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By Derrick Gillespie
1. Gods eternal life, his wisdom or reason, his power, and his spirit or his mind are divine attributes that CANNOT be considered as created things, but MUST be seen as UNCREATED aspects of Gods very own being and eternal nature, and yet these are the very things God Himself chose to equate with Jesus (a separate being), or used to either indicate Jesus as being born from Him from everlasting (Micah 5:2), or intimately one with Him as no creature can be. Of prime importance is the fact that a person usually has his own spirit or mind (1 Cor. 2:11), none other can, and yet Jesus is considered so one in nature with God that the very mind of God Himself (Is. 40:13) is depicted as the very mind of Christ Himself (1 Cor. 2:16), as if they are one being; though not literally so. That very mind or Spirit (singular) of both God and Christ is what is imparted to us, to personally live in us as living temples, and to personally control us as Gods spiritual children on earth. This is the highest level of proof of Jesus divinity, since it relates to the level of spirit that was above and beyond all creation of material things, and was the reality from everlasting or from all eternity! See 1 John 1:1-3; 1 Cor. 1:24; Prov. 8:1, 22-24; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; Rom. 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 6:19; 1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Cor. 6:15 2. God uses the biological model in the human family, made in his image, to demonstrate that Jesus literally came from His very own being and substance as His only begotten Son (John 3:16; Prov. 30:4;John 1:14) that was brought forth from Him from everlasting or from all eternity (Micah 5:2; Prov. 1:22-24). This was just as (within time) Eve came from the very being of Adam and took his own name, or just as a later begotten child of Adam literally came from his own substance and bears his very own name and nature in every way; just not his status of headship in the family. The original blueprint of divinity and the image of God in Man must bear similar features or parallels (if even faintly), otherwise there is no sense in God saying to His Son at the beginning Let us make Man in our own image. This is the secondary level of proof, and is easily understood by us in the human sense, just as God Himself said we would in Rom. 1:19, 20. See Gen. 1:26, 27; Gen.2:21-24; Gen. 5:1-4 3. Jesus became human in every way, by way of the incarnation process (Phill. 2:5-8), and yet despite his form and status was now seemingly lower than that of even the angels that Jesus himself had created (Col. 1:16,17; Heb. 1:5-12), yet even at that level of debasement, the Father still recognized the human Jesus in Zech. 13:7 as his Fellow (i.e. Companion, Associate, or Equal); the only human he takes counsel with (Zech. 6:12,13); the only human who, like Him, could forgive sins (Mark 2:1-12), could be prayed to (Acts 7:59), could be called the Mighty God and the Everlasting Father (Is. 9:6), and could be granted (by natural inheritance) both the highest name (evidently one co-equal with His; Phill. 2:9-11) and a universal rule on his very own throne alongside him (Eph. 1:20, 21; Rev. 3:21; Rev. 22:1), which would be a co-equal dominion or rule that would never end (Dan. 7:13, 14). This is the third level of proof, and shows that even though Jesus is always subject to the Father, even though in his role as a

