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So Cccupy movemenL has spread and Lhe world has Laken noLe SLarLlng as a very undersLandable Mad

as Pell" movemenL lL has slnce been challanged by lLs crlLlcs mosL noLeably from Lhe rlghL wlng medla
machlne lox news Lo come up wlLh a clear message lrom LhaL challenge Lhe answer LhaL seems Lo
resonaLe Lhe mosL ls Lhe one LhaL hlghllghLs Lhe vasL lncome lnequallLy ln our counLry
We are Lhe 99"
And whlle plckeLlng Wall SLreeL puLs a focus on Lhe machlnaLlons LhaL led Lo Lhe collapse Lhe mess
creaLed ln Lhe flnanclal dlsLrlcL ln 2008 only exacerbaLed Lhe problem lncome lnequallLy had been
growlng ln Lhe uS for decades up unLll Lhe Cccupy MovemenL lL had been largely lgnored and lf
broughL up aL all lL was dlscussed ln a largely superflclal and pollLlcal manner WhaL no one wanLed Lo
Lalk abouL Lhen or brlng up even now ls whaL ls acLually behlnd our growlng lncome gap
We were Lhe 1
very few people Lake Lhe long vlew Cnce upon a Llme afLer a huge war (World War ll) Lhe uS emerged
as Lhe only undamaged lndusLrlal economy blessed wlLh abundanL naLural resources As a resulL for Lhe
nexL couple of decades we conLroled Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of global wealLh lrom Lhe mlddle class on up we
were f much wealLhler Lhan everybody else on Lhe planeL
naLurally LhaL couldn'L lasL Cver Llme war damaged Lurope and !apan rebullL Lhemselves 1hen
underdeveloped naLlons sLarLed Lo lndusLrlallze 1hls began Lo cause numerous recesslons ln Lhe uS
buL Lhere was llLLle LhaL could be done Lo sLop lL Cur economy would seem Lo have brlef bursLs of
prosperlLy buL ln Lhe end Lhey Lurned ouL Lo be bubbles 1he lasL one dld noL [usL pop lL exploded
now we are faced wlLh Lhe grlm reallLy of caplLallsm LhaL so appaled people llke karl Marx a cenLury
ago 1he reallLy ls LhaL Lhe markeL far from belng unconsclously moLlvaLed by Lhe good of all manklnd as
some mlghL suggesL ls desLroylng people's llves even here ln Lhe uS As more people enLer Lhe [ob
markeL from all parLs of Lhe world labor becomes cheaper 8eyond LhaL we reallzlng an even more
blLLer LruLh
Many people are noL needed aL all
Along wlLh Lhe Lremendous growLh of Lhe mlghLy lnLernaLlonal corporaLlon we have also grown far
more efflclenL and producLlve 1he resulL ls LhaL Lhe people needed Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe ecomony ls
golng down as more people wanL Lo enLer Lhe [ob markeL Whlle Puman 8esource professlonals so
qulckly dlsmlss appllcanLs who don'L have a sLeady work hlsLory" Lhey fall Lo acknowlege LhaL Lhey
Lhemselves have sLopped offerlng sLeady employmenL a years ago 1hls ls a sLeadlly emerglng Lrend LhaL
ls only golng Lo make Lhlngs worse lL wlll push wages down and drlve unemploymenL up
Supply and uemand
So now LhaL Lhe Cccupy movemenL has clearly sLaLed LhaL Lhey are mad as hell" and we are Lhe 99"
Lhe challenge ls Lo sLaLe whaL lL wanLs 1he problem ls LhaL lL ls much harder Lo come up wlLh a conclse
message for a LhoughLful movemenL because only bad ldeas are slmple ?ou can shouL ulsmanLal Lhe
governmenL!" llke a 1ea arLler buL Lhe resulL would only be Lo hasLen Lhe desLrucLlon of Lhe enLlre
planeL by bunbrldled caplLallsm Slmllarly you could Lake up Lhe dlscredlLed manLle of communlsm
bllssfully lgnoranL of how qulckly an all powerful beauracracy wlll Lurn Lo despoLlsm
1he allmenLs LhaL plague us are hardly slmple elLher We allow our elecLlons Lo be boughL Cur
pollLlclans no longer govern lnsLead Lhey perpeLually run for reelecLlon ofLen more lnLeresLed ln
desLroylng Lhe opposlng parLy's agenda Lhan accompllshlng f 8anks have become glanLs LhaL
are no longer capable of servlng Lhe communlLles Lhey lnhablL
1he Lrouble ls LhaL Lhe world ls complex and slmple soluLlons wlll only hurL us more Lvery lnsLlLuLlon has
a role Lo play even Lhe banks and Lhe governmenL lf we are golng Lo make Lhlngs beLLer l mean
acLually beLLer raLher Lhan okay for a year or Lwo we are golng Lo do LhaL one Lhlng LhaL ln our presenL
pollLlcal cllmaLe seems almosL absurd
We are golng Lo have Lo Lalk Lo each oLher

Pomeless ln Arlzona

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