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Cheats Caesar 4

Here is a list of cheat codes for Caesar IV. They may come in useful if you're doing certain tests, or if you're really desperate. Otherwise, it is better if you play the game without using them.

To enter the cheats, first hit the return/enter key, then type any of these:

* Win Instantly win on the map

* Denarii *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. The keyed in amount of Denarii appears in your coffers out of nowhere

* Savings *amount* Replace *amount* with any number. The keyed in amount will be added to your personal savings

* Unlock Unlocks all campaign missions, so they can be played from the Scenarios menu

* Fire disabled or Fire re-enabled Disable or re-enable fires

* Dissatisfaction disabled or Dissatisfaction re-enabled Disable or re-enable dissatisfaction amongst your populace

* Plague disabled or Plague re-enabled Disable or re-enable plagues resulting from poor health coverage

* Military morale disabled or Military morale re-enabled

Disable or re-enable the effect of morale on your cohorts

* Requests disabled or Requests re-enabled Disable or re-enable requests and demands from Rome

Cheats Berikut adalah daftar cheat kode untuk Caesar IV. Mereka mungkin akan bermanfaat jika Anda melakukan tes tertentu, atau jika Anda benar-benar putus asa. Jika tidak, lebih baik jika Anda bermain game tanpa menggunakan mereka. Untuk memasukkan menipu, pertama mencapai mengembalikan / enter, kemudian ketik salah satu: * Win Langsung menang pada peta * dinar * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. The mengetik sebesar dinar muncul di kas Anda keluar dari mana * Tabungan * jumlah * Ganti * jumlah * dengan nomor apapun. The mengetik dalam jumlah akan ditambahkan ke tabungan pribadi Anda * Unlock Membuka semua misi kampanye, sehingga mereka dapat dimainkan dari menu Skenario * Kebakaran kembali dinonaktifkan atau Fire-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali kebakaran * Ketidakpuasan kembali dinonaktifkan atau Ketidakpuasan-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali ketidakpuasan rakyat Anda * Wabah dinonaktifkan atau kembali diaktifkan WabahMenonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali malapetaka yang dihasilkan dari jangkauan kesehatan yang buruk * semangat kembali semangat Militer dinonaktifkan atau Militer-diaktifkan Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali pengaruh moral pada kohort Anda * Permintaan dinonaktifkan atau Permintaan diaktifkan kembali Menonaktifkan atau mengaktifkan kembali permintaan dan tuntutan dari Roma

Housing Requirements
Plebs (Insulae)
To keep plebs happy, they need:
y y

One type of food Access to water Requirements Nothing One type of basic goods Two types of basic goods, fountain water Number of occupants 70 110 150

Housing level Small Insula Medium Insula Large Insula

Equites (Domus)
Equites would like to have:
y y y

Two types of food Access to water Two types of basic goods

If they don't have any other complaints about the city, they will be satisfied with just one type of food, one basic good, and water. Housing level Small Domus Medium Domus Large Domus Requirements Nothing One type of luxury goods, fountain water Two types of luxury goods, city walls Number of occupants 40 60 80

Patricians would like to have:
y y y y

Pipe access provided by a reservoir Three types of food Three types of basic goods Two types of luxury goods

However, if other matters in the city are to their liking, they will be satisfied with only two food types, two basic goods and one luxury good.

Upgrading patrician housing does not change the number of people that can live in the house: there are always 30 patricians living there. Entertainment requirements in parentheses are suggested entertainment buildings, see below for more information. Housing Exotic Entertainment Requirements level goods points Small Villa Nothing Medium 10 Healthcare: clinic or hospital, (entertainment: odeum) Villa Hygiene: barber shop or bathhouse, religion: one god, Large Villa 20 (entertainment: theater) Small Estate 1 type 30 Education: school or library Medium Religion: two gods, justice: basilica or forum, 2 types 45 Estate (entertainment: arena) Large Estate 3 types 60 Healthcare: both clinic and hospital, education: school Small Hygiene: both barber shop and bathhouse, religion: 4 types 70 Mansion three gods, city walls, (entertainment: coliseum) Medium 5 types 85 Education: both school and library Mansion Grand 6 types 100 Religion: four gods, justice: both forum and basilica Mansion Entertainment explained A house's entertainment access is not measured by the number of different venues the house has access to. Instead, each type of entertainment venue contributes a certain number of points, and each patrician housing level requires a number of entertainment points to evolve, as listed in the table above. The following table lists the number of entertainment points per venue. Points Odeum 15 Theater 20 Arena 25 Coliseum with gladiators only 15 Coliseum with animals only 30 Coliseum with gladiators and animals 45 Circus 10 Venue

Example calculation: a patrician home has access to a theater, an arena, and a coliseum with only gladiators (no animals). From the above table, we see that it has 20+25+15 = 60 entertainment points, so the home will evolve to a large estate.
Perumahan Persyaratan Plebs (insulae) Untuk menjaga plebs senang, mereka butuhkan: * Salah satu jenis makanan * Akses ke air Perumahan tingkat Persyaratan Jumlah penghuni Insula Kecil Tidak 70 Sedang insula Salah satu jenis barang dasar 110 Besar insula Dua jenis barang kebutuhan pokok, air mancur 150 Equites (Domus) Equites ingin memiliki: * Dua jenis makanan * Akses ke air * Dua jenis barang dasar Jika mereka tidak memiliki keluhan lain tentang kota, mereka akan puas dengan hanya satu jenis makanan, salah satu dasar yang baik, dan air. Perumahan tingkat Persyaratan Jumlah penghuni Domus Kecil Tidak 40 Sedang Domus Salah satu jenis barang mewah, air mancur 60 Domus Besar Dua jenis barang mewah, tembok kota 80 Bangsawan Bangsawan ingin memiliki: * Akses Pipa disediakan oleh waduk * Tiga jenis makanan * Tiga jenis barang dasar * Dua jenis barang mewah Namun, jika hal-hal lain di kota sesuai dengan keinginan mereka, mereka akan puas dengan hanya dua jenis makanan, dua bahan pokok dan satu mewah baik.

perumahan ningrat Upgrade tidak mengubah jumlah orang yang dapat tinggal di rumah: selalu ada 30 bangsawan tinggal di sana. persyaratan Hiburan di kurung yang disarankan bangunan hiburan, lihat di bawah untuk informasi lebih lanjut. Perumahan tingkat Exotic barang Hiburan poin Persyaratan Kecil Villa - - Tidak ada Sedang Villa - 10 Kesehatan: klinik atau rumah sakit, (hiburan: ruang konser) Besar Villa - 20 Kebersihan: tukang cukur toko atau pemandian, agama: satu tuhan, (hiburan: teater) Kecil Estate 1 tipe 30 Pendidikan: sekolah atau perpustakaan Sedang Estate 2 jenis 45 Agama: dua dewa, keadilan: basilika atau forum, (hiburan: arena) Besar Estate 3 jenis 60 Kesehatan: baik klinik dan rumah sakit, pendidikan: sekolah Kecil Mansion 4 tipe 70 Kebersihan: baik toko tukang cukur dan pemandian, agama: tiga dewa, tembok kota, (hiburan: coliseum) Sedang Mansion 5 jenis 85 Pendidikan: baik sekolah dan perpustakaan Grand Mansion 6 jenis 100 Agama: empat dewa, keadilan: forum baik dan basilika Hiburan menjelaskan akses hiburan Sebuah rumah adalah tidak diukur dengan jumlah tempat yang berbeda rumah memiliki akses ke. Sebaliknya, setiap jenis tempat hiburan memberikan kontribusi sejumlah titik, dan setiap tingkat perumahan ningrat membutuhkan sejumlah poin hiburan untuk berkembang, seperti yang tercantum dalam tabel di atas. Tabel berikut berisi jumlah poin per tempat hiburan. Tempat Poin Ruang konser 15 Theater 20 Arena 25 Coliseum dengan gladiator hanya 15 Coliseum dengan hewan hanya 30 Coliseum dengan gladiator dan binatang 45 Circus 10 Contoh perhitungan: rumah ningrat memiliki akses ke teater, arena, dan coliseum dengan gladiator saja (tidak ada hewan). Dari tabel di atas, kita melihat bahwa ia memiliki 20 +25 +15 = 60 poin hiburan, sehingga rumah akan berkembang ke sebuah perkebunan besar.

