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North, Rhinelander, WI 54501 The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm. The following lakes and their representatives were present: Tom Doyle Lake (Tim Thuemling, Jim Staskiewicz and Karyl Rosenberg), Two Sisters Lake (Paul Kuhn), Lake Mildred (Connie Muckelberg), and Flannery/Velvet Lakes (J.R. Bartelt). Paul Kuhn moved and JR Bartelt seconded the approval of the minutes of the May 26, 2011 meeting. Motion carried on a voice vote. Paul Kuhn moved and Tim Thuemling seconded the approval of the minutes of the June 21, 2011 meeting. Motion carried on a voice vote. The following lake reports were given: Lake Mildred reported that the lake management study planning process with Onterra will begin next week. Connie also reported the absence of loons on the lake. Flannery/Velvet Lake J.R. reported that the bladderwort is as bad on the lakes as it was 6 years ago. He also invited anyone interested in attending a social event on Flannery Lake. He too reported the absence of loons this year. Pickerel Lake is excused from the meeting. Tom Doyle Lake held a successful boat parade again this year with 9 participants. The lake is preparing for a teleconference with its Board. Tim reported that the lake appears darker than it has in years past and secchi readings are at 5 feet. They too are loonless this year. Jim shared an idea for displaying waterways maps in metal mailboxes at landings. Two Sisters Lake Paul reported that 2 out of the 3 loon nests have been successful this year. Paul also reported on another successful annual meeting as well as the planning for their stakeholder survey for the Two Sisters lake management planning. A wide ranging discussion on the preparations for the annual Newbold Firemans Picnic in August occurred. Karyl and Connie presented a suggestion for the booth. Tim will see to the purchase and display of the banner that includes lake association logos. It was decided to focus our next meeting on Grants. The next meeting will be Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 5:30 pm at the Newbold Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 on a motion by Tim Thuemling and seconded by Paul Kuhn. Respectfully submitted, Scott Eshelman, Chair

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