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Name: Sara Oliveras

Course: 1.Btx.B
Teacher: Lourdes Roviras

1- Watch your presentation and answer the following questions.

Name and topic:

My name is Sara Oliveras and my topic was the Bullying.

- Did you use any resources? Yes I did.

- Were the resources relevant and attractive? I thing yes, I use the
power point.

Body language and eye contact:

- Did you look at your audience most of the time? No, I don’t, I
look the power point and the papers.
- Did you read from your notes? Yes, a most of the time.
- Did you do any gestures/ movement to hold the attention of
your audiences? Yes, I point to power point, for do my explication
more compressive, but not all the time.


- Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes I did.

- Did you use discourse markers to make your ideas more
clear? Yes I did. I use: also, but, first and finally.


- Did you introduce interesting, new information to your

audience? I don’t now, but I thing yes.
- Did you look up information/ facts/ ideas/ in the
internet/books…? Yes I did. I looked up information in the internet.
- Was your information more superficial or more detailed and
original? My information was more superficial but a little detailed.


- Did you use check your grammar? Yes, I did. Majority the verbs.
- Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes I use
the vocabulary to fine the words that I don’t understand I use the word
reference and more.
- Did you use the sentence links? Yes I did. I use: and, but, also.

Pronunciation and intonation:

- Did you know how to pronounce all your works? Did you check
the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the
Yes I did. Yes I check the pronunciation with an address of internet. That
teacher gives me. But in the oral I was very nervous and I have a bad

- Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all
the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks
and interruptions?
I use the monotone tone all the time and speed in a fluid continuum.

2- Now it’s time to improve for next presentation. Write down a literal
transcription of your presentation.
Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes??

Literal transcription:

Hello, My topic is about bullying.

What is Bullying?
The bullying is physical abuse and / or psychological. The bullying involves a continuous
repetition of the ridicule or attacks and may cause social exclusion of the victim.

Characteristics of Bullying
Usually include various kinds of behaviors.

- Tends to cause problems that are repeated and prolonged for some time.
- Usually caused by a pupil, supported by a group against a victim who is helpless.
- The victim develops fear and rejection
- It reduces the capacity of moral understanding and finally
- It reduces the quality of living environment in which it occurs

Types of Bullying
We can talk about various types of bullying that often appear simultaneously:

-- Physical: pushing, kicking, assault with objects, etc…

--Verbal: the insults and motes, It is the most common.
-- Social aims to isolate the couple from the rest of the group and colleagues.

Aggressors and victims

There are 3 types

Victim passive
-- Social isolation. Often not have a single friend among his colleagues. Presents
difficulty of communication and low popularity.
-- Conduct very passive, fear of violence and demonstration of vulnerability, high
anxiety, insecurity and low self-esteem.
-- overprotection by the family.

Victim active
-- Social isolation and unpopularity.
-- Impulsive tendency to act without choosing the most appropriate behavior for each
-- A performance worse than the passive victims.
-- They seem to have had, in his early childhood, family treated more hostile.
-- Location more prevalent among boys.

Tips for Victims of Bullying

-Tips for Parents

- Tips for educators

Tips for parents of children who suffer Bullying

-- Changes in mood.
-- Sadness, crying or irritability.
-- Nightmares, sleep changes and / or appetite.
-- Headaches, stomach, vomiting...
-- Refused to protest or when to go to college.

Tips for educators of children suffering Bullying

Teachers should be attentive to:

-- The "painted" on the doors or on walls

-- The usual non-participation in group outings.
-- Few or no relationships with colleagues.
-- Variations of school performance.

Preventing Bullying
It is very important to try to prevent bullying and violence in the classroom up through
education and relations between school and family..

* Decalogue anti-violence education

* Disciplinary Guidelines
* Relations between school and family

Decalogue anti-violence education

1. Adapting education to social changes.
2. Improving the quality of the link between teachers and students.
3. Develop alternatives to violence.
5. To develop empathy and Human Rights.
6. Preventing intolerance, sexism, xenophobia.
7. Breaking the conspiracy of silence: not look the other way.
8. Educating for democratic citizenship and leadership by example.

