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Four-day Mingus Laker Hockey
festival at the PAC page 7
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Vol. 74 No. 5 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St Erie, Pa. 16546 October 18,2000

O p e n doors threaten 'security of residents

By Heather Cvitkovic back 10 minutes later and the door is wide open i • i & l :

m 1
Merciad writer again,'* Sidun added. $
He warns students to keep the inside doors
Students leaving apartment doors propped to apartments locked as well. |
open are asking for trouble. Such was the case There were also some similar incidents this
in an adjoining apartment building on Briggs summer. Items were removedfromapartments
Avenue where a theft occurred Oct. 1. when no one was in the apartments. These in-
The resident of the apartment woke to find cidents, along with the Oct 1 incident, are still
that someone had entered the apartment. The under investigation. .tfgasSSSfc/j— (AC«W*•"••

resident later found that several items had been All security reports pertaining to significant
removed from the apartment. crimes are entered into the crimeglog in the it

^According to the victim of the October inci- police and safety office and eventually become mm
dent, thefrontdoor of the apartment building part ofthe annual security report in accordance /."Vf-.^**

was not left open. The victim also said that, with both the state and federal Geary Act, **. ' "*&*

upon going to bed, the inside apartment door explained Rodger Gregorich, dean of public r^r>
was also locked. Upon investigation, however, safety. .
police and safety found that the adjoining The Jeanne Cleary Disclosure of Campus
building's door was open. L J Security Police and Campus Grime Statistics SSftfe^K

Part of the problem with incidents such as Act, better known as the Cleary Act, a federal Annie Sitter/Merciad Photographer
this is that the front doors to many campus law passed in 1990 and revised in 1998, man- Leaving doors propped open creates a serious security problem, making campus
apartment buildings are being held open by dates that all colleges and universities com- apartments easy targets for break-ins. 1
various means. Students often leave them pile information regarding campus security
open, sometimes all night long, which is an policies, procedures, programs and crime sta- ported crime statistics must be provided to the the police and safety department. I 1 *
invitation for anyone to enter the building. tistics. This information is to be made avail- U.S. Department of Education on an annual The 1999 annual security report (1999 being
(ETlra serious security problem and one able to the public and college population. basis. —-----••-•>••- • •••4t -»• - - • the eurrrent statistics) for bom Main and No
ofthe biggest problems we have,** said Ken ™ The Pennyslvania Cleary Act also requires Everyone is entitled to see the college's se- East campuses can be found at the college
Sidun, chief of police and safety. "It gives ac- campuses to report crime statistics to the Pe nn- curity procedures and policies, as well as any internet site <>. Click on
cess to anyone coming in off the street.'* sylvania State Police in accordance with the crime statistics that are available, provided the "Student Services'* and then click on "Camous
"Sometimes I will be going down Briggs and Uniform Crime Reporting Act. In addition to crime has been reported to a campus security Police & Safety'* to view a copy of the annual
see a door propped open and I'll shut it. I come the state act, the federal act requires that re- authority but not necessarily investigated by security report. •£ J A
& § *4 See Break-ins/ page 2

"I think God can explain ..." Recycling off to slow start
quantity of material..
By Kate Cy winski Recycled material is taken to two dumpsters
Merciad writer specifically for recycled goods located by the
The recycling program that was implemented maintenance building and behind the Mercy
at Mercyhurst In March 2000 has seen some apartments. Waste Management then picks it
obstacles in its first few months. Miscommu- upfromhere.
nication, lack of student awareness and not ''Many people use them as regular dumpsters
enough bins seem to be the main problems, simply because they don't know that they are
according to Dave Adams, a senior who has only recycle bins," explained Adams.
been instrumental in starting the program. Magoc suggested that florescent labels be
' With greater support from the maintenance made for the bins, in an effort to prevent acci-
department and administration, these obstacles dental misuse. v §
should be taken care of soon though. With the support of the administration and
Adams said students had been trying to get by working with the maintenance department,
a recycling program started since he was a Adams and Magoc have taken steps to address
sophomore. Their efforts were ineffective until the problems facing the recycling program.
Dr. Chris Magoc, an assitant professor in the "An efficient recycling program on campus
history department, got involved and contacted requires communication, cooperation and ef-
the maintenance department and administra- fort on the part of the entire Mercyhurst com-
tion. munity," according to Adams. "Our focus is
"The recycling program made great strides on education. We are going to plaster the cam-
last year,* but it faced obstacles such as mis- pus with information," he said, referring to the
communication and lack of bins," said Magoc. fact that if students don't know how and where
"Before we began last year, there had been to recycle, the effort is futile.
no recycling program since ECCO three years Last year, bins were placed throughout the
ago," said Adams. "This school year recycling academic buildings. Maintenance recently or-
began at a slow pace the first week of Octo- dered 110 30-galIon bins that will be distrib-
ber." Despite thist-slow pace, Adams said, uted to the townhouses and every apartment
'•right now, I'm really proud of it.** f complex. I
There has been a problem with much of the Maintenance has increased its work-study
recyclable material being mixed in with the positions from two to four students who are
garbage. Two areas Adams identified as most responsible for collecting the recycled mate-
prone to this problem are the Herrmann Stu- rial. Currently Adams and Steve Justi are the
Annie Sitter/Merciad Photographer dent Union, where recycle bins are used as or- collectors. The other positions will be filled
dinary trash cans, and the freshman dorms, when the new bins arrive.
Waymon Boone, lead singer of Splender, rocks Mercyhurst's Faff Fest
where the bins are too small to support the According to Magoc, the administration
Saturday* Oct. 14.,An estimated crowd of 300 attended the event.
- See Recycling/page 2


Botulism killing Presqueflsle gulls
Reznik, a member of the lymnology class,
By Sarah Crawshaw there are two groups in the class that are
Merciad writer working on the project. The first group
studies the dead birds as well as their J
Mercy hurst students in Dr. Michael feeding habits and locations in order to
Campbell's lymnology class are testing the pinpoint what is occurring, said Reznik.
waters of Presque Isle to try to find what is The second group is taking samples of
killing the seagulls along Lake Erie. The every possible part of the environment at
study is being funded by a mini grant from Presque Isle, such as the lake water, the
the Pennsylvania Sea Grant Association. bottom of the lake, plankton and the beaches
.This is the problem that has been occur- as well as the carcasses themselves.
ring at Presque Isle State Park along Lake "We're trying to get an overall picture of
Erie. Many dead seagulls have been found, Presque Isle as a whole by sampling random
and it has been discovered that they are * intervals all the way around," said Reznik.
dying from a form of avian botulism. This If we find something that is only by the
form of botulism also claimed the lives of entrance to the park and nowhere else, then
birds and fish all along the shores of Lake that might be a reason for the botulism."
Erie near Cleveland, as well as along the In addition to the lymnology class doing Annie Sitter/Merciad Photographer
Canadian shoreline. | the grunt work for their labs, Dr. Larry £ To expand the recycling program on campus 110 more recycling bins have been
Members Campbell's class have been Gauriloff is culturing the botulism to find
cataloguing facts and samplesfromPresque out where it is coming from. I ordered and are to be placed in every townhouse and apartment complex.
Isle to help out. "Our goal is to betterl | As for the students, Reznik said that they
understand exactly what's happening, by are just happy to have the opportunity to be
finding out how the birds are coming in helping out in some way. "Now we can continued from page ft
contact with the disease and if there is a link always say that we helped work on the
between this and the dead fish that have Presque Isle avian botulism, even if what we
been found," he said.
According to senior biology major Thorn
rind is taken by someone else and they run
with it," he said. -h
has been very receptive to Adams's ideas. "Dr. education," he said. "Unfortunately, it doesn't

