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Quick Fire Pool 9 ball

O What makes this game a casual game?

Quick Fire Pool 9 ball plays a perIect role as a casual game. It`s very simple and the rules
are not tough at all. The simplicity oI the game makes it Ior everyone to play and actually
Iun to play. What was nice is aIter the 5 minutes was up, you receive a stat list with how
many points you earned and how exactly you did in certain areas.
O id the interface and controls lend themselves to a casual player audience?
The controls Ior Quick Fire Pool 9 ball is exactly what casual gamers are looking Ior. The
ball is highlighted Ior which ball is next to hit, so even iI you don`t know how to play 9
ball pool it deIinitely teaches the player on how. The control oI the pool stick is very
simple, you hold down the leIt click and drag it to the leIt and right, the Iarther it goes
back the harder it will hit. It also has a white line that will show you were exactly the
angle oI the ball will go when connecting the cue ball to any oI the other 9 balls.
O id the game use any sort of community or social elements in the design?
UnIortunately there isn`t a whole lot oI community or social elements at all in this
design. It`s meant Ior a single player mode, which runs Ior your own enjoyment.
O s the game a clone? Can you identify the original game that this version was cloned
The game looks like a clone as it runs just like Billiards Pool, which I`ve played years
ago. Quick Fire Pool 9 ball has exactly the same design as the game Billiards Pool, but
just updated graphics in addition to some stats that notiIies you at the end oI the game.
O ow is the game published, and what is the revenue stream?
ame is published through Bing Online ames that has multiple games Ior download,
and most oI them are all casual games. II you want to get the Iull version you must pay
with a credit card, which would be worth it iI I was a casual gamer as there are tons oI
games to play.
londike Solitaire
O What makes this game a casual game?
II you know how to play solitaire then it`s as easy as most card games. It`s very easy to
Iollow, and it`s like any other solitaire game which is nice. As a casual gamer you don`t
want anything to complex or any tricky rules that might make it conIusing. It`s a Iun
solitaire game and you can never go wrong playing it.
O id the interface and controls lend themselves to a casual player audience?
The control interIace played a perIect role Ior causal gamers as long as you know the
rules oI the game. Using the leIt click and dragging the card over to the next oII-suite,
makes it simple and at the same time Iun to play. II you are stuck and can`t Iind the next
card placement, double click and it will give you a hint.
O id the game use any sort of community or social elements in the design?
Once again there is a non existence oI community or social elements design the Klondike
Solitaire. It would be nice iI there was a type oI social group about the game.
O s the game a clone? Can you identify the original game that this version was cloned
Klondike Solitaire is 100 a clone game, it actually was cloned Irom MicrosoIt original
solitaire on the PC.
O ow is the game published, and what is the revenue stream?
It`s like the last game I talked about, you get to play a 5 minute demo and iI you like it
you can pay to play tons oI games. It`s not that bad Ior how many games you can play
and remember that you can demo them beIore paying.

nime Smash
O What makes this game a casual game?
Anime Smash even though a Beta was Iun to play and very easy learning curve on what
to do, and that was button smash. It had a great explanation oI the button controls even
though I wish some oI the keys weren`t spread out it was still Iun to do.
O id the interface and controls lend themselves to a casual player audience?
ven though there is a great explanation on the buttons Ior the Iighting game Anime
Smash it wasn`t the easiest to remember the 17 keys, in which can make it diIIicult Ior
casual player audience to play.
O id the game use any sort of community or social elements in the design?
Actually yes, the game can be played either single player, two players, or even multi
player which is very nice. The social elements are nice and the design is not horrible by
all means.
O s the game a clone? Can you identify the original game that this version was cloned
Anime Smash is not a clone by any means it actually has some great anime character like
Inuyasha and Ichaga Irom great anime series, even though there not actually the
characters names exactly. It`s very identical look alike character and has similar moves,
which is very nice and Iun.
O ow is the game published, and what is the revenue stream?
Anime Smash is though and it`s Iree to play most games, but
there is also a portion oI games were you need to pay. There are plenty oI games to play
Irom Mac ame, PC ames, and even Iree online games.

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