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June/Junio July/Julio Vol. 4 | No.

22 | 2011

FREE |Take one GRATIS | Tome una

Gena Bergonzoni-Villegas Co-Founder and English Director Michael Knapp Distributor

Zulima Lugo-Knapp Founder and Editorial Director

Un evento exitoso fue el que tuvimos el ao pasado durante la entrega del premio Construyendo Puentes. Esta celebracin es para homenajear a aquellas personas que contribuyen, apoyan y entienden que la diversidad es un concepto universal. Los ecos de la historia ensean que la convivencia, el intercambio y la comprensin abren caminos, enlanzan ideas y recrean la cultura en colores vivos, nicos y creativos. Por suerte, en nuestro amado pueblo de St. Joseph contamos con una cantidad numerosa de gente amable y deseosa de aportar su tiempo y talento a la comunidad, el voluntariado es un valor cultivado por generaciones, por eso nosotros debemos estar agradecidos y para mostrarlo le invitamos a que nomine a esa persona que a su juicio coopera para que tengamos una vida mejor.

Blue and Green

Send your ideas, suggestions and criticism of our magazine to us. Please send your letters to 2714 Monterey St. Joseph, MO 64507. Or send your email to: (816) 671-9312

Azul y Verde
Envenos sus ideas, sugerencias o crticas. Por favor enve sus cartas a esta direccin 2714 Monterey St. Joseph, MO 64507. O escrbanos al correo electrnico: 671-9312

This is a publication of Here-Aqu LLC. The articles and editorials do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the magazine and are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers.


Eduardo Castilla My Cultural Identity Mi Identidad Cultural

Uptown Historic and Magnificent El Centro Histrico y Magnfico

How hormones affect breast cancer? Cmo afectan las hormonas al cncer de seno?

Matrimonio Eclesistico

Learning English: Present Continious Separating Idioms

Here We Are
His last name has its roots in Spain, but he grew up going back and forth between Argentina and Chile. Eduardo Castilla, Spanish professor at Missouri Western, captivates us with his thoughts on culture and love for teaching. In his point of view, bilingualism is a powerful tool for young people with dreams of success in big cities or in other states in the U.S. Castilla affirms that bilingualism has real economic and political benefits for those with plans for living on the east or west coast, or in many of the southern states. He adds, Ive lived in small cities and know that young people everywhere have a desire to explore more of the world. The cultural dimensions of other countries are significantly more accessible to one who speaks the language.

Aqu Estamos
Con un sino por apellido y marcado por la bilateralidad geogrfica entre Chile y Argentina, queremos hacerle entrega de un pensamiento rico en cultura y pasin por la docencia, hablamos de Eduardo Castilla, profesor de espaol en la Universidad de Missouri Western. Desde su punto de vista el ser bilinge es relevante pues muchos de los jvenes que estudian la lengua en esta regin lo hacen con la misma ilusin de ir a buscar un futuro mejor en otro estado u otra ciudad y por eso afirma que en el resto de los Estados Unidos en las costas tan apreciadas del este y el oeste, y an el clima del sur es un aspecto econmico-poltico real. El asegura que es relevante para esta ciudad el que exista esa posibilidad de bilinguismo como una forma de salir y competir por trabajos en las costas del este, oeste y del sur. Adems recalc: He vivido en ciudades pequeas y s que para la juventud existe un deseo de explorar de salir, y para el estadounidense salir y explorar en esos lugares tiene una dimensin cultural y bilinge que no podemos ignorar.


Uptown, a neighborhood of 80 blocks north of Jules and west of 13th Street, houses many historic and magnificent St. Joseph homes. Take a drive through the uptown area to admire the renovations and craftsmanship.

