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When you have opened your heart to the energy of your Twin Flame, you feel a Love like no other you have ever experienced. There is a familiarity and a knowingness that is absolutely undeniable. He or she is the perfect mirror of you! You experience that "in Love" feeling all the time, and waves of ecstasy and bliss pour through you. Your heart pours Love to your Twin, and giving to your Twin becomes the most important thing in your life.

If you are reading this, God is calling you. God asks you to say Yes! to connecting with your Twin Flame in consciousness, through your heart and, if this be your desire -- to finding the perfect reflection of your Twin Flame here on Earth now. You may also draw your Twin Flame through the person you are with, and using the Love you make together be a conduit for God to free the frozen hearts of humanity. This site is a site where you can meet others who have similar heart and consciousness. It is not, however, as you will see, a dating service. This site is for those who are ready to have a real Twin Flame relationship where the relationship is completely and totally dedicated to serving God together. It is for those who in every moment choose to open their hearts to more Love, and where the relationship is both spiritual path and spiritual service. Therefore, this is not about bodies and personalities. It is, instead, about hearts. It is about choosing the heart so clearly and consistently together that Love becomes who you are. You come to know the great Twin Flame heart you are, available for God to pour Love through to the world. This may occur with someone who has joined this site or it may occur in some other way in your life. God is calling Twin Flame couples together to use their shared hearts to return the world to Love in many exciting ways. Is this you? Are you ready to dedicate your heart, your life and everything you are to Love? Please read on and discover Gods amazing plan, patterned by those who have already said Yes! to Love. These people have come together first in heart and consciousness, and then in the physical.

Twin Flames embody the energies of Creation, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. A Twin Flame couple is a cell in God's heart. The shared Twin Flame or SoulMate heart is an opening to deliver God's Love to all of Creation. God's Love comes to us every Now Moment in pulsations which sustain all of life. Reunited Twin Flame couples feel those pulsations as ecstasy together. Twin Flame couples not only deliver God's Love but generate new Love to add to God's Love. The fiery molten Love shared by Twin Flames can actually melt the frozen hearts of humanity and help God return them to Love.

When you come together with your Twin Flame in consciousness, even before any kind of meeting where the Twin is reflected to you in the physical, you begin creating a shared SoulMate heart. This Twin Flame heart is a powerful tool for bringing the world back to Love. Anything or anyone placed in the Twin Flame heart is brought right to God, and thus returned to Love. God asks you to commit to coming together in consciousness to build this Twin Flame heart together, before coming together in the physical.

This creates a firm foundation of Love for the relationship on the spiritual level.

Why is it so important to build the Twin Flame relationship in consciousness? Most relationships on Earth are ego relationships based on old relating patterns, fears and superficial judgments. The ego always creates separation and represents what we are healing here on Earth. The ego keeps us turned away from Love or being truly in our heart. The SoulMate heart is so powerful that a couple must be committed to living in the heart and not the ego if they want a true SoulMate relationship. Coming together in consciousness builds a foundation in Love and a real heart relationship, before coming together physically can bring up any possibilities of superficial judgments.

Everyone has had the experience we call intuition. It is a knowingness of the heart that bypasses the mind. Meeting in consciousness is the awareness of your Twin in spirit, in your heart, in knowingness. The Twin Flame energy is so powerful that by focusing on your Twin, calling him or her to you, and sending Love from deep in your heart, you can quickly move into a glorious relationship in consciousness. Soon you will feel the SoulMate heart you are building together. Then, by agreement, you will begin working together with your SoulMate heart to give Love, not only to each other, but to all of life. This returns you as a Twin Flame couple to the flow of Creation which is based on giving. What you give comes back to you, and your Twin Flame relationship will grow in amazing ways.

Twin Flames were created by God as a package of Creation, each being the embodiment of Love for the other. Thus, your Twin Flame is the perfect mirror of the Love you are as God created you, but carrying the opposite charge (Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine). Being two halves of the same heart, when you look at your Twin Flame you see yourself. So Twin Flames always mirror for each other the "state of your heart." According to the law of vibration, Twin Flames would not come together until they could meet each other in perfect Love. This would be difficult for most people on Earth. However, with the SoulMate Dispensation from God, Twin Flames or SoulMates are now able to come together here before each is living perfect Love. This is exciting for us and holds great promise for the world. It is important to understand that your Twin Flame is always your mirror. So if you draw to yourself someone who is a reflection of your Twin Flame and you have "heart's beliefs" that are ego or fear-based, they too will show up before you in this reflection of your SoulMate.

