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LS Cl u8AlnS

1he prlmary purpose of all caLheLers Lubes and dralns ls Lo permlL or encourage Lhe escape of body
flulds LhaL could be deLrlmenLal Lo Lhe paLlenL's welfare lf allowed Lo remaln/ accumulaLe wlLhln a glven

uralns remove fluld or exudaLes by one of Lwo mechanlsms elLher by gravlLy or by mechanlcal means

1 enrose draln
8aslc draln used for removlng fluld from a cavlLy vla gravlLy dralnage
SofL rubber draln LhaL wlll noL damage nearby organs and causes very llLLle Llssue reacLlon
lL ls usually placed ln a sLab wound" LhaL ls made ad[acenL Lo Lhe maln lnclslon or may be
placed near an lnLesLlnal anasLomosls
Consldered an open draln" Lherefore lL could become a slLe for posslble lnfecLlon lf noL
properly monlLored

2 loley caLheLer
Can be used Lo serve as a gasLrosLomy Lube ln addlLlon Lo dralnlng Lhe gallbladder when a
cholecysLecLomy ls lndlcaLed
1he caLheLer's balloon acLs Lo prevenL accldenLal exLruslon from Lhe gallbladder or sLomach
A 1Lube serves as a draln for Lhe common ducL followlng cholanglogram or

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