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College proposes project 90 for curriculum changes

By Betsy Lantz
A new expanded liberal studies core behavior, psychology, ethics and ment proposal, the college would ap- Policies Committee, while departmen-
and a new departmental structure were religion. * point a director of faculty development tal reorganization and self-evaulation
recently proposed to the Mercyhurst This new core would require 17 to 19 whose responsibilities would include will be worked out by the Dean and the
community by the college administra- courses, compared to the present 14. arranging special faculty workshops; department directors. The Ad-
tion as part of a report entitled Project This leaves 15 major courses and eight developing a mentor system, a faculty ministrative Policies Committee of the
90. The report also Included proposals to six electives to the student. As lounge and a faculty evaluation pro- senate will propobably be reviewing
for a faculty development program, a pointed out by Dr. Palmer, such an ex- gram; publishing a faculty newsletter; the freshmen support proposals, he
t e n s i v e core program greatly and ordering faculty professional
discourages double majors, although publications for the library. r>%
they are not directly prohibited under The final proposal, presented by the
the proposal. "Frankly, we don't want Office of Freshmen Studies, is aimed
double majors," commented Dr. at greater retention of students at the
Garvey. "We think that the best train- college by improving the freshman
ing for a student when he enters the year experience. Under the proposal,
working world is breadth, not depth. students would be informed earlier and
When a student double majors, he more often by the Dean of poor
over-specializes too early and loses academic progress, while academic
breadth. A better system would be to achievement would receive greater
.work out a major and a minor." recognition. This proposal also sug-
According to Dr. Palmer, the propos- gests the development of a freshmen
ed core program "increases and orientation course and outlines goals
enriches the liberal arts, non-major for an improved academic advising
component of a student's curriculum program. , -
at the school. This reflects the institu- Although the proposals will be
tion's values. Pointing out these four directed at incoming freshmen in the
areas helps the school to clarify and fall of 1986, current freshmen will be
define what it thinks is important in the given the opportunity to graduate
ducat ion of a student at Mercyhurst."., under either the present system or the Dr. David Palmer
Dr. William P. Garvey Project 90 also includes a proposal newly implemented program,' Dr.
departmental self-evaluation, and the | for both a national standardized test Garvey said. concfuded. v
creation of a freshman support and an in-ho use test ho be ad- He added that the proposed core it
I think you will discover that most
program. i ministered to incoming freshmen who curriculum and outcomes testing pro- of what Is being proposed will come
"We have provided for a lot of the would then be retested as outgoing grams wilt go before the Academic out in the general outline that present-
needs ot the first Master Plan," Col- seniors. Scores on these tests would Policies Committee of the College ly exists, but it will clearly be refined
Senate. The faculty development pro-
lege President Or, William P. Garvey
said. "The college Is In good financial
not affect a i student's graduation
eligibility, but would be recordedjon posal will go to the college's Faculty
by reactions to It," Dr^>Palmer
commented, i .*• £ 3
I- *.
health, it has a steady enrollment, and the transcript, r * 4 $
Its facilities have been brought up to T As Dr. Palmer explains, these tests • • > : :

date. Now in the second five-year would be based on a "learning out- At MSG
Master Plan of this administration, it Is comes" or "value-added"! approach, V
time to move the college in a quantum which serves to answer the question, ?**&
leap forward on the academic scene."
"This is the time when a college
"How did Mercyhurst make a dif-
ference in the students' growth?" The International students
begins to look very carefully at itself,
asking 'How is it that we can polish our
institution - our curriculum - in order to
results of such tests would be applied
to further refining and improving the
college's educational methods, he ad-
club admitted into MSG
set our sights on reallyt)ecoming a col- ded. "We can then begin to say in more MSG Vice-President Matt Whelan As a note of student Interest,
lege of quality and excellence?'," add- concrete terms that we are a quality In- presided over this past, week's MSG Whelan told the reps that there was a
ed Academic Dean Dr. David Palmer. stitution, because we will have a han- meeting in the.absence of President break-In at the Student Union office on
"It Is an institution-wide self-analysis." dle on what it is weido in order to David Armstrong, who was with the Sun., Nov. 10. The Erie police were call-
As stated in the report's preface by create the results that we get." football team. ed In as approximately $62.50 was
Dr. Garvey, these proposals are simply ' Under another proposal Included In *Upon submitting a constitution and missing from the office. This sum was
ideas, which "await the reaction, sug- the report, the college's departmental a''formal letter of interest, the Mer- mostly change for the Union and petty
gestion, clarification and revision of organization would be reduced from 19 cyhurst I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t cash, according to Whelan/
the entire Mercyhurst community departments to ten divisions. "The ad- Organization (MISOJ sought i admit- The next MSG meeting will be on
before Implementation in 1986-87." vantage is more efficiency in the opera- tance into the student government as a Sun., Dec, 6 at 7:30 p.m. in 114 Zum.
The proposed general studies core, tion of all the academic departments fully represented club. This status was
to replace the present Foundation, and disciplines at the college," Dr. appoved by the voting representatives. J
Distribution and Senior Cores, would Palmer said, noting that prior to 1980 MISO now must/select one of Us
Include required courses In four areas. the college was organized into eight members to i represent the club at
A Literacy Core would emphasize the divisions. |i meetings. ^^^^^
basic skills of writing, research, $ In * addition,* a departmental self* \ SAC Chairman Jim Trocano stated
mathematical; and philosophical! evaluation ^proposal calls for each that the Gil Eagles show brought in
reasoning, scientific thinking, and department to compare Its quality to $151. Trocano reminded everyone that Curriculum Library
computer understanding. A Western
Heritage Core would be based on
the quality liberal arts colleges In the
reqion and to other institutions in nor-
the clothing drive for the needy con-
tinues through tomorrow. Donations
1 Ded^atlonE4.|.|pg-2
Western traditions and American thwestern Pennsylvania. To be com- may be brought to the Student Union Nothing|Saered l.Jpg.6
heritage, while a Contemporary World pleted by May 15, 1986 in preparation office. . %
Core would address non-Western for the new Mercyhurst College Master After debate on an item in the Lakers Finish Football
cultures, American government and Plan (1986-1991), these evaluations budget concerning an amendment that Season Lii|
p o l i t i c s , w o r l d p r o b l e m s and would also be used to raise the quality was passed several weeks ago, the stu-
economics. The final Human Develop- of education within each department. dent reps approved the 1985-86 fiscal
ment Core would deal with human Under the outlined faculty develop- year budget.