Buildings table

The table below lists for every building the cost on the three difficulty levels, the size in tiles, and the number of employees needed to staff the building. In general, the cost of a building on Easy difficulty is half the cost on Normal; on Hard, buildings are 25% more expensive. = plebs needed; Building Building Road Insula Domus Villa Grain Farm Grain Field Vegetable Farm Vegetable Field Cattle Farm Cattle Pasture Gold Mining camp Iron Mining camp Timber Cutting camp Clay Digging camp Sand Collecting camp Marble Quarry camp Olive Farm = equites needed

Cost (dn) Service Size Employees Notes range Easy Normal Hard Easy Normal Hard Service Size Employees Notes range Cost (dn) 1 1 1 11 Minimum size: 3x3 Housing 23 45 57 66 33 65 82 99 50 100 125 1212 Food 20 40 50 66 30 10 20 25 1212 Place on fertile land 20 10 20 8 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 40 20 40 15 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 25 50 19 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 66 33 Place on fertile land

1212 66 33 1515 Raw materials 88 88 77 66 66 88 66 42 42 40 27 27 72 27

Place on fertile land


Olive Grove Grape Farm Grape 13 Vineyard Sheep Farm 20 Sheep Pasture 8 Clothing Factory Glass Factory Olive Oil Factory Pottery Factory Furniture Factory Jewelry Factory Utensils Factory Wine Factory Armor Factory Weapons Factory Food Market Basic Goods Market Luxury Market Exotic Market Granary Warehouse Trade depot Trade port Barber Shop Bathhouse 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 38 38 63 88

Cost (dn) Service Size Employees Notes range Easy Normal Hard 13 25 32 99 Place on fertile land 20 40 50 66 27 25 40 15 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 125 175 225 300 80 75 60 75 30 70 32 50 19 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 94 94 99 Place on fertile land

66 31 1515 Industry 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 40 40 40 40 48 48 48 48 63 63

Place on fertile land

Markets and storage 157 99 18 219 282 375 100 94 75 94 99 27

113 150 40 38 30 38 15 35

99 31 1212 39 99 18 99 22 1010 27 1010 30 Health and Hygiene 38 33 12 47 tiles 88 1111 38 71 tiles

Place on the shoreline

Needs pipe access to water

Building Clinic Hospital Shrine Temple School Library Odeum Theater Arena Coliseum Circus Actor Guild Gladiator Guild Trainer Guild Charioteer Guild Reservoir Pump House Aqueduct Fountain Well Bridge Ship Bridge

Cost (dn) Service Size Employees Notes range Easy Normal Hard 18 35 44 55 22 53 tiles 63 125 157 99 60 89 tiles Religion 25 50 63 44 15 47 tiles 75 150 188 129 33 97 tiles Requires 1 marble Education 20 40 50 77 18 59 tiles 125 250 313 1212 45 95 tiles Entertainment 38 75 94 1210 18 47 tiles Needs actors from an 150 300 375 1515 27 59 tiles actor guild Needs gladiators from a 100 200 250 1515 42 71 tiles gladiator guild Needs gladiators, and 250 500 625 2424 54 89 tiles animals from a trainer guild Entire Needs charioteers from a 500 1000 1250 7224 99 city charioteer guild 30 60 75 77 21 30 30 30 60 60 60 75 75 75 77 30 Needs weapons Needs meat Needs timber 96x96 area Place next to water Needs pipe access to water

1010 36 1010 31 Water

40 20 3 8 3 200 500 720 1200

80 40 3 15 5 200 500 720 1200

100 50 3 19 7 200 500 720 1200

1111 24 77 11 44 33 3n 3n 18 3 -


Cost (dn) Easy Normal Hard 15 13 18 100 150 200 200 100 30 25 35 200 300 400 400 200 38 32 44 250 375 500 500 250

Size Employees Government 33 24 33 44 22 14

Service range


Praefect Office Engineering Office Tax Office Governor's Villa Governor's Mansion Governor's Estate Basilica Forum Small Hedgerow Large Hedgerow Small Hedge Large Hedge Small Bush Large Bush Small Tree Medium Tree Large Tree Obelisk Plaza Garden Bust Standing Statue Huntsman Statue Horseman Statue Chariot Statue

1212 3 1515 3 1818 3 99 36 Entire Needs magistrates from city the governor's residence 119 tiles You can only place one of the governor's residences

2115 22 Aesthetics 11 22 11 22 22 33 22 33 44 66 11 33 33 33 66 66 99 -

10 20 10 20 10 20 15 23 30 50 2 15 13 18 25 33 50

20 40 20 40 40 30 45 60 100 2 30 25 35 50 65 100

25 50 25 50 25 50 38 57 75 125 2 38 32 44 63 82 125

Must be placed on top of a road

Building Winged Charioteer Tower Wall Gate House Mess Hall Recruitment Post Drill Yard Light Infantry Fort Heavy Infantry Fort Cavalry Auxilia Fort Missile Auxilia Fort

Cost (dn) Easy Normal Hard 100 200 250

Size Employees 99 -

Service range

Notes Requires 2 marble

100 3 75 50 130 150 300 375 375 300

200 3 150 100 260 300 600 750 750 600

250 3 188 125 325 375 750 938 938 750

Military 55 38 11 55 45 99 38 1212 54 2020 54 2416 3020 3020 2416 -

Minimum size: 3x3

Standard Trade Prices

The table below lists the standard trade prices as used in the campaigns. For most items, the price to import a good is about 20% higher than the price you get for exporting it. A remarkable exception are the exotic goods: a small profit can be made from being the "middle man": importing it from one city and exporting it to another. Good Grain Vegetables Meat Olives Grapes Wool 12 13 14 Raw materials 22 20 23 26 24 27 Export cost Food 14 16 17 Import cost

Good Timber Clay Sand Iron Gold Marble Clothing Glass Olive Oil Pottery Good Furniture Jewelry Utensils Wine Armor Weapons Amber Cosmetics Furs Honey Incense Ivory Papyrus Perfume Salt Silk Silphium Spices

Export cost 27 19 18 25 29 50 Basic goods 56 50 54 52 Export cost Luxury goods 70 74 68 72 Military 100 106 Exotic goods 150 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 150 180 130 180 130 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 130 150 100 150 120 127 84 89 82 86 67 60 65 62 32 23 22 30 35 60

Import cost

Import cost

Prosperity Rating
For the prosperity rating, each house is assigned a certain amount of points, depending on its level. Then, all points are added up and divided by the total number of homes in your city. The rating is then rounded to the nearest whole number. This rating is the maximum prosperity rating that can be attained. Another factor that affects the prosperity rating is the amount of money in your treasury: if you're in debt, your rating will plummet to zero. Housing level Points Plebs Small Insula 1 Medium Insula 10 Large Insula 25 Equites Small Domus 1 Medium Domus 25 Large Domus 35 Patricians Small Villa 1 Medium Villa 40 Large Villa 60 Small Estate 100 Medium Estate 155 Large Estate 220 Small Mansion 295 Medium Mansion 390 Large Villa 500 The prosperity rating is re-calculated once every week, which is four times per month. If the rating is not a whole number, it is rounded to the nearest number.

Example calculation
Imagine your city consists of:
y y y

25 medium insulae 10 small domus 5 large estates

The total number of prosperity points:

y y y y

Insulae: 25 x 10 = 250 Domus: 10 x 1 = 10 Large Estates: 5 x 220 = 1100 Total: 250 + 10 + 1100 = 1360

The total number of houses in the city is: 25 + 10 + 5 = 40. The prosperity rating is then: 1360 / 40 = 34. To help you calculate the prosperity rating of your city, we've created a prosperity calculator.

