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GADGETS 1 must-have(s): absolutely necessary or highly recommended to possess Spanish: altamente necesario/recomendado 2 ultraportable: a subnotebook (a small and lightweight portable computer, with most of the features of a standard notebook computer but smaller) Spanish: ultraportable 3 bargain: something offered or bought at less than the usual price Spanish: ganga, pichincha 4 docked: (computing) placed in a cradle or base station (=a cradle for a portable device that serves to charge the unit and connect it to other sources or destinations. For example, an iPod docking station charges the iPod and connects it to a computer, speakers or TV set) Spanish: acoplado a, anclado 5 tout(s): to advertise, make known or praise something repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging its sale, popularity or development Spanish: tratar de vender, ofrecer 6 nominal: representing very little cost when compared with the actual value received Spanish: mnimo valor (de escaso valor) MOBILE SPAM 1 stalk: to illegally follow and watch someone, over a period of time Spanish: acosar u hostigar 2 clog(ging): to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult Spanish: obstruir 3 peddle(ing): to sell goods, especially while traveling from place to place or to promote an idea or belief insistently Spanish: vender de forma insistente 11 cash(ing) in on: to exploit a situation in order to get personal benefit, especially money Spanish: sacar provecho de 12 tantalizing: possessing a quality that arouses or stimulates desire or interest Spanish: sugerente, tentador/a, seductor/a 13 entice(d): to make a person or animal do something by offering something desirable Spanish: tentar, inducir 4 bogus: not genuine or true, false, dishonest, or fraudulently imitating something Spanish: falso, fraudulento 5 take(ing) aim at: to make a target of, especially, to set as a goal Spanish: apuntar 6 firewall(s): a device or program that stops people accessing a computer without permission while it is connected to the Internet Spanish: Servidor de seguridad 7 arms race: a situation in which nations compete for superiority in the development and accumulation of weapons Spanish: carrera armamentista 8 zap: to move about or accomplish something very rapidly or (computing) to modify, usually to correct; especially used when the action is performed with a debugger or binary patching tool. Spanish: zapear 9 snail mail: (informal) mail sent through the postal service, as distinct from the faster electronic mail Spanish: correo ordinario 10 hurdle(s): a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress, an obstacle Spanish: escollo, obstculo

14 champ(ing) at the bit: (idiomatic) (of a person) to show impatience or frustration when delayed Spanish: mostrarse impaciente MOVIE REVIEW 1 pan: (verb)(informal) to criticize something severely; (noun) in Greek mythology, the god of nature, pastures, flocks, and forests, believed to have a human torso and head, and the hind legs, ears, and horns of a goat. The Roman equivalent is Faunus. Spanish: darle con un palo a; criticar 2 spectacle(s): an impressive performance or display, especially something staged as a form of entertainment Spanish: espectculo 3 crash course: (idiomatic) a quick intense course of learning, often informal or hurried Spanish: curso rpido 4 Euro-trash production: a production of low quality entertainment or permissive culture deemed to have come from continental Europe Spanish: Euro-trash 5 hold sway: to have a controlling influence; dominate, reign or rule. Spanish: dominar, reinar 6 envision(ed): to form a mental picture of something, typically something that may occur or be possible in the future Spanish: concebir, imaginar 7 R-rated: (of a motion picture) suitable for those under 17 years of age only when accompanied by an adult Spanish: clasificada para mayores de 17 aos 1 Target store: a store belonging to the Target Corporation, the fifth largest retailer by sales revenue in the United States behind Wal-Mart, The Home Depot, Kroger and Costco. Spanish: Target store


