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Wedding unce

Amcdor Dcuio
AwIyuo reucIed Ior LIe upper IorIzonLuI Iog wIIcI served us LIe edge oI LIe IeudIIgI LIresIoId. CIIngIng Lo LIe Iog, Ie IIILed IImseII
wILI one bound LIuL currIed IIm ucross Lo LIe nurrow door. He sIId buck LIe cover, sLepped InsIde, LIen pusIed LIe cover buck In
pIuce. AILer some momenLs durIng wIIcI Ie seemed Lo wuIL, Ie LuIked Lo LIe IIsLenIng durkness.
`m sorry LIIs Iud Lo be done. um reuIIy sorry. BuL neILIer oI us cun IeIp IL.
TIe sound oI LIe gungsus beuL LIrougI LIe wuIIs oI LIe durk Iouse IIke muIIIed rours oI IuIIIng wuLers. TIe womun wIo Iud moved
wILI u sLurL wIen LIe sIIdIng door opened Iud been IeurIng LIe gungsus Ior sIe dId noL know Iow Iong. TIere wus u sudden rusI oI
IIre In Ier. SIe guve no sIgn LIuL sIe Ieurd AwIyuo, buL conLInued Lo sIL unmovIng In LIe durkness.
BuL AwIyuo knew LIuL sIe Ieurd IIm und IIs IeurL pILIed Ier.
He cruwIed on uII Iours Lo LIe mIddIe oI LIe room; Ie knew exucLIy wIere LIe sLove wus. WILI bure IIngers Ie sLIrred LIe covered
smoIderIng embers, und bIew InLo LIe sLove. WIen LIe couIs begun Lo gIow, AwIyuo puL pIeces oI pIne on LIem, LIen IuII round Iogs
us IIs urms. TIe room brIgILened.
WIy don`L you go ouL, Ie suId, und joIn LIe duncIng women? He IeIL u pung InsIde IIm, becuuse wIuL Ie suId wus reuIIy noL LIe
rIgIL LIIng Lo suy und becuuse LIe womun dId noL sLIr. You sIouId joIn LIe duncers, Ie suId, us II-us II noLIIng Iud Iuppened. He
Iooked uL LIe womun IuddIed In u corner oI LIe room, IeunIng uguInsL LIe wuII. TIe sLove IIre pIuyed wILI sLrunge movIng sIudows
und IIgILs upon Ier Iuce. SIe wus purLIy suIIen, buL Ier suIIenness wus noL becuuse oI unger or IuLe.

Go ouL-go ouL und dunce. I you reuIIy don`L IuLe me Ior LIIs sepuruLIon, go ouL und dunce. One oI LIe men wIII see you dunce weII;
Ie wIII IIke your duncIng, Ie wIII murry you. WIo knows buL LIuL, wILI IIm, you wIII be IuckIer LIun you were wILI me.
don`L wunL uny mun, sIe suId sIurpIy. don`L wunL uny oLIer mun.
He IeIL reIIeved LIuL uL IeusL sIe LuIked: You know very weII LIuL won`L wunL uny oLIer womun eILIer. You know LIuL, don`L you?
umnuy, you know IL, don`L you?
SIe dId noL unswer IIm.
You know IL umnuy, don`L you? Ie repeuLed.
Yes, know, sIe suId weukIy.
L Is noL my IuuIL, Ie suId, IeeIIng reIIeved. You cunnoL bIume me; Iuve been u good Iusbund Lo you.
NeILIer cun you bIume me, sIe suId. SIe seemed ubouL Lo cry.
No, you Iuve been very good Lo me. You Iuve been u good wIIe. Iuve noLIIng Lo suy uguInsL you. He seL some oI LIe burnIng wood
In pIuce. L`s onIy LIuL u mun musL Iuve u cIIId. Seven IurvesLs Is jusL Loo Iong Lo wuIL. Yes, we Iuve wuILed Loo Iong. We sIouId Iuve
unoLIer cIunce beIore IL Is Loo IuLe Ior boLI oI us.