Increasing prosperity rating

Increasing your prosperity rating can basically be done in two ways: 1. Decreasing the number of low-level houses 2. Increasing the number of high-level houses Eliminating low-level housing: if you have many small insulae, small domus or small villas in your city, which all have only one point, your rating will be low. Evolving those to the next level will usually increase your rating considerably. In the example above, evolving the small domus to medium domus will increase your prosperity rating to 40. Another way to increase your prosperity rating is to increase the number of high-level houses. This can be done in two ways: by upgrading the houses you already have, or by building more (patrician) housing of the same level as you already have. In some scenarios, the patrician housing level is limited by the number of exotic goods you can import (or sometimes the culture buildings available), so in that case, the only thing you can do is build more patrician houses of the maximum attainable level.
Kemakmuran Rating Untuk peringkat kemakmuran, setiap rumah diberikan sejumlah poin, tergantung pada tingkat. Kemudian, semua titik ditambahkan dan dibagi dengan jumlah rumah di kota Anda. rating tersebut kemudian dibulatkan ke bilangan bulat terdekat. Peringkat ini adalah peringkat kemakmuran maksimum yang dapat dicapai. Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi rating kemakmuran adalah jumlah uang dalam perbendaharaan Anda: jika Anda berada di utang, rating anda akan anjlok ke nol. Perumahan tingkat Poin Plebs Kecil insula 1 Sedang insula 10 Besar insula 25 Equites Kecil Domus 1 Sedang Domus 25

Domus 35 Besar Bangsawan 1 Villa Kecil Sedang Villa 40 Villa 60 Besar Kecil Estate 100 Sedang Estate 155 Besar Estate 220 Kecil Mansion 295 Sedang Mansion 390 Besar Villa 500 Peringkat kemakmuran dihitung ulang sekali setiap minggu, yang empat kali per bulan. Apabila hasil pemeringkatan tidak seluruh nomor, itu adalah dibulatkan ke nomor terdekat. Contoh perhitungan Bayangkan kota Anda terdiri dari: * 25 medium insulae * 10 Domus kecil * 5 perkebunan besar Jumlah total poin kemakmuran: * Insulae: 25 x 10 = 250 * Domus: 10 x 1 = 10 * Besar Perkebunan: 5 x 220 = 1100 * Total: 250 + 10 + 1100 = 1360 Jumlah rumah di kota ini adalah: 25 + 10 + 5 = 40. Peringkat kemakmuran maka: 1360/40 = 34. Untuk membantu Anda menghitung peringkat kesejahteraan kota Anda, kami telah membuat sebuah kalkulator kemakmuran. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan rating Meningkatkan peringkat kemakmuran Anda pada dasarnya dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara: 1. Penurunan jumlah rumah tingkat rendah 2. Meningkatkan jumlah rumah tingkat tinggi

Menghilangkan perumahan tingkat rendah: jika Anda memiliki insulae kecil, Domus kecil atau vila kecil di kota Anda, yang semua memiliki hanya satu titik, rating Anda akan rendah. Berkembang tersebut ke tingkat berikutnya biasanya akan meningkatkan rating Anda cukup. Dalam contoh di atas, berkembang di Domus kecil untuk Domus menengah akan meningkatkan peringkat kemakmuran Anda ke 40. Cara lain untuk meningkatkan peringkat kemakmuran Anda adalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah rumah tingkat tinggi. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara: dengan meng-upgrade rumah sudah Anda miliki, atau dengan membangun lebih (ningrat) perumahan dari tingkat yang sama seperti yang sudah Anda miliki. Dalam beberapa skenario, tingkat perumahan ningrat dibatasi oleh jumlah barang eksotik Anda dapat mengimpor (atau kadang-kadang bangunan budaya yang tersedia), sehingga dalam hal ini, satusatunya hal yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah membangun rumah ningrat lebih dari tingkat dicapai maksimum.

Security Rating
The security rating can be a mystery sometimes: rising and falling throughout the scenario and sometimes getting stuck on zero. So how does the rating work exactly? If there are no crimes in the city, your security rating will rise with one point per week, which comes down to four points per month. Without any walls around the city, the maximum attainable security rating is 50. For a rating higher than 50, you have to surround at least part of your city with walls. How high your rating will rise after completing the wall depends on how many of your important buildings are now protected by walls. So, which buildings are considered "important" and need protecting by walls? It might be easier to give a list of unimportant buildings, since that list is quite short:
y y y y

Aesthetics: decorative items such as trees, hedges and statues Raw materials: farms, fields and pastures, and gathering camps for raw materials Water facilities: pump houses, aqueducts, fountains, wells, bridges Military buildings: forts, mess hall, recuitment post, drill yard

Any of the buildings mentioned above can be left outside the city walls without affecting the security rating, but any building not on that list (including prefect and engineer offices, warehouses and granaries) will have to be protected if you want a high security rating. One odd thing about this is that any towers attached to the city wall are also counted as important buildings. This is most likely a bug in the game. If you are attempting to get a security rating of 100, you'd better not have too many towers.

If you want to get a security rating of 100, you can have at maximum 1/6th of your important buildings outside the city walls. If you have more unprotected important buildings, your rating will drop below 100. The exact formula for calculating the maximum security rating is the following: maximum security rating = 50 + 60 * [protected important buildings] / [total important buildings] With regard to the tower "bug" explained above: if all of your important buildings are protected by walls, the number of towers you can have depends on the number of buildings in your city. For smaller cities (less than 3000 people), you can have about 5-10 towers without affecting the security rating. For larger cities of 8000-10,000 people, you may be able to have 30 or more towers while still maintaining a security rating of 100. A city is considered "protected" when it is completely surrounded by walls and impassable terrain. Only water bodies (lakes, rivers, sea) count as impassable terrain; rocks and hills don't: you will have to build your walls around rocks and over mountains. Bridges are considered a hole in your fortification and will need to be fortified on one of the sides.

This small city is not protected because of the bridge...

... you have to wall off the other side of the bridge as well.

Crime and your security rating

Even one single crime in a year can bring your security rating down in no time. A crime is defined as either actions caused by angry citizens such as mugging or burglary, or enemies torching or destroying buildings. Even if the buildings are not completely destroyed but saved by prefects or engineers later, it still counts as a crime. If a crime has occurred, your security rating will gradually drop to zero with 2 points per week, or 8 points per month. It only starts to rise again when there have been no crimes for 6 months. Having lots of prefects won't completely prevent crimes from occurring. To reduce any crime, make sure your citizens are satisfied with their life in the city; you can use the Happiness overlay

(under Risks) to check which people are dissatisfied. The most common causes for unhappiness are high unemployment and no food.
Keamanan Rating Peringkat keamanan bisa menjadi misteri kadang-kadang: naik dan turunnya seluruh skenario dan kadang-kadang terjebak pada nol. Jadi bagaimana cara kerja rating sebenarnya? Jika tidak ada kejahatan di kota, rating keamanan Anda akan naik dengan satu titik per minggu, yang datang ke empat poin per bulan. Tanpa dinding sekitar kota, peringkat keamanan maksimum dicapai adalah 50. Untuk peringkat yang lebih tinggi dari 50, Anda harus mengelilingi setidaknya sebagian kota Anda dengan dinding. Seberapa tinggi peringkat Anda akan naik setelah menyelesaikan dinding tergantung pada berapa banyak bangunan penting Anda sekarang dilindungi oleh dinding. Jadi, bangunan yang dianggap "penting" dan perlu melindungi oleh dinding? Mungkin lebih mudah untuk memberikan daftar bangunan penting, karena daftar yang cukup singkat: * Estetika: dekoratif item seperti pohon, pagar dan patung-patung * Bahan baku:, pertanian ladang dan padang rumput, dan kamp mengumpulkan bahan baku * Air Fasilitas: rumah pompa, saluran air, air mancur, sumur, jembatan * Bangunan Militer: benteng, ruang berantakan, pasca recuitment, bor halaman Setiap bangunan yang disebutkan di atas dapat dibiarkan di luar tembok kota tanpa mempengaruhi rating keamanan, tetapi setiap bangunan tidak pada daftar itu (termasuk kantor prefek dan insinyur, gudang dan lumbung) akan harus dilindungi jika Anda ingin rating keamanan yang tinggi. Satu hal yang aneh tentang ini adalah bahwa setiap menara melekat pada dinding kota juga dihitung sebagai bangunan penting. Kemungkinan besar ini adalah bug dalam permainan. Jika Anda sedang berusaha untuk mendapatkan rating keamanan 100, Anda sebaiknya tidak memiliki terlalu banyak menara. Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan rating keamanan 100, Anda dapat memiliki 1/6th maksimum bangunan penting Anda di luar tembok kota. Jika Anda memiliki lebih terlindungi bangunan penting, rating Anda akan turun di bawah 100. Rumus yang tepat untuk menghitung penilaian keamanan maksimum adalah sebagai berikut: peringkat keamanan maksimum = 50 + 60 * [dilindungi penting bangunan] / [total bangunan penting] Sehubungan dengan "bug" menara dijelaskan di atas: jika semua bangunan penting Anda dilindungi oleh