Curriculum Library dedicated Protecting kids:

in Sr. Mary Susanne's honor a growing concern
The library contains tex- library. "The library is also
3y Susan Marcy By Julie Cherico I I
tbooks, instructional aids, open to teachers in the area," 1 In ^response! to |he large she continued. "His parents
The dedication of the Slater media materials and learning said Sister Bernadette. number of k i d n a p p i n g s ! took .him fin the comer and
Mary I Susanne R.S.M. Cur- activities among other things The idea of a curriculum children now have the oppor- talked to him. When they came
riculum Library, or as It is also Which are there to aid the library 'began when Sister tunity to be fingerprinted and back~to the table he let us
Mary Susanne Jtaught in the photographed, for their safety | fingerprint him with no pro-
public schools in the 1920's. blem^ She found out later that
Textbook publishers would and protection. .$
On Nov, 6 and 7, five his father bribed him with a
send her series of books as candy bar and a pack of gum
gifts. "This was the seed for members of Alpha Phi Sigma,
the criminal justice fraternity, that he had in his coat.
the oncoming curriculum j Kirik, Schmidt, and three
library," she said; "These went to Union City and finger-
printed about 60 preschoolers. otherl members participating
books also added a boost to in the Union fingerprinting and
Theresa Kirik, President of
my teaching." ^ '£ j Alpha Phi Sigma, arranged this in December, they twill begin
After becoming a Sister of f ingerprinttng session wi|h the t o fingerprint |elementary
Mercy, Sister Mary Susanne's Union City Hospitat|Auxitary| s c h o o l c h i l d r e n . These
interest in collecting books Along w i t h | fingerprinting, children should be a little
continued when she taught in Hospital Auxilary workers of- more responsive than the pre-
the parochial schools from fered dental land picture schoolers. However, accor-
1942 to 1953. After her en- p h o t o g r a p h s ! of t h e s e ding to Schmidt, "We got the
trance, she also taught at the kids who either screamed a
Mercyhurst Seminary and any kids screamed, said lot, or these who really didn't
grade schools. When she Vice President! Kathleen mind and played in the inki*
returned to Mercyhurst in I953, Schmidt "One kid who was PfThis was e f f e c t i v e , M

Dr. Barbara Weigert andSister Mary Susanne the Education Department ad- about two years old kept Schmidt concluded, " i f
known, the Elmer Library, was education majors. Education ded the very latest textbooks screaming for about five anything, it gave the parents a
held on Fri., Nov. 15. » students may use the library for elementary and special minutes, clenching his fists," 'piece of mind'."
Sister-Mary Susanne was a as an an aid for creating their education along with visual
member of the Mercy hurst lesson plans for practicums aids. ,-• J wfi
Elementary Education Depart- and student teaching, foi tex-
rSfrtt>-from 1952 until 1970, tbook evaluations and also for
when? she was named pro- viewing audio-visual materials.
"As time passed and my
love for teaching grew along
with it, that little seed that was
shirt sales
not shrinking
fessor emeritus. Beginning in The textbooks are color-coded sown a half-century ago has
J1971, she served as director of according to subject areas and flowered into this present Mer-
the curriculum library until her are further organized under cyhurst curriculum library,"
retirement in 1982. f 1 their publisher's name. S i s t e r Mary Susanne
A portrait of Sister Mary concluded. By Jennifer Laird years; however, sales do in-
The curriculum library is crease during freshmen orien-
housed on the third floor of Susanne can also be found in Mercyhurst College sweat-
tations, on Parents Weekend
Old Main where it has resided ithe curriculum library. This shirt and T-shirt sales have in-
and before Christmas. * -**
since last April. It consists of was presented to her. by Col- creased in the past few years,
Among the purchasers of
three rooms, including a com- lege President Dr. William P. according to Ruth Truitt, who
M e r c y h u r s t s h i r t s are
puter lab. According to Sister Garvey i in 1982 when she orders the shirts for the col-
students, faculty,, potential
'Bernadette Bell, director of received the Educator^of the lege. This increase is in-
dicative of the recent populari- freshmen and visitors to the
the curriculum library, the Year Award from Mercyhurst campus. In general, sweat-
library was dedicated to Sister Education Department faculty. ty of college shirts.
shirts out-sell T-shirts, Truitt
Mary Susanne "for her dedica- Work study students work Shirts from Harvard and said. & H z
tion and contribution to the in the library along with Sister UCLA have long been popular
all over the United States and It's true, college sweatshirts
\~library, in- appreciation 'for ali Mary Margaret Moran, who are popular collectibles. Ac-
;•• she has done-^f also dedicates her time to the Sr. Mary Susanne in Japan as well. In fact, some
reports name Harvard shirts as cording to Truitt, many people
the best selling collegiately from out of town make special
licensed products in the detours down to Mercyhurst
world. According to Jim Rlss- as they travel along 1-90 just to
ing, national college purchase a sweatshirt from
bookstore marketing manager the college. These people say
for Champion Products, big that they merely "want to pick
3702 Pine St. colleges that experience good up a souvenir."
sports years generally sell the
453-6791 most shirts.
Truitt claims that there has
Hours: Mon.-Thurs. Open At 4 Daily been no particular Increase in
z Fri.-Sat.*4-1 a.m. 1 shirt sales during Mer-
cy hurst's successful sports
Sun. 4-11 *. I
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Middle States Evaluation |team Satirfpteel featured

