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LecLure 3

Leadershlp 8elng an LffecLlve ro[ecL

Module Learnlng CuLcomes
8y Lhe end of Lhe module sLudenLs should be able Lo
W undersLand Lhe dlfference beLween leadershlp and
W AppreclaLe Lhe lmporLance of leadershlp ln pro[ecL
W Pave some undersLandlng of key LralLs for pro[ecL
managers Lo successfully lead pro[ecLs
W AppreclaLe key pro[ecL sLakeholders and Lhelr
W Pave a falr undersLandlng of Lhe conLradlcLory naLure
of pro[ecL managemenL
Module Learnlng CuLcomes 2
W undersLand Lhe developmenL of Leams and
Lhe role of Lhe M
W AppreclaLe how Lhe M bullds a hlgh
performance pro[ecL lncludlng vlrLual pro[ecL
W Pave an undersLandlng of how Lo address key
plLfalls ln bulldlng hlgh performance pro[ecL
Leadershlp vs ManagemenL
Cray and Larson 2008
ro[ecL Manager musL be a MAnACL8 LLAuL8
1 Manage Lhe pro[ecL lmplemenL Lhe pro[ecL
acLlvlLles as planned lncludlng formulaLlng plans
and ob[ecLlves deslgnlng sLrucLures and
procedures and procedures monlLorlng resulLs
agalnsL plans and Laklng correcLlve acLlon when
necessary eg M manages day Lo day acLlvlLles
on volLa brldge pro[ecL lncludlng meeLlngs wlLh
sLakeholders updaLlng pro[ecL plans
Leadershlp vs ro[ecL ManagemenL
(Cray and Larson 2008 )
2 Lead Lhe pro[ecL recognlse and arLlculaLe
Lhe need Lo slgnlflcanLly alLer Lhe dlrecLlon
and operaLlon of Lhe pro[ecL allgnlng people
Lo Lhe new dlrecLlon and moLlvaLlng Lhem Lo
work LogeLher Lo overcome hurdles produced
by Lhe change Lo reallze new ob[ecLlves eg
when Lhe scope of Lhe volLa 8rldge pro[ecL ls
changed Lo lnclude a swlng brldge Lhe M has
Lo drlve Lhe new vlslon wlLh sLakeholders
Leadershlp Skllls for M
W vlslonary
W lnfluenclng skllls
W Able Lo lnsplre oLhers
W negoLlaLlng skllls
W AblllLy Lo manage change
W AblllLy Lo Lhlnk creaLlvely Lo address problems
Managlng ro[ecL SLakeholders
losteoJ of wotkloq wltb my people to complete
tbe ptoject l foooJ myself beloq coostootly
polleJ ooJ toqqeJ by JemooJs of Jlffeteot
qtoops of people wbo ote oot Jltectly lovolveJ lo
tbe ptoject bot boJ o vesteJ lotetest lo tbe
( ltoject Moooqet Ctoy ooJ lotsoo2008)
Managlng ro[ecL SLakeholders
Cray and Larson (2008)
W ro[ecL success depends on cooperaLlon of a
wlde range of lndlvlduals many of whom do
noL reporL dlrecLly Lo Lhe M
W Lach has dlfferenL experLlse sLandards
prlorlLles and agendas Lo pro[ecL
W M has Lo ldenLlfy Lhe groups and how Lhey
affecL Lhe pro[ecL and develop a way Lo
manage Lhe dependency on Lhe pro[ecL
Managlng SLakeholders 3
(Cray and Larson 2008)
W M has Lo manage Lhe lnLerdependencles beLween
sLakeholder groups M ablllLy Lo work effecLlvely wlLh
one group wlll affecL Lhe ablllLy Lo manage oLher
groups eg lf Lop managemenL noL lnLeresLed lM more
W 1ype of pro[ecL sLrucLure lnfluences Lhe number and
degree of exLernal dependencles LhaL wlll need Lo be
managed eg fucnLllonal maLrlx lncrease dependencles
as rely more on funcLlonal colleagues however
dedlcaLed pro[ecL Leam less depoendencles as mosL
resources are asslgned Lo Lhe pro[ecL
ey SLakeholders and uependencles
