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y Pragmatics refers to the social aspects of language and

the varied use of language in different social contexts. A child with a pragmatic language disorder may fail to alter his or her delivery on the basis of the situation and the listener. As a result, he or she may speak to the school principal in the same tone and manner as to a peer on the playground (e.g., "Hey, man, what's happening?"').

y Pragmatics refers to the ways the members of the

speech community achieve their goals using language. The way we speak to our parents is not the same as the way we interact with a sibling, for example. The language used in a formal speech may bear little resemblance to what we would hear at a lunch with five friends. The conversational style of day-to-day interactions is quite different from the language used even when reading a storybook to a toddler. Knowing the difference and when to use which style is the essence of pragmatics.

struggles with taking turns in conversation Lack of understanding h ow to rephrase when misunderstood

No eye contact

Doesnt understand verbal and nonverbal social cues

Off topic

Lack of appropriate volume control

have low variety of language use

y Many times students with Asperbers, Autism or other behavioral

concerns struggle in this area and if undiagnosed they do not receive the speech services needed. In this post I will discuss how to tell if pragmatics may be an issue for your child and how to go about having them evaluated.

y What are the signs of social skill (pragmatic) speech issues? y 1. No eye contact y 2. struggles with taking turns in conversation y 3. Off topic y 4. Lack of understanding for how to introduce or change topics y 5. Lack of understanding how to rephrase when misunderstood y 6. Doesnt understand verbal and nonverbal social cues y 7. Inappropriate proximity (closeness) to partner in conversation y 8. Inappropriate facial expressions y 9. Inappropriate tone (we speak differently to a baby than an adult or peer) y 10. Lack of appropriate volume control y 11. Inappropriate use of conversation from playground to classroom y 12. tell stories in disorganized way y 13. have low variety of language use y Note: Rules are different for different cultures and should be considered.

y y


y By use a mounting board, the teachers tell the students

how to use social aspects in different situation. y Teacher ask the students how to pronounce the sentence politely and correctly in different situation. y For example: 1) Please teacher, may I go out?

Can I play football now?

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