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We are (Lenln kavlLa !uhl) dolng " brand aud|t of Coca co|a" Can you spend flve mlnuLes Lo answer Lhe followlng
quesLlons? 1hls sLudy ls for academlc purpose only no lnformaLlon shall be dlsclosed anywhere
I Sa||ence
1 Whlch sofL drlnk do you buy Lhe mosL?
a) Coca cola
b) epsl
c) oLhers
2 Pave you ever heard of coca cola?
?es ( ) no ( )
II erformance
kate these brands on the fo||ow|ng aspects
1Least sat|sfactory Svery sat|sfactory
Sr No Statements Coca co|a eps|
1 ls convenlenL Lo drlnk 30
2 ls for Lhe whole famlly 33
3 ls a energeLlc drlnk 30(l s)
4 Pas very good LasLe 60
3 ls a hlgh quallLy drlnk 30
6 lL offers fun promoLlons 80
III Imagery
|ease t|ck the fo||ow|ng attr|butes wh|ch you th|nk that coca co|a hav|ng
Sr No Statements |ease t|ck( here
1 downLoearLh
2 honesL
3 cheerful
4 lmaglnaLlve
S upLodaLe
6 8ellable
7 successful
8 upper class
9 LxclLemenL
10 lun
IV kesonance

Sr No Statements LS NC
1 l conslder myself loyal Lo coca cola 7(33) 13(
2 l buy coca cola whenever l can 8(40)
3 l really love coca cola 3(
4 l really ldenLlfy Lhe people who drlnk coca cola 3 13
3 l feel deep connecLlon wlLh people who drlnk coca cola 3 17

V Iudgment
kate these quest|ons on the fo||ow|ng aspects(Lnter the re|evant numbers from 1 to S)
1Least sat|sfactory Svery sat|sfactory
Sr No Statements kat|ng
1 lavorable aLLlLude 3
2 SaLlsfles needs 8
3 value for money 9
4 unlque 1
3 8ecommend Lo oLhers 3
VI Iee||ngs
kate these quest|ons on the fo||ow|ng aspects(Lnter the re|evant numbers from 1 to S)
1Least sat|sfactory Svery sat|sfactory

ersona| Deta||s
name ____________ hone_______________
Gender M ( ) l ( )
Age group 1620 ( ) 2123 ( ) 2630 ( ) 3133 ( )
Lducat|on PSC ( ) CraduaLe ( ) osL CraduaLe ( )
Sr No Statements kat|ng
1 WarmLh 4
2 lun 10
3 LxclLemenL 11
4 Soclal approval 6
3 Self respecL 3
Invn[. {o ,ov .oocvion

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