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FlSA CURSULUI / COURSE OUTLINE / FICHE DU COURS 2011/2012 Titlul cursului / Course title / IntitulC du cours: Government and Politics in Romania
Tipul cursului 1 Course type 1 Type du cours : X obligatoriu 1 compulsory 1 obligatoire q opfional I elective I optionnel q facultativ 1 voluntary 1 facultatif

Numele ~i prenumele responsabilului de curs 1 Name of the person in charge of the class I Nom et prenom du responsable de cours : Cristina Petrescu Gradul didactic 1 Academic title 1 Titre academique : Lector univ. dr. Semestrul I Semester I Semestrul IX

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Descriere sintetica a cursului I Brief description of the course I Description synthetique du cours

The course covers the major topics in Romanian politics since the establishment of the modem state in the 19' century. Romania's evolution is analyzed in a comparative perspective. Topics are tackled chronologically, but event-centered political history represents only the background for in-class debates. Instead, the course focuses on the political development of Romania, and the profound societal changes underwent by the Romanian society in the last two centuries. Political institutions, political elites, and political cultures represent the basic components that are studied for each political regime. Wherever necessary, political and intellectual debates on various models of development are discussed as well. The course consists in a three-hour session (lecture and seminar) per week, over one semester, as well as on individual study. For each class, a set of required readings is assigned. Readings are selected to cover a large variety of classic as well as more recent interpretations of the topics. As much as possible, contradictory interpretations are analyzed together. Moreover, taking into account that the goal of political scientists is to make predictions, contemporary analyses are confronted with past analyses of the same political phenomena, written in specific political contexts. Required readings are mandatory since in-class discussions must be based on them.
Bibliografie generalii I References I Bibliographie generale

Georgescu, Vlad. The Romanians: A History. London: I . B. Tauris, 1991. Gilberg, Trond. Nationalism and Communism in Romania: The Rise and Fall Ceau~escu's Personal Dictatorship. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1990. Giurescu, Dinu C. and Stephen Fischer-Galati, eds. Romania: A Historic Perspective. Boulder, Colo.: East European Monographs, 1998. Hitchins, Keith. Rumania, 1866-1947. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994. Jowitt, Kenneth. Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971.


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Jowitt, Kenneth, ed. Social Change in Romania: A Debate on Development in a European Nation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978. Jowitt, Kenneth. New World Disorder: The Leninist Extinction. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992. Linz, Juan J. and Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Shafir, Michael. Romania. Politics, Economics and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change. London: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1985. TismSineanu, Vladimir. Stalinism for All Seasons: A Political History of Romanian Communism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
Forrne gi criterii de evaluare I Requirements and evaluation I Forrnes et criteres d'evaluation

Conditions to be fblfilled in order to take the final exam: 1. Elaboration of an essay on one of the course topics; 2. Class attendance of min. 50%. The final grade will be based on: (I) Class participation (50%) and (11) Final Exam (50%). (I) Class participation will be assessed according to: 1. Quality of the essay elaborated by the student on one of the course topics; 2. Individual contribution to in-class debates; 3. Course attendance. (11) The Final Exam will be written and will be organized at the end of the semester. Guidelines for the elaboration of the essays. Each student must contribute to the elaboration of an essay on one of the topics indicated in the syllabus. All students are required to choose from among the list of topics one that they wish to write upon and communicate to the professor their choice. The deadline for selecting the topics will be established at the beginning of the semester. All students must respect this deadline. Given the large number of the students enrolled in the class, students must group themselves according to their own affinities in order to produce a collective essay. The groups should not be larger than 9 or 10 persons. From among the persons in the group, one or several students have to volunteer to present the essay orally. Students are responsible to elect the spoke-persons of the group. Failure to do the presentation on the day assigned will automatically attract the loss of the right to take the final exam for the entire group. The oral presentations must be no less than 10 and no more than 15 minutes long and should be spoken from notes and not read out. These presentations should be intended to inspire discussion with the rest of the class, so they have to raise polemical questions. In grading the class presentations, the following will be taken into account: the identification of the key issues, the logical exposition of the argument, the clarity of the language, and above all the capacity to critically assess the respective text.


