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ln Lhe llghL of Curan

Allah says in the Quran:

'Ask the people of remembrance (knowledge) if you do not know.`
[Surah An-Nahl, 16.43 and Surah al-Anbiya, 21.7]
Allah Ta`ala commands the believers to do three things:
1.Acquire knowledge by asking,
2.Ask not just anyone, ask the People of Knowledge (Ahl al Dhikr),
3. Ask that which one does not know.
This ayah points to the Iact that Allah Ta`ala HimselI has prohibited a lay man Irom attempting to deduce
Ior himselI Irom the Qur`an and Hadith.
As per this ayah, we must acquire knowledge oI Islam Irom qualiIied scholars.
Individual Muslims are not permitted to Iollow their own reasoning and desire.
There is ma consensus) Irom all the Islamic Scholars that this means that the believers must take their
Islamic knowledge Irom, and manage their aIIairs according to the rulings oI those who are qualiIied scholars.
Allah Ta`ala gives them the honored title Ahl al Dhikr
A new sect has cropped up in the last three hundred years, which is dividing the ummah, by asking each and
every individual to understand and practice Islam in a way in which they deem permissible!
As a result oI this deviancy we Iind that people who do not have basic understanding oI Islam start arguing
about the Islamic laws. Some oI them start writing books going against all the scholars in that last Iourteen
hundred years. As per these deviants, this ummah was not Iollowing Islam correctly in the last Iourteen hundred
years and only now these deviants have understood the Islam correctly!
ommon uress of Musllms and !alns
Muslims wear hram which is similar to the dress oI Jain Munnis .Now according to
wahabbis , muslims should stop wearing hram because it is worn by Jains Munnis.
May Allah preserve our Iman and Save us Irom the Iitna oI Ibn Abdul Wahab Najdi
and Ibn Taymiyya.
@awaf of kaba vs lrcllng @emples
Muslims do tawaf oI Kaba, Hindus go around temples, according to these
wahabbis we should not perIorm tawaf as well because it is similar act and
resembles with hindus...May Allah save every muslim Irom these
MM vs C-C !
Muslims Carry Aab-e-Zam Zam while returning Irom Hajj.
Hindus carry Ganga jal Irom their pilgrimage to Kashi and Kailash Mansarovar.
Now according to wahabbis, muslims should stop doing this because similar act is
done by Hindus.
These Wahabbis can only misguide innocent Muslims and attack man Iaith)oI
acrlflclng nlmal
In some parts oI India, Hindus SacriIice animals to celebrate. Muslims sacriIice
animal during Id-al Adha. Now according to wahabbis, Muslims should stop doing
this because it is done by Hindus..!These wahabis can only conIuse young Muslims
by there Iake propaganda..
havlng Pead
-ow Wahabbls wlll say Musllms should sLop shavlng head ln Pa[[ because lL ls done by
Plndus when Lhey vlslL Lhelr holy places llke kashl @lrupaLl eLc!
pproach and MeLhodology of Wahabls (o called alafls)
Wahabbis (Salafis): This sect labels everything which they can`t understand as 'Shirk or Bid`a! They
make their own laws deciding what is permissible and what is prohibited.
":7an: Allah says in the Qur`an translation):
But say not - Ior any Ialse thing that your tongues may put Iorth, - "This is lawIul, and this is Iorbidden,"
so as to ascribe Ialse things to Allah. For those who ascribe Ialse things to Allah, will never prosper
|Surah An- Nahl, 16:116|
Wahabbis (Salafis): This sect uses those verses oI the Qur`an which were revealed Ior polytheists and
then apply them to the believers.
Hadith: Imam Bukhari |Rh| records:
'The companion oI the Prophet, Ibn Umar used to consider them The Kharijites) to be the worst oI
Allah's creation. He said, "They took verses which were revealed about the unbelievers and then applied
them to the believers.
|Bukhari, Chapter 92: Book oI Asking apostates and those who separate themselves in
obstinate rebellion to repent and Iighting them.|
Hence the Wahabbis are the modern day Kharijites.
Commonly quoted verses Irom Qur`an against Muslims and its explanation
Surah unus 10106 ( Wahabb| 1rans|at|on)
Almighty Allah says in the Quran: 'And invoke not besides Allaah any such that will neither proIit you nor harm you, but iI in
case) you did so, you shall certainly be one oI the Zaalimoon wrongdoers) .