(Cray and Larson 2008)
W ro[ecL 1eam manage and compleLe pro[ecL
work lnLeresL ln dolng good [ob and personal
goals and asplraLlons
W ro[ecL managers compeLe for resources share
resources and lnformaLlon
W Admln supporL lncl P8 lC1 malnLenance
provlde supporL buL lmpose consLralnLs on
pro[ecL such as documenLaLlon of expendlLure
and Llmely and accuraLe dellvery of lnformaLlon
ey SLakeholders and uependencles 2
(Cray and Larson 2008)
W luncLlonal managers pro[ecL organlsaLlon can affecL
pro[ecL success lM wanL Lo cooperaLe buL also Lo preserve
Lhelr sLaLus ln organlsaLlon and mlnlmlse dlsrupLlon
W 1op managemenL approves pro[ecL fundlng and
esLabllshes organlsaLlonal prlorlLles ueflne pro[ecL success
and approve ma[or changes lnLeresLed ln pro[ecL success
buL also whaL ls good for Lhe organlsaLlon
W ro[ecL sponsors pro[ecL champlon uslng lnfluence Lo geL
approval need Lo be lnformed of ma[or developmenLs as
ro[ecL success llnked Lo Lhelr repuLaLlon uefends pro[ecL
when under aLLack and a key pro[ecL ally
ey SLakeholders and uependencles 2
(Cray and Larson 2008)
W ConLracLors Can do all work or parLs of Lhe work oor work and
sllppage can affecL work of core pro[ecL Leam ConLracLor
repuLaLlon depend on good work 8alances conLrlbuLlons and proflL
margln and Lhelr commlLmenLs Lo oLher cllenLs
W CovernmenL agencles place consLralnLs on pro[ecL work wlLh
codes regulaLlons sLandards
W CLher organlsaLlons dependlng on naLure of pro[ecL can
dlrecLly/lndlrecLly affecL pro[ecL eg proLesL from pressure groups
delay or poor quallLy from suppllers c
W CusLomers deflne Lhe scope and ulLlmaLe pro[ecL success resLs ln
Lhelr saLlsfacLlon M need Lop be responslve Lo changlng cusLomer
needs and requlremenLs Lo meeLlng Lhelr expecLaLlons CusLomers
are prlmarlly concerned wlLh geLLlng a good deal whlch naLurally
breads Lenslon wlLh Lhe pro[ecL Leam
M Leadlng by Lxample
(Cray and Larson 2008)
Leadershlp by Lxample 2
Cray and Larson 2008
W rlorlLles
W urgency
W roblem Solvlng
W CooperaLlon
W SLandards of erformance
W LLhlcs
rofesslonal LLhlcal lssues
CovenLry unlverslLy 200910
W ConfllcL of lnLeresL
W ConfldenLlallLy and loyalLy
W Lnglneerlng [udgmenL
W rofesslonal responslblllLy
W Codes of eLhlcs
- rofesslons (englneers docLors eLc)
- Companles and organlsaLlons ('codes of conducL')
ueallng wlLh ro[ecL ManagemenL ConLradlcLlons
Cray and Larson 2008
M lnvolves deallng wlLh lnconslsLencles and
paradoxes Some conLradlcLlons lnclude
lnnovaLe and creaLe sLablllLy
See Lhe blg plcLure whlle geLLlng your hands dlrLy
Lncourage lndlvlduals buL sLress Lhe Leam
Pands off/Pands on
llexlble buL flrm
1eam versus organlsaLlonal loyalLles
1ralLs of LffecLlve Ms
(Cray and Larson 2008)
W SysLems Lhlnker
W ersonal lnLegrlLy
W roacLlve
W Plgh emoLlonal lnLelllgence
W Ceneral buslness perspecLlve
W LffecLlve Llme managemenL
W Sklllful pollLlclan
W CpLlmlsL
Managlng ro[ecL 1eams
@be wbole ls qteotet tboo tbe som of tbe potts
Managlng ro[ecL 1eams
Cray and Larson 2008
losteoJ of opetotloq os ooe blq tem we
ftoctlooollseJ loto sob qtoops @be motketloq
people stock toqetbet os well os systems qoys A