En el centro de la ciudad, hay un vecindario de unas 80 cuadras al norte de la calle Jules y al este de la calle 13, all usted podr disfrutar una vista histrica y magnfica de las casas de St. Joseph. Visite estas calles y admire como han renovado algunas de ellas y celebre la creatividad y arquitectura del hombre.


duardo told us that the best advice he ever got was from his parents. His father taught him to face challenges with his head up and his mother taught him to grow through education. Lets see what else he has learned over the years. ZLK: You spent the first twenty-five years of your life going back and forth between Argentina and Chile. How would you say you define your cultural identity? EC: I am South American. My cultural identity is very Chilean because I went to school in

os cont Eduardo que su padre le explic que ante las dificultades caminara con la cabeza en alto, con el espritu de un individuo y que su madre le ense a progresar y a educarse de cualquier manera. Veamos qu ms aprendi l con el paso de los aos. ZLK: T estuviste 25 aos de tu vida yendo y viniendo entre Argentina y Chile Cmo defines tu identidad cultural? EC: Soy sudamericano porque mi identidad cultural es muy chilena pero mi identidad real de


Chile from elementary school until the year before I graduated high school. However, I was born in Argentina and lived there until I was six years old. I spent most of my summer vacations in Argentina growing up, so I have a kind of double nationality. ZLK: How did you prepare yourself for entering yet another culture in the U.S.? EC: When I lived in Chile as a young boy, the other Argentines and I had to defend ourselves against other boys who called us ch (because of a linguistic difference in Spanish). When I returned to Argentina for the summer, I had to defend myself against those who said I wasnt an Argentine because of my Chilean accent. I became very aware of the social criticisms that always exist between people in bordering countries. I felt prepared to come here because I was never able to develop a sense of total nationalism for Argentina because I grew up in Chile, nor was I able to identify wholly with Chile because I was a foreigner there. I am a combination of cultures. ZLK: How does your cultural identity manifest itself in the relationships you build with those around you? EC: On a professional level, I have been blessed to work with one colleague who is from Argentina, and two others who are married to Argentines. In my classes, Im able to offer a Hispanic point of view, which allows students to listen to and reflect on thoughts coming from someone who doesnt represent the majority population. I am also able to educate others about Hispanics in our community and how the goal of immigrants is to be productive in their jobs and as citizens. ZLK: Do your students connect bilingualism with opportunity? EC: Yes, they do. Many of them realize that being bilingual will open doors for them and allow them to compete for jobs all over the United States. Its a logical investment. I admire my students because it is difficult to learn another language. I have ruined more than one language with an accent or by

nacimiento y origen es de Argentina. All viv casi hasta los seis, justo antes de comenzar mi sistema educacional mis padres se trasladaron a su pas de origen, Chile. Mi periodo educacional de la primaria y la secundaria la viv en Chile y las vacaciones en Argentina. Entonces esta es una mezcla de ser un chileno-argentino o un argentinochileno, mi cultura es muy representativa de estos dos pases. ZLK: Cmo te preparaste para ingresar a una tercera cultura, la de Estados Unidos? EC: Cuando viv en Chile los nios del barrio nos llamaban los ch o los argentinos, y tenamos que defender el ser argentinos de la crtica social que siempre existe entre los nios de pases limtrofes que son muy diferentes entre s. Me sent preparado para venir aqu porque nunca pude desarrollar un nacionalismo argentino total al criarme y educarme en Chile y nunca desarroll un nacionalismo chileno sabindome extranjero. Entonces haba cierta cantidad de preparacin al venir a un tercer pas porque no estaba arraigado en la forma nacionalista pero s de una mezcla muy bien combinada de ambas. ZLK: Cmo se manifiesta esa identidad cultural con la gente que te rodea? EC: A nivel profesional tengo la dicha y coincidencia de trabajar con una colega de Argentina, y otros dos estn casados con argentinos, humorsticamente decimos que somos una pequea mafia porque no se da ese porcentage de argentinismo en una poblacin pequea, lo cual es una linda coincidencia para m que trabajo y siento que no estoy tan alejado de esa cultura. ZLK: Esos antecedentes te han dado una mayor libertad para relacionarte con el resto de la gente? EC: Me siento muy cmodo relacionarme con otra gente latina o hispana, me hacen mucha broma de ser Argentino, somos el blanco de varios humores de arrogancia o de identidad y siempre lo tomo con mucho sentido del humor y mucha facilidad y nunca me ofendo y me hace tener una relacin muy cordial con amigos. Como sudamericano no siento ser el centro de un ataque muy serio, ni discriminacin, o un tipo de humor de distanciamiento, al contrario me facilita socializar el no ser enteramente argentino o chileno.