Wahabbi Unde7standing:
The Vast majority oI 'Muslims worship other than AllaH. Hence it is permissible to label them 'mushrikeen.
slamic Unde7standing
"Nor call on other than Allah such as can neither proIit thee nor hurt thee" 10:106) and similarly in the verse: "Call your
witnesses or helpers!" 2:23). Calling on Allah in the sense oI requesting is Iound the Qur'an says: "Call on Me and I will answer
you" 0:60) and in the sense oI a declarative statement: "This will be their prayer da`wahum) therein: 'Glory Thee, O Allah!'"
As Ior "calling on someone" in the sense oI summoning them (nida), we Iind: "It will be on the day when he will call
youyad`ukum)" 17:52) and in the sense oI naming someone we Iind: "Deem not the calling du`a) oI the Messenger oI Allah
among yourselves like the calling oI one oI you to another." 2:63).
Direct Literal deIinition Irom the Quran that dua doesn't just mean worship, it also means "TO CALL":
Falam yazidhum d:aee illa Iiraran Surah Nuh, 71:6)
But my call has only caused them to Ilee Iarther and Iarther away |Irom Thee|.
This is Irom Surah Nuh, talking about Nuh, alaihis salam's CALL to his people. In Iact that`s how even Wahabbis translated the
Arabic word "duAAee" into English... "call". Not a soul on Allah's green earth can deny that the word DUAAEE is used by Nuh
alaihis salam as stated in the Quran....
Nuh alaihis salam has explicitly stated he has made DUA to the disbelievers.... obviously his DUA to them is his call to them to
embrace Islam.
I think no Wahabbi aIter this can say "dua ONLY means worship. The Quran clearly vouches Ior the Iact it doesn't, without even
us going into linguistics. II they say dua only means worship, what will they say about Nuh alaihis salam's "DUA" to his people?

Commonly quoted verses Irom Qur`an against Muslims and its explanation
S:7ah l-hqaf 46:5-6] ( Wahabbi T7anslation)
'And who is more astray than one who calls invokes) besides Allaah, such as will not answer him until the Day oI
Resurrection, and who are even) unaware oI their calls invocations) to them? And when mankind are gathered on the
Day oI Resurrection), they Ialse deities) will become enemies Ior them and will deny their worshipping.
Wahabbi Unde7standing
Vast majority oI the Muslims` do not worship Allah.
slamic Unde7standing
This verse is talking among unbelievers and Idol worshippers. It was revealed about them. To use this verse upon
Muslims is the trademark oI Kharijites as recorded by Imam Bukhari and is mentioned above.
The R:ling of the P7ophet Sal allah: alayhi wa sallam]
Prophet was sure that Muslims won`t commit shirk aIter him!!
Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Amr: The Prophet once came out and oIIered the Iuneral prayer Ior the martyrs oI uhud, and
proceeded to the pulpit and said, "I shall be your predecessor and a witness on you, and I am really looking at my sacred
Fount now, and no doubt, I have been given the keys oI the treasures oI the world. By Allah, I am not aIraid that you
will worship others along with Allah, but I am aIraid that you will envy and Iight one another Ior worldly Iortunes."
Bukhari, English Edition, Book 56, Hadith 795)
@he sln of labellng Musllms as Mushrlk
The prophet oI Allah Rasul Allah Sallala hu alai hi wasallam) said :
'Verily, I Iear about a man Irom you who will read the Quran so much that his Iace will
become enlightened and will come to personiIy Islam. This will continue until Allah wishes
when these things will be taken away Irom him when he will disregard them by putting them
all behind him and attack his neighbor with the sword accusing him oI Shirk. The Prophet
was asked 'Which oI the two was committing Shirk? The attacker or the attacked?' The
prophet replied 'The attacker the one accusing the other oI Shirk).'
[Narrated by Hu:aifa Radiallah anhu, Recorded by mam Abu Yala in his
Musnad with a Jayyid (strong)chain and mam bn Kathir in his Tafsir
under Surah Al-Araf]
Wahabbls Cb[ecLlonsPadlLh
First Objection
The Prophet peace and blessings oI Allaah be upon him) said: 'Indeed those beIore you
used to take the graves oI their Prophets' and pious people as places oI worship, so do
not take the graves as places oI worship, Ior certainly I prohibit you Irom that,
transmitted by Muslim in his Saheeh.
