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New Research in How to Learn

Do you hear every word of text you read, in your mind? Don’t say no! because 99.9% of the
rest of us subvocalize all-the-time. The fancy terms for hearing the text mentally, are
‘auditory-reinforcement’ and ‘subvocalization’. So what?

Reading and hearing your little internal-voice is like ham-and-eggs, inseparable. Problem:
you will always be a lame reader, a slow-poke mentally hearing the text because you can
never read and comprehend faster than you speak.

Normal speech is a maximum of 250 words per minute, while speed reading permits you to
learn at up to 1,000 words per minute. Choose Snailing verses Speedlearning to waste time.

Secret Revealed

The goal is not to extinguish subvocalization, but to reduce it to hearing just one-word
from each three you see in each sentence. If there are nine-words in the sentence, you hear
only three (3). You save up to two-hours daily and improve your comprehension and


It takes twenty-one days of practice to create a new habit. Starting today read and
simultaneously TAP using your passive index finger (usually the left-hand). Just read using
your speed reading techniques, but tap, tap, tap in a simple rhythm.

The secret is tapping with the Intention to hear only one (1) of each three (3) words your
eyes scan, works automatically. It is baby-easy to do and to see immediate positive results.


Your Attitude is critical. No magic, just the power of your mental intention, together with
the tapping interferes with your Larynx (voice-box) to repeat like a parrot, each every
word. Concentration and comprehension do NOT require hearing the words reinforced.

Your eyes see and transfer what you read through your Optic Nerve, to your brain for
understanding and long-term memory storage. Hearing the voice is not part of the
equation. Oh yeah, where you tap is not relevant. Tap on the desk, your arm or your knee,
they all work equally. Remember, you save hours, and improve your learning skills.

Our graduates report higher grades and up to 30% higher exam scores using tapping and
intention. Executives get more promotions and raises because they avoid ‘information-
overload’ and own more knowledge.

Google: the journal Cognitive Processing, 2004, A. Aleman, Vol. 5, #4, p.228-231.

Mental Visualization

Can you create a picture in your mind of a dog with stripes like a zebra, and a lion’s head?
Easy right, you can do it with your eyes opened or closed? So what? Know how to visualize
improves with practice, and is the key ingredient in improving long-term memory. Our
mind learns by association, linking ‘new’ information and experience with ‘old’ knowledge,
already loaded in our long-term memory.

Connect what you want to learn to one or more of your senses of seeing, hearing or touch,
in a weird, ridiculous way (a gorilla sleeping in your bed), and it becomes memorable and
almost unforgettable.

New research at MIT, May, 2011 led by Philip Isola, reveals the three (3) elements to
creating a mental visualization (image) that sticks like glue in your long-term memory.

It is counter-intuitive to scientific expectations. The researchers believed pictures of nature,

mountains and animals would excite our mental imagery. They do not trigger neural
networks, these three (3) images do.

1. Create images showing ‘people’. We like see our own kind, not nature.

2. Mentally visualize static-indoor-scenes. Example: the inside of a library, with a

librarian carrying a load of thick books. We identify with our own experiences, not
majestic nature scenes.

3. Human-scale pictures click our comfort-zone. We relate to our own personal

experiences, not stuff the size of the universe.

So What

Each time you practice creating mental imagery with these three (3) ingredients, you will
improve your ability to learn and remember. After some practice, this makes whatever
you choose ‘memorable’, and locks the new image into your long-term memory.

You have a system to encode pictures for easy retrieval from storage, leading to speed
Reading success and a powerful memory. It is the secret to becoming a learning genius.


Two-words decide your success in school and career. It is your choice to trigger them into
new behavior or let them sleep. Sure, they sound corny, but they decide you life’s
experience. Patience and Persistence.

Our experience with both students in school and in their careers is they quit trying after a
single struggle. We all desire ‘immediate gratification’, and have a limited “attention-span”
for practice. It is your “attitude” (state of mind) that decides your level of patience.

The secret of being a ‘money-magnet’ and winning promotions is persistence. If you quit


Persistence comes from Latin meaning to stand. When we stand fast, and refuse to quit, we
persist. Often the difference between great success and early failure is whether we choose
to surrender to fatigue and frustration. Persistence is not just an abstract word, but an
‘attitude’ of mind. It is continuing, doing the thing until we own it, that decides the winner.

See ya,

Copyright © 2,011 H. Bernard Wechsler


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