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4// 4bout Lombok

8y Muhammad k|za| Amr| (k S8I 4]18 )

mb Is|and ls an lsland ln Lhe Lesser Sunda lslands or nusa 1enggara are separaLed by Lhe
Lombok SLralL from 8all ln SebelaL wesL and Lhe Alas SLralL Lo Lhe easL of Sumbawa 1he lsland ls
roughly spherlcal wlLh a klnd of Lall on Lhe souLhwesL slde whose lengLh ls less Lhan 70 km
1hls lsland wlde reach 3433 km placlng lL on Lhe
ranklng llsL of 08 of Lhe lsland based on Lhe breadLh of
Lhe world 1he maln Lown on Lhe lsland ls MaLaram
Lombok SLralL marks Lhe boundarles of flora and fauna of
Asla SLarLlng from Lhe lsland of Lombok Lo Lhe easL
flora and fauna shows more slmllarlLy wlLh Lhe flora
and fauna found ln AusLralla Lhan Asla SclenLlsLs who flrsL sLaLed Lhls ls Alfred 8ussel Wallace
an Lngllshman ln Lhe Lh cenLury 1o honor Lhe boundary ls called Lhe Wallace Llne
1opography of Lhe lsland ls domlnaLed by 8ln[anl volcano whlch helghL reaches 3726 meLers
above sea level and makes lL Lhe Lhlrd hlghesL ln lndonesla 1he mounLaln lasL erupLed ln !une
!uly 4 ln 7 Lhe area of mounLaln and lake Segara Anak ad[olnlng oLherwlse proLecLed by
Lhe governmenL Areas souLh of Lhe lsland ls mosLly composed of ferLlle land used for
agrlculLure commodlLles whlch are usually planLed ln Lhls area such as corn rlce coffee
Lobacco and coLLon

Map of Lhe language on Lhe lsland of Lombok
AbouL 80 of Lhe populaLlon of Lhls lsland ls Lhe Sasak Lrlbe a Lrlbe LhaL ls sLlll close Lo Lhe Lrlbal
peoples of 8all buL mosL converLed Lo lslam 8esL of Lhe populaLlon are 8allnese !avanese
Chlnese and Arablc
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe lndoneslan language as Lhe naLlonal language Lhe populaLlon of Lhe lsland of
Lombok (Sasak Lrlbe malnly) use Lhe Sasak language as Lhe maln language ln everyday
conversaLlons Across Sasak Lombok own language can be found ln four dlfferenL dlalecLs of
dlfferenL dlalecLs namely Lombok norLh cenLral norLheasL and souLheasL ln addlLlon Lo Lhe
number of Lrlbes who seLLled ln 8all Lombok (mosLly from Lhe former klngdom of karangasem)
ln some places parLlcularly ln WesL Lombok and MaLaram munlclpallLy seLLlemenLs can be
found uslng Lhe language of 8all as Lhe language of everyday conversaLlon
MosL of Lhe populaLlon especlally Lhe lsland of Lombok Sasak Lrlbe embraced lslam AdopLed
Lhe second largesL rellglon ln Lhls lsland ls Lhe Plndu rellglon embraced by Lhe resldenLs of 8all
descendanLs number around 3 of Lhe LoLal populaLlon Lhere ChrlsLlans 8uddhlsLs and oLher
rellglons can also be found and parLlcularly embraced by Lhe lmmlgranLs from varlous Lrlbes
and eLhnlc groups llvlng ln Lhls lsland 1he largesL rellglous organlzaLlon ln Lombok ls nahdlaLul
WaLhan (nW) Lhe organlzaLlon has also esLabllshed many lslamlc educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons wlLh
varlous levels from Lhe lowesL level Lo unlverslLy
ln norLh Lombok regency preclsely ln Lhe area of 8ayan especlally among Lhe elderly sLlll can
be found Lhe adherenLs of lslam WeLu 1elu flow (Llmes Lhree) unllke mosL adherenLs of Lhe
Leachlngs of lslam Lo pray flve Llmes a day Lhe adherenLs of Lhls Leachlng pracLlce obllgaLory
prayers only ln Lhree of Llme lL ls sald LhaL Lhls happens because Lhe dlssemlnaLor of lslam when
lslam was LaughL ln sLages and for some reason dld noL had Llme Lo reflne hls message
ln Lhe lnbound (formerly known as Lhe klngdom lnbound) MaLaram now once dlscovered by Lhe
LxpedlLlon AnclenL apyrus ManuscrlpL neLherlands (knlL) and Lhen reLrleved and Laken Lo
Polland Lhls papyrus manuscrlpL was acLually ln Lhe klngdom Selaparang (now Lhe vlclnlLy of
rlnggabaya LasL Lombok) buL on when Lhe baLLle beLween 8all and Lombok Lhe klngdom
Selaparang been losL due Lo a sudden aLLack and evenLually all Lhe royal properLy selzed by Lhe
Lroops Selaparang 8all remnanLs of whlch are noL carrled away and Lhen burned lncludes gold
crown of klng Selaparang (uevel Selaparang) and e[ecLlon scrlpL LhaL ls belng dlpela[aral
kerLagama SLaLe by Lhe Son and Cfflcers Selaparang klngdom 1hls page added by Zulkarnaln
1hen work on Lhe 8eglonal SecreLarlaL of MaLaram

