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Marković Darinka

Group C
Index # 82/10

Peek-a-boo !!!
It Happens When No One Is Watching

If an ad stops you in your tracks it must be good. If you look at any ordinary leaflet, poster for
cinema announcements or just a billboard beside a highway, none of these will look back to you.
However, this particular poster for Amnesty international carries a unique and innovative method to
convey the message effectively. Possitioned on a crowded bus station, the ad appeals to audience by
using harsh contrasts, interactive technology and aims for inevitable emotional response – everything to
stir public opinions and collective awareness about the issue of domestic violence.

This amazing anti-abuse bus stop ad was conveniently created for the Amnesty International.
Originally, the ad was designed by an advertising agency ‘Jung von Matt’ and has won Cannes Silver Lion
award. First chance to see this miracle of technology at few bus stops got the citizens of Berlin. What
could passers-by see in it? Unlike with worn out posters, in this case there was a both way
communication. Namely, the ad uses new interactive technology that promotes itself. An eye-tracking
camera, installed in the board, scans its proximity and triggers an image switch on the display panel
when it senses someone looking at it. The change only occurs after a brief delay, so that observers
understand what is going on, and get the message. Depending if there are any viewers present or not,
one of the two pictures will be revealed to them.

First image pictures domestic violence. The other represents a scene of spousal harmony. When
nobody is looking, the screen shows a man abusing his wife. When the camera detects a face, the ad
waits a few seconds, and then the couple stops fighting and does their best to look normal by
pretending to be happy. The text reads "IT HAPPENS WHEN NOBODY IS WATCHING." The background
color is neutral, black, and the ‘actors’ resemble an ordinary couple. They are generic characters who
could be your next-door neighbors.

The ad relies on pathos on many levels and evokes sentiments about more humane and just
society. Fostering emotional reaction from a viewer moves through stages. Firstly, the observer is
intrigued with the novelty of moving panels, and then shocked with the harsh contrasting pictures.
Secondly, on a more abstract level, the ad gets to be not just a general illustration of tragedy called
domestic abuse, but it also calls for personal intimate involvement with that one viewer standing in

Marković Darinka
Group C
Index # 82/10
front of it. Sad story of the couple, exposure to violence, identification with the victim – everything is
aimed to put an engaged observer into intensified emotional state, including fear, frustration and

To increase its credibility, the advertisement uses ethos as well because it is visibly marked with
recognizable symbol of Amnesty International. It is a worldwide organization which is independent from
any government and its main purpose and vision is to enact for every person to enjoy all the human
rights. Authority of such non-profit organization, which exists since 1961 and has a Nobel Peace Prize in
its achievements, certainly contributes to the ad’s persuasive appeal.

Its interactive nature is fueled with hybrid text - striking line and pictures which are presented in
harsh contrast. This in fact, is its main strategy of persuasion, through comparison and contrast. The
actors are dressed in bright clothes, against completely black background. Viewer’s eyes are drawn to
moving silhouettes not just because of the contrastive use of colors but also because of the two
opposing images. Again the interactive benefit of this advertisement plays a huge role in reception of
the message. As you are gazing into the poster to see what will happen, your attention is wholly
occupied, and the final message is lasting. The contrast goes into extremes. On one hand, there is a
completely positive, warm spousal harmony depicted, while on the other, there is a negative, cold,
viscous domestic violence. The dichotomy is even more emphasized since the scenery, actors and one
text line are highlighted with utmost simplicity.

The highly contrastive ad which opens a grave issue of domestic abuse, improved with
technological novelty of interactive changing panels, has a more intimate and lasting approach to every
passer-by. It says - it starts with you, me, sole individuals, who care and are encouraged to make
questions. It is intimate even more because you are an engaged viewer. Depending on your body
motions, an eye-tracking camera sends a signal, and the picture changes. By analogy, action of an
individual can trigger a greater change for better in whole society. Domestic violence is a touchy subject
because everyone has to have their own privacy. The question is when it is the time to step the line and
ring the bell of your neighbor’s door. In family abuse the most often victims are children. Women can
be abused. Men can be abused. There are obvious violent situations but no one wants to get involved.
This ad says: get involved. "IT HAPPENS WHEN NOBODY IS WATCHING." You are watching. Next time
you can find yourself in described situation, you can be watching over someone and be his/her/its
guardian and savior.

Marković Darinka
Group C
Index # 82/10

Marković Darinka
Group C
Index # 82/10

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