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Metallik Katlar

Bant Teorisi

letkenlik Bant

Li atomlarnn s ve p orbitalleri arasnda etkileim mevcut

Fermi Seviyesi

Fermi Seviyesi: T = 0 daki HOMO dzeyi

Deerlik Bant

T > 0 da, Fermi dzeyindeki e lar uyarlarak iletkenlik bantna geer. Bu e lar elektrik alannda hareket eder.

Have 1000 Si atoms 4000 e- or 2000 pairs 2 pairs per Si atom Band is completely filled
2000 MOs 2000 MOs

This gives 2 bond per Si atom




Eg 6 Elmas Yaltkan Eg 0.5 3 Yariletkenler Eg 0 letken Metaller

Elektrik letkenlii

Metaller Scaklk arttka iletkenlik azalr Yariletkenler Scaklk arttka iletkenlik artar Yaltkanlar iletkenlikleri ok dktr Metallerde, T arttka atomlarn titreimleri artar, bu durum iletkenliin dmesine neden olur. Yariletkenlerde, T arttka daha fazla elektron iletkenlik bantna getiinden iletkenlik artar.

z Yariletkenler
Grup 4A Band gap (eV) C 6.0 Si 1.1 Ge 0.7 Gri Sn (>13 C) 0.1 Bayaz Sn (<13 C) 0 Karbon 0

Safszlk Yariletkenleri
letkenlik eser miktardaki safszlk ilavesi ile kontrol edilir. Safszlklar Ga, Al veya As atomlardr. Alanan atom (dopant) Si atomlar ile yer deitirir. Dopant atom ya Si dan daha az elektron ( Ga veya Al) yada Si dan daha fazla elektron ( As) ierir.


letkenlik band 1.1 eV Deerlik Band e-


Donor level
Acceptor level + + +

Ga veya Al
Acceptor level is slightly higher in energy than Fermi level. Electrons readily promoted into acceptor level.

As veya Sb
Donor level has electrons. Electrons promoted from donor level to conduction band. Negative electrons are charge carriers and so called n-type.

Bant teorisinin uygulamalar: LED ve Gne Pilleri


Light-emitting diode (LED) Converts electrical input to light output: electron in photon out Light source with long life, low power, compact design. Applications: traffic and car lights, large displays. Solar Cell Converts light input to electrical output: photon in electron out Renewable energy source! LED Solar Cell


Schematic of edge-emitting LED

Composition of p/n regions tuned to produce red & blue lasers. Green lasers (532 nm) use special optical means to double the frequency of infrared light emitted from p/n junction.


Schematic of a solar house

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