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Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115 – 129

Research paper

Critical evaluation of six tectonic setting discrimination diagrams

using geochemical data of Neogene sediments from
known tectonic settings
J.S. Armstrong-Altrina,T, Surendra P. Vermaa,b
Centro de Investigación en Energı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Priv. Xochicalco S/No., Col. Centro,
Apartado Postal 34, Temixco, Morelos 62580, Mexico
CIICAp, UAEM, Av. Universidad 1100, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca, Morelos 62210, Mexico
Received 26 August 2003; received in revised form 5 February 2005; accepted 18 February 2005


An attempt is made to evaluate 6 tectonic setting discrimination diagrams (1 discriminant function and 5 bivariate diagrams)
frequently used by many researchers. For this purpose, an extensive database was established for major element geochemistry
derived from Miocene to Recent sand and sandstone (medium to fine-grained) samples collected from a variety of tectonic
settings including (1) passive margin (PM) setting, (2) active continental margin (ACM) setting, and (3) oceanic island arc
(OIA) setting. Our results suggest that the discrimination fields proposed to infer tectonic settings for six commonly used
discrimination diagrams do not work properly for the analyzed Miocene to Recent sediments. The % success for these diagrams
varies from 0% to about 62%. We therefore recommend that these diagrams be used with prudence.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: DSDP; ODP; Sand geochemistry; Mexico; U.S.A.; Papua New Guinea; Japan

1. Introduction and other resources as well as for paleogeography.

Some authors have described the usefulness of major
Knowledge of the tectonic setting of an ancient element geochemistry of sedimentary rocks to infer
basin is important for the exploration of petroleum tectonic setting based on discrimination diagrams
(e.g., Bhatia, 1983; Roser and Korsch, 1986),
T Corresponding author. Present address: Centro de Investiga- although others have pointed out the difficulties in
ciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Autónoma del Estado using geochemistry to interpret tectonic setting (e.g.,
de Hidalgo, Ciudad Universitaria, Carretera Pachuca-Tulancingo
Van de Kamp and Leake, 1985; Nesbitt and Young,
km. 4.5, Pachuca, Hidalgo, 42184, Mexico. Tel.: +52
7717172000x6622; fax: +52 7717172133. 1989; Milodowski and Zalasiewicz, 1991). The geo-
E-mail addresses: john, chemistry of sedimentary rocks is a complex function (J.S. Armstrong-Altrin). of the nature of the source rocks, intensity and
0037-0738/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
116 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

duration of weathering, sedimentary recycling, dia- tonic settings do not necessarily produce rocks with
genesis, and sorting (e.g., Argast and Donnelly, 1987; unique geochemical signatures (McLennan et al.,
McLennan et al., 1993). Furthermore, specific tec- 1990; Bahlburg, 1998). In some instances, sediments

ODP Leg 164
619 615
Mexico DSDP Leg 96 Florida
Gulf of Mexico Shelf
Pacific Ocean
DSDP Leg 65

485 Central
1041 America
10o 1042 ODP Leg 170
ODP Leg 205
Passive margin 1255
Active continental margin

120o 90oW
New Britain
DSDP Leg 87
i n Tre
584 ta
40oN 1151 Bri
New Solomon Sea
ODP Leg 186
Honshu d Tr
Korea oug
1108 h
Papua 1109
Shikoku 1114
6000 m

582 1115
Kyushu 1116
DSDP Leg 87 New Guinea 1118
2000 m
30o ODP Leg 180

Oceanic island arc Oceanic island arc

130o 140oE 148o 152oE

Fig. 1. Location map with sample sites. (A) passive and active continental margin settings in U.S.A., Mexico, and Central America; (B) Oceanic
island arc setting from Japan; and (C) Oceanic island arc setting from Papua New Guinea. The data sources are: DSDP (Deep Sea Drilling Project)
Leg 96 from Bouma et al. (1986) (number of samples compiled n =58); Rosales-Hoz and Carranza-Edwards (1998) (triangle containing a circle,
n =11); ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg 164 from Paull et al. (2000) (n =245); DSDP Leg 65 from Lewis et al. (1983) (n =2); Rosales-Hoz and
Carranza-Edwards (1995) (star symbol, n =13); Carranza-Edwards et al. (2001) (plus symbols, n =17); McLennan et al. (1990) (square containing
a circle, n =3); ODP Leg 205 from Morris et al. (2003) (n =18); ODP Leg 170 from Kimura et al. (1997) (n =33); ODP Leg 186 from Fujine et al.
(2003) (n =44); DSDP Leg 87 from Kagami et al. (1986) (n =27); ODP Leg 180 from Robertson and Sharp (2002) (n =53).
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 117