lot of tlme wos wosteJ qosslploq ooJ complololoq
oboot eocb otbet wbeo tbe ptoject stotteJ
sllpploq bebloJ scbeJole evetyooe stotteJ
covetloq tbelt ttocks ooJ ttyloq to poss tbe blome
to otbets Aftet owblle we ovolJeJ Jltect
coovetsotloo ooJ tesotteJ to emoll Moooqemeot
floolly polleJ tbe ploq ooJ btooqbt oootbet teom
lo to solvoqe tbe ptoject lt wos ooe of tbe wotst
lM expetleoces of my llfe
Llfe Cycle of a 1eam 8urke 2007
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ
orm|ng Stage
ltoject Moooqet most
clarlfy alm goals ldenLlfy Leam purpose
allocaLe Lasks responslblllLles
anLlclpaLe anxleLy frusLraLlon and allow
Llme Lo resolve group / lndlvldual lssues
arLlclpanLs are
unsure of goals and dlrecLlon
anxlous and unsure of Lhelr role
lead from Lhe fronL
Ctoop Lounch# meetloq lofotmol ooetoooe Jlscossloos wltb stoff
Concerns over lnsecurlLy lsolaLlon recognlLlon rewards skllls eLc
@eams groups go through d|fferent |dent|f|ab|e states depend|ng on the|r deve|opment over t|me
Storm|ng Stage
perlod of hlgh emoLlon confllcL lndlvlduals [ockey for
poslLlon formlng alllances or cllques generaLlng confllcL
beLween groups challenglng ob[ecLlves leaders
auLhorlLy LesLlng llmlLs confronLlng dlfferences
ltoject Moooqet most
encourage dlscusslon of concerns dlfflculL lssues
malnLaln focus on common ob[ecLlves
be consLrucLlve concenLraLe on lssues noL people
lead from wlLhln
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ
-orm|ng Stage
lnlLlal lnLegraLlon Leam ls beglnnlng Lo work
coheslvely developlng behavloural norms
cooperaLlng on Lasks
tbete coo be o teoJeocy to wotk less botJ lo o teom tboo
tbey woolJ loJlvlJoolly (kloqlemooo effect)
ltoject Moooqet most
seL clear Lasks and LargeLs for people creaLe poslLlve
norms of performance behavlour allow Leam Lo make
share declslons relnforce harmony wlLh group acLlvlLy
lead from Lhe sldellnes
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ
9erform|ng Stage
LoLal lnLegraLlon Leam ls worklng flexlbly lndependenLly
capable of deallng wlLh complex Lasks handllng lnLernal
dlsagreemenLs wlLh lndlvlduals developlng roles ln Lhe
Leam organlslng Lhemselves effecLlvely
ltoject Moooqet most
delegaLe buL don'L abdlcaLe keep Lhe Leam onLrack'
supporL people ln Lhelr Lasks revlew progress wlLh Lhe
'Coachlng' raLher Lhan 'pollclng'
allow Leam Lo manage lLself
Avold mlcromanagemenL lotetfeteoce ooJ excesslve coottol
(noone wanLs Lo be mlcromanaged)
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
nq 5toqe
1he Leam ls falllng asleep'
ltoject Moooqet most
keep Lasks movlng relLeraLe goals
use auLhorlLy asserLlvely falrly
focus on common ob[ecLlves beneflLs
resLrucLure or replace Lhe Leam lf necessary
creaLe a sLrong
sense of dlrecLlon
d[ourn|ng] Mourn|ng Stage
'Closedown' Lhe work of Lhe Leam has ended
@be teom ls beloq JlsbooJeJ Membets wlll
qtleve soffet wltbJtowol symptoms
Mark Lhe compleLlon wlLh some celebraLlon
Share Lhe credlL for success
make sure LhaL everyone's supervlsor
knows of Lhelr conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe pro[ecL