chooses Dr. Jean Lavin as member on Metal Matinee Show!
By7 Matt Clark . Wg. . . ^ . „ ... .
^ for f Metal Giveaway will be
By Jean Kellick This coming spring will I*TheJ Horn of Metal Plenty"
\ Dr. A. Jean Lavin, professor herself with the school as mark the third anniversary of g i v e a w a y in h o n o r of
and college communities were f The Metal Matinee" radio Thanksgivings
of business at Mercyhurst Col- much as possible before very interested in the results.
lege, was recently chosen to visiting. The stay was from show on WMCY 880 AM.jTo "We have a problem when
When the chairman returns celebrate, Gary Laurn (nee some listeners get greedy on
serve on a Middle States Oct. 13-17, a short amount of home, he or she writes a final
evaluation team. Laurnoff), host of the program, giveaways," Laurn said> "We
time for so much to^ do. A report, which is sent to the is planning what he tentatively try to avoid that because we
The Middle States evalua- b o o k I e t j e n t i t l e d team members for final ap- calls "Metal Mania '86". have to give everybody a fair
tion is a process designed to "Characteristics of Excellence proval. This final, accepted Laurn said he hopes to chance to get Metalized."
help colleges discover pro- In Higher Education" was re- copy is .sent to the Commis- make "Metal Mania W a
blems within their system and quired reading to serve as a sion on Higher Education, music festival at which several
to set goals for improvement. guideline for the evaluation. w h i c h then determines bands would perform. "We'd
The Middle States Association After arriving at Concordia whether or not the school will like to get Malice, Ded Engine,
of Colleges.and Schools, the committee was divided in- be reaccredited. -} § & ^ Dirty Looks and Satin Steel to-
established by. the Commis- to groups to examine the dif- Generally, if a school meets do a festival concert here atj
sion on Higher Education in ferent divisions of the college. the standard requirements the campus," he explained.!
Philadelphia, involves much of Usually there are ten people they are accredited and need " l | s still J In the planning
the east coast; states par- who participate at one time not be evaluated again for ten stages, however, and nothing
ticipating include ? Maryland, and a chairperson to head the years, with an interim report is official." Li . | I
New Jersey, New York, North committee. > \ ^ '3? after five years. However, oc- if A Nov. 15 interview with
C a r o l i n a , Pennsylvania , The groups then spent the casionally a school must be Satin Steel's bassist Keith
W a s h i n g t o n , D. C. and four days, conducting inter- revisited or submit additional Clark and guitarist Jim Shaw
Virginia: J i | reports after two or three was laired yesterday on the
Each college that belongs years, to ensure suggestions |"The Metal Matinee", while
wishes to be accredited, but in for necessary, Jmmediate im- the band was featured on the
order to do so, must comply to provements are being made. show all this week. f $1
standards set by the commis- Lavin said the process is According to Laurn, their
sion. The purpose of the Mid- very concentrated and has song entitled f'Kick Me Where
dle States is to assure that helped colleges to* improve it Hurtsf Is doing well on the
these standards are being themselves. She noted that daily 3 to 5 p.m. showj^jt has
met. Teams consisting of a since her involvement with the been doing very well on the re-
roster of professors from the program, she has become quest lines," he added. I §|
east coast are selected to visit more aware that the standards After listening to this single,
and evaluate these schools must be upheld in the A and M Recordsfpf Canada
Business Department here at Members of Satin Steel
periodically. A school that is wanteo|to hear rripre material
accredited is usually visited JMercyhurst. Overall, she was by pe|group. Matin Steel is MWeffe w o r k i n g Ion
every ten years unless addi- impressed with the "real help- currently producing a 18 track s o m e t h i n g j l n a s s i v e j p o r
tional visits are * needed* to ing relationship." demo-tape for the company to Chrlstmasf perhaps 'Urttfer
assure the set standards. J Mercyhurst College was review A .^mp T . ^ * j ^ ^ ^ i The iMetaL ChrtttmamiTrejg
evaluated approximately two ;
The school visited by Lavin TForthobming oh WMCV%re he addedl* f- f ' Jfc
and her colleagues was Con- years ago and has made Im- ^inte• * i f t ! » T t » Kuffians One! thipg is c e r | a i f l ;
cordia College in Bronxville, provements based on recom- t o r i c J M p will be whatever IS I*Under The Metal
NY. Concordia Is a small w m e n d a t i o n s . The most Ruffian and New Christmas Tree'fwif t live up.Ao
liberal arts college, with a noticeable improvement has York T-shirts andlalbums to the zany giveaways of the past
Dr. A. Jean Lavin been an increase of funds and help promote these bands. for which the f Metal Matinee"
Lutheran background, recently
named an O u t s t a n d i n g views of students, faculty, ad- volumes in the curriculum Anothe^jupcomingl promotion has become%iwwn JfSif t i
Regional College for Liberal ministration and maintenance, library.
Arts, as reported by U. S. News sitting in on classes and I »!•>!» « . .*»

and World Report. observing all they could. At

-According to Lavin, before a night the groups met to share
school can be visited, it must information and report what
complete a one year self- they had seen. Areas discuss-
study. This study must be an ed included trustees, faculty,
honest description of all administration, students, sup-
facets of the school, in which port -services, special pro-
a college may describe Its own grams, finances, facilities and
desired goals. The teams of the physical appearance of the
professors, when examining campus. j?
the school, will try to evaluate ^ At the end of the four day
In relation to the stated goals. period, each member, submit- Hours: Tues., Wed.,
The main purpose of the study ted a written report tolthe
is to let the teams know the In- chairman, in this case the Thurs., Sun. 5-11:30 p,m i
stitution is aware of Its own president of Ryder • College.
s t r o n g p o i n t s a n d The chairperson then merged i Fit. Sat.:5-1 a.m.
shortcomings. the reports into a larger one, to
Lavin was required to read be read to the college com-
the self-study and familiarize munity. Lavin said the school DELIVERY
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Project 90 and beyond I