2 pimp: somebody, usually a man, who finds customers for a prostitute in return for a portion of the prostitute's earnings Spanish: proxeneta 3 intrusive: causing an uninvited and unwarranted disturbance of somebody's peace and privacy Spanish: molesta (situacin), entrometido/a (persona) 4 wriggle(ing) out of something: (phrasal verb, informal) to avoid doing something that you do not want to do Spanish: evitar hacer algo 1 minnow(s): a very small fish found in lakes and rivers Spanish: pececillo 2 in (his) prime: in the period in your life when you are most active or successful Spanish: en la flor de la vida 3 weave(s): to construct something such as a story by combining separate parts Spanish: entretejer, entrelazar 4 estranged: (formal) If you are estranged from your family or friends then you have seriously argued with them and are no longer friendly with them Spanish: distanciado, separado 5 coaxed: gently persuaded to do something Spanish: persuadido/a 6 tall-tale-telling: of a person who tells improbable (unusual or incredible or fanciful) stories Spanish: fabulero/a 7 whimsical: imaginative and impulsive, slightly odd or playfully humorous, especially in an endearing way Spanish: imaginativo e impulsivo 8 showdown: a final test or confrontation intended to settle a dispute Spanish: duelo, enfrentamiento 9 amp(s) up: to increase the size or effect of something Spanish: intensificar, aumentar 10 desaturate(s): to cause to become unsaturated ((of color) not chromatically pure; diluted) Spanish: desaturar 1 weepie(s): (informal) a sentimental film or a book which makes people want to cry because it is sad Spanish: pelcula para llorar 2 Tinseltown: (informal disapproving) Hollywood and the U.S. movie industry regarded as a place of insubstantial glamour Spanish: Tinseltown 3 hack: a writer who produces routine unoriginal writing, especially for newspapers, magazines, television, or movies Spanish: escritorzuelo/a 4 unbeatable: unable to be defeated or improved because of excellent quality Spanish: invensible, insuperable 5 purple-prose narration: (idiomatic) a narration that is extravagantly or flowerily written, especially in a literary work Spanish: narracin extravagante/florida 6 serviceable: functional and durable rather than attractive Spanish: servible, funcional, duradero/a CITY GUIDE RIO 1 hunch(ed): with the back and shoulders rounded; not erect Spanish: encorbarse, agacharse 2 deluge: a very large amount of rain or water Spanish: diluvio

3 grandest: the most important and the largest in degree Spanish: el/la ms importante/grande 4 mandolin: a musical instrument resembling a lute, having paired metal strings plucked with a plectrum Spanish: mandolina, bandolina 5 took up: (past simple of take up) to begin again or take over from another Spanish: continuar, retomar 6 plaintive: describes something which sounds slightly sad Spanish: lastimero/a 7 shuffle(d): drag feet/steps: to move the feet without picking them up Spanish: arrastrar los pies 8 leisurely: in a slow and relaxed manner Spanish: pausadamente 9 rouse(d): to wake somebody, or to awaken, from sleep or unconsciousness Spanish: despertarse 10 torpor: physical or mental inactivity; lethargy Spanish: sopor, letargo 11 tumble-down: dilapidated; ruined; rundown in deplorable condition Spanish: en ruinas, en condiciones deplorables 12 slum(s): a squalid and overcrowded urban area inhabited by very poor people Spanish: barrio pobre 13 styrofoam: (trademark in the US) a kind of expanded polystyrene, used especially for making food containers Spanish: styrofoam 14 jungle trail(s): a path through the jungle which is intended to attract the walker's attention to interesting plants, animals and other features Spanish: camino en la jungla


15 blasting: unpleasantly loud and penetrating Spanish: sonido fuerte y penetrante 16 flit(ting): to be briefly present or visible Spanish: revolotear 17 laid-back: (informal) very relaxed, easygoing, and unworried Spanish: relljada/o, despreocupada/o 18 crushing: physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination Spanish: aplastante 19 holdup(s): an act of robbing a person or place using violence or threats, usually at gunpoint Spanish: atraco 20 strand(s): a thin thread of something, often one of a few twisted around each other to make a cord or rope; a part which combines with other parts to form a whole story, subject or situation; a shore Spanish: hebra, hilo; costa NEANDERTHAL 1 feat: a notable achievement Spanish: proeza, hazaa, logro 2 sport(ed): to wear or display (a distinctive item) Spanish: llevar 3 stun(ned): to shock, surprise or amaze somebody Spanish: sorprender 4 sheer: used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is Spanish: puro/a, total 5 stockier: comparative of stocky (adjective that describes a person, especially a man, whose body is wide across the shoulders and chest and who is short) Spanish: ms bajo/a y fornido/a 6 brow ridge(s): The supraorbital ridge, supraorbital torus, superciliary ridge, arcus superciliaris, or brow ridge, refer to a bony ridge located above the eye sockets of all primates. In Homo sapiens sapiens (modern man) the eyebrows are located on their lower margin. Spanish: arco superciliar 7 lineage: a sequence of species each of which is considered to have evolved from its predecessor Spanish: linaje 8 branch(ed) off: to form a branch or a separate part; to diverge Spanish: bifurcarse 9 interbred: past tense of interbreed (to produce offspring by mating with a member of a different breed or species) Spanish: cruzarse 10 impasse: a situation in which further development is impossible Spanish: problema; atasco; callejn sin salida 11 long shot: a venture or guess that has only the slightest chance of succeeding or being accurate Spanish: posibilidad remota 12 thrive: to grow or develop well or vigorously; prosper, flourish Spanish: florecer, prosperar 13 freckled skin: skin covered with small brownish spots due to augmented melanin production that increase in number and intensity on exposure to sunlight Spanish: piel con pecas 14 redhead(s): somebody, who has reddish-colored hair Spanish: pelirrojo/a

