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Ss, The Blueprint for Enhancing Institutional Ratings and For Creating 21* Century “RAMA” INSTITUTIONS NATHANIEL, RICKY ROBERT Pay eae (cee. oan ea Pre N grrr emer aged Cet POE Dn seetcie Abn i nga ‘ona Global basis.) The Bluepnint fon Enhancing Institutional Ratings and fon Catating 21" Century “AAAA” INSTITUTIONS —— The Stories ... of our Tim THE GLOBAL PROBLEMS = Credir card database hacked — Banks Soffer Highest Rare of Security Incunsions Hacking Syadicares Threaten Banking = Web arracks on the nise = Oyen security qhven mew emphasis — Financial Inaeqularities / Scandals —Instabiliry in the Financial Markers — Lossof Iavesion Confidence = Lossol Billions (even Trilions) in Dollans/Euro/Yew/RMB ere — Loss0! Millions of Jobs worldwide = Political Instabiiry — Social Chaos = World in Turmoil (Wans/Revolvtions/Social Upheavals) = Urgent Denard for Governance / Change Manag ovent / = Restoning the Faith im the Syste / In Instivutions MIS.$. MANAGEMENT??? The Bluepnint for Enhancing Institutional Ratings and Fon Creating 21° Century “AAAA” INSTITUTIONS The Interver and financial institutions » « business overview ONLINE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND POTENTIAL RISKS - a classification + Ovenall nisks + Industay-nelared raansactional nisks Strategic risk + Reputation risk Pivoral neguicewenrs for online Financial instivutions Technical information security Technical information security may be defined as rhe combination of technical solutions thar allow + User identification and authentication + Encryption solutions. Issues related 10 problems of choosing benveen a highly secure system and an insecure ove, bur backed by disaster management and contingency planning procedures. W 8 0 W = - innegniry, availability and confidentiality of data, information exchanges, and Internet-based The Bluepaint for Enhaycing Institutional Ratings and Fon Cacating ‘21° Century “AAAA” INSTITUTIONS KRAIOS MISSION - TO HELP ESTABLISH “A MASTER NETWORK” The WORLD'S 1" Wireless Real Time Peen-10-pren Steune Video Collaboration FINANCIAL Nerwork Interoperable Over Any Communication Medive FOR Global Financial institutions & Mobile Professionals KRAIOS OBJECTIVE - *Unilied Infaastauctune Development? + Providing unified digiral infrastructures capable of: Anywhere! Anytime! Mobility Security and Cine Prevention Elfective E-Covenaance Financial Services Prov ection Marker Intelligence Integrated Unilied Messaging Electronic Identification Digital Rights Management Business Development Cuntraliced system, integrated processing and content manageaent Rowore surwaillance Rewore Hardwane equipment and senvices maintenance Elininating acctss 10 uadesinable hackens Stamicss Monitoning of all transactions All sees with unique I All content filtered and railoned for onqanizarional nepuinements The Bluepnint fon Enhancing Institutional Ratings and fon Casting 21" Century “AAAA” INSTITUTIONS: KRAiOS “heen KRAIOS - REAL TIME PEER-TO-PEER MOBILE VIDEO-COLLABORATION FOR ae ame —— DECISION MAKERS AND MOBILE PROFESSIONALS eceiiailiccs SYSTEM CAPABILITIES ae aoe = AUNIFIED SERVICES MULTIMEDIA PLATFORM 4 e Ra Tine Global Vid eo Callboration - Easy conntetivity foe millions pearar Scalable Peer-to-Peer Anchinecture VIDEO ENCRYPTED RIGHTS AUTHENTICATION, isis ie ‘AUTHORIZATION AND ACCESS MANAGEMENT (VERAAAM) TECHNOLOGY — SECURE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, INTRA-BLNK INTRA-CORPORATE LETTER OF | CREDIT efficient and fraud resistant digital process is r% sasitean cos swine 20O-4.00% decrease in = @ document preparation Time Ww c ub Molriswonitor Functions CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS OFFERS THE MOST SECURE YIDEO-ENCRYPTION IN THE WORLD ISEC VIDEO ENCRYPTION - OYER 200 HIGH PROFILE USERS, including The "WORLD BANK & tke PENTAGON SIMPLYBETTER COMMUNICATION Interoprnable ow 3G-CDMA-CPRS-GSM NETWORKS — GLOBAL SATELLITE

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