making errors. So I empathize with their experience. As a matter of fact, I plan on taking classes in Mandarin Chinese at MWSU next year. ZLK: Although you say you were prepared for life in the U.S., there seems to be a touch of nostalgia in your voice as you talk. How do you cope with the separation from your family? EC: I came here when I was 25 years old. My parents; Juan Manuel y Mara Hayde were very supportive of me and always pushed me to have confidence in myself. I also have a 21 year-old daughter, Natalia Raquel, who has been an inspiration to me ever since she was born. Traveling back and forth between countries is way too expensive, but communication has come a long way. Being able to use technology to see my family via video camera is great. ZLK: What message do you have for the Hispanic parents regarding education? EC: I would encourage parents to support their children in getting a college education. A high school diploma isnt enough to compete in todays society. Many Hispanic parents value jobs that entail physical labor. They should take into consideration that jobs that dont require physical labor are just as challenging and are quite possibly more economically beneficial for their children.

ZLK: Crees que los estudiantes consideran que hablar espaol es sinnimo de oportunidad? EC: Por supuesto. Admiro a mis estudiantes pues es una tarea sumamente difcil el hablar cualquier otro idioma, yo que he estudiado ms de uno, yo que he arruinado ms de un idioma, hablndolo imperfecto, con acento. Pero yo entiendo la experiencia de ellos. De hecho, voy a tomar clases de mandarn en MWSU el prximo ao. ZLK: Aunque explicaste que estabas preparado para una tercera nacionalidad hay un eco de nostalgia en tus palabras, extraas a tu pas, a tu familia? EC: Llegu aqu cuando tena 25 aos. Mis padres; Juan Manuel y Mara Hayde me apoyaron y siempre me impulsaron a tener confianza en mi mismo. Tambin tengo una hija de 21 aos, Natalia Raquel, quien ha sido mi inspiracin desde que naci. Viajar de ida y vuelta entre los pases es muy costoso pero las comunicaciones han cambiado. Usar la tecnologa para ver a mi familia por video cmara es magnfico. ZLK: Cul es tu mensaje para los padres hispanos en relacin con la educacin? EC: Invito a los padres a que apoyen a sus hijos para que estudien en la universidad. La educacin secundaria no es suficiente para competir en la sociedad de hoy. Muchos padres latinos valoran los trabajos que exigen esfuerzos fsicos, pero deberan tomar en consideracin que esos trabajos que no requieren esfuerzos fsicos son muy exigentes y es posible que aporten ms beneficios econmicos a sus hijos.


Fotografa: Paola Rodrguez

Solo con el corazn se puede bien. Lo esencial es invisible los ojos. Con esta promesa de amor establecida en la fe se unieron en matrimonio Alejandra Garca y Florencio Zavala. Sus padres, familiares y amigos se congregaron en la Iglesia de San Patricio para celebrar la unin de la joven pareja, el padre Jorge Ramrez estuvo a cargo de la ceremonia en la que record a los novios y a todos los asistentes la importancia de la familia y la responsabilidad que conlleva el sacramento.

Alejandra Garca y Florencio Zavala


Here-Aqu is celebrating three years of publication. In celebration, we would like to invite our readers, featured guests, sponsors, business, institutions and the general public to nominate our community leaders.

Nominations for awards are being accepted until July 30th.

Community Leadership Award Theme: Leadership. Criteria: The nominee should demonstrate exceptional leadership, leading to significant local achievements or successful events to integrate the Hispanic community into community life in St. Joseph.

Building Bridges Award Theme: Support and partnerships. Criteria: The nominee should be involved in building partnerships which promote positive relationships between diverse community groups and/or the provision of local services to immigrants.