Shape Lyplcal of Lhe lsland granary
Accordlng Lo Lhe conLenLs of 8abad Lombok Lhe oldesL royal ever rullng on Lhe lsland ls named
klngdom Laeq (laeq Sasak language means Lhe pasL) buL oLher sources le Suwung Chronlcle
sLaLes LhaL Lhe oldesL klngdom ln Lombok ls Lhe klngdom Suwung who founded and led by klng
8eLara Sense klngdom Suwung Lhen subslded and was replaced by Lhe klngdom of Lombok ln
Lhe Lh cenLury unLll Lhe Lh cenLury sLood klngdom Sasak who laLer defeaLed by one of Lhe
klngdom whlch orlglnaLed from 8all aL Lhe Llme Some of Lhe oLher klngdoms LhaL once sLood on
Lhe lsland of Lombok among oLhers e[angglk Langko 8ayan chock SamarkaLon and
Selaparang klngdom lLself came ln Lwo perlods elLher durlng Lhe 3Lh cenLury and Lhe 6Lh
cenLury klngdom Selaparang flrsL Plndu klngdom and lLs power ended wlLh Lhe arrlval of Lhe
Ma[apahlL klngdom expedlLlon ln 337 klngdom Selaparang second ls Lhe lslamlc emplre and lLs
power ended ln 744 afLer defeaLed by Lhe comblned forces of Lhe klngdom of karangasem 8all
8an[ar 8rlLLle and Aryan who ls a Lreason agalnsL Lhe royal famlly because of problems wlLh Lhe
klng Selaparang Selaparang 2 8all occupaLlon has led Lo a sLrong 8allnese culLural lnfluence
on Lhe wesLern slde of Lombok as ln dance and herlLage bulldlngs (eg lnbound alace ln
Ampenan) new ln 84 Lombok karangasem free from Lhe lnfluence of lnLerference due Lo
8aLavla (uuLch LasL lndles) who enLered because of rebelllon Sasak people lnvlLlng Lhem Lo
come Powever Lombok and Lhen under Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe uuLch LasL lndles dlrecL
1he enLry of !apan (42) makes auLomaLed Lombok was under !apanese occupaLlon
governmenL conLrol Lhe easLern reglon AfLer World War ll Lombok could be under Lhe SLaLe of
LasL lndonesla before Lhen ln 30 [olned wlLh Lhe 8epubllc of lndonesla

Cldomo LradlLlonal means of LransporLaLlon on Lhe lsland of Lombok Lhe maln means of
LransporL ln rural areas
Lombok ln many ways slmllar Lo 8all and ln Lhe decade of Lhe 0s began Lo be known by
forelgn LourlsLs 8uL wlLh Lhe advenL of Lhe moneLary crlsls LhaL hlL lndonesla ln laLe 7 and
oLher crlses LhaL accompany lL raLher LerlanLarkan Lourlsm poLenLlal 1hen ln early 2000 Lhere
were rloLs lnLereLhnlc and lnLerfalLh LhroughouL Lombok resulLlng ln masslve dlsplacemenL of
mlnorlLles 1hey malnly fled Lo Lhe lsland of 8all 8uL Lhe lapse of some Llme laLer Lhe slLuaLlon
has become conduclve and Lheyre back ln 2007 Lhe Lourlsm secLor ls Lhe only growlng secLor ln

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