Jl(icr,' W. 31 W. NicollOa Dand"•• John, 14!l Princes It. Wood, Jobn, Chalmer*' close, 81 squaro
Wood, Joho, 1 Potterrow Banks, John, 59 Sout.h bridge street
Fairbalrn, Wm. 1'1 Georse It. Higb street ·S1mmo, Da.vid, 3 R. Rcgi.tcl'
(!1.pperH. lIutton, Jllm(,!I, 39 S~uth bridge Cusie. A. 70 Soutb Clerk.t. Oeddes, John, 16 ShandWick Wylie and Peddle, 1 Tbiatlo It. &trcct
Cafe, 1). S. I·A ,. oll~g strcct
.. p Jrvine, J. 13A.W.and
I\.irkwoo(i, Uegteter
Son, strect
9 St Croruhic,
I uare A. and Sou, 10 Brown place G. rt C. Jopp., 24 St E:.o..raven an d (',op- Nimmo,
Oibaon, close J. and J. 7 Canubber'.
Kerr, J. n. 15 Dubhn 81rc~t Jamcs' Fqllnrc Do~ld. Wm. Frcderlck at.
3"' Andre" Iquare perplate PrlnterH. Park, WlIllnm, 35 Hanover It.
('orrlerlil. I )[urdoch, C. and Son, "George GibsOD, J. and Co. 00 Nieol.on Oreig, D. and J. Lothian road (Tbe • indicatea Prlnt~I'I.) lleacock, Edmund, ['7 Nieol80D
, strect 8tree~ Hawthorn and Co. South J IlIIC, Alkman, Geo. 29 North bridge street
(Sce Ll';athel' .1lacltallts.) 'NicoJ, ltobcrt, 37 ~orth bridge lIay, .lames, 16 JamalcIP. It. tlon atreet, and Granton ·Banks. WilHam, :L!ld Son, 26 nsmage, J. 30 RanJ.-cillor at.
('otl....,. and Na ....lcal Slatcr, n. and Son,"3 N. bridge lIay, Peter and Hout.. 1 lIeriot Horne, J. ]9 St. Andre1f s(luare Waterloo place Ricbardson, W. 2 Talbot place
In,..rOmI'D' M"ke..". IJI,dlllt"r8. bllildings, and 5 Sou;b Se 1I0W)dDl!, J. Granton pier Bartholome1f, G. 20 Hadding. f>Rltchle, .\. 19 St .Dlll·id strect
Arbuckle. Joscph,",3 S. br!'dge I I'Jcmard ande o.• • I1 d'IS t'll
J ctt 1l'K h i" .Ad.,.
l ery, lJ D4vldd ILrcet.-Sco 13 North ,Tllrdine,
p W. A. 271 Htgh Itreet ton place Ititchie,Hugb n 116 Princout.
Archibald.Mrs)(.1l7 Kirkgatej Yard heads ~ ~nil1o la:: n '.l, Jop , Charles, 24 St Andrew BarthoJomew, J. and Son, 4·A *Schenck r:'d A[' Fnrlane, 19 St
llilUard, n. and H. 7 Nicolson CralS', J am cs, I.i W. Mnldand st. La"', e v ~ 1t; Grccnslde pi. squire North bridhQ Jamea' square.--Seo Adv.
IItrcet .. . OiJbey, W. and A. 12 St An· .ll'N~e:ci. a~d J. 39 Queen It. LandaJe, D. 6 Forth .treet BeU, It C. 2 Presfon terrace
Land~le, .T.•T. 5 Annandalo at. Bi.hop, James B. 20 Annaudate
Schcnck, Frcdcrlek, liO Oeorge
Kct, \'h()~. 2, Potterrow
drcw square
31-1)oug,1, Tbomas, 48 Nieoll!on MC~1.les, Bernard, .. and. Cralg,
d ' 86 South brid,o-See
g• J~sUe, J. 'i2 Gcorge IJtreet atreet .Scott In(l FergtUloD, 63 Princes
street. falcdonian diatHlef), lIay. 111 W 4 P tJ d pi.,htbody. F. '1 Young street Brodle, J. 1 Farquharaon pJaco strcet
11'Kcnzie, Davhl, liS S. bridgo market Macqu en,. or an Long, TboDlIll, and Co. 21 Noy Carltab'., A. 19 S. at DaTid Simplon, DAvid C. 10 8t Jnmca
lUcharcison, Wm. 53 New build. i Uaimea, lJIanshard., and. Co. (Or MacquiUen, J. 7 Weat. AdaDl street Itreet placo
nuddlman, John, 31 West Re.i essential oUe), Smith's place il'lreet d Son. 23 WaterlOO Lorilller and Young, 87 Frede. Cherry, John, 84 Hlgb Itreet "'Smart, n. C. 20 Elm r01f
glster .trcet ; Usher, A. andJ. Edinburgh diI. Pu ar an . riek street /4!Clllrk, R, 10 Bonth Hanover -Smith, ll. W. 102 South br.
Young, Arch. 79 Princes st.feetl Ullel1, W. ScicnllclI place Lorlmer, J. 62 GDmon place atrcet I 'l'od, John, 8 Thbtle atreet