The term "Mercyhurst community" seems to find its way Into most of
Thanks at Thanksgiving * the r ^ .
the articles printed In this newspaper, and yet it seems to be a rather am-
biguous phrase. Of course, one reading it Immediately thinks of
students, faculty, administration, staff, alumni, trustees and even the
By Mat! Whelan, MSG in the past months. Thank you
families of these individuals. What often seems to be lost In the defini- President j , u. one and all.
tion of this popular collective noun, however, is that there would be no Congrats to the football 'Let's ?hope for everyone's
such entity if it were not for you, the students, ij. < team on a fine season, continued support in the
111 I »
You are the heart of this mysterious creature called the "Mercyhurst likewise to soccer, cross following months. Remember
community", yet you are the ones who most often overlook this fact. country, and volleyball. Just a we are eager to listen, so if you
Unlike the human heart that functions involuntarily, you must remain quick note to thank everyone have any ideas about things to
conscious of this life-supporting role you play and act accordingly. for all of their efforts in mak- do, drop Dave Armstrong,
Case in point: the "Mercyhurst community" was recently presented ing this first part of the school myself, or any officer or rep a
with six proposals calling for major changes in the college's core cur- line and we will see what we Mercyhurst Student Govern-
riculum, departmental structure, testing practices, faculty development year a success. Space is too
and freshman support programs. The report, entitled Project 90, was limited to mention everybody, can do. ment. The MSG Executive
presented to the faculty and administration at a meeting two weeks ago but MSG would like to thank Hope everyone has a happy Committee is solely responsi-
by Dr. Palmer, Robert Pagni of Freshmen Studies and Dr. Garvey, who in- the administration, represen- and safe Turkey-day and we ble for its content. "Off the
dicated that the ideas proposed were open to the reaction and revision tatives and especially, Sally look forward to seeing you Record" appears on the
of "the entire Mercyhurst community." Jj J J 5i. Schrader, the lady behind the sweat out exams. See you in Editorial Page because Is
This invitation to formulate opinions and offer suggestions does not scenes who actually "keeps two weeks. reflect the opinions, and
refer to the notified college employees alone, although they will be student government ticking, "Off the Record" is an in- beliefs of J the elected MSG
greatly affected by the implementation of these proposals. Student in- officers. «
put on these matters is definitely in order. The heart of the Mercyhurst for ail their work and support dependent contribution of the
|community must respond. *j *
"But the administration did not submit the proposals to us," you may
retort. Of course they didn't. It would hardly be practical for the ad-
ministration to distribute 40 page reports to every one of the 1500
students on this campus, only to have the majority ignored and thrown
away. Besides, the proposals have been presented to you, in condensed
form, on the front page of this publication. fi »
The Merciad's summary does not do the Project 90 report justice,
ihowever. We will be the first to admit that, in order to fully comprehend
the implications of the proposed changes, you must read over the report
yourselves. At our request, copies of the report have been placed on
reserve in the library under Dr. Garvey's name for your easy access. Any
comments and critcisms that you may have should be directed to your
| department directors and-or your student senators.
"Why bother?", we know you are asking. "The changes will only affect!
incoming freshman anyway." jA* A, j ^M ^
= Granted, you w i l i n o f t e forced to take tne additional core courses or
be subjected to the new testing programs; however, Mercyhurst's
reputation will stand behind the degree you will soon carry away from
this campus into the working world. Therefore, if you can do anything to
help this institution improve its academic standing, it is in your best in-
terest to do so as a potential graduate of the college.
Project 90 should be of particular interest to those of you who are
presently freshmen, since you will be given the opportunity to choose
which curricular program under which you wish to graduate.
We also ask you to remember that Mercyhurst is dedicated to your
growth and improvement as individuals. It seems only fair that you
should therefore be concerned with the academic growth of the institu-
tion to which you have each committed four years of your lives. After all,
|Webster defines "community" as "a sharing in common." *
We have already acknowledged that you are the heart of the Mer-
cyhurst community; now is the time to try your hand at being the brains.
We think you will find that your college has prepared you well. With your
help, perhaps it can do an even better job with future classes.

The M e r c l a d Letter to the Editor

Naomi A. Romanchok, Editor
Betsy L. Lantz, Assistant Editor
Chris Cardinal I, News Editor
Commuter repjseeks The Merciad
welcomes your
Susan Moray, Perspectives Editor
Dabble Hi son, Co-Sports Editor
R. J. Zonna, Co-Sports Editor
Jennifer Conmy, Calendar Editor
more student input
mletter to ail commuting
comments and letters.
Letters to the EditorS
with the activities; and
Ren a Zlcarelll, Photography Editor students: organizations offered on cam- should be typed,
Gary Laumoff, Graphic Artist As commuter representative pus. After all, the efforts of the double-spaced, and
VOL. 59 NO. 11 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER21,1985 and YOUR voice on .Mer- entire student body are need- signed by the
cyhurst Student Government, I ed to make the* best college submitter. Letters are
need your help. environment possible and to
Chris Alessi
Jennifer Laird M Jackie Rzomp Even though commuters are make the college government due by noon on
Pat Callahan Mary Loncharic Brian Sheridan not <as available as the a viable force on campus. Tuesdays to The
Julie Cherico Brenda Lowe>; Jeff Vona residents on campus, we are 4
Merclad office,
Cindy Ferraro Brigid Nee T can be contacted by my
no less important and con- home phone (864-7043), or located in the
MattDuska, Don nl$ McCarthy. Faculty Advisor stitute a large number of the dropping a note in my campus
H. L Beezub entire^ student body. mail box (box 773). Everyone is basement of Baldwin|
•V Photographers Therefore, for me to be an ef- also invited and welcome to Hall, room 81. A
Tani Fleet, Cindy Lochner, Jottie Williams fective voting member attend the MSG meetings, phone number should
Distribution Manager representing you, I am asking every Sunday evening at 7:30 be included at the end
Typists i
iTMatt Clark '; for your opinions, criticisms p.m. In Zum 114. }
Rena Zicarelli. Chris Cardlnall
and proposals concerning all, of the letter for
The Petroled is the student-edited newspaper of Mercyhurst Col- aspects of the ^ Mercyhurst Sincerely! verification but will
lege, 501 East 38th Street, Erie, PA 16546. Th« NUrciad office is Matthew Robaszkiewicz
located in the basement of Baldwin Hall, phone 825-0376. community: Lam also urging
Commuter Rep., MSG not be published;
commuters *to get Involved
NOVEMBER 21,1985

Thanksgiving with the Indians: W h a t G o e s on the Ghost Bread?

