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Lhe accepLance of Lhls prlnclpal LhaL Lhere ls no sameness beLween Lwo languages caused Lhe quesLlon
of |oss and ga|n

@he rlch source of lnformaLlon
AbouL 'loss" ls Lugene N|da
(ln Lhe cases LhaL a Lerm or concepL ln Lhe SL doesn'L exlsL ln @L)

@wo klnds of problems happen accordlng Lo Nido
2 Nontense system

or example _ votlotloo of soow lo lloolsb
_ votlotloo of comel bebovlot lo Atoblc
_ types of bteoJ lo lteocb
_ votlotloos of Jote lo lotsl
or example _ oJo otopeoo system
_ whorfs compotlsoo betweeo oqllsb (tempotol looqooqe)
nopl (tlmeless looqooqe)

All Lhese face Lhe LranslaLor wlLh #untrans|atab|||ty prob|em"

Cat Iord s unLranslaLablllLy |ngu|st|c
2 Cu|tura|

LlngulsLlc unLranslaLablllLy occurs when there |s no |ex|ca| or syntact|ca| subst|tute |n
the 1 for an S |tem

2 ulLural unLranslaLablllLy occurs |n the absence |n the 1 cu|ture of a re|evant
s|tuat|ona| feature for the S text

O Cat Iord clalmed LhaL absLracL lexlcal lLems" are LranslaLable words Lngllsh words home

ut he dldn'L Lake Lo accounL LhreefacLors
1 word home has a range of assoclaLlve meanlng LhaL are noL
LranslaLedby resLrlcLed phrase ln anoLher language
@he problem ls LhaL reader wlll have a concepL of Lhe Lerm based on hls or her own
culLure conLexL
3 e dldn'L conslder Lhe dynamlc naLure of language and culLure

9opov|c unLranslaLablllLy (wlLhouL separaLlon beLween llngulsLlc and culLure)
1 @he slLuaLlon ln whlch Lhe llngulsLlc elemenLs ln SL cannot be replaced adequate|y(lack of
Jeoototloo and coooototloo)
&&&&&&th|s one |s equa| to Cat Iord

or example
*hrase on oppetite"
*Serles of phrases ln uanlsh for "thonks"

Lhe slLuaLlon where Lhe relaLlon beLween Lhe creaLlve sub[ecL and lLs llngulsLlc
express|on ln SL dose noL flnd an adequaLe llngulsLlc expresslon

or example
*lLallan expresslon " cstoto un tomponomento" ls LranslaLed Lo
"1here hos een o s/iqht occident"

|fference between popov|c and Cat Iord
_ aL ord sLarLed from llngulsLlcs
***************8oguslav Lawendowskl" aL ord dlvorced from reallLy"
_ opovlc sLarLed from Lhe poslLlon LhaL lnvolves o tbeory of llLetoty commoolcotloo

Gorges Moun|n sald we musL accepL LhaL

1 personal experlence ln lLs unlqueness ls unLranslaLable
Lhe base unlLs of any Lwo languages are unLranslaLable
3 communlcaLlon ls posslble whenproblem ls used ln speclal slLuaLlon of speaker and hearer
auLhor and LranslaLor
e belleves LhaL
1 LranslaLlon has lLs pragmaLlc dlmenslon
LranslaLlon Lheory should lnsLrucL LranslaLors on Lhe opLlmal soluLlon
LranslaLors Lry for posslble soluLlons ,oxlmom of effect wltb o mlolmom of effott
%M|n|max strategy)

_ 9urpose of trans|at|on theory
@o reach Lhe undersLandlng of Lhe processes underLaken ln Lhe acL of LranslaLlon
Not provlde a seL of norms for effecLlng Lhe perfecL LranslaLlon

_ 9urpose of ||terary cr|t|c|sm
@o undersLand Lhe lnLernal and exLernal sLrucLures operaLlng wlLhln and around a work
Cf arL
Not seek for seL of lnsLrucLlons for produclng Lhe unllmlLed poem or novel

_ 1wo prob|ems |n trans|at|on stud|es
1 @ranslaLlon as a sclence?
@ranslaLlon as secondary acLlvlLy?
****Lhere ls no dlsLlncLlon ln LranslaLlon sLudles" noL sc|ent|f|c v creat|ve not theory v
Cctav|o paz clalmed LhaL all LexLs are parL of a llLerary sysLem descended from and relaLed Lo oLher sysLems

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