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Saxophone Basics

1. Embouchure Top teeth rest on mouthpiece about inch from tip. Bottom lip curls slightly over bottom teeth. Corners just tight enough so that air doesnt escape. Use even pressure from all sides of mouth, in an O shape. Embouchure does not change when playing lower or higher, only throat position changes. 2. Air Support Always use a deep, full breath. Inside cavity of mouth is open (like yawning) Use fast, warm air rushing through the instrument (imagine your saxophone is straight) 3. Exercises for Sound Long tones Crescendos / Decrescendos Slurring from low notes to higher notes and back down Switching back and forth between middle C and D (putting all the keys down and keeping the tone quality the same) 4. Things to watch out for! Left thumb pops up to the octave key, it does not leave the thumb pad. All fingers close to keys. G# key can stick Proper fingering for notes (usually the first suggestion in your fingering chart) Good luck and have fun!

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