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SuL8 8lkLS

resenLed by
8CPl1 nAlk
W Who doesn'L wanL Lo rlde hayabusa or harley
uavldson ??
W eople wlLh passlon for blkeshere ls your
desLlnaLlon!!!! SuL8 8lkLS!!
W We offer you Lhe rlde of super blkes ln a
conLrolled enclosed clrculLs aL an affordable
,arkeL analysls
W AlmosL 1/4
of lndlas populaLlon ls conLrlbuLed
by Lhe youLh
W 1here are large number of people who are
passlonaLe abouL blkes
W LocaLlon ls an advanLage slnce lL LargeLs Lhe
youLh hlgher and mlddle lncome people
8angalore ls an educaLlonal hub
W 8angalore ls desLlnaLlon for many advenLure
parks slnce populaLlon ls ln favour
W lLs flrsL of lLs klnd prlclng wlll be ln flrms favour
W lL can be launched ln oLher meLroclLles laLer
,arkeLlng mlx
W lL's an lnLanglble producL le servlce
W We offer Lhe rlde of 1000cc blkes ln enclosed
W 1here are Lwo opLlons 2kms and 3kms
W ,edlcal faclllLy provlded lncase of mlshaps
W ClrculLs wlLh cameras wlll glve you Lwo snap
Wlll be locaLed ln Lhe ouLsklrLs of 8angalore
2 kms rlde 330/
3kms rlde 700/
30/ exLra for Lhe snapshoL
Plgh lncome group Plgher mlddle class ,lddle
lncome group
?ouLhs mlddle aged blke freak people
Lxperlence of glldlng on Lhe mosL luxurlous sporLs
blke ln Lhe mosL economlcal way!
unlque of lLs klnd
,A8kL1 lLASl8lLl1?
W unLapped markeL
W ?oungsLers deslre Lo rlde superblkes
W Company sponsor as Lhey geL promoLlon for
Lhelr accessorles and spares
W noL seasonal
W ?oung populaLlon
W 1le ups wlLh show rooms
W ulsplaylng blkes ln shopplng malls
W neLworklng Lhrough facebook
W Ads ln sporLs evenLs
W Servlclng cenLre
W 1aLLoo for cusLomers
W Cnllne gamlng
W ,odlfylng blkes
W Advergamlng
W lnvlLlng CelebrlLles frequenLly
W Crganlzlng raclng evenLs
W Ads durlng roadles and sLunL manla
W Ads ln colleges
W 8adlo ads
W Ads on backslde of Lhe bus LlckeLs
W Coupons along wlLh hlgh end lapLops
W Sponsorlng college fesLs
W Cross counLry rallles
W Ads ln advenLure clubs
W Selllng fancy accessorles wlLh our labelllng

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