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CCnS18uC1lCnAL lLA1u8LS

WSome of Lhe lmporLanL componenLs of dam are

Wnead kace 1unne| % 81 ) 1261 m long 83 m x 83 m uShape
wlLh dlscharge of 240 Cumecs
Wnead kace Surge Shaft 6494 m hlgh 16 m dla %lower) 24m dla
W9ressure Shafts 2 nos each 412 m long 63 m dla wlLh dlscharge
of 120 Cumecs
W9enstocks 4 nos each 80 m long 47 m dla wlLh dlscharge of 60
W9ower nouse An underground power house %120m x 22m x 44
m) Lo accommodaLe 4 nos lrancls reverslble pump Lurblne Lype
generaLlng unlLs of 123 MW each operaLlng under raLed generaLlng
neL head of 236 m and a generaLlng deslgn dlscharge of 60 Cumecs
and raLed pumplng head of 246 m a pumplng deslgn dlscharge of
43 Cumecs
CCnS18uC1lCnAL lLA1u8LS
WSome of Lhe lmporLanL componenLs of dam are
W1ransformer cavern Slze 113m x 13m x l7m
W1a|| kace 1unne| ( 1k1) 860 m long 83 m x 83 m %ushape)
wlLh dlscharge of 240 Cumecs
W1a|| kace Surge Shaft 7630 m hlgh 16 m dla
Wccess 1unne| 1027 m long 8 m x 8 m %ushape)
Wab|e um Vent||at|on 1unne| 739 ln long 63 m x 63 m
W 1oLal land for Lhe pro[ecL ls 1303 a ouL of whlch 30 a of
foresL land and 1003 a of rlvaLe land
WLconomlcally speaklng Lhls pro[ecL beneflLs Lhe communlLy by
provldlng energy as well as employmenL opporLunlLles
W1he power obLalned from Lhe power planL ls dlsLrlbuLed by Lhe
WAs per 1nL8 Lhe ro[ecL does noL fall wlLhln Wlld llfe
SancLuary/naLlonal ark
W1he cosL spenL on Lhls pro[ecL ls 8s 86900 crores
W1he sLaLe has launched%uam 8ehabllaLlon and lmprovemenL
ro[ecL) a masslve exerclse of lmprovlng Lhe safeLy and
operaLlonal efflclency wlLh 80 of Lhe flnanclal asslsLance from
Lhe world bank

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