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Name: ______________________________________ Date:___________________

1. Osteoporosis is characterized by :

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

2. Cancellous bone is specially resistant to ________________________ forces.

3. Five stages of bone remodeling are:

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

d. ___________________________

e. ___________________________

4. The RDA of Vitamin D is _________________________ per day

5. Compact bone present in the ________________________ portion of most bones.

6. Name of the 3 types of bone cells:

a. ___________________________________

b. ___________________________________

c. ___________________________________

7. The 3 types of vertebral fracture are :

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________
8. Most common type of Osteoporotic fracture is ___________________________________________.

9. T score is defined as :________________________________________________________________


10. _______% of osteoporosis cases are NOT treated.

11. Cancellous bone is present ____________________________________________.

12. FDA Approved osteoporosis management pharmaco-therapy includes:

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

13. Side Effects of HRT:

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

14. The primary structural unit of Cancellous bone is _____________________________.

15. Bisphosphonates Brands available :

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

16. Risk factors (Endogenous) of osteoporosis includes :

a. ___________________________

b. ___________________________

c. ___________________________

d. ___________________________

e. ___________________________
17. Gold standard for Osteoporosis diagnosis is _____________________________________________.

18. Most serious complication of Osteoporosis is ____________________________________________.

19. Z score is defined as :________________________________________________________________


20. The RDA of Calcium is _________________________ per day




21. Anatomical & functional unit of cortical bone is _______________________ canal.

22. In osteoporosis, _______________________ bone (form of bone) is more severely affected.

23. ______% of women and ________% of men 50+ years of age will suffer Osteoporotic fracture.

24. Most common type of secondary Osteoporosis is _________________________________________


25. Osteoblasts are matured into_______________________.

26. Fracture Reduction in women with Osteoporosis (reported by FIT Trial) was :

a. Vertebral ___________________________

b. Hip ___________________________

c. Wrist___________________________

27. Mean cumulative increase in BMD by Alendronate (reported by FLEX Trial) was :

a. Lumber spine ___________________________

b. Trochanter___________________________

c. Femoral Neck ___________________________

28. Fracture Reduction in women with vertebral fracture (reported by FIT Trial) was :
a. Vertebral _______________

b. Hip ___________________________

c. Wrist___________________________

29. Percentage increase in BMD by Alendronate (reported by Libermann in 1995) was :

a. At Spine ___________________________

b. At Trochanter ___________________________

c. At Femoral Neck___________________________

30. Mean increase in BMD by Alendronate in men with Osteoporosis (reported by Orwell 2000) was :

a. Lumber Spine ___________________________

b. Trochanter___________________________

c. Femoral Neck___________________________

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