are transported from one tectonic setting into a to Recent sands and sandstones from these different
sedimentary basin in a different tectonic environment tectonic settings. This is the first systematic attempt to
(McLennan et al., 1990). In spite of these difficulties, evaluate the functioning of these diagrams based on a
the geochemistry of sedimentary rocks has been used b% successQ parameter.
to infer the tectonic setting of ancient sedimentary
basins (e.g., McCann, 1998; Kasper-Zubillaga et al.,
1999; Burnett and Quirk, 2001; Faúndez et al., 2002; 2. Sample description
Gu et al., 2002).
Bhatia (1983) proposed major element geochem- We have established an extensive database on
ical criteria to discriminate plate tectonic settings of major element geochemistry of sand and sandstone
sedimentary basins from identification of well- samples from different tectonic settings around
defined sandstone suites. Roser and Korsch (1986) Mexico, Central America, and U.S.A. (ACM and
proposed tectonic setting discrimination fields cen- PM; Fig. 1A); Japan (OIA; Fig. 1B); and Papua New
tered primarily on sandstone–mudstone geochemical Guinea (OIA; Fig. 1C). The geochemical data and
data from known tectonic settings. The tie lines lithologic descriptions for sand and sandstone (Mio-
between the sandstone–mudstone geochemical data cene to Recent; medium to fine-grained) samples are
were considered to be characteristic of specific from: (i) reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project
source types. (DSDP) Legs 96 (Bouma et al., 1986), 65 (Lewis et
Several studies have found that the tectonic settings al., 1983), and 87 (Kagami et al., 1986); (ii) Ocean
inferred from these geochemical discrimination dia- Drilling Program (ODP) results from Legs 164 (Paull
grams are inconsistent with those inferred from plate et al., 2000), 205 (Morris et al., 2003), 170 (Kimura
tectonic reconstructions of ancient terranes (Valloni et al., 1997), 186 (Fujine et al., 2003), and 180
and Maynard, 1981; Maynard et al., 1982; Van de (Robertson and Sharp, 2002); and (iii) other pub-
Kamp and Leake, 1985; Haughton, 1988; Winchester lished literature on Mexico (McLennan et al., 1990;
and Max, 1989; Holail and Moghazi, 1998; Toulkeridis Rosales-Hoz and Carranza-Edwards, 1995, 1998;
et al., 1999; Shao et al., 2001). Winchester and Max Carranza-Edwards et al., 2001). The number of
(1989) suggested that these discrimination diagrams samples and averages compiled for each tectonic
should be evaluated by using recent sediments from setting, lithology, age, and grain-size details are
known tectonic settings. In this respect, Van de Kamp given in Table 1. General description about sample
and Leake (1985) observed discrepancies in tectonic lithology, and locations are provided below.
settings inferred from the fields proposed by Bhatia
(1983). They recommended using individual analyses 2.1. Passive margin sediments
instead of the average values suggested by Bhatia
(1983) to draw conclusions concerning the tectonic The geochemical data for passive margin sediments
discrimination fields. To our knowledge, no attempt were collected from four sites (sites 615, 616, 618, and
has yet been made to test these discrimination diagrams 619; Table 1) of DSDP Leg 96, drilled in the middle and
using Neogene sediments with similar grain sizes lower Mississippi Fan in the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1A;
(medium to fine-grained) from known tectonic settings. Pickering and Stow, 1986). These sediments, predom-
We attempt to evaluate six commonly used discrim- inantly deposited during late Wisconsin glacial time,
ination diagrams by using major element geochemistry provide an excellent opportunity to examine the geo-
of Miocene to Recent sands and sandstones from (1) the chemical characteristics of deep-ocean sediments
passive margin (PM) setting of the Gulf of Mexico, (2) derived from re-deposited continental sources. Fifty-
the active continental margin (ACM) setting of the eight fine-grained sand samples (Late Pleistocene)
southwestern coast of Mexico, and (3) the oceanic island were selected from various sites of Leg 96 (Fig. 1A;
arc (OIA) settings of Japan and Papua New Guinea (Fig. Table 1).
1). Since it is difficult to gather a statistically significant Additional samples are from Ocean Drilling
number of sandstone samples of Recent age, we decided Program (ODP) Leg 164 drilled on the Blake Ridge
to test these discrimination diagrams by using Miocene (Paull et al., 2000; Fig. 1A). The Blake Ridge is a
118 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