1. No Muslim worships any grave.
2. Prophet allowed visiting graves oI Muslims.
'Ibn Buraida reported on the authority oI his Iather that the Messenger oI Allah may
peace be upon him) said: I Iorbade you to visit graves, but you may now visit
them... Muslim, English Ed, Book 00, part oI Hadith 2131)
Prophet perIormed the Iuneral prayer near the grave oI a woman.
Narrated Abu Huraira: A black man or a black woman used to sweep the mosque and he
or she died. The Prophet asked about her or him). He was told that she or he) had died.
He said, "Why did you not inIorm me? Show me his grave or her grave)." So he went to
her his) grave and oIIered her his) Iuneral prayer." Bukhari, Book 8, Hadith 8)
Wahabbls Cb[ecLlonsPadlLh
Second Objection
Ali may Allaah be pleased with him) said to Abu`l-Hayaaj, Shall I not send you on the same mission as the
Messenger oI Allaah peace and blessings oI Allaah be upon him) sent me? Do not leave any image without
erasing it or any high grave without levelling it. Narrated by Muslim.
The above hadith talks about graves oI Non Muslims who were buried beIore the coming oI prophet.This is
the trademark oI Wahabiis that they use ahadith which were meant Ior non Muslims and then apply them upon
Let us see Irom ahadith that the graves oI Muslims are not to be leveled!
1. Narrated Abu Bakr b. Ayyash): SuIyan At-Tammar told me that he had seen the grave oI the Prophet
SAW) elevated and convex. Sahih Bukhari, volume 2, Number 73.
2. Kharija bin Zaid said, 'I remember) when we were young during the caliphate oI Uthman Radhi Allahu
Ta`ala Anhu ) we used to jump over the graves and) used to consider anyone the best jumper who would
jump over the grave oI Uthman bin Mazun Radhi Allahu Ta`ala Anhu). Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Chapter
3. Ghunaim bin Bustam al-Madani says, 'I saw the grave oI the Prophet SAW) during the governorship oI
Umar bin Abdul Aziz Radhi Allahu Taala Anhu). I saw it elevated Irom the ground by Iour Asaba`e
Iingers) Fath al-Bari, volume 3, page 257.)
Look at the grave oI Ibn Taymiyya who is the leader oI the Wahabbis!
Wahabbls Cb[ecLlonsPadlLh
Third Objection
The Messenger oI Allaah peace and blessings oI Allaah be upon him) said: ~Do
not sit on graves, or pray towards them.` Narrated by Muslim, 972).
No Muslim sits on graves as it is a grave sin. Muslims pray while Iacing 6ibla and
not towards any grave. However iI there is any grave in the direction oI 6ibla, then
there must be a proper partition and distance between the place oI prostration and
the grave. In Madina al-munawwara, there is the grave oI Abu Bakr Siddiq rd) and
Umar rd) with in the Masjid. This does not mean those who oIIer prayer in the
Masjid e nabwi are praying to these graves!
The hadith means: No one should take graves as the 6ibla oI prostration.
Wahabbls Cb[ecLlonsPadlLh
Fourth Objection
And it was narrated Irom Ibn Mas`ood may Allaah be pleased with him) that the
Prophet peace and blessings oI Allaah be upon him) said: 'Among the most evil oI
people upon whom the Hour will come when they are still alive are those who take
graves as places oI worship.` Narrated by Imam Ahmad with a jayyid isnaad.
Indeed those who took graves as the places oI worship are the most evil oI the
people as mentioned in the above hadith. Prophet told us about the ummah oI the
previous prophet who did this. Muslims do not 'worship graves.
Wahabbls Cb[ecLlonsPadlLh
FiIth Objection
Wahabbis ":ote
The Prophet peace and blessings oI Allaah be upon him) said: 'May Allaah
curse the Jews and the Christians, Ior they have taken the graves oI their
Prophets as places oI worship. Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 35; Muslim, 529
As mentioned above Muslims visit graves oI other Muslims because
prophet allowed it.
It is clearly be seen that Wahabbis use hadith about Jews and Christians
upon Muslims!
We have seen how Wahabbis have been Iooling innocent Muslims by spreading their heretic
Forward this to all your Muslims Iriends and help in Iighting these ignorant Wahabbis.
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