. ,
*Tamer James, & Co. Lothian \ Alexander, J n. 53 E~rI Cley It. t J ocke " Conra~, 60 Queen It. ,":!ghtman, John, 18 Calton Bt. I White, Robert. 4 Albauy street Aitken, James, ·D=-ea-n----
road I Alexander, John IJohDsl'.>n, A. 3 QueflDsferry al
John, 12 Charles at.reet
_ street
Alexander, ltl1bcrt, 42 S. Clerk Jobn~tt'D, J. Drum.~r'yan
Jur.klso'l, W. 91 Klrkg:-.te
WIIson, Chas. 298 Lawnmarket WUson J. 14 Catherine street Allan, Mn, Lo"ers' lane
Wils~n, Dand, 2 Riddle'. close, Wilson: I(n, 45 Whitfield pI. Archer, John. Hermitage
E .....ayen on Wood. AlIl'I'Um, Th(l'l. HI Uicbmond Kirkwooi, A. 291 Canongate I !") elth
W 1 son, Oeorge, 2!5 Canongntt'
Wood, WiIliam,2 Dristo place lJlackie, O. V. Summerfield
BI k' J h
"-dam; John, 1 W~ndsor st!t>et place, and lS~ Pleas~Dee I La.wr~e, .A. 40 High 6tree~ Wilson, James, 146 George st.. Furniture Broken. ae le, 0 .n, 1 ClareD'ont park
Aikman, Qe;,rge,.lun. 29 }:ol.orth Antlerson, JII. Jun. 106 Georgc Lawr!e, J. 39 Duk.e ilt. LeIth Wilson, Robert, 1 Cnmberland Allan, J ohu, 1S DUDdas street BJair, J. Cherry bank
bridgo street La .. son, J •. bn, 180 Can?ngate Itreet Barker, Patrick, 172 Cowgate Bryden, Mrs. 1\lor!l\'field Leith
Borders, F. 1 London str<:cl. Alltierson, Wm. 18 ~tid. market ~1'Don4Id, Alex. 8 AntIgua at., Thomas, 1 PiU atreet Beattie,Joim,20 WcsL Nicolson Cowan, Jas. 28
Corner, J. )\:. 10 Brigbton st. ,I BIVIVII, John, 7 Shrub place
Conn, Wmlam, 16 St James Brucc and Sot!, 9 11.1xtcr pt.
I )l'l>?nald, .ll·d, :4 ~u.nongate
,)I'll~llan, .{~ud.• 111gh mariet
Woodt W. 2 Bristo street etreet
Yonng, J. 8 Stockbridgemarket Curran, Hugb, 28 Blair strect
Currie, Jobn, 9 Grange rOld
nods, J. Old Botalli c COl tug!'
aqU!l.1'6 Brllce. n. 18 .P.1iddtc markct ~L'Mlll:\n, 'Hos. sen., 20 Green- D I 1. h d F H&ddinglon place .
F\owers, T. O. :n Charlotte sq. HrpIon. JI1I'!. JUII. 3G Kukgate sitle place _ Floor~loCh ad~e~~q::re.~~:,s~4~t~t An· Douglas, .fames, 80uth bank
MaelnwBh, J. A. 35 J;othian st... I Huist, UoLert, 1 Mclnllc place M' ~1illaD, 'fh,IB. jUD. 45 Clerk. . !'fllanoraeturent. Duncan, WiIliam, 42 Cowgate Du~uid, JolI?, Tower park, Car-
}Utehflll, D. 1!l (hyheld squllre I C:uneron, H 11gb, 16 Mid. mnrkt. I stref't WIIsbere, 1(. 14 S. 8t Daviu Lt. l)odda, J. and It 64 Cowgate glIfield, "artlie
Patc:'son, Hobt.. la Uni~n r!llce \' GlLmeron, 'rhos. 15 Mid. DlIukt.; 11'~1~llan, Tho.·.. New market, Lauder, A. 69 Princes street J)onery. John 216 Cowgule Fleming, T. DaIry lane
Sellder, Ale,;:. 1 B1cnhelm pI. Cll.mpbdl, T. 13 !tumilly plncf.! Leith CampbcU, P. 4 Victoria street l:'orsyth, W. '35 Candlemaker Gould, Robert, 13 })ilrig modrl
Wi1li:nns, Willlam, 14 Clerk I Cllrmichar.l, A. 61 Uristo st. I :\lalioD, George, .l~ Hanover st. row huildinb"S
strcd Cllrmicbllcl, It 7 t; N onhumher'll1ather, James, 1- cwhavcn Frlaa:~:::"'~"S8el Gibsoc, Thomas, 146 Pleasance Inn~s, John. Seafield
Young, C. :md R 51 North br. hUIII tltrcet. ,)litchcll. John, 1~'4 Wcst port OIen, Geo. 18 Frederiek street 1.11\\, Oeorg~, nlll bouse6eld
.~"Mira\'...rlii (8ead). Cannichl1el, W. 1 to () Drough-l Nisbet, Mrs, V eaI ~Iarket Knox, Samuel, and Dlckson, 15 Glen '[,.s 186 (' t Il.ockhart, \\. Dt:l!n
