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Chapter 3 Motivational and Affective factors that influence learning

I thought in this chapter 3 motivation is one process of arousing and sustaining interest in an activity in order to achieve a goal, and motivation is an internal state of force that energizes, directs, and maintains behavior towards a goal. Student motivation has to do with students desire to participate in the learning process. There are different theories of motivation, One of the most popular theories is Maslow s Hierarchy of human needs, love and belongingness needs, esteem needs and need for self actualization. And one more theories is David Mc clelland s need achievement theory and attribution theory. Two kinds of motivational is extrinsic and intrinsic. Self-efficacy, self concept self regulation and cognition are also bases for motivated behavior according to research: Self concept have several different components the physical, academic, social, and transpersonal. Self-efficacy defined as people s beliefs about their capabilities to produce designated levels of performance that influence over events that affect their lives. Self-efficacy have four major processes. They include cognitive, motivational, affective, and selection processes by Bandura. Social cognitive theorists, bandura, Philips, Zimmerman and Schunk.

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