TIIs LIme LIe womun sLIrred, sLreLcIed Ier rIgIL Ieg ouL und benL Ier IeIL Ieg In. SIe wound LIe bIunkeL more snugIy uround IerseII.
You know LIuL Iuve done my besL, sIe suId. Iuve pruyed Lo Kubunyun mucI. Iuve sucrIIIced muny cIIckens In my pruyers.
Yes, know.
You remember Iow ungry you were once wIen you cume Iome Irom your
work In LIe Lerruce becuuse buLcIered one oI our pIgs wILIouL your permIssIon? dId IL Lo uppeuse Kubunyun, becuuse, IIke you,
wunLed Lo Iuve u cIIId. BuL wIuL couId do?
Kubunyun does noL see IIL Ior us Lo Iuve u cIIId, Ie suId. He sLIrred LIe IIre. TIe spurk rose LIrougI LIe cruckIes oI LIe IIumes. TIe
smoke und sooL wenL up LIe ceIIIng.
umnuy Iooked down und unconscIousIy sLurLed Lo puII uL LIe ruLLun LIuL kepL LIe spIIL bumboo IIoorIng In pIuce. SIe Lugged uL LIe
ruLLun IIoorIng. EucI LIme sIe dId LIIs LIe spIIL bumboo wenL up und cume down wILI u sIIgIL ruLLIe. TIe gong oI LIe duncers
cIumorousIy cuIIed In Ier cure LIrougI LIe wuIIs.
AwIyuo wenL Lo LIe corner wIere umnuy suL, puused beIore Ier, Iooked uL Ier bronzed und sLurdy Iuce, LIen Lurned Lo wIere LIe
jurs oI wuLer sLood pIIed one over LIe oLIer. AwIyuo Look u coconuL cup und dIpped IL In LIe Lop jur und drunk. umnuy Iud IIIIed LIe
jurs Irom LIe mounLuIn creek eurIy LIuL evenIng.
cume Iome, Ie suId. Becuuse dId noL IInd you umong LIe duncers. OI course, um noL IorcIng you Lo come, II you don`L wunL Lo
joIn my weddIng ceremony. cume Lo LeII you LIuL MuduIImuy, uILIougI um murryIng Ier, cun never become us good us you ure.
SIe Is noL us sLrong In pIunLIng beuns, noL us IusL In cIeunIng wuLer jurs, noL us good keepIng u Iouse cIeun. You ure one oI LIe besL
wIves In LIe wIoIe vIIIuge.
TIuL Ius noL done me uny good, Ius IL? SIe suId. SIe Iooked uL IIm IovIngIy. SIe uImosL seemed Lo smIIe.
He puL LIe coconuL cup usIde on LIe IIoor und cume cIoser Lo Ier. He IeId Ier Iuce beLween IIs
Iunds und Iooked IongIngIy uL Ier beuuLy. BuL Ier eyes Iooked uwuy. Never uguIn wouId Ie IoId Ier Iuce. TIe nexL duy sIe wouId noL
be IIs uny more. SIe wouId go buck Lo Ier purenLs. He IeL go oI Ier Iuce, und sIe benL Lo LIe IIoor uguIn und Iooked uL Ier IIngers us
LIey Lugged soILIy uL LIe spIIL bumboo IIoor.
TIIs Iouse Is yours, Ie suId. buIIL IL Ior you. Muke IL your own, IIve In IL us Iong us you wIsI. wIII buIId unoLIer Iouse Ior
Iuve no need Ior u Iouse, sIe suId sIowIy. `II go Lo my own Iouse. My purenLs ure oId. TIey wIII need IeIp In LIe pIunLIng oI LIe
beuns, In LIe poundIng oI LIe rIce.
wIII gIve you LIe IIeId LIuL dug ouL oI LIe mounLuIns durIng LIe IIrsL yeur oI our murrIuge, Ie suId. You know dId IL Ior you.
You IeIped me Lo muke IL Ior LIe Lwo oI us.