15 wooly mammoth: (also spelled woolly mammoth) a very hairy mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, widespread in colder regions of the Northern Hemisphere during the Pleistocene period Spanish: Mammuthus primigenius 16 bolster: support or strengthen Spanish: reafirmar 17 touch(ed) on: to mention a subject briefly when speaking or writing about another subject Spanish: mencionar 18 endow(ing): to provide with something freely or naturally Spanish: dotar 19 newfound: recently discovered or met Spanish: recin descubierto BIO: CHE GUEVARA 1 ultimate: most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst Spanish: mximo/a 2 firing squad(s): squad of soldiers or paramilitaries detailed to execute someone, usually by rifle shot Spanish: escuadrn de fusilamiento 3 beret: a flat round soft hat, usually woolen, with a tight-fitting headband Spanish: boina 4 takeover: the seizure of control of a country or organization by using force Spanish: toma del poder 5 stint: a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity Spanish: perodo 6 shouting match(es): when two or more people shout at one another in a sort of shouting competition Spanish: pelea a gritos


7 fistfight(s): a fight in which bare fists are used Spanish: pelea con los puos 8 spot(ted): to see or detect somebody or something suddenly Spanish: ver, detectar 9 outburst: a sudden display of strong emotion Spanish: reaccin violenta COVER STORY: THE BEATLES 1 generation gap: the difference in attitudes, behavior, and interests between people of different generations, especially between parents and their children Spanish: brecha generacional 2 ethos: the fundamental and distinctive character of a group, social context, or period of time, typically expressed in attitudes, habits, and beliefs Spanish: espritu, valores y actitudes 3 touch(ed) down: to land in an aircraft or spacecraft Spanish: aterrizar 4 stunning: strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence Spanish: maravilloso/a 5 fearlessness: the trait of feeling no fear Spanish: la caracterstica de no temer 6 craftsmanship: skill in an occupation or trade Spanish: habilidad 7 live(ing) off: to depend on somebody or something (as a source of financial support or for a livelihood) Spanish: vivir de, depender de 8 lightning rod: somebody who attracts public disapproval or criticism, diverting attention from other issues Spanish: alguien que atrae la crtica del pblico 9 offhandedly: in a casually inconsiderate manner, showing lack of interest in other people in a way that seems slightly rude Spanish: desconsideradamente 10 finesse: to deal with a situation or a person in a skilful and often slightly dishonest way Spanish: lidear hbilmente con una situacin 11 clock(ing) in: (idiomatic) to reach a position in a ranking Spanish: alcanzar la posicin 12 jolly: very Spanish: muy 13 peter out: to dwindle and finally stop or disappear Spanish: desaparecer 14 demise: the end of something that used to exist, especially when it happens slowly and predictably Spanish: deceso, desaparicin, cierre 15 sprawling: spreading out carelessly (as if wandering) in different directions Spanish: que se expande 16 disband(ed): to break up as a group or organization, or cause a group or organization to break up Spanish: disolver (una banda) 17 far out: excellent, extremely good or enjoyable; unconventional or avantgarde Spanish: excelente; de vanguardia 18 upheaval: great change, especially causing or involving much difficulty, activity or trouble Spanish: convulsin 19 mellotron: an electronic keyboard instrument in which each key controls the playback of a single prerecorded musical sound Spanish: teclado electrnico

