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Assignment 3 (5%, individual


 Posted on May 23, 2007

 due on June 2 by midnight

 Submit electronically as

Assignment 3
Part 1: Draw a Use Case State Diagram for one
functional requirement modeled as Use Case in the
Hotel Reservation system (team members should
preferably choose different UCs)
Part 2 Write formal specifications using predicate logic
for the functional requirement chosen on Part 1.
The specification should be given in the following
<Name>(<input parameter(s)>)<output
Both Precondition and Postcondition have to be
specified in predicate logic (may or may not be
You may follow the example of the Phone Book. The
problem description and the formal specifications
are available for download at the comp6481 web
page. Please, note that the formal specification of
the requirements starts from the page 9 of the

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