human Model for His brethren (since his incarnation) he NOW models the worshipping the Father as His God (Heb. 2:9-17,) but, just like a beloved wife (or a royal Queen, or a true Prince) is supposed to, he is equal in nature to the Father, and will rule alongside him for all eternity; despite never usurping His natural headship and leadership as the Father of all. Awesome combinations of his divine nature (with its attendant prerogatives) and his human nature (with its attendant Messianic roles)! Never should the concepts of Jesus divine and co-equal nature with the Father be confused with the Fathers status of he being the one true God; just as Adam was the one true Man in the beginning, and the one true head of humanity, in relation to Eve who was co-equal in human nature and oneness with him. 4. Jesus is identified as the [one] true Light of the world (John 1:4-12; John 8:12). Yet amazingly Jesus, while on earth, said of all his true disciples: ye are the light of the word (singular). Matt. 5:14. Paul later identified all true Christians as the anointed members of Christ, the one true Messiah/Anointed (1 Cor. 12:12), despite John the Baptist earlier testified he logically couldnt be the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:19, 20). Thus it becomes clear that the light of the world, and Christ is a composite reality, but headed by the one true prototype (1 Cor. 11:3). True disciples, despite being imperfect reflectors of the light, are likewise called the light *singular+ of the world by Jesus Himself! How could this be? Once connected to Christ, and being one with Him, they are not false light, or a different light in nature, but they receive, manifest and are, by nature, the very same light as gotten from the original or prototype, the head of the body. 1 Thess. 5:5; John 12:36; Eph. 5:14. Christ and the Church are the same light of the world, but as united at the human level. True disciples are called the light of the world by being children of light, and this principle explains a lot about family, and especially about the things of God that the family was made in the image of. Gen. 1:26, 27. This principle was demonstrated by the first human family, headed by the one true Adam, an individual, yet all humanity of like nature are all together called adam in Hebrew (Gen. 5:2; Ps. 8:3-8). Also, Jesus, the second Adam, is called the one true Seed of Abraham, yet all Gods children through Abraham are also identified as this one Seed. Gal.3:16, 29. This same principle is linked to the divine things of God, the Father; the one true God. The Father looked at His one TRUE Son and calls Him O God, and Lord or Jehovah (Heb. 1:8, 10; Ps. 102:1, 24-24). Why? Because he is the absolutely perfect reflector of His divine nature, by being the exact copy of his very being. Heb. 1:2, 3 and Col. 2:9. Did you get that? Jesus is THE exact copy of His *the Fathers+ very being! It is impossible to make it any clearer that Jesus is ALL that the Father is in nature, i.e. FULLY divine or God in FULLEST nature! Now, remembering that true sons ALWAYS inherit their fathers actual name, then no wonder Jesus name Lord is the name that is above every name, just like that of His Father (Hebrews 1:4; Acts 17:24; Jude 1:4; Phil. 2:9, 10;1 Cor. 12:3). Thats why the unbelieving Jews today refuse to call Jesus Lord, because they know it is the actual name of Jehovah, as translated from Kurios in Greek (the translation of YHWH in Hebrew). This is absolutely unbeatable!! Now if Jesus could look at imperfect human reflectors of Himself as a Man, and call them the light of the world by nature (despite they are not the person called the true Light), and if with the things of God there is no imperfection, how much more should the Father be able to look at Jesus (his own perfect and TRUE Son) and call Him O God and Lord by nature (despite he is not the person called the true God, the prototype of divinity)? No wonder Thomas exclaimed

the absolute truth that was made plain to him at Jesus resurrection, by looking at Jesus and identifying Him as my Lord and My God (John 20:28, 29). Incidentally, if Jesus is the true Light of the world, and the Father is also called the light of the world (1 John 1:5), would the Father be a different, false, lesser, or inferior light in nature? By now you do know the answer. NO! They are the same Light in nature, by way of being united as one family at the divine level. And of course Jesus received all from the Father Himself! Lets now compare the Father and the Sons nature before Jesus became man to see the absolute truth; the true light about Jesus our Savior shining into a dark place!! THE FATHER 1. He already existed before the creation of the universe from everlasting, or from eternity! THE SON (Before the Incarnation) He also already existed before the creation of the universe from everlasting, or from eternity. He was brought forth from the very being of the Father from everlasting, and hence his goings forth was from everlasting, or he is likewise eternal. Hes that eternal life that was *WITH the Father said John! He was the exact copy of the Fathers person or being before the creation of the universe- i.e. the express image of all thats divinehe was likewise all pure and all righteous, was pure spirit in Gods form, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all merciful, all loving, etc. *WITH NOTHING DIFFRENT IN NATURE FROM THE FATHER, except the Father was his Head or Leader. Thats what exact copy means! He created and sustained the entire universe of time, space and matter, which includes living and non-living things, angels and man. He did this on behalf of the Father, as the Son of the Father, His Personal Word (Logos) and Creative Associate. It was he who equally sent the Holy Spirit to the actual creation sites to execute the creation process. *The creative Word of the Lord, through revelation, turned out to be the person eventually called Jesus, and the spirit of His mouth turned out to be His personal Holy Spirit! SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT Ps. 90:1,2; Micah 5:2; 1 John 1:1-3; 1 Cor. 1:14; Prov. 8:1,22-24;Heb. 7:1-3; John 1:1-3

2. He was the one true God before the creation of the universe- i.e. the prototype of divinity- he was all pure and all righteous, was pure spirit in form, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all merciful, all loving, etc.

