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INDICE Editorial 2 Maré-Cheia 26

Comunidade 15 English Section 28,29,30

Colaboradores Reportagens: 31,32
3 a11, 13,14,19 a21,27 Entrevistas 16 a 19
Desporto 22 Assinaturas 30
Tauromaquia 24 Genuino Madruga 12


1ª Quinzena de Março de 2008
Ano XXVIII - No. 1035 Modesto, California $1.50 / $40.00 Anual

ia Ma

Esta é e sempre será a Roda da Nossa Saudade - Este ano com a economia a pregar-nos partidas, talvez tenhamos um ano de maior acalmia, mas mesmo assim o que é preciso é pensarmos positiva -
mente e ajudar a economia a regressar ao seu nível habitual e para isso é necessário investir em coisas produtivas que não só ajudam os outros como nos ajuda a nós próprios. Rodem-na e escolham onde ir.


Sanjoaninas visitam
a California
Mais uma vez os
responsáveis das
Sanjoaninas da
Ilha Terceira vi-
sitam a Califor-
nia para incenti-
var os açorianos
deste Estado a
nessas grandes
festas de verão
na Ilha mais
festivaleira dos
A comitiva é José Pedro Cardoso
constituída pelas seguintes pessoas:
José Pedro Cardoso – Presidente da Câmara Mu-
nicipal de Angra do Heroísmo
Lara Braga – Presidente das Sanjoaninas 2008
Humberta Augusto – Coordenadora Geral e Re-
sponsável pela Comunicação Social
Virgílio Santos – Responsável pelo Departamento
Comercial e Promoção
José Couto – Responsável pela Tauromaquia
4 1 de Março de 2008 COMUNIDADE Tribuna Portuguesa

Da Música e
dos Sons


J immy “Jam” Ferreira, fundador e adminstrador do site

LusoBeat reside em Pawtucket, Rhode Island. Ao longo dos
últimos 20 anos já tocou com “David Demelo", “Os Estrangeiros",
"Ana Maria & Apollo 80", "Fantasy", “Nelia”, “Mauricio Morais”,
“Marc Dennis”, “Jack Sebastião”, "Os Sombras", "Os Sailors",
"Runaways", "Jorge Silva", "Tiny Tavares" e com "José Cid".

Este conhecimento do panorama musical na comunidade

Portuguesa, permitu-lhe elaborar um site na Internet que constitui
uma excelente fonte de informação na área do Entretenimento.

No site Luso Beat, você poderá:

Comprar CD’s dos Artistas Locais na Internet;

Encontrar dezenas de Links para outros sites na Internet;
Votar e participar em Estatísticas;
Disfrutar deVídeos e Áudio de Artistas da Comunidade

A continuação deste site irá depender do número de visitas nos

próximos 3 meses. Portanto, Toca a Clicar!

O cartaz diz tudo: Em cima estão as portas da ci- palco pela

dade de Angra, à direita o templo de Diana, em mão dos
Évora, depois o Castelo de Guimarães, à esquerda irmãos
a Ponte Maria Pia, no Porto, e, finalmente, o Sérgio e
Palácio Nacional da Pena, em Sintra. A edição Nelson, os
deste ano das Sanjoaninas decorre sob o tema An- Anjos. As
gra num abraço de Prata: 25 anos Património cantoras e
Mundial. O abraço é dado às outras cidades portu- instrumen-
guesas classificadas pela UNESCO, que se jun- tistas Lília,
tarão aos festejos, da gastronomia aos espectácu- Marie e
los. Bia, do novo
Valorizar e difundir a nossa condição de projecto Xaile trazem a fusão da música tradi-
Património Mundial foi um dos objectivos avan- cional portuguesa com sonoridades do funk e do
çados pelo presidente da Câmara Municipal de jazz.
Angra do Heroísmo, na festa de apresentação das A presença internacional deste ano é Lisa Dolby,
Sanjoaninas 2008. José Pedro Cardoso adiantou uma cantora americana cujas influências vão
ainda que a edição de 2008 das Sanjoaninas está desde os Genesis aos Beatles. O percurso de
orçada em 400 mil euros. Dolby, que se encontra a promover o seu trabalho
No ano em que o Património é o centro da festa, já Free 2 Be, começa no gospel, passa pelo violino e
é conhecido o cartaz nas mais diversas áreas. Na trompete e acaba nos grandes palcos, partilhados
música, a aposta foi para os nomes nacionais, com com Lucky Peterson, Solomon Burke e Joe
Luís Represas, Jorge Palma e Clã, bem como os Cocker, ainda como integrante de coros. Já como
Anjos e o projecto Xaile. primeira figura, chegou a abrir a última digressão
Jorge Palma apresenta o seu novo trabalho, Voo de Ray Charles
Nocturno, cujo single de apresentação é o já muito De acordo com Paulo Borba, o responsável pela
rodado Encosta-te a mim. Também os Clã apre- área dos espectáculos, podem juntar-se outros
sentam o novo álbum, Cintura. Carlos Tê, Arnaldo nomes aos já anunciados, estando ainda a ter lugar
Antunes, Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, Regina Gui- negociações
marães e Hélder Gonçalves foram alguns dos re- In DI/CA
sponsáveis pelas letras. Já o espectáculo mais di-
reccionado para o público adolescente sobe ao