20 woodwinds: musical instruments which produce sound by the player blowing into them, through a reed, or across an opening. Woodwind instruments include the recorder, flute, piccolo, clarinet, oboe, cor anglais and bassoon. Spanish: instrumentos de viento madera 21 brass: musical instruments made of brass such as trumpets and trombones, considered as a group (often used in the plural) Spanish: los metales (instrumentos de metal) INFO 1: ICE SWIMMING 1 blood vessel(s): (anatomy) referring to any vessel in which blood is carried, such as arteries, capillaries or veins Spanish: vaso sanguneo 2 dip: a brief swim or a brief downward slope followed by an upward one Spanish: bao, chapuzn 3 depleted: reduced in size or amount (especially supplies of energy, resources or similar) Spanish: agotado/a 4 chill(ing): to (cause to) become cold but not freeze Spanish: enfriar/se 5 shiver(ing): to tremble or shake slightly because of cold, fear, or illness Spanish: temblar de fro/miedo 6 relieve: to end, lessen, or provide a temporary break from something unpleasant such as pain, hunger, tension, or boredom Spanish: aliviar FASHION 1 work(ed) (its) way: to advance in a process or structure Spanish: hacerse camino


2 suede: leather, especially the skin of a young goat, with the flesh side rubbed to make a velvety nap Spanish: ante, gamuza 3 clasp: a small metal device which is used to fasten a belt, bag or a piece of jewellery Spanish: broche 4 shimmery poollike effect: a shinning effect, like the reflection of light on the water in a pool Spanish: efecto de reflejos de luz sobre agua 5 vermeil: a liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold Spanish: vermeil, plata sobredorada 6 one-of-a-kind: a unique example Spanish: nico 7 bead(s): a small colored often round piece of plastic, wood, glass, etc. with a hole through it. It is usually put on a string with a lot of others to make jewellery Spanish: cuenta 8 interspersed: placed at intervals among other things Spanish: intercalado/a 9 chunky: describes clothes that are thick and heavy, or jewellery made of large pieces Spanish: grueso/a 10 strand: a length of strung pearls or beads, especially when twisted like a rope Spanish: sarta 11 vintage: referring to something from the past of high quality Spanish: clsico, antiguo; de excelente calidad 12 pendant: a piece of jewellery which is worn round the neck, consisting of a long chain with an object hanging from it, or the object itself Spanish: colgante 13 pristine: in its original condition; clean and fresh as if new Spanish: prstino/a 14 karat: the unit of measurement for the proportion of gold in an alloy; 18-karat gold is 75% gold; 24-karat gold is pure gold Spanish: kilate/s 15 rayon: a textile fibre or fabric made from viscose Spanish: rayn MALE PILL 1 nagging: annoying and persistent; continually complaining or criticizing or faultfinding Spanish: molesto/a, persistente 2 poke: to appear or stretch out from behind or through something else Spanish: aparecer, asomarse (a travs de algo) 3 jargon: special words and phrases which are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work Spanish: jerga 4 tinker with (sthg): to attempt to repair or improve in a casual, experimental or unskillful manner. Spanish: tratar de reparar/mejorar algo 5 slog(ged): (informal) to work hard over a long period, especially doing work that is difficult or boring Spanish: trabajar duro (durante un largo tiempo) 6 hardy: sufficiently robust to withstand fatigue, hardship, or adverse physical conditions Spanish: fuerte, resistente 7 contraceptive: a device used to

prevent fertilization of an egg, e.g. a condom worn by a man during intercourse, or a pill taken regularly by a woman Spanish: anticonceptivo 8 hurdle: a difficulty or obstacle that has to be overcome Spanish: obstculo 9 burden: the main responsibility for a task 10 one-night stand: (informal) a sexual encounter that lasts for only one night Spanish: encuentro sexual de una noche STORYTELLING: ARABY 1 blind: of a street, concealed, closed, or blocked off Spanish: (calle) cortada, sin salida 2 musty: smelling old, damp, and stale because of not having been used or exposed to fresh air for a long time Spanish: que huele a humedad/ a viejo 3 littered: a place that is littered with something, has or contains a lot of that thing Spanish: repleto/a de, lleno/a de 4 straggling: growing or spreading out in an untidy way Spanish: creciendo de forma desprolija/desordenada 5 stung: (past simple and past participle of sting) to prick somebody's skin and inject a small quantity of a poisonous or irritant substance Spanish: picar, hacer arder, herir 6 gauntlet: a punishment formerly used in the military in which somebody was forced to run between two lines of men armed with weapons who beat him as he passed. The expression to run the gauntlet means to endure attack or criticism from all sides Spanish: correr baquetas; soportar ataques/crticas