John 17:3; Heb. 1:2, 3; Col. 2:9; Phil. 2:5-8; 1 Cor. 11:3

3. He created and sustains the entire universe of time, space and matter, which includes living and non-living things, angels and man. He did this through His Son His Personal Word (Logos) and Creative Associate. It was he who sent the Holy Spirit to the actual creation sites to execute the creation process. *By the creative word or spirit/breath of the Lord were all things created.

Gen. 1:1, 26-28; Acts 17:24-28; Is. 64:8 Ps. 104:30; Gen. 1:2; Job 33:4; Ps. 33:6; 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; John 16:15; Col. 1:16-18; Heb. 1:1-3, 10-12; John. 1:1-3;

Now, it means that if Jesus had not become human, there would probably not be any occasion to consider Him any less in nature than the Father, but ironically, IF JESUS NEVER BECAME MAN, EVEN
LESSER IN STATUS THAN THE ANGELS, OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FATHER WOULD NOT BE COMPLETE, AND INDEED OUR KNOWLEDGE OF HIM WOULD BE POINTLESS, SINCE WE WOULD BE WITHOUT A DIVINE SAVIOR WHO HAD TO BECOME A LAMB TO SAVE US!! It should be noted however, that even in the very nature of Man, the truth about Gods nature is evident. Lets now compare Gods nature with Mans nature to see the

truths that continue to be missed by so many!!


Jehovah, the one true God (i.e. the prototype of divinity), is the Father of all; i.e. the Head of divinity, and the God of humanity. It was he who said Let us make Man in our own image! God, the Father, spoke with a collective-type voice (on behalf of another or on behalf of others) in several places in the Bible, and then carried out the intended action. Out of the Fathers own being (or spirit substance) came the Son, His TRUE descendant from everlasting (from eternity); who was symbolized as His personal Word, or His personified Wisdom that was brought forth from everlasting. He was Gods Divine Associate from eternity, and both are forever one in Spirit The Father and Son spiritually knows each other; intimately and fully. This full spiritual and mutual knowledge excludes all outsiders. Both Father and Son share one omnipresent Spirit (depicted as the Fathers life), which proceeds from the Father (the Head), through the Son, and fills the whole universe. The Fathers Spirit personally and equally represents the divine qualities and presence of both Father and Son all over the universe. On the individual level, only the Spirit knows the mind of the Father, because of the depiction of their spiritual inseparability. The Son is depicted as The Life Giver (as the Medium of the Fathers life, creation and redemption). The Son executed the full creation process on the Fathers


In the beginning, Adam, the one true Man (i.e. the original, or prototype of humanity), the father and head of humanity, corresponds in limited image on earth with the Father of all above. God often referred to Man (Hebrew adam), all over the Bible in the collective, focusing on the male gender or the head figure as representative of all in a group Out of Adams own being (or fleshly substance) came Eve within time; who was his help-meet or human associate. Both were one in flesh. In the beginning Eve, as Adams associate, corresponds (in limited image) on earth with Jesus the preexistent Son of God, since Man, as a family, was made in the image of God or divinity. Adam physically knew Eve; intimately and fully. This full sexual knowledge should exclude all outsiders. Both share one Seed of manifold descendants (depicted as Adams life), which proceeded from Adam (the head), then through Eve in order to fill/replenish the whole earth. Adams Seed, personally and equally, represents the human qualities of both Adam and Eve all over the earth. Same principle operates in families today. On the individual level of Man, only a man knows his own mind or spirit (because of their physical inseparability); no one else can. Eves name literally means life giver, and she acted as the medium of Adams reproduction and begetting of children. Eve bore the brunt of the childbearing process,

Scriptural Support
John 17:3;Eph. 4:4-6; 1 Cor. 11:3,7; Luke 3:38; Rom. 5:12-21; 1 Cor. 15:22

Gen. 1:26; Gen. 3:22; Gen. 11:6,7; Is. 6:8; Gen. 3:22-24; Gen. 6:3, 5-7; Rev. 3:20