Changes in store for Hurst Rock Cafe Gower couldn 't have been more positive about
it. There is no resistance, just a matter of get-
take many to ruin the program. If the
dumpsters are misused, Waste Management
will stop coming." >
include not only Mercyhurst students, but - ting bins and making sure that material goes
By Julia Wanzco members of the Erie community as well. to the correct place." Recyclable materials include paper, card-
Merciad writer This is one reason the show will be changing The College Senate passed recycling as part board, glass, number one and two plastics, and
its format. Each show will consist of Erie of Mercyhurst's vision in accordance with the all cans and bottles.
For the past three years, every weekday "Everyone needs to realize that very little
from 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mercyhurst community and Mercyhurst campus news, Environmental Sustainability program
sports, guests and reviews. adopted by the Sisters of Mercy of the Ameri- is actually trash, and recycling should become
students would gather in the communica- a daily part of our lives" stated Magoc.
tions department in the basement of Baldwin Hurst Rock Cafe will no longer be live, cas. $
tfPaJl JQcreatea live encode of Hurst^ockg but instead tape delayed. » Adams feels that the majority of students "This campus is our home and our lawn
TCafieYa student-produced television lallf J*" • hg-'Tm excited for the new seasoiu It will be seem to be willing to (;ooperatejJf''I am very and it is the students' responsibility to keep it
fc:>>>M i- > , ; more formal tharflast year, but I'm looking optimistic that cooperation will increase with clean," he said, j
rsnow'' '""*"^';- "' -' *"'-' -'—•••- ;
5The show was characterized by a laid back forward to seeing bigger ratingsfromthe
atmosphere with two hosts who basically* Erie community," said Sarah Foster, host of |
just talked about the events of their days. last year's show.
Foster also said that new ideasfromall
Campus news was reported as well as
various sports briefs. Occasional guests students are welcome. Students do not have In addition to the annual report, the act whose job was to compile the information
would appear though there was no set to be communication majors to participate in requires that a crime log is kept and updated for the annual security report in accordance
schedule. Hurst Rock Cafe or Hurst TV. * f regularly and is readily available to the with the Geary Act.
Before any of this can happen, the goal for general public. This crime log lists legiti- Mercyhurst College employs seven full-
Can Mercyhurst students expect another
the students behind the show is to get Hurst mate crimes (violations of the law), and each time and six part-time officers who are on*
year of this type of Hurst Rock Caffc? Will
Rock Cafe up and running again. The show crime is reported in the log within 48 hours duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, who
last year's hosts Steve Torriero and Sarah
is tentatively scheduled to be back on air in of the occurrence. are on hand to answer calls and investigate
["Foster grace our television screens again this
year? Steve has graduated, but Sarah is still late October or early November, tInitially, it» The Geary Act also states that crimes on complaints.
around. As for Hurst Rock Cafe, it won't bel may only appear once a week on Fridays campus must be reported to the campus*. Any and all crimes and/or suspicions of
quite the Hurst Rock the Mercyhurst from 5 p.nwto 5:30 p.mlon Erie Cablevision population, students and faculty in a timely crimes are to be reported to the police &
community has seen in years past. channel 19, but, the ultimate goal is to manner. That means reporting in such safety office. Any information that is given
Viewers will see a variety of changes in produce five shows a week. publications as The Merciad, Monday is confidential* Names are never entered into
"Hurst Rock Cafe is making improve- Morning or postings in individual apart- the crime log. In addition, if there are any
[} the programming of Hurst TV. Hurst Rock
ments that will allow the show to be more ments. questions regarding compliance with either
Cafe" is currently undergoing a major format
change. Hurst Rock Cafe will now run under organized and place it at a greater profes- "We have done everything and anything the State or Federal Campus Security Acts,
the programming known as a magazine sional level," said communication major possible to let every student, every em- \ contact the police and safety department at
format. This type of television format can Debbie Osry. "The changes are challenging ployee know about this act," said Gregorich, 824-2104 or 824-2304. W 1
be compared to NBC's Today Show. and it will be a slow process. However, I i
According to Dr. Richard Welch, director am confident that the final product wil 1 be
of the communication department, Hurst TV good/' k%
is planning to expand its target market to
* Jl

Mercyhurst College Police and Safety Log MSG is'jlooking to fill a senior representative
October 1,2000 f W McAuley Hall — Several students
Briggs Avenue — Suspects entered were using marijuana in their room position. Applications must be submitted to thi
the victim's apartment and removed Drugs confiscated, students re- MSG office located on the third floor of
approximately 100 CDs, a lava ferred.
lamp and two Sony Play Station UnionlbyfMonday, Oct. 23.
games. J| » October 8,2000
Mercy 200 ^j* Theft by known
October 2,2000. * studentfromstudent who was j Dean's List Dinner I f
Mercy 200 — Female victim sleeping. Acted on admitted of- be|held Sunday, Oct. 22 at 6:30 p.m
slapped across the face by another fense.
female. the upper level of the^Egan Dining
October 9,2000 * Jail. The featured speaker for the
October 6,2000 Baldwin Hall — Harassing phone eveningfisJGlemKwok
Bnggs Avenue -*j Intoxicated calls were made because of a male/
student tried to enter police vehicle female domestic quarrel.

