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Senator Mark Begich (D-AK)

Senator Mark egich's (D-AK) websiLe is Lhe besL SenaLe Member websiLe ol Lhe
2Lh Congress. lL serves as Lhe online hub lor inlormaLion abouL and inLeracLion
wiLh Lhe SenaLor's ollce.
SenaLor 8egich's websiLe gives users easy and clear online access Lo Lhe work ol
Lhe SenaLor. 1he SenaLor's daily schedule ol meeLings is posLed on Lhe homepage,
and users can view an inLeracLive Limeline ol Lhe SenaLor's Lravels in rural Alaska.
1he "Services" secLion includes guidance and inlormaLion on Lhe myriad ways Lhe
ollce can assisL consLiLuenLs, including Alaska-specilc resources. 1he "PrioriLies"
secLion ol SenaLor 8egich's websiLe includes his voLing record, sponsored
and cosponsored legislaLion, and each issue page includes relaLed legislaLion,
resources, documenLs, and even Lhe sLall members working on Lhe issue.
SenaLor 8egich's websiLe goes beyond excelling aL Lhe basics ol a good websiLe.
lL also allows users Lo connecL Lo Lhe SenaLor's ollce in a varieLy ol ways.
ConsLiLuenLs can lll ouL a weblorm Lo parLicipaLe in Lelephone Lown halls, while
links Lo and regular updaLes on 1wiLLer and Facebook, an acLive ou1ube channel,
social bookmarking Lools, and even a UsLream (a live video service) channel makes
Lhe ollce accessible Lo users regardless ol Lheir prelerred plaLlorm.

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