1 Cor. 1:24; Prov. 8:1, 22-24; Micah 5:2; Prov. 30:4; Heb. 1:1-4; 1 John 1:1-3; John 1:1-3; John 17:5, 24; Phil. 2:5-8; Zech. 6:13; Gen.2: 18, 21-24; 1 Cor. 11:11,12

Matt. 11:27; Luke 10:22;1 Cor. 2:11; Rom. 8:9-11; Ps. 139:7-12;Jer. 23:24; John 15:26; John 16:7; Gen. 1:28;Gen. 4:1; Gen. 5:1-5; Matt. 19:3-11

John 1:2- 4; Col.1 :16,17; Heb. 1:2-4, 8-12; 1 John 5:11; John 5:29-29; Gen. 3:20; Gen.4:1; Gen. 5:1-5 *(CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)

behalf. The Father DID NOT create independent of Him, and In the future Jesus will also give immortal life to all the redeemed children of God, on the Fathers behalf.

and a male CANNOT reproduce apart from a woman. Same pattern in families today.


The Fathers name is shared by the threefold union of the Father, Son and Spirit. That shared name could either be Jehovah, or the title God, or the authority or nature of God, or it can denote all meanings. The Hebrew word for God, Elohim, is both singular and collective in nature The Son was/is the exact copy of the Fathers person, despite their different roles. Both are equal in nature, since the Son (having come directly from the Fathers substance) fully reflects the Fathers glory, and is His glory in heaven, despite the Father is Head of all. They are considered so one in Spirit and action that they are usually depicted as if only one being is in operation, though they are not! The Father, Son and Spirit rules over lesser beings in heaven, and over all creation from the throne room in the Temple in heaven. The Father and Son shares the one Throne in heaven, while the Spirit (sent to us from a place before His throne) rules in our hearts on their behalf. The Son has an incredibly complex nature, both divine and human, and he fulfills several overlapping roles on behalf of the Father The incarnated Son (on behalf of the Father) personally suffered much pain and loss to produce spiritual sons of God. However, because he became a genuine human forever the Father restored/exalted Him to glory, power, and honor equal in nature with his own, even while he remains a man (with a glorified human form).


The family name of a father is usually shared by the threefold family union of the husband, wife, and his seed or his descendants. Same pattern in families today. The word Man, from the Hebrew name Adam, is both a singular and collective name, and can relate to all humanity in terms similar character or nature. Eve was equally human in nature to Adam, despite their different roles. Both Adam and Eve were of the same substance, and the woman (coming directly from Adam) was said to be the mans glory, despite the male was the head of the family. In fact, a wife was to be deemed so one with her husband, that the man was to consider loving his wife as if he loved himself, though they are separate beings. Adam, Eve, and all their Seed (all humanity) was set over and commissioned by God to reign over lesser species on earth, as a pattern of heavenly government.

Scriptural Support
Matt. 28:19; John 16:15; Gen. 1:26, 27; Gen. 3:22; Gen. 5:2; Gen. 6:3,5-7

Heb. 1:2-4; John 14:9; Col. 2:9; Phill. 2:5, 6; 1 Cor. 12:4-6; Gen.2: 18, 2124; 1Cor. 11:7; Eph. 5:25-31

Eph. 1:20-23; Rev.22:3; Rev. 3:21;Acts 17:24-26; Rev. 17:14; 2 Cor. 3:17; Rev. 1:4, 5; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; Gen. 1:26-28; Ps. 8:4-8

The woman is the more emotionally complex member of the specie, and has the more active and creative brain, as wife, mother and homemaker Women (on behalf of the father of a family) go through much physical pain and suffering to produce physical children. However, despite their subjection to the man, and despite her experiences in suffering, it was through the medium of a woman (literally and spiritually) that the Messiah was to come and secure redemption for humans.

John 1:1-3, 14-18; John 5:20-29;Is. 9:6;1 Tim. 2:5;Prov. 31:10-31

Is. 53:1-12; Acts 8:26-35; Heb. 2:1117; Heb. 1:4-12; 1 Tim. 2:5; Matt. 24:30; Dan. 7:13,14;Gen. 3:15,16 ; Gal. 4:26,27; Rev. 12:--17

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