Four days with the giant of Jazz Dinner and a movie!
By Brandon Boylan
Senior Writer
From the time of his birth in 1922 until his
death in 1979^Charles Mingus accomplished
Smugglers Wharf "Meet the Parents
several musical achievements, surpassing
those in historic and stylistic meter of any
other jazz figure. Check, please Just the ticket
Undoubtedly one of the greatest jazz musi-
cians, Mingus shared with his audience his By Leslie Echan By Brandon Boylan
talent as a bassist, composer, arranger, leader, Merciad Writer Senior Writer
author, pianist and vocalist. As a double bass File Photo
player, he commanded an awesome technique Smugglers Wharf, a restaurant at Dobbin's When dopey Greg (Ben Stiller) decides he
and was thoroughly skilled with all styles of Landing, was established in 1976 and could wants to marry his beautiful girlfriend, Pam,
ets for seniors and students are $3 and $4 for definitely settle the craving for a good filet
jam existing during his lifetime. the remaining public. (Teri Polo),;he concludes he should ask her
mignon. =| father, Jack, (Robert DeNiro) for his permis-
He developed a new conversational ap- The second day of the event will be a lecture
proach to the double bass, as found in his At least it did for me, but not my bank ac- sion. So after a stressing flight, the couple ar-
by Andrew Homzy, professor of music at count. Fortunately for my account, my dad
songs, "What Love" and "Epitaph," and also Concordia University. Nominated for a 1999 was my date. He saved me from the salty caf- rives at Pam's house in New York for Greg to
a softer approach that simultaneously com- Grammy for his liner notes, "Charles Mingus: eteria food when he was passing through Erie meet her parents and attend Pam's sister's wed-
bined the bass line, inner harmonies and im- The Passions of a Man, the Atlantic Record- on his business trip from Cleveland to Buf- ding which is being held the same weekend.
provised countenmelodies, as?found in ings^ 95 6-1961," Homzy will speak on falo. If the male nurse wasn't anxious about be-
j[. |
"Stormy Weather."v J | g ' ;; Mingus* influence on the jazz world and his ing with his girlfriend's odd family, he will be
Soon after, he toured in the big .bands of contributions to the music industry itself. This We went to Smugglers Wharf, my choice after his girlfriend's cat-loving, brassy father
Louis Armstrong and Lionel Hampton. Re- event, in the Taylor Little Theater at 8 p.m., is because I wanted to show him the view of puts him on edge the entire weekend. Posing
cordings were made of Mingus working with also free. Lake Erie from this side of town. We sat at a
table by the window watching the sun set over as a retired florist, Jack makes Greg feel less
jazz greats like Billy Taylor, Duke Ellington, The final act of the Mingus special will be Presque Isle. Which I do have to admit, no than comfortable at his home by spying on
Stan Getz, Art Tatum, Bud Powell and Charlie held Sat., Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. The 14-member matter how "dreary" the Erie weather can be, him, interjecting threats at him, and bullying
Parker. Reported as the "smokingest big band Mingus Big Band will perform compositions the sunsets make up for it. him into obeying house rules.
on the planet" by Jazz Times, the Mingus Big ofthe man himself, as well as big band arrange- Scared of Pam's over-protective father when
Band will be coming to the Hurst this week ments of works by Steve Stagle, Ronnie Cuber, I would suggest the wonderful restaurant for
a "special" date. The prices are too high for he first thought he was a florist, Greg stumbles
as part of a special Charles Mingus celebra- Jack Walrath and more. According to Don on a secret room, finding out that Jack is actu-
tion. Heckman, a writer for Herbert Barrett Man- struggling college students, unless you go for
just desserts, which are all under $4. ally a retired spy investigator for the CIA.
Kicking off the four-day special, a documen- agement in NYC, "The band can generate an Short of losing his mind, Greg spends the en-
intermittently—a sense of collective, let's-all- 1 The waiter was friendly and straight to the
tary film titled "Charles Mingus:/Triumph of point while listing the dinner specials, which tire weekend apprehensive and disturbed and
the Underdog" will be shown on the life of join-in creativity that reaches far beyond the
written notes." The concert will be held Satur- all sounded delicious. Though the. menu had managing to almost destroy Pam's sister's
bassist, Charles Mingus^exploring his work a variety of seafood, pasta, meats and sand- wedding.
as a musician and composer. According to day night in the Mary D'Angelo Performing
Arts Center, with a pre-show talk at 7:15 p.m. wiches, it was hard to choose which plate it's good to see DeNiro Stretching his acting
<>, a Web site specializing would settle my craving for good food. *
in art and music criticism, "You cannot help Seniors and students are $12.50, and SI 5 for range in the last couple of years? Noted for
all others. For more information, call the Mary I started with Portabello mushrooms as my being an intense, intolerant mobster-like char-
reacting sympathetically to Mingus himself,
a photogenic, funny and hard-hitting man who D'Angelo Performing Arts Center box office appetizer. Pine nuts, artichokes, onions, to- acter actor in the '70s and '80s, DeNiro has
always told it, and played it, as it was." The at Ext. 3000. ? f r matoes and olive oil were mixed together to shown remarkable talent as a comedian in the
documentary will be Oct. 18 at 8 p.m., with a enhance the fantastic flavor. The appetizer was '90s. With films like "Mad, Dog and Glory,"
XThis article is based in part on "Destina-definitely a healthy portion for two?
short seminar preceding it at 7:30 p.m. in the tion: Culture, " a publication of the Mary "Analyze This" and now "Meet the Parents,"
Mary D'Angelo Performing Arts Center. Tick- For my entree I ordered the 6 oz. ($15.95) he has immensely expanded his film range and
D 'Angelo Performing Arts Center. * Queen's filet mignon with bearnaise sauce. repertoire. His ability to channel his tough-guy
My dad ordered the 8 oz. with Texas chili but-
Adam andiEvelget into the mood at Taylor Theater ter ($17.95). After eating your main meal, you
image into comedic characters, especially in
the role of Jack, is eminent. Ben Stiller is as
do feel like you ate a royal feast.
was taking place. funny as ever, portraying yet again another
By Sarah Cra wsh a w While we were finishing dinner, we noticed
The play is double cast, which Maloney said a Christmas-lit paddle boat coming into dock. romantic yuppie exasperated with the compli-
Merciad Writer
that he never does, but each cast will perform Unfortunately we could not enjoy the variety cations with relationships. Following up such
If students who *plan 'on attending two nights. Nicholas Polino and Justin Moore of desserts while enjoying the view, We were movies as "Reality Bites," *There's Something
Mercyhurst's production of "The Diary of are playing Adam, and Bridie Carrol and Jen- tOO full. '% I I I' * J $ y W J | About Mary,*' "Flirting with Disaster" and last
Adam and Eve" are expecting to see nudity nifer Buosievie portray Eve. The character of For reservations, call 1-814-45-WHARF, or year's "Keeping the Faith," Stiller has had full-
and fig leaves, they will be in for a surprise. the snake remains the same, played by E.J. check out their Web site coming soon at, fledged emergence from his father Jerry's
The play is based on a story by Mark Twain Arriola. <>*I recommend shadow.
and is from Broadway's "The Apple Tree," a Maloney is hoping for a big turnout for this this restaurant for anyone with a large appe- Though the film is constantly overplaying
musical that is broken up into three one-act "inaugural production of the new musical the- tite and wallet! Lunch is served Wednesday the awkwardness of meeting the in-laws, es-
plays, rather than a full musical. The "Diary ater department." The department has been through Sunday 11:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and pecially by condensing all mischief into one
of Adam and Eve" is the first play and is the 18 years in the making, and as the first pro- dinner 4 p.m. until 9 p.m., Friday and Satur- weekend, it's exceptionally fun to watch and
longest of the three, being an hour long; duction, it is important that there is support day dinner is served until 10 p.m. easy to laugh at*DeNiro and Stiller's chemis-
"There's nothing religious in the play, and from the college campus. .
try makes up for what the script lacks. New-
it's one of the most delightful hours in a mu- Since the department is in the early stages, comer Teri Polo is perfect as the flatline,
sical* The musical construction of the play is there, is no technical crew to work on sets and
people-pleasing woman caught in between her
incredible," said D.J. Maloney, director of the lighting, so the actors and the other musical
theater majors have been working 14-hour days lover and father. The film also stars Blythe
musical theater program. He said that the play
merely takes the parable ofAdam and Eve and in order to get everything done. Danner as Pam's mom and Owen Wilson as
follows them throughout their lives. The play opens Thursday, Oct 26 at 8 p.m. Pam's ex-boyfriendjl gave it a B-. "Meet the
Maloney chose this play due for its sim- in the Taylor Little Theatre. It at the Parents," rated PG-13, is playing at Tinseltown
plicity, and because he knew that he would be same time on Friday and Saturday nights and daily at 1:20 p.m., 4:20 p.m., 7:20 p.m. and
able to cast Adam and Eve from the college at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, Students and faculty 9:50 p.m. J
community of Mercyhurst, which was impor- can attend for free and there is a $7 charge for
tant to the speed with which the production others.