Table 1
Data source and sample descriptions used in this study to evaluate the discrimination diagrams proposed by Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch
Tectonic Location/Leg Site ns na Lithology Grain-size Age Ref. Figure #
PM DSDP 96 615 21 1 sand fine L. Pleistocene (1) Fig. 1A
616 24 1 sand fine
618 7 1 sand fine
619 6 1 sand fine
PM* 18808VN 94830VW – 11 1 sand med Recent (2) Fig. 1A triangle
containing a circle
PM ODP 164 997A 108 4 sand med to fine Plio to Pleist (3) Fig. 1A
997B 137 2 sand med to fine L. Mio to E. Plio
ACM DSDP 65 485 2 1 sst med Quaternary (4) Fig. 1A
ACM* 17830VN 101815VW – 13 1 sand med to fine Recent (5) Fig. 1A star
ACM* 308N 1128W–108N 858W – 17 1 sand med to fine Quaternary (6) Fig. 1A plus
ACM Lamont D. Piston core – 3 1 sand med to fine Recent (7) Fig. 1A square
containing a circle
ACM ODP 205 1254A 15 1 sand fine Pleistocene (8) Fig. 1A
1255A 3 1 sand fine Pliocene
ACM ODP 170 1040B 7 1 sand fine Plio to Pleist (9) Fig. 1A
1040C 12 1 sand fine Plio to Pleist
1041A 4 1 sand fine L. Pliocene
1041B 4 1 sand fine L. Mio to E. Plio
1041C 1 1 sst med to fine L. Miocene
1042A 4 1 sand fine L. Mio to L. Plio
1042B 1 1 sand fine L. Miocene
OIA ODP 186 1151C 44 1 sand fine Pleistocene (10) Fig. 1B
OIA DSDP 87 582B 8 1 sand fine Quaternary (11) Fig. 1B
583 4 1 sand fine Quaternary
583F 3 1 sand fine Quaternary
583G 2 1 sand fine Quaternary
584 10 1 sand fine M. to L. Plio
OIA ODP 180 1108 4 1 sst fine L. Plio to Pleist (12) Fig. 1C
1109 13 1 sst fine E. Plio to Pleist
1114 5 1 sst fine L. Plio to Pleist
1115 16 1 sst fine E. Plio to Pleist
1116 6 1 sst fine L. Plio to Pleist
1118 9 1 sst fine L. Plio to Pleist
PM=Passive margin; ACM=Active Continental Margin; OIA=Oceanic Island Arc; DSDP=Deep Sea Drilling Project; ODP=Ocean Drilling
*=surface samples; ns=number of samples; na=number of averages taken according to similar tectonic setting, age, and site; L.=Late; M.=Middle;
E.=Early; Mio=Miocene; Plio=Pliocene; Pleist=Pleistocene; med=medium; c=coarse; sst=sandstone; Ref.=reference; Fm.=Formation.
(1)=Bouma et al., 1986; (2)=Rosales-Hoz and Carranza-Edwards, 1998; (3) =Paull et al., 2000; (4)=Lewis et al., 1983; (5) =Rosales-Hoz and
Carranza-Edwards, 1995; (6) =Carranza-Edwards et al., 2001; (7)=McLennan et al., 1990; (8) =Morris et al., 2003; (9) =Kimura et al., 1997;
(10)=Fujine et al., 2003; (11)=Kagami et al., 1986; (12)=Robertson and Sharp, 2002.

continental rise deposit perpendicular to the general dary undercurrent that sweeps southward along the
trend of the eastern U.S. continental margin Atlantic margin (Gradstein and Sheridan, 1983). The
(Mountain and Tucholke, 1985). Most of the sedi- stratigraphic sequence is composed of lithologically
ments recovered during Leg 164 accumulated rather homogeneous nannofossil-rich clays and clay-
during the Pliocene and Miocene. The sediments stones and variable amounts of medium to fine-
were deposited by the south-flowing western boun- grained sand. For this study, two hundred and forty-
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 119