dinding, jumlah menara Anda dapat memiliki tergantung pada jumlah bangunan di kota Anda. Untuk kota-kota kecil (kurang dari 3000 orang), Anda dapat memiliki menara sekitar 5-10 tanpa mempengaruhi peringkat keamanan. Untuk kota-kota besar dari 8000-10,000 orang, Anda mungkin dapat memiliki 30 atau lebih menara sambil tetap mempertahankan peringkat keamanan 100. Sebuah kota dianggap "dilindungi" ketika itu benar-benar dikelilingi oleh dinding dan medan dilewati. Hanya badan air (danau, sungai, laut) dihitung sebagai medan dilalui; batu dan bukit-bukit tidak: Anda harus membangun dinding Anda di sekitar batu dan di atas pegunungan. Jembatan dianggap lubang di benteng anda dan perlu diperkuat di salah satu sisi. Unprotected kota Dilindungi kota Kota kecil ini tidak dilindungi karena jembatan ... ... Anda harus dinding dari sisi lain jembatan juga. Kejahatan dan rating keamanan Anda Bahkan satu kejahatan tunggal dalam setahun bisa membawa rating keamanan Anda turun dalam waktu singkat. kejahatan didefinisikan sebagai tindakan yang disebabkan oleh warga marah seperti perampokan atau pencurian, atau musuh membakar atau menghancurkan bangunan. Bahkan jika bangunan tersebut tidak sepenuhnya hancur, tetapi diselamatkan oleh prefek atau insinyur kemudian, masih dianggap sebagai kejahatan. Jika kejahatan telah terjadi, rating keamanan Anda secara bertahap akan turun ke nol dengan 2 poin per minggu, atau 8 titik per bulan. Hanya mulai naik lagi ketika tidak ada kejahatan selama 6 bulan. Memiliki banyak dari prefek tidak akan benar-benar mencegah kejahatan dari terjadi. Untuk mengurangi kejahatan apa pun, pastikan warga Anda puas dengan kehidupan mereka di kota, Anda dapat menggunakan overlay Kebahagiaan (di bawah Risiko) untuk memeriksa mana orang tidak puas. Yang paling penyebab umum untuk ketidakbahagiaan yang pengangguran tinggi dan makanan.

Favour Rating

The result of low favour: Rome's army removes you from office Your favour with Rome is an important matter: if you fall into their bad graces, you will be forcefully removed from office by Rome's armies. Your favour will drop with one point a year, so you'll have to do some work to maintain your rating. So what can you do to keep that favour rating up?

Orders and Requests

A decrease or increase in favour usually comes from orders and requests made by Rome. The main difference between orders and requests is that, for orders, your favour falls when you don't fulfil them; for requests, your favour increases when you do fulfil them. You won't gain any favour for fulfilling orders, or lose favour for not fulfilling requests. How much your favour rating will increase or decrease depends on the scenario. Usually you can lose or gain around 5 to 15 favour per order/request. If you have Jupiter's level 1 bonus, the favour penalty upon not fulfilling an order will be reduced by 10%.

A quick way to increase your favour with Rome is to give them a gift, paid out of your own savings. While this may be an attractive way to increase your favour, you are limited to 3 gifts of each type (small, medium, large) per scenario. Giving more than 3 of each will not increase your favour rating any further. To give a gift to Rome, you need to have sufficient personal savings. Giving gifts is done through the Imperial Advisor. The price of a gift depends on your current savings, with a minimum cost per gift. The price is rounded down to the nearest whole denarius. Gift Cost Minimum cost Small 12% of your savings 24 Dn Medium 25% of your savings 50 Dn Large 50% of your savings 100 Dn After giving a gift, your favour rating will increase if you haven't yet reached your limit of 3 gifts per gift type. How much your rating will increase is in the following table. The Imperial Advisor and the Ratings advisor seem to be at odds sometimes on what the actual rating is. The Ratings advisor rounds either up or down to the nearest whole number, while the Imperial advisor always rounds down.

The favour you get for a second gift of the same type is only 66% of what you got for the first gift, and with the third gift you get only 33% of the favour. Favour increase First gift Second gift Third gift Small 5 3.3 1.65 Medium 8 5.28 2.64 Large 12 7.92 3.96 Gift type In total, you can get 49.75 favour points with gifting. Due to the limited nature of these gifts, it's a good idea to use them only to push you over the favour goal near the end of a scenario, or to quickly increase your favour if Rome's army is about to arrest you.

Losing Favour
Besides ignoring orders from Rome and the annual favour decay of one point, there are two other ways to lose favour in Rome. If you go in debt, you have a grace period of 1.5 months to get your treasury in the black again. If you are still in debt after 1.5 months, your favour rating will decrease by two points per month. In Rome they also don't like it very much when governors overpay themselves. If you pay yourself a higher salary than your rank, you will lose one favour point per rank per month overpaid. For example, if you're a Quaestor and you're paying yourself a Caesar's salary (5 ranks above Quaestor), you lose 5 points per month. On the other hand, paying yourself a lower salary will not increase your favour with Rome. As an aside: the annual favour decrease can be circumvented, but this is an exploit that borders on cheating. If you load a saved game, you won't lose favour at the end of that year. Now, if you don't want any favour decay at all, save the game each year and immediately reload the save.

Rome's Armies
When your favour falls below 20, you have a year to increase it to at least 30. If your favour is still too low after a year, Rome's armies will come to arrest you. If you can't beat off this invasion, you will lose the scenario. If you're a reasonably good governor, you'll hopefully never see Rome's armies: if you mind your treasury, don't go in debt, meet most of Rome's demands, and don't overpay yourself, you have little to fear.
Nikmat Rating Roma tentara menyerang

Hasil mendukung rendah: tentara Roma menghapus Anda dari kantor mendukung Anda dengan Roma merupakan hal yang penting: jika Anda jatuh ke dalam rahmat buruk mereka, Anda akan paksa diberhentikan oleh tentara Roma. mendukung Anda akan turun dengan satu titik setahun, jadi Anda harus melakukan beberapa pekerjaan untuk menjaga rating Anda. Jadi apa yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk menjaga bahwa rating menguntungkan Facebook? Pesanan dan Permintaan Penurunan atau peningkatan dalam mendukung biasanya datang dari pesanan dan permintaan yang dibuat oleh Roma. Perbedaan utama antara perintah dan permintaan adalah bahwa, untuk pemesanan, mendukung Anda jatuh ketika Anda tidak memenuhi mereka, karena permintaan, meningkat menguntungkan Anda ketika Anda melakukan memenuhi mereka. Anda tidak akan mendapatkan bantuan apapun untuk memenuhi pesanan, atau kehilangan nikmat karena tidak memenuhi permintaan. Berapa rating menguntungkan Anda akan meningkat atau menurun tergantung pada skenario. Biasanya Anda bisa kehilangan atau keuntungan sekitar 5 sampai 15 mendukung per pesanan / permintaan. Jika Anda memiliki tingkat Jupiter 1 bonus, hukuman nikmat atas tidak memenuhi order akan berkurang sebesar 10%. Hadiah Cara cepat untuk meningkatkan mendukung Anda dengan Roma adalah memberikan mereka hadiah, dibayar dari tabungan Anda sendiri. Meskipun hal ini mungkin merupakan cara yang menarik untuk meningkatkan mendukung Anda, Anda dibatasi untuk 3 hadiah dari setiap jenis (kecil, menengah, besar) per skenario. Memberikan lebih dari 3 masing-masing tidak akan meningkatkan rating menguntungkan Anda lebih jauh. Untuk memberikan hadiah kepada Roma, Anda harus memiliki tabungan pribadi yang cukup. Pemberian hadiah dilakukan melalui Penasehat Imperial. Harga hadiah tergantung pada tabungan Anda saat ini, dengan biaya minimum per hadiah. Harga dibulatkan ke seluruh sedinar terdekat. Hadiah Biaya Biaya minimum Kecil 12% dari tabungan Anda 24 Dn Sedang 25% dari tabungan Anda 50 Dn Besar 50% dari tabungan Anda 100 Dn Setelah memberikan hadiah, rating menguntungkan Anda akan meningkat jika Anda belum mencapai batas dari 3 hadiah per jenis hadiah. Berapa rating Anda akan meningkat dalam tabel berikut. Advisor Imperial dan penasehat Rating tampaknya berselisih kadang-kadang pada apa peringkat sebenarnya. Putaran penasihat Rating naik atau turun ke seluruh nomor terdekat, sedangkan penasehat Imperial