The essay should be presented during the class to which it is assigned. The deadline must be respected. The collective essays should be also handed in a written form so that the work of those who did not express themselves orally could be assessed. The essays should include at least three additional references to other authors who have written on the same topic, and underline the differences among authors in approaching the topic. The additional references could be from among those indicated in the general bibliography, but ideally these should also reflect the students' own selection of readings. The students could consult the professor when selecting the additional works. The length of the essay should be 15 double-spaced pages, with font of 12 pt. and margins no greater than 2 cm in each side. References in footnotes should follow the manual of style on the faculty website, and indicate the name of the author, the full title of the work, the place of publication, the name of the publisher, the year of publication, and the page number(s). Electronic sources (Internet sites, CD-ROMs, etc.) are considered only if they are provided in addition to publications. PLAGIARISM is a serious offence and attracts immediately a failing grade. Ideas, opinions, facts, and information that cannot be considered common knowledge require a footnote. Everything borrowed must be given credit.
Studenfii sunt obligafi s8 cunoasc8 politica de probitate intelectual8 a Facult8fii: plagiatul, copiatul, ingelatoria, multipla utilizare a unui referat, recursul nem8rturisit la surse bibliografice sau la internet vor conduce la anularea notei gi a creditelor alocate cursului. Students should be aware of the Department's policy of academic integrity: cheating, falsification, forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse will result in the invalidation of both grade and credits Les etudiants sont tenus connaitre la politique de la Faculte en matiere d'honnetete intellectuelle :le plagiat, la contrefaqon, le depbt multiple des travaux, la falsification, le recours inavoue aux sources bibliographiques et a I'lntemet entrainent I'annulation des cddits et de la note du cours.

Programul cursurilor 1 Courses outline I Programme des seances : I. II. SaptBmana I Week I Semaine : Tema I Topic I Theme : Introduction to the topic of this course Saptarnana I Week I Semaine : Tema I Topic I Theme : Western Ideas in Romanian Context Lecturi I Readings I Lectures :

Alexandru Dufu, Ideea de Europa gi evolulia congtiinlei europene (Bucharest: All, 1999), pp. 27-44. Neagu Djuvara, intre Orient g i Occident: Tirile Romdne la inceputul epocii moderne (1800-1848) (Bucharest: Humanitas, 1995), pp. 307-333.
Ill. SaptBmana I Week I Semaine : Tema I Topic I Theme : The Making of Romania Lecturi I Readings I Lectures :

Keith Hitchins, The Idea of Nation: The Romanians of Transylvania, 1691-1849 (Bucharest: Editura StiinlificSi gi Enciclopedicii, 1985), pp. 141-221. Stephen Fischer-Galali, "Romanian Nationalism," in Peter F. Sugar and Ivo Lederer, eds., Nationalism in Eastern Europe (Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 197I), 373-395.



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SBptBmana / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Theme : The Making of Greater Romania Lecturi / Readings / Lectures :

Irina Livezeanu, Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism, Nation Building & Ethnic Struggle, 1918-1930 (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995), pp. 1-48. Constantin C. Giurescu, "Transylvania in the History of the Romanian People" in Dinu C. Giurescu and Stephen Fischer-Galati, eds., Romania: A Historic Perspective (Boulder, Colorado: East European Monographs, 1998), pp. 235-273.
SBptBmana / Week 1 Semaine : Tema 1 Topic / Theme : Greater Romania - Politics, Economics and Society Lecturi / Readings / Lectures :

Daniel Chirot, "Neoliberal and Social Democratic Theories of Development: The Zeletin-Voinea Debate concerning Romania's Prospects in the 1920s and its Contemporary Importance" in Kenneth Jowitt, ed., Social Change in Romania: A Debate on Development in a European Nation (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), pp. 3 1-52. Philippe C. Schmitter, "Reflections on Mihail Manoilescu and the Political Consequences of DelayedDependent Development on the Periphery of Western Europe" in Kenneth Jowitt, ed., Social Change in Romania: A Debate on Development in a European Nation (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978), pp. 117-139.
SiiptBmana / Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Theme : Romanain Fascism and the Holocaust Lecturi / Readings / Lectures :