7 ashpit(s): a receptacle in the bottom of a fireplace, under a barbecue, or the like, for the accumulation of ashes. Spanish: foso de cenizas, zanja cenicera 8 coachman: the driver of a horsedrawn coach or carriage Spanish: cochero 9 parlour: (especially in the past) a room in a private house used for relaxing, especially one which was kept tidy for the entertaining of guests Spanish: saln 10 sash: a frame with a piece of glass in it which is used to make windows and doors Spanish: marco corredizo de ventana 11 jostle(d): to knock or push roughly against someone in order to move past them or get more space when you are in a crowd of people Spanish: empujar 12 shrill: having a loud and high sound that is unpleasant or painful to listen to Spanish: agudo/a 13 litany(ies): a long Christian prayer in which the priest speaks some parts and the other people at the ceremony speak other parts Spanish: letana, plegaria 13 come-all-you: a street ballad, esp. in England Spanish: balada callejera 14 O'Donovan Rossa: Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa (1831-1915), an Irish Fenian leader, who established the Phoenix Society which would later evolve into the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB). Spanish: O'Donovan Rossa 15 throng of foes: a large, densely packed crowd of enemies Spanish: multitud de enemigos 16 impinge: to strike or hit something Spanish: golpear 17 bazaar: a market (as in the Middle East) consisting of rows of shops or stalls selling miscellaneous goods Spanish: bazar 18 retreat: a period away from normal activities, devoted to prayer and meditation, often spent in a religious community Spanish: retiro espiritual 19 petticoat: a woman's undergarment that is sometimes decorated and consists of an underskirt with or without a bodice Spanish: enagua 20 chafe(d): to be or become annoyed or lose patience because of rules or limits Spanish: estar impaciente; irritarse; enfadarse 21 Freemason: a member of a large, old and powerful secret society for men in which all the members help each other and use secret signs to communicate with each other Spanish: francmasn/ona 22 sternness: the quality of being severe, or showing disapproval Spanish: serveridad 23 fuss(ing): to fiddle with something: to keep moving or touching something busily, nervously, or aimlessly Spanish: juguetear con algo; intentar arreglar algo 24 curtly: in an abrupt and discourteous manner Spanish: de forma tajante/seca 25 misgave: (past tense of misgive): (literary) to cause a feeling of apprehension or foreboding in somebody Spanish: hacer dudar/recelar

26 garrulous: excessively or pointlessly talkative Spanish: grrulo/a 27 pawnbroker: somebody who lends money at a fixed rate of interest in exchange for articles of personal property that are left as security Spanish: prestamista 28 pious: strongly believing in religion, and living in a way which shows this belief; pretending to have sincere feelings Spanish: piadoso/a 29 steed: (literary) a horse, especially a lively spirited one Spanish: corcel 30 florin: a unit of currency used in Britain between 1849 and 1968, equivalent to two shillings Spanish: florn 31 twinkling: giving out or reflecting light brightly but unsteadily, especially from a small or distant source Spanish: brillante, centellante 32 turnstile: a mechanical gate with revolving horizontal arms that allow only one person at a time to pass through Spanish: molinete 33 salver: a tray, typically one made of silver and used in formal circumstances Spanish: bandeja 34 fib: an insignificant or harmless lie Spanish: mentirita 35 linger(ed): to wait around or move around a place slowly and idly Spanish: permanecer, hacer tiempo 36 derided: subjected to bitter or contemptuous ridicule Spanish: ridiculizado/a


