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Date: January 12, 2011 Case: In Re: Lily Mazahery Printed On: 1/21/2011 Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc. Phone: 202-347-3700 Fax: 202-737-3638 Emall: | Internet: In Re: Lily Mazahery January 12,2011 Page 790 1 BOARD ON PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY 2 Ad Hoc Hearing Committee 5 INTHEMATTEROF: _ : Bar Docket Nos. 6 LILYMAZAHERY, ESQ. : 2009 D092, D217, D280. 7. x 9 Board on Professional Responsibility Historic Courthouse 10 430 E Street, NW n Courtroom I 2 Washington, D.C. 20001 13 14 15 Wednesday, January 12, 16 2011 18 Thehearing commenced at 9:48 am 19 20. Before ROBERT SALERNO. Esq,, Chair 2 ERIC FOX, Esq, Attorney Member 2 BILLIE LaVERNE SMITH, Public Member a 202-347-3700 Ace-Federal Reporters, Inc. 800-336-6646 In Re: Lily Mazahery January 12, 2011 Page 791, Page 793 1 APPEARANCES 1 him 2 2 THECHAIRMAN: All right 01 guess that 3. BECKY NEAL, Esq, 3. leaves it~ if es a potential witness for you, 4 Deputy Bar Counsel 4 that eaves itup to you, Mr. Maloney, to decide 5. District of Columbia 5 whether or not you woul lke im to remain inthe 6 CARROLL DONAYRE, Law Clerk 6 couxoom. 7 7 MR. MALONEY: We cenainly would not apply 8 JAMEST. MALONEY, Esq. 8 the Rule on Witnesses to Mr. Mazahery and would not 9 for the Respondent 9 objectto him being called asa witess by Bar 10 LILY MAZAHERY, Esq., Respondent 10 Counsel; bu ve represented that we Would net be ul 11. calling him as a witness. 12 CONTENTS 12 THECHAIRMAN: Otay. B 13 ——-MS.NBAL: T dant have any objacson to 14 Bar Counsel Exhibits 14 him remaining in the courtroom. 15. Received 15. THECHAIRMAN: Okay. 16 16 MR. MALONEY: The second issue inthe 17 Exhibit Nos. E-22 and D-11 912 | 17 courroom today also is our interpreter, Me. Cameron 18 Exhibit No. E4 964 18 Niakan. And he's here just during the course f Me. 19 ExhibitNo. E-8 965 19 Batebi's testimony, if there are any problems with 2 20 transition o something, he could relay tht issue 21 21 tome, any problems inthe aration. 2 22__THECHAIRMAN: Okay, Ms, Neal, but youl Page 792 Page 794 1 PROCEEDINGS 1 have your interpreter here? 2 Court Reporter swe) 2 MS.NEAL: Yes, 3 THECHAIRMAN: Ms. Neal? 3 ‘THE CHAIRMAN: So be's here to asistthe 4 -MS.NEAL: Weare calling Bahe Hicks to | 4 Respondent’ counsel? 5 te std, 5 MR. MALONEY: That’ comect e's not 6 —-MR-MALONEY: Mr.Chaimnan, could just | 6 here todo any interpretation himself, 7. bring up a couple of preliminary issues, which have | 7 ‘THE CHAIRMAN: Okay, thank you 8 nothing to do with Miss Hicks? 8 (MS, NEAL: Ms. Hicks, you can take the 9 THECHAIRMAN: Sure. Beforethe witnesses | 9 stand, 10. come in, let's tke cere ofthat. 10 Thereupon, 11 MR. MALONEY: We had asked forthe Rule on | 11 ELAHE S. HICKS 12 Witnesses tthe beginning of this case and wehad | 12a witness, called for examination by Bar Counsel, and 13 initially intended to cal the Respondent’ father, 13 having first been duly sworn, was examined and 14 Mr. Ahmad Mazahery, and we've decided nottodo so. | 14 testified as follows: 15 Buche's present inthe courroom today. So we know | 15 DIRECT EXAMINATION 16 his presence disqualifies us from calling him as a 6 BY MS. NEAL: 17 witness, and was maware whether ornot Bar Counsel |17 Q_ Ms. Hicks, can you state your fullname 18 ad any intent to call Mr. Mazahey es a witness, 18 and please spell that? 19 THECHAIRMAN: Ms. Nea? 19 A. Blahe Sharifpour-Hicks. My fst name is 20 —MS.NEAL: Wel there's a potential thar 20 Blahe, E-La-h-e, My fll last name is Stra. ‘we woul call him as arebutal witness, depending on {21 p-oss-Hick, Hicks. ‘Ms. Mazaherys testimony, but Thave nat subpoenad Q_Thank you, Where do you curently, i you 2 (Pages 791 to 794) 202-347-3700 800-336-6646

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