Stanley Payne, "Four Major Variants of Fascism-Romania" in Idem, A History of Fascism, 1914-1945 (Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995), pp. 277-289, and 391-397. Dinu C. Giurescu, "Romania During the Second World War," in Dinu C. Giurescu and Stephen Fischer-Galati, eds., Romania: A Historic Perspective (Boulder, Colorado: East European Monographs, 1998), pp. 32 1-389. Class debate: Train de vie, director Radu Mihiiileanu.
SBptBmana /Week / Semaine : Tema / Topic / Theme : Romanian Communism Lecturi / Readings / Lectures :

Ghitl Ionescu, "Transition to Communist Totalitarianism: March 1945-December 1947" in Dinu C. Giurescu and Stephen Fischer-Galati, eds., Romania: A Historic Perspective (Boulder, Colo.: East European Monographs, 1998), pp. 409-440. Michael Shafir, Romania. Politics, Economics and Society: Political Stagnation and Simulated Change (London: Frances Pinter Publishers, 1985), pp. 39-63. Class debate: Somewhere in East (Undeva in Est), director Nicolae M5rgineanu.



Sgptgrn%na1 Week 1 Semaine : Tema 1 Topic 1 Theme : Romanian National Communism Lecturi 1 Readings 1 Lectures :

Kenneth Jowitt, Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971), pp. 273-292. Trond Gilberg, Nationalism and Communism in Romania: The Rise and Fall Ceau$esculs Personal Dictatorship (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1990), pp. 47-57, and 245-265. Class debate: Recollections from the Golden Epoch (Amintiri din Epoca de Aur), director Cristian Mungiu.
IX. SgptgrnBna 1 Week 1 Semaine : Tema 1 Topic 1 Theme : The Revolution of 1989 Lecturi 1 Readings 1 Lectures :

Matei Cglinescu and Vladimir Tismheanu, "The 1989 Revolution and the Collapse of Communism in Romania," in Vlad Georgescu, The Romanians: A History (London: I. B. Tauris, 1991), pp. 279-297. Drag09 Petrescu, "The 1989 Revolutions in Hungary and Romania: Comparative Perspectives" in Studia Politica (Bucharest), Vol. 3, No.1 (2003), pp. 163-182. Class debate: The paper will be blue (Hirtia va fi albastrg), director Radu Muntean.
Class de SAptgmBna 1 Week 1 Semaine : X. Tema I Topic 1 Theme : Transitionfrom Communism - Legacies of the Recent Past Lecturi 1 Readings 1 Lectures :

Kenneth Jowitt, "The Leninist Legacy" in Idem, New World Disorder: The Leninist Extinction (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992), pp. 284-305. Cristina Petrescu and Drag09 Petrescu, "Retribution, Remembering, Representation: On Romania's Incomplete Break with the Communist Past" in Gerhard Besier, Katarzyna Stoktosa, eds., Geschichtsbilder in den postdiktatorischen Landern Europas: Auf der Suche nach historischpolitischen Identitaten (Berlin: Lit Verlag, 2009), pp. 155-182. Class debate: 12:08 East of Bucharest (A fost sau nu a fost), director Corneliu Porumboiu.
XI. SgptgmBna I Week 1 Semaine : Tema I Topic 1 Theme : Transition to Democracy - Towards Europe Lecturi 1 Readings 1 Lectures :

Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe (Baltimore & London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), pp. 344-365. Tony Judt, "Romania between History and Europe" in Idem, Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century (London: William Heinemann, 2008), 250-267. Class debate: California dreamin ' director Cristian Nemescu. ,












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SBptBmana I Week I Semaine : Tema I Topic I Theme : Romania in the EU - Prospects for the Future Lecturi I Readings 1 Lectures :

Class debate based upon readings suggested by students.

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