GEO TRIVIA 1 strain your brain: to make the greatest possible effort to find out an answer Spanish: esforzarse, romperse la cabeza 2 world-spanning: covering or extending all over the world Spanish: en todo el mundo, mundial 3 dust off: to bring out or back to use again Spanish: desempolvar, volver a usar 4 in gear: in or into a state of utmost speed, activity, or efficiency Spanish: a toda mquina WONDERFUL WORLD 1 handedness: the tendency to prefer the use of one hand over the other Spanish: tendencia a usar una mano ms que la otra; ser diestro o zurdo 2 riddle: something that is puzzling or confusing Spanish: misterio 3 crack (the mysteries): to find a solution to a problem Spanish: encontrar la solucin; develar un misterio 4 yield(ing): to supply or produce something positive Spanish: producir 5 untangle(ing): to make a complicated subject or problem, or its different parts clear and able to be understood Spanish: desenredar, desentraar 6 nurture: the properties acquired as a consequence of the way children are treated as they are growing, especially as compared with the characteristics they are born with Spanish: crianza, educacin 7 stray: to move away aimlessly from the right course or place Spanish: apartarse de, alejarse de 1 put out: prepare and issue for public distribution Spanish: publicar 2 CPR certification: certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (= medical actions performed in an emergency to make the heart and lungs begin to work again) Spanish: certificado en resucitacin cardiopulmonar 1 groomed: (or well-groomed) having a tidy and pleasant appearance that is produced with care Spanish: bien presentado/a, de buena presencia 2 say(ing) volumes: (also speak volumes) If something says/speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic or situation very clear without the use of words. Spanish: decir mucho de 3 upbeat: full of hope, happiness and good feelings Spanish: positivo/a 4 clammy: sticky and slightly wet in an unpleasant way Spanish: sudoroso/a 1 PB&J: (U.S.) peanut butter and jelly (sandwich) Spanish: de manteca de man y mermelada (sndwich) 2 heavy-gauge: for heavy contents Spanish: para contenidos pesados

1 hoot: (slang) a highly amusing person, object, or situation Spanish: una situacin/persona muy graciosa 2 stand-up comedy: comedy in which the performer stands alone on stage telling jokes or stories to an audience Spanish: show cmico 3 elucidate(s): to explain or clarify something Spanish: dilucidar, esclarecer 1 soaker hose: a low-flow watering device with small holes throughout the surface of the hose used to soak plant beds and gardens Spanish: manguera para regar 2 twiggy: very thin or fragile Spanish: delgado/a y frgil 3 trim back: cut down on; make a reduction in Spanish: cortar 4 debris: fragments of something that has been destroyed or broken into pieces Spanish: desechos, restos 5 harbor: provide something/somebody with shelter Spanish: albergar 6 mound(ing): form into a rounded elevation Spanish: formar un montculo 7 cane(s): the long, hard, hollow stem of particular plants such as bamboo, sometimes used to make furniture or support other plants in the garden Spanish: caa 8 forsythia: an ornamental shrub whose bright yellow flowers appear in early spring before its leaves Spanish: forsitia 9 prune: to remove something considered unnecessary or unwanted Spanish: podar

3 baby shower: a party in which expectant parents receive gifts for their expected or born child. It is a popular tradition in the United States and in other cultures influenced by American culture or media. Spanish: baby shower
4 chuckle: a quiet laugh Spanish: risita


1 FDA: the Food and Drug Administration, in U.S., the federal agency that oversees trade in and the safety of food and health-related products in the United States. Spanish: Administracin de Alimentos y Medicamentos 2 unsupported: not borne out by evidence or facts Spanish: sin fundamento 3 misleading: likely or deliberately intended to confuse people or give them a false idea of something Spanish: engaoso/a INFO 2: RACING ON TWO WHEELS 1 world-class: ranked among the best or most prominent in the world Spanish: de primera clase/categora; de los mejores del mundo 2 grueling: requiring great effort; extremely arduous or exhausting Spanish: arduo, agotador 3 time trial race: a race against clock: a race in which competitors compete individually for the fastest time Spanish: carrera/prueba contra reloj 4 tire: a hollow band of rubber, often reinforced with fibers of other material, fitted around the outer edge of a vehicle's wheel and filled with compressed air Spanish: neumtico, llanta 5 stiff: firm or hard; not easily bent or moved Spanish: rgido/a, duro/a 6 sole(s): the underside of a shoe, boot, or other piece of footwear, sometimes excluding the heel Spanish: suela 7 clincher tire: the normal type of bicycle tire, with a separate inner tube Spanish: llanta de bicicleta 8 grip(s): to hold very tightly Spanish: agarrar fuertemente 7 gears: wheelwork consisting of a connected set of rotating gears by which force is transmitted or motion or torque is changed Spanish: engranajes


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