Award nomination should include the following: Nominee's name Award for which nomination is being made A brief description of the nominee's service and/or your reason for the nomination. Your name (so we know who made the nomination). Please send your nomination to 2714 Monterey St. Joseph, MO 64507 or send your email to:


hroughout life, women are exposed to hormones. From their first menstrual period to the onset of menopause, estrogen and progesterone stimulate normal breast cells. It is this lifelong exposure to ovarian hormones that is believed to put a woman at risk for breast cancer. Still, it is not clear if estrogen or other hormones cause breast cancer. What is known is that a woman who begins her menstrual cycle before age 12, has her first child after age 35 or goes through menopause after age 55 has an increased risk of breast cancer. Two other potential risks are described below. Oral contraceptives use slightly increases breast cancer risk. The increased risk disappears 10 years after stopping birth control pills. If you are taking some form of oral contraceptives now, the best advice is to check with your doctor. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) During menopause, a womans body produces much lower amounts of estrogen and progesterone than when she was having periods. Doctors may prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Since HRT adds the lost estrogen (and progestin for women who have a uterus) back into your body the risk for breast cancer may increase. There is no clear reason to avoid birth control pills or HRT. However, this area is controversial and studies are still ongoing. Talk to your doctor about it. Visit our page ENCOREplus.program

urante su vida, la mujer est expuesta a las hormonas. Desde su primer ciclo menstrual, al inicio de la menopausia, el estrgeno y la progesterona estimulan las clulas normales del seno. Esta exposicin a las hormonas de los ovarios durante la vida de la mujer es lo que se cree la pone a riesgo de tener cncer de seno. Sin embargo, an no se sabe con claridad si lo que causa el cncer de seno es el estrgeno u otras hormonas. Lo que se conoce, es que una mujer que comience su ciclo menstrual antes de los 12 aos, tenga su primer hijo despus de los 35 aos, o inicie la menopausia despus de los 55 aos, tiene un riesgo ms alto de cncer de seno. A continuacin se describen otros dos posibles riesgos. Los Anticonceptivos orales: aumentan en forma leve el riesgo de cncer de seno. El riesgo aumentado desaparece despus de 10 aos de haberse suspendido el uso de las pldoras. Si usted actualmente est tomando algn tipo de anticonceptivo oral, el mejor consejo es que consulte con su doctor. El uso de hormonas posmenopusicas Durante la menopausia, el cuerpo de una mujer produce menos cantidad de estrgeno y progesterona que cuando estaba menstruando. Los doctores pueden recetarle hormonas posmenopusicas para ayudarla a disminuir efectos secundarios. Como stas agregan el estrgeno perdido (y progesterona en las mujeres que tienen el tero) de nuevo a su cuerpo, puede aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cncer de seno. Muchos estudios han investigado una conexin posible entre las hormonas posmenopusicas y el cncer. Sin embargo, sta es un rea de controversia y los estudios an estn en desarrollo. Hable con su doctor.
Visita nuestra pgina ENCOREplus.program


Pay Attention

Preste Atencin Cuando Maneje

The number one contributing circumstance of traffic crashes in Missouri is driver inattention . Over one-quarter of the traffic crash reports recorded each year indicate inattention as a contributing circumstance. Driving is a full-time job, and any thing or person that drivers our attention from the job of driving could be deadly on Missouris roads. Young drivers are particularly susceptible to distractions. Inattention can be caused by a number of things: talking with others occupants in the vehicle, eating, drinking, smoking, reading, putting on makeup, changing a CD or radio station, talking, or texting on a cellular phone. Recent changes to Missouris graduated drivers license, limits the number of passengers young drivers cab have in the vehicle. Sixteen-year-old drivers can have only one non-family member under the age of 19 in the car for the first six months. After that, they can have up to three non-family member passengers under the age of 19 in the vehicle. Other section requires the operator of a motor vehicle to drive the vehicle in a careful and prudent manner, and a rate of speed so as not to endanger the property of another or the life or limb of any person. It also states drivers shall exercise the highest degree of care.

El mayor factor de accidentes de trfico en Missouri es la distraccin del conductor. As lo indica ms de un cuarto de los reportes de accidentes grabados cada ao. Manejar es un trabajo a tiempo completo y cualquier cosa o persona que nos distraiga al conducir podra ser mortal en las carreteras de Missouri. Los conductores jvenes son particularmente susceptibles a las distracciones. La inatencin puede ser causada por diferentes razones: hablar con otros en el vehculo, comer, beber, fumar, leer, ponerse maquillaje, cambiar un CD o la radio, hablar o escribir en el celular. Cambios recientes en la obtencin de la licencia en Missouri limita el nmero de pasajeros en el auto de los jvenes durante los primeros seis meses de experiencia, un joven diecisis aos solo puede tener una persona en el auto que no sea un familiar y menor de 19 aos de edad. Despus, l podr llevar a tres personas en el auto que no sean sus familiares si son menores de 19 aos. Otra seccin de la ley requiere que el conductor de un vehculo sea cuidadoso, prudente y que mantenga los lmites de velocidad para evitar poner en peligro la propiedad o la vida de otras personas. Tambin contempla que el conductor practique el mximo Source: Missouri State Highway Patrol. grado de cuidado.
Fuente: Control de Autopistas del Estado de Missouri.

