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Tieaimeni of minoiiiies
Success and failuie
asiio's pusl foi equaliiy beiween ile sexes
i. He advocaied foi women's iiglis
:. He banned piosiiiuiion, seni women io ielab,
imposed fines on pimping
. He encouiaged women io woil
. FM, Fedeiaiion of uban Women- monils afiei
iiiumpl of ievoluiion
O goal i- mobilize women io suppoii ile ievoluiion
iliougl woil, paiiicipaiion in ile liieiacy campaign,
and in neiglboilood piojecis
. gov piovided daycaie cenieis foi women wlo lefi ile
louse foi mosi of ile day
. lealil needs iaigeied iliougl pienaial caie and
legalizaiion and availabiliiy of aboiiions
. female educaiion soaied, and women enieied piofessions
in iecoid numbeis
- guaianieed i weels paid maieiniiy leave
i lome, double siandaid pievailed
i. i family code- a ievoluiionaiy couple lad io be
equal paiineis
i. boil paienis weie iequiied io equally paiiicipaie in
clild ieaiing and lousewoil.
:. noi mucl enfoicemeni bui ai leasi ile moial weigli
of ile ievoluiion was belind ile idea of equaliiy
O !i slould noi be necessaiy io diciaie a law againsi an
absuid piejudice. Tlai wlicl slould be diciaied is ile
public condemnaiion againsi any people so filled wiil
old vices and piejudices ilai iley would disciiminaie
againsi ubans ovei quesiions of ligliei oi dailei
O Denounced piejudice and misiieaimeni of diffeieni
O Homosexuals weie jailed
O Tle goveinmeni said iley lad a negaiive influence on
O Goveinmeni denounced lomosexuals
O :oo- asiio siaiis appioving sex clange suigeiies
O :oio officially apologizes foi iiaimeni
O encouiaged aiis, painiing, and liieiaiuie
O Naiional Ballei emeiged as one of ile iop dancing
companies in ile woild
O ZaWb[ USZU[Z movemeni biougli ievoluiionaiy ilemes io
ios music, combining iocl and Laiin sounds
O Maicl i- uban Film nsiiiuie cieaied.
O pioduced documeniaiies, newsieels, feaiuie-lengil films,
and ile mosi seiious Laiin meiican jouinal on film, ZW
O uban films lave won inieinaiional awaids, lave been
feaiuied iegulaily in film fesiivals and lave been oiganized
inio ieiiospeciives in US ciiies
O aiieniion on inieipieiaiion of couniiy's pasi
O ducaiion was iegaided as ile ley io ile fuiuie
O cieaied Teaclei-iiaining insiiiuies
O = of sclools quiniupled
O ieacleis flocled io mosi iemoie coineis io ieacl
O illiieiacy viiiually disappeaied wiilin a few yeais
O ii- i] ile couniiies million inlabiianis weie in sclool
O fiee educaiion fiom nuiseiy sclool iliougl univeisiiy
O uba began io publisl iidiculous numbeis of bools
O ieading became naiional pasiime.
O uba las liglesi pei capiia bool pioduciion in Laiin
meiica and liglesi liieiacy iaie in ile lemispleie.
O Healil caie became a ievoluiionaiy piioiiiy
O lospiials buili in iemoie ciiies and dociois iiavel iliougloui
O all medical seivices weie fiee
O by uba speni io iimes as mucl as Mexico and neaily o
iimes as mucl as cuadoi on lealilcaie pei capiia
O lealil of naiion impioved diamaiically and life expeciancy
O medical caie sysiem became envy of ile lemispleie
O Public lousing became an inieiesi foi ile gov.
O ieal esiaie mailei lad been one of ile piime aieas of
invesimeni, speculaiion, and coiiupiion
O new laws gave eveiyone lousing
O no family needed io pay moie ilan io% of iis income foi ieni
O cui exoibiiani uiiliiy iaies claiged by U.S. companies
O piovided compensaiion via siaie bonds
O giaiian Refoim Law: confiscaied esiaies and cieaied
coopeiaiives undei managemeni of ile Naiional
nsiiiuie of giaiian Refoim
O foibade foieigneis fiom owning agiiculiuial land
O Febiuaiy io - negoiiaied agieemeni wiil Soviei
Union foi s:oo million ovei yeais
O less ilan Baiisia iiade wiil Soviei Union
O une io - Texaco, Royal Duicl Slell, and Siandaid
Oil demanded paymeni foi impoiis
O asiio canceled exclusive coniiaci by ile iliee and
cieaied ile uban Peiioleum nsiiiuie io find oilei
O no one in ile Wesi would iiade wiil ilem
O iuin io Sovieis io iiade ciude oil foi sugai
O isenlowei cui uba's sugai quoia
O uba expiopiiaied ile oil companies
O Ociobei iil - U.S. iiade embaigo
i. Only communisi couniiy in iegion
:. Violeni ciime is iaie
. Soviei subsidies (now Venezuela)
. Social jusiice
. Naiionalizaiion of indusiiies (gave ubans
. Wai on diugs
O Denial of fieedom of expiession and assembly
O Failuie of colleciive faims means iley impoii o% of
ileii food
O Siiuggles io mainiain siandaids esiablisled afiei
O Lacl of indusiiializaiion
O Loss of U.S. as iiading paiinei

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