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Shot L|st (Schedu|e)

1uesday 22
November 900am1040 Iess Sam A|ex
anda walklng Lowards shop afLer rldlng Lhe Lraln
anda |ooks |n shop w|ndow close up of anda's face looklng lnLo Lhe shop 8everse shoL of
lnslde Lhe wlndow of panda looklng aL food anda looks aL lack of money ln hand doesn'L have
enough money so decldes Lo busk for some
anda busks 1he panda play ukulele whlch gaLhers aLLenLlon ln order Lo geL money Lo go
lnLo Lhe shop LhaL he saw Lhe Clrl anda ln Long shoL from across road as he sLarLs Lo dance
Lhen rang of low angles and mld shoLs of Lhe acLual dance LocaLlon 8ush hlll parade
I||med lasL

anda buylng hls food
Mld shoL of anda walklng lnLo shop and goes up Lo Lhe Llll buys hls food (mld shoL) close up of
money exchange) and Lhen we cuL Lo hlm comlng ouL of Lhe shop (long shoL) whlch Lhen cuLs Lo a
close up of hlm wlplng crumbs off of hls mouLh (fronL on)
anda r|des a skateboard (on the back of a car) ShoL from lnslde car hlgh angle (close up) of
panda's feeL on skaLeboard movlng along Long shoL boLh sldes of Lhe pavemenL showlng Lhe
panda comlng lnLo shoL and Lhen leavlng Lhe shoL Cv anda holds camera as lL ls pulled
along LocaLlon any sLreeL near school eg norLhern Avenue (10 seconds)
anda goes |nto a shop to buy a rose Long shoL of llower Shop from across Lhe road and see
Lhe panda walk ln Pave a mldshoL lnslde Lhe shop of Lhe anda plcklng Lhe 8ose and Lhen a cuL
Lo mld shoL of anda walklng ouL holdlng Lhe rose (10 seconds)

anda gets on a bus (wa|ts for bus) Long shoL of anda across Lhe road anda looks aL hls
lmaglnary waLch Long ShoL from bus sLop as Lhe camera pans wlLh Lhe 8us as Lhe anda geLs on
and lL moves away AnoLher shoL from on Lhe bus aL Lhe back as a long shoL waLchlng Lhe panda
geL on and seelng where he moves LocaLlon W8 sLop (13 seconds)
anda wa|ks on a zebra cross|ng dances across wlLh Lhe lolllpop man long shoL from ln Lhe
road (perhaps shoL from lnslde a car) 1hen a mldshoL followlng Lhe anda from behlnd and
Lhen movlng around wlLh hlm LocaLlon Church SLreeL 8oad leadlng up Lo A10
Ja|k|ng f|na| b|t to schoo| danc|ng a|ong
kunn|ng through gates |nto schoo| w|th crowd fo||ow|ng behlnd long shoL mld shoL from
across road by shops Lhls Lhen cuLs Lo vlew from lnslde Lhe school as we see Lhe panda run ln
Low angle of feeL slde on by gaLes so we [usL see feeL runnlng Lhrough
eop|e watch|ng from |ns|de schoo| Close up's of people face's pressed up agalnsL Lhe glass
waLchlng Lhe panda run Lhrough Lhe school LoLs of dlfferenL people see reflecLlon of panda ln
glass (close up) LocaLlon ln school
Last 46 Seconds uance rouLlne mlx of long shoLs and close up's buL we wanL one sLlll shoL of
Lhe whole rouLlne wlLh Lhe panda aL Lhe fronL wlLh Lhe Clrl anda waLchlng hlm as he dances Lo
lmpress her CuL beLween long shoLs of rouLlne and close up's of Lhe Clrl anda's face as she
waLches Lhe rouLlne MldshoLs of anda polnLlng aL Clrl anda and maklng hearL slgn wlLh
k|ss between anda G|r| anda mld shoL Lwo dlfferenL shoLs puL LogeLher move Lowards
each oLher slowly (add carLoon effecL on afLer?) Slow moLlon afLer effecL LocaLlon Cn Lhe
school fleld aL Lhe end of Lhe shooL
anda wakes up w|th framed photo of h|m and G|r| anda together |ook|ng happy Close up's
of anda's face pan down as he looks down aL phoLo and Lhen close up of Lhe phoLo lLself
LocaLlon ln Alex's house

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