By Kristin Elizabeth Purdy


Mingus: Triumph of the Underdog-film at the PAC Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Misery-play at 652 W. 16th St at Popular Oct 19-21 at 8 p.m.
Andrew Homzy-lecture on Mingus at the Taylor Little Theater Oct. 19 at 8 p.m Funny Girl at Erie Playhouse Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m., Oct. 20-21 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 22 at 2:30 p.m
Mingus Big Band-jazz and big band music at the PAC Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. Haunted House 7195 West Ridge Road Oct 20-21 at 7:30-midnight
Tokyo String Quartet at the PAC Oct. 22 at 2:30 p.m. Russian Romantics-Erie Philharmonic at Warner Theatre Oct. 21 at 8 p.m.
Coffeehouse: Magic and Mystery at the Union Oct. 21 at 10:30 p.m. Tripping




• Hurststock was a success of enormous proportions. Students behaved themselves in
Changing of thelguard:
grand style, there was plenty to do, Mother Nature provided a beautiful day and Splender
was awesome. Thank you, Rob Kosko, for all your hard work getting us a good band and When* leadership changes hands,
SAC for providing a fun weekend activity that appealed to many students.

• Congratulations to the staff of The Freedom Zone. The MSG-sponsored paper came out
so does the editor's mission
last week. The paper takes a different approach than The Merciad, focusing more on Imagine my surprise when I was informed
opinion, which will appeal to many students. The paper looks good and has some interesting that Dave Hermaneau was resigning as the
articles in it Keep up the good work. .-» ^ paper's editor in chief of The Merciad after Leftpo write
only two issues,. >*
• Congratulations to the Laker football team for the awesome win this past weekend. The I was even more shocked when I was asked
only complaint is that it couldn't have been at home, because we all would have liked to see by the paper's advisers, Mary Daly and Paul Zack Venable
the Lakers kick some butt. M Reichart, to step up to the plate. | |
I took the position, knowing full well that ing. Such activities are counterproductive and
• At the Oct. 12 Board of Trustees meeting, the board approved beginning wrestling as a do not represent the true purpose of journal-
varisty sport. This is partly in an effort to attract more men to the campus. Really, ladies being editor in chief was. not going to be an
easy task. I was to oversee the production of ism.
isn't that all they needed to say? f
the paper and make sure that everything ran By the same token, we will not stand idle
THE BAD ... as smoothly
Here we
at the fifth issue and things are
on a
particular issue if we know we are in the
• The library is a place to study, right? So why do some students feeV it is necessary to
bring cell phones into the library? They not only bring them in, but leave them on and not as bad as I had thought they would be. ^Lastly, The Merciad is a newspaper for and
receive phone calls. If you are waiting for a call that is that important, you should be at Yes, there have been some problems and about the college. We are not a mouthpiece
home. we've made a few mistakes, but we're still for the administration. Their only involve-
gelling as a totally new staff. ment is to ask two professionals to help this
• Everyone knows that if you are in the Great Room in the library you can hear every i Overall, the transition has been positive and new staff learn the ropes. They are here with
thing that is going on in Taylor Little Theater. Most of us have accepted that fact* But does we are eager as a staff to make our mark. I us every Tuesday night even if it is until 3
it have to occur during mid-term week? Couldn't people practice in the Green Room? It's credit both the current staff members and ad- a.m. Mary and Paul challenge us all to be bet-
hard enough to concentrate over the people that insist on talking and its even harder with visers for this. Without their time, talents, per- ter writers, researchers and reporters.^
all the commotion going on downstairs. severance and patience there would certainly My standards, goals and ideals for this
be no Merciad. publication run along the» same line as Dave
• The women's soccer team is ranked sixth in the nation and first in the region, but even So, it comes to the point where I explain to Hermaneau's did .We have a new format and
that cannot seem to draw many fans to their games. Last weekend only a few diehard our readers my approach as an editor and es- the paper is now totally produced electroni-
lacrosse players and several of theirfriendsshowed up for the game, making the student tablish what direction I would like to see the cally. This is a quantum leap compared to the
count like 15 at the most. With such a high-ranked team, shouldn't we be showing the ladies
more support? paper take this school year. way the paper was done before.-:
First and foremost, I will make an aggres- The Merciad is a paper for everyone, espe-
sive effort to present the most accurate news cially students. We write articles about de-
THEiUGLYi.« available and to correctjt when ifcjs not. There partments, sports teams, on-campus organi-
• Ugly are thelines at.the'Police & Safety Office as student contest parking tickets are not just two sides* but many sides to a zations?* professors,' graduate students, tradi-
received this weekend. Students are complaining that they were not properly informed as to story. I will make it The Merciad's task to get I tional students, non^traditional students, and
where to park, despite the fliers that were put on cars. So who really is to blame here? all the aspects of a particular situation. employees of the college.
Secondly, I want our readers to understand Everyone deserves equal coverage and this
• After a beautiful weekend, it stinks to wake up Sunday morning to rainy, crappy that The Merciad is a paper produced by stu- will happen. We are part of a diverse com-
weather and it does not help prepare you for the week to come. But we all might as well dents in an academic setting, and therefore, munity on and off this campus, all seeking to
get used to it, as the good old Erie winter is just around the corner. we will not lower the status of its content to better ourselves in some way or another. I
the level of today's tabloid media. want The Merciad to be a.vehicle for this ba-
• People's attitudes toward Police & Safety are getting uglier and uglier. These officers We pledge to produce a newspaper that is sic, yet all-encompassing'idea. I want this
are held to a certain set of rules and standards that they must abide by to keep their jobs.
Granted, they don't always act appropriately, but do we always need to treat them with such both informative and readable without stoop- year's paper to be better than any since 1929.
disrespect, even when they are trying to show us respect? k ing to the level of petty rumors and mudsling-
Zachary Venable is a senior forensic anthro-
pology majorfromSummit Hill, Pa. He can