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Portuguese Tribune ENGLISH SECTION Mar 1st, 2008 29

Five Wounds Portuguese National Church:

From previous page... Just see what we have done in such a short period of
time in San Jose!
In general, all more or less comfort themselves in a ser- The Church of the Five Wounds honors the Portuguese
vitude that places them in an inferior level to other colo- colony of California and brilliantly demonstrates how
nizers [ethnic groups]. big is the faith and piety of the Lusitanian people in these
They found ways to enrich and elevate themselves in all remote passages.
aspects of human activity, accompanied other colony If from the beginning, there was better guidance in this
members in the study of the sciences, in the progress in respect, if some of the sons of the Portuguese born in this
the arts, in the enhancements in the industry, and
not only rivaled them, but sometimes exceeded
Only in the profession of their faith, only in the
love for their divine Religion, they place last be-
hind all others.
It’s sad to say this; but it is forceful to confess it.
In this country, we see Portuguese, sons of Portu-
guese, doctors, bankers, capitalists, physicians,
lawyers, pharmacists, businessmen, industrialists,
ranchers, factory workers, public servants, etc. We
just can’t find, if only in a finite number, priests of
the Holy Religion of the Divine Jesus.
The sons of the Portuguese attend with distinction
universities, all primary and secondary schools, but
they don’t attend the seminary of Menlo Park. Cur-
Mr. Manuel Teixeira de Freitas, of San Rafael, “the great- rently, only two are there, one who came from the
est Portuguese-Californian in commerce and industry”
Azores Islands.
provided a generous loan for the acquisition of the land.
With his wife, Maria B. Freitas, deceased at the time of the The Portuguese of California don’t let any others
church dedication in 1919, gave a donation of $1,100 to the be better at work ethic, honoring contracts, in Interior of the church during Mass for the Holy Spirit festa in 1919
church in addition to $900 for the electrical lamps. community movements. They are almost always
the first in several branches of industry, the first in be- state had attended the archdiocesan seminary, as many
nevolent societies. have attended universities, high schools, today in Cali-
They appear with honor in parades, in civic parades, in fornia we’d be so well represented religiously as we have
floats, in national celebrations, in annual conventions, socially, and we would have been emancipated little by
but in demonstrations of their creed they are last, excep- little, with the obvious allegiance to the hierarchical su-
tion made to the Holy Spirit festa. periors, from the oversight of foreign priests who not
You go to any Catholic church in this state, except for knowing our noble traditions and the religious customs
five or six, and the Portuguese are found in numbers very of our dear nation, many times belittle us and instead of
limited and in the last pews, almost always next to the attracting us really move us away from the Church with
entrance door, standing, as being afraid of being seen or great detriment to the spiritual well-being of our souls.
for being expelled from the house of God.
Portuguese people! The time of slavery is gone and we
were never slaves of anyone. For sixty years, we were
under the rule of Spain, but as a free and independent
We are in a country of freedom, where the rights and
privileges are equal for all. You have demonstrated in
California your worth and power with relation to the
benevolent societies; why not show also your worth and
power in relation to your religious beliefs.
The Irish have their churches; the Italians have their
churches; the Spanish, the German, the Polish, all have
their churches; the Protestants, Lutherans, Episcopalians,
Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, Adventists, all, all
have their temples; the Chinese, the Japanese, and the
Indians have their pagodas; the Jews their synagogues;
the Masons their lodges and even Satan his fearing deeds
and only the Portuguese in this country will not have
Mr. Joaquim Teixeira de Freitas, of San Francisco, one of their churches to adore God in spirit and truth and to
the greatest benefactors of the Five Wounds Church. He preserve our saintly religious traditions in our dear Na-
bought many gifts from the local shops to be raffled at the tion!?
church’s dedication day.
Let’s remember that we belong to a noble and combative
Among the items to be raffled was also Msgr. Ribeiro’s
own automobile. nation that took our Catholic faith from Lisbon to Ma-
lacca and from the ends of the Atlantic to the ends of the
If in California we had, from the beginning, converted
for the benefit of the Catholic Religion just the profits
from the Holy Spirit festa, today we would have had in Booklet printed for the dedication of the church in 1919
many places churches, schools, and even Holy Houses of by Sousa Print
Mercy for poor sick patients and indigents of our nation-
In the East [Coast], the Portuguese have progressed ad-
ality. What a shame!
mirably in the religious-socio-catholic field. Just among
So much money has been spent throughout this state,
the three dioceses of Boston, Fall River, and Providence,
thousands and thousands of dollars without much benefit
there are almost 30 churches genuinely Portuguese.
for the Portuguese colony and for the Catholic Religion
We should only hope to imitate those brothers of ours,
that is the most precious heritage that the Portuguese
always giving fame as good Catholics to all the world.
should leave for their children in this adopted nation.

As the dedication booklet states: “The Portuguese choir is

small in number, but great in voices.” The members were
Maria Alves Machado, Maria Azevedo Alves, Elvira
Cabral, Manuel Alves Machado (choir director and organ
player), Francisco Ribeiro Bettencourt, José Nunes da
Rosa, and António Francisco Leal, Jr. (violinist). Msgr. Henrique A. Ribeiro with the First Communion children in 1919

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