selalu putaran bawah. Nikmat Anda mendapatkan untuk hadiah kedua dari jenis yang sama hanya 66% dari apa yang Anda punya untuk hadiah pertama, dan dengan hadiah ketiga Anda mendapatkan hanya 33% dari budi. Hadiah jenis nikmat meningkatkan Pertama Kedua hadiah hadiah hadiah Ketiga Kecil 5 3.3 1,65 Sedang 8 5,28 2,64 Besar 12 7,92 3,96 Secara total, Anda bisa mendapatkan bantuan dengan 49,75 poin Gifting. Karena sifat terbatas ini hadiah, itu ide yang baik untuk menggunakannya hanya untuk mendorong Anda selama mendukung tujuan di dekat bagian akhir skenario, atau untuk dengan cepat meningkatkan keinginan Anda jika tentara Roma adalah tentang untuk menangkap Anda. Kehilangan nikmat Selain mengabaikan perintah dari Roma dan pembusukan mendukung tahunan satu titik, ada dua cara lain untuk kehilangan kasih karunia di Roma. Jika Anda pergi di utang, Anda memiliki masa tenggang selama 1,5 bulan untuk mendapatkan treasury Anda dalam hitam lagi. Jika Anda masih dalam utang setelah 1,5 bulan, peringkat menguntungkan Anda akan menurun dua poin per bulan. Di Roma, mereka juga tidak seperti itu sangat banyak ketika gubernur membayar lebih sendiri. Jika Anda membayar sendiri gaji yang lebih tinggi dari peringkat Anda, Anda akan kehilangan satu titik mendukung per pangkat per bulan dibayar terlalu banyak. Misalnya, jika Anda seorang Quaestor dan Anda membayar sendiri gaji Caesar (5 peringkat di atas Quaestor), Anda kehilangan 5 poin per bulan. Di sisi lain, membayar sendiri gaji yang lebih rendah tidak akan meningkatkan keinginan Anda dengan Roma. Sebagai samping: mendukung penurunan tahunan dapat dielakkan, tetapi ini adalah memanfaatkan yang berbatasan dengan kecurangan. Jika Anda memuat permainan disimpan, Anda tidak akan kehilangan nikmat pada akhir tahun itu. Sekarang, jika Anda tidak ingin ada pembusukan mendukung sama sekali, save game setiap tahun dan segera kembali menyimpan. Tentara Roma Ketika mendukung Anda turun di bawah 20, Anda memiliki tahun untuk meningkatkan ke minimal 30. Jika menguntungkan Anda masih terlalu rendah setelah satu tahun, tentara Roma akan datang untuk menangkap Anda. Jika Anda tidak dapat mengalahkan invasi ini, Anda akan kehilangan skenario. Jika Anda seorang gubernur cukup baik, Anda akan mudah-mudahan tidak pernah melihat tentara

Roma: jika Anda pikiran treasury Anda, jangan pergi dalam utang, memenuhi sebagian besar tuntutan Roma, dan tidak membayar lebih diri sendiri, Anda memiliki sedikit rasa takut.

Culture Rating

The four ingredients: healthcare, religion, education, and entertainment The in-game help has this to say about the culture rating: The Culture Rating measures citywide household access to education, religion, entertainment, and healthcare services; each service being weighed equally for the purpose of this rating. The service with the worst citywide household access caps the scoring of the others to a level only slightly better than its own. How do those caps work in practice? Your culture rating depends on four types of buildings:
y y y y

Health & hygiene: barber shops, bathhouses, clinics and hospitals Religion: shrines and temples Education: schools and libraries Entertainment: odeums, theaters, arenas, coliseums and the circus

To get a high culture rating, you need to provide your people enough cultural diversity, as well as making sure that most people have access to venues. All buildings that contribute to the culture rating have a certain service range, which can be looked up in our buildings table. A house has access to a building if it is within its service range. Service ranges work by road distances, not by absolute distances: a house can be two tiles away from a shrine, but if the walking distance by road is over 48 tiles, the house doesn't have access to it. The service range is smaller if the building is understaffed.

Now we know the factors involved in the culture rating, let's take a look at how the actual rating is calculated.

The culture formula

Each of the buildings above is assigned a number of points. For each of the four categories, the points per category add up to 100. Health and hygiene: Each facility is worth 25 points Religion: Each god is worth 20 points, it doesn't matter whether the coverage is using shrines or temples Education: The library is worth 30 points, the school is 70 points Entertainment:
y y y y y y

Odeum: 15 points Theater: 20 points Arena: 25 points Coliseum with gladiators only: 15 points Coliseum with animals: 30 points Circus: 10 points

To illustrate the culture calculation, we assume the following (small) city in which each building type has perfect coverage. The culture buildings built are: a clinic, a bathhouse, shrines to Jupiter and Mercury, a school, an odeum and a theater. To calculate the culture rating, we need to know the coverage for each building that contributes to the rating; this is the percentage of houses that have access to that particular building. These coverages are available in the various advisor screens, though they aren't reported as numbers there. For each of the buildings, the number of points for that building are calculated as follows: coverage * building points. The coverage is a number between 0 and 1, and the building points can be seen above. For example, if 90% of your houses have access to Jupiter shrines or temples, the total points for Jupiter will be 0.9 * 20 = 18. For each of the four categories, add up the points, and you will get a number between 0 and 100. For our example city, we have the following (remember, we have perfect coverage for everything):

Health: 25 (clinic) + 25 (bathhouse) = 50

y y y

Religion: 20 (Jupiter) + 20 (Mercury) = 40 Education: 70 (school) Entertainment: 15 (odeum) + 20 (theater) = 35

The culture rating consists of a "base" rating plus a maximum of 15 points bonus. The "base" culture rating is now the minimum of those four values, which is in our example city the entertainment points: 35. On top of the base rating, you can get a maximum of five points bonus per category. The bonus is calculated as follows: take the difference between the category's rating and the base rating. If it's more than 20, you get the full five bonus points. If it's less than 20, divide it by four to get the bonus. The total culture rating is the base rating plus the bonus. Let's see how it works for our example city:
y y y y

Health: 50 - 35 = 15. This is less than 20, so the bonus is 15 / 4 = 3.75 Religion: 40 - 35 = 5. Bonus is 5 / 4 = 1.25 Education: 70 - 35 = 35. This is more than 20, so we get the full bonus: 5 Entertainment: this decides the base rating, so you get no bonus here

The final culture rating for our example city is thus: 35 + 3.75 + 1.25 + 5 = 45. To help you with the calculations, we've created a Culture calculator, which will calculate the maximum achievable culture rating for any combination of buildings.