The hunt for a job and the quest not to be poor be reached at Ext. 2376% or at

OK, I know that the first term of school isn't pay my credit card bills, my dad will either
even over yet, so why are people pressuring
me to start looking for a job?
Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Famous last words
take care of it for me or, at the very least, help
me out. But once that diploma is my hand, my
dad is cutting the strings and is not going to
Parents calling you, sending you e-mails and bail me out of all the trouble that I seem to Students' bills not
letters and always asking the same question. have a penchant for getting into. I will be on paidiii full by
Heather Cvitkovic my own. And that is a very scary thought.
Have you started looking for ajob, yet? I don't
know about anybody else,"but I am not ready But my biggest problem in this quest for my October 20th
have begun to focus some of my attention on a career is that I have very unrealistic expecta-
to start looking for a job. I'm not ready to enter
job. I tell my parents this. I tell them that I am tions when it comes to pay. I tell anyone who wip bejplaced on
the real world because I'm not sure if it is
going to meet my standards;! at least thinking about what I want to do and asks that I will not accept anything less than "l&sinessjtiold" by
how much money I want to make, but it doesn't $32,000. And why should I? When I graduate
I just returned to Mercyhurst after a year in
fcto be good enough for them. I will have not one but two degrees, one from thetstuSent accounts<office
Hew York City, where I did face some of the a very prestigious school. So why can't they
K I feel like I just got back to school from a
harsh realities of the real world, like not be-
summer of nothing but work. I feel like I just offer me that much? |This means that students
ing able tofinda reasonably priced place to got really settled into my apartment. I have had Everyone tells me that I am crazy and I am wiji a $hold" will not be
live, extreme job competition and a high cost not going to make that much money to start
of living. I hadfriendswho lived in New York
tons of work and have just been trying to get fallowed to registerforWinter
into a groove that works for me. I have not out, but I don't care.;If I set myself a goal,
who struggled to stay afloat and they had ca- really had much time to devote to resume writ- through hard work and perseverance I can usu- 2001 glasses until the ac-
reers that were supposed to be so promising. ing and job searching. &L ally achieve it. And this is one goal that I am count is cleared through the
I, too, ended up struggling at the end of the Another reason is that I am a little bit fright- not going to back down from. My parents student accounts office.
year. I cannot even begin to tell you how poor ened. I'm not ashamed to admit th is fact I prob- would like it if my goal was to merely find a
Payment|may be made by
I was, and how much I hated it.I knew that I ably speak for a lot of people when I say that.
never wanted to be poor like that again. But I'mfrightenedof entering the real world, not So I guess that with all these goals hanging cash* check, Visa,
to remain out of what I consider to be pov- so sure that I am going to be able to cut it I over my head and the fact that I do not want to MasterCard or Discover in
erty-like standards I would need to either think to myself, "what if I am poor, what if I be poor for the rest of my life, I better start at theljoffice (Main 115) Mon-
marry a man with tons of money or get my- don't get a good job or find a nice place to the very least looking for a job. So let me end day through Friday between
s here so that maybe I could go and work on my
self a job that pays well. live." All these "what ifs." ^ ™
I like the security that I have now — if I resume. But wait... Dawson's Creek is on. Oh, 8:30 a.m. and
Since the man with the money seems to be
a dream that is destined to never come true, I bounce a check, which I sometimes do, or can't I'll do it later. 4:30. p.m.

» *• XHVW
m '
* • »


CAMPUS Rock and roll on
How dofyou feel about Megan Cvitkovic
the recycling situation on campus? Rock and roll is here to stay, and so is the
glamorous, bedazzled wardrobe of the
* Administration is lying to us, saying that quintessential rock star.
they're protecting the environment when Now you, too, can become a punk rocker
they're not even recycling" 1 and vicariously live out the rock lifestyle. * %
— Sarah Laub, freshman Although this is not a trend that has been
visible on the runways, it is a definite street
style that is being quickly adopted by both
II Kina or aeieats tne purpose ot having the average Joe and celebrities alike.
bins in the first place if you are not going Rock stars have obviously played thein
to recycle what people put in them." part in conveying the rock look, of course,
— Jen Onufer, sophomore I but the leather-pants-wearing, ragged,
rugged look of yesterday has evolved into a
^f Students are willing to put forth more sophisticated, flashy facade for today's
"I plan on recycling this bag of rockers.
the effort to recycle and save the "I think recycling is a very good idea. I'm Rold Gold pretzels, even though
environment^hen Mercyhurst from New York and we have mandatory While leather pants are still hot on the
I'm not sure if it can be recycled. rock scene, embellished leather is more
should meet those efforts by ac- recycling of different things. It's some- But I don't want anyone to say
tually recycling." thing Pennsylvania should look into." fitting of today's musicians. Rock stars are
that I am not doing my part." also wearing anything that is glittered,
— Amandaf Brensinger, sopho- — Nate Goodrich, senior — Heather Cvitfcovic, senior
more goldened, spangled or sparkled in some way.
13 To live out your own fantasies of being the
*T see the blue recycling boxes around next Christina Aguilera or N' Sync member,
try things like leather items, studded tops,
campus but I know for a fact that the stuff
cutouts, crystal tattoos and even baby tees
in them is thrown out with the garbage." that have rock bands on them.
— Heather Applegate, juniorP f
Music's influence on fashion can also be
seen in the techno and house music scene.
w ®#**^£ttmfa *

Ravers have adopted their own style scene

**What recycling program?" with baggy pants, chunky plastic bracelets,
George Fernandez, junior '*ui ••W4
tiny tops, visors and those crazy, slightly*
annoying glowsticks. 4 v . | y ^ . ^
But either way you decide to rock, make
"If we had recycling bins I'd actually re- sure you reserve these looks for the night
'1 always recycle paper, I consider cycle ... we should support the *can man' "Recycling would be a really scene, as studded leather tube tops are
the trees to be my friends, and you who digs throughJthejgarbage every good idea —if you recycle, you generally not appropriate for your religion
wouldn't murder your friends, week."* can raise'money which can be class, t*.
would you?** — Jon Martin, freshman* used for something else." And for more rocker fashion looks, check
—Adam DuShole, junior — David Fredrick, freshman t

out the VH1/Vogue fashion awards this

Friday, where designers will strut their styles
to today's sizzling music.\ \

The church and RU- 48 6


Against Ithe sin, not thel sinner

The recent approval by the FDA of RU-486
for use in the United States has created not Questioning faith
only news magazine cover stories, but con-
Zack Venable Editor in Chief * troversy as well.
Heather Cvitkovic Executive & Administrative Editor The drug, known in the media as the abor- Fr. Jim Piszker
Sara Seidle Managing News Editor tion pill, has been used in Europe for some
Kristin Purdy Arts & Entertainment Editor time now. It was banned,, by the Catholic
Adam DuShole Features Editor Church from the very beginning because it is excessive bleeding, the potential for heart at-
Annie DeMeo Sports Editor in a class of drugs called "abortifacients." tack and rupturing of the uterus. Coupled with
Annie Sitter Photography Editor | This means that the drug is specifically de- this is the fact that if these drugs are ineffec-
Leslie Echan Copy Editor signed to terminate a pregnancy by chemical tive, which does occur, a woman must go
Brian Costelloe Advertising Manager means, as opposed to a contraceptive, which through a standard medical abortion.
Stacy Norris Regional Exchange Editor is designed to stop the pregnancy from hap- There is also no mention of the psycological
Local Exchange Editor pening to begin with.$^ 1 | effects of being involved in this process, which
Mike Tanner can be«deep,>long term and potentially
Senior Writer IRU-486 should be seen as nothing more than
Brandon Boylan a chemical abortion and in addition to that, devasting.
Staff Writers one that has the potential for significant dan- It is important to understand that the church
Kate Cywinski 1 Stacy Norris ger to women's health. condemns the sin of abortion, but NOT the
The reports on the drug, however, indicate sinner.
The Mercian" is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It that it is not used alone but in conjunction with Women (and men) who have gone through
another drug called misoprostol or Cytotec. this tragic process many times have long-term
is published throughout the year with the exception of mid-term and final This drug actually induces labor after the RU- needs to process their feelings and emotions.
weeks. Office at 314 Main. Telephone 824-2376. Fax 824-3 249. E-mail 486 has been administered. The church has attempted to help with the
<>. Misoprostol's manufacturer has contended healing process through programs such as
that it never gave approval for the drug to be Project Rachel and through spiritual counsel-
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed, used for any other purpose than originally in- ing and reconci 1 itation. $ i
but your name can be withheld on request under certain conditions. Utters tended, which is merely to induce labor in le- Both Sister Geri and I are available here at
are due on the Monday before publication and should be no longer than gitimate births under doctor supervision. Mercyhurst to help anyone along in this heal-
500 words. All letters should be submitted to Box 485. : Side effects from the process can include ing process. tM

