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Deleuze and Guattari New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy, and Culture Eleanor Kaufman and Kevin Jon Heller Editors Contents Acknowledgments 1. Inrropucrory Pieces Introduction Eleanor Kaufinan Having an Idea in Cinema (On the Cinema of Straub-Huillet) Gilles Deleuze 2. Groat Pourrics The Withering of Civil Society Michael Hardt Requiem for Our Prospective Dead (Toward a Participatory Critique of Capitalist Power) Brian Massumi From Schizophrenia to Social Control Eugene W. Holland 3. Cinema, Perception, anp Space Capital/Cinema Jonathan L. Beller To Each Its Own Sexes? Toward a Rhetorical Understanding of Molecular Revolution Bernardo Alexander Attias Subjectivity and Space: Deleuze and Guattari’s BwO in the New World Order Jebn 8. Howard 415 Men: Moving Bodies, or, The Cinematic Politics of Deportation Samira Kawash 4 23 65 12 127 CONTENTS 4. Marrinc acainst THE GRAIN From Text to Territory: Félix Guattan's Cartographies of the Unconscious Bruno Bosteels Guattari’s Schizoanalytic Semiotics: Mixing Hjelmslev and Peirce Gary Genoske Becoming a Body without Organs: The Masochistic Quest of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Bryan Reynolds 5. Puiwosorny ann Evnics Quantum Ontology: A. Virtual Mechanics of Becoming Timothy 8. Murphy Madness and Repetition: The Absence of Work in Deleuze, Foucault, and Jacques Martin Eleanor Kaufman ‘The Place of Ethics in Deleuze’s Philosophy; Three Questions of Immanence Daniel Wi Smith Another Always Thinks in Me Aden Evens, Mani Haghighi, Stacey Jobnson, Karen Ocata, and Gordon Thompson Select Bibliography Compiled by Timothy 8. Murphy and Daniel W. Smith ‘Contributors Index 145 175 191 211 251 270 281 303

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