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Interior plants apart from looking good have been proven to have significant health and well being

benefits. This is because of two major effects: Physical - the cleaning, purification and conditioning of the air we breathe; Psychological - the very presence of plants has been shown to increase positive feelings and reduce feelings of anxiety, anger and sadness. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) contacted Bill Wolverton, an environmental engineer, to conduct research into houses plants combating pollution. Knowing that plants recycle oxygen, Wolverton reasoned that they might break down pollutants as well. He then exposed plants with high concentration of different chemicals inside sealed chambers. The results were impressive. Within 24 hours, Boston ferns, chrysanthemum, dracaena and ficus benjamina were able to remove 90% of the formaldhyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. see

The major health and well being benefits of interior plants include:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Absorption of harmful substances Filtration of dust and dirt from the environment Dampening of sound levels Reduction of stress levels Increased humidity levels Cooling effect Lifting of the general mood Emission of oxygen refreshing the air

These benefits are important in achieving a good and healthy indoor climate in the artificial environment of the workplace as well as the home. These effects may be particularly helpful for respiratory and allergic conditions.
Use: By choosing plants for the office, you're helping to clear the indoorenvironment of pollutants, thereby reducing airrelated employee illnesses, decreasing staff stress levels, cutting heating and cooling costs, and improving productivity.

Top ten air cleaning plants

All plants improve the quality of indoor air, since they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But some are particularly effective at purifying indoor air because they absorb pollutants. Most of these originated in the tropics, where they grow beneath dense canopies in low light so they're very efficient at processing the gases necessary for photosynthesis; because of this, they have great ability to absorb all gases. In addition, most of these are fairly easy to grow and resist insects, as well.

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Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) Zamioculcas zamifolia Philodendron Miniature Date Palm (Phoenix roebelinii)

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Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Dracaena fragrans"Janet Craig" Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata) Ficus Ali Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

The areca palm is one of the most popular and graceful palms. It is tolerant of the indoor environment, releases copious amounts of moisture into the air, removes chemical toxins, and is also beautiful to look at. The areca is consistently rated among the best houseplants for removing all indoor air toxins tested. This plant can be kept best in semi-sun. Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa)

This large palm has fans 6 - 12 inch wide that consist of between four and ten thick, shiny leaves. Lady Palm is one of the easiest houseplants to care for and is highly resistant to attack by most plant insects. It is also one of the best plants for improving indoor air quality. It grows slowly and is easy to maintain. This plant can be kept best in shade to semi-sun

Zamioculcas zamifolia

Only recently has this plant been seen in the UK (Its name is heard even less!). Zamioculcas is beginning to find itself brought into offices by interior landscapers, probably due to its affinity with modern design. Each of the branches coming from the compost is actually a leaf and the ' leaves' are leaflets coming of them. An easy and very impressive plant for a semi shady room


These handsome plants are very tolerant of shady conditions and can make a stunning architectural statement in a darkish situation. In a NASA study they were shown to be particularly effective in removing formaldehyde molecules as well as other toxins.

Miniature Date Palm (Phoenix roebelinii)

This palm usually reaches a maximum height of 5 to 6 ft. However, it is a very slow grower. It is best seen when given adequate space and is impressive standing alone, especially when given spot lighting. When its environmental needs are met, the date palm can survive for decades. It is one of the best palms for removing indoor air pollutants and is especially effective for the removal of xylene. This plant can be kept best in semi-sun

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

An outstanding foliage plant that also produces beautiful white spathes, the peace lily should always be included when seeking a variety of indoor plants. This plant has a high transpiration rate and enjoys the large water reservoir that hydroculture offers. It possesses all the qualities to make it one of the best indoor plants. The Peace Lily excels in the removal of alcohols, acetone, trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde. Its ability to remove air pollutants and its excellent performance in all categories make it a most valuable houseplant. This plant can be kept best in mid-light to shade

Dracaena fragrans"Janet Craig"

The dark-green leaves of dracaena "Janet Craig" make it a most attractive plant. It is one of the best plants for removing trichloreoethylene. These plants can tolerate neglect and dimly lit environments. This plant can be kept best in semi-shade and will tolerate dimly lit areas, but growth will be slow.

Boston Fern (Nephrolepsis exaltata)

Ferns are probably one of the oldest groups of plants. Many have been found as fossils dating back to prehistoric times. The Boston Fern's stiff fronds arch out, drooping downward as they age. It is grown strictly for its foliage for it does not produce flowers. It is best displayed in a hanging basked or sitting upon a pedestal. As an indoor plant, the Boston Fern requires a certain amount of attention. It must have frequent misting and watering or the leaves will quickly turn brown and begin to drop. Of the plants tested, it is the best for removing air pollutants, especially formaldehyde, and for adding humidity to the indoor environment. This plant can be kept best in semi-sun to shade

Ficus Ali

This is a new ornamental fig that is rapidly gaining in popularity. Its slender dark green leaves make it an extremely attractive plant. It is much less finicky than the Ficus Benjamina, and is appealing both to the interior plantscape industry and to the home market. Like all species of ficus, expect some leaf drop until the plant adjusts to its new location. A magnificent large plant, its ability to help purify the air, ease of growth and resistance to insects make it an excellent choice for the home or office. This plant can be kept best in full sun and semi-sun Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Bred for toughness, it will survive in less light than most plant of its size. It will tolerate dim light and cool temperatures. This plant is easy to grow and is especially effective at removing formaldehyde. It receives high marks in all categories and is an excellent overall houseplant. Of the ficus plants tested to date, the rubber plant is the best for removing chemical toxins from the indoor environment. This plant can be kept best in semi-sun to semi-shade

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