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ITEM #/ 5 CONSENT San Mateo County Department of Public Works COUNTY OF SAN MATEO PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE: September 14, 2011 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Consideration of a Coastal Development Permit 10 implement a Pollution Reduction Pilot Program for the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Area of Special Biological Significance, in the unincorporated Moss Beach area of San Mateo County. ‘This project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission, PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to implement pilot Best Management Practices (BMPs) at nine sites within the County-maintained storm drain system which drain into the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve “Area of Special Biological Significance” (ASBS). These nine sites/BMPs are the first phase of a comprehensive Pollution Reduction Program for the ASBS. The applicant is proposing to use a mix of flume filters, vegetated swales, and advanced stormwater filtration devices that will be installed directly into the existing storm drain infrastructure. Results from the pilot phase of the program will be used to guide the second phase of the Pollution Reduction Program, which will involve targeted BMP implementation at upland storm drain locations. A storm inventory and assessment study will also be conducted concurrently with the pilot phase and will identify drainage deficiencies, problem areas for erosion, sediment accumulation, and litter, and investigate the feasibility for removing direct ASBS discharges. Together, the results may assist in the evaluation of all existing County stormwater discharges into the ASBS for potential elimination of unnecessary discharges. (OMMENDATIO! Approve the Coastal Development Permit, County File Number PLN 2011-00242, by adopting the required findings and conditions of approval, SUMMARY ‘As a County agency, the Department of Public Works is exempt from local building regul: (Government Code 53091); however, a Coastal Development Permit, in compliance with the County's Local Coastal Program, must be approved by the Planning Commission. For the purposes of comptiance with Catifornie Environmentat Quatity Act (CEQA, the Coumy isthe lead agency and the Department of Public Works has assumed the role of lead department. A‘ such, they are prepared to file a Notice of Categorical Exemption with the County Recorder, a required by the State Code. ‘The proposed work by the Department of Public Works (DPW) will reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants that are entering the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve ASBS. Staff has reviewed this project and found DPW is proposing measures that will, as conditioned by staff, comply with the County's Local Coastal Program and minimize impacts to coastal resources LCP Policies applicable to this project include Policy 7.3 — Protection of Sensitive Habitats, Policy 7.12 ~ Permitted Uses in Riparian Corridor Buffer Zones, Policy 7.19 ~ Permitted Uses in (Wetland) Buffer Zones, Policy 8.4 ~ Cliffs and Bluffs, and Policy 10.2 — Definition of Development (that is subject to Provision of Shoreline Access Condition). Conditions of approval that have been included to address these policies include the implement- tation of construction best management practices, project timing, biological monitoring and replanting of disturbed areas, as needed, MS:pac - MISV0667_WPU.DOC COUNTY OF SAN MATEO PLANNING AND BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE: September 14, 2011 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff SUBJECT: — Consideration of a Coastal Development Permit, pursuant to Section 6328.4 of the County Zoning Regulations, to implement a Pollution Reduction Pilot Program for the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Area of Special Biological Significance, in the unincorporated Moss Beach area of San Mateo County. This project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission. County File Number: PLN 2011-00242 (SMCo. Department of Public Works) PROPOSAL The applicant is proposing to implement pilot Best Management Practices (BMPs) at nine sites within the County-maintained storm drain system which drain into the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve “Area of Special Biological Significance” (ASBS). These nine sites/BMPs are the first phase of a comprehensive Pollution Reduction Program for the ASBS. Results from the pilot phase of the program will be used to guide the second phase of the Pollution Reduction Program, which will involve targeted BMP implementation at upland storm drain locations. A storm inventory and assessment study will also be conducted coneurrently with the pilot phase and will identify drainage deficiencies, problem areas for erosion, sediment accumulation, and litter, and investigate the feasibility for removing direct ASBS discharges. Together, the results may assist in the evaluation of all existing County stormwater discharges into the ASBS for potential elimination of unnecessary discharges. The applicant is proposing the following measures at these nine sites: Seacliff Court The Seacliff Court site is located west of Highway 1 at the end of Seacliff Court. A 15-inch diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP) delivers stormwater down the coastal bluff to the ASBS. The pipe receives stormwater runoff from approximately 200 linear feet of roadway and the neighboring residential properties. Runoff is routed to the inlet via an asphalt concrete (AC) valley gutter. The total drainage area is less than one-acre. Runoff typically only occurs durin; storm events due to the relatively small drainage area:

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