ltoject Moooqet most be generous wlLh recognlLlon
ro[ecL 1eam 8ulldlng
1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ
Plgh erformance 1eams
Cray and Larson 2008
W Shared sense of purpose and lndlvldual
commlLmenL Lo achleve pro[ecL ob[ecLlves
W ldenLlfy and accepL LalenLs and experLlse of
members as needed
W 8alance and share roles Lo achleve Lasks and
lmprove group coheslon and morale
W use energy Lo focus on problem solvlng noL
lnLerpersonal lssues or compeLlLlve sLruggles
Plgh erformance 1eams 2
Cray and Larson 2008
W ulfferences of oplnlon are encouraged and
freely expressed
W 8lskLaklng and creaLlvlLy encouraged as
learnlng opporLunlLles
W Members seL hlgh sLandards of performance
and encourage each oLher Lo achleve Lhem
W Members ldenLlfy wlLh Leam see as source of
professlonal/personal developmenL
8ulldlng Plgherformance ro[ecL 1eams
Cray and Larson 2008
M plays a key role ln developlng hlgh performance
8ecrulLlng pro[ecL members
ConducLlng pro[ecL meeLlngs
LsLabllshlng a 1eam ldenLlLy
CreaLlng Shared vlslon
Managlng ro[ecL 8eward SysLem
CrchesLraLlng Lhe ueclslonMaklng rocess
Managlng Lhe ConfllcL wlLhln Lhe 1eam
8e[uvenaLlng Lhe ro[ecL 1eam
Managlng vlrLual 1eams
(Cray and Larson 2008)
roblems lack of face Lo face lnLeracLlon llmlLed
dlrecL communlcaLlon rely on lnLerneL/emall
dlfflculLy schedullng Leleconferenclng dlfferenL
Llme zones dlfferenL conLlnenLs dlfferenL
organlsaLlonal culLures
SuggesLlons eep members lnformed of pro[ecL
ensure communlcaLlon wlLh members esLabllsh
code of conducL Lo avold delays esLabllsh norms
and proLocols for surfaclng assumpLlons and
confllcLs and share Lhe paln
Pow Lo Address ro[ecL 1eam lLfalls
Cray and Larson 2008
M can encourage funcLlonal confllcL uevll's AdvocaLe
8ureaucraLlc bypass syndrome
M can organlse Llmely lnvolvemenL of exLernal speclallsLs
1eam splrlL becomes Leam lnfaLuaLlon
M can creaLe relaLlonshlps ouLslde pro[ecL Leam Lo reduce
Colng naLlve
M can lnvolve relevanL members of parenL organlsaLlon ln pro[ecL
sLaLus meeLlngs Lo lncrease llnks beLween pro[ecL and organlsaLlon
W ManagemenL lnvolves day Lo day managemenL and
Leadershlp lnvolves change
W M needs Lo be leader by example and a manager
W LffecLlve leader musL demonsLraLe key LralLs
W ro[ecL Success depends on managemenL of
dependencles and lnLerdependencles beLween
W M musL deal wlLh conLradlcLory naLure of pro[ecLs
W 1he llfe cycle of Leam formlng normlng sLormlng
dormlng and ad[ournlng/ mournlng and Lhe changlng
role of M
Summary 2
W M role ln developlng hlgh performance
Leams lncludlng vlrLual Leams
W M role ln addresslng plLfalls of pro[ecL Leams
W 1uckman 8 !ensen n (1977) toqes of moll
Ctoop uevelopmeot kevlslteJ quoLed ln CovenLry
unlverslLy 2009 10 LecLure Slldes M8A/MSC
rogramme LecLures
W Cray C and Larson L (2008) ro[ecL
ManagemenL 1he Managerlal rocess McCraw
Plll lrwln new ?ork
W CovenLry unlverslLy 2009 10 LecLure Slldes
M8A/MSC rogramme LecLures
W 8urke 2007 quoLed ln CovenLry unlverslLy 2009
10 LecLure Slldes M8A/MSC rogramme LecLures

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