Hanover street ' J.t • , - owga e L h' I' ,
'. • I ton market Pa.·crson, John. 2 l ')I\l)cr street R Gorm:m, N. 2:W Cowgate ot um, . 10 SaundeN Itrect
(See ."'tal En!/TltteTs.) Cat hie, '1'llOs. 19 Wi1Jilun st. Plummer, Alex. 47 Home st.. ,cston. Miss J. 68 Oeorge st. Goskirk Il.lri Sons, Lord Cock. I.~w, J. 2 llar)fic\d
l'Iarrlt~I·Iii. Charles, Wm. S llultllc market \ Plummer, In. 1 an i 2 b1iddle St.evenson, Alex. 53 :::10. bridge "urn s'rcet )ltllar, .Jss. BonTlin~ton hOllso
( Sce Smiths.) Conning, Atex. juuior, 'i' Dcan· markct
and 29 NicoIson atrceL ' u ~ ~[ 11 'I 1
Hn.rvcy, Thomas. 22 West bow J. ~ ~r,., ic laei, )illrhingside
Filiib.(:.u•••••Iii. bllUgfl strcet I Plummer, Robert, SlQ and 30 Stevenson, 'I'hos. 71 Princes st. 11 iIIhollse, Henry, 22 Blalr st. ~I ~lhn, Uobert, DI&lry \:u;o
CO\\'I1I1, .John, 2'1 Mid. market I l\ltddlc merkct Frolt 4: Tea Dealers. Howden, hit. 113 Victoria st. ')hlne, John, Sunnybbnk cott.
(:;;eo COO1/ crll .) I>alg:\eit,h, D. 15 Brf'ntl tmect 1, D. 11 W. Sat~II"ury pt. Bair<l, James, 18 Stockbridge Hunter, WiJliam, 1(i4 Cowgate ll~lsgrave, Johu, lL1):field JOUII
Flliihiltc..Taeklt· n.tlglcish, R 33 l<'uuntllinlmdge hCllU10, W. & A. U8 N 1•• ')\80n at. market h\'inc and Co 10 Yictori st M Donald, n. H hulla street
l'tInkt"·"'. Darling, Uiclmrd, 10 l<~lder lit. Ultcbic, .Tolm, 21 Homo sLreet. Bayne, Chas. , ~r. St Andrew st. Ila,seelles, .An,irew, 251 C~~wg~te ll;I!ollgnll, .lames. Silvcrficld
lIogg, 1". ~!I Princes street Dicksou, 'l'boti. 32 Quccns'''ect, HUllS, Wm. 8 Drummolll. street. Doyd, Bayne, and Co. 41 Princes .MiddIemass, Thos, 20 S,Andrew .M Kay, l!uncnn, Ornnge 101n&
lIIUlg', Samucl, j'j lIa11o\'cr st. Leith UUlherfortl, '1'bos. 21 Clerk ~t. street street, Leith l!~ckenzle. Jobn. Gnmgc loan
Phill C. an{1 A. 811 Prin,;'i; at. Dixon, W. 46 Dundas street I S.ulluel, James, 16 Abbcy .htU DrowD, Willin.m, 6 Hanover at. Munro, Ncil, 43 Niddry Street ~!vetl, ltot!ert, Allanfield, l..ellh
llutl:erford, Wm. 52 Princell st. Dores rUtd J.·,illlu.w, 23 and 24 \ Samuel •.James, HilIboutltlllcld and 20 Charlotte place Murray,lL 25:J Cowgate N Iven, It. Jun. Jamllic1l8t. Lt-ilh
Sbanks. 'l'hos. a {"rel\crick st. I lliddle market \ ScoU, \\ m. i8 Uoxhurgh 1,Iace Caratairs, Mrs,l06 Georgeatreet 0'Donne1l, E. & Co. 43 Hanover Porl:rfield, J. H. U!lper Her-
Wilsoll, O. 19 Waterloo place Douglas, 'I'bomas, 89 St Andrew SCOlt, }lrd, 26 Lothian I! C~ekbum, Jamei, 1 Lindaay pI. street mltage
Wilson .T. and C. 11 King's pt IItrcct, Leith I· S.:ougall, J\ rd. 1 St l'atrll:lk aq. Dlckson, Margaret, 12 Lothian Pateraon, A. 4 Dlalr etreet PUl'V'!II, T~omlUl, ~\rt.hur Itrect,
, Dolis, lJavid, 166 Canongate Sldc,)', Wm. 63 Higb str(lct Street Paulin, G. , Howt' street Lcllh ,\ alk
t 1'11ii1.mon"t"rM. Duff, Robert, 24 UUiOll place I 8m:~rt, .1. 25 l\lIddle Dmrket Foote, J. 23 Dandu street Reid, Robt. 250 Cowgate Re~d, J~~:-8, Ferni('bill
~\nc1ers()n, .John, 106 (!eorge st. Dllnn. Tho8. 11 :-it PilI rick &q. 8ulUrt, J. l5 West NicoJs;)n ut. Hamilton, And. 12 Nieolllon It. RoherfBon, Davhl, l ..otbilUl road Uel~I,,, Ilham, ltoacbank, Don

