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qs tp | Cet Po / CCT TV's favorite Artist ed Ss Ee Annette Kowalski’s The 1 of Cannine Mowers As featured on the PBS Television Series “The Joy of Painting” BOOK STAFF: PUBLISHER Bob Ross, Inc. EDITOR ‘Annette Kowalski EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE Bob Ross Walt Kowalski Joan Kowalski Joe Kowalski COVER DESIGN B. K. Wilson PHOTOGRAPHY Annette Kowalski PAINTINGS AND LINE DRAWINGS Annette Kowalski PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY Ron Markum ‘SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Rylon and Eva Hall, my parents, for the uncomplaining acceptance of my neglect during the writing of this book. Lourdes Valverde, moral support. Martin/F. Weber Company — For their support in the development and manutacture of Bob Ross Floral Products, {© Copyright 1994 by Bob Ross Ine. lights reserved. No part of tis Book ‘may be reproduced in any form or by an electronic of mechanical means, including infrmation storage and rtrievel systems, without permission in wating rom Bob Ross Ine, except by a reviewer who may quole biel pas. sages in a review. Printod in the United States of America Fourteenth Printing 2004 (DT Gob Ross nome and es Ross images are ester acre of Bat Ros ISBN O-92435-37-7 P R ES §& NTs Annette Kowalski’s The Joy of Punting Howers

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