By Joy Kolb
A number of years ago a food. Two weeks ago a dozen Senecas) with ashes to venison and cornmeal mush - 1964 by the construction of
teacher of'boundless cultural Mercyhurst people celebrated remove the hulls, rinsing it andwhich they reported was quite the Kinzua Dam. *
insensitivity gave the students Thanksgiving with the Indians adding salt pork and dried good. Last year the people I
at a Bureau of Indian Affairs at the 26th Annual Native cranberry beans. The salt pork was with thought the mush Assistant Editor's Note: As
boarding school an essay Foods Dinner at the Haley Is a recent substitution for was gravy and liberally poured one of those diners who con-
assignment for Thanksgiving. Building of the Seneca Nation bear or venison. it over everything; they, too, structed their sandwich from
Their essay was to be entitled of Indians in Jimersontown, gave the meal positive venison and com mush In-
"Why I am Glad the Pilgrims New York. The food ^was This was followed by a main stead of beans, and pork, I
course of venison, turkey, reviews. •-
Landed". I Imagine some of prepared by the men and Next year I think I'll eat by would like to take this oppor-
the essays were rather brief. squash, cranberry sauce,
green beans, mashed potatoes myself. The. Indians have
Numerous writers have • • " » . y

(not, unfortunately,.the native another idea.

commented on the-impact of Iroquois purple potato), ghost For me?the meal was par- "Thanksgiving is a
European colonization on the bread, salt pork, cornmeal ticularly enjoyable as in the
indigenous peoples of North mush, mashed dried beans past year each time I've eaten good time fcmu&$o
America. An equally profitable on the reservation I was one of
and boiled corn bread. Dessert contemplate our
line of inquiry, Initiated by the was apple or pumpkin pie, ex- the people who spent two
anthropologist A. I. Hallowed cept for Dennis and Nancy for days preparing the food and Native American
and currently being explored whom it was apple "and" pum- cleaning up afterward. In fact,
by historians like Wilcomb pkin pie. several Seneca friend s heritage in the form
Washburn and James Axtell, is wondered why I wasn't cook-
the impact of the Indians on One of the measures ofJa ing for the Native Foods Dln- most familiar to us i
Europeans in America. Many cuisine is its adaptability, n e r P I j g u e s s t h e a n -
school children are familiar w h i c h was amply thropologist's place is In the food"
with Squanto (Tisquantum) In- demonstrated by the guests kitchen.
structing the Puritans of from Mercyhurst. During the tunity*to attest to the ex-
Plymouth on the proper plan- meal I mentioned that the In- cellence of this combination. I
ting of maize. To many he is dian sandwich is ghost bread Joy Kolb,* professor of am quite sure Squanto would
the stereotypical "good ln-| with retried & beans and .salt sociology at Mercyhurst, is have been proud of *oui*
dian", surprising since he had pork and suggested that some conducting her dissertation creativity, although I -would
spent several years living in might want to* try it. Unfor- research on the Seneca Reser- love to return^to the reserva-
Europe having been seized in tunately (?) this became garbl- vation in New York, studying tion next year in order to try
1614 and sold as a slave in ed In translation so that the the effects of forced reloca- the traditional style - that is If
| Spain. Without native foods
and the Indians' instructions jrjoyKoib _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people at the and of.the table tion on^hese Indlans^The our Instructor has the nerve to
on how to plant and prepare women of the Jimersontown made sandwiches of roast Seneca were forced to move In dine with us again. B.L.L. $ k
them, the first colonists would Presbyterian Church.
not have survived. Our meal began with bulled Forum is designed to allow you to share an experience or an opinion on a cur-
corn soup, the staple food of rent issue that will expand the outlook of the Mercyhurst Community. If you are
Thanksgiving is a good time Iroquois people. A plain but
tforv us to contemplate our filling course, it is made by interested in writing a Forum column, contact Betsy Lantz at The Merciad, 825-
Native American heritage in boiling dried white corn (still
the form most familiar to us - grown by a number of 0376 or Box 129. * * _ I h 9
tot«i <, I