five medium to fine-grained sand samples (late grained sand samples (Fig. 1A; Table 1). ODP Leg
Miocene to Pleistocene) were selected from two 170 drilling of the Costa Rica margin retrieved
sites (Fig. 1A; Table 1). good quality cores and successfully penetrated the
In addition, eleven medium-grained surface sand décollement, providing excellent opportunities for
samples (Recent, triangle containing a circle in Fig. understanding the processes associated with plate
1A; Rosales-Hoz and Carranza-Edwards, 1998; Table convergence (Ibaraki, 2000). The general lithology
1) were also included in our compilation. retrieved includes silty sand, fine-grained sand, silty
claystone, fine-grained sandstone, and sandy silt-
2.2. Active continental margin sediments stone. Our data compilation includes thirty-two fine-
grained sand samples and one medium- to fine-
Sediments derived from an active continental grained sandstone sample from different sites of
margin setting include DSDP Leg 65 (site 485; ODP Leg 170 (Table 1).
Kurnosov et al., 1983; Fig. 1A). Site 485 (Leg 65)
is located near the continental slope of mainland 2.3. Oceanic island arc sediments
Mexico, and is characterized by an extremely high
sedimentation rate of about 625 m/m.y. (Kurnosov 2.3.1. Japan
et al., 1983). Several layers of lower Quaternary The Japan area is probably the best investigated
sediments were recovered intercalated with basalts arc–trench system on the planet. Ocean Drilling
in the depth interval from 160 to 330 m sub- Program (ODP) Leg 186 on the eastern edge of the
bottom, including lithified clayey siltstones, sand- forearc basin (site 1151; Fig. 1B), was located at a
stones, and claystones. Geochemical data for two water depth of 2182 m in the deep-sea terrace ~ 100
sandstones (Quaternary) were selected from this site km west of the Japan Trench (Fujine et al., 2003).
(Table 1). At this site, middle Miocene to Holocene sedimen-
In addition, thirteen medium- to fine-grained sand tary sections were recovered that were over a
samples (Recent) from the Pacific coast of Mexico kilometer thick. A sedimentary record spanning the
(Rosales-Hoz and Carranza-Edwards, 1995; star past 1 m.y. is preserved in the upper 100 m of the
symbol in Fig. 1A; Table 1) also were included. section, in which multiple holes have been cored
Similarly, major element data for 17 medium- to fine- (Sacks et al., 2000). The sediments are homoge-
grained sand samples (Quaternary) analyzed from the neous, consisting mostly of diatomaceous claystones
beaches of the Pacific coast of Mexico (plus symbols and oozes interbedded with sandy layers. The site
in Fig. 1A) were also included in our compilation also receives a relatively high flux of detrital
(Carranza-Edwards et al., 2001; Table 1). materials from riverine input from Honshu Island.
The geochemical results of the samples (three For this study, forty-four fine-grained sand samples
medium- to fine-grained sands of Recent age) were selected (Table 1).
collected from three locations near DSDP Site 485 Previous drilling in the forearc area took place
(McLennan et al., 1990; square containing a circle in during the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 87
Fig. 1A; Table 1) were also included. (site 584; Fig. 1B), which transected the Japan
Additional samples are from lower trench slope Trench at ~ 39.88N–40.78N (Kagami et al., 1986).
of the Costa Rica forearc (Fig. 1A; Table 1) drilled Site 584 is on the landward slope of the Japan
during ODP Leg 205 (Morris et al., 2003) and ODP Trench off Sanriku, northeastern Japan. A 954-m
Leg 170 (Kimura et al., 1997). Sites 1254 and 1255 sediment column composed of thin layers of sand
are located (~ 1.5 km and ~ 0.4 km, respectively) with intercalated mudstone was recovered from this
arcward from the deformation front at a water depth site (Kagami et al., 1986). Two other sites (582 and
of 4183 m, close to the holes drilled during Leg 583) situated in the southern Nankai trough, about
170 (Kimura et al., 1997; Fig. 1A). The section 135 km southeast of Shikoku were also drilled
recovered at sites 1254 and 1255 largely comprises during DSDP Leg 87 (Fig. 1B). The general
fine sand, massive dark gray claystones, and silty lithology of stratigraphic section recovered includes
claystones. For this study, we selected eighteen fine- sand, silty sand, silty claystone, hemipelagic mud,
120 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

Fig. 2. Critical evaluation of discrimination diagrams of tectonic settings, for the individual samples compiled from passive margin (PM) setting
with discrimination fields after Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986). Fe2O3* represents total Fe expressed as Fe2O3. (A): Fe2O3*+MgO–
TiO2 (Bhatia, 1983); (B): Fe2O3*+MgO–K2O/Na2O (Bhatia, 1983); (C): Fe2O3*+MgO–Al2O3/SiO2 (Bhatia, 1983); (D): Fe2O3*+MgO–Al2O3/
(CaO+Na2O) (Bhatia, 1983); (E): Discriminant function diagram (Bhatia, 1983) and the discriminant functions are: Discriminant Function 1=
( 0.0447 d SiO2)+( 0.972 d TiO2)+(0.008 d Al2O3) +( 0.267 d Fe2O3)+(0.208 d FeO)+( 3.082 d MnO) +(0.140 d MgO)+(0.195
d CaO) + (0.719 d Na2O) + ( 0.032 d K2O) + (7.510 d P2O5); Discriminant Function 2 = ( 0.421 d SiO2) + (1.988 d TiO2) + ( 0.526
d Al2O3) + ( 0.551 d Fe2O3) + ( 1.610 d FeO) + (2.720 d MnO) +(0.881 d MgO) + ( 0.907 d CaO) + ( 0.177 d Na2O) + ( 1.840
d K2O) +(7.244 d P2O5); and (F): SiO2–log(K2O/Na2O) (Roser and Korsch, 1986).
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 121