Iuve no use Ior uny IIeId, sIe suId.
He Iooked uL Ier, LIen Lurned uwuy, und becume sIIenL. TIey were sIIenL Ior u LIme.
Go buck Lo LIe dunce, sIe suId IInuIIy. L Is noL rIgIL Ior you Lo be Iere. TIey wIII wonder wIere you ure, und MuduIImuy wIII noL
IeeI good. Go buck Lo LIe dunce.
wouId IeeI beLLer II you couId come, und dunce-Ior LIe IusL LIme. TIe gungsus ure pIuyIng.
You know LIuL cunnoL.
umnuy, Ie suId LenderIy. umnuy, II dId LIIs IL Is becuuse oI my need Ior u cIIId. You know LIuL IIIe Is noL worLI IIvIng wILIouL u
cIIId. TIe mun Iuve mocked me beIInd my buck. You know LIuL.
know IL, Ie suId. wIII pruy LIuL Kubunyun wIII bIess you und MuduIImuy.
SIe bIL Ier IIps now, LIen sIook Ier Ieud wIIdIy, und sobbed.
SIe LIougIL oI LIe seven IurvesLs LIuL Iud pussed, LIe IIgI Iopes LIey Iud In LIe begInnIng oI LIeIr new IIIe, LIe duy Ie Look Ier
uwuy Irom Ier purenLs ucross LIe rourIng rIver, on LIe oLIer sIde oI LIe mounLuIn, LIe LrIp up LIe LruII wIIcI LIey Iud Lo cIImb, LIe
sLeep cunyon wIIcI LIey Iud Lo cross. TIe wuLers boIIed In Ier mInd In Iorms oI wIILe und jude und rourIng sIIver; LIe wuLers LoIIed
und growIed, resounded In LIunderous ecIoes LIrougI LIe wuIIs oI LIe sLIII cIIIIs; LIey were Iur uwuy now Irom somewIere on LIe
Lops oI LIe oLIer runges, und LIey Iud Iooked cureIuIIy uL LIe buLLresses oI rocks LIey Iud Lo sLep on-u sIIp wouId Iuve meunL deuLI.
TIey boLI drunk oI LIe wuLer LIen resLed on LIe oLIer bunk beIore LIey mude LIe IInuI cIImb Lo LIe oLIer sIde oI LIe mounLuIn.
SIe Iooked uL IIs Iuce wILI LIe IIre pIuyIng upon IIs IeuLures-
Iurd und sLrong, und kInd. He Iud u sense oI IIgILness In IIs wuy oI suyIng LIIngs wIIcI oILen mude Ier und LIe vIIIuge peopIe IuugI.
How proud sIe Iud been oI IIs Iumor. TIe muscIes wIere LuuL und IIrm, bronze und compucL In LIeIr IoId upon IIs skuII-Iow
Irunk IIs brIgIL eyes were. SIe Iooked uL IIs body LIuL curved ouL oI LIe mounLuIns IIve IIeIds Ior Ier; IIs wIde und suppIe Lorso
Ieuved us II u sIub oI sIInIng Iumber were IeuvIng; IIs urms und Iegs IIowed down In IIuenL muscIes-Ie wus sLrong und Ior LIuL sIe
Iud IosL IIm.
SIe IIung IerseII upon IIs knees und cIung Lo LIem. AwIyuo, AwIyuo, my Iusbund, sIe crIed. dId everyLIIng Lo Iuve u cIIId, sIe
suId pussIonuLeIy In u Iourse wIIsper. ook uL me, sIe crIed. ook uL my body. TIen IL wus IuII oI promIse. L couId dunce; IL couId
work IusL In LIe IIeIds; IL couId cIImb LIe mounLuIns IusL. Even now IL Is IIrm, IuII. BuL, AwIyuo, um useIess. musL dIe.
