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Knowledge and Experience ---

WILI experLs In boLI LIe muILIIumIIy und energy IndusLry; Energy Broker Group Ius LIe "Hunds
on" knowIedge und experIence Lo muneuver your energy needs LIrougI LIe consLunL cIunges oI
LIe energy urenu.

We ucL us un exLensIon Lo LIe cIIenL- we ure your udvocuLe, wIereus, u suppIIer Ius u dIrecL suIes
rep LIuL Is seIIIng you u specIIIc producL. We don`L seII you unyLIIng, we consuIL wILI you us Lo
wIuL Is In your besL InLeresL. We wunL wIuL Is besL Ior our cIIenLs - wIeLIer IL be budgeL
cerLuInLy, opLIons Ior u Iurger rIsk uppeLILe, IybrId producLs, educuLe cIIenL on conLrucL Iunguuge
und wIeLIer IL Is In LIe besL InLeresL oI LIe cIIenL noL LIe suppIIer. We, uIso, Iuve uccess Lo "reuI-
LIme murkeL" LIuL uIIows us Lo cupLure u beLLer ruLe uL uny gIven LIme Ior our cIIenLs.To beLLer
serve ILs cIIenLs, Energy Broker Group's sLuII druws upon ILs cuLLIng-edge murkeL reseurcI
cupubIIILIes, proprIeLury ruLe prIcIng soILwure, knowIedge oI suppIIers` conLrucL Lerms und
condILIons, und ILs vusL duLubuse oI energy InIormuLIon Lo beLLer serve our currenL und IuLure

Energy Broker Group Is un IndependenL energy consuILIng IIrm. Energy Broker Group Is
PremIer PurLner wILI muny energy suppIIers, wILI over zo nuLIonwIde suppIIers und provIders
oI energy producLs.
O Energy Broker Group Iooks ouL Ior LIeIr cIIenLs Lo IInd LIe besL und mosL cosL eIIecLIve
suvIng soIuLIon Ior LIeIr energy needs. Energy Broker Group provIdes ongoIng educuLIon
und servIce Lo ILs cIIenLs us IL buIIds und IosLers ILs cIIenL reIuLIonsIIps LIrougI quurLerIy
monILorIng oI LIe energy murkeL und our cIIenLs usuge und ruLes.
O Energy Broker Group Ius dIrecL uccess Lo energy suppIIers In LIe sLuLes wIere ILs cIIenLs
operuLe. Energy Broker Group perIorms InILIuI und ongoIng due dIIIgence oI vendors Lo
deLermIne wIIcI ones cun und wIII provIde reIIubIe energy servIces Lo Energy Broker
Group's cIIenLs, us weII us excepLIonuI cusLomer servIce.
O Energy Broker Group Ius deep und broud experIence und experLIse In LIe dereguIuLed
energy murkeLs ucross LIe UnILed SLuLes. Energy Broker Group Ius worked wILI cIIenLs In
uII dereguIuLed sLuLes und Cunudu LIuL Ius dereguIuLed ILs eIecLrIcILy und nuLuruI gus
GIve us u cuII Lo see wIy we Iuve become LIe go Lo source Ior muny compunIes LIuL Iuve used
our servIces Lo
Compcre - Suitch & Sctel

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