Working up the courage to put an end to it all

There I was sitting at the bar staring at my drink, when a large trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig. "Well, whatcha' gonna do about it?" he says, menacingly, as I burst into tears. "Come on, man," the biker says, "I didn't think you'd CRY. I can't stand to see a man crying." "This is the worst day of my life," I say. "I'm a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don't have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my wife with another man and then my dog bit me." "So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all, I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve; then you show up and drink the whole thing! But enough about me, how's your day going?" Your e-mail: M. Catalina J.


A guy sends a check

Windows XP-Vista lessons Computer repair Networking Upgrades

Advertise Here Anuncie Aqu

Alfredo Pereira

(816) 671-9312


for $500.00 to the IRS with a note that said, "I'm sending you this because I haven't been able to sleep since 1962 when I cheated on my taxes and if I still can't sleep I will send you the rest."

Camin Volquete a su servicio

Transporte de materiales de construccin y basura.

Marcelino Canchola
Habla espaol e ingls

(816) 390-8574

5505 Lake Avenue Saint Joseph, MO 64504 Office (816) 749-4142 CC C (816) 479-5234 Cell: (507) 319-5876 Fax: (816) 841-4765

Professional Interpreter Business Translations/Traducciones Public Notary Services/ Notario Pblico Personal Taxes/Impuestos Personales ITIN Application/Solicitud de ITIN Citizenship Classes/Clases para Ciudadana Information & Referral/Informacin y Referencias Assistance with Government forms/ Asistencia con formas del Gobierno y ms Cultural Communication Workshops Business Consulting Services-Reaching new market.

Si fueras mujer y vivieras en Arabia Saud, tendras que pedir permiso a tu padre, hermano o marido
para, entre otras cosas, viajar, trabajar con sueldo, cursar estudios superiores y casarte. Adems, tendras prohibido conducir. Lo sabe bien Manal al Sharif, que est en la crcel por conducir un coche y por participar en una campaa pacfica contra la prohibicin de que las mujeres conduzcan. Manal est encerrada por desafiar una ley injusta y profundamente discriminatoria, hay muchas personas que son encarceladas injustamente y discriminadas slo por ser quienes son.
Esteban Beltrn. Director Amnista Internacional Seccin Espaola


ENCOREplus Programa de prevencin del cncer de seno

Tiene usted 40 aos o ms? Le gustara obtener un MAMOGRAMA gratis? Nosotros te podemos ayudar llmanos 816-273-6665 Tambin ofrecemos INTERPRETE y TRANSPORTE gratis. Saber que el cncer de seno existe no es suficiente. Mantngase informada! Este programa es posible gracias a los fondos de Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Kansas City y Avon Foundation for women Breast Care Fund.

Mammogram 96x96 Presented by Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Kansas City
Susan G. Komen for the Cure Greater Kansas City has completed it's 2011 Community Profile, which assesses the impact that breast cancer has on your community. The 2011 Community Profile was completed through a partnership with the University of Kansas. This comprehensive study utilizes quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis to pinpoint where outreach efforts will have the most impact on breast health. The results identified the needs surrounding breast health in the St. Joseph community. The Greater Kansas City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure serves a community of more than 2.2 million people across a 17-county area, including Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri; over 500,000 of these residents are women over age 40. In 2011, the Greater Kansas City Affiliate has committed to distribute nearly $917,000 to 18 agencies which will provide education, screening and treatment services in the service area, primarily to women who would otherwise receive no such benefits. Please come learn more about the gaps in breast health in Buchanan County, the greater Kansas City Community and how our partnerships can directly effect these needs. Please RSVP by June 6th by clicking here The State of Breast Cancer Wednesday, June 8, 2011. 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Heartland Health | 1115 North Belt Highway | Meeting Room - Oaks I & II | St. Joseph, MO 64506 Questions - Contact Theresa Osenbaugh at 816-842-0410 or

You are cordially invited to attend.