L wIII noL be rIgIL Lo dIe, Ie suId, guLIerIng Ier In IIs urms. Her wIoIe wurm nuked nuked breusL quIvered uguInsL IIs own; sIe
cIung now Lo IIs neck, und Ier Iund Iuy upon IIs rIgIL sIouIder; Ier IuIr IIowed down In cuscudes oI gIeumIng durkness.
don`L cure ubouL LIe IIeIds, sIe suId. don`L cure ubouL LIe Iouse. don`L cure Ior unyLIIng buL you. `II Iuve no oLIer mun.
TIen you`II uIwuys be IruILIess.
`II go buck Lo my IuLIer, `II dIe.
TIen you IuLe me, Ie suId. I you dIe IL meuns you IuLe me. You do noL wunL me Lo Iuve u cIIId. You do noL wunL my nume Lo IIve
on In our LrIbe.
SIe wus sIIenL.
I do noL Lry u second LIme, Ie expIuIned, IL meuns `II dIe. Nobody wIII geL LIe IIeIds Iuve curved ouL oI LIe mounLuIns; nobody
wIII come uILer me.
I you IuII-II you IuII LIIs second LIme- sIe suId LIougILIuIIy. TIe voIce wus u sIudder. No-no, don`L wunL you Lo IuII.
I IuII, Ie suId, `II come buck Lo you. TIen boLI oI us wIII dIe LogeLIer. BoLI oI us wIII vunIsI Irom LIe IIIe oI our LrIbe.
TIe gongs LIundered LIrougI LIe wuIIs oI LIeIr Iouse, sonorous und Iuruwuy.
`II keep my beuds, sIe suId. AwIyuo, IeL me keep my beuds, sIe IuII-wIIspered.
You wIII keep LIe beuds. TIey come Irom Iur-oII LImes. My grundmoLIer suId LIey come Irom up NorLI, Irom LIe sIunL-eyed peopIe
ucross LIe seu. You keep LIem, umnuy. TIey ure worLI LwenLy IIeIds.
`II keep LIem becuuse LIey sLund Ior LIe Iove you Iuve Ior me, sIe suId. Iove you. Iove you und Iuve noLIIng Lo gIve.
SIe Look IerseII uwuy Irom IIm, Ior u voIce wus cuIIIng ouL Lo IIm Irom ouLsIde. AwIyuo! AwIyuo! O AwIyuo! TIey ure IookIng Ior
you uL LIe dunce!
um noL In Iurry.
TIe eIders wIII scoId you. You Iud beLLer go.
NoL unLII you LeII me LIuL IL Is uII rIgIL wILI you.
L Is uII rIgIL wILI me.
He cIusped Ier Iunds. do LIIs Ior LIe suke oI LIe LrIbe, Ie suId.
know, sIe suId.
He wenL Lo LIe door.
He sLopped us II suddenIy IIL by u speur. n puIn Ie Lurned Lo Ier. Her Iuce wus In ugony. L puIned IIm Lo Ieuve. SIe Iud been
wonderIuI Lo IIm. WIuL wus IL LIuL mude u mun wIsI Ior u cIIId? WIuL wus IL In IIIe, In LIe work In LIe IIeId, In LIe pIunLIng und
IurvesL, In LIe sIIence oI LIe nIgIL, In LIe communIng wILI Iusbund und wIIe, In LIe wIoIe IIIe oI LIe LrIbe ILseII LIuL mude mun wIsI
Ior LIe IuugILer und speecI oI u cIIId? Suppose Ie cIunged IIs mInd? WIy dId LIe unwrILLen Iuw demund, unywuy, LIuL u mun, Lo be
u mun, musL Iuve u cIIId Lo come uILer IIm? And II Ie wus IruILIess-buL Ie Ioved umnuy. L wus IIke LukIng uwuy oI IIs IIIe Lo Ieuve
Ier IIke LIIs.
AwIyuo, sIe suId, und Ier eyes seemed Lo smIIe In LIe IIgIL.
