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The Devil Worshipers

A Dark Dogma, Perversity and


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Praise be to Allah and may Allah increase the honor and raise the
rank of our Master Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

Thereafter, Allah subhanahu wa ta^ala said:

Verse 6 of Surat Fatir means: The devil is your enemy, so take

him as your enemy; he calls his blasphemer followers so they will
end up in Hellfire.
He also said:

Verse 60 of Surat Yasin means: Didnt I order you O Children of

Adam not to worship the devil, for he is your enemy.
It is strange enough for one to embrace another creature to worship
him instead of Allah, despite the sublime level of that creature,
even if he was a prophet; Allah alone is the One Who deserves to
be worshipped. Hence, how strange is it if that creature was the
devil, who is the enemy of man, ambushing him, whispering to
him, embellishing bad deeds, evil and mischief for him.
Nowadays, the worshippers of the devil have their own sect which
is infiltrating the societies and among the youthThis has
increased the calamities within the societies, which were already
inflicted by the deviated sects and mischievous groups like Free
Masons and others.

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The sect of the devil worshippers is not a new one, it has been
around since hundreds of years; its followers have disappeared for
a period of time and then started to reappear again by the call of
the Jewish magician priest Antone Levy in the year 1966. This
man was an officer in the Israeli Mossad, he established The devil
temple, which is among the dangerous organizations. It has
50,000 members, and it has branches in Britain; Ireland; and the
rest of Europe as well as America and Africa.


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It was said that their concepts and believes are derived from the
theories of Darwin and the philosophy of Nitche, which fights
justice, because it is the manners of the weak according to him.
According to this philosophy, the world is just a chamber of
conflict where there is no justice or injustice, but rather power and
weakness; victory and defeat; and that survival is not for the best;

but rather for the powerful one; the powerful one according to
them is the devil; we seek refuge with Allah from these dark

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The devil is an enemy for the son of Adam (the human) since the
creation of humanity. He is excluded from the Mercy of Allah,
Allah expelled him from Paradise, he is the enemy of Allah and the
enemy of the human. Allah tabaraka wa ta^ala said:

Verse 5 of Surat Yusuf means: The devil is a sworn enemy to the

He allures some of the Children of Adam to make them follow his
path, he embellishes for them the unlawful matters like adultery
with all its types even with ones relatives whom he cannot marry,
drinking blood, and drug dealings.


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The worshippers of the devil do not believe in Allah, in the
hereafter, in Paradise and hellfire, and in the reward in the
hereafter. Their aim is to enjoy the physical luxuries before death.
Antone Levy, or Sanduz Levy says in his book named: Satan
Wants You: This life is for pleasures and desires, death would
prohibit you from having them; so make use of your chance to
enjoy; for torture and pleasures are in here.
He also calls in his book The Satanic Practices to present human
oblations to the devil especially children after burning them in fire,
because according to the author the devil would be pleased with
that one who had committed suicide and he will meet him
immediately after he commits suicide.

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Among the practices of this abnormal sect:
1- Sorcery.
Committing suicide.


Homosexuality even with animals.


4- Desiring the dead.

5- Sadism and torturing the self.
6- Domination through money, drugs, alcohol, and women.


Working with child prostitutionespecially through the



Their call for freedom of thoughts and expression and to

loosen ones self from the ties.

9- Drinking blood.
10- Slaughtering animals, birds, and the rodents to please the
11- Using obscene movies to seduce people and other means to
frighten people as well.
12- Using the Hard rock and the loud Mitaliksa, which
glorifies the devil and calls for committing suicide.
13- Using plenty of codes as a slogan for themselves, like the
ram head (male sheep), the skeleton with two
bones and the star, the Nazies slogan, the black candles,
iron sticks, plenty of pictures; letters; and codes; which are
famous among themselves.





Manuela Rouda, who belongs to the sect of the worshippers of the
devil, appeared at the court of the German industrial city
Bucham in black dress and dark glasses. She had asked the court
to dim the windows because she cannot bear the light; her request
was turned down; however, the court allowed her to put on her
black glasses.
Manuela narrated her story, she said that she was attracted towards
the Punks wave at the age of sixteen, she used to miss school and
neglect her studies; she left Germany and went to Scotland to work
in a hotel. Then she moved to London and joined the Qutic Club
where their practice Satanic practices, which includes drinking
blood. She then returned to Germany after she became a vampire,
to make this matter easy to her, she replaced two front molars with
animal canines.

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Manuela had met her 26 year old friend Daniel through an ad,
which he put in Metal Hammer magazine which says: A
vampire looking for a darkness princess who hates everything and
all people.
Both of Manuela and Daniel said that they were carrying out the
instructions of the devil when they decided to present an oblation
to the devil, and that their next target was to commit suicide and go
to Hellfire.
They did call their 32 year old common friend Frank Hackert, they
killed him with a hit by an axe on the head and stabbed him 66
times in the face. They punctured his tummy in the shape of a
quintet star, then after they sucked his blood and mauled his body
in a coffin in Manuelas bedroom.



When the police stormed Manuelas house, they found the remains
of Hackert, this happened after her parents told the police that they
found a letter from their daughter saying that she will commit

suicide tonight, she requested in it that she be buried in a coffin in

her bedroom.
This trial took place in the Winter of 2002, it shed a light on the
fact that the devil worshippers are increasing in numbers among
the youth, who found through worshipping the devil and sucking
bloods a kind of a revolt against the parents and against the

This was not limited only to Germany, there were also countries
like: Turkey, Malaysia, Kenya, and many Arab countries like:
Jordan; Lebanon; and Kuwait, who were not safe from the dangers
of the devil worshippers sect; which weaved its spider webs around
many youth who are living according to their desires away from
the monitoring of the parents.


In some countries, the security forces arrested a group of the devil
worshippers, who were practicing strange rituals, they would dress
revealing clothes, putting on golden chains, dancing on roaring
musical sounds, which promotes satanic beliefs and thoughts.

Dar alfatwa in Egypt issued an edict about this matter saying
that the devil worshippers are apostates. The Egyptian media
outlets did warn about the strange practices of this strange sect like
unearthing the graves looking for the dead corpses. They prefer the
most recent dead corpse, their leader would dance over the corpse
which they had found, then they would slaughter the cats and dogs
and drink their bloods staining their bodies and faces with it. As
for the females of this sect, they paint their nails and lips with
black color.

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The issue of this strayed sect did not stop here, the matter is not
limited only to one or two countries; it is an on going issue. Day
after day the official authorities and families discover lots of
tragedies caused by joining this group like killing, committing
suicide, homosexuality, and drugs.
We are trying here to shed a light on this issue so that the
falsehood of this sect, who worship the devil instead of Allah. We
are doing that so that the inattentive parents and the workers in the
educational and social fields would awake hoping that will not
wake up one day to find the severed members on top of our heads.

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