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Dental Anatomy & Occlusion Dent 202

Deciduous dentition Set traits

Smaller in size Smaller crown height/tooth length ratio Greater crown width/height ratio

Set traits

More bulging B & L cervical ridges

Constricted cervix

Buccal cervical ridges on deciduous molars

Occlusal aspect: constricted occlusal table

Deciduous dentition
Set traits

Molar roots
More slender & relatively longer More bowed & flared outward Shorter root trunk

Milk-white in color Enamel is thinner & pulp chamber is large

Some class, arch & type traits in permanent dentition are applied to deciduous dentition Only new traits will be discussed

Deciduous incisors

Mandibular before maxillary incisors Central before lateral incisors

No mamelons, labial grooves or lobes

Maxillary Central incisor

The only incisor with MD breadth > crown height M & esp. D profiles overhang root profiles No labial grooves, depressions or lobes Cingulum

Bulging & more incisally located May extend further toward the incisal edge lingual ridge Unmarked by pits or grooves

MRs are clearly evident

Maxillary Central incisor

Constricted cervix from all aspects In proximal surfaces CL is more convex incisally Conical root with rounded apex Diamond-shaped from incisal aspect

Maxillary lateral incisor

Much smaller than central M & D profiles are more in line with root profiles Distal incisal angle is more rounded Labial surface is more convex MD Lingual fossa is deeper MRs more prominent CL is similar to that of central Rounded from incisal aspect

Mandibular central incisor

Bilaterally symmetrical 90 degree MI & DI angles Incisal margin is horizontal Prominent cingulum with lingual margin extending incisally MRs are less marked than those of max. incisors Lingual fossa is shallower

Mandibular central incisor

Labial surface is flat MD CL is similar to that of Max. incisors Root

3 times the height of the crown Narrow & conical with pointed apex

Mandibular lateral incisor

Incisal edge slopes distally DI angle is rounded D profile is more rounded Greater crown height/MD ratio than mand. central LL diameter > MD

Mandibular lateral incisor

Cingulum, fossa & MRs are similar to those of mand. Central Root

Narrow & conical Apex has D inclination D surface has narrow vertical depression

Maxillary canine
MD width > crown height Labial or lingual views: diamond in shape M & D profiles overhang roots HOCs are much near the cervix than in permanent Labial & lingual cervical 1/3s are markedly convex MR prominence is related to race

Minimal in Caucasians Prominent in Mongoloid

No labial ridge or depressions

Mandibular canine
Crown height > MD width Less cervically converging M & D profiles Labial or lingual aspects: arrow in shape No labial ridge or grooves HOCs are much near the cervix than in permanent LL diameter < that of deciduous max. canine Less prominent cingulum or MRs & shallower fossae than in deciduous max. canine


st 1


Most atypical of all primary or permanent molars Intermediate between a premolar & a molar Smallest molar in all but BL diameter

Maxillary 1st molar


Bicusped (only MB & ML cusp are present) A small DB cusp is frequently present on the D cusp ridge of the MB cusp Parastyle on the M ridge of MB cusp DL cusp rarely occurs In some cases, a nodular tubercle on the L portion of the D MR resembles a DL cusp

Maxillary 1st molar

Buccal aspect

MD diameter >> crown height M part is higher OC than D because it is more projected cervically onto the root area Marked cervical constriction Root
Very little root trunk 3 roots strongly divergent L root is midway between the 2 B roots

Mesial aspect

st 1


Mesial marginal groove B HOC is more cervically located than L Buccal cervical ridge is more prominent in 1st molars than in 2nd Roots
B roots are straight & buccally directed L root is banana shaped with strong B curved apical 1/3

Occlusal aspect

st 1


Trapezoidal M & D profiles are straight & slightly L convergent B cusp > L B triangular ridge more prominent than L B groove separates DB cusp from MB Central pit Central groove Transverse ridge (oblique ridge?) between B groove & D MR H-shaped pit/groove pattern
Central groove Triangular supplemental grooves

M & D marginal grooves


nd 2


Morphologically considered a model for the permanent 1st maxillary molar Allows prediction of what the 1st maxillary molar will look like This concordance is called isomorphy Set traits

Cervical constriction Cervical 1/3 bulging Little root trunk Roots thinner & divergent

Molariform unlike max. 1st 4-cusped tooth Buccal aspect

st 1


2 cusp: MB & DB M half > D half M half projects more occlusally & occupies 2/3s of crown area M profile is straight D profile is curved and overhanging CL inclines downward from D to M Roots
2 divergent roots; M & D M is longer

Lingual aspect

st 1


2 cusps: ML & DL ML cusp is conical & larger than DL Outlines of B cusps are visible CL is more straight & horizontal than that of the B aspect

Mesial aspect

st 1


Buccal cervical ridge (BCR) From MB cusp tip a straight incline to BCR Transverse ridge connecting MB & ML M MR is high & prominent Mesial marginal groove separates M MR from ML cusp ridge CL is convex occlusally & lower on the B end Root
Extremely broad BL (sometimes as broad as the crown) Frequently bifid apex

Distal aspect

st 1


All 4 cusps & M root profiles are visible B profile is less bulging than from mesial aspect D MR is lower and less prominent than M MR CL is more straight & horizontal than that of M aspect

Occlusal aspect

st 1


Without the BCR, it is rectangular BL width is grater from M than D MB cusp is the largest, followed by ML, DB & DL M Transverse groove, interrupted by Central groove; extends from M pit to central pit M pit
2 supplemental grooves; of which ML crosses M MR

Central pit B& L grooves Often a D pit


nd 2


Morphologically considered a model for the permanent 1st mandibular molar Allows prediction of what the 1st mandibular molar will look like This concordance is called isomorphy Set traits

Cervical constriction Cervical 1/3 bulging Little root trunk Roots thinner & divergent

Deciduous teeth - size & eruption

51 or 61 52 or 62 81 or 71 82 or 72 53 or 63 83 or 73 54 or 64 55 or 65 84 or 74 85 or 75

Crown height
6.0 mm 5.6 mm 5.0 mm 5.2 mm 6.5 mm 6.0 mm 5.1 mm 5.7 mm 6.0 mm 5.5 mm

MD crown BL crown diameter diameter

6.5 mm 5.1 mm 4.2 mm 4.1 mm 7.0 mm 5.0 mm 7.3 mm 8.2 mm 7.7 mm 9.9 mm 5.0 mm 4.0 mm 4.0 mm 4.0 mm 7.0 mm 4.8 mm 8.5 mm 10.0 mm 7.0 mm 8.7 mm

Tooth length
16.0 mm 15.8 mm 14.0 mm 15.0 mm 19.0 mm 17.0 mm 15.2 mm 17.5 mm 15.8 mm 18.8 mm

Age at eruption
7.5 mths 8 mths 6.5 mths 7 mths 16-20 mths 16-20 mths 12-16 mths 20-30 mm 12-16 mm 20-30 mm

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