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Nothing Sacred Nu Vinyl

Nu Dynamite to really
by Brian Sheridan as*.
stuff your turkey I
By Jeff Vona % Hollywood. After all, the spirit
Welcome everyone to the secutive back-flips have to do I It's time to give thanks for a of hardcore punk has always
first Issue of the I Hate Mary with how long my batteries p u p p i e s * a n d a n i m a t e d couple of great records .that been anarchistic and uncom-
Lou Retton Newsletter, a will last? Does she run on c r e a t u r e s f r o m o t h e r have passed by our transom promising, condemning all the
publication of the "I Hate Mary batteries? * * dimensions. \ 4 here at WMCY. These new
s l i m e l i g h t and drugged
Lou Club". An Idea who's time My gripe doesn't come from Even worse than that g e m s h a v e t h e s a m e euphoria that is oozing out of
has definitely come because her attempting to milk her vic- though, Mary Lou Retton pessimistic message, you the west. And now it has flow-
enough's enough. ^ ^ L ^ tory at^Los Angeles for all it's works at being cute. -She know, that our nation is ed to the White House.^You
Now I didn't see Mary Lou worth. The "problem ;Btenris smiles so widely that you can disintegrating. Yet their ap- can just Imagine what's next.
win the gold medals at the from her being terminally cute. count her back molars. The proaches are dichotomous. For the uninitiated, the best
O l y m p i c s , * c a l l me u n - Take,, f o r i n s t a n c e , her last thing I want to face on a From the chemical capital description of what the Ken-
American, so' I want to know Corvette-it's Icherry red and bleary-eyed Monday morning of the world, Rockville, MD, we nedys put out is "evil surf
what makes everyone think I has an obnoxious vanity plate is her obscenely cheery smile have the Crippled Pilgrims music."
want to see her advertise which reads "Mary Lou". Cute. gracing the front of my with a thoughtful vinyl booty fFor the disciples, the
everything In sight. One Cute's a commodity. Cute Wheaties box. Doesn't it also Underwater. This album is an trademarks are still there:
minute I .see her telling me sells. * . 1 5 .M figure she would like the new invigorating folk rock flood Jello Biafra's despotic role
which batteries to put in my Cute, however, ranks nearly Coke, too. with just enough rough edges. playing and amphetamine ran
walkmanSand next she's driv- last on the scale of com- If cute by itself isn't bad Lyricist-vocalist Jay Moglia
tings, and East Bay Ray's
ing her Corvette through pliments that a full grown per- enough, she couples it with has provided some refrehing psychedelic pain guitar, which
McDonald's. I'm-sorry to say, son should receive. When you "perky" and there you have a rock poetry with such cuts as - if slowed down to 16 rpm -
but rich people who drive Cor- can't think of anything else to combination potent enough to
"Down Here", "So Clean" and could sound like the Beach
v e t t e s d o n o t e a t a t say, "cute" always gets you drive ordinary mortals mad. "Calculating". But in many Boys. (Scary, isn't it?) The
Mc Donald's.jAnd what J does off the hook. "Cute" should What she needs to do is to dir- cases they are just words, " p o l i t i c a l s e n s i b i l i t y " is
her""acrrnty to do four corr- only be applied to little babies, ty up that image a bit.
since Jay's vocal range can be sharper than ever, with men-
There are many things she quite l i m i t e d . The true
could do to make her ap- tions of corporate gods, GOP
Answer the trivia question transcendence ? comes from fascists and quarterback
correctly and win a large pearance more human.. Punch
out a photographer, or a lead guitarist, Scott Wingo. messiahs. Even Shelley would
pizza compliments of. the Like U2's The Edge, he can in be appalled. There are. also
Clipper's Cove. Place your reporter (anyone except' me strumentally carry the words
some unavoidable lines: "Let
^name and address in the Trivia that is), appear at a gym- into higher spirited planes. the kids learn communication,
Box at the Clipper's Cove. A nastics competition in leather Our minds will flow again like instead of schools pushing
\ drawing will be held from all the tights. That would cause a lit- the river, instead of clinging to competition.** Who can argue
T^Ju 7HLJh!g^* correct answers^o determine a tle of the needed bad publici- with Jello? That's what it's all
xs. ty. Just getting her name on some real bad algae. &
winner. The winner will be notified On the other side of the about, right? EMPHASIS
and announced in next week's Issue. the cover of the National En- coin, there is Frankenchrist, CUTSf "Soup is Good Food",
^ ^ S i n c e no onelsubmittedtihe correct quirer would be a start. She's the third LP from the Dead "MTV-Get off the Air", "Jock-
answer to last week's pizza trivia ques- going to have to do it because Kennedys. They are from 0-Rama"and " S t a rs and
tion, here's the question again: "cute" doesn't last iforever, Frisco, but their true target is
Who was Mercyhurst's first male presi- Stripes of Corruption".
and at this rate, she's headed
dent? The deadline for this issue's Pizza for a permanent position as
Trivia is Mon., Dec. 2 at noon. T % SJS the cute, perky cruise director
on 'The Love Boat". I *
Need a ride? Havea car?
Share travel expenses and
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Get rides and give
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NOVEMBER 21,1985

Plaza Cinema - will be show-

Madrigal Preview f ing the following movies
St. Luke's Dinner-Dance Travel Board "Sweet Dreams", "Bring on
the Night", "Agnes of God"
w Mercyhurst students are in- and "Once Bitten". For more
vited to attend a preview of the St. Luke's Catholic Church information and times call
third annual Christmas The Campus Ministry will be
will be holding a dinner-dance setting up a travel board. The 454-0050.
Madrigal Dinner at St. Mark's at the Shriner's Club on Nov.
Center gym on Weds., Dec. 4 board will be used to advertise Thursday - Nov. 21 there will
30. Dinner will be served at 7 rides being offered and rides
at 7 p.m. The evening will p.m. with dancing to follow. be shuttles to the Millcreek
feature musical entertain- needed for breaks and Mall. Shuttles will leave from
Music will be provided by The holidays. The board is located
ment, dance, theatre and Jesters and Chris Tanner. Baldwin at 5 and 6 p.m. Shut-
magic - all authentically pro- across the hall from Campus tles will return at 9 p.m.
Prizes will be awarded. Tickets Ministry.
duced in the tradition of will be $12.50 per person or
Renaissance England. Since $10 a couple for dancing only ( Friday • Nov. 22 will be the
t h i s evening is free to 9-11 p.m.). For- reservations last day for the clothing drive
students, however, the dinner call 825-8164 or 825-8355. for the needy. All clothes
will not be included. Tickets should be dropped off in the
for the full Madrigal Dinner to For Sale SAC Office in the Student
be held Dec. 5,6 and 7 are still Union. ' J
available for Thurs. and Fri.
nights at $20 per person, $15 Opryland Audition Tuesday - Dec. 3 there wi
Samoyed puppies will be for
for Mercyhurst students and sale starting the first week of be Millcreek Mall shuttles.
$18 for college employees. December^ This is just in time Shuttles will leave from In
Call 825-0333 or 825-0394, Representatives from for Christmas. For more infor- front of Baldwin Hall at 5 and 6
Mon. through Fri., 9 a.m. to 4 Opryland, the Nashville theme mation contact 864*7043. p.m.cShuttles will return at 9
p.m. for reservations. park that highlights live p.m. '££
musical production, will con-
duct talent auditions in Pitt- Wednesday - Dec. 4 will be
sburgh on Dec. 5 from 12-4 the window decorating com-
p.m. at the Meliodia Perform- petition for the dorms. Prizes
ing Arts Center. The center is Library Hours
Libra ry will be given for best windows. John Cougar Mellencamp -
located at 121 9th Street. No There are still tickets available
Open Dec. 1 appointments are necessary