TIe beuds! He Lurned buck und wuIked Lo LIe IurLIesL corner oI LIeIr room, Lo LIe Lrunk wIere LIey kepL LIeIr worIdIy possessIon-
IIs buLLIe-ux und IIs speur poInLs, Ier beLeI nuL box und Ier beuds. He dug ouL Irom LIe durkness LIe beuds wIIcI Iud been gIven Lo
IIm by IIs grundmoLIer Lo gIve Lo umnuy on LIe beuds on, und LIed LIem In pIuce. TIe wIILe und jude und deep orunge obsIdIuns
sIone In LIe IIreIIgIL. SIe suddenIy cIung Lo IIm, cIung Lo IIs neck us II sIe wouId never IeL IIm go.
AwIyuo! AwIyuo, IL Is Iurd! SIe gusped, und sIe cIosed Ier eyes und IurIed Ier Iuce In IIs neck.
TIe cuII Ior IIm Irom LIe ouLsIde repeuLed; Ier grIp Ioosened, und Ie burIed ouL InLo LIe nIgIL.
umnuy suL Ior some LIme In LIe durkness. TIen sIe wenL Lo LIe door und opened IL. TIe moonIIgIL sLruck Ier Iuce; LIe moonIIgIL
spIIIed ILseII on LIe wIoIe vIIIuge.
SIe couId Ieur LIe LIrobbIng oI LIe gungsus comIng Lo Ier LIrougI LIe cuverns oI LIe oLIer Iouses. SIe knew LIuL uII LIe Iouses
were empLy LIuL LIe wIoIe LrIbe wus uL LIe dunce. OnIy sIe wus ubsenL. And yeL wus sIe noL LIe besL duncer oI LIe vIIIuge? DId sIe
noL Iuve LIe mosL IIgILness und gruce? CouId sIe noL, uIone umong uII women, dunce IIke u bIrd LrIppIng Ior gruIns on LIe ground,
beuuLIIuIIy LImed Lo LIe beuL oI LIe gungsus? DId noL LIe men pruIse Ier suppIe body, und LIe women envy LIe wuy sIe sLreLcIed Ier
Iunds IIke LIe wIngs oI LIe mounLuIn eugIe now und LIen us sIe dunced? How Iong ugo dId sIe dunce uL Ier own weddIng? TonIgIL,
uII LIe women wIo counLed, wIo once dunced In Ier Ionor, were duncIng now In Ionor oI unoLIer wIose onIy cIuIm wus LIuL
perIups sIe couId gIve Ier Iusbund u cIIId.
L Is noL rIgIL. L Is noL rIgIL! sIe crIed. How does sIe know?
How cun unybody know? L Is noL rIgIL, sIe suId.
SuddenIy sIe Iound couruge. SIe wouId go Lo LIe dunce. SIe wouId go Lo LIe cIIeI oI LIe vIIIuge, Lo LIe eIders, Lo LeII LIem IL wus noL
rIgIL. AwIyuo wus Iers; nobody couId Luke IIm uwuy Irom Ier. eL Ier be LIe IIrsL womun Lo compIuIn, Lo denounce LIe unwrILLen
ruIe LIuL u mun muy Luke unoLIer womun. SIe wouId LeII AwIyuo Lo come buck Lo Ier. He sureIy wouId reIenL. Wus noL LIeIr Iove us
sLrong us LIe rIver?
SIe mude Ior LIe oLIer sIde oI LIe vIIIuge wIere LIe duncIng wus. TIere wus u IIumIng gIow over LIe wIoIe pIuce; u greuL bonIIre wus
burnIng. TIe gungsus cIumored more IoudIy now, und IL seemed LIey were cuIIIng Lo Ier. SIe wus neur uL IusL. SIe couId see LIe
duncers cIeurIy now. TIe mun Ieuped IIgILIy wILI LIeIr gungsus us LIey cIrcIed LIe duncIng women decked In IeusL gurmenLs und
beuds, LrIppIng on LIe ground IIke gruceIuI bIrds, IoIIowIng LIeIr men. Her IeurL wurmed Lo LIe IIumIng cuII oI LIe dunce; sLrunge
IeuL In Ier bIood weIIed up, und sIe sLurLed Lo run. BuL LIe gIeumIng brIgILness oI LIe bonIIre communded Ier Lo sLop. DId unybody
see Ier upproucI?