Improving your culture rating

The two key points to improving your culture rating is increasing diversity and increasing coverage. As you can see from the formula above, if you don't have enough diversity, your culture rating will be limited. If you don't have enough coverage, your rating won't rise either. Your first step in increasing your rating should be consulting the Ratings advisor: he'll say in which category you need more coverage. Next after that, visit the appropriate Advisor, for example the Entertainment advisor, to find out which buildings have low coverage. Once you've decided which buildings should have increased coverage, return to your city. To decide where to place your new culture building, use the overlays: they will show you which parts of the city have coverage and which don't. Also keep an eye on your equite employment levels: if your buildings are understaffed, their service range won't be optimal. Getting a culture rating of 100 using this method might not be possible since you're going to be short on space and might have to demolish part of your city to place those big entertainment

venues. If the scenario requires a culture rating of 100 or close to it, it's best to sit down for a few minutes and design your city with culture in mind.
Rating Budaya Keempat bahan: kesehatan, agama, pendidikan, dan hiburan Bantuan dalam game telah mengatakan tentang budaya rating: Peringkat Budaya langkah akses rumah tangga kota yang luas untuk pendidikan, agama, hiburan, dan pelayanan kesehatan; setiap layanan yang ditimbang sama untuk tujuan peringkat ini. Layanan dengan topi terburuk akses rumah tangga seluruh kota skor yang lain ke tingkat yang hanya sedikit lebih baik daripada sendiri. Bagaimana cara mereka bekerja dalam praktek topi? rating budaya Anda tergantung pada empat jenis bangunan: * Kesehatan & kebersihan: toko tukang cukur, bathhouses, klinik dan rumah sakit * Agama: kuil dan candi * Pendidikan: sekolah dan perpustakaan * Hiburan: odeums, teater, arena, coliseums dan sirkus Untuk mendapatkan peringkat budaya yang tinggi, Anda harus memberikan orang-orang Anda cukup keragaman budaya, serta memastikan bahwa kebanyakan orang memiliki akses ke tempat. Semua bangunan yang berkontribusi terhadap nilai budaya memiliki jangkauan layanan tertentu, yang dapat dilihat di tabel bangunan kita. Sebuah rumah memiliki akses untuk membangun jika itu berada dalam jangkauan layanan. Layanan berkisar bekerja dengan jarak jalan, bukan oleh jarak yang mutlak: rumah bisa menjadi dua ubin jauh dari kuil, tapi jika jarak berjalan dengan jalan yang lebih dari 48 ubin, rumah tidak memiliki akses ke sana. Rentang layanan lebih kecil jika bangunan adalah kekurangan. Sekarang kita mengetahui faktor yang terlibat dalam penilaian budaya, mari kita lihat bagaimana sebenarnya rating dihitung. Rumus Budaya Setiap bangunan di atas diberikan sejumlah poin. Untuk setiap dari empat kategori, poin per kategori menambahkan hingga 100. Kesehatan dan kebersihan: Setiap fasilitas bernilai 25 poin

Agama: Setiap dewa bernilai 20 poin, tidak masalah apakah nilai pertanggungan tersebut sudah menggunakan tempat suci atau kuil Pendidikan: Perpustakaan bernilai 30 poin, sekolah adalah 70 poin Hiburan: * Ruang konser: 15 poin * Theater: 20 poin * Arena: 25 poin * Coliseum dengan gladiator hanya: 15 poin * Coliseum dengan hewan: 30 poin * Circus: 10 poin Untuk menggambarkan budaya perhitungan, kita asumsikan kota (kecil) berikut di mana setiap jenis bangunan memiliki cakupan yang sempurna. bangunan budaya yang dibangun adalah: sebuah klinik, sebuah pemandian, kuil untuk Jupiter dan Mercury, sekolah, sebuah ruang konser dan teater. Untuk menghitung nilai budaya, kita perlu mengetahui cakupan untuk setiap bangunan yang memberikan kontribusi untuk rating, ini adalah persentase rumah yang memiliki akses ke gedung tertentu. Pemberitaan ini tersedia dalam berbagai penasihat layar, meskipun mereka tidak dilaporkan sebagai angka di sana. Untuk setiap bangunan, jumlah poin untuk bangunan yang dihitung sebagai berikut: poin * cakupan bangunan. cakupan adalah angka antara 0 dan 1, dan titik-titik bangunan dapat dilihat di atas. Sebagai contoh, jika 90% dari rumah Anda memiliki akses ke tempat-tempat suci atau kuil Jupiter, total poin untuk Jupiter akan 0.9 * 20 = 18. Untuk setiap dari empat kategori, menambah poin, dan Anda akan mendapatkan nomor antara 0 dan 100. Sebagai kota contoh kita, kita memiliki berikut ini (ingat, kita memiliki cakupan yang sempurna untuk semuanya): * Kesehatan: 25 (klinik) + 25 (pemandian) = 50 * Agama: 20 (Jupiter) + 20 (Mercury) = 40 * Pendidikan: 70 (sekolah) * Hiburan: 15 (ruang konser) + 20 (teater) = 35 Peringkat budaya terdiri dari peringkat "dasar" ditambah bonus maksimal 15 poin.

"Dasar" rating budaya sekarang adalah minimal empat nilai, yang merupakan contoh kita di kota hiburan poin: 35. Di atas dasar penilaian, Anda bisa mendapatkan maksimum lima bonus poin per kategori. Bonus dihitung sebagai berikut: mengambil perbedaan antara peringkat kategori dan rating dasar. Jika lebih dari 20, Anda mendapatkan lima poin penuh bonus. Jika kurang dari 20, dibagi oleh empat untuk mendapatkan bonus. Peringkat Budaya total adalah dasar penilaian plus bonus. Mari kita lihat cara kerjanya untuk kota contoh kita: * Kesehatan: 50 - 35 = 15. Ini kurang dari 20, sehingga bonus adalah 15 / 4 = 3,75 * Agama: 40 - 35 = 5. Bonus adalah 5 / 4 = 1.25 * Pendidikan: 70 - 35 = 35. Ini lebih dari 20, sehingga kita mendapatkan bonus lengkap: 5 * Hiburan: ini memutuskan peringkat dasar, sehingga Anda mendapatkan bonus tidak ada di sini Peringkat budaya akhir untuk kota contoh kita demikian: 35 + 3.75 + 1.25 + 5 = 45. Untuk membantu anda dengan perhitungan, kami telah membuat kalkulator Budaya, yang akan menghitung nilai budaya maksimum dapat dicapai untuk setiap kombinasi bangunan. Meningkatkan budaya rating Anda Dua titik kunci untuk meningkatkan rating budaya Anda adalah meningkatkan keragaman dan meningkatkan cakupan. Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dari rumus di atas, jika Anda tidak memiliki keragaman yang cukup, nilai budaya Anda akan terbatas. Jika Anda tidak memiliki cakupan yang cukup, penilaian Anda tidak akan naik juga. Langkah pertama Anda dalam meningkatkan rating Anda harus berkonsultasi dengan penasehat Ratings: dia akan mengatakan di mana kategori Anda membutuhkan lebih banyak liputan. Selanjutnya setelah itu, kunjungi Advisor yang sesuai, misalnya penasihat Entertainment, untuk mengetahui mana bangunan yang memiliki cakupan rendah. Setelah Anda memutuskan yang seharusnya bangunan meningkat cakupan, kembali ke kota Anda. Untuk memutuskan lokasi penempatan pembangunan budaya baru Anda, gunakan lapisan: mereka akan menunjukkan bagian mana kota memiliki cakupan dan yang tidak. Juga mengawasi tingkat equite Anda kerja: jika bangunan Anda kekurangan, jangkauan layanan mereka tidak akan optimal. Mendapatkan peringkat budaya 100 menggunakan metode ini mungkin tidak mungkin karena Anda akan pendek pada ruang dan mungkin harus menghancurkan bagian dari kota anda ke tempat yang

tempat hiburan besar. Jika skenario membutuhkan budaya peringkat 100 atau dekat dengan itu, yang terbaik untuk duduk selama beberapa menit dan desain kota Anda dengan budaya dalam pikiran.

God Bonuses and Benevolences

If a certain number or percentage of houses have access to a particular god, you will get bonuses from that god. Each god has three "levels" of bonuses. You will get the bonus if enough houses are covered. Houses covered Level 20 1 40 2 60 3 Benevolence events, or blessings, are based on worshipper population. These events only happen for the two most-worshipped gods in the city. If several gods have equal coverage, the two 'mostworshipped' are chosen at random. The chance of receiving a benevolence increases with the number of worshippers in the city. You can receive a lesser benevolence if the god has at least 750 worshippers, and a greater benevolence if the god has at least about 3300 worshippers. It is worth noting that Jupiter also has a Wrath event. This can occur if there are 750 people in the city and Jupiter is not one of the two most-worshipped gods. In the minor wrath event, Jupiter destroys one building. In the major wrath event, Jupiter destroys two buildings, one of which is a shrine or temple to another god.


Jupiter, or Iuppiter Optimus Maximus (Jupiter the best and greatest), was the protecting deity of the Roman state. Like Zeus, he was the god of sky and thunder. He was usually worshipped on the summits of hills, and his oldest temple stood on the Capitoline Hill at Rome, where he was worshipped together with Juno and Minerva. Oaths and treaties were his special concern, hence his significance in dealing with criminals. Bonuses

1. Jupiter's Esteem: Favor penalties are reduced by 10%. 2. Jupiter's Boon: Increased tax revenue. 3. Jupiter's Grace: Homes evolve at a faster rate. Benevolences 1. Jupiter's Lesser: He smites a few criminals. 2. Jupiter's Greater: He smites all criminals.