Fig. 3. Critical evaluation of discrimination diagrams of tectonic settings, for the individual samples compiled from active continental margin
(ACM) setting, with discrimination fields after Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986). Fe2O3* represents total Fe expressed as Fe2O3.
Explanation and major element parameters used for panels A–F are the same as in Fig. 2A–F.
122 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

Fig. 4. Critical evaluation of discrimination diagrams of tectonic settings, for the individual samples compiled from oceanic island arc (OIA)
setting, with discrimination fields after Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986). Fe2O3* represents total Fe expressed as Fe2O3. Explanation
and major element parameters used for panels A–F are the same as in Fig. 2A–F.
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 123

and mudstone. We included major element geo- 2.3.2. Papua New Guinea
chemical data for twenty-seven selected fine-grained During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 180 (Fig.
sand samples from Leg 87 sites (Fig. 1B; Table 1). 1C) a nearly north–south transect of six holes, with good

Fig. 5. Critical evaluation of discrimination diagrams of tectonic settings using average values computed from our database, with discrimination
fields after Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986). Fe2O3* represents total Fe expressed as Fe2O3. Number of averages taken according to
similar tectonic setting, age, and site. The number of samples used to calculate one average value is the same as given in Table 1. Explanation
and major element parameters used for panels A–F are the same as in Fig. 2A–F.
124 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

recovery, was drilled across the Woodlark Basin near the 3. Results
Papua New Guinea arc–trench system (Robertson and
Sharp, 2002). The lithology of core sections includes Bhatia (1983) considered the tectonic setting of
sandstone, siltstone, claystone, and conglomerate. The sandstones that he studied to have been (1) oceanic
sandstones deposited during this period are composed island arc (OIA), (2) continental island arc (CIA), (3)
dominantly of silicic volcanic detritus, probably derived active continental margin (ACM), and (4) passive
from the Amphlett Islands and surrounding areas where margin (PM). He compiled the average chemical
island arc volcanic rocks of Pliocene–Pleistocene age compositions of medium- to fine-grained sandstones
occur. During this time, terrigenous and metamorphic (e.g., arkose, greywacke, lithic arenite, and quartz
detritus derived from the Papua New Guinea mainland arenite) and modern sands from various regions of the
reached the Woodlark rift basin as fine-grained turbiditic world and used these average values (9 average
sediments (Sharp and Robertson, 2002). Modal analysis compositions to represent each of the OIA, CIA, and
of middle Miocene to Pleistocene volcaniclastic sands PM tectonic settings and 7 for the ACM setting; see
and sandstones indicates a complex source history for Tables 5 to 8 and Fig. 6 in Bhatia, 1983) to propose
sand-sized detritus deposited within the basin. Fifty- discrimination diagrams. The discriminating parameters
three fine-grained sandstone samples were selected from used are (Fe2O3* represents total iron as Fe2O3): (i)
various sites of ODP Leg 180 (Fig. 1C; Table 1). Fe2O3*+MgO and TiO2 (Figs. 2A, 3A, 4A, and 5A); (ii)

Table 2
Critical evaluation of the tectonic setting discrimination diagrams proposed by Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986) using individual
values compiled from localities around U.S.A., Mexico, Central America, Japan, and Papua New Guinea
This study Inferred tectonic setting
Figure # Known tectonic # of PM ACM CIA OIA Outside Percent (%)
setting samples any field success
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Bhatia, 1983)
Fig. 2A PM 314 0 11 8 239 56 0
Fig. 2B PM 314 0 8 3 0 303 0
Fig. 2C PM 314 5 3 0 103 203 1.6
Fig. 2D PM 314 1 2 3 199 109 0.32
Fig. 2E PM 314 45 199 68 2 0 14.3
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Roser and Korsch, 1986)
Fig. 2F PM 314 162 148 – 4 0 51.6
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Bhatia (1983)
Fig. 3A ACM 86 0 4 4 48 30 4.6
Fig. 3B ACM 86 2 8 4 4 68 9.3
Fig. 3C ACM 86 0 6 4 42 34 7.0
Fig. 3D ACM 86 5 12 1 7 61 13.9
Fig. 3E ACM 86 71 13 2 0 0 15.1
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Roser and Korsch, 1986)
Fig. 3F ACM 86 13 45 – 28 0 52.3
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Bhatia, 1983)
Fig. 4A OIA 124 0 2 22 19 81 15.3
Fig. 4B OIA 124 0 3 4 3 114 2.4
Fig. 4C OIA 124 0 2 3 28 91 22.6
Fig. 4D OIA 124 0 2 1 11 110 8.9
Fig. 4E OIA 124 85 3 15 21 0 16.9
# of samples plotting in a given field (defined by Roser and Korsch, 1986)
Fig. 4F OIA 124 42 43 – 39 0 31.5
PM=passive margin; ACM=active continental margin; CIA=continental island arc; OIA=oceanic island arc.
The data sources are the same as in Table 1.
The numbers in bold are the total number of samples used for evaluation, and also signify that the samples fall in the correct (expected) field.
Percent success=100d (number of samples falling in the expected field/total number of samples evaluated for a given tectonic setting).
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 125