* *
».T v


T r a d i t i o n a n d c o n t e m p o r a r y c u l t u r e c l a s h r j ;vers j f y
Robert Mirabal's music reflects a\ culture's in transition
By Sara Seidle
Merciad writer
dent culture". Another member of his group
said, "We have all the exact same problems as
everyone else in the world, we are just close
On Saturday, Oct. 14, Robert Mirabal, a Na- knit. This makes it seem worse." & By Adam DuShole
tive American musical artistfromTaos, N.M., According to Winters, "The tour is a way of Features Editor
brought his ensemble to Mercyhurst College. breaking awayfromthe boxed way of think-
All in attendance experienced the music of ing for us. We are grateful for being raised tra- Everyone could use a little diversity in their
Mirabal's traditional culture intermixed with ditionally, but we want to go against the re- lives, right? Just how many times as children
his contemporary influences. strictions of our culture." did we hear from our parent or teacher, "
The unique sound produced by his combi- Mirabal said he is often criticized for "not wouldn't it be boring if everyone was just like
nation of bid and new musical methods is more being Indian enough." He said that this is just you?" ]{g. % ± i if
than just artistic ingenuity though. It depicts an idiosyncrasy developed out of the fear of Erika Brown, a junior, is that thought-pro-
something much deeper. Mirabal's music is change. Winters added that, "The government voking parent and we& Mercyhurst, are that
representative of the ongoing struggle between has such a fear of change." She said, "Change child.
contemporary society and traditional culture is a very powerful thing that lives within each Though it has been known by a variety of
for the people of the Taos Pueblo in New of us. Rather than trying to repress it, I'm try- other names, the newly dubbed Diversity 101
Mexico. file photo ing to go with it, to break out of that isola- club represents a growing and promising trend
Listening to Mirabal and other members of Robert Mirabal as pictured on his new al- tion." I 1 | $ 'j I toward ^acceptance, tolerance and multi-
the group talk about their unique experiences bum, Taos Tales. Winters said that the majority of people cultural ism. t 1
on the reservation, it is'apparent that this in- "What I do out here is being an artist. This would rather not see this happening, but adds Brown, president of Diversity 101, as well
termixing of old and new is more than just an is just who we are as a new generation," said that, "It is something we believe in. We are as other members of the club, staged a dance
artistic technique, but something that is deeply Mirabal. "We aren't going to blame another going to do it no matter what people say. Ac- recently in an effort to raise awareness of the
rooted in all of them. It is a reflection of the culture for our problems." cording to Mirabal, "We just do the best we diversity on our own college campus. "It's al-
struggles they have dealt with in the past and For April Winters and Michelle Lee, two of can and don't want to judge anybody." ways a good idea to broaden people's cultural
continue to contend with today. the dancers in Mirabal's ensemble, being Mirabal and his band has received much ac- awareness, I love it," Brown excitedly ex-
"The dancing and singing - its who we are," women makes this struggle even more diffi- claim for its work all over the nation^ They plained.
said Mirabal. But, as much as the music and cult. According to both Winters and Lee, have'been featured on PBS as part of John The dance was advertised at other local col-
singing is who they are, it just as much allows women have no voice on the pueblo. Winters Tesh's "One World" special and are currently leges as well, producing a/espectable turn-
them to break away from their traditions and says, "We walk in two worlds, but our place is on a U.S. tour. Mirabal has also recently es- out The funds collectedfromthe dance were
culture. taking care of the family as a whole. We are tablished the Middle Road Foundation, a non- donated to Mercyhurst students recently vic-
Mirabal says that although some of his looked upon as being incapable of leading our profit organization aimed at bridging the tran- tims of a house fire.
people accept the changing times, to others, people." Z sition between the Native and contemporary
anything new is controversial "We have been Mirabal said, "When you come out of the world for Native youth. Mirabal is also cur-
judged by a lot of people for wanting to try
something different," said Mirabal. He con-
reservation, you realize how fragile life is. It
is a homogenized community, and you don't
rently working on his next show that he says
will be, "darker and deeply related," further
^%ifs always a
siders himself tlje "minority of the minority.
But, to him, it does At really matter.
learn this until you move out of it." Mirabal
describes the Tabs Pueblo as an "interdepen-
exploring the struggle he and his people are
facing. good idea td
Mercyhurst says "Farewell broaden people's
cultural aware-
J Glen Kwok «wJ.P. Cooney ness, I lov&At!*''
QsvoJOKj lo>na famecu&ecta*a/ida&tod/a'}UfMOfe6dc&o&me zJ 'Qfflnae/o
QfcJzooiofQ/vluUo, na& acee/i/eda Aotofion as !w*ec£b& otwQfwe&tt-
—Erika Brown
Aside from dances, Brown and the other club
' a^/^Qyjt/er/ta/iorta/ I ic/tn \£<}m/i4rfif!o>fo M(^*KU![W$GM».
members have a cornucopia of activities
Kfo&ri&u na6 i&yvea ws co/leae a& atb a<%»u66iO'n6 cow/tee/or planned for the rest of the year. Including, but
not exclusive to, NAACP members drive, a
tetwea*aau!ifi-na from''Qwtercu/tuKfitt 4338\Q/tetvi/foeleavinato-
coat drive, Kwanzaa celebration, as well as
f e
futMHte a career in ia/e* toi/a me C£$?n4&ica<ti, ^yo/f^ <^i ho^a^io'H ia activities planned for Women's History month.
Brown, who hailsfroma rural area of Penn-
sylvania, witnessed prejudice in its many
forms. Rangingfroma seemingly endless sup-
Indiana family goes thej distance for 'Hurst weekend ply of Confederate flags to racist comments
made by her own teachers. "It's mainly due to
By Brian Costelloe and her parents drove down State Street and Saturday morning the Davises went to see ignorance thatpeople are like that," Brown
Merciad writer got to see much of greater Erie before settling the ballet show which was going on in the noted.
down to eat at the Waterfront restaurant on PAC. Meredith, a former dance major, really "I encourage people to get involved with a
Upon hearing the words "Parents Weekend," Dobbin's Landing. enjoyed it and her parents were also impressed club like this because it gives them an oppor-
many students first think of filling their fridge After going out to eat, they ventured back to with the show, even though Mrs, Davis had to tunity to learn about other cultures and it gives
with free groceries, or getting some extra Mercyhurst and went to see Astonishing Neil keep off the stage for this performance. them an opportunity to meet other students on
spending money from their sympathetic par- a hypnotist that performed at the D' Angelo Later in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Davis took campus; and it's fun!" said Brown.
ents. Performing Arts Center Friday night During their daughter food and clothes shopping. Later Students interested in Diversity 101 can visit
. For some students, however, this weekend the show, Davis' mother ventured onto the that night, Mrs. Davis cooked everyone a meal their recently acquired office located at 3809
provides a reason for their parents to travel stage with a group of others in order to be hyp- and then they went out to see a movie, appro- Briggs Ave., Apt. or contact Erika Brown at
long distances to see them. For these students, notized. priately enough the movie was Meet the Par- 824-2925. i I I
this time is one of only a few throughout the Throughout the duration of the show, many ents, staring Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller.
school year when they get to see their parents. people were sent back to their seats while Mrs. The next morning they went to breakfast at
Also, most of the other occasions are holi- Davis and several others remained on stage. Perkins and after many good-byes, Mr. and Students for Animal
days that tend to be too hectic to allow for a The longer she stayed on stage, the more hyp- Mrs.'Davis headed off on the long drive back
tour of our scenic campus,. For many students notized she became. to South Bend. Rights I
it can be refreshing to see their parents in a At one point during the show the hypnotist Reflecting on the weekend, Meredith said
non-holiday atmosphere, allowing for a more convinced her that she had a pet cat with her, that it "was a great excuse for my parents to
relaxed visit and an opportunity to show their then told her that the cat had ran off and she come and visit" ^ Weds 25th @ 8p.m. In Zurn 11
parents where they spend much of their year. was to go look for it. She ran frantically around All in all, this weekend was, at least for this For further
One such student is Meredith Davis, a sopho- the auditorium looking for her cat, running up family, about more than just free food and
more biology major. Davis*parents made a and down the aisles and crawling under clothes* Rather, it provided them with an op- Information contact:
long, six-hour car ride from South Bend; In- people's legs so that she could see if the cat portunity to have a good time and for parents Gary Cardot 824-2529
diana to see her for Parents Weekend. had run under their seats. All the while, Davis to gain some insight as to what life as a
On Thursday night her parents arrived in Erie and her father laughed at the show Mrs. Davis Mercyhurst students is like*-
and stayed at a local hotel. The next day, Davis was putting on. Jill Boefim 864-0189