Library hours during Friday • Deo. 6 will be the for the Nov. 29 concert of John
for the open call auditions. Thanksgiving Break will be as Christmas Formal. The formal Cougar Mellencamp at the
The Hammermill Library will I Performers who are cast will follows: Closed Sat., Nov. 23 will be held at Rainbow Erie Civic Center. Tickets are
be open on Dec. 1 from 2 - 11 begin rehearsals as early as and Sun., Nov. 24; Mon. 25 1-4 Gardens from 9-1 a.m. The $13.75 and are available at the
p.m. This will be on a trial Feb. 1 or as late as May 17. For p.m.; Tues. 26 1-4 p.m.; Wed. cost of the formal will be $5 Civic Center and all Ticketron
basis to see if the library more details about the audit 271-3 p.m.; Thurs. through Sat. peCj person-o^SIQ a couple^ locations. *
would be utilized by students tion tour, write the Opryland Closed; Sun., Dec. 1 2-11 p.m. The band will be Friction, with
on their return from holiday Entertainment Department, a DJ playing during breaks*
2802 O p r y l a n d D r i v e , The library will resume its
breaks. If a need is exibited, regular hours on Mon., Dec. 2.
the library may go to a format Nashville, TN 37214 or phone Millcreek Mall -f will be
of opening on the days 615-899-6600. m*. showing the following movies
students return from breaks. "Bad Medicine", "Godzilla
' 8 5 " and *"Beck To The
Future", Foretimes and more
Letters of Intent Library Hours for Exams Information call 868-5151.

Music Library Letters of intent for all The library hours for exams
freshmen who wish to run for will be as follows: Sun., Dec t 8, Warner Theatre - will be per-
SAC representative in the Mer- 2 -12 p.m.; Mon. 9, 8:30 a.m. to f o r m i n g the? B r o a d w a y
The Music Library will be cyhurst Student Government midnight; Tues. 10,8:30 a.m. to musical, "42nd Street" on
open one or two days a week are due by Dec. 6. Letters midnight; Wed. 11,8:30 a.m. to Nov. 25, 26, 27. Tickets are
starting in winter term. This should be turned into the SAC 6 p.m. $23.50, $21.50 and $19.50. For
will be on an experimental Office located in the Student tickets contact ihe Erie Civic
basis with regarding staff and Union. Center. *
student use. If a need is
demonstrated the library will Glenwood Ice Rink • will
-continue to open on these Ski Club Cinema World • will be have the following skating
given days. At this time no Qarage Sale showing the following movies sessions. Mon., Tues. and
specific days are slated. f
*That Was Then This Is Now^ Wed. '12 to 12; Fri. and Sat.
The ski club will be going to "Krush Grove", "Death Wish 8:15-10; Sun. 1:30-5:30 and 6 to
The Campus Ministry will be Peek-N-Peak again this year. If III" and 'Rainbow Bright". For 8, with an adult skate from
holding a garage sale to you would like to join or need times and* more information 8:30-10:30. Sessions are $2.50
benefit the School for the Deaf more information, contact call 454-28811 « 3 with skate rental $1.25.*
Art Exhibit in Tanzania, Africa. The sale Karen at 825-8354. %
will be held In' the Campus
Ministry on Dec. 3.
\Shirley Woodson Reid, a
distinguished artist from
Hot, delicious pizza!
Free 30 minute
Call us.
Detroit, Ml will have her oil and
acrylic works featured at the
Mercyhurst,Cummings Clothing Drive
• 10 minute pick-up
Gallery. The exhibit will be • Custom-made with 442 W. 18th St.
open Sun., Dec. 1 through Fri., your choice of quality Open for lunch
I The clothing drive for the toppings. ? I 11 am -1 am Sua - Thurs
Dec. 20. Reid will attend the • Only 100% real dairy
opening reception on Sun., needy will be ending Nov. 22. 11 am-2am Fri. & S a i l
All clothes should be dropped DOMINO'S cheese. * * **
pec. 1 from 3-5 p.m. At that • Fast,friendlyservice
time, she will announce the off at the SAC office in the PIZZA for over 20 years.
winner of the Young Black Ar- Student Union. All clothes will DELIVERS' • America's #1 pizza
Our drivers carry less than $20 00
Limited delivery area.
tist Competition for Mer- be g i v en to the needy <s> delivery company. C I 985 Domino's Pizza. Inc.
cyhurst College. throughout Erie.

Finish with 8-2 record

Lakers end seasoawith 36-21 win

By R.J. Zonna Mercyhurst will not be ^par- yards on 26 carries to up his
• M r i m m