I Bro\~n, Jo~n, 16 I!oUlla~ st.

Etl.mgton, Alex. S \\ est Nr.w·

Pl,lconer, n. D. S!t PIClltillUee

Leith I
8lUith, Wm. 10 Wc~t pori.
l~a!zlcl,ltlss, 36 Frel!crlck TSt. Fcrguson, W. 60 UJla.rlotte at. SIIOW, J. 16 SI. J.tmcs' str(:~t
Suow and Jobnston, 5.:\hddle
.TamieIOD, Ilobert, loB B"''. Thamson J. 67 Cowgate
.Jamleson, R. 79 Queen street
nmgton road
Thc,mson; W. 42 Hanover Itfl'ct Rob.erlson, W. PiJrig Itreet.
ltyne, A. DaIry 18118

" tngton

. IItreet, LClth "

lITeen, George, 06 f ,llcs strect
}o'orgie, John, 3 ~liddtc markeL
hnlay, Tbo,mas, 61 Cltnrlott{' Fort, 1<~dw. 103 N icoltlon lit.
1Stark., Jamcs, 34 Abbey hill
. GaUaway, .f. and W. 24 Causc),- Tait, G. D. 49 Tolbooth wyJld,
I l\\de
.ram~t·a()n,.J. 110 QUf'('n street I Gilroy, Wm. li1 Pleasancc 1Tait, James, Veal market.

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