MWomen c y ath u r s t i c e r s o p e n 2 0 0 0
e r open season
U. of Wisconsin season this week
By Annie DeMeo By Annie DeMeo
Sports Editor Sports Editor

This weekend the Lady Lakers got a taste of The men's hockey team opened the 2000
the tough task that is before them for the season with two victories in exhibition
2000-2001 season. The women's hockey games against Brock University this 4
team traveled to the University of Wisconsin weekend. The regular season begins on the
to take on the nationally ranked Badgers in a road this weekend. f* • '«f
two-game road stint. * J Mercyhurst's hockey team is a member of
The atmosphere was a little different from the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference.
the MIC that the ladies are used to: the team This year the conference champion will
competed in a 17,000-seat arena this receive an automatic bid to the NCAA
weekendfHowever, the Lakers were Division I National Championships.
anything but intimidated in this intense | Mercyhurst, last season's MAAC runner-up,
environment despite dropping two games. was picked to finish second in the preseason
The ladies lost 5-3 Saturday night and were poll. This positioning sets Mercyhurst up as
buNshot by the Badgers 33-17. On Sunday, a prime contender for an automatic bid to
the Lakers demonstrated that they would not the prestigious national tournament. W
be defeated easily. The game was an intense Annie Sitter/lMerciad photographer
In addition to the positive preseason, the
defensive battle with Mercyhurst sophomore Lakers have a strong core of returners to
The Mercyhurst men's hockey team opened their season with two exhibition I }
Tiffany Ribble playing inside the net help Mercyhurst battle through their tough
victories over Brock University. (Above) Freshman AdamTackaberry battles for the
extremely well. With less than three minutes D-I schedule.
puck. (Below)Marty Rychley (#7) and Peter Rynshoven(#23) attack the goal.
left, the Badgers' Stephanie Miller scored, Junior forward Louis Goulet, a second-
putting Wisconsin ahead 1 -0. The Badgers players on the U. S. national team or the j team all-conference pick last season, returns
slipped another one into an empty net with Canadian national team," said Sisti. for the Lakers in 2000. Picked as a second-
25 seconds left to seal the win. 2-0. In its second year of existence, the team MAAC preseason selection, Goulet
women's hockey team is comprised of 14 was an offensive leader for the team, leading
This type of tough competition is just the the Lakers in goals and points.
beginning for the Lady Lakers. The hockey sophomores, nine freshmen and a lone •
senior who transferred in this year. Senior forward and captain Eric Ellis was ^
team will face a full Division I schedule this
"We don't have the depth that the schools named to the presesason first team after
^ear,3complete with games against defend- finishing the 1999-2000 season as a second-
ing national champion Minnesota and we playhave. We rely on our freshmen to
step up," remarked Sisti. team selection. Ellis, as a captain and senior
proven Ivy League powers Brown and
Things get very challenging in coming will undoubtedly provide leadership for the
Princeton^, i £ Laker icers. He led the team in assists last
weeks for the young team. Next weekend
*We are scheduled to play against the top year.
the hockey team will be on the road facing
schools in the country," said head coach The combination of the Lakers' talent and
St. Lawrence University, ranked eighth
Mike Sisti. "We have what shapes up to be the conference's fierce competition should
nationally. The following week the ladies
arguably the toughest schedule in the come home and will host Northeastern provide an entertaining season for the
country." Mercyhurst community and possibly post-
(ranked fifth nationally).
The Laker program is still young, and the season play, the Lakers first regular season
The youth of the team combined with the
players will likely struggle to compete with home game is Friday, Oct 27. Mercyhurst
opposition that Mercyhurst will face will
some of the competitions' seasoned veter- takes on the Crusaders of Holy Cross at 7:30
challenge the hockey team to prove them-
ans. J Annie Sitter/Merciad photographer p.m.
selves on the Division I level.
"Most of the schools we play have 2-5

Ice Hockey teams provide

Are you ooking for a job that oners: exposure to elite schools
As a senior in high school I went through the
same thing all graduating students go
through. I had to answer the dreaded
FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING question; "So, what are you doing next
year?" fp \ ' Annie DeMeo
i FRE^MEALS Why the adjective "dreaded" you may be
FREEfUNIFORMS asking yourself? Well, as a graduate of room even after a tough loss.
Hayden High School in Topeka, Kan, telling Having Division I sports teams gives our
* | $ 6 PER HOUR , members of my community (who often could school the opportunity to rub elbows with g
care less) that-1 was going to Mercyhurst Ivy League schools and mingle with Big 10
* SCHOLARSHIP S College wasn't always pleasant. No one had powers. With continued administrative
heard of our fair little school and even when support of the "premier" sport, there's no
I qualified my choice with "in Erie, Pennsyl- doubt that in years to come young women
vania" I could see people fumbling with their with phenomenal hockey playing skills may
mental maps to figure out where exactly this apply to Princeton, Brown and Mercyhurst,
state is. I And then actually decide to come here.
Worn cferMriighrs No fear, the school's name is getting out, Perhaps this sounds preposterous to you.
kday possibly more than it has been before. The Perhaps since hockey is not in the vocabu-
women's hockey team (though possibly lary of Kansans my state will remain
unbeknownst to them) is spreading the unenlightened. Perhaps the administration!
foreign name of Mercyhurst among the will pull in the reigns and prevent our school

collegiate elite. Last weekend the ladies from reach ing this level, but perhaps they
traveled to Wisconsin where they exhibited won't. Perhaps you should get yourself to a
4316 Buffalo Rd 4319 Pitch St 7855 Hny Highway class on and off the ice. They conveyed hockey game and see the types of schools
Erie, PA 16510 Erto, PA 16509 Erto, PA 16506 (1-90, exit 7) "Mercyhurst" as comprised of persevering, Mercyhurst hockey players are surrounding ^
(614) 6664865 (614) 866 3596 smart individuals who pick up the locker themselves with.
(614) 6964 III
WRt f • V


