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OBJECTIVES: 1. To encourage the self-expression of thoughts and feelings 2. To facilitate the process of representing thoughts symbolically 3. To provide peer interaction and a sense of community within the hospital environment 4. To help them feel relax and alleviate stress 5. Express oneself both verbally and non-verbally 6. Assess the client mental and emotional state of being METHODS OF INSTRUCTIONS: Instruction- led method in which we give the clients on what the activity to be done and what it is all about

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 10 MATERIALS TO BE USED: - music player - speaker - extension cord - bond papers - crayons MECHANICS: 1. The clients will be given a bond paper and coloring materials 2. The clients will listen to the music first and let them think and relax. 3. Then the clients will draw what they re thinking or what they are feeling when they hear the music 4. After it the clients will then describe or explain their drawings. PRECAUTIONS TO BE OBSERVED: - Monitor the clients for any untoward behaviors

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