Mars was the most important deity in Rome after Jupiter. In early times he was associated with agriculture as well as warfare. When the Romans came in contact with the Greeks, they associated Mars with the Greek god Ares and his chief function became protecting the state in times of war. In legend, he was father of Romulus, who was the first king of Rome and founder of the Roman army. Through him, all Romans were believed to be descendants of Mars. Bonuses 1. Strength of Mars: Factories produce armor and weapons 11% faster. 2. Valor of Mars: Soldiers' fighting ability is enhanced. 3. Glory of Mars: Increases the immigration rate of recruits and replacements. Benevolences 1. Mars' Lesser: Gives 20 weeks of training experience to one cohort. 2. Mars' Greater: Gives experience to all cohorts.


Mercury (Mercurius) was the messenger of the gods, and the god of merchants and commerce, an adaptation of the Greek god Hermes. Like Ceres, he was introduced into Rome from Greek mythology during the frequent scarcities of grain in 496-5 BC. The first temple dedicated to him was built in 495 BC in Rome near the Circus Maximus. Bonuses 1. Mercury's Skill: Cart pushers can move more resources per trip, doubling the production of all raw materials except timber. 2. Mercury's Savvy: Exports generate more revenue. 3. Mercury's Reward: The cost of opening trade routes is reduced. Benevolences 1. Mercury's Lesser: Grants a small amount of money to the treasury for each open trade route. 2. Mercury's Greater: Grants a significant amount of money to the treasury for each open trade route.


Ceres was the goddess of growing food plants (particularly cereals). She was introduced into Rome in 496 BC from her Greek equivalent Demeter, to help alleviate a devastating famine. Ceres was regarded as patron of the grain trade. Bonuses 1. Fruits of Ceres: Grapes and olives grow faster. 2. Ceres' Gift: Meat and wool production is increased. 3. Bounty of Ceres: Grain and vegetables grow more quickly. The exact increase in production for Ceres' bonuses can be viewed on the production page. Benevolences 1. Ceres' Lesser: Some fields ripen or some trees regenerate overnight. 2. Ceres' Greater: All fields ripen and all trees regenerate overnight.


Bacchus, or more commonly Dionysus, was originally a nature god, and the Thracian god of wine. In Roman times, he was worshipped as the god of wine, vegetation and cheer. In Rome, the wild festivals of Bacchus (Bacchanalia) had a bad reputation and were prohibited by the Senate in 186 BC - except in special cases. Bonuses 1. Libations of Bacchus: Wine is produced 8% faster. 2. Glamour of Bacchus: The buildings and structures that generate positive Appeal emit more of it. 3. Festivities of Bacchus: All households in the city become happier than they were. Benevolences 1. Bacchus' Lesser: All patrician households receive extra luxury and exotic goods of the types they already have. 2. Bacchus' Greater: All patrician households receive even more extra luxury and exotic goods of the types they already have and equite households receive extra luxury goods of the types they already have.
Tuhan Bonus dan Benevolences Jika jumlah tertentu atau persentase rumah memiliki akses ke dewa tertentu, Anda akan mendapatkan bonus dari tuhan itu. Setiap tuhan memiliki tiga "level" dari bonus. Anda akan mendapatkan bonus jika rumah cukup tertutup. Rumah tertutup Tingkat 20 1 40 2 60 3 peristiwa Baik, atau berkat, didasarkan pada populasi hamba. Peristiwa ini hanya terjadi selama dua dewa yang paling dipuja di kota. Jika beberapa dewa memiliki cakupan yang sama, dua 'palingmenyembah' yang dipilih secara acak. Kesempatan menerima meningkat kebajikan dengan jumlah

jamaah di kota itu. Anda dapat menerima kebajikan yang lebih rendah jika dewa memiliki sedikitnya 750 jamaah, dan kebajikan yang lebih besar jika tuhan memiliki minimal sekitar 3300 jamaah. Perlu dicatat bahwa Jupiter juga memiliki acara Wrath. Hal ini dapat terjadi jika ada 750 orang di kota dan Jupiter tidak salah satu dari dua dewa yang paling-menyembah. Dalam hal murka kecil, Jupiter menghancurkan satu bangunan. Dalam hal murka besar, Jupiter menghancurkan dua bangunan, salah satunya adalah sebuah tempat suci atau kuil untuk dewa lain. Jupiter Kuil untuk Jupiter Jupiter, atau Iuppiter Optimus Maximus (Jupiter yang terbaik dan terbesar), adalah dewa melindungi negara Romawi. Seperti Zeus, ia adalah dewa langit dan guntur. Dia biasanya disembah di puncak bukit, dan candi sulungnya berdiri di Bukit Capitoline di Roma, di mana ia dipuja bersama-sama dengan Juno dan Minerva. Sumpah dan perjanjian yang perhatian khusus, maka signifikansi dalam berurusan dengan penjahat. Bonus 1. Jupiter Esteem: Favor hukuman dikurangi sebesar 10%. 2. Jupiter Boon: Peningkatan penerimaan pajak. 3. Jupiter Grace: Rumah berevolusi pada tingkat yang lebih cepat. Benevolences 1. Jupiter Lesser: Dia smites seorang penjahat beberapa. 2. Jupiter Greater: Dia smites semua penjahat. Mars Shrine ke Mars Mars adalah dewa yang paling penting di Roma setelah Jupiter. Pada awalnya ia dikaitkan dengan pertanian dan peperangan. Ketika Roma datang di kontak dengan Yunani, mereka berhubungan Mars dengan Ares dewa Yunani dan fungsi utamanya menjadi melindungi negara dalam masa perang. Dalam legenda, dia adalah ayah dari Romulus, yang adalah raja pertama Roma dan pendiri tentara Romawi. Melalui dia, semua Roma diyakini keturunan Mars. Bonus 1. Kekuatan Mars: Pabrik memproduksi baju besi dan senjata 11% lebih cepat. 2. Keberanian Mars: kemampuan Prajurit pertempuran ditingkatkan. 3. Glory Mars: Meningkatkan tingkat imigrasi merekrut dan pengganti.

Benevolences 1. Mars 'Lesser: Memberikan 20 minggu pengalaman pelatihan untuk satu kohort. 2. Mars 'Greater: Memberikan pengalaman untuk semua kohort. Air raksa Kuil untuk Merkurius Mercury (Mercurius) adalah utusan para dewa, dan dewa pedagang dan perdagangan, sebuah adaptasi dari Hermes dewa Yunani. Seperti Ceres, dia diperkenalkan ke Roma dari mitologi Yunani selama sering kelangkaan gandum di 496-5 SM. Candi pertama yang didedikasikan kepadanya dibangun pada 495 SM di Roma dekat Circus Maximus. Bonus 1. Skill Mercury's: Kereta bius bisa memindahkan sumber daya lebih per perjalanan, menggandakan produksi semua bahan baku kecuali kayu. 2. Merkurius Savvy: Ekspor menghasilkan lebih banyak pendapatan. 3. Mercury's Reward: Biaya pembukaan rute perdagangan berkurang. Benevolences 1. Merkurius Lesser: Hibah sejumlah kecil uang ke kas untuk setiap jalur perdagangan terbuka. 2. Merkurius Greater: Hibah sejumlah besar uang kepada kas untuk setiap jalur perdagangan terbuka. Ceres Kuil untuk Ceres Ceres adalah dewi tumbuh tanaman pangan (khususnya sereal). Dia diperkenalkan ke Roma pada 496 SM dari setara Yunani nya Demeter, untuk membantu meringankan kelaparan dahsyat. Ceres dianggap sebagai pelindung dari perdagangan gandum. Bonus 1. Buah dari Ceres: Anggur dan buah zaitun tumbuh lebih cepat. 2. Ceres 'Hadiah: Daging dan produksi wol meningkat. 3. Karunia Ceres: Gabah dan sayuran tumbuh lebih cepat. Peningkatan produksi yang tepat untuk bonus Ceres 'dapat dilihat pada halaman produksi. Benevolences