Fe2O3*+MgO and K2O/Na2O (Figs. 2B, 3B, 4B, and Roser and Korsch (1986) differentiated the sedi-
5B); (iii) Fe2O3*+MgO and Al2O3/SiO2 (Figs. 2C, 3C, ments derived from oceanic island arc (ARC accord-
4C, and 5C); and (iv) Fe2O3*+MgO and Al2O3/(CaO+ ing to the original authors), active continental margin
Na2O) (Figs. 2D, 3D, 4D, and 5D). The geochemical (ACM), and passive continental margin (PM) using
concept behind these discrimination diagrams (Fig. 6A– SiO2 and K2O/Na2O ratio (Figs. 2F, 3F, 4F, and 5F).
D in Bhatia, 1983) was based on a general decrease in Roser and Korsch (1986) further stated that associated
Fe2O3*+MgO, TiO2, and Al2O3/SiO2 and an increase in with subduction zones, ARC-derived material is
K2O/Na2O and Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O) as the tectonic typical of fore-arc, back-arc, and inter-arc basins
setting changes in the sequence OIA-CIA-ACM-PM. formed on oceanic crust, whereas ACM-derived
Bhatia (1983) used these diagrams to infer the material occurs in similar settings but on continental
tectonic settings of five Palaeozoic sandstone suites of crust. PM sediments are derived from stable con-
eastern Australia. He then proposed discriminant tinental areas and deposited in intra-cratonic basins or
functions (Functions 1 and 2) by using 11 major on passive continental margins.
element oxides as discriminant variables to construct a Our study to evaluate these discrimination dia-
territorial map for the tectonic classification of sand- grams includes geochemical data for 314 samples
stones. Discriminant scores of Functions 1 and 2 from a passive margin setting, 86 samples from an
(Bhatia, 1983) were calculated from the unstandar- active continental margin setting, and 124 samples
dized function coefficient and the actual abundance of from an oceanic island arc setting (Tables 1–3). These
element oxides in the average (not on volatile free compiled samples are sand and sandstones, all of
basis; Bhatia, 1985; Figs. 2E, 3E, 4E, and 5E). Neogene age (see Table 1 for grain-size details). We

Table 3
Critical evaluation of the tectonic setting discrimination diagrams proposed by Bhatia (1983) and Roser and Korsch (1986) using average values
compiled from localities around U.S.A., Mexico, Central America, Japan, and Papua New Guinea
This study Inferred tectonic setting
Figure # Known tectonic # of PM ACM CIA OIA Outside any field Percent (%)
setting averages success
# of averages plotting in a given field (defined by Bhatia, 1983)
Fig. 5A PM 11 0 0 1 6 4 0
ACM 13 0 1 2 9 1 7.7
OIA 12 0 0 1 2 9 16.7
Fig. 5B PM 11 0 0 0 0 11 0
ACM 13 0 1 1 0 11 7.7
OIA 12 0 0 0 0 12 0
Fig. 5C PM 11 0 1 0 3 7 0
ACM 13 0 1 1 9 2 7.7
OIA 12 0 0 0 7 5 58.3
Fig. 5D PM 11 0 0 0 8 3 0
ACM 13 0 1 1 0 11 7.7
OIA 12 0 0 0 3 9 25
Fig. 5E PM 11 1 6 4 0 0 9.1
ACM 13 9 2 1 0 1 15.4
OIA 12 9 0 0 3 0 25
# of averages plotting in a given field (defined by Roser and Korsch, 1986)
Fig. 5F PM 11 6 5 – 0 0 54.5
ACM 13 1 8 – 4 0 61.5
OIA 12 2 4 – 6 0 50
PM=passive margin; ACM=active continental margin; CIA=continental island arc; OIA=oceanic island arc.
The data sources and the number of samples used to calculate one average are the same as in Table 1.
The numbers in bold are the total number of averages used for evaluation, and also signify that the averages fall in the correct (expected) field.
Percent success=100d (number of averages falling in the expected field/ total number of averages evaluated for a given tectonic setting).
126 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

omitted diatomaceous ooze, silty clay, glauconite, With the exception of 3 samples, all other samples
iron-rich, coarse- and very fine-grained samples from (121) from the oceanic island arc setting (Fig. 4B) plot
all DSDP and ODP sites because we wanted to use in other fields (3 samples plot in ACM and 4 in CIA)
only similar rock types and grain sizes to those used and mostly outside any field (114; Table 2), although
for proposing the discrimination diagrams under they were expected to plot in the OIA field (only ~ 2%
evaluation. success).

