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MAE 3310 FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS & PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCES THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Principle of Energy Conservation The energy accumulation or depletion in a control mass or control volume is given by Total Energy Entering Total Energy Leaving Change in total energy the System the System of the System E, E in out AE, ‘system. Woin= 10 (Adiabatic) (Adiabatic) System boundary Conduction ! Convection > Forced, Natural \ ! Radiation i CLOSED ‘ SYSTEM SE Work Usually stated in the problem \ \ \ \ \ f Can also be calculated using (m = constant) ! energy balance | | Heat Transfer for calculation from first principles Computed using System and Process definition | Force Balance Reversible or quasi equilibrium assumption Internal force due to Expansion/Compression Mim=—/>) | System pressure Electrical balancing external Stretching forces Flow work

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