1. Ceres 'Kecil: Beberapa matang ladang atau beberapa pohon regenerasi semalam. 2. Ceres 'Greater: Semua matang bidang dan semua pohon regenerasi semalam. Bacchus Kuil untuk Bacchus Bacchus, atau lebih umum Dionysus, pada awalnya alam dewa, dan dewa Thracian anggur. Pada zaman Romawi, ia dipuja sebagai dewa anggur, vegetasi dan bersorak. Di Roma, festival liar Bacchus (Bacchanalia) memiliki reputasi yang buruk dan dilarang oleh Senat pada tahun 186 SM - kecuali dalam kasus khusus. Bonus 1. Libations Bacchus: Anggur yang dihasilkan 8% lebih cepat. 2. Glamour Bacchus: Gedung dan struktur yang menghasilkan memancarkan Banding positif lebih dari itu. 3. Pesta Bacchus: Semua rumah tangga di kota menjadi lebih bahagia dari mereka. Benevolences 1. Bacchus 'Lesser: Semua rumah tangga ningrat menerima barang mewah ekstra dan eksotis dari jenis yang telah mereka miliki. 2. Bacchus 'Greater: Semua rumah tangga ningrat menerima mewah bahkan lebih ekstra dan barang eksotik dari jenis mereka telah memiliki dan equite rumah tangga menerima barang mewah tambahan dari jenis yang telah mereka miliki

Consumption Rates
How much food and goods does a house consume per year? Usually you need an answer to that question if you want to know how many patrician houses you can support with the limited number of imported exotic goods. One load of food and goods in your granaries, warehouses, and markets gets converted to 100 units when it arrives in a house. Food and goods are consumed in "consumption cycles" of three weeks, and there are 16 consumption cycles a year: in Caesar IV there are 48 weeks per year.

Each pleb or equite living in insulae or domus eats 0.8 units of food per consumption cycle, or 12.8 units per year. If a house has two or three food types, your people won't eat more per month, but will eat about half of each food in case of two types, or one third in case of three types.

Actually, the number of units of each food type eaten per cycle is proportional to the number of units stored of each food type. For example, if a house has 100 units of grain and 200 units of vegetables, the occupants' meal will consist of 1/3 grain and 2/3 vegetables. If the numbers have to be rounded, the house will favour grain over vegetables and meat, and will favour vegetables over meat. This feature can be exploited if you have enough grain available, but have limited access to vegetables or meat. First, give all houses access to all food types. Then, only let them have access to grain. What will eventually happen is that the house has 250 units of grain, 1 unit of vegetables, and 1 unit of meat. Due to rounding, the people in the house will only eat grain and leave the vegetables and meat alone. They will think they have three types of food but consume only grain, as long as there's enough grain available. Depending on how much food is consumed per consumption cycle, the "stable" stock of meat and vegetables can vary between 1 and 3. Plebs and equites will try to keep between 200 and 300 units of each food type stored in their insulae or domus, patricians will try to have a stock of 100 to 200 units in their homes.

Basic and luxury goods are consumed by all houses at the same rate of 12 units per consumption cycle (apart from plebs, who don't use any luxury goods). The same proportion as for food holds: if the house has 100 pottery and 200 glass, it will use 4 units of pottery and 8 units of glass during the next consumption cycle. Exotic goods for patricians are a little different: villas and estates consume them with a rate of 12 units per consumption cycle, just like basic and luxury goods. From small mansion onwards, they consume double that rate: 24 units per consumption cycle. Again, the same proportion calculation holds.

Consumption table
The table below shows the number of units per consumption cycle and loads per year a fully occupied house consumes. Goods are only listed if the house really needs them. However, if you give, for example, a small villa access to exotic goods, it will consume them anyway, regardless of whether they actually needed the good for upgrading their home. Per cycle (units) Basic Luxury Exotic Food goods goods goods Plebs 56 88 12 120 12 Equites Per year (loads) Basic Luxury Exotic Food goods goods goods 8.96 14.08 1.92 19.2 1.92 -

Housing level

Small Insula Medium Insula Large Insula

Housing level Small Domus Medium Domus Large Domus Small, Medium, Large Villa Small, Medium, Large Estate Small, Medium, Grand Mansion

Per cycle (units) Basic Luxury Exotic Food goods goods goods 32 12 48 12 12 64 12 12 Patricians 36 36 36 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24

Per year (loads) Basic Luxury Exotic Food goods goods goods 5.12 1.92 7.68 1.92 1.92 10.24 1.92 1.92 5.76 1.92 5.76 1.92 5.76 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 3.84

Food consumption of Forts

Cohorts living in forts need food: if they don't get their share of food, they'll refuse to fight or even desert. Each soldier in a fort eats 6 units of food per consumption cycle, so a full cohort of 20 soldiers eats 120 units of food per month, or 19.2 loads per year: the same as a fully occupied large insula does.

Production Rates
If you've read our article on consumption, you know how much food and goods each house needs per year. The next question that then arises is: how much does each farm and factory produce per year? Production rates on this page assume that the buildings are fully staffed. Understaffed buildings produce substantially less goods per year. Some god bonuses improve the production rate of some industries. Bonus levels depend on number of houses with cover for that god. For level 1, 20 houses need to have coverage, for level 2 it's 40 houses, and for level 3 it's 60 houses.

Two fields or pastures per farm were placed, since that is the optimal ratio for farm production quoted in the game manual, and also works best in practice. The yearly production depends highly on the distance the farmers need to travel to the fields and pastures: the longer the distance, the lower the production. For farms and raw materials, we measured the production in two cases: when the building is as close to the resource as possible, and when the building is about 50 tiles away from the resource. The reported numbers are averages.


Yearly production With god bonus Close to Distance of Close to Distance of field/pasture about 50 tiles field/pasture about 50 tiles Food 46 40 40 65 51 51 76 Farmed raw materials 47 47 72

Bonus level Ceres level 3 Ceres level 3 Ceres level 2 Ceres level 2 Ceres level 1 Ceres level 1


Vegetables 46 Meat 70

Wool Olives Grapes

62 38 38

57 33 33

66 40 40

62 35 35

Raw materials
Harvested raw materials work the same way as farms: production decreases when the distance between the resource camp and the resource increases. Mercury is a valuable god for raw material production: he lets workers carry one extra load of goods in their carts, essentially doubling the production. Timber trees regrow exactly four months after being cut down, so the total timber production depends on the number of trees available on your map. When the timber camp is close to trees, it will use about 12-16 trees in the area around the timber camp. Yearly production Good Close to Distance of about Close to resource 50 tiles resource Timber 44 32 Sand Clay Iron Gold 40 40 38 38 30 30 30 30 24 80 80 76 76 64 With god bonus Distance of about Bonus level 50 tiles Mercury 60 level 1 Mercury 60 level 1 Mercury 60 level 1 Mercury 60 level 1 Mercury 48 level 1

Marble 32

Manufactured Goods
Goods produced in factories have a fixed production rate as long as they are stocked with raw materials. The only other influences on the production rates of factories are blessings from the gods. Yearly production With god bonus Basic goods Glass 23.4 Pottery 23.4 Clothing 23.4 Olive oil 23.4 Luxury goods Jewelry 17.8 Utensils 17.8 Furniture 17.8 Wine 17.8 19.2 (Bacchus level 1) Military goods Weapons 16 17.8 (Mars level 1) Armor 16 17.8 (Mars level 1) Good

Resource gatherer to factory ratio

Using the production numbers above, we can calculate the optimum ratio of farms/resource gatherers to factories. The table was calculated using the "50-tile distance" numbers for farms and resources, without Ceres bonuses for farms. A star (*) means: if you have Mercury's level 1 bonus, you can halve the number of resource camps for optimal production. Finished good Optimum ratio Basic goods Glass 2-3 factories per 2 sand digging camps* Pottery 2-3 factories per 2 clay digging camps* Clothing 2 factories per sheep farm with two pastures Olive oil 3 factories per 2 olive farms (2 olive groves each) Luxury goods Jewelry 3-4 factories per 2 gold camps* Utensils 3-4 factories per 2 iron camps* Furniture 3-4 factories per 2 timber camp Wine 2 factories per grape farm (2 vineyards) Military goods Weapons 2 factories: 1 iron camp* and 1 timber camp

Finished good Optimum ratio Armor 4 factories: 2 iron camps* and 1 sheep farm

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