3.1. Evaluation of discrimination diagrams using 3.1.3. Fe2O3*+ MgO–Al2O3/SiO2 plot

individual geochemical data (Figs. 2C, 3C, and 4C)
In the Fe2O3*+ MgO–Al2O3/SiO2 plot (Fig. 2C;
The actual individual analyses from our database Table 2), only 5 samples out of 314 plot in the
were used to evaluate the discrimination diagrams as expected PM field (~ 2% success). Most of the
follows. The results are given in Table 2 and in Fig. samples (n = 103) plot in the OIA field except 3
2A–F (for passive margin setting samples), Fig. 3A–F samples, which plot in ACM field. The remaining 203
(for active continental margin setting samples), and samples plot outside any field.
Fig. 4A–F (for oceanic island arc setting samples). Eighty-six samples from active continental margin
setting (Fig. 3C) show a wide scatter; six of these
3.1.1. Fe2O3* + MgO–TiO2 plot (Figs. 2A, 3A, and 4A) samples plot in the expected ACM field (~ 7%
In the Fe2O3* + MgO–TiO2 plot (Fig. 2A; Table success; Table 2).
2), none of the 314 samples selected from the Concerning the oceanic island arc setting (Fig. 4C),
passive margin setting plot in the expected field of of the 124 samples compiled in our database, 28 plot
PM (~ 0% success), although 11 samples plot in the in the expected OIA field, 2 in ACM, 3 in CIA, and
ACM field and 8 samples plot in the CIA field. 91 outside any field, amounting to ~ 23% success
Most of the samples plot in the OIA field (n = 239) (Table 2).
and the remaining 56 samples plot outside of any
field. 3.1.4. Fe 2 O 3 * + MgO–Al 2 O 3 /(CaO + Na 2 O) plot
With the exception of 4 samples (Fig. 3A; Table 2), (Figs. 2D, 3D, and 4D)
all other samples compiled from the active continental In the Fe2O3* + MgO–Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O) plot
margin setting (n = 86) plot outside the expected field (Fig. 2D; Table 2), only 1 sample out of 314 compiled
of ACM (only ~ 5% success). from passive margin setting plot in the PM field,
Nineteen samples out of 124 compiled from the amounting to ~ 0.3% success. The other samples were
oceanic island arc setting (Fig. 4A) are correctly wrongly discriminated, e.g. 2 samples plot in ACM
discriminated amounting to ~ 15% success. Others field, 3 in CIA, and 199 in OIA. The remaining 109
show a wide scatter: 2 samples plot in ACM field, 22 samples plot outside of any field.
in the CIA field, and remaining 81 samples outside the This plot (Fig. 3D) works with about ~ 14%
designated fields (Table 2). success for the 86 samples compiled from the active
continental margin setting (Table 2).
3.1.2. Fe2O3* + MgO–K2O/Na2O plot Also, this plot (Fig. 4D) shows ~ 9% success for
(Figs. 2B, 3B, and 4B) the samples from oceanic island arc setting. Except 3
In the Fe2O3* +MgO–K2O/Na2O plot (Fig. 2B; samples most of these plot outside any field (n = 110;
Table 2), none of the samples from passive margin Table 2).
(n = 314) plots in the PM field (~ 0% success) nor in
the OIA; in fact, most of the samples (n = 303) fall 3.1.5. Discriminant function diagram
outside any pre-defined field of Bhatia (1983). Only 8 (Figs. 2E, 3E, and 4E)
samples plot in ACM field and 3 in CIA. On the basis of discriminant functions given by
Only 8 out of 86 samples compiled from the active Bhatia (1983), the discriminant functions 1 and 2 are
continental margin setting (Fig. 3B; Table 2) plot in plotted in Figs. 2E, 3E, and 4E and are listed in Table
the correct ACM field, amounting to ~ 9% success. 2. Forty-five samples out of 314 compiled from
J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129 127