Disciplinary Guidelines
1. One aim of discipline is to teach respect certain limits. It is necessary that the rules
are clear and consistent support and which have been developed by all members of
the school community.
2. Respect the limits improvement.
3. There is a need for discipline to help combat exclusion rather than increase their
4. It is appropriate to include the discipline in a context of participatory democracy.
Relations between school and family
One of the major risk factors for violence is the isolation of the family.
The social support for families is very important and can significantly reduce the risk of
An important condition for improving education is to foster communication between
schools and families, especially when children have a higher risk of violence.


Do you know anybody who has suffered Bullying?

What do you think about bullying?


What is Bullying?
The bullying is physical abuse and / or psychological. The bullying involves a continuous
repetition of the ridicule or attacks and may cause social exclusion of the victim.

Characteristics of Bullying
Usually include various kinds of behaviors.

- Tends to cause problems that are repeated and prolonged for some time.
- Usually caused by a pupil, supported by a group against a victim who is helpless.
- The victim develops fear and rejection
- It reduces the capacity of moral understanding
- It reduces the quality of living environment in which it occurs

Types of Bullying
We can talk about various types of bullying that often appear simultaneously:

-- Physical: pushing, kicking, assault with objects, etc…

--Verbal: insults and motes, It is the most common.
-- Social aims to isolate the couple from the rest of the group and colleagues.

Aggressors and victims

There are 3 types

Victim passive
-- Social isolation. Often not have a single friend among his colleagues. Presents
difficulty of communication and low popularity.
-- Conduct very passive, fear of violence and demonstration of vulnerability, high
anxiety, insecurity and low self-esteem.
-- overprotection by the family.

Victim active
-- Social isolation and unpopularity.
-- Impulsive tendency to act without choosing the most appropriate behavior for each
-- A performance worse than the passive victims.
-- They seem to have had, in his early childhood, family treated more hostile.
-- Location more prevalent among boys.
-- Negative social situation, even being rejected by a significant portion of his
-- Trend to violence and abuse of power. Negative relationships with adults and poor

Tips for Victims of Bullying

Often, parents and teachers of the victims were the last to learn that is suffering the
bullying. The shame or fears of reprisals are the main reasons. Here we give advice to
detect bullying and know what we can do if we find ourselves in this situation.

-Tips for Parents

- Tips for educators

Tips for parents of children who suffer Bullying

-- Changes in mood.
-- Sadness, crying or irritability.
-- Nightmares, sleep changes and / or appetite.
-- Headaches, stomach, vomiting...
-- Refused to protest or when to go to college.

Tips for educators of children suffering Bullying

Teachers should be attentive to:

-- The "painted" on the doors or on walls

-- The usual non-participation in group outings.
-- Few or no relationships with colleagues.
-- Variations of school performance.

Preventing Bullying
It is very important to try to prevent bullying and violence in the classroom up through
education and relations between school and family..

* Decalogue anti-violence education

* Disciplinary Guidelines
* Relations between school and family

Decalogue anti-violence education

1. Adapting education to social changes.
2. Improving the quality of the link between teachers and students.
3. Develop alternatives to violence.
5. To develop empathy and Human Rights.
6. Preventing intolerance, sexism, xenophobia.
7. Breaking the conspiracy of silence: not look the other way.
8. Educating for democratic citizenship and leadership by example.

Disciplinary Guidelines
1. One aim of discipline is to teach respect certain limits. It is necessary that the rules
are clear and consistent support and which have been developed by all members of
the school community.
2. Respect the limits improvement.
3. There is a need for discipline to help combat exclusion rather than increase their
4. It is appropriate to include the discipline in a context of participatory democracy.

Relations between school and family

One of the major risk factors for violence is the isolation of the family.
The social support for families is very important and can significantly reduce the risk of
An important condition for improving education is to foster communication between
schools and families, especially when children have a higher risk of violence.


Do you know anybody who has suffered Bullying?

What do you think about bullying?

> I’m this presentation the mark that I put it me was a 4, because I read the papers all
the time.

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