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Question: Prime No.

Short cut Method: For p^m.q^n, the number of divisors is (m+1)(n+1). Thus the number of divisors is (3+1)(6+1) = 28 Long Method: We can select one P which will have 7 possibilities (p,pq,pq^2,.,pq^6) We can select two Ps which will have 7 possibilities (p^2,p^2q,,.,p^2q^6) We can select 3 Ps which will have 7 possibilities We can select one q which will have 6 possibilities Any prime no is divisible by 1 also. Total = 7+7+7+6+1=28

Question: Positive integers <10,000 whose sum of digits is 5.

Method 1: 6 combinations are possible in this sum. 0,0,0,5: This can be arranged in 4!/3! ways = 4 [Formula used is no. of permutations possible for x objects in which y and z objects are similar = x!/(y!z!)] 0,0,1,4: This can be arranged in 4!/2! ways = 12 0,1,1,3: This can be arranged in 4!/2! ways = 12 0,1,2,2: This can be arranged in 4!/2! ways = 12 1,1,1,2: This can be arranged in 4!/3! ways = 4 0,0,2,3: This can be arranged in 4!/2! ways = 12 Total = 4+12+12+12+4+12=56 ways Method 2: Basically, the question asks how many 4 digit numbers (including those in the form 0XXX, 00XX, and 000X) have digits which add up to 5. Think about the question this way: we know that there is a total of 5 to be spread among the 4 digits, we just have to determine the number of ways it can be spread. Let X represent a sum of 1, and | represent a seperator between two digits. As a result, we will have 5 X's (digits add up to the 5), and 3 |'s (3 digit seperators).

So, for example: XX|X|X|X = 2111 ||XXX|XX = 0032 etc. There are 8C3 ways to determine where to place the separators. Hence, the answer is 8C3 = 56.

Geometry Problem:
Method 1: Join AC and BC. Now ABC is an equilateral triangle (coz AB is the radius). Angle(DAB) is 50 (as given) and angles(CAB, ACB, ABC) are 60 (equilateral triangle). Since angle in the centre angle(ACB) is 60 therefore angle(ADB) is half of angle(ACB) = 0.5*60 = 30 degrees. (I forgot which theorem states this fact.) Method 2: Another way of doing this problem is by extending the radius AC to make the diameter at point E and then join it with B so as to make a triangle ABE. The angle at ABE will be 90, angle AEB will be 30. So, angle ADB will also be 30 coz same base of both the triangles ADB and AEB.

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