passive margin setting plot in the correct field (~ 14% discriminated (~ 0% success). This figure shows ~ 17%
success). This diagram fails to discriminate the success for the OIA settings. Fig. 5B (Fe2O3* +MgO–
remaining samples correctly. K2O/Na2O), on the other hand, completely fails to infer
When considering the samples from active con- the tectonic setting for any of the average values
tinental margin setting (Fig. 3E), this plot correctly compiled from PM and OIA settings (~ 0% success)
discriminates 13 samples out of 86 (~ 15% success), and ~ 8% success for the ACM setting. Fig. 5C
and most of the samples plot in the PM field (n = 71; (Fe2O3* +MgO–Al2O3/SiO2) shows ~ 58% success
Table 2). for the average values of oceanic island arc, but fails
Among the 124 samples compiled from the oceanic for PM setting (~ 0% success) and shows only ~ 8%
island arc setting (Fig. 4E), 21 samples plot in the success for active continental margin setting. Fig. 5D
expected OIA field (~ 17% success), with the (Fe 2 O 3 * + MgO–Al 2 O 3 /(CaO + Na 2 O)) completely
remaining samples plotting mostly in the PM fails (~ 0% success) for average values compiled
(n = 85) and other fields (Table 2). from PM but shows ~ 8% success for ACM setting
and ~ 25% success for OIA setting.
3.1.6. SiO2–log(K2O/Na2O) plot (Figs. 2F, 3F, and The discriminant functions 1 and 2 (Bhatia,
4F) 1983) calculated using average values are plotted
In the SiO2–log(K2O/Na2O) plot (Fig. 2F; Table 2; in Fig. 5E (Table 3). This discrimination diagram
Roser and Korsch, 1986), 162 samples out of 314 works with ~ 15% success for the average values
compiled from the passive margin setting plot in the compiled from active continental margin setting and
expected PM field, amounting to ~ 52% success. The ~ 9% success for the average values compiled from
remaining 148 samples plot in the ACM field except 4 passive margin. Twelve average values computed
samples, which plot in the OIA. for OIA margin show ~ 25% success (Table 3).
Forty-five samples out of 86 compiled from active In SiO2–log(K2O/Na2O) diagram (Fig. 5F; Table 3;
continental margin setting (Fig. 3F) plot in the Roser and Korsch, 1986) about 50% of the average
expected ACM field (~ 52% success); others plot in values compiled from oceanic island arc plots in the
the PM and OIA fields (Table 2). correct field (~ 50% success). This plot shows ~ 62%
Moreover, 39 samples out of 124 compiled from success for the average values compiled from active
oceanic island arc setting (Fig. 4F) are correctly continental margin and ~ 54% success for the average
discriminated (~ 32% success; Table 2). values compiled from passive margin setting (Table 3).

3.2. Evaluation of discrimination diagrams using

average geochemical data 4. Discussion

The average values for each site were also used to A close examination of these diagrams (Figs. 2–5)
evaluate the discrimination diagrams. The average shows that the geochemical parameters might be useful
values were calculated with respect to similar ages for such discrimination diagrams but the proposed
and Leg sites. The number of averages (na) for fields do not seem to correctly work for sand and
different tectonic settings is listed in Table 1. Eleven sandstone samples compiled in our database. There
average compositions for passive margin, 13 for may be several reasons for this failure; some of them
active continental margin, and 12 for oceanic island are: (1) the discrimination based on average values
arc settings were calculated (Table 1) to evaluate the (Bhatia, 1983) is not a suitable approach because, as
discrimination diagrams. The results are summarized pointed out by Roser and Korsch (1985) and Van de
in Table 3, as well as in Fig. 5A–F. The % success of Kamp and Leake (1985), this approach eliminates the
these discrimination diagrams are summarized as possibility of detection of geochemical variations
follows. within a single suite; (2) the average analyses from
Fig. 5A (Fe2O3* + MgO–TiO2) shows only ~ 8% different suites used by Bhatia to propose the discrim-
success for the average values from active continental ination fields are not representative of the particular
margin setting, with other setting PM being wrongly tectonic settings, for example, he included greywacke
128 J.S. Armstrong-Altrin, S.P. Verma / Sedimentary Geology 177 (2005) 115–129

(Pettijohn, 1963) in the CIA setting, but the analyses efficient discrimination diagrams in sedimentary
that Pettijohn (1963) used to derive his average value geochemistry.
came from different tectonic settings (OIA, CIA, and
PM; e.g., Roser and Korsch, 1985); (3) the distinction
between CIA and ACM settings proposed by Bhatia Acknowledgements
(1983, see his Table 9) is not clear, for example, why
bTyee, OregonQ and bFranciscan, CaliforniaQ samples We are grateful to the reviewers Gary H. Girty and
are classified as CIA whereas bSanta Inez, CaliforniaQ Salvatore Critelli and Editor Keith A.W. Crook and
and bSalton Basin Sand, CaliforniaQ as ACM; (4) the Associate Editor Frans Koning for numerous helpful
method of proposing the discrimination fields in these comments to improve our paper. The first author
diagrams is also not acceptable, e.g., Bhatia (1983) (JSA) wishes to express his gratefulness to Otilio
used 9 average values to draw a field for passive Arturo Acevedo Sandoval and Kinardo Flores, Centro
margin setting but he defined the fields by using only 4 de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra, Universi-
average values (only 44% of the whole data set) for dad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH), and to
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of the whole data set) for Fe2O3* +MgO–K2O/Na2O CYT (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a),
and Fe2O3*+ MgO–Al2O3/SiO2 plots. Similarly, the Mexico, for financial support.
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