Lady spikers drop 3 over weekend Lakers dropped game one 6-15. Game two of 15-7, dropped the second and the fourth
By Jessica Kapusta and finally finished game five with a loss; a
Merciad writer k was also won by Michigan Tech, ending in
the same score, 6-15. Hie girls rallied back heartbreaking score of 15-17
and won game three by a small margin (15- The third opponent from Michigan arrived
This past weekend Mercyhurst women's at the MAC on Sunday. Northern Michigan
volleyball faced off against three GLIAC 12) but the comeback was only momentary.
Game four was claimed by Michigan Tech University, which is 8-4 in the GLIAC, was
competitors from Michigan: Michigan Tech, a powerful competitor and proved that on
Lake Superior State and Northern Michigan. University and the Lakers dropped their first
match of the weekend/ \ the court. The Lakers played a valiant match
These three games were very important with Jenn Barba hitting impressively with a
matches in the girls season. Prior to this Saturday, the girls played an outstanding percentage of .423, but Northern Michigan^
weekend, the team had only one win in their game against Lake Superior State Univer- was just too much for the girls. With the
conference against Ashland and their overall sity. Four of the Lakers, Kristen Anderson, ladies outmatched offensively, they went
,record stood at 8 and 13. Mercyhurst needed Sarah Antonette, Jenn Barba and Leslie down in three games with the scores 2-15,
'to pick up a win or two but was once again Macko, had hitting percentages above .300, 6-L5 and 8-15. \ W®%, ••*
unsuccessful. respectively. The team also played very well
defensively, accumulating 98 defensive digs. With these three losses, the ladies record
On Friday night, the Lakers were up fell to 1-11 in the GLIAC and 8-16 overall.
Standouts included Missy Miller, Leslie St i Annie Sitter/Merciad photographer
against Michigan Tech University. The girls The Lakers next game is tomorrow at home,
Macko and Kristen Anderson with 16 digs Junior setter, Sarah Antonette plays
started off slow offensively with the team against Wayne State, 7 p.m.
and Shauna McMahon with 21. The ladies tough this weekend at the MAC.
accumulating 11 errors in 36 attempts. Play
took the first game with an impressive score
continued in the same fashion and the

New coach improves oarsmen

By Mike Tanner
Merciad Writer

If too many cooks spoil the broth, too many

coaches spoil the program. After four years
as oarsmen for the Mercyhurst Lakers, the
seniors on the rowing team are working with
yet another coach. That's four in as many
years. But it seem as if Veronika Platzer was
meant to be here all along.
Born in the former West Germany, Platzer
moved to Colorado and became a natural -
lied citizen when she was 9 years old. As a
freshman at Grinnell College she placed
second in the NCAA track and field
championships for discus. Second didn't suit Annie Sitter/Merciad photographer
her too well, though. Platzer won the next Veronika Platzer is the men's rowing
three NCAA championships. Her junior assistant coach.
year, she managed the national indoor title champ in '00.
as well? She is a 10-time All-American Ben Foster, the Hurst men's coach hired
(track and field has an indoor season as two years ago, is a good friend of Platzer
well) and was the first female inducted into and suggested she start coaching at the
the Grinnell College Athletic Hall of Fame. collegiate level. He suggested Mercyhurst.
Her collegiate achievements earned Platzer Foster told head coach Adrian Spracklen of
the title of NCAA Athlete of the Decade her skills and she got a call the next day.
nnie Sltter/Merclad photographer from 1980 to 1990. I f f* ?. After her interview, she decided that she'd
The football team picked up Its second win of theseason this weekend: (Top) The Platzer was introduced to rowing through join on to help the Lakers. When the new |
offensive line's Steve Pickard helped open up the running game against Ferris a friend. She spent three months on an ergo- Rec center is complete, she also will take on
State. (Left) Senior wide receJverEd Bailey led the team in receptions this week- meter (an indoor rowing machine) and the role of facility manager.
end. (Right)Vinnie Corasaniti kicks off for the Lakers in their Parent's weekend loss. competed at the C.R.A.S.H.-B.'s, the indoor Senior oarsman Jeremy Wozniak speaks
rowing world championships. She finished very highly of his new coach. "Veronika

Football picks up second victory fifth in the international open women's

division, something unheard of for a novice.
The U. S. women's coach asked her to come
had real passion and commitment, things
lacking in our last three coaches," he said.
"She's been here only a month, and already
strange, Mercyhurst didn't get better. The ft train with his team. He taught her the basics the team is turning around."
By Annie DeMeo
Sports Editor Lakers just finally got the whole package of rowing and she spent the next few years , Platzer's long-term goals include bringing
together, and played as they've been capable racing around the country with Ivy League the men's team back up to par, matching the
The number of wins in a season defines how of playing all season. grads in a quad (four person boat, each reputation of the extremely successful
The defense forced turnovers, including a I utilizing two oars). She won so many women's program, as well as raising the
good a team is too often.
single-game record six interceptions. Senior prestigious regattas that US Rowing, the overall feelings on Mercyhurst throughout
There have been some negative comments
defensive back Steve Hill picked off three national governing body of rowing, granted the rowing world. Her short-term goals call
made about the Mercyhurst football team in
balls, also a single-game record. her elite status. i for the immediate establishment of credibil-
recent weeks. TTiey have ranged from theft
The offense controlled the lock and gave Platzer won a spot on the U.SI national i ity and respectability.
decidedly pessimistic premonition, "we're
the defense a break. The Laker offense had a team for the '93 World Championships butjg Sunday, Platzer and her squad showed
gonna lose** to the blunt, "we stinkj M

balanced attack, rushing for 168 yards and was disappointed by the lack of unity and they meant business at the Stonehurst
Hopefully the win this weekend will
getting 186 yards in the air. Phil Provenzano national pride. She came back to the states Capital Regatta in Rochester, N.Y. Competi-
change all of the unwarranted chatter. (Yes,
led the rushing attack, racking up 72 yards and continued rowing but was hampered by tion included Harvard, Yale, Syracuse and
you are reading correctly, the WIN.) The
on nine carries. Ed Bailey, Mercyhurst's back injuries and severe illness. Determined several other Ivy League schools. The
Lakers defeated Ferris State % 1 -10 on the
individual reception leader, reeled in five to make a comeback, she spent the next five varsity men defeated Colgate University by
road. The win got a couple of pesky mon-
passes for 62 yards. ' years training for the world championships open water in the afternoon races. She said
keys off the backs of the football team. The
The talent of the Mercyhurst football team and Olympics, living in Australia a while, of the victory, "I was very pleased and
win was the elusive 100th for the nearly 20-
was evident in Saturday's victory. It may but always fell short at the speed orders. In encouraged with their determination to
year-old program, it snapped a five-game have been enough to cease the negative
losing streak; 1998, she moved to New Zealand where she implement the game plane, to trust me to do
buzz. The cohesive play of the weekend| joined their national team a strength and what I ask of them. This allows me to lead
Ferris State finished second in the GLIAC provided momentum that will likely carry
last year and at the start of the season was conditioning coach. Along with the national them to the new and improved program.
over to Saturday as the football team hosts 1 team, she coached Rob Waddell, the world That's what winning is." f £
billed by coaches and players as one of the Grand Valley State University at 1:30 rxm^J singles champ in '98 and '99, and Olympic^
toughest challenges of the fall. Ferris State
didn't get worse; and though it may sound

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