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Treatment for The Cost of Living A man hires a hitman. To kill himself.

This short film is set entirely within the confines of a phone box and features a flustered caller as he contacts a hired killer to arrange a hit. The piece is dialogue-led with the conversation taking the form of a business call, as the matter-of-fact killer calmly discusses the arrangements with the visibly troubled customer. It is quickly revealed to the audience that the target of the killing is actually the customer himself but the hitman remains unaware he is talking to his intended prey adding a grimly comic element as they discuss the details, such as the customer desperately insisting that the victim must not suffer, much to the cold-blooded killers surprise. Exactly why the customer wants to die is never established. When their deal is finalised the hitman abruptly ends the conversation and insists that the customer does not contact him again unless there is a problem. With his fate now sealed the customer takes a moment to soberly reflect on his decision but his thoughts are suddenly interrupted when hes brutally attacked by a mugger who impatiently demands his valuables. Instinctively in fear for his life, the customers gut reaction is to panic and beg the mugger for mercy. The severity of the customers pleas causes the mugger to flee. The sobbing customer is once again left alone, utterly stunned by his unwitting response to this unexpected brush with sudden death. He is unable to ignore the strength of his conviction to live. After further reflection the customer composes himself and calmly picks up the phone, clearly intending to call the killer and cancel the hit.

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