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Mammal Poster/Report Project

I. Guidelines

_____/ 10

Collect pictures of the mammal you have chosen. Pictures can be drawn, from magazines, photographs, postcards, and internet resources Collect the following information about your mammal: 1. Name, Color, Size, Lifespan (how long it lives) 2. Is your mammal nocturnal? What is the population? 3. Is your mammal a carnivore? Omnivore? Herbivore? 4. What are its predators? What are its prey? How fast is it? 5.How does your mammal communicate? What sounds does it make? 6.What your mammals tracks look like (can be pictures or you may draw them). If you are unable to find this information, please explain. 7.What is your mammals habitat? Where does it

1. _____/10 2. _____/10 3. _____/10 4. _____/10 5. _____/10 6. _____/10 7. _____/10

live? If a water mammal, how long can it stay underwater? *Any interesting facts about your mammal?*

Arrange all the collected material on a standard piece of poster board in such a way that it looks neat and attractive Be prepared to present your poster board and information about your mammal to the class. Presentations should be no longer than 3-5 minutes. You should have ALL the information on 3 x 5 cards to read during your presentation, but you are NOT to write a report for this project.



Due Date: Teacher comments:


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