SIe sLopped. WIuL II somebody Iud seen Ier comIng? TIe IIumes oI LIe bonIIre Ieuped In counLIess spurks wIIcI spreud und rose
IIke yeIIow poInLs und dIed ouL In LIe nIgIL. TIe bIuze reucIed ouL Lo Ier IIke u spreudIng rudIunce. SIe dId noL Iuve LIe couruge Lo
breuk InLo LIe weddIng IeusL.
umnuy wuIked uwuy Irom LIe duncIng ground, uwuy Irom LIe vIIIuge. SIe LIougIL oI LIe new cIeurIng oI beuns wIIcI AwIyuo und
sIe Iud sLurLed Lo muke onIy Iour moons beIore. SIe IoIIowed LIe LruII ubove LIe vIIIuge.
WIen sIe cume Lo LIe mounLuIn sLreum sIe crossed IL cureIuIIy. Nobody IeId Ier Iund, und LIe sLreum wuLer wus very coId. TIe LruII
wenL up uguIn, und sIe wus In LIe moonIIgIL sIudows umong LIe Lrees und sIrubs. SIowIy sIe cIImbed LIe mounLuIn.
WIen umnuy reucIed LIe cIeurIng, sIe coId see Irom wIere sIe sLood LIe bIuzIng bonIIre uL LIe edge oI LIe vIIIuge, wIere LIe
weddIng wus. SIe couId Ieur LIe Iur-oII cIumor oI LIe gongs, sLIII rIcI In LIeIr sonorousness, ecIoIng Irom mounLuIn Lo mounLuIn.
TIe sound dId noL mock Ier; LIey seemed Lo cuII Iur Lo Ier, Lo speuk Lo Ier In LIe Iunguuge oI unspeukIng Iove. SIe IeIL LIe puII oI
LIeIr gruLILude Ior Ier sucrIIIce. Her IeurLbeuL begun Lo sound Lo Ier IIke muny gungsus.
umnuy LIougIL oI AwIyuo us LIe AwIyuo sIe Iud known Iong ugo- u
sLrong, muscuIur boy curryIng IIs Ieuvy Iouds oI IueI Iogs down LIe mounLuIns Lo IIs Iome. SIe Iud meL IIm one duy us sIe wus on
Ier wuy Lo IIII Ier cIuy jurs wILI wuLer. He Iud sLopped uL LIe sprIng Lo drInk und resL; und sIe Iud mude IIm drInk LIe cooI
mounLuIn wuLer Irom Ier coconuL sIeII. AILer LIuL IL dId noL Luke IIm Iong Lo decIde Lo LIrow IIs speur on LIe sLuIrs oI Ier IuLIer`s
Iouse In Loken on IIs desIre Lo murry Ier.
TIe mounLuIn cIeurIng wus coId In LIe IreezIng moonIIgIL. TIe wInd begun Lo sLIr LIe Ieuves oI LIe beun pIunLs. umnuy Iooked Ior u
bIg rock on wIIcI Lo sIL down. TIe beun pIunLs now surrounded Ier, und sIe wus IosL umong LIem.
A Iew more weeks, u Iew more monLIs, u Iew more IurvesLs-wIuL dId IL muLLer? SIe wouId be IoIdIng LIe beun IIowers, soIL In LIe
LexLure, sIIken uImosL, buL moIsL wIere LIe dew goL InLo LIem, sIIver Lo Iook uL, sIIver on LIe IIgIL bIue, bIoomIng wIILeness, wIen
LIe mornIng comes. TIe sLreLcIIng oI LIe beun pods IuII IengLI Irom LIe IeurLs oI LIe wIILIng peLuIs wouId go on.
umnuy`s IIngers moved u Iong, Iong LIme umong LIe growIng beun pods.

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