As Twin Flames say "Yes" to Love and draw together, there are three things that are critically important. First, each person must be deeply and completely committed to acknowledging his or her ego/old beliefs and making the shift to the heart again and again, bringing each old belief to God to transform. The meditation, Dissolving Impediments to Opening the Heart, was given to us by God to assist in dissolving these old heart's beliefs. It can be accessed here. Second, each couple must be committed to seeing themselves together as a unit, choosing Love over ego. For example, if one person falls into fear based on an old relationship issue, this is a situation for both people to address together. As a couple they must view the ego reaction as something that is not who they truly are, not real, and as something that they can transform. If the person in fear cannot see this clearly, the other person must always stay in the heart, giving purest Love to their partner. Third, Twin Flame couples must daily, even hourly, give their will to God, keeping their focus on Love and trusting God to carry them "across the veil" into perfect Love. From the Messages from God: "If a couple together keeps their focus on Me, they can shift easily to Love" "A Twin Flame couple is focused together on Me, for where your focus is, so you create; so you shall be. So 'in this world' as the Twin Flames or SoulMates come together, the initial focus is on each other. But then, the opening of the heart this creates must be used to turn both people to Me, together. A couple giving together, focused on Me is available for Real Love, and the proof will be the feelings of ecstasy and the expression all around them of the one truth of Love."

You may have had many experiences in your life that at the time seemed negative, difficult or even traumatic. Now as you come together with your Twin Flame you will understand these things in a whole new way. Part of God's plan was for us to experience every aspect of human life, and when we come together with our SoulMate, we then use our SoulMate heart to bring every experience of anti-Love back to God, and thus to Love. So now you can see that everything you've been through, no matter how difficult, has been for a reason. You will "walk it back" to God with your Twin Flame , and with you will be "walked back" all similar experiences on the planet by the law of resonance.

Twin Flames have come to Earth at this time to "walk the world back to Love." They have chosen to experience duality, ego and all its barriers to Love in order to return it all to God when they remember who they are. If you are with someone who you believe is not your Twin Flame, it is simply that together you still have some ego, some old "heart's beliefs" about Love that you are reflecting to each other, some things you've not brought to Love. Our covenant with God is that what we believe in our heart, God will manifest for us. Perhaps you have a hidden heart's belief that, for example, "Love will hurt you." So although you believe you want your partner to be available, part of you does not, because you're afraid of being hurt. Your ego will capitalize on this.. Heart's beliefs come in every form. As you choose to shift to only Love and give your will to God, your heart's beliefs will be transformed (see Dissolving Impediments - very important). As you release the heart's impediments to Love, your partner is freed from manifesting them for you. As you change, your partner will change to match your resonance. Those who have truly chosen to clear their own hearts have had incredible experiences of watching their partner shift and open, until they can see their Twin Flame right there, in them. Your Twin Flame will always reflect to you the state of your heart. Your Twin Flame is always with you, so whatever you believe about your Twin Flame, ??? If you shift to a clear and open heart, you will see your Twin Flame in front of you - in the one you are with.

If you are in a relationship where there is a difficult situation -- where you find that your coming together will bring pain to another person -- OR if you think someone is your Twin Flame but he or she is with someone else or for any other reason unavailable - this means that your own heart is not clear. You are drawing the Twin Flame energy or the desire is being born in you to be with your Twin Flame, but something in you is still holding on to the old or keeping your Twin Flame at a distance. God has said to us in the Messages that finding our Twin Flame will never bring pain to another person. So it would work best to clear your own heart. Turn to God and say "yes," and read the meditation, Dissolving Impediments to Opening the Heart. When your heart is clear, all situations will resolve themselves and your Twin Flame will come to you in a way where you can fully be together.

As the veil thins and the truth of Love becomes ever more available on Earth, many people are going to meet their Twin Flame in what God calls "The Real," the "higher dimensions," in spirit. As the shift occurs, these realms of consciousness (which is what we really are) will become as real or more real than our lives on Earth. A relationship like this with your Twin Flame in the realms of light brings many glorious advantages because in these cases, the Twin Flame has complete awareness of the truth of Love and can lift the incarnated partner into ecstasy and pure Love. So, if you find yourself having a passionate, ecstatic and sexual encounter with a glorious being of light, you are meeting your Twin Flame in the realms of light. Quickly say "yes!" Open your heart, and most of all, begin to use the SoulMate heart you share together in service. In cases such as these, the Twin Flame in spirit may bring to you a person on Earth who can embody the Twin Flame for you here. But more and more, such relationships will so far surpass anything possible between two incarnated beings that people will choose to be lifted by their Twin Flame into the realms of Love, rather than asking their Twin Flame to incarnate here. After all, those in The Real or the realms of light are living in the energy that will soon be ours. So why wait?

God has made it very clear that the coming together of Twin Flames has nothing to do with gender in the body on Earth. We have come into these bodies in different genders at different times of our incarnations for different purposes, one of which is to teach tolerance

and compassion. The important thing is that in every Twin Flame relationship one half is carrying the Divine Feminine and one half the Divine Masculine. These people may both be in female bodies, or both in male bodies. This is frequently observable in a same sex

Now you are ready to read about The SoulMate Dispensation, God's Plan for Twin Flames on Earth and to enter the Realm of the Heart to become a member of Uniting Twin Flames.

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