Lesson 2. Beginning Grammar: Present Continuous

Present Continuous is used to talk about things that are happening right now. Follow the example and use the (verb) to fill in the blank correctly. Then follow the second example and write the sentences above using not. BE + Verb-ing is am are going BE + not + Verb-ing is am are not going Practice 1. Tom _______________(go) to the store. 2. They __________________(have) a party. 3. Juan and Lupe ________________(fly) to LA. 4. I ______________(talk) to my friend. 5. We _______________(make) a cake. 6. She ________________(tell) a story. EXAMPLES He is going. I am going. They are going. EXAMPLES He is not going. I am not going. They are not going.

Lesson 2. Advanced Vocabulary: Separating Idioms

One problem with idioms that contain verbs is learning when they can be separated or not. Pronouns are always used in the middle. Some idioms cannot be separated. Use the examples and try to write the following driving idioms three different ways:
back up-reverse fill up-put a liquid in to the top pull over-go to the side

Separate: verb + noun or pronoun + particle I will back the car up. Practice 7. (pull over/car) 8. (fill up/car)

Together: verb + particle + noun I will back up the car.

I will back it up.

The policeman wanted me to __________________________. I need to ______________________________ with gas.

9. (back up/car) You need to _________________________________ two more feet. 10. (put away/my tools) Please ___________________________ in the garage.
Answers: 1. is going/is not going 2. are having/are not having 3. are flying/are not flying 4. am talking/am not talking 5. are making/are not making 6. is telling/is not telling 7. pull the car over/pull over the car/pull it over 8. fill the car up/fill up the car/fill it up 9. back the car up/back up the car/back it up 10. put my tools away/put away my tools/ put them away.


Due to a power outage, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very dark, so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3year-old girl, to hold a flashlight high over her mommy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby. Very diligently, Kathleen did as she was asked. Heidi pushed and pushed and after a little while, Connor was born. The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and patted him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-year-old what she thought about what she had just witnessed. Kathleen quickly responded, 'He shouldn't have crawled in there in the first place. ........spank him again!' Your e-mail: Sanvan

English and Citizenship Classes Webster Learning Center. At 1211 N 18th.

Phone: (816) 671-4020. Daytime: Monday-Tuesday. Beginning: 9:00/11:00am. Intermediate: 11:30/1:00pm. Ask for Nancy. Evening: Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Citizenship: 5:00/6:00pm. English: 6:00/8:00pm. Ask for Sharon. ||||||

Advertise Here Anuncie Aqu (816) 671-9312

Estudie Gratis Ingls y Ciudadana

Direccin: No. 1211 en la calle 18. Telfono: (816) 671-4020. Durante el da pregunte por Nancy y en la noche por Sharon. Las clases de ingls se ofrecen de lunes a martes. Nivel inicial: 9:00/11:00am. Nivel Intermedio: 11:30/1:00pm. Las clases de ciudadana se ofrecen de 5:00/6:00pm. Y las clases de ingls de 6:00/8:00pm. ||||||

Is your institution here yet? Ya est su negocio aqu ||||||

Iglesia San Patricio

Horario de oficina: De lunes a viernes ~ 9:00a.m. a 3:00p.m. Telfono: (816) 279-2594 1813 S 12th Street * St. Joseph MO 64503 ||||||

English as a Second Language Educacin. (ESOL) El ingls como segunda lengua. (816) 671-4119. Inscripciones permanentes para los estudiantes desde kinder hasta la preparatoria. Las inscripciones empiezan el primero de agosto. Direccin: 1000 S. 9th. Detrs del Patee Hall.

Legal services by Inter-Serv

Servicios de inmigracin o abogado. (816) 232-7779. Ext. 28 |||||| Si usted desea publicar sus servicios en este directorio, llmenos o escrbanos a Here-aqu: (816) 671 93-12 |


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