The Mercy hurst Lakers con- ticipating in the upcoming season record to 927 yards
cluded their 1985 season on a Division III playoffs/The four and his career yardage to
positive note with a 36-21 teams that were selected from 2,205. Ruth also set a record
thrashing of Alfred University. the South region,, of which for carries with 185 this year.
The Lakers "home" game was Mercyhurst belongs, were Linebacker Don Gibbon had 11
played on the Omni-Turf at the C a r n e g i e - M e l l o n (8-0),
tackles to set new records for
University of Buffalo due to Salisbury State (9-1), Get- season (125) and career (362)
the lack of an adequate play- tysburg (9-0-1) and Lycoming tackles. The "Zo Show", Craig
ing site jn the Erie area. (10-0). r; Zonna, caught three passes
The victory, enabled the The Lakers seniors, playing for 88 yards to increase his
Lakers to notch a record tying in their final game, set several season reception mark to 35 against only two Individual records in the win and his career record to 82.
losses. The 'Hurst managed which snapped the Saxons' Alfred took an early 3-0 lead
an 8-1 chart last season. ^hree game winning streak, j on Tim Peters' 31 yard field
Despite the glossy record, Tim Ruth rushed for 159 goal. The field goal was set up
when an Alfred punt hit Don
Gibbon and was recovered by
the Saxons on the Lakers' 19
yard line. *£ fi
QB Eddie Ricci turns the corner on his way to a 55 yard touchdown
Mercyhurst took the lead jaunt. K photo by R.J. Zonna
later in the first quarter when
t h e " L o S h o w " , J o h n "Rooster" Rostek launched a Jim Zank intercepted a
Loshelder, broke loose around 60 yard TD strike to Zonna at McDonnell pass and returned
the left end for a 16 yard score. the 2:04 mark of the second it 80 yards for the score. Zank
The drive took nine plays and quarter. Rostek replaced Ricci enjoyed a banner day as he
covered 61 yards to give Mer- two plays earlier after Ricci recorded a record five quarter-
cyhurst a 7-3 lead. "Sfc sprained an ankle. Wilkins back sacks to go along with
The Lakers moved to a 14-3 kick put the Lakers up 21-9. his interception and TD. Zonna
lead when QB Eddie Ricci The Lakers increased their ran it in for the two point con-
rambled 55 yards for a lead when Ruth erupted for a version to increase the Lakers'
touchdown at the 10:36 mark 65 yard touchdown run on the lead to 36-15. ' r* r
of the second quarter. Tim 'Hurst's first possession of The Saxons completed the
Wllkins booted the extra point. the third quarter. Once again' scoring when McDonnell pass-1
The Saxons moved to within Wilkins hit the conversion and ed to David Higgs for a four
five when Alfred QB Paul Mercyhurst led 28-9. j j j ^ yard score. McDonnell's pass
McDonnell hit Jay Radzavich for the two-point conversion
with a 41 yard scoring bomb Alfred's McDonnell punch- fell ^incomplete and Mer-
with Just over; seven minutes ed It over from the one early In cyhurst led 36-21. t I
the fourth quarter to pull the
Fullback Tint Ruth evades an Alfred defender sad scores on a 65 yard remaining in the first half. Saxons to 28-15. The Alfred Defensively senior Mike
run. 5* photo by R.J. Zonna Laker Eddie Kriausky blocked drive covered 82 yards In ^14 Hanes led the team with 14
the point after i attempt to s tackles, while;;Zank and Gib-
make the score 14-9. plays, j r *~. *
bon had 11 tackles each!
'g Mercyhurst came right back The Lakers put the game out Kriausky had 10 tackles for the
MERCYHURST COLLEGE when back-up QB Brian of teach when defensive end 'HursU
Saturday, November 23 Alliance Away*
Men's basketball tunes up for opener
Monday, November 25 Slippery Rock. Away They include Earl Moncrleffe, Providing the leadership for
Wednesday, November 27 Pitt-Johnstown Away £. By Debbie Hlson \

Vinnie DiMella, Mark Davis, the team will be Harris, Nesser

Saturday, November 30 PACE HOME
Wednesday, December 4 CLARION K HOME The 1985-86 Mercyhurst and 6'10" Chris Mindach. Also and the two captains whom,
Friday, December 6 St. John Fisher Away | Laker men's basketball team Joining the Laker squad are Kalbaugh feels the other
Monday, December 9 EDINBORO HOME held their first open scrim- two walk-ons, freshman Rich players look up to and respect.
Wednesday, December 11 LaROCHE HOME | mage of the season with a Lipscomb and sophomore Ron It's the men who bring the ball
ASHLAND HOMB Blue-Green game at the Cam- Casey. Kalbaugh Intends to up^the court and set up the
Saturday, December 14 pus Center Friday night. use each player whenever they plays that deserve the respect
Thursday, December 19 St. Francis (PA) Away
DAVIS & ELKINS HOME According to fifth year Head are needed. of the team, added the Laker
Friday, January 3 Coach Bill Kalbaugh, "We Kalbaugh believes the new mentor. V * ^ ^
Monday, January 6 PITT-BRADFORD HOME
played fair. We have a chance recruits are a very positive Kalbaugh sees his biggest-
Wednesday, January 8 Clarion 9 Away to be a very good team, but we bunch of guys. Freshman
Saturday, January 11 CHEYNEY HOME task this year as having the
lack the day- to-day consisten- Davis will play a lot throughout team perform well at home
Monday, January 13 Penn State-Behrend Away cy needed. Some days we're the season, even though he
Monday, January 20 Pitt-Bradford Away and having a good road record.
Wednesday,, January 22 Davis & El kins Away good and others we're poor. sprained his ankles in ( the "This year's schedule has the
ST. JOHN FISHER HOME We're on the fence right now." • scrimmage. The 'Hurst coach least amount of home games I
Friday, January 24 Kalbaugh's team features also has high hopes for Moss, have seen since I've i been
Thursday, January 30 Ashland Away seven returning players from who was "the>best player in
Monday, February 3 % Edinboro Away here. It's not very advan-
last year's Big Five Champion- the pre-season." tageous," he said. The Lakers
Wednesday, February 5 LeMoyneJ Away ship team *that recorded a Harris will be counted on as
Saturday, February 8 CENTRAL STATE HOME will play 12 home contests, 14
17-11 si season. He welcomes a solid scorer, Kalbaugh said.
Wednesday*; February 12 GANNON Civic Center the return of seniors Kenney Although Harris cannot take away, and two at neutral sites.
Friday, February 14 LeMOYNE HOME !••
DAEMEN^ HOME Moss, Marty Cams and Chuck the place of last year's Laker The Lakers will open their
Monday, February 17 Brower;:juniors Matt Nesser standout John Green, he Is regular season on Saturday In
Thursday, February 20 IUP ! ! Away
a n d T o d d L e e ; a n d able to score in double figures the^Gary Miller Classic with
Monday, February 24 Central State Away |
Away y sophomores Nate Harris and and some aspects of his game only nine healthy players.
Wednesday, February 26 Daemon Tim Winbush. are better than Green's, added They will oppose Alliance Col-
Four new players were Kalbaugh. i lege In the opener before retur-
* Gary Miller Classic recruited to take the place of Captains of*, this year's ning home to fface Pace on
ALL HOME GAME&TiPOFF AT 8:00 P.M. the four departed seniors. squad are be Cams and Lee. Nov. 30. *

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