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Ql) a) Define the term Automata and name the various types of languages accepted by an Automata. b) Find the language generated by Grammer. S ~ OSl/OAl, A ~ lA/I c) What do you mean by ambiguity of a Grammer? d) Test whethel 001100,001010 are in the language generated by Grammar S ~ OS 1/0AJO/1B/l.A ~ OAJO, B ~ lB/l e) Define the terms canonical Derivation and context sensitivity in the context of Derivation languages. f) What is a regular Grammer. g) Differentiate between leftmost and rightmost derivation trees. h) Name the various operations that can ~e performed on languages. i) Describe the retation between linear bounded Automata and context sensitive Grammer. j) What is cellular Automata.

Section B (ATTEMPT ANY FIVE) 16*5=80 Q2) Construct a mealy machine which can output EVEN, ODD according as the total number of 2's encountered is even or odd. The input symbols are 0 and 1. Q3) Explain in brief the propertis of LR (K) Grammers. Q4) Show that the Grammer S ~ aB/ab, A ~ aAB/a, B ~ ABb/b isAmbiguous. Q5) Let L = {ambn/n<m} Construct a context free Grammer accepting L. Q6) Describe the terms Univelsatility and complexity variants in the context of cellular Automata. Q7) Design a. tusing maohine M to recognise the language {l n2n3 n/n> I}. Alsoderive the computation sequence for the input 112233. Q8) Reduce the following Grammer to Grelba~h normal form.S~AB,A~BSB,A ~BB,B ~aAb,B ~a,A~b Q9) Write short notes on the following.(a) Closure properties of languages.(b) SyntxAnalysis.(c) Kusoda Normal form.(d) PUsh Down Automata.

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